All Episodes

April 15, 2022 122 mins

N.O.R.E. & DJ EFN are the Drink Champs. In this episode we chop it up with the icon himself, Snoop Dogg!

Giving the legend his flowers, Snoop Dogg joins us once again but this time as the owner of the iconic record label, Death Row Records.

Snoop talks about his Death Row acquisition, his involvement within the NFT space and much much more!

Lots of great stories that you don’t want to miss!!

Make some noise for the legendary Snoop Dogg!!! 💐💐💐🏆🏆🏆

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Drink Champs, the production of the Black Effect
and I Heart Radio and his Drink chas motherfucking podcast
makes He's a legendary queen's rapper. He's greed is your

boy in no R. He's a Miami hippoper pioneer up
his dj e f N. Together they drinking up with
some of the biggest players in the most professional, unprofessional
podcast and yet number one sorts for drunk back Mother
is New Year's Eve. That's it's time for drink Champs.
Trick up mother? Would it could be hoping to do

you see what you see? Boy in o R? What
up is d j e f N? This minitatement crazy
walk grk motherfucking drunk and all that makes up? And
let's just be clear, we don't we don't we We
are rich now, we don't travel for nobody. But when

not often, when when we get a good call from
one Snoop Dog Delian and then Snoop Dog Delia gives
us a call with the Chairman. Could we call him
the Chairman because he gives us a lot of money?

I like that, y'all laughed, but we didn't, and the
Chairman said, we got to talk about the Snoop Dog
Death Row collaboration n f T. And I said, wait
a minute, holy body, quacamoti, you gotta calm down. Mr
Sean Combs. He said, no, I'm gonna get him on

the phone, and then Snoop got on the phone. And
it's crazy. So in case you don't know who the
funk we're talking mark, let's make some noise for the one,
the only Snoop motherfucker d Chance alumni, Dring Chance alumni,
only artist. He came early, honest that ever make us
go to him, went to the hotel. I don't want

a break, breaking a vacation. It's the same California Snoop, Snoop.
I ain't gonna lie. I looked at the compound. We
really respect what you do. Hold on, hold on, uncle,
comment comment um the compound. His was crazy about it.

Crip like a motherfucker in Inglewood neighborhood, blood like a motherfucker.
How is we corroborating or the simple factors that I've
outgrown the bagging element. I'm more of a businessman, and
when you learn to be a businessman, you learn how
to incorporate everybody. So I got a lot of my

blood cousins. Yeah, so I got a lot of my
my blood cousins that support of the operation as well.
So we don't keep it, you know, fully creeping on
the business. We keep it fully business on the business.
So anybody that's eligible, that's you know, able to attain
the position, no matter what neighborhood you come from or
what set you represent. We represent money businessmen, and we

try to make money to make a difference. That's fire. Now,
let's excuse let's just go straight to it. It's no
game was on our show and games say that jay
Z did not want him on Super Bowl? Where are

you standing with that? I don't know. That's information that
I don't have. Remember was a guest of Dr Dre,
so I wasn't privy to the information on who was
who wasn't. All I know is that they gave me
issues with me performing, So I would imagine, you know,
there is some truth to it, but I don't know.

I'm not. But did you see what games at? I
sent entirely, and that's his opinion. He got his view.
That's my little homie, that's my nephew. We're all a family,
we're all up under the Dray tree. So whenever there's
a tree, no doubt, there's no doubt. So so and

that's I don't know the great tree truth. And that's
a beautiful thing to be under the tree. So sometimes
we quarrel, we have misunderstandings, and it's up to us
as a family to get our understanding amongst us. So
a lot of times when we air out, it's probably
because we haven't been able to communicate with our family.
So we let them know that we want to get

in touch with you. And that's the way that we
air it out. Because it was things I didn't see
Scott starts and didn't see game, and that's the two
things that I would be like, you know what this
is this this would be great. Let me tell you
what you didn't see that you ain't saying nothing about
You didn't hear a g thing. You didn't hear a
shift from death row? What about that era? That didn't

mean nothing? Okay, then so what about that? So you
gotta look at Dr Dre's mind state. Whatever he was on.
He was on, that was his show. They asked him
to perform. So whoever he wanted to bring to the party,
he had the right to. And when he said I
don't want to do this song, this song, this song,
we couldn't contest that because they didn't ask us to come.

I would have loved to do g thing Jen and Juice,
what's my name? Drop it like it's hid anything out
of my catalog. I didn't get to do one Snoop
Dogg song. I did everything to support Dr T. So
I I hit the homee the big homie jay Z

right and I told him to come pull up on me,
and he pulled up on me. And this is exactly
I swear to guard my nephew. We've wonder if you
he went here to the left. I said to my nephew,
I said, yo, listen, I have to ask him this
straight up. So I said, yo, why who is the

people that's on um and if in the foul? And
he said to me and I'm sorry for anybody who
don't understand. And he said, the white guy called for
for fifty cents mm hmm. So I said, who's who's

the white guy? Come? I'm big in this Jimmy vine
and he said no, and men them called directly fifty
and he said, he said, I can't do it if
I can't break fifty off, but that's his God God, No,

but you're the most famous rapper in in the history
of history. I begged the different who would you say
is the most famous in your mouse? No, Snoop, you're
the most favorite. But by the way, let me just
be clear, thank you. Let me just be clear, Snoop,

one million percent. We expected you to be there. We
didn't expect Mary, we didn't expect Kendrick. We expected Dre
and Snoop. So what happens at this rehearsal, um, Well,
it's it's put together before the rehearsal. It's actually a

conversation before we even get to the rehearsal. You know,
game plan, what it should look like, what it sounds like,
what we should do, you know, songs, looks et cetera,
et cetera, whole get out. Because Dr Dre is a perfectionist.
So first of all, he had to fall in love
with the project first. And once he falls in love
with then you's got to figure out how you can
creatively funk everybody up. But they've never been sucked up before,

you know, because Nick has been wanting bally men the
verses and do all this type of ship. But he
like that y'all can't funk with me. And there's only
one way to show you, Nigga's the super Bowl, the
biggest stage in the world. Give your moment. I mean.
But but what people don't understand is he didn't do
nothing from the Ruthless catalog, the Death Row catalog, nothing

from Snoop Dogg's catalog. He only had twelve minutes. Sure
see what people going into all this, nigga, Look at
what what could you do in twelve fucking minutes where
you're gonna satisfy everybody? What I'm saying, But where are
you gonna satisfy everybody? In twelve catalog is fucking three
years long. You're gonna miss a beach, You're gonna where

was ice Cube? So that's that's you didn't because that's
the ace in the hole, right But at the same time,
at the same time, but we have to we have
to respect Dre's mind state. Now when the NFL call

us individually to do a show, and we can do
what we want to do after we put in the
work that Dre put in to be on the level
to get that position. So we can't, you know, knock it.
We gotta say, you know what, we applauded, because maybe
that'll open a door for me or someone else who
continues the journey that dre put down in hip hop
for thirty fucking years. Three decades of fucking hit records.

I mean, I mean, I mean, funk all that we
can't be on. We don't have to stay there for
a minute. Three decades a these nineties, two thousand, two
thousand tiens and just dropped on the g T A
game talk to me. I talked about Yo, Snoop, I'm
gonna be honest. That's fine, pupect color, public color, mother,

public color. Snow, I'm gonna be honest, stoopid. So I
hit the big homie and I say, I say, yo, Yo,
come come through and come see me. And then jay
Z come see me. He actually come see me. He comes, Yes,
thank you. That is this the cold ones. Okay, he
actually comes see me, Snoop and high him. I said, Yo,

I just had the homie game on, and I need to,
I need I need to, I need to know for
me to you was game excluding ran? Was he black ballers?
But that's all we want to know because if he
was black balled and fuck that. If he wasn't black balled,
then we you know, games gonna have a conversation with
Dre and then and get some understanding we can keep

our brotherhood. Do you know what the big going? We
told me what the nigga said. I can't tell Dre nothing.
M hmmmm, you just say what I said. It's like
he's got a lot of friends and a lot of
people that he put on and I don't think it
was about nothing, but whatever the space he was in mentally,

Remember he just went through a divorce and and the
aneurysm was with his head. So nobody's pay attention to
nother ship that the man going through. Like we all
go through ship individually, but when we're in a highlighted
moment to show our successful stories, we have to take
advantage of that moment. But we still could be going
through some ship. And as a family, it's our job to,
you know, do what we do to support each other.

So my job is to be the mediator. You know.
I don't take any sides. I just love everybody the same,
and I empathized and sympathize with both because I understand
how both feel. I understand our game feel. I understand
how Dre feel about stories. How does he feel because
Scott folk like he should have been the guy on
the D D D D D ding. I'm asking you,

are you serious or you're serious? I'm not gonna lie.
I'll be honest with you. When I see the dud dude,
I was like, Dad, I felt like Scott should have
been should have been doing that. You probably want percent
of America, and Scott is a bad motherfucker, that's him,

but certain moments ain't made for you, and that ain't
with no disrespect, that's what all due respect. If Dre
felt like I want to showcase Scott on the piano,
then I'll do that. But I don't think that was
a disrespectful more with him to say I don't want Scott,
and I think it was just so much going down
where he didn't pay attention to details as far as
should I have the piano player, should I have the

neggtive played the horns? Should I have the nigga that
was pop blocking in the video? Should I have you
know the things that you remind you of what it is?
Or should I do something different to let you know
what it is? Now? Because it's still my sound regardless
of who played to it and who did whatever they did.
This is my record that we did together. So as
an accomplishment of what we've done together, celebrate the fact

that those are your keys being played at the super Bowl.
You don't have to be your fingers. Everybody know that
came from you. So that's your celebration right there. Snoop.
I'm gonna be honest with you. When I posted the
picture with you and Puffy and I said bad boy

death from so many people hit me and said that's
not right. People died, people, you know, so such a
I said, shut the funk up. Yeah, but people died,
but we didn't have him to do with it. It
was always the peaceful ones. That's that's the epicenter of everything.
They tried to get me to not like Puffy and

Biggy while it's in the middle of the death row
bad boy feud, and I made a choice that I
had no issues with them. That was the Aggie Martinez
interview back in the days that created having between me
and death role. Because I still wants exactly because when
you said I ain't got no issues, I said, I
do a song I want to do a song with
them niggas. That's how I engined. I said, I ain't
got no issues with Puffy and Bigger. I want to

do a song with the niggas. Middle of the war
in New York, New York. I'm hiding on the sound,
did you say? Because that's how I felt the fact.
Here's the here's the situation. Man. At that time, it
was on our ass. Let's keeping one down. While some

niggers don't like competition, I take it home. I love
when the nigga better than me because you're gonna make
me better. Do you think me and jay Z and
Nas and all these niggas was based off of us
not having creative competition. That's what it's always about. But
it ain't about hate. It's about Oh that niggas just
dropped the bomb mass album? Who did jigger? Did? Hold on?
Let me load up what producers he used? For real?

Call that nigger timber to call that nigga? Just call
them niggas. And the same thing when I boot Snoop
drop a hot rod, jay Z calling my producers this
competition is fun, is love. This is what we do.
We don't kill behind it and motherfucker's don't understand that.
I had enough sense to know that I had just
be the murder case. Murder case, So now you want
me to get in another while I'm in New York

with no guns. He's Louise. I'm from the hood, I
gang bag, so I understand street policy. You know that
gang bangers everywhere link the toughest niggers in the ward.
It's a tough nick on every block. So when you
try to be too tough, that's when your ass get checked.
So I knew my position was. I love hip hop.
I was raised off of New York hippop. That's the
mecca of hip hop. Will't always be to me. So

as far as me to respect Puffy and Biggie at
that moment, that's what it was about. I respected their music.
That ship sounded good, it felt good, and they were
friends of mine. When we were making records on Therefro.
I used to go to Daddy's house and hang out
with them. We got footage of me, and there's footage
of Tupac on stage rapping in California. But why were
you the only one? I wasn't brain you know what?

You know what I'm gonna be honest, you weren't the
only one there was corrupt. There was das on the law.
They didn't have the the mad power to say what
I said, you feel I'm saying so I could test
the system because I bet the system, you know what
I'm saying so, And I wasn't trying to test the system.

I was just trying to put some peace in the
air because I was like, you know what, maybe if
I say this ship that I really feel, maybe they'd say,
you know what, it ain't that bad. And then you
speed the clock up and find out that BIGGI didn't
had to have nothing to do with Tupac getting shot,
not at all. That's sucked up. That's sucked up. It
really is fucked up, it really and I want to

take all of that ship on my head out here
from niggaying how are you gonna rode with him? Bit
as Nigga's cul and I'm like, Nigga has to do
my values. What's happening? You got a problem? Complain? But
that's that's um. Um. Let me let me just stop
it for one second. But that's um. And I know
I'm i'm i'm, I'm, I'm big right now. I'm big,
I'm fat. But un Rivera called me and said, Yo,

I need to tell you I don't want that big
bad Boy death Row collaboration that happened. This is un Rivera.
This is little Kim Biggie. And I said why why
would you know I want that? And he said because
people got killed and whatever. So I said, I said,
you're listen, this is what I didn't do nothing, So

this is what I said. You're talking about this now,
so so so he said to me, he said to me,
he said to me, um, I don't like the don't
like me, he said. He said, this is the bad

Boy death Row collaboration what it was, because it's some
new ship. This is new ship. That's what I'm trying
to tell him. Like, let me talk to you right
now on if you listen, if you watching, we're progress
and we moved on our minds. I'm a fifty year
old man, I'm not a twenty some year old young kid,
and I leave by example a lot of kids following me.
So if we could show growth and progression, that we
can move forward and we can take this bad Boy

death Row what it used to be and making a
collaboration on Peace and Love. Just so you know on
Puffy Songs and my sons have been best friends since
they with six seven years old. And let me give
you the real story on that one brother. I didn't
make it happen and Puffy didn't make it happen. One night,
I was at my house and Puffy Song was over

about like nine o'clock and I'm like, couple time, you're
going home and he's like, I'm spending the night. I'm like,
did you tell your dad? He's like, no, my mom
dropped me off. So Kim rest in Peace was connecting.
My kids were Puff kids, and they formed a friendship
in a bond. When Justin went to U c l A.
My son went to you say, when Christian was rapping,

my son was rapping, when he was modeling, he was
flying over the world together. So they forged the friendship
in a brotherhood that me and Puff always had. So
if we got the opportunity to take these two brands
and show people what it can be as opposed to
what it used to be, that's what the funk we're
gonna do. That's all. Everyone was crazy on your new album.

You did that skit know, the dancing all dancing in
your videos like that's where like you really went on
record like this is what it is now because that's
that's who I am. I'm and Puffy. You know what
I'm saying. When the videos wrapping dancing, I'm saying because

because that's what it is, I don't have no problem
with it. You know what I'm saying. I love it.
This is who I am, and I get I get
a chance to give other motherfucker's a chance to shine
because I'm so bright. When I put the light on
somebody else, they get a chance to show they talent.
I'm not gonna lie to you. Puff. Daddy called me
on three ray. He said, he said, listen, you gotta

go see Snoop, And I said, of course, I go sneeze.
But then he three rayed me you with you in
and he said, we got an n f T puff
bad Boy death Row And I posted that. I posted
a picture of me you and did he and I said,

bad boy death Row n f T All said something
like that, and I can't lie to you, Snoop. So
many people was like, what the fund are you talking about?
Bad Boy was controversial, so you gotta understand. I'm just

gonna be able to drunk motherfucker talking about what it is,
and I appreciate it because I get drunk. Well, the
optics is that they got to understand that it's about
growth and development, right Like I keep saying that when
you get to be the age that we are, and
you get to become as successful as we are, you
have to start doing some things that matter for the future.

Because if we keep the narrative out there that East
Coast and West Coast don't funk with each other, that's
a motherfucking lie. Who are you from? Cost? I'm from
I love the funk out of you. I love the
funk out of you. Okay, that's what's that? What So
if we don't if if we keep the sitting remember

the scene in Yes, because we dropped New York, New
York and what y'all dropped? Okay, So if we keep
getting narrative just like, but there's the evolution, right why
you have to lower And these motherfucker's that're speaking, I
don't even know what's already happening. They're just so trained

to be brainwashed by the hip hop system that they're
supposed to be at each other. Shut the funk up,
stop being brainwashed. I love I love his kids. Now, nigger,
what's happening. What's happened my own death row? So I
do what the funk I want to know. Let's stay
right there. Hell, I'm not gonna lie, Snooper, I didn't

have your number at this time. I got your number now,
but I know you wanted to call me when I
found out, say said, Snoop owns death roll. Now, now
let's just be clear because I want to be clear
for the fans, not for me. Your lawyer calls you,
what this opportunity? How do you? How do you say

that you can buy the death row? I was working
for death Jam President creative executive consultant, so jay z
Yawl just makes a noise of that. So doing my
little work over there, and I really want a death
row first, but they, you know, eat One shipped on me.

They tried to treat me like a hole, wanted me
to come work for them. We told one we're talking
about what's the nicker name, Alan Grunt Black. So they
had the label I do that, Yeah you do, it's
your show. So for about a year and a half,

two years, I was just trying to get my mask
because all I wanted was doggy staff. So Sloop, I'm
gonna give you the whole rundown if you can. You
you are asking for your old masters. What he originally
thought of originally was trying to say, E one, how
can we work a deal? Because one is working with
the big blood no eat one Bot. They bought it

the eight boat everything Canada. They then has Bro baught
E one the toy company. Right, So now I'm dealing
with Hasbro and one. Hasbro supposed to be clean and
they don't do negative ship, and I'm like, what the
fund is going on? So I'm talking to the one
that give me the run around, something like, look, check
it out. Why don't ya let me come work for

y'all so I'll get my masters. I can blow y'all
ship up, make the ship go, give me the Death
from Catalog and let me get my masters. Okay, Snoop,
come work for us for twelve years, you get your
masters back in fifteen, you get two and fifty dollars,
and you just put them high heels back on and
be the best hole you've ever been. You went too fast,
you know, I'm telling you smith the whole shoes over there.

Put the whole shoes off. I'm not don't wearlse, don't
wear those. Put on the pimp shoes. When I had
a discussion with Lucian Grange, Mr Granger, I can come
work for you to make your label better. You're rich,

you're balling. You don't need this ship. You snoop, though
I can help you. I got people over here and
need help, and I just love death Jam. I fucking
wanted to be on death Jam as a kid. Give
me a job. Give me the job. Come over there,
change a few things and make sure happen. Get it
popping and bopping. Then out here. Oh they sold he
wanted death row to some trillionaires. Oh they did, so

I got some people that know the trillionaires. That's like,
let me get you on the phone with him. Yeah,
what's that? And we got death row. We don't know
what the fund to doing with it. I do how
much you cast boom boom? How much my master's cast? God,
damn fun hold on, give me a minute, Give me

a minute, man, so I maneuver. Let me just get
death from I don't even want the masters right now
because it's all skin. It's chess. It ain't checkers. Get
death Row. They're now Snoop Dogg got death But this
this what niggas say, always got something negative say he
ain't got the masters, he don't own him cool, I

don't let me. I'll let you out. How much for that?
I'm on all. I'm not just mind all of them,
but you I want them all? Oh it's one more
piece mission. What about the publishing? I need all of
that too, now what But in the next place, I

watched this play snatch everything death Row off traditional iTunes, apples, Spotify,
Funk out of here, Freeze Freeze. So take the death
from catalog to gall of Games, the company that I

funk within the metaverse, that's where it lives at the metaverse.
Then build the death Row app so we can be
like Netflix, Amazon, and we have an Apple all of
our content, all of our music and now instead of
Apple and Spotify and all these motherfucker's pimping, so new
motherfucking pimp on the block. Snoop. That was that was

actually in my very first question is did you go
and read take all Ship? But you did? I got
it all because I want to what first thing I
want to do is I want to get paid all
the people that didn't get paid paid doll rage or

dash for rupt you know what I'm saying. Then I
want to make sure that the founder, Harry Oh can't
get paid, you know, give him a position in the
company to be an executive because he's a a fucking
brilliant minded you god damn right, So put him in
position to make some things happen, to get this ship
from an M to a big you get me, yeah,
And then I'll take care of people like Warren G.

I'll go get I'll go get the only coast na
that kind of left right. I'll go get the warrangy
record from death Cham take it to the metaverse, make
death Jam some money and make my homies some millions,
and make sure he's straight for the rest his life.
Then I'll take care of Snoop Dogg once I take
everybody else. Snoop, I'm gonna be honest with you, probably

made the best Oh what is it called investment? No? No,
when you say something, um statement in my life, I'm

sitting there watching you at the Hollywood all the fame,
and then I said the nigga said, I gotta thank myself.
M h. I said, Holy moly, I need to take
myself a lot to what made you think yourself? My nigga,

that's I didn't had nothing written down. Um Drey was there,
My mama was there. My best friend Waring, she was there. Nigga.
Cree My dudes, your barber was there. Nigga, do you
understand what that means to me? It's the greatest niggad
ever hold of basketball, and he there for me. Manquincy
Jones was doing. Quincy Jones was there Like these is

like niggas and I'm a little kid, like I could
never know these people. And now these niggas is my
friends showing up for me, dropping conversation for me. So
when I'm up there spending my ship, I don't even
know what the funk I'm talking about. But I looked
at my mama and I'm like, I need to thank me.

Mama did what she had to do. Though Mama did
her part, but I'm looking at my mama like she
did her partner. All the rest is on me. Like
when you have a kid, you let them, you cut them,
loosening this all on them. It's what you taught him.
And it's on them from there. And I feel like
to get to where I got, I had to put
in all that hard work, that dedication to struggle, the losses,
everything that I went through. I had to be strong

enough to fight through it and get back up and
go do it again and take them ails and don't
get paid, lose friends, lose relationships, lose money. You know
what I'm saying, damn to lose my life, my freedom,
and to regroup myself to say I'm respected enough to
where everybody respects me and loves me for who I am.
I ain't changed one step of the way. I stayed

me the whole way, and people love me for being me.
So let me thank me for being me. So the
next person that comes out to do them they can
understand they can do that. The whole rose one, two three.
I ain't gonna lie. When I saw that speech, I
wanted to thank me every day too. I was like, God,

just like it was like, I'm just thinking me, I'm outside,
I'm outside. I didn't think it was like kind of
When I said that, it got so good to me.
I called my album I Want to Thank Me. I
did an album after that called I want to thank
me because I was like, you know what I do

need to and and and I didn't even understand it
was more about mental health and self esteem for other people.
Like it was right, it was like real self esteem
for people to be like, you know, I don't have
to work for your confirmation. I'm doing good by me exactly,
and I'm gonna be all right because a lot of
people wore around waiting to see what's he gonna think.

Which he's gonna think? And man, if they don't like me,
I don't know if man fun that I like me like,
so let me ask you. Um Games said something on
our show. Games said that Kanye did more for him
in two weeks that Dr Dre did for him and

his whole career. Now I'm gonna before I asked you,
I'm gonna tell you. I can. You pulled up to
him my wife's juice ball and I showed it to
car Yeah, and Kanye looked at it and said, I
don't think Games should have said that. One million was

said the truth. Game knows I listen, Kanye knows this, listen,
one million. I love every all sides, parties involved, all
parties involved, but I need to hear snoop dogs. I mean,
I don't know. I don't know. That's his personal experience.
So that's a personal, you know, situation where he feels
that that's what happened. Like maybe Kanye walked him into

metaverse and showed him the billion dollars scheme on how
to get to the billions a little bit. You know,
it could have been something to that effect, that he
could have showed him something, you know, because you ain't
not really good at showing, you know, and he basically
good at bringing your talents to the life. You know.
To worry, it's about you, not what he do for you,
but what you can do for yourself when you're point
of his guidance. So to me, I couldn't answer that.

But you know, game is my lonely so I respect
everything he's saying. Do I don't ever want to be
on the bad side. Would even none of that ship
as far as negative energy, we got a great understanding,
you know, I respect his point of view, his views.
He always said you was a safe artist. He always
check in with me like this is like, what does
that mean? Safe artists? Like safe? Like I mean, God,

bless God, bless me. For free saying this, and I'm
gonna be out front with this. You had a murder case.
There's no way you could be a safe artist. I
guess probably because of what I've created after that, after
you know what I'm saying that, Yeah, I got football leagues,
I do things for special needs kids. I do things

with the parents, the gang violence, like the things that
I've done to create a whole new narrative on who
I am. I guess that would make him feel like
I was safe. But I'm still a nigger. So you
you when I'm driving the police getting behind me, nigging
my heart beat fast, they'd be like, hey, what's up.

Just certain ship's right, don't look back. Let's be clear.
We are Inglewood, right, Yeah, Inglewood. For for what I've
known from back in the days, Inglewood was a super
blood neighborhood. Yeah, definitely. But we're not coming over here
with gang violence. We're come up here with business. I

coached for the Inglewood Chargers. I bring business to Inglewood.
I hired people from Inglewood. I associate with bloods and crips.
I associate with human beings. I'm about change. I got
kids on my team that I coached that fathers have
been active gang members for over the thirty years, and
they see me engaging with their kids, teaching their kids,
educating their kids, giving their kids hope. Gang violence is

not a part of what we bring to the table.
We bring peace to gang violence. So by me being
a cript in a blood neighborhood, bringing you know, business
and opportunities and shows that you can, I'll grow the
gang mentality of being active. I'm not active with gang
bang and I'm active in my neighborhood as far as creating.
So I feel like I'm a part of Inglewood and
I'm from Inglewood because I do things the better the

community I live here. I love helping out and I
love being a part of it. So nobody has an
issue with Snoop Dogg because he's not a gang banger.
Gonna lie, I've been drinking this ship a lot. You
better keep drinking it. Yeah, I ain't gonna lie. So

what made you get into the red Red wines? Because
you could have gotten the blue one. You could have
made I would have bought it. If you were the
board blue ones, I'd say hypnotic one. No, I think
the red one was was appealing to me because it

was Sally. It was something nobody was attacking. Everybody was
going after the everything that everybody else was doing, and
I felt like I was a step above. I feel
like I was a little bit more class here than
you know, holding the bottom on the club type of ship.
I want you to be able to pour a glass
and have a conversation and you know, tone it down
a little bit of you know, being in the middle
of a nice meal having a glass of this. So

that's what I was thinking, like more of a you know,
what is the next level of growing into a man
as opposed to being in the club. My niggles had
classic class. But if I do this too many times,
but that's love, like I was saying the other day,

turned it down a bit. She want to hear that
sometimes too. We're gonna take a shot. That's one of
your ships, drinking this one. This is my girl, right No,
this is the eighteen crimes, Kelly Rose, give me a
shot at that is This is a cute. It's a
cute right there. Yea, this is the ladies desire right there. Yeah,

let me try to come on the ladies desire. We're
gonna take the shot you're gonna take a shot of
that motherfucking snoop do let's go drink. You're a drink chap, Snoop.
I'm not gonna like you got to get a shot too, sir.
I'm gonna take a home shot. Oh damn you. You
don't you know your Oyea? Yeah, y'all drinking. We're gonna

celebrate to Snoop, Snoop. We celebrate you, Snoop. Dude. So Snoop,
let me ask you. That's good. God bless Mom's passed away.
My father passed away. God bless her so and it

was the worst thing ever for me. But I continue
to to work. I watched your interviews and I watched
um you go through through it and you continue to work.
Why that's what Mama wants me to do. I mean

to me, her transition, her transition made me better because
now she's up top watching over me. It's no accident
that I wanted all these things that I'm having right
now because she upstairs putting strength from me because her
work was done down here, and now it's my time
to do my work, to let my work speak for me.
And the reason why I went back to work is
because She always loved me doing what I do to

make people happy, to inspire, to influence. So I didn't
want to be down and take my spirit down with
everybody else that loves me. And in the spirit of her,
she raised me to be Snoop Dogg. So let me
go away and do what the thing that she told
me to be. She one name me Snoopy, Mama name
my mama. Ain't never called me nothing but Snoopy my

whole life. I ain't never heard my real name my
whole life, that's my whole life. You never heard my
real name ever come out of her mouthez Louis ship.
So I take her spirit with me, you know what
I'm saying. Mom's was a evangelist, you know, her last
few years here, so she was spreading the word. She

was very vocal. She had the same spirit I got
as far as knowing how to control a crowd, how
to make people laugh, how to be serious, how to
make them zone in. So all the things that I'm
great at, I learned from her. So it's like, now
it's my job to continue the mission that she put
in me, which is to inspire and the influence because
there's so many people that fall in my league. So
now I know what I'm here for. I'm not no

reckless gang banger telling homies a bang. I'm telling you
to stop banging, showing you how to get your life
right here, how to raise your kids, how to do
what's right. And you know, yeah, some some wrong things
are gonna happen, but we're gonna do all right than wrong.
So let's let's just take it back to UM Death

Right the original when UM Source Awards, and I always
look at this footage, and I always I was in
jail at this time. I really was. I was in
jail at the time. But when Shaw goes up there,
it's as you motherfucker's you, You motherfucker's ain't gonna be

in the videos and all this ship if you don't
want if you don't want to, we see Snoop and
we see Dre and we see y'all. I don't I
don't know if it's called saluting that, but you guys
are sitting yeah, because that's our teammate. So it's like
if the teammate score basket, you're supposed to clap for him.

You're supposed to clap even if he got a lucky basket.
But let me ask you. But you notice how they
didn't cut from that to what happened after that. They
cut from that to me. What happened directly after that
was Biggie won an award and when Biggie, when Biggie
come and win his award, Puffy say, I'm the one

he was talking about, but I ain't tripping blah blah,
this and that. Then Biggie went his award and say
Brooklyn something like like did you talking about oh Buffy,
try to turn him down this nigging Biggie said, Brooklyn,

everything from New York is on the second team. Now
New York, like I understand that. Like when we was
in the building, you can you said that when you
grabbed the bike, you said, I know, well man, yeah,
because all New York niggas said got together like nigga fucky,
like for real. It was like really that tension like that,

like you feel tenching when you come from that environment,
you know, when they could just like that, This is
what I need to ask. And this is my brother.
I love his brother. Right here. You gonna bring up
the same thing we've been talking about, bring up the
same for years uh down, South West Coast, every other region,

every other region has said to us, and this is
my brother, and I'm brother from Miami, so that's he's
on their side, by the way, and he said, you
New York niggas never gave us love. That's the fact.
And I was telling you, and it was mostly industry
wise more than anything else. In fact, we have to
fight hard to get off. Like you've got people like

from my side, you got Iced t Iceque who cut
through because they went to the other side, so to speak,
and moved to our exactly. Guess Ic moved to the
hood and was a part of New Just City and
ship like that squad, which made it okay West Coast

niggas all right. Then when Dr Dre came, it was like,
we can't funk with them niggas, so we have to
give them their respect. Then when Snoop Dogg came, it
was like this nigga is giving respect while taking the
whole rap game. But if you notice, we always had
respect for New York first because New York is always
the pinnacle. Too. If you can't crack that colde, you

ain't cracked no cold. And to every nigga in New
York respects you. You ain't respected. That's our mentality anything
outside of New York. That's just the way it going.
It's always like when we first started coming there, they
never would play our music. Then when we would show up,
they have played music for like every day we there,
and then we had Nigga State behind like two, three,

three days later and like it ain't playing our ship now, Snoop.
I'm I'll be honest, and I'm gonna look at you
in your face. I apologize on behalf of my accepted.
You're accepted. No, No, I do accept it because when
I met with Jay, Jay said they didn't play my ship,

they didn't play Biggie Ship and other regions. This is
three days ago. I'm gonna tell you what it is.
It's never the ones up top. The niggas in the
streets always funk with us, just like the niggas in
the streets are always fun with y'all. But we don't
dictate what goes down. So I could have said, let
me talk to all the real street niggas from New York.

How much West Coach shit y'all listened to would have
been like nigga we listened to all kind of West
Coast shit, Yes, but is it brought to the highlight
because we're trying to promote our people, just like out here,
we accept New York niggas wrapped fashion, and we accepted
West Coast wrapping the eighties, and now they accept South
rap faster than they accept West Coast rap out here

because whatever dictates, that's what dictates. But in the streets
it's a different dictation. Because street niggas always told me,
maybe you raised me. You know what, many New York
niggas told me that that I raised them because not
because of them, because of the right. But I'm saying, like,
for example, Asad Rocky Bobby's murder them two niggas specifically,

but they're telling me, nigga, you raised me through my
mama playing your music when I was a little kid.
So if your mama was playing in the sheet from
New York, that means Snoop Dogg is loved by New York.
And that's the part we got to look past. We
can't recognize that. But you know what, you are one

of them niggas that New York love and you accepted
you probably wanted the aw I'm probably the only Nigga's
then been to the Queen's projects, been too hard, have
been to the bronze sucking what Brooklyn were the cryptis
that I have been to every motherfucking hood in New
York where they say you say, don't go Javargus Squid

performed there in the tunnel, performed there. Don't go there,
you can't. I'm there. They got razors in their mouth.
So what they Nigga asked from Flex Nigga, he was
there on my birthday. I brought Dr Dre to the tunnel, Nigga,
Who could do that? Look at up pulling footage of Nigga,
Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg's birthday party at the Tunnel.

Nigga in New York. Myth full of raisers Nigga hunt
niggas from New York saying we're your security now, Yes
you are, Snoop. I ain't gonna lie to these, Snoop.
We love you in New York and I love y'all. Nigga.
You just don't understand if if I could have been

the other nigger than me, I have loved have been
a New York rap nick in the eighties because y'all
was sucking it up. I'm talking about from rock Hid
the Big Daddy, Kay mcint care, Riss wing ll cu
J and then it was everything came out of that
motherfucker was flawless. Let me let me give you, let
me give you your prospect from war and g the
easy to motherfucking ice t. You know, we we definitely

what it was. Let me just tell you something. I'm
gonna be honest with you. When I heard straightiler of Compton,
I thought that was Ricker's Island for real. I thought
it was a jail because I was like training on Compton,
training the motherfucking I was like, Holy, they're jailed. It's crazy.
I don't want to get I was like, I got

you know, at that time, we had Rcauslan practice Alan,
so I'm like Compton, It's like, I don't want to
go to jail, and humpy, I want to jail, but
not in content, like can I go to jail? And
like anywhere else? It was what it was. It was
that error was exactly what they sung about. It was depicted.

It was everyday life. I wasn't in the rap game
at the time, so I was in the streets and
a lot of that ship they was wrapping the ball
was actually happening like daily, like all of that ship.
So it was like to see their life story on screen.
It was educational for me too because I wasn't in
the n w A circle. I was just a fan.
So to see their story brought to life and how
the ship came in life and how and inspired me

was dope as funk. So one day soon I hope
to tell my life story so people can be inspired
by that. Dr I didn't see that ship. I ain't
gonna I watched it. You ain't watching watched There's no disrespect.
I heard some about it, so I don't want to
see it. Sorry, what did you see that? But you

gotta you gotta. It's from a different Let's move on
the first thing. Nobody know what this is? Something so smooth,
Let's get into this. What are we doing? Bad boy

and and and death Row is gonna do an n
f T collapse? Is that what we're talking about. I
don't see anything wrong with that. I see that the
n f T space and the Web three is the future,
and it's actually what I love about it. There's no feuding,

no negativity, no war, no violence, none of that ship
exists over there, so they haven't even learned how to
fight each other yet. So yes, exactly, so I love
exactly So I like that space so much to where
it's was proved to me because there's so much skepticism
and criticism when you do things, do things to the
neck of eye until they see what the mission is about.

Like why would you say anything negative negative about bad
Boy and death grow knowing that people died, that that
should be your reason to want it to be positive
because people did die. But a lot of people are
like like like when uncalled me, Un said, yo, um,
I would like to have a rebuttal And I said,

so this is what you this you should do? How
much the bad Boy do we own? I don't owns
bad Boy at all. We're talking, but he has biggies,
So unsaid, can I do over bottle? I said, yea, yeah,
give over bottle? What is he rebutton? You don't even
know what we're doing that Nigga's problems. They love to

rebuttle but don't even know what the funk they're in
court for, Like I'm going against him? What what did
he do? I'm waiting here with the nigga did. But
I got my team and lawyers sit your ass down
and bring some positivity to a negative. Come on, death
roll bad Boy together. That's that's nothing. That's nothing. I

still funk a little sees No Kim Jada, Kiss, Puffy, Maize,
whoever the funk was reparted one one, twelve called Thomas.
All of them motherfucker's it's still my friends. I got
personal relationships with all of them individually. So you're telling
how about death Row? How many relationships you got with
death Row? Everybody? All of this and the what wrong?

I mean? I don't know. Have you been listening? It
was sold three or four different times? So where does this?
What the matter? Did you hear what I just said
that people that got taken care of that, I'm here

to take care of the people that didn't get can care?
You get what I listen to. Just listen to the
meeting he got taken care of. That's how they was
able to move and shift to sell it, do this
and that and that. But the creators and the people
behind the scenes didn't get anything. So it's my job
to take it now and to rightfully make it worth something.

So I can't compensate to people who did something, because
right now it's worth nothing. So no one says the
game but the people who actually owned it, that was
sitting on it to everybody died so they can turn
into in a state. But since some of these people
are alive, I'm going to create a value for it
to where now they can receive some revenues first because
I control it now. When it was in the past,

we had to wait to get paid because the label
gets paid first and the CEO. But guess who that
is now, So I'm gonna make sure it's properly handed
down the right way to where. Oh, because it's not
about because it was about me, I got to move
to a whole another country. But like nigga, fuck y'all

believe mouth, Yeah exactly, But it's not about me. It's
about the position that I got to give. I'm a giver,
That's what I'm a natural giver. All I wanted was
my masters, remember the initial conversation. All I wanted was
my Doggie style masters. But seeing that if I just didn't,
if I just did that, then that would be selfish
because then I was gonna be straight and I was
gonna take care of me, and it was ef It

was a group effort that wanted to making Snoop Dogg
who he is. And if I got the power to
position myself to make sure that everybody is conversated, right,
then that's what the funk I'm gonna do. That's what
I'm supposed to do. That's that's so let me let
me so let me ask you doggy style the chronic.
We're trying to get all that? I got all that?

What are you talking about? Did you let me stopped drinking? Man?
I needed to reiterate that all schematics. I told you
how wanted to get my masters first. It was too
high just for my one man. So I ended up
getting the label the I P no Masters. Then when

I announced that I had the I P Niggas was
talking so much it forced me to go get everything.
Why when you got the masters and the publish? Because
I was like, I don't need no discussion. I need
to be able to make moves so I can provide
for my people, because if I leave this out there
when it's time for me to sell it, I gotta
check with him. He may not want to make sure
they get paid. But if I got it all, then
I'm the one that controls when it makes money, who

gets paid. So we took a dog powder dph everything
r b X Lady of rage year me. I'm just
warn g and these as people that haven't been compensated.
Like fully, you know what wrang you did for death? Jim,

he saved him, was never compensated for that. Never conversate
from the West Coast if you don't get out of here.
So let's just be honest. At that time, up jam
was a East Coast centered label, right, that's true. Were
West Coast artists saved them, you would think that on

the save or to come back, it'd be like, since
we didn't ended up getting jay Z d M, Max Murder,
ain't blah blah, Brianna, Kanye Justin bieber More, he go
tim My Nigga for giving us nothing. But it's okay,
we're gonna regulate more, regulate. We're gonna regulate, regulate, make

some noise for the regulation. All right, let's get into
your wands and spirits because you ain't you ain't. You
ain't really drink none of that. No, just a little bit,
you know, we get money off of it, Okay, let
pill me some of that cool got to show you
the trick what you're doing some of that come on,

come on, I couldn't sell crack with you, niggaigga to
be and how most of the let me try another
one thought. We're trying to seal this key, nig Sloop.
I'm gonna be honest, Sloop. We love you, we honor you,
we cherish you, but we want to also give you

your flowers in your face real time. Come on, do
it the first time you came around, but this time
you want to make we didn't do this the first time.
We want to honor you properly. Won't get your flower
in your face. I love the baby right here, man,
I appreciate it. You know, we don't never really do

it for this, but when we get it, this made
more than any award that you can get on some
real ship, because it means that you appreciated by your peers,
You appreciated by the people that you're do it for
a lot of times in award shows we fake you
don't really know the people that had anything to do
with it. But just right here from the heart, it
means a lot because I know how real y'all are.
I know where y'all come from. I know y'all move

as a unit. So to the whole drink Champs family.
I appreciate, not except my flowers. The Sloop. I ain't
gonna lie. We love you, Snoop, I ain't a lot
like like real real talk. I hadn't sit down with
jay Z and tell him Snoop is the most famous

rapper ever. What do you say? He agreed? He did
not really no, but stoop did you really say? Did
he just say that? He just he just swoops. But

listen what he's saying. This is no nigger in the world.
Up let. You can't go nowhere in the world and
the nigga not recognized. You can you go to a
bagel shop that's Jewish god named Diego. It's one spot

that I used. It's spot I used to be able
to go to and then my cover got blown. I
just going there all the time. It was an Asian
Um grocery store. They had the best meat in town.
That ship was bomb. They meat was just amazing, the
fish and everything. So I'm in the back one day
with the butcher. It's like the third time I didn't
want up in there that nig come out the back
this time he got cameras in all kinds. I knew.

I knew, you come on making take a picture of
right now. You can't go nowhere, I guess not. I
mean that's that's a good thing though, because it's you know,
a lot of people don't don't understand success and understand

fame enjoyed. I truly get a kick out of how
to make people feel like I watched certain videos on
Michael Jackson right like, they got like a video of
him in the backseat of a car and it's like
a million fans outside and you could just hear him
talking about look at her over there, look at that one,
and he rolling one down. He he waved at him.
It's like the fascination of knowing that people love you

is a feeling that only a few have, and it's
a beautiful feeling. And it's like we know how to
cherish it, we know how to hold on to it,
and we know how to make people feel a part
of it. And that's like a gift that I have
to where the people that love me, I don't call
him my fans, they like my family because when they
see me It's like they knew me their whole life.
They're like, yeah, if I got if I got a

bad attitude, that day would be like, oh, it's all right,
we know you don't want. They don't even be tripping,
like what fun you didn't we buying your records. They'd
be lined up out there with like it'd be cold
as fucking some of these places, like I'm talking about
like two degrees. I see you on Puffy go to
Fatburger and seven eleven. I put puff in the car
and then we went to that. We went to Bishop
magic one house and they pulled up. They drove to

South funchro LEO can get in nickel, let me going
knock on the door like this. The church opened up.
Church is green, it's green, and there's green puppy sitting
down and enjoy yourself. You're with the bishop Jack doing

the hood. We're good. The bishop dogar. You don't remember that.
I remember that. We went up the stairs and all
my famous players bring him to the bishop house because
the bishop, the bishop, who does that? Damn? What how
does that peaking man's field hood? So I just feel

like I'm popt. I feel like I said I don't
know what what. Bishop has always been to me as
my spiritual advisor, and nobody understood what that meant. But
he was always the one in my life, like putting
God in my life, as crazy as it is. He's
the one that created the slang church, right. So church

means that we take God everywhere we go. So every
time you hear I say church, that means we got
God with us and he's gonna protect us, and we
ain't gonna do nothing out of pocket. And if we
do do something out of pocket, he gonna make sure
we get back home because we're in church. Hello, Hello
Church and the buildings to people, there was a real
bad time in death row right where Snoop was over here,

show was over here, and like I used to go
to parties. I used to come out here in l
A and I just see this mad blood cars in
front and this this will be a Sloop Dogg party
and Snoop you still come? How did we get from

there to here? Like where are you? And Sugar at me?
And should cool? Um, I'm cool with everybody? Like I said, Um,
I wouldn't. I wouldn't became the bigger man and told
people that I want to men this. I don't want
it to go on no further, and put that conversation
together and put songs out. The show where I was at,
I had a song called let Bygones be Bygones. I

do all sorts of things, even in this movie. I
just put out back on death Row. I gave him
a shout out, gave him some love on the great
things that he's done for me and my career. So
I just feel like people gotta understand that we're moving forward.
And when you move forward, you're going forward. You're not
looking back. All the things we did as young kids
or young men. I can't change that. But but as

a fifth year old man's my job would do what's right.
My grandfather, I got six grandkids, I got grand kids,
six children to chill out. You can't want them to
stop this ship. You can't. I want grandchildren, you want
to be a grandchildren. I don't want to be finger

popping ship relaxed. That's fun, though, I ain't no real ship.
When I was young, hip hop at the life expectancy
about four years. If that you get out four years
and that that was your run. You did that? Then
I watched LLL coolj do like twelve right, and I'm like, okay,
it can't be done. Somebody can't run. So I said,

when I get in, I'm gonna rewrite this ship trying
to do two. No, I'm on thirty right now. Talk
to me, Talk to me, talk to me nice. If
it ain't it saying Snoop I'm gonna be honest, there's

no one more famous than Snoop Dogg. You're probably the
most famous rapper there is. And I stand on this
more than just rapper, no nigga. Grandmother knows who Snoop
dog is. Like, you could go look little little camera guys. Look,

he said. You go to the grandmother and be like,
you know, Snop West like, yeah, Snoop today, Grandma like
a cool Grandma. I'm supposed to babysit, Grandma. Grandma said,
I'm I'm school snow today. Grandma like cool. Wow. I

don't know what that attributes to because you can't go
new wist no from a from a grandmama to a
two or three year old baby. One of the kids
I coached my football league. He came over here to
my granddaughter's birthday a couple of days ago. His daughter
is like two or three, and I coached him two
year No, he's he's he's twenty five now, but I

coached him when he was like eight years old. So
he got his daughter in his arms and I'm playing
with him and mama and he's like, who is that?
She said, Snoop Dogg. I'm like, how the hell does
she know who I am? And he's like, Oh, we've
just seen you in this movie and we've seen we
watch you and Nickelodeon. I'll be forgetting all this ship

I've done for kids that stays in their head. So
that's why we created death Row Kids and g Funk
Lullabies coming up soon too. Death Row Kids and g
Funk Lullabies. Talk to me, we we forgot about the kids.
We want to educate them to what does luais mean?
Like singing like the songs? Kids don't do it like that.

We similar things. We're looking out for the future, the
next generation of like you said, the next generation of
people that can do this, just like we're looking for
the next generation of kids that can wrap and become
businessmen and not just be the ones in front of
the camera, but be the ones who directed and run
the whole show because we're tired of being the step

and fetch it always gotta be dance and then showing
we want to be the executive. We want more chairman,
we want more owners of labels. I shouldn't be the
only one in the game that could turn around and
buy the label that he was on. This should be
inspiring to be like, Okay, I want to buy back
my label that I sold. I want to buy back
this that I sold because I understand the value and

something that I helped create, rather than selling it to
somebody who's gonna depreciate the value, to shet me down
until I die and then bring it back up when
I'm when I'm gone. So what's that call? When depth yam?
Of course I want you to be the president because
jay Z was just recently the president, and jay Z
receives a lot of slack. That's my brother, but he

received a lot of slack for being the president. But
you turned around and you signed being in the butcher.
You did the right thing, kind of like you kind
of like sign you kind of exactly what we wanted
a West Coast nigga to do. I'm sorry, and a
real hip hop had but I'm in the street. I'm
in the street, so I know what's hot and what's not.

And how that happened was I flew to New York
out of my own pocket right before I signed the
deal with death Jam, just to show them what they
was getting. Because remember I asked for the job, they
ain't hiring me. I wanted to know. I want to
work for you because they wouldn't get me death Throw,
so I want to come put my executive hand down
over here and help out some artists that need some help.

Went over there and put that play in effect, made
that happen. Then from that one move right there, then
they started to respect the fact that Snoop Dogg know
what he's doing. But I gotta sign somebody though. Let
me signed somebody who who y'all been trying to get.
Y'all can't get. The Butcher sold me. I'm in New York,
and who kid is in the studio? Would Benny the Butcher?

And who kids like my street team nigga? He like
I got Benny over him, like sending over. I never
met Cub Cub come to the studio. When he walked in,
I gotta beat plan. I know he's gonna like it
to beat his bag. He walked in. We chop up.
I'm like, what's happing? What you're doing? Like? I ain't doinging? Like?
He like, what's up with that beat? I said, it's yours, nigga,
Bust wrote to it. After he finished rapping, I set

him down. What's up with you? In death Cham? I
tried to get this and they low balled me. They
low bald you. Yeah, man, I said that, nigga. They
don't know you were staring. Nigga. You're the hottest nick
in New York a matter of fact. I said, what
you want? He said what he want? I said, I'm
gonna call the boss snigger, and you're gonna tell the
boss what you want, and he's gonna give you what
you want. You're gonna be signed. Hello. Yeah, I got

Benny the butcher Wright and he's gonna tell you what
he wants. You're gonna give it to him. Yeah. I
need get a phone back to Snoop done. Deal can't
saying what's putting us on? You can't go to West
without the e s Holy moldy huacamone straight up now.

But I felt good about that movie because I like
to see young people like that get what they're supposed
to get and maintain ConTroll and not be holed out,
because a lot of Niggers would have had to take
a different approach for there to give you a whole
lot of money, to lock you up for a long
time and to set you down, and they don't put
your records on how you wan. He's in the private position,
so when you bring you moon, you can talk to

him and get the other half of the tu get
the other half of the store and hear you know
what I'm saying here, Tell you if I'm lying from
telling the motherfucking tum snoop. I don't know one thing
about snoop because we know it's for yourself. Let me
let me can't come for yourself, spade, I'm mixed up.
You mix it up, mix it up, come for you know.
I work for a space. You just another ship. Let

me say that you just got another zero that's actually
a good mix. Yeah, let me let me get some
of that. Let me get let's get some of that.
I'm gonna do so so I'm not gonna lie to you.

The death Row bad Boy collaboration. What are we talking about?
What are we doing well right now? It is just
an idea. It's just it's just an idea that two
black men who actually owned that name. I felt like
it's so much negative energy around that name that we
could clear it up. And We've been working with each other.

I'm a puff house all the time. He funk with me,
my kids, funk with his kids. So it's not like
a gimmick or a publicity stunt to try to make
some money or make somebody happy. It's actually what what
the world needs. They need hip hop to know that
it's okay to have a bad you know, beginning, as
long as you get the end of right. I'm the
perfect example. Me and death Row didn't have the greatest relationship,

but look at it now. Look I'm representing how I
feel now and how everybody is happy about death Roll
because Snoop got it and it's a different atmosphere, so
it should be the same feeling about collaboration. So I'm
just trying to put love in the air, and I'm
not trying to make nobody feel no kind of way.
I respect everybody's point of view and their feelings, but
until you see exactly what we're doing, I think you
should really hold back on your thoughts until you let

us execute what we're trying to do, because as black
people all the time, we got to shoot each other
down before we even get started. Like, come on, man,
give us some love for for trying to do something that.
Don't make me have to call you out your name
or come ash you negative because you shoot negative energy.
How about you say, hey, can I get on the
phone with Snoop and puffing and tell them what I
feel because I feel like I just want to speak

on my feeling on it. And in that way, we
could tell him we wasn't even trying to go down
that lane. We're on something different. Maybe it's about our kids.
You don't even know what the bad Boy Death Roll
collaboration is about. It could be about our kids. It
could be about the future. It could be about you know,
his twins. It could be about you know, the future
of where life should be, where we don't have to
have conflict in the beginning, because if you look at

the hip hop music industry right now, it is driven
by conflict. And if we could change the narrative to
say that you can differ from that and get straight
to the love of it all because when people love
each other and travel and make money, those relationships tend
to last longer than the ones. Well, I can't do
a show with you because I don't like you, or
my homies don't like you. You said a song about me,

And now when we're in the same building, somebody got
to do something because we don't want to go back
to the hood and feel like we got pumped when
it should be hold on, we want to go back
to the hood saying that we create more avenues and yeah,
that's what it's about. So let me ask you, because
did you think that the conflicts would still be here

like they were in the nineties? Did it? Because I
always think back to self destruction and we're all in
the same gang, Like, why couldn't that remedy things? So
we're not here today the way we are right now.
I think it is those things worked because what didn't
continue to happen more often the industry is controlled by
the people up top. They controlled the narrative. They want

you to hear what that top, right, But in general
they did they did uh self destruction And on the
West coast we had were all on the same which
with the most impactful wrappers at the time to say
that we're tired of this violence and we're gonna stand

up and say something about it because we're tired of it.
And that worked to a certain extent to where it
created conversations where different people from different neighborhoods to communicate
because at that point in time, crips couldn't go in
blood neighborhoods and it was the same way around. But
after that happened communication on the same day. And then
when the riots happened in ninety two after Kingo, the

day the niggas took over, that's when everything was beautiful
in California because now we could actually dialogue, roll together,
we can ride on some motherfucker's together. As negative as
it was, it was positive and beautiful for us because
it showed us how to take off. Was aiming somewhere
else because we were so used to doing this ship
to I want to do right with y'all. Oh, we
got it in. I mean, they got the period. You.

I ain't gonna lie because I want to give it
up to y'all because most New York niggas don't. But
the Watts riots, No, this is this is nothing, watch rights,
that's watch sent it off. I bought a seventy seven.

The watch wires tell Roddy King, wis I ain't gonna lie.
We love the nigga right because somebody you've never heard
East Coast give it off for y'all. Listen, I'm gonna

give it up for y'all nigger. We were looking like,
what the fund are they doing out there, and we
were like, yeah, it's gotta be one. It's gotta be
one brother in the family to go outside and be
like fuck that I ain't with this ship. And then
it makes the other brothers around up in the house.
We like, then it's a because let me tell you
what happened out there on the West. Everybody didn't just

jump at it like that. I was at home in
Long Beach watching on the news after the verdict went down,
and it popped off in l A first. So when
it was in the next county, you like, the next
count I'm gonna give you the whole dynamics. It pops
off in l A. We're at home watching on TV.
So homies like fun that could we need to get

in the mix. And we jumped in the car and
we're driving to l A. For all, while we're driving
to l A. Ain't nothing happened in the Long Beach,
nothing happened in Carson Compton, lynn Wood. As soon as
we get to Englewood in l A. As fire as
its ship popping, Like damn, they're getting it in the
cars up in all kind of ship. They're getting every

day radio every day. So now we're like, we gotta
go back to the house. So now we're driving back
the ship popping in every city that we passed by.
In the beginning with popping, I going to the pit
boys nigga my hair status and they're stealing motor aire.
You you're like getting all kind of ship. We get
to the car and get back to the hood, and
that ship is all over the whole world now. But

we watched TIW that ship spread from l A back
to my city and Long Beach. So the l A
Niggs kicked it off first. They're the ones who understand
me that instruct the flame. And then everybody else started
like jumping in after they kicked it off. Let's be clear,
Let's be clear, South central Los Angeles, this is Los Angeles.
O J did not do it. Huh A second man,

leave me alone, Bill Coby guilty, but old J did
not do it. Let's just let's I'm not a lawyer
profession Bill Cock, a little ol J did not do it.
A lottle man, Bill Cosy guilty as fund you see

the bill com I say one, I don't watch. Let's
tell subject because she got she got awkward. What about
TV right now? What what do you think about like
our fifty cent dominating? I think that's Sunday night. Niggas
used to watch you see, this is what they don't understand.
They got to get that. Nigga credit Nick used to

watch HBO every Sunday night faithfully, years and years and years. Now,
what's just going on with stories and power and all
that ship? Nigga? Switch your much because he's doing quality ship.
But not just because it's fifty. Because he's doing quality ship.
And not only is that, but he translated from rapper

to movie star to like doing movies with a level
movie stars. And it wouldn't really translate you like the
pastor use the pastor in there. But I love fifty
because he got the green light gang, meaning that he

give an opportunity to a lot of people that you
never knew, and he's making them in the stars, Like
he don't have to have a bunch of big name
people to make his shows go what you know, But
I'm saying, like the stars of his shows aren't big
name people. They are people that become stars. They become
you know, when you've seen ghosts, ghost became ghost Nigga
still think he goes Niggas, sink Tarkas, Tari Canan is

Canaan and the white boy Tommy Tommy, whoever that is,
that's when I call him still. So that means that
the acting and that ship is so good to well,
you can't get that character out your mind. Even if
he is something else, you still think he that nigger.
That's great. We just we just want to let me

feel good about myself this little I ain't gonna lie
to you, my brother, you are probably the most famous brother.
We already said that, we already stabbed. No, no, we
already established that. No no, no, we already said that,
established that. But but what's what's crazy? You down the

earth like I've never seen you anywhere where. You just
like what a cause and just like just like just
threw me off like you always stood there and what's up?
What's it wrong? Am? Like? That's genius to me because
in my mind pop off in my mind. To me,

that's like, that's who I am. Like wherever I am,
somebody say something to me, I say, oh, say come on,
but Snoop you're Snoop Dogg. I'm just like you. That's you.
Gotta think of it like that the same way you
move with that spirit. You don't never let the moment
get bigger than who you really are. This is who
I am all the time, whether it's a cameraon, no

matter what's going on, this is me, and I love
being me and I ain't gonna never change being me.
So that's the easiest ship to do is to be me.
So it's not about turning it own to turn it off.
This is who I am at all times. I love
the people that love me. When you love me, you
make me love you more because you're appreciating the fact
that I've done something that affects you. Okay, Still great day,

nigger a k nigger, although I've grown a lot, keep
it home a lot. What the fuck did did Jay
send y'all this record? Man? Jay Z killed us on
that record? How then did you got to him? He won't.

We quite with the crip. The crip because he was like, yeah,
this is gonna do my ship. I'm watching. I called
on me. Excuse me, I don't called on me. I
see what's going on. And I meet the home me afterwards,

and he said, Yo, listen, the white guy, I do
call to make sure fifth he was there. This is
this is his his words make sense to me. But
I'm watching you. You krip walking and the white people
love that you're walking. You get away. It's just a

it's a ritual. It's a tribal thing, you know what
I mean. So they have to allow us to express
our inner feelings when we're in that moment. It's the
tribal thing. It was about the tribes. It was about
the people from ancestors from years and years ago who
created this thing that we do. That's about the movement
to sound the feeling. And it's just back to the

roots of where I come from, my people. You know,
I'm just the representation of my ancestors. I'm a spirit
that was here before. Now it's finally being recognized. That's
what I think I am. I think I'm one of them.
Gods from back in the days. That's finally being recognized
and now he can profess his mission while he's here.

But let me let let's subscribe this call. Dr Drake
calls you and says I want you to perform for
super Bowl. This want No. Dr Drake called to say
they want me to do the super Bowl. I don't
know if I want to do it. So you say
that again, he said. Dr Drake called and said they

want me to do the super Bowl. I don't know
if I want to do I don't know if I
want to do it. Yeah, he wasn't used I want
to do it. I don't think I don't think it
was I want to do it any time he called
me any time to call me, but called Snupan says

I might and I'm sure if I wouldn't do it. No,
you canvince him no. No. You know what it's about.
One thing you got to know about Andre's he's a
guy that's in the moment. So if he don't feel
like he got a record that's relevant at the moment,
then he don't feel like he is the moment. But
the convincing is your records don't have no moment connected

to him. They are the moment you feel them saying.
So the convincing was more or less about what did
you say? What did you say? Nigga, I'm with you?
Nigga won the dogs? Then what your Your confidence level
goes off the roof because you know, dog won't carry
most of the weight. Dog gonna make your right. Dog
don't have a personality. And once you get the dog
to the next call is to get hi. My name

is Hi, my name is Did you suggested? I didn't
suggest the motherfucking thing? I said, I have no problems.
The only thing I suggested was I was like, can

we do g Thing? Because I felt like g Thing
was the pinnacle moment of who we are despite it
being such an old record. You pop the bit titties out. Yeah,
but I just feel like that soon was the soon
and made America come into hip hop. You get what

I'm saying. You definitely gotta so you can continue. So
Drake calls you. I didn't know how this conversation happened.
Drake calls you and says, we're doing the super Bowl
in l A. WHOA did you say? Cause that's the

crazy part. You don't say, cause my mom. Dr Drake said,
cause you don't talk like that. We say, cause, all right,
we're doing We're doing your own we're doing it. Once
he said that we was doing it, went from were
doing the super Bowl too. Now we have to do

a commercial to blow their fucking mind because we want
them to know what they're gonna get. So now Dre
had to wrap his mind around because this was one
of the time when it was like Puffy Wanta versus.
And he's like, man, I can't think about that. This
ship right, here's what I'm thinking about. Let me come
up with a commercial real quick so niggas could stop
talking about me in the verses. I want to suck

him up on a commercial real quick. By the time
I get to your super Bowl stage, won't be no conversation.
So the commercial, have Gary Gray come through, put the
cold treatment down. The whole ship is flying on pay
for the ship look dope as fun. Then the nigga
shoot it and it looked better in real life. Then
we drop it. By the whole game is stuck. Oh wow,

oh wow. So now he owned next what the stage
gonna look like, What songs we're gonna do, what's gonna
be the movements that's going down inside of the on me.
So now he's going into full alone creative mode. So
now that's when we leave him alone. We let him go,
you know, be the scientists that he is. And then

when he come back, he's gonna roll out what he
roll out, and you need to be on point, on time,
ready to go, ready to rehearse, ready to have your
ship on deck and be flawless. He demands that you
know what I'm saying. You don't say it, but he
demands that. And that's just what everybody that was called
in brings to the table. And when I got called in,
I didn't look around and say who was there, who

wasn't there? I was just happy I was there and
went to work for How much rehears does it take
for those twelve minutes, because it seems like we're probably
a month intensive, a month cool month, Wow, that's what
I was said, and then probably what's set afterwards, they're
like probably three weeks without great weeks without the set,
and then one week with the set but bits and pieces.

Then we finally had the whole set at the Super Bowl,
like I think the day or two before, and then
it was so time, and this is in the middle
of a game. So it's like the way ship moved fastest.
Niggers at home don't even be seeing I fast this
ship go like nigga. W them say halftime like Harry

up and then over the struck. I need to get
there for a song because do the no. No, it's

a spect this record, and I never pleased it. Which
one I got? I got? You got sph with me
and you need to put let me put that out
in the matter verse. Alright, alright, so snoop, this is
we're gonna do. This is quick. Do not go to
the bathroom. You don't know when you went to the bathroom.

With the bathroom it was a little great hear the
story again and again how all got started way back?
All right, So snoops, this we're gonna do. I'm gonna
give you two choices. If you pick both, you take
a shot. Okay, if you don't pick no one, take

a shot. But if you sucked up anyway, you mine.
We'll just saying they're gonna have to take a shot
it right, take a shot. Shot if you can't come
up with that pretty much, so I'm taking We're taking
a shot with rink. But but I'm gonna be honest.

I'm gonna be honest. Car we we we we we
we did we did you dirty? Oh wow? Come on?
I like Cube or Scarface. I's Cube Damn he killed
him quick. I didn't think I didn't take a quick

times quick, a hard one. Ice Cube was my old
g scar Faces my pier. Just so you understand that,
Almatic or ready to die m hmm, wait a minute,
come on, bag small, ready to die Nazi madic take
a shot, Hold on, take a shot. I love it

when they called me big pop? Was that on there?
And uh morning big? I mean when I did she
getting dick butter New York Knicks? That one that's the
second album. That second album, that's the second album is
that motherfucker record? Was body got unbelievables on that? Come on,

just take a shot. Come on, I'm gonna go with biggie.
But what I got all right? Cool? Okay, all right?
Corrupt or method man fuck fuck fun fun fun, Damn,
take a shot. You're the rock. I'm gonna take a

shot on that one because I don't want to take
that my niggas man, Can we get the rock in
both my niggas and I can't do that. This is
the rock blue. I can't. I can't. Ain't time I'm around,
Like when I'm around big you, I'll be like you
already got a song together, right cool? Method Man on
I think it's on tupac album. Yeah, talk to talk

to him, but he really guess who was on the
album first? On that song first time? Nas what? What? What?
Wait a minute? Waiting man? Yep stop snoop, what are
you doing? Snoop? I'm telling you the truth? Your house
and put that guy on the song first. Then red
Man and methem Man got on that song. Then Tupac
got out the pin and dads gave it to Tupac
and took cous first of but left methem Man and

red Man on it. Yeah, you heard it first, and
if you get that dash, he may have the fouls.
I'll call my dads right now. I gotta take it
to method Man and corrupt. I can the north and
it's that blue dot, that blue dock. Goddamnit, Puffy damn

offend you got the next one? I don't know. I
don't have to listen, but I got one MG or
come to the most one. Mw okay see him w
I'm want to school with him. I battled him in
the eighth grade, both of him in the bathroom, Big
l or Biggie big Gil didn't have enough, he didn't

have enough material. M Okay, I'm gonna going with Biggie. Okay,
DJ Quick or Dash, that's my little cousin. But I
gotta go with DJ Quick. I know Dad's gonna be
mad at me, but so what, So come over here
and make me speak convinced me. Okay, Tupac or Nipsey, Wow,

do you take a shot? You ain't got you You
ain't got to think about it. M I am gonna
think about it. I'm gonna take another shot. Will you
come to mix it up? Nigga? Here with this quick

O d b O bis markey. Fuck. They're both crazy
and they both was my fucking friends. I got records
with both of them, niggas man, both of them took
another shot. Nah, I'm going with the diabolical Bismarke. Okay,

all right, Dr Dre Puff Daddy Dr Dre. I know
this Puffy show, y'all. Canna cut the ship out back?
This show could call mm hm, take your shot, am,

I gonna make somebody, well, I would rather make I'd
rather make for real mad than Kanye. I'm a saying
right right, you know Doggie Style or the Chronic. Yeah,

well I had my hands on both of them. Let
me see, I wrote, g think dre ain't let me
rude uh sick an. I'm going with Doggie Staff. I'm
taking the shot stop. I got gonna be honest. You
changed my life, Snoop. I know you. Me and you

were friends and I've never really told you this, but Nigga,
when that album dropped out like that, I thought I
could quit walk. He could not. And we did thirty
fiversary of the Chronic this year, and next year be
the thirty fiversey Doggie st Jesus Jesus Salus respect right there,

my love and respect right Strata Compton or death certificate.
God damn it, I'm going dath certificate that motherfucker the
best lean and and and uh troke to the game.
And here's a neget of stuff like I'm looking in

the mirror so I can see who can see me.
South Centure was put ice Cube to the test with
four brothers in the s S. West Side got some vacation,
which because you know, to make a movie going on

that story right there, that's a movie stepped off the
whole gang bang professional crack slanger unting the car in wholesale,
went to the ghetto with checking the motel. I'm packing.
I grabbed my three a d. But what we stayed at,
niggas looks shady. But they can't faith South Central because
busting the cap is fundamental. Peeping out every block close

seeing which one would clock the motion. Yeah, this is
the one, no doubt, bust of youth bone unlet's clear
these niggas out now, clearing them out. Man casualties still
had that l a mentality, bust a cap and out
of that in a hurry. Wouldn't you know? A drive
by in Missouri story at Ford niggas goring to Missouri

taking over running the town. Nigga gotta relax notions crazy.
I'm glad you feel what I feel to make that
a movie. Cuba's gonna let me get it all right,
I'm in, I got, I got no what you know what?
You're actually a dope ass actor, because I'm let me

say that, nigga. When you don't screen, you dope was
a motherfucker. Was that the bet paid it for? I
wasn't paid for and you was in the other one
with state, Yeah I was. I was outside of guard
hard lines. Yo, your screen, Yeah, nigga fu yeah, put
the yallar. Okay, this is real right here. The source

or xx out source easy or sugar night. Mm hmmm.
Give me a shot. I love that. Look. I love that.
Give me your motherfucker's shot too, because I can't choose neither.
Can you give me one of those? Give me one
of those click cups, click ups, click up. THINKA said

he can't choose easy? Come on, come on, come on course. Hey,
you know my mama bid the little homie is crazy.
You see, like one of my little cousins. She come
to spend the summer water. He goes back to his neighborhood,

and I know I can see him be a honey nigger.
Yeah yeah, let's do somebody a minute. Okay, okay, boys
in the hood or minutes Society. I'm gonna go with minutes.
Old dog was a motherfucker. The old dog, Old dog
was my bad motherfucker. What you said, my mama? Battle

cap or Scott Storch, wh D o C or m
C round d oc sour or cush cush our castle
you g care huhm, take a shot. Gotta go with
pim C Bicker the more cocaine in the back of

the ride, motherfucker, motherfucker. I take the shot just because
of that come on ride. That's that ship. I got it, Okay,
you got it? Baker Boys or Swaying King Tech Damn

Eric v Is in the g GL two we played
with me in my crip. By the way, I'm gonna
go with Baker Boys, coume. I'm going with that Latino
coachu just that. Are you going ahead? Safe with sales?
Is the locks Latino culture? You said it? Don't you

know that? I am local? That was insane. Member. I
wouldn't have winn it with happen though. That was weird
one and hand. You know you know what I don't.

Don't you know what? We gotta bela. I gotta said.
I thought of it on the by the way. By
the way, I'm goosed to eat these flowers no flowers video? Alright,

you ready to snoop? Yeah, I'm gonna see what to
do with it. I don't want to juice like you.
Jack City. What you say Juice or New jack City?
Motherfucker need no brom sit, You're fine, I'll ask Damn
all right? Good kid? Mad City or Michael Jackson? What

the fun can you say? Can you say the documentary

was kid right? I ain't got do with the kid?
Bad say, I'm gonna go with k K. Last question,
loyalty or respect? Love? That's the that's the that's the answer.

That is the answer that Listen, we've been doing this
for six years and we've been telling people that's not uh,
there's nothing wrong arrest for love and respect. Love and
respect is it's just loyalty. It's just like, it's just

so what you just said, we really appreciate that because
it's just love. That's that's that's just that's the ultimate goal, man.
Because you could say loyalty, you can say respect. But
how loyal is somebody gonna be and how much respect
they're gonna give you if they don't love you? We
both have loopholes, Yeah, but if you put love in
it and all, lets you come with it. God. So

now let's get to it. What is actually Death Row
and bad Boy actually doing. Let's get to it. Um, Well,
actually we don't. We don't have no plan just yet.
What what happened was the great things that I'm doing
over the metaverse, and then the thing with me acquiring
death Row made my good friend Puffy call me and

say that he would love to do a collaboration for
the simple fact that I have control of it and
it's in, you know, a peaceful position now, and he's
always had bad Boy in the peaceful position. So this
is just a conversation that we had. It's not thought
out yet, but I feel like when we do sit
down and really chop it up and come up with
a real game plan, we'll take everybody's thoughts into consideration.

The people that I feel like, you know, it shouldn't
be out because of certain lives are lost, and that's
some of the things that we're doing it for, because
we don't want any more lives to be lost. We
don't want any more people to feel like they have
to feel a kind of way when they hear those
two names. They should feel, you know, the way that
they feel when they hear the music that come from
those two names. When you think of bad Boy music
and Death From music, it makes you feel good. So

if you've got two people from Bad Boy and two
people from Death Row that could really make ship work.
Why not let the four come together and make it happen.
And if you got two of them that can make
it work, then it's gonna happen. Because we tried this
before and it didn't work. And now you got Puffy
and Snow before well won one pot, Biggie sure, and
Puffy was alive. I believe that they tried to have

a conversation and never went no where. It's crazy. It
was people that was trying to make it disappear before
it went that far. You gotta know that, you know
about them together, Yeah, about at least having a conversation
to get some understanding, and it didn't. It never win.
So now there's just two people in the equation, me
and Pelf and there's nobody to stop us to win.

That's fine, right, that's fine. And you know what, drink Champs, y'all,
y'all heard it first. We're gonna be here to support
that motherfucker to make sure that what is it bad bro? No, No, no,
it's it's it's not it's not even I won't even
say it's anything. And I think it's more about this
seriod of changing the narrative of what you thought it was.

You know, I wanted to be about the music and
the way you feel when you hear the music that
comes from these two brands. If I play bad Boy
music right now on Death Row music right now, y'all
gonna feel some kind of way that is fire. And
this isn't the metaverse or n f T S or
what exactly. You're still working that those on that side
of the world you're doing this stuff on in sandbox right.

Sand Box is one of the components that I do.
You're you're not exclusive with exclusive nobody but Snoop Dogg.
That's the only person I can control. Jess. Something's not
gonna don't love, give me love, Snoop, I ain't gonna last. Snoop.

We love you, bro, I love you too. When I
love y'all for showing up and showing up like on
some real ship. I know that y'all don't move like that.
Y'all usually have people pull up and y'all ship is
so you know, tied in with the what y'all do.
So for y'all to be able to get on the
plane to come see me, to come see Mika because
Mikasa Suka, I appreciate you can't stand what I'm saying.
So it's a love thing. Now, y'all know, whenever y'all
touchdown in l A seven minutes from l a EGX,

you got a spot you can come. Chi'll let your
head down and roll some smoke, something, drink some order,
use to fool. You may want to record a song
or something. I don't know what you want, don't want.
I don't know if I wanted to record a song
with Matt. You may want to shoot some dice like
my like that, I like that my left woman. We

all sighed, Hey, man, you may not be able to
go to Disneyland, but you show can go to dog
You Land. You know, listen, w bathrooms. I want to
make it right for you when y'all pull up. Man.
I mean, when I was building this building, I was

thinking about, right the rapper, the businessman, and the and
the homies that come in town that don't want to
go to Hollywood, that don't want to drive way through
all of that ship. They want to be able to
come someplace where they can jump off a plane, set
up job chier. What they you know, what I'm saying,
they've got a hotel room by close or not. It's

it's a little bit would pick me woa, That's what
it is. I mean they love me like I love them.
Like when you come into a community and you start
doing things, you start making things happen, and you start
aiming to the kids and you give maxim nigger. So
I've been I've been a part of Inglewood before I

was in Inglewood, but now to actually physically be here
to do things where I give back and I find
opportunities in our find ways to make sure that I'm
trying the kids in the future into the into the
into the jobs. Not just looking out for the older homies,
but the young was the ones that's in high school
or even a couple of we have a special needs
girl that works at our story that we're giving the
opportunity to. We help out all sorts of people. So

it's not just about us trying to come to a
neighborhood and identify to the gang bangers, but we're trying
to identify the people who want to change the community.
And sometimes those gang bankers want to change. They just
needed opportunity to Jesus. He killed that I have nothing
else more to say. Oh yeah, let me say this.
And Long Beach we're trying to get some peace in
my city too, So we're doing some things in my

hood where we're trying to create peace and create opportunities
for my long homies to stop killing each other. And
I'm trying to show them this metaverse n f T
place where they can find ways to make finances because normally,
when you tell homies to stop killing each other, they
can do that. But then when it when you leave,
then there's like the question is how do we make money?
We stopped killing each other, but you don't want us

to sell dope, You don't want us to do nothing negative.
What can you bring or what could you provide? So
this metaverse n f T space is so new. I
want to be able to provide some of my homies
that don't want to kill no more the opportunity to
try to be business man. Thank you, Thank you all,

Thank you, thank you brother. I appreciate you all. Drake
Champs and the motherfucking hell Yeah, we got you. We
got you. That's in it, that's in it with this.
How the funk are you control of death? Row Tell everyone.
How yeah, Well, first thing I did was snatched all

the music off for those platforms traditionally known to people
because those platforms don't pay, and those platforms get millions
and millions and millions of streams and nobody gets paid
other than the record labels. So what I want to
do is snatch my music off, create a platform which
is something so similar to Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, to be
a death row app, and then the music. In the meantime,

we're living the stop you first, stop you, but you're
saying that you stopped people from to stop. Go to
Spotify right now and look up that from music. See
how much you can find. We don't leave you, We
don't play. It's called power, it's called control. It's like
if you don't oh, I did it on purpose because

when it comes back up, everything everything, and now when
they when they finally decided to put some respect on
them streams, because nobody in here can tell you what
a stream as up to it's a fraction of a penny,
it's a third of a penny. So you get a
hundred million streams and you don't make a million dollars,
So what the fund is that? But you want me
to keep giving you my music, but somebody making the

money and it ain't me, and I can't. I can't
afford to keep doing that. And I want to create
an avenue to where I can show people how to
not always have to go through the slave trade, but
create our own trade. We're engaging with our own fans.
That's buying our music. That's you know, making money off
of the music, and they're making us money off of
the music, you know, by being traded and sold. And
now what I'm doing next is I'm putting together how

to how to get into the metaverse. Only gonna get
it out there to my life. Two people sell it
for like ten dollars, So anybody that wants to get
in that wants to learn, it's only gonna be exclusive
to two d people for ten dollars. We let you
come get the information highline on how to get in
and how to register and how to get your ship
in there, and we'll give you a token on the
way in, so that way when you get in, you

won't get in with nothing in your bank account. That's big.
I ain't gonna last loop. That was probably the illest
ship we've ever heard. Chaps this is this is real talk.

So that's what you're saying is that I got it
noryous mind now, right, So what I didn't want to do.
I didn't want to get death Brow records and make
it what it was. Right when you hear Snoop Dogg
got Deathbrow records, you naturally feel like West Coast hip
hop gangster ship blah blah blah. You don't think about
executive moves. You don't think about a hundred million dollar business.
You don't think about exactly, You don't think about futuristic

thinking and training of thought to where now we're making
this brand what it's supposed to be. For many years,
I bought myself brand. Other people ship. They gotta helped
brand Instagram. I'm the first celebrity on Instagram, and they
brag about that ship. They no nigga, Snoop Dogg. Yeah,

So they do symposiums where they have their conversations about
how the company became a billion dollar company. So the
CEO will have a little headpiece on it. You know,
when we first started Instagram, our company was a small
company and then there's this one celebrity that you know,
got on our page and started blowing it up, and
then we became a hundred billion dollar company that you

know that celebrity is it's Snoop Dogg and everybody in
the crowd clapping this ship and I'm just talking about it.
They didn't, and that's that's what made me see that. Okay,
even what I do for Corona, you know what I'm saying.
When you see me in Corocial commercials for Corona in
best goll right, this is this is like, this is
a real nickel doing commercials for com So it's like

if I can brand this everyday ship, you don't think
I can bring some ship that I helped bill for real.
This is more believable than that ship. I don't even
drink that ship. I live this ship though the death

Row shot, I'll live it. That's why if you look
out now and so many people weren't death Row ship.
You see it everywhere now. No, but let me ask you,
how was it even if somebody even pro to you
with a death Row concept? Did nobody approach I don't want.
I had to initiate the contact on that. They weren't
trying to sell it. They was gonna hold on to

it and let everybody die and just get paid forever.
So what happened These guys come to you and say,
mm hmmm, somebody I know knew who had it and
put in touch with the guys that had it, and
once we communicated the guy that had it, one of
the guys that had it was a fan of Snoop Doog.
So when I so when I naturally said, hey, man,
I just want my master's back. Like, man, I ain't

got no problem with that. I want you to have
your ship back. This is what it cost. God damn,
I don't either a bad motherfucker. Are you shaking me up? Yeah?
Like I gotta pay for my ship was damn. But
from that conversation, from from that to understanding, like I said,

I don't need that right now. I need this right
now because this is that I can make. I can
make some new ship to pacify until I get that.
And that's what I did. Were back on death bro.
So the first record I dropped, no on death row.
Don't get it sucked up. It's called be right, it's

called b O d R. It's called on death row.
So that was I was putting that in everybody face
before the Super Bowl and the Super bowl came, Bump
dropped the album the next day on the metaverse. That
made one million the first day. Oh yeah, in the
real okay, but in the ring, in the real world,

it's streamed like nine million over here, seven million over here,
and it only got like thirty four thousand downloads, which
only added up to about nothing. So so how do
you feel? How do you think I feel about traditional
based off of what I did over here? And guess
what the nigga is over here. I ain't even touched

album yet. No, I'm saying they had to wait. It's
a it's a situation that we gottam you know, you
they buy a certain piece in the element and they
get this and that and that. But it's a it's
it's how the system works over here. So while we're
over here, you know, training the mind on. I need
a video, I need radio, I need this, I need
all these and motherfucker's don't add up to no money.

I didn't have no streams, no videos, none of that ship,
no radio, none of that ship don't matter verse, And
I just told you how many millions in May without
none of that ship. So now when I dropped the record,
everybody like b O d R. What does that mean?
So I tell him back on death Rock. Oh, I
know why you called it back on death row because
you're back on death row. Now that ain't why I

called it that back because our own death row. Try
that over side, I say, back, don't we need you back?

He didn't went to the whole the money changing the better? Right?

You know you're where do you figure out what you faith?
Typically worl Why do you still love this game? Why? Like,

we'll talk, but I don't love this game. I'm like,
what do you see a little? Well? Do you know what?

Because the game loved me back. They don't know what
to do without me, you know what I'm saying. So
it is what it is we made for each other.
You know what I mean that this is my life,
this is my calling. Like one thing I can say
about like when you think about rock and roll music, right,
the Rolling Stones old as the motherfucker, But you don't
put no age on them. You put the fact that

they classic they still do their ship and they get
down and they give you the greatest ship you've ever
seen since the last time you've seen them. We got
to get that in our heads that we don't have
no time living on greatness. If we're gonna be great,
we might aspo be great while we're here. I had
the opportunity to have a conversation with James Brown, a
three hour conversation with James Brown, and some things that
he told me that remained in my life now to

make me stronger than I had conversation with Muhammad Ali
when he could speak. So I didn't have a conversation
with some of the great ones. And I understand the
object of being in the game. It's not a game.
The game is g A and me general amount of
money earning. That's the game. Come on, as much he

can't in talking about you ain't gotta put that on up?
What the sorry say? Wrap it up, Deshan, just say
get this nigga. Some be honest too see it. But

that's that's Let's let's take some pictures your lover, a
couple of come on, come on, baby, baby, my baby,

my baby baby. Thanks for joining us for another episode
of Drink Champs hosted by Yours Truly, d J E
f N and n O R E. Please make sure
to follow us on all our socials. Let's at Drink
Champs across all platforms at the Real Noriegan i g
at Noriega on Twitter, mine is at Who's Crazy on

I g at d j e f N on Twitter,
and most importantly, stay up to date with the latest releases,
news and merch by going to drink Champs dot com.
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