All Episodes

January 24, 2024 81 mins

Jump into an enlightening exploration centered around fitness, teamwork, and personal evolution in this episode of our podcast. We delve into proven methods of naturally enhancing testosterone levels, the unexpected benefits of our personal nutritional picks, and the art and science of physical fitness. Discover the mysteries around the Listeria gland and its pivotal role in testosterone production.

Get ready for an exhilarating conversation leading up to an imminent fitness competition. Learn about the rigorous training regimens of our hosts, Blake and Chad, and their preferred equipment choices – the CZ Shadow II and Dan Wesson. Also, hear about the thrilling journey of setting up international shipping for our 307 Project gear and the exciting news of an upcoming book launch.

We discuss the transformative effects of our 'The Proving Grounds' training event as part of the 3 of 7 project, sharing moving stories that demonstrate resilience, willpower, and teamwork. Hear about individuals who challenged their perceived weaknesses and unlocked their extraordinary potential amidst these demanding, yet rewarding environments.

Last but not least, this episode grants you a peek into the inspiring health and fitness journeys of everyday individuals. Learn how consistency, determination, and compassion can bring about amazing changes in your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Underscored is the firm belief that it's never too late to start your journey to personal growth. Tune in and prepare to be inspired

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Episode Transcript

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Look, how do I look on camera? Well, it's great composure, but you're kind of ruining the shot.
What do you mean I'm ruining the shot? You just look a little weak today.
That's because I got high testosterone, man.
I got the highest testosterone of any man alive.
In case y'all wanted to know that. Y'all want a tip on how to get up your testosterone?

No. Well, maybe the listeners do.
Look, I know a lot of listeners. Listeners, I know a lot of you guys are suffering
from low testosterone because you've been drinking the dang faucet water all your life.
It shriveled you up down to nothing, right? You've been eating cereal.

Eating cereal? Frosted flakes. You've been eating cereal, Hot Pockets. Skim milk.
Toaster strudels. Pop tarts. Look, I know all y'all got low T, man.
So, you know, here I am. I'm old. I'm old as sandhill beans.
Y'all don't even know how old I am. Long in the tooth. Yeah, I'm old as mess.

And I'm sitting here, man, and my testosterone is through the roof.
I mean, I can go into the gym day after day, jack iron, get strong, muscles. Iron.
Aggression. all of that stuff man y'all
just can't do it you know what's so funny it's just so

worried about his breathing lately i went in there
to bring him a key the other day in the gym he'd do one set
of split squats and i'd turn to talk to him and he'd be like yeah you
know when he carries that 150 pound sandbag he goes i can't breathe
i can't breathe you gotta get that diaphragm muscle
sitting right against your diaphragm no i've
been trying i've actually been trying to breathe more

through my nose you don't breathe through your nose when
you're working out well i i've gotten the habit over uh over a span of time
of breathing through my mouth and there just ain't enough back pressure so he
started dieseling when that's how you get slack jawed man yeah yeah mouth breather
so i'm trying to get in the habit of breathing through my,

breathing through my nose good so i'm working on that you know but whatever
blake dude Dude, you were lifting little kid weight in the gym this morning.
I'm not the one who said I was going to beat everybody.
Well, that's a good point, but, I mean, you could at least lift the proper amount
of weight in the gym. That was prescribed. That was RX 155.

No, it was 205. It was 205. No, that's RX Plus. Oh. See? Told you.
I did that plus. Yeah, see?
I got last, too. Watch your mouth.
What's this podcast titled, anyways? We've been sitting here,
YouTube. The End Draweth Nigh.
YouTube, we've been sitting here for the last 20 minutes waiting on these guys

to come up with the dang title for this podcast.
And that's the best they could come up with has anybody noticed every podcast is titled the end,
something the end is here the end is coming yeah the end drawing draweth nigh
yeah who's that's not me youtube that's these guys they their job is to come

up with a title for every one of these podcasts and this is what they come up
with who's these guys man what is the end of what,
I don't know. Y'all are the ones. Blake came up with the title today.
End of what? The end of what, Blake? What is Drawing Nigh? Come on, Blake.
The end of my time here, if y'all don't get on with your mess.

Look, I already laid out last episode, because y'all quit dang jacking around in here.
All you want to talk about is jacking iron, how strong you are.
I was going to tell everybody the secret to having high testosterone,
but I figured y'all would be offended by it.
Tennessee Bridge, A&E said low T and E-D.

Yeah. Well, don't worry about us. What's the secret? Yeah. The secret is just
having conversation with pretty women.
That's all you got to do. If you'll just talk to pretty women,
your testosterone will go through the roof.
Are you serious that's what you're trying to sit here and say that's that's

the that's the literal secret and see all helping the pickle you can't do that too much.
Golly chad you're a strange dude well you know all these other guys they're going out here.
Spending all their money on testosterone replacement when
all they would have to do is say hello to a

pretty woman that's all they gotta do it's like
that's the extent of the conversation hello oh yeah
yeah it ain't gotta be it obviously doesn't have
to be like a long conversation it's just
saying hello man but what is the
science behind that well that that
goes deep uh yeah i bet it really what

it's doing is it's activating the
back there's a small part in the back
of your brain called the listeria gland
this huberman and listeria yeah
it's called the listeria gland named after the bacteria and
that gets deactivated over time because ancient

man was constantly talking to
women because they had to talk about stuff like
hey man hey i'm going out
hunting keep this place right you
know hey i'll be back they were constantly talking
back and forth but we live
in a society now where you don't

have to talk to women so you don't say hey brooke i'm going out hunting get
on them pots and pans well i don't we don't have to do that anymore you know
you have to make it in an intentional time of your day to talk to a.
Pretty woman now if you're married to a pretty woman that's who you need to

be talking to if y'all saw me when i walked in the gym this morning the first
thing i did was talk to my wife,
First thing I did, right when I walked through the door, I talked to my wife.
I gave her a kiss. I said, baby, I'm going to get after it for you because I
know that's the kind of man you want.
And my testosterone blew through the roof, man.

That's all I had to do. You felt it increase. Oh, yeah.
It's a feeling increase when that listeria gland gets activated.
You can actually see this on a brain scan.
They've tested this, all right? On you? Well, no, on other people.
They've tested it in labs where they're scanning somebody's brain.
And that listeria gland, which is responsible for the production of your testosterone,

most men like you guys, yours would be blacked out this morning.
It wouldn't even show up on the scan. It'd be like, where's the rest of his brain?
Mine's lit up. I got you. All right. And then that activates that pituitary
gland, and then that's activating your testosterone production.

So that's where it's at, man. And people get offended when I share this type of knowledge to them.
But look, I'm not worried about you getting offended, man.
I want you to be like me, more like me. That's what I want you to be.
So I'm sharing with you all my secrets. Okay?
I'm sharing all my secrets with y'all. You can thank me in the comments.

If you're watching this right now, you can go ahead. Thank me in the comments.
It's going to be a life changer for you.
So that's my tip for today when it comes to working out and getting after it.
That's the reason why you guys were so weak and pitiful this morning in the gym. All three of you.

So i disagree you do
yeah you know why this is science how can you disagree with the science i disagree
that we were weak and pitiful oh oh yeah i disagree with that well what's the
evidence blake actually won yeah he was lifting the weight of a dadgone bird
nonetheless charlotte wrote war War in the web?

And Wilbur responded with war.
That's true. I didn't think about that. Are you familiar with Charlotte's web?
My gosh. I didn't consider that. So when you holler war, he couldn't wait.
We couldn't wait. That's why I didn't take as many breaks or hardly any break.
Yeah, and then war, right? So there was a point during the workout that Cornbread's

yelling at me to get, oh, get after it, son.
On i passed you on a bike and i'm like this joker
ain't even taking the break no wonder he's getting
ahead of me but i gassed on the last one dude that big time i gassed on the
light you can when you holler war we can't wait for you to shoot first when
there when there is a one minute break programmed between rounds that means

you take you have to take the one minute break in order to Two,
be actually in a competition. Well, look, we all did different things.
You and me did the exact same thing. I mean, we're on a different bike,
and you beat me, so really you're the only, I'm the only one that you can brag about beating.
Well, that is true. Because they didn't even do the same thing.

Yeah. Korn just cheated the time. Here's the problem.
Here's the problem when you roll up and you say, I'm about to beat every last
one of y'all. And I said, well, you're doing more weight.
Yeah, that don't matter. I'm still going to beat you. The exact words was,
I'm about to beat the brakes off all three of y'all.
You beat me, but you didn't beat the brakes off of me.

I still got my brakes. Look, his sit-ups were sad. No, Chad literally beat the
brakes off a corner. He didn't take brakes in the workout.
True, yeah. Yeah, you're right. You're right. That did happen.
Yeah. That is true. He psyched up there, didn't he? He psyched up.
He took the brakes right off a corner.

Blake, why do you think you're so weak these days, man?
What do you attribute that to? It's not being able to move much weight.
If we would have been outside, Blake would have been screwed because there was
a little breeze this morning, and the weight he was lifting was so light,
it would have blown the weight down the street,

and he would have been having to chase his bar around all morning long.
So what do you think? What's going on with you, Blake? Are you still recovering
from Megalocron? or what's going on? Well, yeah, I'm always recovering from
something. You know, I stay in recovery.
And so, you know, I do that. See, I do that.
And so I go around. I try to find the sickest environment I can.

I go in and I try to think I got. Now, look, I can't get coronavirus for a while
now because I done had it.
So it's kind of sucks. So I got to find somebody that's got the flu.
And it makes you stronger if you live life.
Your bug chaser and yeah and you work out and
you do things while you're sick so you're
trying to get sick you're trying to tell me i'm always sick you're

all why you're so weak man well all i
gotta do is not get sick and i'll just just blast the brakes all you look i'm
working at 50 i'm working at 50 all the time and you act like oh blake i've
always been well let me not be sick one time and and we'll see what you got.
I mean... Okay, so I get it.

So right before the competition, you're going to not get sick.
And then you're going to be at 100%. Exactly. Who do you guys think is going
to win at the tactical games? We're going to Florida in March.
Blake and I are competing. Have you signed up yet, Blake? Don't worry about
what's going on over here.
Okay, we're going to the tactical games in March.

I'm excited. Who do you think is going to win for real between me and Blake?
Because we're going to be competing in the same, what is it,
class or division, I guess. I might drop down division depending on if I'm sick or not.
No, Bubba, you ain't dropping down in division. It's tough for me because I
don't know what y'all are going to do between now and then. You know,
you don't have much time.

But, see, I could see Blake getting a spell where he goes to the range five, six days a week.
And if he starts doing that, well, he's going to shoot so much better than you
that he'll probably win.
But right now, you're stronger than him at, like, you know, the specific tactical
game stuff. So I don't know. No, it's hard to say.
The problem is he just can't move the sheer amount of weight.

Yeah, not currently, I don't think. Yeah. That's why I probably drop down divisions here soon.
No, Blake, you are not dropping down in divisions, man. How much sprinting's involved in it?
Is there much just speed work, or is it primarily heavy lifting?
I've never done one before, but I think it's a mix.
I think they try to balance it out pretty well to where no person has a big

advantage because they're super good at one thing.
Like you can't just show up and just be a freaking beefsteak and be able to
lift, you know, three, four, five hundred pounds and win because of that.
So I think there is a stage that's like an endurance running stage where you

go out on, I don't know, like a six to eight mile run or something like that. That's cool.
Yeah, so that's one of the stages.
A lot of the stages do involve using the tick.
Me and Chili made a video on the tick last week. You got to work on them endurance
carries with that thing.
Yeah, the front carry with that thing is rough. You start flaking out.

I did some yesterday. Good. I'll tell you all a good workout.
I did this workout yesterday.
I set 30 minutes on the clock, and I had the yoke that you guys saw me me and
Chili tossing the tick over on the video last week.
I had the yoke set, and I would grab the tick, toss it over the yoke one time,

and then I would do one rope climb.
And then I would do two over-the-yoke tosses. Each time I'm tossing the tick
over the yoke, and then I'm climbing over the yoke back to the tick.
Then I'd do two rope climbs, three, three, four, four.
And I made it up to seven and seven within that half hour. I thought I was going

to make it to 10 and 10. No.
Seven back-to-back rope climbs is rough, son, is rough.
So that's a good workout if you guys want to do a little something with the tick.
But then Blake came in there yesterday and just was bebopping around the gym

because he took my suburban keys, and he was bringing them back to me,
and I said, Bubba, you better learn how to carry that sandbag right there,
and you picked it up didn't you blake oh yeah
it wasn't nothing to that thing okay did you front carry it i overhead pressed
it no he just picked it up thought that's the big deal he picked it up and just

set it right back down well yeah i mean it's like you pick up your fork and
you're not figuring out a tactic
on that oh how can i get this fork up easier that was i mean it's like.
All right so youtube y'all y'all drop your drop
your bets in the comments who do you think is going
to win at the tactical games competition between me and blake i may have i may

have to personally even though i don't want to vote for chad because blake don't
seem like he's taking it serious i think if blake let me i'll have a qualifier
if blake takes it serious he'll win,
but if he just keeps treating it like this then well he's taking it serious
serious enough to go out and spend thousands of dollars of our money,

our money, on his equipment.
Well good, I hope he's taking it serious. So he's taking it serious enough to
do that. You better be training.
What pistol did you go with, Blake?
CZ Shadow II. Why did you go with that versus the Dan Wesson that I got?
Well, it's about a thousand dollars cheaper as one.

Even after you put the trigger and everything in it? Well, no,
it's not $1,000 cheaper after that. The trigger was only a couple hundred dollars.
Okay. Continue. Why'd you go with the CZ Shadow? Well, I think it's a proven
platform, a proven system, and the CZ-75 has been around forever.
And they probably make the best, I think, probably the best competition-style stock gun out there.

I mean, the Dan Wesson's been good, but it's only been around for a few years.
Yeah it actually just came out that's a fair that's a
fairly new pistol yeah and i
like the grip i like the grip angle and everything
better than the the 2011 it's just more ergonomical i it feels like to me but
i mean i'm not a i'm no expert that's just that's just what i picked that those

2011 seem to be finicky to me with their mag shape like you got to shape the
mags right or they won't slide out right,
and then they got to be really clean.
And, you know, probably unless you get up in those $4,000 or $5,000 guns,
then maybe it's not quite that way.
But I've had one, I've had two before, and they've both been finicky.
One's a Staccato, and then that other one I've got.

So my buddy has a 2011 made by Atlas Arms.
I think that's like a $5,000 pistol, isn't it, Blake? Yeah. Yeah.
And it's so, I don't know, smooth or whatever that when he cleans it,
he can rack the slide on that pistol just by doing this.

He holds the pistol and just shoves the pistol forward, and the slide will rack. Wow. Yeah.
That's crazy. Yeah, that seems crazy. But, yeah, I don't think those guns like
to run very dirty either, do they, Blake?
Not the ones I've had, Hatton, but I've never had an Atlas or anything, so I don't know.
Now, if they don't, doesn't that seem like a problem for a competition like

y'all are doing? Well, I mean, you could clean it after every stage.
Well, that's true. Yeah, you could clean it after every stage,
But I have no idea what this is going to be like. Yeah, me neither.
This game. Well, you dang sure can't see on YouTube what it's going to be like. No.
Because their YouTube channel and their content freaking sucks.

I mean, it sucks. Tactical Games, you need to step it up.
If anybody in the Tactical Games community or ownership listens to this podcast,
you seriously need to step up
your content so when when we
come down there we're going to show y'all how to do that all right

so you you can thank us later but we're
going to show you how to step up your content on the tactical
games yeah i have no idea i mean so
another thing that i don't like about the 2011 blake and
you said it i don't like the grip angle
or shape on the 2011 11 it is literally
like gripping a two by four yeah it's

a big old fat square straight angle
i just ain't digging it man no i
don't yeah i don't i don't like i mean if you shot it
enough i'm sure you'd get used to it but yeah it's not it's not my cup of tea
at least right now i might shoot that one and get into it and say oh that's

what i want but right now the i think the cz is He's the way to go.
I mean, I like that pistol. Yours has the same grip.
So, I mean, that it's probably I'm sure that's the better gun, but.
It's a lot more money, too. What modifications have you made to your Shadow
2? I did the trigger. What trigger?
Upgrades. You must have watched our YouTube video. Upgrades.

You must have watched. Oh, yeah. What upgrades did you do?
Yeah, we can't say modification on YouTube when we're talking about our firearms
because then they flag the video.
So you must have watched mine and Chili's video then, huh?
Yeah, I did. I did. As soon as I watched it, boom, went to the internet.
What triggered you put in it? Cajun Gumworks.

Okay. Yeah. I did that. I put a different set of grips on it, and I think that's it.
What about that? You did the safety? Oh, yeah. I added the extended safety lever. Yeah.
That was the main thing I didn't like about that Shadow 2 was the safety selector.
Yeah, it's dumb. The Shadow 2s used to come with the extended and the flush.

And then the optics ready model they stopped sending it's stupid
i mean i don't who would even want the flap like you
can't even hit it you can't hit it right it don't well it's just
almost come out yeah it's almost flush with the slide
so i mean if your hands are sweaty
or something yeah it's just it's impractical
you're not going to be able to do that they don't even have to be sweaty you

just can't reach it it doesn't have anything to
hit yeah so yeah it it just sucks it's stupid that's
the dumbest thing on those guns does that does that extended
safety selector does that solve that problem yeah yeah
it's big now okay yeah because that's one thing i liked about the dan wesson
better is you almost cannot draw that pistol from the holster without disengaging

that safety selector yeah because it's just right there yeah you know So, yeah,
I think my pistol is definitely a better pistol.
Yeah, I think so too. Yeah. That's why you spent all our money on it.
Our money. All of our money.
Well, you know, somebody's got to compete around here. Somebody's got to sign

up for something and compete around here, you know.
It's been a while since anybody other than Chad has. You know, I tell you what.
Months and months. I tell you what. Last year, boys, I really carried the burden.
I was just telling Chili and Jeff yesterday, I said, you know what?
Last year, I did the Hurricane 300.

Then I ran the Cocodona 250. Then I did TNGA.
Then I ran the Georgia Jewel 100 miler. Then I ran the Beast of the East 100 miler.
Five. Well, Blake ran 100.
Yeah, I was proud of you, Blake. I'm still proud of you for that. Well.

And I'm glad you signed up or you're thinking about signing up for the tactical games. I'm signed up.
Okay. Yeah, I just might drop divisions. No, I'm glad you're signed up.
That's going to make an outstanding little documentary there.
It'll be good. The documentary needs to revolve around me and Blake. Well, yeah.

And where we are in terms of competition with each other. What else would it be?
Yeah. The history of the tactical games? No, man, it's about y'all.
That's going to be good. We're going to get some good content in there.
Hey, what's up, YouTube?
Welcome back to the 307 Podcast I haven't welcomed you guys yet,

we appreciate you tuning in You know, a lot of you guys don't like the fact
that we sit here and have conversations with each other About guns and all of our stuff,
you know, on the podcast Well, if you don't like that, I got two words for you
Fast forward, just fast forward Screw you, if you don't like that.

This is our podcast. Chili, you opened up international shipping, didn't you?
Yes. What the crap, dude? Yes, I have. How did you do that? It's only taken, what, three years now?
No. Come on now. We did it for a while. We had a little intermission. Now it's back.
It's been back for probably two weeks. We've had some international orders come

in. They've been going smooth.
I think I've got all the problems fixed. Don't hold my breath.
You're hearing this now on the podcast. you may go try to
order it in a little while and it's turned off again depending on what happens but
should be good to go we've got
it rolling we've shipped some out already where have
you shipped to oh man hungary canada australia

the uk the netherlands for real oh yeah
this people australia yep people listen to
this in hungary yeah it blows me away man
are you serious man crazy so if
you're in any of those countries and some more
have you had anybody from china no is

it nobody from china's order no i don't anticipate that
but can can can the chinese listen to
this podcast probably not oh crap
probably so they don't the chinese
don't have have access to this podcast you don't think chili well
i i mean from what i know about the which is

very little the internet regulations there i mean everything would
be monitored to the point that i don't believe i
mean maybe maybe somebody has before but i don't think that i mean it's you're
not supposed to i mean that the the media and the social media and everything
is so regulated that anything from america like this would not be tolerated

oh crap man we've got to get this this podcast out to the Chinese.
Well, I would recommend... We've got to start making this on tapes.
I'd recommend we've got to take a trip to China.
In live and in person. That's how you do that. That's how you walk that wall.
Yeah. We could do that. You talking about the Mongolian wall,
Blake? Great wall. The great wall.

Great wall of Mongolia? Yeah. Yeah.
No one in Mulan. We haven't had any Chinese. Have we had any Indians?
No. No. Okay. We have not. Not from, not in India. No, we have not.
How about Iranians? No. No.
We have not shipped to iraq any africans yes we've

had an african order oh i'm
pretty sure i can i can check i remember this
not recently but i think that was one of the old cuts
oh okay well well that's all
right you don't have to go all the way back in the okay well no
not recently in the archives but anyways we've chili has been working hard behind

behind the scenes we know you guys have been making requests for you know a
long time yes i know many of you are very angry i've been on chili for years
about getting these international,
orders come up and uh and they're open now and you know what's great about that,
we're about to roll out we're about to roll out a book son yeah we're about

to roll out a book Look, we'll be able to ship that around all over the world, all over the earth, man.
So that's good timing. We're going to roll that out for y'all in February.
Y'all get ready for that.
But between now and then, if you're living in one of them foreign countries,

You can get you some 307 Project gear. Hopefully.
Hopefully. We're doing our best. We have to get interplanetary. Yeah.
Tell them, Jokers. Well, yeah, when those spaceports are all done,
we've got access to Mars and the moon, we'll ship there.
Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, the International should be good to go.
I wonder how Mars handles their taxes.

That's a good point. We're going to have to ask Elon. Yeah.
But anyway, don't be a turd, shirts, new design, back in stock.
Got some hoodies still. still cold well unless
you're in australia yeah good point you're
in australia we're kind of shifting from the international back to
the international thank you guys we do
love everybody that supports us no matter

where you're from it's just it's been quite the challenge opening
up the international orders but i think we've done it bear with
us when there is issues but it is back open so
thank you very much we love y'all foreigners too man we're all
part of the human race right we love
y'all foreigners too it's all good we
appreciate y'all tuning in it's funny to

think what what a man in hungary thinks about
the crap we talk about you know or
australia yeah they can't even have no guns in australia yeah they're in a weird
situation that's what's so interesting in chile talked about a little bit with
the international ship and the people that's getting in the tree of liberty
shirts oh really especially in canada that's who i was getting it right yeah,

oh yeah the canadians yeah there's a
bunch of there's a pile of good people in in canada oh yeah well yeah yeah i
mean there's a pile of country folks in canada yeah i mean these jokers got
some farm land they got some of the best deer hunting white tail deer hunting
on the continent yeah i've always wanted if i could if i go white tail deer

hunting one place it would be saskatchewan.
You know, they've got them big old, big body deer with them dark antlers.
Yeah. And just cold, man. It's just cold up there.
There's some good mugs in Canada. And them jokers have had a hard go at it. Yeah.
Y'all up in Canada, man, y'all have had a hard go at it. I'm telling you.

But it's good to see y'all.
Man, y'all starting to get fed up with the bull crap.
I like my Canadian people. I've always wanted some Canadian gold.
I knew it was coming. If y'all in Canada, if y'all don't know,
y'all make a coin that is a Canadian maple leaf.

It's a one ounce gold coin, 0.999999% gold.
All right. So if one of y'all in Canada have got one of those laying around, please send it to me.
Because I've been trying to get my hands on one for years.
Tell him, where can I send it, Chili?

Well, yeah, 3 of 7 Project. Don't send them Canadian gold, but P.O. Box 454, Rome, Georgia.
P.O. Box 454, Rome, Georgia, 30162.
Okay. Yep, that's the P.O. Box if you ever wanted to send a letter or something.
But good Lord, don't. Why did you tell them not to send me Canadian gold,
man? Why are you soliciting gold via the internet?

I want a Canadian maple leaf gold coin, man. Go buy you one. I can't find one, man.
They've got them all up in Canada. there ain't
none here oh man you can't get that crap around here
man how you gonna buy canadian gold in the
united states you're a bad numismatics man
you don't your collection's weak yeah it

is weak as grass man i've been wanting some of
that all you got is wheat pennies collection ain't got
no tea wow i got i got buffalo nickels wheat pennies i've actually got a half
cent that's cool i've got a half cent piece those are pretty that's cool yeah
i'll bring my uh coin collection here on the the show one day i'll bring that

on for y'all that'd be riveting.
About as riveting as this conversation we've been having up to this point uh.
Outstanding thank you for getting that international shipping
stood up chili i'm glad to see you finally are figured
finding ways to make yourself useful around here well it's

been a struggle but i've been trying yes you've been
a slow you've been a late bloomer my friend hey if
you can if you can say anything man which i tried we've just been paying chili
for the last few years just to keep him around because we knew eventually he
would get to the the point where
he would make himself useful so well that happened yeah he's getting there,

he's getting there i have tried that's one thing you can say you know a lot
of people that listen a lot of yeah he tried that's the next book all right
we're coming out with a book in february.
About it's mine and then maybe
next year we'll come out with the one about chili it's gonna be you've

been writing a biography about me for a while yeah yeah
yeah yeah i i'm gonna write the book about chili
well yeah lord knows i can't write a book all right so now
i think a lot of people that listen to the podcast might just think that we're
just podcast heads i think that's what a lot of people think right that we're

just youtubers podcast heads you know obviously we We have our gear that we ship out.
But what a lot of y'all probably don't realize, unless you've been following
us for quite a while and you know what it is we actually do.

What we actually do in the bread and butter of 3 of 7 project is the training events that we put on.
That's what we love to do. I mean, we love doing the podcast.
We love doing all that stuff, right? But the biggest
impact that we are able to make and when we feel like we are really living out

our purpose and helping people to the maximum level is when we're spending real
time with people at these training missions that we've developed.
So we had one just this past weekend. If you guys don't know,
we have a couple different types.
We have the basic course. We have the rite of passage, the ROP course.

And then the one we did this past weekend is called the Proving Grounds.
The Proving Grounds. This was the seventh class that we ran through the Proving Grounds.
And it's always just an outstanding time.
It's an outstanding time. And there's always some tremendous impact that's made

in someone's life and hopefully multiple people's lives when we run the Proving Grounds.
So I wanted to ask you guys, what was your major takeaway from the Proving Grounds?
Or what was the biggest change that you saw in someone while they were there?

And maybe even what caused that change, right?
I wanted to ask you guys because there were a lot of examples of it.
It's always amazing when you're working with someone and you just finally see
that switch flip in their mind.
Like Gabe on those stairs.

That was a moment where Gabe was holding back, man. He didn't really know what
he was supposed to do there.
I felt like he hadn't figured out what's the purpose of me being here, right?
What is this team that people are talking about? I don't feel like part of this, you know?

But then you see this dude on the stairs when one of his teammates begins to struggle greatly.
And then you see this dude find his purpose in helping his fellow teammate get
through this evolution of climbing this flight of stairs 10 times after a lot of hard work already.

And then he found purpose in that and just began to really thrive. Yeah.
Just really thrive. And when you see that happen, it's like,
yep, that's what we're here for. Right?
So what did y'all see? What did y'all take away? Well, I got mine.

Well, yeah, it's funny you mentioned that because one, it definitely does pertain to Gabe.
It was very cool to watch him do exactly what you just described.
I just wanted to say that.
It shows the man that he actually is, you know?
Yeah. Whenever you were put in that position where, you know,

I'm sure he didn't want to have to be doing what the whole team was doing at that point, right?
But he put that aside and he didn't care about anybody or he didn't care about
anything but his teammates at that point.
That was very cool because that's the grand opportunity right then to turn inward,
and he did the exact opposite of it. Just very interesting.

Very cool to see. but another thing that that or the main thing that stuck out
to me over the weekend was something i realized and we ended up me and james
talked about a little bit and you know it's funny because a lot of people and
i was very happy to hear this it was very cool described and talked about.

And whether it was physically mentally maybe spiritually they they realized
that they They actually had more than they thought they did to, to give,
you know, were capable of more than they had previously thought or given themselves credit for.
And that's actually a, that's an interesting revelation that,

that a lot of people had and hopefully maybe everybody had,
but what's so interesting about that is the, it's, it's a beautiful thing because
that's tell that, that tells everybody tells you, tells everybody how you were operating beforehand.
Not at your maximum capacity, not even close.
But that was okay in your mind because for all you knew, that was all you had.

So when you come to something like this or when you go do something and you
push past that point and you realize, oh, dang, I've been selling myself short,
I mean, that's a big burden.
That's a big responsibility because when you go forward in life and you hit
that point again, you can no longer tell yourself, this is all I got.
Not you you're i mean you can but you

you know you're lying at that point because you go oh crap
i remember i got way past this think
back to that weekend in january at the proven ground remember i did this dang
so you can't i mean you you can no longer continue to tell yourself honestly
oh this is all i've got you you you've you've got a whole new a whole new perspective

on what you're even capable of, and that's a big responsibility.
But to me, that's a beautiful thing because...
It forces the continuation of the process that you're on. It forces you to continue to grow.
Because otherwise, you can easily continue to tell yourself that this is all

you've got. This is all you're going to give. This is all you're going to do.
And there's really no pressure. There's no internal pressure to say otherwise.
But now that you have the proof, to me, that's how real change continues for a long period of time.
Is you have that proof you prove it to yourself and then hold
yourself to it i don't know if that makes sense but it was very cool for me

to watch that and it gives me insight into how people are going to go forward
from the proven ground and not just let it die with that weekend yeah i do remember
hearing a lot of people talk about that in the after actions reports talking about how wow.
I really haven't been doing everything that I could be doing physically,

mentally, spiritually.
And the reason is, the reason we get stuck in this just kind of like stagnant
mode where what we are doing is all we think we are capable of doing.
We get stuck in that mode because the environments that we live in allow it. Yeah.

That's what it's all about. The environment that you are in back home,
the environment that you are in right now, wherever you're at,
allows you to just move at that average pace that you've been moving at for
years and years and years.

And no one around you expects any more from you. They don't expect it Yep.
So that's what allows you to stay there. And, you know, one of the big things
that I've kind of added to my talks that I get to give, we went and gave one
yesterday in Chattanooga.
One of the big things that I talk about now is how important it is to change your environment.

And that's what the proving grounds is. That's what the basic course is.
That's what the rite of passage is. That's what all these training missions is,
is it's an opportunity for every single one one of you guys to step out of the
environment that you live your day-to-day life in and to step into an environment
where there are going to be people around you who are expecting more from you

than the people back home expect from you.
And so then it forces you to level up.
It forces you to. You can't stay there unless you bring your effort up to match
the expectations of the the people who are there holding you to the standard

that they're holding you to.
So it's a, it's, it is your opportunity to change your environment.
And I just, I truly believe in that. Yeah. I truly believe in that, man.
And another thing that's interesting too, is, is how a team brings that out.
Like what you're describing. I mean, it is the people around you that,

that bring that you watch bring that out in people yeah and you hear so many
people say man i just don't want to be you know i don't want to let my team
down i don't want to be this i don't i don't i don't want to you know and it's
like i don't know what to tell you other than okay don't.
You're in control of that. You don't want to let your team down.
Okay, you have the choice to do that or not.

You're not letting your team down by struggling physically for a time or whatever.
I mean, that's not letting your team down.
You let your team down if you quit and if you give up on them.
Yeah. And you just focus on yourself, and because you're struggling,
stop doing anything right.
That's letting your team down. So when everyone says, man, I'm not doing well
physically, I don't want to let my team down, it's like, then don't.

I mean that that's okay
i wouldn't want you to either but you you
can control that so yeah and and the great thing
is we got to we got to see people actually
get to make that choice in real in real time
and going back to the stairs one of

the most prevalent examples i saw played out of
what chili just talked about like what he's
saying if you don't want to let your team down you're worried about
letting your team down because you know you're not physically as
strong as the other people on your team if you
don't want to let them down well the answer is like just don't stop
trying don't don't give up and the

most prevalent example of that was big mike
on the stairs so big mike was
out of shape just flat out he was
out of shape and those stairs were wrecking him
man and there was one of those stair climbs
that he got to the top and i
i i saw him man it was a moment for him where he had to make that exact decision

okay this is really hard i'm the slowest person here and i'm hurting extremely
bad and there was a moment where he kind of like like, collapsed over,
right, on that little wall right there.
And I told him, I said, Mike, you need to quit being dramatic.
You know, you need to either, you need to quit or you need to quit being dramatic

and you need to get Pony back up on them stairs.
And that man, in that very moment, made the decision to not give up on his team.
And that was awesome. When I saw him do that, it was like I know he was thinking
in his head and he made the right decision to get back in the fight and move

as fast as he could possibly move,
so that his team could continue to move. Yep.
Because his team wouldn't have been the same without him.
He was a piece of that puzzle. Oh, he's a big piece. Yeah.
And that was a really cool moment that played out of what that looked like in real time.
So, Mike, if you're listening to this, man, it was really inspiring to see you make that decision.

I hope I make the same decision next time something's freaking wrecking me out.
And you know whatever it may be it's
probably not going to be a stair climb but it might be but i
hope i make that decision next time something's freaking blasting me
probably it'll is probably the the
biggest way i can relate to that is stuff here at
work i tell y'all all the time man i

tell y'all all the time the stuff that the
lord has called me personally to
do is hard for me like it's
hard for me i've told y'all before i remember a couple months ago i was like
i didn't feel like coming in to do a podcast today and a lot of y'all i saw
your stupid comments man i saw your stupid freaking comments you said oh it's

a shame chad doesn't even appreciate,
the fact that he gets to do a podcast and he didn't want to do it and all this
crap crap, you're an idiot.
It's good that I didn't want to do a podcast because that was like that moment
that Mike had on the freaking stairs where I say, no, man, people are depending

on me. My team's depending on me.
So I'm going to go do the best that I freaking can.
And let me tell you what, man, if you're doing something in your life that every
time you have to show up to do it,
it's easy and fun for you you're doing the
wrong thing in life you need to freaking
find something else to do it should

be hard it should suck not all the time but a lot of times because i've told
y'all before man growth only comes through tension you know what chad would
do chad will be out spending time with his freaking goats right now, man.

So, I didn't mean to get so angry with y'all. Y'all just ticked me off, man.
I think for me, there was multiple things that I noticed that I thought about a good bit.
One being that from the very beginning of the start of the training,
I think the entire team was given examples of each person's talents.

Skills, and weaknesses.
And as the training evolved, maybe
they wouldn't pick up on it because they
were still in and of their self case in being maybe somebody
was really strong so when it
came time for somebody to be really strong maybe
that person wasn't even thought of to do

it or maybe somebody was really quick and their
energy was feeding the team and maybe
the team just didn't notice that or when
somebody was in a weak spot or in pain maybe that
person got lagged behind and till
as time went on and people started finally
realizing that then they was able to sort

of develop the team okay this person's awesome at navigating and he's he's leading
the team with the speed of that or this person's really strong maybe he should
be toting the weight of things that come in strength you know or this person's
really smart at figuring figuring figuring stuff out really quick.
So maybe we should back up and let her do it. So on and so far,

feed her as she's doing it.
And I think it took a while for that to happen, but I think it took a while
for a lot of people to get out of their self and say, Hey, we're all hurting the same,
just in different ways, or we're all succeeding just in different ways,
or we're all failing just in different

ways now that was probably the biggest takeaway
for me and i thought well how does that apply in my life
you know when i'm with the team here do i realize what
chad's really good at and mimic him in that do i do i realize where blake could
need some help and i could help him and go forward in that and then you know

with my family and friends so that that made me think of that i think if blake
chooses to tell the story i'll let him tell it Cause he had a specific case,
but I think there was one time where Marty had every reason to quit and society
would have said that was fine.
That was fine, and he chose not to. And he put it all on himself.

He didn't even worry about none of that, and I thought that was really awesome.
And then toward the end of day, in the middle of day two, Steven,
one of the LPOs, he didn't show that he had any struggles communicating.
He was really, really good at communicating, but it was chaotic the entire day.

And when it come time on the football field and
he he let all that out and i think he
found the exact time when it was appropriate for him
to address the whole team and he pushed really
hard and you could tell what we was doing the whole
team was putting in the same amount of effort dang i
missed that yeah i wasn't up there yeah dang i

wish i could have seen that blake was there did you did you get the
same thing which which point are you when we
was on the side by side yeah yeah yeah i mean
he led that whole yeah he did yeah that dude
was awesome yeah he was solid the whole time but
that was like a big breakthrough through that i seen for him to his team and

him being a part of the team he's a fireman he needs to be coaching people yeah
i agree he needs to be coaching people awesome dude yeah yeah corn what you're
talking about man you're talking about People being in their own head.
Not recognizing the assets that are surrounding them within their team and leaning

in and supporting every individual teammate.
Do the things that they're best at and supporting them might,
might mean just enabling, empowering,
encouraging, just providing the space for them to the space and the resources
for them to do what they're good at doing. Right. Right.

It might mean you doing what you're good at to compliment or enable them to
do what they're good at. Right.
And so the reason that people, one of the main reasons that people don't look
around and figure out who's good at what,
so that we can, let's figure this out, so that we can maximize the effectiveness

and the efficiency of the entire team.
The reason people don't do that, like you said, is because they're in in themselves, right?
And they show up thinking, well, I'm sufficient to do everything here.
I can do everything here.
Why do I need to look around me and my team and figure out who's good at what?

Because I can just pick up the slack and do it myself, right?
Well, let me tell you a secret, everyone listening.
You are not good at everything.
You just ain't. Neither am I. I am not good at everything.
You know, around here, what am I good at? Very few things.

I'm good at getting up and talking to people on a stage, right?
I'm good at coaching people in a very unique, very specific way.
But that's about it. So for you to maximize the effectiveness and the efficiency of your team,

you have to swallow your dang pride and you have to say, I ain't good at everything.
But these are the few things that I have to offer. And let me look around at
what my teammates are good at.
Let me maybe ask them, what are you passionate about, man?
You know, what is your gift? What have you been working the most on or towards?

What fires you up? All right, what do you need from me to help you do that thing?
Whether that's a piece of equipment, whether that's some sort of specialized training,
whether that's some sort of budget whether
that's encouragement whatever it
may look like but that's the way a team has

to operate and people need to be smart enough to recognize
that they ain't good at everything and they need people around them
who are good at the things that they suck at
so thanks for bringing that up corn yeah man i think for me one of the one of
the the cool moments was in the AAR on the second day and we were up there and

I saw this over kind of multiple training sessions, but with Andres and.
You know, he's trained with us three or four times now.
And the first couple of times, you know, he would share in there that,
you know, as the event gets close, like he's always tempted to not show up.
Like he just gets real anxious about it and doesn't want to

show up and then he would say that that it's hard
for him to focus on other people and be selfless and
he would say these things about himself and the first
time we trained with him I thought okay well maybe I saw a few things of that
the second time he said the same thing but I thought well you've made improvement
and this time he said the same thing again in the AAR and I just thought no

it's not even you at all Andres and and I told him look man stop saying saying
those things about yourself because,
and he did, that was the cool thing that changed. Like we just had one day with him after that, right?
But he came up to me and he was talking about, man, you're right. I do see that.
I'm going to stop saying those things about me.
But the problem is, is that.

Recognize like our faults and we go around, sometimes we voice them and sometimes we don't.
But when we do, I think a lot of people use that as like a tactic,
like a, like, Hey, I'm just going to let you know, this is how I am so that
when I do it, you can't say nothing to me about it because I just told you that would probably happen.
So if it happens, you should have been expecting it.

But that's not, that's not how that works. Like the ownership of your,
of your faults doesn't work like that.
The only way that that works is if I say, hey, Korn, these are my tendencies.
And if you see me start to do it, you need to get on my butt about it so that
I don't do it. It doesn't make it okay that you do those things.
But also once you no longer do them, you can't stay living in that because that's

just going to be holding you back the whole time.
You could be progressing, progressing, but you're only going to get so far until
you stop believing those things about yourself.
And so for him to come up after, and we had a conversation and for him to say,
you know, I do see what you're talking about. Thanks for, thanks for pointing that out.
I'm going to work on saying those things about myself.

And so, I mean, I just think that's really powerful.
If he actually does that and he can follow through with that,
that'll make a big change in his life. Yeah.
And so to see him make that switch, I didn't get to see him live in that for
very long because the course was ending but for him to be able to see that I
thought was really cool well that's the thing man like Andres he's.

He's one of the most special people we've trained with and he you know he he
does take ownership of everything you know but i just i agree with you i would
hope that that didn't turn into like,
a negative image of himself because you know that would only stifle him and
he truly is i mean he's an extremely special person and every time he's gotten
around the team i mean he's lifted everybody up greatly he was the best team

member that alpha had yeah he was the best team member he was the The only one
who didn't care more about himself.
He was the one who set his feelings aside because he knew what was better for the team.
He didn't talk when he had a better idea because he knew it would just add decay.
I mean, yeah. And go back to the rock course. Go back to the basic course.
The same thing. So, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, every single one of us right now sitting in this room and listening to this podcast,

every single one of us we we
we live in a state where we are believing something
about ourselves that is not true there's something
there's something that you believe
about yourself that is untrue guarantee you if you dig deep enough you'll find

it and it might be a negative thing it might be a positive thing you you might
believe you're better at something than you you actually are.
Probably some of both. Yeah, it's probably some of both.
But at the same time, you might believe, oh, it could be anything.
It's an infinite number of things. Oh, I'm an anxious person.

You believe that about yourself. Oh, I'm an overweight person.
You believe that about yourself.
Oh, I'm a timid person.
Every one of us has something. So you know what, man?
When you have those things, it's really hard to identify them in yourself.

It's really hard to make an assessment of what we believe about ourselves and
then say, is that really true or not?
I'm not saying that that's not a worthy exercise to do every now and then,
but the way that you solve that is you do something like the proving grounds
where you have someone there there a coach, an instructor,

a teammate, you have someone there who is intentionally telling you what is
true about yourself. Yeah.
That's the way that, that's the way that you expose these lies.
When you put it to the test. I mean, you're putting those things,
those statements about yourself to the test.
Yeah. It, it, it, it, it makes me think of another,

it makes me think of another team member
that we had there and he repeatedly said
that you know he was a real anxious person
and he just really didn't he just
really wasn't down with speaking in front of people or sharing in front of people
and then he did it over and over and over again he did it over and over and

over again it's like man you're freaking doing it yeah like shut up you're not
not that person. You're doing it.
You're showing, you're literally proving to everyone around you that what you
think about yourself is just a flat out freaking lie.

Darius said he was scared of heights, and there was one thing.
Man, he crushed it. Dude is not scared of heights.
Yeah. He did Jacob's Ladder, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, that's the thing.
Whether it's a positive thing you're telling yourself about yourself that may
be untrue or negative, it is funny.
We're sitting here talking about an event that we put on called The Proving Grounds.

I mean, it's a great place, a great venue to say, here's the things I believe about myself.
Let me go prove it yeah and like
you say you believe that you're a bit or disprove or
disprove it you know like andres maybe he does have
those tendencies but every time we've ever trained with
him he's been the selfless the most selfless dude

around yeah i mean every time and you can't fake that
like you can't that gets exposed
in a 24-hour hike that gets exposed
over a weekend doing what what we do at the proven ground and you
know it's it literally proves how he views
other people and how he treats his team and how he views them and
you know same thing i think people probably go into the

proven ground believe in things about themselves that they're physically
in great shape and they're this and they're that
and then you go there and you go and you go dang i'm not
we had examples of that but both are good things both
are good 100 yeah and i
think people spend a lot lot of time dwelling on those that like
sitting around thinking about all right well

i'm an anxious person how do i get over this how
do i get to where i can start talking in
front of people and it's you know i told you guys earlier like life is just
life like get on with it you got to do what you dang got to do everybody's got
struggles hey i mean y'all always you blake well y'all always joking kid like

hey blake's not struck but i mean my marriage ain't where it's where I want it to be.
I'm not the dad I want to be. I'm not the leader of the business that I want.
I mean, those things, I think about those things all the time.
I think about where I fail at those things all the time. But if you ask me,
what are you struggling with, Blake?
I'm probably not going to have much because life's just life and you dang get
on with it, man. You know what you're doing wrong and you fix it.

And what's the point of going around and telling everybody about your problem?
I mean, there is value in sharing and asking for help.
There's value in certain Certain things of that. If I see something's a problem
with me, I mean, I would come to you guys and say, look, this is really,
really hard and I need some help right here. But day to day.
Yeah. Like just dang, get on with it, fix it and get on with it. Yeah.

To shift gears here just slightly and moving on from the proving grounds i want
to share something with you guys that happened to me yesterday that impacted
my perspective the way i see things,
but before we do that this episode is brought
to you by our partners at drink hoist you should
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we've been using hoist for quite a while now i use
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It's going to help you go further and longer.
Drink hoist. If you stay sick all the time like me, it's great. Drink hoist.

(01:04:51): We need to start a campaign. Earn your hoist.
Because if you ain't sweating, you don't even deserve to get to freaking drink that.
That's a good point. Yeah. You got to go sweat. Yeah. You should sweat every
day. Yeah. You should sweat every day, period.
Just wanted to share something quick with y'all that impacted me yesterday.
I went to the gym yesterday late.

We had to go do our speaking engagement in the morning up in Chattanooga,
and then I went to the gym around 3 o'clock.
I walked out of the restroom in the gym, and they now in the gym have these
little pictures posted up in the hallway in there.
It's got a picture of someone who goes to the gym,

and then it has all of the stats of the weight they've lost and the improvements
that they've made in their health, right?
And as I'm looking at these pictures, all of these people in these pictures,
it ain't like the most in shape people in the gym.

It's just, it's people who are in the midst of their journey, right?
And they're all smiling, and I just could see joy in their face.
And I looked at this, these progress things of these individuals that have been

highlighted in these pictures, and I thought, you know what,
the old, ignorant,
stupid me would have looked at those things and scoffed.
I would have looked at those things and said oh here's this person oh they lost four pounds,
you know give me a break man like i want to look to these things and said well

yeah you should yeah of course you should be improving like look at you you should be improving,
why are you gonna put this this ain't worthy to be put you'd be highlighted
on a freaking board Lord, what, you know.
Why do you think? I've lived my whole life. So I've lived my life so much just

being an ignorant dummy.
And thankfully, the Lord is changing my heart to where when I went out yesterday
in that hallway and looked at these people and saw their improvements they've made,
like it it it made it

made me it almost made me emotional like
I didn't cry but I saw this and it
may it fill me with joy I was like here's this person who is overweight who
probably hasn't been to a gym maybe their whole life maybe it's been decades

that they've just neglected themselves.
And here's these people, and they have chosen to make a change in their lives,
to change their environment, to walk into a place that probably makes them feel
really uncomfortable and inadequate,
to walk into this place and to

be dedicated enough to begin to To produce positive results in their life.
And I'm looking at these people and I'm like, my mom was one of them.
I took this picture of my mom, man.
And I said, holy crap, I'm so proud of you. Here's my mom.

13.2 pounds lost.
Pounds of muscle gained. She feels like she has better mental clarity.
Her food quality and her diet has been improved.
And also her happiness has been improved. Her cholesterol is down.
She's at 7.7% body fat.

She's done all this in four months.
You know how hard it was for my mom mom to go and join that gym and start this?
You probably don't because you don't know my mom, but I know her and I know
how hard it was for her to actually go do that because I know she felt inadequate.

She felt like she wasn't qualified to be there.
She felt like she had neglected herself for too long, that she was just too
fat and out of shape, that she was too old. It was too late for her.
I know that's what she was feeling.
I know those are the lies that she was believing about herself, but guess what she did?

Just like all these other people on this board, she walked up in that place
in spite of her own feelings of inadequacy, and she's lost 13 pounds.
You realize how hard she had to fight to lose every one of those pounds.
So she had to fight to walk in there. And then she had to fight every single

moment of every single workout to make every one of these improvements that
she's made. And you know know what I realized?
My mom has been outworking me. You know why? Because it's easy for me to walk in the gym.
It's easy. It's what I like to do. That's where I feel like I belong.

It's easy for me to go in the gym and make improvements because I feel good.
I feel good, man. Feels good to me to You'll work out.
People just inspired the crap out of me, dude. They inspired me so much,
man. And they're not professional athletes.
By the world's standards, they're not doing anything great.

Well, 13 pounds. There's people out there that lost 200 pounds.
13 pounds. She had to fight for every one of those, man.
And I'm just, I'm a little bit grieved by the fact that I spent so much of my life being a prideful,

relatively useless piece of crap and not being able to see or empathize or understand
what it's like for other people.
And then I walked out of the hallway and
here's a young man in there I think he's 14
15 years old had a brain tumor

had to do brain surgery this man can barely walk this young man can barely walk
I done seen him in the gym now four or five times he comes in there works with
Hamza when he started he couldn't walk period they wheeled him in there on a
wheelchair because he He had that brain surgery. It jacked everything up, right?
It's like a major TBI type of.

Now he walks in there with a cane. Joker, 15 years old, man.
I look at this Joker and I think, how hard is it for him to walk up in here every day, man?
I talked to his coach. His coach said, yeah, man, a lot of days because he has
balance problems and stuff, He's out here puking, throwing up before he comes in the gym in here.

How hard is it for that joker to walk up in here? Talked to his coach.
His coach said the joker never complains.
He said, I tell him to do five sets of this, he does it. He never complains.
Ha, I thought. Well, I tell you what, Chad, that's somebody to learn from right
there. You'll learn from that joker.

You know, I went over there to that young man, and I didn't know if he needed to hear this or not,
But I just went up to him and I said, hey, man, I want to let you know that
what you're doing in here right now is more inspiring than anything I could ever do.

And he didn't know how to respond. He just kind of shook his head.
I said, you don't have to say nothing. Just keep doing what you're doing,
man. I just wanted you to know that.
You know what a fool I am, have been. I just want to praise the Lord for changing
my heart and continuously changing my perspective.

And bearing with me in spite of my stupidity for years and years and years.
So all that just really impacted me yesterday, man. It's inspiring as crap. crap.
So, well, for those of you guys listening, I guess you're thinking,
well, what the crap does this mean to me? Well, I don't, I don't know what it means to you.

I guess it depends on where you're at.
You know, if you're that person that's listening to this podcast and you've
neglected yourself for so long, maybe you're in your, you know, your latter years,
maybe you're old, maybe you don't feel good maybe you feel inadequate maybe

you've got a lot of room for improvement.
I just want to let you know if that's you that you have the opportunity to go
and do something that's way more inspiring than anything I could ever do so
don't waste that opportunity opportunity.

Don't waste it. Go do it. And you don't have to share it all over social media.
None of these people do that. None of these people, that guy in there with that
head to brain surgery, he ain't sharing about that. You know why?
Because it's so freaking hard for him. He doesn't have the capacity to do that right now.
He's just trying to do everything that he can do just to go in there and learn

how to freaking walk again.
But the people around you are going to see you, and that should mean something to you. So do it.
That it's too late. Stop believing that you don't have any value to offer because
you've neglected yourself for so long.

That's part of your story, man. That's going to be part of what you have to
offer to your fellow man.
So that's all I got on that. Well, I think since you've been doing this podcast,
however many years it is, you've been pushing people to do better.
I know you said in the past you would say well that's this is ridiculous but

you've been putting in the work to support people brother and that that's the
truth you supported that young man you just supported your mama you do it in
training when you go out training you do it on this podcast,
i'm not saying you're beating yourself up but you
in that aspect you have changed maybe you
had okay okay you know yet i mean we

all say oh man that's bullcrap about
certain things maybe a little bit of that has reared
up lately i don't know and you just put yourself back
in check or the lord puts you in check your
compassion's building back for it or getting even
higher than where it was so that's that's
my thoughts on it i you all been putting

in the work and people look up to you and respect you
in that and you know just you talking about the other people on the board they're
going to hear about it and your support to people matters to people that's the
position you're in and my perspective is you've been putting in the work and
doing a dang good job doing it well I appreciate that corn and that's.

That's the truth. And that's, it's by the grace of God, man.
It really is. It really is.
So yeah, man, this whole journey for all of us is just a long process of being
conformed more and more into the likeness of, of Christ.

And it never ends because you will never get there completely.
Completely and that's what i'm going through man so
i just hope the version of me that you guys get to know and interact with 10
years from now is is so much better than the version you've you've gotten to

know and interact with for the 10 years prior to this that's what i want to happen,
however painful it is so that's
all i got for today blake what's going on with
youtube i hate to neglect
my my people on youtube yeah we got a few super
chats here uh let me get them pulled

up all right we got t russell gave
20 bucks he said keep doing the great work you're helping people god bless you
all t russell thank you brother manfred comp manfred manfred gave 15 and said
inspiring he needs to unfat himself there you go manfred reborder gave 99 what is that.

I don't know about that. Probably quid.
99 quid. We appreciate that, Rebotter. A little Virgil gave 99 cent. Little Virgil.
That 99 cent. That's what I'm talking about. Why?
Yeah. Gatekeeper PVVQ gave 9.99, said keep it real.

Gatekeeper. Thank you, man. Matthew Scott. He was on Proven Ground.
Yep. He gave 10 bucks, said, Chad, I want you to know.
That when you said your feelings are terrible, leaders, that really stuck with
me and got me through the whole weekend.
God bless all of you. Thanks, Matthew. Thanks for coming out and training hard, man.
And the last one is Aries God.

He gave $9.99, said, New viewer, respect to you both.
Do you think the advent of social media and technology in general has given
the government more or less power in comparison to when you were 20?
Well i was 20 i'm presently 20
day dang they still i'm 20 right now garrett

just gave
50 bucks good lord time is ticking don't let
up nothing's a guarantee thank you true garrett
man that's awesome to see the the journey
you're going through right now garrett i'm telling you man that's
what i'm talking about man it's crazy every single one
of you guys have something to offer every single

one of you guys and the more you have screwed
it up and the longer you've waited and the
more you you have neglected yourself or the more crap that's happened to you
that's completely out of your control the more it is you have to offer you have
to understand that man we had two more travis van s he come in 1999 again travis

thank you brother brother. Artie Rowe.
Artie come in at 10. My man, Artie. Thank you, brother. It's not what you look
at that matters. It's what you see by Henry David Thoreau.
Thank you, Artie. Yeah, we'll get to see Artie quite a bit on Resurrected. Yeah.
Travis, we'll get to see him on Resurrected. Garrick, you see Garrick every week on Resurrected.

Andreas, those are great calls, man. man.
If you want to join us on Resurrected, go join us on Patreon.
That's a live call we do three Sundays a month where we actually get to see
each other face-to-face and have conversation.
All right, that wraps it up for the day. I hope you enjoyed the show.

We love you guys. We appreciate all you do for us here at 307 Project.
We wouldn't exist without you guys who tune in and give us the support that
has to happen for us to be able to keep going.
So we'll keep showing up and doing the best that we can.
And we just ask the same from you guys. Love you. Enough said.
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