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April 12, 2024 40 mins

Its The Doug Gottlieb Show with Jason Fitz is filling in for Doug Gottlieb! In hour one Fitz reacts to Kentucky hiring Mark Pope! PLUS is The Masters the most OVERRATED sporting event of the year! AND why did the 76ers make Allen Iverson statue so TINY! All that and more in hour 1! 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
As you just heard, Mark Pope is the new coach
for Kentucky men's basketball. Think about what you've seen in
the last week. You've seen one of the biggest names
in college basketball walk away from one of the biggest
brands in all of sports, and you've seen that sport

desperately cling to try and find a coach to replace him.
And through all of that, what have we learned? College
sports are better than ever. It's a Doug Gottlieb Show.
I'm Jason fitzfilling in. We're broadcasting live from the tyrack
dot com studios. Tyrack dot com will help you get
there in unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection,

over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrack dot com the way
tire buying should be. Think about what it's been in
college sports, in college basketball for a generation. What's a
blue blood? Who's a blue blood? And what's it mean
to be one? What it's meant for an entire generation
is that if you were one of the select few,

you got what you wanted, If you were one of
the few schools that had that brand equity, you got
who you wanted, You got the players you wanted, you
got the coaches you wanted, you had the money you wanted,
you always had the facilities you wanted, you wanted for nothing,
And as a result, what do we see year in
and year out. This isn't even just a college basketball conversation.

This is a college sports conversation because if we now
live in a world where a coach at Kentucky will
leave by choice to go to Arkansas for basketball, and
then Kentucky will be left scrambling backing up a Brinks
truck to a Connecticut coach that says, nah, I'm good,

I don't want anything to do with that, then taking
that brins cut truck all the way down to Baylor
and saying, please, sir, we want you to come, and
somebody's saying, no, I'm happy at Baylor. I don't eat Kentucky.
They had to go through the list. We're not talking
about Kentucky's first choice, We're not talking about their second choice,
might not even be talking about their third choice. And

what we're reminded through in all of that, you can
have all the money in the world, you can have
all the brand equity in the world, you can be
the blue blood that everybody resonates with and in today's
college basketball that doesn't necessarily give you an edge up. See,
everybody's sitting here telling you why college sports are dying.

Everybody's sitting here telling you why the model's not sustainable.
Everybody wants to tell you it's killing the game that
we love, is it? Because let's look at college basketball
right now. Who are the three most dominant teams in
college basketball this year throughout the course of the entire
regular season. Houston, Purdue, Connecticut. You know what name I

didn't say there. I didn't say North Carolina. I didn't
say Duke, I didn't say Kentucky, didn't say Kansas. We're
talking about non traditional powerhouses rising and how do they rise?
Because in today's college sports world, it's finally going to
be the type of world where if you want it,
you can get it. Because Nils and collectives for all

the conversation we want to have of how bad it is,
and oh my god, I can't believe amateurism is lost
in sports like it ever really existed. But furthermore, I
don't care. Can't take the toothpaste to put it back
in the tube. It's out. So now what Now, every
single school that wants to be competitive can be. Now.

Every single school that wants to find the money to
put themselves in the class of the elite can do it.
And now, all of a sudden, talent is spread out.
Look at college football. If you look at the top
recruits in college football over the course of the last
two years, we've seen those recruits spread out to more
schools than ever each of the last two years. Why
because now you can go a million different places At

college football coaches Nick Saban leaves all of a sudden,
Alabama scrambles to figure out what's gonna happen there, and
Washington figures out what they got to scramble to figure
out what's gonna happen there. Happen to be good buddies
with Lance Lightpole, the Kansas football head coach. I watched
all of that from the sides with my fingers just dancing, thinking, Oh,

I'm gonna watch my buddy go wherever he wants. What
do you do, stay of Kansas? Why because you don't
have to go somewhere else now to make it to
the big time. Every school can make a decision to compete.
Every school can make a decision to become involved in
investing in players. Every school can decide every single year

how much they're willing to put in, and every school
on their own can decide if the rate of investment,
the return I should say of investment is worth it.
To Doug Gottlieb show, I'm Jason Fitz filling in for Doug,
and think about this. Think about what we're saying here.
I grew up UNLV basketball fan. I'm sitting here in

a UNLV hoodie doing this with the Larry Johnson jersey
behind me right like. UNLV is in my blood, always
has been. Now when I was a little kid in
the late eighties early nineties, the concept that UNLV would
ever not be competitive, it just seems like it's far fetched.
There's no way, there's no way. Well, UNLV hasn't been
sustainably good for a long time. Can they be sure? Now?

You can get what you want, You just got to
find a way to earn it. You just gotta find
a way to put it together. If you're in a
shiny city like Vegas, you gotta go to all the casinos,
you gotta go to all the Muluf family, the rich
money that's in that city, and you got to figure
out if people want to make basketball a priority. And
I say figure out, because that's part of the gold

in all of this. Each school can figure out what
they give a damn about. I lived in Nashville for
more than twenty years, and my first gig in this
business was doing morning radio on an ESPN radio affiliate
in Nashville, Tennessee. I remember talking at the time to
Vanderbilt's athletic director and asking when Vandy was going to
invest in football, and the answer I got, I'll never forget.

The athletic director looked at me, without hesitation at the
time and said, never, Our kids don't care. And there
was a real poignant moment to that of saying, Hey,
if the kids going to school here don't really care
about football, then why should I put all of these
resources towards it. Now we don't like that. As a fan,
everybody's fan sits back and well, you have to invest

in it. No you don't. Now every school can decide,
and now just being a brand isn't good enough. Coach
Cal's going to go to Arkansas. He's taking his entire
coaching staff with him. So what does that mean? It
means Arkansas is about to get very good. But it
also means that Arkansas is not going to be good
enough to win an ADDI because we all realize that's
part of the conversation of why he wore out his

welcome in Kentucky. But also he's in Arkansas. I've spent
time around Arkansas. It's different there. Basketball hits different there.
BASKETBA it's okay to say basketball hits different in different schools.
I'll go back to Connecticut. Hurley just wins the national championship.
The name of the restaurant he goes to in Hartford
is salu Leaders goes there all the time after big wins,

gets himself with Margarita. When I was with the ESPN,
I lived about ten minutes from Salulitas. You could stand
outside the door on a regular weeknight, stand outside waiting
to get a table for an hour. Hurley's there, stand
outside waiting to get a regular table for an hour.
Doesn't make a difference, right Like, he can sit there
with his family unbothered, have a meal. He's dirty rich

doing it. He can be a national championship coach with
the national championship team, and he can get back to
back titles. He become only the third team ever to
win back to back championship games by fifteen or more points.
He can sit there and build on a back to
back with a realistic shot at a three peat. And
he can do it all without having to worry about

what anybody says to him when he's walking down the street,
because I'm telling you, they're not bothering Hurley in Kentucky.
You think that's the case, You think being good is
good enough for Kentucky. No it isn't. But guess what.
Now Coaches have options, Now, players have options. Now they

can go wherever they want, to do whatever they want,
and they can make it however they want. And that,
my friends, is a golden age for college sports where
you can't simply rely on the fact that your big
blue nation nobody gives a damn anymore. Think about that.
You can't walk into the room to a recruit and

just swag around and say we're Kentucky basketball walking into
the living room like you're Vince McMahon walking down the
aisle for wwe ain't nobody blinking an eye of that.
You can't walk in the room and say, well, we've
got more money, because what if we just learned, even
if you have more money, not everybody wants it. Whether

you're a player or a coach. You're looking around and saying, nah,
I got other options. I can get to the NBA
a lot of ways. I can get to a national
championship a lot of ways. And if the objective is
to win and to do it with quality of life,
you absolutely can do that, possibly easier. You can do

that anywhere not named Kentucky. You can't tell me at
the end of the day that monotony doesn't get boring
at some point, knowing which brands are going to be
in it, knowing which brands aren't, at some point, looking
around the entire landscape and saying, oh, college football, here
we go again. This year. Coming into the season, everybody

thought college football was going to be boring because we
always get the same couple of teams fighting for a championship.
Where's the drama right right? At some point, So many
of the people that are screaming from the mountaintops about
the death of college sports are not ignowed edging the
actual facts in this situation. The actual facts or the

ratings are up everywhere. The actual facts are that money
is up everywhere, and the actual facts show you more
players have better opportunities to play than ever, They have
agency to invest in themselves and do it however they
want to, whenever they want to, wherever they want to,

and they can win doing it. If you're telling me
college sports are dying, and I'm fully aware, I am
not stupid. I listen to Doug. I am aware of
the fact that I am on the exact opposite side
of what you usually hear from Doug Gottlieb on this show,
in this timeslop, and I'm telling you Doug is wrong,
because if you're telling me that college sports has an issue,

you're not looking at the fact that more people are
consuming it. You're not looking at the fact that more
people are making money off of it. You're not looking
at the fact that more people are getting opportunity and
for the first first time, we're getting unprecedented results that
are not predictable. That's what people want sports with the
original reality TV show, right, and what happens on reality

TV shows, everybody wants drama. Sure, you want a star,
but after a while you want drama. You don't want
your stars get along, you want your stars arguing with
each other. You want something you can flock to. You
want to see Katelyn versus Angel We all saw it.
You want to see Katelyn versus Don Staley, we all
saw it. You want to see drama, You want to
see unpredictability. You want to see all of these things

that for a period of time college sports wasn't given us.
But they're giving it to us now. They're giving it
to us, and the results that we see on the field,
they're giving it to us in the results we see
on the court. I was there. I stood on that
court after Connecticut won the championship. I stood in that stadium,
and I watched Purdue fans for the first time in

fifty five years, watch their team going for a national champampionship.
I talk to them afterwards and hearing the joy in
their voice for a magical season, knowing that they were
taken down by a juggernaut, and that juggernaut wasn't named Duke,
that juggernaut wasn't named Kansas, that juggernaut wasn't named Kentucky. Zukon,

I'm looking around at a landscape in college sports, and
I'm telling you right now, if it's less predictable than ever.
If players are going to more places than ever to play,
that means more great athletes are getting a shot to
be their best. If coaches are deciding that they'd rather
not leave different places, if coaches are deciding that they're
comfortable where they are, all of a sudden, it's no

longer just a race to try and get to second best,
knowing full well that the blue bloods will always win,
because at the end of the day, the blue blood
that we know. We can argue whether Connecticut's are blue
blood now, but the blue blood that we know, the
brands that we acknowledge all the time, didn't win that championship.
That brand that gets whatever they want, didn't keep their coach,

and that brand when they went back to market to
try and replace, didn't get their first option, didn't get
their second option, maybe didn't even get their third option.
And maybe it works out. But the one thing we
know without question is that right now college sports are
better than ever. Coming up next to on the Fox
Live from the tire Rack dot Com Studios Doug Gottlieb Show,

I'm Jason fitzfilling in. It's the most overrated weekend in sports.
Some masters I'll tell you why it's all overhyped.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Next, be sure to catch the live edition of The
Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
But here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
We never have enough time to get to everything we
want to get.

Speaker 4 (13:48):
To, and that's why we have a brand new podcast
called over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun
in our two hour show. We never get to everything,
honestly because this guy promison things we never have time for. Yeah,
you blubber list lameen me. Well, you know what it's
called over promise. You should be good at it because
you've been over promising women for years. Well, it's a
Coveno and Rich after show, and we want you to

be a part of it. We're gonna be talking sports,
of course, but we're also going to talk life and relationships,
and if Rich and I are arguing about something or
we didn't have enough time, it will continue on our
after show called over Promised.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
Well, if you don't get enough.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Covino and Rich, make sure you check out over promised
and also uncensored by the way, so maybe we'll go
at it even a little harder. It's gonna be the
best after show podcast of all time.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
There you go, over Promising. Remember you could see on YouTube,
but definitely join us. Listen to over Promised with Covino
and Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever
you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
I'm not a contrarian. I'm not And despite what people think,
when you do this for a living, there's different styles
you could take. Some people say things just to get argumentative.
I don't like that. I don't like conflict. In fact,
I like it when everybody's happy. So when I say things,
I genuinely believe them and I understand sometimes those things

are gonna fire people up. It's not my intent and
I'm not saying it just to be that guy. I'm
not trying to get everybody angry at me. I just
have to speak the truth, and the very simple truth
is that there is no more overrated event in all
of sports in the entire calendar year than the Masters.
So Doug Gotlib Show. I'm Jason fitzfil it in for

Doug from the tire Rack Dot com Studio shortly after
the show podcast goes up. If you missed any of
the show, check out the show. Just search Doug Gottlieb
Show wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also rate, follow,
and review the pod. Again. Just search Doug Doug Gottlieb
Show wherever you get your pods. You'll see this show
posted right after we get off there. I want to
bring everybody in on this conversation because frankly, we're a
fun group here and we're all having a good time.

Like everybody ioway saying, we got Shay, Shane and I've
worked together a lot, and the fellows we got Manci
and Shaye. Like I know that sometimes I say things
and everybody rolls their eyes, and that's just the way
it goes. I understand that I'm just wired a little different.
I have a hard time believing that anybody actually likes
the Masters the way they say they like the Masters,
Like there is this moment for me and years ago,

years ago, they did this ratings process for TV and
radio at the time, and everybody used to say, oh,
I listened to public radio, And it's because people wanted
to seem like they were really smart right, and then
they put actual monitors on people to try and see
what they actually listened to, and what do you know,
the ratings just like just fell through the floor on
it because it turns out nobody was listening to it.
They just wanted to sound smart. Sometimes I think that's

a Master's like everybody's gonna tell me about pimento sandwiches
and Tiger and all of these things that I'm supposed
to care about. A golf is absolutely awful to try
and sit there and watch for any amount of time.
B you can't sell any of these personalities in the
way that we care and see. I just can't imagine
that everybody is really flocking like compared to other events

the Masters. No, I'm not buying any of it. Most
overrated weekend in sports shay A Ground.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
Yeah, I feel like you just shot me.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
I was gonna put it on her.

Speaker 5 (17:03):
I don't agree with Jason Fitz everyone out there.

Speaker 6 (17:06):
I don't think anyone does.

Speaker 5 (17:07):
I don't think, yeah, this is Manzi, she's with me
on this. I was okay when I was maybe seven,
eight eleven, I've I understood what you're saying. But now
that i've I kind of understand the sport. I've played it.
It's one of the hardest sports I've ever played in
my life, and I've played a ton of sports. It's
it's it's the stories like Tiger, when you understand what

Tiger came and like did to the sport, like he
was miles ahead of everyone, and the fact like his
story kind of just captured me. And I'm sure it
captured a lot of people out there as well. So
that personality thing, I mean, yeah, I guess some of
the people out there.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
Are not relevant anymore.

Speaker 5 (17:46):
This day one he hits a birdie in the first hole,
and that when I'm watching that, it's like, whoa. It's
like Tom Brady coming back and winning a Super Bowl
after retire.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
It's one birdie. Look like this is my this is
my constant with guns and roses. Like I love guns
and roses when I was a kid. I don't want
to go see guns and roses now because I don't
want to see fat Axle in leather pants. I don't
want to see like a shell of who he was
back in the eighties running around on stage. He might
have a good song or two, might hit a good
note or two, and for that moment you're like, oh man,
this reminds me of Axel in the eighties. But I

don't need fat Axel in leather pants. I don't need
like a shell of some version of it. And we're
so desperate to make the masters relevant that were sitting
here trying to figure out if he's squatting right, does
his back look right? What's his form look like? I mean,
this is because we don't have anything else. If there's
no Tiger, if Tiger's out on this thing, nobody's watching
this weekend. You see.

Speaker 5 (18:38):
It's that's the thing. It's just because a lot of
people don't understand the sport and they don't know how
difficult it is. So yesterday Bryson to Shambo, for instance,
in the first round, horrible conditions. I mean it wasn't
horrible conditions, but it was super windy. Wasn't great. The
dude hits a minus seven. That's like unheard of. This
is like you could barely get birdies on this course,
you know what I mean, So on minus seven, like

people are even saying like, wow, this is insane, Like
I cannot believe you even hit that. Scotty Scheffler came
on and said that, and like he's a former winner.
You got people like John Rahm who literally won last year,
and he's doing horrible on this course. Like this course
literally it's the hardest thing in the world in golf
in terms of the hardest sport. So when you see
someone doing so good, it's almost like this is unheard of.

It's like when you're watching somebody.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Okay, but my counter to that is operas really hard
to sing too. But you're not about to go to
like the local opera house and listen to the Wagner,
Right's really? I mean yeah, but Chane, you you like, look,
not a single one of you is gonna sit down
and say, you know what, opera's really difficult. Let's go
sit through a fourteen hour opera over the course of
the next three days. Not a single one like, Oh,

this indie film is really good and it's really well made. Yes,
it's sixteen hours over three days, but I respect the
art and difficulty with it, so I'm gonna sit there
and watch it.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
Not like, but that's different. Let me tell you why.
That's not a competition.

Speaker 7 (19:57):
Okay, So this is actually a comp titition which peop
want to see who's gonna win. This is coming from
somebody who didn't watch golf growing up. I've gone to
the range a few times, and I hate that I
can't hit the ball any better because it's really hard
to do.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
I disagree, I think it.

Speaker 7 (20:13):
I I enjoy watching the Masters even if Tiger Woods
isn't there because it's competitive, and I've been getting into
it more and more. I really think, Jason, you are
alone on this one.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
Jason. You have to watch like a playoff golf, Like, yeah,
that is insane, Like that is so and that happened
what me and Monty were talking about it because what
what just went into the playoffs?

Speaker 7 (20:34):
It was at the at the Texas Valera Open, Yeah yeah,
and it was who was in the lead like the
whole time.

Speaker 5 (20:41):
It was oh yeah, yeah, Gosh came from behind it one, right, but.

Speaker 6 (20:46):
He like, you know, he was in the lead the
whole time and then somebody tied him.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
At the very end.

Speaker 5 (20:49):
But no, that it was insane, Me and more yelling
at each other and we're like, oh my god. But
it's like you would think we're talking about like the
super Bowl or something like seriously, like if you get
into it, you can serious, seriously get into it, and
I think I just need to take you golfing. I
think you haven't gone with the right people.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
And look, look, okay, look, let's also acknowledge it. Everybody,
I mean everybody, every four years, every two years, actually
every two years, everybody becomes an expert on some random sport.
Like every two years, I hear about curling, I hear
about figure skating, I hear about tennis from people that
don't watch tennis. What's the commonality on them. It's the Olympics, right,

Like when we get into the Olympics, everybody follows all
of this. Nobody talks about Olympic golf. Olympic can't golf,
can't even make it in the Olympics. When when suddenly
people are experts on like javelin toss that have never
thrown anything farther than three feet in their life, Like
when somebody is breaking down triple southcows every year, like
they even know what the hell the term means. Like
we do that in the Olympics. We don't even do

that with golf, because even in the Olympics, people are.

Speaker 8 (21:51):
Like sona bayul over here.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
But that's what we do. That's what you can't deny.
Everybody's got the one friend sitting on the couch that
starts using figure skating terminology during the Winter Olympics, and
you're looking over and you're like, dude, you're three hundred
and fifty pounds and haven't seen your feet in four years,
but you're telling me what this person's doing wrong on
their loops, Like i' mean, just this is real. But
we don't hear that on golf.

Speaker 5 (22:17):
I can't respect that. Fitsie. You know what, A lot
of people won't come on live radio, national radio and say, hey,
I don't enjoy this. They'll just go along with what
everyone's saying and they'll enjoy it. So honestly, I appreciate
the fact that we have people that are able to
come out and say this is boring, because, don't get
me wrong, I have met a lot of people that
say the same thing that you say. And I used
to say it myself, but I just have to say,

when you start doing it yourself, you start playing, and
you realize the sport and you understand what it is,
it becomes one of the most insane things to watch.
And I watch all sports. I watch basketball, I watch football,
I watch it all. Golf is so fun and interesting watch,
especially the final rounds. It's like people saying they don't
watch the NBA dur in the season, but they watch playoffs.
Like that's how it feels to me.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Almost fits.

Speaker 8 (23:01):
I'm with you a little bit, though. I mean, listen,
it's two on two here. Let me just so I
know you're gonna throw at you. There is a problem
with like Tiger being there.

Speaker 5 (23:10):
It draws.

Speaker 8 (23:10):
It's like Jack Nicholson being at a Lakers game. You're like, oh,
Jack's there. I think he's getting older. We might not
see him much more after this, you know, And oh
he's there. So it's like the interest level, happiness level
drums up a little bit. But Tiger is not what
he was fifteen twenty years ago, obviously, And a lot
of these guys, these these these prominent golfers, they just
all kind of blend together. If and I'm I'm a
golf casual fan, so I look a lot of these guys,

and you know, it's good to have a John Daly
or like a happy Gilmour type, someone is a little
bit more spicy and Tiger. Tiger was just through his
play and through his you know his wardrobe and he
obviously looks a little different than most of the golfers
out there. That drew interest, and obviously he's stillar play.
You know, uh capitalized on that. But you know, the
course itself is beautiful. I think people like the aesthetics.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
They like it.

Speaker 8 (23:57):
It's in Augusta, Georgia. That's what draws interest. But agree
trying to watch this. I can't sit down for four
hours and watch this. I might watch on Sunday for
like an hour or two, but it's just it's lacking.
It's lacking the that that Caitlyn Clark effect. If I
might go back to you in bring in those cash, Libbie.

Speaker 7 (24:15):
It's not the same type of play. It's a much
slower game. But I think that's the beauty of it.
It's like, you're right, I'm not gonna sit here for
four hours and watch it not stop. But I'll definitely
have it on in the background and keep checking the
scores and if somebody, if there's a golfer I like,
I'll watch what he does as a whole. So I
think that's what I like about it is I don't
have to sit for four hours.

Speaker 6 (24:33):
I don't I can just have it on the background,
step away from it and come back.

Speaker 7 (24:37):
But I'm definitely interested to say like to say, I
think I think Jason was.

Speaker 6 (24:42):
Just harsh with his words. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (24:44):
I think it was just harsh with his words of
like nobody cares.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
This is the worst thing. I don't even know if
you said that, but that's how I felt.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Okay, but you're not that far off. You're not that
far off. But I will say this before before months
he gets us caught up on everything that's going on,
I was like, the masters, Yeah, you would like I'll
say this, A lot of people are gonna come in
and be like, but Tiger for Tiger for Tiger. Again,
I'll use a music analogy here, given my background. Right,
you can be a Chris Tapleton fan doesn't mean you're
a country music fan. Like you can be a fan

of an individual athlete, doesn't mean that you really liked
the sport. I think there's a lot of people out
there they're like, oh, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, and once Tiger's
not playing anymore, think going to care Monzi, get us
cut up with what's trending, and then I will give
all of you a disturbing Master story.

Speaker 7 (25:25):
Oh goodness, I can't wait. Well, let's check in on
the second round of the Masters. Right now, there is
a three way tie for the top of the leaderboard,
Max Homa, Bryson, Deshambo, Scotti, Scheffler all six under part overall.
Tiger Woods is one over through sixteen holes. Right now,
the projected cut, let me double check that it's still
plus four.

Speaker 6 (25:46):
Projected cut is still plus four.

Speaker 7 (25:48):
So if Woods makes the cut, he'd break a record
held by Gary Player and Fred Couples for consecutive cuts
made at the.

Speaker 6 (25:54):
Masters with twenty four. You see how awesome that is.

Speaker 7 (25:58):
Jason, He's still viking records. Stop it, Stop it, and
Major League Baseball show.

Speaker 1 (26:05):

Speaker 7 (26:05):
Otani's former interpreter, Ipem Misuhara, has to render to authorities
this morning.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
He is duing Core at one pm in LA.

Speaker 7 (26:13):
The report says Mitsuhara is expected to be released on
bond later today. The Yankees Guardians game that was scheduled
to be played in Cleveland has been postponed due to
inclement whether They're not going to play a split doubleheader
tomorrow Saturday. In the NBA, no Kyrie irving for the
MAVs regular season home finale tonight against the Pistons. He's
not playing because of left hamstring soreness. Luka Doncic is

questionable with left ankle soreness.

Speaker 6 (26:36):
And in other NBA news, I.

Speaker 7 (26:38):
Don't know if you saw this fits, but they unveiled
a Alan Iverson crossover statue outside of the seventy six
ers practice facility. But the internet is having a field
day because it's kind of small, Like there's people surrounding
the statue and they're the same height as the statue.

Speaker 6 (27:00):
So everybody's like, what are we doing here?

Speaker 7 (27:04):
We have a fictional statue of Rocky that's bigger than this,
and you do this for Allan Iverson and it's really
really small.

Speaker 6 (27:11):
But Allan Iverson, here's a little of what he said today.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
Check it out, won't y'all don't know how much I
appreciate y'all, and I promise myself I won't going to
do this, but it is what it is. Thank everybody
for coming out. I thank everybody, like I said, for
playing a Parton's and making his dream come true. And
I'm just so excited to see what's going on now.

Speaker 7 (27:31):
I don't know if this happened before or after, but
I'm guessing it was before the unveiling of the very
small statue.

Speaker 6 (27:37):
You have to look it up if you guys, get
everyone listening. When you get a second, go online, look
at this statue.

Speaker 7 (27:43):
It's cool, but it is small, and you're like better,
why better?

Speaker 1 (27:48):

Speaker 6 (27:49):
Back to you, Jason Manty.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
I might call it a micro statue, by the way,
and you keep saying it's a crossover. That's because it's
a crossover not he's not actually executing a crossover. It's
crossover statue in a Funko pop because it's like if
Funko Pop was making a statue. It's about what it
looks like.

Speaker 6 (28:07):
I mean, you just like why you like, who proved this?

Speaker 1 (28:13):
There's got to be a moment too, where like AI
was so endearing and kind in that moment you just
and I can't imagine what it feels like that's a
statue unveiled. But also like I wish there was somebody
within micd up because I just want to hear that
what like oh damn, Like the minute the thing comes
off that you're like that can't be it Like that
that's the model of the statue. Exactly. It's itty bitty.
It is itty bitty. It's a Doug Got Leave show

of Jason Fitzfilin and for Doug. So I'll give you,
guys this this Master's story. Okay, there's a very very
true story. Again. I started my first local radio show
as the morning show on a station in Nashville, Tennessee,
where I lived for a very long time, and I'd
spent much of my life on the road in music.
For anyone that doesn't know my backstory before I made

it in sports. And so I was sitting on air
Master's Week and I said to my co host, a
big golf fan, I don't get all the hype. I
think it's boring and I don't really like it's not
from me, right, And I said it probably about it
as eloquently as I said it. Here's so a little harsh,
I'll give you that. I looked down at my phone.
My phone is blown up because my buddy says, the
problem is you've never been to Augusta, and once you

go to Augusta, it'll change the way you feel about
all of it. And I was like, okay, let's cool.
I get it. Fine, I'll be open to trying the
Augusta experience. So I looked down at my phone during
the commercial break and I'm like, what did I just say?
That My phone is blowing up from everyone that I've
ever met. I feel like everyone I ever toured with
started texting me. Turns out it been to Augusta twice
because twice we played events at Augusta, including the eighteenth

hole where they covered it with the stage, and my
crew guys reminded me that because I don't play golf,
I was offered the chance with the band to play
golf at Augusta and I was like, yeah, no, I'm
not a golfer. I'm not going to do that. So
I let one of the crew guys take my place
in each of those rounds of golf that I could
have played, and instead I complained about how archaic the
dressing rooms for the whole time, like the locker rooms
needed to be redone. So there we go, Like that

shows you how not into the Masters I am. I
was out Augusta. I was there, I played a concert
on the eighteenth hole, and I refused. I turned down
the opportunity to play golf there that that's at least
I'm consistent. That's that's just solid fifteen years ago in
my life, and I still stand by the Masters is overrated.

Speaker 7 (30:14):
Have I I was a flex a flex Like, honestly,
that was you just telling us that you performed at Augusta.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
I mean, I can't help it. Cool.

Speaker 5 (30:25):
I notice that. I'm so used to him just dropping slide.
One time he was like, yeah, so I was playing
the national anthem at a Raider game and I'm like.

Speaker 6 (30:34):
What just slip?

Speaker 5 (30:35):
Wait what it is like that? Yeah, I've done it,
like for the national soccer team. I forgot there and
it's not off the top of my tongue.

Speaker 1 (30:42):

Speaker 3 (30:42):

Speaker 5 (30:42):
He's like, yeah, I've done it for them too, and
like open for a couple of people. And I'm like,
what now, Now that makes sense.

Speaker 6 (30:47):
Now we know why we're talking about this. It was
so you can wrap it up with that.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
I'm just gonna tell you Augusta's overrated too. I'm just
throwing it all out there. I'm throwing it all up.
It's not even a humble brag. It's just a straight brag.
By the way, we do have some breaking We got
a WOJ bomb that just came across. I don't think
this is any surprise to anybody, but Donovan Klingen, the
Yukon sophomore, is going to be entering the draft. I
don't think that's any surprise. Most draft pundits had him

as a top five lottery pick. I will say this, guys,
I saw him in person again subtle flex with Yahoo.
I was able to go to the National Championship in
final four, and the lateral movement of Donovan Klingen is like,
it's really actually, it's beautiful to watch his ability to
make up. Was sitting next to Danny Green and as
we broke down the games, and Danny the number of

times he said, you know, it just makes up being
out of position so quickly. His wingspan's amazing, Like you
could see in that weekend why he's headed to the
NBA and why he's going to be a big part
of it. So for Yukon, they're gonna have to replace
a huge, huge, huge piece. Look at me going from
talking about Pimento cheese sandwiches to suddenly breaking down Donovan Klingen.
But significant news anyway that Yukon will now have to

figure out how to replace one of the most important
cornerstones of back to back NCAA titles. That being said,
I will remind everybody Yukon lost three players last year
to the NBA Draft, and everybody thought that that meant
it was going to be rebuilt. And in fact, Klingon
made it clear to me when I talked to him
over the weekend that they remembered that they were picked
in the preseason surveys to be number four in the

Big East. So all that to say, I would never
bet against Yukon, even if they're having to replace somebody
as incredible as Donovan Klingon. Speaking of never say never,
I figured it out. We're not allowed to say never
when it comes to one. Tom Brady. Coming up next
on the Doug Gottlieve Show on the tyrack dot Com Studios.
I'll tell you why Brady's back in the news and

why yet again I can't stand it.

Speaker 2 (32:41):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
So Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, the Tyrack dot
Com Studios coming out to Lab. I'm Jason fitz in
for Doug. We'll get to Tom Brady in a little
bit I don't want to cram that conversation in here
and not give it to as I'm just saying, everybody,
get ready to roll your eyes a bunch. In the meantime,
I'm still rolling my eyes. Moncey brought it up a
minute ago. I want to bring everybody in on this, Shay.

I always say, we've got a crossover statue at this
point of Allen iverson the first part of this to
me is like, you got to ask ourselves what's the
point of a statue? Right like? Because to me, the
point of a statue is I want to make sure
that every generation of fan that ever walks into this
arena or around this stadium or around this team is
gonna know who this person was and why it's significant.

Right Like, there's a there's a moment in the stadium
for my beloved Raiders in a Legiance stadium. They've got
the eternal flame at the end of it that signifies
Al Davis. Well, it's huge, it's massive anybody that comes
to the stadium for the first time. At the bottom
of it, there's a whole statement about it. If you
know we're going to reach a generation someday where fans
don't remember who Ale Davis was. It's a great way,

Like I understand why they do that. It makes a
statement and it lets future generations of fans understand the
impact prior players or people in power had. I don't
understand what you're doing with a like Heisman size crossover trophy,
right like Manzi tell me I'm wrong here, But this
the more I look at it, the smaller it gets.

Speaker 6 (34:11):
You know, It's actually quite funny.

Speaker 7 (34:13):
In fact, Carrie Rhodes, who is a former NFL safety
and fills in from time to time as a as
a co host here at FSR, he tweeted, AI statue
is smaller than the charm he wears on his necklace.

Speaker 6 (34:26):
And it's so true. I mean, no, but you yes,
it's so small. Why it does look like a heis
like this size of a Heisman trophy? I mean, listen,
I don't know. I don't know. It's still an honor,
but why.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Like I mean, the thing this is like a bad statue.
What's worse? No statue or a bad statue? I don't know, Like,
I mean, hold on, I was just gonna say what.

Speaker 8 (34:52):
We've seen bad statues where they mess up the face
and you know, or like, like what was there was
a one? Yes, Ronaldo was the one. There's been several others.
But I think I don't know if this was a
cost issue or they do it. They were just going
with a different mindset of like not all statues have
to either be life size or larger than life. I
don't have a problem with it so much. Yes, maybe

it won't be noticed as much, but Ai is one
of the greatest players in seventy six ers history, but
he never won an NBA title with them.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
He's memorable.

Speaker 8 (35:21):
No, listen, I'm coming from the Caitlin Clark camp, and
so I don't think that that's always like, you know,
you're never one of the greatest of all time. He
is one of the greatest sixers of all time. I
just think they went with a different mindset, a little
different idea. We're just gonna make a little smaller. It's
gonna be a little bit more personal. You can go
up to it, look at it a little closer. That's
just they ran out of money.

Speaker 5 (35:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
They sent the drawings to like a team Orchene or
like wish and they're like, I need a statue, and
they're like, no worries, We're gonna have this one for
six weeks. That's six weeks later. Like I did this
once where like because you know, I like huge Halloween
displays and like Christmas displays. And one year I was like, okay,
like I saw this ad on some random website you

never go from the random website, and it was for
like this what looked like a massive Grinch that was
like moved and like made all these noises, and it
was wildly cheap, and I was like, I don't know
why this is cheap and I'm buying it. Turns out,
you know, then there was a bunch of credit card
fraud on that, and I actually got this tiny like
it didn't look like the Grinch. It looked like somebody
had melted the Grinch and like it was a weird

deformed thing that was like I don't know, maybe four
inches tall, like the picture made it look like it
was six feet. Like this is what I think happened.
I think they ordered a regular size, normal statue. They
got it, and they're like, well, nobody tell AI, and
we'll just hope this thing works out. That's what That's
the only way I think this works.

Speaker 5 (36:37):
I'm comparing it to the Rocky statue. Have you guys
seen that? It's like, yeah, I'm looking.

Speaker 6 (36:43):
At yeah, and it's fictional.

Speaker 5 (36:47):
Yeah, But I mean, how much do you think that
statue weighs like his statue? Not Rocky statue? I know
what the hell you can think about this?

Speaker 1 (36:54):
When someone goes when but in your bucket? Yes? When?

Speaker 5 (36:59):
When? When I I Everson played, he weighed one sixty
you know what I mean. So I think it has
something to do with the weight. Maybe, I don't know, Okay.

Speaker 6 (37:05):
Shy small.

Speaker 7 (37:07):
I don't know what's more ridiculous, Master's being overrated orre
you thinking that this statue weighs one hundred and sixty pounds?

Speaker 6 (37:14):
Because that's what AI we know.

Speaker 5 (37:16):
Man, I'm trying to like, I'm trying to make sense
to it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
I love the concept of the pitch meeting. And I'm
just saying, if I'm sitting if Shaye, if you're the
artist and I'm sitting at the table at the pitch meeting,
and you walk in and you've got this tiny, tiny, tiny,
tiny little statue, and I'm like, I don't get it.
It's so small, And then you look at me, and
this in a sales pitch way. You wink and you're like,
but the statue weighs exactly as much as ay I

did when he played. If that's the thing that makes
me say yes to tiny statue, I'm out like I
should get fire.

Speaker 5 (37:46):
Too when you put it that way. Yeah, I'm just
honestly trying to make sense of it, because.

Speaker 6 (37:51):
Have you seen the video of him looking at his statue.

Speaker 5 (37:54):
He has to look down, he's yeah, he's he's I'm
double the size of his statue.

Speaker 7 (37:58):
Right, Yeah, he's literally looking on at his own statue.

Speaker 6 (38:01):
He has to crouch a little bit.

Speaker 8 (38:03):
Listen though, you could tell Ai it meant a lot
to him. He was emotional after he watched it. So
that's I think that's the most important thing is that
he looks at that and he just feels the reverence
coming from the organization and he was all choked up.
And to me, that that's what's the most important, is
that he was just like, Wow, I feel honored to
be to be here today.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
So let's okay, and let's just be honest though. That
shows you the Ai is a former athlete that has
done really well in life. Because I have this opinion
that the more successful athletes, actors, musicians get because everybody
that's around them in some capacities, typically getting paid, nobody
around them will actually say anything. So everybody's like, oh yeah, yeah, no,

I love it, love it, you know full well, Iowa Sam.
If all of us walked up and Fox Sports Radio
was putting a statue of me outside, right, and it's like,
finally I have made it. I've got a statue of five,
it would take you thirty seconds after that, fifteen seconds
after the unveiling before you just started busted my chops
like never before at a tiny statue, like if you

are the normal spot in life most of us are
at and you're like, guys, come look, they've got this statue.
And then it gets unveiled and you realize that you
really have to get like your phone out and zoom
in on the picture to see the details on the
odds because it's too small to get a picture.

Speaker 5 (39:17):
It's a glorified g I Joe.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
I mean, you'd be mocking. There would be tons of mockery.
I'd be mocked openly.

Speaker 8 (39:23):
Listen as long as they get the face and the
body right and don't pull a rinaldo where it looks
like a weird uh, like a weird clay. Someone did
some some sculpting and it came out like they they
smudged the face or something.

Speaker 5 (39:34):
I think that's what's important.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
But yeah, it is.

Speaker 8 (39:36):
It is kind of comically small. It's an oversized g
I Joe essentially.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
So you're telling me also because he didn't win a
championship that when eventually they put a Caitlyn Clark.

Speaker 8 (39:43):
Statue, No, no, I really didey. I think a tiny
Caitlin right under right under Dan Gable or who's right
outside car Rock Arena. I think that'd be kind of cool,
tiny Caitlyn.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Be right with me, you there is not a chance
in help did you would look if Caitlyn Clark was
standing in the room next to you, look at it
and be like, you know what you need tiny status.

Speaker 8 (40:06):
I think it's just a mindset, you know, you know,
it's it's uh, you can have. They dont always have
to be the same six feet which is Kaitlin Clark.
It doesn't have to be you know, twelve feet. I'm
just I'm just saying it's it's a different approach here.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
I would implore everybody go look at the social media
pictures of the statue. Like I said earlier, it looks
like somebody went to Funko Pop and said, can you
make me a funk go of a statue of an
NBA player, And that's what we got. Super collectible looks
super collectible, just doesn't necessarily have the awe, especially in
a city that decided. And Anthony Gargana will crush me
for saying this, but my co host onn The Fellas

on Saturday Morning, like, I mean, you gave a fictional
movie character a life size, massive statue, and that's what
you gave an actual human being. All Right, we'll get
back to sports. We're gonna give you the latest and
greatest news from the from the Dodgers and everything was show. Hey,
you'll be surprised by the latest development. We'll tell you
about it next
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