All Episodes

April 17, 2024 31 mins

Colin believes it's time to officially call an end to the Warriors dynasty after they were eliminated from the play-in tournament and what this means for Steph Curry, who remains an elite player. He gives the truth about the Lakers who advanced into the playoffs to match up against the reigning champion Nuggets. Plus, Fox Sports NFL reporter Peter Schrager joins the show to give the latest insight on what QBs teams are targeting in next week's draft

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the Best of the Herd podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday on Fox
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Speaker 2 (00:19):
This is the Best of the Herd with Colin cowher
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Oh here we go.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
It's a lively Wednesday, live in Los Angeles.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
It's The Herd.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
How lucky your week, wherever you may be and however
you may be listening. Thanks for Magada's part of your day. Jmac.
The playoffs are here. No more slow days allowed.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
On this real estate.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Only vibrant, dynamic shows going forward.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
So I sat and.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Watched five and a half hours of NBA playing basketball
last night. It was fun, sad, melancholy for the Warriors. Great,
all good things come to an end. Trees don't grow
to the sky.

Speaker 4 (01:07):
Tough morning for Big Steph Curry Fans like me. No
NBA playoffs and he's got Draymond Green to blame.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Well, okay, sure you bet.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Third time five years the Warriors are out of the
playoffs twice. It's been playing games. You know, there's very
few true difference makers, outcome changers. They lead dynasties. Steph Curry,
Tom Brady. Do you remember that moment Tom Brady last

year in New England? He was on the bench imploring,
yelling at wide receivers. Can somebody please just get open?
It poured out Brady's frustration with Bill Belichick's inability to
draft and develop skill people. It was no coincidence that
Tom Brady left for Tampa. Mike Evans, Chris Godwin, an

offensive coach. That was Steph last night, the last champions
Klay Thompson, oh for ten, Andrew Wiggins hasn't been the
same player last couple of years. Chris Paul didn't show up,
Trace Jackson Davis had to be pulled from the floor.
Last guy along with Draymond with championship pedigree, feels like
he could be part of something special. That's it again,

Draymond Green. I'd keep, but Steph Curry needs somebody next
to him that can score twenty seven to twenty eight
points a night minimum. He's not going to get Luca.
We know that there are a handful of players that
aren't going to Jason Tatum's not going.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
To be a Warrior. We know that.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
I don't know where you go. Steph was efficient last
night forty three percent on threes. But Steph Curry last
night scored twenty two points. The rest of the starting
lineup for the Warriors scored twenty six points. It is
time for the big pivot. I'd keep Steph, I'd keep Pods,
the young kid, I'd keep Draymond, and I'd move everybody else.

They do not have a ton of assets. Here's what
I believe. You have to cross your fingers and root
for a couple of things, and they're very possible. The
Clippers unravel bit of a mess against the MAVs, get
beaten like five games. Paul George has a player option.
Paul George played at Fresno State, Californian, loves California. Bro

our flight come up north and then depending on how
the Lakers season goes, Lebron gets frustrated with d lo
I would make a call to Lebron. Lebron and it's
no secret is close with Draymond and the one player
he said he would always consider playing with without a doubt.
You could ask people close to Lebron. You may be

able to ask Lebron is Steph Curry. I'd call Lebron
player option, Paul George North. Those moves would allow you
to keep Moses Moody, Jonathan Kaminga, the young center from Indiana,
to keep those But last night, if you look at
the numbers, the Warriors starting five was outscored by the

Kings one oh four to forty eight. They don't have
a lot of assets. I'd keep two, maybe be three players.
I love the coach, Bob Meyers knew this is how
it was going to end. It was going to be sad,
it was gonna be bumpy. It was probably Klay Thompson's
last game as a Warrior, though Steve Kerr wants him.

And here's the coach after.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
We've been really blessed here with some amazing players, and
you know, multiple championships and finals appearances and the highest
of highs. And this is the flip side, this is life,
this is how it works. You don't you know, you
don't get to stay on top forever.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
Our guys have been fighting for so long.

Speaker 5 (04:53):
They're incredible competitors and warriors, and I couldn't be prouder
of them, But you know, we've got a an offseason
where we've got a lot to think about.

Speaker 6 (05:03):
For sure, the trio of Clay, Draymond and Steph just
isn't as dominant as it was now. They have to
get something out of Jonathan Kaminga, they have to get
something out of Moses Moody, and so they just are
not the same dominant level team, even though the names

are there and you on occasion they have that look,
it's not any one person's fault.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
It's father time, all right.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Meanwhile, the Lakers, so I'm one for one on my
bold five bold NBA playoff predictions. I said eventually the
Warriors would not get past the play in and the
Lakers would, and they did last night in a game
against the Pelicans. They're a better team than the Pelicans.
They've shown that the last couple of years. But it
was a game of runs, back and forth, wild runs.

The Lakers are a great doer die team, sudden death team,
gotta win ten night's game. They're a great team. Lebron
is twelve out of his last twelve twelve and oh
in his last twelve do or die games.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Game seven's playing games.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
He's three and oho in season tournament games twelve and
oh they are great. If the Lakers were a band,
they could rock you all night long. Once they are
not built for a world tour. There's no encore here.
Ad is a very old thirty one. You always cross
your fingers on his health and Lebron just old.

Speaker 3 (06:31):

Speaker 1 (06:31):
They're great playing with the kids, but they need a
nap every afternoon. You need sixteen wins to be an
NBA champion, and it probably would take the Lakers twenty five,
twenty six, twenty seven total games to get there. With
old Lebron and older than his age Ad, that's not
gonna happen. If you watch that game last night, Lebron

and Ad look cooked in the fourth quarter. In fact,
the Lakers got a big breakon Williamson. They could not
stop that freight train. He had forty points and then
walked off the court. I don't know what it is.
He was hurt, he didn't limp, he walked off. I
don't think. I don't think they win if Zion's days.
He was unstoppable last night. Championship teams almost always have

a star, a vibrant, dynamic star in their twenties. De
Loo can't trust him. Reeves, come on, Ruie nah. And
now they faced Denver, and Denver is big and they're
thick and they're physical, and the games in Denver will
be in high altitude. I think the Lakers match up

with Denver. I've said that all year. They match up
with him physically. But to beat him four times in
fifteen sixteen games, and then to go win sixteen total
games out of about twenty six it would take to
win a championship, I don't see it happening. Here's Lebron though,
Nuggets up next.

Speaker 7 (08:01):
MISSUS defendant champion. They know what it takes, they know
how to win. They've been extremely dominating their home floor
over the last few years. You know, they got an
MVP on their team, they got a closer in the team,
they got high level players, hi IQ players. They gotta
have able coach. So if we can play is as
the greatest game we can play, they gonna plays greatest
game they play. It's gonna come out in one or two possessions,

you know, and ACU excusing.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
Isn't basketball great when the games mean something? Warriors out
Lakers in fun last night, the playoffs officially underway, and again,
everybody loves grandpa playing with the kids, but about two
thirty he needs a gin and a nap. And I
don't think the Lakers can rack up sixteen wins to

win an NBA championship.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
What say you, j Mac? Yeah, let's not overreact to
one game.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
But yeah, it's gonna be a it's gonna be a tough,
tough go if they couldn't stop Zion?

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Was that the best games Zions ever had his best
big game as a play and it ended kind of Yeah,
like Zion's career basically, but he was a freight train.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
They couldn't stop him, unstoppable.

Speaker 4 (09:08):
I forgot to ask about that first segment.

Speaker 8 (09:11):
How did your guy, Chris Paul? Do I know you
champion that disc?

Speaker 3 (09:13):
I did champion that move? He looked a little Was
he on the court last night? Did he play a little?

Speaker 4 (09:19):
Dnple coaches decision? I didn't see him on the court. Oh,
he played eighteen minutes and did nothing?

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Come on, Colin, Well, he was brought in to me
the top of the second unit. It's again everything has
to be on Steph's timeline. I like Kaminga, but he's
not ready to be a big time player in the playoffs.
Good last night. It was good last night, Draymond last night.
But you're not going to get him on a consistent basis.
Steph needs twenty eight and a half points a night
next to him. So how do you get that? Is

it Carl Anthony Towns? I don't know who it is?
Is it Iannis?

Speaker 3 (09:49):

Speaker 1 (09:50):
If the Clippers unravel? Does Paul George want to be
part of this pretty easy sales job to get a
California kid up to a championship team that wins, that
wins regularly in maybe the greatest arena in the league.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
I thought maybe your buddy Darryl Morey from yesterday's show
would have said, we want Paul George this offseason because
they've got room.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
But he didn't want to go East.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
He he likes, he likes California and Fresno State. Guy
chose California.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Yeah, when he demanded out of Indiana, he said, I
want to go to LA They didn't happen. One final question,
I'm looking for Draymond's next podcast to drop. Will he
admit that he's the reason that the Warriors this season
tank to getting suspended?

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Well, actually Draymon. You can you could argue Draymon and
Klay Thompson were actually the reason the last thirty games
they were so good.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
Those guys played great basketball.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
Yeah, we're the only reason they're in the play and
is because Draymond suspended well for you know.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
In retrospect, it wasn't one of his great moments. Yeah,
he's going to be dropping that podcast later today.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
To hear that I'm the reason the season went sideways.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
I punched out Jordan Poole.

Speaker 4 (10:57):
I'm the reason the dynasty is well.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
He's also a reason they have a trophy room, a
substantial trophy room.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and neon eastern non am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Welcome back, It is great to have you in. Chris
Mannix on Peter Scheger today. I love once the playoffs start.
I love the NBA playoffs. So here, according to reporters,
one I know, the other two I trust, Don Van Notta,
Junior Seth Wickersham and Jeremy Fowler of ESPN are reporting
Arthur Blank, the owner of the Falcons, when he was

going to hire a coach, spoke twice with Robert Kraft,
bill Belichick's former boss, owner of the Patriots. They spoke twice,
and during those conversations, Kraft acknowledged he felt betrayed by Belichick.
At the end, they were not trying to sink him,
but they weren't gonna send him a lifeline and get

him hired. They were brutally candid about Bill Belichick. So,
first of all, Belichick ruled with an iron fist and
was never terribly collaborative. If you're seeking a great job
referral after twenty years of keeping your thumb on people,
good luck. It's the basic physics. For every action, there's

a reaction. Belichick was secretive, controlling, waved off the scouting
department last eight to nine drafts. That's why New England's
were so awful. There's a reason Brady's adored and Bills not.
He even alienated the greatest player in league history. So again,

you can lead in several different ways, but it will
not end well for people like the late Bobby Knight
or maybe Build Belichick. When you rule with an iron fist,
when you know being nice and collaborative isn't difficult, and
it never really goes out of style. And oh, by

the way players talk to players, they keep it real.
Coaches talked to coaches, owners also talked to owners. When
Bill was difficult with Craft, did he not have the
self awareness the wherewith all of think you know, this
could come back to bite me in the arse. Really, again,

being nice and a little cooperative is not that difficult,
never goes out of style. And again, look at the
Patriots last eight drafts. This is just my theory, but
the last eight New England drafts were inept embarrassing. And
yet Nick Cassario leaves New England, goes to Houston and
he's been unbelievable in personnel moves. How is that possible?

He was in New England because Bill waved him off
and wouldn't listen enough. So football is a team sport.
You know, Bill didn't ingratiate himself to the crafts enough,
Brady enough. At the end. He was a bit of
a tyrant. And even for Julius Caesar, you'll get stabbed
in the back at two bills. That's the way it works.

Did Bill Never when you lead and you have all
the power and you keep your thumb on people once
the winning drives up, don't be shocked if there's a
little resentment. I don't feel sorry for Belichick. Reap what
you sew.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and noon Easter not a Empacific.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
You don't want to talk about that. Aaron Rodgers podcast appearance.
The media gets so mad. I always find this funny.
Whenever Aaron does, like, you know, one of his conspiracy
theories things, the media gets frustrated.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
But you got to remember something.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Aaron is single, never married, no kids, doesn't connect with
his family. I've been told he since presidents back, He's
got nobody to call him out in his crap. I'm
not joking. He's got nobody to call him in his crap.
He's rich, single, never married, no kids. My wife would
call me out. I mean I'd get a phone call.
And just so that's the first thing. The second thing
is everybody your neighbor's got conspiracy theories. People always had them,

but the only people that knew were family members. You'd
have to hear them on Thanksgiving, your Christmas. Now you
have IG, you have Twitter, you have X, you have TikTok,
you have podcasts, so you hear everybody's conspiracy theories. So
the media is always banging on Aaron for his conspiracy theories.
And my take is, you do get your neighbors the
same guy. It used to be if you had a
conspiracy theory outside of family, maybe in the neighborhood, you'd

be like, yeah, Bob's a little crazy. He thinks he
thinks men didn't land in the moon. It was shot
in Hollywood. There'd always be that guy.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
But he didn't have a platform.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
He didn't have a platform. Now all the conspiracy people
have platforms. They've always existed. And by the way, there
are conspiracies that are true right there there.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
And I'm not a conspiracy theory guy.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
At all, but you know, there was the it was
a theory that cigarettes were really bad for you, and
all the executives for a year's new we found out
cigarettes are really bad for you. So there have been
a few that have been but you know, man didn't
land on the moon.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
That's cuckoo for Cocopuster.

Speaker 4 (16:08):
The root of this is not everybody should have a platform,
because now you're putting all this nonsense out there and
it's just cluttering the Internet, and you know what's gonna
right at the top.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
We usually CEOs, public officials don't go on platforms to
tell you conspiracy theories. You know, the president of American
Airlines probably going to stay off the Internet even if
he believes something. But Aaron's different. Again, never married, no kids,
nobody in a family to call him out.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
He's not a CEO. He's kind of a you know.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
I mean, he's got his money, and he's rich, and
he's single, and and so when he comes out, the
media is always like, this guy's crazy. You better be
comfortable with conspiracy theories because over half of America, or
roughly half, thinks the election was right.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
And that's that's the problem.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
You got carnival barkers like Elon Musk saying no said
twenty four to seven. And guess what they're signaling to
their tribe.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Hey, I really know the truth, Wollo. Conspiracy theories start
with this sentence. I do my own homework. Oh boy,
But I'm saying is this has existed my entire life.
Nobody had platforms.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
If you would have been a conspiracy theorist fifty years
ago and sent a letter to the local newspaper, they
wouldn't have published it in the letters to the editor.
They would have been like Bob Za Kook, throw it out.
Now he goes on TikTok or ig or his podcast
or up and says it twitter x whatever it's called,
and you have it. So the idea that Aaron is
in a small group of conspiracy theorists. It's an industry.

Conspiracy theorists are. This is an industry now that makes
lots of money.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
Can we just blame the Internet for all this?

Speaker 1 (17:42):

Speaker 3 (17:43):
I mean the Internet. It's like everything else. There's a
new I got paid thanks to the Internet with the website. Listen.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
It's there's a good and bad to everything, this idea.
There's a church in America does a lot of good things.
Church in America, Catholic Church.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
We've had scandals. There is no perfect place. Family. I
love my family.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
They also drive me nuts, right Like everybody says that
during the holidays. So you know, I mean, it's just
downside of the Internet is there's a lot of vile
stuff on there. There's terrible racism, there's trolling and just
awful to women. But there are amazing things happening that
I can literally go on Amazon yesterday and order four things.
I ordered a book, I ordered some stuff for my

espresso machine, and it's here, like I feel, swear to God,
it's here six hours later.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
But like when you're rooting for a team like the Jets,
I mean, I'll take Jared Goff at a heartbeat.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Let's just do that.

Speaker 4 (18:32):
Swallow right now, Rogers forgot please, Well God, I'm sure
God's not gonna say stupid stuff.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
This and whatever this is part green Bay is laughing
at all. There they are. They're getting a brief.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Green Bay is howling at this stuff. But that's you know,
you knew it. When you're a desperate franchise, you knew
this is what you were getting.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Boy, I guess super Bowl and it's all good.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Aeron. My original take was the media just attacks Aaron
when he does this. I look at it, this con
and I also look at it is this is your neighbor.
He just doesn't have a podcast. Half of this country
thinks the election rig I mean, you'd be amazed.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
And it's just not.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Crazy people, it's people you work with. Just most people
don't go online and talk about it. Are you trying
to signal to me people work with? Are you trying
to say something here. Where were you on January sixth?

Speaker 3 (19:24):
It's my birthday. I was home it is.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and Noone Eastern am Pacific Two.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA Grape.

Speaker 9 (19:37):
Five, all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with me, Chris Haynes and me
Mark Stein join us as we team up to expound
on everything we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 9 (19:56):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
He wrote the New York Times bestseller Adam the Blue
on the Giants. He's connected, he knows them. Fox Sports
NFL reporter Peter Schrager now joining us live. All right,
let's talk about this. You have the Giants moving up
to number four, h JJ McCarthy. That seems like it
feels so overdrafted. What do you do with Daniel Jones?

They need pieces, they need receivers. I don't like teams
like a New England Carolina Giants that need seven players.
To give up draft capital, but that signals something. Why
would they do that?

Speaker 8 (20:36):
Yeah, look, my mock draft's a little different than others.
It's not what I would do. It's what I'm hearing
around the league. And I know that the Giants have
done all the work and all the research on all
of these quarterbacks, extensive on the top guys. If they
weren't in the market for a quarterback, they wouldn't be
wasting their time traveling all across the country to meet
and take them out to dinner. The night before Easter,
the Giants flew out to ann Arbor and they took

out JJ McCarthy at Ruth Chris. There. They had a
great meeting. He has since met with them again. In
this case, Daniel Jones was not drafted by Joe Shane
was not drafted by Brian Dable. He was given eighty
million dollars by those guys. But that contract is also
written in such a way where they can get out
of it after two years. I was aggressive on this one.

I've got the Giants trading up two spots from six
to four to get JJ McCarthy, And one of the
reasons is you've got Minnesota, Denver Vegas three teams that
are eleven, twelve, thirteen. If the Giants are the suitors,
the Cardinals can jump back two spots and still get
one of those top wide receivers, whether it be Harrison

a Doonsday or Malik Neighbors out of LSU. If you
go all the way back to eleven, no matter what
Minnesota offers you, you're not getting one of those guys.
I wouldn't be shocked at all if Arizona States put
at four and just selects Marvin Harrison Junior and says,
we're good. This is our Larry Fitzgerald for the next
fifteen years. But their GM is quite a quite Let's

just say Manti asin Ford is never scared to make
a trade, and he grew up in the New England
situation there where they always like to trade back and
see if they can collect picks. They can collect picks
and still get one of the top wide receivers. JJ
McCarthy could be a giant.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
So everybody's got the Vikings going moving up. Your mock
draft is different. Again, you say it's based on what
you're hearing. I think I've called the Vikings a furnished
apartment for a quarterback. They got everything. You don't even
have to play for a year. So tell us what
you hear about the Vikings, because this is fascinating.

Speaker 8 (22:40):
This might be one of the best situations ever for
a rookie quarterback to go in. Yeah, you think about
Addison and Jefferson at receiver, really good offensive line, and
Kevin O'Connell who is a quarterback guru and a play caller.
The issue for me is, even if you give up
the eleven the twenty three future fund picks, and I

think the Vikings have more picks than anybody in like
the entire draft, even if you give all that up,
if you're moving up to two to three, to four
to five, those guys are gonna want your first round pick.
And back at eleven, you might miss out on some
key players, so you might miss out on Neighbors or
a Doneza or Joe Alt. But if you move back
to just a couple spots, whether it be with the

Giants or be with you know, whoever else wants to
trade up and offer stuff, you could still get one
of those guys. So I think Minnesota has made the
market aware that they are in the business of potentially
moving up to get one of these guys. And whether
that's with the four pick Arizona, the five pick the Chargers,

or the seven pick with the Titans, that would probably
be for McCarthy or May. But you better, you better
not have someone in front of you offer something similar
because those teams might want to deal with those teams
as well. It's almost like they're very vulnerable where they're
at right now because they've made it clear that quarterback
is of interest to them. And at twenty three, you're

not getting any of those top four guys. And unless
you package eleven twenty three and another first rounder and
maybe even another first rounder, those teams up at the
top four and five, they might not even want to
make a deal with you.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Yeah, you have bow knicks at twenty three, which is
I think. When I hear second round on bow knicks,
I think. And so much of this is crucial shrikes.
If you take out Andrew Luck, maybe a Caleb Williams,
maybe a John Elway, largely where you land matters, We'll
determine a lot of your success.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
I mean, c J.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
Stroud got the right coach, right coordinator, He's got a
great Pro Bowl left tackle, the right workable division, and
I love C. J. Stroud, but a lot of things
fell into place. My takeaway is bow Knicks sitting for
a year with sixty one college starts to Minnesota left
tackle back receivers, like I don't know, Kevin O'Connell. To me,
when I talk to guys in the league, they're like,

this guy's McVeigh. It's called Tam McVeigh.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
So I I don't know. I think bone. Okay, So
I want to go to this He's awesome, ye yeah,
go ahead, Yeah, it just real quick.

Speaker 8 (25:10):
He's awesome and is like he's a quarterback and NFL quarterback,
So there is no better place to go than a
guy who's gonna know all the stuff inside and out.
And you know, I think you let Kirk Cousins walk
out of that building. And as much as you and
I love Darnold, you better get one of these guys.
And if you don't, I think you better feel comfortable

with Nixon Pennox at twenty three.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Okay, Jaden Daniels, I'm told I was a week ago.
Commanders heavy lean to Jaden Daniels, what say you?

Speaker 3 (25:39):
What are you hearing?

Speaker 8 (25:41):
I think that's wise. Now this is cool. Last night
they had Michael Pennix, Jaden Daniels, Drake May, JJ McCarthy
all together and at Top Golf in DC. They all
played together and all the Washington brass was with us,
but all the quarterbacks outside of Kleb, the next five

guys or four guys, they were all there interacting. Everything
that I hear, it seems like two Washington goes Jaden Daniels.
And what's cool about Washington is it's not just your
typical head coach GM offensive quarter and making this pick.
Like Bob Myers, who's the old GM of the Warriors,
who I see on ESPN talking basketball, has had a

lot of say not only in how they do their draft,
but just you know, coaching hiring and GM hiring. And
then one of the cool hires is like Dave Gardy,
Who's a name who's not not a household name anywhere
outside of the league office, but Dave Guardy's been with
the league for multiple decades and is one of the
most trusted guys in the league office, basically runs their
entire salary cap and waiver wire system, and as a

mentor to everybody at the league. Dave Guardi was hired
by the Washington Commanders this week and has a role
with them. Different voices who have different backgrounds are going
to be involved in this decision. Whether you like that
or not. I think it's going to be a collected decision.
I think Jayden Daniels, as we're I think he is
the pick.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
So I theorized earlier Belichick was getting beat up today
on a story that was released that he was not
even in the top three in Atlanta, and then two
hours later a story is released that Bill's interested in
the Eagles, Cowboys, Giants. And my take was somebody on
Bill's side leaked it to defuse getting beat up all
day on shows and get you know, the narrative was
Bill's not even a candidate, and now all of a sudden,

I see still Bill still wants to be a candidate.
Sometimes a year away, you know, the NFL sort of
is very forgiving. You know, It's amazing what happens after
a couple of years. Do you think he'll ever get
a head coaching offer?

Speaker 8 (27:37):
Again, I think he's gonna get interviews. And I think
when you hear that, you know, Dallas obviously has a
long relationship with him, with Steven and Jerry Jones. And
then when you hear Philadelphia in the article that I
think Seth and Dan van Nada or Don Van Natda wrote,
I think they detailed that there was a conversation with
Howie Roseman. It wasn't for the job, but I just

checking in even that enough in the Philly market is
enough to like have this hovering above the team this season.
The three teams that we mentioned were Giants, Eagles, and
of course Dallas. All three of those teams are really
interesting with coaches in big years coming up, so I
think I'll get interviews. But I thought the article was
very well written, and as much as of a bizarre

situation it is that Belichick's not coaching. I think the
the stuff with the documentary and with the way their
offseason spending went, and now this like Robert Krafts had
an interesting offseason two and the way that the Patriots
fans are looking at him.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
Finally, we talked about, you know, Kevin O'Connell staying put
and getting bow Nicks. Later, I am fascinated, partly because
he's a friend and worked here with Sean Payton and Denver.
So you got Herbert's now got Harball, that's gonna work.
Andy Reid and Mahomes watch out. And then you got
you know, you got the Raiders and you got the Broncos.

Very close draft picks in division. What is your best hunch?
What do you hear on Sean Payton and what he's
gonna do, because I will say this, he knows this.
The first thing he did in Denver that old line
was significantly better last year PFF had at like seventh,
So we solved that. Now he's just gonna solve the
piece at quarterback. I don't see Sean as a patient

guy that's gonna wait until next year.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
What say you on that? What are you hearing?

Speaker 8 (29:24):
I don't think they have the draft ammo to move
up though, from twelve to the top four. So as
much as Sean might like those top four guys, he's
got to really look at Pennex, He's got to really
look at Nicks. I think he's really got to look
at Rattler, Spencer Rattler, who is probably a Day two
guy out of South Carolina, but he's that next group.
And then I would look at what veterans they could

still potentially acquire. You know, is Ryan Tannehill a guy
that you bring in. There is Zach Wilson, a guy
that you trade for. There has to be other options.
I think it's gonna be really hard for Sean to
move up from twelve to four. And it's not just
it's George Peyton as well the GM, but they're obviously interested.
Sean Payton in the quarterback position is uh. He knows

you got to have the right guy at the switch
and he had Breeze for so many years. But he
takes a lot of pride. Hey, he says, we won
with Teddy Bridgewater, we won with James Winston, we won
with Taysom Hill. I think Sean is pretty confident that
no matter who's that quarterback, he could still compete with
whoever they get at that position.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
Shrags full of information. Now you do seven round draft, right,
you do the whole thing, right I did.

Speaker 8 (30:29):
I used to do it, then I got tired and lazy,
and now I just kind of say I used to
do it, but I'm thinking I might want to do
it again. I've got some time in my hands in
the morning, so maybe I'll start cranking that out this week.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
Look a man, look at that work ethic Jmack that commitment.
Yeah right, you have some time in the mornings. I
wouldn't clog that up. I'd keep that open if.

Speaker 9 (30:48):
I was you.

Speaker 3 (30:49):
That's just my opinion. Okay, just keep it open, don't
don't no reason. I'll tell you what. I love the
area you live in. I'd stay out there too. That's
just my opinion. Anyway, Good Colin, you're the best. See you, buddy.
All right.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
Peter Schreeger, there's a beautiful neighborhood nor New York.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
No way, I'm leaving that neighborhood. Beautiful
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