All Episodes

April 22, 2024 42 mins

Colin tells you why he was right about Damian Lillard and wrong about James Harden

The Patriots are willing to trade their number 3 pick in the NFL Draft


Guest: Colt McCoy

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Herd podcast. Be sure to
catch us live every weekday on Fox Sports Radio in
noon to three Eastern nine am to noon Pacific. Find
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
All right, here we go, hour two. It is a
Monday live in Los Angeles.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
It's the Herd.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
Wherever you may be and however you may be listening.
Thanks for making us part.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Of your day. It is great to be here. It
really is.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Draft begins Thursday, just like the young men who will
play in the NFL. I'm trying to get my abs tight.
I'm trying to get very prepared. This weekend, more than
any weekend, I'll be in front of a TV the
whole with joy.

Speaker 4 (00:54):

Speaker 3 (00:54):
This weekend I was for some basketball.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Next weekend is one of the veggout weekends, one of
the non football season bed out weekends, maybe the only
one where I sit. So I have to get up
early and work out because I'm gonna it's unhealthy to
just sit and eat all day, he says, who it's
so satisfied. FDA. All right, good to have you back.

We do it every day, at this time, every Monday,
at this time. Colin right or Colin was wrong, and
here we go.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Doesn't matter how well Lebron and ad play. They're not
beating Denver. They've lost nine straight because Denver starting five
is too good and too deep and too consistent. The
Nuggets beat the Lakers the same way every time they play.
They'll be spurts one, two or three, and Denver jet
fuels it for a ten to nothing run.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
And in the end of the game, Jokic is just better.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Plus, Lebron runs out of gas at this point in
his career, and when he does, he gets sloppy. Jokic
does not run out of gas. Denver's a better team.
And when I suggested they may want to duck the
Nuggets because of the repercussions if they get swept again,
that was on display where Colin was rough. It's not
that the Suns lost. They were three to zero against

the t Wolves in the regular season. They weren't even competitive.
It looked like they were poorly constructed. I mean, Booker
no showed what happened to beal the t Wolves top
to bottom, more physical defensive lapses. KD gave you points,
not much else. I said, I'll take Phoenix in this series,

but I mean, after watching that game, I don't know
if the Suns are constructed. It also illustrates the difference
between the regular season and the postseason because that was
a two hour and thirty minute.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Mismatch where Colin was right.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Dame time delivered.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
When the Bucks made that move, I said, I love
Drew Holliday, but it's the right move to make because
he is a Steph Curry level score from the perimeter
in Chris Middleton and Drew Holliday can't give you that.
I just wish the Bucks would let Dame set the
tempo more than they allow him to set the tempo.
Thirty five points by a little guy and a half

is remarkable, and this is what he create. I've said before,
take out Steph Curry. You've got one shot to win
a game in the NBA. I would choose Dame. I
think he's that good. I think he's a first ballot guy.
If Steph Curry did not exist, he would be the
great small scorer arguably in the last ten.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Years where Colin was raw.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Anthony Edwards, best player on the floor, took over things
for the Tea Wolves. I said Friday, I worry that
he's going to become Dominique Wilkins, dynamic, spectacular, but historically
overshadowed with all the great players around him and no titles.
But boy, he was something a lot of energy. We
know he's dynamic, we know he's hyper athletic, but verbal,

firing the crowd up, talking trash to KD, he looked
pretty good. You may have been the best player playing
basketball this weekend where Colin was right three excellent, steady.
ESPN reporters reported on Bill Belichick. What we said is
that we didn't think he was going to get a

head coaching job because his inability to work well with others.
And we find out that that was Atlanta's primary concern.
That Robert Kraft, although not bearing him, did talk to
Arthur Blank and say we didn't really trust him. He
was about Bill and doing what Bill wanted.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
He was not.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
We discover a top three candidate for the Atlanta Falcons job.
And again, no matter how great you are, you can
rule with an iron fist when you're winning, but when
you're losing, you look outdated and difficult and fair or not.
That's how Bill Belichick is perceived today by owners and

general managers.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Where Colin was raw.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
I never loved the James Harden move to the cliff,
but he does lubricate that offense. And one of the
reasons I was skeptical is this franchise needs to win
in the playoffs and he is really disappointing at times
in the playoffs. But he had twenty points in the
first half and Dallas had no answer. He was the
best player on a floor. He was four for six
from three, and I mean that move to get James

Harden felt like it paid off.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Yesterday he was magnificent.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Where Colin was right.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
In my five bold NBA predictions last week, I had
the Lakers in and the Warriors out in the play
in games. The Warriors are two steph reliant. I think
Pods and Coaminga are excellent young players, but they're not
ready to help you in April and May, and the
Warriors season ends after a brief play in experiment.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Where Colin was wrong.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
What's up with the Dodgers?

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Now we knew their bullpen wasn't their strength, but they're
three and seven in their last ten. They've lost series
to the Nats, the Padres, and the Mets. Home runs
no longer leading baseball run scored, no longer leading baseball.
It is a top heavy lineup. Dave Roberts is a
nice guy. Is he the guy to lead a star

filled roster? That's up for debate, But the Dodgers for
the last two weeks have been a major disappointment.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Where Colin was right, Caitlin.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Clark sold more Indiana Fever jerseys in one day than
the Dallas Cowboys sold last year for the entire team.
This is what I've said. It's no criticism of women's
college basketball. It will come back down to earth. She
is a Tiger Woods or an MJ for whatever reasons,
she galvanized the country. Every game after she played, would

lose forty to sixty percent of the ratings. Women's college
basketball is much better than it was years ago, and
it's a qual esport that's getting better. But these numbers,
these merchandise sales, I do believe she will finally make
the WNBA a profitable league, which to this point it

hasn't been nothing against women's basketball, and it was nothing
against golf. But when a Tiger Woods rolls in or
a Caitlin Clark, they change everything. Where Colin was right
set a year ago. Clippers need to move off Kawhi Leonard.
He's a great player, but they didn't play him against
Dallas and it was one of the clippers great playoff performances. Ever,

I don't think he's foundational. He's nonverbal. He's not a leader.
You don't quite know what you're gonna get him or
when you're gonna get him again. I'm not doubting he
could add him as some icing to a really good cake.
He can't be the cake, and he's out. Paul George Westbrook,
James harden Zubac look just fine hammering a very good

Dallas team. Where Colin's right, where Colin's wrong, plenty of
both on a Monday, and with that twelve years in
the NFL. Smart guy. I know he loves what he
saw at the Long Horn spring football game. Colt McCoy
is joining us. I watched a little bit of that
as well. Arch Manning lit it up. So let's start
with this. You've been in this situation. Here comes the draft.
If I could go to you and I could say,

you sit down with Jade and Daniels or Drake May
for an hour Colt, and you could just say, here's
two or three things your world is going to change.
What would be those things for these young quarterbacks who
are often going to bad teams, bad old lines, they
don't get they don't get Alabama talent or Michigan twent.
What would you tell these young quarterbacks one or two

things that you think could assist them.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
First of all, I think both those guys are good.
They're both extremely talented athletic. You know, Jade Daniels think
to the table that not many guys do. And you
know when you watch Drake you see a lot of
just big, strong, like country strong characteristics, can throw the
ball along ways. But you're right, they're going into situations

that are unique to them, are different. They're young, right,
and looking back, I would just say, just go in
and be yourself. This game has changed a bunch since
when I came in as a rookie.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Yeah right.

Speaker 5 (09:25):
Their offenses are going to be built around them, their
coaches are going to be all for them, and they
have elite traits that they're going to play for a
long time. So you know, I look at these top
three quarterbacks Caleb Jaden Drake like they're gonna be really
good players in this league, no question.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
The You know, it's funny about the draft the NBA.
The kids come in, they're young, so they're not impact players.
And in baseball, you get drafted in the first round,
you go to the miners. But you come out of
a Texas, Obama, Ohio State, Michigan, You've played with NFL guys,
You're ready to play. Is that a disadvantage? Do you
ever wish you Like Mahomes didn't play his first year

until week seventeen, Lamar got eleven games off in a
perfect world, do you believe you could actually learn more
not playing for a year and not taking those hits
and crushing your self esteem? Like what do you make
of most of these quarterbacks who are getting picked week one?
They could play against Mahomes? How tough is that?

Speaker 5 (10:29):
Yeah, it's tough. That's a great point. I mean, I
look back on micro I don't want to compare any
of them to myself because I think they're all extremely talented.
But I red shirted in college, Like I think that
was the best thing that ever happened to me. I
wasn't ready to play. I think a red shirt in
NFL is very similar. Why you look at Caleb though,
probably going to Chicago. Yeah, it seems they have a

pretty good team kind of built around him. It's almost
plug and play, and he'll he'll make some mistakes, right,
but he'll get the experience he needs and he'll play good.
You know, a couple of these other teams depending on
where they go, you know, having.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
All right, we lost Colet McCoy, probably have to dial
it back up. Yeah, it's generally, as you know, if
you draft somebody top ten, they have to play because
you're a bad football team. I mean, New England's a
prime example where the player that comes in is going
to be more talented than the current quarterback, Jacoby Brissett.

But do you want a rookie quarterback on his back
fourteen interceptions, sack thirty eight times, could get injured like
I don't now. Baltimore was different where you had a
nice cast around you and they were going to let
Joe Flacco the string play out, so it was.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
A definitive move.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
But like you know, I mean think about how good
Mahomes is, think about how great Mahomes is and how
great Brady become. They don't play him. The first year,
they largely don't play him. And so Andy Reid knew
watching practice Mahomes was better than Alex Smith. He knew
there was video that leaked very early in the room.
Everybody knew mahomes was better than Alex Smith. But Andy

Reid's like, no, I want him to get reps. I
want him to.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
See the speed.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
So let's bring Colt McCoy back in. So let's go
back to that. We know there was video that leaked
on Mahomes, we knew how Grady was. There was crazy
video at the Chiefs, and Andy Reid would not play him.
And so my takeaway is the smart offensive guys like
they get it. It's almost like when Jared Goff finally
got Sean McVay. Mcveigh's first thing was, we got to

go get Cooper Cup, we got to got Andrew Whitworth.
This is just not gonna work. You got to get
this guy more support. So my takeaway and all this
stuff is ideally, ideally you do not want to play him.
But I think in most instances you have to play him,
and almost as a rule, teams in the top five
or six as a rule, some have weapons, some have

run games, some have decent coaches, almost none have good
offensive lines. Almost never happens where Caleb Williams is going
to a top four offensive line. It doesn't work that
way because offensive lines are hard to build. There's very
few great ones. That's why Kirk Cousins and Brady, by
the way, when they could choose teams, what did Brady choose?

The guard center guard in Tampa were great. They needed
a right tackle and the draft had tackles, and Kirk
Cousin chose Atlanta great offensive line. That's why Jared Goff
got a bit of a betting when they got Pinay Seoul.
Detroit's got a great offensive line. Brock Perty's got a
great left tackle. So let's go try one more time
with Colt McCoy. Let's go back to Mahomes, who was

clearly cold, good enough to play, and Andy Reid didn't
play him.

Speaker 3 (13:42):
What do you think he learned sitting?

Speaker 5 (13:46):
I think you learned a ton.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
Yeah, it's just not gonna work.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
So I think that's kind of where we are with
all these guys. So Caleb's gonna have to play week one.
Jaden Daniels, if he goes too, is going to have
to play. I would not play Drake May or Jayden
Daniels in New England until Thanksgiving, and then as you
go down, bow Knicks has sixty one college starts. They
have a good old line in Denver. He's good enough
to play. Michael Pennix and Seattle could sit behind Geno

for a year if he goes there. He's probably good
enough to play. But I think sitting Michael Pennock's maybe
the best example of this. Gino Joe Flacco good enough
to win some games, you don't feel like there's much
of a runway, and then in the end you bring
in Lamar, you bring in Penix, and by Thanksgiving week
ten to eleven, then you insert him.

Speaker 3 (14:34):
So there you go. I where are you watching the draft?

Speaker 6 (14:37):
By the way, we're gonna get the schedule for the
men's league season debut, so there's a chance I'm gonna
have to watch it on my phone at the very beginning.
But obviously I will be watching the later round. That's
not the same the first round.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
It not the same.

Speaker 6 (14:53):
Well, you know, well, give him by Men's League game
to watch the first ten picks of the draft.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
Committed or not committed.

Speaker 7 (15:00):
Come one more Herd. The Herd streams twenty four hours
a day, seven days a week within the iHeartRadio app.
Search Herd to listen live or on demand whenever you like.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Springtime's the perfect time to give a fresh look to
your security system at home. Twenty percent off Simplysafcolin dot
com if you sign up for the fast Protect monitoring plan.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
Jmack with the news.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
No, no, no, heard on the news. This is the
Herd line News.

Speaker 6 (15:34):
So the late game last night in the NBA was
the top seeded OKC Thunder really struggling with the Zion
List Pelicans. Interesting game, low scoring, Oh my goodness, and
late in the game Sga, your guy showed why he
was an MVP finalist with two clutch buckets in the
final like sixty five seconds, including to go ahead with
thirty two seconds left. Thunder get the win. Chet Holmgren,

nice debut, big block laid that game. Man, it was awesome. Listen.
You know I love the NBA. I'm still a bit
of a doubter on OKC, but I was impressed last
night with this win. Sgaight was not great, had some
turnovers in the fourth, but then when it mattered, he
was clushed.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Yeah, I think you know, very rarely do you overlook
a really good NBA player because it's a star driven league.
But because of Wemby, nobody pays attention to chet Holmgren
because they're kind of have somewhat similar games. Chet Holmgren's
out of Gunzag have become a great player, like a
really really high end player. He got banged up his
first year, bigs can we kind of forget about him?

Here comes the Wemby hype train. Wemby delivers Who's gonna
win more games next five years? Okayc Stock with draft
picks already have an MVP level star. Chet holk is
gonna win ball games, win more games or playoff series.

Speaker 6 (16:48):
That's all I care about. He go have all the one.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
I mean, San Antonio is probably not a playoff team
next year.

Speaker 6 (16:52):
How easily got what they do in the offseason. They've
got to act now the.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Next five years, home Gren or Wemby more playoff?

Speaker 6 (16:59):
Right, you know who's making all what's an NBA commissioner name,
Adam Silver is probably making a call right now. He's first.
Lebron and Curry look like they're done in the league.
We need we ben Jab in the playoffs. I mean, seriously,
you got to have Limbian here. But as for OKC Colin,
I don't, I know. We'd like to get in the
weeds in the NFL. I did like what I saw
they They subbed off the kid Giddy and brought in

a defensive specialist who just locked up, and they had
two defenders like I like the strategy from OKC. We'll
see how far they can go. Is this a Western
Conference finals team this year?

Speaker 1 (17:32):
I didn't feel feel way too young, so I don't
think so. But it again, you and I love their future.
We just don't think the futures now. But they're really good.
I mean, they have two stars and a smart GM
and a bunch of draft picks. So it's like what
you're seeing here is not a mirage like this is.
They've got good players.

Speaker 6 (17:51):
There's some staying power here. Next up, back to the
NFL draft. Drake May, who's been just a heated topic
on this show, expected to be one of the top
picks in the draft. He could go high as number two,
and his head coach at North Carolina, Mac Brown spoke
so glowingly about Rickman.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
His mom and dad would let me out adopt him.
He is a great person. He's competitive. He's grown up
in an athletic family. He's the youngest of four, so
he's been beaten up. He had to fight to get
a chicken leg at the table, So he's so competitive
in everything he does. He's smart, he's got pride. What
he's got is the upside is unbelievable because he can

improve so much every year. And I don't think there's
any question. You got to get with the right team,
you got to have the right coaches. But he's a
guy that can win a Super Bowl at quarterback.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
You know what's interesting?

Speaker 1 (18:44):
So we got five first round courts, So let's just
we got Caleb and Jaden and Drake May and JJ McCarthy,
Bonox Penix.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
What does that six?

Speaker 1 (18:52):
One of them is going to be a bust. I
mean that said, that's not even a question. Two probably
will be so one will be a star, Two others
will be serviceable and may get an extension.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
And then three of those guys.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
Aren't gonna work, one immediately and two probably don't get
an extension. He's the one I struggle with because when
I watched Drake May, I've heard this whole thing about
having brothers and be competitive. It's a huge trait. It's
a great trait to have. He's also looks like Justin Herbert.
But then you watch his inconsistency, You watch even his

pro day, and you're like, man, the ACEC was a
horrible conference and he didn't light it up. Lamar lit
it up. Trevor Lawrence lit it up. So he's a
tough call for me. They're so every time I hear
these stories about him, they're true and they are great.
This whole thing about him. Get the youngest of four boys,
that is a great quality. You know, it's a genetic break.

Your parents had a lot of kids. You're the youngest.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
You're gonna get beat up by the boys. You're gonna
be a tough guy.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
You know.

Speaker 6 (19:56):
With some of these quarterbacks, you really got to read
a lot. And I think it was Burrow, but there's
been a bunch of them. If your dad was like
a coach, think about the dinner table, you know, like
I come home from kids, my kids come home from school,
where at dinner, we're talking about like some sports, but
a lot of other stuff, life, world, whatever. When your
dad is a coach and you're like a quarterback, all

you're talking about at the dinner table is for x's
and od's often, and like Joe Burrow's, whole family is athletes,
big time, high level athletes. Dad was a quarterback. I
think Drake May's the same situation where he's just been
all around football, really knows the sport, knows it well,
and I think people are missing on him. I think
I don't want to say he's gonna be a slam dunk,

but I'm extremely bullish on Drake May here heading into
the draft and his career. I'll be having.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Always say this, whoever goes to New England because of
their lack of talent has the hardest hill to climb
by far.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
I think Washington's gonna be fine, So do I.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
I think Washington's fine.

Speaker 6 (20:54):
When can we start getting off Drake May at two?
When do we move off that?

Speaker 4 (20:58):

Speaker 1 (20:59):
I started moving off it when sources that I trust
in the league told me that Cliff Kingsbury works really
well with Jaden Daniels prototypes. And then I had other
people say things like Jade and Daniels in a great
conference where he didn't have the best talent, put up
historically good numbers in the SEC, and Drake May was

consistent and the ACC was.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
A bad conference.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
So I just over time people telling me things and
you start inspecting it, and then all of a sudden,
I think to myself, well, Drake May falls to three.
Nobody can succeed in New England. They're just not They're
not built to. Lamar Jackson would have struggled in New
England as a rookie. You can't win with this lack
of power.

Speaker 6 (21:41):
So the Kingsbury things interesting. Tell me how many times
have we thought about a quarterback drafted top five we
said he's a great fit with that oc OC's move
on all the time. I don't think you draft saying
this is best Barrow offensive coordinator. Let's be honest. Kingsbury
could be out of there in two or three years.
Maybe he's a head coach somewhere, maybe he gets ousted.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
But it does help that you could have a would
start in a good fit early. Yeah, But like last year,
I don't think the Texan said we got to have him.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
C J.

Speaker 6 (22:04):
Stroud. He fixed with Bobby Slow.

Speaker 3 (22:06):
No, that's true, it's true. Yeah, it's good fun.

Speaker 6 (22:08):
I think you got to pick a better the quarterback
with the better traits and the more upside. Now that
is beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Final
story is the Birmingham Stallions kept their undefeated season alive.
Had a close one against the DC Defenders Saturday. Down
by one with a minute left, Matt Corrall, remember him,
Ole Miss Starr let his team down the field to
set up a game winning forty six yarder and sealed

the twenty to eighteen win. Stallions obviously one of the
better teams in the league, one of the last time
they long titles.

Speaker 3 (22:36):
Yeah, they don't lose much.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
Oh way, Matt Corrall, man, I thought he had a
shot in the NFL, and maybe he's showing out here.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Well, he's probably the most talented quarterback in the UFL.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
I would.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
I mean, I don't have every quarterback in front of me,
but he was. His last year at Old Miss was fantastic.
He put up huge numbers.

Speaker 6 (22:52):
He had an ankle injury in the bowl game.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
He's a little small, he's not kind of a tower.
I saw him play in a high school camp.

Speaker 6 (22:57):
And he has a strong.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
Arm for somebody his size, real kind of confident, cocky kid,
good arm.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
He was great in college in the SEC. He put
up huge numbers.

Speaker 6 (23:07):
Yeah, and he was I think like a third round
pick something like that, and it didn't pan down in
the NFL league.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
I honestly think when I watched this league, because I'll
bounce around on the weekend and see it, this league
is what the NFL. If the NFL wants to get
out of quarterback busts, it's bad for the league. You
draft high, have a bust. This is the developmental league,
not college football. The developmental league for quarterbacks should be

the UFL. I would strike a deal if I was
Goodell with the UFL and say that teams can carry
quarterbacks from the UFL. It's not on your payer the NFL.
The league will somehow pay for it. But you can
carry a third quarterback and he can play in this league,
and there's some contractual stipulation where I mean, because you
don't need him it's the off season. But to me,

this is a The quality of offensive football is pretty
good in this league.

Speaker 6 (24:00):
Yeah, the college coaches have no incentive to set quarterbacks
in the NFL. I gotta win games, keep my job,
try keep the money flowing. But you're right, this league
could set up as a G League type deal and
NG league.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
That's televised, where NFL teams would not be punished for keeping.
You could have the right if all these teams in
the UFL kept like a third quarterback and the league
NFL paid for it. The NFL says won't pay for
the third quarterbacks they're under contract with NFL teams.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
I don't know how it would.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
Work, but to me, if you want to avoid you
try to find weaknesses of the league. The NFL's weakness
is the preseason's awful. It's awful. Get rid of it.
Second thing is the quarterback play when you go to
backups is not good. How do you get these guys
more real games the UFL.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Some teams would prefer not having to call up Joe
Flacco who's on his sofa in the suburbs with his kids,
and have a guy ready made, knows the system, who
had been with like the the you know, the under league,
and is ready to come in and help. I think
that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
Jmack with the news.

Speaker 7 (25:06):
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by the
herd Line news.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
So I'm watching Dallas. They had thirty points at half.
It was just awful.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
And I think Dallas is eventually going to get it
right and this is going to go six or seven
games against the Clippers. But the regular season, as I
said earlier, is so uninspiring. Load management teams tanking that
if you go on the road for a playoff basketball
game and aren't ready to compete, this is what it
looks like.

Speaker 3 (25:29):

Speaker 1 (25:30):
So Phoenix not ready to compete on the road, Dallas
not ready to compete on the road. And I think
this is the reality of the NBA. Whereas in hockey,
is a hockey player when you have your line.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
And you go on the ice.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
You have to be ready to play college football, NFL,
you gotta be ready to play. In baseball, guys are
ready to play because no pitcher or batter wants to
get embarrassed. Those are real abs. Doesn't matter if you're
in the race or out of the race. There's bonuses
tied to them. But in the NBA regular season, the
Milwaukee Bucks yesterday on their social media team literally put
it in their site. Hey, the season nobody cares about's

over now, it's the playoffs, and that's an NBA team.
So I think Phoenix, Dallas, and Philly, you gotta be
very careful.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
They went zero for three this weekend.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
And who are the hot teams at the end of
the regular season, Philly, Dallas, and Phoenix. And we kept
hammering on this late season NBA winning streaks. Shame on me.
Don't pay attention to them. You're beating tanking teams and
good teams, resting starters. So my hunch is of Dallas,

of all the teams that got worked, I think Dallas
is gonna be fine.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
I do think Dallas is gonna be fine.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
But Paul George, James, Harden, Westbrook, Kawhi is gonna play
games not easy. Here was Kyrie from the losing MAVs
on the message he got from Game one.

Speaker 8 (26:58):
But it really centered around the the foundational point of
talking about physicality. In this being the playoffs, a lot
of guys aren't used to being here. A few young
guys aren't used to being here, so they don't know
what they can get away with and what the rest
are going to call. So I think this was a
great first test for us, and we obviously failed and
we came out with the loss. But I think there

are some things we can take into game two as
strengths that we can continue to push forward and utilize.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
My guess is, Dallas, you know we have this rule
Jmac on this show, teams that are humiliated but talented
almost always come back. So Dallas will win. I don't
know if Phoenix will win Game two, and I don't
know if Philly will. Dallas will win Game two against
the Clipper. That was when you have thirty at half

with Luke and Kyrie, but they're third best players PJ. Washington,
So they're a lobsided roster, whereas the Clippers have limitations,
but they're not lobsided. Westbrook can score, harden Man, Kawhi, Paul,
George Zubach. You have six guys that can score. This
is basically a two headed monster.

Speaker 3 (28:06):

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Washington, your third best player. But when you have a
mediocre pair of stars defensively, and Luca's been average defensively
better this year, Kyrie's bad, you have to create a
roster which protects your stars. So Dallas has dudes on
this roster that can't shoot. I mean, they're just it's
a lobsided roster with two magnificent offensive stars and then

guys that just fill space and can't score.

Speaker 6 (28:29):
I think you're right. I think Dallas bounces back. I'll
say this. We talked about the embat situation. Let's say
Dallas goes down two. Then you've got to start to
seriously wonder, like, all right, Kyrie's been a good soldier
for a long time. O two. Looking at another early
playoff exit. Where's Kyrie Irving playing next season? Is he
gonna be like a good run get me out of here.
I don't know what's gonna Mark porzingis Brunson and Kyrie

and if none of them worked well, brunts at work,
but they screwed it up, you just you some stuff's
gonna happen in these playoffs. It's gonna map simply impact
this offseason. Colin. I like the Luca Kyrie combo. They
better not lose Game two. Can't go down oh two
because once Kawai coming back, do we know he hasn't
had contact yet and any practices he comes back in

the series, it's trouble. Ma's better not lose this, not
just for my bank account, but you know, for Luca
and Kyrie's future in Dallas.

Speaker 3 (29:20):
There's always that point. Live in La it's the Herd.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and noon Eastern non am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio App.

Speaker 9 (29:33):
Hey, what's up everybody? It's me three time pro bowler
Levararrington and I couldn't be more excited to announce a
podcast called Up on Game?

Speaker 3 (29:41):
What is Up on Game?

Speaker 9 (29:42):
You asked, along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris,
you can only name a show with that type of
talent on it. Up on Game We're going to be
sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with Me leabar Rrington, TJ. Houschman Zada,

and Plexico Birds on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or
wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 6 (30:14):
Tonight on FS one, it's an Al Central showdown as
the White Sox take on the Twins. That all begins
tonight at seventies turn on FS one.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
All right, So, Diana Russini is reporting the Patriots now
GM Elliott Wolf and the president Jonathan Craft are heavily
involved in the decision making. The Patriots are taking calls
with a number three spot to move down. I don't
think it's a terrible decision. They're not a quarterback away,

they're a roster away. I don't even know if Mahomes
could win seven games with this roster out. I mean
take Carolina as an example. Let's draft a young quarterback
and give him no help. It was a disaster. New
England's roster is equally thanks to Belichick basically taking over
the draft seven year years ago. They just haven't hit

on any offensive players. So if New England moves down
the obviously the Patriots can load up on a roster.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
But it's just you're not.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
I mean, the Bears and the Commanders with a Caleb
and of Jaden Daniels or Drake May could be very
competitive and very compelling. Patriots don't have a number one receiver,
arguably don't have a two, don't have a number one
tight end. The average the old line is average. You
have a rookie defensive coach in a division with Tua,
Josh Allen and Aaron Rodgers. That is last place that's

got five wins all over it. So my takeaway is,
whoever you get next year in the draft, be it
a free agent or a college quarterback, has a much
greater chance to succeed than who Even if this quarterback
is more talented, you could get a slightly less downed
quarterback next year and he could succeed because he has
a real roster. So the winner here New England would

like to move down. So now then it gets really
interesting because I believe the Giants. This is my take
is that Brian Dabole looks at Drake May and sees
a little bit of Josh Allen. He doesn't see that
with JJ McCarthy. But when you're looking at Drake May,
Drake May six four and a half to twenty five,

he's got a big arm. He needs refinement, he needs
to be uh sand papered. Well that's Josh Allen. So
I can see if this is true that the Patriots
now are taking calls and want to move down.

Speaker 3 (32:32):
I'm the New York Giants.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Now, the Giants could be said, now if I'm the
New York Giants, I'm like, well, we need players. Okay,
I'm not going to get the fourth best quarterback in
this draft Jj McCarthy, but I'd move up to get
maybe the Giants seed Drake May as the second most
talented quarterback. That's different because Caleb's number one, and then

Drake May and Jaden there's an argument you can have
whoever you like is too. The Giants would move up
for a two. They're not gonna move up for the fourth.
They were not gonna, you know, bump up and say, Arizona,
you move down a slot to get a quarterback. But
I could see Brian Dabole. This is why I think
Washington's drafting Jaden Daniels, because he's had several quarterbacks in

college and the pros like Jaden Daniels and has succeeded
with them. Of any of these quarterbacks in the draft,
the one guy that's got a little bit of Josh Allen,
big moves well, nice arm, but kind of inconsistent in
an average conference, well that's Josh Allen. Now, I think
Josh is more talented than Drake May. But I could

see Brian Dables saying, Okay, I'll move up for him.
I'm not moving up for JJ McCarthy because I was
told the Giants. I was told this two weeks ago
by somebody around the Giants. It was a very circumstantial draft.
They were just gonna let it play out. They were
kind of let it play out. We're not gonna go.
But that was with the understanding the first three teams
were taking quarterbacks. So the circumstances now potentially changed. So

put up that draft board again, Jmac, which team do
you think we'll move into that number three spot? So
Chargers don't need it, and neither does Arizona. Okay, So
to me, Titans are gonna give Will Levis a shot.
It won't be Atlanta or Chicago or the Jets.

Speaker 6 (34:21):
Well, who's Washington taking it too? Because I'm not trading
up for Jayden Daniels and I'm not trading up for
JJ McCarthy. I would trade up for drink mak. So
if Washington goes Jayden, then yeah, I think the Patriots
have something to work with there, probably that now.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
But Giants.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
I can't sit around and wait, like I'm saying right now,
if this is true, you can't sit around if you're
the Giants today, if you read this, I think this
is New England letting it out, Diana, get it out there,
and it's telling the Giants we're not waiting around.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
You want him now.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
Because if I'm the Giants, if I sit around and go, h,
we'll see, well, then somebody else moves up to.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
Three, and who else is jumping up? Who else is
giving up?

Speaker 1 (34:56):
What I'm saying is there are teams here. I mean,
I think we we all know Minnesota has two first
round picks. The Giants don't. So Minnesota at eleven would
move up.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
I see that.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
So if you're you're the Giants, you can pretend that
Daniel Jones works without Sakuon Barkley. You can pretend that,
and then the adults in the room know it won't.
So the Giants are sitting there looking, going, Okay, Minnesota's
got two first we don't we better be damn aggressive.
The Raiders and the Broncos could move up. I don't
think they will because I think I think Denver wants
bo Nicks. But all along, Okay, let's say let's say

you run the New York Giants. You are the Giants GM.

Speaker 6 (35:34):
Let me run the Jets.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Okay, you're the Giants, GM. You read this story. What
is the first thing you do and you're not sold on?
Daniel Jones, the owner, by the way, has come out
and say, well, if the guys love a quarterback, they
can go.

Speaker 6 (35:46):
Let's work in reverse. Day Bowl and the GM were
both in Buffalo. They loved Josh Allen. He fit everything
they wanted to do. It was a home run.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Washington takes Jade and Daniels.

Speaker 6 (35:57):
So if day Bowl and the GM say Drake May,
as I were Josh Allen, he is exactly what I want.
He's the prototype. Let's go get him, then you go
get him. Right, It's that easy. It really depends on
how these guys rank and value the quarterbacks like I
don't do they love Drake May the way I do.
I like Drake May a lot. I think way too
many people are overreacting to I'm not putting you in

this bucket. But just like silly Season, people of Drake
May was number two behind Caleb for over a year, Colin,
and now as we get close to the draft, suddenly
it's Jayden Daniels as the guy. What have we see?
What's changed? I just I don't know. I'm just not
buying it.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Yeah, well, this is getting leaked because somebody wants it leaked. Right,
New England wants to move the pick. They would not
leak this if they want him to stay put.

Speaker 6 (36:44):
But are they leaking him because nobody's calling them.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
And nobody What they're doing is, uh, we're starting. We're
gonna create the inertia. Okay, we're gonna move this pick.
We're not waiting for you to call us with eight
minutes left, So we're gonna put it out there and
give us t give us a tarmac to create multiple
teams that the teams that need quarterbacks are all right

now talking about this.

Speaker 6 (37:08):
So so if I'm Minnesota, I'm not overpaying now why
would you overpay now?

Speaker 3 (37:13):

Speaker 1 (37:14):
So I'm so by the way, I'm Minnesota is a
great example. So Minnesota is the team that we acknowledge.
That's a furnished apartment. You don't even have to start.
You can sit behind Darnold left tackle, elite two receiver,
star receiver, star tight end, starbacks, start at great coach,
you don't even have to start. Minnesota is the best
landing spot for any of these quarterbacks. So Minnesota is

sitting there at eleven with two first round picks. Minnesota
may have thought, listen, if the Bears, Commanders and Patriots
are taking a quarterback, we're not going to give up
two first for JJ McCarthy. But now Minnesota is thinking, oh,
I get the third quarterback. We love Drake May, and

our intel tells us the Commanders are taking ja. That's
a different discussion because you and I both acknowledge the
bigger guy is Drake May. The higher ceiling is Drake May.
Drake May has had advantages that JJ McCarthy's been protected
in college. In high school, he played for a powerhouse.
In college, he played for a power Drake May's gotten

the you know what kicked out of him at home
with his brothers and in college football. That's historically a
huge advantage going into the NFL.

Speaker 6 (38:26):
So let me ask who has more upside for you.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
By the way, Josh McCown, the Vikings quarterback coach, was
Drake May's high school coach. Minnesota's quarterback coach was Drake
May's high school coach. So I think Minnesota is looking
at that three spot and then thinking, we don't want
to move up for the four, but I'll move up
for Drake May, who we have is the two that's

a different I think the Giants and the Vikings if
Jade and I'm telling you, a lot of people think
Washington is taking Jaden because of Cliff's history with mobile
running quarterbacks.

Speaker 6 (39:01):
So if you're the Vikings and you know this your
house shopping colin, Okay, they're offering this, I'm gonna come
in here. Are we bidding against anyone else? Does anyone
else want this?

Speaker 1 (39:12):
I think the Giants in Minnesota are the two bisiness
so the Patriots.

Speaker 6 (39:15):
If they can get a bidding more going, then yes
things are great. But what do the Giants have to offer?
The Minnesota's got two ones now, Giants would have to
give up a one now and a one next year.
I think you got to take the Vikings deal.

Speaker 3 (39:26):
Well, if you don't have a quarterback, you do what
you gotta do.

Speaker 6 (39:30):
Vikings don't have much of a roster. I think, sorry,
giants don't have much.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
I think the winner in this story is New England.
Maybe they're gonna rebuild their roster. The second winner is
the Vikings. They now are potentially in the derby the
Minnesota Vikings for who they perceive as the second best
quarterback in the draft instead of the Chargers where they
would have to move up for probably the fourth most
talented guy. That's a completely different argument.

Speaker 6 (39:55):
Oh, by the way, Patriots, you want to be the
one who passed on Drake May when he's doing By
the way, justin Herbert things, we.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Do have a history in this draft with punishing college
quarterbacks who are gifted but a little unfinished. Mahomes didn't
win in college. Josh Allen didn't win a lot in college.
They weren't finished products. We tend to like, Oh, he
has great stats, Jaden and Caleb Drake May is an

unfinished talented prospect. Mahomes was, Josh Allen was, and they fall,
and they fall. We we's much easier to go well
to Jayden Daniels had forty touchdowns in ten runs, so
he's totally well TELSU.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
So I'm saying is we have a history in this
league Jordan Love.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
Jordan Love was unpolished Green Bays like, we're gonna sit
him for three years. So think about those quarterbacks in
this league that were unbelievably gifted but raw and mistake prone.
Drake May, Jordan Love, Mahomes and Josh Allen coming around
on Drake mayn now know I'm saying is there is
a and I think Minnesota says, well, we're order aback.
Coach coached him in high school. He's like, the guy's

a beast. He just didn't he didn't have the experience.

Speaker 6 (41:05):
So with one of the first times I went to
the combine back when I had the website, the one
that somebody smart told me, it's not what you are,
it's what you can be, right, I don't care. Did
Jamee Daniels put up massive numbers and you did have
the info last week about quarterbacks with the big stats
versus quarterbacks with no college ats. I get that, but
it's what you can be. And I think Drake May
has better traits size. Here would be my fa.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
There is a history right now in the league. Lamar
Jackson came out of college a little raw, Jordan Love
a little raw, Mahomes a little raw, Josh Allen a
little raw, Drake May a little raw. It's harder to
get a unity in the draft room when he had
a really bad year. So we got a history about

five of the best quarterbacks in this league.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
Is a little choppy there. Last year in college Rock
Party little.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
Raw, how about a little rock, purty little Hater?

Speaker 3 (42:00):
Alright Hour three and Monday Live in La coming up
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