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April 9, 2024 14 mins

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Hey friend! In this episode, I share 3 ways you can increase your engagement on your social media posts. I also share something I was doing that was causing my engagement to go down and how you may be doing the same thing! I don't want you to keep making the same mistake with your social media engagement, so tune in and start making progress for your veterinary clinic's social media today! 

Cheering for you! 

Cheyanne Flerx 🧡

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Episode Transcript

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Hey friends, welcome back.

Today, I've got some juicy,juicy stuff to share with you
but I got to start off with justbeing honest with you.
So today we are going to discussthree ways that you can increase
your engagement on your socialmedia posts.
And honestly, when I waspreparing for this episode, I
was I was sitting down andreally thinking about it.

And honestly, I, I gotta, I justgotta say it when we, as the
social media managers arecreating content for social
media posts and managing socialmedia, we're often the ones in
the way of getting moreengagement there.
I said it I'm on, I'm on, I'mguilty of this too.
So don't feel like I'm pickingon you, but honestly there is a

way to go about social media.
That is.
engagement centered and reallyjust engagement for thinking.
So with that, I want to justshare some ways that you can
some things you can do today toget your engagement back on the
up and up and just back ontrack.
So without further ado, let'sget into it.

Welcome to the Veterinary SocialMedia Podcast, where you learn
how to navigate social media andapply it to the world of
veterinary medicine.
I'm your host, Cheyenne Flerks,and let's get down to business.
All right.
So the first thing that you cando today to get your engagement
up is to Understand where yourdream clients or your current

clientele likes to hang out onsocial media and then really get
good at that platform.
So I know a lot of us are reallyversed in Facebook because a lot
of our clientele's on Facebook.
But I bet if you surveyed youraudience and asked them which
social media platforms they liketo be on and what types of

content they like to engage andconsume you may be surprised
with the millennial generationalone there are a lot more
people going into Tik TOK andInstagram and less on Facebook.
Now, I know a lot of us stillsee engagement on Facebook, so
I'm not telling you to ditchFacebook or to ditch your other
social media platforms.
Platforms, but it's worthconsidering on looking at other

social media platforms, gettingcomfortable there and getting in
the spaces where your clientslike to hang out in their free
So definitely consider that andget.
Become a master of thatplatform.
So where I'm really alluding tois Instagram here.
Now it takes a special hospitalto really want to dive into tick

talk and get into that kind ofcontent.
So I'm not really going toaddress that today, but with
Instagram alone.
Personally, I love Instagram asa consumer and I love producing
content on Instagram.
So I'm a little partial toInstagram, but if you have a
younger generation, saymillennial and younger, then I

say it's definitely worthconsidering exploring Instagram
and testing the waters out andreally getting to know Instagram
as a whole and how it works.
We can talk about that inanother episode, but I just
wanted to mention that to youbecause It will bring a lot more
fun to your content, to yourcreativity, and your clients,

your followers, anyone who comesacross your page will be able to
capture that energy.
So definitely just consider it.
The second thing you can dotoday to really get your
engagement, wow up and up is toreview your content strategy.
And see what needs to betweaked.
Chances are you're postingcontent that isn't working.

I know a lot of people say it'sthe algorithm.
The algorithm is out to get meand chances are you're just not
understanding how the algorithmworks.
I know how quickly the algorithmand social media changes.
So it's understandable.
It's, it's really hard to keepup with, but as the social media
manager, it's partially our job.
To keep up with the changes andadapt our content accordingly.

So if what worked for you fiveyears ago is not producing the
same sort of engagement today,it might be worth considering to
either put a pause on that typeof post or to Introduce
something new.
I know a lot of people like 10out Tuesday, and that used to be
really popular five, 10 yearsago.

Personally, when I've tried itas of late, it doesn't do
anything for the pages that I'vemanaged.
So I have since put that post torest, even though it's fun, we
can bring it out later.
But I think a lot of people justget fatigued of seeing things
again and again and again.
And that's kind of where we'reWhen we use the social media
holidays on the calendar and weuse those on repeat.

We'll talk about that here.
I think next on the nextepisode.
But, or no, in a coupleepisodes, sorry, but just really
everything that you're postingand see if how you can add more
spice to it or see what you canput in the vault for a little
bit or just do something alittle different and see what

And honestly, What I'm seeingnow is a lot of consumers or
people on the social mediaplatforms are wanting to see
content they enjoy and what theylike.
And so if we aren't producingcontent that they enjoy, the
algorithms aren't going torecommend that to them because

of the way that how thealgorithms work at the time of
this recording, this goes forInstagram, for TikTok, and even
Facebook now, the platforms wantyou to stay.
on their app, right?
You know, if you're onInstagram, if you're on
Facebook, they don't want you toleave because the longer you're
on those platforms, the morethey can put some ads in front
of you and make more money orreally just provide that data of

like, Oh, people are staying onlonger and longer.
So there's more value thatthey're added to their overall.
Product, right?
They're a business.
So if we can hop into ourfollowers feeds or clients feed
and be a top of mind and reallyjust continue to stay in their
feed and be consistent in doingthat Facebook, Instagram, Tik

TOK, whatever social mediaplatform you're using is going
to be like, Oh, okay, cool.
They are producing the content,the inventory, so to speak, that
this user wants to see.
So we're going to keep showingtheir stuff to them.
So that's just a littlealgorithm one on one for you.
But also be sure that you areidentifying what types of posts

your clients, your pet ownerswant to be engaging with.
So what I mean by that is ifyou're constantly just posting
photos or graphics and you'renot seeing much results from
that, Try adding some video tothat and it doesn't have to be
like, okay, I've got to get mytech in here I've got to get my
doctor on camera and You knowget them to say something to me

It doesn't have to be that orconstantly getting pets into
videos but what you can do isyou can start small.
Like if you have an iPhone youhave that live photo feature
where it takes like a littleshot of a video of what you're
trying to take a photo of, likea gift, so to speak, if you're
not familiar with them try usingthat for video, oftentimes I get

the best kind of B roll is whatit's called.
And provide that in in reels orjust other areas where I can use
So give that a try if you wantto test out the waters with
video, but honestly, if yourteam is willing to be on video
and willing to be involved withyour content, then that is gold
right there for you.

And I talk about how to get yourteam involved with social media
on episode number four of thepodcast.
So definitely check that out.
If you struggle with your teamgetting involved with social
media, because honestly, I don'tknow if you have witnessed this
before, but when my team wasinvolved with my social media
content, I definitely saw a hugeturnaround and a lot more

engagement and people connectedwith us in a much in a better
So, you know, Give that, givethat a consideration as well.
So also one thing that whenyou're reviewing your content
strategy that I do want to saybefore we move on to the third
way is really be sure thatyou're not using medical jargon

or using generic stock photosfrom third party companies that
really anyone can be usingbecause A, People are smart
They can sniff it out.
If you're using stock images ornowadays, people know what AI
looks like.
AI generated images and that'sartificial intelligence.
So be sure that you are reallyusing things and content that

and verbiage that your petowners will connect and resonate
So just be sure that you're notjust posting.
Stuff for the sake of posting,but really putting some thought
into it and using thisopportunity that you're making a
post to connect with a human onthe other side of the screen,
We are creating content toattract clients and clients are

And I don't know about you, butI like to work with and partner
up with businesses that.
actually have someone who hashuman emotions and not just
treating me like a number,right?
Clients will be able to tellthat through your posting.
So just be sure that you arecreating content for humans and
not for just to please thealgorithm or for robots.

So for the third and last waythat you can You can implement
to increase your engagement isto make an effort to engage and
comment back with people andinteract with them.
So if you have people who arecommenting in your post, for
example, be sure you're taking amoment and comment back, you
know, it's really great if youjust say, Oh, thank you, you

know take it a step further andsay, Hey, Rhonda, thanks for
How is fluffy today?
You know, for example, justreally start having that
We are on social media to besocial with people, right?
Like on Facebook in particular,Facebook is a great platform to
connect with your friends andfamily who especially aren't in

the same area as you, if they'reacross country or in a different
So Facebook alone is really aplace where people connect with
other people to stay in touchand have that human interaction,
the digital human interaction.
So in other words, don't postand ghost.
Don't just post on your socialmedia platforms and forget to

come back.
That is one way that you'reinstantly killing your
engagement because yeah, sure.
You're keeping up.
Posting and staying consistentwith that, but you're not
connecting with people.
And everything is aboutconnection nowadays.
So with that said also reallyencourage people to comment with
you when you are posting on whenyou're posting.

So in your captions, forexample, we have our.
Call to actions are CTAs andthat if you're not familiar with
them, those are a line ofbasically directions that you
want people to follow afterreading your post or engaging
with your post.
So for example, if you'reposting a picture of a patient
and you're just say, oh, so gladyou know, fluffy came in today.

That doesn't tell me as theperson who's seen the post of
what I, why that matters to meor how that applies to me.
If I see that I'm like, oh.
Cute dog.
So, be sure that you're invitingpeople into the conversation or
encouraging them to comment onit.
You can say, Oh you know, Fluffycame in today for da da da da

Has your dog been in recently ordoes your dog enjoy peanut
butter too?
Like, you know.
You know, something along thoselines, where you're asking the
people to tell them aboutthemselves.
People love to talk aboutthemselves.
It's just human nature.
So really use that to youradvantage when you're trying to
get engagement on your socialmedia posts.
So! Those are my three ways youcan really increase your

engagement with, and if you havequestions about this, I would
love to hear from you.
You can email me, or I wouldreally love for you to come join
us in my Facebook group calledthe Veterinary Social Media
Managers and there we share tipsand tricks that have worked for
other social media managers,because I don't know about you,

but being the social mediamanager for a veterinary
hospital was almost like workingin the wild west.
I had to teach myself how to dosocial media.
I had no previous marketingexperience or any research
Really any experience withsocial media overall?
Like, yeah, I had a Facebookpage, but that didn't really
help me when I'm trying to, youknow, market a business.

So we share those tips with eachother, share what has worked for
And I share some tidbits andsome helpful information along
the way.
So definitely come and join us.
And the link for that will be inthe description of this episode.
But yeah, we would love to haveyou come join us, but next week
I would love for you to comeback and listen because I'm

going to be sharing some waysyou can get your clients to
follow you on social media.
So since today I talked aboutways you can get people to
engage with your social mediaposts, I want them to come
actually follow your pages.
And we're going to talk aboutwhy we want your clients and
your local community, inparticular, You won't want to
miss that.
So I highly encourage you tosubscribe or follow the podcast

if you haven't already because Iam going to be continuing to
share some great information tohelp you really get implement
social media into the world ofveterinary medicine.
So if you haven't yet either, ifyou haven't reviewed this
episode or reviewed the podcast,I should say, I would love it if
you could take the time toreview this podcast and share

this episode with a friend,because I want to get this
podcast into the hands of asmany veterinary social media
managers as humanly possible.
And I would love your support inthat.
So thank you so much for joiningus today.
I hope you found value in thisepisode and I look forward to
connecting with you soon.
All right.
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