All Episodes

April 15, 2024 40 mins

Doug and the crew share what they loved most about the sports weekend and what they hated most.  Doug discusses the WNBA draft and how much more compelling it is with Caitlin Clark going number one overall. Dan takes Doug through a Monday edition of "The Press". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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Speaker 2 (00:35):
That's the way tire buying should be. Welcome And guys,
hope you all had a great weekend. I mean I
had an interesting weekend. Right My daughters turned eighteen years old,
which is just it's so crazy. So I was talking

to one of my daughters yesterday and I was like,
you know, it's pretty cool birthday. She's like, yeah, I can.
She went through all the things she can do. You know,
she can buy SIGs, not that she smokes siggs. She
can vote, she can drink in Mexico but not here anyway.

And then and then the interesting one is, you know
one of my daughters drives, one of them does not,
and she's like, hey, now I got to do is
take the driving test. I don't have to take the
written portion of it. Like really, yeah, aids out of
that sucker. So they are a happy birthday to both
my daughter's Harper and Grace, and yesterday was her birthday.

Pretty awesome. Although then you go back through and you know,
her friends encouraged me to post funny videos over Harper
because she has a lot of them because she's hysterical.
And but then you start going through the videos and
you're like, man, I literally remember that, like it was yesterday.
She was seven and she was doing this. The days

are long, but the years are quick. Days long.

Speaker 3 (02:04):

Speaker 2 (02:06):
Let's have some nostalgia for the weekend, shall we? What
we loved? What we hated? You can chime into at
gatlib Show on Instagram at gatlib Show on Twitter. Let's
play the game what.

Speaker 4 (02:17):
Did you love?

Speaker 2 (02:18):

Speaker 4 (02:18):
I love you and what did you hate?

Speaker 2 (02:21):
These Clare Hayes Okay there, Let's start with Dan Beyer.
You're a loving mood? Would you love from the weekend.

Speaker 5 (02:44):

Speaker 6 (02:44):

Speaker 5 (02:45):
No surprise Doug that the Masters would highlight my love
of this weekend. I was locked in and not only Thursday,
but Friday as well, Saturday and sun Day. And I
know it didn't live up to everyone's expectations, but I
love how the pond on eleven came into play on Sunday,

with Colin Morikawa and Ludwig Obert ending up in that
pond because for a while a lot of players want
to play away from it. I liked that at one
point we had six players tied from the lead in
the final round. I know it didn't end how many
would have hoped, with a lot of drama, but I
just love Master's Weekend. In fact, I didn't even work yesterday.

It's it's a tradition, unlike any other where. I'm usually
off Master's Weekend because I want to soak it all in.
That's what I love this.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Weekend, all right, Jason Strue, would you love at the beginning?

Speaker 5 (03:42):
This is what I enjoyed.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
I didn't see it when it aired, but I watched
the Saturday Night Live of Caitlin Clark. Caitlin Clark was
on Saturday Night Live. I'm sure everybody saw it, and
she was on the Uh, what is a portion of
the New The News Update, Weekend End Update, And I
guess Michael Chase had some real negative things to say

about women's basketball, a lot of them I share. I
think he's very funny about it. And then Caitlyn Kart
kind of called him out on the mat and uh,
and it was a good bit, you know, and it
was very scripted, but it was a good bit. But
what I loved about it, if you've got that sound
of what she said on the show, Sam, that would
be great.

Speaker 7 (04:25):
So hold on, I think you're a great basketball player.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
I mean, I can't play like you do. Yeah, we know.

Speaker 8 (04:30):
And obviously I can't tell jokes like you do.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
Thank you for that.

Speaker 8 (04:35):
But I did write some jokes and it would mean
a lot to me if you read some of them
just right over there on the carts.

Speaker 7 (04:40):
Well, the Indiana Fever have the first pick in this
Monday's draft. A reminder that Indiana Fever is a w
NBA team and not what Michael Jack gave to dozens
of women at for June University. Yeah, Netflix's top new

show with Ripley, featuring an eerie, unsettling performance by actor
Andrew Scott. Critics say it's the hardest thing to watch
on Netflix since Michael Chase's special.

Speaker 4 (05:22):
Shame is up. I hope you have a great first season.

Speaker 2 (05:26):

Speaker 8 (05:27):
I'm sure it will be a big first step for me,
but it's just one step for the WNBA. Thanks to
all the great players like Cheryl Swoops, Lisa Leslie, Cynthia Cooper,
the great Don Staley, and my basketball hero Maya Moore.
These are the women that kicked down the door so
I could walk inside.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
So if you noticed, Caitlin Clark took time out of
our comedy bit to thank the players of the past
that helped pave the way for her. A couple of
those names that she mentioned have taken direct shots at
her over the last few weeks. So Clark for taking
the high road, for having the cachet to be on SNL.

I think the first women's or w NBA player to
be on SNL. I loved it. I love the whole thing.
So Caitlyn Clark, congratuation.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
It's amazing that she was. She was on there and
it wasn't It didn't seem like a bad fit, right,
It didn't seem forced. Some of the other women's basketball
stuff previously seemed forced. It didn't. Frankly, I'm sure SNL
benefited greatly from it. All Right, till about you, Sammy.

Speaker 9 (06:33):
Well, it's gonna be more the same Kaitlyn Clark. But
I loved the weekend that Caitlyn Clark had. All Right,
fly out to La Friday night, pick up your Wooden Award.
You got, Jason sudeikis there in your corner, give give
a little speech to the audience. Had all kinds of
stars there, coaches, and we mixed out on him.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
Yet because I kind of am.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
Yeh, tell me why he's not really a coach, and
yet he continues to play the role of like the
world's most beloved coach.

Speaker 9 (07:00):
Listen, I get it. But it's also he's he's a
big star. He's in your corner. I like it. I
think it's great that he sort of he's gone to
games there at Carver Hawckey Arena. But anyway, that's just
only a little part of her stellar weekend see had
today because there you're taking pictures of Zach Edy who
won the Men's Wooden Award. All right, then fly out
to New York City, go on Saturday Night Live. That's

something that you know, like last time someone from Iowa
did that, maybe Ashton Kutcher. I don't know. That's a
pretty big deal. That was awesome. And then of course
tonight you have the WNBA Draft and you're a front
and center for that. So I loved Caitlyn Clark's weekend.
That's what I loved.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Okay. I love the fact that Jackson Holiday got his
first hit yesterday. His whole family was there, and I
was actually texting Matt, who came home with us and
the Dan Patrick Show on Friday, and he's like, yeah,
he's got to get one today because we're going home
after today, right, he's off on his own. And sure enough,
he did get one. But I mean, I think you
can all. I think it was first thirteen of bats.

He had eleven strikes, like just trying too hard, swinging
at everything, and he got one, and it feels it
feels like the rest, I don't know, be easy, but
he get back to being who he is. He's like
our player that we've adopted as a show. And I
did feel the struggles and all the strikeouts and now
he's off the schneide and oh yeah, by the way,
it helped the Orioles come from behind and get a

win on a Sunday. That's what I loved.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
And you know it's one of those things too that
once you get that first one, then that's the fludgates.
I just have a feeling he's gonna have a bunch
of extra base hits this week. He's just gonna get
back to just raking the ball like he always has
like that and that entire first thirteen at bats. Like
you said, I think nerves and also I think pictures

take it a little bit more personally, like, oh, you're
the number one prospect in baseball. Okay, well how about
this slider piece on the on the on the black.
But no, I think I love. I loved watching him
get that first hit, and I think he's gonna have
a big next couple weeks.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Right, we'll see, He'll be in Anaheim next week. Let's
get to what we hated from the weekend. We got
to start with a resident hater. That's Jason Stewart.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
You know what my hate actually is, like the I
guess afterthought of my love if you guys remember right,
I'm asking that the listeners are stretcher, But three minutes ago,
my love was Kitlin Clark and the appearance on SNL
and I played for you. What was really cool about
is she took the high road and she you know,

basically paid an ode to the players before her. What
I did to appreciate was the reaction of the Kitlin
Clark SNL appearance on on on Twitter. So I don't
know what you call this kind of twitter SNL Twitter,
WNBA Twitter, But just to give you one example, here's

one big vanilla funny rights. Yeah, let's celebrate the losers
of the National CHAMPIONSHI Game and back to back years
by double digits. Was Angel Reeson last year and Camella
Cardosa this year. Oh wait, that's right. They wanted to
invite the loser to the White House as well, right,
But I'm sure it's not the media. I think the

implication here is that Caitlin Clark's stardom as a media creation,
and it's not a something that she earned, or there's
no merit to it, or she wasn't like one of
the most unique players we've ever seen in the college basketball.
There's a lot of hater Ray, there's a lot of
like resentment that I just don't get. I don't get

where that's coming from. I'd never have understood the resentment
of Kitlin Clark taking the game to the next level.
It's almost like a lot of you people would rather
the game not get bigger than to have it get
bigger with Caitlin Clark. It's very strange to me, and
I can't stand that.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Okay, I agree with you. I mean that the it
hits hysterical like, but the problem is that people don't
even know what's good for them, right, they don't know
what's good for him, Like, look, this helps everybody. Rising
tide lifts all ships, and they can't get out of
their own way and their competitive nature. Athy. It's also
a league that has played the victim for a long

time too, so it's you know, no one can take
a compliment. They just can't dan byer something you hate
it from the weekend.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
This may be a shock to some, but a run
mid February, when my team's not in the super Bowl,
I kind of get a little exhausted of football, you know,
like when we're a super Bowl week, you know, at
that point it's like, let's just get the game. Let's
get the game here, and I'm kind of ready to
have football not in my life. For you know, like

it dominates from August all the way to February. And
one of the things that I have to look forward
to is this four week stretch of college basketball and
Championship Week into the NCAA Tournament. And then the NCAA
Tournament ends on a Monday, and what do you know,
that's the first day of Masters Week. And now that's over,

and it's a sad time. Not that there aren't things
that I won't look forward to, like the PGA Championship
next month or football. Yes, and it's but it's also
it's also a break from football because football is so
so dominates our lives in the fall, and so now
that time and so now I'm looking ahead the summer.

But the worst day of the sporting calendar for me
is the day after the Masters, because then I got
to wait another whole year for it to come along.
So I'm I know, they say, smile that it happened,
don't cry that it ended, but still still difficult on
this sort of day.

Speaker 9 (12:51):
Okay, what about you there, Sammy, I am going to
co sign Jason Stewart's Hey topic for the week, I'm
co signing on that. I'm not co signing on what
Jill Biden did last year, saying, hey, the loser, come
on out too. I don't I don't endorse that, but
I will endorse the words of Jason Stewart here And

here's kind of a something that was I hated, but
it was also amusing. Yesterday, I think it was yesterday,
Manny Machado hit a home run. Former Dodger hit a
home run into the crowd at Dodger Stadium, and one
of a guy who caught the ball, he threw it
back or did he He actually had a decoy ball
in his pocket and threw it back on the field

so he could keep the Machado home run ball, which
is you know, he's going to get a lot of
flak for that, but it's it's funny. It's it's it's
something I'm like, oh man, that's lame, but it's also
kind of amusing.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
So like, did you hate it or did you like it?

Speaker 3 (13:47):
All right?

Speaker 9 (13:47):
I kind of liked it.

Speaker 5 (13:48):
Did the Dodgers then try to shake him down for
the real ball, so that he went to the padres.

Speaker 9 (13:53):
And hell, here's a box of chocolates and that's it.
That's all you get. Some buzz the peanuts. The funny
thing about that whole thing is the guy says that
he has caught more than twenty balls in his life.
And as a person who's spent fifty one years on
this planet and has gone to hundreds of Major League

Baseball games, I've never once caught a ball at a
baseball game.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
I haven't either, I haven't attended as many baseball games yet. Now,
I will tell you that a good portion of it
is strategic planning. And I believe I could be wrong, Jason,
but you have reached the sneak seat snobbery moment of
your life. And here's the thing. The better the seats,
the least likely you already get a ball.

Speaker 9 (14:39):
I wouldn't say that, I will.

Speaker 5 (14:40):
I would net above you.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
There's a net in front of you. When was the
last time you sat in the bleachers?

Speaker 6 (14:47):

Speaker 3 (14:47):
No, I haven't in quite some time.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Okay, So there you go.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
Remember Kendrick Lamar sat in the bleachers a couple of
years ago. If Kendrick climark and I can, I mean, you're.

Speaker 9 (14:57):
Going to fry in the sun, but you have a
better chance catching a meaningful ball.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Well, the sun's not that hot. Out here in southern California.
Just yet, we're supposed to have a couple nice days in.

Speaker 9 (15:05):
The middle of the week in July and that there.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Sure, but you sayso afternoon night games. Okay, I'll get
to what I What I hated was I there were
so many games which I were told were important on Sunday,
and yet some teams didn't even try on Sunday in
the I'm talking about the NBA, right, The NBA was
it was this, oh my god, biggest Sunday and I

and there's so many moving parts. I literally needed somebody
to explain to me before and during every game what
was taking place. And I couldn't get that. There's just
too many things working in real time, and so I
had to shut it off. I went back to the Masters,
I went outside. I did some stuff with my kids,
because you know, I told you my daughter's birthday, and

I was like, you know, I just tell me what
happened when it's over. So who plays who? Because I
had no concept of what was going on. And then
you know, like you were, hold these games matter. And
then Oklahoma City was they had what did they have
at a halftime? They had like eighty two at the half.
It was like eighty two to forty at a half

or something like that. Against Dallas. I'm like, wait, are
we taking these games seriously or not? And apparently the
answer for Oklama City was yes, for Dallas was no.
So Sunny was really confusing for me. And then now
that the dost settles, it's a little bit less confusing.
And that's love and Hay.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
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Speaker 2 (16:46):
Live Doug Allip Show Fox Sports Radio. Now, I'll be
honest with you, I'm not I know we have the
NFL Draft coming up. But if you were to ask
somebody who doesn't follow sports, like, hey, you can watch
the draft, like, well, what's the draft? Well, basically you
pick teams, but you don't get to play right afterwards,

and it's with young players that you filter into your team.
Like that's the dumbest thing ever to pay attention to,
but we do. We pay attention to it. So the
question becomes it's a legit question, will you watch tonight?
And I know everybody said, like, oh, I'll watch, and
will you watch? And then what you watch after Caitlin
Clark is drafted? Right? And I would guess that the

answer for most people will be no. You may stick
around for a pick or two, and the reason is
you don't know or care. I mean the same reason
that it's hard with the NBA draft to be equally
hard with the WNBA. It's it's fascinating to have people
say they're going to completely change their habits when we've

been down this road before. But maybe I'm wrong. You know,
Page Beckers is not going, so is Angel Reese? The
number two picks? Like who's the number two pick? I
don't know and I can't make a form of an argument.
And the other part is like, even though the teams
have been around for twenty five years, I don't know
and I don't care. I can't pick out who's any good,
who's not what it means. But the thing that Cayln

Clark has nailed, I think Angel Reese has nailed it,
even though she had another year left. If she they
both did in terms they want to use. The COVID
year is that the longer you stay in college, the
more you build up a following. If you're good Bayer,
will you watch more than a pick?

Speaker 4 (18:37):

Speaker 5 (18:38):
But I also probably wouldn't watch the NBA draft.

Speaker 9 (18:42):
Is it all? No?

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Come on, now, you watch a little bit.

Speaker 5 (18:47):
This year's draft is not going to be recognizable to
many fans, correct, And I will put myself even in
that group as well.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
So I actually this is you know what you're you're
gonna make a great You're making a great point, maybe
without knowing you're making a great point, but go ahead.
I'm sorry, Okay, I think the entire thing is all
an indictment of the men's game, of the men's game,
because the truth is that ratings across the board for

live events are up. At tenants is up and the
only thing and honestly, the ratings for men's basketball for
the most part in the tournament was actually up. You know,
a good portion of it is cable versus network TV,
And that's just the reality to it. Okay, because the
rest of the ratings on network TV were up for

men in previous years. But the fact is, we don't
have enough recognizable stars the way we used to, and
we also don't have the same recognizable programs as well.
College basketball was always about the coach and the university,
and then you learn about the players. Well, now many
of those star coaches have either aged out or just

decided I don't like this new incarnation, and they're gone.
So like, how many people do you think in the mainstream,
not you and me, not Jason Stewart, or I was said,
how many people do you think and could name Duke
and Carolina's coach and they have not been there for
a year. They've both been there for two years. I
would guess that in the mainstream you'd get ten fifteen percent. Yeah,

you know, And so I think that all of this. Look,
we can name the women's code, we can name Kim Molkie,
like her, don't like her, you know who she is, obviously, Gino,
I still think, you know, and Don Staley has made herself.
It has nothing honestly to do with her as a
player or whatever. She just made herself a known commodity
in the sports landscape by kind of being everywhere, having

some having some controversial opinions, and then winning back to
back national championships or now she went back back when
he undefeated a national championship. So orreas I think with
the men's game. It's really hard to identify, like Danny
really starting to break through and become a coach who
people You know, if you're not a Yukon fan, you
don't like him. But that's kind of always been a

Yukon thing. I just think all of the success and
growth of women's basketball is great, but a lot of
it the juxtaposition of that versus the men's game, and
it's pretty obvious that some of this is an indictment
on the men's game.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
I do think that there is more of a direct
line now from the women's collegiate game to their professional
game as opposed to the men's because even great success
in the college game does not directly translate, which is
something that I think we became so accustomed to thirty
years ago. That's just how it was. Usually, if you

are a pretty darn good player in college, you are
going to be a pretty pretty high draft pick. And
now with the NBA looking for a lot of different things,
I don't think that that correlates. There will be Yukon guys,
couple of guys Castle clinging all in the lottery, sure,
but it's not like you know, you look back and
you look back at the ninety two draft, like was

for his great as Christian Laitner was in college. You know,
he was the third overall pick of that draft. You
look at the players that you know came before him
in Shaq and Alonzo Mourning, and I mean, the greatness
of your college performance at that time was usually directly
correlated then to where you were in the NBA, And

I just I think now it's just a completely different ballgame.
Greatness in college doesn't guarantee anything in the pro game,
and in fact, sometimes it can be worked against you
if you stay too long.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Yes, yes, I would agree, I would. I would agree
that that's a little bit in football too. But when
we've had that in football, where greatness in college isn't
the greatness in football? Jason Stewart, will you even given
a passing interest tonight? Do you care?

Speaker 3 (22:58):
I'll definitely catch it on Twitter, see what Twitter does
to it, But I'm not going to actually tune in.
I've got plans. Don't humble brag in here. I've got
great tickets at Dodger Stadium.

Speaker 2 (23:09):

Speaker 3 (23:09):
Yeah, And what I know your next thought is, why
would you at four thirty Pacific time be at Dodger Stadium. Well, Doug,
I got that answer for you. Okay, Jackie Robinson Day,
it's a giveaway. I like to get their nice and
early for the giveaways and then get some beer into
my system and enjoy the greatest ballpark on Earth.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
I was saying, when you pay attention.

Speaker 9 (23:34):
Yes, yes, I will. I think this is the first
w NBA draft I'll be tuning in for. But I
have watched NBA drafts in the past recently, usually for
Iowa guys going in the first round, which has been
few and far between. But they did the Murray Twins,
so I tuned in for that the last couple of years.
So I will be watching, and not just not just
for the first pick. I think it's it'll be interesting.
It'll be some good people watching, just taking a little

bit of like a I don't know what what Kaitlyn
Clark can expect her, just it's a new new scene
and see a new face.

Speaker 2 (24:03):
Okay, here's what I want. I want an honest text
of when you change the channel on the little group
text that we're texting about this.

Speaker 9 (24:09):
Okay, you mean I'll let you know when I've yes.
When I'm a stifled to death boy.

Speaker 5 (24:14):
I would also say that any draft benefits from drama,
Like if we were like, hey, is it gonna be
Kaitlyn Clark or is it going to be Angel Reese?
This rivalry now continues because we don't know that may
bring more people in, but because we obviously know who
the first overall pick is, even that element of surprise,
it's just like you're tuning in to watch the ceremony.

So here's what I.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
Think it's gonna be fascinating tonight, and I will I'm
gonna watch, but I'm also I'm probably only gonna watch
for Kaitlyn's pick. I want to see if anyone gives
us real detail explanation on what we can expect to her,
what she needs to work on, which she's good at,
all that different stuff. What translates because Jason has said, like,
you know, when you watch the h Diana Tarassi and

Super and I can't remember who the other woman was
during the National Championshi game, Brianna Stuart, Right, yeah, three
great Yukon players, Okay, three great WNBA players. Was that
Oh they're hating you know? Oh you know what does
she say something's coming, Reality's coming soon? But like what specifically,

And you know it's we're like, well, look we're watching
Jackson Holiday. And you know, Jackson got propelled himself into
the major leagues in a year and what like ten
games and ten games, moved up from rookie ball to
High A all the way up to Triple A, played
in the Triple A Championship and then didn't make the club,
and then like ten games in he's on the big club.

And look he kept striking out. I mean, he was
wind milling it here the first week or so. But
we can expect him to settle down, all right, what
can we expect? We can expect him to probably struggle
against lefties and we'll, you know, we'll see if he
can catch up the high heat. You know how people
pitch him where they find the weaknesses is because they
will expose it and it will spread like wild fire.

But eventually you think he's gonna come around and what's
he gonna hit and how many home runs and how
long will that take? That's real detailed analysis. I want
to see that. Here's what's missing from women's basketball is
you cannot be honest, and it's not the only place
in sports that is still struggling with that men's basketball

because Dick Vital forever was the Oh, it's amazing, it's awesome. Right.
He was so overwhelmingly positive that anytime you gave any
perceived negative which could be something to work on, you
were a hater. Well, we're definitely there with women's basketball.
Not only can a man not comment on what she

needs to work on. If Breanna Stewart or Sue Brd
or whomever say, hey, you know, look, she's gonna struggle
because is she gonna have the ball in her hands
this much? Is she gonna be Is she gonna play
point guard? She canna play off the ball? Can she
guard point guards? You know, take me through some film
and show me what she can do. Take me through
some film and show me what she's not gonna be
able to do. And what's your struggle with? What are

the differences in the WNBA? Do they have three seconds
the way they do in the men's game? Defense of
three seconds? If they don't, will a lane be more
wide open? Lane is more wide open? Does that open
her up for more drives? Right? Because like that's we're
gonna do that with Zach Edy, Right, Zach Edy is
going to really struggle in in the NBA, and I
don't know how it ends up, but you know, you

can show how many shots he's taken from inside the
college lane. The pro lane is wider, the three second
rules are different, the defensive rules are different. You have
to get out of the lane. You gotta guard your
man even when he plays zone. You gotta to play
outside of the lane except for three seconds. It's really
hard to do, and it's hard to hide a guy
like that. It's hard. Rudy Gobert is a great shot

blocker and defensive player. It's hard to hide to him.
How do you think it's gonna be hard to hide
Zach Edy, who's not a great rim protector, doesn't cover
the floor. And though he has a better low post game, Rudy,
I think, in many ways can be more effective offensive
is a roller. But that's the challenge guys that we
got to see tonight is will there be anybody who

I'm not saying hating and saying it won't work. I'm
but also not the lush in praise. She's going to
be the greatest everage from the time, because anyone who
goes from college to the pro there's gonna be a
level of adjustment.

Speaker 9 (28:20):
Yes, yes, And that's why I personally did not have
any problem with what Diana Tarassi said. She's absolutely correct.
She's gonna be a transition for Kaylin Clark. She's not
just gonna walk in and just start dominating. She's playing
against huge women, so it's gonna take some time for
her to adjust your game too well.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Also, again, what I want to know is one, the
adjustment she's gonna have to make and what it's gonna
look like. And then two do they think if she
are these fixable things? Like I don't think the Zach
Eaty thing is fixable. I just don't people say, well,
he can work on his three point shooting, Like, yeah,
I don't. He just doesn't move well enough. He moves
way better than he used to. But I don't think

people understand the movement required to play that position in
the NBA. But I could be wrong. But the question,
because for me, is are these are the negatives and
the things she's going to have to work on? Are
they fixable? And that's what Tarazi needs to tell us,
That's what Brianna Stewart needs to tell us. That's what

they all need to tell us Boban is a man
of the people. I can prove it to you upcoming. First,
let me get you a to Dan Byer for quick update, Dan.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Doug Philadelphia Eagles and wide receiver Devonte Smith agreed on
a new deal. The Eagles are picking up his fifty
year option in twenty twenty five and then tacking on
a three year extension after that, where seventy five million
dollars as Smith reportedly gets fifty one million dollars guaranteed.
One other signing Colts defensive tackle to Forrest Buckner back
on a two year deal. It's an extension that's worth

forty six million bucks. Chief said go Jandy Reid says
wide receiver she Rice is virtually participating in the team's
off season program, Ceedee Lamano show for the Cowboys say
with Justin Jefferson and the Vikings Sons and guard Grayson
Allen agreed to a four year extension where seventy million dollars.
Kentucky freshman DJ Wagner has entered the transfer portal. Guardians

topped the Red Sox on this Patriots stay. Final score
from Fenway six to nothing. Doug back to you, so.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
I don't know how many guys watched the Clipper game
late at night, but they were taking on the Houston Rockets,
and this was this was Bobon. Remember Boban used to
play for the Clippers, so he knew what was at stake.
When he's at the free throw.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Line, there might potentially be some freaking chicken on the
board if he misses a second free throw.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
A man free sucker on the board.

Speaker 8 (30:43):
So that's why the fans are getting a little real
fofthy Oh the pointing team thing.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
Hold on playing with the crowd.

Speaker 7 (30:49):
Say you want.

Speaker 4 (30:50):
Chicken, here's your child. I gave him chicken. He's a
man of the people.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
He's a minute of the period.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
Did not perfect he did? He gave out freak.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
It's gone viral. Bobon got the free chicken. Okay, so
do you guys, what's the free chicken? If they missed
two free throws in a row, it's free chicken for everybody.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
Yes, if the visiting player misses two consecutive free throws
in the fourth quarter of the game, the Clippers will
give everyone inside the arena a free Chick fil A sandwich.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
Love that not spicy, just the regular chick fil a sandwich.
What sauce do you get buy her?

Speaker 5 (31:31):
I don't. Oh, I put honey on it. No pickles,
and I put honey on the sandwich.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
That's fine, Yes, fricking amazing.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
These conversations always seem to go down the exact same road.
What do you put on your thing?

Speaker 5 (31:43):

Speaker 3 (31:44):
And then he says no sauce, and Doug's like, what now.

Speaker 5 (31:48):
We did that on Friday?

Speaker 3 (31:49):
Yeah, we did that one. Dan asked a great question
during the break. Do you think Adam Silver's thrilled that
Boban's missing a free throw on purpose?

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Yeah? I don't think it matters as much as I
know you're talking about, because you have the Porter thing
where he's going to be probably kicked out of the
league for good for uh what we think is intentionally
missing or not playing or shooting three point shots, and
here we have Boban missing a free throw which does
some of the some similar damage.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Correct one hundred percent. Yeah, it sounds very get off
my lawn for what was a fun moment. But at
the heart of it, in a game where the Rockets
won by eleven, if you're betting the Rockets minus twelve
in that scenario, like are you loving that that situation?

The problem was that Bobon wanted the attention for doing
so and wanted to gain the love of the fans. Yes, yes,
and you know in him being a former Clipper, and
it all ends up working and everybody cheers for him.
If he wouldn't have knowingly done it, he wouldn't have

gotten the love. But then again, I think it's just
him purposely doing that that could be that. I would
think that would ruffle Adam Silver's feathers a little bit.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
I'm sure it will, but I don't think it's that
big a thing, especially because he has years of equity
of being a likable guy.

Speaker 5 (33:22):
Right, And you know what, I agree with you, like,
I agree. I don't think it's going to become a big,
a big thing, and I think it's a feel good part.
You even heard on the Rockets TV broadcast Ryan Hollins
is going nuts and loving it. But realistic when you
do when you do ansar alum FSR. Yeah for sure,

but when you do look at what was actually happening
in that moment. You had a player knowingly miss a shot,
uh that to affect you know, something that happened in
the game it wasn't a last second sort of deal.
I just don't think that Adam Silver is too happy
with it.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Okay, we all ought still to get to here on
the show. It's Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio.
And we got Boban as the Man of the People.
So we got that done. We got some WNBA drafts
coming up next in the press. Can anyone explain why
a baseball legend is calling it quits? Now?

Speaker 4 (34:27):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (34:45):
Doug, I just want to interrupt because you know when
somebody goes, hey, you're gonna like this, like they know you,
they know who you are, right, they think they do,
and then they do something that is so one hundred
and eighty degrees of what I like. Like when I
come back, if I'm sitting in for you on your
show and we come back from a break. I hate
talking over vocals. I can't stand it. I hate having

to compete with a person singing the song. So I
left the studio and Sam goes, I got a treat
for you. You're gonna love this next song or that
we come back with, and it was barbar like. There's
no way that you could compete with that whatsoever? Not none,
no way, no, how.

Speaker 9 (35:30):
Okay, Dan, I thought in the past you had said
that you thought this song was funny. I so that's
why I put it. And we were talking about Chicken
in the previous but just not as get back music.
Oh when when am I going to have an opportunity
to play this song ever?

Speaker 6 (35:47):

Speaker 2 (35:48):
I think dance point is not now we're talking about Chicken.
I understood it. There's lots of different Chicken songs you could.

Speaker 9 (35:56):
Play better than the Chicken dance song.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
And now you know and and then yeah, that one
doesn't have lyrics.

Speaker 9 (36:02):
It's for kids parties.

Speaker 3 (36:05):
I know.

Speaker 9 (36:05):
I'm going surfing burd That would.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
Do Richard, you know what an earworm is? That would
plan an earworm in so many people's heads. It would
be fantastic.

Speaker 9 (36:11):
I think this song does the same.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
Like, you could play that and for the rest of
the day you'll have people texting you and tweeting at
you and put you on your Instagram. I hate you. Sam,
because you put that and they do it to me
because you put that earworm in my ear. But no,
instead you play you play a nineteen sixties jam.

Speaker 9 (36:28):
I don't even know, but I liked it. I thought
it was a great comp I thought it was a
great rejoint song.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
Well, glad, you're glad, you're the one. Let's get to
the press.

Speaker 5 (36:41):
This is no, it's not it's the press on the
Doug gottleads the press, the press, Oh all right, Doug.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
I think Sam also said, before we come out with
break is like, you're gonna like this. I'm gonna get
the press stage or right for once, and then he
messed on him.

Speaker 2 (37:02):

Speaker 5 (37:04):
End of an era.

Speaker 6 (37:05):
Verdugo is Ozer for three and it hits a high
drive to right our balls high hit us far he
us goal.

Speaker 4 (37:15):
Allex Ardugo.

Speaker 6 (37:18):
Now Alexander the Great traps around a two run home
run to break the tie, and the Yankees have a
four to two leads.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
Now that was earlier this year. Yankees Radio Network obviously
the voice of John Sterling, the longtime Yankees broadcaster who
will announce his retirement coming up at a press conference
later this week. The retirement Doug expected to be effective immediately.
The eighty five year old did call games at the

start of the season, was on the Yankees road trip
to start the year when they were in Houston, did
call a couple of home games, but was going to
have a limited schedule in twenty twenty four. But now
it appears that the John Sterling air is over as
the voice of the New York Yankees.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
Of a lot of things I've ever seen John Stanley
retire is not even a month into the season.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
Why is he?

Speaker 2 (38:10):
I don't did something happen many.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
Five years old again, was going to have a limited
schedule dealing with some health issues.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
But yes, yes, Like look, I never thought that position.
And I know plenty of people who have been offered
the job to replace him, and people are like, I
don't want to replace him, because you know, John always
thought it was an honor and never really grinded them

on price. So it's not as high paying a job
as you would think, and there's a lot of pressure,
and you know, you got to be all in for
the Yankees. I just thought the made up nicknames were
so cheesy. There's just a lot of cheese there. But
some of it again, that's a that's a job that
we don't have, and we don't know what goes into
what he's told to do.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
You know, it was cheesy speaking of a New York
state of mind somewhere, not happy that Billy Joel's concert
on the East Coach Coast got preempted in the middle
of a piano man. So CBS is going to re
airit this Friday night, just piano man. They're going to
redo the whole concert. We like to interrupt the COVID year, right,

COVID year when you played your whole season. Cherokee Parks
is apparently auctioning off some of his championship memorabilia from
his time at Duke. Then includes a couple of national
championship rings, according to your buddy Darren Ravel.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Okay, so Cherokee Parks played for my dad in au
and in the nineteen ninety four championship game. That day
they lost Arkansas. Miles Simon and I we went to
Burger King and we ran into a couple of the
Duke players, including Chief, and we went back to their
hotel room and play video games till they had to
go for the game. Real story, I don't know if
that Super Nintendo system will be auctioned off, I.

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Probably Jim mcelvain, former NBA or you know, on X said,
you know what, I hope it's not for financial purposes.
He goes, but there's a lot of my stuff that
my kids don't want and don't care about, so maybe
it could be the same thing with Cherokee Parks. It's
just why do I have this if nobody else cares
about it? Yeah, so bag get out there and pressed.

Speaker 4 (40:19):
That was the press.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
I don't understand why anybody wants to buy somebody else's
like championship ring. That one's weird to me. We got
a great podcast for it's called in the Bonus. Just
type in Doug gotlie Weaver download podcast. Check us out
tomorrow as well on the Doug Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio.
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