Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When I was being
rushed to the emergency room
from my last miscarriage, in mymind I just kept saying this is
happening for me, not to me.
This is happening for me, notto me.
To be able to transmute it sothat you don't get caught up in
all the fears and the drama andall the things and cause all
this unnecessary fallout thatyou then have to clean up, if
you trust that it's for you.
And, like I said, each trigger,each opportunity, each,
anything that happens,abandonment, rejection, those
are all gifts to us to show uswhat's not in alignment and when
we can look at life throughthose eyes, so much of the pain
and suffering goes away.
Right, pain is inevitable, painwill always happen, but we make
suffering, we hold thesuffering here.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
Welcome to Tried and
True with a dash of woo, where
we blend rock solid tips with alittle bit of magic.
I'm Renee Bowen, your host,life and business coach and
professional photographer atyour service.
We are all about gettingcreative, diving into your
business and playing withmanifestation over here.
So are you ready to getinspired and have some fun?
Let's dive in.
Hey friends, welcome back toTried and True with the Dash of
I'm your host, renee Bowen.
Today I have a guest that youare going to absolutely love.
Her name is Jocelyn Sandstrom,and let me just tell you a
little bit about her, because Idon't love to like spend a lot
of time I don't know if you guyshave noticed this because I
don't love to spend a lot oftime.
I don't know if you guys havenoticed this, but I don't like
to spend a lot of time havingthem talk about their
backgrounds too much.
Most of my guests.
I like to just kind of diveinto the topic and get to the
meat of the conversation.
So I like to kind of give you alittle bit of information about
the guest when I'm sort ofintroducing them.
So I don't know if you guyshave noticed that, but let me
know some feedback if you havethat for me, if you like that,
if you think that's valuable.
Personally, I don't really wantto eat up 10, 15 minutes of the
podcast of going intobackground, unless it's like
super relevant to the topic thatwe're sort of talking about.
But maybe that's just me, Idon't know.
Let me know.
So Jocelyn lives in Hawaii andshe grew up in Hawaii.
She's lived and worked in 12different countries and that
experience has allowed her torealize that, even though we may
speak different languages orhave different traditions, at
our core we're all the same.
Since 2010, she's beenproviding quantum energy
sessions and teachingneuro-linguistic programming,
neurological repatterning andthe millennium method to clients
In 2022, she founded Wellnessand Metaphysical, a
community-driven platform thatpromotes a higher level of
consciousness through expos andretreats.
She's a certified teacher andpractitioner of Advanced
Neuro-Linguistic Programming,NLP, neurological Repatterning,
erickson Hypnosis and theMillennium Method.
She's also certified in Reiki.
So she and I have some verysimilar certifications some very
similar certifications and weare very much of the same
Jocelyn specializes in helpingclients release deep-rooted
issues from their past that areholding them back Again
something I am so on board withand she supports clients in
building not just success butalso fulfillment at the same
time, because success withoutfulfillment is empty, leading to
burnout and anxiety.
She supports her clients todiscover their authentic truth
and share that with the world,magnetizing their energy to
start attracting people andopportunities out of the blue,
enabling them to fall in lovewith themselves and their life,
while creating more success thanever before.
And that is exactly what ourconversation is mainly centered
We kind of dance around a fewdifferent things because, like I
said, we've got a lot of thesame beliefs and certifications
and we're definitely on the samefrequency, but we really kind
of wanted to focus thisconversation on magnetism how to
become magnetic and draw peopleto you, how to use
synchronicity and how to tune into your highest and best self.
This is a really awesome episode.
I hope you enjoy it.
Let's dive in.
Jocelyn, thank you so much forbeing here today.
This conversation is going tobe fire.
I know it because we have somuch in common and,
energetically, I just feel likethis is so aligned.
So, on those terms, I want tojust jump right in and ask okay,
in terms of energy, we're goingto be talking about energetic
stuff today here, guys.
So, in terms of energy, whatdoes it mean to you to be one of
the most powerful people in theroom, energetically Like?
How do you measure that?
Speaker 1 (04:49):
So for me I would say
you know, if you're in a room
and you're eating in arestaurant or wherever you are,
and then, for whatever reason,you gaze over and you see
someone that's just magnetic andyou don't know why, you look
over and you just want to stareat them, or you're just
attracted to them, or you wantto get to know them, not out of
you know, like a relationshipway, but just out of, like wow,
that power, that person ismagnetic.
You don't know what they do,you don't know what their
occupation is or anything, butyou can feel their energy.
That's what I'm talking aboutwhen it's like the most powerful
person in the room.
It's not like a ego,narcissistic proving power, it's
this subtle, like they're intheir inner power.
They know it, they lean back intheir power and they just walk
in and they're just there andthat's the inner power, the most
powerful person in the room,magnetic, that I love to aspire
Speaker 2 (05:43):
I do too, and I'm so
fascinated by it because you
know it's all energy right, likewe are.
This microphone is likeeverything, and so I really
believe too that when we're likereally living in our highest
expression of ourselves, it'ssort of effortless to exude that
resonance, right, because it'slike a radio signal is what I'm
always sort of like telling myclients, what kind of radio
signal are you beaming out?
And it really depends on howyou're feeling and how you're
aligned and all that stuff.
So, in your experience, whatdoes it mean?
Like what are some of the mostcommon actually the most common
like energetic blocks that wouldprevent somebody from becoming
that powerful presence.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
Well, I think you
actually hit the nail on the
head when you said it's whenthey're being, when they're in
it, when they're living theirfullest potential.
Because it doesn't matter whoyou are, you can be magnetic.
I I was at a restaurant andthere was this little girl that
was just dancing and she wasjust dancing and she was just in
it and I just kept lookingbecause she was just in it, like
you can see, when someone'slike feeling it and alive and in
their power and confident andthat, to me, is what's
attractive that that becomesyour calling card for
friendships, for relationships,for business, for anything, and
then it does just becomeeffortless, it just becomes you
embodying, living your best lifeand then becoming.
You know that quote stopchasing butterflies.
Build your garden and let thebutterflies come to you.
That's basically what Iconsider.
This is you just do you thebest you can, not focusing on
all the other things, notfocusing on fixing the other
things, fixing other people.
If that person's better thanthis, will get better.
It's all down to us.
And the more we do us, the bestthat we can, the more that we
attract, but also the more weripple.
So you know, even, for instance, if you have stuff with family,
instead of, like, always tryingto fix the stuff in the family,
realizing that everybody isexactly perfect, as they're
meant to be, on their journeyand we get to grow together.
So I don't need to worry aboutanybody, I just need to do me
and then let that ripple out andwhatever it's going to do is
going to do that and then, likeyou said, it's just effortless
and it's embodiment.
But the biggest key point ofthat is getting to know you,
because if we're living for theexternal and for the validation
and for the proving, thepleasing, achieving, we're never
going to be in our truth.
And I feel like that's whythere's so much mental illness
today is because we grew up in avery externally validated
culture and everything was aboutyour grades and your scores and
you know fitting into this box.
But I would say 80% of us don'tfit into that box, you know.
Even look at our careers arenot in that box that we grew up
So technically we wouldn't havebeen successful, you know in
those terms, if we just livedaccording to those external
So once we can realize, okay, aschildren we do live through
external validation, but as wepass into adulthood.
We get to give ourselvespermission, we get to validate
We get to go inwards anddiscover what our truth is.
What does success really looklike to us?
Not what it looks like toeverybody else, but what does it
look like to us.
What is our strategy?
Not someone else's strategythat worked for them, but what
is our strategy.
And so you go on this journey ofself-discovery and you find
what that is, and then youstrengthen yourself with your
inner power to trust yourself,to then take those crazy leaps
that you normally wouldn't, thatother people would think are
crazy, and then that's how youcreate this next level.
That then just becomes somagnetic because you're living
your truth like you're embodyingit.
You're living it.
You're the master alchemist.
You transmute everything.
You know that you'reunstoppable because nothing's
going to stop you.
You know where you're going andeverything along the way is
just like a little rock thatgets in the way.
But you don't like fall on therock, beat yourself up because
you fell on the rock, or beatthe rock up.
You just it's rock, transmuteit and keep going.
You know.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
Yes, okay, so a lot
to sort of unpack there.
I want to kind of go back alittle bit to what you were
talking about as far as, likethat external validation,
because I feel like and I knowyou probably see this a lot in
your work, I know I see it a lotin my work, especially working
with creatives as their coachand photographers as well as
their coach and photographers aswell as their coach this we are
sort of like programmed forthis external validation of
everyone else.
Right Like it's.
And I know social media, allthose things.
But I think we kind of get stuck.
I know a lot of us do get stuckin this place of, well, I need
to be everything to everyone, Ineed to be all the things and I
need to attract all the clientsand everyone needs to work with
And why didn't that person bookwith me?
I must be like the most awful,whatever, and we internalize
that and that's all ego.
Right Like it's.
So like us, us, us, us, us.
And then we get stuck in thatand then we're not because we're
not operating from that truelike energetic, highest
expression of ourselves,resonance in that moment,
because if we were, it wouldn'tbe about us Like it's a little
out there, but I really see thatso much.
And one of the main things I tryand get across to people is
well, first of all, you are notright that saying you were not
for everyone.
You really really aren't, andso.
But we can consciously knowthat we can see the quote, we
can be like, yep, that totally,we can save it on Instagram, we
can post it.
We're like yes, but then whenit comes into like, oh, but how
do I like actually live that?
How do I actually live that?
And you know, feel that so thatI am speaking to the right
people and that I'm okay, thatI'm not for everybody, right?
So is it like that connectionbetween energy levels and
attracting the rightopportunities?
Like, how do you describe thatconnection and how do you work
with people to align that sothat they, first of all, attract
the right people and, second ofall, feel good about it and
like let the rest fall away?
Speaker 1 (12:20):
Does that make sense
yeah, 100 million percent.
And, of course, exactly whatyou said when you're trying to
be everything to everyone, youwater yourself down.
When you're doing a post andyou're trying to reach everybody
, you're not going to actuallyreach the person that you
actually desire to reach out to.
So if you're writing your post,if you get very clear with who
it is that is your person andyou get the message as clear as
possible for that person, that'sall that matters.
So you just think about who itis that you want to reach out to
, who you want to help, who youwant to serve, who you want to
bring value to, and then you doit for that person, knowing that
it's not about the likes,knowing that it's not about
whether people are going to likeit or not, because it doesn't
When I first started postingmore deep, like deeper things,
and when I shifted from mycareer my last career to this
career, I had lost a ton offollowers, and it and it didn't
bother me, because I knew that Ihad to lose in order to gain
the ones that actually were mypeople, right, Because I came
from a different industry intothis industry.
And so to me, it's not aboutthe amount, it's about the
quality, it's about the valuethat I bring, knowing that if
you just bring that value everysingle day, you will find your
You may not have them thereright now, but if you water down
your truth, you'll never beable to find your true, true
people because you're wateringit down, because you're trying
to fit everybody's box.
So once you realize that Idon't need to be everything to
everyone, I just need to be ofthe best value to my people and
show up that way every singleday, whether it's for your
business, your relationships.
It's kind of like when you goon a date and you are trying to
get the person to like youversus like, hey, you know what,
I'm powerful, my life isamazing and I'd love to discover
if we're a fit so that we couldco-create something together,
and the conversation goes sodifferent than if you're just
like oh yeah, what does he wantto hear?
You know, what are the thingsthat I say that's going to make
them like me and they will likeyou.
But it's not deep, it's not.
It could be very temporary, itcould not last very long.
So when you're building yourbusiness, at the same thing you
want to build that long termbecause you can't sustain the
facade or it doesn't feel sofulfilling right and you can't
get to the root of it.
So that to me, is one of thebiggest things.
And then just doing so muchinner work Like I do a lot of
reprogramming in my programs togo back to childhood or past
lives or your mother's womb, togo back and remove these old
beliefs, to shift them out, toinstall new ones, to really own
your magic, to stand in yourpower.
And, like I said, the key isnot just standing in your power,
because when you're standing inyour power, sometimes you still
need to validate, you stillneed to prove that yeah, I'm
powerful, right, it's likestanding in your power and
leaning back into it.
If you think about like theblack belts, there's a huge
difference when you in a blackbelt energy versus a beginner,
because they just walk in,there's a presence, there's a
knowing and they don't need toprove anything because they feel
it inside.
And when you can master that inyour everyday practice, you
become an energetic match foryour clients.
So then they just start flowingin or the relationships start
flowing in.
Once I started doing this work,the most incredible people
showed up in my life justcompletely out of the blue
because I was doing the work.
So we, who we are, is like weput out, like you said, that
signal, that energetic signal,and so who we really truly
believe about ourself is thepeople we're going to attract,
not what we think we want tobelieve, but who we really are
inside, when, the, when no one'saround you know, like the
thoughts in our head.
So doing the reprogramming onall of those things is really,
once you reprogram it, you justembody it, you just it just
becomes effortless and it's a,it's a process over your whole
lifetime is what I believe,because each, each month, each
year, I'm shifting so much andthe world around me shifts so
And it's so much fun when youdo it this way, because then you
know that you can createanything, as long as you're
aware that the triggers arethere to show you that there's
something ready to be shifted.
Anytime there's a trigger, it'san opportunity to remove a
belief or install a new one, orwork on an old trauma or
practice your reaction Insteadof reacting.
Respond so that you can holdmore, because your goal of
getting to where you want to getto in life.
I don't believe it's about thegoal.
I think it's about what yoursoul wants to do to become the
person it needs to to achievethat goal.
And so those triggers are likeoh, there's something you can
clean up here, there's somethingyou can clean up here so that
you get to this place, you don'tsweat the small stuff, you
don't beat yourself up, you'renot caught up in judgment and
other people's opinions, andyou're living your truth and
you're bringing that truth tothe world and you're rippling
that out.
And you're and you're bringingthat truth to the world and
you're rippling that out.
And that, to me, is like thetrue magic.
Speaker 2 (17:28):
Okay, so good, so
many things.
And I know that if you guyslisten to this podcast a lot,
you probably have heard me saysome of these things, and I just
wanted to highlight thatspecific.
You know it's so good, all ofthat was just so good, but but
essentially you're so right,it's it's the, it's the
embodying that really makes thedifference Right, and those
That's what I really wanted tokind of highlight, the triggers,
because so many people feellike, oh well, this is coming up
, so it must not be for me or itmust mean this and it's like
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on.
That's a choice.
You can definitely look at itlike that, but if you're
noticing it, if you're actuallynoticing it first of all, you've
come some distance already,because a lot of people don't
even notice it.
So if you're noticing it, thenyou have a choice to go okay,
well, I can choose to likecontinue to act or react the
same way that I have, or I cansee this as an opportunity to
level up, to become thisdifferent version, or whatever.
And the whole point is soaccurate that it isn't about yes
, I'm all about goals, but it'snot about that destination.
It is about who you're becomingalong the way.
That's the deal.
I believe that's why we comehere, right, like, why else
would we come here?
Why else would we put ourselvesinto this 3D craziness?
Because it is a way for oursoul to experience so many
things and growth and it is sucha mirror like those people.
So a lot of my clients will say,well, why do I keep attracting?
Like, why am I still gettingthese clients who are, you know,
not my ideal client?
Okay, well, there's anopportunity there for you to
look at.
What are we resonating out?
Like, what are you putting out?
You might think that up here,you're telling all you know.
That's why affirmations alonedon't necessarily work, because
if you're just thinking them,okay, you can think a lot of
things, but what are you feeling?
How do you actually feel inyour body?
Do you really feel excitedabout this?
Like, is it fun to you?
Is it, you know?
Are you excited about theseclients?
Have you actually been able toget clarity on them?
All of those things I thinkmatter as well, and so I just
want to like kind of go intosome of what you were talking
about before, using themodalities that you use and the
practices you've created as well, like what are some techniques
and exercises that you recommendto someone, that you do use
with your clients as well, toenhance this energetic presence
and magnetic energy ability well, um.
Speaker 1 (20:24):
So the reprogramming
process we actually do in the
program, that one is quite um,that one I have to actually
teach you and we go through theprocess.
So we wouldn't be able to do ittoday.
But one of the things that umhelp can help you to get started
on the journey of selfdiscovery is the soul evolution
So I use the soul evolutionprocess every day.
In the beginning I did theactual whole process.
Now I can just drop down in andjust ask my soul and it's just
a really fast process.
So if anybody wants that, theycan DM me and I'll send that to
them and it's a good way tostart.
Okay, cool, use it for what youneed for the next five years.
You can use it for what youneed for the next four years, or
you can use it for that day.
So I oftentimes use it for thatday.
So before I used to have aschedule and I used to say, okay
, wake up at this time, do thesethings, and have to stick to
this rigid, because that's whatthey told you, right, but it
never worked for me and so Iwould do it and then I'd get off
of it and then I'd beat myselfup that I couldn't do it and all
the stuff would go through it,until I realized you know what,
There is no structure to this.
My soul, like you said, is justhere to experience.
First I have to realize thatthere's nothing wrong with me,
that I'm not broken, that mylife's not broken, that I
actually am living the life thatI manifested, that the younger
version of me dreamed of.
So once I realize that, then Iget to say, okay, well, now I
get to create from evolution,not from need, because there's a
way for motivation and there'stoward motivation.
A way for motivation is whenyou are not good enough and
you're proving, pleasing,achieving, and you don't feel
good enough, you're working forvalidation, you're working out
of fear that you're out ofsurvival.
Right Toward motivation is likeI'm amazing and I get to keep
creating more because it's anevolution over my entire
So I get to do this experiencebecause I get to, not because I
have to, not because there'sanything wrong, but because I
get to.
So once you can realize thatshift, you reprogram obviously
the stuff that, the fears, thetraumas, all of those things.
But then when you are socontent with your life, you need
that toward motivation.
So this soul evolution processwill help you to get in touch
with that big why, and that whyis going to keep changing as you
start manifesting, gettingcloser and closer and closer to
You have to keep changing thatwhy to something bigger.
But the way to do that is notout of.
Okay, like I don't really usedates anymore Because I would
find that when you put that datethere, it's results driven,
there's a pressure, there's awhatever these things are.
But when you realize in itsexperience, it's your own
timeline and so I don't want to.
Just, in my past career it wasall results and I was burnt out,
I was stressed out, I hadanxiety, you know all of these
things, and then I flipped itall around and that's why I'm
creating this and helping people, because when you're not
results driven, when you're increation mode, you get to enjoy
the process of it.
You get to be like, okay, well,what do I desire to?
What is it going to bring mostvalue to my entire life, not
just my business, becauseeverything is interconnected.
So what's going to bring themost value to my entire life
And then taking aligned actionfor what comes up in the soul
evolution process.
So I do that every single day,I do that at night before the
next day to kind of plan out myday, but then I tune in that
morning again and see if itshifted, because it might've
shifted into something else.
So the whole thing about beingversatile and flexible and
resilient to me is so much morepowerful than the strategy and
the waking up every day anddoing the structure and all of
those things.
So once you can discover thatand then I said like doing the
inner power to trust yourself,to realize that everything's an
experience so your, your innertruth may tell you to do
something and it may not workout the way that you want it to
work out, and then you perceiveit as a mistake and you don't
trust yourself, when actually itthat was the breadcrumb that
you needed to go through tolearn how not to do it or to
embody it, to transmute it, tothen get to the next breadcrumb.
So when you realize that there'sno good, bad, right, wrong,
failure, mistake, and it's justan experience, then you can lean
into what your soul is tellingyou to do without being afraid
that, oh no, this is going to bethe wrong decision, because
actually it's the breadcrumbthat's leading you to go through
it, to grow through it, to thenget to the next breadcrumb.
And so when you can release andsurrender into that you don't
drain your energy, you're notburnt out, you're not stressed
out, you can keep that magnetismup.
So you can still be magnetized,even if you're on low energy,
if you're in alignment.
Alignment just because you havelow energy doesn't mean that
you're not magnetized, you'rejust.
You're noticing okay, now thisis a day that I go inwards, but
but on those days that I goinwards, I still, if I rest,
I'll receive magic emails in myinbox for trusting myself, for
listening to my soul, for goinginwards and and taking care of
It doesn't stop so.
So when you do it, when youlive your most aligned truth
with what is alignment for you,the stuff, everything just still
keeps flowing to you.
It doesn't have to stop,whereas before, if you were
pushing and forcing, it's allyou.
You're not using your energy,you're not using synchronicity,
you're not using potentiality orthe laws of the universe.
You're like pushing a boulderup the hill.
So if you stop, that boulderstops or it falls back on you,
Speaker 2 (25:51):
so it's.
Speaker 1 (25:52):
It's like you can't
you can't fake energetics, and
so the more that you tune in andknow your inner authority.
So I do use human design andgene keys as well too.
I love human design to knowwhat your type is.
So I know I, I'm a generator,I'm a one three, so I know what
my system works.
Once I know what that is, thenI dive deeper into gene keys and
I find out.
You know the deeper layers,which everyone can do.
You can just download it.
You can go to get your freegene keys and human design
online and then you order thegene keys book and you just read
your gene keys and every timeyou read it you get a deeper
message, a deeper contemplation.
You get to know yourself evenmore.
I realized my prosperity codeswas the shadow of exhaustion and
the gift of resolve and deeprelaxation, and I was doing
everything the opposite way,pushing and pushing and
wondering why it was stuck.
So you know like, once youdiscover yourself, you get to
lean into it and you get to liveyour best life and then be
rewarded for it.
You know like through magic andsynchronicity, and that's one
of the tools.
The other tool is to reallytake on if you choose to.
This is my belief, belief code,my belief code that I chose to
take on.
That changed my life completely.
Was that?
What if our souls came downhere?
So what, like okay, what's thelast movie that you watched that
you enjoyed?
Speaker 2 (27:20):
oh so many.
We watched so many movies butlike, okay, just the most recent
would be the fall.
Speaker 1 (27:24):
yeah, yeah, whatever
first pops to your head.
Speaker 2 (27:27):
The most recent is
the fall guy.
Speaker 1 (27:29):
So why did you like
that movie?
Speaker 2 (27:31):
Because it was fun.
You know it was.
I like movies that make me feelgood, you know.
Speaker 1 (27:37):
And was it perfect the wholemovie?
Or was there like ups and downsand all of that right, yeah?
So think about why your soulwanted to watch that movie and
how it enjoyed it and for whatreasons.
And going through the lows inorder to get through the highs,
to have a hero journey whateverthose things are right.
What if our souls just camedown to earth?
And this is a really big movie?
Or maybe this is like movieafter movie after movie, like we
go through one movie and thenanother movie and another movie,
or it's all one movie.
There's no point other than toexperience it and to enjoy it
and to have fun with it and tolike live it.
So to me now, there is no pointto like.
There isn't like.
The results are like.
The goals are there to inspireme to do the stuff that I need
to do, that I that to do thegrowth work, to do the inner
work, to become the person.
Um, that life just gets easierand lighter and more fun and
more magic, but not because Ineed to achieve that anymore.
It's to experience it.
And when you, when you, when yousurrender into the experience,
you're not afraid so much of themistakes.
You're not afraid of whetherthis idea is going to work or
not because you know you're notafraid so much of the mistakes.
You're not afraid of whetherthis idea is going to work or
not because you know you'regoing to try it and then you're
going to figure out if it is andif it's not, you're going to
harvest the learnings, you'regoing to transmute it and you're
going to keep going and you'regoing to pivot and you're going
to do that.
And I just tell my clients allthe time it's just following
those breadcrumbs.
You have no idea where thosebreadcrumbs are going to come.
And the amazing thing is, whenyou follow those breadcrumbs,
magic happens.
When you're in alignment andyou're following the breadcrumbs
of what your soul really isdesiring for you, whether it's
resting, working, hanging outwith this person doing this
podcast, whatever these thingsare, it brings you these quantum
It brings you these magicemails out of the blue, these
opportunities out of the blue,like this amazing opportunity to
be on your podcast.
You know, like theseopportunities, that quantum leap
you into a whole new realitythat you can't plan for, like
all the amazing things thathappened in this last year for
me, I never would have imaginedthey would have happened.
I put it out into the ethersand then all of a sudden I bump
into someone who then thishappens and then this happens
and I'm like, oh my gosh, likeeverything is so divinely
But it never would havehappened if I wasn't taking a
line to action following thebreadcrumbs.
And so if you just do that everysingle day, trust yourself,
trust that sometimes it's notalways going to lead, like when
I say do things the easy way, itdoesn't mean that everything's
It means that you're the masteralchemist and nothing is going
to stop you.
You know where you're going andyou know that you can transmute
it and you're going to getthere no matter what.
And so when the issues come up,it's easy because you don't
make it into a big thing, youdon't beat yourself up and you
don't do what you like.
What you said say oh no, it'snot for me.
You realize, actually it is forme.
I believe in quantum physics.
Past, present, future is in thenow.
So if you have a dream, Ibelieve that that's a future
echo from the future showing youwhat's coming if you follow
these breadcrumbs and it'sshowing you that.
So it's.
It's inevitable if you followthe breadcrumbs, as long as you
don't stop.
But you need resilience, youneed to inner power and you need
to not focus so much on theoutside world and go inwards on
this journey and then ripple outthat way.
But it becomes so much more funthat way.
It does.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
Yes, all of that.
So much there.
I also am a big, big fan ofhuman design.
I discovered that probablyabout three years ago or so.
I'm also a generator two, fourand yeah, it has been one of the
best self-awareness tools thatI could possibly ever have
discovered and also recommend.
And I use it in my coaching andwhen I do my one-on-ones, I
pull my coaching students charts.
I'm by no means an expert Idon't, you know, really want to
be an expert in that but I knowenough about it so that I can
help that person in a way that'sgoing to be impactful for them,
which I think is reallyimportant, because we all learn
very differently.
You know, we all are so uniqueand some of us are visual
learners, some are auditory,some are.
There's all of these differentthings and our human design just
adds such another beautifullayer to that Lots of layers
actually and you know, you canget very specific and go down
that rabbit hole and it'sbeautiful and amazing.
But for me, I mean obviously Iuse it in my own, for my own
personal growth, for knowing myfamily, my kids, better and
helping them as well.
You know, I have two projectorsand I really, really wish I
always say this, but I reallywish I would have known, you
know, that as they were growingup.
I mean, obviously timing isperfect, but I'm glad I know now
and I'm able to, like, helpthem sort of navigate that even
though they may not necessarilywant to dive into all of that,
they get what I'm trying to saywhen it comes to you need to
That's not necessarily.
They live in a very generatorworld.
I'm a generator, my husband's amanifesting generator.
We're very all over the placeand go, go, go and we have a lot
of energy.
We make our own energy and itcan be a lot for projector kids
to be.
You know children of that.
So I definitely have used it somuch in the last few years since
learning about it, and I highlyrecommend you guys if you
haven't yet which if you listento this podcast you probably
have, because I kind of harp onit but if you haven't, you know,
definitely explore that part ofyou because it's so fun to
learn about it.
And I also believe that if youhave an idea, if you have even
an inkling of like, oh yeah,that would be cool, that's
because a future you, anotherversion of you has already done
it and is living that already ina different timeline, so you
can absolutely quantum jumpthere with with this alignment
and this energetic that we weretalking about.
Um, it's so funny.
Just a side note Um, I, Ireally have always, even before
I started learning about all ofthis, even in my early twenties
I was, I was very drawn to it,always Right, and, and I
remember the night I met myhusband.
This is like a really funexample and I'd love to know if
you have an example too.
I know you mentioned just inthe last year how all these
things have happened for you,because you opened up to that
and trusted and have done allthis work too.
It's a representation of allthe work you've done.
You know, all this alignment.
Well, it's kind of like that.
The night I met my husbandbecause we were out in a bar,
just my friend and I, and youknow there was an immediate sort
of like.
I saw him like across the roomand I just knew that there was
an energetic like something thathappened Right.
And I turned to my friend and Iwas like and yeah, that guy,
right there, we're going to,yeah, we're going to definitely
be dating, like I was.
I don't know how I worded it,but I was like, yes, I'm into
that guy.
And she was like oh, are yougoing to go talk to him?
I'm like, no, absolutely not.
I was like I'm going to callhim over here.
And she was just like, what areyou talking about?
I'm like, just just wait, it'sgood.
I just knew that he had he feltit too.
It's, it was just a knowing.
You know what I mean.
Like, and within 30 minutes hewas standing right next to us
and talking and then we went onour next date, the next day.
Like, it was very like I couldfeel it, and so I love when,
like you, get real time sort ofexamples of that stuff happening
in your life, and they show upbecause you know we're going to
find proof of whatever webelieve, right, yes, yeah, and
so I want to talk a little bitabout that synchronicity that
you mentioned a little bit.
So how does synchronicitycontribute to that manifesting
of our desires and how does itshow up and how do you work with
Speaker 1 (35:57):
Well, I mean, I just
love the story, what you said
about your husband and thatinner knowing, because really
it's that inner knowing thatopens up the synchronicity.
But a lot of times we can'thear it because the conditioned
mind overrides that innerknowing, which is why the soul
evolution process and why thediscovery, self-discovery of
your inner authority, why doyour discovery of your gene keys
is so important?
Because it's all there.
It's all there for you to readand to discover and then
reprogram so that it gets louder, so that you're into your
soul's evolution, your innerauthority, your knowing, your
inner knowing, that hit that yougot when you saw him, that he
was coming, is louder than theconditioned mind with the doubts
and the fears and the oh no, noone does this this way.
But really, if we evolve, wehave to do it different than
anybody else has done it before,because that's evolution.
So think about the Wrightbrothers and all the people that
probably seemed crazy duringtheir time but innovated and did
something completely crazywhich changed the world.
And I believe we're all born tobring something to this world.
But the way that we're going todo it is not the normal way and
the only way we can do that isto trust that inner knowing,
that gut hit that you got whenyou knew your husband was there,
because that's when the hitsthat I mean.
I think back on all the thingsin my life, like the last career
, when I knew like I had thishit and I went in and I said it
and then within a couple monthsit already like took it to the
next level, right.
But the doubt gets in, like whoam I to think that I could do
that, you know, and all of thesethings.
So that's really where theinner work comes into forefront.
It's all there waiting for us.
If you dream it, it's alreadythere.
It's just your conditioned mindthat gets over the way.
So when you can, I always goback to when you can know
yourself and when you can do so.
Going back to my prosperitycodes of deep relaxation, a lot
of the amazing things that cameinto my life was when my soul
told me to rest, and I didn'twant to because my mind was like
, no, don't rest.
If you rest, you're lazy, don'twatch TV.
But I was listening to my innerauthority and I'm like no,
right now it's just saying to dothis.
So I'm going to go with it andI'd be on the couch resting and
then I'd check my email and anemail with an opportunity, an
amazing opportunity came throughand I was like, oh my gosh,
this is incredible.
And then another time I got agift card from a client and I
was going to use it to take myfamily out to dinner.
But something in my gut waslike no, you need to recharge
your battery first before youcan ripple out, so use it to go
to the spa instead.
And I was in the spa and I wasdoing my reprogramming to be the
lucky one where things wereeasy and they flow and I win,
because I normally never winthings right.
I get home and a friendmessages me and said, hey, you
just won a brand immersionpackage.
And I didn't even know therewas a draw.
And I was like are you sure?
I don't think so, you know.
And she's like yeah, there'sonly one, jotham in Hawaii.
And I was like, oh my gosh,this is insane.
So when you listen to your innerauthority, you open up
It's kind of like, like ifyou're doing what you were born
to do and if you're, if you're,if your magnetism is where,
especially for generators, whenyour magnetism is open, it
brings you opportunities torespond to, same with projectors
right To wait for theinvitation, but in order to get
more things to respond orinvitations, you get your energy
as vibrant as possible.
If that means resting, thatmeans resting because I was
resting and the opportunitiescame in.
If I had pushed myself throughit, I know those opportunities
wouldn't have come in becausethey didn't.
You know what I mean.
So that inner knowing, you haveto just cultivate that inner
knowing so much to trustyourself, to know that it might
look crazy to people butactually your soul is showing
you a different way to do it, adifferent way because you
different way to do it, adifferent way, because you're
meant to do it a different wayand bring that to the world.
And if you follow that,synchronicity just opens up.
It's like the universe has yourback.
When you're in alignment, Ialways like to imagine like life
, like a truman show, but notlike they're trying to control
us, but the universe is in ourfavor.
So it's like, okay, we're doingthis and we're we're listening
to the hits and we're like, okay, we're gonna do this, and
you're just like, oh, they're,they're listening, they're
following their breadcrumbs,let's put in this actor, let's
put in this opportunity, youknow.
And then you follow the nextbreadcrumb and they do it like
But the only way that happensis you being in alignment right,
and so, the more that you justlive your truth, magic happens.
Like my relationships havecompletely changed, my life has
changed everything.
Everything comes from me now,and so when I start looking
outwards or like, oh, I need tofix that or this person, or you
know, like whatever, or judging,I'm like no, no, they're
exactly where they're meant tobe on their journey.
I look at everybody's souls asequal power, but different,
including my sons, includingknowing that I don't have to
worry about him because his soulchose this journey, his soul
chose this movie, and so it hasall the resources in it.
So, whatever comes, he knowsit's coming, and that brings me
so much peace.
So I get to believe in hishighest faith and I get to hold
space for him in a different wayversus oh no, you know all of
these things, same with myclients, same with my family.
I see their highest truth, andyou can even do this for them as
well too, like you can closeyour eyes and you can see them
in their highest truth.
Speaker 2 (41:27):
I do that all the
time for them.
Speaker 1 (41:29):
Yes, and it's so
Speaker 2 (41:32):
I love that you
brought that up because I know a
lot of moms listen to this.
A lot of my coaching clientsand a lot of my audience are
women and I hear that a lot.
This is a really big.
This is really awesome thatthis came through, because I
feel like this was reallynecessary for people to hear.
I totally understand thatfeeling of like I have an, I
have adult kids, right, and so,like the older they get, the
harder it is in a lot of ways,and you don't, you're not
necessarily prepared for thatbecause you're like, oh, it'll
just get easier.
No, there's other things thatyou're going to be worried about
, right, especially when they'reoff, living away at college or
whatever, and that is one of themost powerful things that I do
and have done, especially withmy son.
I have three kids, but one ofmy kids I tend to worry about a
little bit more right, like soyou know, everybody kind of I
think people listening canunderstand but he's dealt with a
lot more things and he's a lotmore sensitive and and um,
worrying about him is likepraying for something to happen
essentially Right, and I have a,I have a very happen
essentially right and I have avery deep anxiety base, right
Like it goes way back, and thathas been an undoing of that for
many, many years and I'mcontinuing on that.
But the thing that has helpedme so much is doing that for him
Whenever I have that trigger ofyou know, that little anxiety
ping of whatever, I just goright into that, take about five
minutes and just see him livinglike the most beautiful life
ever and I let myself just gothere with it, like living in
his highest potential, doing allthe things that he loves, and
it just brings me so much peace.
But I also know that energy isgetting to him, it is reaching
him, and I also am certified inReiki, so I'm putting all the
energy around him, I'menvisioning all the energy
around him, and it's funnybecause I've never told him this
until just recently, and theonly reason I told him this is
because he came to me with anissue that he was dealing with.
He had a friend of his who wasreally dealing with some heavy
stuff and very, very, reallyhard for him.
He's so sensitive and such anempath and so that bleeds into
codependency very easily, youknow, and so it's a close friend
of his and he really wanted tohelp this person, but he knows
that he couldn't, and so thisperson was also sort of using
him as that band-aid and it waskind of codependent relationship
And so he found himself really,really stressed about this
person's mental health so muchthat it was impacting his life.
So I shared with him what I dofor him so that he could see I
was like you know, somethingpowerful that you can do that is
helpful is this?
And I told him and he was likeyou do that for me?
And I was like, yeah, all thetime and it just touched him and
it was like almost like made mecry thinking about it, but like
he got it.
He got it at a very deep leveland he was like, okay, I'm going
to do that, I'm going to dothat for them and it really
helped him.
So if you guys are hearing this, maybe you really needed to
hear that piece because it's apowerful thing.
I'm so glad you brought that up.
That's awesome.
Speaker 1 (44:43):
It's so powerful.
And then what here's the otherpiece to it as well, too is like
when you can see them in theirhighest truth, and when you can
see that their journey might notlook like how you think it
should look, but that it'sexactly perfect as it's meant to
be on their journey exactlywhat it's meant to be.
It gives us permission to knowthat we're exactly where we need
to be as well too.
So when we don't judge otherpeople and we're like, oh, but
actually this is the part oftheir story, this is their part
of their movie.
Maybe they're in this part, butthat's the part that's going to
bring them to this part, soit's exactly where it needs to
be Then we get to look at ourlife and be like, oh, yeah, well
, maybe we're in this part rightnow too, and there's nothing
wrong with it.
Then we don't need to prove toanybody that we're going to get
As long as we know it on theinside, we know we're going to
get there, and then we step intothat future memory.
Just like you do for him, we doit for ourselves.
I'm sure you already do that aswell, too, and you play with
the potentiality of like thesedreams that can come to fruition
and you just like step intofuture memories of your dream
life and you don't don't figureout the how, because if you try
and figure out how you kill themagic, right, it's like you just
put it out there and you'rejust like you know and you see
it, and then you just follow thebreadcrumbs.
It's kind of like, I imagine,when we do that, when we step
into the future memories, to meit's like we put something in
google maps and we're like thisis the destination that we're
going, and then we leave itthere.
We know that Google Maps isgoing to take us there.
So every day I use SoulEvolution to tune in and be like
okay, so do I turn left here?
Do I turn right here?
You know what I mean, knowingthat each time my soul tells me,
turn left, go straight, goright.
I listen to it.
It's going to take me there.
And if I listen to it, it'llalso say, hey, if you do
reprogramming, it'll be like hey, there's a traffic jam over
here, take this route, whichlooks different than everybody
Get off the road, even thoughit looks crazy, and you're going
to get there a lot faster aswell, too, right, so as long.
And then you just trust thatevery day it's bringing you
there because you put it in, soyou don't have to think about it
, you don't.
And then you just get to enjoyevery moment of being making
every moment magical, like whenyou can make your everyday life
magical, when you can havegratitude for everything in your
life that you'd miss if I tookit away right now and you were
just like this is amazing, you'dmiss if I took it away right
now, and you were just like thisis amazing, like you know, the
fact that I'm here talking toyou.
I'm just so grateful for theclients that I have for my
What can I do today that'sgoing to make this fun and
magical, so that my standards inlife are so high that if
something doesn't go my way, itdoesn't matter, because
everything else is so amazing,right.
And then when you live likethat, then it just keeps getting
higher and higher and higher,instead of waiting in the old
paradigm, waiting to achievethis thing to then feel good.
But once you achieve it, younormalize it and it doesn't feel
good anymore and then you wantthe next thing.
So you always feel lack versuslike wow, this life is amazing.
And that's why I love sometimesto just take my son out of
school, you know, to do like.
I live in Hawaii, so go and dosomething touristy, do something
that's like just makes me feelalive and magical, so that life
every single day is magical.
So, like for work, I, when Ipick up my son from school and
when I come home, I most of thetime.
There's times where I do haveto do a couple of emails here
and there, but I'll put my phoneon the fireplace because I know
that I want to be present withhim and I want to like look at
him like I had miscarriagesbefore him and after him, and so
just him being here is a gift,but we take that for granted
when they're having tantrums ordoing all these things.
So I'll just sit there and playwith him and just be like, oh
my gosh, like I'm just sograteful that you're here,
because I know in a couple yearsyou're not going to want to
hang out with me anymore.
Exciting versus oh no, now Ihave to fight with you to eat
dinner and do this and all ofthose things, but then if I have
that energy around that it'sgoing to affect my business,
because then I'm miserable,right?
So how do we make every momentas magical as possible, not
because we want to get theresults, but because we want to
live the most amazing life, andthen, magically, that stuff just
shows up as a by-product of it.
So it's like it's it's a lot offun, it is.
Speaker 2 (49:20):
I love, I love this
whole conversation and I could,
I can for sure talk hours aboutit with you.
But I really want to, before wewrap up, let people know I know
we kind of touched on a littlebit of it and they are welcome
to DM you for what you know,that resource.
That's going to be superhelpful for them.
But talk a little bit beforeyou wrap up about what you do
specifically and how you, youknow, do this reprogramming a
little bit there and also howpeople can get in touch with you
if they're interested in thatas well.
Speaker 1 (49:56):
Thank you so much.
Well, my passion really is toso in the last, my last career,
when I was at the top of mycareer.
On the outside it looks amazing, right, but on the inside I was
stressed, burnt out.
I didn't enjoy it the way thatI could have enjoyed it If I had
the skills and tools that Ihave right now.
I also know that I could haveenjoyed it if I had the skills
and tools that I have right now.
I also know that I could havetaken it so much farther,
because my limiting beliefs hadme hit a plateau.
And so my passion is to helppeople to do that, to help them
to like really where they're atright now in their life, amplify
it, magnetize it, help them toenjoy it, help them to find that
fulfillment while they'rebuilding, and then, as they do
that, next level results come in.
So that's my passion, my mainpassion also to help people that
are transitioning fromdifferent parts of their life,
because I also went through atransition as well, too
different parts of their life,because I also went through a
transition as well too.
So I know what it's like tohave this and then do like a 180
and do something else right,and then transition and make
that work as well too, but do itfrom this most balanced way.
Not before it was like work waseverything, and then there was
relationships and there was metime and all of that stuff.
I fit into the work.
Now it's like there'severything is equally.
Now I'm not just buildingriches, I'm building wealth.
I'm building my relationships,my self-care, my magic, my
enjoyment, my business andgiving back to the world.
But they're all equallyimportant.
And when all of them areequally important, it just
magnetizes everything else aswell on top of that.
So I do a lot of group work aswell as masterminds, and then I
also take a couple ofone-on-ones, but only a couple
per month, because when we doone-on-ones we just dive deep.
And the way I look atreprogramming is you can keep
reframing it.
You can keep doing affirmationsevery day, or you can go to the
root, like imagine like youhave a yard and there's a lot
more and you're just mowing theweeds every single day.
Or you can find the root ofwhere it is, dig it up,
reprogram it, shift it out sothat that weed doesn't keep
growing back, so you don't haveto keep cutting it down and
actually this new weed hasturned into a flower and now
that flower is going to blossomand bring you another beautiful,
you know chapter of your life.
So that's kind of like thebasis behind it, because we
shouldn't have to feel likewe're fixing ourselves every day
You know what I mean.
We're fixing our life, and themore that you reprogram, it's
like you got this big bag ofrocks on your back of beliefs
and trauma and memories andpatterns, and so each time we do
it, we take a rock out and arock out.
So you just keep gettinglighter and lighter and lighter
as you go and you're enjoyingthe process of it instead of
like beating yourself up.
One of the things you couldalways do is, when something
happens, just tell yourself thatthis is happening for me, not
to me.
When I was being rushed to theemergency room from my last
miscarriage, in my mind I justkept saying this is happening
for me, not to me.
This is happening for me, notto me.
To be able to transmute it, sothat you don't get caught up in
all the fears and the drama andall the things and cause all
this unnecessary fallout thatyou then have to clean up If you
trust that it's for you.
And, like I said, each trigger,each opportunity, each anything
that happens, abandonment,rejection, those are all gifts
to us to show us what's not inalignment and when we can look
at life through those eyes, somuch of the pain and suffering
goes away.
Right, pain is inevitable, painwill always happen, but we make
suffering, we hold thesuffering here with the thoughts
, and some of us we havepatterns of being addicted to
the drama.
Right, because of what we getfrom it.
Like you know, like empathicbehavior and caregiving a lot of
times is a trauma bond.
Right, because we want to be ofvalue, we want to, you know,
like we don't feel that we'reenough that we have to overgive,
to have a place in this worldor to fix things or to feel good
that we did something for otherpeople.
But it's so much more powerfulwhen we do it for ourselves.
Because when you think aboutpeople that you want to be
around, you think about likewho's a powerful person that you
admire, who would?
Speaker 2 (54:23):
you say, I mean so
many come to mind, but like I
don't know why, but Dr JoeDispenza just popped into my
Speaker 1 (54:32):
Yes, yes, and so by
him being in his power.
Why were we inspired by him?
Because he self-healed himselfand then he shared that with the
It always comes from doing ityourself, embodying it and then
rippling that out into the worldto make a difference.
He owns his power, he knowswhat he does works and so he
owns his power.
He steps in his power and thenhe ripples out.
And then you think about him,you just want to be by him.
You're inspired by him by whathe's created, by what he's done.
That's so much healthier thanif he just came in and just
tried to fix you all the time.
You know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (55:07):
And he doesn't do it
for that.
That's the other point.
He doesn't do it to be the guru.
He's not doing it for his ego.
He's doing that because he isembodying his own truth and
highest expression, and that'sthe magnet, the magnetist.
You know the magnetic stuffthat we're all attracted to,
like we were talking about right, because so many people think
right, right, there's a bigdifference there and that's why
there's that.
Oh, if he can, I can as well.
Yes, because he went throughthe trauma.
Speaker 1 (55:40):
He went through the
trauma, he harvested the
learnings, he transmuted it, heself-healed.
He did all these things.
He realized that this is thegift that he's meant to bring to
this world.
It's like the four-minute mileright.
When someone breaks thatfour-minute mile, they break it
for everybody around them.
So he did that.
He's created this morphic field.
So now, when you come into it,he's already broken that
So now that limitation isbroken for you, because that's
the gift that he's meant tobring to this world.
Not to prove or please, but togo through and bring this gift
to the world and share it withthe world.
And like that, if we go throughlife that way, it's like you can
enjoy the process.
There's no stress, there's nofear.
Anytime you feel like you'reefforting or you're trying, or
you're hoping that it's going towork, or you you're afraid it's
not, you stop and you reprogramor whatever modality you use to
get yourself back in your power, to get into your inner,
knowing to know that this is allpart of the journey and there's
nothing wrong, then you canjust keep going along the
journey right, and then youdon't get exhausted.
So for me, anytime I'm like Ifeel that effort, I'm like, oh,
stop, it's not meant to feellike effort, but we have to
catch ourselves.
Sometimes we get caught up init and then we catch ourselves,
but then you know you can't beatyourself up for that as well,
because the universe gave you anopportunity to practice and so
you got that opportunity topractice and you, either you
know, master it or they give youanother opportunity, but you
don't master things on the firsttry.
It's like over your wholeentire lifetime.
And so just be grateful thatyou had, like you said, the
The awareness is the first step.
Then you catch it and you'relike, oh, I'm efforting.
Okay, why am I efforting?
Who am I trying to prove?
What am I trying to?
You know what?
Am I afraid of?
All these things?
Okay, no, it's gonna happen.
It's inevitable.
As long as I never give up, aslong as I never stop, it's
And then you just keep goingand just like I like to try and
like, bring myself into my bodyto live life as a japanese tea
ceremony, with reverence, withgratitude, with like just being
in the moment as much aspossible.
Obviously I haven't mastered it, but I am in the process of
mastering it because I'm awareof my energy and I'm like, oh,
pull it back in.
Just pull it back in, becauseotherwise you're just bleeding
your energy everywhere.
And then you wonder why we'reexhausted and chasing our tails
and all of those things.
Speaker 2 (58:02):
Yeah, that's such a
good point.
Oh, that's a great note to endon as well.
So I will put all of the linksthat we know, all of your links
and things in the show notes sopeople can connect with you and
find you and be in your magicbecause you are magic.
So thank you so much for beinghere.
This has been just delightful.
Speaker 1 (58:24):
Thank you so much.
I love speaking with you, Ilove your podcast and I love
everything all the stuff thatyou share on Instagram and
social media to help the worldand ripple out into the world.
So thank you so much.
Speaker 2 (58:36):
I know you're going
to have a lot of good takeaways
from this episode.
So, as always, pleasescreenshot, share on Instagram
and tag me and Jocelyn.
All of her information is downbelow in the show notes and
everything that we spoke aboutso that you can get in touch
with her and follow her.
But go ahead and tag us if youshare on social as well.
I always love to see that and Ialways want to hear your
feedback and definitely want torepost as well.
But, yeah, I loved everythingthat we spoke about and I hope
that it inspires you in manyways and puts you in a really
good space, because that's kindof what matters when we feel
good, we can access our highestself.
We can really step into thatalignment that we were speaking
about on the podcast, and it's areflection Everything is a
reflection of how we're kind offeeling.
So it's not about spirituallybypassing it and sweeping things
under the rug.
It's seeing it, understandingthat life is going to life, and
it's up to us to be able toregulate and be able to have
that perspective, if we chooseto, so that we can bring that
energy to everything else thatwe do, including our businesses,
attraction of the right clientswhen we are in that space as
much as we possibly can be.
I know it's impossible to bethere all the time, but having
it top of mind and having it inyour awareness is really
These are all things that Ispeak about a lot, by the way,
inside of Elevate my membershipand, as you know, I have two
One of those levels is byapplication only it's my VIP
level and that is open right nowuntil June 30th.
We are accepting newapplications for the next six
So that is a six monthcommitment, from July through
December, and it is aphotography membership and we
talk a lot about business andmarketing and getting clients
and staying booked and makingmoney, but we also talk about
all of these type of issues aswell.
We talk about deeper meaningsof why we're not feeling it
This group is really specialand there's a lot of
vulnerability in there.
So, again, that's why it's byapplication only, because the
integrity of the group is reallyimportant to me and it is
female photographers onlybecause I want to keep that
feminine energy vibing.
So if that speaks to you, goahead and hit the link below.
You can find out more aboutboth levels, because my
foundation level is superaccessible.
It's great for beginningphotographers or people who just
need a little taste of mindset,who need some coaching.
You get one group coaching calla month with me and then a
Facebook group, so youdefinitely get support.
But the VIP level, you do get alittle bit more support.
You get two calls a month andwe have a Voxer thread that is
really active and really amazing.
So if you are drawn to that, goahead, hit the link and hit the
application and let me know ifyou have any questions, hit me
up on Instagram.
I'd love to chat with you aboutit.
A lot of people feel like theywant to hop on a call first.
So that's totally fine.
In fact, that's totally fine.
In fact, that probably is thenext step After you fill out an
I will get in touch and see ifwe can just have a little chat.
I want to make sure that it'sright for you and that it feels
good for all of us, basically.
So, yeah, if you are interested, let me know.
Also, I am closing my one-on-onebooks for now.
I may reopen them again inanother month or so, but for now
I'm not going to be taking onany more one-on-one clients at
the moment.
So if you know that you want tolook into that, let me know so
I can put you on a wait listbecause probably going into fall
, I won't be taking on as manyone-on-one clients.
I'm going to be really leaningheavily into elevate, both
levels, because I've got somereally cool things that we're
going to be doing in both ofthose groups.
One of them is going to be a90-day challenge class, all
about money, mindset and allabout the things that we were
speaking about on this podcast,leaning really heavy into the
energetics of calling that in.
We do a lot of marketing and alot of strategy in there already
, so I want to add some more wooto that.
And, yeah, I'm going to becreating and revamping some
other things as well.
So I'm not sure how manyone-on-ones I'm going to take on
for the rest of this year, butstay tuned and if that is
something you were drawn to, letme know, I'll put you on the
wait list and if not, hop andelevate, because you get some
good stuff in either level andwe'd love to have you.
So have a really awesome weekand let me know what you thought
about this episode and I'lltalk to you guys next time.