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March 23, 2017 15 mins

Nate thinks he has invented a new food product!

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The fifteen minute morning show podcast all the way, but first,
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on your on your podcast morning show, I have a
little bit embarrassed, while you embarrassed because this morning I
woke up full of hope and optimism and I have

only had one cup of coffee today and I intended
to have three. Does that make you feel sad and embarrassed?
I am not living up to my potential today and
tomorrow I will do better. Three is three coffee three
three three full cups, like well three cups and each
cup holds about two cups, so six cups, but really

just three, because that's how I rationalize it to myself.
I could do one a day and that's it. Otherwise
I get jittery, and if I don't have that one
cop coffee, my mind is cloudy and I can't think straight. Yeah,
that's usually the days that I usually pressed the wrong
button or get start getting yelled at. You know, everyone
has like the thing that they do um during their
work week, like their regular schedule, and when you go

on vacation, you don't do that thing, and you feel
so off. Like I'll go on vacation, I'll sleep until
ten in the morning, you know whatever, and then I'll
wake up and I'll wonder why I'm sad and have
the worst headache ever, and I realize it's because I
haven't had three cups of coffee by ten am. You know,
I'm starting to get to that point to you have
to I used to never drink coffee ever. Ever, Now

I have to have a cup. Yeah, I really it's
It's a good addiction. It opens up your And do
you notice that every three weeks another survey comes out
about coffee being good or bad for you, and it's
a roller coaster. Yeah, it's always like you know, you

find out yeah, one or two cups of coffee good,
and then a couple of weeks later, another survey I'll
come out that contradicts that the one that you just
heard about. And it's like coffee ad They're saying, like,
coffee is great, it helps stave off demensia, carible, it
raises your blood pressure. Never had it, you never had
had no, no, no, not to menia, but coffee. I

I tried it once, never loved it, and I just
never had it since. Well, you know what, once you
get used to it, Like I started drinking coffee for
the taste of it, just as a social thing, like
m some cream and sugar to this. Oh this is
a delight. But now I can't live without that one
cup everything. So I'm like, you name screwed. It's great.
I started drinking it. I never really drank coffee either

until I went to Hawaii, right and I had a
cup of ConA coffee, which I don't know if anybody's
ever had. It's there being that they grow on the island,
the ConA bean, and it is so good, and I
just started drinking it. So whenever I have a cup,
I kind of think about that, about being in a y,
even though it's not the same thing as being there,
but it's an emotional attachment. Yeah, but that was the

gateway drug for me. I didn't start drinking coffee because
even when I worked at Starbucks, I drank mostly like
espresso drinks, so I had coffee in it, but it
was always super flavored. But when I started in morning
radio my first day, my first morning driving into work,
I had a vitamin water and I remember thinking to myself,
I'm just going to survive on vitamin water. I'm gonna

do this job naturally. Like the next week, I was
drinking two cups of coffee every morning because when you
wake up at three am. It's tough. Well. Dr Oz
has said before on the air on our show that
you know a coffee by itself, coffee black, Yeah, it's
not gonna harm you. It's only a cup like five
ten calories, right, very little, very few. Yeah, who just

drinks black coffee sugar? That's going to kill you. I
gotta put something in there. It's it's just too bitter
for me. But I started drinking. I started bringing in
like almond milk and coconut milk for you. Stuff is terrible,
and that coconuts even like it. It's awful, like coconut milk.
I had to throw away the cup of coffee I

had that to put the coconut milk in because it
was so bad. But I don't care. I want some taste.
I'm drinking it because I enjoy it. I'm not I
don't want to like sabotage my taste. But yeah, I
do one cup of hot coffee in the morning with creamer,
as much creamer as I want. It usually turns the
color of my skin and then that's awesome. And then
the rest of the day I drink black iced coffee

because I can't drink it black unless it's like, can't
stand ice coffee. I can't cold coffee at all. I
need hot coffee at all times. You know what. I
never drank ice coffee. In fact, when the craze first
started with like ten years ago, I'm like, this is bullshit.
But then I had one like this is really good.
Not only that, but you don't stain your teeth, right,
So by sucking it through the straw, you're not having

it past your teeth or anything, right, so you're not
staining your teeth with coffee stains. Yeah. You know, um,
I used to work at a restaurant and they used
to freeze the ice cubes and make them out of coffee.
So actually it doesn't dilute it. When you put ice
cubes in your ice coffee, it's not water, it's not
wandering it down. It's actually made the cubes are made

of black coffee. That's that's brilliant. Yeah. Yeah, I mean
it doesn't water down your coffee, right, not at all,
as you were caffeine. As it melts, you get more coffee. Yeah.
I'm gonna do ice cubes of cream for half and half,
and that'd be great. Yeah, because it'll melt. This is
an experiment. Back up, I got a new store. I'm

opening Belled ice Cream best alright, I should stop now,
that's that's great. Oh my god, I get pictured now.
And as as the ice cubes melt, yeah, it makes
your coffee light and it makes like a pretty design
if you start it. Yes, my god, I'm gonna google

to see if anybody he's doing it. Nobody's doing it.
People just stole it the podcast. Ten minutes after we
post this, someone will have the rights to the website. No, yeah, no,
it's tell me really who's doing it? BuzzFeed. Let's see
genius ways to use an ice cube, tray, dust, strawberries,
chocolate covered things. Melt your herbs, put your coffee in there,

put your baby food in there, put your coconut in there.
What else? Remember the used to put you know, we
do the toothpicks with the orange juice. Did you guys
ever do that? Like my mom was like, hey, they're popsicles. Know,
I'm like, we're poor. This is the Matta orange juice.
It was the orange juice concentrate. You remember that can
here's a good idea, make chocolate ice cubes and then

add them to vanilla milk. Interesting, that sounds delicious, but
not coconut. Actually, I'm not seeing cream. You may actually
be onto something. There you go, it's all yours. I'm brilliant. Quickly,
I'm brilliant. I gotta leave. We Uh, we shouldn't mention
today's International Women's Day, so shout out, um, And I

got a couple of comments from uh, some people on
Facebook who are asking why isn't there a Men's Day,
which I can I think that's I can see why
people would ask that question. Um. This is the answer
that I've been giving is it's not like when women
talk about, you know, having these movements and some women
are taking today off a day without a woman, that
kind of thing. The goal is not to like be

better than men or have more than men. The goal
is to reach the level of men in terms of
the way that we're treated, so that we can all
be equal because we're all human. That's just the basic thing.
So I said to to this one particular guy, the
reason that there's not a Men's Day is that men
are already paid more than women in the workplace in
most situations. And also, if you look around the world,

there are things like honor killings, which Scary and I
were talking about behind the scenes. This is this is
mind blowing. I can't believe this actually exists. I really
thought this was like medieval times that you were describing.
It sounds so barbaric. But women are killed by members
of her own family, if um, if they marry someone

the family doesn't approve of, if they um have sex
outside of marriage, if they're raped. Sometimes a woman will
be killed to restore the honor of her family. And
so until all of these things are gone, women really
do need to make movements like this and say look,
we we're not going to put up with that. Well,
what are some of the countries that this still goes on?

If you go to if you go to Wikipedia and
you look up honor killings, and I know Wikipedia isn't
always um, you know, but it's a good place to start.
It's really interesting you bring that up to because I'm
I guess we're in a bubble. I consider myself in
a bubble because I look around, I'm like, oh, you know, women,
haven't you know better? I remember my mom telling me
stories of when she was getting her first job. She
worked at a law firm in the sixties, and she said,

did you ever watch them the show Madmen? And I go, yeah,
and she goes, that's exactly how it was. Guys were
just pigs. Women you know, didn't get ahead, they never
got raises. So I consider that we've made great advancements,
and we have. But you go to some other countries
and it's seriously medieval times, man dark ages. I can't
believe this is today though, and and and this is

still going on in other countries. But yeah, the bubble
that we live in, I guess we're fortunate to live here.
Yeah we were, Well, we really are. And you know,
women women need men and men need women. So I
really hope that if people are listening to day to
this message, they're hearing that it's it's not about being
a feminist. Isn't a bad word, and it's not about

hating men. It's about wanting both genders, both people to
be equal, and equality for people who don't fit into
a gender norm. You know, it's we're all just humans.
We're all just humans. I think the end of the day.
It's something that really opened my eyes. It took almost
sixty years to tell the story of Hidden figures sixty years.
I mean, it happened back in one and no one

really knew about that at all. Without those four women,
who knew what what? What would have happened to those
guys in space? Yeah, it's yeah. So it's an important
day and I hope that, UM, I hope one day
take a minute to learn about it. We don't even
know there's a difference. That's what I said. I said
to the guy, I hope we don't need a Women's
Day some day. I honestly really hope for that, And
with any anybody that's struggling and being oppressed in any

part of this world, I really hope that one day
we can just wake up and look around and we're
all exactly the same. Now. UM. Of course, a component
of that is a day without a woman, And you
voluntarily chose to come in today, So why don't you
share with everybody why that was the case for you.
So a day without a Woman is today also the
eighth UM and it's a movement that UM. It's a

couple of different movements in one, but it's part of UM.
The organizers who organized the March on Washington UM back
in January is a January January January, right, UM, And
it's to show what would happen if women weren't in
the workplace. And it's also to shed light on some
of the discrimination that happens in the workplace, sexual harassment

and the discrimination that um, transgender people face and people
who don't have you know, if they're not gender norm
if they don't fit into that one or the other.
And a lot of women chose to stay home today.
I know a lot of schools were canceled today, UM,
and those of us who decided to go to work.
A lot of people don't have the luxury of missing work.

They need the money. UM. We decided to come in
today and use this kind of podium to be able
to speak to these issues. We're wearing red today. UM.
And also you're in a unique position because you haven't
you have this this amplification system, so why not take
advantage of that. That was I thought that was a
cool idea that you did. You know, a great decision
you made. Well, thank you. And but it was a

big discussion. I mean the women, there's six women on
the show, and we sat for a while and we
discussed it, and we went back and forth because also
not being here would have a big effect as well.
I mean, we have your Ritza who answers the phones
on the show, and I know, Garrett, you would step
in for her, but then you wouldn't be able to
do other things that you normally do and and around.
But um, but we thought it was important to be
here today and be able to talk about it. It's

I I don't know, I really respect anybody that goes
out and takes a chance and doesn't come in, you
know what I mean. And I really hope that there's
no I don't know, fallout from anything. I really hope
everybody disrespects that. Hey, this is this is what it's like,
you know, a day without a woman. I really hope
it just gets to the point where you say, oh shit,

this is this is We're left without this, you know
what I mean with We're left without women? And there's
a really good article I think it's on Bustle and um,
I'll put it on my Facebook page. But it's like,
what would a day without women actually look like? And
it's a dude who wakes up in his apartment there's
no fire escape because a woman invented that. There's no refrigerator.
There's no gas heating because women helped take part in

making that. It's raining. His windshield wipers don't exist because
a woman helped invent those. Like there's no computers because
women helped invent the algorithms that go into computers. And
it's his whole day. And then everyone running around his
office just has children because there's no one like to
run daycare is there's no one to stay like. It's
it's a real movie. It pretty much is a Will
Smith movie. Um, but it's really interesting. It's just I

hope it's okay. There's no negativity. Intend there's a question
what would you have done with your day if you
didn't come in. I was when I was thinking about it,
I was going to volunteer someplace good. Um, I still
intended to wake up at three in the morning. I
was gonna go this was not going to be a
chance to sleep in or go shopping. I was going
to say, because I do feel that, you do know,

there's some people that are just you know, kind of
you know, there's got to be a couple of women
out there. Yeah, I'm sure they're like, all right, I
deserve this, which you probably do going to Bloomingdale. Yeah no,
I mean I intended to wake up at like three
or four, you know. Still and you know the company

still does Spirit days if I'm not mistaken. You get
a day that you can go and volunteer and do
whatever you want to do. Uh. And I think that's
great that companies do that. So you would have gotten
paid for this if you would have taken this as
your spirit Yeah, yeah, I got I didn't even know
we had a Spirit day. That's what spirit days are
for it. Yeah, Spirit day is you have to do
some sort of volunteers m or don't yet basically, don'tate

your time to an organization that needs it. So you
hope it's not listening to podcast. You know, I am
referencing the handbook from about seven years ago, so maybe outdated.
I've never taken a Spirit Day. Does that mean that
I could take Spirit month? Because I've never used them.
I don't think two years I get Spirit months because

I never used one. Bring up, go to like Uganda
and donate your time just like, hey, guys, I'm here,
let's dig a well. I got a month for you.
Let's dig a well. I like that, who's got it
I'm here to help you. Fifteen minute morning show

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