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April 17, 2024 41 mins

In episode 12, Gandhi sits down with African Safari Guide, Vianney, to talk about the craziest experiences he's encountered while in the wild, why Diamond is the worst adventure partner, and exactly how fast certain animals will kill us. This week's entry into the Burn Book is submitted by Andrew, and someone wants to know how much Gandhi is worth.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
All right, it's Sauce on the side. I'm Gandhi from
the Elvis Durrim Morning Show, and I'm here with my
two not one. I got both producers in here today,
Andrew and Diamond.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
What's up, Hi?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Oh hi, oh hi.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
I heard you get zapped and I am going to
play that soundback right now because it was the funniest
thing ever.

Speaker 4 (00:22):
You know, I'm going to add this to my burn books,
so I'll save that for the Oh there's a reason
why I got zapped.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Oh okay, I'm excited. We have an entry into the
Burn book. Wonderful from Andrew. All Right, today we have
our friend Vna. If you don't know Vna, he actually
came to us through Elvis because Elvis is the coolest
things in the world, and he went on a freaking
safari in Africa, started in Tanzania. There's not a lot
to really get into before we bring him in, so
I'm just gonna bring him in. So one of my

favorite people, definitely one of my favorite guests that we
have on the Big Show is here, Vna Panna. What
is your last name? Do you tell people?

Speaker 5 (01:02):
I do Jacob Jacobwe.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Vna Jacob Gobwene. So you are the owner operator of
Vienna's Untamed Expeditions, which is basically my dream. Tell me
about it. What is it that you do for people
who don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
We organize safaris to East and Southern Africa to East Africa,
we organize safaris to Tanzania where I'm from, Kenya, Uganda
and Randa for the gorillas, and then in South Africa
as well, and we also do Cape Town to us
in South Africa as well.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
So you do it all. You just said probably five
things that I'm super interested in. First of all Africa,
second of all gorillas, the safaris, Cape Town, all of it.
Let's start with the Safari Yes, how did you get
into being a Safari guy? I know you're from Tanzania
or as you used to say, Tanzania, and now I
heard you say, yeah, you.

Speaker 5 (02:01):
Know, it's a different pronunciation, but all that's the same meaning.
So my father used to be a Safari guide and
I learned a lot about wildlife from him, and I
developed that passion of wanting to become a guide. Around seventeen,
one of my high school teachers called me in and said,

you know what, I think you should become a safari
guide okay, and asked him why. He said, you know,
because you've been doing great. We had these clubs and
one of the clubs that we had was for wildlife,
so he was always there listening. So he said to me,
I think you'll make a good safari guide. So when
I finished high school, I went for my guiding college

and sixteen years later, yeah, I am doing guiding amazing.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
So let's talk about the animals that you will encounter
have encountered on the safaris. Obviously. Will the beasts buffalo yes,
Elephants yes, Lions yes, Hyenas.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
Yes, monkeys, monkeys yes, okay.

Speaker 5 (03:07):
Baboons, leopards, you know, jackals, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
It's a lot, and the one you say is the
most terrifying. You don't encounter often, but if you did,
you said you would turn the other way.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
The black mama, the black member.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Will you will you tell people why of all those
animals you just said, crocodiles, hippos, which I find hippos terrifying,
they are right, You're most afraid of a black mamba
more than a lion, and a hyena and a leopard.
All of those it's the black Mamba.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
Why black member is what you call a deadly snake
in Africa. They are very aggressive and they can strike
for no reason.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
You encounter them, they strike.

Speaker 5 (03:53):
They are very fust that they can strike up to
five people within three seconds. Basically does not give you
enough time to.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Run that everybody you're with, nobody can run because you
just all got hit by the black momlambers and the
poison is so deadly, very deadly. You don't you don't
have time.

Speaker 5 (04:12):
It gives you thirty minutes and you're more likely done.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
Have you ever seen somebody actually get bitten? I like,
what do they call it? Gets struck.

Speaker 5 (04:21):
I've seen people in that situation, and I've seen people
after that. I've never witnessed someone being hit by one,
but I've seen after and it's not a good experience.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
I saw Kill Bill. I don't know if you've seen
that movie, but there's a black mom but and Kill Bill,
and that's how I associate everything.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
I haven't seen that movie yet.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Good movie.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
If you go, I'll go find look for it.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
So, first of all, what do you encounter the most.
I want to believe it's elephants, but I don't know
that that's true.

Speaker 5 (04:50):
We have a group of animals we call habibos. That's
like your ideas, no means yeah, vegetarians. Vegetarians. So those
are the animals that you encounter a lot. One of
the animals that we say is mostly the first animal
you'll see on safari.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
It's stay in parlor.

Speaker 1 (05:09):

Speaker 5 (05:10):
The reason being in para leaves in what we call
an ecoton. So the ecoton its where the two habitat meets.
You have a bit of the woodland and you have
the bit of the grassland. So because they feed in both,
so that is mostly where they will be, okay. And
then you have zebras, you have wilder beasts. Elephants know

that much. You see them.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
But elephants also likes to be in woodlands.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
They're the real king of the jungle. I don't know
why everybody talks about it being a lion. I don't
even live in the jungle. That's crazy. But yes, as
you were saying.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
You'll find elephants in the woodland, but sometimes they'll come
into the open areas to feed and then go back,
So you don't really encounter elephants as much as you'll
encounter the other hebivors.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Elephants are really smart too, right, and they're sick human.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
Very animals.

Speaker 5 (06:00):
I think after dolphins, elephants at the second ones.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
Those are my two favorite animals by the way, And
let me tell you, Producer Andrew and producer Diamond both
hate dolphins. It's a very weird thing. They're afraid of them.
They have a lot of like weird thoughts in their
head about what dolphins do. They're convinced that dolphins try
to have sex with humans.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
I've never had that, Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I think Andrew saw one story one time and it
was like over he just believed it for her. But
as far as all these animals go, what animals have
you had some kind of scary encounters with? At some point,
something has had to happen, right.

Speaker 5 (06:36):
I would put it within between buffaloes and elephants.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Really yeah, Okay.

Speaker 5 (06:42):
So starting with the elephants, I was still a young
guide coming up. We went out searching for African wild dogs,
a very rare animal to see on.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
They look like three different animals put together together, and
they have the patterns.

Speaker 5 (06:58):
So we went out so them. As we were coming back,
you're in a very narrow road. So I had a
tracker with me and myself and two guests at the back.
So we come across. We came across this big bull
elephant by himself, and he was mad, you could tell.
So we stopped so the car could not start. You

could not switch off the car because normally, if you
find an animal like that, switch off the car, observed.
But this car, the bed was low, so we could
not switch it off. So we had to switch it.
You had to be on.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Wait, wait, wait. So you see an animal that could
potentially stomp your car and you shut the car off,
you have.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
To, okay.

Speaker 5 (07:39):
The reason being sometimes even the noise from the engine
can irritate the animal and make that animals even aggressive,
So we couldn't switch off the vehicle. As we were
watching this elephant, you discovered that that elephant had been
fighting with another bull and he lost the fight because
he was in what you call a mast. That's the

period where a male elephant is ready to mate with
a female to reproduce. So we could see he's dripping urine.
But also it was they have a kind of scent
or smell that they have during that period. So this elephant,
we couldn't switch the vehicle of this elephant was coming
toward us, so we had to back up slowly, slowly.

So the tracker told me, like, this elephant will charge
because he thought he lost. It's not looking where to
lay his hanger like.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
A guy in a bar fight. He's just pissed off
the table.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
So he said, keep on revising. If I tell you
to go, hit the accelerator and go. So this elephant
came in past us. He went around the vehicle because
the two head lights in front. Sometimes animal sees that
as eyes. So when he was looking at us the

two lights in front for him was something like, okay,
let me go behind this thing. So this elephant walked
behind hinders and it came on a very full speed.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Sorry chasing, you start chasing, so you just Floorida.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
And we had to go. We had to go.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
You know, I'm going to tell you that happens in India. Yeah,
those elephants when they're in when they're you call it
in must Yeah, that's that's always not always, but for
the most part, when there's an elephant attack or something
happens where an elephant is angry and does something like that,
it's typically the young ball right and must us. So
if you encounter a herd, odds are you're going to

be okay?

Speaker 3 (09:32):

Speaker 1 (09:33):
If you encounter a lone ball, take it easy.

Speaker 3 (09:36):

Speaker 5 (09:37):
That's same with the buffaloes. If you find the head
of buffaloes, you okay, like ninety percent. But if you
find a lonely bull buffalo, make sure that you know
you're escaping route. And these buffalos like this other one. Uh,
there were four of them. So I was driving in
an open area and there are four of them. Same thing.
We went looking for the wild dogs again, so he came.

We came across these five buffalos.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Woll dogs are gonna get you in trouble.

Speaker 5 (10:05):
And one of them was looking at us like he
wanted to come. So we drove and this buffalo walked
out and he came in front of us, and we
start charging us.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
So he's trying to take on a truck.

Speaker 5 (10:17):
Yeah he was coming because they come with the head down. Yeah,
he was coming. So I had to reverse for like
one hundred years and this guy was still coming in
and I couldn't do it even longer. So I stopped
the vehicle and I said to my guests, hold on
I'm gonna go for it.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Hold on, that's always what you want to hear from
the Safari guys.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
This guy will not stop.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
So if I go towards him, there's a chance that
he will stop and run away.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
We mean, there's a chance. What if he didn't.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
So I took my chances and it worked.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
As soon as I start going after him, I stopped
and ran away.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
Seeb and I, this is the stuff I'm here for.
This is the stuff I want to hear about. Okay,
you said something to me a couple of years ago
that really resonated with me, and I ended up saying
it to Diamond once when we were out in the woods.
You said, only prey runs, exactly. Don't run away from things,
as much as that is your instinct as a human being,
when you're afraid to take off running, don't run because

prey runs. Yes, only food runs. So one day Diamond
and I we did a trip off the grid and
we were in the woods in California and they told
us that there were bears around. And as we're hiking around,
our guide froze and she said, what was that sound?
And you could kind of hear branches snapping. If something
was there, something was coming. This one wanted to take

off running, and I said, do not do it. Do
not run. I know you want to run. If you run,
you are food. Don't do it. Did that not happen? Diamond,
come over here, till mike for a second.

Speaker 6 (11:49):
It happened, and I would do it again. You want
to know why my heart was racing. You didn't know
what it was, where was coming from. We couldn't figure
it out. Why would we stand there and wait for
it to come out and show us who or what
it is.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
I'm out of there.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Tell why?

Speaker 5 (12:05):
Because so you don't know where that animal is coming from.
You don't know who that animal is, So running you're
putting yourself in danger more because first you have to
know who that animal is so that you know how
to survive. I will tell you a secret. Animals cannot
judge distance. Most of the animals. We humans and primates,

we can judge distance, But most of the animals cannot
judge distance.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
If you have watched.

Speaker 5 (12:36):
National Geographic when the lions or leopards or any predator hunting,
you see how very close they get to those animals,
so they walk, go down and freeze, even if the
gazelle raise up the head like I've seen movements. But
as soon as they freeze, they confuse the gazelles or
they confuse the antelope.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
That's how they go.

Speaker 1 (12:58):
Once you start moving around and flail and running, then
you've given them a target exactly, and now they're like
what is this?

Speaker 3 (13:04):
So you get them?

Speaker 5 (13:05):
You know, so you stop, you don't move, you see
the animal that you want to move, and then the
safest thing to do is to back up slowly.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
Timon, do you think you can do that?

Speaker 2 (13:17):
We let me just we were in the middle of
a medal. Also. She just fails.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
Nothing but like grass and I don't know up to
our knees and you don't see anything else where were
we gonna go?

Speaker 5 (13:31):
You listen, I've come across leopards doing walking safaris. We
came across this particular this one leopard on a ditch sleeping.
So we didn't know there was a leopard there, and
we went there because we saw like this could be
a potential area where there'll be water and we might

find elephants. So we came across the ditch there was
a sleeping leopard. Like you know, from my distance to you.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Which is a fine because are not easy to come by.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Right, Oh, leopards at the toughest. Yeah, they're very, very
very quick.

Speaker 5 (14:06):
Okay, So as soon as we stopped, one of my
guests talked and this leopard had the voice.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
And Diamonds running away from a microphone.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
And she growl and stood up and ran away. Oh,
she didn't come after us.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
So she was more afraid of what the unknown.

Speaker 5 (14:26):
Was exactly because we had stopped and we were freezing.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Do you think you can implement this in the future, Diamond, Yes.

Speaker 6 (14:33):
But now I have a question, like, how pissed were
you that this person decided to open their mouth?

Speaker 2 (14:39):
Like do you get upset when things like that happen?

Speaker 3 (14:41):

Speaker 5 (14:42):
Sometimes you know, you don't get upset, but you tell them, like,
you know, next time, if something like this happens, do
not do that. There's a good's there's a good thing
about you talking as you're doing walking safaris or as
you're doing trekkings, as you did, because you get to
advertise is your presence.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Oh we did.

Speaker 5 (15:02):
We were loud, yeah, but if you go quietly, it's well,
now you ambush the animals. You know, it's a nature,
it's a human nature, it's an animal nature. Once you're ambushed,
you will always want to defend.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
So you're saying, if we are in the woods and
the way, I'll find a picture of where we were
because there was a meadow, but there were trees and
stuff around it. Maybe there really wasn't anywhere to go.
But in a scenario like this, you're saying, make a
lot of noise while you're going through, so that they
hear you coming from wherever they are and they scatter
instead of us popping up on them because we're being
very silent. Yes, no to self, We'll make a lot

of noise next time, Diamonds. She's like, what next time?
I'm not going back in those damns.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
What noises? But you know as you speak.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Okay, So now I told you about my podcast idea.
Can I touch it? Where I want to go into
wherever nature and just try to touch things. I've already
started it, by the way. I touched a horseshoe crab,
I touched a sea urchin, a shark, a starfish, a lizard.
I touched elephants and stuff before. I'm not an idiot,
like I know, I can't really touch all of these things.

But I have been umboozled, I think by Instagram where
I follow all these guys who live with the lions
and they get along and the lions bring them their
cubs and they present them. Kevin Richardson, specifically the lion whisper,
how does he live this life?

Speaker 5 (16:23):
So he started doing his project years back. You know,
he sort of basica raised those lions and.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
They're out in a while, right.

Speaker 5 (16:33):
So it's it's like a firm that he has goot. Okay,
so basically, you know, you want to come into the
Seringate and do that.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
Okay he makes a look like that, but no, okay, yeah.

Speaker 5 (16:44):
He has a place where he's doing that down south.
Then they have places like those that you can go
and take a walk with lions and you can touch them.
But mostly they're like animal firms.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Oh but that's not good done, is it?

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Not? Really?

Speaker 1 (16:59):
So that's so this Lion Whisperer that I'm like, oh
my gosh, look at him just interacting with these lions.
Are they captive?

Speaker 5 (17:05):
I cannot really say they're captive, but I can also
say they're totally wild, so they know him. That's why
if it's another person going, they have to put you
on a cage.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
They put me in the cage.

Speaker 5 (17:17):
I would love that, specifically him, because he has been there,
They grew up around him.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
So my dreams are you know, a little far fetched.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
You can still do it.

Speaker 5 (17:28):
But if you want to be you know, if you
want to go to those lions walk in South Africa.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
Now here's the thing. So this is where I get
very torn. I want nature to be nature. I want
it in its element. I don't want to tame it,
domesticate it, none of that. I even have a problem
with half the pets that I want to have because
I think you don't want to live in my apartment.
You are meant to be free, a bird, whatever, even
a chinchill. You don't want to live with me. You
want to be somewhere else. So I want nature to
be nature. But I also want to touch it.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
Yeah, you can touch some and you cannot touch some.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
So far, everything that I've tried to touch has allowed
me to touch it so far. Yeah, but you know,
I'll take it easy. I promise on your safari when
I go, because I'm going to go, I will not
touch anything. I won't stick my hand out of the car.
I'm just going to be good and observe. We'll watch
every I will not stress you out. So this is
a big part I would assume then of the economy, right,

safaris taking people around, which I think is amazing and
I think everyone should go on a safari if they can.
You save your money up, go I want to do it.
I want to take my whole family. I've been talking
about this with you for years at this point, I
promise at some point, but I have a question about economy.

And one of the things that people say is good
for a lot of countries in Africa and their economy,
that sounds a little crazy to me. I don't like it.
Hunting big game. Is that in fact good for the
economy or do crazy rich hunters tell people that so
it doesn't look like they're doing something awful.

Speaker 5 (19:06):
So hunting is a very very tough subject to talk about,
and I always avoid talking about it.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Oh I'm glad, I ask you, yeah, because if you
miss a point on that then it can backfire. Always. Well,
that's how it is with anything you say. I promise
you. You say I like dogs, people are gonna say, oh,
you hate cats.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
Don't worry.

Speaker 5 (19:29):
So conservation started from hunting. As people were hunting and
hunting and hunting, they couldn't find anything to hunt because
they killed it all. They killed it all, and they're
like whoo, so now we have to conserve. I will say,
in my country, Kenya do not allow hunting. So I'll
talk a little bit of my country that we do

allow hunting in some of the areas. So we have
categories of conservations. We have the National Park which is
up there where it's only photographic.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
So they're hunting with cameras, yes.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Okay, hunting with cameras.

Speaker 5 (20:04):
And then you have the Game Reserve where most of
the hunting has been done. So the way they do
the hunting in those areas, you get your plot as
a company where you can hunt, you have to give
the government the numbers estimated numbers of the animals that

you have in that particular plot and estimating their ages
so that the government knows what you have inside there.
The government will give you a license to hunt mostly
the old animals.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
Yeah, so like the very old buffalos, the very.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
Old which like is no prize. You're hunting an old animal,
so what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (20:46):

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Sorry, can see I have very strong feelings about this,
but go ahead, Okay, so you get you can go
sign up and hunt an old star.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
Yeah, great. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (20:54):
I once asked someone from the government, like, why do
you do it in such a way. Why can't the
government meant clothes and say, you know, we're close hunting
and stays that way. But then the game reserves were
established as buffer zones between national parks and human settlement.

So these guys that will have the game reserve and
the hunting block, they will somehow try to cut the
conflict between humans and wildlife. So you know, that's why
I said, hunting is a very wide subject depending on
how you do it.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
And personally against.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Hunting from afart, yes you shouldn't.

Speaker 5 (21:39):
You shouldn't from what I said, you shouldn't say like, oh,
he's appointing hunting. Not personally, I don't like hunting because
I believe the animals have the right to live. If
the government says, if they do it well it helps
them to conserve some of the national parks on the
game reserve, then I have got nothing to say against.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Okay, but there are animals that are protected right, yes, elephants.

Speaker 5 (22:04):
So they cannot haunt elephants even though sometimes they tend.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
To which is right.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
I've seen people holding a task and makes me want
to vomit. What about the leopards, I've seen leopards.

Speaker 5 (22:16):
They can leopards, they can hand lions, they cannot. I
cannot hunt a giraffe because it's our national animal, and
they cannot hunt rhino because they are endangered. They cannot
haunt cheetens because they're endangered. They cannot hand wild dogs
because they're endangered. But all in all, I believe every

animal has got the right to live until it's killed
by you know, by a wild animal. You know, it's
sad because the other day I saw in the news
that one of the elephants that was killed by a
hunting company, and they got very sad because I have
a trip going into that particular area specifically looking for

this particular elephant in July, and now this elephant got killed.
And that elephant was killed because the people that were
there did not follow the rules and regulation that we
are guiding them on how they can do their hunting.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
So what's the punishment for something like that if they
find them?

Speaker 5 (23:20):
So the company is gonna get banned. Yeah, So that
company is like gonna go down done. Yeah, there's a
petition online about that. People are signing up for that.
But I also see my country changing that very soon
because there's been lots of pressure from conservation societies and

everything agreeing them to stop hunting. So I'm sure at
one point in the near future my government will go
into that and stop hunting.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
Yeah. And I know that there's conflict even within that,
because there are the conservationists who are there trying to
protect the land and the animals, and then there are
the poachers who come in, and that in itself causes
all kinds of strife. So I don't even I mean,
where do you begin to start if you want to
make a difference and something like that, where do you
even start?

Speaker 5 (24:08):
So the first thing you shoot start is have more
facilities against the porches, because sometimes also the government gives
these hunting blocks to people because they want to stop porches,
they want to stop poaching. Okay, So we have organizations

from the states, we have people from the states that
have been very, very supportive. And then the second step
now is to talk to the government that okay, we've
provided you with this, and now you have enough to
make sure that you can stop poaching and then let's
close all of these hunting hunting blocks.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
That's what I would love to do. Z Igno is
none of my business. I don't live there, but I
just think, oh my god. I can't imagine how people
would look at an animal and one of these creatures
and think I should kill you. There's just something about
big Game that really upsets me when I see people
hunting it and I just I don't know. I think
they're evil, but that's just me. So I have a question.
You said something about a lot of the reserves being

between where people are living and then like the fall
on Wild. So there's a movie that came out when
I was very little called The Ghosts in the Darkness. Yes,
the Lions of the Tsavo. Yes, how true was that movie?
And if you haven't seen the movie, it's about two
allegedly man eating lions that terrorized this railroad that was
being built.

Speaker 5 (25:32):
So that there are two movies. Oh, there's another of
the same area. There's one called The Shadow of Kilimanjaro.
It's the same area. This is about baboons.

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Was very very.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
Dry and the baboons did not have water and they
start eating people.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Wait, they were thirsty, so they eight people.

Speaker 3 (25:53):
They started eating people.

Speaker 1 (25:54):
I don't see that, okay, all right.

Speaker 5 (25:58):
And then there's that's the lanes are the main eating
lines of Tavo. That's a true story. Actually, when they're
building that railway station from Mombasa all the way to Nairobi,
that's when it happened. And you know, they portrayed everything
that can happen in real life on a safari if
you don't listen.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
To your guys and if you try to touch something, yeah.

Speaker 5 (26:19):
And if you don't listen to the managers at the
lodge when they're telling you, like, do not go out
at night, not go on your own back to your
tent at night, because you don't know what is happening.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
So okay. So to that point, you are camping in
the middle of the serengari. There are lions and hyenas
and cheetahs and the birds and all these different animals
out there. How do you stay protected inside a tent?

Speaker 5 (26:45):
So these animals do not see tents as threat rather
than they see tents as an object that they cannot
go through. And so with those kinds of tents, we
normally tell people if you go do that do not
put food inside your tent, okay, because that can attract

some animals.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
Yeah, Diamond and I learned that also when we went camping,
they made us take all of like any snack that
we had, we did take out of the RV in
certain areas because they said the bears have such a
good sense of smell that they will enter the RV.
They will open the door and they will come in
and they will forage for the snacks. So you know, me,
I was like, we should leave some.

Speaker 5 (27:26):
Yeah, it's always you know, there's always that one person
will say, you know, let's do it and see what
will happen.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Just see.

Speaker 3 (27:33):
Yeah, So that's that's one thing.

Speaker 5 (27:35):
But with the most of the of the of the
tinted camp that we do, so you'll have all the
meals at the main area and everything. So they will
escort you back to your tent. They'll make sure that
everything is closed if you want everything to be closed.
But I know, my like sleeping with my tent windows open.

You know, you have a mosquit on it in between,
so you see everything that is happening outside.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
I would love that too. But if you can see out,
then things can see in.

Speaker 5 (28:06):
You can without. These tents are mad. You can be
inside and see outside, but the person who is outside
cannot see inside.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Oh okay, yeah, but when we're talking about tents, we're
not talking about the little tent that you just all.
It's a big tent and it's like glamping.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Even yeah, it's even bigger than this room.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Like then this room, and he's talking about the main studio,
which is pretty big. Okay, so these big tents are there.
It's like glamping. Also, right, you have bad you have
a shower, so people want to come take us a fari.
They're not roughing it. They're having a wonderful experience while
they get to see all of it.

Speaker 5 (28:39):
So you have you're running water, you have your running toilets. Hang,
we can hang your clothes. You have placeure we can
put your bags. You know, you have a place where
you can sit and enjoy like a lounge inside the tent.
And then outside the tent you have chairs that you
can sit and you know, radio book or enjoy the

wilderness in front of you.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
That's amazing, that sounds great. I'm really I hope that
when Elvis said we're all gonna go and we're going
to do this. We're going to broadcast from there. I
hope it happens. It will Happenings crossed. If people want
to find you and they want to book one of
these trips, how do they find you?

Speaker 3 (29:18):

Speaker 5 (29:18):
Am I valuable? On Instagram? At Vienna is Untamed Expeditions.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
Which if you're listening to this right now, there is
on link on my page.

Speaker 5 (29:27):
Yes, and I have a Facebook page it's the same
name Viennese and TAMED Expeditions. And then my website which
is www dot Vinasuntamed Expeditions dot com.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
And you say about ten days is an ideal time
with travel.

Speaker 5 (29:42):
Travel, so you need at least not less than seven
days of being on the safari. So if you have
ten days plus traveling dates, that's that's a good idea.
But also if you have more days you have Zanziba
you know, it's it's a beach island that it's you know,
you can go, I enjoy the beach. But also Zanzibar

has got lots of history, you know, slavery, how the
people from Oman into Zanzbag what they did you know,
So apart from beach, you have a full day that
you're going to learn about history, but also Zanziba. It's
what we call a spice island for those who love language. Yeah,
for those who loves to cook. Zanzba has over a

one hundred different spicies that you can get and most
of those spicies have been exported here to the state and.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
You can bring them back.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
You can bring them back amazing.

Speaker 5 (30:35):
So you know, we we have people have more days
and after the Safari, we take them to Zanzba. They
learn about the history of Zanzba, they line about the
spicies of Zanzebra, and then we give them a day
or two to lay down on the beach and recover.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
The beaches around Africa because I know one of the
best places to go see great white is off the
tip of South Africa. So the beach is around ZanZbar.
How are we doing with sharks and stuff?

Speaker 3 (31:00):
There are no sharks there.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
You have to give me no sharks.

Speaker 5 (31:03):
They have to go a little bit further deep to
get shacks and dolphins.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
But always a shark around.

Speaker 5 (31:09):
Always, But we've never had any encounter with the sharks
in the beaches of z touch the woods.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Yes, right here, we're going to knock on for Micah,
here we go. And then the last question, is it
true not to wear red around wild animals?

Speaker 3 (31:26):
Not not to wear but try.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
To avoid that's the same thing.

Speaker 5 (31:31):
You know, if that's the only thing you have, you
can wear, okay, but if you can avoid that, then
it will be good.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
So they really do see it, and they are attracted
to it.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
It's not attracted, but red. It's a warning color.

Speaker 5 (31:45):
So mostly animals will react differently when they see something red.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
You know.

Speaker 5 (31:49):
Imagine you're seeing black and white and you have this
red in front of you. It's a very strange object.
But sitting in the vehicle, it's not a big problem.
But when you're doing walking so far, yes it is.
We have flies, so they are colors that attract flies.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
And one of them is no more that's all you
need hate flies.

Speaker 5 (32:09):
One of them is black and blue. You know, we
have a certain fly we call fly just a bigger,
bigger in size compared to the house fly. So they
attracted to the black and black and blue. So we
try to tell people, you know, you try to avoid that,
and so that you don't have flies.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
So it's not like their bigs everywhere.

Speaker 5 (32:31):
In Africa, so like bags will be stabing you everywhere.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
I've had people coming in with the bag space.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
And oh, yeah, that would be me.

Speaker 3 (32:38):
I never even used them.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
Really yeah.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
Some of them are like, oh, you don't even know
why we bought them, surprising. I'm like, you know, it's
it's rain season. Yes, you can have lots of bags
because of the water, but the dry season you barely
see bags.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
So I asked you that question because my boyfriend and
I on our first date, we went to the Central
Park Zoo. Have you been to the Central Park Zoo.
It's kind of a small zoo, but they have this
one area where the birds are kind of flying free
and you can go walk through the middle and do whatever.
And we were looking at a Victorian crowned pigeon, which
I found out later that's what it was from Alex
because it attacked us. So it came flying directly at us.

And he said it was because I was wearing a
jacket that had birds all over it. And he's like,
it looked at that bird and it was like, oh
hell no. But he had on a bright red shirt
and I said, no, it was your shirt that triggered
that bird. So now I'm going to tell him it
was him based on this conversation, So just let me
have that.

Speaker 3 (33:36):
So there are two things I have to defend him. Question.
Me and him have a deal when it comes to Africa.
We have a deal.

Speaker 1 (33:42):

Speaker 3 (33:42):
So animals can get.

Speaker 5 (33:45):
Aggressive when they see pictures of animals.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
Okay, but I'm gonna show you this jacket and it
doesn't even look like birds. It's an Adidas jacket. Anyway,
Wait finished what you're saying. I'm gonna find the jacket.

Speaker 3 (33:56):
So I've seen that with gorillas.

Speaker 5 (33:59):
I've seen that panzies, I've seen that with leopards, I've
seen that with lions. I've seen that with baboons that
they get they feel like you're trying to challenge them.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
What's no good?

Speaker 5 (34:11):
Okay, Yeah, so it could be was his red jacket.
No where did the bird land first? Was it him
or you?

Speaker 1 (34:19):
So it came I think it came at him, but
it was intercepted by a handler before it actually touched
either one of us. And I stuck my hand out
because of course, I'm like, oh I could touch it.
Let's see if this happens. He ducked. This is the jacket.
I hope you can see it. Hold on, it's an
Adidas athletic jacket, tropical parrot that doesn't even look like birds.

Speaker 5 (34:39):
That could attract because you see, there's lots of lots
of things in there for a bad like your flowers.
You have another bird in there, So.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
That's so you think this was more attractive to the
bird than his bright red shirt. Damn it, I'm gonna
edit this out.

Speaker 5 (34:55):
So the red shirt could have been a warning color
because out in the bush red it's a warning color,
do not touch.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
And this was like, I'm flowers, come touch. Yeah, damn it.

Speaker 3 (35:09):
So like if I'm not that, I ask you this.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
I gotta be honest.

Speaker 5 (35:12):
If you see a bud, if you see an animal,
if you see an insect, if you see anything that
has got a certain pattern that has got dread, do
not touch it.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
All right, fine, fine, it was me, it wasn't him.
I'm so upset at this. What a wait to any interview.
But thank you Vina so much for joining me. I again,
I could talk to you all day if I had
the chance, but I don't have that chance. So thanks.
If people want to get ahold of you, it's linked
right now in my Instagram story, so they can come
check it out Vienna's Untamed Expeditions on Instagram or online.

Speaker 5 (35:44):
It is vienna is Untamed Expeditions dot com.

Speaker 1 (35:47):

Speaker 5 (35:48):
Thank you, Vinna, Thank you for having me and looking
forward to do this again always.

Speaker 1 (35:53):
I can't wait till you come back. Diamond. Yeah, did
you learn anything?

Speaker 6 (36:08):
Nothing that I'm actually gonna take with me Because if
I'm in the woods or in the forest and an
animal is chasing me, I think that my instinct will
kick in.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
I'm not going to freeze. I'm out of there. And
the whole swint was it's not going to chase you.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
If you don't run, I'll.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
Repent as I'm running.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
Okay, cool, Diamond learned no thing, So that's wonderful. All right,
very informous, Andrew, you seem to really want to add
something to the burn book. Yes, so, by all means,
go ahead.

Speaker 4 (36:37):
So I love love these shoes I'm wearing. Can I
say the brand, of course? Okay, they're All Birds. All
Birds makes great comfortable, cozy shoes and they're like slip
on shoes.

Speaker 3 (36:46):
They're great.

Speaker 4 (36:47):
Okay, the running shoes are great too. The problem is
they're made out of wool, so no matter where you
are shuffling these feet to the minute you touch anything.
It's like your super villain origin story where it's like
I have powers, but I just keep zapping myself on
everything and I can't stop. So All Birds, I love you,
but like I can't with the zapping and the shocking anymore.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
That's kind of crazy. Like what if you had a
weird heart rhythm or something and constantly getting zapped because
of the shoes sent you over the edge, like that
was what killed you.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
And they're the most aggressive zaps of all time, Like
I heard that. I literally have seen electricity come out
of my fingers from how much I'm shuffling in my
All birds.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
Let me tell you what not to touch. Do not touch
these boards because it's possible. When they're so electrically charged
in the first place, you're gonna get a good zap.
But it's possible when you zap yourself that hard on
one of these, you throw the whole board out of whack.
I've seen it happen.

Speaker 2 (37:43):
I'm try it.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
Wait, just real quick, let's play his sound again.

Speaker 4 (37:50):
It hurts. And now I just charged myself up by
moving my feet on the carpet, and I'm.

Speaker 2 (37:56):
Ready to go see if you see it's gonna hurt
so bad.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Let's just to see you charge yourself up on purpose.
Oh you didn't it hurts so bad?

Speaker 2 (38:06):
It's coming.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
Does it really hurt you like? Would you say it
hurts or does it just like surprise you?

Speaker 4 (38:12):
It's like a it's like a snapping like you've been.

Speaker 1 (38:15):
Yeah, of course, I don't think it really hurts that bad.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
Here I go.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
If you don't know this about Andrew when he doesn't
have anything to say back to you, he just does
whatever you're doing. But in that stupid voice.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
Please, Hey, it's the eye roll in the police.

Speaker 1 (38:35):
Police all right. Anyway, let's move on from this idiot
to Diamond. Did someone give us a good ask me anything?

Speaker 4 (38:42):

Speaker 6 (38:42):
Yeah, okay, And this is a question from Mike. I
pronounced it earlier. I practiced it, Mike, I promise you,
Mike Kawalinko.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
That sounds right.

Speaker 6 (38:52):
Cool, great, Mike, thanks for being here. And this is
a question that I want to know the answer to.
What's your net worth?

Speaker 1 (38:58):
Gandhi? Oh great question. I have no idea. I wish
I knew. I don't know. My dad did call me
once because he said he googled it and it said
that I made like one point five million dollars a year.
And I said, really, Dad, where did you find that information?
That is so accurate? And we're laughing because that's far
from accurate.

Speaker 4 (39:18):
So peoplefinder dot com doesn't have everyone's accurate networks.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
And yeah, I don't know, I don't think. So he
also told me, and this is accurate, that my net
worth was somewhere between one thousand and five million dollars,
you know, and that is a fact.

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Okay, we'll take it.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Yeah, I you know. I actually, I'm not even joking
when I say I don't know. I don't know. I
was very, very poor until I moved here, so I
haven't made a lot of like really great financial decisions
and moves. I just been kind of like hoarding my
money whatever I make. So I need to sit down
with an accountant, a financial advisor, whatever. I actually have
an alarm set on my phone to do that so

I can make some good smart investments because I have
no idea.

Speaker 4 (40:00):
I would like the dragon from the Lord of the Rings,
the Hobbit, the one that just sits on their pile
of gold, and it's like, I think his name is smog.

Speaker 2 (40:09):
Andrew, please get out out.

Speaker 4 (40:11):
Oh I'm sorry. Does literature hurt your brain?

Speaker 3 (40:14):

Speaker 1 (40:14):
It does?

Speaker 2 (40:14):
Actually fight. If it's not Housewives, I don't care.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
I've really missed you too, being together. Yeah not him,
feelings mutual.

Speaker 3 (40:24):
Thank god, I got it.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
Righted it all right? Where can they find you online? Andrew?
People want your wit and wisdom.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
Andrew Pug. I'm only on Instagram.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
Okay, Diamond such a loser.

Speaker 6 (40:39):
It's at Diamond sincere and if you find me on Twitter,
it has an underscore and.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
I think I'm unshadow band. So this is I'm pretty excited.
Yeah at Baby Hot Sauce. And I'm no longer labeled
as a pedophile, which was really a problem in my life.
That was really a problem because it's not true. Yeah.
So we'll be back next week with another fun episode.
I think maybe we'll have a comedian or someone in
next day. We'll see all right, everybody say bye by

bye h

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