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April 26, 2024 20 mins
Buck Sexton and David Reaboi discuss recent college campus protests and the Biden administration's stance on Hamas. They explore psychological drivers behind activism, potential effects on the Jewish American vote, plus they examine U.S. policy regarding designated terrorist groups.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Hey, everybody, welcome to the Buck Brief. We've got David
Reboy with us now. He is a Claremont fellow and
also can bench press more than any of who listened
to this. Trust me, trust me on that one. David Reboy,
good to see you.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Great to see you. Man. So let's, by the way.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
If Miles is nearby at some point, we might need
him to make an appearance because I've got Ginger running
around here in the studio too.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
So cute Miles is just here, but he's he's passed out.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Oh he's sleeping. We don't want to interrupt a time
he's he's got it, he's got the creative stuff is flowing.
We don't want to interrupt Miles. Let's uh, let's dive
into this, shall we. It's crazy on the campuses right now.
You know what I know it NYU Colombia, Emery Harvard. Yeah,
I mean, just go to on the list. There's dozens
and dozens of them. Now they're doing these palacedin or

I think they're calling them Gaza solidarity encampments. Now let's
start with this. Why why this issue a lot of
stuff going on in the world.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Well, that's that's a very good question. Lee Smith had
a wonderful piece several months ago about the the kind
of Palestinian social social contagion so to speak, that has
that has kind of overtaken the overtaken the world as
a as a cause celeb I think there are many

parts to it, and it kind of defies an easy answer,
but there's no question about it that for the last
several decades, the the Israel Palestinian issue has been the
tip of the spear for the most radical of the
of the campus protesters and activists. In my opinion, I

think the very fact that Hamas is as blood thirsty
and savage as it is, frankly, is a selling point
for these people who you know, who love to glorify
and revel in revolutionary violence. I think it just it

hits their sweet spot exactly.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Well, what do you think the psychology is behind that?
Why would you see some of these kids? First of all,
a lot of them. It's interesting because I've been following
this closely. Some of them are wearing masks, And they
say this explicitly because they don't believe the dominant narrative
that COVID is no longer a problem. So there's clearly
like anxiety disorder and emotional instability issues involved here. Others

are worried about their identities, the job prospects being pulled
from them, facial recognition software being used, stuff like that.
At least that's what they're saying. But why is this
worth sleeping in a tent in the quad and having
police officers spray you would shoot you with rubber bullets
for you know, some suburban kid from the New York

area who's never done a thing like this before in
his or her life, you know what I mean? Like
what like what's the psychology behind it?

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Look, I mean people get wound up with with these things.
We saw it with the with the George Floyd BLM
ryots a few years ago. And look, the Left is
very good at this. You mentioned how these these these
protests and encampments are popping up in in universities across
the country. I mean, that's not an accident. For many,

many years, the Left has had an infrastructure dedicated to,
you know, making sure that these things do pop up
in different places. You see the photos all around that
you know they've brought them, they've brought you know, it's
like they all went to RII and ordered the same
the same sleeping bags and tents. Well, that costs a

lot of money on one campus, and it costs a
heck of a lot of money on on as many
campuses as it's as it's going on, and uh, you
know that money can be traced back to Tides Foundation,
to George Sorows, to all of these leftist radical you know,
very wealthy leftist radicals who you know, really get off

on on on creating, you know, on on rubbing off
the scab of society and and creating this this type
of this type of discord, especially with you know, frankly,
the people who are the dumbest and the most easily
led segment of our society, which is uh, which is
which is elite university students, you know, the lead, the

folks the least able to grasp what is going on
in real life? Where do you think? So, so that's
what you see happening.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
So where is it going with these campus protests? Do
they just continue on for weeks in the universities with
the help of law enforcement shut these things down. Where
do you see it heading.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
It's funny. I mean, I think that's anybody's guess. Uh.
What I think should happen and has been happening thus far,
a little by little, is that the donors that contribute
tremendous amounts of money to to keep these, uh, these
universities going. They're these you know, the the endowments are

are for for Harvard and Yale and Columbia. You know,
are are are more extensive than some some some countries.
And uh, I think eventually the donors are gonna are
going to be disgusted with this, especially as the stories
are coming out about kids being harassed. I mean a
lot of these kids, you know, especially the Jewish students

on campus, they're just completely overwhelmed. And it's not a
case I see some people online saying, you know, these
these folks are getting what they deserve. You know, they're
they're elite Jewish students in in Ivy League University. Well,
I'm not sure that that's true. The folks who are
identifiably Jewish in these places and identifying and identifiably pro

Israel are you know, by and large not leftists, and
that's never been the case. So what they're doing is
they're they're getting rid of uh, they're getting rid of
their good students in favor of their problematic students, let's
just say, and and their activists. But but look, I mean,
the main the main issue is, you know, professors and

teachers and uh and you know, and other academic leaders
at these places have been pushing this line and teaching
these kids exactly about this. You know, Hamas is wonderful,
al Kaeda is justified on and on and on and
on for the last several decades. So, I mean, people
are are are are surprised that that something like this

is happening. I think they shouldn't be. So to answer
your question, the donors are, I think, are going to
put their foot down at some point. The school administration
is not going to know what to do because they
obviously are sympathetic to the protesters the rioters on one hand,

you know, but on the other hand, they're they're kind
of stuck between a rock and a hard place. Look,
I think it's I think it's fantastic for America to
see what is going on in these places and uh,
and just to get the measure of of these places
and the types of crazy people that they that they produce,
crazy and anti social people that that they produce. We

have another issue here involved, which is that Hamas has
been a designated terrorist organization.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
I want I want to put a pause. I want
to put a pause in the reboy machine here for
a second. We're gonna press the pause button. We'll come
back to this on Hamas, the designation, Israel dealing with it,
the RAFA final stage of the campaign. We'll get into
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terrorist organization? I want to let you finish your thought
and we'll also get into some of how Israel's handling

all this.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Sure, in nineteen eighty seven, the US government designated Hamas
as a foreign terrorist organization, which it obviously is and
has been since it's an inception. And so we have,
let's say, law enforcement in the United States has the
ability and frankly they have the tools to go after

these protesters based on that. When we had the George
Floyd Riots BLM in twenty twenty, it was a lot
more difficult to do so because we you know, because
these people were protesting not for, not in favor of,
not in support of necessarily a foreign terrorist organism that

has been designated as such. So it's like we've already
got the paperwork done on this, you know, thirty years ago.
So now it's just a matter of will. It's just
a matter of will in using them. And I'm not
saying that, you know, charge the dumb kids, you know,
marching around Columbia and Harvard with with with terrorism, but

you can certainly use the tools of law enforcement to
unravel the funding mechanisms and the command and control mechanisms
by which these these types of efforts proliferate. And I
don't think there's a question about it, based on what's
going on that these people are you know, straight up
supporting Hamas, straight up providing materials support to terrorist groups. Well,

I think it should be done.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
We'll get into how the Biden administration is handling this
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eight three three nine nine five gold. Okay, David. The
Biden administration seems like quite clearly they're trying to have

it both ways. What do you think this is going
to do to the Jewish American vote going into this
election this fall? Will it matter?

Speaker 1 (12:13):
I'm not sure if it's going to matter. Look, people
have been asking these types of questions for the last
thirty years or more. Actually, probably going back to the
nineteen seventies when when dealing with Jimmy Carter, you know,
will this finally be the straw that breaks the camels
back in terms of the in terms of the Jewish vote,
and I mean, I think the answer is yes, and no.

Jews are overrepresented in terms of how politically engaged they
are and how much they donate to candidates. I think
I saw a statistic not long ago that you know,
that a Jewish American is like, you know, twice as
likely to contact their congressmen when they have an issue

or when there's a you know, something that they believe in,
just to just to try attempt to lobby them than
other Americans. So so I think I think people who
are very involved in the political process, that's American Jews
who are very politically politically involved, will continue to do so.

And and that definitely has an outsized influence, And it
has an outsized influence relative to the number of Jews
that there are, because at the end of the day,
Jews in the United States are concentrated in places where
you know, frankly, it doesn't matter all that much to
the you know, to a presidential election in November However,

there's some places like you know, for example, in uh,
you know, in Michigan, or in Pennsylvania or in Arizona,
where you know, on the margins in a close race,
it could it could definitely mean you know, mean, uh,
you know, the votes, the the the election goes one
way or the other. So I mean, I think on

the margins, we're going to see something. And I mean
I know anecdotally we've I've seen and my friends have
seen a lot of movement on this score, with a
lot of Jews just saying, you know, what's what's going on, uh,
and and sort of beginning to reevaluate their their political

alliances with the Democratic Party based on this. I mean,
there have been some you know, high profile leftist Jewish entertainers,
for example, who've been who've been pretty uh, pretty outspoken
and not voting for Biden and considering voting for Trump
based on what they've seen from this administration of the
last the last few months. So I mean, the answer,

you know, the answer to that question is, I don't know.
I'm always hopeful that there are more Jews who are
who are ready to leave the Democrat plantation. But on
the other hand, the Democrats are also very smart about
this type of thing, and the way they've been dealing
with it is uh, you know, I mean I think personally,
I think it's evil and it's wrong and it's rotten,

but it works. And they've identified Bibi Yahoo as their
main enemy. And one of the things that I always say,
I've said for years, is that the left and the
Democrats do not have any foreign enemies. They have foreigners
that remind them of their domestic enemies. And that's exactly

the playbook that they're using in sort of identifying bb Yaho,
the Prime Minister of Israel, saying you know, he is
basically a Republican, he likes Donald Trump, he's you know,
he's a fascist, right wing extremist, et cetera. And he's
the reason why we're in this mess that, you know,
just like Chuck Schumer said, you know, if we only
ditch bb Net Yahoo, the whole region will be will

be peaceful, everything will be calm, and everything will be fine.
So I mean, I do worry that this particular, this
particular off line will will work on a number of Jews,
as you know, frankly, it has worked on a number
of leftist Israelis, so you know, we I hope it

doesn't because it's nonsense, but you know, we'll see how
it goes.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
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I know we've been talking about intense foreign policy stuff
and also domestic policy stuff, but I just want to know,
as for anyone who doesn't know this because they're not
watching on video you are, do you consider yourself a
bodybuilder or are you just like, would you say you're
an amateur bodybuilder?

Speaker 1 (17:30):

Speaker 2 (17:30):
Yeah, I mean you look like a.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Body I mean definitely definitely, definitely, definitely amateur. I mean
I'm competing, so definitely amateur.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
Oh you are competing. I don't even know that.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
Congratulations, that's so cool. So when people, you know, for
folks like me, who are who are you know, who
are who are just amateur? Is that like trying to
stay in shape for life, not for competitions? Calories dropping
down to lose weight? Is that should that be entire
Is that just the thing that people should really focus

on and also increasing steps or is this getting the
protein level as you're dropping the calories even if you're
not trying to bodybuild a critical component of.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
That, well, the ladder, it's definitely the ladder. You know,
cutting calories without minding your macros is completely silly. Now,
now there's some truth to the fact that you know,
at the end of the day, it does come down
to uh.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
You know, overeating, right, I mean, if you're ingesting right.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
Right right exactly? I mean when when I began this
and I knew very little about nutrition, then I would
just say, well, you know, protein is good. Therefore I
can eat you know, four steaks in a city and
uh and and you know, I mean that at the
end of the day, that's that's not good for anybody.
You could definitely uh, you know, and and look when.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
An overweight you can gain or maintain an overweight frame
even just by eating protein if you're just overeating calories net. No.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, no question about it. The
thing to do. And I always say this to uh,
to everybody, because it's you know, you can't get around it.
There's no there's no easy way to do it that
side steps this particular step. And the step is, okay,
go get a phone app. There are many free ones

that will allow you to track your food intake and
it's very easy. You just go in and it's like,
you know, if it's if it's a packaged item, you
can literally scan the number and it'll go in. It'll
it'll add all the macros that that that that pop
up there automatically. And then spend a week or spend
two weeks tracking every single thing that you eat, and

very quickly you'll be able to see what's going on.
And you know, Frankly, it doesn't take a registered dietitian
or anyone like that to look at it and say, okay, well,
you know, I'm obviously eating too many carbs. You know,
I need to increase my protein or I need to
pull back my fat a little bit, and you know,

and I'm going to do that by eliminating X, Y
and Z, because once you see it in the app
and it's and it's charted out for you day by day,
it's very easy to see that and to and to
make adjustments. So it's like, uh, you know, if you
can't do that, then you're going to be spinning your
wheels for a long time. And it's really not that
hard to invest two weeks into UH, into this data

gathering procedure.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
I mean, this is like when people ask me how
do I start a podcast? I'm like, well, step one
is you have to actually do it, because I get
people to come to me. It's like, did we talk
about the six months ago? I don't want to start
a podcast. I'm like, how many have you done? None?
I don't. I don't know if you really want to
start a podcast. So it sounds like tracking your food
is UH is a preliminary step for for better health.
I'm gonna give this one a shot. David Rebore everybody necessary, step,

necessary step, David reboy follow him on UH, on Twitter
or now x and Claremont fellow foreign policy expert, my friend.
Good to see you, thanks for being here today.

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Thanks buddy, be here soon
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