All Episodes

April 15, 2024 41 mins

Colin tells you why he was right about LeBron James and wrong about the Warriors

NBA insider Ric Bucher joins the show in studio to talk preview the NBA playoffs

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Oh here we go, hour two of a Monday live
in Los Angeles.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
It's the Hurt wherever you may be, however you may
be watching.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Thanks for making us part of your day. Had a
fun weekend in Vegas. About seventy two hour time limit
in Vegas. Then things go sideways, Get off the fairway
into the weeds. Got reel yourself back in flyback Jmac.
You of course hung out in rainy Los Angeles. I'm
out there making things happens on Kyler Murray. Really it

came over and a nice discussion. Tyler Murray and I.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Will you on mushrooms or any psychedelics?

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Ing? No, No, maybe he was. I don't think so.
But we had a very eye to eye.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
Come if you ask him how the weather was down
there or anything?

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Oh yeah, sure, Actually he's very respectful. I told Kyler
Murray always welcome on the show. Sorry about my sidekicks.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
Dang, And I used to love Kyler. By the way
I heard his entourage is very shatty. Shall we say
he didn't.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Have an auto, didn't have one? Interesting I didn't see.
Can I say the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened
to me?

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Can I tell you the most embarrassed I tell the
staff this, right, most embarrassing thing that's.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Ever happened to me.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
So I'm in the MMA room. So there's like a
like I'm part of the you know, the media kind
of room. So I took my wife there and a
couple buddies, Eric and his son Cole. So I go
into the room and it's full. So the first guy
walk in, I see Max Crosby. Raiders comes on, and
there's a lot and there's there's pro.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
Athletes there and it's dark.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Guy comes over a half not big your size, I mean,
kind of didn't have big traps. I didn't know who
was us. And you start talking to me and I'm like, Hi,
how are you doing? And he walks away, and my
wife's kind of like you kind of blew him off,
and I'm like, I don't know who it is. But
two minutes later, guy comes up to me and says,
do you see Christian McCaffrey. I am horrified. I didn't

know who it was. I'm looking at this guy. Remember
Christian's not six ' five. Max Crosby walks up. You're like,
I saw Mercedes Lewis. Pro athletes look like pro athletes.
Christian McCaffrey looks kind of like us. But he's the
best running back since Walter Payton. All right, tell again,
NBA guy that's six 's eight or an NFL Aaron
Donald walks up. You're like, he doesn't look like any

human I know. So my wife I find out who
it is. My wife is like, you should be mortified.
You have to go find him in the arena or
you're not sitting down next to me and you go apologize.
So I'm just beside myself. Christian McCaffrey, that's bad, bad, humiliating.

So finally I go back to the room. I bail
in the fights. I'm like, I've gotta find Christian McCaffrey.
I'm looking everywhere. I'm looking on Twitter to see if
people know where he's at. I finally found I like
make a bee line to him, and he just starts laughing.
I'm like, I blew you off. He's like, dude, a
million people in here. I got hat on at Stum,
big deal. He was a great sport about it. Yeah,

there was a thirty minutes of panic that Christian McCaffrey
came over with a hat, and I'm looking.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
At him thinking, oh, who is this. I don't know
who this is? Who is this?

Speaker 4 (03:30):
Maybe you need meet with you on some of these trips.
I know the I know c mac.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Come on, if you showed up, Kyler Murray would have
never come over to you.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
By the way, did you meet Christian McCaffrey's girlfriend or if.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
I don't get involved in people's privately, apparently whatever he
was there by himself.

Speaker 3 (03:47):
You didn't notice clearly.

Speaker 6 (03:48):

Speaker 3 (03:48):
Married, I'm very happy. But I gotta tell you you're married.

Speaker 4 (03:51):
You're not dead. Okay, come on?

Speaker 1 (03:53):
My wife said, you blew that guy off. I thought
it was a tech guy. I'm like, is a tech
guy is a media guy on the whod is? And
then you see him and I'm like, I wanted to say,
couldn't you wear a Niner jersey? You make it a
little easier on us, All right, Colin right, Colin wrong?
On Monday, Here you go.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Lebron James finished the NBA regular season, led the NBA
and mead field goal attempts in the fourth quarter. I'll
say it again, Lebron James led the NBA in made
field goals in the fourth quarter. You keep embarrassing yourself
if you're anti Lebron. The guy's incredible twentieth consecutive season,
averaging twenty five plus points, six rebounds, and six assists

per game, and yesterday that first half by Lebron was
a thing of beauty. Move on Lebron critics. He's remarkable.
Still Where Colin was wrong. I loved Wemby, but I
never thought they should play him like seventy one games,
and Greg Popovich did, and he delivered. I figured they

would have minute restrictions and game restrictions because I watched
chet Holmgrim same body TYPEO case get hurt, and they
did have a little bit of a minute restriction early.
But Wemby played seventy one games. There's an argument he's
defensive player of the year. He averaged twenty one a
game in twenty nine minutes, So I was wrong on that.

I thought they would tailor a season to let his
body slow growth. Fifty games, twenty four minutes, no back
to backs.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
They didn't, and he delivered.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Where Colin was right, Scotty Scheffler won the second Masters,
and I had said, it's not going to be the
same Masters if Scotty Scheffler wins and there was no
buzz at all on the back nine. Golf needs personality.
Look at the ratings in Jack Nicholas, the Bears prime

or Tigers prime, Brooks kef CoA didn't play well. Bryson
Deshamba good ratings early in the week, but in the end,
this is a sport that needs some personality. And Scott
he's great, but he's a bit robotic. There's no emotion.
You don't even get a fist pump. Great players aren't
all equally interesting.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
Where Colin was rong, I think I'm.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Just too high on the Warriors. I think that's what
it is. They're just too Steph reliant. They sneak into
the playing game because they got red hot at the
end of the season, but their number two scorers Clay
and he was coming off the bench. I like Kaminga,
but he didn't have a finishing package. He's still a kid.
I don't trust him to be highly productive in the playoffs.
This is a team I think maybe it's I like

their core, but I think they have to make a
major pivot. They've got to find somebody on Steph's timeline.
They gotta have size. Some of the best teams in
the league now poor Zingis, Celtics, Jokich, Rudy Gobert. You
got to have a big somewhere, Anthony Davis. They don't
have size, certainly not veteran size.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
And I was wrong where Colin was right.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
Well, it's a.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Story today that Koawhi Leonard injury update. Hopefully he'll be
ready for the playoffs. Even have said this, he is
the icing and never the cake. You can't build around him.
He doesn't have a predictable schedule. He's nonverbal, he's not
a great communicator. He's just a remarkable player. But the
Clippers always feel like they're in semi chaos because of

hardened silliness and Kawhi's enigmatic nature. He's a great player,
but there's only a handful of players in this league
who are great, and I feel comfortable building around like
Jalen Brunson, night.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
After night where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Eighty thousand fans showed up to the Ohio State spring
game and Fox put it on broadcast TV. I've said
four years I do not understand their reluctance to put
spring football on television. Not every program, but at Texas,
Ohio State, Notre Dame, Michigan. There's a handful of high
profile programs in America. They're putting eighty ninety thousand people

in the stadium Ohio State. Chip Kelly, now's the story.
Put these spring games with the massive top twelve programs
on television. Do you see what was on TV this weekend.
There's a reason a lot of you're buying UFC and.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Not a lot on where Colin was wrong.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
Bo Knicks and Michael Pennix junior neither invited to the
NFL Draft. In person, I like both of them more
apparently than NFL scouts. I think Pennix throws the best
ball and sixty one college starts more than any quarterback ever.
I think Bo Nicks looks like to me, He's got
some Drew Brees capabilities, moves well, ran a pro system

with pro players in Oregon. But I'm clearly wrong because
the NFL's got good top contacts and they don't think
either ones getting drafted in the top fifteen.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
They didn't invite him to the draft.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
Where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Alex Pereira beat jamahal Hill Tko UFC three hundred, Dana
White does it again. Here's a sport that has lost
star after star. Ronda Rouse. This fight with Holloway and Gaechee,
that knockout maybe the best fight I've ever seen in
UFC three hundred. Justin Geechee is a dog, he is

a warrior, but got knocked out two seconds to go.
They've lost Rousie, Connor McGregor John Jones are not the
regulars they once were, but it continues to deliver because,
unlike boxing, the fans always feel like they win when
they go see a UFC.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
Card where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Finally, Caitlin Clark on Saturday Night Live. We've said this,
this is no knock on women's basketball, but the numbers
are not going to remain this high. She is a
cultural phenomenon. Have you seen where thirty six of forty
four games Indiana are already.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Scheduled for National TV. The draft tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
The WNBA Draft will be the highest rated WNBA draft
by a mile. This is not a criticism on a
sport that was women's basketball.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
But she's an MJ. She's a tiger.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
There are a handful, and I mean the number is tiny,
a handful of athletes that are icons. They are lightning
in a bottle. And her ability to go on Saturday
Night Live, change the WNBA schedule and deliver, wait for it,
a draft record WNBA. It's not against women's basketball, but

she is one of one. All right, let's bring him
on now. The NBA gets interesting the regular season over
the playoffs beginning. Rick Buker is now joining us in studio.

Speaker 7 (10:43):
It is it's forty eight hours, not seventy two. When
it comes to Vegas, it's seventy two. You can still
get into trouble forty eight. That is a little bit safer.
I do have a question though, I brought props.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
Yeah, who is eight years old? Who is that eight
years old?

Speaker 8 (11:00):
Who is that guy? Who is that guy?

Speaker 7 (11:02):
Now that guy is a hedge fund manager, and that
guy would know who Christian McCaffrey is without question. But
I don't understand is how is it that you have
more hair now than you did then?

Speaker 8 (11:13):
Well and you look like you're what.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
No hair now? I just let it grow.

Speaker 7 (11:18):
It's longer, okay, all right, Well anyway, obviously you wish
somebody happy birthday here, and it was so meaningful to
them they left it in my dressing room.

Speaker 8 (11:30):
Anyway, I haven't seen you.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
That wasn't my idea.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
I'm good, so I said to start the show. This
is the year of the pivot, Lebron. They're not beaten
Denver four times. If they beat Sacramento Warriors, I do
not believe are beating a deeper team in Oka see
four times in fifteen days. And in the last thirteen years,
Lebron and staff have been an eleven finals.

Speaker 8 (11:54):

Speaker 3 (11:55):
Is the league ready?

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Do fans care? I feel like we're going to discover
here in the next two weeks.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
It's a new.

Speaker 7 (12:01):
League, yes, yes, but the only way that that happens
is if you have stars.

Speaker 8 (12:06):
Who make deep playoff runs. Right.

Speaker 7 (12:09):
Luka Dancitz makes his presence felt. Jalen Brunson, Jason Tatum,
the Anthony Edwards like the new legion of Stars. But
you can do everything that you want in the regular season,
it's not until the playoffs where you catch everybody's attention.
So the question is, at this point, because those guys
aren't established, are storylines going to win out over star

power when it comes to ratings, Because we have great storylines,
but we don't have any stars and no offense to
Nikola Jokicic, who without question is a star, but his
game and his presence and his personality, while I think
he's kind of fun to listen to, it's very understated
and people aren't just making it must see team.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
It's hard to explain what Caitlin Clark did. It was
her game that was something about this midwestern young lady
that had a Steph game, a Trey Young game, and
it literally I'm in an airport in Chicago and she's
in the you know, March madness. Everybody in the lounge
is watching the singular game. It's hard to explain. Now,

Steph obviously had it. The Warriors, a team you've covered
and know well you live in the Bay Area. I
kind of look at them this year and I think
I like Steph and Draymond and the course so much.
I overvalue them. But I just when I go watch
them They're very dependent on Steph. They're very dependent on threes.
Their bigs are young and not ready for the postseason.

I think it's gonna be they're gonna get extinguished pretty quick.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
What say you? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (13:46):
I look, I just I sat down with Steph in
Portland to talk about a variety.

Speaker 8 (13:52):
Of things, and.

Speaker 7 (13:54):
He said at the time, like, we're still trying, We're
still kind of figuring out exactly who we are and
the and the biggest part is that that they are
relying so much on a trace Jackson Davis and and
a Brandon Pajemski. Those are two rookies, right who have
to be good for them to be good. And so

it's not like while the names are still there, Uh,
the the trio of Clay Draymond and Steph just isn't
as dominant as it was now. Now they have to
get something out of Jonathan Kaminga, they have to get
something out of Moses Moody, and so they just are

not the same dominant level team even though the names
are there and you on occasion they have that look,
oh they.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
Have halves when you're you know, they they.

Speaker 4 (14:52):
That they feel like they're the old Warriors.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Oh, there's no right moments and spurs, yes, no question, yes, But.

Speaker 7 (14:58):
To me, like the New Orleans game is really telling,
Like that was a game they wanted and they had
it at home. They're at home and they and they
couldn't get it, And that to me tells me that, look,
it's it's it's not any one person's fault, father time.

Speaker 8 (15:17):
I mean they the fact that they they.

Speaker 7 (15:20):
Ended up getting another ring wasn't the beginning of another
dynastic run of it. It was a last gas pulled
one back from the crypt. So there's no there's no
shame in where they are, but this is going to
be a challenge going forward.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
So I think I don't have an MVP vote. You
do do, And I think there's an argument, let's take
Jokic out of it, who's the best player. But once
you win a championship, everything's different. There's a confidence, there's
an understanding, a little pressure is off the table, and
I think MVP has to constitute stats how much you're caring.

For instance, I think one of the better arguments for
Luca is that he has solved for the time being,
the Kyrie thing. Like Kyrie is quiet and focused, not distracted,
a great teammate.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
That's a thing.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
But is there an argument that the knicks that are
not it's not an NBA offense without Jalen Brunton. Yes,
could you convince yourself to vote him as MVP?

Speaker 7 (16:29):
No, I could not put him at the top of
my ballot. And for those who may not understand, you
have a ballot. You put five names on it in order. Yeah,
there's a point differential between each slot. Jalen Brunson, I
haven't filled it out yet. I will in the next
twenty four to forty eight hours. Jalen Brunson will be
on my MVP ballot, which if you had asked me

at the be ending of the year, I would not
have expected. But do I put him at the top
of my ballot. There's no conceivable way that I could
do that because to me, it really is between Jokic,
Shay Gilges, Alexander and Luka Doncic, and probably as of

right now, that would be the order that they would have.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
About Anthony Davis seventy five games, yep, he's been absolutely fantastic.

Speaker 8 (17:19):
He has been.

Speaker 7 (17:20):
He has been and he will be on my Defensive
Player of the Year YEA ballot. He's still a little
too up and down for me offensively. Yes, and let's
look at the competition. I mean, honestly, this will be
the first year Jokic winds up at the top of
my ballot. It will be the first year that he's
ever been at the top of my ballot. And he's
won twice previously, close second last year, but this year,

to your point, like, I have seen an aggression from
him as opposed to being that orchestrator. He got something
out of winning that ring where it was like, oh,
and I saw the same evolution with Lebron. Oh, I'm
the best player in the league. Oh, I don't need
to orchestrate like I can bully people like. There are

times where I need to go get it. I need
to take on the responsibility of being the best player
in the league. Let me not see if I can
get somebody else a shot. I'm the best option here.
I need to punish teams because they can't guard me,
and that's going to make it easier for everybody else too.

Nicola has shown me that this year in a way
that he had not previously, and it's why he's probably
going to be at the top of my ballot.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
So you and I are similar that I think we
would both admit Boston has the deepest roster you can
see by re signing Jalen Brown and Drew Holliday. Poorzingis
locked in Tatum soon. They're not too worried about the bench.
They're keeping the core guys here and going for it
for the next two or three years. Yeah, but they

face the most pressure in the East.

Speaker 8 (19:00):
My farm.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
I still don't know Joe Missoula close. I would take
a Spolstra. There are coaches that I prefer. Oh yeah,
So here's my takeaway when I push back on the
they should glide through the ease, Yes, should Yes, But
I still have questions.

Speaker 7 (19:18):
Yes, you do too, I without question. You know I
was asked earlier. You know who do I see beating them?
And it's like, or who's the biggest threat? Like anybody?
Look at Miami did it last year? You could make
the argument that the Boston Celtics have had the most
talented team for the last three years running, and there

is no question.

Speaker 8 (19:41):
That that's the case this year.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
This year's no question, no question.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
And yet do we believe in them in the postseason?
And why for the last two years, haven't they been
able to get it done? And have most important, have
they solved the issue that kept them for winning it
the previous two years. Does Drew Holliday solve that issue?

I don't think he does. Does Kristaps Porzingis solve that issue?
I don't think he does, because it's still going to
be with a game on the line, and more often
than not in the playoffs, it comes down to this
one possession at the end of the game. Who's going
to win it for me? Who am I giving the
ball to and say get me something? Is going to
be Jason Tatum.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
And we mostly trust him.

Speaker 7 (20:28):
And we sometimes like sometimes he does get it done.
I just look, he doesn't have to that that I
of the Tiger. I trust Jalen Brunson or Damian Lillard
to hit the shot, to hit the shot, to make
the play with all the marbles the middle of the

circle board to that date myself there, then I do
Jason until I see otherwise. I've seen it in moments,
but I also seen him. And it's not just a
matter of whether you make the shot or you miss
the shot, it's are you aggressively looking to get that shot?

Speaker 4 (21:07):
Do I feel like you want to take.

Speaker 3 (21:08):
That show Bruns, and I always feel.

Speaker 7 (21:10):
That, absolutely with Damien Prior to Milwaukee, I always felt
that with Steph. I feel that with any number of
guys that have won championships, I've felt that. I have
not felt that with Tatum. There are times where he
defers or his games not rolling, and it's then he

decides this it's not my night. Well, you don't have
that choice if you're the best player on the team
to say I'm taking this one off.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
So sometimes bad news long term can be good news.
Yannis is injury, Yeah, Milwaukee loses. Doc can say, come on,
it wasn't I didn't have Jannis. The Bucks can sell
Yannis on, hey, it was a bad matchup and you
miss three games that if they were to lose to

Indiana with a healthy honis yes, which because of style
of play is possible. Indiana is young, deep and fast
and Milwaukee's old.

Speaker 7 (22:10):
Oh yeah, no, no, no, this is a match up issues
this This in a weird way, gives Doc and the
front office and out when they go to preach to
Jannis in the off season, We're going to get younger.
See I hate this entire narrative that they have to
convince Jannie to stay in Milwaukee. Jannis is the reason

they made the Damian Lillard trade, right, They made that
trade in exchange for Jannis, and Yannis made it clear
started already. You know that little chirp about well, I
don't know if they're committed to a championship as much
as I am, and doesn't make sense that I would
sign an extension now anyway, because uh, you know, it
makes more sense money wise if I do it a

year from now. And then they went and get the
got the guy that he's always wanted to play with,
Damian Lillard, even though it cost him Drew Holiday, and oh,
I will sign an extension.

Speaker 8 (23:08):
So they did what he wanted them to do.

Speaker 7 (23:13):
And we all had doubts about whether it was the
smartest thing to do in giving up Drew Holliday and
whether it was going to work as well as well
as Jannis thought it was going to. I do not
want to hear how Oh well, now Milwaukee has to
figure it out for Yan.

Speaker 8 (23:27):
No, you did, Jannis. They did your bidding.

Speaker 7 (23:31):
Like, if anything, you need to stick it out and
give them the opportunity to fix what you kind of
created and how they do that, whether they you know,
they move on from Damien, whether they send Damien to Miami,
which is what I think even he knew that was
a better fit than Milwaukee, right, So I just this

idea that you're you're right, and then it gives Doc
and Ol, it gives Milwauke Key and al Well, Giannis.

Speaker 8 (24:01):
Is hurt, just like he was hurt last year.

Speaker 7 (24:04):
But this idea that Jannis has the right to say, hey,
after I'm all about championships and we don't have a
championship team here. If they're further away now than they
were a year ago, I'm putting that on what Yiannis
wanted because they did it.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
So Jay McK and I are on the same page.
Don't play a little bit.

Speaker 8 (24:27):
Wait a minute, write that down.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Lebron ad. Don't play against the Pelicans because if you win.

Speaker 7 (24:32):
Wait a minute, are you seriously you are both singing
that song?

Speaker 3 (24:35):

Speaker 4 (24:36):
Both Really we floated this as a topic.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
I didn't float it.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
I put my shovel in the dirt to dig it.
I do not want to play Denver. We match up
great with OKAC and we're going to beat Golden State
and Sacramento. Whoever we have to play you know.

Speaker 7 (24:53):
What this is that, this is that guy, this is
that guy. Like it's all the numbers and let me
the analytic.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
They match up well with the Pelicans. It's a go
either way game. My takeaway is, well, a d you
have a bad back. Let's see the first quarter. Lebron,
We're gonna sit.

Speaker 7 (25:14):
You all right, where did we start this conversation? We
started with you expressing doubts about the Golden State Warriors.

Speaker 8 (25:21):
In fact, we didn't. We just do that. That was
the wrong in the in the in the segment.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
That's too positive, right with the Warriors.

Speaker 8 (25:28):
So what the what? What if?

Speaker 7 (25:30):
What if one Sacramento beats Golden State? Well, Sacramento has
has been very very good, has been a big problem
for the Lakers this year.

Speaker 3 (25:40):
But the Warriors are all arrested. Didn't play guys for
that game.

Speaker 7 (25:43):
Okay, here's the other part, and it's the Lebron James
factor because we always mcro scope anything that he does.
Lebron James is going to sit out in order to
duck the Denver Nuggets.

Speaker 8 (25:58):
How do you think that's gonna play smart? Wow?

Speaker 7 (26:02):
Because you're not being Oh maybe only on this show
would it play that way.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
I think most NBA aren't aren't. Isn't sports about strategy?

Speaker 7 (26:11):
Okay, I I I actually I meant to do this
because I thought you might bring this up, because this
feels like it's in your wheelhouse. Is like, I'm just
gonna look at the.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Least he misses thirty you know, he misses twenty five
games a year. It's a playing game. I'm not missing
game six or seven of a series. I'm a playing
game strategically, so I don't have to play Denver.

Speaker 7 (26:33):
I just it is so dangerous to introduce to a team. No,
we want to lose today, but we want to win tomorrow.
Particularly at this time of year.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
The Warriors are doing rest and all their guys, I me,
it's what they didn't know.

Speaker 7 (26:49):
They look, they didn't want to be where. They didn't
want to be where they were, where they are. The
Lakers didn't want to be where they are. I think
we have this idea that the both the Lakers and
the Warriors once, especially the Lakers right now, because they do.

Speaker 8 (27:01):
Have a little bit of that feel.

Speaker 7 (27:03):
Last year they shocked all of us, me included I
was wrong. I will admit like I did not see
them in the conference finals last year. I didn't see
them getting through. And I can come up with all
kinds of explanations.

Speaker 3 (27:17):
Strategy has to be part of it.

Speaker 7 (27:19):
But they've strategized all year long to be where they
are right now and to roll the dice and say
we're going to purposely lose one game because we are
so confident we are gonna win the next one.

Speaker 8 (27:37):
They're not that good. They're not that good.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
But they can beat Okay, See, they're not beating Denver
four times in fifteen days.

Speaker 7 (27:45):
They can beat Okac. I don't think they can beat Denver.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
They can't.

Speaker 7 (27:50):
But so is it just about because I don't know
how much farther they're going to go after that?

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Well, you keep saying it's dangerous to Strategy is always dangerous, okay.
Strategy is always taking less now, getting more later. Strategy
is unemployed when you feel you need strategy. Michael Jordan's
Bulls beat you, okay, right like Kobe Shack and their
Prime beat you. Strategy is employed when you see yourself

having a whole.

Speaker 7 (28:21):
So is this just about like this is about getting
to the getting to the playoffs, It's about avoiding Denver
until the very end.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
If we got to play Denver, let's cross our fingers.
Maybe Murray twisted ankle, Maybe somebody knocks them out because
they think they match up t Wolves. No, they don't
want to play the Lakers. So o Casey didn't want
to play the Lakers. Warriors don't want to play the Lakers.
A lot of these coaching staffs. You you start talking
around people in the league. Minnesota's like, we'd prefer not
to open with the Lakers. Denver wants to play the Lakers.

Speaker 7 (28:49):
Sure, sure, but are you saying that the Lakers should
be so kind? It's one thing for these other teams
to go, you know what this team compared to the Lakers.

Speaker 8 (28:58):
We'd rather play team be right.

Speaker 7 (29:01):
It's one thing to say that, But are you so
confident that the Lakers outside of the Denver Nuggets are
the second best team in the Western Conference.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
I think they can beat anybody in the West and
Boston in the East. Yeah, to see they're beating Denver. Wow,
So I go strategy, Yeah, what tell me the career political?
Biden's doing this, Trump's doing that. Strategy and these are
guys running These are guys that's president former president. Like
the very top of any industry is employing strategy. Okay,

so my strategy is send out the boys, cross your
fingers against the Pelicans, and then we va push the
next two and face Okay, see.

Speaker 7 (29:39):
Okay, but you're talking about strategy that doesn't pivot on
one day, one event, one thing. You're talking about an
overall arcing thing where if you have an off day,
we can we can compensate, we can course correct.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
That doesn't sound this isn't this. That doesn't sound very courageous.

Speaker 7 (30:00):
Let's wait, wait a minute, that's not what a purposely
avoiding the Denver Nuggets is courageous.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
Yes, because win the last two.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Courage j Mac, after this, after this te where you
land you mean?

Speaker 5 (30:21):
Ye okay, I'm kind of with you in the strategy
idea of duets. By the way, in my life, Rick,
just remember Jamal Maurice had some shin splints. Those those
can flare up like this lengthy postseason.

Speaker 4 (30:36):
I would much rather face Denver than Conference in the
first round.

Speaker 3 (30:39):
Yeah right now, I don't want to.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
It's just like when I first went out with Anne,
I didn't deliver all my best lines in the first date.

Speaker 3 (30:47):
I saved stuff.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Now, I risked her not giving me a second date,
but I employed a strategy. I saved some AMMO for
the second third date, and then after three dates, she's like,
this guy's a winner.

Speaker 4 (30:59):
By the way, Remember last is good.

Speaker 7 (31:01):
It's just good to be this guy didn't meet Anne, right,
no chance, no chance she goes out with this guy.

Speaker 3 (31:08):
You have to employ strategy.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
Sons and Nuggets were tied to to last year.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
I don't even know that the Nuggets are definitely getting
by the Suns who are playing great down the stretch.

Speaker 8 (31:16):
Right, that's more like the j Max that I we got.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
To take a break. This is what we do. Uh,
we take breaks.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Uh. The fully Electric thanks Rick e qsid and for
mercedeation on a magnificent scale, available with the Epic fifty
six inch touch sensitive hyper screen. Learn more at MBUSA
dot com slash equs one more.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Heard the Herd streams twenty four hours a day, seven
days a week within the iHeartRadio app. Search Herd to
listen live or on demand whenever you like.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
H J Mack getting fired up, fired Up for the
NBA stuff.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
Over the weekend.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Yuger wasn't that harsh on Lebron. This time, he's known.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
As I don't think our a strategy. I just think
you employ strategy. Football the ultimate strategy sport. You do
it in baseball. I mean every batter in baseball.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
It is.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
In his prime, Clayton Kershaw had to have strategy when
he faced the top hitters. I don't think it's that
you say to yourself, well, you're tanking. No, the Lakers
won a game without a D and Lebron in Boston.
They can certainly beat the Pelicans, who they match up
well with. But I think if you're looking at the
option to play, I mean, the Colts lost games without
Peyton Manning that he could have played because they thought

the greater opportunity was Andrew Luck. So my take is,
I don't think it's O. You're not tanking a game.
You're saying, hey, AD's back. You saw the picture of Ad.
His back is shot, so let's give him extra arrest.
The Warriors just rested all their top starters for these games.

Speaker 5 (32:45):
You know it's going to be crazy. Let's say the
Lakers go through it and end up winning and play
the Nuggets. If the Warriors end up facing Okac and
winning that series, and the Lakers don't beat the Nuggets, Well,
we should have done that.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
OKC fans probably think we're anti thunder. I'm just pro
pro reality. Young teams struggle in the NBA playoffs. There's
a heightened sense of pressure. The referees swallow the whistle,
giving older, often stronger, veteran players a little more latitude.
You're gonna see veteran teams generally do well in the playoffs.

You get bigger, stronger guys. They manipulate the refs. They're
not anti Okac, but the Warriors are older, the Lakers
are older, the Bucks are older like those Boston, by
the way, is starting. You know, porzingis, Drew Holiday, Tatum
Brown been around a long time now. So you get
into these situations where Okac is bizarrely young. And if

he told me I had to bet on any of
these teams for ten years, I take okay See number one.

Speaker 3 (33:45):

Speaker 1 (33:45):
I think, by the way, they have Boston okay.

Speaker 4 (33:48):
See has fifteen first round picks in the next six years. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (33:51):

Speaker 3 (33:51):
This year's draft stinks, but.

Speaker 4 (33:52):
As a matter fifteen, you got a lot of bites
at the end.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Well, they're gonna be Yeah, they're they're gonna be their
pick is gonna be at the bottom of the first
round because they're gonna be really, really good.

Speaker 3 (34:01):
But they have other picks.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Yeah, But if you're telling me who would I bet
on for a decade a decade, I would take Boston
in the first half of that decade. Okay, see, in
the second half they got so But you're asking me
to think a team that says old as North Carolina
this year, that averages twenty two and a half against Man,
they will not get it.

Speaker 3 (34:21):
It has nothing to do with market size. They won't
get the with me.

Speaker 5 (34:23):
You can have Okay, see, I'll take one Ban Yama,
I'll take But did you see one Ben Yama Friday night?
Seventeen points in three minutes. I mean he will He's
a rookie like one. Ben Yama's insane.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
He really is, all right.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and Noone Eastern non am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app two.

Speaker 7 (34:47):
NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA Grape five.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
All happening in only one place this league, uncut the
new NBA podcast.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
With Me, Chris Haynes and me. Mark Stein join us.

Speaker 6 (35:03):
As we team up to expound on everything we're covering.
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 4 (35:08):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (35:11):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (35:16):
Saturday on Fox, a new arab begins for the reigning
national champion Michigan Wolverines with their annual Maze and Blue
Game as new head coach Sharon Moore looks to see
who will rise up to lead this year's team. The
Michigan Spring Game Saturday at noon Eastern on Fox do.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
Not have good vibes.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
They're losing maybe eighteen players to the NFL. That's a
lot at not Georgia. They don't recruit at Georgia's level.
They built up that team with upperclassmen.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
They all leave, they do they lost their old line.
It's not Georgia.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Or they just reload like this is Michigan's gonna be
pulled back a little very pro Michigan.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
It's gonna be Ohio State year. Got to come to
terms with it. J Mack with the News, No, no turn.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
On the news this is the herd Line News.

Speaker 5 (36:11):
We talked a little about receivers being divas earlier. Well,
Brandon Ayuk is pulling a classic diva negotiation move.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
He unfollowed the Niners on Instagram column yep.

Speaker 5 (36:20):
This comes after a report surfaced over the weekend Ayuk
was demanding a trade.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
His agent quickly shot that down.

Speaker 5 (36:26):
Ayuk, as we've talked about for months now, is heading
into the fifth year of his rookie deal. He's slated
to make fourteen mil of this offseason drafts. What twelve
that's well ten eleven, twelve days away? Are Yuk for
a first round pick? Where do I sign up for that?

Speaker 4 (36:42):
I'm sure San Francisco would love to move off this headache.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Yeah, and I think they can draft another wide receiver.
I think it's time. Where do you think the best
landing spots are? New England obviously is desperate for a
wide receiver. Carollina could use a wide receiver and they're
not either. One of those teams will be paying a quarterback.

Speaker 4 (37:02):
I'll say this in a whisper because they don't know
what's up with their number one. But uh, how about
the how about the Chiefs? What's going on with Raceive
Rice and Rice gets to spending for the season.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
I don't know, Well, you're paying Chris Jones, Travis Kelcey, Mahalmes.
It's interesting and I'll be honest, they've kind of missed
on some wide receivers in the draft, sky Moore or
not not. I mean they haven't missed defensively, they but
offensively wide receiver's hard.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
M so many of them.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Well and there it's wide receivers talk. You get a
lot of drama, you get a little bit more ego,
you get some more immaturity wide receiver.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
I mean, Puka Nakua fifth round, who saw that coming?

Speaker 1 (37:44):
Hank Dell third, I think, yeah, I mean it's like
there's an argument, you know, first round, you're you're gassing up,
You're you're telling a guy you're the man. I could argue, second, third, fourth,
fifth round. Get a little more humble wide receiver in
a position that has had a lot of drama through
the year. Yeah, Cooper Cup was not like a first
round pick. One of the best receivers are not first

round guys.

Speaker 8 (38:07):
Let's go to the NBA.

Speaker 4 (38:08):
We haven't talked about the Milwaukee Bucks.

Speaker 5 (38:09):
They dropped a third in the East and they're set
to play the Pacers in the first round. According to
Shams Sharani, Yannis is rehabbing his calf injury daily, but
there's doubt for his status at the beginning of the series. Now,
I know people will scoff and say, oh, the Pacers
don't play defense, Colin, this is not a good matchup
for the Milwaukee Bucks. Well, Tyrese Haliburton is unguardable and

Milwaukee's backcourt doesn't defend to begin with Milwaukee, they struggled
against the Pacers this season.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Yeah, Also, Indiana's young, they're deep, they play fast, and
so calf injuries are weird. Yannis will absolutely miss Game
one and then probably will feel like he's ready to
go in Game two. But I mean, if you look
at if you look at the reality of the Bucks
Pacers series, it has been a lot of Indiana and there.

Speaker 5 (39:01):
Were some drama with at the end of one of
the games this year. Like, I don't think these teams
love each other. I'll just tell you right now, if
people don't know how good Haliburton is, they're gonna find
out if.

Speaker 4 (39:11):
He takes down Yannis. Here, I'm just telling you this
kid is awesome.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
Yeah you greatful you were on that two years ago.

Speaker 4 (39:15):
Or you're very very good player. I aoways say. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (39:18):
Final story, UFL's on side kick alternative. We talked about
it last week. It came through for the Brahmise. Happened
again this week after the DC Defenders used it to
their advantage in they comeback win.

Speaker 4 (39:30):
They scored converted.

Speaker 5 (39:32):
The two the defenders opted for the on side alternative
down twenty eight to twenty six, they converted it and
got the game winning field goal.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
So I'm sure people are gonna be like, this is crazy,
this is insane.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
Not the NFL is watching how this works. So the
NFL has been talking about altering their kickoff on side
kick for five years. Like the pat was a discussion
for years, then they implemented it and it hit. So
the catch rule they got pushback for years, then they
implemented it. So they have been talking about changing the

on side kick, which, by the way, ninety five percent
recovered by the kicking team. There's no drama in it.
They're gonna change it. They're gonna make alterations. They should
so what they'd like, what the NFL wants is fewer
on side kicks but recovered at about a thirty to
forty percent rate, so you can unbalance it. They'll allow

the kicking team to unbalance it. You have a man advantage, so.

Speaker 4 (40:30):
This is uh.

Speaker 5 (40:31):
You could go for fourth and twelve from your own
twenty eight instead of a kickoff more than twelve.

Speaker 4 (40:38):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (40:38):
I have no idea what the percentage chance of that is.
But Colin, I mean, if you've got a star quarterback
and you're down two touchdowns, I.

Speaker 4 (40:45):
Don't think you're sweating fourth and twelve.

Speaker 5 (40:47):
You've got a legit chance with Patrick Mahomes on a
fourth and twelve from your own twenty eight yard line.
By the way, pass interference is a real thing in
the NFL. Check you know, checking hope for the flag.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
I like this.

Speaker 5 (40:59):
It's spicy. Maybe a little too far for some traditionalists,
but I'm into it.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
Don'm jmak with the news.

Speaker 2 (41:06):
Well, that's the news, and thanks for stopping by the list.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
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Speaker 3 (41:31):
Next week NFL Draft Week. Baby, it's good time.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
Masters wrapped up. NBA playoffs playing starts tomorrow. Draft a
week away from Draft week.

Speaker 3 (41:43):
Hour three Next
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