All Episodes

April 18, 2024 31 mins

After the 76ers grabbed a win over the Heat to advance into the Eastern Conference playoffs, Colin explains what Philly needs in order to contend for a championship. He believes the Lakers are in position to land another superstar after the Hawks season came to an end against the Bulls. Plus, Colin shares his latest mock draft featuring a big trade for a NFC contender team to get their next quarterback

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the Best of the Herd podcast.
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Speaker 2 (00:19):
This is the Best of the Herd with Colin cowher
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
All Ride, Here We Go. It is a Thursday, live
in Los Angeles. It's the Herd wherever you may be
and however you may be listening. Thanks for megan us
part of your day. Michael Pennock stopping by University of
Washington quarterback gonna go in the first round of the draft.
We presume Mark Sanchez stops by. You got your tomorrow
headlines today because you're off for I don't even know

where you're going. You just going on big trip or something.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
No comment. Yeah, tomorrow's headlines today is going to be
kind of spicy.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Just pace yourself, be ready to break Buker in an
hour or so. It is great to be here. Oh
I should mention that yesterday we talked about it. Another
show in one hour from now. I'm gonna go to
my mock draft. Now, there's a lot of different ways
to do this. I can predict what teams are gonna do.
I can Here's what I would do. I've always said

if I didn't do this, my dream job would be
an NFL general manager. So I'm gonna tell you what
I would do with the picks if I was the guy.
And there is one trade, which is I think one
that everybody kind of sees coming around the corner. So
in one hour my mock draft, this is my this
is my I think I did one earlier. This is
my big one. Is what I would do, what I

think the team should do.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
We'll pick it apart in great detail. I can't wait
for that.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
All right. So Philadelphia is in the playoffs. That beat
Miami last night, But it was really what the playoffs
have been my entire life. That game, Miami led at
half Miami. It was leading big chunks of the game,
third quarter, and then the game, and these two teams,
Miami and the Miami in Philadelphia played very close games,

just like Denver and the Lakers play a lot of
close games. And then what did they do? It's not
about the revs. Not about the coaching. They got Mbad
the ball, the best player on the floor, took over
the game. He got the touches in the fourth quarter.
You're gonna see this in the Lakers Nuggets series. They'll
play close games. Miami and Philly play close games, and

Beidzo was the best player, and Lakers Nuggets play close games.
Jokich is the best player, and the Lakers and Nuggets.
You're gonna blame Darvin Ham. You're gonna blame the refs
in Los Angeles. No, Yokich, the world's best basketball player,
is gonna close the games out and dominate the last
eight minutes. In the eighties, the best players for a
long time were Bird and Magic. Ten years they got
to a combined ten finals. And then Michael Jordan showed up.

He was the best player six for six, And for
a time Shack was the best player in the NBA.
He got the three straight finals in four to five,
and then for a while there was an argument Tim
Duncan was the best player three titles five years. Oh,
fans loved to blame the referees. Oh, it's that in
game coaching nonsense. Lebron arrived best player in the World

eight straight finals, Stephan KD. The Warriors overlap Lebron, But
when Steph and Kate were there finals in fact, five
finals five years for the Warriors during their peak stretch
with Steph, KD and the like. It's not the refs.
Last night wasn't the refs wasn't officiating. The best players

in the world get to the finals a lot consecutively,
and my guess is Jokich is that next player. He's
better than Embiid. He is better, in my opinion, all
around than Luca or sga or or Jannis. He just
does more well. So last night was a prime example.
Eleven of US twenty three points and b did not

play great in the first half. Remember he's just getting
the win back to Cardio back. But here you went
to the fourth and Nick Nurse is like, let's get
the best player in this game the ball a lot.
It's not Bam, it's not Butler who's banged up, And
here was Nick Nurse after wasn't easy.

Speaker 4 (04:16):
I thought they certainly did a great job, built in
a huge scheme to make things difficult for him. But
he made some big plays. He hits a trail, three
throws a great pass to Kelly there to kind of
the basket that we really needed. I don't know how
many assists he had, but he probably had a good, good,
good number.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
Now, by the way, in the seventies, when I grew
up loving the NBA, you did not have a dominating
player as much as as you know, Like in the seventies,
it was a bunch of different teams went in a
bunch of different stuff, and you had like Milwaukee had
Lluell Cinder, but you had the Sonics and the Blazers
and the Sixers and this and that. And in the end,
when you generally get a dominating great player or two,

they're going to dominate these players and they're all going
to look like last night, Miami out plays him, Miami's
got a great coach, Miami leads at half, Miami's leading
in the third fourth quarter, feed him, beat the ball
eleven to twenty three. Lights out. All right, So Atlanta
Chicago played. Kobe White played one of his best games
as a pro. But the winner was not the Chicago Bulls. No,

it wasn't. The winner was the Lakers. Because officially de
Jonte Murray and Trey Young do not work together. That
didn't work two point guards who knew Atlanta is twenty
and thirty one. When do Jontay Murray and Trey Young
both play, they're actually better when just one of them plays.

And the Hawks are going to keep de jon Tay Murray.
Here's why they traded three first round picks for him,
so they want to keep him. And also, I would
make the argument you can get more on the market
for Trey Young. So the Lakers need a bucket getter
and a playmaker. As you know, Lebron's getting very old.
And they also have the best defensive player in my opinion,

in the NBA and Anthony Davis, so he can cover
for Trey Young's defensive deficiencies. Atlanta's going to keep de
Jontay Murray, who averages twenty three a game. But if
you look at the Jontay Murray's stat when Trey Young's
not around taking the ball, he averages close to twenty
five or twenty six points and his assists almost double.

So de Jontay Murray's going to go from twenty three
a game probably to twenty six to twenty seven a game.
They're going to funnel the offense around him. He's going
to go from like five assists to nine, ten assists
to eleven assists a game. He's going to be a
star in the league. And then Trey Young, they'll get
draft picks and players for him. They could use better defenders,
Lakers have them. So the Lakers have a lot of
things right. They have size, they have experience, they have

AD's defense. They what they don't have is a star
in their twenties. You know who does? Everybody in the West?
Dallas does, Phoenix does, Mini does, Okase does Ver does.
That's the one thing. The Lakers do not have an

ascending star in their twenties. They don't. Everybody in the
West does. All the good teams do, by the way,
the Warriors, Sacramento does, dearon Fox, Dallas and Luca, OKC, SGA,
Minnesota and Edwards. The Lakers don't they need one, So

they're gonna add Trey Young. I think he fits LA
Atlanta is gonna go with de Jontay Murray, who they
already gave up a basket full of picks to gat.
And it's very clear when Trey Young is not on
the floor with de Jontay Murray, his numbers are all
star level, he's gonna be twenty six, twenty seven, a
game nine ten to eleven assists Quinn Snyder after the

loss acknowledging wasn't our night.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
We didn't start well.

Speaker 4 (07:51):
So a lot of times when you clay catch up,
it takes a lot of energy, and it felt like
when we did cut the.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Lead at a certain point, we just ran out of gas.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
And you know, anyone dig down deep for you know,
a playoff game. But hats off to Chicago. They played well, yep,
and obviously not the result we wanted. Yep. So Kobe
White had Who's an interesting player, fun, fast, quick scores,
not a great defender. Not sure what to make of him.

But that game, really last night, that was about Atlanta
coming to terms with, Yeah, this thing doesn't work. Tryin
de Jean Dee Murray doesn't work. And the Lakers have
always done really well when they roll the dice. In
a twenty year old star, the history is that's this
town's built for stars. LA does stars right. Matt Stafford
has worked here, Mookie betts Otani, this has always been

a market. The coaches are stars. LA likes stars. Trey Young,
my guests coming to La now j Max not as
hot on this, but I know that Trey Young and
Lebron's camp are close. They like Lebron likes him, Lebron's
can't like him, and Lebron's not going anywhere.

Speaker 5 (09:04):
You think Lebron like the minus twenty seven last night
from Trey Young. He was a turnstile. They cannot guard
anybody in the pick and roll, took bad shots, had
more turnovers than baskets.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Yes, but we do know, we do know fit matters,
We do know that.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Okay, who are you giving up for Trey Young?

Speaker 1 (09:23):
Everybody except everybody except Lebron and Ad doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
I mean, it's too early on the show for me
to walk off the set right now. I'm not giving
up Austin Reeves under any circumstances.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
If you want to be a championship team, if you're
gonna die on this hill, I can't move off Austin Reeves.
You're an unseerious NBA team, Trey. That cannot be the
hill you die on. I'm not moving off Austin Reeves.
Austin Reeves would be an excellent complimentary player to Jontay Murray,

and they also need length and size and defense. Lakers
have plenty of that. They've got a lot of Jared
Vanderbilts on that roster. Take an expiring contract, you get
several first round picks. You've taken Austin Reeves. If you're
a championship team, that's not the hill you can die on.
You can die on the I'm not moving a D
a D best defensive player in the league. Lebron remains

a top ten offensive player. Trey Young, complete playmaker and
shot maker. So what the Lakers? The one thing the
Lakers don't have as a shot maker, I mean di'angelo,
Russell and Lebron. It's not good. And by the way,
here's the other thing. Remember what's gonna happen. Let's look
around corners here. Lakers are gonna get doused by Denver.
So Lebron got swept by Denver last year, probably gets

beaten five this year. So they've played him, you know,
eight or nine times, he's lost all but one. What
is Lebron gonna be seeking? He said, you know he
trust a d He's gonna be seeking his Jamal Murray.
It's like, we need a shop maker because you know
what's gonna happen in the series against Denver. D Loo's
not gonna be great, and Reeves will be limited because
Denver plays real defense and has the length again him.

So Dlo and Austin Reeves are not gonna crush it
against Denver, and Lebron's gonna be like I'm great, eighty
is great. We need another great. They're gonna go out
and get Trey Young, who, by the way, I like
Trey Young more than the market does. But there are
no perfect players. The ones that are near perfect. Lakers
aren't given up Ad Denver's not giving up Yokich, Dallas
hadn't given up Luca, Celtics aren't given up Tatum. So

you have to move into imperfect players, which is Trey Young,
who fit Lebron, great distributor, ady, great defender. So once
you get out of the top eight players in the league,
Minnesota's not given up band Enwards. So now I'm getting
players with holes. Trey Young is second level. He's the
next twelve. He's got a whole defense. Oh, we have
the best rim defender in the league. Oh well, sometimes

like he takes too many shots. Lebron will run the offense.
You can play some off ball, but he is once
you get past the eight guys that nobody's moving, you're
getting into players with is The question is how do
you hide their issues?

Speaker 5 (12:03):
So you open the show saying you want to be
an nflg That would be like your favorite job.

Speaker 1 (12:06):

Speaker 3 (12:07):
So you know we own the soccer team in Mexico.

Speaker 5 (12:09):
Yeah, and we were lasting the table last season, and
there were a couple guys in the locker like really
good players, but locker room.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Yeah, a little issues started. Some likes uff moved off
of them.

Speaker 5 (12:18):
We've moved way up in the standings. I want to
ask you what's going on in the locker room in
Atlanta with Trey Young Bears Colin. Since that win in
the playoffs over Joel and being the Sixers, things have
gone sideways and the teammates, very clearly from the body language,
don't love the way Trey Young plays.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Okay, so ask yourself this. Do two quarterbacks work in
the NFL? No? They don't even work really in college,
the guys getting drafted didn't share time Panagax and McCarthy. Well,
when you have two guys that have the ball to
Jontay Marie and Trey Young, you think it's gonna work
Atlanta's a flawed team. You get Trey out, de Jonte

numbers are we showed you the graft, They're gonna go
way up. Trey Young right now is trying to get
his and sharing kind of a position and the ball
with one guy won't Ad doesn't need the ball. Lebron's
a great passer. So this was never gonna de Jontay
Murray and Trey Young was never gonna work. By the way,
it's been remarkable that Kyrie and Luca have worked. By

the way. We tried James Harden and Chris Paul Dinmore.
James Harden Westbrook didn't work. James Harden, guys that have
the ball a lot, It's hard to get another guard
with him. That's why what Luca and Kyrie are doing
is really fantastic.

Speaker 5 (13:30):
So Loa's ball dominant. He there's no signs he's giving
up the ball. We watched that Pelicans game, fourth quarter.
He's won for eight jackins and bad balls.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
When Lebron's off the floor. Now the Lakers have no
playmakers of elite levels. Fair Young takes it over.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
Ball dominant, high school ball dominant.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Oak And as Lebron comes down to thirty minutes a
game which he wanted to two years ago. It's Trey's
offense when he's not trust me. Trey Young respects Lebron
his They're guys.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
This is a spicy topic.

Speaker 5 (14:02):
I'm very curious what the LA Laker fans think about
Trey If you watch that game in the season.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Hey, you're okay if you're a realistic fan. There's eight
to ten players. A D's one of them you're not getting.
Then there's the next twelve to fifteen of guys with
flaws that fit. What do you need? A shot maker
you're not getting Jalen Brunson. You're not getting those guys.
He's a top twelve, untouchable guy. All right, Jimmy Butler

his hurt again. So Trey Young is a flawed player
A he fits exactly what the Lakers need. He's not perfect.
He can be scattershot at times. He's not a perfect player.
And then what does Atlanta need to give to Jean
Taintburray the team because right now he's sharing it. It's
frustrating both players.

Speaker 5 (14:47):
Yeah, how's this Klay Thompson on the cheap or giving
up players and picks for Trey Young?

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Trey Young not even close. Trey Young's in his prime.
Trey Young is in his prime. I don't mind dying
on this hill. Tray Young is better. Trey Young is
going to work in Los Angeles with Lebron. I'll die
on that hill. Are we archiving this? This is being taped.
We Tray Young with a D and Lebron would be
a big hit. He'd be a twenty four and a

half to twenty six and a half point guy game.
Lebron wants to play last minutes eighty doesn't dominate the ball,
He'd be excellent. He's twenty six years old. He's got
like five to six peak years left.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
That's fair.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Klay Thompson is out of his peak and really expensive.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Does it need? The ball takes like five dribbles a game?
Just splash threes. You showed him Toots a game in April.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
For ten against Fair.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and neon eastern nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
You're now entering the No Bull Zone sponsored by Credible
Great Rates. None of the Ball all right, saw this story.
Bill Belichick is now going on a sympathy tour Bill
Belichick on Fairly Trade It in the Dynasty documentary Oh Boy,

Here's a story. According to ESPN reporter Don Van Nada,
Seth Wickersham, Jeremy Founder, the piece explains Bellichick and Jerry Jones,
the cowboy job is the one he wants. If he
took a job, it would be that one. Here's why
Bellachick and Jerry Jones are both in win now mode
and they're longtime friends. Secondly, Belichick told a friend that

he liked the idea of sticking it to the Crafts
by working for Jerry. So, first of all, Dallas is
not a good fit for Bill. First of all, part
of the success in New England was Brady consistently his
entire career taking pay cuts. Dak's not taking him, and
he is in fact overpaid. Brady was underpaid his entire

time in New England. Dak is overpaid. Secondly, according to
this story, this is just about screwing the Crafts, take
a job out of grievance. And the third thing is
Robert Kraft medled one time on Jimmy Garoppolo. It drove
Belichick nuts. Jerry Jones is listed as the Cowboys general

manager goes on radio and talks about it postgame, talks
about it not gonna work. So but the bigger picture
is I'm supposed to be sympathetic for Bill because he's
being picked on by the Crafts. Clearly, according to this story,

neither side is in love with the other. The relationship soured,
and I'm not taking sides. It clearly soured. But if
this is true, and I trust don Van, not a
Jeremy Fowler Wickersham, these people do reputable work for twenty
plus years, relationships not good. And as I've always said,

the winner writes the chapter, the final chapters, you know,
in the book, and the Crafts own the team and
they get to fire a coach, not vice versa. But
Belichick is not being unfairly picked on. Nobody picked on
Bobby Knight. Yeah, that kid's throat didn't run into his hand.
Bobby threw the chair. Nobody else, Nobody picked on Bobby.

Bobby's reality was created by Bobby, and so was Bill.
This new England roster, which next to Carolina, is the
biggest hot mess in the league, that's Bill's roster. He
took over the draft days seven years ago. And this
is what you have. No receivers, no speed, almost no
elite players. That's Bill's roster, so increasingly he wasn't collaborative.

He's clearly petty in a grudge holder seventy two years old,
couldn't get along with Peter King, wouldn't talk to him
seventeen years Peter King talks to everybody. So I know,
I know fake news, but you know, Bill's a bit
of a grudge holder. According to this, he has grievance.
Wasn't highly collaborative at the end. But I'm sorry. I

watched the documentary when players like Wes Welker came out
and said it was uncomfortable to watch the relationship between
Bill and Tom and that Tom Brady looked like an
abused dog. Multiple Patriot players set on camera. A lot
of people say things not on camera, set on camera. Yeah,
it was uncomfortable. It was like uncomfortable how the best

quarterback ever was treated. You want me to believe and
be sympathetic to Belichick, who I think was a great coach,
but his reputation is wholly earned and that's why he's
not getting jobs. You can rule with an iron fist
when you're winning, you lose the goat, Greg Popovich, Bill Belichick.
A lot of guys aren't gonna They're not gonna play nice.

They're not gonna play nice. No sympathy here. You earned
what you're getting.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd Weekdays
and Noone Easter nine am Pacific two.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA grape Fine.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me Mark
Stein join us as we team up to expound on
everything we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (20:29):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
So here we go. I'm gonna go one through twelve,
fire Away, the easiest slam dunk pick probably sent Andrew
Luck and Trevor Lawrence, Bears get Caleb Williams. The only
franchise that's never had a four thousand yard passer, which
doesn't even sound right. How many not have one four

thousand yard passer? All you know I need to know
about this kid. One hundred and twenty touchdowns and fourteen
picks in three years. He's a machine. He is the
closest thing to Mahomes. There's nothing I don't like about him.
He can sometimes lean into the spectacular. I don't care.
Bears could use some spectacular. Caleb goes one. I would

take Jaden Daniels if I was Washington. I think he
works with Cliff Kingsbury. It's a shaky O line, shaky
run game. He is an electric runner and a beautiful
downfield thrower. He's the only player in SEC history. Now
here's the other advantage. Drake May played in a lousy conference.
This kid played in the SEC and is the only
SEC quarterback to have forty plus touchdown passes and ten

plus rushing tds in a season. Cam Newton played in
this conference. Joe Burrow, Matt Stafford, the Mannings. This kid
is a very unique talent. I think he's gonna crush
it here. I worry about little Spindily, which he was bigger.
No perfect players, So I've gone back and forth on this.

I think I would go get Drake May. It's not
gonna be pretty. He'll probably sit until Thanksgiving. Behind Jacoby Brissett.
But they had the worst scoring offense in the league.
And do you want to go three and thirteen, three
and fourteen. I'd get Drake May there next year is
not a good quarterback draft. Also, he led the acc
in passing back to back years. I think you got

to get him in house. Worry about you can get
receiver second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth round. Also, when you're
at the top of rounds, you can move back in
any round and accumulate more picks. But there's not going
to be Drake May in the second, third, fourth, fifth
round or perhaps next year. So I'd get Drake May.
Inconsistency bothers me, but he does look like Justin Herbert.
He's a big, strong kid that moves. Let's take him.

I would take Marvin Harrison. Arizona's got picks. They've got
a great quarterback, a running back, guy like a tight end.
I like this would be the best since DeAndre Hopkins,
the best receiver since DeAndre Hopkins. I also seek think Harrison,
along with Randy Moss and Calvin Johnson, is the best
college receiver I've ever seen. I think he'll be a
star rookie of the year candidate year one. I mean

he's you know, he's not as fast as Randy Moss. Again,
they're no perfect players in the league, all right. Randy
bounced around a little. His temperament wasn't perfect for every
coach or every team. I think Harrison's amazing. I think.
I mean, I watched him. The minute he got hurt,
they were gonna beat Georgia. He got hurt won the
same team and they had CJ. Stroud. Okay, I just

think he says just I mean, Ohio State has all
five star receivers, and he stands out above all of them.
So when you can stand out above the rest of
those cats, you're pretty good. Okay, I'm gonna make my
one trade. I think the reason the Vikings got two
picks was to move up, and I think the Chargers
absolutely want to move down, but not too far down.

I have the Vikings coming up to five, the Chargers
going back to eleven, and I think they're gonna take
JJ McCarthy, who is moving into a furnished apartment the Vikings.
He doesn't have to play, he can sit behind Darnol.
They have the tall Sean McVay as a coach. Best
young left tackle in football, best receiver in football, Top

five running back, great number two receiver, top five or
six or seven tight end. I think they have a
good old line. It was like PFF Top twelve thirteen.
This is the furnished apartment in the NFL for a quarterback.
They got everything. You don't even have to play for
a year. I don't think JJ McCarthy has a big
time arm. I don't think he has a big time
NFL body does Kirk Cousins. You can win a lot

of games. And remember, because you get rid of Cousins salary,
you could add pieces, so you're gonna get basically, I
think kind of a Kirk Cousins level prospect better than
I think he's a better player than Kirk was, But
a Kirk Cousins without the salary you goin a lot
of games in this league doing that. The Giants, I think,

would love to have gotten a quarterback, but I don't
think they have the ability to move up and give
up draft capital. They need players, and they solve a
big issue. They get Molik Neighbors, the receiver from LSU.
LSU is a receiver factory. This kid is big time.
OBJ explosive. Listen, they need a lot of stuff. Now
with Saquon Barkley, it's gonna be bumpy. They're gonna be

back in the top five or six next year. But
this kid is like, jump off the TV fast. I
mean again, when you're at LSU and you're playing against
George's Bamas and all these SEC schools, and you turn
on a TV and it was this what I saw
with Jamar Chase, and you're like, who's that guy? When
you can stand out in the SEC, I mean Marvin
Harrison in the Big Ten outside of a Michigan, he's

gonna be better than everybody else. But this kid is special.
By the way, the Giants, I think we're ranked thirtieth
in yards after the catch, so they get no extra yards. Now,
you got rid of your star running back. You need
yards after the catch, and this is what he provides.
The Titans get Joe allt left tackle, worst offensive line

in the league. I don't know if Will Levis is
gonna work, but the only chance he's gonna work is
he's not on his back. So they're gonna get Joe Alt.
I think Joe Alts a very good prospect.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
He is not.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Trent Williams. He's not Jonathan Ogden. He's gonna make a
couple of Pro Bowls. He's very good. The people I
talked to in the league think he's the best left
tackle in a good class, but they don't think he
quite has the ceiling of others. But you got to
salt left tackle. I mean, if Will Levis is gonna work,
get got you got to give to get a fair shot.
You got to keep him up right.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
Uh Da.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Falcons go with Dallas Turner, who was the best edge
rusher in the SEC, and that's saying something. He was
the SEC Defensive Player of the Year. Bama does edge
rushers really well and receivers well. Listen, Saban loves him.
Great player. He's not gonna have his gloss numbers as
other weaker conferences. You got NFL offensive tackles in the SEC.

He's a really good player. Remember when Will Anderson came out,
people nitpicked. He's been a really good player. And I
love Atlanta's direction right now. The only thing they haven't
had a double digit sack guy since like Vic Beasley,
Atlanta didn't have a ton of needs. I think Atlanta's
going to win that division. And very quickly is going
to surprise people. I think the Bears are gonna go

get help on the edge with Jared Verse, who was
a monster. He had eighteen sacks the last couple of
years at Florida State. He's great, and maybe this is
a reach by five or six spots, but there's just
not The draft gives you two or three good edge
rushers every year, and he's one of them. I don't
buy they need another receiver. They got Keenan Allen, two
good tight ends, nice back DeAndre Swift, DJ Moore. They

don't need another receiver. They can get that in the third, fourth,
fifth Round's a great receiver draft. You're not gonna get
an edge rusher anywhere in the draft. If Dallas Turner's
gone like this kid Boxton played three or four times,
stands out on TV, jumps out on TV, big time player,
Montes Sweat. They got a great corner Jalen Johnson. Now
they have somebody to go with him. I think that's
the pick. So I'm the Jets. I'm gonna go with

the room Odonze. And here's why. He's very mature, ready
to play. You get no ego with the kid. He's
just a terrific player. I watched him play live. I
saw him play fifteen times. I just think he's a
grown up, good routes, a little Devonte Adams. When you
go to New York it's noisy. This kid is all football,

no nonsense, total grown up, wants to be a football player,
and I think with the Jets and their noise, he
could go into New York City. Garrett Wilson, you know
I'm not Mike Williams is talented but can't stay healthy.
Generally speaking, Aaron Rodgers Brady don't love young receivers. But
this kid is like an old twenty three. He's gonna

walk in be a really nice player, a real pro,
and that's what the Jets need. Chargers in that trade
with Minnesota. Now at eleven, get Taalasi Funaga. He is
the Oregon State right tackle. So they have Rashaun Slater
at left tackle. He's the best run blocker in the draft.

What does Jim Harbaugh want to create a more run
dominant Baltimore raven like offense to let Herbert throw on
play action? So this kid, I was told by somebody
in the NFL, you can almost not find a single
play from his college career where he didn't win on
run blocking assignments. He is the best run blocking tackle

probably since maybe a Tristan Wurfs who went to Tampa
and crushed it right. Tackle culture is everything to Harbaugh.
This kid is a maller. They'll have both tackles and
Justin Herbert, I think Denver and Sean Payton. I think

bow Knicks works for what they want to do. A
lot of underneath stuff, stay on script sixty one college
starts twenty two to five with Oregon. Is he going
to move around a lot? No, there is some Drew
Breeze qualities a lot of college starts. Highly productive, very coachable,

super accurate. Not going to run around though, like Gree's
early in his career. He can move. He is an
excellent decision maker who at Oregon mostly stayed on script
lower ceiling. But I think he works with Sean Payton.
I think what Sean wants to create is a ball
control offense. He souped up the offensive line last year.

He's got a running back he likes. I think bow
Knicks is a fit. JJ McCarthy don't love him. I
think he fits Minnesota. Bow Knicks fits little bit of
a reach. I've said before, I'm willing to reach. I'm
willing to do a little reaching
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