Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good day and welcome
to what's Happening, moco, a
podcast from your award-winninggovernment television station
County, cable Montgomery.
Now here's your host, derekKenney.
Good day, what's Happening,moco.
We are live at the Juneteenthfestivities at the Black Rock
Here Is this, gaithersburg.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
It is.
It is not in Gaithersburg.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
It's Germantown,
Speaker 2 (00:28):
A good friend and a
good neighbor.
Speaker 1 (00:30):
When you're with the
mayor for life, then you make
I'm here with CouncilmemberSidney Katz.
Councilmember Katz.
What does the June scenefestivities mean for Montgomery?
Speaker 2 (00:43):
Well, it's certainly a day ofremembrance that what
unfortunately people wentthrough and thank goodness that
did change.
But if we don't do events likethis, if the world unfortunately
forgets what has happened andyou know, there's parts of the
United States where we don'thave a proud history, there's
parts that we do and wecertainly need to remember what
we have gone through and tonever repeat anything like what
had happened again.
Speaker 1 (01:26):
And this is a pretty
big event.
There's things happening onstages on the inside, stages on
the outside.
We're right here on the outsideof the Black Rock Center.
Yes, what type of amenity doyou consider the Black Rock
Just right here in MontgomeryCounty, but it has so much to
Well, it truly is.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
We have, thank
goodness we have many.
I see my colleagues, councilMember Balcombe and Council
Member Lukey.
I'm waving to you know, it'struly.
We have many, many great jewelsin Montgomery County.
We really do, but Black Rock iscertainly one of those great
jewels and I don't live too farfrom here.
I mean, as you say, I'm fromGaithersburg and we're probably
about four miles from my home tothe spot that I'm sitting right
now, and we get to come upfairly often not as often as we
like, but to hear some of thegreat sounds that come out of
this area.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
Wow, Now Council's
been quite busy this past year.
We just finished wrapping upthe budget.
Yes, what can you say, I guess,for residents that don't
totally understand the budgetprocess, or some of the
decision-making that goes intocrafting the budget, or even
some of the things you wantpeople to know about this year's
That's important for residentsto know.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
Well, you know, a
budget is the hope, the belief
that you're getting the numbersright, and of course it's a long
Things happen, emergencies takeplace.
We've had pandemics not thisyear, thank goodness, but we've
had that after a budget's beenpassed.
So you try your best to come upwith what the right numbers are
But I've often said this year'sbudget is about $7.3 billion or
whatever the exact numbers are,and that sounds like a lot of
money until you start to spendit and we have so many needs.
I like to point out thatMontgomery County,
population-wise, is larger thansix states.
Wow, population-wise Six, sixstates.
And my district is the thirddistrict.
Six states, and my district isthe third district which
encompasses Gaithersburg,rockville and Washington Grove,
but Gaithersburg and Rockvilleindividually are larger than
one-third of the counties inMaryland, oh my goodness.
So when you stop and think ofthe public, the people that we
need to make certain have theservices that they require, that
they need, that they desire,and of course, that money gets
spent in a hurry and thereforewe have a lot of discussions to
get us to the right place and ofcourse, all of that, the
schools get about half of theirentire budget.
So I mean they need it.
I mean, you know, but itdoesn't take long to spend it,
right, right, and I see thesheriff is here.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
Max Wee as well.
Speaking of the sheriff and thebudget.
You're the chair of the PublicSafety Committee.
Yes, public safety is alwaysone of the key issues, not only
in Montgomery County but acrossAmerica.
What are some of the thingsthat the county has been doing
to sure up public safety andensure that we continue to be
one of the safer counties inMaryland and maybe the whole
Speaker 2 (05:04):
Well, there again,
we're very, very fortunate to
have and when we talk aboutpublic safety, it's it's the
police, it's fire and rescue,it's corrections, it's it's all
of the, all of the things thatare so necessary that, literally
, the puzzle has to fit togetherin order to keep us safe.
Literally, the puzzle has tofit together in order to keep us
And right now, in general,we're having difficulty across
the United States.
It's my understanding, butwe're having difficulty getting
people to want to be a policeofficer or a firefighter, for
that matter too, but especiallypolice officers, and so we've
started to do various programs,we've started to hire people to
recruit for us.
We're doing them better, butit's always been a tough job.
It's gotten to be tougher saidthat they would like to be a
police officer or a firefighterin Montgomery County, but we
need to redouble our efforts tomake certain that the and it's
not only young people, but it'sjust mostly young people to get
into this position, thesepositions, and they have to have
They have to have the righttraining, they have to have the
right equipment, they have tohave everything that is
necessary that when someonecalls 911, and we hope it
doesn't happen, but it happens,when someone calls 911, the
person that shows up at theirdoorstep will save their lives.
Speaker 1 (06:36):
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful and growing up, the heroes that a lot of us
had as kids firefighters, policeofficers, astronauts and these
are attainable careers.
They're careers that are wellcompensated, great benefits, but
they're also careers with a lotof esteem associated with them,
and so I encourage you, ifyou're out there, go to the
Montgomery County governmentwebsite, MontgomeryCountyMDgov.
Go to HR, search the joblistings.
There's quite a few jobs outthere for people that want
careers not just jobs, butcareers in law enforcement and
other types of things as well,and there's been also a change
recently with the fire andrescue or the fire department.
Speaker 2 (07:22):
We have a new leader.
Well, we were getting a newfire chief.
He's going to be interviewed, Iguess, next week, and then
we're also getting a new policechief in Montgomery County.
Okay, so we have plenty ofexcitement and I can tell you,
the people who are, thankgoodness, stepping up to do
these jobs really do.
I've gotten to meet with themand they really do have the
right attitude and the rightability and all of that that is
so necessary to do a job that,in many cases, all of us take
for granted.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
Yeah, yeah, we take
it for granted, we don't think
about it until we need it.
And then those three numbersbecome the most important
numbers in the world.
At that moment, and thatconversation you have becomes
the most important conversationyou have in recent memory.
And those few moments that ittakes for the response to get
there Because in many caseswe're only thinking about a few
minutes, but those minutes seemlike oh so long.
It seems like a month.
Speaker 2 (08:24):
Every second's a
Every second's a month, I meanin some cases it's the worst
thing that has ever happened tosomeone in their life, and
obviously you, you know yourloved one is in trouble, and so
therefore, every second seemslike a month.
But when they get there andthey get there as quickly as
they can.
But when they get there, theyget there as quickly as they can
But when they get there, theyare trained and then they know
what to do.
Speaker 1 (08:49):
Well, we're thankful
for all of the people that serve
and protect Absolutely we findMontgomery County residents and
we're thankful for you, for yourwisdom, of course, and the
committee making sure that thedecisions are made to not only
protect the residents but makesure that the budgets and all
the other things that supportour police department and fire
and rescue are well funded andsupplied with technology that's
needed, like the new drones.
I guess that's been introducedright.
Speaker 2 (09:15):
We're going to get
two new drones.
We have two now one in downtownSilver Spring, one in downtown
We're going to have drones inthe Gaithersburg, germantown,
montgomery Village area as onedrone, and then we're going to
have another drone in Bethesda.
All right, but they truly, thetechnology has helped us so that
we can make certain that ourpublic remains safe.
Speaker 1 (09:42):
Indeed, indeed.
Now we have a few more momentsof your time.
What is it that you might wantto let residents know?
That's on your mind right nowthat residents should be aware
of, or, heading into summer andeven into the fall, that you'd
like them to know from you, youroffice.
Speaker 2 (09:59):
Well, you know, first
off, I think we always need to
be reminded to thank the peoplewho are you're talking about
public safety to thank thepeople who do that work.
We've gotten in the mode thatwhenever and we should have
whenever we see someone in thearmed forces, we thank them for
their service, and, from theyoungest child to a person who's
my age, when they see someonein uniform, we thank them for
their service and appreciatethem.
But we don't always do that forpeople who are in public safety
Oh wow, we should, we should,we should and that's one thing
that I hope that all of us do totake that extra minute and to
say to that person thank you foryour service, because it is so
Speaker 1 (10:50):
Well and I think
that's a great way for us to say
that's what's happening.
Moco, absolutely.
Thank you for your service.
All the people that secureMontgomery County, thank you for
your public safety service andthank you for your leadership.
Councilmember Katz Also theMayor for Life, of course, I
gave him the name.
Put that on me.
Put that on me.
So thank you for stopping bytoday.
We look forward to talking toyou again in the near future.
If people want to reach out toyou, how can they reach you?
Well, the best way, I guess, isto email my office
councilmemberkatz K-A-T-Z atmontgomerycountymdgov All right,
we'll make sure we put that outthere, and he's also very
active on social media.
I think his office is.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
Yeah, it's my office.
Speaker 1 (11:36):
Instagram, facebook,
twitter all of those you can get
good information from hisoffice and also engage with his
office as well on social mediaor via the email again Sydney
Katz at Montgomery.
Speaker 2 (11:50):
County, md.
Yeah, yeah, all right,fantastic.
Thank you so much, sir.
Take care, you too.
Bye, bye.
Speaker 1 (11:52):
Thanks Once again.
We are live Germantown,maryland, black Rock Center for
the Arts.
Juneteenth is a celebration.
There's food, there's music,there's kids, there's families,
there's moms, there's dads,there's grandparents, there's
council members.
You're privileged enough tohave council member Lori Ansel
here with us to share herthoughts on Juneteenth, and
let's hear also about why you,in particular, are here today
supporting the Juneteenthactivities of Black Lives Matter
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Well, I am so glad
that the Biden administration is
finally recognizing theimportance and the significance
of Juneteenth, and thatMontgomery County is following
We are home to four of the mostdiverse cities in the nation,
and so it's important for us tonot only celebrate the
significance of June's being thesigning of the American
Emancipation Proclamation, butalso ensuring that we create
spaces in Montgomery County forour Black community to celebrate
Black joy, black excellence andfreedom.
We are free, and we shouldremember this every single year,
and the moment should not belost upon us to celebrate the
significant impact that theblack community has made on
building this country and theimportant contributions we
continue to make every day inthis county.
And the important contributionswe continue to make every day
in this county.
Speaker 1 (13:25):
Now, speaking of importantcontributions, you just wrapped
up another almost a full fiscalyear for the county, yes, yes,
where we start from July 1st andwe end June 30th.
Yes, what are some of thethings that you want to share
with residents that you areparticularly proud of this past
year that had an impact?
Speaker 3 (13:43):
particularly proud of
this past year.
That has an impact.
Okay, well, I am a member ofthe Healthy Human Services
Committee and the EconomicDevelopment Committee.
It's our largest committee, thefirst of its kind and, because
our economy is so important, itundergirds all of the social
action programs that are soimportant.
I'm proud of the $20 millioninvestment.
We are creating jobs, and notjust any kind of jobs, but we
are focusing on six-figure jobsin the STEM industry.
We're also focusing on helpingour small and minority-owned
businesses with capital.
Access to capital for small andminority-owned businesses is so
important to their longevity andjust their presence in
Montgomery County alone, and soI was so excited to support the
$20 million jobs initiative, andwe're going to see a
significant return on theinvestment in our community, and
that is good that you mentionedjobs.
Speaker 1 (14:45):
You are the same
split between jobs literally
jobs where a lot of the focus ison.
Sometimes the focus is onminimum wage, but you're talking
about career-focused,family-supporting jobs.
Speaker 3 (14:57):
Yes, definitely.
Speaker 1 (14:59):
And so you're not
only working with initiatives
that impact people and laterchanges of their lives.
You also have a program that Ifind particularly interesting
because it impacts young peopleearlier in their lives.
What's the name of that program, and how do kids or parents get
their kids?
Speaker 3 (15:17):
Yeah, so I started the SmartYouth Advisory Council.
It's one of my firstinitiatives.
We're recruiting young peoplefrom 8th, from grade 7, all the
way to 12th grade to expose themto for at least two more terms.
So I want to strengthen theworkforce pipeline for the
people who will serve thisincredible county.
It's an incredible resource aseven and a half billion dollar
budget, immense resources thatsupports an incredible community
, and we want the best of thebest to come back after they've
been educated and continue toserve.
So I want them to know that,even though they can't vote,
they have a place at the best tocome back after they've been
educated and continue to serve.
So I want them to know that,even though they can't vote,
they have a place at the tableto make a significant impact on
the policy decisions we makeevery day.
Speaker 1 (16:13):
That's amazing that
you're thinking that far forward
to Tennessee now, definitely,so that in 12 years from now or
longer, there are people thatare qualified and ready and
civic-minded yes, able to pickup the mantle and move the
county forward Definitely.
Speaker 3 (16:31):
That's awesome.
Speaker 1 (16:33):
Now we're here today
and it's a little bit of a more
lighthearted atmosphere.
What are you looking forward totoday, during Juneteenth, Some
of the celebrations not onlytoday, but tomorrow and later in
the week.
What type of things are youlooking forward to in?
Speaker 3 (16:46):
You know, in thinking aboutJuneteenth and Freedom Day, you
know, a few days ago Iparticipated in a press
conference and we all closed oureyes and just thought back to
the moment.
Our people were brought hereagainst their will.
Our people started not withbeing enslaved, but they started
as kings and queens, innovators.
And our history was interruptedwhen we were brought to the
shores of the United States ofAmerica.
And so to think that theEmancipation Proclamation was
signed in January and mostpeople didn't find out until
Just thinking about the immensejoy, the confusion, but the
clarity of hope and optimism.
And I'm glad we're starting itthis weekend and not on
Juneteenth, because it's a buildup to an incredible moment that
we should not take lightly.
And I want us to fully embracethe fullness and the
complexities that come with allthat we have contributed to
making this nation so great, andit cannot be lost in the
significance that we havecontributed.
So I want people to feelimmense joy and pride in this
day and celebrate like theirlife depends on it, because our
ancestors didn't get theopportunity thank you so much
for those workers.
Speaker 1 (18:21):
That's that's.
I don't know how better to enda podcast episode than with that
or an interview, but it wouldbe an advantage of me to not
give people the opportunity tofind out how to contact you and
reach you and need your supportor your leadership.
What are the best ways?
Speaker 3 (18:38):
for people to connect
This summer, I am launching theSales Summer Conversation
Series because now it is timefor us to come to the table.
I am working with our fiveregional service centers across
the county to host conversations, again focused on our young
people's workforce pipeline insummer, and we know that there
are opportunities for our youngpeople to get distracted from
their goals, and I want them toknow the resources that are
available to them through ourOffice of Workforce Development,
through our Regional ServicesCenter, public Safety, the
healthcare industry.
We have so many opportunities.
I want our young people to comeout their families.
It's a free event.
We're going to tell you what'sin store for you, what
opportunities we have in storefor you, and then you can tell
us what you need, what's missing, what we need to see in the
We're at the start of a newfiscal year and so we can't do
the work alone, and so reach outto Laurieann Sales at
MontgomeryCountyMDgov if youhave any questions, if you want
to participate.
We're looking for resourcetables who want to come and
share their information with ouryoung people and their families
If you have a job opportunity,you want to learn more about
working with the government.
I want this to be anopportunity for us to share
information and also be arecipient of commentary from the
community about how we canbetter serve you.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
Wonderful, wonderful.
Thank you so much and let usknow how we can support you as
you continue to reach out andlift up our young people in the
county and serve the residentsof Montgomery County, maryland.
That's what's happening in MoCo.
Lori Ann Sales, council member.
Our survey is all sold as well,thank you.
Thank you so much, hey, what wewas having in MoCo.
We are still live at the BlackRock Center, germantown,
maryland, juneteenth, june15thth.
And speaking of the Black RockCenter, wouldn't it be great to
talk to the CEO of the BlackRock Center, miss Katie
That's me.
You did it, did I get it right?
Cool points for me.
Today I was negative coolpoints of tripping and dropping
Now I have positive, coolpoints and this is something
that's not new for the BlackRock Center.
How many years has the BlackRock Center been supporting this
event and what does it mean forthe venue to continue to host
this event?
Speaker 7 (21:15):
Yes, for as many
years as I have been here, this
has been home to the MontgomeryCounty duty celebration so 2021.
And prior to that we had thisbig thing in the pandemic, sort
of in between all of ourcelebrations.
So it is a total honor to makethis home for Juneteenth in MoCo
Speaker 1 (21:39):
And what do you have
going on today for Juneteenth?
How many different stages orareas of the Black Rock Center
are being used today.
Speaker 7 (21:48):
Yeah, so this is
Black Rock's happy space.
Okay, you know when we can getthis entire town center to
celebrate through the lens ofarts and culture and people and
shared experiences.
So we've got an outdoor stagewith live music and DJs all day
Inside we have a galleryexhibition featuring Juneteenth
We have our main stage is goingto be a revolving door of films
and documentaries on the topic,and then in our black box we've
got everything from jazz todance, and then we've closed all
the surrounding streets in theGermantown Town Center to open
them up to community activists.
You know people that know thatwe are still a work in progress,
what the holiday is all about.
We've got a lot more work to dobefore we can actually say
freedom and justice, and sowe've got a lot of community
groups out there doing good workand local artisans.
Food trucks't have a festival.
Speaker 1 (22:47):
I can smell the food.
Speaker 7 (22:48):
I'm so tempted to go
around and tour, yeah and then
we have a kids village wherekids can learn a little bit of
the history of the holiday, uh,and learn about the civil rights
And then you gotta have bouncyhouse.
So education mixed with, youknow, jumping up and down all
Speaker 1 (23:07):
So bring the kids out
, bring the mom and dad out,
bring up grandma, bring outeveryone, everybody friends and
family is very family friendly.
Yes, uh, no matter who you areor what you like, it's going to
be great out here today and it'sa beautiful day.
Speaker 7 (23:18):
It's not too hot, it
is absolutely perfect.
You never know in washington dclike it could be so hot out
here right now.
It's perfect for a festival.
Speaker 1 (23:28):
I want to say that I
felt very supported when I got
here today by your team.
That makes me happy.
Kudos to you, as the boss.
Thank you, as the boss.
What do you do as CEO?
What are some of the thingsthat you make happen to ensure
that the Black Rock Centerremains a resource for not only
Germantown, but for the entireMontgomery County, for the
Speaker 7 (23:48):
Yeah, so I'm
passionate about Germantown, I'm
passionate about the arts andculture and I'm passionate about
the up county, so what's sortof not sort of cool?
The awesome thing about thisspace is that Germantown is the
largest area in terms ofpopulation in montgomery county
and we're not incorporated, sothere is yes, okay.
So what is at the center of thishuge, hugely populated, diverse
An art center.
So my job is to make sure thatpeople can come together to
celebrate, to breathe, toreflect, to experience life.
That's what arts and culture is.
It's our expression of thehuman, the human experience and
the journey.
So, and as a CEO, same thingwith my team is to make sure
that we can work together tofulfill that mission, and it's
hard work, you know.
We are open to the public, um,and we sit in the center of this
beautiful community, so so it'snot just the large, large
Speaker 1 (24:54):
You can also host
smaller events as well, and it's
open to the public.
Are the public, is the publicable to secure facilities and
host their own events, or, andhow does that work?
Speaker 7 (25:03):
yes, so it goes down
to one-on-one.
My son takes private guitarlessons in the space.
Oh wow, and you could walk inoff the street on a Tuesday and
walk into our gallery andexperience the art.
You could come in and justenjoy the space and cool off.
You could come in and use ourwater fountain, so we are a
public community space.
You can come in and use ourwater fountain, so we are a
public community space.
What makes us super happy iswhen we align with other
community organizations to hosttheir events.
So last night the office ofhuman rights hosted their living
Yeah, yeah, I mean, how cool tohave those people on our stage.
And so we have alignment likethat, where folks can come out
and rent the space, and thensometimes it's all showbiz.
We have Rare Essence coming outnext season in December.
All right, celtic fans, we'regoing to bring Oktoberfest back
to this space in partnershipwith the Gaithersburg Germantown
Chamber of Commerce.
So everything from one-on-oneintimate experiences to 5,000.
Oh, wow.
Speaker 1 (26:11):
Yeah, yeah, where
everything is working in tandem,
everything's working together.
Residents are able to have food, education and, of course,
They're able to enjoythemselves, and that's just a
big part of that as wellAlternative cultural activity.
We're here with the CEO of theBlack Rock Center, the lady that
makes it all happen, that leadsthis great organization.
Bill, then tell us a bit aboutthe type of staff you have.
I noticed that we're next tothe volunteer coordinator.
You also have staff,professional staff.
What does it take to bringsomething like this together?
How many people are youbringing together for this and
what's happening?
Speaker 7 (26:49):
Well, this is an
We can't do this level of eventwithout the county's support.
So the Office of Human Rightsis critical in making sure that
this happens.
In terms of the holiday, andthen sponsors, we have folks
like Wegmans down the streetthat make sure that, you know,
all of our volunteers are fedtoday.
But our team is super eclecticbecause, if you think about how
vast arts and culture what isthat?
I have an artistic directorthat really curated all of the
films and the live music curatedall of the films and the live
I have a gallery director whomade sure that the work you know
with Fidelity is reflective ofthe Juneteenth holiday.
I'm an education manager.
I have an operations assistant.
We've got bartenders.
We've got tech and production.
You have an army.
Speaker 1 (27:38):
It looks like you
have a team or a family you have
an army.
Speaker 7 (27:41):
It does not have an
army of people bringing it
Speaker 1 (27:44):
Well, thank you for
your leadership.
Take someone, a general.
Speaker 7 (27:47):
I guess you're a
commander, I don't know which I
like to think of myself, asmaybe like a leader.
You know I believe intransformational leadership,
like empower others.
There you are, it's not aboutme.
Speaker 1 (27:58):
Servant leadership.
So humble, but great results,great results.
Speaker 7 (28:03):
And we have a really
amazing team.
Speaker 1 (28:05):
Well, fantastic.
Thank you for being here today.
Thank you for the opportunityNow.
If you want to learn more aboutthe Black Rock Center, where
should they look?
Their online presence, socialmedia.
Speaker 7 (28:13):
Yeah, so follow us in
all the things.
Okay, we've got facebook, we'vegot twitter, we've got um.
Go to eventbrite.
We're putting a ball of our umwork on eventbrite and then our
website, www3w.
Blackrockcenterorg, and you cansee all of our events.
You can sign up for camp, youcan learn more about our gallery
exhibitions, so, and then signup our newsletter Every week.
We're sharing just thediversity and the amazing things
that are happening herethroughout the week.
Speaker 1 (28:42):
Awesome, awesome.
So that's what's happening.
Moco, the Black Rock Center.
It doesn't run itself.
It's run by the CEO, by thehosts, a host of troopers, a
family of an army of people,including sponsors in the county
, to help put large thingstogether, but also small things
as well for you and your family.
Be sure to check her out atwwwblackboxcenterorg.
Is it org?
Org, orgorg?
Check her out soon, katie.
Speaker 7 (29:09):
Thank you.
You did it at the beginning andthe end.
I had to be married for likefive years before I got married.
There you are Well.
Thank you so much for beinghere today.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Speaker 1 (29:20):
Thank you, hey, and
we're back.
We're back at the Black RockCenter.
What's Happening?
Moco podcast live at the BlackRock Center for the Arts,
celebrating Juneteenth.
Talking to some of the VIPshere supporting the Juneteenth
activities here in Germantown,maryland.
And who better to talk to thanBarry Jackson, a council member
for the city of Rockville?
Barry, how are you today, sir?
I'm good, thank you.
How about you?
I'm pretty good.
I'm pretty good.
It's been a beautiful day Nottoo sunny, not too hot, no rain.
Speaker 5 (29:50):
No, no, no rain Last
night surprised me.
I was walking home and gotcaught in the downpour, but yeah
Speaker 1 (29:57):
I've given up on my
My app does not predict thesesudden downpours that happen now
and again, and I've just cometo realize it's going to happen.
It's okay, but today's beenbeautiful.
Today's been beautiful, andlet's talk about beautiful days.
We're talking about Juneteenth,a day that means a lot for a
lot of people, specifically forpeople of African-American
heritage here in the UnitedStates of America, a day where
the United States startedenforcing the emancipation of
enslaved peoples, andRockville's here celebrating and
supporting the event.
Why are you here, as a councilmember, to support the event?
Speaker 5 (30:39):
Well, you know, I was
elected back in November, so
it's kind of a new experiencefor me.
I was aware of Juneteenthbefore that and the history
behind it and I like celebratingfreedom whatever it is.
But it means a lot to me nowbecause I'm on the mayor and
council, so I've learned aboutcollaborating with the county
and about the effort it takes toput on a celebration like this.
And you know, I didn't knowthis before, but I was doing
some research about Juneteenthand Rockville and actually our
mayor and council voted in 2020or 2019 to make it the.
We were the first city to makeJuneteenth a holiday and be a
paid holiday for city employees.
Speaker 1 (31:31):
oh wow incredible,
incredible round of applause for
the city of Rockville, the cityof Rockville, the city of
Rockville wonderful, All right.
Speaker 5 (31:38):
I had no idea until I
looked it up and I was so proud
Speaker 1 (31:41):
So, speaking of
Rockville, what are some of the
things that you want people?
Speaker 5 (31:49):
to know across the
county about what's happening in
the city of Rockville.
You know we have so many thingsgoing on.
It's hard to list them all.
You know.
Go to our website and look itup.
Look up the events we haveDefinitely in Town Center, red
Gate and others.
We just finished up HometownHolidays, which was a big
Big fans, nationally known, Ithink Everclear was the
headliner and it was a fantasticMemorial Day experience.
We had a Memorial Daycelebration and a lot of other
things going on.
But this Saturday, just in afew hours, we have a Suds and
Suds and Souls it's a runaround Town Center in the
neighborhood and then itfinishes up in Town Center with
a band and some beer.
Speaker 1 (32:37):
That's the greatest
Latest in anything Exactly Arun, a day at work, a return
home, suds and music.
It sounds great.
What brought about that type ofevent?
That's something that broughtpeople to be more of types of
events where people can come andfellowship and socialize, and I
think it feels like people arestill getting out of their
shells from COVID.
Speaker 5 (33:04):
Yeah, you know, we
have actually ramped up our
You're right.
I mean, since the COVIDpandemic, people were reticent
to get out and just be aroundothers and slowly I think it's
more comfortable now.
So we had a pride celebration,we had a land impressible.
I mean, rockville is reallygreat about not just talking the
talk about diversity, inclusion, but actually walking the walk.
Yeah, and that's one thing thatI want people to know about
Rockville is that we embracediversity and inclusion and we
do everything we can to makesure that everybody feels
accepted, welcomed, and we willfight for the right for them to
be themselves Awesome.
Speaker 1 (33:51):
All, right now.
I'm going to give you a chancenow to share whatever you'd like
to share with the people ofRockville, the people of
Montgomery County or anyone thatlistens to this podcast that
they should be aware of aboutsome of the things you're
working on as a council memberfor Rockville, or some of the
things that Rockville might beworking on in the near future
that you might want people torally around.
Speaker 5 (34:12):
You know, I think I
just want people to know that
we're focused on safety, we'refocused on economic development
and we're focused on housing.
We recognize that housing is abig crisis, and so we actually
have a meeting coming up wherewe're going to actually talk
about and learn from staff whatwe can do to ease the housing
crisis in Rockville andMontgomery.
Speaker 1 (34:37):
Awesome, awesome.
Housing is an incredible issue.
It continues to be.
Thank you for all your goodwork in leading the way to make
it easier for people to havehomes in Rockville and, of
course, across Montgomery County, Maryland.
Again, if people want to reachout to you or you want social
media, it's going to email you.
What are some of the wayspeople can reach out to you in
your office?
Speaker 5 (34:59):
Yeah, no, so I'm
available on Facebook.
They can look me up, barryJackson.
Council member Rockville, I'mon Twitter, I'm on Instagram and
I'm on threads, actually Onthreads.
All right, yeah, I know I'mcovering the gamut, actually All
threads all right.
Yeah, I know I'm covering thegamut, but also you can reach me
Just email me at bjackson atrockvillemdgov.
To bjackson at rockvillemdgov.
Speaker 1 (35:28):
Excellent, excellent.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for sharing your time.
I really appreciate it.
My pleasure, all right, allright.
Pleasure, all right, all right.
We're back to your live at theblack rock center for the arts.
We're here with william england.
He's with the human rightscommission from maguma, county
William, can I call you william?
Yes, bill, bill's fine, okay,bill england, what's significant
about jill team and why are weum, why is the human rights
convention here to support it?
Speaker 8 (35:58):
Well, as some of you
may know, and many of you may
not know, that the origin of theJiltith celebration was in the
Civil War.
Toward the end of the Civil War, the slaves in Texas did not
get word of the EmancipationProclamation until almost a
couple of years after thepresident at that time, abraham
Lincoln, actually signed theEmancipation Proclamation, and
it wasn't until the Union troopscame into Texas and were able
to notify the slaves that hey,you're emancipated, you're free.
So that's the origin of the JimTeeth celebration and it has
been a celebration in blackcommunities over the years since
that time, and it's only beenrecently, within the past couple
of years, that President BidenI think by executive order, made
it a national holiday.
Speaker 1 (37:03):
Yeah, so it's a
national holiday.
But even before the governmentstarted recognizing Juneteenth,
african-american families andcommunities and churches have
been celebrating Juneteenth.
What do you describe as theimportance of the celebration
aspect of the Juneteenth?
Speaker 8 (37:22):
Well, the importance
is, in my view, is that it is an
entirely African Americancelebration in terms of culture.
You know this is ourcelebration.
This comes from the excitement,the recognition of being freed
from slavery and nobodyauthorized a Juneteenth
celebration for African-Americancommunities.
We did it ourselves.
Over the years, you know,sometimes it fits and starts,
but it's been a continuousincrease in the number of
communities in African-America,throughout the United States who
have come to recognize andunderstand the importance and
significance of the Juneteenthcelebration and that's why I've
made so much of it.
Speaker 1 (38:23):
Now, this is also a
good opportunity for us and
We're live at the Juneteenthcelebration, so you will hear
some celebrations in thebackground.
Absolutely, this is a greattime for us all to learn about
the Human Rights Commission andwhat it is that the Human Rights
Commission of Montgomery Countydoes.
Speaker 8 (38:42):
Montgomery County law protectsthe human rights of the citizens
of Montgomery County.
Our law guarantees equalopportunity for all employment,
public accommodations, realestate, housing and delivery of
county services.
If you're a job seeker, aprospective renter, a homeowner,
a customer, a resident a hotelor someone simply seeking county
services and assistance, it isillegal in Montgomery County to
discriminate against anotherperson based on their age, race,
color, religion, genetic status, sexual orientation, physical
or mental disability, sex,ancestry, marital status,
national origin, gender identityor family responsibilities, and
it is also illegal todiscriminate in houses and real
estate based on source of incomeand presence of children, that
Montgomery County law is broaderthan the federal
anti-discrimination law.
No, I don't think there's anymunicipality or state or any
jurisdiction in the UnitedStates that has a human rights
law that protects such a largenumber of categories of people.
Speaker 1 (40:04):
And what does that
mean for the average resident?
How do they benefit from thecommission?
Are they able to reach out tothe commission when they have
issues, when there's challenges?
How do you want them to supportthe commission?
See if they have issues.
If there's challenges, how doyou want them to support the?
Speaker 8 (40:19):
Well, actually the commissionis there to support them.
I mean, when you feel thatyou've been discriminated
against in any of those areasyou know, whether it be
employment or housing, publicaccommodations, delivery of
county services, you can come tothe Office of Human Rights and
file a complaint.
Oh, okay, and the Office ofHuman Rights, which is headed up
by the director of the Officeof Human Rights, james Stowe,
who is an outstanding publicservant, outstanding,
outstanding, for MontgomeryCounty.
In fact, we're fortunate tohave him in Montgomery County as
the director of the Office ofHuman Rights.
So the Commission on PublicRights I'm sorry, commission on
Human Rights, we serve as theoverall citizens policymakers
for the human rights effort.
We actually adjudicate many ofthe complaints that are made.
Once the complaint is filed, itwill be investigated by an
investigator from the Office ofHuman Rights, by an investigator
from the Office of Human Rights, and the Office of Human Rights
will determine, you know, ifthere's no facts on the case to
warrant a discriminationcomplaint, then the officers
will contact the allegeddiscriminator, whether it be an
employer, a real estate officer,whatever to try to get the
matter resolved.
And if they won't resolve it,then there will be a formal
process to file a complaint andit will be evaluated by the
All right, and we'll issue adecision.
And if we determine thatthere's not a basis for this
commission complaint, thecomplainant still has the right
to go to the federal EqualEmployment Officer Commission to
file a complaint.
Speaker 1 (42:31):
Okay, Now you guys
are active all year long, not
just June 6th, not just otherholidays that recognize the
diversity of Montgomery County,maryland.
What are some of the upcomingthings that the Human Rights
Commission would like residentsto be aware of in the coming?
Speaker 8 (42:52):
months, right?
Well, we just last night had theLiving Legend Awards, which is
an annual event we have comingup in I think it's September,
october our annual diversitypicnic, which is grown by leaps
and bounds from when it wasfirst initiated several years
I think the first diversitypicnic we had, with maybe 300
people attended.
The last one we had, which wasnot last year because it was a
year before that, I think, therewere 2,000 people out from all
of the various ethniccommunities in Montgomery County
It's a huge event, very, verypopular event, very successful
So look out for that.
That will be coming and thepass has been in September,
maybe a little bit later, but itwill be in the fall months.
Speaker 1 (43:48):
Now, what do you want
How do you want people to reachout to you?
There's people that havequestions about the Office of
Human Rights or about the HumanRights Commission.
What's the best way for them toget in touch with you?
Speaker 8 (44:01):
Just, go to the
Office of Human Rights.
I think you can probably go onthe website for the Office of
Human Rights and there will bedetailed instructions on where
to go and how to file acomplaint or how to just seek
information and guidance fromthe Office of Human Rights.
The record shows has a stamp ofinvestigators that actually
investigated the complaints andwe process usually around a
thousand complaints a year.
Speaker 1 (44:36):
All right.
Speaker 8 (44:36):
Wow, all right.
Speaker 1 (44:36):
Wow, all right.
Well, thank you so much for allthat you do, thank you for
being here today and thank youfor helping us understand more
about the celebration ofJuneteenth.
Speaker 8 (44:45):
All right, thank you
for the opportunity.
Everyone here, come on out andhave a good time.
That's right.
This is Happily MoCo.
Thank you, sir.
Speaker 1 (44:51):
All right, good day,
good day.
What's happening?
We're still live here at theBlack Rock Center and we're
talking to Jenny Clark with theWomen who Care Ministries, and
she has a very important mission.
But before we get to that, whatare you looking forward to in
today's festivities?
There's a lot of bands going toperform, there's some dancing,
there's all types of culturalactivities.
There's information beingshared.
What are you looking forward tohere today?
Speaker 6 (45:15):
Yes, thank you for
asking and thank you for having
As always, I'm looking forwardto continued inspiration.
I'm looking forward to seeingfolks that I know that I haven't
seen in a while andreconnecting, making commitments
to reconnect, to do thisjourney called life together.
But I'm also looking forward tothe new friends that I would
see as of yourself and forgingnew friendships.
I believe there's no such thingas strangers, only friends
we've never met, and so I try tolive by that creed in my daily
Speaker 1 (45:45):
And what does it mean
for you as an African-American
in the country?
As we celebrate Juneteenth,what does that day hold for you,
or what does this day'sfestivities hold for you?
Speaker 6 (45:56):
It's very significant
, and the same way as in Black
History Month, that somethingthat should go beyond that month
This is a time, this is aseason, where we recognize our
heritage, where we're proud ofour heritage, where we pass the
word to the younger folk thatthis is something that we need
to embrace, this is something weneed to be proud of.
Recognize theize, thesignificance of FLEX, our
journey from Africa to thepresent Very significant Wow.
Speaker 1 (46:22):
And you seem to be a
woman of several gifts.
Yes, and you're using thosegifts to help certain people.
Yes, tell us more about yourministry.
Yes, oh, your ministries andhow people can connect and get
benefits and resources.
Speaker 6 (46:40):
So again I'm Judy
Clark and I am the CEO and
founder of Women who CareMinistries.
This June we celebrate 23 yearsof being of service to the
We primarily fight child andfamily hunger meaning kids that
are going to bed hungry,families that are going to bed
Meaning kids that are going tobed hungry, families that are
going to bed hungry.
They come to our facility andwe provide them with perishable
and non-perishable goodies tomake sure that, even though they
have a food insecure household,that they have enough food to
And we also connect withseveral schools to make sure
that these ends are met as well.
But we also offer preventativeand restorative services to
women primarily, who have beenbattered and who are victims of
domestic violence.
So each year we hold our annualRestore, the Joy Empowerment
Conference, which will beNovember 2024 of this year,
sponsored by the city ofRockville and the city of
Gaithersburg supports as well.
So in addition to that we arevery, very fond of, what's near
and dear to our heart is helpingpeople overcome substance abuse
You know, opiate addiction,drug addiction, is at an
all-time high.
So we work with otherorganizations to help fight
substance abuse, one day at atime, letting people know you
don't have to live this way.
It doesn't matter how you start.
All that matters is how youfinish.
Speaker 1 (48:01):
Now, if people want
to benefit from the services
that your ministries provide,how do they reach out to you or
how do they contact your staff?
Speaker 6 (48:09):
So we can be reached
several ways.
We can be reached on ourwebsite site at
wwwwomenwhocareministriesorg,and they can also call us
directly 301-828-6850.
This is the number to call tosay, hey, I need food for me and
my family.
I've got a friend, we need food.
We will set up an appointmentfor them to immediately come
into our facility and receiveour bounty of perishable and
non-perishable goodies.
They can also call and say, hey, I need counseling or can you
refer me?
We also refer Anything outsideof our services.
We're so linked in the countythat we'll refer them to other
We'll refer them to the crisiscenter.
We'll refer them to theDepartment of Housing, just to
make sure that every need thatthey have is met.
And that's Women who Carehousing just to make sure that
every need that they have is met, and that's Women.
Who Care Women?
Who Care Ministries,ministriesorg, yep,
Speaker 1 (49:02):
Yes, thank you so
much for stopping by today.
Speaker 6 (49:03):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (49:04):
And thank you for all
the good work you do all year
Yes, not just on Juneteenth.
Yes but every day, every day,all year long.
Speaker 6 (49:22):
And you can find more
information on that on our
website as we get closer toNovember 16.
But I want to thank you fordoing what you're doing shining
the light on the organizationsof the people in this county
that are committed to making adifference.
Women who Care Ministriessubtitle is Glorifying God
Through Service to others.
That's what we do and that'swhat we're going to do for as
long as we are here.
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (49:41):
Thank you, all right.
Okay, we're still here at theBlack Rock Center in Germantown,
maryland, and we're here withthe Reverend Dr Jace Bates.
All right, all right Pleasureto be here and I had to pull him
to the side to talk to himbecause he has the anointing
about him, of course, but thenhe also has the African-centered
wardrobe here today.
What can you tell us about thegarbage you have on today?
Okay, what's that significantto you?
Speaker 4 (50:08):
Well, I was blessed
by God and the ancestors to
return to my ancestral home inAfrica, where I met my ancestral
family in my ancestral kingdom.
It's called the Kingdom ofAlada in.
Benin, west Africa, and whatyou see me wearing today was
made by my family, the women inmy family, the artisans in my
family, in my kingdom and in myvillage, and they represent a
royal lineage.
This is a banner.
And the hat, of course, I'msorry.
The crown, of course, has myfamily symbol on it, as does my
banner For people that can't see, because it's a podcast.
Speaker 1 (50:48):
it's a very nice
black, purple and silver.
It's a kofi kind of a hat.
Yeah, it's really a crown andthen there's a what do you want
to call that?
They call it a sash and it'sembroidered with.
Is that a panther?
It's a panther, it's a diamondeye prince the panther is the
symbol of our kingdom.
The black panther hold onthere's actually a kingdom in
Africa, all right, and thepanther is a symbol of our
The Black Panther, hold on.
There's actually a kingdom inAfrica which the Black Panther
is the symbol, wow.
Speaker 4 (51:26):
The women, the
In that movie, the Woman Kingis actually my family.
Okay, there were three kingdoms.
One was Aladai, where I'm from.
The other two brothers foundedanother kingdom called Porta
Nova, and then Daome.
So I am Daome, okay, wow.
Speaker 1 (51:41):
Now you're in touch with yourroots, you're very in touch with
your roots, yes, and we're here.
You're a resident of MontgomeryCounty, maryland.
What does it mean for you, as apastor, but also as a resident
that has connections directlywith Africa, to celebrate
Juneteenth, which is part of thediaspora of, of course,
african-americans, of blackpeople from America?
Speaker 4 (52:08):
Juneteenth, to me, is
the culmination of the trials,
tribulations and struggles ofour ancestors, who came over on
the Middle Passage and were ableto survive and then thrive and
pass on a legacy and lineage and, of course, life to us.
So Juneteenth celebrates all ofthat.
It's a day of victory for allAfrican Americans and all people
of African descent around theworld, because it's a day of
victory and celebration inovercoming the hardest of trials
and tribulations Slavery, JimCrow, the Middle Passage,
colonialization in Africa andjust the general oppression that
people of African descentsuffer around the world.
Speaker 1 (52:49):
What today are you lookingforward to, as someone just
attending these festivities hereat Germantown?
Speaker 4 (52:58):
Just to feel kinship
and love.
All right, that's it.
That's what this is about.
Speaker 1 (53:03):
Well, I'm hoping much
kinship and much love to you
today, sir, and all the best toyou, reverend Dr Starks.
Spates, spates, spates.
There we are.
Reverend Dr Spates, did youwant to share your church home
to others if they?
Speaker 4 (53:18):
want to come visit.
I'm the director of a newseminary.
It's the oldest interfaithseminary in the country.
It's operated in New York andFlorida.
Speaker 1 (53:25):
Oh wonderful.
Thank you, sir, we graduated4,000 ministers.
Oh wow, Congratulations.
Speaker 4 (53:29):
Well, thank you for
your service Thank you, sir, all
Have a great day.
Speaker 1 (53:37):
All right, thanks for
listening and please subscribe.