Episode Transcript
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Paul DeNigris (00:00):
Hi everyone.
I'm Paul DeNigris.
I'm a visual effects artist,filmmaker and film educator.
I have made independent films,I've worked on visual effects
for film and TV and I've taughtdigital filmmaking at the
university level for about twodecades Now I run a boutique
visual effects studio calledFoxtrot X-Ray and we specialize
in serving independentfilmmakers and helping them use
visual effects to tell theirstories, and that's what this
podcast is about theintersection between visual
effects and independent films.
Welcome to the VFX for Indiespodcast.
With me today are David Stipes,visual effects supervisor for
Star Trek the Next Generation,and Rick Ravenell, 2d supervisor
for Star Trek Picard.
Welcome to the podcast, guys.
David Stipes (01:03):
Excellent, good to
be here.
Rick Ravenell (01:05):
Great to be here,
Paul Thanks.
Paul DeNigris (01:07):
I'm connected to
these two gentlemen.
At sort of opposite ends of mycareer, David and I worked at an
animation studio here inPhoenix, Arizona, called Rainbow
Pretty early on in my career wewere working for a couple of
fellas who had left Hollywoodafter working on Star Trek, deep
Space Nine, star Trek, voyagerand other shows like that.
They had come to Arizona tostart a little animation studio
and develop some film and TVprojects and they brought some
Star Trek alumni that they wereconnected with, such as John
Eaves, who did some ship designfor some of the projects that we
worked on, and Mr Stipes here,who quickly became a dear friend
and one of my VFX mentors andsomebody that I routinely dial
When I can't figure somethingout.
I say, hey, David, give me sometips, what kind of magic did
you guys do back in the day?
And it's been a wonderfulrelationship since then.
I guess we've probably knowneach other close to 25 years now
, David.
David Stipes (02:10):
Yeah, close to.
Paul DeNigris (02:12):
And then, shortly
after I left Rainbow Studios, I
entered academia.
A long story there, but Istarted teaching in a private
college here in Arizona and Rickwas one of my students for a
number of years and I prettyquickly realized that Rick had
what it took to be successful inthe VFX industry and I said
dude, you need to move to LosAngeles.
Not all my students everlistened to that advice, but
Rick certainly did and he wentout there and has been kicking
ass out there since what?
Rick Ravenell (02:44):
Yeah, yeah, is
that right?
Yeah, and that's exactly what Idid.
I just packed up and moved toLA and hope for the best.
David Stipes (02:50):
Well, that was a
brave but right thing to do.
That was the right thing to do.
Paul DeNigris (02:54):
Yeah, absolutely
Great advice.
Like I said, not everybody tookit, but you definitely did.
I just pointed at the door, youwalked through it and then
started running and I've been inawe of your career since then
and, like I tell you all thetime when I see you, I'm just
always so proud of you andeverything that you've
accomplished, and you've justtaken it to levels that I could
not have imagined when I gaveyou that advice all those years
Rick Ravenell (03:22):
Thanks, man.
Paul DeNigris (03:23):
The title of the
episode is Lessons from Star
Trek, and that's because thesetwo gentlemen have worked at
opposite ends of the Star Trekthe next generation legacy David
way back at the beginning whenTNG was first on, and then Rick,
most recently with Picard,season three, with the
ostensibly the ending, theconclusion of the TNG crew and
the TNG story, and I thoughtwhat a great opportunity to
really explore the franchise and, kind of you know, the lessons
that independent filmmakerscould learn from even something
as big and established as StarTrek.
The question is what does StarTrek have to teach independent
And, like I always say, itdoesn't matter whether you're
doing a $50,000 character baseddrama to people sitting in a
room or you're doing a milliondollar an episode, space opera,
time and money are always theenemy, right, they're always the
enemy to creativity, they'rethe limiting factor, they're
always the enemy to achievingexactly what you want.
So we're always being asked todo more with less, doesn't
matter what the budget level.
So there's always lessons to belearned.
And really, when you think aboutit, star Trek began as a bunch
of people in homemade costumesin a pretty cheap looking set,
with just the spirit of kendooptimism.
That doesn't describe theaverage independent film.
I don't know what what does.
So, before we dive into that,david, why don't you give
everybody just the quicknon-trek highlights of your
David Stipes (04:46):
I got fascinated
with visual effects with King
Kong when I was a little kid,asking my mom how to do that
because I knew something wasgoing on.
And of course she said, oh,it's a trained chimpanzee.
And of course I immediatelyknew that wasn't right, didn't
know what it was, but knew thatwasn't it.
And then so it started gettingme curious.
In the 60s I discovered MonsterMagazines and Forest J Ackerman
famous monsters from a filmland magazine and of course then
I got to discover RayHarryhausen, will Subrion and
all of the stop motion wondersthat they brought forth.
So that really was a drive toget involved.
Before I got out of high schoolI'd actually worked on my first
feature film as a model makerand I got my first experiences
with the horrors or thedisappointments of working on
models and having them left inthe rain and when I came to
collect my beautiful prize itwas a puddle of rebel and stuff,
things like that.
I'm actually old enough and I'mon a rot right in front of your
faces here, right in front ofyour screen.
I'm old enough that I actuallydid apply to work on the
original Star Trek.
I was as green as could be andthey patted me on the head and
say, yeah, go away, grow alittle more, come back.
And it took me 25 years to be anovernight success and go to
work on Next Generation, becausethat's how long I had to plod
along and work along and I hadmy own studio.
I did get a chance to work onBattlestar Galactica and Buck
Rogers and a few things likethat, but got on to Next
Generation Season 6 and thenworked on Seven.
We did that great all goodthings episode and got an Emmy
for that, then went on toVoyager and we got an Emmy for
the first episode of that one,the first pilot, and it just
kept moving forward to NextGeneration I mean Next
Generation Voyager, then DeepSpace Nine.
So I finished off Deep SpaceNine, moved out to Arizona where
I met, was working with Paul atRainbow Studios.
I worked on a lot ofindependent films here in
Arizona and so I've had a chanceto work with a lot of pretty
green people here and prettyseasoned people, and I know that
Paul has, I think, run intosome of the same kind of
phenomena too with localfilmmakers who have very high
So I've been blessed to be ableto work there and be able to
bring some help to the people.
I will interject that I alsogot into academia and was
teaching visual effects at adifferent school and some of my
students wound up.
You know three or four of themtook the opportunity to move to
Hollywood and they're doingtheir thing too and being
Paul DeNigris (07:36):
Well, thanks,
Obviously, you've gotincredible depth and breath of
And your students must haveabsolutely been blown away by
what you brought to yourclassroom experience, and any of
them that followed your adviceto go pursue a career must be
doing really well and like as afellow professor, like that's
the coolest thing to see.
I call everybody my kids.
I mean, Rick is certainly olderthan my kids, but you know I
call them all my kids and yeah,we cherish their successes
Absolutely so awesome.
So with that, that's a greatsegue.
Rick, tell us, tell us whatyou've been up to since, since
moving out to LA.
Rick Ravenell (08:17):
Yeah, so I mean
my visual effects stuff started
when I was a kid, you know, wealways went to the movie
theaters every every week.
That was like our family gettogether, it didn't matter what
was playing, we just we just gothere.
This is back when we hadnewspapers.
You had to pick out a movie, gothere and then hope something
was there, and we just watchedmovies.
And then my dad always watchedmovies.
We come home from work sayingwith my mom she'd be sitting
there getting an Afghan watchingStar Trek or Star Wars or
whatever it is you know.
And so that's what I grew up.
Watching is just tons of sci fi.
So in school I was primarily anart history major, you know,
doing drawing, painting,printmaking and all that kind of
And my dad was like you know,being an artist probably not
going to make you any money.
I want you to be a starvingartist, I want you to have a
But you play a lot of videogames on this computer thing
that you have.
Maybe you can kind of do art onthe computer, and that's sort
of what led me to the visualeffects.
It's like well, I want to workon movies, I want to work on TV
How do I put these two thingstogether?
So I did all my generaleducation in Hawaii, learning
again, painting, pre-making, allthat.
And then I moved to Arizona, toUniversity of New York City
Technology, where I met Paul andBasically was like is this the
Is compositing real?
Like it's visual effects real,you know?
Because I had no idea what anyof that stuff was.
I mean, I went to UAT without adirection and I got my
direction from Paul and that wasvery special because he's like
you know, this is what, this iswhat you can do.
You know, if you want to do it,go to LA.
So I did went to LA.
First thing I worked on wasKnight Rider in 2008, which was
a TV show with NBC.
And what else came out in 2008Iron man.
So everybody's all excitedabout heads-up displays and
graphics and clear screens andall of that, and I thought that
stuff was a Great.
So they were like, hey, can youmake any of this stuff?
Sure, why not?
Had no idea how to make it,just kind of faked it till I got
So I got to do tons of graphicsand motion graphics work for
that show, but I also got tocomposite everything together.
So I got to own all of my shotswhen you get to end, which is
really special and that justsort of propelled my career.
You know, I did graphics onavatar, which was super fun.
Didn't get to do any comp onthat, but it did hide my face
and every single shot that I didand put my name in there, so
that was really fun.
And then since then beenjumping around to different
studios doing motion graphicsand compositing work.
Some of the movies I worked onit's after Earth and Ender's
Game, and most recently I am nowthe compositing supervisor and
the head of 2D at Outpost andwhere we were working on Star
Paul DeNigris (10:46):
Well, thanks,
That's pretty awesome career sofar and it's kind of amazing,
like I Think, when I, when Iwent to visit you when you had
just started at Outpost, I said,I said, yeah, I give it a year,
you'll be running this place.
David Stipes (11:03):
You basically yeah
you did.
Rick Ravenell (11:05):
Yeah, I was.
It's pretty awesome.
Paul DeNigris (11:07):
I was skeptical
and then and then you told me
you were working on Picard and Igot.
I got very, very excited andPicard season 3 was everything.
A Star Trek fan like me who'sbeen a fan since since before
TNG, since I would say probablyI Don't know, probably since I
was maybe six or seven years allone Trek Trek was the original
track was already in reruns andwhen the motion picture came out
I was super excited and and hadto go see that opening weekend.
And then, you know, justfollowed the, the original crew,
through all their movies andbooks and comics and all kinds
of stuff and I built a, you know, model of the Enterprise, a
when I was a kid and hangingfrom my ceiling.
So I've been a died in the woolTrekkie from from a long time, a
long time ago.
And, yeah, I have always saidthat the original ending of
next-gen all good things is thegold standard for series finales
, like it's.
When I think about seriesfinales, that is always the
number one.
It's they stuck the landing inevery possible way.
And so I was nervous going intoPicard season 3, you know,
because modern Trek has has kindof, you know, broken my heart a
little bit since 2009, sincethe JJ reboot.
I was never really happy withthose movies.
Rick Ravenell (12:25):
I was so
Paul DeNigris (12:27):
I didn't love
discovery when it first came on,
and even Picard season 1 and 2were okay.
They're kind of iffy.
There was some story problems,some characterization problems.
So I went into season 3cautiously optimistic, and when
I heard they were bringingeverybody back from the next-gen
crew I was like, well, now Ihave to watch it, just for the
sake of completeness, becauseit'd be nice to visit with old
I follow all of the TNG crew onon all the socials and it's
like they are.
They literally are that familythat we see on TV.
They literally are that tightand you want to root for them.
You want their stuff to be good.
You want them to, you know, goout in the plays of glory.
And they certainly did withwith Picard season 3.
The crowning moment, I guess,of Picard season 3 was the
resurrection of the Enterprise D, you know, coming back into
action after being lovinglyrestored by by Geordie David.
David, did you I assume you youstayed up with with Picard
season 3?
Did you, did you watch?
David Stipes (13:26):
I've got through season 1 or 2.
I did pick up the, the revealof the new Enterprise and then
the battle and all of that.
So, yes, I saw some of the keymoments.
I will eventually pick up therest of the show, but I I you
were asking if I felt nostalgicabout it and in a way I was.
It was like when the doors openand stuff, you see, I'm going
like, wow, that poor baby looksa little rough or where.
But you know I love seeing it.
I am going to squawk a littlebit.
It's like I didn't know thatGeordie was such a thinker that
he could get his old Thunderbirdor old mustang out in the
garage put back together so wellby himself.
So how in the heck did Geordieresurrect the ship off of the
planet, get it into orbit?
That was kind of a story issue.
It has nothing to do with thevisuals, but the visuals were
So, rick, did you get?
Were you involved in that shotat all?
Rick Ravenell (14:24):
Not the initial
reveal of it, but we did the
shot where it warps in in frontof Jupiter.
David Stipes (14:29):
Oh, yeah, that was
Yeah, yeah, the CGI work with Ithink was really nice and so,
yes, I thought it was reallynostalgic and I love the moves.
The moves were, you know, veryEnterprise, very next generation
So, yeah, everyone did,everyone did a good job.
I just kind of like I want toelbow the writers a little bit
like yeah, come on guys.
Paul DeNigris (14:53):
He used a healthy
dose of hand-wavium Ship.
David Stipes (15:00):
Yeah, Geordie is
really great at the best of the
Paul DeNigris (15:03):
Replicators can do a lot.
David Stipes (15:06):
Yeah, those droids
must have been really busy,
Paul DeNigris (15:11):
Rick, as you guys
were working on Shots with the
Enterprise D, were you guys likepinching yourselves?
We're people like, oh my god,this is the coolest thing ever,
or was it just another day atthe office?
Rick Ravenell (15:21):
I mean we were
really lucky that we had two
like diehard Star Trek fans onthe show our Producer she worked
on the remaster and so did oneof our CG soups.
So they were putting in so muchextra effort like all the time,
because they were like guys,this is gonna be so cool like
you have no idea.
So everybody else, they I meanthey like working on it because
it was sci-fi and it was fun,but they didn't know like how
much it meant to like these twopeople, and those two people
were like driving the whole showand the Production of it.
David Stipes (15:51):
So who are the two
people that were you talking
Rick Ravenell (15:54):
It was Melissa
the long and we're Mel Calderon.
So is the.
He's the CG soup and she wasthe producer.
Thank you and they, they lovedit.
Like they were so excited aboutit like we're.
Yeah a company called Hornersshipyards who does Maketz for
ships, so he 3d prints ships anddoes all the decal work and
sends them out.
And he even knew the designerof the Titan in the car, bill
So they both are Are connectedand they talk all the time and
so he was so excited just evenbe part of the project.
But then to work on theenterprise deal was just like
the crowning achievement, likein his career.
David Stipes (16:29):
I was in awe and
humbled when I realized, working
on this show, all of these StarTrek shows, just as you are,
rick, you are now a part ofcinema history.
You are a part of somethingthat will never go away.
Rick Ravenell (16:46):
David Stipes (16:46):
And this is part
of your heritage that you get to
pass on to fans and people whoare not even born yet, and so
it's a wonderful gift, a giftfrom the universe to you, but
from you to everyone else, ifyou don't mind me being a little
metaphysical there.
Rick Ravenell (17:02):
No, it's really
special and, to be honest, we
didn't know what it was going tobe like while we were working
on it, because we worked onseason two as well and you know
it had its ups and downs, but wewere all still excited.
And then season two came on.
They're like, okay, well, Iguess they're doing season three
Maybe this season three, thisis the one you know it'll be
So we you know everybody put intheir effort and we weren't
sure what it was going to turnout like, and especially the
final episodes, the amount ofwork we put into that stuff.
It was really rewarding to seejust a fans reaction to it.
David Stipes (17:36):
Like red exploded,
like a bunch of our friends are
all over it.
Rick Ravenell (17:39):
And we were like
I couldn't believe it.
You know, like it was reallysurprised Like people were
sharing like gifts of my shotsthe internet.
You know stuff that like I hadsupervised stuff that I
personally worked on.
I was like I don't know, itdoesn't get any better than that
, right it's it doesn't waittill they start doing memes and
stuff of it though.
David Stipes (17:56):
Yeah, exactly, I
have some of my shots that are
actually memes and our littlelittle snippets of like oh this
is so cool, you know that kindof thing.
Hopefully you'll get some ofthat kind of stuff.
Paul DeNigris (18:09):
My, my favorite
TNG meme is Picard face palming,
but I don't think VFX hadanything to do with that one.
David Stipes (18:15):
Oh, but mine is
the uh, the Android data plan,
you know.
He's got the phone inside ofhis body.
You know from a phantasmepisode.
Rick Ravenell (18:27):
That one's fun.
Yeah, that was good, that'slike that's my shot.
David Stipes (18:30):
It was.
It's a meme yeah.
Paul DeNigris (18:33):
Right on Um.
So yeah, david, give us kind oflike an overview of sort of how
it how would enterprise shotwould have been accomplished
back in back in the original TNGdays.
David Stipes (18:46):
A bulk of my work
was done with the physical model
Uh, I can have a, I have awhole, I can do a whole, another
little section on the CGIaspect of it, but most of it was
On the model which was a fourfoot enterprise.
Uh, they did one.
I think it was about nine or 11feet long, but that was so
ungainly to work with.
I never got a chance to workwith that.
So it was a great gene model.
So we would get the script.
Um, immediately you would startbreaking down, highlighting
every one of the shots, and thenyou can determine and almost
immediately you could determinelike, yeah, that's going to be a
stock shot.
No, it's not.
Okay, now the enterprise needsto come and do something.
Okay, that's going to have tobe new.
So then you highlight that.
And I, I'm a insane storyboardguy.
I just I storyboard everything,which is one of my pet rah, rah
, rah things to do.
And, uh, I was working with,usually, joe Bauer, who went on
to a great fame on Game ofThrones and uh, so he went on
and did a great thing on his own, but he was my coordinator
assistant, so he and I wouldtalk about what was needed and
we would start working on howmany hours was going to take to
do this shot.
And where were we going to, youknow, film it?
Usually it was done at a placecalled image G, which was a
motion control facility Uh, justa couple of miles away from
And then we'd go over and shoot.
It was then transferred,usually at CIS, composite image
systems, cis, and from film todigital, usually a D one format,
and then we would take it overto digital magic or one of the
similar facilities, uh, um,pacific Ocean posts later on,
that sort of thing, and theywould be composited.
Okay, the uh, the models were,uh, you would have multiple
passes, you would have a beautypass.
You would have each one ofthese was it was programmed with
a motion control setup which iscomputer controlled, and you
would do the beauty pass.
You would do a pass with justinterior lights.
There was the engine lights,there was the facade, those
little red lights at the ends ofthe nacelles, and there was
also the deflector light at thetop, and then there was the
blinkies, the navigation lights,and each one was a separate
And then they would roll upthis gigantic orange screen,
bring out black light and blastthe heck out of it and they
would make a silhouette passagainst orange, which um is
quite unusual and um, it's theequivalent in film for what we
were doing We've been doinglately in green screen and and
old, the older blue screen, butit was very, very efficient,
very, very efficient.
All of those things cometogether.
We, we would take them down.
They would all be composited.
Don Greenberg did a great dealof compositing at the facilities
on all the different episodes.
There was a couple of thepeople but Don did a bulk of it.
Um, does that kind of answeryour question?
Paul DeNigris (22:02):
Absolutely About
more duty tiers.
Uh no, and I you know I don'twant to go into too technical
deep dive because that's notreally the audience here.
David Stipes (22:10):
There's tons of
other podcasts for like
technical deep dives into stuffI just wanted to give give our
audience, just kind of like aflavor of of sort of the process
, because it's actually there'sa point I do want to make,
though, and uh, it's relevant tosegueing into CGI.
When we were doing the motioncontrol, we were lucky if we
could get.
Maybe if we're really pushinghard and maybe we could overlap
in similar moves or something,maybe you can get four shots in
a day usually two or three, andthat was fine until we ran into
you know shows that needed, youknow 100 ships in it and they
had to be original moves.
Now, how do you do that withmotion control?
Okay, so I'll leave that as Iopen the question.
Paul DeNigris (22:52):
I see a lot of
parallels, you know, as I
listened to you talk about thedifferent passes and I saw Rick
nodding his head.
Yeah, you're probably doingthat too, a lot of similarity to
how we still do you know shipcomposites and any CG composite.
So, Rick, would you just commentagain really briefly, and don't
you don't have to go supertechnical, because again, that's
not our audience.
David blew it up.
No, oh no, not at all.
I think the way you explainedit was was such that even
somebody who's not supertechnical could understand,
could follow it.
You know, Rick and I we couldgeek out on like file formats
and AOVs and all kinds of likeacronyms and stuff like that and
lose the entire audience.
But, Rick, I'm just going topass it to you to give us kind
of like the overview.
Imagine a similar, a similarenterprise shot for Picard.
Yeah, similar to the processthat David just spoke about.
Rick Ravenell (23:41):
Yeah, so there
are a ton of similarities.
You know we start withstoryboards and then storyboards
go into the animators andthey'll do like a quick sort of
a blocking animation of flightpaths and you know we have to
make sure it feels, you know,large and heavy.
You can't, you can't be makingthese crazy moves and things
like that.
And a lot of our reference isthe stuff that you know you
worked on, david.
You know they sent us tons andtons of reference of that stuff
and because we had, again, twodiehard Trek fans, they're like
it would not do that.
This is what it would do, youknow.
So they would help, you know,art, direct and guide the
animation process.
And then when we get into 3D, alot of our 3D passes are very
similar to the ones youmentioned.
You know, like Paul mentioned,they're AOVs for us.
So we did separate ones for thenav lights, for the ship
interior lights, any of theNacelle lights and all that
Like we rented them allseparately because our
showrunner was such a huge fanof next generation that he had a
very specific look of what hewanted the ships to look like.
He's like I hate Discovery, Ihate JJA Abrams, I hate all this
other stuff.
So we're changing the way thisall works right.
So that was the biggestchallenge for us is trying to
make a ship that looks like amodel but is better, like quote,
unquote, better, you know,because they're like oh cool,
like, do they want to look likethis one show where they have
reflections and it's all veryshiny, and they're like no,
don't want that.
Then we made them that werereally flat and they're like
nope, too flat, look at themodels.
Go back and look at the modelsand make it look like a model,
but then put your extra fancystuff on top of it, and that was
kind of how we ended up withwhat Picard looks like.
We were very lucky that we werethe first company to nail the
look for the ship.
We passed the ship looks out tothe rest of the entire team,
but we did all of our look devon the tie, in which then, you
know, we did look dev on theenterprise and we passed that
off to everybody and everybodyhad to match our stuff.
David Stipes (25:43):
One of the
advantages that Rick has that I
didn't with a model.
A physical model needs to havea mount that it's resting on,
and so you can't put the cameradown there, if you see the mount
So Rick is at a place and apoint where a camera could start
looking up at the enterprise,go up over the top and go down
and look down on the enterpriseall in one shot, and I never
could, because there's a pointwhere, oops, I see the model
mount now and I can't go anyfarther.
So, yeah, you got a lot offreedom with the CGI and boy,
you guys nail that.
Look, your model work is reallygreat, really.
My compliments.
Rick Ravenell (26:27):
And that means a
lot coming from you man.
Appreciate it.
David Stipes (26:29):
I know how hard it
was man.
Paul DeNigris (26:32):
It definitely
You know the classic movies,especially like the space doc
sequences and stuff it evoked.
You know Star Trek 3, theSearch for Spock them stealing
the enterprise from Space Docand all of that sort of stuff.
And yeah, you know, obviously wehave a lot more freedom.
We can iterate a lot fasterthan you could back in the TNG
days, david.
That sometimes contributes tothe weightless feeling of CGI,
the idea that you know thecamera can do anything, the
model can do anything.
It sounds to me like theshowrunner on Picard.
Maybe give you guys some morelimitations to try and make it
feel more like the classicalmodel photography that the
franchise was built on.
David Stipes (27:13):
Well, that was
always one of my mottos that I
try to hammer with students isthat you know if you want it to
look real, you know shoot itlike a real camera and don't go
doing any crazy.
You know moves that a realcamera couldn't do.
Rick Ravenell (27:28):
Yeah, and I think
that's super important.
Like, if you can start therewith like how would you shoot
this for real and then expand onit, you got it.
It'd be cool if we could justdo this little bit and then put
that in there and you're already80% based in reality and it
doesn't break that.
You know that feeling of likewell, this is obviously fake,
you know.
David Stipes (27:49):
Yeah, you guys are
right on it.
Paul DeNigris (27:52):
Yeah yeah, the
ships in Picard always felt real
and felt like that scale.
And one of the things Iappreciated too was, you know,
back on TNG the windows werealways just lights, except for a
couple of you know hero windowswhere there was something you
know built in there or comped inthere, but it looked like on
You guys actually like putcabins and the rec room and
things like that behind thewindows.
David Stipes (28:18):
I saw that I was
just going like, wow, you can
actually see into it.
That was really cool.
Yeah, I actually did.
Rick Ravenell (28:24):
I did remark to
myself about how neat that was
nicely done, yeah we had acouple shots where we got really
, really close to the ships andwe had one of our artists, bill.
He modeled out the wholeinteriors for that stuff when we
flew past it and made sure itwas all realistic because he's a
model guy, right.
So he's like I'm going to makethis stuff look awesome.
So I'm like maybe like this bigand like, but they're going to
notice, I guarantee you it'sdone.
I was going to notice.
David Stipes (28:47):
I noticed I was
like, oh, you guys did, yeah,
absolutely, and of course theextra trick for you is that you
actually can do it inperspective.
Yeah, the best we had was alittle slide back there, a
little little transparency,which you know it can go by
under the Eve or something, butyou can't, it doesn't slide
around in.
You don't see a displacement ofany of the furniture which it
does in yours.
Paul DeNigris (29:09):
Yeah, very cool.
So let me ask each of youwhat's the hardest trek shot,
the most challenging trek shotthat either of you worked on in
your, in your time with thefranchise?
Rick Ravenell (29:20):
I can go for like
the most challenging one that
we had.
Hopefully everybody's seen thecard season three.
There's a big explosion at theend.
That was an insane shot becauseyeah it was.
Yeah, that was insane.
Yeah, like the pure scale ofthe cube it was.
we made it in real scale, so wecan get really close to it and
remodeled everything in thereand then so blowing that up and
figuring out the simulations andall that.
It's just insane to figure itout, Because we had a couple
people that that was.
Their only job was work on thiscube and make this cube as best
as possible.
And then we have we get intocompositing, which is the
department that I'm in charge of, and they're like okay, here's
all of our stuff, Please makethis work and look better.
Which is essentially whathappened, right?
So we went back and we startedpulling tons of 2D elements as
well to layer in on it to makeit feel like okay, so these
explosions, how big is thisexplosion really?
If you think about how largethis cube is and how big this
fireball is, it's not gonna bemoving fast.
Like it can't be moving fast.
It's in okay, fire in space,whatever.
We'll let that slide, right,but the rest of it layering in
2D elements that are practicallyshot is what adds the feel to
it, right.
And then they gave us referenceof hey, this is the Borg fight
we wanna reference, and I'm sureyou can imagine where that came
So we're looking at that stuffand we're like, okay, so their
color of their lasers is thiscolor and then this is how they
have their lights spread around.
So it was basically like a shotof love between 3D, 2D, all the
supervisors, all the producersand everything to try to make it
to be like the best shot ever,because the client trusted us
with this huge shot and they'relike, hey, just so, you know,
this is the big one, so don'tlet us down.
David Stipes (31:17):
Yeah, I thought
that was a great shot, or a
series of shots.
This may seem silly, but I wasactually impressed that the Borg
phasers were tiny in scale, sothey weren't big fat sausages
flying out or anything like that.
They were in scale, like youmight see an enterprise phaser
be pretty large compared to theship, but against the Borgs they
were little tiny lines.
I mean, they did their job.
You saw them and everything.
You knew what was going on, butthey were to scale.
It was great.
And then I know that finalexplosion shot.
I was wondering like where isthe enterprise gonna come from?
Where is it gonna come from?
And then you took it right outof the fire and the big you know
the shields are holding it andeverything.
It was cool, really cool.
Yeah, good job good job.
Paul DeNigris (32:04):
How about you,
What comes to mind when youthink you know the most
challenging thing you guys hadto do on TNG?
David Stipes (32:09):
Well, I wish I
could say something as nearly as
cool as what Rick did.
I have some shots that I'mdelighted that I worked on, but
as far as probably challenging,it's gonna be one little shot
that I was totally freaking outover, and that was the shot one
of the holodeck shots where RickFontaine, the James Darren
character, he's talking to Odoand he said well, you need to
get better duds, you know, andOdo is wearing his brown suit
and he goes, oh, like this, andhe comes up and he does this
motion and all of a sudden he'sgot a bow tie and his suit turns
into a tuxedo as he's talkingwith us and so it's all in
And so we were just going crazytrying to figure out how to do
Usually the shot the part thatdrives your composite is the
person talking and theneverything else goes with that.
So we got the part where Reneetalking and he did the motion
during the tug and everything.
Then he had to go and go put onthe tuxedo.
We had to come back, get himback into position and have him
go through the motion again withthe tuxedo.
So but what wound up reallydriving it for us is we wound up
having to use the tuxedo bowtie as the primary part because
that was where his hands had toland, and so, ultimately, the
dialogue was the first part weshot.
I wound up having to put hishead from the dialogue into the
composite of the otosuit, intothe tuxedo that was finally
derived and, like I said, I wasjust like, oh God, this is like
the worst shot ever.
And of course it turned outreally well.
But then they did the very lastepisode of DS9, what you leave
behind, I think it's called andI basically did not like the
otoshots because there was justall the CGI, brown goo, molasses
kind of stuff going on.
And so what do they do?
They make a otoplanet.
So now we're on an otoplanetwith a little rock outcropping
and he walks out into the sea ofgoo that's off to infinity.
So I have to deal with that andturn around, and I'll be danged
if they didn't say, okay, we'regonna have him do the tuxedo
shot again, and I'm just goingoh God, no, please.
So anyway, those two shots Ithink are the ones that make me
grown the most, but I'll tellyou they were big hits for the
Paul DeNigris (34:58):
I remember them
Oh yeah, so do I.
David Stipes (35:02):
On top of it when
poor Renea Bershaw.
He was sick with the flu duringthe whole thing I mean during
the initial one that we talkedabout on the holodeck and so he
was miserable but he wentthrough and he did take after
take after take and he changedclothes and did take after take
after take and never complaint.
What a pro.
It was really good.
He was in his 60s, late 60s, Ithink.
He had to go out on the set andhe was being merged into the
goo and he just got down andcrunched up and rolled up,
turned out he was a yoga expertand man, if I ever did that I
don't wanna sure I'd ever get upagain, but he did.
I'm going like wow, he justfolded right up and merged down
in there and worked.
I have another shot.
Can I tell another shot?
That really wasn't a challenge.
Rick Ravenell (36:01):
David Stipes (36:01):
In a problem
Okay, I really wanna give acredit here.
There was, do you remember theepisode in DS9 where Dax is
killed by Golda Kott?
Paul DeNigris (36:14):
Of course.
David Stipes (36:15):
And so he's got
the power, the energy, and you
know, blah, blah, and he friesher and holds her up and
basically burns her up.
You guys remember that Did yousee it.
Okay, Terry Farrell had a labordispute with Rick Berman and
she was not gonna return.
This was her last day, her lastshot, and I'm on the set as the
supervisor and she's crying andyou know they call her on to
She'd blot her eyes andwhatever she did to make sure
she didn't have bloodshot eyesand go out and do her shot.
Then she'd come back and betalking to the people and
they're consoling her andeverything.
Well, anyway, they're gonna dothis shot and they decided that
they're gonna raise her up on arig and so they put this leather
harness around her hips andthrough, you know, the crotch
area and everything, and thenthe costume goes on that and
then there's a couple of buckleson the side that are hoist her
up with cables.
Well, unfortunately, this thingis like something out of the
dark ages.
It was real thick leather.
So now, all of a sudden, hertrim figure has now got this
extra width to it and she comesup to me and says can you do
something for me?
I look horrible with this thingand I was like you know, she
just had this.
Her hips were really huge.
I don't wanna make jokes orstuff, but yeah, she looked
really pretty bad.
So she was just so upset.
But I was so impressed with howprofessional she was and she,
you know, she went out there,she did the shot, she did the
whole thing.
So what we did is we went backinto digital magic and we used
liquid nitrogen.
Rick, I don't know if you windup ever using liquid nitrogen
elements for your composites,but if you don't, you should
take a look at those things.
At, Dan Curry shot a lot ofthose elements.
It's really wonderful.
It makes like vaporous gas andstuff.
It's yeah, so it's reallywonderful.
So we use these little tendrilsof liquid nitrogen and we would
turn them and sandwich them allaround the outside of her,
basically disguising hersilhouette and covering it and
making it the right color.
So now when Galdicott fries her, all of this energy goes out
and gets vapor and goes out intolittle vaporous tendrils and
dissipates around her and at the.
So she looked really great andthat rap part is she came up and
gave me a great big hug and athank you for saving her last
So that was a challenge, butnot, as in, a bad challenge.
It was something that was goodto help the show and it helped
her personally.
Paul DeNigris (38:55):
So that's awesome
I was gonna ask you about thisbecause I remember you telling
me this story years ago and Iwas actually gonna ask you about
Oh, glad you brought it up,thank you.
I wanna talk about somethingelse that I'm seeing a lot of
parallels between the differenteras, and that's virtual
We're seeing this big push nowfor these LED screens on set and
I know they were used on Picardbecause I've seen some of the
behind the scenes footage where,like the star fields and the
warp streaks on the Titan weredone practically on set, and to
me it's basically just areinvention of front projection,
rear projection, rick, did thatstuff make the job easier?
Did it make it harder?
You know, and David, were thererear projection or front
projection shots ever used inTrek that we could draw the
parallel between current VPtechnology and that technology
in the past?
David Stipes (39:55):
I seem to remember
Dimly that there were a couple
of rear projection view screenshots for some particular reason
, but primarily they were greenscreen.
So if I go back, you know, adecade earlier on Battlestar
Galactic together, they wereusing huge rear screen things
that were generally overexposedand not effective at all.
But that's ancient history.
But I don't remember them doingmuch with rear screen or front
projection on any of the TNG orVoyager or DS9.
It was usually green screenInteresting.
Paul DeNigris (40:42):
Do you think
there might have been shots
somewhere along the way?
That might have been great Likeif you could take a virtual
production stage back in timewith you.
You know, are there placeswhere you could have?
You could see that technologyhaving been used on?
Oh gosh.
David Stipes (40:57):
Yes, we always
suffered with view screen eye
lines because they always I see,rick Noddy is head they always
said, oh yeah, it's a 3D viewscreen, yeah, but you're
shooting it too, do you?
So often you know you don'thave the master plate of Captain
Picard looking at the viewscreen screen left, you know,
and so sometimes you don't knowwhich way the director's gonna
shoot that.
So then when you do the closeup of you know Admiral so-and-so
talking to Captain Picard,you'd have to do a version of
him looking to the left, you'dhave to do a version of him
looking to the right, and thenyou'd have to figure out which
one worked so that they lookedlike they were looking at each
other in 3D space.
So having his new wonderfulvirtual screens, I think, would
have just been great.
I would love to see one ofthose in person, and I know that
I guess he got started ongravity.
Paul DeNigris (42:02):
So, rick, where
was this technology deployed on
Yeah, they did use some of it.
Rick Ravenell (42:07):
I didn't have the
opportunity to go and set to
see any of it, but we got to seethe plates that would come back
from it and kind of like whatDavid's saying.
Like I think it depends on howyou want to use it.
You know, because rear screenprojection, you know, trans
lights, all that stuff inpractice it sounds like it's
really great, right, but if it'sover exposed and it's out of
focus and they're like, oh hey,can we add some motion back
Well then you're screwedbecause you have to red-way
everybody anyway.
So also on Picard, we had tonsof blue screens and tons of
green screens.
It's places where they could useit, but they're like we're not
100% sure what's going backthere, so we're not gonna put
anything up.
We're not gonna put anything upand, to be honest, that was
like the smartest call theycould have made.
Because the thing you run intowith these LED screens one part
is that they're really coolbecause you can put whatever you
want up there and you get allthe reflections on your surfaces
, right, until you have tochange all those.
Because if you have to changeall those reflections on all the
surfaces and you have peoplewith hair.
You get edges that get crazy,like can you imagine trying to
do a warp tunnel shot?
And they're like oh, actuallythis isn't a warp tunnel anymore
, it's supposed to be in likethe jungle.
You know everything.
All the color changes, all theedges are horrible.
David Stipes (43:17):
Rick Ravenell (43:18):
So you're just
like what?
So you're like well, whywouldn't you just put a green
screen up?
So I think there'sgive-and-take with it.
Like we, they used it for someof the bridge shots when they're
traveling through warp.
Any of the other windows in theoutside you'd see like the warp
streaks works perfectly becausethat's exactly what they wanted
to be.
But there are other shows wherethey use this projection stuff
because the directors, whoeverwants to see it on set, and they
get really excited about it.
But then they want to changethe whole background and it's
It makes it harder and harderto do it.
And if they had just done,increase green in the first
Paul DeNigris (43:51):
I know each of
you have worked on lower budget
I know David's David's talkedabout working on some, some
indie stuff, particularly herein Arizona.
So, rick, you know what wouldyou, what would you say?
You know your relevantexperiences and and Let me let
me also say, rick and I bothworked at a Studio called encore
for a for a period.
Boy right, I was living in LAand we worked on a lot of.
David Stipes (44:17):
Paul DeNigris (44:19):
Yeah, absolutely
my my vlog series that I did
back then.
Hard to believe it's eightyears ago now, but oh wow, eight
Working in TV, as far as I'mconcerned, is very, very similar
to working in independent films.
Right, because you never haveenough time.
You never know.
Have enough money and you knownetwork TV is like that, the
You know where everything's gotto happen and it's got to
happen in this, this truncatedtime frame.
You know, not like, not like aMarvel movie, where you know one
one compositor can work on oneshot for six months.
It's like, you know, everycompositor on a network TV show
is working on dozens of shotsand they have to be done by the
end of the week.
So it just feels much more likea like an indie film type of
type of schedule.
So, rick, anything that comesto mind, you know that's that's
sort of like lower budget, lowerlow to medium budget, where you
had to pull a bunch of VFXtricks out of your hat to make
them work.
Rick Ravenell (45:15):
Yeah, I would say
the majority of the episodic
stuff that worked on kind offall into that category.
Only recently with thestreaming ones, because the
streaming ones, even though theydon't come out all that once,
like for Netflix, they try tofinish those shows six to eight
months before they actually air.
So I finished book hard seasonthree last year like way, way
earlier last year.
But for the ones like Hong'stalking about, those, things air
the next week.
So you have literally like aweek to do everything.
Yeah, what happens with that isyou have to be, you have to
really smart with your, yourtools, just your workflows,
everything and and get a have areally good to be a VFX
supervisor on it that Can lookat everything at once and be
like, okay, this is all we needto do for this shot next, next,
You know what happens on theseshows that you're mentioning,
like Marvel and some of thebigger ones, is that you'll
iterate on the same shot forweeks, month, when maybe it gets
better but maybe it gets worse.
You know, you don't know untilthe showrunner sees it and they
approve it.
But for the show runners ontelevision shows, they're like,
okay, this is better than what Ishot next.
You know so the Because theydon't have any time, like
because the problem that happensin television it's like you're
saying, paul is like time andmoney.
More time costs more money andin TV land If you're putting an
entire company on overtime it'sextremely expensive.
So they are just like us andthey're trying to be as
efficient as possible and if youhave to shot works and it looks
great, they will push thatthrough first and then spend all
the money on the big moneyshots.
Paul DeNigris (46:50):
David is that?
Does that that jive with yourexperience?
David Stipes (46:54):
Oh, yeah, to give
a little perspective, we had
seven weeks to do an episode.
We were doing, I think, 27episodes a season in those days,
and so I had a show, I in postproduction, I was had a show in
Reproduction, I had a show inproduction and I had a show in
post production all the time.
And then so you always hadthree shows that you were
putting your mental and physicalenergy or creative energy into
all season long.
And I got the dubious joy onceof when I segued off to off a DS
, off a voyage or under DS9.
I had five episodes I wasworking on simultaneously, which
was really crazy.
But yeah, you're, you reallywant to have good supervisors
and that are Thinking ahead.
Yeah, so Rick's, rick's righton there.
All of that, yeah, absolutelyfor each of you.
Paul DeNigris (47:55):
What's what's
What's like a time-saving ormoney-saving trick that you
might have picked up on On abigger budget project, like a
Star Trek, that then you'veSubsequently applied to a
smaller budget show, or that youwould apply to a smaller budget
show in the future?
Rick Ravenell (48:11):
our biggest thing
, for, for me, is Kind of what
David mentioned, or theirstoryboarding.
You know, when you, when youhave shots that you're unsure of
what it needs to look like,just start drawing some stuff
out and get it over to themearly, because trying to do
animatics in 3d Sure, likepeople are really great and
unreal now right, but it justtakes a lot of time.
You know, you could hire astoryboard artist and have like
an entire scene done in a coupledays, get approval on it, and
then you already know thatyou're working towards something
that's that the director wants.
Because, though, what happenssometimes is you spend way too
much time Trying to makesomething look really good and
then they don't want that at all.
David Stipes (48:52):
Yeah, rick's right
The biggest challenge, at leastwhen working with independence
and like out here in Arizona, isthe lack of preparedness and
and reflected in storyboards.
You heard me a few minutes agosay the same thing.
It's like I'm a big storyboardguy.
I I draw terrible storyboards,but when you look at them you
can tell where the compositionis.
You can tell where things needto be my storyboards.
If I need a 24 millimeter lens,my storyboard looks like it's a
shot with a 24 millimeter lens,and so Having that kind of a
skill set is really important.
I actually had a situation, evenrecently.
You know, somebody could well Iwant you to to do a shot for me
Well, what is it?
Well, it's this, this and this.
I said, well, send me astoryboard.
Never got a storyboard.
We finally got together andwe're gonna shoot it and the.
We were drawing the storyboardsbefore we shot.
So you know, it's like I don'tknow what we're doing.
I'm not gonna.
I can't tell you how muchyou're what you're gonna need.
I have no idea what you'rehaving in your mind.
Those are the things that reallycame through and start track.
I mean, I immediately startedstoryboarding.
I immediately started talkingto my, took my boards and talked
to the post productionsupervisor you know Peter
Lawrence, and we, you know,sometimes I'd even go and talk
to the editor, and then here'swhat I'm thinking about doing
and they say, oh yeah, we can dothat or can be thought about
this, and then, of course, a lotof times that's that
storyboards over to the, thecompanies that we would, you
know, subcontract to.
You know digital magic or youknow Foundation imaging.
You know those, you know someof those different companies,
because they have to figure outwhat they're gonna bid in order
for me to put my bid in, andthey, my people, always want to
bids done like instantly, and so, you know, anything that you
can do to communicate and haveclarity is going to be valuable,
and that come, and whether it'son a star trek or whether it's
an independent, and I'm gonnasay that the less money you have
, the less time you have, themore critical those things
become absolutely.
Rick Ravenell (51:01):
I agree.
Paul DeNigris (51:02):
I have.
I have clients all the time, orprospective clients, to ask me
this is what I want to do, howmuch is it gonna cost?
And I'm like I need to seesomething.
Yeah, you haven't shot it yet,but what do you know?
Yeah, this big on screen, or isit, you know, a hero?
Rick Ravenell (51:16):
element what is?
Paul DeNigris (51:17):
it need to know.
Rick Ravenell (51:18):
Yeah, I think the
part that that also dovetails
into that is doing like Lookedat or style frames.
You know, because sometimesyou'll work with directors that
are, that they have a hard timelooking at storyboards
You know, if they don't looklike much.
But having somebody they can doconceptual art or or style
frames in addition to thosewhere they're like this is how
you guys want to shoot it, right, but this is what's actually
gonna look like, or somethinglike that is really good to show
them to, just to get their headwrapped around it.
Paul DeNigris (51:46):
Okay, so that
probably covers my next question
, which was what if filmmakersconsistently get wrong about
working with VFX, regardless ofthe budget, right?
So, other than not beingprepared enough, what's a what's
another thing?
And when I say filmmaker, I Icould mean directors, I could
mean showrunners, I can meanproducers.
Well, you know, what's otherthan not being prepared enough
with previs, if you will,storyboards planning, whatever.
Hmm what's something else thatthat filmmakers or clients get
just get wrong about the visualeffects product, the process
that you've noticed, andconsistently, regardless of the
budget level.
Rick Ravenell (52:21):
Yeah, I think the
it's it's kind of a it's kind
of an open question to that.
But you, I think it's thelimitations and visual effects
based on how much time they have.
Right, because sometimes, like,you can look at something and
be like, wow, they did this sofast.
You're like, yeah, they had 150people on it.
You know, like, if it's a smallcompany, like having realistic
expectations of like, ask thesequestions, like, hey, can you
guys do something like this?
You know, because sometimes,sometimes they, there isn't that
They're like we really want this, this and this, this is how
much money we have.
And you're like, well, I wantto say no, but I also want you
as a client, so why don't wejump on a call and talk through
You know, what is it that youactually need and this is what
we're able to give you, becausesometimes those are completely
And and once you start seeingeye to eye with each other and
be like, okay, this actuallyneeds to air soon, we can do
this, this and this, what do youthink they're like oh, yeah,
that sounds great.
How about we try this?
Just getting that dialogue likeearly, early on, because I mean
, sure, we can do anything invisual effects but costs a lot
of money and it can take a lotof time and just realizing
expectations between the vendorand you know and the visual
effects company.
Paul DeNigris (53:34):
Yeah, as I always
say good, fast, cheap, pick-two
David Stipes (53:37):
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I've got a drawing of thatthing right here next to me.
I think there has been sort ofa change in the attitude toward
visual effects.
I remember being on set andOften I was considered to be an
obstacle to production.
Okay, and so they didn't wantto do visual effects very much
because one, we're gonna taketoo much time, we're gonna slow
down production and we're gonnacost a lot of money and and then
a lot of times you know theywould want to do stuff like my
Remember original glass mattepaintings.
Produsia came up to MatthewYurisic and said I really would
like to fly around and go aroundto the back of the Back of the
See what the back of thebuilding looks like.
Of course that's a two-piece,two, two dimensional piece of
glass on top of some primary andof course now with digital, you
can do that.
You know, with 3d modeling andstuff, you literally can fly
around a two-dimensional thingfabricated in the 3d space.
So what happens now is there'sthe assumption that we can do
Well, again, with money andwith time, and you know 500
people working on this, you know, on the show, yes, you can do a
lot of stuff.
So I think there's a tendency towant to dump stuff and you know
the old let's fix it and post.
It's like everything's post,now, even during production,
like it, you know.
So, oh wait, well, you guys cantrack it.
We don't need to do a motioncontrol, we don't need to shoot.
You know the tilt, angles oranything.
You guys can figure it all out.
Yeah, you know, you know it'sgonna cost money and some.
I see that has been a tendencyand a trend and of course, I
Definitely see it here as peopledon't have a lot of experience.
The other thing I think is Iwanted to bring up is People
don't get the visual effectsartist supervisor involved early
enough and so they think,though well, we're just gonna
shoot this, we'll call somebodyin them and need them, and you
know, by that time sometimesthey're in real trouble.
And then the other thing isjust just not taking advice.
Paul DeNigris (55:54):
So, to summarize,
plan your shots Involve VFX as
early as possible and take ouradvice.
David Stipes (56:01):
Yeah, don't
surprise us, Don't try to do our
job for us.
Don't surprise us right.
Paul DeNigris (56:06):
Fix it and pre.
Don't fix it in post.
David Stipes (56:09):
Yeah, well, I come
, the other acts, part of that
swings around to be to thedirector, decide, make decisions
Because I know I'm well, Iwon't say I know I guess I could
I could guess that Rickprobably is running of these
things where, okay, well, thislooks pretty good, can you go
ahead and do another version ofit for us?
And can you make it a littlegreener?
Can you make that a littleredder?
Can you know, can you adjustthis thing?
I'm not blowing it up a littlebit?
Oops, it's too big.
Can you make it a littlesmaller?
I don't know you run into thatat all, rick.
Rick Ravenell (56:40):
you know endless
variations and course I mean and
because I work for Multiplevendors it's like we have our
internal supervisors, we haveour internal VFX supervisors,
and then it goes to the showsupervisor and if it passes the
show supervisor then it goes toshow runner and Then they'll all
that and then all the EPs lookat it.
So it's like you have likeseven different people.
It's got to get through firstbefore it gets to the person
that actually makes the decision.
So somebody down, somebody downthe line could be changing it
and like being like, yeah,that's the thing that I wanted.
And then the person above themis like what does you do?
This is nothing really.
David Stipes (57:17):
Yeah, this is
nothing like what I wanted.
Yeah, yeah, I worked on afeature film like that.
Said who is the final authority?
And the production manager saidI am going to be your authority
and I had it in the contract.
It turned out I was giving themshots.
He's approving them.
He never showed them to thedirector.
He finally showed them all.
The director said I hateeverything.
You know.
Months and months and months ofwork.
The final person never sawanything.
Paul DeNigris (57:42):
Yeah, I've
encountered similar problems to
where, particularly on TV movies, you know you have a producer,
maybe a director, if they'restill connected to the, to the
Sometimes they're not.
Yeah, it's that you knowthey're guns for hire and
they're gone and a producer isapproving and then the executive
producer has to chime in andthey make a bunch of changes and
then I have to go to thenetwork I I actually prefer that
over the the client, the client, where you have one point of
contact but they don't know whatthey want.
The oh yeah, I, you know theclient.
I don't know what I want, butI'll know it when I see it.
David Stipes (58:14):
Should go back to
number one.
Yeah, yeah, I've been theredone.
Paul DeNigris (58:18):
That's, that's
never, never good.
Where do you guys see theindustry, the VFX industry, in
10 years and I know this is aloaded question because there's
a lot of stuff going on in ourindustry?
Rick Ravenell (58:29):
well, right now,
the the biggest hot thing on
around the block is AI.
So AI is it's doing amazingthings, and I think the people
that are able to Utilize it inways that I'll say makes sense
are gonna be ones that succeed.
You know there are companiesout there right now that are
using AI to Do things like redubmovies, you know, and so they
have the mouth lines up to allthe different languages.
That's kind of cool technology.
Like I don't want to do thatframe by frame.
I don't think anybody wants todo that frame by frame.
So if you can teach a computerto do that, that's based on how
the artist would do it.
That's pretty cool, man, youknow.
And then you see the things likethe deep fakes.
You know what people are wedoing?
Facial replacements.
That type of work is super hard.
You know any beauty work Paul,I know you did some with us at
Any beauty work is reallyreally painstakingly tough, and
Anything you can use to makethat go smoother if it's AI
based, if it's machine learningbased, whatever that is, that's
gonna make you more Efficientand and better at what you do.
So I think being able toutilize these new technologies
to help you be more efficient atyour job.
It's gonna be able to make youmore creative, because nobody
wants to roto something.
You never machine do it.
Then you can focus on thecreative part and have more fun.
I'm really curious to see whereAI takes all of our
technologies, because even theprograms I use right now we have
machine learning and AI builtinto them and you can.
You can use that and it's kindof kind of exciting, kind of
scary at the same time.
But I don't.
I'm optimistic.
Yeah, that's great.
Paul DeNigris (01:00:07):
I Agree, the AI
is definitely gonna be part of,
part and parcel of what we dogoing forward.
And a lot of people are, youknow, may sayers and they're
they say, oh, that the RIPvisual effects artists are I,
our IP, our directors, orwhatever.
And it's like Guys, horses didnot go extinct when Henry Ford
invented the Model T, yeah, like.
David Stipes (01:00:28):
You're just gonna
have the effects, people that
are going to interface Possibly,and probably very differently
than they do now.
So what I see I'm reallyimpressed with Rick's coming up
with there and I hadn't reallythought it out in terms of AI,
but yeah, that makes perfectsense to me.
I think the work is just gonnaget better and better.
It's been amazing From you knowSome, from like some of the
early art star things and theearly, you know light wave
things, to what we're doing now.
I'm truly phenomenal, and soit's it's.
I'm actually very excited to seewhat else you come up with,
because when I see shots likewhat Rick's been working on or
you've been working on, paul,you know that's the sort of
stuff that I would.
If I could have done it, Iwould have gotten the Academy
Awards back in the day, you know, and you guys do it day by day,
just matter of factly, and andthe stuff is just so amazing and
, yeah, so it's, it's good.
Once again, even with AI, itMay, it may make the process
faster, but I'm gonna Circlethis back around.
It still comes back a lot of, alot of the issues are still
gonna come back to the directorand the, the creators of the
They need to have their acttogether.
They need to be able to makedecisions and articulate in a
way that would allow the new,up-and-coming visual effects
people to interface with themand with the software that's
Paul DeNigris (01:02:06):
Ai is only as good as theprompt from the from the human
operator right.
Yeah so as long as we haveclients out there who don't know
what they want, but they'llknow it when they see it.
David Stipes (01:02:19):
You might be able
to program, some variations a
little faster than what we mighthave done at this point exactly
Rick Ravenell (01:02:25):
Exactly, and I
super agree with David saying
like the, the quality, likeseeing where the quality goes
I'm gonna plug avatar becausewhen avatar came out, like
nobody knew what it was gonnalook like, right, and now we
have the newest one, the way ofthe water.
I Think my brain shut off, likein the first 10 minutes of that
movie where I was like, okay,they know how to make water and
all this stuff is just amazing.
And then I just watch the movie.
You know, like you forget that,like all of that water is
completely fabricated.
You know you forget that thesecharacters were.
They're just in like littlesuits, like underwater, like
trying to breathe with Rigs andall kinds of crazy stuff, like
if you see any of the behind thescenes for that, that movie and
and you see what, what likewhat an island, what they did,
you're just like, oh my god,that's and that's what they did
for this movie.
You know their, theirtechnology is already better for
the next movies, right.
And all of that technology comesdown to Television and stuff
that you guys working on rightnow.
We're using deep Compositing onthese TV shows, which was
developed for Avatar.
You know Weta was using deepfor a long time.
They're like oh now, nuke justuses deep always, you know.
And so seeing that technologyis really exciting, because
wherever that stuff goes, it allrolls down to everybody else.
So seeing the quality oftelevision shows like Game of
Thrones like Game of Throneslooks like a movie, but they're
doing that on like television,quote-unquote budgets but
timelines and they're able topush that stuff out.
So what do?
What do TV shows look like inthe next five years, next ten
Like that they're gonna lookamazing.
You know, people are figuringout how to use this technology
and make it and, you know, bringall these crazy stories to life
And to me that I think that'sthe best part, that's just the
most exciting, to see whatpeople can do.
David Stipes (01:04:10):
Yeah, I consider
myself to be fairly visually
savvy and I'm always delightedto find shots that I know are
trick shots and I can't tellwhere the trick is and I can't
tell exactly what is real, whatis not real, unless it's
something obviously like adragon or something.
But but a lot of like the scenereplacements, face replacements
, I mean all of this work thatgoes into making a production.
It's, you know, the old classicinvisible art, the invisible
effects, and it's just gettingbetter and better and For old
dogs like me it gets harder andharder to catch the tricks.
Paul DeNigris (01:04:51):
Well, that is an
absolutely perfect place to wrap
up, so I want to thank you,gentlemen, for being being part
of this podcast.
David Stipes (01:04:58):
Thank you.
Paul DeNigris (01:04:59):
It's been a very,
very special hour talking with
I appreciate your time and andexpertise always.
Rick Ravenell (01:05:07):
Thank you, of
course, lots of fun.
Thanks for having us.
Paul DeNigris (01:05:09):
Where can people
find you online if they want to
see what you've been working on,or or just want to, you know,
catch up with you, rick.
Rick Ravenell (01:05:17):
I actually don't
have a website.
If you want to check out myvideo, it's Rick's vfx RIC KS
I'm videoing.
See some reels, some of thestuff I've been working on.
And yeah, I'm on Facebook andLinkedIn, cool.
David Stipes (01:05:33):
Fantastic David,
how about?
Paul DeNigris (01:05:35):
David Stipes (01:05:35):
I'm on Facebook
just David Stipes, but I have
David Stipes calm, which is kindof a Probably my last vestiges
of a website.
I haven't really done a lot butyou can see a lot of my really
old work if you want to seeantique stuff.
But what I'm more proud of isDavid Stipes net and that's an
actual writing blog and I have alot of articles and I talk
about behind the scenes thingsand I'm going to be adding more
content to that.
I and I've been I've gotprobably close to 30 articles
I've done.
I'm going to be adding more ofthem to the blog.
So Trying to document the whatbehind the scenes while I can,
while I can.
Paul DeNigris (01:06:18):
So Fantastic,
fantastic, and I will be.
David Stipes (01:06:22):
I will make sure
to bookmark that because, and
Rick, when you can, I wouldrecommend documenting anything
that you're working on, becausepeople will find it interesting
in the future and it does tendto fade away if you don't get it
down quickly.
I'm sorry, paul, I jumped onyou there.
Paul DeNigris (01:06:38):
That that's all
That's all right, but David'sright.
You're part of Star Trek now,buddy, so you know, you know,
future historians of the theTrek franchise will be talking
about the exploits of RickRavenel, 2d supervisor, at Well,
I'm starting.
David Stipes (01:06:55):
I'll be talking
about you.
Paul DeNigris (01:06:57):
All right, well,
thanks so much, gentlemen, and
thanks to our audience fortuning in today.
If you liked what you saw here,if you learned something, I
want to hear from you.
So please like, comment andsubscribe and I will see you on
the next installment of the VFXfor Indies podcast.