All Episodes

April 25, 2024 60 mins

#293: Skeery's heading to Spain and Amsterdam for vacation and fails Brody's pop quiz on geography; Brody made an appearance at a podcast seminar and nobody recognized him; Skeery dropped the "C" bomb at a bar after a random woman put her hand in his face; Brody thought he was getting free bagels shipped to him from a famous bagel shop in Montreal

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boys, Start Up,
Brooklyn Boys, start up Up, dot Up. They making noise,
dot Up, start.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Up Up, Dada, dot Up.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Episode two ninety three. It's the Brooklyn Boys podcast. What's good?
Hey Gary?

Speaker 3 (00:23):
And he's brody, thank you?

Speaker 1 (00:26):
And uh, I'm happy. It's a sunny day here in
New York City. It's beautiful. We're recording this.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
It's sunny, but it's also windy and cold.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Yeah, but you know what, it's gonna be eighty degrees
on Monday around this these parts.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
And and oh that'd be nice to me. You won't
be here, Yeah, I won't.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
And in fact, it's gonna be warmer here than it
is gonna be where I'm going because I'm leaving for
vacation tomorrow and I'm headed to Marbella, Spain, which is
the south of Spain. You know, it's the.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Less cities you're going to explore.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
It's one of the cities. Yeah, And I could say this,
it's a uh, you know, we know, you know a Beiza.
You've heard of a Beza, You've heard of Majorca. This
is the least known of the three.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
And I'm like, yeah, I'm with the ABC islands. Everyone
knows a Aruba and yeah, the Bahamas and all that stuff. Yes,
so it's crazy. This is not the Okay, it's not
part of the ABC Islands. No, Bahamas is not an island,
Yes it is. No, it's a series of islands, the Bahamas,

the Bahaman Islands. Yeah, there's a bunch of islands in
there this series. The Bahamas isn't an island. I said
ABC Islands. There's one, A, one, B one, c Aruba,
Bonair and Curasow. Most people don't know bonn Air. Oh
you don't know what. You just thought the Bahamas was
in there. I'm surprise you didn't say Boston.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
The hell is bon Air.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
It's one of the three ABC Islands.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
It sounds the point it sounds like a failed airline
flying flying bon Air. Well, anyway, so I'm thinking going
to Marbella, nice relaxation. Got my my bathing suits out here,
about to pack that up all.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
You know me the last one your dad's.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Was bandah Hammock. Now I'm I say that for my
sister for her trip. And you know I got got
all the you know, everything is I'm the last minute packer.
So I'm just basically you know, putting everything together, and
then I just look at the weather and I'm like,
oh no, this is awful. Brodie.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
Yeah, I can't say I feel bad for it.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
It's gonna be like a high of like sixty six
and it's gonna be down to fifty two at night.

Speaker 3 (02:39):

Speaker 1 (02:39):
And I'm going with told Darren, you know, he's you know,
it's his he got a house over there, so I'm
staying rent free and and it's you know, we're just
hanging out for a few days, and he's like, hey,
make sure you bring a sweater for at night. And
I'm like, well, I'm not prepared for this. And meanwhile,
in New York City eighty degrees and sunny. Yeah, maybe
he should just stay home. That's why I plan my

vacation in New Jersey. By the way, after you go there,
you're going to the Netherlands, right, the nether region, Yes,
the Netherlands. I'm going to Amsterdam.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
Yeah, but that's the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
It's actually gonna be warmer in Amsterdam at seventy degrees
than it's gonna be in Spain.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Do you know what what other part of the world
is owned by the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
Let me. See you're testing me. Let's go, let's go here.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Sweden, No, Norway. You think you think you think the
Netherlands owns Sweden.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
No, Netherlands is Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
No, Are you serious? Are you serious? The Netherlands is
like hold on? Do you think the Netherlands is like
New England where it's Boston and Connecticut and Vermont and
New Hampshire. Do you think the Netherlands is a multi
country place you're going to?

Speaker 1 (03:51):
Well, the Netherlands is Amsterdam. No, the Netherlands part of
the Netherlands, right, Okay, Amsterdam is a city. Yeah, in Holland.
I don't know. No, Well, talk to me then, teach me.
Teach me?

Speaker 3 (04:11):
Oh old wise one. I'm wise, definitely old, not old, thanks, Dick.
Just as old as I am, pretty much. Let me
tell you a couple of things.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
Okay, why don't you why don't you sit me on
your lap there, Professor Brody.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
I was trying to get you to say the island
of bon Air, because we just talked about bon Air
and bon Air is owned by the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
But wait a second, geographically, it's nowhere near the Netherlands. Oh,
so we don't own Guam or Alaska, you dumb ass,
But you don't think about I don't think about why. Okay,
I understand what you're saying. So so the British all
the Bahamas Virgin Islands. Okay, we have the US Virgin Islands,
and they just don't own the Bahamas. The Bahamas their

own country. Yeah, but the aren't they occupied by the British.
I mean they're driving they were years ago. They drive
on the opposite side of the road over there.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
Yes, they don't own them anymore, just like we don't
own the Philippines anymore.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Do you know?

Speaker 3 (05:09):
America own the Philippines and one not owned but ruled
over the Philippines. Now, now my head's starting to hurt.
You know, the Panama Canal used to be ours. We
gave it back. We own Wait, we own Puerto Rico, right,
we do. Yes, it's a commonwealth of the United States.
It's territory.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
It's a commonwealth. But the Netherlands. When I think of
the Netherlands, I think of the region in Europe. I
don't I don't really think of bonn Air, which is
in the middle of the Caribbean.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
My point was we were talking about bonn Air because
you didn't know it and it happens to be a
part of the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
You are you know, you are you are you are
the fresh prick of bonn Air.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
Thank you now, that's very good. Now go ahead and
tell me what other countries are part of the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
As I said, uh, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Okay, and Amsterdam. So he was at five other countries.
Those are Dutch, They're all du well well, and Amsterdam
is Dutch. Build Holland area. Yeah, Holland and Amsterdam are
cities in the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (06:20):

Speaker 3 (06:20):
Those other countries you mentioned are countries. The Netherlands is
one country. You are going to a country called the Netherlands.
Oh shit, you are so lost.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
Well, have you never watched the Olympics?

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Have you never like read a book you're going to mister,
I love to explore cities.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I cannot be the only one slices. I want to
hear this one on Slice time next week. Not asking
about slices. You work in the media. And more importantly,
unlike the slices, you are going to the Netherlands next week,
which is and I haven't been there before you were
going to Sweden. No, I'm going to Amsterdam, which you
think is what a country of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is
a country. Well the city, are you sure? And they're Dutch?

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Yep, the Netherlands is they're all Dutch. What do you
know about Dutch other than ovens? The Dutch live in
the Netherlands.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
That's what Okay, what I'm trying to say is it's
probably not common knowledge all the ship that you just
threw at me. You're you're because you're not only insulting me.
You think you think I think you're. I think I
think you're I think you're. You're insulting half their slices
right now.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
Okay, as I said, as I said, the slices of
may or may not know that, but none of them
are going to the Netherlands next week.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
But that's all, but Brody, that's all the more reason
you should know. No, that's all the more reason why
I'm going to learn and explore new things now when
I come back from my trip. If you had quizzed
me and I didn't know any of this, then I'm
a schmuck.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
It's still a schmuck because you think because I haven't
been there. It's a city in the country. In the Netherlands,
I think, what.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
You you think the Netherlands is a bunch of countries,
the way New England is a bunch of states. Well,
I hear New Netherlands is plural, so I can only
imagine as a bunch.

Speaker 3 (08:20):
Of scattered lands. It's the lands.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
It's it's plural, like like uh so heartlands. Okay, So
when you think of countries like Norway and Finland and
Denmark and Sweden in that area, there's not there's not
a grouping. They don't call themselves something together, you know
how like you know how like a bunch of they
call it like the UK. You know, there's London, England

and then you got some areas there, don't you isn't
there something like it's called It's not the U, it's
not the UK, is it?

Speaker 3 (08:52):
Is it the UK? No, it's Finland.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Part of the UK. They're just countries. But I thought
it was referred to the Netherlands. I thought was a region. Okay,
the Netherlands is a country. They wear orange in the Olympics.
They don't call it that.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
They can't do the the Netherlands. That's why you're going
to the Netherlands. I don't know, man, I just I
just it's it's weird.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
It's weird to be calling it the Netherlands as a
country because the bronx is the Bronx. Well, if I
was going to Sweden, I'm going to Stockholm, Sweden. I'm
going to whatever country city in Norway. I'm going to
a city in Finland, a city in Denmark. I can't
pronounce them all. Sorry, but I'm not. I'm going to Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
That's correct.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Okay, Oh my god, it's like pulling teeth. No, it's not.

Speaker 3 (09:55):
That's the name of the country.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Okay, all right, all right.

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Some people were it was Holland Holland. But it's you
said Holland was a city.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
It's also a tunnel. Hello, I live I live above it.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Yes, you you do, you do live above well, you're
close to above it.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Well, but if you're thinking about it, I thought I
always think of Amsterdam and Holland together, I don't think
of I thought the Netherlands was a region, an area
in that region, the same way the UK. Okay, where
I'm where we're going in circles? Okay, I I can't

be the only one that didn't know that. But what
I'm saying is, in a week and a half, I
will have that knowledge. I'll come utalize you're not in Norway.
I'll come back from my trip and I will have
learned something. Yeah, as I do with every trip that
I go on. You know, Switzerland is nowhere near where

you're going, right. I never said Switzerland.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
I said Sweden, and I'm just saying I want to
make sure because some people confuse Sweden with Switzerland. All right,
you're gonna be near Belgium. Do you think Belgium is
part of the Belarus? Are you near there? Will be
near there?

Speaker 1 (11:08):
No, No Belgium. All right, good listen. I wasn't I
wasn't great in geography. Okay, okay, take a deep breath.
Scary and rotie man, you know how to ruin a
good time?

Speaker 3 (11:25):
No, I I I'm dumbfounded by you.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
It's not me.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
It's everywhere there. No, it's not everywhere. It's like when
Greg Teeth thought Alaska and Hawaii near each other on maps,
they put them both in the bottom. That's fucking stupid.
That's what are you talking about?

Speaker 1 (11:39):
What if he doesn't you're trying to compare me to
a high school kid that wears a Nirvana T shirt. No,
I'm companion because because I'm wearing a shirt, right, you're
going to the net You're going to the going to
I'm wearing a shirt and I don't know what band
that is or what they sing. It's just a pretty design.
So yes, I might be I may be the equivalent
of that. So I so you think Netherlands is multiple countries.

Therefore you think the Netherlands is in what country? Which
of the many countries part of the Netherlands is I
think they were a grouping of Holland and Finland and
Sweden and all right, I know that now. Thanks Oh boy. Anyway,
I feel better and worse at the same time. Another

bonehead thing that happened to me, Uh huh. I went
to Miami last weekend, and then, which is part of
the go ahead the North America's, instead of staying in
Miami Beach and just like you know, doing that same
beat over and over again like I normally do, I
decided to venture up to to Delray Beach and then

I went to West Palm and spent some time up there. Now,
very nice when we were in del Rey for whatever reason,
even though I'm in a beach town, at a beachy hotel,
there was no sunblock to be found, and I needed
my sunbumb. Oh my god, Brodie, I love that sunbumb.
Not a commercial, not a sponsor, but I had. And

the sun was hot, like eighty degrees beating directly on us. Okay,
so my friends and I we ventured outside the hotel, like,
let's go find some sunblock. They're like, oh, you gotta
go to the Walgreens twelve minutes away. Dude, I got
a sunburn walking no to Walgreens to buy sunblock. How

stupid is that? I'm trying to I'm walking to get sunblocked,
and I got a fucking sunburn. That is irony. That's irony.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
Not a coincidence, No, it's it's it's terrible irony.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
I knew, I knew you. I knew you'd love that
because had I not ventured out to look for sunblock,
I probably wouldn't have gotten a sunburn.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
That's correct, only you. But you're going to a country
would would That's an island that uh, I won't have
any sunshine, So that's perfect for you.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Right, I don't need to bring the sunblock on this trip.
Oh but I'm last minute, man, I I can't even look.
I didn't even pack a bag. Now I'm thinking like,
oh shit, maybe I should go buy a new one.
So when this podcast is over, I may go buy
a new piece of luggage because I don't have a
proper large piece that you would check. I only have

like like carry on ship. You know, and well, you're
going to be gone for a week, but more than that,
I'm gonna be gone for like ten nights. I don't
know multiple client climates. I don't know what the hell
I'm doing here.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Brody, You're going to a Nordic country and a beach,
like that's two different.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
You know.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
You're you're screwed. I don't know what I'll tell you.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
You travel all the time, I know, but I but
I travel lightly. I travel with a big backpack or
a duffel bag and a carry on or I take
my carry on and it has a zip on it
and I can expand it to a check in a
checked bag. But I'm gonna need something bigger than that
checked bag. I have one piece of luggage. Okay, if
you get one giant piece of luggage to take on

this trip.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
Where are you gonna keep it when you get home?
Your apartment's tiny, You have no storage.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
That's the problem. That's why I don't own it. You
have room under your bed? No my bed there there
isn't no my bed is solid underneath, there's no there's
no like room under the bed for anything. It's just
a so.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
You know you're gonna buy a suitcase, You're gonna what
you can do? Sell it when you get home.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
I'm gonna put it in storage, I guess.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
Yeah, you're gonna have to. You live in a one
bedroom apartment. You barely have room of that stack of
papers bond you.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
How crazy is that? I'm gonna put my suitcase in storage,
put storage in the storage.

Speaker 3 (15:48):
Yeah, that's the life you have.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
That's is that irony too?

Speaker 3 (15:51):
That's that's a shitty That's what I think it is.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
We all can't be rich and bougie like you, Brodie, Yeah,
rich and bougie. I sold my house. How am I
rich and bougie? You sold your house? Look at you? Yeah?
Because I'm not rich or boogie condo living now, I'm
in a rental. This is what the empty nesters do
it's I guess, yeah, sure, sure, all right, yeah, okay,

I need help from the slices.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
I said something on Slice.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Time this past episode, the two ninety two Slice Time,
and I said, oh, I got a great story.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
I'll tell it on Brooklyn Boys. And I just realized
I didn't write it down. I can't, for the life
of me, remember what it was. But I said it
on Slice Time. I said, oh, I have this thing
about a thing, and I'll mention on on the Brooklyn Boys.
And now I can't remember what it was. I don't
anybody get mad at me. I realized, now I'm going
to go back to listen to Slice Time so that
I could talk about it when Scary gets back from
his vacation. But speaking of Slice Time, whenever you hear this,

Scary when you come back with vacation, what's the.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Date, m May the fourth be with you?

Speaker 2 (17:00):

Speaker 3 (17:00):
Very nice Saturday. So keep in mind we are not
gonna be able to record till the sixth. So if
you're gonna leave a Slice Time for this episode you're
listening to right now, yeah, yeah, yeah, don't do it
until like the second of May, a third of May,
because it raises after a week, doesn't it right?

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Yeah, well no, no, I think we fixed that problem. But
I'll tell you what. May first leave it may first,
You're you'll be safe, Okay, right, that's a good idea.
And this episode is going to be your episode for
this weekend next right, curious on vacation and some housekeeping here, well,
well this weekend next week. I don't know when we're
dropping this episode whatever, but anyway, housekeeping. It has come

to my attention that several of you are not getting
notifications through the iHeart radio app correct when new episode drops.
There were That is an internal issue that they've been
working through. Here's my best advice. If you're hearing my
voice right now and you're listening to this episode, do
yourself a favor. No matter what. If you're listening in Spotify, iHeart,

hit the hit the notify me button, there's definitely a
way to be notified of new episodes. Hit the subscribe
If you're not subscribed, subscribe to us please. Problem is
it's not sending out notifications, but also subscribe on my
next thing I was gonna say was and then subscribe
on several platforms Apple Music and specifically H Spotify, Dezer Dezer, oh,

Amazon Music, Amazon Music. Get the notification this way because
guess what, Brody, I got my notifications on all the
apps except for our native app, iHeartRadio Raw Raw, iHeartRadio.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
Here's another way to note except for next week with
scares on vacation. We do two episodes every week we
do Brooklyn Boys and a slice time.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
Yeah, but your life doesn't work like that. People need
to be reminded.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
But yeah, I reminder, Well, you know what in your phone,
Go in your calendar, leave yourself a reminder on like
Thursday or Friday every week. Check the tap the Book
of Boys episodes out exact. But anyway, there you go.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
That's a little housekeeping.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
Speaking of technology and podcasting, I went to a seminar
last night. It was a podcast AI seminar where you
could learn about how to use AI to improve your
post production, pre production, whatever you could use AI to
help you at your podcast. Yeah, what'd you learn? And
a couple of things, well, a couple of things.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
I was sitting in the second row. It was all
folding chairs in this conference room, this room they rented,
and the experts up at the front table and this
you know, the microphones and everything, and this beautiful woman
comes in. A woman of color walks in, and she
has the most incredible hair. I mean her hair is long,

halfway down her back and frizzed out I would say
six inches at least on both sides of her head. Nice.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
I mean, just the most beautiful woman.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
I'm picturing it. She is.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
She was I'd have to say leap eleven and she
had heels on. Beautiful woman. She came in a little late,
and she came in with a friend. I don't know
if the friend was her. It was another woman. I
don't know if they were together romantically. I don't know.
The other woman had a buzz cut. Okay, so first
of all, the one woman had enough hair for both
of them. So I guess she was like, well, I'm

gonna wear big hair tonight. Well I'm gonna go with
no hair tonight.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
I don't know what.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
They just with complete opposites. However, she came in and
she sat in the front row and everyone behind her,
I was a little off to the left. Everyone behind
her had to either lean or pick up their chairs
and move because her hair.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
She was it was like it was like a lion's mane. Yes,
she was very tall, but her hair was not only
tall on top of her already being tall, but her
hair went out sideways wide. I mean, the most beautiful, unbelieved.
Is that disrespectful then for her to do what she did.
Here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
I got to talk to her afterwards. A very nice woman,
very nice, stunning. But I think if you know that
your hair is the size of a medicine ball, you
you can't sit in the front road. You have to
know that you're going to be blocking four people. Legitimately
four people were blocked and they all moved because, like.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
She was completely unaware. But how do you scary? How
do you know?

Speaker 3 (21:27):
How are you not aware that you're walking around with
a helmethead? I think I think she pulled the no
fucks given lever.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Honestly nice. It wasn't like she was bitch like, look,
this is my hair. People gotta deal with it. I'm
sitting up front. I call y'all, all.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
Right, Well, would you have said something? Would you like,
excuse me, No, you can't do it. You can't do that. No,
I just I just would have gone to the back.
I would be like, hey, listen, I'm five six feet
tall whatever, and my hair makes me six ' eight.
I gotta go sit in the back. You have to, like,
if you're a Ram Lincoln wearing a top hat, somebody's
gonna shoot you for sitting in front of them at

the theater. Anyway, that wasn't that wasn't the worst part.
So I want to tell you what one other person
and I'll tell you a little bit about this podcast seminar,
because it was very awkward for me, very awkward. After
the podcast thing, people were mingling everybody, you know, everybody's
talking to other podcasters, everybody's chatting it up. And these
two people are talking to each other and I sort

of like they catch my eye and they start talking
to me. So there's a triangle going on, right, but
they're both in front of me, so it's not like
an even triangle. It's like me and I'm facing the
two of them. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1 (22:39):

Speaker 3 (22:39):
Okay, So like one of them standing at like eleven o'clock,
one of them staying at one o'clock, and I'm at
six o'clock.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Well, one of them has horrific breath. Scary it made
yours look good, smell good.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
Hey, hey, I may I may have a little tinge
of garlic sometimes occasionally. Yes, this was like.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Grease in a grease trap, or like the like your
your your your toilets back up and you get the
pipes in the basement.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
Who was that yellow? It was okay, it was right, okay.
So I was trying to figure out like which way
to turn my head, but I didn't know which one
was emanating the awfulness. So like I would like I
took like a step back everyone like every like five
ten seconds, I would like creep a little back, and
they would creep forward, like you know, like they they
thought I was like too far away, but they didn't

realized I was moving. So I finished up with both
of them, and then I had to watch them talk
to other people to see who would react to which
guy until I watched other people backing away from the
one guy with the glasses, and I'm like, oh my god,
it's him. So I had to avoid him the rest
of the night.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
Scary. It was fucking painfully stinky, just awfulness.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
And he wanted to talk to me because I have
a successful podcast, So he came over to me again.
Later He's like, hey, I wanted to talk to you.
About some software things. I was like, okay, all right,
here's the thing, and I want to know how you
would handle this. I will admit to you I was
wearing a Brooklyn Boys shirt. I thought that would be
a good ice breaker. If everyone's a podcaster, I want

my podcast shirt. I'm sure other people be wearing podcast shirt.
Sure nobody was wearing a podcast shirt. And did anybody
recognize you in your Brooklyn Boy shirt? No, but they
all commented and said, oh, are you from Brooklyn? What's
your podcast about? So I so I asked a question.
I asked a question to the experts on the panel,
and they start asking me questions, Oh, well, tell us

about your podcast. Why don't you just why don't you
just try to get sponsors?

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Say, well, we're already signed to a major corporation, we
have sponsors, and we have we have commercials. Oh you do?

Speaker 3 (24:47):
And do you do you have more than five thousand
downloads a week? I'm like, you know, I was trying
to be calm. I was like, yeah, So now people
in the room are all looking and turning and looking
at me, and I'm trying to say too much because
you know, we're I mean, we're promoted on a major
network by a major company, and we have promos running
on the Elvis Duran Morning Show, and we have merchandise,

and we have loyal fans and two podcasts and fan
clubs and everything. And I'm like, yeah, I said, you know,
we have we have social media presence and you know, uh, well,
you know, have you thought about merchandise?

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Don't mean to brag, but kind of a big deal. Yes, right.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
So I'm trying to play it like I'm just a
podcast guy looking to answer ask questions.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Are you Will Ferrell and Anchorman? Uh?

Speaker 3 (25:31):
No, stay classes san Diego. I was trying to stay classy,
but they kept asking me questions, well have you thought
about doing maybe? Because I was asking him like how
can I use AI to grow our audience? He's like, well,
you know, have you tried other ways to grow your audience?
Do you have a social media presence?

Speaker 1 (25:48):
I said, yeah.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
You're like, Bill, do you have more than ten thousand followers?
I'm like yeah, I said, my co host has like
two hundred thousand, and I have about a hundred thousand
between my you know, Twitter and some so like, oh, okay,
have you ever thought about maybe doing a lie? Like
an event. I go, We've done that.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Yeah, I've done we have an event with our listeners.
Well have you thought about maybe having like a fan
page at Facebook that we have that? Uh so everything
he suggested. I'm like, we've done. And so people in
the room are like, sounds like you're you were you
were the mathematician uh in taking advanced calculus, but you're
going back to the third grade. I was like, you
know what, I was like, I was like the kid.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
In the Spanish class who's from a Spanish speaking country. Yeah,
and they're like, you know you.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
Nessito la plum right, but they totally so. So what
would you have done in that situation? Scary?

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Would you have been like not say anything? Or would
you be like, hey I'm scary Jones? Uh No, I
stay humble and the words of Kendrick Lamar Okay, just
stay humble. Well who's been dissed by Drake? All right,
Well when we come back and I want to take
a break, we come back from the break, I want
to tell you about the woman who recognized you, not
me at this event. Huh the Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Wait will be right back.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
Wait, Wait, wait a second, Brody, Wait, Wait, go ahead,
said yeah, I wasn't at the event. That's correct that
you were talking about before we took the commercial break.
What do you mean correct? How does how do a
woman recognize me? At the event you went to? There
was a woman I want to say, she was in
her sixties. She's a pausting her husband or podcasters, very
nice woman, and she's talking to me about always your

podcast about Brooklyn. No my co host, and I, you know,
I try to explain. You know, it's hard to explain
this podcast. I explained it shows Oh, and goes, so, yeah,
the Brooklyn boys. Are you from Brooklyn? Yeah, we're both
from Brooklyn. That's her And she looks at the shirt
and at the bottom it says Scary and Brody, And
so she says scary, Are you scary? I said, no,

I'm I'm and Brody. Do you know someone named Scary?
I said, yeah, he's on my shirt. He's my co host.
Is that the same guy from the morning show? Yeah,
there's only one Scary. Yes, that's my co host. Yeah
you know him, Yeah, yes, I know him. I do
a podcast with him. That's on the shirt. I'm on
the shirt with him. Oh, how long do you know?

Him twenty five years you worked with him. I listen,
I love you guys. Oh you do you know the show?
I know scary? I say, okay, do you know Brody? No,
not so much. Listen, I said, do you listen? Do
you listen to the phone taps? Oh?

Speaker 3 (28:29):
I love those calls where you get everybody so upset.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
On the ones that you've done for twenty years. Half
I did, like half of them. Oh, I guess maybe
I heard them. I go, you've heard scary. Oh, yes,
it's scary. Yeah, he's on your podcast. You know him?

Speaker 3 (28:43):
Yes, yes, I know him. By the way, you're a
big fan.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Put a time sand Put a time stamp here, David
Brody here on episode two ninety three, oh twenty twenty
eight minutes in time stamp Scary and Brody. Check me
why it's called that? Thank you? Thank you?

Speaker 3 (29:01):
Everybody with a sixty year old lady who barely listened,
don't matter.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
But that's why it's scary and brody. And there you go, slices,
that's why it says, that's why it's scary and brody.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
That's not why usually talking.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
You're having a conversation with the woman. We made it
scary and Brody.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
Originally you know why, and then I you know, listen, listen.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
The point is you got recognized off of the the
six letters on my shirt ESK.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Seven letters. Did you tell her? I said, Hi? No,
I did not, because you wouldn't have known to say
high at that point.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Hey, listen. Oh, by the way, I got to say,
I mean to blow my own horn here, but god knows,
you've tried tried. I tried to. That was back when
I was in high school. I was very desperate. Then
your own h be my own age.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
So the Morning Why It's scary.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
A few months ago for my birthday, The Morning Show
awarded me a gold microphone for my fiftieth birthday. But
it was a piece of paper and it said, you know,
microphone coming soon. Well, the coming soon came. They gave
me a shiny, gold plated gold microphone yesterday with my
name engraved on it. And I'm like, oh my god,

I'm so excited this crab. I lost my shit, Brody,
I was. I was like, I keep getting to this moment.
People are on Instagram and they're just saying all kinds
of I just want to say thank you for the comments.
Everyone I can't get back to everybody, but people are
dming me. I don't know why. It's been a resurgence
of you know, the story is like three months old, right,

because that's when I got the mic. But the physical visual,
the presentation of the microphone. We put it up on
Instagram and people are just commenting like crazy, and I
just want to say, I'm very humbled and cool.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
I saw your video of you getting it.

Speaker 1 (30:59):
I was very It's it's emotional for me because, you know,
after doing this for twenty nine years, and you know,
I mean, I feel like I haven't really reached a
milestone the way some There are some radio heavies in
this industry that don't have cold microphones, and I have one.
So I'm like too. I said, I'm not worthy, I'm
not worthy, and a lot of people are saying, no,
but you are so But okay, well, I mean the

woman obviously knew you at the podcast convention because you're
the one with the gold mic.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Now I have a question for you. Yeah, when Elvis
is in the studio, you don't have your own mic, right,
he uses his mic and.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
You lean over.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
I lean over into his microphone. That's how we've done
it for twenty nine years. That's correct. Now when he's
not there, he's broadcasting from home, he's on the road. Yeah,
you sit in his spot and you broadcast from his spot.
I'm are you going to put your microphone into his
mic stand when you are running the board?

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Is there a reason why I shouldn't? I don't know.

Speaker 3 (31:54):
I'm wondering if you'll bring it home and when we
podcast i'll be able to look at your gold mic
at your home. I think I'm gonna leave it at
the stage really gets more of used there one or
two days a week. Maybe when you'll get.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
There's more cameras there, there's more Ah, I see No,
I just I just feel like I should use it there.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
It was a gift from Elvis. Yeah, but here's the problem.
Elvis has had a gold microphone in that station and
that spot in the studio for I don't know ten years.

Speaker 1 (32:18):

Speaker 3 (32:19):
If you have a gold mic and you're sitting in
front of it, it's gonna look like you're sitting in
front of Elvis's gold mic.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
So are you gonna have a.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
Big sticker on the side that says because the engraving
can't be seen on Instagram. Are you gonna put like
a sign with an arrow saying Scari's gold mic?

Speaker 1 (32:34):
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know the
answer to that. But what's a gold mic if you
can't use it? Right?

Speaker 3 (32:40):
Well, I guess so. But my question is, how are
you gonna let people make sure I don't.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
I don't know, you know what, I don't know what
the right answer is. Do I do I need to
bring it home and use it only here in my apartment?

Speaker 3 (32:52):
Or do I mean it's a very expensive thing. Can
I use I mean, can I use it there? I
don't know the answer to that question. But where is
Elvis's gold mic?

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Most of the time, it's it's it's in a case,
it's in it's wrapped up, and it's in the safe.
It's in a place for safekeeping, and I put a
he uses it. Yeah, But when he's not there, I
replace it with a silver microphone.

Speaker 2 (33:14):

Speaker 3 (33:15):
But if you put your gold mic there, people are
just gonna think it's Elvis.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
I don't know that. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
I don't know the answer to these questions. Scary you
care about the cred I want to make sure you
get the cred. I want to make sure respect, get
the cred, get the respect. That's scary. I think you
need to like put like it gets you know, you
need to do we need to put some speck on it. Yeah,
I need you need to like an artist, somebody who paints.
Have them paint your name on the side, like in
red or blue that stands out.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Believe it. I'm happy it's it's beautiful. Honestly, one of
the most like, one of the most thoughtful and touching
gifts I've ever received in my entire life. Absolutely, Now,
that was the softer side of scary. I don't want
I don't want people to turn on me. But I

did something that was very, very uncharacteristic of me. Did
we talk about the night that I went to the
bar and what happened would be the woman who recognized me? No,
not the older woman from the podcast, not the sixty
two year old. No, this is this is very this
is not like me. And I I think the slices

opinions of me may change after they hear what I'm about.
A stunning admission is about to come come out after this,
all right, all right, I'll run an edge of my seat,
right now no, I feel like it's just it's just
not it's not the kind of person that I am.

But but just know that I said something that was
very out of character. So let's rewind a couple of weeks.
I was hanging out with some friends. We were at
a bar. A woman came up to me and said,
oh my god, you're scary. That did that whole bit whatever,
which is great. You know that guy did even brody.

So I said, all right, cool, and I don't mean
to be this is all getting so self serving here,
but this turns very quickly in a second. So so
she's like, oh, so we take a picture and whatever,
and then she does that thing where she goes, oh
my god, you gotta she grabs me by the hand,
she goes, you gotta come and introduce you. I want
to use you to my friends. And I'm like, see,
in my mind, that could go either way, because I

know not everybody listens. Someone in the crowd recognized me.
Not everyone recognized me everywhere I go, but someone this
woman did. But that doesn't mean everyone else does or
knows or cares.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
There's levels of I heard the familiar whatever, right, you're
not Jon Bon Jovi walking in either way.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
I'm like all right, yeah, yeah, okay whatever. It was late,
people were drunk. So I walk over to a group
of the group of women and as as I'm walking
over and she's pulling me into this little circle of
three other girls that were talking that were her friends.
Like tall blonde woman like it looks at me and

give it doesn't even again, it's loud as music playing.
Her friend didn't even have a chance to say a word,
and she looks at me and she just takes her
fucking hand and puts it right in my face, like ugh,
like get out of here, almost as if to say,
you creepy old man talking to my friend, Like her

friend wanted to.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
Think her friend was gonna introduce you, like to some
guy in a bar, like I want.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
Your frat guy. Who knows. But why is this person's
first instinct to like take her big five fat fingers
and literally put it right up in my face like
I'm like, like I'm an animal. And then I'm like
what So I'm like, I'm like I said to the woman,
I said, I'm sorry, I gotta go. Plus, you know,
I'm going back to my friends over here, So I

start walking away, and she comes after me. She's, oh,
my god, I'm so sorry. You know, I didn't have
a chance to explain. My friend doesn't know. I didn't
get to tell her who you are. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no,
it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. That's my point. It
doesn't matter who I am. I'm human. I'm not an animal,
So it doesn't matter if I'm a person, if I'm

a it doesn't matter if I'm the NBA player, it
don't matter if I'm oh whatever. I'm like, I'm just
This is how she responds to you bringing over a
person you clearly brought into your little circle just to
say hello to for whatever reason. And her response is
to like, fuck you. You're you're less than human. I'm

just gonna put my hand in your face, like, get
away from who does that? Who does that? Well? I said,
I said, I'm sorry, I'm not gonna say it because
then signs a bitch. No, I went worse than that, brody.

Speaker 3 (37:51):
He used the sea word.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
I used the sea word. I said, I said it
very frankly to us, I said, I said, I said,
I said, I gotta go. I said, but I gotta
be honest. I said, your friend zone, see you next Tuesday.
And I and I.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
Said, I but I said the word, I am sure
you did.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
And and then I but I said, it's so like
like British, like huh because they use that word Ronnie
a friend of it as a corn and I and
I said, and I said, I gotta go, and I
walked away. But then I felt bad because I'm like, fuck,
that's so off brand. And it's not a word that
I use.

Speaker 3 (38:28):
But if yeah, I I I might have used it,
but it's it's a little more than you.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
I would never phrase that.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
I might have said I used that word, but I
get to that level of anger right.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
It was I was so I was so miffed. I
was so fuming, you could fry an egg on my forehead.
That's how okay, but apologize now, I'm zero zero. But
she definitely went over back to her friend and be like,
oh my god, Scarry Joe just called you. And okay,
But the thing is, I don't want to I don't

want that reputation. I want to clear the record right now.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
But were these two women the same age roughly?

Speaker 1 (39:03):
Yes? No, they had their thirties, they were in there. Okay, thirties.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
Okay, So the woman who approached you, I'm asking for
a reason, I'm gonna ask, you know, to rate anybody.
But would you say that the other friend was more
attractive than the first woman? Yes, so she was. So
she felt like she was too good for you. Correct,
I don't even want to talk to this.

Speaker 1 (39:21):
Correct, You're not even worth my my airspace, my my oxygen.
My it was. But it was.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
My response to the hand. But by the way, what
you don't know is she may have had a scary
Jones tattoo on her wrist and she was showing.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
It to you.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
Oh yeah, sure, let's go with that story. Yeah, I would.
I would have immediately. I would have snapped at her
and I was saying, what the fuck was that for?

Speaker 1 (39:44):
Well, I did say something, how I'm like, excuse me,
I'm like, that's rude. I said that. I got like
one word to ask her, like what's that about? Like
what what? And she did it again? She did it twice. No,
you know, does she listen to Howard in the morning,
Like it doesn't make nobody don't matter. No, no, once again,
I'm just I'm just a guy. I'm just a guy
at a bar. At this point, she doesn't know nothing,

She doesn't know shit, she doesn't know who. But it does. Again,
it doesn't matter who I am or who I'm not
does It doesn't matter. My point is you don't you
don't treat don't treat people like that, And and and
let me just back it awful little bit and be attractive.
Do people And this is rhetorical because it's just the
two of us here talking. Do people really treat each
other like that? Out in society? Do people really do

that to each other every day? Is this? Is this
the behavior that is display? Is it on display every
day and every night? Or is that an aberration? I
wanted to think that the woman is so drunk that
it was an anomaly, and she would not that it's
not something that would but that and and then then

the next question is when was the last time you
got so angry that you dropped the sea bomb? Because
I can't remember the last time I said that out loud.
I can't.

Speaker 3 (41:01):
I just don't just question also rhetorical because everything you
said was rhetorical means I don't have to answer. So no,
well it's for you, I mean, you're yeah, but you
said there's only two of us, so this question is rhetorical.

Speaker 1 (41:13):
Well, it's rhetorical. I mean, well, we're not going to
get we're not going to garner responses except for people
that in house house, just between us.

Speaker 3 (41:22):
So yeah, I go, hey, scary, this is rhetorical. What
do you think of the weather? What are your thoughts
on this? What are my thoughts? I would have said,
I would have I would have probably said bitch. Okay,
but either way, middle, but has there been a time
of you so angry when you've actually used the sea bomb?
I don't because this woman was definitely deserving of it.

Speaker 1 (41:41):
No, that's not a word like I go for fucking asshole,
fucking moron, fucking idiot, douchebag. There's the sea word. I
mean I have, I've said it. I've said it about people,
like in conversation with with a buddy. I might be like,
what you Well, technic, I didn't say it to her face.
I said it to I said it about her to

her friend. Yeah, but still it's still.

Speaker 3 (42:05):
It's still not your friends, your friends of sea.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
Yeah. Well I lost I lost all control over that point.
I was I because I'm usually a musually I take
the high road. I'm a little bit I'm a little
bit cooler than that. But I lost I lost my ship.
I lost my ship, So.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
You did so?

Speaker 1 (42:22):
So what was what was the facial expression of the
woman when you said her friend was a sea? She
was pretty surprised that I those that word came out
of my mouth.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
Uh, you know, she texted in this morning, but he
texted like friend.

Speaker 1 (42:36):
No, no, no, no. I was waiting for that. I'm like, Okay,
someone somewhere this is gonna come out, you know whatever.
But you know, it just it sucks that there are
people out there that are like this, that they don't
give people the benefit of the doubt. I know that
when anyone is introduced to me or you know, I

always with an open ear, open arms, say hello and
see what's going on?

Speaker 3 (43:04):
Oh what?

Speaker 1 (43:06):
I'm so sorry, scary. I just googled at Scary Jones
and the and the C word on Twitter to see
if anybody like tweeted it. Somebody somebody somebody tweeted it
you on January twelfth of last year. I guess it
was in the playoffs Scary Jones at Scary Jones, who

the F is this?

Speaker 3 (43:30):
F asked white boy hating on my Niners?

Speaker 1 (43:33):
Go socker, New York Giants aides dick you sea word,
this person is not too happy with you. Was I
ripping on the Niners? Because it was Giants and Niners?
What was you see if this?

Speaker 2 (43:47):

Speaker 3 (43:47):
Yeah, you wrote at forty nine ers hashtag forty nine
ers locker room playlist see you in September, which is
a fifty song see you and September. You must have
been making a reference like the season's over and uh,
they're out of the playoffs or whatever, and they are

gonna go h and not be seen till you know
that doesn't training camp sticks and stones may break my bones.
You didn't see this response? No, I don't.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (44:17):
I'm gonna screenshot it.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
Great here, just blow it up and yeah, why don't
you just take it out of the filing cabinet there?

Speaker 3 (44:22):
Dar David Brody, I know what I mean? Do I
may have to put it on Instagram? Nice By the way,
speaking of Instagram, I'll.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
Tell you what, why don't we put it. We'll make
a shirt out of it, and it seems the slices
want to buy it. Yeah, we'll put We'll put the
scaries of sea on it. No, no, just exactly like
that screen. The screenshot should be the screen of the shirt.
That should be the shirt with that guy. I just
texted it to you. You take a look at it.

Speaker 2 (44:46):

Speaker 3 (44:46):
Speaking of social media, as promised on Slice time, I posted,
I posted the picture of Dwight Goodin and me where
Dwight is looking off to his right. Well, scary falls
down the steps.

Speaker 1 (45:02):

Speaker 3 (45:02):
I put it in my instant story, which has already expired.
But I put it in the highlights section on Instagram,
in the Brooklyn Boys Highlights. So right under at the
top of my page where the circles are, and they
say like Mett's Brooklyn Boys. Click on the Brooklyn Boys
and you'll see the video the story of Dwight Gooden
with my picture with Dwight, the legendary Mets picture. And

by the way, Dwight Gooden liked it and reposted it.

Speaker 1 (45:26):
He also.

Speaker 3 (45:29):
Yes, and he followed both of us.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
He follows me.

Speaker 3 (45:32):
Now, well, I don't want to say he follows me.
I don't know if he follows you. I think he
follows you, yes, I think he follows you, but he
definitely follows me.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
So go check. I'm not following good In six.

Speaker 3 (45:43):
Well, if you don't follow him, why should he follow you.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
Well, that's a whole other conversation. Do you get pissed
off about that? We had that that was on the radio,
The Big Show just this week. We were talking about
the importance of having people follow you back and all that, and.

Speaker 3 (45:58):
Oh please, if I follow with celebrity, I don't expect
them to follow me back. Now, Doc Goodin followed me
back because I posted about him and I met him
the other night at the event. He doesn't follow me, sorry,
he follows me anyway. Check it out.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
You'll see the story scary. Did you save it in
your highlights? So no, you has already expired, not expired anyway,
but I already got about a dozen dms for people
saying thanks for posting it. It's so much funny seeing it,
you know, because you know, you don't know if I'm
making it up or not. But nope.

Speaker 3 (46:25):
You can see the Dwight Goodin picture looking at scary
fold on the steps.

Speaker 1 (46:28):
Great, awesome and scary. We're moving along way too fast
for my liking there, David Brodie.

Speaker 3 (46:36):
That's all right. Did you did you look at the
new Yorkers stand up comedian that I sent you, Yes,
you sent me. That clip is very funny. Brody Matt
z Pavich is the comedian. He grew up in Queens
and I play the audio if you can slices to
hear it. Yeah, yes, I know anything about Queens.

Speaker 2 (46:53):
It's one of the most diverse places in the whole world,
which is pretty cool. So growing up, I thought me
and my friends were not racist. Uh, then I got
older and I realized that one of my best friends
growing up his nickname was black, Justin, and we didn't
even have a white friend named.

Speaker 1 (47:14):
Just Okay, that's bad, that's bad. That's bad.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
There was no need for us to specify which Justin.
We were talking about. His nickname's black. That's what he
said to my phone. As we're still friends to this day.
He works at the gym with Chinese Eric and together
they were.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
I will say, I will say that Indian Matt. Yeah,
he's named that because there's a Matt who's not in
the original Matt was Matt right now, remember that. Remember
Indian Matt is Indian Matt only because he's the second
in the series and he it's a descriptive worries, right,
a series of Matts.

Speaker 3 (47:56):
First Matt, Plain Matt, White Matt. He's still part of
the French group, right.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Yes, now. But here's the thing though. If I had
met let's Indian Matt first, he would have just been Matt,
and then the other Matt would have been not Indian Matt. No,
he would have been white Matt. He would be white
Matt because he's the second. The second always gets the
descriptive word. So it's just right, you know. So that's
how it fell in this guy's case. There's this comedian.
He's trying to say that you just put it an

adjective right ahead of scriptor a descriptor what if your
friend Matt, you have a big fight with Matt, big
fight with Matt.

Speaker 3 (48:30):
You fuck you Matt. Matt's out of the picture, you
never talk to him again. Does Indian match just slide
into Matt? Does he just become mad?

Speaker 1 (48:37):
No? I think you just take on the legacy. You
just there's a placeholder there, because wait a minute, what
if another Matt, What if you meant a third Matt,
Indian Matt technically should just be Matt. But if you
get another Matt, he just becomes you can't have a
whole rebrand once you're all the way. You're talking about
years of friendship here. You don't just just rebrand Indian
matts Matt. Okay, So does new Matt just become Mat

or is he new Mats or Matt the third or
third Matt or second white Matt? He just be Matt? Okay?
What if Matt? What if the new Matt is black?

Speaker 3 (49:07):
Is he just Matt? Or is he black Matt? In
tribute to the Mat that was?

Speaker 1 (49:11):
That was? No, I think he's mad. I think it
goes back to Matt or door Matt. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (49:17):
I don't know if you're Matt. That's racist, Broady. I
don't have the answer to these questions. I'm just curious anyway.
That thank you, Harsh, Hotel Harsh for that video.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
That was very funny.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
All right, hey, you were talking about the best bagels.
Tell me again where the best bagels are. The best
bagels are in Montreal, Canada, that's what you say. Well,
I mean, listen, new York City.

Speaker 1 (49:41):
You want me to say New York City, And because
but for the sake of argument, because I visited Montreal.
There's a huge bagel war going on there in Jewish Town.
I think the name is called jewish Ville Jewish Land.
Is that part of the Netherlands Jewish Town. No, No,
there's a neighborhood called the Jewish District. I don't know
what the proper name of it is. Anyway, there are

real bagel wars going on between Saint Viator and I
believe Fairmount Bagels and because and when, because I visited
and tasted them. I liked the bagels in Montreal at
these places because they're smaller, they're crunchier, and there there's

less do on them. But they are arguing the same
way people argue that New Haven pizza is just as good,
if not better, than New York pizza, the same argument
can be made for Montreal bagels. And it's a thing.
It's a thing, folks, It's the nineteen twenties. But that's
not well, that's not why I bring it up.

Speaker 3 (50:41):
Okay, because we have this podcast, and because you have
a large larger social media following, and you know, I
have a what is it verified on social media? Yep,
I reached out to should I say the name of
the bagel place?

Speaker 2 (50:57):

Speaker 3 (50:57):
Yes, I reached out.

Speaker 1 (50:59):
To fair Aramont bagel bakery okay in Montreal, which is
two biggies. Those are one of the two big ones
Fairmont and Saint Viator. Looked them up, guys.

Speaker 3 (51:07):
I looked at Saint Vietor online and I thought, you
know what, I'm gonna get bagels shipped to me from
Saint Viator.

Speaker 1 (51:13):

Speaker 3 (51:13):
And I looked and I'm like, and by the way,
Saint Vietor is on gold Belly. Yeah, they're on gold Belly,
but it's like forty bucks for a couple of dozen bagels.
Expect I'm not doing that.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
So I go to see what.

Speaker 3 (51:23):
Let me see what the other because Scary said those
the two of the big ones are Saint Vietora and
at Fairmount. Yeah, so I said, and you had mentioned
to me that you had a slight preference for Fanmount
at the time. So I emailed them and I said, hey, guys,
they have a sight on the page it says contact us.
I googled. There's no gold Belly. There's no companies that
ship their bagels. I'm like, oh, that's that's terrible.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
So Fairmount is a local place that has no way
of shipping to America.

Speaker 3 (51:47):
Well, not not anything popular like Gold Belly I reached.
I sent them an email and I said, hey, listen,
this is who I am, this is where I do
a podcast. And my co host is on on this
major show in New York, sydicated nationally, and we've been
talking about your bagels a couple of times on our podcast.
And and I'm a New Yorker. I think New York

bagels are the best. He says, your bagels are better
than New York. I think he's crazy, but I want
to try them. But I don't know what I'm gonna
have a Montreal and I don't see anybody that ships
you bagels. How do I go about getting bagels? Not
gonna be bounce with you slices. I was sort of
hoping it would send me some bagels, you know. Of
course I saw what you were doing. There were good
trying to grape soda their asses.

Speaker 1 (52:30):

Speaker 3 (52:30):
Yeah, have a publicity. It's worth it to them to
send me bagels. I'm not gonna you're talking about you're
talking about a piece of bread. Yes, I think we'd
send me the bread, and we're gonna end up giving you,
unintentionally hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of publicity Bobby
put pictures up on social media, where we have a
lot of followers. Maybe the slices are convinced that the delicious.

I may even say, oh my god, the terrific. So
she writes back, your friend is Anthony is absolutely right.
Our bagels are the best. NAS has sent our bagels
to the space station for their astronauts. If it's okay
with you, we will gladly ship you some so you
can do the comparison yourself.

Speaker 1 (53:10):
Oh great, So I tell scary guess who's getting pretty bagels?
David Brody, Right, Brody.

Speaker 3 (53:18):
Bagels, Brodie Bagels. So I write back, Oh my god,
I said, oh my god, that's fantastic. That's so nice
of you. I don't want to take advantage. A dozen
would be fine, but if it's you know, I don't
know how you package them, but you know, a te
do Whatever you sent me is great.

Speaker 1 (53:36):
I just want to taste them. So I said, you know,
a couple of poppy maybe a plane. Whatever you recommend
one of each is so wonderful. Oh my god, that's
so nice. We'll talk about on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (53:47):
I'll do social media.

Speaker 1 (53:49):
I'm verified.

Speaker 3 (53:49):
I'm excited, so excited. I got sixty six followers. Yeah, so,
she writes back two weeks later, I apologize for the delay.
I was ill. There's no minimum amount you'd order. Wow,
sounds like it's an open ticket here, Brody. We ship Monday,

Tuesdays and Wednesdays except on holidays. So she said, just
send me your current zip code, but most likely if
you live in New Jersey, it should be around thirty
two dollars and fifty cents Canadian to ship it to you.

Speaker 1 (54:28):
Guess what, you weren't getting free bagels to begin with.
You were never gonna get free bagel. Here's the thing.
The bagels are free, but I gotta pay thirty two
dollars for the shipping. So do I pay thirty.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
Two dollars for the bagels?

Speaker 1 (54:44):

Speaker 3 (54:44):
Ohso they're not charging you for the actual bagels. They're
charging me thirty two fifty for the shipping. But she said, well,
gladly ship them to you. Yeah, I'm paying for the shipping.

Speaker 1 (54:53):
So I'm expecting. Okay, you got a podcast, your call
to mister Pigshot on the morning show, got a gold microphone.
Wha for thirty two dollars, it's worth the investment for us.
We'll take care of it. Just send us your address
and give us your social media and just make sure
to tag us. No problem. We're a billion dollar corporate.

We're the biggest, one of the biggest bagel stores in Canada.
We send a was did they charge NASA to shift
the bagels to the space station? No, they shifted the
bagels are free, and I know that the NASA shipped
them up to That's not my point. They sure did
brodie to shift the bagels to the fucking space station.

You know what the problem is. They didn't recognize your name.
They only recognize my name. So if I would have called, like, oh, Scary,
you're the guy from the morning show right with the
gold mic, that's you. Yeah, I know you can do
the phone taps right right, yeah, but Scary not familiar
with him. This guy not so much. Not so much,

I gotta say, kidding aside, that's pretty crummy pun intended.
It's a shitty thing you're got day. I'm making money
hand over fist. Let's face how much it cost to
make a nickel for a fucking piece of bread?

Speaker 3 (56:14):
Right if you? If they had said to me, listen,
we don't We don't normally ship to America or we
do whatever says Listen, we'll give you the bagels for free.
You just have to cover the shipping.

Speaker 1 (56:23):
Then I'll be like, I get it, it's so big.
We will be glad. We will gladly ship you some
bagels gladly. And I have to admit when it's worded
that way, that means shippings on them. It's all on them.

Speaker 3 (56:38):
Yes, slices, leave it, talk back. What do you think
wouldn't you expect the bagels to be free.

Speaker 1 (56:42):
At that point? And and like, even if you weren't
a podcast influencer or whatever, the hell, we are right
if you if someone comes at you, anyone slices, if
with that statement, sure we'll ship you the bagels for free.
What does that mean to you? Well, will gladly ship
them to use what she said, will gladly ship them
to you?

Speaker 3 (57:00):
Right but deadly. But they're free. The bagels are free
shipping not so much if they didn't normally ship. If
they say we never ship bagels, but for you, will
gladly ship them.

Speaker 1 (57:11):
But you just told me, oh we ship Monday, Tuesdays
and Wednesdays, they ship, they ship their bagels. So what's
the gladly part. So I get you get.

Speaker 3 (57:20):
You're giving me the bagels are free, so you're giving
me your food cost is probably like you said, five
bucks maximum, it's worth a few dolls whatever, dude, it's
like a dollar. You're talking about flour and water, right,
it takes four flower, water, salt, yeast. There's four things.
There's four ingredients and a bagel. Right, So my point is,

I know I know this from Colondrums. Yeah, I'm not sure.
Hit the jingle, you bitch.

Speaker 1 (57:49):
What the jingle? I know what you did? What any time?

Speaker 3 (57:52):
Hunreds doesn't even sell bagels or an Italian restaurant. They're
a bakery.

Speaker 1 (57:54):
Colombias is a bakery, and they learned their responsibis and
they taught me how to make bagels. I was in
a bagel kitchen for ingredients and bagels. Jingle, what are
you talking about? They're a sponsor. You go to your
doings there all the time. Thank you. Callanders would have
given you thirty two dollars for that free mention right there,

for it cost them a nickel to make those bagels.

Speaker 3 (58:20):
Don't let them kid you. Never mind the cost of
the bagels. They give me those a free they didn't
want to come out, they didn't want to come out
of pocket for shipping. They didn't want to be in
the red.

Speaker 1 (58:27):
But all I'm saying yes, So I'm saying, Look, I'm
not trying to say I deserve free bagels. I'm not.

Speaker 3 (58:33):
But if I'm a business and I have an opportunity
to put that's why. It's why they like celebrities and
award shows, get like Rolex's in the back and the
gift bags, because they want people to be seen in
their stuff. So you have an opportunity for thirty two
dollars and fifty cents Canadian Let me see what the
the raid is. Hold on thirty two dollars and fifty
cents Canadian to dollars.

Speaker 1 (58:54):
It's not much different.

Speaker 3 (58:57):
I want to just see what's going to cost me.
Hold on thirty two dollars Canadian to dollars, you know
what it is, and forty hold on, nope, the other
way around, Canadian dollars.

Speaker 1 (59:07):
And how many bagels were they going to send you?
How many dozen? Well?

Speaker 3 (59:11):
Uh hold on, let me see.

Speaker 1 (59:12):
I want you to do the math, because how much
per bagel would that have been?

Speaker 3 (59:18):
Okay, okay, hold on, so this gets better here. See
the American dollar is doing very well right now. Our
economy is doing very well, even though people don't notice
it yet. The US, it would only cost me twenty
three dollars and eighty cents to pay for shipping. Okay,
so if you want to go half with me, I
can get four dozen bagels.

Speaker 1 (59:39):
For that map twelve, twenty four, thirty six, forty eight. Yeah, brody,
well here, just fucking do it. You think, yeah, I'll
go have have these with you. You go have somebody.
So let me say forty dollars divided by when I
say twenty three, what twenty three eighty, let's go eighty
bring it dollars sixty eight a bagel. That's not I
will do it. Let's do it. I mean it was

like seventy nine cents, but not a lot more expensive
by me, that's all. If you put cream cheese on it.

Speaker 3 (01:00:07):
Now they're a dollar twenty five an hour.

Speaker 1 (01:00:09):
We'll see in a couple of weeks. Brold Bys, Brocoli boys,
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