All Episodes

April 25, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
All at all, So don't given a black bus buss.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Listening to show.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
I don't joy?

Speaker 4 (00:50):
Yeah, Joy, you know you gotta turn to turn the

mouth the turn you probably got to turn mouth, turn
the water the water up.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Come come on, you'll think, uh huh, I sure will.
Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on
dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a
radio show. Yeah, I do. Took me when I said,
but I do, like I say always. It just is

a constant reminder of how good God has been. So
my question to you is what's stopping you from having
the life that you want? What's stopping you from having
the life that you want? I know a lot of
people who have given up on achieving the life of

their dreams. But I know they'd still want them if
they could get to them. But they just allowed to
settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to
is you today? What's really at the core of stopping you?
What is that? Is it your friends or your associates,

Is it the fear of what you think somebody else
will think of you if you decide to change. Is
it what I used to call the call of the wile?
Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the
thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments
of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you,

You don't want to stop doing that because you've got
just a little bit more something else you want to do.
I call that the call of the while. You know
it's just out there. Them streets is calling you, them
lights is calling you. You know, them girls is calling you.
Them guys that's on the wrong side keep calling you.
You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy.
You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What

is it that's stopping you from having the life that
you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing,
that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life
that you want to have. It's no good because at
the end of the day, here's the deal. See, God
is available, and God is available for all of us,

and God has a plan for all of us, and
God wants the very best for all of us. That's
the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna
do to get started having that life. First of all,
if it's your friends, I want you to understand something.
Your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends
offer no real help for you. Most of your friends

don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a
wide range of reasons and misery love company. So usually
when your friends are in a bad position, they kind
of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't
going to church. You're gonna be their friend. They don't
really want you to go to church. You know your
friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer

as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't
really really get the fact that if you treat people better,
people would treat you you better. So what's that? So
your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know,
to peer pressure of what and then the thought in
your mind of what they gonna think once they find

out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares
what they think other than you? I mean, really, you
can't let what somebody thinks of you stop you from
having the best life you wanted to have. If I
went by that theory right there, wouldn't. I wouldn't even
be on this mic this morning. I would have never
become a stand up I would had I listened to

the people around me who clearly told me when I
quit my job to pursue this, boy, don't you quit
your job? You got a family, Boy, don't you do this.
You ain't got no bit that, ain't no security in that.
Get yourself a job. Go down here, and what's your brothers?
Go to work? Over here? Go to I heard all
of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this.

Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing
your relationship with God so you can have the best
life you could possibly have. You gang bang because they've
convinced you that this is the family situation and love
that you don't have, and they've convinced you that this
is your only way, your only source of getting over

and then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for
staying with it, But they sound so good when you
listening to everybody else you're surrounded by telling you why
we gang banging? Why we holding this block down, why
we slanging this thing here right here? Why we letting
it go like this? Here, you keep listening to them

when all in your heart of hearts you know this
ain't right. You already know, but you allow that form
of the call of the wile, that wanting to be
accepted by a group of people who trying to get
you to accept the way so you can further they progress.
To even prove that you're worthy to be around them,
you got to commit some type of crime to even

prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when
you get busted on the crime, what happens to that
where your family are Now they don't come down there
to see you because guess what, they can't turn in
They idea to desk at a law enforcement center, So
now your homies can't come visit you. And then you
know your family back out here, they ain't taking care
of your family because it's all about them. Then you

learn that what is it that's stopping you from having
the life that you always wanted to have?

Speaker 1 (07:29):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep
checking yourself back into that institution?

Speaker 5 (07:38):

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Man, why won't you get it together? Why won't you
give God a try? Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why
would you continue to be a part of a revolving
door system and becoming a farm system for these institutions
that ain't got nothing for you. But you keep going
back in there. And then every time you go in there,
and now your little homies or your gang bat little

silly little friends try to make you think that's a
badge of honor. There ain't no badge of honor. Man,
that's one mold. What's one mode scratch on that record.
That's one mold. That's one more nail in that coffin.
That's one step closer to that third strike where you
ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to
that graveyard. You keep on. Why would you not give

God a try? Why would you not go and see
what your life could really be? What is it that's
stopping you? Because see, I got news for you. That's
nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are.
There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now,
if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in
your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you're accomplishing something

with your life. Help somebody behind them balls get in
the program. Show these young cats when they come in
a better way. But don't you dash sit there, man
and just ride it out, and man, just go and
get the is life that you can have. What you know,
what it feels like to wake up and be on
your way somewhere knowing that you have something to accomplish,

that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody
from going down the roads you went down. It's a
whole lot of ways to make your life better. But
why would you not go and have the best life
you can have? What is that's stopping you?

Speaker 6 (09:21):

Speaker 2 (09:22):
Really? So you think that Satan really has your best
interest at heart. That the other thing your mama kept
telling you about praying you wasn't listening, was you. But
you know, it ain't ever too late to get back
to that. It ain't ever too late to turn around,
It ain't ever too late to get your life together.
It ain't ever too late to seek God, and it

ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray,
don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud
to pray, because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too.
I'm a witness to that.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
You're listening.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
Morning Show, ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, animal trainers, dog catches,
people that only cut the edges of your yard, pretty trembles,
people that get in that basket and ride up there
and fix the electrical poles. Those of you that ride

on the back of waste management trucks, my brothers, all
of you who drive lyft uber are any illegal form
of transportation. I am welcoming you to the Steve Harvey
Morning Show this morning with all that's in me. Rise
and shine and get your attitude together. If you get

your gratitude together, it affects your attitude, which is in
direct correlation with your altitude. It just works that way.
Another day, another gift, another chance, another opportunity. That's all
it is. Man, you ought to be grateful for that.
Ladies and gentlemen, to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Strawberry
calling for real Mississippi Monica Junior and the legend of

Nephew Tommy Junior. Your little Lord, it's a little a little,
a little bit a little you you dare not there.
You almost in it, I would say, judging by the
vibe today you've seen to me about seventy five percent.
What's going on with you today.

Speaker 7 (11:20):
Uncle, I was I'm going down there. I'm going yeah,
he'd be known. I don't know how you do it,
but I'm going down there.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
It's on your face. Okay, well it ain't on your head,
it's on your face.

Speaker 7 (11:35):
Well, that's what I was saying, Tommy, I'm going down
here to do an assessment for the with the hair
club for me and today.

Speaker 8 (11:41):
Oh and yeah yeah, and I'm gonna see what they say.

Speaker 7 (11:46):
So I can, you know, get to get everything fixed
up there so y'all can just lay off my hairline.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
That's what I'm going That's I'm gonna tell you right now, Junior.
If you all of a sudden show up with a hairline,
that's gonna start over the games begin. That's where I.

Speaker 5 (12:07):
See there.

Speaker 7 (12:08):
See how you so you just gonna snatch my happiness?

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Just no, Junior, what we are telling you is we'll
we're watching it slowly, but surely slowly. Oh your average
white band, right.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
But you've accepted it.

Speaker 9 (12:33):
Now your hairline.

Speaker 7 (12:34):
Well, after after, after Tommy and Uncle Steve have been
been talking about my headline, I decided to go down
here and let them do an assessment on Now I
come back then we'll talk about what treatments I have
and I can tell you better.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Don't you denial s Junior.

Speaker 9 (12:52):
You're gonna be like on those social media videos and
barber take time.

Speaker 8 (12:56):
No, no, no, no, not doing that.

Speaker 7 (12:58):
We can wait, he said, if I show up with
a new hairdline like I'm slowly you're singing.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
We're trying to my this is good.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
I thought it would be.

Speaker 8 (13:13):
But Clinton, Uncle Steven, Tommy do that's all.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Oh, we just letting you know, Doggy, if you come
in here, Ma, you got here for him. We go
from I got, I got it for you richest hell
cause we're doing hair clinic commercials every day for free.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Allright, No one's gonna stop two minutes after the hour.
We can't wait for you.

Speaker 9 (13:39):
We're gonna hear from the nephew if he runs that
prank back right after this.

Speaker 5 (13:44):
You're listening hard morning show.

Speaker 9 (13:47):
It is time now for the nephew to run that
prank back. What you got for us?

Speaker 2 (13:51):
And af you know you can pee everywhere you want
to be.

Speaker 10 (13:54):
I don't care where you you pa, and well, I
don't care what you pa, but you can't pee.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
I'm right now, I'm over there, and it's hot and
I can't you got at your house, your tree or everything,
your tree over there next to your dog, be on
my house. Let's go cart up.

Speaker 10 (14:18):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh mister, I
think that's the name.

Speaker 11 (14:25):
Yeah, this is this is what's this in regard to uh,
just a by the.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Air conditioning unit.

Speaker 10 (14:30):
You did some work off force over on my house
over off street.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Do you remember coming out there last week?

Speaker 6 (14:37):
Yeah? Yeah, I remember, yeah, right.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
My Uh it was a lady that my wife, she
let you in.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
To come out right right?

Speaker 11 (14:44):
The problem poling?

Speaker 12 (14:46):

Speaker 2 (14:46):
No, no, no, no, it's cooling everything.

Speaker 10 (14:48):
Matter of fact, I want to tell you, uh that
you did a you did a good job.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
But I got a question for you now.

Speaker 10 (14:54):
When you was at the house and you was working
on the act condition out there in the backyard, did
you did you happen to go on the side of
my house and pull out and use the bathroom right
there on the side. Did you go over there and
you do number one on the side of my house?

Speaker 5 (15:11):

Speaker 10 (15:12):
Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me
that when you were there, that you you went on
the She was looking out the window she said that
when you was there, that you and went and used
the bathroom on the side.

Speaker 13 (15:26):

Speaker 11 (15:27):
Hold, hold, wait a minute, I did.

Speaker 13 (15:29):
What not to what.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Right? You? You? You?

Speaker 10 (15:32):
You say you did number one over on the side
of the house. Now is that something that you did?

Speaker 2 (15:38):

Speaker 11 (15:39):
Man, look, you got to understand something. Man, all right now,
I apologize if that did happen, but you got to
understand something.

Speaker 14 (15:46):
You know, we're downside, man, and you.

Speaker 11 (15:48):
Know we're talking eighty five ninety ninety five degree weather.

Speaker 12 (15:51):

Speaker 11 (15:51):
I got to stay high trated. I got to drink
a lot of fluid. So you know, with me being
the age that I am, I have to drink a
lot of fluids and the tend to pass through that.

Speaker 13 (16:00):
Once and once again.

Speaker 10 (16:01):
I said, I apologize, I understand all that, but you
know what, I can't accept no apology like that when
I got a man this foot got on the side of.

Speaker 13 (16:08):
My house and then, man, I'm apologizing you and you
coming off on.

Speaker 12 (16:13):
Me like that.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
You you the on the side of my house in
front of my wife.

Speaker 13 (16:18):
I not look at young man. Now, if YO ain't
shown me it was she need to see some type
of because you ever really ain't doing something.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
You know that who you think you talking to?

Speaker 15 (16:29):
You ain't watching me anyway?

Speaker 6 (16:31):
Do my work?

Speaker 13 (16:33):
What is she hold up that she got to look
at the home?

Speaker 2 (16:35):

Speaker 14 (16:36):

Speaker 5 (16:36):
Look, look.

Speaker 10 (16:37):
All I know is I don't want no man at
my house in the house, side of the house, backyard, nothing. Look, man,
let me tell you something, though, Let me tell you something.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
I'm the only person at my house.

Speaker 15 (16:51):
You understand me, You ain't.

Speaker 14 (16:53):
Why is she out there looking at me? Look at
your son.

Speaker 13 (16:56):
I'm a profession Okay. I do my job, and I
take my job was pride, Okay, it's not being professional
if there's something that I did that said water running
through me? All right?

Speaker 2 (17:06):
Okay, but you don't.

Speaker 10 (17:07):
You don't at no other man's house and you at
my house and my wife's sitting there looking at you
out the window.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Now I got a problem with that.

Speaker 13 (17:15):
Or what you need to have come with your wife
and looking at me? If that's what I did, You
know what you need to be at home and give
with something to look at other than looking at me.

Speaker 10 (17:25):
You don't tell me what I need to do about
my wife.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
You don't go to another man?

Speaker 13 (17:30):
Sure, man, you know what I'm about to lose it?

Speaker 10 (17:33):
All right, now you're gonna you're gonna make you gonna
make me lose.

Speaker 13 (17:37):
Let me, let me get my deck out, let me
get my book. That's all yeah. I just right here,
you damn right, and I'm gonna you what you know
that's I'm gonna that's what.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
I'm gonna show you what you don't say at another
man's house. You don't do that.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
And people my wife.

Speaker 10 (17:55):
Looking out the window, and I bet you knew that
them blinds was open.

Speaker 16 (17:59):
Young man.

Speaker 13 (18:00):
Nah, you hitting me real little fit with these accusations
right now. Look, you you had what is the street?

Speaker 14 (18:09):
Not you?

Speaker 2 (18:10):
You know where I'm at.

Speaker 13 (18:12):
I will show you what to conal. I want you
to bring you here on filling what I know exactly
where you said you did y'all that on that oh
that gump going off street. I'm gonna come over them
and I know that for you, Yo, I got something
for you. Will you take me disregard my professionalism and
I'm gonna go show you what's being there is a body.

Speaker 10 (18:33):
Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house,
and that's what you did. And you know it ain't
called for now.

Speaker 13 (18:39):
You bet had that apologized man I had to go.
I told you, I drink a lot of fluids in
this heat.

Speaker 14 (18:46):
Man, So what else do you want me to do?

Speaker 2 (18:48):
I want you to keep your fluid til you get
to the service station.

Speaker 10 (18:52):
Down the streets, but not in my backyard side of
the house and my wife looking.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
At the window.

Speaker 13 (18:56):
Man, you if what you're talking about, if I then
I jo If you can't accepting, in the hell with it.

Speaker 10 (19:02):
Look at You're gonna be off and make me do something.

Speaker 6 (19:05):
And I'm telling you no, man.

Speaker 14 (19:07):
I don't told you.

Speaker 13 (19:10):
I will come on with that kicking. Okay, so you
you'll do what let me tell you because from the
age of your why your wife is young, and I
know he'll you can't deal with no old school I
kick youill your you.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
You're gonna get your swoop today.

Speaker 13 (19:25):
You hit me, You're gonna get Let me tell you
street two, I'll come.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Let me tell you. I got one more thing to
say to you. What you're listening to me?

Speaker 12 (19:36):

Speaker 14 (19:37):
Damn it?

Speaker 13 (19:37):
This is Nephew time.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
It. This is Nephew time. It from the Steve Harvey
Morning Show. You just God thank by your boy name.

Speaker 13 (19:50):
Man, you know what I'm gonna get with his and
you know I got a hard computation. I don't mean
just my life, man, he said.

Speaker 10 (19:59):
Man, boy be out there fixing air conditions and heaters
all there, he said, Man, let me tell you something,
he said, be frustrated to begin When he say begin
a call.

Speaker 13 (20:08):
He said, man, because I got nine or ten more still.

Speaker 14 (20:10):
Got to do today.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Hey, man, you all right?

Speaker 13 (20:14):
Man, Yeah, I'm alright, not nehew, I'm alright, not you
and that Steve from damn fools in the morning. I
just say, y'all care every good morning. Man. I don't
know how I sit back right laughing and how you'll
get people y'all and got me with the same. Oh, man,
I enjoy y'all. Show Man, y'all gonna work.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 10 (20:37):
Man, I got one more question to ask you, man,
what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio
show in the land.

Speaker 13 (20:45):
Well, you know the morning show?

Speaker 1 (20:48):
All right?

Speaker 9 (20:49):
Thinking that you coming up next, it is asked the
CLO or Chief Love officer. You're listening hardy morning show
coming up at the top of the hour and the
entertainment news. President Biden will deliver the commencement speech at
Morehouse College Magic.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
Johnson was devastated.

Speaker 9 (21:08):
After the LA Lakers Game two loss, and John Legend
says Donald Trump is racist at the core, at his core.
And we'll talk about all of these stories at the
top of the hour, but right now it is time
to ask the colo. This is from Leah in Kansas City.
Leah writes, my husband answers his phone and walks away
from me. He's even gone outside in the snow.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
Before, just to talk on the phone.

Speaker 9 (21:32):
When I fuss about it, he says, there's some stuff
that he tells his boys and I don't need to
hear it, Like what why?

Speaker 10 (21:40):

Speaker 2 (21:40):
That's a true serment, all right, isn't now that right there?
That is not a lie. That is a true statement.
We have conversation with our boys, trust me, that you
cannot hear. It's things we say when we get together
that you could not hear. But let's flip it, it's
also things that women said, John, we cannot hear. That's

conversation y'all have with y'all girls. Y'all don't want your
husband listening to you talk like that, right, That's what
it is. And if he's basing it that right there
is a true statement. Yes, ma'am.

Speaker 9 (22:13):
Yes, I was gonna say is and she concerned though
that he might be walking away because it's another woman.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
She could be very concerned. But if you ain't heard
no woman on the phone, you're gonna have to go
with what he said. You have not heard no woman
on the phone. You ain't found no Texas scene nobody.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
You can't hear it because he walked away.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
He walks away.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
Yeah, go outside, put them on speaker it.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
Yeah, I'm telling you right now that are things me
and my dudes talk about. My wife don't need to help.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
Well, I get that because women do it too. Yeah,
I get that part.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Yeah, all right, moving on the majority, Yes, I stay outside.

Speaker 1 (22:57):
I'm going to watch the dog again.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Yeah? Who does dog tag?

Speaker 13 (23:05):
All right?

Speaker 9 (23:07):
Felicia and Cincinnati says, I wanted my husband's dash to
get a cigar to smoke with him last night, and
I saw three flavored cigars. He said he got them
for a coworker to try. He said it's no big
deal and he forgot to take them to her. Should
I deliver the cigars to the lady?

Speaker 2 (23:24):
No, you shouldn't because you don't know what you are
She supposed to.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
Get the flavor. That's the.

Speaker 10 (23:32):
Why you.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
You got to deliver them. He's said he forgot, now
he remembers. He'll give him to him. Why is she
going in his stand? But but if you deliver, see,
if you deliver the cigar, you don't know what to say.
You don't smoke cigars.

Speaker 9 (23:48):
She does smoke, he does? She smokes, Yeah, she does smoke.
That's why she went in a stash so she could
smoke one with him smoking her smoke one on every day. Oh,
that's okay, you don't have to deliver them. I'll take
them to her, thank you.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
That's what she said. Take your cigars, my man had
that's either as or you got them jabbas coffee all
the mints or you got them. Don't give them cheap
on them honey bees. They make they make good cigars.

Speaker 14 (24:22):
What is them?

Speaker 2 (24:23):
Tahesion things though?

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Yeah, that's waesion.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
That's just a fruity cool mile, that's all that is.
And I don't like the size of them either. That's
not the one. If you're gonna do that, use acid cigars,
blacking mind.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
All right, I guess we're done with that one. Moving
on to Maurice and Detroit.

Speaker 9 (24:53):
Maris said, I started flipping houses. My first flip is
a nice townhouse. My wife wants me to rent it
to her mom, who is raising three grandkids. Nothing is
wrong with her mom's current house. She just wants a
newer house. How do I say no and stand on it?

Speaker 2 (25:11):
No, no, and stand on that and flip your house.
Your mama ain't gonna have pay you that rent. Your
rent gonna be laid. You're gonna be able to do nothing.
She gonna call you talking about she ain't got it
this month. Now, your mama just want a new house,
find another house. No, this is the business. We end
to flip these houses and produce a profit. You could.
It's hard to get your hands on love sums of

money in life. So if you can flip a house,
sell it, Let's say you make twenty thirty on it,
something like that or whatever. You flipping it and making
it on You can't gonna be able to get that
from your mom in law. She not goes on time,
She not gonna pay some time. And now and now
and now, all this money you don't put into this house,
you're ready to flip it now and so it's a

Now it's a hard ass nall.

Speaker 9 (25:57):
But isn't his wife gonna be upset about that because.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
It's her gonna help your mama find a really nice
place to stay. But we're gonna flip this house so
we can make this profit so we can keep the
ball roll. In the words of Slick Hard, the best
thing you can do for pole people is not be
one of them. And we got to keep our money rolling.
So your mama when she come over here with am
big and asked I have something to give.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Them, We're gonna say that raising three grand.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
In my head, the whole inside voice, I just gave
y'all head thoughts, right, Okay, I'm gonna say out loud,
so it's not gonna come out. It's not gonna come out.
And you sit your young self over there and learn yourself.
You don't know enough right now? All right?

Speaker 9 (26:45):
Last one, Steve, Last one. This is from Roxy and Yonkers.
Roxy writes, I'm fourteen years older than my husband. He
never seemed to mind, but I heard him tell his
friend that his gray hair is making him look as
old as his wife. He said he was joking, but
it's not funny to me. Does this mean my age
is finally getting to him.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Wow, your age is finding and got to everybody. Everybody
see it? Huh if he said this out loud, what
didn't happen? Since the here your agent and it showing
behind every joke is the truth. And now this gray
hand in his head got him looking just as old

as his wife. Now it ain't no finally got to it.
It to find a surface that showed up. Because when
he married you, it wasn't no problem. But now y'all
been married for a while for it it starting to
show itself. And that's what that sign is. I don't
know why y'all trying to fight me.

Speaker 6 (27:45):
On this one.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
I want to hear what you're going to start to show. Look, look,
I can't say everybody feeling it did that. That's not
what this segment is about. Now some of this, some
of the asked to see Helo, we're gonna have tell
a troop up in there now he told his friends
as a joke, but there behind every joke is the
truth now and not he's starting to feel like he

looking old as you. So now if he catching up
what that means? If if you catching up or you
are you jumping out there and leaps and bounds. Just
check yourself, get in the mirror, take closely.

Speaker 9 (28:22):
So yeah, that's what she wants to know. Does this
mean my age is finally finally getting to him?

Speaker 2 (28:28):
No, I ain't getting to him. That's turn got you
see why see listen to me. Why are you blaming
the man? This ain't the man fault. Is my age
finally getting to him?

Speaker 15 (28:39):

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Your age are finally caught up to you. Anybody said,
I you look fourteen years older?

Speaker 1 (28:49):
All right, Celo, change your hairstyle.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Look at your wardrobe. You got you stronger foundation.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Coming up top of the hour, Yeah, this is craziness.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
Get mad at me.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Coming up at the top of the hour will right
after this. You're listening.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
Morning show.

Speaker 9 (29:18):
The White House has confirmed that President Biden will deliver
the commencement address at Morehouse College on May nineteenth. Morehouses
President released a statement saying we eagerly anticipate welcoming President
Biden back to the House next month. He went on
to say his presidence serves as a reminder of our
institutions enduring legacy and impact, as well as our continued

commitment to excellent excellence, progress and positive change.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
House has done some incredible stuff then they really have. Yeah, yeah,
what a great HBCUs that's a lot of yes, a
lot of ye. The house real talent house.

Speaker 6 (30:04):

Speaker 9 (30:07):
In other entertainment news, during a recent MSNBC interview, John
Legend says he doesn't want to hear what Donald Trump
has done for black people, and he is a racist.

Speaker 17 (30:18):
Take a Listen made it clear throughout his life that
he believes black people are inferior, Like he believes.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
That to his core, in his bones.

Speaker 17 (30:28):
He wouldn't let us live in his buildings back in
the day. But also when you hear some of the
stray comments he makes, he clearly believes in a genetic
hierarchy of humanity and it's racially determined. So he is
a tried and true, like died in the wool racist,

Like in the core of his being, he's a racist.
So I don't want to hear what he has to
say about what he's done for black people. He's done
very little for us, thank you.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
I don't know anything he's done for black people. And
then I want to say this too, I want to
make a couple of statements. First of all, we as
a people have to stop waiting on somebody who's gonna
do something for us, because that calvary is never coming
over the hill. I don't know. I don't know who

that The last time I saw somebody trying to do
something for us that was not one of us, I don't,
I don't. I don't remember who that is. I don't.
You can enlighten me, Please show me, because I don't
know nobody that has an agenda for black people. Now,
Obama did some things and he didn't get enough credit

for it. Where he slid some things in that was
help us. The healthcare ask was to help us. Uh.
The release and what Biden is doing now the relief,
the relieving of our debt is uh.

Speaker 1 (31:58):

Speaker 2 (32:02):
But now let me say this though, I was just
thinking the other day about Donald Trump. Do you know
what I don't understand the hypocrisy of this country with
Donald Trump. This is a man who has ninety one
indictments correct, correct, He's on a trial. He's in a

trial right now.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
For a crime.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
Yes. Do you know that if you went to FedEx,
the post office, ups, if you went to MacDonald's, Burger King,
Wendy Quarterburger or Jack in the Box and you had
on your application that you had one indictment pending your
ass not getting a job. You got to get out

of here. How in the world can you have ninety
one indictments and be in for a job. Let loans
the highest office in America. This is hypocrisy. If you
had an indictment, you would lose the job you at
right now.

Speaker 16 (33:09):
Just one.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
They would spend you, They would suspend you from the
police department, they would suspend your ass from FAIREX. You
get an indictment on you, just one, you' work on
bruh if they put it, if you put it on
an application, you won't working no more. How in the
hell can this be? This is crazy? I wonder what

Steven A would say about that. And let me say
this right here behind I'm just putting it. All of us,
all of us that have microphones that have a voice,
we are not necessarily the voice of black people. We
are not. No Ain't nobody voted us that. But if

you are talking to us in large numbers, you have
to be mindful of the things you are saying because
what you say can hurt us, just like you can
encourage us, just like you can enlighten us and just
like you can empower us, you can also hurt us.
We have got to be mindful of things we say

and your opinion. Ain't that damn important at the cost
of us as a people in a culture. I don't
give a damn if you have the right to think
or say what you want to say, it don't mean
you should we when have we ever had freedom of speech?
I man, I wish y'all would get out that line,

because I'm gonna remind you of several places in the
Constitution that you are not. You can say the Star
Spangled banner and the national anthem all your ass, won't
it don't really apply to you. So this freedom of speechman,
we got to temple what we say because we are
held to a different standard in this country and you

know it. So get smart out here, man, and stop
running your mouth just because you can.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Stephen A. Smith apologize, not.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
Even I ain't even just talking about Steven now.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I'm just saying, no, yeah, you're gonna I like it.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
I got his number. I mean as you should, though, yes, yes, yeah,
but that's why we have to be careful. You all
tell me all the time, Steve all the time. I'll
tell you, man, I'd be ready to.

Speaker 15 (35:30):
Go in.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
All right.

Speaker 9 (35:34):
All right, Well, you know we'll keep watching. The hush
money trial is still going on, so we'll keep you updated.
Coming up at about twenty minutes after the hour, Steve.
People call, they want to talk to you. They leave
you voicemails. We're gonna check your voicemail. Coming up at
eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Eight seven seven.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
Twenty nine, Steve. Right after this, who go check me boo?
You're listening.

Speaker 5 (36:01):
Morning show?

Speaker 9 (36:02):
All right, Steve, it's time to check your voicemail. Eight
seven seven twenty nine, Steve. You can call if you
want to leave a message for Steve. You might just
hear your call in the air.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
Steve, if you ready to go?

Speaker 2 (36:11):
Uh huh.

Speaker 9 (36:12):
This one's from Columbia. Listener from Columbia, South Carolina. He
listens to the Big d M radio station.

Speaker 6 (36:19):
Yeah, bro, I tell you mail. He the best man
black brother I've heard all my life. Man, got television,
got radio affection, and I love your coming in the
morning's man. You know show you love black people?

Speaker 12 (36:34):

Speaker 6 (36:35):
Or keep doing it man, Thursday morning the show on
the Big Dam just South Carolina. Do what you're doing, Man,
I need a job, Steve. I'm an resigned myself.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Brother, Jesus, I didn't hear that last thing.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
I didn't hear He's job. I don't know. I'm gonna
say this to him, thank you. This ain't this a
place for that. Listen. I appreciate everything he said, and
I'm gonna continue to do my best, yes, sir, and
try to speak up and be a beacon for black

people and not a leader, not a spokesperson, but a beacon,
just saying. I try to say stuff to make the
pathway lighter for us because I'm older than most of
the people that listen to my show. So I'm just
trying to put some path lights out there to show
you the way I did and maybe it can help you.

That's my mission. Thank you. That's all it is. But
by the grace of God, I am who I am, Yes, sir,
that's all I am. Please all sideways too. Don't just
want to throw that out.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
Is from a fan of Juniors who left a message
take a listen.

Speaker 18 (37:56):
Hey, what's going on, Steve, Shirley, Carla Man, But I'm
really talking to Junior right now. Hey, man, Junior, we
need some more poetry. I'm gonna need you to come
up with some stuff about these sports, and we need
more poetry.

Speaker 1 (38:13):
Steve, don't hold.

Speaker 18 (38:14):
That boy's talent back.

Speaker 6 (38:16):
Give him some poetry.

Speaker 10 (38:17):

Speaker 18 (38:17):
This is Big Jay from Compton. Let that man's talent shine.
I've got your back, Jr. Make it happen. All that poetry.
I never liked poetry until I heard Junior's poetry.

Speaker 12 (38:30):
So let j Rap do his thing.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
Pease stay out of Compton, Big Jay. J you're your justice.

Speaker 8 (38:45):
Told you poetry changing lives out here.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
What is that look on your face?

Speaker 10 (38:50):

Speaker 12 (38:50):
What is that wrong?

Speaker 6 (38:58):
I want.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
However you want.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
But Big Jay, if you started just start lacking poetry,
called it Julian because of jun I don't. I don't
know what you've been listening to before, but I'm gonna
send you some some tapes the poets.

Speaker 9 (39:18):
All right, Yeah, coming up eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve.
Right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 5 (39:29):
Morning show.

Speaker 9 (39:31):
All right, it's time now to check more of Steve's voicemails.
At eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve call if you
want to leave a message for Steve, we might just
play your call in the air.

Speaker 4 (39:40):
All right.

Speaker 9 (39:40):
Here we go with more called Steve. A listener names
Zach left a message, Hey Steve, this is zach Man.

Speaker 19 (39:47):
I listened to your show every morning. It's very inspirational.
I was one of those dudes that went to prison
and went to jail, and if it wasn't for God,
I would have never made it mentally or physically out
of that place because I in a dark spot, which
was what led me there. And when I listen to
your shows in the wanting, it gets me that actually
a little bit of information or inspiration that.

Speaker 13 (40:09):
I need to, uh, you know, start my day off.

Speaker 15 (40:13):
Want to find the notes.

Speaker 13 (40:14):
Thank you?

Speaker 2 (40:16):
Yes, said man. That's what you're doing, you know, yeah,
that's all. That's all.

Speaker 14 (40:22):
You know.

Speaker 2 (40:23):
That that call right there is almost up there, almost
up there with the car Junior just got from Big Jay.
You know, you know, no, no, no, I just want
Junior to be able to drink that and absorb that
in because he don't get that many of him people
requesting his poetry. So I'm going to allow him to

drink that one all the way in. And here, I
just want you to know, Big j I'm not holding
his talent back, but that's all he got, No, I mean,
he doing the best. He can't them the points he got.
When he get a point, we let him do it.
He don't come up with him. Man down there, it's
hard on him. I thing.

Speaker 9 (41:00):
Don't you think we can't wait for the next time
Junior does give us a poem?

Speaker 1 (41:04):
It begs for a poem?

Speaker 2 (41:05):
Yeah, now, ju Ju, do careful?

Speaker 1 (41:10):
Now, careful what it's just a no, no no no?

Speaker 2 (41:15):
He easy?

Speaker 1 (41:16):
Now easy?

Speaker 2 (41:18):
What way? Listening to? Jay? Okay, all right, watch what
you said Jay?

Speaker 5 (41:26):
Straight out of town?

Speaker 2 (41:27):
Well, well, I ain't talking big Jay, I'm talking little.
I'm talking a little k. Anybody talking to I'm talking
to little k. Watch where your step?

Speaker 11 (41:37):

Speaker 1 (41:41):
All right, moving on, we have we have more calls.
This is from Sandra.

Speaker 8 (41:45):
Good morning.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
It's me and mister Steve Harve Sandra Jeck.

Speaker 13 (41:48):
I love what you just see.

Speaker 19 (41:50):
I hate when black fight one another.

Speaker 12 (41:54):
I hate when black shoot and kill one another.

Speaker 14 (41:57):
I hate that.

Speaker 12 (41:58):
I don't even like to see a movie with black
fighting one another killing one another.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
I do.

Speaker 12 (42:03):
I do not like it.

Speaker 20 (42:04):
One more thing. I want to say what you just
got through saying about the rappers beeping the comedians, letting
them know it's enough money for everybody to get song.
It's enough money for everybody out here to get song.
The money is not going nowhere. It is enough money

for everybody to.

Speaker 12 (42:28):
Have two and three big mansions, four and five calls.

Speaker 1 (42:31):
Let them know.

Speaker 10 (42:32):
Quit hating.

Speaker 20 (42:34):
It's enough money for everybody to get songs.

Speaker 16 (42:38):
Okay again this.

Speaker 13 (42:39):
Meet and I love what you just got you talking about?

Speaker 12 (42:42):
All right?

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Bye bye? Yes, she takes the A out of another?
Did she say one another? Yeah? Yeah, see see see
that's when you know it's serious. Another and it is.
You know what, that's a crazy statement. It is enough
money for everybody. We have got We we do this

grabbing the barrel thing each other, which don't make no sense.
The lead is wide over. Everybody can get out. Everybody
can get out, even you. As a matter of fact,
if you help somebody get up, you ain't heavy you,
my brother, I can. I could reach back and grab you.

But man, we just we win a we're a We're
in a place man where we we y'all. I'm telling
you we not winning. We're not truly winning. No, because
the greats get up there and then you you cheer
for them all the way up to the top. Then
when they get up there. Your whole mission is their
to mind. Yep, that don't make no sense. All these

rappers beefing with Drake Man. Y'all. Dog that dude out there,
he way out there. When you get through talking about him,
you ain't finna be close close homie. Gosh, all right, Steve,
thank you.

Speaker 1 (44:06):
Thank you to all our callers as well.

Speaker 9 (44:08):
Coming up next to the nephew and the prank phone
call for today right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 5 (44:16):
Morning show.

Speaker 9 (44:17):
Coming up at the top of the hour, right about
four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, and
the subject is fight or flight.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
Fight or Flight. We'll get into that in just.

Speaker 9 (44:28):
A few because right now the nephew is here with
today's prank phone call.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Nephew, what you got Well, I want you to picture
me as a strip of the day.

Speaker 1 (44:37):
Okay, you see that I would delete delete.

Speaker 2 (44:42):
What I got it. I can see it. You can
see it ain't for you and everything. Hell yeah, I
got the name. I got the name. The name is Thunderbolt, Thunderbun.
What's the name I had?

Speaker 5 (44:54):
Oh Lord? What did you?

Speaker 2 (44:55):
What name you got? Mighty mouth? Oh see right there
right you fly you in on the cape and everything. Hey,
you out there standing a little block of cheese. Just
this is a thunderboat, y'all? All right, thunderboat, let's go

cat dog.

Speaker 14 (45:18):
Hello, hey man, let me let's speak not here.

Speaker 16 (45:21):
Who's called?

Speaker 6 (45:22):

Speaker 14 (45:22):
This thunder boat from the club?

Speaker 15 (45:24):

Speaker 14 (45:25):
What times she get in on the boat? Hello? Yeah, yeah,
this thunder boat. Man, what times she get in?

Speaker 16 (45:31):
What you mean what time you get in?

Speaker 10 (45:33):

Speaker 16 (45:34):
She ain't in here now, But you know what I mean,
I'm what you need.

Speaker 12 (45:37):

Speaker 14 (45:38):
Uh, I'm trying to I'm following up on trying to
actually get an address and stuff. Man, she got me
dancing this weekend on Saturday night, and I want to
see it. Make sure I got to address everything. Everything's
still on.

Speaker 16 (45:49):
You know, already gave up got you dancing?

Speaker 14 (45:52):
Say what not?

Speaker 12 (45:53):
What you mean?

Speaker 16 (45:53):
She got you dancing?

Speaker 14 (45:54):
She asked me to do some male dancing on Saturday night.
So I went on and took off at the club,
and uh, you know she's already.

Speaker 16 (46:01):
Got my my guy, ain't she ain't had to do
no matter dancing my gas. She now my guys. She goes,
she goes to school at night on the weekend, so
you know she's okay. Okay, okay, I ain't David David fiance.
What yeah, that's my gas.

Speaker 14 (46:17):
Hold on, hold on, hold on, squeaking Fin to getting
Maddy squeaky squeaky Wait wait wait, okay you my guy.

Speaker 16 (46:25):
Ain't I'm David?

Speaker 14 (46:26):
Right, Okay, that's that's that's squeaky squeak Fin to get
me on my gas.

Speaker 16 (46:31):
You said you're a dancer.

Speaker 14 (46:32):
I dance that, man, is I'm fucking for But how
do you know my gas? She come to the club
on Saturday. She asked me about doing some dancing for
this coming Saturday, so she already gave me half the money.

Speaker 16 (46:42):
She comes to the clubs on Saturdays. Now, my girl,
she goes to school on Saturdays. Man, you know, now
do what Listen?

Speaker 14 (46:50):
First of all, I'm blown away by you're trying to
tell me squeaking married that you got me really tore
up with her.

Speaker 12 (46:55):
I don't know, no, no, squeaky, that's what we call
her at the club.

Speaker 14 (46:58):
Man, I'm not finna get into all of that. What
I'm really calling by is she got me working this
weekend doing some dancing, and I'm trying to just make
sure that we're all for this week because I didn't
give my spot up at the club.

Speaker 12 (47:10):
You're trying to tell me, Mike, girl hanging out at
a buck naked club.

Speaker 14 (47:13):
But dance man, Squeaky been coming up in them, man, for.

Speaker 16 (47:17):
The last buck a week.

Speaker 12 (47:18):
She been there long enough, he nick name.

Speaker 14 (47:20):
I've been doing Squeaky four five years. Squeaky been coming. Man,
this this thunderball, Me and Squeaky go way back.

Speaker 16 (47:25):
Oh no, man, Well, we gonna handle it when she
get in here, and you can you know, hand to yours?

Speaker 12 (47:31):
Have you got to handle it? Talk to whoever you
got to to get your little money or whatever, or.

Speaker 14 (47:35):
No, no, no, no, get my spot. I'm gonna wait
a minute, mate, that's not he is you listening, mane,
I can't get my slot back at the club now.
Squeaker got to give me the remaining balance, man, even
if she ain't gonna do it, I need.

Speaker 12 (47:48):
My other wanning balue.

Speaker 16 (47:49):
I can't finna give you the raining balance of nothing.

Speaker 12 (47:51):
Hey man, I need to ring my money that that
she gave you what.

Speaker 15 (47:54):
You're saying, and you can just count that out. She
ain't gonna give your.

Speaker 14 (47:57):
Thing, Hey man, I'm the boat gonna get his money it, man,
I need my one fit.

Speaker 15 (48:01):
Thunder Boats gonna get his quills.

Speaker 14 (48:03):
Well, then that's what you got to do. And that's
what you got to do.

Speaker 15 (48:06):
Man, I tell you what that's for, thunder Boat for
being anything to get no.

Speaker 12 (48:09):
Cat talking about calling and squeaki it all this, so
I ain't working for to give money away to some
boat lighting it or whatever.

Speaker 14 (48:17):
Hey man, look man, it's Thunderboat. It ain't lighting. It's Thunderboat.
Lightning worked on Wednesday night. Just Thunderboat.

Speaker 12 (48:23):
I don't know who you done talk to already about that,
but you need to holler that damn. But don't be
calling here asking my gal to give you some money.

Speaker 15 (48:31):
Ain't giving you cause she don't make nothing.

Speaker 14 (48:33):
I'm coming over there now and get my money from Squeaky.
I ain't hear it.

Speaker 16 (48:39):
Don't make nothing. I need all the money around here.

Speaker 12 (48:42):
So you ain't gonna get nothing from over year finding
So you can wipe that your mind.

Speaker 14 (48:46):
I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky today.

Speaker 12 (48:49):
You coming over here.

Speaker 14 (48:50):
I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky.

Speaker 16 (48:53):

Speaker 14 (48:53):
Look man, I ain't got time to play. I allow
my slot at the club.

Speaker 15 (48:56):
See what you get. See if you get some money,
get your lean house.

Speaker 14 (49:00):
Thunder coming over there to get.

Speaker 16 (49:01):
The rest of his dollar, and you better not bring
your over here because you come up. I'll tell you
what bring him on over here, and I'm gonna.

Speaker 15 (49:07):
Show you lighting it.

Speaker 12 (49:08):
I ain't know you got some money already for she
rides here and giving you money away. I'm struggling. I'll
tell you what.

Speaker 15 (49:13):
You bring your over here, iver you want to and
watch for tow down.

Speaker 14 (49:16):
Hey man, all I'm saying is I'm finna come over
there and wait outside the down so Squeaky to get
there to get the rest of my money. That's what
I'm saying to you. You're gonna come over and sit
outside what I'm finna come over there and wait outside
for Squeaky to get there so I could get the
rest of.

Speaker 12 (49:30):
My money over here and sit outside my house.

Speaker 14 (49:32):
That's what I'm finna do, and that's what it takes
for me to get my money from Squeaky.

Speaker 12 (49:36):
I tell you what, you bring up over here there
and sit outside my house and we can get your
See you blow the horn, that's what you do. You
blow the horse. So I come out there and meet
you and let you know what's going down to bust them?
And we leave me here. She can see your laid
out like ill come on over here and get your money.

Speaker 14 (49:51):
I'm going to get my money. Squeeny on you one
hundred and fifty dollars and I'm goin to come here.

Speaker 12 (49:55):
Don't give them? What's she on you about? Under to that? Mom?
Is she giving you? You oughta be happy with that? Right?
You want to come over here talking about you want
some more money?

Speaker 14 (50:03):
You know somebody on thunderboat or one hundred and fifty
dollars and thunder boat gonna get his money.

Speaker 12 (50:08):
Better, try to go up and dance at the club
on this weekend free, so then you will not be
dancing at the talking about.

Speaker 15 (50:15):
Sitting out front of my house.

Speaker 14 (50:17):
Squeaky gonna give me my one fit. You ain't even
got nothing.

Speaker 12 (50:19):
To do with this, no way.

Speaker 14 (50:21):
This transaction is between me and Squeaky. It ain't got
nothing to do with you, no way.

Speaker 12 (50:24):
Hey your name is then it's got everything to do
with me. You call my nonsel talking about killing you
something money and I'm gonna but man's bring you over here.
I got your money, Come get your when I got
your money right here i'na be sitting out front waiting
on you. Squeak.

Speaker 14 (50:39):
You don't want to ask for me to dance Saturday night,
Squeaky as I told her three hundred dollars plus tips. Now,
I ain't gonna get no tips. But I tell you what.
I am gonna get my three hundred dollars. I got
one fifty and I'm gonna get the other one fifty
with Squeaky.

Speaker 12 (50:51):
Get out. You ain't getting it from me. You gonna
get your busser from me.

Speaker 14 (50:54):
I got one more thing I need to say to you.
If you're listening to me?

Speaker 12 (50:57):
Said, man, what cons second?

Speaker 16 (50:59):

Speaker 14 (50:59):
You? What if you tom me from the Steve Hobby
Morning Show? You just got pranked by your homeboy?

Speaker 12 (51:07):
Who was this?

Speaker 14 (51:11):
This is nephew? Tell me man from the Steve Hobby
Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboy.

Speaker 16 (51:18):
God you see the twist?

Speaker 6 (51:23):
Say too much?

Speaker 12 (51:25):
Man, y'all had this. I'm putting on boots.

Speaker 14 (51:30):
Man, I got a year.

Speaker 12 (51:32):
I'm finna go out here and squabble. I got pikes
and bat I'm going go out here in fy the
whipple man.

Speaker 14 (51:38):
You alright, man, y'all bro, I'll.

Speaker 12 (51:40):
Be glad for somebody drank. YO, tell me I'm gonna
get that. Y'all got me, y'all got me.

Speaker 14 (51:46):
Hey man, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man,
who what is? What is the baddest I'm talking about
the baddest radio show in the lane.

Speaker 12 (51:55):
The Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (52:00):
Thunderbolt is name man, Thunderball? Baby puts the speck on
my thundery. You know I don't too much do thunder
y'all better put some thun Hey mighty, let me ask
you a question.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
It's Thunderbolt.

Speaker 10 (52:14):
I charged. I saw it for private gigs. I charged
to show up a thousand, show up, you know, and
then and then you know, then you just make it
rain for the tips. But yeah, for a thousand, I
showed up. And that's what that's for. Thirty minutes. What Now?

My last job was at a you know, uh, Jared
Astry Center. But I'm getting I'm getting more gigs coming up,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
I'm getting busy.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I saw you. I heard
what happened to you at that nursing home when you
was They didn't have money to pay you, so they
were throwing pills at you.

Speaker 10 (52:56):
Yeah, yeah, I got a lot of drugs right now.
I got stuff off riders. I got everything you might
be looking for.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
I got it. But you know, hey, the Nephew will
be there.

Speaker 10 (53:14):
Let that be lines hosted by yours truly at the
YouTube Theater that is May fifth. May fifth is happening
during the Netflix is a Joke Festival. You got keV
on stage, Tony Baker, Lavelle Crawford and hosted by Nephew,
Tommy JJ Williamson and my man Fred Hammond and his
band all clean laughs.

Speaker 2 (53:31):
Let that be last, all right.

Speaker 1 (53:33):
Nephew, thank you. Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter, the
subject fight or flight. We'll get into it right after this.

Speaker 5 (53:41):
You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (53:44):
All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter.
And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex,
parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve
HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could
be reading your letter live on the air, just like
we're going to read this one right here, right now,
and you never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 10 (54:05):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Here it is straw baby letter.

Speaker 1 (54:10):
Thank you nephew, subject fight or Flight. Dear Stephen Shirley.

Speaker 9 (54:15):
I'm a forty four year old married man and I'm
in a very high leadership role with my company. My
wife and our two children enjoy my annual company picnic,
and they've been out of the country twice with me
on my work trips. I came from the hood and
so did my wife, and we want better for the kids.
I've worked at this manufacturing company since I was in

the tenth grade, and I worked my way up. My
wife and I got married after high school. We had
our children fairly young, so we didn't have much time
to be young ourselves, and my wife didn't have much
time to keep up with her girlfriend. So now I'm
her only friend and she's very clingy, and that's how
she ended up getting banned from going on my work trips.

Last in Hawaii, she got bored and came to the
meeting room and barged in on my presentation. She asked
how much longer I'd be and my female boss escorted
her out. As I continue to do my presentation, I
could hear them shouting all the way down the hall
and my wife accused my boss of wanting me all

to herself. I almost had a heart attack. My wife
yelled at me for the rest of the trip and
refused to apologize to my boss. She's left me no
choice but to leave her at home this year when
I go to Hawaii in July. She told me if
she couldn't, if she doesn't get booked for the flight,
we are going to fight until I leave and after

I get back. I'm so tired and sexually frustrated because
she's been holding out on sex too. I haven't slept
in weeks because I feel sorry for her. All I
ask is that she apologized to my boss and make
things right. Am I being mean for leaving.

Speaker 1 (55:57):
Her at home? Or did she do this to herself?

Speaker 9 (56:00):
Well, that is an easy question because yes, obviously, absolutely
she did this to herself, because don't even consider taking
her crazy behind any more of your job events. She
has no boundary. She thinks she can do whatever she wants,
but she forgets or doesn't think at all, that her
erratic behavior can mess things up for the whole family.

And no, you're not being mean. You can't just sit
back and let her ruin everything you work so hard for.
You started from the bottom since the tenth grade. This position,
your career means a lot to you, and you're in
a leadership position too at your job. Your wife is
an embarrassment at this point. Where's her gratitude for the
life she gets to leave for live, for the fabulous

trips or whatever else you're providing for the family. She
should apologize to your boss, she should, and everyone who
was at your presentation that day. But we all know
she's not going to do that. She says she's not
going to do it, and that's a shame. She's with
her sex from you too. Let's not forget about that.
So so far, you still have your job.

Speaker 1 (57:07):
Everything's cool there.

Speaker 9 (57:08):
But I'm sure you can't have any more of these
crazy incidents and you're taking precautions, so you I don't know,
this is not gonna work.

Speaker 1 (57:17):
She can't bust up in your job like that.

Speaker 2 (57:19):
Steve, Oh wow, you know I can't. Dog. This is
a hard win, man, because you know I can tell
that the guy loves his wife. He really does. But
you got a problem, No, Pardner, you got a real problem. Okay,
So let's go. You forty four. They've known each other,

this woman and his girlfriend. His wife and I have
known each other since high school. Well I don't know
if it says high school, but he's been at the
job since he was in the tenth grade. He came
from the hood, his wife come from the hood, and
they won't better for their kids. So let me get
this right. He's worked at the manufacturing company since the
tenth grade. You worked your way up. Oh yeah, then

they got married after high school. We had our children
fairly young. It's going good. We didn't have much time
to be young ourselves. This is a man who is
assessing the situation. I think very admirably. He realizes what's
happened here. So she ain't had time to keep up

with a girlfriend. So now I'm her only friend, and
she's very cleaning and by her being clingy, this is
the statement he makes that that's how she ended up
getting banned from going on work trips or so what
happened last year to go to Hawaii? She got bored,

came to the meeting room and barged in on my presentation.
Young dude up in there making a presentation and everything.
She asked how much long I'll be now, you can't
do that. That's crazy, that that makes no damn sense
at all. And this has nothing to do with being clingy.

This is unprofessional, and this is unbecoming of your wife
interfering with the way you earn a living. So this
is this ain't no, no, this ain't got nothing to
do with being cleany man, and your wife cannot be
that out of touch to not realize that this is

beyond inappropriate. She has got to see that. I don't
give it. Damn. How far are you from the hood
or how clingy you are? I know a whole lot
of people that's hood and clinging. Ain't finna walk up
in no presentation. But how long you gonna be we're
here in Hawaii. Well he on the work trip, all right?

So then they his female boss escorted her out. I'll
continue with the process. He can hear him all the
way down in the hall, hollering and stuff. Your wife
yelled at me. I'll tell you the rest of it
when we come back this day.

Speaker 9 (01:00:14):
Yeah, hang on all right, coming up part two of
Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter, Fight or Flight. We'll
have that at twenty three minutes after right after this,
you're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:00:28):
Morning show.

Speaker 9 (01:00:28):
All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter.
The subject is fight or Flight.

Speaker 2 (01:00:35):
So this couple been married since high school. This man
has had this job since the tenth grade. He done
work his way up to a real nice capacity. He's
doing presentations at the company. Now they go on trips.
They have two wonderful kids that they want to have
a better life than the one they had. And now
they had some problems because on the last trip to
Hawaii last year, she doesn't have any friends because they

got married so young, and he's he's her best friend,
and that's caused her to be real clinging. Well, and
they were at the work Uh, they were at the
work trip and he was in the office somewhere giving
a presentation. Wife got bored, came to the presentation, barged
in and said, how much long are you gonna be wo?

He couldn't believe it. He could not believe it. Now,
I'm gonna tell you right now. She didn't barge in
cause she hood. She didn't barge in cause she clinging.
I know a lot of cleaning people. I know a
lot of hood people. That's not why she barged in.
She barged in because she ignorant. Because she ignorant. That's ignorance.

You gonna come in here and the only place that
y'all earning a living. This man that made away for
his family, and then you come in here with this ignorance,
barge in while he giving a presentation. His female boss
escorts her out of the presentation. He could hear them
shouting all the way down the hall. Now this man

is mortified. I almost had a heart attack. And then
the wife accuses the female boss of warning him to herself. No, lady,
she tried to spare him the embarrassment of you further
humiliating him and interrupting a meeting. So she has a

female say, oh wait a minute, come on, sister, come
this way. What you doing? No, no, no, that ain't
good enough for her. Now she yelling all the way
down the hall. Now his wife has yelled at him
for the rest of the trip. Refused to apologize to
my boss. She left me no choice but to leave
her at home this year. He say, ain't no, no, no, no, no,

we ain't going back to white and Dog. You better
not take her. No, dog, dog, don't take her. So
now she just said, if she don't get booked for
a flight, we gonna fight until I leave and then
after I get back. Damn it is home. Then its

own like, don't get can, I don't care. I'm getting
on this flight without you. You not coming up in here.
You cannot allow her to a second chance to mess
up your job, though, dog, you don't work too hard
to get here. And why she don't see that? No, man,

I'm so tired and sexually frustrated because she been holding
out on sex too. I ain't slept in weeks because
I feel sorry for her. All I asked is she
apologized to my boss and make things right. I ain't apologize, No,
damn body Now the brother want to know, am I
being mean for leaving her at home? Or did she

do this to herself? Bruh, She not only did it
to herself. But this don't look real good for you, man.
And if you bring on that trip, what's to say
she won't do something else? She won't apologize to the boss.
Suppose on the trip she run up into your boss,
she gonna do it. She ain't gonna apologize. She might

do the same thing. This could turn ugly. You have
to leave her at home because she won't even apologize
for the wrong in it that she did. You're dealing
man with the person man who is just only thinking
of themselves. Now, this is a righteous dude, because guess
what he said. He said, you know what, I feel
sorry for her. I ain't slept in weeks because I

know she lonely. She ain't got no friends. He's found
a way to be compassionate for his wife. So you've
done all you can do. She has to go. She
cannot go on this trip though. You got to leave
her at home. Any questions, anybody, I don't know how.

Speaker 10 (01:04:53):
He completed his speech as they going down the hall organ.

Speaker 2 (01:04:58):
Oh I can do that. I can do that. Let
me tell you something, man, I've been in a situation.
I've been slapped before I go on stage before, I've
been pussed out for going on stage before all that. Man,
I don't I'm doing staying up. Yeah, yeah dog, yeah,
I'm gonna go do my job. Though. I'm gonna go
do my job. Come in here and ask all the
bigger food you want to. I'm gonna go out here.

I'm gonna do my job, So I need to finished appresentation.
That ain't nothing.

Speaker 6 (01:05:25):
That is that.

Speaker 2 (01:05:27):
I just don't like the fact that that ain't nothing
not in here. Hell happened to me before. But you
get slipped and go out there. Say what's happening y'all?

Speaker 3 (01:05:35):
Y'all doing tonight?

Speaker 14 (01:05:36):

Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
All of you, the two of you are not understanding
that level of commitment and professionalism and the show must
go on. I'm committed, Okay, I just can't take your ass.
But before I go out there, though, you get slapped
ten minutes before you go on stage. Okay, So now,
ladies and gentlemen, uh, Tommy and Ki ain't gonna be

able to work tonight. No, we're got to get to check. No,
we got talk. Okay, what is we talking about?

Speaker 10 (01:06:06):
We're talking about that slap when I get on staying
that's my whole set, is that damn slap.

Speaker 2 (01:06:10):
Well, see now, now let's over this. You're bringing your
personal life and matters on to the stage. Have you
not seen that play out recently? Yes? Do you think
people want to pay their money here? But you didn't slap? Wow,
I'm just asking a question.

Speaker 1 (01:06:31):
All right, Coast, your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve.

Speaker 9 (01:06:35):
Hello everyone, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on
the free iHeartRadio app for it never sounded so good.
You can download it today now. Coming up at forty
six minutes after the hour, we'll hear from Junior and
Sports Talk.

Speaker 1 (01:06:50):
Right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:06:54):
Morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:06:55):
All right, ladies and gentlemen, he is here Junior and
Sports Talk.

Speaker 10 (01:06:59):
What you got?

Speaker 7 (01:07:00):
Well, the NFL Draft starts tonight and Tommy is on
the night Man. But we don't really have to watch
the night because we ain't got no picks in the
first round. They didn't want to fly around to night.
We don't have a pick, and you know we don't.
We don't have a pick in the first round. We
were gonna have to tune in till Friday. That's it, okay,
because we're the forty second pick and the eighty six
pick in the third round, second and third round. Cleveland,

y'all ain't got a pick in the first round either, y'all,
y'all fifty fourth and eighty fifth and second and third
on Friday.

Speaker 8 (01:07:28):
So that's all when you got to tune in, UK.

Speaker 2 (01:07:30):
So who's up for going first?

Speaker 7 (01:07:31):
Junior Caleb Williams going to Chicago. That's all we know
right now. We're supposed to be, you know, jay and
Daniels out of LSU. He might go to Washington. But
did you hear what happened to him?

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):

Speaker 7 (01:07:42):
He went the Top Golf and the Washington commanders had
all the other quarterbacks at Top Golf just to see
what would happen.

Speaker 8 (01:07:49):
Put them all in one room. And Jaye didn't like
that because if I'm the pick, why is all these
other quarterbacks here?

Speaker 2 (01:07:54):
And see?

Speaker 7 (01:07:55):
That didn't sit well with him because it's like, you know,
if you're gonna court me, court me, don't court everybody.
So we don't know if he really want to go
to Washington after that.

Speaker 2 (01:08:05):
But dog, ain't dog these young boys today. Yo, you
ain't in the league yet. If you're gonna court me,
caught me, ain't got his work.

Speaker 6 (01:08:13):

Speaker 2 (01:08:14):
This is professional This is professional sports. Dog, welcome to
the real world. Seek that's what happens though. When you've
been a college star, you've been a high school star,
you've been a pee wee football star, you've been caught him.
Well this for money, now, homie, Yeah, this for a check? Now?
They brought your ass up to top gol. I only
one won't be a top golf MA pick that club

of and hit your ball your turn neck he got
he now hitting Miles stuck out because there's some other quarterbacks.
The man. This the nf AL dog, right yeah, yeah dog,
this is pro dog brug rug. You know they let
they let guys that have a proven track record. Then

for just let Russell Wilson go dog. They just let
you go. Man.

Speaker 8 (01:09:03):
Stop you know, uh man, this is an opportunity to
change your life right here.

Speaker 1 (01:09:08):
What would you say?

Speaker 7 (01:09:09):
The first thing they need to do because they've finish
comeing to a lot of money at a young age.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
You know, well we know exactly how much money they
gonna come because the first round if you make x
amoundred dollars, well they know where they're coming up. But
I'm just telling you right now, get ready, get ready,
because the problems you're about to have you have no idea.
They can't prepare you for. I've never had them before.
And your first set of problems gonna come from family
and then automatically and then the vultures are sitting around
figuring out how they can get a piece his little agent,

the little Mark and an agent, the lawyer, the CPA,
and they all tie together. You gotta watch that, man, Yeah,
you gotta watch that. Half the people you do not
need at all. It's a sad thing, man, it is.

Speaker 8 (01:09:52):
Let's get ready to watch the dragt this weekend. We're
gonna find out who went where?

Speaker 9 (01:09:55):
All right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the top
of the hour, Steven Manna on social media needs you.
He says, my teenage son is again showering. He needs
some advice. We'll talk about that right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:10:06):
You're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:10:08):
Morning show, So Steve.

Speaker 1 (01:10:11):
This is from George from Steve Harvey FM.

Speaker 9 (01:10:15):
George says, Hey, Steve, I'm one of your blue eyed
Soul Brother listeners and I need some advice. This past
Monday was Earth Day, and my teenage son has been
reading or seeing online that there might be a water
shortage in our town and he wants to conserve water
to help save our planet. As a result, he now
says he's going to quote do his part to help

the situation by refusing to shower. While I respect his intention,
he also is playing baseball and soccer and sweating a lot,
and then one day he tried to refuse to flush
the toilet. He insists that we're in the wrong for
not caring about our community and the planet. Okay, I
get the conservation and recycling is important.

Speaker 13 (01:10:59):
I get that.

Speaker 9 (01:11:00):
But what can we say to him that will resonate
more than whatever it is he's seeing on social media.

Speaker 2 (01:11:06):
Well, first of all, soul brother, thank you for calling.
Let me give you your number one. All you have
to do with this little boy in this shouts, coordinate
with another parent down the street and ask them can
they bring their daughter to the house, and then have

the daughter just politely say I don't like boys who smell,
and I would never date the boy who smell. That
case is over. The best thing I did in my
boy's camp one year was the boys were talking about man,
mister Harvey, that's old school. Don't nobody open doors pull

our chairs no more. We don't do it like that.
We don't walk. We walk with um. So what different
side and side where you walking on? I had some
young girls who are visiting my daughters. I had to
young girls come down to the camp one night and
I bought them up on stage and all one hundred
and fifty of them boys set up in their chair
because they were a teenage girl, and they were gorgeous

little girls, and they were going around the room, and
I was just asking them questions without embarrassing any boys.
Do you like boys who wear their hair like this?

Speaker 14 (01:12:20):

Speaker 2 (01:12:21):
Do you like boys who sagging where they passed like this?

Speaker 14 (01:12:24):

Speaker 2 (01:12:25):
And I went down line with a couple of questions.
Do you know the next day that barber shop was
full Dimbler boys in there getting haircuts. Thembler boys is
in there as you see, nobody sagging because the little
girls was on the other side of the ranch doing
some other things. And there now and then I'd go
get my pliers and put them on the plaza, just
drive them through the camp. You know, they stayed on

the truck with me because they were a teenage girl.
I don't put them in the situation for three them
boys like that before they pants up. That barber shop
was full of boys getting haircuts. All you got to
do is introduce that. Now. Second, here's the other thing
you do. But you're not finna do it. You're not
finna not flush this damn to come on you much,

your damn jaw cracked. And here you ain't flushing tailet.
I don't give a damn what's happening in the environment.
You're not finna mess up this environment trying to say
that damn environment outside. Now, don't flush another thought toilet
in here, and watch what happened in your throat, because
I'm gonna sucker punch your ass dead and your damn thoat. God,
you gotta add a little bit of blackness to your child. Really, Yeah,

you ain't here leaving doors open, standing there with refrigerator
over it. You ain't bought nothing in there. Shut that
damn dough all this here right here now, you ain't
got to do that. All this respect to see respect
begets respect. I respect your wisher. You want to save
the planet, but you're gonna respect the rules up in here. Now.
Your ass ain't working. You're down here, riding your funky

ass round in here, running up and down this football field,
kicking this ball, and you're not going to bring your
little stink of ass in here. You ain't eating a
damn thing to you, babe.

Speaker 1 (01:14:08):
Yeah, that worked, all right, thank you? All right? Yeah, yeah,
I do have another one.

Speaker 2 (01:14:17):
We'll yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1 (01:14:20):
That's good advice, though.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
George right there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got a teenage boy.
Yeah yeah, that's why he wrote you, because.

Speaker 1 (01:14:31):
Wow, he's on social media. So George, you heard Steve.

Speaker 2 (01:14:34):
That's what you do. Go boys think though, God no not. Plus,
I got to say, you better save your save your ass.

Speaker 9 (01:14:46):
We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming
up at twenty minutes after the hour.

Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
Right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:14:54):
Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:14:58):
Authorities in Philadelphia say some station crooks took about thirty
thousand dollars worth of crabs from a truck outside of Walmart.
According to multiple news outlets, the thieves arrived in four
separate cars, assaulted to delivery truck driver, leaving him injured,
and took the boxes of Grandpa Harvey's crabs.

Speaker 1 (01:15:19):
And just a few weeks prior, more.

Speaker 9 (01:15:21):
Thieves stole twelve thousand dollars worth of pork and another
cargo heights of a shipment of bourbon.

Speaker 1 (01:15:27):
Wow, they're just stealing hunts liquor.

Speaker 2 (01:15:31):
I'm gonna tell you something. Stealing stealing crabs in a
small booth.

Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Why you say that's set.

Speaker 2 (01:15:37):
You gotta have a buyer for them. Cram that night immediately. Yeah, yeah,
I ain't think about that. Yeah, these thieves don't have
a cold storage facilities. They got that damn lock it
down there at the U haul storage placed. You set

them prams in there and come back to mark you something. Yeah, see,
don't think stuff out. Man's certain stuff you don't need
to steal.

Speaker 1 (01:16:07):
Right, crab crabs, pork and liquor.

Speaker 2 (01:16:11):
Bourbon, bourbon. You can get your hair on bourbon and cigarette.
That's what you want to seed.

Speaker 3 (01:16:21):
A lesson.

Speaker 2 (01:16:22):
You don't want a memorial game? What steal? All right?

Speaker 1 (01:16:31):
Coming up at thirty three minutes?

Speaker 2 (01:16:33):
Oh yeah, tell us their I don't need to go
to jail without nothing but nothing.

Speaker 1 (01:16:37):
Would you rather coming up with some purpose? You're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:16:43):
Morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:16:45):
It's time out for a round of would you rather?

Speaker 9 (01:16:47):
Would you rather have disappointing sex for a full year,
disappointing sex for a whole year?

Speaker 1 (01:16:53):
Or would you rather have great sex only for one night?

Speaker 2 (01:16:59):
Give me that it's a point yeah long?

Speaker 1 (01:17:02):
Oh yeah, yeah you can tell me.

Speaker 2 (01:17:05):
I don't really I really mind. Did disappointed? It's bad
as good sometimes Yeah, I can like the reason that. Yeah,
can get better. You know you went to work. I
know I got it so we'll work. We'll work on
it again tomorrow.

Speaker 9 (01:17:27):
Would you rather a nose that never stops growing or
ears that never stopped growing?

Speaker 2 (01:17:33):
Can we add one to that? What you have no
never stopped growing year? Or a headline that never stopped from.

Speaker 1 (01:17:43):
That's not in here?

Speaker 2 (01:17:44):
Or God, I was just asking it for you.

Speaker 1 (01:17:53):
Why what in the world I know, I'm trying to
flip it. Don't try what we all know aead which one?

Speaker 8 (01:18:13):
Well, I guess I'm gonna have to go with hairline that's.

Speaker 2 (01:18:15):
Not in here?

Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
All right, We're moving on.

Speaker 9 (01:18:23):
If you were single and had a one night stand,
would you rather your date stay the night and make
breakfast the next morning or would you huh? Or would
you date catching uber home before sunrise your car?

Speaker 2 (01:18:40):

Speaker 1 (01:18:43):
Yeah, before sunrise, before sunrise. They've got to lead at
night long. Well, you don't really like this person, No,
it's a one night.

Speaker 2 (01:18:57):
Breakfast and we not be cause you not to look
the same way. You know you was in the platform hill,
you know, and that makeup on. We had the blue
lights in that club. Everything was ticket in the morning,
lash hall one hour lash you know, on the pillow cakes.

Don't know. I don't need to see it so.

Speaker 1 (01:19:21):
The Uber at night okay or Sunrise y.

Speaker 2 (01:19:27):
Uber? Then I got to download that out but I
ain't got no Uber. So you know that we know that.
I call you now I get out of here.

Speaker 21 (01:19:41):
Ought to be an uber dog, all right? So no
one night stands for you guys for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:19:52):
Sunrise that's today's rounded, would you rather?

Speaker 2 (01:19:55):

Speaker 9 (01:19:56):
Coming up in forty nine minutes after our last breakup
the day, and we'll close.

Speaker 1 (01:20:00):
Out the show with the one and only Steve Harvey
right after this. You're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:20:06):
Morning show?

Speaker 1 (01:20:07):
All right, guys, Here we are last break of the
day on this Thursday. This is a fast week, man. Yeah,
it is going by pretty really fast. All right, Steve.

Speaker 9 (01:20:18):
Before we get out of here, we have another question
for you. CJ needs some advice.

Speaker 1 (01:20:24):
He says. My pops needs some dating help.

Speaker 9 (01:20:28):
My mom passed away a couple of years ago, and
I can tell my dad is feeling lost and alone.
I try to hang out with him when I can,
but I can also tell that companionship from his son
isn't exactly what he needs. I have no idea what
the best way is for a guy who's pushing sixty
to find someone new and spend time with or even

how dating works when you're that old. Any tips on
where he can go to find a woman his age
or should he be doing online dating?

Speaker 2 (01:20:59):
That's question was damn.

Speaker 1 (01:21:04):

Speaker 2 (01:21:06):
Yeah? Yeah, Oh what's the letter guy's name? What's his
name is?

Speaker 5 (01:21:09):

Speaker 2 (01:21:10):
Well, CJ, I appreciate you letting me know that it's
over for me, that I'm old and beyond it sounds like.
But anyway, though, CJ, here's the deal, man, Uh, you
got a couple of things. Probably Number one, your dad misses.
Your mom grief is a part of this. Number two, Uh,

they probably had a great relationship, and he just he
just don't know where to start. He is going to
figure it out. The sixty year old single man has
more than enough options, more than enough options, because it
is enough women out here that would be glad to
help him through his his dog times and and and

help him move on through life. He's got to get
out a little bit, but he don't have to go far.
Online dating is available if he's up to it, you know,
but he got places he can go and meet women

that ain't a problem. You can go down to that church,
you can go down there to it's just a lot
of places. But he's got to get a little bit
of a social life going on, you know, go down
there and make some things happen. Now, it's hard for
me to tell him where to start. He would be

so easy for a famous person to get back out there,
But I'm talking about the average guys. What I'm trying
to think of. What would I do? Churches? It's a
lot of women down there out a good women conferences. Women,

you know, women exposed and stuff. You know, go on
down there, get you a room. Uh, you gotta have
to travel. Yeah, just get a room down there. You
ain't got a.

Speaker 1 (01:23:18):
Register for the conference, and walk around to the lobby.

Speaker 2 (01:23:21):
All you gotta do is walk through that lobby and
get out there on that resort. Dress nice, walk through
there and ask well, then just stop, excuse me, what's
what's going on this week? Oh? This is a women's conference.
You didn't know that. No, I was coming down here,
you know, my wife passed, uh and I was just
getting away, you know, trying to get back out here

in the social time. Right. Came down here and I'm
just trying to That's why I didn't know. But it
looks like a lot of lovely people down here. Congratulations
and oh, by the way, excuse me, I didn't I
didn't get your name.

Speaker 1 (01:23:59):
M conversation, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (01:24:06):
And I think that he's sixty. He's from that generation
where he still know how to talk to people.

Speaker 5 (01:24:11):

Speaker 2 (01:24:14):
Yeah, these your cats, they ain't got no conversation. So
what I just do like a re enactment? Sureley, call
anybody you could. I'm walking through the resort, y'all at
a women's conference. You're all single, and I stop you
and I say, excuse me, excuse me, miss, I'm sorry
to bother you. I noticed a lot of people down here.

Do you know what's going on this week?

Speaker 1 (01:24:37):
Yeah, yeah, we do. It's a women's empowerment conference.

Speaker 2 (01:24:41):
Okay, are you here for the conference? I am, yes,
I am? Wow wow. So so it's about it's about empowerment.
Is a conference?

Speaker 9 (01:24:50):
Uh huh Yeah, it's about empowerment. Women entrepreneurs are getting
together all.

Speaker 5 (01:24:55):
Of that, and you know, just to show.

Speaker 1 (01:24:59):
You know, our power and strength and to uplift other
women things like that.

Speaker 2 (01:25:03):
Oh okay, well I'm mad. This is all right. I
came down here. I didn't know. I was just checking
into a hotel because my wife passed over a year
going out.

Speaker 1 (01:25:11):
Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to hear that.
Are you all right?

Speaker 2 (01:25:16):
It was sudden? Well, you know, I'm trying to be
I'm trying to be all about you know what. I
just came out to get some time a win out.
I didn't know they were having a conference at this hotel,
you know. I wish you all the best though, and
good luck with them.

Speaker 5 (01:25:31):
Well you're not leaving, are you?

Speaker 1 (01:25:32):
Are you going to stay?

Speaker 2 (01:25:34):
No, I'm here for a few days. When does the
conference end.

Speaker 1 (01:25:37):
Well, the conference ends on Sunday.

Speaker 2 (01:25:40):

Speaker 1 (01:25:41):

Speaker 2 (01:25:42):
Oh, I'm here the Monday, so Thursday. I'll be around
here on Friday. Okay, Well we.

Speaker 9 (01:25:49):
Have some free time on Saturday evening if you want
to hang out or something, you know, have dinner or
something like that.

Speaker 2 (01:25:57):
Oh your as fast. I don't say that out loud,
but I say thirsty. Oh, this little thirsty thing right here.

Speaker 1 (01:26:09):
And I'm sure didn't you have a friend.

Speaker 2 (01:26:13):
No, but your wife is dying, though he'll probably be
here that year for the company, you know. No, No,
I was saying she ain't, but it sounded like that
you know, because said she ain't looking good. But I

cut it off in it but she ain't looking good.
I'm thinking any day now, you know. Well, let's got
a happy hour, all right, I me being on there. Hey,
I'm gonna call him. He'll probably come down here because
she in the hospital.

Speaker 13 (01:26:52):
You know what.

Speaker 9 (01:27:06):
For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void were prohibited.
Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old,
unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM
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Speaker 5 (01:27:18):
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