Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I feel like the cool
thing about SEO is that once you
kind of get a plan for the SEOpart of it, you can use that
across the board.
That's kind of the good partabout it is that you don't.
It's not just for your websitepages, it's for your blog and
also for social.
That's one of the biggestthings.
And for social media, seo ishuge.
That's one of the biggestfactors for being found right Is
your search optimization, andso if you're not using SEO
strategies inside of yourcaptions and you're, that's
really kind of something thatyou can start to look at.
You can start to figure out howyou can basically segue that
over, and it really shouldn't bethat different from what you're
already, let's say, doing withyour site and your blogs and
things like that.
Deciding like all right forthis.
Let's say, for this blog post,what is the key phrase that I
want to be all right for this?
Let's say, like for this blogpost, like what is the key
phrase that I want to behighlighting Right?
Like what, what is, what do Iwant to be searchable for?
And then just using that andthen, okay, taking that blog
post ideally and breaking it upinto some social posts using
that same strategy in yourcaptions, and you can use
chatGPT for all of this.
Like that's what is, I feellike, kind of a big game changer
right now is that we have toolslike not just ChatGPT, there's
various options of AI, likethere's so many now, right, but
like whatever you're going touse, being able to use that
efficiently and even if you'renot the one doing it and
implementing it, but you kind ofhave to know how right.
You have to know, okay, well,this is how this works and
here's how I can hand it off tosomebody, if that makes sense,
because then you can hire.
You can just hire like anintern or someone at a low
hourly rate to do the work thatyou already know how to do.
You just don't want to wasteyour time with it, like you know
what I mean.
Like your time is better spentdoing other things.
It doesn't have to be once aweek, but once a month is pretty
And if you can take that oneblog post and at least break
some content out so that you arecreating some smaller form
pieces of content from that oneblog post twice a week, that's
like eight pieces of content.
I feel like that's very doablefor most people to kind of
hammer out in one day and thenjust have it there, whether you
schedule it or just put it in aDropbox or Google Drive ready to
go, or just in your drafts,whatever.
However, that works for you toactually have that Okay.
And then the other stuff couldjust be filler right, like, oh,
I had a session, I want to do aquick reel.
Oh, I had a session, I'm goingto post some pictures.
Like a lot of the stuff that wedo can't be planned far out in
advance, like that, becausewe're busy.
First of all, you know, ideallywe're busy, we have a lot of
shoots going on and we want touse those current, you know
sessions to create some piecesof content.
So I feel like, if you had aplan for like this other stuff
that I was just talking about,that's one thing, and then the
other stuff is just filler.
It's like okay, I know that I'mgoing to have at least two or
three Ideally I would want youto have three, but let's just
say two two pieces of likeplanned out content from this
one blog post and then, once yousort of like get better with
that and you get into aconsistent pattern.
Then you can do two blog postsa month, right, and then maybe
you can just, like I said before, hand this off to somebody to
do it for you, Like here's thetopic I want to talk about,
here's this and here's how youwould use the AI pieces to
create these pieces, and thenyou can hand it off to somebody
who would get to know who wouldbe able to do that for you,
ongoing, at a low hourly rate,ideally we're talking like once
or twice a month.
They would just have to go inand do this stuff and it
wouldn't have to be rocketscience, those pieces of content
I feel like you would befocused way less on what's
trending right On socialspecifically, because we're
really just focusing on SEO,because that is something that's
just there and it's ongoing andit's consistent like the golden
thread, basically through yourcontent.
That's just kind of there.
So I feel like that wouldn't behard.
And Gretchen not having a blog,I totally get it, because you
don't you've never done it andbecause it's kind of like this
thing hanging over your head.
It feels like this big heavyweight, but that's just a
perspective shift.
You know that like it'll still,it'll stay as big as it is
until you decide it's not.
That's really all it is.
It's like you know what, likeyeah, I know it's there, but
it's not a have to, it's a I getto.
And reframing that thoughtpattern in oh I wonder how many
new clients I can bring in withthis, that's kind of fun.
Like I wonder what's out therethat I don't even know about.
Basically, putting it out thereinto the universe, into the
internet, into the world, in theform of a blog post and SEO is
literally just like casting yournet right.
Like you're a fisherman out insea and you're just casting out
a big net and you arespecifically wanting these
groups of people and that's whatSEO will do for you.
And so finding a way that's themindset portion of it finding a
way to make it fun orinteresting or gamify it like
whatever, is going to work foryour brain Cause obviously we
all have our differentreinforcements to things that
pay off for us more than others.
What is that for you, right?
Like I always talk about thatwhen I had, when my kids were
little and my son with autism, Ihad a psychologist come in and
try and help us with all ofthese like parenting things.
And the main thing he said andI knew it, it was just I needed
to be reminded is like, don'tmake it hard on him.
Like, if you want him to putthe clothes in the basket, the
dirty clothes in the basket, putthe basket closer to where he's
going to be taking his clothesoff.
Like don't make him walk acrossthe room, duh.
So like the same thing goes forus is like make it easy on
Just remove the roadblocks.
That are the roadblocks.
So if you know, your roadblockis like I can't do this on
Monday mornings, I have too manythings going on, whatever, okay
, that's off the list.
Like, don't do it that way.
Whatever works for you is howyou need to do it.
And thinking about the block,like it'll get bigger and bigger
and bigger until you decide youknow what.
I'm just going to do it.
First of all, it doesn't haveto be perfect, it doesn't have
to even be right.
It just needs to be done atthis point and it's really not
super hard.
So I don't know, and I thinkyou switched everything over to
show it.
So you probably have theWordPress component on the
backend for your blog, so youjust need to hook up Yoast if
you haven't already the premiumversion of Yoast.
Hook that up to your WordPressand it literally walks you
through it.
It's very, very easy.
So, like what I do with myblogs, you'll see.
Basically, when you go into theback end of it, you decide okay,
so let's say you're going to do, and again, let's just kind of
back up for a second talk abouta blog for a minute.
We're not going to like just beblogging, you know, susie's
session by the lake, nobodycares.
We're not going to just beblogging Susie's session by the
lake, nobody cares.
What about her session would bevaluable to a wider audience
that are looking for what youoffer.
So, whether that is planningyour session by a lake, five
things you want to think aboutfor a lake session, whatever.
Think about it on a biggerscale.
And so from there it's likeokay, what key phrase keywords
would I want this to besearchable for?
Lake senior session, seniorsession by a lake.
Pick one, right, you put itinto Yoast.
There's like a little aspect atthe bottom of that when you go
into the WordPress and I don'tknow how this looks on other
platforms, but this is how I doit and it's so easy, and I put
the key phrase in and it tellsyou green, yellow or red how
well you're doing with thatcontent.
So what I do is and I go intochat GPT and I tell it I want to
do a blog post.
Now, first of all, it knows allabout me.
My chat GPT knows who I am,what I do, right, I want to do a
blog post about a seniorsession by a lake and the five
benefits of it, or the fivethings to think about.
Whatever it is, I'll tell itwhat it you've got to give it a
framework and then tell it withthe key phrase I want it.
I want it to be searchable forthis key phrase.
You need to use this key phraseat least five times in the blog
post and it needs to be in thefirst sentence.
And I want this to be fiveparagraphs with, like, four
sentences each, with asubheading as well, for each
Like you, give it theparameters that you want, you
come up with this prompt thatyou can use over and over and
over again.
It's the same prompt.
You just copy paste, copy paste, right, put it somewhere that
you can do that and then justswitch out certain little things
that you need to switch out persession.
And then you just want to add aCTA at the bottom and you can
even have chat GPT.
Know that that part of yourprompts, like at the end of it,
make sure you do a nice call toaction on how to contact me
without it being super salesy,or however you want to word it.
It'll spit it out and you canjust basically copy paste that
into your blog posts.
And then, at this point, onceyou start using Chachi PT enough
, you don't even have to finesseit that much, like it's getting
really good at knowing the moreyou use it, you know knowing
what you want it to do and then,once you do that and you put in
all like the little things, theYoast at the bottom will tell
you you're either green, good togo, you need some work, or it's
like bad, and it'll tell you ifyou click on those things,
it'll say change these things.
It'll tell you exactly thereyou need to add an image.
Okay, well, your image.
Maybe let's add two images tothis blog post.
The images that you need to haveneed to have the title.
It needs to be SEO'd right.
You need to put the key phrasein the title of that image as
the file name and then as in thedescription, and you need to
use the alt text in the rightway.
So if it's an image of a girlby a lake, you're not going to
put you know, renee Bowen seniorsession by a lake.
You're going to put girl in ablue dress by a beautiful lake
with a mountain in thebackground, smiling, like you
need to describe the image.
That's what the alt text is for.
And then the description iswhere you put your key phrases,
like your keywords seniorportraits by a lake, senior
portraits in Santa Clarita,whatever it is right, like those
things go in the description.
So once you do that and you addthat, then your SEO score will
change and it kind of gamifiesit.
I'm not going to lie Like I geta huge dopamine push when I see
that thing go from yellow togreen.
I'm like done, I don't need towork on this anymore, it's good
enough, right, and so then Istopped thinking about it over
and over again.
I'm like it's green, I'm goodto go, and I don't care as much
about the readability, becausethere's a readability score as
I don't care about that as muchLike if it's yellow or red, I'm
like whatever I care about theSEO score when they're both
green, though, so fun.
And once you do this a fewtimes, you can knock this whole
process out in like 15 minutes,like literally 30 at the most.
So you don't need to like evenhire somebody.
You can, but like it's reallydoable when you get that system
in place.
Okay, it's almost scary howeasy it is.
To be honest with you, it'slike Ooh, this feels like
cheating, but it works.
And the more you blog, I'mtelling you, the more eyes
you're going to get on your site, on Google, like it really
really matters.
And specifically because Googleand everything, they're
sourcing your socials right,like your social like.
If you, you'll see it Like whenyou search for somebody or
something, their socials willcome up.
Right, you'll see all theseother things come up.
So that's why, once you do ithere, then you go into that same
chat GPT thread and you'd belike okay, now we're going to
create eight pieces of shortform content.
For that, I want one of them tobe a carousel slide and one of
them to be a short form video.
You can do both video, I don'tcare, I'm just kind of using
this as an example.
So I want you to give me an ideafor those posts.
Right, I'm still using this keyphrase.
This is the key phrase that Iwant you to be focused on, and I
want you to give me a captionusing that key phrase, showing
the value of this blog post,pointing people to that blog
post, even right, because youcan like in your social posts.
You'd be like, hey, if you wantto see this blog post pointing
people to that blog post, evenright, because you can like in
your social posts.
You'd be like, hey, if you wantto see this whole session add
over to my blog.
But you don't have to do thatfor each of those posts.
It could just be a post, okay,and so you can tell that same
Now give me a caption for eachof these, or you could do it one
at a time.
However, you, you know, make iteasy for you, but you can tell
it to create these eight piecesof content or 10, however many
you decide and you can ask it toput it in a table for you where
it's like the main caption, andthen use these hashtags,
whatever it is, and it'll put itinto a table for you so that
you can just copy paste it Ifthat's what you want it to do.
Again, make it easy on yourself, like you know, step at a time,
and then you just kind of takethat and there is an integration
from JetGP for Canva, like, youcan definitely like link these
things if you want to get veryexpansive with it, or you can
like create it yourself, but theidea is that the content, the
caption, the SEO, the meat isbasically done for you, so you
don't have to like continuouslythink that you're recreating all
of this content, like it's justthe same.
And it's honestly better ifyou're talking about the same
stuff over and over again,because then the algorithms tend
to know what you're doing, whatyou're talking about and how
they can send people to you andideally that's what you want to
Is you want to say, okay, nowcreate this email that I can
send to my list to send them tothe blog?
Right, so twice a month you'resending that, or, however it is,
at least once a month to yourlist about this blog post,
because your list and Google,what they care about is how much
value you're giving them.
You're giving them, ideally,what this blog post is going to
do is going to help them in someway.
Okay, and so that's why, ifGoogle likes it too because it's
like, oh, we got good SEO we'reusing the key phrase.
Make it easy for the algorithms, the computers, to know what
you're talking about, and itwill 100% send it to the right
We have to make it a valuablepiece of content for somebody.
If I were my target client andthis is where knowing your
target client is really reallyimportant If I were a high
school senior or a high schoolsenior parent, who are you
talking to in this?
First of all, you got to knowthat.
What am I searching for?
What would be valuable to me,too, what would be a really cool
thing to read about that noteverybody else is doing?
That's another thing, and youcan ask Jachie PT to help you
come up with those ideas.
Like I have multiple sessionsof girls by a lake or girls by
an ocean for their high schoolsenior portraits, I need ideas.
I want you to come up with alist of, you know, 20 ideas for
titles for blog posts that aregoing to be valuable, searchable
and, ideally, what my targetclients want.
Give me some ideas, See whereyou know, like kind of let it
see what it gives you and thenyou can refine it, because
usually sometimes it'll kind ofspit out a bunch of stuff and
I'm like, okay, five of thosewere goods.
I want you to use these fiveand give me more like this.
And then it gets even better,like the second, third time
sometimes, that you prompt itand then just make that list and
say, okay, this is my list forthe next 20 weeks.
Right, it's done.
The blog, the ideas, are there.
Now all I have to do is tellJachy PT.
This is the title, this is whatI want this blog post to be
about, and this is the keyphrase that I want you to use to
search for it and don'toverthink too much of that.
Just put something down, right.
Like just kind of put a keyphrase down and then go from
It really does help if you justsort of like break it down.
I do think that, especiallygoing into busy season, you just
get really busy and this stuffkind of goes to the wayside.
But when you implement thiskind of thing, this stuff kind
of goes to the wayside, but whenyou implement this kind of
thing, it stays there and ifit's like, if it becomes a
non-negotiable, that's what'sgoing to keep you getting the
inquiries while you're busy.
That's ideally what we want.
Even if you don't have time tofill in those posts and do
things in the moment, you knowyou've got this really good,
like strong SEO fueled contentworking for you on the backend,
and then you don't really, evenif it's just a couple of times a
week, like it's there, so youdon't have to feel like you're
behind all the time.
Okay, so, danny, I wanted tojust touch on this really quick.
You said that you are not asbooked.
You got mostly guys, which isgreat.
So I'm going to ask you cause Iknow I've talked to you
specifically about this too onthe one-on-one how much
marketing are you doing, meaningwhat we were talking about at
the beginning of the call areyou blogging?
Are you talking about it a loton social?
How often are you doing it andhow are you doing it so more
than just once a week?
Showing up on stories, postingpictures, that kind of thing?
Yes, I would be posting fall forsure, because it's here
I know it still feels likesummer for most of us, but it's
definitely fall season.
I would absolutely berepurposing any content that you
have from any fall sessions andblogging about the benefits of
a ball session, like why youwant to get booked in fall three
reasons why fall sessions areamazing.
Or pick something about a fallsession and dig into it and why
would that be a valuable pieceof content?
And when you do, post about it,whether it's short form video,
which is ideal for your reach,because that's that's where you
get new eyes on your brand yourstories are for your followers
Okay, that's great and you candefinitely post on your stories,
but you really want to beposting new content on your
You want to be posting eitherthe new feature that Instagram
just kind of came out with,whereas you can use you've
probably seen it, but basicallyyou can create.
Let's say, you use an imageOkay, it's a carousel post,
because they gave us morecarousels now and they gave us
new texts that I was talkingabout with Gretchen in the Voxer
You can go in to Instagram andjust do it all within there.
So let's say you've got go into Instagram and just do it all
within there.
So let's say you've got likefive images of a fall session,
let's just say, and you wouldpost it as you normally would
like a carousel, but you can addtext on it now from within the
platform, and what a lot ofpeople are doing is using it as
like an educational sort ofcarousel slide.
So you would use the same image.
You don't have to.
I'm just saying what mostpeople are kind of doing.
You would use the same imageand you'd be like you know my
top three reasons why fallsessions are the best swipe.
Another thing of short text onthe same image, same image,
different text, right, or youcan use different images, that's
totally fine, but the idea isthat you're using a feature that
Instagram gave you.
That's new.
That's always good, becausethey're going to push out that
Anytime they give us anythingnew, they're going to push out
that content.
So try and challenge yourselfto maybe use that carousel post
with the adding the text fromwithin Instagram, like this week
or next week, like a hundredpercent, and see how it goes.
Instagram like this week ornext week, like a hundred
percent, and see how it goes.
You still should be doing somereels, however, because that is
where most of the reach comesfrom, and they have really
stayed true to this promise thatthey said a few months ago that
they were going to push outsmaller creators.
That's absolutely beenhappening.
So, like this is the best timefor you to try and get a wider
Okay, do you want to call infrom people from from the next
towns over?
Do you want to, you know, betalking about destination
What do you want to be talkingabout?
Who do you want to attract?
Make the content about that forthose people and put the SEO
content in the caption.
That's the biggest thing.
That caption, the biggest thing.
That caption should be meaty.
It should not be like I lovedshooting, you know, stacy,
senior portrait session by youknow, contact me for for your
fall sessions.
That is not.
That is not good enough.
You have to be writing a,basically a small mini blog post
for your caption, which is why,if you just repurpose the blog,
it makes it easier.
Or use chat, gpt, whatever yougot to do, but make that caption
a meaty ass.
Seo situation because Instagramisn't really using hashtags
Like they've said it many times, they don't matter as much.
You can still put them there,but that's not how people are
finding you.
They're finding you from SEO,and so if you're doing a really
good job of putting that SEOcontent in your caption, that's
what's going to help thealgorithm know how to send your
content to the right people.
It's going to give you morereach and also get you
That and using the trendingsounds obviously always helps.
Okay, it's not like a must, butit adds fuel to that fire.
So you want to be using all ofthe tools that you can to give
you the best results.
So that's what I would be doingright now is I would just go
hard right.
If you don't have clients andyou need clients, I would be
like laser focused on I need tobe producing at least one, at
least one a day.
All right, I'm talking aboutspecifically for Instagram,
tiktok, probably more two tothree.
If you want to grow on TikTok,you got to be posting like three
times a day.
But we're not talking aboutTikTok specifically right now,
but like Instagram for sure,once a day, at least once a day.
For the next like 10 to 14 days,go hard, show up on your
stories, talk a little bit onyour story, make sure you put
captions on your story so peoplecan read without the sound.
Get to the point in yourstories.
You want people to consume it.
So if you're just kind oframbling and stuff, that's not
super helpful for your reach andyour engagement, get to the
But put a CTA.
So like, if you're talkingabout, like I've got fall
sessions, first of all you'regoing to repost your reel that
you posted and then you can puta piece of text there and then
you can say pop on screen and besomething like guys, fall
sessions are the most populartime of year.
I did a whole blog post about it.
I just talked about it on thispost.
Go read about it.
But long story short, you needto get booked for it right now,
because I'm going to get bookedfor these sessions.
It's a small window of timethat we have for fall.
We think that we have time.
We don't?
It's not that long.
Book your session now.
Dm me if you want a session,because Instagram doesn't like
it when you make people leavethe platform.
That's the issue.
So when you ask them to DM youor you put a question box up and
you say drop your email andI'll send you info on sessions,
that's better because, a you'vegot their email now and, B you
didn't have them, leave theplatform right.
So, ideally, those are thethings that you want to be
thinking about and and go off,go hard with those CTAs, get
them in.
Like, don't be afraid to askfor the sale.
You can't get what you don'task for.
So I would, I would be goinghard, that's what I would be
What captions can we put inreels so that people are reading
and watch the whole thing?
I have several reels I want todo, but I'm stuck on what words?
Okay, yeah, so it is very mucha thing where and you see it all
the time like, read the caption, and that's the whole reason
why the reel gets so many viewsis because it's a short reel.
That's the thing.
It has to be seven, sevenseconds, seven or under for that
kind of thing to happen.
People aren't going to do thaton a 15 second or longer reel,
so your reels need to be short.
That's the, and you can playwith this.
But if you want people to readthe caption and have your video
on repeat to get the views,that's ideally.
What you want is a shortervideo, okay, where all of the
actual meat is in the caption,and so it's the same kind of
thing that I was talking aboutat the beginning and I know you
weren't on, tracy, so like, goback later and rewatch it.
But ideally you want to bethinking about what is going to
make this post valuable.
Okay, so I'm posting aboutso-and-so's senior pictures
these are her sneaks, okay, andwe shot it at the beach.
What would be valuable to myaudience as well as fun for my
client to see her pictures?
It has to serve two purposesfor me there, right?
I'm not just posting thesesneaks for her, because that's
not doing me any good.
If I just post so-and-so'ssenior pictures at the beach,
she'll like it.
She'll like the images, imagesand she'll probably share it to
her story and I might get someeyes on my brand from her
friends, ideally, and maybe thatreel might take off.
I don't know who knows, right,but ideally what I want is I
want the caption to serve abigger purpose for SEO.
I want it to be a longer formpiece of content than not just
like something that I spit out,if that makes sense.
So you need to think about howyou can make that valuable and
it depends on the post.
Don't overthink it either.
You can use ChatGPT for this aswell.
Right, like.
So you could go into Jachet PTand be like I have this client
we shot at the beach.
I need five ideas on how I canget people to read an entire
Like, what kind of caption canI create?
That's going to be interesting.
So you can think about threecommon mistakes people make when
they're shooting at the beach.
People love mistakes and painpoints.
It's going to hit that back oftheir brain.
It's going to hit the lizardbrain.
It's going to be like oh, do Ido that?
And then you're going to gettheir attention.
Unfortunately, that's marketing.
So if you're just usingaspirational marketing and
positive marketing, you can useboth.
But if you're just usingpositive, you're probably not
going to get as many views,because people don't really want
to see the feel good.
Now, if your images are amazing,then they will, right, but
that's the other part of it.
It's like you want, like foryour reels in general, you want
to keep them short.
You want to have something onthe screen that pops up right
away, that tells people whatit's going to be about, like
And so that could even just belike three common mistakes I see
people make when they'replanning their senior session.
I'm just throwing stuff out,but you get the idea it's going
to be like it needs to be therefor people to go wait what, and
it gets their attention.
The visuals have to be a hook aswell, like there needs to be
something kind of going onthat's going to be like oh, so
it can't just be like a longlike BTS video of like you doing
, let's say, seven, eightseconds of shooting, or longer
like quick, quick cuts of likeyou doing it.
So ultimately, like maybe kindof throw in a few visual hook,
text hook and then the captionis where the meat is for SEO and
also for the value that you'retrying to tell people, because
you can't tell people that in aseven second video, right, so
all of it has to be below, say,like you can even put what the
three things are really quickand be like read the caption for
why or how to avoid this.
So you kind of have to bethinking about what's going to
get people to stick around,ideally on pretty much every
piece of content, and you canuse ChatGPT to help you with
that as well, because it willdefinitely give you a lot of
good options for that.
So you want to be thinkingabout these three areas
specifically, just like in anypieces of your content.
You want to grow, you want tonurture and you want to convert.
How are you doing that in yourcontent?