All Episodes

April 18, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bat at all?

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Don't given them.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Black a million bus.

Speaker 4 (00:18):
Boozy. Yeah, listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:26):

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I don't joy.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Yah yah joy shot. You got to do that. Turn.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
You gotta turn.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
I got to turn the mouth turn, probably got to
turn the mouth out the wing up.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
Look, come come out, you.

Speaker 5 (01:59):
Think I sure will? Good morning everybody, y'all listening to
the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only
Steve Harvey got a radio show today, folks. I just
want to dive right in because I think I got
it here it is. Did you know that there is

a life for you that's greater than you could have
ever dreamed of? Did you know that there's a life
for you better than the one you've ever felt before?
And did you know that there was a life for
you much bigger than the one you wanted? And lastly,

did you know that what I just said is true?
Did you know that? Did you know that the things
I just said are available to you? It's not just
intended for those who receive awards. It's for everybody. Yeah,

you too, It's for you who didn't get your high
school diploma. It's for you who are incarcerated. It's for
you who have two strikes. It's for you who've been

sentenced to life. It's for you who've gotten out and
have a felony record and can't seem to get it together.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
It's for you who have an illness. It's for you
who the doctors have given up on. It's for you.
This life i'm talking about is for you.

Speaker 5 (03:58):
Did you know that there is a life for you
better than the one you dreamed about, better than the
one you've imagined, a life better than the one you
thought of, That there's a life for you better than
the one you've ever felt before. There's a life for
you better than the one you saw for yourself. There's

a better life for you than the one you expected
and even the one you wanted. Did you know that
this is true for you? See, here's let me give
you the secret to this thing. Now you have to
believe that it is for you. Now, you gotta fight

through the doubts. You gotta fight through the wheel of satan,
because the devil is busy man. The devil wants you
to think that it's hopeless. The devil wants you to
think that this is it. The devil wants you to
think that ain't no more to it. The devil wants
you to think that this applies to other people. But you, yeah,
you've been dealt the worst of them all, which you ate.

But that's what the devil wants you to think. So
you gotta fight through. Now, You gotta fight through to
get to what I just said is available for you.
But what else you got to do? You ain't doing
nothing else, might as well fight. Why just wake up
and just let it be? Why would you wake up
every day and just exist when there's a chance for
you to actually live. See the reason I don't mind

smiling so much now is because I'm no longer existing.

Speaker 6 (05:27):
I'm living now. See. See, that's what you want to
get to.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
You don't want to exist to wake up paycheck to paycheck,
date today, not knowing, not understanding, not have and can't
can't get this, can't get that, can't go here, can't
go there, Gotta wait, gota wait, gota wait, goda wait
till it seems like you never get nowhere. You can
get out of that rut of life, feeling like when

you wake up in the morning that your life is
whole hum that you just in a rut.

Speaker 6 (05:56):
I drive the.

Speaker 5 (05:57):
Same way to work. I do the same thing on
my job. When I get off, I drive all the
way back home.

Speaker 6 (06:03):
I sit there, I.

Speaker 5 (06:04):
Read the newspaper. I watered the lawn. I'm so sick
of my life. It ain't this, ain't what I wanted, man,
and start wak up, start over, do the same thing.
Then the weekend gets here. You got to mold the lawn,
and then you try to fix something in the garage
and you feel like your life is in a rut.
I'm talking about if this feels like a rut to you,
and if it's what you've always wanted, I'm cool with that.

But I'm talking to people who want it more, who
would love their life to be more, who would love
their life too different to be different. Now, I'm not
criticizing you if I just described your life. I'm just
only talking to the ones who would dad to believe
that there's more to it than this. I'm only talking
to the ones who would dad to accept the challenge

to fight through and see what God got for you.
Instead of listening to Satan all the time. Devil is busy, man,
Please understand, he's so busy, so busy trying to trick you,
get you into the groove. You know they doing all
kinds of stuff now, man, you know atheists and already
got prayer taken out of schools. Excuse me, look at

our skills schools, not as a push by the atheists
to get the words in God we trust, taking off
our money. Here's a deal. If you don't believe in God,
and you don't want trust in God, just going about
your business. But what you can't do is spill off
all into what I'm talking about. That's the problem I
have with all of them. If you're gonna do you,
then't do you, but don't spill off into what I got. Now. See,

if you don't believe what I'm saying, then I ain't
talking to you. Let's just be clear about the relationship
with Steve Harvey and his crew. I'm only talking to
the people that believe that are looking for something else,
that want something more, that wants something better, that's got
to be out there searching and hoping and trying to
do more. That's all I'm talking to now. If you

don't believe what I'm saying is true, didn't go ahead,
try it your way, go see, write me, email me,
let me know how it's going for you. But I'm
telling you have a way that's tried and true. If
you go to God, if you go to your creator,
your maker, if you go to him and you go
to him for real and.

Speaker 6 (08:11):
Tell him, hey, you know what, I want you to
go ahead and take over from here. I'm done.

Speaker 5 (08:16):
I would have done all I know how to do
out of tried everything I know how to try. I'm
sick of me right now. Hey, look here, you created
me what you want me to do?

Speaker 7 (08:26):

Speaker 5 (08:26):
You had the cool thing about it When I made
that decision, y'all. See, I was so afraid for years
that I was going to miss out on something if
I did that. I couldn't do this no more. But
the stuff I needed to stop doing. I really need
to stop the things I was afraid of not being
able to do anymore, with the very same things I
really didn't need to be.

Speaker 6 (08:43):
Doing no more in the first place.

Speaker 5 (08:46):
On the real man, on the real all that temporary
fun I was having all them temporary outlets. I was
using all them temporary things trying to fulfill myself. I
was doing I was just doing a bunch of temporary
mess man. I said, hold up, man, I want something permanent. Man,
I want a permanent feeling in my heart. That's gonna

be all right. So he replaced all that fun with joy.
But it was only because I went and I faced him.
He didn't take me and stopped me from being me.

Speaker 6 (09:16):
He just made a better version of me.

Speaker 5 (09:19):
See, God don't take he because all the stuff he
sent you through, he needed you to go through all him.
He needed you to have him experience of what it
felt like to be locked up. He needed you to
have experience and know what it was to lose everything.
He needed you to have experience to make you tough.
You're just gonna be a tough one. I'm a tough
soldier in his army.

Speaker 6 (09:39):
That's all. I just say. One of the weak ones.
I protect the weak ones.

Speaker 5 (09:44):
God didn't take a lot of stuff from except the
stuff I needed. But the stuff he made me to be,
he allowed me to keep it, and he just made
it better of me. Do that, y'all and you can
have what you want.

Speaker 8 (09:57):
You're listening Morning show.

Speaker 6 (10:01):
Ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 5 (10:03):
The time is here to give thanks and honor to
the Almighty for another day, another shot, another opportunity, to
another blessing, another gift. That's why they call it to president.
We're here again, man, all because of him. I mean,
I really look, man, I'm look. I ain't no preacher.
I'll never be a preacher. I'm doing. I'm just telling you,

I ain't perfect, none of them. They ain't either. You ain't.
Nobody is. So you know, I'm just in here, man,
doing the best I can, you know, striving everything, trying
to learn something new every day. And I'm just grateful
for the opportunity and the shot.

Speaker 6 (10:45):
Man. You know, I'd like to have a life of longevity.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
I would like that, you know, peace and prosperity, kindness
and giving, you know, change couple people lives long the way,
help as many as I can, you know, and earn
the seat at the table. That's That's really it. That's
really it. That's really it.

Speaker 6 (11:06):
Steve Harvet, Marty Show, that's really it.

Speaker 5 (11:09):
Charlie Strawberry calling Forrell Mississippi Monica, Mouth of the South, Junior,
the ever inquisitive one, and nephew Tommy Junior, or what's
on your mind?

Speaker 9 (11:20):
I can't believe you said that you're gonna try to
earn a seat at the table. If you ain't at
the table, ain't none of us getting at the table.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
No, that's true.

Speaker 5 (11:28):
Everything you've done, you done. No, no, no, no, no,
that's not true. Let me back you up a little bit.
It's some people on this zoom that's living good quality lives.
I'm not living the best life on this zoom. I
really don't think that. You know, I've done some things,
accomplished some things. I'm talking about just being a good person.

I've probably quadrupled the mistakes total on this show.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
So you've out mistake, that's all.

Speaker 5 (12:01):
Boy. Boy, Let me tell you so, let me tell you.
So these three women could not have done to what
out there. There's no way.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
It's just no way.

Speaker 5 (12:11):
Like there's no way. Yeah, there's no way.

Speaker 4 (12:18):
You got it.

Speaker 6 (12:20):
Okay, you know I got you?

Speaker 5 (12:23):
No you don't.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
You really don't.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
Let's see what else I can admit to. That way,
it's gonna cost you too much. We're not talking about lying,
because lying I don't really think lye is that big
a sin. I think the Ten Commandments say that shire
not bad false weakness against thy neighbors. But it did
not say you can't lie about yourself.

Speaker 7 (12:53):
And what you do.

Speaker 5 (12:57):
Yeah, long as I don't lie about Shook. She was
over there, she wasn't over there. That's what I think,
false witness against that name.

Speaker 10 (13:13):
Okay, you can lie about you, you just can't lie
about me.

Speaker 5 (13:17):
I just bad false witness about myself. You asked me
where I was. I don't have to tell you that
I have lived by that. That's probably gonna cost me
a little bit.

Speaker 11 (13:32):
But coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour,
we'll hear from the nephew as he runs that prank back.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
Right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 8 (13:46):
Morning show.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
It is time now for the nephew to run that
prank back. What you got for its new?

Speaker 6 (13:51):
This right here.

Speaker 12 (13:52):
You know a lot of a lot of y'all don't
like to give people chances. You got to give people
chances in life. And this right here is the blind barber.
The blind barber. All right, don't don't hey, don't knock
it to you.

Speaker 13 (14:04):
Try it.

Speaker 6 (14:05):
Don't knock it to you, try it. You don't know.
There's some people that's doing some amazing things out there.
Y'all can go to a halfstyle.

Speaker 12 (14:11):
It's just blind once they there's some people that get
really can feel their way around.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
There's some people that know what they doing. You got
to get people a shot, you know.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
I bet I'll be able to tell yeah, because we're
not blind.

Speaker 6 (14:25):
Yes, all right, here we go the blind barble. Let's
go cat doom.

Speaker 7 (14:32):

Speaker 12 (14:32):
I'm trying to reach uh that run the bucket? Yeah
you now you run the barber shop down there, on't you?

Speaker 5 (14:42):

Speaker 12 (14:42):
Now, I'm trying to see if if y'all got any
uh booth for rentals down there where I can come
in there and cut some hair. I've been cutting how
a long time. I want to see if y'all got
some room down there. They tell me they might, You
might have had something come available.

Speaker 4 (14:57):
I got two boots open right now.

Speaker 7 (14:59):
You need a boot.

Speaker 6 (15:00):
Yeah, I'm trying to get in there and get the cutting.

Speaker 3 (15:02):

Speaker 6 (15:02):
You now how much you charge for booth rent on
a weekly basis.

Speaker 4 (15:07):
That's two hundred dollars a week.

Speaker 12 (15:09):
Two hundred dollars a week. Now that eight hundred dollars
a month. That they're good cause your two hundred? Now,
whinter can I get down there so you can meet me?

Speaker 7 (15:17):
You know?

Speaker 6 (15:17):
Wh when you show me around the shop, so I
know what I'm.

Speaker 4 (15:20):
Open from eight to seven. That's that's Tuesday, two saddys all.

Speaker 12 (15:23):
Right, because I want to see if I can maybe
meet you there so I can get down there and
you feel my way around come out. Then what I
want to ask you do you mind doing for me?
Do you think you could possibly put up some ramps
where you got steps at and uh?

Speaker 1 (15:40):
And your phone?

Speaker 6 (15:42):
Could you take your mind if you take the phone
and put it in brail for me?

Speaker 5 (15:46):

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Wait, man, what the hell I need to put money
taking rampside and putting phones in the bridell for what's
going on with you?

Speaker 6 (15:54):
Well, I'm I'm blind. You know I'm not gonna let
that stop me.

Speaker 4 (15:58):
You know I'm still gonna Oh no, no, no, no,
hell no, man, you wait a minute.

Speaker 6 (16:05):
You what I'm blind?

Speaker 12 (16:07):
But see what, I've been cutting my hair for over
ten years, and folks say my hair could always look good.
So I just figured I'm gonna start cutting hand nothing.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
Oh well, yeah, what you might cut a hand. It
might be some good that you do, but just ain't
cutting no hand in my shop?

Speaker 7 (16:22):
Not being blind?

Speaker 4 (16:23):
That yeah, ain't not that found my shop?

Speaker 14 (16:26):

Speaker 4 (16:26):
No, I ain't got no problem with that, but you
you just can't do.

Speaker 6 (16:30):
It down well wait wait nothing, see this what they
call it excrimination? You can't do that.

Speaker 12 (16:35):
You can't scriminate from people you call they got some
type of hand the cap blowns to them.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
You listen, hold let me can't something man. I'm not
trying to be trying to put you out of being
the dyck doing what you need to do. But you
just can't do that my shot. Man, I can't be
called discrimination, excramination, scrimination of what not.

Speaker 7 (16:55):
Not not my out a shot. You just can't do it.

Speaker 6 (16:58):
Listen not.

Speaker 12 (16:59):
I know hard to cut hair, I know how to
give folks a lining and stuff like now.

Speaker 6 (17:04):
I ain't tried to use no raisor nothing like that, but.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
I know, man, come on, dude, can't you find something
else to get in too? Was trying to cut half?

Speaker 6 (17:15):
Well? This what I like though, This what I feel like,
This is my calling.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
You just can't do it in my shof I'm no.

Speaker 12 (17:22):
Cause see now that's what I don't. I don't care
to hear something like this here. And I've been I
got the qualifications and I'm able to do it, and
I want to be able to come down there. And
I told you when I first what I tell you,
I said, I wanted to feel my way around, Didn't
I say.

Speaker 4 (17:36):
That I don't need to feel your way back. I
needed to be able to see what you're doing. I mean,
I don't care about you being able to cut no
half being brind You got to.

Speaker 7 (17:44):
Be able to see to do that.

Speaker 12 (17:46):
This could probably do to do wonder for your shob
People all come from miles around to see somebody like
myself cutting.

Speaker 7 (17:53):
The hair that kind of my shot?

Speaker 4 (17:55):
Did you do what I said?

Speaker 6 (17:56):
I heard what you said when I don't want you
to do it make me mad about that?

Speaker 4 (18:00):
Now you're gonna get mad if my something have been
blond to me. I'm offering and you kid me this
your blind doc. I can't help you when you Brian Man.

Speaker 12 (18:09):
Come on with that now listen, I'm gonna tell you
this here, and I'm gonna tell it to you straight.
I'm coming down now to that barber shop. I'm gonna
feel leave booths out and I'm gonna start cutting now.
One thing I don't want to do is have to
get into no tussa with you now. I don't want that.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
Worry worry about getting in no tule with me. Did
you bring your in my shot?

Speaker 7 (18:29):
Talking much?

Speaker 4 (18:30):
You gonna cut he He's gonna be some party moveing
around A man, I'm.

Speaker 6 (18:34):
Coming down there, and I'm coming down there this evening.

Speaker 4 (18:37):
Now, what thing you no where? Now you might keep
it with my shot?

Speaker 6 (18:41):
You gonna you gonna get your what bob? Blind man?
And what you're gonna do, you ain't gonna see it
coming either, you hear me?

Speaker 7 (18:48):
Pray you.

Speaker 6 (18:50):
Not as long as I got the money to pay
my bull rental.

Speaker 4 (18:54):
You don't give a damn. I don't want your money.
You're blind, can't cut no mad Make you understand what.

Speaker 7 (19:01):
I say to you.

Speaker 6 (19:01):
I'm understanding what you're saying. And if I got to
call the law about you being discriminated.

Speaker 4 (19:07):
Lord, you can call anybody you wants to call. That's money.
You not gonna do that.

Speaker 7 (19:13):
You understand what.

Speaker 4 (19:14):
I'm telling you. Now you bring your Now they talking
about good many. I'll be waiting on you.

Speaker 12 (19:20):
I'm coming down there this evening and I'm coming and
I'm coming to up y'all because you got the nerve
to discriminate just me.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
I don't know how they got my come in the fast.

Speaker 7 (19:32):
Who kill you?

Speaker 2 (19:33):

Speaker 4 (19:35):
You ought not be ding I even fishing.

Speaker 6 (19:39):
The call they give me.

Speaker 12 (19:42):
They give me this number and say you is the
one that do the hiring around the barber shop.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
You don't call my personal number. You called my jop.

Speaker 15 (19:51):
Don't tell you money?

Speaker 6 (19:53):
What difference do that make? If I'm some man looking
for a job.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
You don't call my personal phone.

Speaker 6 (20:01):
You're gonna watch your tone with me. What you're gonna do.

Speaker 7 (20:03):
I ain't gonna watching my shot.

Speaker 6 (20:08):
I tell you one thing you're gonna watch. You're gonna
watch me get on your.

Speaker 7 (20:12):
Why are you gonna get on? You can't save it?

Speaker 4 (20:15):
And I want to hang up on you.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
I got one more thing I need to say to you.

Speaker 12 (20:21):
This is his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (20:26):
You just got pranked by your cousin.

Speaker 4 (20:34):

Speaker 7 (20:35):
You you ain't no bood.

Speaker 6 (20:39):
Hey, mister, I got to.

Speaker 12 (20:41):
Ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about
the baddest radio show.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
In the land, the Steve Harvey Moaning Show.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
I'll be back, thank you. Coming up next to is
ask the.

Speaker 11 (20:58):
Clo you're listening hard morning show. Coming up at the
top of the hour, and entertainment news. President Biden releases
his tax return and once again Trump doesn't uh what's
going on with Rick Ross and the Drake Beef.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
What is happening there?

Speaker 13 (21:15):
All right?

Speaker 1 (21:16):
We got to find out about that.

Speaker 11 (21:18):
And celebrity family feud will be stars studed this season.
We'll talk about all of these stories at the top
of the hour, but right now it is time to
ask the clo. This one's from Vera and Saint Paul.
Vera writes, I left the South and moved in with
my daughter last year. Six months ago. I met a
wonderful man and I moved in with him. My daughter

is still mad because she thought she would have a babysitter.
Am I wrong for choosing a man over the kids.

Speaker 5 (21:46):
Well, you're doing a lot of moving, you know, just
moving up left the South, then you went up north,
then you moved in again. You need to you. I
just think you need to pay to to your decisions.
That's a lot of movie you go. You're an unstable employee.
There's a lot of companies won't hide you if you

had so many moves on your record. I didn't get
hired by all State once because I had moved too
many times in a three year period, and they thought
that that showed instability. So you might want to be
careful about all this movie and stuff. But to tell
your daughter to have an open mind because you'll be back. Yeah,

you don't even know this, dude.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
They may not work out.

Speaker 5 (22:33):
Oh, she'll be back. You'll be over that babysitting like
the baby.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
Won't, all right, missus Bira.

Speaker 11 (22:41):
Moving on to Canard and Memphis, Canard says, I met
a woman that has two left feet, and I love
to dance. I love to watch black and white movies,
and she hates them. I love seafood, and she has
a shelfish allergy. But it's the best love making I've
ever had. Should I overlook the other stuff?

Speaker 5 (23:00):
No, get out though, See you can let me tell
you something about that good love making. It's good long
as you make it love. But the rest of them
twenty three hours. You got to deal with all this hits.
She can't dance, she can't eat nothing. And and i'
here the part you left out for show. She's crazy.

Speaker 6 (23:20):
Left that out there is no it's not in there.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
She just can't dance, and she doesn't like the same movies.

Speaker 5 (23:27):
He likes.

Speaker 6 (23:27):
If you can't dance, you don't like movies, you.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Can't eat like white movies.

Speaker 6 (23:33):
Yeah, you crazy.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
Well that's how I know she crazed, because first of all,
I don't like black and white movie.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
A crazy Yeah you're crazy.

Speaker 6 (23:43):
Yeah, sure, I don't like black and white move now, I.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Could dance, Yeah you can't.

Speaker 5 (23:48):
And I am allergic to spiny lobster. I can eat
maine lobster, but I am allergic to spiny lobster.

Speaker 6 (23:59):
Yeah. I don't care what they got. They can have
at my whole mouth, be it?

Speaker 14 (24:03):

Speaker 1 (24:06):
All right?

Speaker 11 (24:06):
So you and this guy wouldn't get along either, You
and Canard wouldn't get along.

Speaker 16 (24:12):
Well, surely me and Canard, Yeah, you wouldn't get along,
all right? Moving on to Joyce, I'm this hill, so
no chance of moving on to No chance of me
and a Lenard, none of those, none of the dods, Yeah.

Speaker 6 (24:35):
None of the dodds.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
We are I don't give me damn if he played
golf likestick off and you know, like riding in the country.

Speaker 11 (24:44):
Well, Joyce in Bedford City says I joined the finance
committee at church. My husband claims I'm on the committee
because my ex husband is on the committee. I tell
my husband that we should find a new church after
we got married, but he said, no, should I not
be at to the church because my new husband is
in secure about my ex?

Speaker 6 (25:04):
Well, you know, I don't know how y'all hooked all
this up.

Speaker 5 (25:07):
Y'all at the same church, just laying around and leaving
each other and staying together.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
And count runny together.

Speaker 5 (25:17):
Crazy Christian community. You know, I don't you know you're
in that accounting money?

Speaker 6 (25:23):
How you doing?

Speaker 5 (25:23):
And then well, how you doing? Everything going on? What
are you trying to ask me about my husband? You know,
stuff like that. Yeah, they're that talking dog. So I
don't I don't know what to tell you. You know,
you said get a new church.

Speaker 6 (25:38):
He said no.

Speaker 5 (25:40):
Because see he wanted he see let me tell you
why he said no. You don't want to look like
he got the girl and he running from the dude.
But now he's standing there and now the dude and
the ex working.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Oh, it's an ego issue with him.

Speaker 13 (25:53):
He need to get on commit.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
What'd you say he need to get on the committee?

Speaker 5 (25:59):
Then, now I'll tell you what. The three of us
ain't fitn't be sitting on talking about Dang.

Speaker 11 (26:12):
She's just saying, you know, it's about service with her.
She wants to be active at her church.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
Well, you know that's what That's what the whole problem is.
It's about service with her. That's the the whole problem,
the whole Yeah, next question.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
Share last one, Steve. This is from Rica and Aurora.

Speaker 11 (26:35):
Rica says, I have a five year old niece that
acts like she's thirty years old. She makes up stories,
and no one believes she's lying but me. She told
her mom that her daddy has a girlfriend and she
is white with an afro. My sister is stressing out
and following her husband around. Would I be wrong to
discipline her child for her.

Speaker 7 (26:55):

Speaker 5 (26:59):
Yeah, But the white lady with the afro, though, that's
what you needed. That's descripted. Brother, But that that's gonna
be easy to find though, because the real white lady
had don't really flow up, not quite well. He needs

to find out who this little high yellow health is
as what they ain't no white girl. The baby just
don't know. We come in Vanilla, you know, we do
come in Vanilla, just like we come in a double dog.
We do the double dog. Find this kick I ever

saw in my life with dogs. What Faula loves it?

Speaker 6 (27:54):
Double dog, early clean, Patricia Parter call them up?

Speaker 11 (28:01):
So should the So should the auntie? She's asking should
she discipline the child for her sister?

Speaker 6 (28:08):
No, No, you're gonna get jumped on telefi.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
You don't just be lying.

Speaker 5 (28:13):
And but some of this stuff is true. Over see,
once you tell so minute line, you don't know. Seeing
when I was a child, I had that imagination because
I was creative and I didn't have no where to
go with. That's when Lyne first started. Yeah. Yeah, I
perfected it then and learned how to lie just under
a die circumstance.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Yeah, and you're so good at it.

Speaker 13 (28:34):
We could see.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
It's a long standing tradition.

Speaker 6 (28:37):
Yeah with you.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Yeah, you've been doing it for a while. Heart, what effortless.

Speaker 3 (28:44):

Speaker 5 (28:45):
Interviews court, I'm talking about underpressure this Later all over
town they went to a white app.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
What it have, bro, should run it up?

Speaker 6 (29:01):
So she met and all and all it is and
see but she she wrongs. She don't know.

Speaker 5 (29:05):
It's just a light skinned sistant, that baby over there.
So she pressed her hair, come out that shower of
just light skinned girl.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
That's all all right, thank you Cello coming up at
the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment news
for you right after this.

Speaker 8 (29:23):
You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (29:28):
President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden paid a total
of one hundred and forty six thousand, six hundred and
twenty nine in federal taxes. How much one forty six
six twenty nine, one hundred and forty six thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
What that's what they pay?

Speaker 11 (29:45):
Yeah, the almost one almost one forty seven actually thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Yeah, well, you know they don't won't wow? Every month?

Speaker 11 (30:00):
WHOA, Well, that's how much they've paid in federal income tax.
According to his twenty twenty three tax return, the President
publicly released his tax return, which he has done every
year for the past twenty six years. It shows that
he and the First Lady reported an income of about
six hundred and twenty thousand dollars and paid her a
federal tax rate of twenty three point seven thousand percent.

I mean, meanwhile, the former President Trump has never agreed
to release his returns.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
We all know that.

Speaker 11 (30:32):
Yeah, Despite that, his spokesperson said, quote, President Trump has
released more information to the American public about his personal
finances than any candidate in history. Huh, it is what wait,
another lie, another lie. It's not clear if he will
release his twenty twenty three return. We know he won't,

the White House said in a statement, once again demonstrating
his commitment to being transparent the American people. President Biden
has released the most tax returns of any commander in
chief while in office. President Biden believes that all occupants
of the Oval Office should be open and honest with
the American people, and that the long standing tradition of
annually releasing presidential tax returns should continue unbroken.

Speaker 6 (31:21):
Honest is not what you're ever going to get from
Donald Trump.

Speaker 5 (31:26):

Speaker 6 (31:27):
There has never been the total of all the presidents ever.

Speaker 5 (31:32):
You can total. Look all the lies they've told. It
don't come close to the ones he'd been told. And
he's still lying. And these idiots in this country they
do not care because that's how they are. They cool
with it. They like him.

Speaker 6 (31:51):
Because they like what he represents. It is the American way.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
It's really sad. That's really sad.

Speaker 5 (31:59):
He won't to get in the White House just like
they came and got in America. And he ain't got
no problem getting in there like that. And they ain't
got no problem putting him in there like that because
they know it's the American way. We got to stop
being surprised at these people because that's how they are. Period.
If you vote for Donald Trump, it's because you are

not listening and paying attention to any of the moral
clauses that's been put upon any other candidate to run
for the presidency of the United States. And if you
set up in here and let this man tell you
that that election was stolen, you stupid.

Speaker 6 (32:40):
You know couldn't. Hell well, you can't steal no damn election.
And you know that that part. So when all y'all win,
when Dessanta's.

Speaker 5 (32:50):
Win, and Cruise win, and and Abne winn and Abbot
winn and all y'all win, why ain't no problems with it?

Speaker 16 (32:58):

Speaker 13 (32:59):

Speaker 6 (33:00):

Speaker 5 (33:00):
I ain't never been a problem about an election and
to a heat set up and lost, right because you know, well,
you can't do that. And he has confessed, y'all that
everybody is is wrong except him. He has confessed you
all so much about fake news that all news now

about him is fake news.

Speaker 6 (33:22):
So you don't believe the ninety one indictment.

Speaker 17 (33:25):
What you better convince this jury because they loading it in. Yeah,
he said, he said, he needs a break sauce. He
got to go to Baron's graduation. Whatever, they still gonna
get these jurors.

Speaker 6 (33:42):
He's going down. What's going down?

Speaker 14 (33:44):
Then? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (33:45):
Yeah, get Melania nowhere. She don't nobody want to go
down there with him?

Speaker 1 (33:56):
All right, switching gears.

Speaker 11 (33:59):
In the other innertainment news yesterday, we talked about the
Golden Bachelor, Jerry Turner, Steve and It's soon to be
ex wife Teresa. They're going to be special guests on
the new season of Celebrity Family Feud. But we also
hear that Megan the Stallion will be on the show.
So who else is going to be on the show?

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Can you share Steve this new season?

Speaker 6 (34:17):
About Anthony and Mama Shaq? I guess you can some
rock bands fat Joe Rebby Mon.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
He said, really, you called her that national TV.

Speaker 6 (34:40):
It's actually really nice, man. She was really really nice.

Speaker 5 (34:44):
She was cool, pretty teeth man had some hellified boots
everybody wanted to boot she had.

Speaker 6 (34:50):
Yeah, Yeah, she was out fly man, she was dope.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
I was making the Stallion, Well she is that.

Speaker 6 (34:57):
Nowa what she's saying.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
She's on the cover of Women's Self Magage.

Speaker 6 (35:05):
Stallion Clyd Still the Bread.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
All yeah, we talked about her workout.

Speaker 6 (35:13):
Secretariot all of that, you know, mag All.

Speaker 11 (35:20):
Right, well, we'll keep you posted on the season premiere
of Celebrity Family Feud.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Finally, in Trending Music News, Carla, what is going on
with Rick Ross and Drake?

Speaker 6 (35:30):
What are the people want to stand?

Speaker 2 (35:31):

Speaker 3 (35:31):
The Weekend?

Speaker 18 (35:32):
Drake dropped a disc record take a shot to Rick
Ross The Weekend Future Kendrick lamar Drake is mad because
Ricky Rose and followed him. Ricky Rose responded, they talking
about those jobs.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
It's real crazy.

Speaker 6 (35:49):
Just who got a nose? Y'all? That's what Ricky Rose
is saying.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Drake got a nose job.

Speaker 6 (35:55):
It's real, it's real crazy.

Speaker 1 (36:01):
All right, Thank you, Gerla.

Speaker 11 (36:02):
Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, We're gonna
check Steve's voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve,
right after this you're listening Hard Morning Show. All right, Steve,
time now to check your voicemail. If you would like
to leave Steve a message, call him at eight seven
seven twenty nine. Steve, you might just hear your call
on the air, ready, Steve, Yes, here we go. A

white female voter in Atlanta left a message for you.

Speaker 19 (36:27):
Hey, Steve, this is London. I live it at the
Atlanta area. And the woman that you announced about the Chick.

Speaker 20 (36:32):
Fil A and all the other stuff and the garbage.

Speaker 19 (36:35):
That she's feeding is ridiculous. I am white and I
will never ever ever support Trump.

Speaker 1 (36:43):

Speaker 19 (36:43):
I believe in everything that you say. And I hope
that the message that you get out there, Steve and
morning crew. I hope y'all get that message out to
these people and have them vote right. Let's not make
this mistake again. It was a mistake. He's rude, he's crude,
and this can't happen. Steve, what you're doing, Love you
and love you chee.

Speaker 1 (37:02):
Thank you all right, lady?

Speaker 5 (37:04):
Okay, Well that b because you know you can't. I'm
just speechless at times about this country that we have.
I mean, and the adacity and the hypocrisy that resides
in this country is sickening to me. And here we are, man,

were just sitting here with this foolishness all over again.

Speaker 6 (37:31):
This man is not a quality person.

Speaker 7 (37:33):
You know.

Speaker 5 (37:33):
I was on stage of family feud on one of
the breaks. I just said, Look, I don't mind a
person being conservative. I don't remind I don't mind conservative views.
However you want to view it, you gotta have it.
There's a difference of opinion and how everything is going on,
you know. But listen, like, I believe what conservatives say
they were people should pull theyselves up by their bootstraps.

But at the same time, I believe we got to
help those that don't even have damn boots. Yeah, now
that's too liberal for some conservatives. But you know, man,
so I don't mind the conservative viewpoint. Just can you
get a better damn represented, just a better human being,
a better guy.

Speaker 6 (38:15):
This guy is not.

Speaker 5 (38:18):
He don't even morally represent what y'all really talking about.
And I got news for you, man. He don't care
nothing about the small man, nothing at all. He don't
care nothing about Pope people. He ain't never been one
of them anyway.

Speaker 20 (38:34):
Yeah, good morning to see. I'm right here listening to
your show, and I just heard y'all saying, you know,
a little comment about Donald Trump and his million of
felonies or whatever, feelingy charges or whatever. I want to know,
how is it that in America, a black man can't
even get a regular job with a feelingy or pending charges,

and Donald Trump can be the president with these charges
Like Make that make sense to me. A black man
can't even get a job in America, and you're telling
me a crook like Donald Trump can be the president.

Speaker 19 (39:11):
Make that make sense for me.

Speaker 5 (39:13):
The only thing I can make sense of it is
is the American way. That's how they got America. So
what's how they gonna keep it?

Speaker 11 (39:22):
They voted for him, all right, all right, Steve, coming
up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have
more voicemails for you. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve.
Right after this, you're listening hard Morning Show. All right, Steve,
we have more voicemail calls for you. If you would

like to leave a message for Steve, call him eight
seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We might play your voicemail
on the air.

Speaker 5 (39:48):
All right.

Speaker 11 (39:49):
Nikki from Brooklyn left a message about dealing with her
husband when she comes home from work.

Speaker 5 (39:53):

Speaker 1 (39:54):
Check it out, Steve.

Speaker 19 (39:55):
My name is Nikki from Brooklyn, and I was just
listening to you guys that it's me and my husband when.

Speaker 4 (40:01):
He is retired, so he is at home.

Speaker 14 (40:04):
When I come home.

Speaker 4 (40:04):
From work a long day, I.

Speaker 19 (40:06):
Do not want to talk, and he does not understand
that I just need a minute to just come home.
I want to get in the shadwer. I just want
silence for a minute. And he asks me a thousand
and one question. Then he gets mad because I don't
want to talk.

Speaker 14 (40:24):
And I said, oh well, I won't ask you about
your day no more. You know about my day because
you called me at.

Speaker 19 (40:31):
Work and ask me about my day.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
So when I come home, I am tired.

Speaker 15 (40:37):
I just want a minute to myself, to just loosa
and just relax, eat my dinner, watch a little television,
and go to bed.

Speaker 6 (40:48):
I'm tired, like fire tired.

Speaker 14 (40:51):
Thank you?

Speaker 1 (40:53):
Yeah, wow, lab.

Speaker 3 (41:01):
What you got for?

Speaker 5 (41:03):
Well? You know he need to find something to do, yes,
because obviously he she don't want it to be her.
Find yourself some business because I don't want you. I
don't want to be your business. And I think the
person that that's at home has to understand the person
that's going out here going to work. Yeah, every everybody

needs a break when you get home. I talk for
a living. So when I come home, I don't really
want to talk. That's cool if my girl understand that,
right for the most part. But don't let nothing be
wrong though. Here.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
You gotta talk all right? Uh, this is from Oh
Nikki called back to Steve. Nikki called back.

Speaker 19 (41:47):
And wait, this is again Fromklyn. And if he doesn't
speak to me while I'm at work, he'll really have a.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
Heart etfact, you say, everybody else, oh the work, everybody
else on the way home.

Speaker 15 (42:02):
Everybody always chalk on your phone.

Speaker 19 (42:04):
You talk for this when you're talk for that one,
and you can't never talk to me.

Speaker 14 (42:08):
They want to ask him, so, what do you want
to talk about?

Speaker 4 (42:10):

Speaker 19 (42:11):
You know, he says nothing.

Speaker 14 (42:13):
I don't want to talk.

Speaker 19 (42:14):
He does the same exact thing. I was like these
people speaking him up one though, because that is me
and my husband all day.

Speaker 5 (42:25):
Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (42:26):
Look, what you want to talk about?

Speaker 5 (42:30):

Speaker 6 (42:30):
Nothing? Cool?

Speaker 5 (42:31):
Walk off, go take your shower, go woo. So you know,
but you're gonna have to get him. You're not gonna
get him to understand because he ain't got nothing to do.
You talk to people all day long. You're damn right,
are you listening? I talk to people all.

Speaker 6 (42:48):
Day long to help bring the money in the house
that helps support us. Yeah, I talk all day.

Speaker 5 (42:55):
Long, and now that I'm off, I don't want to talk.
I'll see you saying when I'm.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
Off Saturday Tuesday.

Speaker 6 (43:05):
On Saturday.

Speaker 1 (43:07):
Thursday, Tommy said he needs a hobby. He needs something
to you said that, Steve.

Speaker 13 (43:13):
He needs This is what he needs.

Speaker 6 (43:18):
He need some golf clubs. That's we retired. Get you
some golf club buddy. All right, But.

Speaker 11 (43:27):
Okay, see if we have another one. This is from
uh call he name Jackie. Thinks Tommy has a good idea.

Speaker 4 (43:35):
Hi, this is.

Speaker 19 (43:36):
Jackie from Waldorf, Maryland.

Speaker 21 (43:37):
I think Tommy had a good idea for the team
on the Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 19 (43:43):
Get together and be on family feud.

Speaker 21 (43:46):
Steve, why don't you host your nephew as the league
and all the other crew members from the Steve Harvey
Morning So y'all go a head and follow a little Tommy.

Speaker 19 (43:56):
Come on, now, little you heard her?

Speaker 6 (44:00):
You heard way, don't y'all go and follow little Tummy.
That's the part she had me till we got to
that time. Let's let's call me, let's call meet team
Little Tommy. What would you ask him Steve.

Speaker 1 (44:21):
Oh, we gotta go, Oh, we gotta go, right out
of time.

Speaker 6 (44:25):
All right?

Speaker 11 (44:26):
Coming up next, it is the nephew with the prank
phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 8 (44:35):
Morning show.

Speaker 11 (44:37):
Coming up at the top of the hour, about four
minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, and the
subject is my husband's first aid kit. We'll get into
that in just a few because right now it is
time for the nephew and today's prank phone called nephew.

Speaker 6 (44:50):
What you got this right here is uh, it's called
bed bugs. Bed bugs. You that's that's a that's a
that's a deal. Break up for me. Bed bugs right here,
let's go.

Speaker 5 (45:02):
If you could hello, he.

Speaker 7 (45:04):
Loong time to speak to Shenie.

Speaker 4 (45:06):
She's down here right now.

Speaker 6 (45:07):
I think a message.

Speaker 7 (45:09):
Do you know when she's coming back? No? Is this
a business calls him? No, No, it's personal. I need
to talk to her immediately.

Speaker 14 (45:16):
No, you need to talk to me.

Speaker 4 (45:17):
It's a different man.

Speaker 5 (45:19):
Who was it?

Speaker 7 (45:19):
This is this is Brandon?

Speaker 6 (45:21):
Who are you?

Speaker 4 (45:22):
I'm ernest man?

Speaker 14 (45:23):
But why do you know?

Speaker 7 (45:25):
I got a bit of a situation here man. Uh?
And it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some
money from her, so I kind of need to talk
to her about about getting this money. Is totally disrupted
my whole apartment, and I need to actually see about
talking to her about getting this whole problem, taking.

Speaker 14 (45:45):
Care of what's the what's the situation, what's.

Speaker 7 (45:48):
The what's going on? I mean, I'm basically right now,
I'm twenty five hundred dollars in the rears due to
due to Chinese and I, you know, I I need
to see if she's gonna be able to pay me
for this situation or what.

Speaker 14 (46:03):
You know, my girl owe you money.

Speaker 7 (46:05):
She owes me twenty five hundred dollars, twenty five.

Speaker 14 (46:08):
Hundred dollars for what. I don't even know who you are,
first of all, So what's up with the twenty five
hundred dollars? Man?

Speaker 7 (46:13):
First of all, my name is Brandon, Okay, and I've
been I know, I've been knowing Sher Knees probably for
the last three or four months now, Okay, So here
is you want to know what all in a nutshell is?
Just like this son, he's been coming through okay for
the last three or four months, been coming over here
to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just

now finding out within the last two weeks. It's I
had to get rid of my couch. I had to
get rid of my mattresses because the mattress, because it's
been a mattress.

Speaker 14 (46:44):
Wait a minute, dude, Wait a minute. So you're trying
to tell me.

Speaker 4 (46:46):
She was in your bed.

Speaker 7 (46:47):
Yeah, she's been in my bed. Dude, she's been in
your bed.

Speaker 14 (46:51):
Are you crazy? You know.

Speaker 4 (46:55):
Where she's dollars problem five hundred dollars.

Speaker 14 (46:58):
You talking about my girl was in your bed. Now,
were not even gonna get into that. You understand what
I'm saying, But that's twenty five hundred dollars.

Speaker 4 (47:04):
You can forget about it.

Speaker 7 (47:05):
No, no, no, no, no, hold up, brother, the ball.

Speaker 14 (47:07):
You calling here? You calling here? You calling here? And
here the dude answer the phone and you still got
to to add for her and then gonna tell me
about some twenty five hundred dollars about some mattress.

Speaker 7 (47:17):
Dude, I'm out my my mattresses. Man on a thousand
bucks full of bad bucks. I had to throw that away.

Speaker 14 (47:23):
May I'll probably worry about no damn mattress. Dude, you're
talking about my girl. We've been together.

Speaker 5 (47:26):
For four years.

Speaker 14 (47:27):
I'm about to pop the question on her, and you
want to sit there talking about she'd been hanging with
you or take it with you for.

Speaker 7 (47:31):
The last four months.

Speaker 14 (47:32):
It's about to be over.

Speaker 15 (47:33):
In a minute.

Speaker 7 (47:34):
Now. What if you want to marriage? Snise cool. I
don't care nothing about that.

Speaker 14 (47:37):
I don't even worry about that now.

Speaker 4 (47:39):
But you don't.

Speaker 14 (47:39):
When my phone talking about some damn mattress, man, that's
that's a problem, dude. I ain't worry about no damn mattress.

Speaker 7 (47:44):
We don't worry them. I ain't got no mattress right.

Speaker 14 (47:46):
Now to my house? You calling mine?

Speaker 6 (47:49):

Speaker 4 (47:49):
I do not call a mattress right now, nor do
I have a couch.

Speaker 14 (47:53):
Do you understand I ain't care about the mattress hotels? Dude,
I don't care nothing about that. Your name you're saying,
ain't Brandon.

Speaker 7 (48:01):
I'm Brandon.

Speaker 14 (48:01):
Yes here, Brandon. Okay, don't worry about it, bright because
you're gonna find me a real solool. Don't let me
find you before you find me, or you understand what
I'm saying, don't.

Speaker 7 (48:08):
You don't do do?

Speaker 14 (48:10):
You can have them big bugs and the mattress or
whatever Answery's for all I here. But what I'm saying
is and you talking about some bent bus and non.

Speaker 4 (48:16):
Bugs over here. Okay, so what you get see them?
Problem over here? In my place?

Speaker 14 (48:21):
I don't can't have them. Probably she ain't bring nothing
over there, first of all, but I ain't ain't even
a problem right now. You've been over here.

Speaker 7 (48:28):
Man hating nobody else over here.

Speaker 14 (48:30):
Don't worry about who you had over there. But you're
gonna call here talking about no money. You ain't getting
nothing from here?

Speaker 7 (48:35):
Okay, First of all, do check this out. I don't
have a problem with you, okay. Me and you cool?

Speaker 4 (48:39):
No when you cool?

Speaker 14 (48:40):
Problem? We already got a problem. You call with me
something about you been sleeping with my brother?

Speaker 7 (48:44):
Hey dog, Dodge the one.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
I'm gonna say it again.

Speaker 7 (48:46):
Me and you cool dog? We cool? We not cool?
We not cool.

Speaker 14 (48:50):
But I'm gonna find out a no water. I'm gonna
handle somelice myself. I'm gonna do you. I'm gonna handle
you later.

Speaker 7 (48:56):
What you through to it, what you're talking about? You,
You're gonna handle me.

Speaker 14 (48:58):
I'm gonna handle you later. You want a mattress?

Speaker 7 (49:01):
Right? They do?

Speaker 14 (49:02):
Doue want a message?

Speaker 7 (49:03):
Right? And marry Sheanise, I ain't got nothing to do
with that. My water, my money back man, for the
for the property of mind that she has ruined.

Speaker 14 (49:10):
Man, don't worry about that. I'm gonna get you a massiss.
Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a casket wrapper
around that they do.

Speaker 7 (49:16):
Dude, Why you sitting here creating the trauma with me
when me and you we ain't even the problem. The
problem is Shanise.

Speaker 14 (49:23):
The problem is you picked up your phone and you
crawl here. That's the problem.

Speaker 7 (49:27):
What you got to douse.

Speaker 14 (49:28):
You ain't got no couch, you ain't got no message.
Now you gotta do that. You understand what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (49:33):
You know what I see. I can't talk to you
when through Shanise get home.

Speaker 14 (49:36):
Man, I don't worry about when Shani get home. What
you need to worry about was when I find you.

Speaker 7 (49:40):

Speaker 4 (49:40):
So, so when you're gonna have my money in it
when you find me because I need my money day,
I'm gonna have you have.

Speaker 14 (49:45):
Your mattress too. Please understand you're gonna be restling red
or what?

Speaker 4 (49:48):

Speaker 7 (49:49):
Okay, So so let me ask you this here, man,
Shanise bring bed bugs over to my house, leave them
all in my mattress, leave them all over my couch.
Where I gotta throw my stuff away?

Speaker 4 (49:58):
Where I'm wrong? At, man, where I'm wrong?

Speaker 14 (50:00):
I'm gonna ask you straight up? Did you know she
had a man?

Speaker 5 (50:03):

Speaker 6 (50:04):

Speaker 4 (50:04):
Did you know she had a man?

Speaker 7 (50:06):
But I mean kind of sort of but.

Speaker 14 (50:08):
Not really though he ain't no kind of sort of
man even you know she got a man, or she
don't got a man?

Speaker 4 (50:14):
You knew she had a man?

Speaker 7 (50:15):

Speaker 14 (50:15):
And you still wining?

Speaker 7 (50:16):
Dni Right, Hey, dog, I ain't got nothing to do
with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these bed bugs.

Speaker 14 (50:21):
Juny stand I'm saying, dude, do you understand you messing
up a four year relationship? You know how much time
I put in with this woman four years? Four years,
were about to get were about to.

Speaker 7 (50:29):
Get married, and you calling here with this. What are
y'all supposed to get married?

Speaker 14 (50:33):
Don't worry about when we're supposed to get married. Man,
you messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain
to you is due you calling here on some big bugs,
which I know she ain't got nothing to do with.
But the fact that you told me that she was
over your house and your dad. That's over. It's over now,
you understand what I'm saying. Now, when she get home,
I'm gonna deal with that. You understand what I'm saying.
That's gonna get done with. I walking up out of here.

But when I leave here, please believe my next doctor
is to come find yo way Prince of all? How
did you get the number to this apartment? That's what
I want to know they do.

Speaker 7 (51:02):
She gave me both numbers, the cell phone number and
the house number. Told me, you know, if it's an emergency,
called the house.

Speaker 14 (51:08):
Okay, and this is an emergency.

Speaker 7 (51:09):
Yeah, that's an emergency. I got.

Speaker 14 (51:12):
Learn learn another emergency number, learning nine one one because
when I come knocking on your dog, either you come
out on your head of it or you better call
the cops. You understand what I'm trying.

Speaker 7 (51:20):
To tell you. Hey, man, do you think Tommy will
pay for the bed bugs?

Speaker 14 (51:26):
Who is Tommy?

Speaker 7 (51:27):
I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for
the bed bud?

Speaker 14 (51:29):
Who is Tommy?

Speaker 7 (51:31):
Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Ernest,
you just got branked by your girl shot niece.

Speaker 14 (51:41):
Man. Y'all, y'all.

Speaker 7 (51:45):
Or a or it was over. It was over.

Speaker 14 (51:49):
You understand what I'm telling you.

Speaker 4 (51:50):
It's over.

Speaker 12 (51:54):
Come on here, come on, come on, come on, come on,
come on, keeping it stupid. Oh, it's getting tight up
in Baltimore. Yeah, it's getting real tight, baby.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
That's right.

Speaker 12 (52:08):
Friday and Saturday at the Comedy Factory, getting real tight.
We almost did just a few moments ago, and I
can say them famous words. Were getting tight. So back
by popular demand, I will be there. The Comedy Factor.
Got a few tickets left. The Nephew is coming to town.
That's two Friday and to Saturday at the Comedy Factory
this weekend. All right, Tommy just added this right here.

This's gonna be good. It's gonna be real good. This
is an evening, an evening with Nephew Tommy, May tenth
and eleventh, West Palm Beach, Florida. You understand that is
Mother's Day weekend, West Palm Beach, Florida, two nights. That
is May tenth, May eleven. That's my daddy birthday, May tenth.
May tenth, May eleven at the Rinker Playhouse at the
Cravis Center.

Speaker 6 (52:49):
Oh my god.

Speaker 12 (52:50):
The nephew is stepping up in some beautiful, beautiful playhouses.
Oh my god, it's an evening with nephew talking, I'm
starting to sound like a lasting now, Lord, have mercy
this boys. Just you know, I am so proud when
I step outside and look at me. I am so
proud of me, you do. Oh way when I step

outside me and look at when I step outside of
me and look at me, I really like what me
is doing.

Speaker 1 (53:18):
Oh like that's normal, Like you got with us for
a Come on, Uncle, Steve, help.

Speaker 6 (53:25):
Us lifeless see me doing it? So hey, Yeah, Mother's
Day weekend.

Speaker 12 (53:30):
Nephew is whould being west Bombi's Florida tickets are on
sale right now to Friday Tuesday.

Speaker 5 (53:36):
With me, uncle, Sometimes when you're talking about yourself to
see you, how far away do you have to walk?

Speaker 6 (53:46):
I'll be right there. I'll be right there. I'll be
right down home.

Speaker 1 (53:49):
I'll be right there, all right, Nephew.

Speaker 11 (53:53):
Coming up next Strawberry Letter, the subject my husband's first
Aid Kit.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
Will find out what that's all about. Right after this.

Speaker 11 (54:00):
You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show, It is time now
for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, dating, sex, parenting,
and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve BARBFM
dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be
reading your letter live on the air, just like we're
going to read this one right here, right now, and

you never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 6 (54:24):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.

Speaker 5 (54:26):
We got it for you.

Speaker 6 (54:27):
Here it is Strawberry letter.

Speaker 1 (54:29):
Thank you nephew.

Speaker 11 (54:30):
Subject my husband's first aid kit. Here Stephen Shirley. My
husband and I have been together for twenty five years
and married for twenty two. Our youngest daughter finally moved out,
and my husband and I hit the road and visited
his parents, and then we drove up to Michigan to
see my sister and her children. It was a great
two weeks of spending quality time with my husband. The

only drawback was that we didn't have a lot of
sex because his back was hurting. He had his doctor
phone in me medication for his back and we picked
it up as soon as we got back in town.
A few days after the trip, I was still unloading
stuff from the back of my husband's suv. I mistakenly
dropped a bunch of things in the driveway and I

heard a crash. I realized that I had dropped a
first aid kit that I gave my husband years ago.
But the things that fell out of the first aid
kit were not supposed to be in it. There were
a few condoms, I didn't stop to count them. There
was a pill bottle of performance medication that men used.

There was a moisture aid, and there was a small
bottle of shower gel. My whole life was shattered, just
like that first aid kit. I gathered up the stuff
and I put it next to my husband.

Speaker 1 (55:46):
On the couch.

Speaker 11 (55:47):
He tried to talk, but he got the hiccups like
he always does when he startled. I don't know what
to make up our marriage at this point, and my
husband hasn't even tried to explain why he's been riding
around with the sex kid.

Speaker 1 (56:03):
All he's asked me is what do you want to do?
Does that mean that? Does that mean he wants out
of the marriage?

Speaker 11 (56:09):
And he hopes that I do too. If that's the case,
do I fight for my marriage or is it best
to let him go?

Speaker 14 (56:16):
What do I do?

Speaker 1 (56:18):
Yes, it could mean he wants out, but I'll say
this to you. If you want your.

Speaker 11 (56:24):
Marriage, yes, by all means fight for it. I mean,
I'm really sorry this happened to you. The problem is
you can't be the only one fighting, and you don't
know how to fight if you guys aren't talking. I mean,
this isn't something you can sweep under the rug. If
there's any hope of fixing this, you both have to
do the work. I mean, you have hard evidence that

he's been cheating, and most importantly, your husband has not
denied it.

Speaker 1 (56:52):
He didn't even try to lie.

Speaker 11 (56:53):
He didn't even try to say he doesn't know how
the sex kid got there or anything. So yes, he's
the one that doesn't seem to want to fight for
the marriage. Even if he doesn't know what to say,
he could do something. He could say something, since this
is his mess. And I'm not saying you have to
stay in this marriage. I'm not saying that at all.
You don't have to take him back. I'm not saying

that he's because he certainly doesn't deserve it. It sounds crazy, but.

Speaker 1 (57:20):
It's on point.

Speaker 11 (57:20):
What he's asking you, what do you want to do?
You got to take your time, You got to think
about this. Then you got to do what you want
to do, what will make you happy, and that could
very well be without him. You don't have to take
any of this stuff from mister sex kid in the car,
stupid Steve Well.

Speaker 5 (57:42):
One of the great gifts God has given me is
the ability to read between the lines. So now let's
read the line and let me show you what's in
there that ain't on. Now you've been married twenty two years,
your young his daughter finally moved out. Y'all went on

the road trip, visited his parents, drove up to Michigan,
and see my sister her kids. It was a great
two weeks suspending quality time with my husband. The only
drawback was we didn't have a lot of sex because
his back was hurting. Now, let's read between the lines.

The reason y'all didn't have a lot of sex was
because he didn't have the first aid kit. What he
did not have the first aid kit. See, y'all took
this trip in the suv, but this first aid kit

was outside in the suv. If he bring the first
aid kit in the hotel or whoever wherever y'all was staying,
then you would know the contents of the first aid kit.

Speaker 6 (58:59):
And he couldn't let you see that. That's why y'all
didn't have sex.

Speaker 5 (59:04):
Then you say, he had this doctor phone in medication
for his back and we picked it up soon as
we got in town. We'll see why he was calling.
He could have called it in the medication on the
road trip, had it transferred up to a drug store

pharmacy up there where he was at, so he could
get the particular things out of the kit that was
needed that was causing the back ache.

Speaker 6 (59:37):
Are you following me?

Speaker 7 (59:38):
No, I.

Speaker 5 (59:41):
Don't see why not. Now, a few days after the trip,
you unloading stuff from the back of the truck and
you mistakenly dropped a few things in the driveway. You
heard a crash. I written, now that crash is metal box.
That metal box, it wasn't a bottle it broke. That
is that metal box that first aid kids come in

and that you had gave your husband years ago. But
what fell out of the first aid kid wasn't supposed
to be in there. That was some condoms. You didn't
count them. There was a peel battle of performance medication
in me and you. That was a moistua aid. That's lubricant,
and that was a small bottle of shah jail got
to get cleaned up for I get back home. My

whole life was shut it just like that first aid kid.
I gathered up the stuff, put it next to my husband.

Speaker 1 (01:00:32):
On the couch.

Speaker 6 (01:00:33):
Oh hell no, and hold and thought because this is
what he should have did when she put it on
the couch.

Speaker 11 (01:00:43):
All right, we'll have part too of Steve's crazy response
coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. The
subject is my husband's first aid kid. We'll get back
into it right after this. You're listening Steve.

Speaker 8 (01:00:56):
Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (01:00:58):
Hey, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The
subject is my husband's first aid kit.

Speaker 5 (01:01:05):
Here's this woman that finally became empty next to us.
They take a road trip to see their mom and
they sister had a great quality time with her husband.
The only thing she said was wrong was they didn't
spend time having sex. And the only drawbacker we didn't
have a lot of set because his back was hurting. Well,
the reason when his back was hurting because he didn't

have his first aid kit in that the first a
kid was out in the suv. No, now he can't
go out here. And get the first aid kit, because
then you'll know what was in that little white box
with the red cross on the cover of it, that
little tin box with the red cross on the front
of it. And so then the guy back in town
phone in medication for his back. Now, what he should

have did is on vacation with the phone in for
that medication for that male enhancement drug that he used,
and had it transferred to a pharmacy out of town,
which they can do that for you. But he didn't
do that right there. He made you think it was
his back, but it wasn't his back. It was the
lack of what's in the first aid kid, not being
able to let you know that he got this stuff

in the first aid kid. Now he been using this
stuff on you too, now, but he didn't let you
know he was using these aids that he got. So anyway,
you was unpacking the suv when y'all got home, and
you dropped some stuff and the first aid kit you
gave your husband years ago crashed on the ground. The

things that fell out, the kid wasn't supposed to be there.
As some condoms. I didn't stop the counting. There was
a peel bottle with performance and medication me and you,
And then there was a small bottle of shower jail.
We have got to get a shower eding before we
go home. My whole life was shattered, just like that
first aid kit. I gathered up the stuff and I

said it next to my husband on the couch. Now,
as soon as you set that on the couch, you
say he got the hiccups like he always does when
he startled.

Speaker 6 (01:03:03):
And that ain't no problem.

Speaker 5 (01:03:05):
You say he get the hiccups when he gets startled.
You didn't say he get the hiccups when he lied.
So what he should have said when you put all
these condoms and pills and lubricants on the couch, he
should have said, ah, hell no, Oh no, these mfs

didn't Oh hell no, these black baths they done finally
got me.

Speaker 3 (01:03:34):
Oh hell no.

Speaker 6 (01:03:36):
Look where you get this from?

Speaker 5 (01:03:39):
She'll say, I got this out the car. This is
the first aid kit that I gave you and.

Speaker 6 (01:03:44):
All this stuff in it.

Speaker 5 (01:03:46):
Oh man, they said they was gonna get me, and
they got me. Who is day and what are you
talking about?

Speaker 6 (01:03:55):

Speaker 5 (01:03:55):
My boy's been trying to prank me for the longest
and try to get one in on me and they
done finally did it?

Speaker 6 (01:04:02):
Where was it?

Speaker 5 (01:04:03):

Speaker 12 (01:04:08):

Speaker 5 (01:04:08):
I'd have had her on the back of her heels.
I had her on the back of the heels because
see right now, because.

Speaker 6 (01:04:14):
I'd have thought of that.

Speaker 3 (01:04:15):
Ah, hell no.

Speaker 6 (01:04:17):
And I would have blamed it all on that now.

Speaker 5 (01:04:21):
And then, you know, I didn't know what to make
of my marriage at this point, and my husband hasn't
even tried to explain why he been riding around with
a sex kit. I would have explained it right then
when you put it all on the couch next to me,
because I know what this stuff is. And then she

said he didn't make a marriage, and then go around
and say all he asked me is what you want
to do? I'd have said, okay, so what you want
to do? They don't prank me? I done told you
what they did. I can't believe it. Now you fin
wor you want me to do? They got me?

Speaker 6 (01:05:02):
Or it's a good one now, Oh they got my ass.
They got my ass good?

Speaker 5 (01:05:06):
But what you want to do? That stuff been back
there for years, you know, because I because my boy
he do he got detail shop, he do car and
I let him detail the car and that's when they
got I bet when I took my car down there
to get it detail, that's when they put it in there.

Speaker 6 (01:05:21):
I beat there.

Speaker 5 (01:05:23):
Boy, they're crazy, boy, crazy, crazy crazy for what you
want to do though, what you want to do. Oh,
it's over on a prank. See I'd have had that.
I'd have done that one. And then then she goes, well,
what does that mean? He wants out of the marriage

and hopes that I do too. See, we wouldn't even
have got to that point because Shirley said he ain't
even try to lie.

Speaker 1 (01:05:52):
That was the perfect time for it, none of that.

Speaker 5 (01:05:57):
He's slow sitting up there hiccupping. But but you hiccupping
because you started You damn right. I'm surprised because what
here you get it from? He hiccup when he started.
He don't hicc up when he lit she sent that
stuff down there? He went, oh, baby, you said, can't

sit him in trying to on me because out to
set up in there, these dude I had my partner
got detailed shop and we've been down there.

Speaker 1 (01:06:27):
I let him.

Speaker 5 (01:06:30):
What this is so crazy?

Speaker 6 (01:06:32):
I be damn And you said, you thought I don't know,
I don't need no water.

Speaker 5 (01:06:37):
I don't need no water head, I don't need no
prey baby, because you know this, this is crave crazy.

Speaker 6 (01:06:46):
I mean, man, this is so crazy.

Speaker 11 (01:06:48):
All right, I s lord your comments on we were
Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM dot com,
on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Iberry Letter
podcast on the free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 5 (01:07:05):
But since he did not lie and did not offer
you this, it's too late now. It can't help you.

Speaker 6 (01:07:11):

Speaker 11 (01:07:12):
Yeah, all right, you can time you with your live
downloaded today coming up at forty six minutes after the hour.
It is Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're
listening Hard Morning Show and it's time now for Junior
and Sports Talk.

Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
What you got, Junior.

Speaker 9 (01:07:29):
Philadelphia pulled it off one O five to one O
four over Miami.

Speaker 6 (01:07:32):
Man, what a game that was.

Speaker 9 (01:07:34):
Man, Philly was down by twelve in the first half
and came all the way back. And uh man, you know,
Jimmy Butler almost had a scare in the first quarter
where he sprang his knee.

Speaker 10 (01:07:44):
Say it could be mcl injury.

Speaker 9 (01:07:45):
So they do have to play on Friday against Chicago,
so we'll see if he makes that game. You know
Tyrese Maxi gave nineteen my man joeln b with twenty
three and fifteen. Uh, it was it was really the
Nicholas Batum show, Betune show because he had twenty points
six to ten from three great games. So Philly takes
it one o five to one oh four. Poor management

at the end by Miami. Man, you know, you were
down by four and you just take a shot with
one second left, hit it by Tyler Hero, But you
should have been got the shot up at least filed
see if you can get another possession.

Speaker 6 (01:08:16):
That's what they should have did.

Speaker 1 (01:08:17):
But they didn't do that.

Speaker 10 (01:08:19):
So one oh four Philly, congratulations.

Speaker 9 (01:08:22):
But the other game, oh my gosh, the other game, well,
Atlanta Chicago one thirty one to one sixteen.

Speaker 10 (01:08:29):
But did y'all see Kobe White. This brother finished with
a career high forty two.

Speaker 6 (01:08:34):
Points in the game.

Speaker 10 (01:08:35):
Man, it was just like his It was his game.

Speaker 9 (01:08:37):
It was all He looked like they couldn't stop him.
Would you see zero with the ball? Play some defense
because he's doing whatever he wants to do out there.

Speaker 6 (01:08:45):
He was killed him out there.

Speaker 2 (01:08:46):

Speaker 10 (01:08:47):
Uh you know, so Trey young Man had five turnovers
in the first quarter. You know, he's coming off that
injury with his finger, so he he was didn't look
that well.

Speaker 9 (01:08:55):
But he did finish with twenty two points, so uh
ten assists, pretty good game, but uh Deontay Murray finished
with thirty so hey, you know that's it and then
out they got it but they out, so yeah they out.
So you know, Philly takes the seventh seed. They'll play
They'll play the Knicks in the first round. Philadelphia and

New York. So we're gonna see who gonna pull that
out on who you think you feel for that up?

Speaker 5 (01:09:20):
Philly and New York?

Speaker 10 (01:09:21):
Mm hmm oh New York the two New York the
two seed.

Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
Yeah I know, but ain't Jason Randall out? Yeah?

Speaker 10 (01:09:29):
Yeah, yeah he out Phillye huh.

Speaker 6 (01:09:35):
You're gonna go with you go with Philly tilted heavily.

Speaker 5 (01:09:39):
They have good sports report, very impressive, very very impressive
support that I felt like I was talking listening to
a sportscast.

Speaker 6 (01:09:50):
I'm just reporting the game.

Speaker 13 (01:09:51):
I don't know what you thought it was gonna be.

Speaker 6 (01:09:53):
Did this what happened?

Speaker 21 (01:09:55):
Thank you.

Speaker 6 (01:09:57):

Speaker 1 (01:09:57):
Take the win, baby, take you Okay it's a week okay.

Speaker 5 (01:10:01):
So when I compliment him.

Speaker 12 (01:10:03):
I know.

Speaker 6 (01:10:07):
You are. I'll show you what I can do to
Oh I did, I probably did, all right, thank you.

Speaker 11 (01:10:28):
Coming up at the top of the hour, a man
on social media needs some advice. Steve. He says he
may have damaged his neighbor's air conditioner unit. We'll talk
about it right after this. You're listening morning show, all right,
so Steve, this is from Rob on Steve Harvey f M.

He said, this past weekend, when I was weed eating
the strip of grass between my neighbor's house and mine,
I accidentally got the weed eater too close to her
air conditioner and it got caught up in a wire
between the air conditioner unit.

Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
And her house.

Speaker 11 (01:11:04):
I didn't think I cut the wire, but the next
day I saw an AC repair truck in her driveway.
Should I say something to her about me possibly being
the cause of her AC troubles or should I just
keep my mouth shut?

Speaker 5 (01:11:19):
The right thing to do, the right thing to do
is say, hey, look, I think when I was a
weed no accident to cut your thing. I'm willing to
pay for that. That would be the right and navely
thing to do, especially if it's a woman over there.
And you a man, and you did that, and this
woman gott to fix her air conditioned dog. You don't
know what her situation is. You the cause it.

Speaker 6 (01:11:39):
That's the right est thing to do, now that I
would do that, Okay, okay, why be honest? Look at
that never thinks to surprise.

Speaker 5 (01:11:51):
Well, if it was a man, I'll be standing over
there with my weedy to drinking coffee talking to repair man.
So what you think happened?

Speaker 6 (01:12:06):
How much?

Speaker 13 (01:12:07):
That's Coles Hill?

Speaker 5 (01:12:08):
Yeah? Man, why are you over here? Can you check mine?
Make sure mine cool? But don't but don't put that
on the bill.

Speaker 1 (01:12:16):
Okay, So Ginger, It depends if it's a man or
a woman.

Speaker 6 (01:12:19):
All right, all right.

Speaker 11 (01:12:21):
The next one is from Kirk Steve on Steve Harvey FM.
He says, is it a violation of bro code to
go out with the fine ex girlfriend of your best friend?

Speaker 5 (01:12:34):

Speaker 6 (01:12:35):
Hey, anytime you ask, is it a violation of bro coke?

Speaker 5 (01:12:38):
You already know it? Yeah, you already know.

Speaker 1 (01:12:41):
Okay, so listen to what he says.

Speaker 11 (01:12:42):
He says, last week she started to hit me up
over social media, and I have to say I've enjoyed
catching up with her. She and my friend dated about
ten years ago, and it's not like it ended badly.
It just kind of fizzled away. Then she moved out
of state and recently came back. And it's telling me how.

Speaker 1 (01:13:01):
Much she thought of me over the years. So do
I run it by my dog first? Or should I
just do it feels right and worry about it later.

Speaker 5 (01:13:10):
Bruh, Listen to listen to what you said. Yeah, do
I do what feels right and where everybody later? You
have a negative connected to what you're trying to call
a positive.

Speaker 6 (01:13:24):
Do I do what feels right and where everybody late?

Speaker 5 (01:13:28):

Speaker 6 (01:13:29):
Bruh, you already know that you're out of line. I
tell you what you do.

Speaker 5 (01:13:34):
Man, Why don't you call up your homie and say, hey, man,
she didn't hit me up. I know y'all dated ten
years ago. I really forgot about it. She been hitting
me up and on social media. I check it with her.

Speaker 6 (01:13:47):
How you doing?

Speaker 5 (01:13:48):
I'm trying to figure out turns out man, she want
to holler at me. Man, how you feel about that?

Speaker 4 (01:13:53):

Speaker 6 (01:13:53):
And go on and say that to her to what's
gonna happen?

Speaker 5 (01:13:58):
Okay? Because see, why don't you say that to him?
Because what you write us for because I'm telling you
right now, you don broke bro code. You already know that.
I already know that.

Speaker 6 (01:14:07):
We all want too, right now, Yeah, right, that's first thing.

Speaker 1 (01:14:11):
So so he's trying to say, it's been ten years,
so it should be over.

Speaker 5 (01:14:15):
We don't you over if you feel right and worry
about it later, he'd already know. And then he knows
too much particulous. It ain't like they broke up on
bad terms. It just kind of fizzled away. See, you
got too much inside information for you to all of
a sudden, no not have no damn.

Speaker 6 (01:14:35):
It ain't nobody else for you to All these women
out here, all these all these women out here. So
he's breaking bro code.

Speaker 5 (01:14:47):
Breaking it.

Speaker 6 (01:14:47):
You ain't got no damn. You can't deemn no damn body.

Speaker 11 (01:14:52):
So there's no time limit on bro code. There's nothing
man law.

Speaker 12 (01:14:57):
You know.

Speaker 6 (01:14:58):
Man law is man law. Ain't no got your limitations
on this.

Speaker 3 (01:15:02):
This is what we do.

Speaker 5 (01:15:04):
No, you'll get to do that. If you can't sit
with your knees touching because it was crowded in there,
that's just the law, all right.

Speaker 13 (01:15:15):

Speaker 6 (01:15:15):
Can no man say nowhere with his knees touching you are,
I'm just yes.

Speaker 11 (01:15:20):
Well, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up
at twenty minutes after the hour right after.

Speaker 8 (01:15:27):
This, you're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (01:15:32):
The Kentucky Derby is just a few weeks away on
May fourth. It's at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky, and
they're about twenty horses in the lineup. Here's some of
their names. Fierceness, Forever Young, Resilience Track, Phantom, Domestic Product,
Catching Freedom, Endlessly, just to touch Society Man and no
more Time. The favorites to win are Sierra Leone or Fierceness.

And this year's purse for.

Speaker 1 (01:15:56):
The Derby will be five million dollars. Steve, you men
to the Derby before.

Speaker 5 (01:16:02):
Yeah, we don't always wanted to do though, always wanted
to be the dude that called the race, you know,
and just be all up in there and had them
names up in there.

Speaker 6 (01:16:11):
And there a black Magic is taking an early lead.
We've got black.

Speaker 5 (01:16:14):
Magic grounding round and we're gonna come out coming up,
and we got ding along, ding Along is coming up
and around the corner, and all of a sudden, here
comes stump funk, skump, funk takes a short an early
lead around gun.

Speaker 6 (01:16:26):
They're on the backstretch, all up in you it has
taken the lead.

Speaker 5 (01:16:30):
Were all whatever going round here coming it comes all
up and oh here comes and look at here, look
at here.

Speaker 6 (01:16:35):
Here's in the race right here.

Speaker 5 (01:16:36):
Have heard all of a sudden it's not coming out
here and here comes flash of sugar honey ice teath.

Speaker 6 (01:16:43):
They're rolling down c they're.

Speaker 22 (01:16:44):
Down the stretch, and they're down the stretch. See my
ass has taken a fight, all them then is coming
up on there, our hair nose coming down the back strek.
Were looking at anywhere and look at here. It's stump
focused splash and sugar honey ice teeth that it.

Speaker 13 (01:17:00):
Is black moved to.

Speaker 6 (01:17:01):
Just see my ass taking the lead all.

Speaker 5 (01:17:03):
Of a sudden, all offendions trying to get up in there.

Speaker 3 (01:17:06):
Just see my ass.

Speaker 1 (01:17:09):
Up been thirty three minutes after we'll play around him.
Would you rather? Right after this you're listening.

Speaker 11 (01:17:18):
Morning show, it's time now for a round of would
you rather? Would you rather give up traveling or celebrating holidays?

Speaker 13 (01:17:27):
Oh face, Oh I like the holidays. Yeah, that's that's
I give up.

Speaker 5 (01:17:38):
I'll give up celebrating holidays because I had hunger. I
just called him so much holiday gift given day? You
give up traveling now to hear you're gonna feed your family?
I want, I want the holiday? Well, how and what
holiday you're gonna have when you can't feed your damn fans?

I hell, you're gonna give up trapping you guys to
go to tell these jokes. Yeah, yeah, say you stay home.
I'll tell you what I tell you. Where you stay home?
Gonna be some sad ass holidays. Well, I know it's
the Easter. We're not having dinner to day. I know
it's fourth of July, but Daddy can't forward no barbecue,

So we gonna get on boy some more rights.

Speaker 13 (01:18:25):
Yeah holidays.

Speaker 5 (01:18:30):
Ain't think that went out?

Speaker 20 (01:18:31):

Speaker 3 (01:18:34):
All right?

Speaker 11 (01:18:34):
Would you rather never use the internet again? Or never
fly on an airplane again?

Speaker 9 (01:18:46):
I gotta give up in and then you're gonna get
on the phone like you used to.

Speaker 5 (01:18:55):
I spent the majority of my life without no internet.
I don't need no damn the internet. Go down in
the library, look stuff up like we used to do. Now, Yeah, okay,
get your ass at.

Speaker 6 (01:19:08):
List and go.

Speaker 1 (01:19:10):
Would you rather lose your sense of taste or be
color blind. Oh, that's a good question for blue cheese.

Speaker 12 (01:19:19):
I'm just gonna be color blind. I'm just gonna be
weighing stuff. Don't make no damn sense.

Speaker 6 (01:19:23):
I'm gonna I want my taste.

Speaker 1 (01:19:25):
Okay, so color blind? Tell me you like to eat.

Speaker 6 (01:19:29):
Everything black and white? I'm cool with that. Yeah, I
just be colorblind. My wife is my wife?

Speaker 5 (01:19:35):
Is the music crazy? No way?

Speaker 6 (01:19:38):
All right, here's what I'm with the right outfit on?

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
Would you rather do it in the rain or in
the back seat of a car?

Speaker 13 (01:19:47):
In the rain?

Speaker 6 (01:19:49):
Is it lightning though?

Speaker 5 (01:19:51):
Yeah, you ain't gonna be do it to?

Speaker 6 (01:19:53):
Listen, don't nobody want you doing didn't know what kind
of rain be talking about? You know, well, don't nobody
want you doing it to?

Speaker 5 (01:20:02):
And why you climbed?

Speaker 6 (01:20:08):
Tell you what's my name?

Speaker 3 (01:20:11):
My name?

Speaker 6 (01:20:17):
Yeah? I go on in the backseaters car? You have
been outside in the ring?

Speaker 5 (01:20:21):
Yeah? Doing it?

Speaker 8 (01:20:22):
A card not a sprinter?

Speaker 1 (01:20:25):
Yeah, a regular card.

Speaker 5 (01:20:27):
Ain't no warm rain. I can tell you that right now.

Speaker 1 (01:20:31):
That's today's rounded. Would you rather coming up?

Speaker 11 (01:20:34):
At forty nine minutes after the hour, our last break
of the day, and we'll close out the show with
one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening
Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are
last break of the day.

Speaker 1 (01:20:48):
I know you have some closing remarks for us.

Speaker 5 (01:20:51):
Yeah, this is something I'm gonna paraphrase this. This is
something I heard Les Brown say a while back and
it really really stuck with me and resonated. So I'm paraphrasing.
This is from Les Brown, one of the great motivational speakers.
I saw him do something one time and it kind

of stuck with me. There. It's a story about an
ancient Chinese bamboo tree. And this ancient tree, the process
for growing this tree is really incredible. You have to
plant it in the ground and you have to water
it and fertilize it every day for five years.

Speaker 6 (01:21:36):
You cannot miss a day.

Speaker 5 (01:21:38):
Once you plant this seed in the ground, it's covered
and you gotta water it and fertilize it every day
for five years.

Speaker 6 (01:21:47):
If you miss a day, it dies.

Speaker 5 (01:21:50):
Five years of watering, nurturing, fertilizing, and in five years
nothing happens. And if you miss day, it dies. So
you're working towards something that you visibly cannot see, because
after you put in all this work and all this

fertilizing that nobody sees. In the fifth year, the plant,
the bamboo treat, this ancient bamboo treat, finally breaks through
the ground. And the incredible thing about this fifth year
is that in nine weeks, nine weeks after it breaks

through the ground, it grows to be nine feet tall.
All of them five years is like the effort you
put into your life, you put into your dreams, you
put into your goals. These are the five years that
nobody sees.

Speaker 6 (01:22:52):

Speaker 5 (01:22:52):
All people see is that fifth year of watering, fertilizing,
hoping something will happen, and working on something that don't
nobody see after the fifth year, in nine weeks, everybody
see the nine foot growth, and they gonna look at
this man. He came out of nowhere. He just man,

Look he came from nowhere. They don't see the five years.
You can't tell him about the five years. They ain't
even gonna get it. All they see is to blow up.
Oh look at him. Now, he came out of nowhere. Man,
he lucky he got that break. He in nine weeks.
Look at that bamboo. Look at what he did in

nine weeks. Look at Look at this, what happened to
him this year? Look look at what happened to him
just over the summer. Look at this dude. Well, they
didn't see the five years of planting, fertilizing, watering.

Speaker 6 (01:23:52):
Unable to miss a single day.

Speaker 5 (01:23:57):
All you had was that blood, what sweating tears, you
put into something and it didn't even sprout through the ground.
You didn't even know it. And that's how people look
at you. Sometimes they just look at the hearing. Now
they see y'all blowed up. They don't want to give
you no credit for what you did to get that.

They don't want to talk to you about the process.
Matter of fact, they don't even want to hear the process.
Here come to hate. Ah, he blow up all of
a sudden. Now he thinks he all this. Have no
idea what you did, have no idea what you did.
And if a lot of y'all out there are like
that bamboo, ancient bamboo Chinese plant, some of y'all just

been out there man at it for so long, and
don't nobody see you sweating and tall and fertilizing and
working and striving and trying to get it right. Don't
nobody see it, man, But you got to keep on because,
like I always say, you don't ever know when God
gonna flip the script. You don't never know when he

gonna hit the switch ever know when the blow up
gonna come. But if you've been putting into work, though,
if you've been faithfully and do diligently doing the things
you were supposed to do, if you kept pressing when
everybody else was resting, if you kept putting out when

when everybody was turning in, if you kept showing up
when nobody else was there, if you just stay the course,
if you keep the faith, if you put the work
in your bamboo tree, coming all it's gonna be all
of a sudden, God gonna blow you up.

Speaker 6 (01:25:38):
Man, in ways you never thought You're.

Speaker 5 (01:25:40):
Gonna be in places and do things and and see
things that people didn't think was doable or seeable. But
that's the God we served. If you do what you're
supposed to do, God gonna always do what he say
he gonna do. And victory is given to the race.
You've heard this before. The race isn't get to the swift,

but to those that endure to the end. You got
to keep fighting y'all. You got to keep watering and
nurturing that plan. And I know don't nobody see it
right now, and I know you don't even see it.
But if you just do what you do, God will
do exceedingly and abundantly over all you can think are
ass And in nine weeks, that bamboo, that ancient bamboo

tree grows nine feet tall in just nine weeks. So
now the question is how long did it take for
the bamboo tree to become the bamboo tree? Is it
nine weeks? No, it's five years and nine weeks. See,
it's all that you've been through, It's all that you

had to endure. It's all the untold stories about you.
It's all the challenges that you've overcome. Now while lem
people been dog and you look at him, he ain't
nothing at him. He always struggling. And every time I
look a him, he needs something. And then all of
a sudden, when you blow up. Now they telling my boy,
he got lucky. Now you didn't. Now you didn't. You

got some favor showed on you because you did the
due diligence, You did your duty. State of course, y'all,
don't ever give up the bamboo tree is coming. Those
are my clothesing remarks today. Hope you got something from it.
I want to thank brother Les Brown for teaching me
that and uh something I never forgot man, But thank
you brother. Hey, talk to God. He loved to hear

from you today. Okay.

Speaker 11 (01:27:42):
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Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old,
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Speaker 8 (01:27:54):
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