All Episodes

April 15, 2024 30 mins
At least his wife, Blake,

+ Reggie needs some advice!
+ The WEIRDEST lie you've ever been told!
+ Coachella review!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Y and rich. I made apurchase yesterday for something that i've I've kind
of always wanted but really didn't knowthat I that we needed it. And
then my wife was fed up andtold me to buy this thing. Here's
the story. Every day, Iat some point I just love making a
hamburger patty, eating just hamburger,no bread, you know, and just
the hamburger. Me. I actuallylove it, like I look forward to

it. I make it every day, and apparently it messes up the pants
and then grease flies all over theplace. That makes sense, you got,
Yeah, sure, it's so messy. Yeah, I like it better
than making it on a barbecue grill. I like it on the pan.
And so my wife's been complaining aboutit for a while. And then she
had these new pants and I'm notallowed to use them. I use these

other pants. And then last nightshe was just like, I don't know,
she was like a level ten withlike enough. She told me to
get a George Foreman grill. Yeahright, yeah, And I remember we
got one. I don't know,I've never say we got one as a
wedding gift one time, and Ithink we gave it away and that I
know. So I went and boughtone yesterday. So I go, I
go to Amazon, and there's likea whole bunch of different versions, and

I just wanted a simple one.I don't know the difference, so I
ordered one. I'm pretty excited.Now I should help with my sure,
and you know, like the chickenbreast, like if you ever make a
pork chop. That's all goods.So they're so good paninis all that stuff.
Oh yeah, so there's I wasreading about it says it makes paninies,
right, and I didn't really knowwhat a paninia was. I knew
I thought I would have pini wasa little bit before the song Panini,

because my kids would make paninies.So I said to Blake, I go
before I buy this. It saysthis George Foreman girl is good for paninis.
I know we have a panini thing. Can I just use that?
No? All right? So Iordered the George So happy with that.
I remember, and maybe they've madeit better. Is that it's so hard
to clean. That's what. Well, they'd make them dishwasher Now you just

throw the dishwasher. I just gotthe I got the old one. I
got them, I got the originalI didn't go any weird. It's not
too crazy. Now you can takeoff the place, just throw them the
dishes. That makes it better.Yeah, so you're gonna be great.
It's gonna stop the problem of thespatter. That's what that's what your wife
doesn't like. Oh okay, andit cooks them both sides at the same
time. I don't I've seen thecommercial, I've heard about it. I've

just never used them before. SoI'm pretty excited about it. We're excited
for you. You get one.I just know George Foreman is the boxer
guy. Yeah, I know wehave the girls and stuff, but I've
never seen one or used know howit works. So, but does it
sound intrigguing now that Kyle and richare telling you a little bit because I
understand the splatter and the oil andstuff, which can be really annoying,

but also peyton for like you andme Her, we don't really like to
cook and we're not that great atit. It takes like the guest workout,
like you put chicken breast in there, done, put the burger there
done? Okay, you do aboutit? Okay, I might need that
because I did make like pulled barbecuechicken siders last night, and my chicken
was still raw after I cooked.That was like, Jesus, I know

about that? Is your brother himtwenty times? He is like a dead
body right now, No way,he's awake. He literally got home three
hours day out last night too.Yeah, so that's where a lot of
the stuff, like the Bieber huggingJayden Smith that happened Saturday. But Bieber
did go on stage with Thames yesterday. But dojah Cat was the headliner last

night. Is that what she gotnaked too? Right? Yeah? And
she made out with one of herdancers, So yeah, dojah Cat was
lit. And I know my brotheris a huge dojah Cat fan, so
I'm sure he's feeling it this morning. Yeah, yeah, I was.
When I saw Bieber come out andsing with Thames, I was like,
do they rehearse that or do theyjust you know what I mean? Because
how would that leak? I wouldthink they would have to rehearse. I

would think that too, but itjust looks like it looks like they rehearsed.
But where now I mean, butI don't know if Bieber did or
not. Because Jay Balvin brought outWill Smith and he posted after Will Smith
came on the stage a hole behindthe scenes that they prepared their entire show.
That was sick. Yeah, thatwas cool man. That Coachella was

like I thought it was gonna bea bummer, but man, that's so
crazy is I was saying that.I was like, I feel like the
lineup for this year for Coachella iskind of lame. But I've never felt
more fomo than I did over thelast weekend. There was no hype before
it, Like Taylor Swift and TravisKelcey are making out just in the audience
with all the regular people. TaylorSwift in the audience with the regular people

making out singing her song as whowas on stage was singing her song.
That was such a weird like mindblown makes you love Taylor even more really,
and then you have Lona del Raybringing out Billie Eilish to sing video
Games and Ocean Eyes, Like Iwould have cried right then and there,
Well, what's weird? It wascool about that too. It's also if
you watched the Billy Elish movie whenshe was sixteen and she performed at Coachella

for the first time and she wasso nervous and that's when she meets Katy
Perry and Orlando Bloom and she doesn'tknow who Orlando Bloom is. Yeah,
and then she gets Biebron FaceTime andshe's like, I'm so nervous. Like
now she's the person that's like,hey, I'm gonna pop in. I
know, right, isn't that wild? I think that Coachella made Billie Eilish
too. I think that launched herthe distress. I mean I think so
too. Yeah, I mean maybe, Yeah, Billie Eilish is dope,

But I don't know if Coachella wasthe one you feel like that was it?
What about Bieber and Jadon Smith?That was a good that was going
viral because they were they were likebrown out a little bit. I know,
well, because like Jason Smith waslike grinding on Justin Bieber and then
Justin Bieber grabs Jadane Smith and basicallyalmost kisses him on. Yeah. I
thought that was gonna be a mouthkiss When I first I was like,
wait, did Jayden turn his head? Yeah, and Bieber was going in

for it or was it like hewas going to the side the whole time?
I don't know. Yeah, Imy best friend Kelsey and I actually
were going back and forth on thisbecause when we were like twelve, Jaden
Smith was my man. You couldn'ttell me any different, and it was
like that for Justin Bieber for her, So we were like, how do
we feel about this? And wekind of came to the concessans that they're
just brown out. I think theyprobably haven't seen each other in a while,

and that JB went to go kisson the cheek, but Jayden turned
and it almost ended up a smoochie. I don't know, but I kind
of loved it. Not gonna liethere, but we're going to get a
lot more stuff and other stuff comingup just a little bit. Yeah,
if that last segment offended you,I am really really sorry. Please email
our management at your mom at iHeartRadiodot your mom dot com. It's John,

Jay and Rick. What's up,Reggie? So I want to get
your thoughts on something today. It'skind of weird. My girlfriend says there
are things in her past that Ijust do not want to know about,
and I should trust her on that. You should believe totally, and you're
questioning it because I don't want tohear about like past relationships whatever we've both

had our journeys. We're together now. But also I feel like you'll understand
I don't want to be dating likea serial killer or something like that.
You know. So it's just like, do I push on this, like
what are these things that I don'twant to know about? Or do I
just leave it be? Well,I would just assume. I would just
assume that, like you said,is she a serial killer? I would

prefer that than the ladder, whichis or the other, which is what
if she slept with the four hundredpeople, I would prefer the serial killer.
I will prefer the serial killer.Balls and you find out, yeah,
and your wife she's a serial killer, Oh my god? What?
Oh my god? If she goesto prison, your wife, yeah,
she's in these seventy five pornos andshe slept with three hundred people, I'd
be like, oh god, Ican't get out of this marriage. She's

other way, she's going to prison, and I'm good. See. But
it's so liame because it's like ifa guy has four hundred bodies and he's
the man, but a girl can't. I'm like, you know, as
long as you're both testing each otherand you know that you know what you're
where you're at now, But Idon't want to know. And I kind
of feel like if you don't knowif she's a serial killer, that she's
not a serial killer. Yeah,and you don't have to you are sons.

You don't have to go to courtfor her and say anything if you
don't know. But that is sucha wide variety of topics. There's things
about my past that I don't wantyou to know about, So don't ask.
I mean that is a what thatis a wide wide you're right?
Has there ever been anything that you'veasked? And she's like, no,
that's part of the past you don'twant to know about. Oh. Nothing.
So that's what makes me think,like, wait a minute, what

what what are we talking about here? You know? Yeah, like what
extreams? Is it the you know, I've been with other people? Or
is there some crime a whole otherlife that she's like a mobster or something
like that that you just can't knowabout. Is there more to your story?
That's just it? You're just askingfor advice? What do you do?
Or did she say you don't wantto know about my past? And
here's why she gave you a littleteaser? No, there's no teaser.

That's what makes it so mysterious.Look, I've been with my wife a
long time. I just found outsomething yesterday about her that I didn't know
right, and it's about her past. My son Dutch has junior prom companies.
It's prom and he's a junior,so I guess it's junior prom.
I don't know if that. Ididn't go to junior prom. I went
to my senior prom. So Isaid to my wife, did you go
to your junior prom? And shegoes, yes. She had a long

term boyfriend before me, Alex.They dated for six years. She goes,
yeah, I went with Alex andmy junior prom. But I went,
and she told me somebody else shewent with her friend on senior prom.
I go, your senior prom.You didn't go with your boyfriend?
She goes, no, we hada little breakup and he went with this
other girl. And I was like, what that other girl now is married
to the head of the gap,oh wow, And yeah, and her

boyfriend at the time. Her boyfriendis now like, you know, a
gazillionaire and has yachts and planes andstuff and send his kids to boarding school.
But anyway, I didn't know thatthat she didn't go to her senior
problem without her boyfriend. Yeah,you know what I mean. See,
I hate finding out new things aboutmy boyfriend's what I mean, you didn't
know? Well, you want toknow everything. I think, especially if
you're gonna have a life with them, you want to know everything. Yeah,

I mean. And when we firststarted dating, I think there probably
was those conversations of like, oh, we don't need to get too into
the weeds. But once you reallystart to settle down, like you need
to know those things because you don'twant to get caught off guard. Like
I know every person my wife's therebe with, I know all eighty seven
guys's. Oh my god, itwas a hell of a weekend. Don't
want to know about kiddeen. Everytime I walked the streets to Portland,
I'm like looking each way, I'mlike, Okay, who knows my boyfriend

other than that? Though? Don'tyou find that? Like I find it
exciting when I learned something new aboutScott, It's like, wow, like
you still an interesting person to me. It's not like, oh, I
know everything about Boring. Yeah,that I would be like, what the
whole of her side of you.Let's go with it, Kyle. It's

all a win for Kyle. Reggie, look at it like that. When
you find out what you find out, approach it like that. I don't
think we're helping, you know,we're totally not room. I do think
that if you're in a relationship withsomeone and they said you you don't want
to know anything about my past,don't ask about my past, that would
be I could stop thinking it's toomuch for your bring handles. You just
don't say anything then, and youknow now I'm gonna want to know exactly.

Yeah, I just know forget it, like I can't. I can't
go on because you won't tell meanything else. And that's all we think
about every time. Hey, youwant to get something to dinner, but
don't I want to know your past. Just tell me. I won't say
anything. Just I probably just givea little bit. I won't say anything.
And then he tell you something likewhat, I can't go on with
you, I can't follow you anymore? What she's worried about? Yeah,

all right, Reggie, Well thanksfor giving us that little piece of information.
That was fun. If you findout though, call us home.
We want to go. Please keepus out today. We need the closure.
Well do well, thank you guys, stop just yelling at the radio.
Call us eight seven seven nine threeseven one four seven. It's John
Jay and Rich, John J Rich. What's up, Carlos Hey, it's

one calling in and saying about uh, I guess you guys had that War
of the Roses and lady was talkingabout two happy hours is a lot in
a week. I highly disagree.Go on, why because you're doing something
shady? No, you know sometimesyou know what I mean where you work
at You know what I mean.You just you need to get out and

say, you know what. Ineed to indulge every once in a while,
twice three times a week. Dude, I went out, you know,
officially, I call it a guy'snight out when I went to the
March Badness Finale or whatever the hellI was remember, and I went out
with three dudes. And I thoughtafter, I was like, I have
a gone on a hung out withdudes in years, years, Like I'm

not even kidding, and I lovethat. That was great, But I
couldn't do that more than one timea couple of years. I couldn't not
at least I could do happy hourtwice a week by myself and enjoy my
peace and quiet and sit at thebar. But to have so many people
at happy hour two times a weekis way too much for me. Too
many people. Oh no, no, no, no, no, that's
what I'm talking about. I meanyou go by yourself. I mean you've
got an unwine when you're I meanyou're just getting in the bar full of

other people that you don't want totalk to you. So that's even better.
Totally. Well, thanks for listening, brother, you have it.
You have a great day. Thankyou for calling in. All right,
man, see you brother, John, Jay and Rich We are like a
whole. My sister sent me thispost on Instagram and all I said was
like, ladies, what's the wildestlie a man ever told you? And
the comments are hilarious, so wethought we'd get into it on our show

eight seven seven nine three seven onefour seven. What's the craziest lie the
guy has ever told you? Cammycraziest lie a guy's ever told you?
Oh my god. So I wasprobably about twenty seven, so it was
a while ago now, but Iwas dating this older guy and I was
kind of a player at this timebecause I was dating a couple of people,

and I broke it off with thisguy because I wanted to date another
guy. So I broke it offwith him, and like the next day,
I woke up to an email.And I don't know why an email.
I don't even know how this guyhad my email. I don't know,
but I woke up to an emailthat was supposedly from his mom saying

that he had been in this horriblecar accident and he was in a coma
and that that I should go downto the hospital to see him. So
I believed it at first, becauseyou know, like, who am I
about that? And it really didseem like it was from his mom,

so I believed him. And thenext morning I went. I was all
panicked and I felt horrible, andI got up, got in my car.
I was gonna head two hours toDenver to go see him in the
hospital. And I drove down mystreet and I noticed this car pull out
and start to follow me, butI wasn't a car that I recognized,
so I was like, well,that's weird, but whatever. I went

to the gas station to get somegas and this guy, this guy pulls
up on me, comes out ofthis car and he's in like a makeshift
sling, Like I'm talking about thissling was made out of like a T
shirt, okay, like a makeshiftfling and walks up on me like,

oh my god, it's a holymiracle I survived. That is so elaborating
dumbass at the same time, andso I was like, oh my god,
like what are you doing here?Like I thought you're in the hospital.
Are you okay? And I'm like, you know, cause I'm totally
thrown for a loop. I hadno idea what stink. I thought it

was true. He's wearing this swingthat's literally made out of a T shirt.
In sight sight, like my brainkind of starting to like together the
puzzle, you know, and I'mlike, what are you doing? You
know? And he never really didcome clear. Oh, they discharged me
last night or no, they wokeme up out of it last night and
they discharged me this morning. AndI thought I'd save you the trip to

the hospital. And all right,that's a pretty good lie. Thank you
very much, Thank you, Stephanie. What's the weirdest lie guy's ever told
you? Okay, So I grewup in Washington and when I was eighteen,
which was twenty one years ago.I moved to California and then I
started talking to a guy who wastwenty nine years old in Washington, and

I started going to see him andhe told me that he was formerly a
firefighter but currently a toe struck driver. So when I would come visit him,
he would drive me around to allthese houses where he put fires out.
He told me he saved the baby'slife and one of them, and
I ended up moving there back there, and I was talking to his mom
one day while he was at work, and I was like, why does

Josh not want to be a firefighteranymore? I don't get that, And
she was like what and She's like, hang on one sect, And so
she called him and puts it onspeakerphone and she was like when he answered,
she was like Josh, she waslike fire Chief Bob called and he
wants you back at the station.Nothing. He was like dead silence,

Like what do you say to that? You know, the fact that he
drove you around to show you fireshe put out that didn't exist. What
I love, though, is thefact that the mom was messy enough to
call him. I love that.I would totally be like that as a
parent. Let me call and catchyou up on the slack. Why are
you lying to this amazing girl rightnow? That's a great story, Stephanie.
Thanks for sharing that with us.You're welcome. What's the weirdest lie

the Guy's ever told you? Oneof the posts, it says the female
name he got tattooed on his chestwas his close friend that died in Iraq
and an explosion and want to talkabout it. Turned out it was just
very much a life secret girlfriend whowas not in the military. No,
you wouldn't question that, right eightseven seven, nine three seven one four
seven. What's the Weirdest lie aguy has ever told you? We'll talk

to you next. It's John Jayand Rich. We want you to be
part of the show. Call useighty seven seven nine three seven one oh
four seven. Get on the airwith John Jay and Rich. Weirdest lie
the Guy's ever told you? Hello, Jessica, Hey, so my child's
father when we first started not firstoh wow, I needed to go to

work early, and I asked youto pick my kids to school and he
said, okay. So my kidsstart calling like Mommy's not here, so
I leave work I go, Itake you to school. He's not answering
his phone, so I drive byhis house while I'm still waiting for him
to answer his phone. He endsup waking up like probably two hours later,
calling me telling me that he gotheld at gunpoint, him and his
roommate, that the cops were there, and that this whole investigation going and

he's being like basically have to staythere because he can't leave because of his
investigation. Okay, so for twoyears we asked him, like, did
that really happen? For two years? He says yeah. Finally he admits,
like, Okay, I lie tooverslept, but I didn't want you
to be mad at Oh wow,Oh my gosh, do you have to
go to that? Especially when Idrove past his apartment and didn't see like

any police activity. Right, allright, Jessica, thank you for sharing
that with us. Weirdest lie,strangest lie guys ever told you eight seven
seven nine seven four seven Hi Sarah, Hi, what do you got?
Well? I was nineteen, thisis right when like COVID was starting,
and my ex cheated on me,and he told me that it was because

he was emotionally damaged because his fatherhad died four years prior of cancer,
and so I'm thinking he's dead.We end up getting engaged. Time goes
on, COVID progresses and we haveto move back in with family because times
are hard, money's tough, andwe ended up moving in with his dad
that I thought was dead this entiretime, and you forgave him because he

was so distraught. Yeah, hewas so distraught he had to do things
he shouldn't have ge. Wow,that's terrible, all right, sir,
that's a big one. But that'sa pretty big lie. I lie to
this girl one time. Was I. I was twenty one when she was
twenty three, and back in theday, you know, they didn't have

the GPS and all that stuff,right, and my mom and dad just
split up. They were just divorced, and they shared a car, which
was a FOURD Escort and the licenseplate was one MHD two to eight.
And I told her that my fatherwas in the Secret Service in the Netherlands
and that that was his battalion numberone Muhammed two two eight and the street

that he lived on was called ImperialBeach Boulevard, which is kind of an
ugly name. And they changed ita seacoast, and I told her that
part of that was because my dadhad to have that done because people were
onto him and had the street namechanged, he wouldn't move. Why did
you choose to tell her this lie? Because I was just like flirting with

this girl a little that I knowI was gonna get a relationship with her
for like two years. So reallyshe was like my second girlfriend was terrible.
Did she end up finding out?I don't know if she ever found
out that it wasn't true, butyou know, we went different ways and
I've never got you know, Ithink I would say, like, don't
bring up my dad's military past infront of my dad. Caroline, my

girlfriend, Caroline Richard met her before. I think you met her before I
did. Is she a lawyer?You think she'd sniffed that out? Right?
I also think she listens to theshow, So if she didn't find
out, then she knows. Nowwhat is she like listening right now?
All this time? I changed thestreet name to protect his dad. What's

the weirdest like guys ever told you? Okay, So I dated a guy
for a year and a half andhe told me his brother was a pro
basketball player. And as we weredating. We got been about a year
or so. We were dating.His pro basketball player brother came into town
and we met up with him fordinner and I talked to him and they

never really brought up like old stufffrom their past. It was just like
fun, brotherly, witty banter.That was fine. I became friends with
his girlfriend. Well I found outthrough his girlfriend that's not even his brother
at all. They just happened toknow each other. And I brought it
up to him. I'm like,hey, so you're not even related like

his girlfriend Sandra said that you guysaren't even related. He got so mad
he broke up with me, andI mean it was a sinking ship anyway.
I was saying like, yeah,like there was some other red flags
where I was like, I'm notit's a good it's okay. I was
bringing that to his attention because I'dfound out the day before they weren't related.

I was. I was ready toend it anyway, but I just
thought it was so funny you brokeup with me and stop talking to me
because you made up an elaborate line, right, you exposed his lie.
And he's like, nope, it'sover nope, we're done. Thank you,
Rene. Thanks for calling in.You're welcome having your day you too.
Speaking of lies, I want toget real quick and recap a TV

show real quick that I was tellingKyle about yesterday because you Kyle were hanging
out on Sunday and I said,you got to watch He's like, I'm
almost done, right baby, rainedhere have you started watching it? I
think I'm on episode four. Okay, I'm on episode six, and you
finished it. I finished it.There was a point on episode four where

I'm like, what the hell amI watching? Where did this go?
It's about a stalker. I don'tknow if you're that far yet. Were
the really disturbing part, I don'tthink so okay, disturbing part with the
guy trying to recruit him into theI haven't gotten this traumatic disturbing. Wow,
I've ever seen television In the beginningof this episode, it had in
the beginning of it saying like someof the okay, so I haven't gotten

that. I was just gonna say, you're in the episode if you got
the trigger warning. I got thetrigger warning. It's so messed up,
and it's like it's just very disturbingokay, because I ended up. I
watched the first two episodes and Iwas like, this is really weird.
And then I got back into itbecause I know Grant was watching it,
and I was like, maybe Ineed to give it another track, and
I turn it off again because Iwas like, this is a really weird

show. You might you want toknow something. Whenever there's a good murder
mystery or something like that. Itry to tell my mother in law because
she's got good TV. After gettingthis far, I don't think I could
recommend this show because of that one. There's it's a there's so many levels
of darkness on the ship. It'sa true story. And the guy who
plays the main guy, he's theguy that happened to Really I thought it

was based off of a play.No, it's based off a true story
of this guy. The actor isit happened to him? What? Yeah,
everything happened to He does it andwhen you see the like a crescendo
of the drama, It's like,wow, how could he act that out?
Because it had to be an extremelytraumatic part of his life and to
relive it probably several times, doingthe scenes over and over again. I

just can't even imagine. Let's goto the person that's this is more most
relatable to Yeah, this the Sohe had a one man show that was
this entire story that was basically himgoing up and doing monologue telling the story
about his stalker. So when youget to that point where he gives that
fifteen minute monologue that you know whatI'm talking about, that's his act.

That is what the show is like. That's how intense the show is like
the whole time. Oh wow,no, I mean, and that's that's
like some back to actor stuff rightthere. He was so good on this
show. So it's on Netflix.Yeah, last night when it was to
Betty was number it was number threeon Netflix last night. I'm sure it's
number one now because it's it's likecrazy Virals. It's just so sad and

yeah, it's a stalker that stalksthis guy and just ruins his life.
But beyond that, yeah, butthe tentacles of historia are even more traumatic.
I know it. It's called BabyReindeer. You come for the John
Jay and Ridge, but let's behonest, if you stay for Kyle and
Peyton, it's John Jay and Ridge, John Jaye Rich. You guys watched
it live watch. I saw likevideos of it. I'm on Twitter and

stuff. I saw a post onthe John Jane Ridge Instagram account that somebody
post Peyton, you must have postedit of Ryan Gosson covered in blood and
laughing. So I was like,I didn't go watch it. And almost
every scene they broke character, everysingle scene. In fact, I almost
felt like it was done on purpose, Like I don't think at one point
I stopped believing it. I thinkthey were doing this to people who talk

about it because I think no one'swatching it live anymore. I mean,
I believed the ones that I saw, but I didn't watch it as a
whole show. But there was onescene that Ryan Goslin was in with Kate
McKinnon and then one of the otherSNL actresses was opening scenes the spaceships.
Yeah yeah, okay, they're talkingabout like what the Aliens did with it.
Just Ryan Gosson laughing was hilarious,you know, so when they saw,

you know that I was packing thetroll my trol nos, you know,
they just went right for it,Michael. But they last the whole
Almost every scene there was laughter thewhole time. So I felt like almost
makes me wonder if there was likesome running joke backstage or some kind of

bet or something. I don't know, but it was that made me want
to watch SNL. So if theywere doing that, it worked, That's
what I'm saying. Yes, Nick, but you know that that skit was
originally done like four or five yearsago, right, and it's been done
over and over again. It's beendone over and over again, but that
one particularly in legendary because Ryan Goslincouldn't hold it together in that scene like

originally either, right, right?Okay, oh Ac, should we go
back to Cochella. We'll being outof Coachella? What do we miss we
talked earlier about We didn't talk beforeabout Kesha, which I thought was a
pretty amazing moment. We'll just playit for you. Changed the lyrics to

tell everyone else she really feels aboutp didny And I was like, yes,
Kesha, Yes, I loved it. And you know she did that
with my girl, Renee Rap.So I was screaming when I heard that
happen. I was like, thefomo is so real. The fact that
I'm not in this crowd right nowso hurt. How about the Drake stuff
Drake Drake Non was like, Idid see Drake and Coachella, Gucacella will

go to Drake because I'm dying hereat the Drake story. Is it more
Coachella? No, I feel likethings feel like big. Yeah. Then
we covered Taylor and Travis waking itout and Justin Bieber and all that stuff
a little bit earlier. But yeah, so Drake spen feuding right with basically
everyone, and they're really excited becauseDrake had his official clapback. He released
a song called push Ups where heattacked Kendrick back. He attacked the Weekend

j Cole. I think he evenslammed Rick Ross in there too, and
I'm like, okay, but it'skind of funny because I heard an interview
and I don't remember who it evenwas. He was like listening to like
the Drakes and the Kendricks do disstracks right now. It's like, that's
not you, dude, Like,don't feel like you have to do it
because you think people want to hearbeef like back in the day with like

Eminem or like Jaz Like it's notthe same, and I kind of feel
the same way, like it's justnot the same. Yeah. I mean,
Drake dropped a disk track back inlike twenty sixteen and it almost broke
the internet. I feel like Drakewhen he comes in with these disc tracks,
like he's calling out people by name, you know what I mean?
And I think what was crazy?When I saw this disc track happen,

I was like, is this AIor is this Drake? And so the
fact that we've come to this pointwhere we don't even know the reta is
real. The reason I bring itup is because I saw yesterday, last
night prot with Bed and this morningall these things about Drake's nose job.
His mom texted him and that's whodid. His mom was the one that

text him. He was She waslike Aubrey, which is Drake's real name,
like, obs, what is thisthat people are saying you got a
nose job? And it's because RickRoss got dissed and the Drake diss track
and Rick rossaid Drake got a nosejob. I follow this plastic surgeon and
pat surgery a whole before and afterthing, and it looks like he did
get a nose show. He mayhave. I wouldn't be surprised. It's
also been in conversation that maybe Drakehad a BBL. I don't know,

he has a lot of money.I love how like said Drake's like,
well you're on weight last night.I know how I loved how Drake handled
like all of the other rappers comingin at him. Is he posted a
picture of Uma Thurman in Kill Billand it was the scene where everyone has
the swords out and they're all attackingher and she's in the middle, and
it was basically just saying like Drake'son his own and all these the rappers

are up against him, and Iwas like, that is so true.
It's so true right now. SoDrake got his clap back for sure.
Okay, wait, you're saying thatthere's rumors that Drake out a Brazilian butt
lift. Yeah, you haven't seenDrake's BBL. No, I think he's
I mean I saw him in concert, but normal got a dunk. Yeah,
but it looks right. But itdoesn't look it doesn't look surgically enhanced
to me. It just looks likeI find a picture of Drake with a
BBL for me, John Jay,because it's pretty big, maybe or butt

shots or something. But shot
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