There has never been a more important time than now to be well equipped to sort through information. When it comes to data, science, and research, there are many things that can go wrong, even while being studied and interpreted with ethical and neutral standards. Once the process becomes influenced by money, the percentage of erroneous reporting and false information increases significantly. In today’s episode my guest, Corey Leadbeater, joins me to talk about how the majority of what we read and subsequently react to are less science and more clickbait formed from distortions of the truth because, as he puts it, at the end of the day money has more value than truth. Corey is a data scientist with extensive background in business development and analytics. He teaches graduate level data science and sits on a number of advisory boards. His companies specialize in helping organizations capture and utilize all kinds of data to solve a multitude of problems. In this episode, he helps us better understand how to interpret data correctly and how it is being intentionally spun to evoke reaction and emotion. As an advocate for health and wellness and informed consent, I feel this topic is vital. Majority of people are not scientists or researchers and are relying heavily on information to make health decisions. One of the biggest issues right now is that the data is not being presented with truth and not only is that causing harm to people’s health, it is creating a divide among humanity. Deception will do that every time. It is my hope that this conversation with Corey will not only bring a new level of understanding but it will help you determine what information you should be sharing, how you can access pure information for your own research and how to protect your heart and mind from the constant feed of emotionally driven click bait.