Episode Transcript
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Diabetes, high blood pressure,high cholesterol, obesity and a
number of other differentdiseases are what's called
modifiable diseases becauseobesity now is a disease that
you can change.
The challenge becomes when youaren't preventive and now you
got all these broken arteriesrunning through your body,
Now the organ or tissue has diedbecause it doesn't get oxygen,
now you need the pill.
With that said, back to Ozentic,it has its place in helping
those who need it.
Here's the big problem.
There's those who now, oh mygod, I can lose 1, 500 pounds.
Welcome to the Wayfinder showwith Louie Hernandez, where
guests discuss the why and howof making changes that led them
down a more authentic path orallow them to level up in some
area of their life.
Our goal is to dig deep andprovide not only knowledge, but
actionable advice to help youget from where you are to where
you want to be.
Come join us and find the way toyour dream life.
Welcome back to the way findershow.
I am your host Louie Hernandez,and I'm here with a longtime
friend and returning guests.
One of our favorite returningguests of all time, who is
actually really popular in thisshow was one of our most
downloaded episodes in the past.
And you're going to see why.
Her name is Erica Payne, or aswe call her Coach Payne.
Coach Payne is a certifiedpersonal trainer and a certified
temperament life coach, whohelps women with 50 to 100
pounds of weight to lose.
She helps them lose itnaturally, holistically, and
homeopathically, without anypills shots, injections, or
starvation diets.
She also speaks on specialtopics including mindset, temple
care, nutrition, exercise, andlifestyle changes.
Basically, she helps women loseweight naturally and feel good.
Get ready because you're goingto be pumped after this
So Erica, bring the pain.
First of all, thanks for havingme back, man.
I'm excited.
I'm excited too.
I always am excited to talk toyou.
You're just a bundle of energy.
So what's happened since lasttime we talked?
It's been about a year.
a lot has happened, personally,just, to continue to develop
into, the, the profession thatjust help liberate women from
this wellness crisis.
what I've been doing over thelast year.
When I first came on, we weretalking about, just developing
into an entrepreneur, what ittook to struggles, right?
The development and justconnecting and being around the
right people.
I was able to crescendo intocreating my women's online
coaching program.
I've been doing it for years,but shifting to online brings a
different aspect to it.
we've had a chance to pump thatmuscle at the beginning of 2024.
we transform some lives.
I'm looking forward to sharing alittle bit more with that.
that's what we've been doing,Yeah.
That's awesome.
Because you're able to Touch alot of lives all over the world.
Now you're not limited to justlocally there in Baltimore,
that's just the transition thathas helped me for years.
I've been in a gym over 35years.
working, training, liftingweights I'm an old school
trainer, right?
To bounce around a gym and touchand feel, but the pandemic
really, demonstrate to the worlda major change.
And so being able to shift from.
Yes, I can still connect withindividuals, but the Internet
waves, right?
The social media, and definitelybeing able to do things virtual
has really opened up.
I can coach train and helptransform lives anywhere in the
And it's just as effective.
I want to share as well.
How can I be just as effective?
Not in person, but online.
Let's jump into it.
Cause I'm wondering actuallybefore you describe that, I'm
curious when you talk aboutweight loss, there's a lot of
ways to take it on, right?
Like you got, and we'll talkabout the negative ways that we
mentioned earlier, but withinyour system, you talk about,
it's not just exercise, right?
It's also nutrition andeverything else, right?
That's right.
So it's a very holistic program.
That's right.
here's the thing, and I'llsynopsize it in three words,
mindset first, getting ahead inthe game.
I always encourage people.
to get that matter between yourtwo ears on point from there.
I develop and look at it fromthe nutritional standpoint, the
standpoint of exercise andmovement.
And lifestyle, so it's acombination of all 3 and it's a
healthy balance that it allanchors on the foundation of
mindset, which I cannotemphasize enough because I can
teach you everything to reallyeat and work out but the minute
you start to falter.
You don't have that commitment.
You're going to fall off andrevert right back to your old
So it has a great deal to dowith siphoning through limiting
beliefs, which is a huge part ofwhat, I've been correlating with
my program.
as we work through that, we jumpright into here's what you eat,
the exercise you do, thelifestyle changes and keep
So in your intake process, youget online with somebody, they
hire you, right?
And the first thing you start towork on is figure out where they
Mentally, I'm assuming, right?
That's correct.
one of the first things we do, Ishould say that I do, I actually
go through a screening process.
So it's not, anybody raise theirhand, throw money out, which I
know folk aren't doing thatthese days, but you want to get
results, right?
And in reciprocation, I want towork with individuals that want
They see the value.
They see that they can behelped.
And so I go throughquestionnaires, we actually go
through an interview process toqualify you for the process and
not that you can't do it, butunderstand it's teamwork, right?
You got to do your part.
I'm your GPS, you bring the workethic and the commitment and
I'll help with the rest.
So it's a process of, thejoining of the mind, so to
there is a qualifying process.
we're gonna ask you to give usthe answers to the test here
right now first.
All right So hey for anybodywants to work with coach Payne
just listen to this episode andyou'll have the answers what are
the questions you ask to qualifypeople and what are the answers
you look for?
One of the first things I askis, what are your goals?
What is it that you're lookingto accomplish, everyone has
various goals.
I want to lose weight.
I want to look a certain way.
I want to go here on my trip,those kind of things.
And then, so I began to digdeeper because you can always
ask surface stuff, right?
Where you want to be, how muchyou want to weigh and all that
from a professional standpoint,I'm looking to dig deeper.
some of the other questions Iwould ask is, why do you want
now we're moving to a why.
Which gets a little bitdifferent than the surface of a
certain size, right?
Pants size, weight size or whereyou want to go.
then I begin to ask questionsthat really dig down to the pain
points, what really is going on.
And I have a question, how doesit make you feel when you're 250
pounds and you can't bend overand tie your shoe?
How do you feel about that itdoesn't involve anyone else.
It's you, right?
How do you think when you walkup, 10 flights of steps and
you're out of breath?
So questions that dig deeper tothe pain points.
in short, Louie, here's what Ifind out.
We'll begin to get down to thereal why.
I want to be around to see mygrandbabies, jump across my lap
and I can chase 1 or 2, right?
I want to be around to spendtime with my husband or my wife,
I want to be able to travel on atrip on a plane and not be
Someone have to push me in awheel, a wheelchair, with an
oxygen tank.
So just like in any otherbusiness, when you get into
Mastermind and your why,wellness is the same thing.
It's the same concept.
And if you don't have thatburning why, which is what I
really probe with the questions,then it's just not gonna work.
It'll work for a moment.
But then eventually it'llfizzle.
So you're looking for the bigwhy?
If they just want to look goodin a bikini, by summertime.
Listen, it's nothing wrong withlooking nice, right?
I have short hair, right?
Nothing wrong with that.
But working with clients andlosing five, 10 pounds, getting
a certain pair of pants.
That's one thing.
But when you have had lifechallenges, with your wellness,
when you have had debilitatingdiseases that have kept you from
going to X, Y, and Z, it getsdeeper than five or 10 pounds
for a beach.
A beach vacation, right?
It takes effort.
It takes commitment.
It takes, I want to do this sothat you can live the type of
lifestyle behind closed doors, Idid a post the other day and I
will share it.
Listen, I get it.
I used to be 240 plus pounds andcounting.
I stopped getting on the scaleafter that.
You are living with a mask onbehind closed doors?
We have mirrors that go from thebottom of our necks up to the
top of our head, Because wedon't want to see that image
that hurts and pains us.
So that's 1 of the areas thatlisten.
We could do that, make a fewadjustments, but the individuals
or the challenges that I'mlooking to reach with women is
because I understand the pain,the hurt, the challenges, and
you can't do it by yourself.
Being liberated you don't haveto wear that mask any longer.
If you have the commitment andwant to make a change.
Makes sense.
a lot of that is life coaching,right?
once you get that, why are youhelping them, figure out, Before
you even give them a exerciseand nutrition plan, some of the,
habits and all of that to go,that they got to develop to, to
reach that.
Why, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I know exactly what you'resaying.
So here's what I do with myclients and onboarding.
And again, I like to always useanalogies, right?
Because when it comes to makingmoney doing business, we get it,
we got our vision, right?
We got a how tos, we got amastermind.
Guess what?
If taking care of your body,your inner health, your mind,
your soul, your spirit isn'tjust as important, if not more
important, like you are yourgreatest asset.
So what I'm saying is for yourgreatest asset, which is you, we
do a vision.
We do a wellness vision.
Sit down and we go, listen, younow see, and again, Laurie, this
comes with you having a visionfor yourself.
Sometimes I have to help clientssee it doesn't have to be, I
love Janet Jackson.
It doesn't have to be JanetJackson, right?
It doesn't have to be ArnoldSchwarzenegger.
It could be you or whoever, buthaving the vision of your ideal
self in 6 months or a year.
we write that down and thatbecomes part of my client's
profile and, onboarding becauseWe have a reference point where
we're going.
So having a wellness vision planand right now where you want to
go and then certainly Lloydalong with that, I put together
what's called very common term,personal trainers,
individualized fitness plan inshort.
We design a plan that works foryou.
There's no cookie cutting.
There's no one size fit all.
We're all different.
We all have differentchallenges.
we go through a great deal ofyour medical background.
If you need clearances from yourdoctor, We look at any physical
challenges, what you can andcan't do.
We've incorporate some foodsthat you like.
So there's a lot that comes withonboarding, to answer your
question, yes, there is aspecification, with that
wellness vision, andincorporating the other aspects
to help build the ideal writtenindividualized fitness plan.
I like it.
I wonder, with, the resultyou're delivering, it'd also be
great to just have a picture,Hey, with today's technology,
just find a body you want.
And put your face on it.
It'd be pretty easy.
Man, AI has done it, right?
I hate to say magnificent, butthey have, at the end of the
day, You gotta have a visionwhere you're going.
if you don't see it before yousee it.
It's the same thing when havingfaith in things that you haven't
seen yet to bring it into,manifestation.
And so listen, I use my ownself.
I know this may sound, you cancall it self, I don't want to
say self worshipping, but thereare aspects, I don't want to
look like my 15, 20 year old,but again, I competed in
And so I have a balance betweena stage look and just being
And so I use some photos of myown self of ideal health and
My whole point is have adirection or reference point
where you're going.
If you don't know where you'regoing to have a hard time
getting there because the targetmoves, I want to be here.
I want to be here.
So that's the whole premisebehind that.
And we do before and afterpictures.
keeping those before and afters,can be challenging, but it's
part of my program that helpsyou to stay on point on a weekly
ultimately the goal is to getpretty darn close to it, if not
be it.
so that takes care of the mind,Getting the mind And the
nutrition and exercise part,that's probably for you the
pretty easy part, right?
The technical, that's probablywhy people sign up with you, but
for you that's the easy part,right?
Like you just, what's the goal?
Where are you at now?
Do the math given the plan kindof thing, right?
In a nutshell.
the difference that I add iswith my program.
When I bring my clients on, wego through, 10 to 14 days of
food journaling.
most trainers are familiar withthis.
The goal is not for me to tellyou what you shouldn't have
eaten, The goal is you don'tknow how you are eating it helps
me to see it.
It helps you to see it.
at the end of that 10 to 14 dayperiod.
We go over your journal.
We do a 1 on 1 liveconsultation.
then I begin you on what'scalled my natural detox plan.
In short, you eat food.
This is not a starvation diet.
This is not a liquid diet.
This is definitely no pills.
It is a food selection plan withquality meats, proteins,
chicken, fish, turkey, right?
Lots of greens and veggies in afiber category.
I can run in.
You name it green vegetables.
You can do it.
Spinach, collards, kale, right?
Low glycemic fruits.
fruits low in sugar, right?
There's a difference betweenwatermelon and a cherry.
There's a difference.
All fruits are created equal andthen just fluids to hydrate the
So I do get a bit more detailbecause I recognize, there's 168
hours in a week.
I can close my eyes.
Number one to start one hour aweek of training.
One hour a week of training.
This is a launching pad for youto start two days out of the
30 minutes a day.
The bulk of your day is spentnot eating, but living your
So help my clients to understandhow you are feeling your body.
It is not the exercises andwe're getting that to that in a
It's not the exercises that,okay.
Actually, does the do it's goingto be what you're putting in
your body.
And then we'll get into thelifestyle piece, which is ladder
in short.
It's, I like the percentage, 85percent to 15%.
You heard the 80, 20 rule.
We're in a world now where it isa serious food war, but you have
got to make every effort to getquality foods in your body.
So I up that because we alldon't have a real true buffer,
how much we eat anyway.
So it's 85, 15, 85 percent cleaneating 15%.
Listen, have yourself some wineor, Bergen fries, but finding
the balance and the nutrition isthe hugest part of your total
wellness and for longevity.
How You know, I know you didn'twant to go too deep into this,
but I'm going to take you thereanyways.
with clean eating, I find thisis something very important to
us in our household.
earlier this year, we went toJapan.
It was remarkable how good weall felt eating there anywhere
we go, we could go to a 7 elevenand get a rice cake And it was
phenomenal, you know That's whatwe were like munching on
everywhere or you know Even aburger there where it wasn't
like you didn't feel Like youwere in a food coma from all the
grease But then you come backhere and immediately it's like
you really got to look hard forthat maybe this goes into the
lifestyle piece of your, plan,but how do you go about, trying
to make that part easy?
You open a Pandora's box.
here's what I'll say about that.
if you live in the Americas, itis no secret.
We are the one country aroundthe world that pretty much
accepts and regulates chemicalsin our bodies.
You just said it, you go toanother part of the world and
you meet, fast food and ittastes different.
Here's how I encourage myclients.
Get to know your local farmersmarket.
You want to find foods that aregrown naturally, non GMO, right?
you want to get in tune withyour local farmer.
Because that's where you can geta lot of your foods that are
grown organically.
But a whole lot less of thepesticides and the chemicals I'm
also including not just fruitsand vegetables, but your meat,
there are a lot of farms aroundthe country where there are
still farmers who are raisingand allowing their cattle or
livestock to graze naturally.
You got to tap into those.
Now, here's the other challenge.
There are areas where you mayhave some challenges, right?
Getting to a food market.
And I'm not, it's not to saythat you can't get healthy foods
from a local food market, butI'm encouraging to be selective.
Spend the money for the organic,spend the money on the foods
that are, Put together.
because if not, what you'redoing is as we continue to take
in these carcinogenic chemicals,we continue to destroy a
molecular makeup and it'scausing a number of different
So farmers markets make wisedecisions when you go to the
Listen, You just got to do it.
Circumvent the outside of themarket.
All of the dead fools are in thecenter.
Spend your time on the outerskirt.
foods, particularly the fruitsand vegetables that have a thick
covering, like your bananas,oranges or grapefruits.
You may be able to get away withnon organic So I don't want
people to be stressing, oh myGod, it's not organic.
pray over your food.
You don't know what you'regetting in every turn, but if
you could get organic those, andyou definitely want to get
organic on your thin skin,fruits and vegetables, right?
Like your berries, cherries,things like that.
If you have a yard or space inyour yard or know somebody or
can co op, Connect with otherpeople who have yards and do
I have friends in Wisconsin onehas a chicken farm where they
lay some of the most tastiestbrown eggs in it and they do,
crop share or co op sharing one,maybe growing greens.
So they come, they can't eat allthose eggs.
So they swap them out.
So find ways to grow your ownfoods.
And then lastly, you just got tomake smart decisions.
You're not going to be able tohit it every single time.
Listen, as a trained andprofessional lawyer, I don't
trip on it.
If I can't get to somethingthat's organic or non GMO, I
make every intentions to selectfoods that are healthy and,
without all the chemicals.
But again, if you're out eating,especially in your, Fast food
And by the way, I think you'veheard of Roof Chris Steakhouse.
Roof Chris Steakhouse may be150, 200 a plate, but it's fast
just go figure.
So crazy.
Erica, going back to growingyour own stuff, there was a
friend of ours that we went tohis house and he lives in a
small house he's on one of thosecelery diets for a while and he
started growing, his own celeryinside his house on hydroponics.
He had this pole out of PVC cutholes in it and had this huge
celery stalk I was blown away.
I should try and get ahydroponics expert on this show.
after that I started researchingand now I know there's a lot of
hydroponic restaurants here.
I always thought of hydroponicsas a way of growing weed as a
kid, in my ignorant self.
But, it's amazing.
Like food in your house fruitsand vegetables and especially
vegetables and herbs and it's soeasy and so abundant and you can
do it anywhere in a smallapartment which is pretty neat.
Yeah, just something I thoughtyou'd appreciate and probably
something I'm going to belooking more into.
let me know when you bring thatspecialist in.
I'll be definitely on the showlistening in.
I do recall over the years whenwe were younger, our great
grandparents and grandparents,they grew.
Fruit and vegetables right therein the pot without that stuff.
That's right.
so yeah, bring me back on theshow when you have that because
we are in those days and timeswith being creative and as,
proactive as you can take careof yourself.
That's right.
a lot of the stuff you'reabsolutely right that we're
getting is just got so many somuch junk in it that we're
really not getting any decentadditional values, right?
Smartphone here, Before we get,we'll circle back, but I wanted
to that topic because I thinkit's interesting and it's a sign
of the times, but I want to talkabout lifestyle a little bit
Can you, elaborate on that?
What is that third piece of yourstool there?
the lifestyle is simply this.
Proper rest, meaning when it'stime to go to bed.
You want to strive for seven tonine hours of quality rest.
What is quality rest?
what you do during your day,whether it's what you eat, your
daily activities, how you'rethinking will set up a great
deal of how you sleep or rest atnight.
All rest is in creating acreative equals.
So I encourage my clients.
Listen, watch what you put inyour body.
Because as you begin to gothrough the day, you process,
And you begin to wind down agreat deal of that carries over
into you sleep and how well yourest.
There are many stages and Iwon't get too deep into it, but
your REM sleep, your deep sleep,not saying them in the same
I should start off.
As you usually go into your deepsleep 1st, You may roll into
your REM sleep, give or takeNess, next.
And then you have what's lightsleep.
There's different stages whereyour body is recuperating.
So rest is super important.
I'll also say along with that,saunas, hot saunas that you have
infrared sauna out here now,that's part of giving the body
the therapeutic attention thatit needs to recuperate, to
refresh, to energize.
Long walks.
Yes, walking is not an exercise.
It's movement.
It is part of your lifestyle.
Find ways to move.
It is huge.
I actually go through and try tokeep things simple.
Louis, you ever heard ofterminology?
Kiss it.
keep it simple.
I love it.
So what?
Last one said stupid.
I'll just say so the audienceknow.
I try to make things simple forus to live.
Listen, don't circle the frontof the parking lot, looking for
a place to park Park where noone wants to walk.
But why would I want to do that?
It adds to your lifestyle ofmovement.
The body needs to move.
And so movement is key.
Finding things that you enjoydoing.
It has a great deal with yourmental, physical, and spiritual
And so you're like how do I havetime for that?
That's partly why you have thestress or the cortisol problem,
and that's another challengebecause when you start stressing
a lot and your stress meterstays up and your cortisol is
up, you got a whole nother,molecular cellular level of
destruction going on in yourbody.
And so that lifestyle piece isthat aspect.
It's also cultivating yourenvironment around a support
And your support, can be yourhusband, wife, or network.
You, I don't know.
I know you say you backed offfor running around the globe,
but you have a network of folkwho you're trained to work out
with, right?
Same with me.
I have a positive affirming,encouraging environment and also
to keep you accountable.
So those are some of theaspects.
Everyone's different.
Find something you like andenjoy doing for relaxation
rest is key.
sleep is key.
Again, the proper therapeuticmassages, sauna baths, salt
water, like Epsom salt baths.
It's all this stuff works.
So that's a glimpse.
And really, that's a big part ofmy program that I emphasize,
especially with women, becausewe are worry warts by nature.
keeping that cortisol low, keepsthe body burning fat, helps to
keep the belly fat down.
And helps to balance out theother hormones in the body.
Erica, going back to thecommunity piece, a lot of what
we do when we get ourselves introuble, in this case, becoming
overweight, We tend to surroundourselves with other people who
are overweight, There's thatsaying we are the average of the
five people around us.
that applies to everything inlife.
Sometimes you're going to makedrastic changes in your life if
you find that community thatisn't like that.
Oh, but I don't want to let goof my old friends.
Your old friends, you can stillbe friends with them, but you
can change that part.
I wanted to become an earlymorning runner.
I now run at five in themorning, at least three days a
week, and I really enjoy it.
I've been doing it year roundfor over a year.
that was really hard because Ihad one friend that would do it
with me.
shout out to AJ.
He's a listener to the show, butthe, But he, sometimes had to go
to work or sometimes I had to goto work and we didn't make it.
So we started a 5 a.
run group.
And now you have, anywhere from6 to 12 people that come out on
a regular basis.
So we have somebody to holdourselves accountable to, you
can create your own community,right?
going back to that mindset ofwho you want to be the ideal you
Find other people who are eitheralready there also want to be
there, And it's easier now thanever you just get on face group
start a group You know put apicture of your ideal self and
say I want to be like this whoelse wants to be with me they
will join that group and findyou because other people want
that, absolutely.
I just want to say 1 quickthing.
You hit it and I'm so glad youbrought that up about creating
the ideal environment.
Because that is so true.
I think sometimes we'll findourselves and I'll do the best
that I can.
We are not designed to doanything that we're doing in
this world by ourselves.
And that's it.
when you begin to get out ofyour comfort zone, like I always
say to my clients, getcomfortable being uncomfortable.
Get out and meet people, dodifferent things.
set your standards higher, levelup.
create the environment that youwant.
since the last time I've beenon, when you begin to do that,
your world goes from small,mini, tiny to wide open and
broad in a sense of selfdevelopment.
And when it comes to thewellness part, absolutely.
some of us are what they call atype personality.
I'm up every morning at fouro'clock.
I need very little help andaccountability but that's me.
If you're not going to get upthat time of morning and you
need support and accountability,go seek, create, and get in that
environment to help keep youaccountable to reach your goals.
That's exactly why a lot of yourmost successful businessmen and
women, you can attest to this.
We have coaches, we havecounsel, we have support.
Billionaires, have coaches andcounsel to help keep them on
So it's no different for us whenit comes to, taking care of your
health and wellness, they havean accountability group.
But even in the form of a coach,which is what I do, or an
environment that helps you reachyour goal.
Yeah, now, that I surroundmyself with, a lot of the people
I surround myself with are verysuccessful and wealthy people.
And I find it ironic because I'musually the spender, right?
I'll spend on stupid stuff.
And I don't see them doing it.
I'm thinking like, they got allthe money in the world.
and it's cause they realize thatthe stuff is not important, but
they will spend all the money inthe world for a coach, for an
accountability partner, for acommunity, to be a part of, and
that's what makes themsuccessful.
Yeah, and I thought on the backend is no different.
When it comes to investing Ihave a tendency.
you can't be the successfulbusinessman or woman doing
anything for your family foryour job If you're not in a
healthy state of mind insideout.
It has to have value for you,right?
It has to be something you wantto invest in.
If you're not worth it, I don'tknow who, or what is.
until you understand that youhave worth, you have value, you
are necessary and need to takecare of that part.
not just the physical becausethere's a lot of mental stuff
that keeps us from doing things.
all encompassing, like you said,you got to be willing to invest
the time.
I'll say this, you're going tospend the money now or later.
When it comes to your health.
I just did a post this morningon that, about big pharma,
health care or fail care, wheredo you want to spend the money
and when do you want to spendit?
you're going to spend it one wayor the other.
I encourage folks invest inyourself and take care of you so
you can level up.
that's really important with thefood piece too, in particular,
like you, everybody goes andlooks, Oh, I can't afford
But then you can't afford, thecrap you're buying either.
Because you're going to spend alot more if you eat too much
McDonald's than you are, forbuying organic lettuce.
Listen, we're in a world, wecan't afford not to make Best
decision, not halfway decisions.
If you recognize, listen, thisis all you got, right?
And so listen, garbage ingarbage out, right?
You put healthy, wholesome man,look what you're going to get
And back to what you weresharing before, being in an
arena of supportive, energeticindividuals going where you're
going, when it comes to takingcare of your health and well
eating, working out movement,Lifestyle.
Listen, you begin to feel andyou become the thing that you
want to be You love feeling thatway.
Let me tell you, it's hard to goback to McDonald's Burger King
and Chick fil A.
When you have experienced theinner benefits of total
wellness, your body is breathingoxygen is flowing.
Even your breathing is calmer.
My average heart rate now sitsat the low fifties.
Just relaxing.
That didn't come overnight.
it's different aspects that youbegin to experience from inside
out I don't know who wouldn'twant to feel great going into
the 40, 50, 60s and beyond.
I meet a lot of energetic,healthy individuals, 70 plus,
and they are doing it up there.
So let's get there, fam.
Let's just take care ofourselves and get there.
That's actually a good seguecause what we're really
describing a stable, way ofliving life, to the fullest,
In a good way versus the magicpill, so let's jump right into
that piece.
we started off talking about howyou help people do this
holistically instead of withOzempic.
last year, Ozempic, was themagic pill.
I think it was on one of thosemagazines time or something
front cover.
Hey, magic pill like this magic.
And now we're seeing that it'scausing all kinds of crazy pain.
I just saw an article not toolong ago.
I didn't read it, but I just sawthe headlines was like a Zempico
give you a heart attack orsomething like that.
Which you and I are thinkinglike, yeah, no kidding.
what do you think about that?
big pharma brings these thingstheir marketing is on point and
they are bringing these thingsthat solve everything for us
with a pill.
It seems every year there's anew one.
And then the year after, we findout it don't work, It causes
another problem.
Man, let me say this, because Iknow it's a hot topic.
Let me preface my statement.
Any medicines, whatever theyare, when I'm saying pills,
medicine has this place.
There are some individuals outhere, listen, go to your doctor,
you get your blood work done,you need it.
Follow your doctor's orders.
My encouragement is to work in azone where you can work from a
preventive measure.
Don't find yourself in theproblem.
Then you got to run to, pharmacare, fail care to try to
abrogate the problem.
Now you got another problembecause now you want more pills.
listen, they got so many of themout here.
I can't keep up pills that areparticularly exempt.
Let's just stay with that fordiabetes.
There are many who havechallenges with high sugar.
Now, I'm going to say somethingon that.
I was just sharing this with mymom earlier.
Diabetes, high blood pressure,high cholesterol, obesity, and a
number of other differentdiseases are what's called
modifiable diseases, becauseobesity now is a disease that
you can change.
The challenge becomes when youare preventive and now you got
all these broken arteriesrunning through your body,
Now the organ or tissue has diedbecause it doesn't get oxygen,
now you need the pill.
With that said, back to Ozempic,it has its place in helping
those who need it.
Here's the big problem, there'sthose who now, oh my god, I can
lose 50, 100 pounds.
Keep following the study,because I will say, and Louis,
to your point, I don't recallthe actual article that came out
You can Google it, but not onlydoes it cause, a lot of short
term challenges, there are anumber of long term, permanent
changes that are coming fromtaking this drug, such as,
gastrointestinal issues whereyou're having problems with your
Like long term.
There's another, article, andagain, I wish I had, I don't
like to reference these articleswithout, citing them, but just
Google this stuff, because it'sout there, okay?
There's more coming out everyday.
I can't keep up, but here's whatyou're finding and this one
startling and it's true ozempicis eating into and more so it's
getting into your muscle.
Yeah, you lose back, but guesswhat?
If you begin to lose muscle,what happens?
Muscle is metabolism.
When you begin to lose muscleand everything crash, then
you're going to have a completereverse compensatory effect
where you're not going to be notonly burn any fat, you're going
to start gaining fat because nowyou don't have any muscle.
So my whole point to that,listen, it has its place for
what it's called for.
And even then, this is coachCrane's viewpoint on it.
Find ways to get off of thepill.
Don't start anything.
If you're not willing to do itthe rest of your life.
Don't start it.
For those of you hopping onthese pills.
Be mindful.
Count the cost.
What I advocated and encouragedis get your mindset on point.
If you need medications in areasbecause you have been neglecting
your health, that's one thing.
But if you're in a positionwhere you can be preventive, put
in the work.
Take the time, work out, eat thefoods as necessary, make the
switch, and you won't have tohave this, fiasco of, what pill
to take, what shot, And sothat's what I encourage and
advocate Laurie, listen, I'm notselling anything.
But what I find is people don'twant to do the work.
And yeah.
And I think what people don'trealize is when you do put in
the work, which I sympathizewith everybody cause it's really
hard to get started, right?
what you got to realize is thework is ongoing for life.
if you put it in, it becomes away of life and it no longer
feels like work.
your community becomes peoplewho are healthy.
And you're not tempted withcupcakes and alcohol all the
time because it's not around.
everybody you hang out with thatjust doesn't even come up.
It's not even something youthink about.
That's right.
Your dates might be walkingdates.
Romantically or professionally.
I'm in Colorado especially up inBoulder.
it's not abnormal to have aprofessional business meeting
over a walk up a mountain, I'llcall a CEO of a company and be
like, let's go hike Sanitas.
And we'll just go hike Sanitas.
a small mountain outside ofBoulder, you'll go climb that
and Come back down and you'vetalked shop and before you know
it, you've got a business dealdone.
It's incredible that, it allfeeds upon itself you don't have
to be in Colorado for that.
You can find the communityAnywhere.
It really does exist everywhere,but you gotta work.
You got to work to feel thatcommunity.
You got to work to figure out,change that lifestyle and it's
hard at first But it becomessecond nature, Yeah, Go ahead.
I could keep going but I knowman because listen i'm bitting
at the chops here because youhit on something really key that
I it's a big part of not onlywith wellness, but with
Individual lives, limitingbeliefs, faulty thinking.
This is how I used to do it.
It's always been that way.
I come from a family that didthis and did that.
What you were talking about isthe challenge we have of
changing the way that we thinkand do things.
That's so much easier said thandone.
So I'll give you one quickexample just to bring this home,
because what you're sharing is adirection everyone wants to go.
It is hard because now you're.
Bumping up against some beliefsthat you've held for 20, 30, 40,
50, 60, 70 years.
I'll pick one real quick.
One of them that comesimmediately to mind is listen.
Who doesn't love to eat when youget with family?
What does family do when we gettogether we eat?
listen, let's get together.
Let's get some lunch.
Let's get some dinner.
Let's do a cookout it's a familytradition when my family get
together We throw cookouts.
We do fish fries.
It's a family tradition and it'sbeen that way for 50 years with
There's nothing wrong withgetting with family, but just
because You're with family.
Doesn't mean you need to eateverything all the time.
How do you do that?
It's very easy.
spend time with your family.
The challenge is that you haveto eat it.
Everything that's put in frontof you because it's a family
Louie, the mindset of scarcity,we never really had much.
So we got to hold on to what wegot.
You can put anything in thatcategory and still you're
dealing with something that issubjective or even unconscious
in your mindset that keeps youin that stronghold.
And so how do you break throughthat?
We just talked about a greatdeal mindset and it takes time.
You have to make the shift ateach turn.
I begin with food, exercise,lifestyle change.
We have to make those shiftsindividually to take those same
principles and use them in otherareas of your life.
And you make the switch and youbegin to live the life that you
always wanted, because now youthink differently, right?
you've done it when you shifted,right?
And you knew that's your newnorm and your old way.
It's hard.
For me to go to McDonald's is sohard.
People go there all the time forall their meals, right?
I can't do it.
For me to sit down and watch TVall day, I can't do it.
I just can't.
I grew up on all that.
I grew up going to McDonald's.
I worked at McDonald's as ateenager, we had bring home
nuggets for my family every day.
And we sat around and watched TVall day, novellas and shows.
And, it was like, that's the wayit was.
But now for me to sit down, itis a rare, treat, but it's not
really a treat.
It's hard.
It's really hard for me.
So you made the shift rightthere, right?
So your normal now, actuallytook work if you think about it.
Oh yeah.
And now it's a norm.
So if you turn it the other wayand you make what's your normal
now, actual work that's when,you've been successful, right?
Total body transformation.
That's it.
No, that's great stuff.
Now you getting going, man.
This is good stuff.
It was through running.
I just wanted to continuerunning it wasn't even for
fitness I just enjoy it.
I don't know why but that's howI discovered it And that's how a
lot of you relate with coachpain Oh, yeah.
whatever it is that you loveyour passion.
I'll say this I am in phenomenalshape sitting at 50.
I'm very humble with that, but Ilove competing and bodybuilding.
so I have to have balances andcaveats and so forth with that.
And, again, as the world keepevolving, I have to keep things
in perspective of even withbodybuilding.
And so I still compete right nowand I'm just continuing to stay
strong and healthy.
a lot of the things that Ilearned in bodybuilding is
helping my personal life and italso helps me to help my
So that's how I keep that funnelflowing.
the discipline is insane, but ithelps me, help others to reach
that in other areas of theirlife.
So I love it.
So Erica, on that note, let's goonto our Wayfinder four.
It's now world famous, by theway, since you've been here.
It's the world famous Wayfinderfour.
You helped us get there, Soanyway, Give us a hack.
Whoa, man.
My latest hack, and this may notbe a hack for most, but it's a
hack for me.
Hire a virtual assistant How isit a hack?
Listen, I have found if youspend time on things that
whether you know it very well ordon't know it, you start your
business, you start your growth,you can delegate and get
assistance from someone else.
Now, does it have to be a VA?
Listen, find somebody who wasjust This is good, not better
than you alleviate thattimeframe for that task stuff
that you don't necessarily needto be doing.
So you can shift.
I just hired a VA to shift myenergy into what I enjoy doing
and that is giving my clients mybest time, efforts and the
coaching capabilities or thecoaching accountability that
they need and not pluckingaround with, meniscus tasks and
I'm not saying that they'remeniscus, such as email, text
and call, but things we, I justdon't need to be doing that.
So hire a VA.
I love it.
Is there a platform you like forfinding them?
Actually, I don't know theplatform this, virtual assistant
is on.
This is an independent virtualassistant, Francesca, and I
can't think of her last name.
I can definitely make referencefor it, if you want, after the
show, This is an independent,virtual assistant she was highly
recommended from someone from mymastermind and I'm looking
forward to working with her Allright.
How about a Favorite book man,you know the bible the word of
god It's the best book that wasever written still the most read
the most popular.
I think it would likely ever beI'm gonna tell you why If you
never read the Bible, you canjust see the world unfolding.
It's in you.
You like to, to, acknowledge youor not.
So much that has happened orcontinues to happen.
has already been written.
it helps me, from a spiritualaspect and staying connected to
God in Christ.
It helps me in the continuing todevelop into the garlic woman
God has called me to be.
And then it helps me, justhelping other people period make
the connection.
The choice is yours.
I don't beat people upside thehead with it, but I think it's
the greatest book that was everwritten.
And still, I think will be for along time.
Like you said, it's the mostread and I don't want to take
away from the Christian Biblebut there's a million different
religions and beliefs out thereand they all have a spiritual
book of wisdom it gets down tothe same virtues.
They just tell it in their ownway that you can relate to.
The Bible has great stories.
you can relate to It'sphenomenal, whatever your belief
is, study your book becausethat's it.
That's it.
So what about advice for youryounger self?
If I had to give advice to theyounger Erica, the younger coach
Stay humble.
Listen to experiencedindividuals who have been there,
done that.
Listen, they got some wisdom.
Now I ain't gonna say everybodythat's old has wisdom, but I'll
say that somebody has beenthere, before you, and you can
go so much further.
You can do so much more.
You can be so much successfulmaking less mistakes than what
they made.
So that's what I encourage.
Keep an open mind.
You're young.
You got energy.
If I could tell Erica, keep anopen mind, you might have heard
this saying before, I forget whosaid it, it's not mine.
The difference between a smartperson, a wise person, right?
The smart person goes out, doesthe thing, makes a mistake, and
then corrects, never makes amistake, the statement of the
Again, the wise person goes outand find a smart person, learn
from their mistakes, and theynever performed them or do the
mistake in the beginning.
Chase wisdom.
I don't know where that's theold saying.
It's not mine, but it has helpedme a great deal in my life.
that's what I would tell myyounger Erica and younger
individuals today.
Oh, man, I love that.
That's something I still need towork on because I just, I don't
know why I feel like I just gotto learn the hard way sometimes.
And it's just nuts.
I hear you, man.
Thank you for reminding me ofthat.
So what about a big opportunity?
This is a new one for you.
A big opportunity out there.
Listen, I wanted to share, and Ithink we hit on a tad bit
earlier, the online coachingprogram that I rolled out at the
beginning of the year.
Here's the big opportunity aboutit.
I've had a number of individualsdo a trial run with this online
coaching and lost well, over 60and 70 pounds in 12 weeks.
Now, what's the big opportunity?
Listen, this program that I'vedeveloped is effective live
public and working.
Now, I'm inviting individuals.
If you are serious, committed,sick and tired of struggling
with the pain, the hurt, theloss, consider this online
program because, as we've beentalking about this call is
bigger than just eating acertain way or working out I
want to help individualstransform their lives in every
aspect it's been a bigopportunity for me, Lori,
because now I'm into my passionmy gift, my calling.
I love helping people havebreakthroughs.
it's a big opportunity for thosewho are interested because it's
not too many programs out herelike it.
I work with individuals who havea lot of weight to lose.
Now, here's the caveat.
You're not going to lose 1500pounds in a couple of months.
But as you get on track andbegin to take back your life,
one pound at a time, you beginto make inner transformations.
And I, when I say it's a bigopportunity, the world that
we're up against now, if youdon't take care of your temple,
I don't know who will.
So your coaching, is it groupcoaching or one on one?
It's one on one coaching, but wehave group aspects where I do
some online group coaching.
I have online courses ondifferent topics like fasting,
food, workouts, movements,things like that.
But it is one on one coaching.
You have exclusive access to me,both live and, private counsel.
And that's important becausethat's part of the
accountability And it's on aweekly basis.
That's great.
And is there a community, thatpeople become a part of as well?
Oh, yeah, anybody that I sharedbefore, you know It's part of a
qualifying process I sayqualifying because i'm looking
to onboard individuals of likeminded to foster a community of
support and so we do I do have aonline print a platform.
Transform her And so I called ita bold and beautiful, total body
makeover because there are many,women who are struggling with
this challenge of trying to doit or do it alone.
Now, here's the things I know wegot plenty of fellows listening
This is just saying, it justain't for the women.
I found Louie, that every singletime you get your wife, your
mom, or someone else on board,we always influence our men.
And so I've coached andcounseled a number of men as
The only difference is men andwomen, but a lot of the stuff is
still the same.
The food and nutrition, you gotyour part and she has hers.
Yeah, it's exciting.
I'm very excited about it.
I am too.
So how do we find you, Erica?
How do we sign up with you?
Oh, yeah, listen, www.coachpayne.org.
That's www.coachpaynepayne.org.
That's my last name.
You can find me on there.
I have all of the, a lot of whatwe just talked about on that.
You can also find me on YouTube.
I'm at Fit Figure for Life Fitfigure, the number four.
And life, you can also check meout on tick tock.
I've been having a lot of fun,just interacting with the tick
tocker community at coach pain37 at coach pain 37.
And of course, I do have theFacebook platform, transform
her, the bold and beautifulmakeover.
I'm excited to continue to getacclimated with all of the
social medias.
Just looking to share, as muchas I can for those who are
searching it breaks my heartwhen I can't connect and, make
the link to those who aresearching.
And so as I continue to getsharper and better the universe
and God is poor folk enemy tohelp.
I'm gonna spin it back out onthese social media waves.
I love that today's technologyis allowing you in particular,
Erica, to reach more peoplebecause, you have a gift, you
really do.
you're going to help a lot ofpeople you already have.
I hope that people hear this andjoin your community, thanks for
being on the Wayfinder show andlook forward to having you back
on again and again.
All right, man.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate for having me.
Let's go.
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