Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Tried and
True with the Dash of Woo, where
we blend rock-solid tips with alittle bit of magic.
I'm Renee Bowen, your host,life and business coach and
professional photographer atyour service.
We are all about gettingcreative, diving into your
business and playing withmanifestation over here.
So are you ready to getinspired and have some fun?
Let's dive in.
Hey, hey, welcome back to Triedand True with the Dash dash of
I am your host, renee bowen,and this is my second time
recording this podcast today.
Um, I just recorded a wholepodcast that was actually pretty
fire and, uh, it didn't recordlike sound.
It sounds like I'm underwaterStill don't know why and I'm
hoping this one actually works,because I've been having a lot
of tech issues lately with thesound on my computer.
So I'm really hoping that thisone is coming through, and I
just don't have the bandwidth torecord the length of podcast
that I just recorded, so I haveto just believe that I didn't
need to put that one out andthat I needed to make it more
So that's what we're going todo.
The reason I wanted to makethis podcast this week is that
here we are in the middle ofJune and a lot of you guys are
having a hard time gettingclients, and so I wanted to
address that.
I have some resources that I'vebeen creating Well, I always
create, but just recentlycreated a couple of different
blog posts that speak to thatand so you guys definitely
should go check those out.
They're linked for you in theshow notes.
One of them also is talkingabout the summer sales that I
have going on right now.
So I do want to mention thatreally quickly, because I have
some of my most popular programson sale, but only for a week,
and one of them is the creativeteam method, which is normally
So you're getting it for $600off during the summer sale, as
well as some other stuff,including my style guide called
Fit Check, that you can actuallyuse your images or mine in
I've got a lot of really coolstuff on the sale, so you want
to go check those out.
That's linked for you below aswell.
Just make sure you check all ofthat out before Sunday, because
they go offline Sunday night atmidnight.
Okay, so if you are aphotographer and you are booked,
you might be thinking I don'tneed to listen to this, renee,
because I'm booked.
I am going to be going oversome pretty important
information about chat GPT in asecond.
So you definitely want to tunein for that and, yeah, I'm going
I'm going to make this asconcise as possible so hopefully
this podcast will not end up aslong as the one before it did.
That did not record.
I'm still.
I'm still real bitter aboutthat.
I'm going to let it go.
Let's move on.
Okay, so you might still wantto listen If you don't have
enough clients.
You definitely want to listenand you may or may not like some
of the stuff I have to say, butthat's okay.
It's all said with love and myintention is for you to actually
, you know, get clients and beprofitable.
That's always my intention.
So, first things first, youhave to, you know, be good at
what you do.
So if you are brand newlistening to this brand new
photographer, you haven't honedyour skill yet, you haven't
defined your style yet.
That needs to happen first.
We're photographers and ourwork is going to resonate with
people based on our work first.
So, yeah, your SEO and all thatmatters and your copywriting,
and we're gonna talk about someof that stuff in this podcast.
But if your work does not speakto a client, you won't book the
So please take the time to getgood at what you do and to just
get better and better at it.
We all started at the beginning.
There's nothing to be ashamedof.
We all started in the same boat, basically.
So make sure that you are justhoning that skill and getting
really good at what you do.
At this time of year in June, ifyou are any kind of
photographer, but specificallysenior photographer and even
wedding photographers any kindof niche though, I feel like,
has a hard time booking in Juneand July, specifically for
It's because people don't wantto think about being in school
They're done with school,they're out.
They want to be having fun inthe summer.
So they're done with school,they're out.
They want to like be having funin the summer.
So if you haven't booked yourclients for summer already, it's
going to be hard to actuallyget people to want to book with
you right now, and that's normal, okay.
So first of all, I want you toknow that.
You know that we all sort ofsee a dip in that, but there are
things that you can do in thefuture, say next year, so that
you don't end up in thisposition because, ideally, you
want to be booked.
You want to be booked by likeApril or May, for June through
So I'm going to be going oversome stuff that's going to help
you with that and also somestuff that's going to help you
get some clients in right now ifyou just need that income right
So let's get into it.
First things.
First, you need to have a very,very clear picture of what you
Okay, I ask photographers allthe time.
I'm like what kind of businessdo you want?
What kind of life do you want?
A lot of us don't have theanswer to that, and I have been
in that position before too,where I just didn't know what I
Until you get really clear onthat, what it's going to be
really hard to reach it.
So do yourself a favor and diginto that, and if you're having
a hard time deciding or figuringout what it is you truly want,
that's an even bigger reason tospend some more time on it,
because chances are, youprobably have some programming
wrapped up into that.
Maybe somebody told you itwasn't a valuable thing to do,
or you were told that.
Just do this like you're tryingto follow someone else's life
So if you haven't givenyourself the time and freedom to
do that, now is a great time todo it, and there is no set rule
on this.
Dig into it.
You deserve to have the kind oflife that you love, so spend
some time on that.
Outlining your purpose withclarity is not to be skipped.
It just isn't.
So definitely do that first,because you need to understand
like your business is unique andyou need to define that.
From there, you can develop abrand story and a brand vision
and a brand message.
That's really important.
A lot of you guys don't havethat identified, so those two
things really need to be likethe foundation of everything and
all your marketing.
It's going to be really hard toget clients if you don't have a
very easy way to express thatOkay, so those need to be
clearly and deeply outlined.
Anybody who tells you just runsome ads and market to everybody
, run from that person BecauseI'm going to tell you something
that is probably not verypopular.
You might not even want to hearthis, but the only people who
really see return on Facebookads are people who are kind of
competing at a low price pointBecause it's easy to get a lot
of people on Facebook to buy incold bleeds, like just cold
people that you don't know, tobuy into a photography session
if it's cheap, okay, what we do,what I do as a boutique
photographer, you know, Iaverage 4,000 and up per client
and that's what I teach.
That's a whole different thingand that's what I teach.
That's a whole different thing.
So it's a lot harder to attractthe right buyer on Facebook
with just generic basic Facebookads or boosting posts.
That's kind of just likethrowing money into the fire and
I don't suggest you do that.
You are free to do whatever youwant, obviously, but if you
want to attract a more savvybuyer, some of the other things
that I talk about in here aregoing to be more valuable to you
So, having that clear brandmessage and your vision, so that
the feeling is expressed in allyour marketing, that's kind of
what we're going for here.
So really do yourself a favorand do that work, and I have
tons of resources for you guys.
If you're in a membership withme or coaching with me, you know
that I really harp on this andwe revisit this often, so it's
super important.
The other piece of that on topof those two pillars is going to
be your target client.
You got to know who you'retalking to.
If you're a senior photographer, you have two you have the
parent and the teenager.
And if you are a seniorphotographer, just as a side
note, and you are only marketingto the parent, you really are
going to miss the boat here.
That could be a big reason ofwhy you don't have the clients
right now that you wish you did.
Perhaps that worked for you fora long time in the past, but it
just doesn't work anymore.
There are some pockets and someregions that it might still
Um, if you know, you know like,if you're there and you're like
, okay, I have no problemmarketing to the parent, that's
good, that's fine, but I reallydo still think that you are
going to see some changes inyour market.
It may take a little bit for itto bleed into yours, but it's
something that you need to havein your awareness that you need
to be marketing to the teenager,because more and more of the
parents are letting the teenagercall the shots on who gets
hired, and the teenager has avery different idea a lot of
times on who that is.
So you can just be the mostamazing photographer ever, but
if that teenager is not on boardwith you, the client the
parents is going to let them sayno, so I want you to be
speaking to both of them.
If you're a brandingphotographer, headshot, wedding
photographer, any niche thatyou're in, you have to make sure
that you are clearly speakingto that target client at all
times, and so those three mainthings need to be in place
before you actually can produceany effective marketing.
So if your marketing is lackingor you feel like you don't have
the clients coming in or theleads coming in, I would start
on those things first.
From there, you can build yourmarketing strategy, and then you
can make it look like howeveryou want it to look for you.
Again, this has to feel good toyou, otherwise you're not going
to do it.
So that looks like you decidinghow often you want to show up
on social media, you know, andhow you want that to actually
play out.
So it has to look like how youwant it to look.
That's the main thing I wantyou to hear about.
That Social media is a big partof this, but it's not the only
So you've got social media,you've got relationship,
in-person marketing, referralmarketing, like that and SEO.
Those three things are like thetrifecta of getting clients, of
marketing, of telling peoplewhat you do, who it's for and
telling people how you solvetheir problems.
You can do that moreeffectively when you have a very
clear message that just kind ofgets expressed in all of those
different areas.
Basically, that's really whatwe're going for here, and so
there are some things that youcan be doing in each of those
areas to increase your chancesof getting bound in your market.
If you are a boutiquephotographer meaning you're
going to be charging more,shooting fewer clients sort of
thing the relationship buildingmarketing, the in-person
referral marketing, the workingwith other businesses in your
local area marketing that'sgoing to be really, really key
for you.
Your social media definitelystill needs to come into play.
It needs to back all of that up.
If you're out there in thecommunity and you've got a
really good brand name, though,chances are you're not going to
need to rely on it quite as much, and so that's always where I
tell people to kind of divedeeper and look and see how you
can use the power of your localarea and other business owners
and other people who are infront of that target client, how
you can actually leverage thatfor your own marketing.
That's where I feel like a lotof people miss the boat.
I'm an introvert.
I don't love getting out there,trust me, but it does pay off,
and it pays off long-term.
That's the thing.
So you build thoserelationships now and you keep
them up.
They will follow you for yearsand years to come, like people
will be talking about you foryears because your brand name
needs to be on everyone's lipsin your area.
Okay, you want to be top ofmind for people and the way that
you do that is you create thesestrong relationships.
There's a lot of different waysto do that.
One of the blog posts that Iwas talking about before that's
linked goes into more detail onsome of that stuff as well, so
definitely click on that.
As a side note.
If you are a high school seniorphotographer and you don't run
a senior rep team, now's a greattime to start.
Yes, you can start one rightnow.
You can even do like a littlemodified version where you do
like just like a summer program,where it's just one or two
It's a great way to like buildexcitement about your business.
You can even do like a youngerteen team during the summer.
That's a fantastic way because,again, you're marketing to
those younger teens.
They're going to ideally comewith you as they grow through
high school and become part ofyour senior client base or your
team or whatever you're running.
A senior team is 100% still aneffective way to build and grow
your senior business.
Just in general, it's how Ibuilt mine.
Yes, it was a little bitdifferent.
It was back in 2007.
Nobody was really doing seniorsat all where I was located, but
I wanted to bring it here andit has definitely evolved over
time and my clients have changedso I've had to pivot.
So if you haven't pivoted yourprogram and you've seen like a
dip in your program, now's thetime to change things up.
Again, our Gen Z clients andour Gen Alpha clients they don't
really respond to the samethings as our older clients from
the past did.
So it's really important foryou to constantly be evaluating
that and figuring out ways tomake it valuable to them.
Who is that ideal dream clientof yours?
It goes back to that foundationwe were talking about.
That's going to be relevant foryour senior team, but you still
can start a senior rep team.
Now it's completely possible todo that and just pull one
together on the fly.
You don't even have to have avery in-depth program.
Like I teach in the creativeteam method and in fact inside
of the creative team method aresome ideas for these kinds of
things where you can just dolike little pop-up teams or
maybe you do a team team.
It's all inside that program,which is on sale right now for
$600 off, so hit the link belowand grab that.
You can pull it together Like.
There's so much marketinginside of that program it's
The issue that I see a lot ofphotographers running into is
that they're running teams in apretty antiquated way.
Or they're doing it for free,or they're like just doing it
for a small amount and thenexpecting their senior client to
book a session on top of thatand then hoping that they buy
And that is just not.
It's not the easy way to do it,and I'm all about making things
easy, and so I teach it in avery different way and I believe
that it's more meaningful aswell to your clients.
So check into it and let meknow if you have any questions.
But in general, senior rep teamstill valuable.
If you're not blogging, get onthat right now.
Get some blogs put out there.
Make sure your Google businesspage is updated.
Those are two very simplethings that you can do to up
your SEO pretty much ASAP.
So make sure you're payingattention to those sort of
things as well.
Seo is kind of a long game soI'm not going to go too deep
into like the specifics of that.
I'm not an SEO expert, but I doknow that blogging and updating
your Google business page thosetwo things are super effective.
Let me sidestep for one quicksecond and talk to you a little
bit about ChatGPT and theincredible power that it has,
because it's relevant to thisSEO conversation.
Real quick.
I have been using ChatGPT fromthe minute it came out, like
late 2022.
I'm an early adopter prettymuch on anything tech, but when
this came out I was like, yep,this is going to be a game
So I definitely hopped on thebandwagon.
I paid for the paid versionpretty much as soon as they
released it and I've been usingit every month and I think it's
the best $20 a month I've everspent because it's doing the
work of like 20 people.
For me right now.
It's kind of insane and Iwanted to just kind of put a bug
in your ear about some of theupdates that I've just seen.
And again, like I'm not even anexpert on this, but I use it so
, so much and it saves me somuch time that I feel like if
you don't know about some ofthese aspects, you need to.
And I was just going over someof this kind of like a tutorial
with my Elevate members thismorning on our call and a few of
them were like whoa, I didn'tknow it could do that.
So if that's you, hopefullythis will help you as well.
So you don't have to have thepaid version.
The free version still doesquite a lot, and even just
yesterday, apple announced thatSiri is going to be integrated
into ChatGPT on this new update.
So if you do have the paidversion, it will translate with
your paid version of ChatGPT,which I'm so excited about
because I already talk into myphone, because there is an app
for ChatGPT so I can talk.
I don't say you talk back now,which is really bizarre, but you
guys, I really can't believesome of the stuff that I've been
able to do in the last few days, so it's been helpful for me,
like for a while now, as far aslike creating content as blogs
and social media content, andall of that in my voice because
I've trained it.
Again, you have to make sureyou train it with who you are
and how you want it to sound.
That's a really big part of it,because I see a lot of you guys
copying and pasting whatChatGPT or some AI have told you
for your social media captionsand you can tell I can tell that
that's not you.
Please make sure that if youare using it, you're training it
to make it sound like you, andthe way you do that is you go
into your settings, you tell itabout yourself and then now
what's really cool about ChatGPTis that it can remember across
You can toggle that on so thatyou don't have to continue
telling it in each thread whoyou are and what you do.
It'll remember, which is reallycool.
So the thing I want to talk toyou about really quickly is that
I use Chrome as a browser and Ihave the plugin for keywords
I don't really use it.
I don't have the paid version,but I definitely toggled it on
at some point right.
And I just saw a couple of daysago that inside of my chat GPT
now, there's a little box on thebottom left corner that says
templates and it has like the Kfor keywords everywhere and when
I click on it it will give metemplates for everything from
social media to business plansto SEO and then some.
And then there's categories,subcategories, that you can
toggle on.
You can tell what kind of voicetone you want it to speak in.
You set all these little things.
It's like you know you cantoggle it.
It's really quick.
And then all it asks of you isyour niche, like what you do or
what your product is, and itspits out the prompt and it's
kind of amazing.
And so I was able to do likewhole three months of keyword
research for one of my clients acouple of days ago.
I just kind of put in her nicheand what she does and what she
wants to be blogging about, andit spit out an entire
spreadsheet for the next threemonths.
And it was good, by the way, anentire spreadsheet for the next
three months, and it was good,by the way.
And then I said, okay, give methe CSV file so I can download
that and upload it to GoogleSheets that we share together.
Done within a second.
This all happens within seconds.
By the way, it'll even dothings like if you put SEO as
the category and then on-pageoptimization as the subcategory,
then it'll ask you if you wantto do like meta title and
description generator, create asilo structure, insert keywords
into the content.
It gets very specific with you.
So if you are blogging and youshould be you need to be using
ChatGPT and see if you can getthis little plugin from keywords
everywhere, because it's kindof a game changer.
I'm going to be diving so deepinto ChatGPT in the next six
months with my VIP level ofElevate, because if you're not
using it, you're literally justwasting time and I really want
to save you guys from that, andone of the ways I can do that is
to work with my coachingstudents those in my membership
and elevate both levels, becauseI have two different levels to
elevate and my one-on-oneclients.
I really want you guys to beusing this as well.
So I'm going to be teaching youwhat I'm doing and going even
deeper into all of that in thenext six months.
This technology is moving atsuch a rapid pace it's going to
be hard to keep up.
So if you haven't reallystarted using it yet, now's the
time, because it's just going togo faster and faster.
The other thing I want tomention is you know another
reason why you might not begetting clients is you know how
often are you actually askingfor the sale?
You know there's differenttypes of marketing and if you're
just doing like, let's say,social media marketing for reach
and attention and you're justtrying to like get out there,
that's awareness and that'sreach.
But are you asking people tobook something?
Are you like leveraging thepower of marketing language?
Are you creating a sense ofurgency?
There's a lot of different likemarketing techniques and
strategies that you can beimplementing into all of your
content, instead of just kind oflike putting out some BTS
content and hoping that peoplesee it and be like oh she looks
cool, I want to book with her.
You know you need to be likekind of a little bit in people's
faces sometimes, and maybe notin every piece of content, but
please don't shy away from thecalls to action and from asking
for the sale.
A lot of times this looks likeyou actually going into people's
DMs as well, and I know thatsounds crazy, but I'm telling
you, sometimes you really needto be the one to do the
I've talked about this a lot inthe past, but if you're just
like kind of consuming contentand then putting your stuff out
and then like leaving theplatform, you need to be
engaging with your clients morebecause you're going to show up
more on their algorithm.
If you are so, engage with yourclients, comment on their stuff
, like their stuff and hop intheir DMs and talk to them.
Hey, have you booked yoursenior portraits yet?
I have a couple spots open forJuly, but the rest of my
calendar is looking kind ofbooked.
That kind of conversationYou've got to start the
Sometimes you can't get what youdon't ask for, and then that
sort of leads me into thebiggest reason I feel like
people aren't booking the waythat they should be is because
there's some sort of block inthere.
Right, there's some sort oflike limiting belief and
something holding you back.
Usually it's about money, story, money worth issues that's not
even really yours, that you justpicked up somewhere along the
way and it got stuck in yourunconscious mind and now that's
what you believe.
And every time you feel likeputting yourself out there, you
feel like nobody cares, nobody'sgoing to listen, nobody's going
to book If you have a verynegative self-talk happening.
So, first of all, if you havethat negative voice in your head
, that's not your intuition,that's not you, that's not your
higher self intuition, that'snot you, that's not your higher
self, that's your unconsciousmind, that's your programming,
that's your safety.
It is running the show and youneed to be the one to step in
and say I'm done with this,because you absolutely have the
power to, and I'm here to tellyou that you can absolutely have
the business that you want.
You are worthy right now.
You don't have to jump throughany hoops.
You can have what you want,absolutely.
I'm living proof of that.
I know so many people who are aswell, and I can look back in
Like 2004, renee was sad.
2004, renee was the mostdepressed, the most anxious that
she's ever been, the mostdepressed, the most anxious that
she's ever been right.
Like I was really not in a goodplace.
I was a young mom, I had threekids under the age of like five
and I was just so deeply unhappywith my life and I felt really
guilty about that too, by theway, because I was like, why am
I so unhappy?
I have these amazing kids, Ihave this amazing husband.
I should be happy.
But, man, I was not happy.
I wanted purpose.
I needed purpose in my life.
Yes, I had a lot of hormonalthings going on.
I was in perimenopause.
I had Hashimoto's that wasundiagnosed.
All those things really take atoll on us and I felt very, very
alone in that on us, and I feltvery, very alone in that.
So it was really, really hardfor me to dig myself out of that
, but I did, and it took alittle while, but there were a
lot of things along the way thathelped.
I mean, I was on medication fora little while.
So I definitely I'm a bigbeliever in like doing what you
need to do to kind of pullyourself out of stuff.
But it was also during that timeis when I, you know, my husband
, bought me those Tony RobbinsCDs and I was listening to the
CDs on a, on a Walkman.
You know, I didn't even have aniPod.
We were like broke we, you know, we were just kind of like
scraping by and I just was likethere's gotta be something more
for me.
Like I felt like I wanted somuch more for my life and
business and I was just thinkingabout starting a photography
business at that point and itwas like a dream and when I
thought about it it felt so faraway.
But I look back on thosejournals now that I kept and the
things that I wrote down andthe things that I wanted, and I
have them all and then some, andso write them down.
Get very clear about what youwant, because there's a lot of
power in that.
There's a lot of power in, likeyou know, just the thing that
it does in your brain chemistrybut also what you're putting out
to the universe, because wedon't get what we want.
We get what we are, and whatthat means is you get the
vibration that you send out.
So you have to change yourvibration.
If you want something bigger,better, more, you've got to
change the vibration that you'reemitting and there's a lot of
different ways to do that.
I'm not going to get into thatin this podcast because I have
other podcasts about that and Ifeel like I talk about that till
I'm blue in the face and all mypeople in Elevate.
You know you guys are going toget a little more of that in the
next six months as well,because I'm creating a whole
standalone program about moneyworthiness and you know you'll
be able to like get that on itsown.
It's basically going to be likea 90 day challenge, but my VIP
level of Elevate you guys aregoing to get that included in
your membership, because I knowthat so many people really
struggle with that and I want tohelp fix that.
Like it's so fixable, it's sofixable.
So anyway, long story short,you have what you need right now
You don't have to be someoneelse or get a new camera or
Like, you can do a lot withwhat you have, I promise, and
you have to start with what youhave right.
You can't get anything morethat you desire if you aren't,
in the moment, grateful for whatyou have.
You can't hate where you areand get something amazing,
because those are two completelydifferent vibrations.
So be intentional with thatvibration that you're emitting,
with that radio signal thatyou're putting out.
Okay, I feel like I could talkabout this until I'm blue in the
The one thing that I willmention really quickly that I
forgot to, because this is thesecond time I'm recording this
is that your website makes a bigdifference, and there's a lot
of you guys with really basicold school looking websites and
I'm not trying to be a jerk,it's the truth.
You need to be paying attentionto your website.
Okay, like it is, it is yourbrand.
When people hit your websiteand you know they maybe see your
work on Instagram or they hearabout you or maybe they're just
Googling you they come to yourwebsite and they're like oh my
gosh, it takes forever to loador it looks like it was built in
That's a problem.
That's a problem.
You need to pay attention tothat, and it doesn't have to
cost you thousands of dollarseither.
It can.
That's not what I want you todo.
There's a lot of things thatyou can do right now to help
your website.
I love ShowIt.
I have been on ShowIt for awhile now, so I think that their
platform is pretty awesome.
I have my template that Ipurchased through Tonic, so I'll
link both of those things foryou guys below so you can check
it out.
Purchase through Tonic, so I'lllink both of those things for
you guys below so you can checkit out.
Tonic is like the template thatyou would buy to put on a
ShowIt site, but I absolutelylove my website.
It looks like I spent thousandsand thousands on it and I did
I did it all by myself and itwas really easy.
Again, I also used, you know,chatgpt to help me along the way
Again, I also used, you know,chat GPT to help me along the
way, and I am so glad that I didthat.
Like you know, I had aWordPress blog and site for a
long time and it was fine.
It was good, but it needed tobe updated for a little while,
so I finally bit the bullet anddid it.
A lot of my clients also loveWix, which is really inexpensive
, and you can actually do quitea bit on Wix now, as well as
Pixie Set.
Now, pixie Set, I know, isn'tgreat for SEO.
However, if that's what you'reusing right now because you're
using it for your galleries andit also has the studio software
built in and stuff like that andif that's what you can use
right now, you can still pimp itout, make it pretty good.
I mean, I've got one of mycoaching students I just
finished working with a couplemonths ago.
They're getting tons and tonsof inquiries, and I think
they're booked out until the endof the year, because they were
intentional about creating thatfoundation.
I talked about that brandmessage and all of that stuff
and speaking to their targetclient, and they redid that
Pixie set site and it's ahundred times better than what
it was before and it's alsoattracting clients.
So you can still do a lot withsome of these sites.
You don't have to spend a lotof money on it.
Put it on your list assomething that you definitely
want to invest in at some pointif you can't do it right now,
but your website really, reallymatters, all right.
So I'm going to go ahead andwrap this up and remind you guys
to hit the links in the shownotes, because the blog posts
that I spoke about before haveeven more in-depth information
about all of this, and if youare looking for actual, real
help with your business, youneed to look into Elevate.
There are two levels.
The VIP level is by applicationonly, though, and there's a $49
level as well, and if you signup before the end of June for
that level, you also getsomething special.
So definitely check out thelink that's linked below that
says Elevate, and you can findall the information about what
each of those levels include andjust reach out for with any
questions too.
I'm happy to chat with you guysabout that, because if you can
invest at the one-on-one levelright now and I'm not even
taking one-on-ones just yet,anyway, because I'm pretty
booked or you can't do the VIPlevel of elevate, at least get
in foundation.
I mean, like there's so muchcontent there for you guys, I
It's such a good value and youget actual coaching and you get
accountability and you will getout of it what you put in, just
like anything else.
So I hope that this wasvaluable, I hope that it gave
you some good ideas at least,and I hope it gives you some
inspiration to go out there andchange something.
If you are not getting theclients that you want, you can
absolutely change that and youdeserve to have it and you're
worthy of it right now.
So don't believe the lies yourunconscious mind is telling you.
Okay, have a great week,friends.
Love you Bye.