All Episodes

April 16, 2024 37 mins

Doug and the crew talk about the comparison between Caitlin Clark and Tim Tebow in how much of an impact they made on their college sports. NBA reporter for The Athletic Joe Vardon joins Doug to break down the NBA play-in games and to talk about the US National team. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a Tuesday edition of "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gotlieb Show podcast. Be
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Just type in Doug gottleibervery download podcast. Make sure you subscribe,
review rate, all that different stuff. I want to talk
about Pat Mahomes, but I guess it's kind of evergreen
right where he was. Somebody called him the greatest of
all time and he was like, I'm not the greatest
of all time sort of thing, which I truly love.

You know, it's the you can't give yourself a nickname.
You can't call yourself a great of all the time.
Let everybody else say that for you. So the way
it works on our show is we get done. Sometimes
we'll have a little bit of work to do. And
I want to talk about this quote, which is from
Time magazine to Time magazine still produce people that does it?
Still have an actual like magazine?

Speaker 4 (02:00):
They saw have a magazine on the on all the
magazine stands across the country.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
They have magazine stands at the airport. Jinks who can't talk?
I said, Jinks. Neither of them can talk? Right, can't talk?
I said, Jinks. You said some at the same time,
and that right, Dan Virus and the heather there. Yes,
there has to be there's something you have to there's

some sort of phrase which unlocks your ability to talk again.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
When you do, you got to say like one of
them has to say, buy me a coke?

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Right, I think so, yeah, I think so. Anyway, we'll
get back to the Pat Mahomes thing. I still think
that the so here's what happened. Okay, we're having a
discussion about Caitlin Clark, and believe it or not, like
this is I I kind of think we've talked about

a top of that everybody's talking about. I hate when
we force things and you get this time of year,
we're like, like, this is a real topic. I think
a lot of most people are full of crap, like, oh,
I like watching women's basketball way more than the NBA.
Like no, you don't, No, you don't, you don't. There's

things that may turn you off about the NBA and
there's things about the but you haven't watched the WNBA game,
so you have no idea what it looks like, and
when you do, you'd be like that was something.

Speaker 5 (03:25):

Speaker 1 (03:25):
The other part to it, and this is a real thing,
is we do not always watch the better sport. What
I mean is like G League basketball is better than
college basketball in terms of the overall talent on the floor,
and sometimes the competitiveness is better, but we watch college
basketball more why because of the all the fields we

get from the front of the jersey and from the
coach and the crowd. So the idea that we won't
watch the WNBA because it's not the NBA doesn't stand up,
because we do watch for human interest as much as
actual sport. The problem is, like we're being told, and

I don't love the idea of everybody, Well, this sport
is just growing and they need to like, hold on,
is the sport growing?

Speaker 2 (04:16):

Speaker 1 (04:17):
Is it growing at the rate of popularity of Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
No, No, it's not. And you just have to be careful.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
We've we've done this, this this bit in the show
a bunch of times in how many times companies and
sports over expand and you got to you're it's you're
better off with a product that more people want, even
on a smaller scale, than overdoing it. And I fear
that the w NBAS can overdo it. But we got

in this discussion about efficiency and whether or not she's
going to be Tim Tebow, right, and that's what Iowa
Sam said, Well, she's more a fit than Jimmer Fredette.
Then I produced the statistics for Jimmer fredet and he
would not say the two words he needs to say here.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
Is that about right?

Speaker 5 (05:13):
I think there's a bigger picture because Jason also mentioned
Jimmer Fredett's name in the same breath as Tim Tebow,
and I agree with Sam that I don't think that
Caitlin Clark is like either. What I thought was great
about it was Iowa. Sam then completely side swiped Jimmer
Fredett to the extent that you felt the need to

defend Jimmer Fredett, and then supported his case of having
equivalent numbers to Kitlin Clark, which then Sam would refuse
to apologize for trying to side swipe Jimmer Furredette.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
Just to correct the record even further as it plays out,
I said, I just think it'll be a Tim Tebow
thing where we just were, oh, you didn't say Jimmer
trusted in the college career, and then we lost interest
once we figure out he was like an average to
below average football player. And then and then Doug says
and Jimmer for debt Okay Dougs, and that's that's what

raised Sam's ire.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
M uh Well, my issue with Sam was that all
he had to say was you know what I was wrong,
and he refused to say I was wrong.

Speaker 6 (06:17):
I think I said it through some iteration at some point.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
No, it's not.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
You don't need an iteration, you just need the two words.
Hey man, I was wrong about the efficiency thing by
like a.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
Percentage No, no, no, no, it doesn't no no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 6 (06:28):
But you're no no no no no no no you
are you're splitting hairs.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
I'm not actually splitting his Look at I'm not a
career like what they've done. I'm not splitting hairs. I'm
not disguising she had a better career. You said he
was less status said I was wrong.

Speaker 6 (06:44):
There, I was wrong.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
Okay, that's it. Yeah, you're wrong about.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
You want to squeez out of me as if I
admission that I was wrong, I was wrong. Yeah, if
you were listening, you could tell I was wrong.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Everybody could tell you're wrong. It was just your inability
to say.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
But also it's a percentage point.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
No, you're okay.

Speaker 6 (07:00):
I understand what you're saying. I said he was more
efficient than listen.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
Let me let me help you, and let me let
me let me help you.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
As a guy who had struggled at times in my
life to admit that I'm wrong, Okay, you weren't wrong
by a percentage point.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
You were wrong by You were completely off. And here's why.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
And and just so you know, when you originally said it,
I actually agreed with you because my perception of it
was that he didn't shoot a good percentage Okay, he
didn't have to be more efficient than her for your
statement to be wrong. He just had to be in
the ballpark. He wasn't in the ballpark. His numbers are
actually better, So we were one hundred percent wrong about

his efficiency. That's it, end of discussion. Now, next part
about it is how long are we going to care?
How long are we going to care? And my point
about this thing is what's different is there's been a
build up of two years. She was wildly popular last
year at Iowa, and then doubled on the popularity this
year and it became like Elvis. Okay, it became a thing.

It became a thing, and that is Tbow. Like that's
where and now here's where I would disagree with with
with Jason. We did care about Tebow when he's in
the pros because he had that run.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Where we called it Tebow time. Was that twenty eleven?
I think it was.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
I want to say it was the fall of twenty
eleven and we all and most of our companies lost
their minds. I was working to ESPAN at the time
and they were like, you can't talk enough about Tim Teba,
like really, and so my thing was was more I
was just like with everything else, I was down the middle.
Yes they have won games, but yes he was. I
thought Tebow got credit for putting out fires that he started. Man,

look at howt Grady was in the fourth quarter, Like, yeah,
that's because they were down three touchdowns heading into the
fourth quarter and they played bad teams on this but
it was undeniable that they kept winning games and it
was crazy. So I think she has a greater chance
of having success in the WNBA, that is, consistent success
and being an NBA All Star than Tibo did then

jim Or did, because I don't think that she's as
much of a creation of the college landscape as some
would think. Do I think that she'll be the greatest
player of all time? I don't. I think those really
really hard to come by, and I think that that
group is most of the Yukon players, right, Tarazi and

Brianna Stewart, like those are the two that everybody point to,
and I don't know if she has that. But again,
I'm willing to be wrong there and I don't actually
know because I don't evaluate women's players. I can't go
back and say, oh, I remember when Brianna Stewart was coming.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
Like I don't. I wouldn't be that.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
I wouldn't be that arrogant to say that I can
evaluate because I don't know how it translates because I
don't watch the WNBA and what the only thing that'll
change is now I have a little bit of a
vesta's interest in I want to see how she plays.
Every once in a while, when I'm sitting at home
on a Sunday and it's on and I got nothing

else to do, I'll flip it on. If the NBA
is on, I'm not watching. If most any other sport
is on, I'm probably not watching. But in the summer,
on a Saturday or Sunday and she's on ABC and
there's nothing on and I like watching basketball, I'll absolutely
flip it on. But it's like we're doing this thing

where we're not recognizing. Whatever you want to say about
the NBA's numbers. Victor Webinyama was can't miss TV right,
had to watch it? How long did that last? Do
you still watch it? Victor Webinyama was on TV tonight?
Would you absolutely watch? And he is without any question
going to be a star for the future.

Speaker 2 (10:41):

Speaker 1 (10:42):
So, And it's obviously different. She's American, she's apple pie,
She's been properly packaged. She lives up to the hype
in the biggest events. Like, I got nothing negative to
say about her. I'm just talking with We have been
down this road in different times. Wayne Gretzky in LA,
he had been unbelievable. In one did they win five
straight Stanley Cups or four straight with the ed Minton Olders.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
I don't know if it was consecutive because I thought
there was a Calgary one in there, but I think.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
And there was also the and then the Islanders were
good back then to the early eighties, right, But the
fact is that Wayne Gretzky was great. But he get
to LA and we're like everybody paid attention to hockey.
Then they lost the Stanley Cup playoffs. Then like the
next year, we're like eh, and then we kind of
moved down with our lives and we remembered it's hockey.
We don't understand hockey. It's on during other stuff. I
do wonder if at some point we were like, yeah,
it's women's basketball. I just can't watch it. And the

other part to it is like women's basketball won't accept
this to be true. Someone we just don't like watching it.
Some people do, a great percentage of people don't. It's okay.
There are people you are never going to win over,
and people are like, hey, give it a chance, watch it.
And those people, I wonder if they'll come back and

watch another game that she's not participating it by your
viewing habits. Have you ever sat down and watched the
wa A game in the past?

Speaker 5 (12:01):
No? I have not.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Will you now?

Speaker 5 (12:04):
I don't know if I'll watch the whole thing, but
I will watch. Yeah, when you know, especially the first game,
I'll try to make time for sure.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
That's one of the things with Lebron. By the way,
is Lebron I think he had thirty his first game.
Is Lebron was like all this hype and then every
time we saw him it lived up to the hype.
Plus he was so jaw drawing, jaw dropping in spectacular
fashion athletically that we were like, and we'd kind of
been waiting for somebody post Jordan Jay Stu, what do

you think? What do you think? Like?

Speaker 5 (12:38):
Will you watch?

Speaker 4 (12:40):
Yes, yes, I'm going to watch.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
I'll Dodger game is on at the same time. Do
you watch?

Speaker 4 (12:46):
Uh? No, I mean this is we're having a conversation
from the nineties here, because there's there's a DVR now
there's I could watch that later, you know, one of.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Those You're not going back to watch a WNBA game
on DVR.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
No, you gave me two choices.

Speaker 5 (13:00):
Watch whatever.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
The other choice was probably I'd watch the supporting event
live because I like to see things live and then
go on Twitter and see how people are making fun
of it. So that's kind of my thing. I'm a
live sports guy, and I will tune into the first
game or two I think, and then after the NBA
is over, before the football starts, I'll tune in again

and see how she's doing.

Speaker 5 (13:27):
I do want to say, though, when Tebow was coming
from Florida to the NFL, we were shocked that he
was a first round pick. Correct, we did not expect that.
Then when he ends up playing, he was awful for
fifty eight minutes. But all of a sudden, somehow in

the final two minutes. Yes, And so when we're talking
about Caitlin Clark and Tim Tebow, completely different scenarios, completely
different scenarios on Like, I feel like Caitlin Clark will
adjust to the NBA. I don't know if she'll be
a superstar right away. I feel she'll fare very well,

and I also would give her the benefit of the
doubt that she'll be able to improve her game to
even fit the WNBA game as her career goes on.
But the TBO mania was something that I don't think
that we can ever really fully grasp, especially with what
he was as a player and then his point of

him bouncing around to different spots. It was always a
story if Caitlyn Clark isn't good anymore, or if you know,
her pro career doesn't turn out, we will lose interest.
And that is different from the Tebow thing, which was
such a out of this world experience because you just
you couldn't explain what was going on the whole.

Speaker 6 (14:53):
And that also serves into just how much we follow
the NFL. I mean, we like, you know, if Mitch
Trubisky signs with a team like Oh, that can be
talked about for a segment, you know, like, yeah Tebau
as a backup what with the Jets, you know that
was a story sure, and he just still he was
a Heisman Trophy when he did a ton of winning
in college. But yeah, the comps for the next level

were not there.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
Yeah, I don't think it's I don't think it's fair
for Caitlin Clark to be compared to tbou No.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
I would agree with you. I think her skills do translate.
Here's a couple of things that we don't like. People
don't realize how good Kelsey Plumblet was right like, she
scored over three thousand points as well, and I think
she's doing well in the WNBA, but no one's paying attention.
And the point is that she was her and Sabrina

I and sq were at the same time and the
same part of the country kind of co superstars and
no one cared.

Speaker 4 (15:50):
So I think you take the super off though, right,
there were stars like within this little niche.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
Right, Oh, can you be a superstar within that niche?
Or you have to be a star because you don't
translate out of.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
That has to be transcendent that's fine, that's fine.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
I'm okay, I actually agree with that, and I'll take that.
So they were stars, and I think they're both really
good w NBA players.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
I don't know. Here's the question. Is she on the
Olympic team? Kevin Clark on the Olympic team? Do we
know is she?

Speaker 5 (16:22):
Is she going to be yes? I don't think we
officially know, but but she she will be correct.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
And then the question becomes like, how does that all work.
I'm gonna say something that is everyone is going to
know to be true, and when we clip it up
and we put it on social media, people will freak out.
I do think the dynamic that she's a woman makes
it really really interesting because here's my experience, guys can

get jealous. Guys get jealous guys, do you know, especially
the younger generation, somebody else is getting, you know, fame
or clout or whatever. Like guys can't jealous. But it's
not necessarily how all guys are wired. And some of
it we call jealousy competitiveness, and really it could be

deemed as jealousy. Women, and not all women, but professional
type A ladies can still be very catty, very catty,
I've said this often, Like I feel it's got to
be a tough being a woman in our industry right

because you're judged unfairly.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
So like your sports.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Knowledge may not be the level of a guy, when
you may be a far more accomplished athlete, have far
greater depth of resources and knowledge whatever. Like you walk
into a conversation and people instinctively think that guys know
more about sports than girls do. They just do and
and I'm admitting that's completely unfair. So it's a really

hard one. But the toughest room in broadcasting is the
makeup room when there's multiple ladies in there, because as
much as they compete against the guys, and they're treated
unfairly by perceptions like women are awful to other women.
They don't unite, they don't lock arm in arm and
champion others. They may on camera behind the scenes they

kill each other. And look the Olympics, they're a platform
for these athletes, women and men. The basketball players use
it as a platform, like Lebron James and Kevin Durant
and Steph Curry. They're not going out of the goodness
of their hearts. They're not going necessarily to win they're

going because their brands are like, dude, you gotta go.
It's the world's biggest sporting event. You be there, you promote,
we sell a bunch of shoes. Everybody's happy, right, It's
a gigantic platform. And when everybody's fighting for the attention,
and here's a woman who has not or she will
have played half of one season when the Olympics start,
I'm interested to see how the other ladies treat and

if they're as caddy as I think they'll be.

Speaker 7 (19:06):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
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Speaker 1 (19:19):
Stug Outleab show Fox Sports Radio. So we established this
is not the playoffs, it's to play in right, And
yesterday we had a little bit of this discussion. But
let's continue it, which is we all agree the Lakers
are underdogs tonight and they blew out the Pelicans Sunday.
It's now Tuesday. They're playing the same team in the

same town with obviously a lot more at stake, But
I don't know, like, is there that much more At
steak I had the Pelicans one Sunday. They wouldn't be
playing today, so there was obviously a lot of steak.
And if you lose today, you still get to play
another playing game over the against the winner of the
Kings and the Warriors. I'm into it. I like it.

I like the playing series. I needed a bit of
like I needed every time I turned on an NBA
game for somebody to explain to me all the different
factors in all the different seeds. I do get it.
But to me, if it's your Lakers, like you can't
you may if they lose tonight, there will be people
that say, well, you know, they just they want to
play the thunder. No, they don't. They want to win tonight.

They want no part of an elimination game, likely against
the Warriors, no matter how much they dominate the Warriors
last year in the playoffs. You want no part of that.
Steph and Clay start hitting shots and there's nothing you
can do. You cannot keep up with that volume. You
keep up with that volume, you know? And also interesting

is the did you know that Lebron James finished with
a higher three point shooting percentage than Steph Curry? That said,
first of all, volume obviously is like in half, But
does anybody believe that who would you rather give an
open three point or two in a playing game? Lebron
or Steph? And nobody would answer Lebron, nobody would answer

to Steph. curR, You'd rather get leave moment, Joe Varden
joins us. He covers the entire league for the athletic
and Joe, let's start with the Lakers tonight. You know,
there are some that are like, hey, they'd be better
off losing this game so they could win the next
playing game and then play the Thunder. But they don't
want to play two games that important, that close together,

regardless of how good the matchup is. They don't they
have to win a night.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
I think they want to. I think they have pushed
the Pelicans around all year, and I just get this sense,
you know, I mean somebody a caller could jump on
Sam wrong. I just I've been around Lebron a lot
over his career, and I do not recall him losing
games to try to manipulate the matchup. He has lived

by the sort of motto just get me in the tournament.
This is the easiest way to get in the tournament.
Win tonight, get the rest and you know, then you know,
let's the lets the chips fall. I mean, there's that
old cliche, or it's not a cliche, but it's like
he's not playing to win a round, you know, he's

trying to win a title. And it's gonna be tough,
you know. I mean, no one's gonna pick the Lakers
to do that. They no one would pick them to
upset Denver. But if you, if you're good enough, if
that's your goal win it all, then I don't I
don't think you lose games to try to manipulate the brackets.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Yes, but last year they got the Grizzlies without their
big guys, you know, and I you know, I'm guessing
Murray will be back and I'll be fine. But this
is a matchup that I mean, they couldn't play Dan
Angel Russell in the playoffs last year against him. I
just I don't see how that matchup gets better for
the Lakers, right.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
I mean, you know, I think we're all picking Denver
in Boston Finals, you know, for a reason. And I
mean you know, the Denver has the best starting five
in the league or close and probably the m v
P and the reigning champs, and yeah, I mean those
are matchup problems. I mean, Jokis is always a matchup

problem for a d But again, I just I don't
see the Lakers in that mindset of dodging and losing
on purpose. I just don't. I just don't see it.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
How much of the Warriors have left in the tank?

Speaker 3 (23:51):
Boy, Doug, that's a great question, if you mean, if
you mean, like, is the ynasty over? Yeah, I think
it is. I just think too many pieces are too
far gone. And I just I didn't see anything this

year in their best of times that told me they
were close. And I guess if they make a major
trade or something this summer, then I think that is
like a restart, but that doesn't count. I just think
this group, this nucleus has run its course. Could they
get out of the plane, sure, you know, and then
we'll be talking about that old veteran experience level issue

in the playoffs, and you know how that impacts the
thunder and you know we'll be saying the same thing
for Minnesota too. But you know, long term, yeah, I
think I think we've seen the end of the Curry
Draymond Clay dynasty.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
What Joe Varden joining us on the Doug Gotleib Show
here on Fox Sports. Ready, he covers the NBA for
the athletic Uh, what are you hearing about Joel Embiid
and his availability?

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Well, I think, yeah, I think he's going to be
able to play. I mean, you know, by all accounts,
what happened on Sunday was precautionary. You know, you take
in who they were playing, Uh, and just the fact
that even with a win on on on Sunday, the

Sixers still had too many other things that had to
happen to get out of the play in and obviously
they smashed the nets anyway. So so I think, you know,
I think there's always going to be a little bit
of concern. I mean, you know, one of my big
things is USA basketball. That's one of my beats, and
you know, Joel is on the team, and I just think,

you know, that's awesome. But at the same time, like
this is incredibly early to be to be picking that
team when Joel's injury injury history is what it is,
especially once gets into the playoffs, what has typically happened
to him. So yeah, so there's always gonna be concerned.
But but I do expect Joelle to play and tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Okay, then there's another knee injury. And you mentioned the
potential MVP. I think Luca's got a great shot to
win MVP. They're going to take on the Clippers, and
we don't know about Kawhi Leonard's knee.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
What's his status for their series?

Speaker 3 (26:27):
Yeah, you know what, I'm actually hearing conflicting things out
of LA. You know, I'm hearing that he's pushing the
play and they think he will play, and then I've
also heard a little bit more skepticism there. I do
think that his knee situation is why he is not
yet the twelfth man for Team USA. I think, you know,

the good news is I don't have the breadth the
schedule in front of me, but you know, they either
play Saturday or Sunday. There's still time. But yeah, I
mean there's certainly concern in l A with with regards
to kawi'sne.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
So you you, Doe, who did you vote for for MVP?

Speaker 7 (27:09):
Thank you?

Speaker 3 (27:10):
I just did that. I thought about this long and hard.
I at one time had all three guys at number one.
I ended up with Jokic ahead of Luca, with Shay third.
Shay just kind of fell off there at the end.
He's now tied for the league lead and steals. He

also was the leader on the youngest team ever to
to to get a one seed in the NBA, So
that was a hard vote, really hard. Luca's numbers are
out rageous how good he is, but fifth place hurt
for me in the end. And you know, Jokich's like
dominance all over the court, and he's he's really not

He's people say he's not a two way player, but
I don't even know if I buy that at times,
like just kind of watching him play and the way
he moves. So that that's how I went. But I mean,
we had three awesome, awesome candidates at the top, and
then I'll tell you Number four for me was Brunton.
What he's done with the Knicks nothing short of heroic.

And then I had Giannisti.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
Why is Brunson not on the livery team?

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Well, we still have an open spot. We'll see what
happens there. But when you have Steph Curry and then
you have Drew Holliday, who plays the role that you
would want Jalen to play, then you look at who
else is on the team, you know, I mean Haliburton.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Pick Haliburton ahead of ahead of Brunson, as hal Burton's
a better shooter.

Speaker 3 (28:46):
Is that the idea He's faster, He gets rid of
the ball quicker.

Speaker 8 (28:51):
He does something that nobody else on the team really does,
which is what you know, Uh, run the break, lead
and transition.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Doesn't you know, if the ball is in his hands,
it doesn't need to stay there. Uh, he gets rid
of it super quick. Jalen spent a lot of time
last year with USA dominating the ball. And then you know,
they also have Booker, they also have Edwards, you know,
and then they also have Tatum Durant, so they it's
just it's harder to take another guard there in a

in a tournament where size is paramount.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
No, I get it.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
I mean, but but if it's Brunson for uh, you know,
is Brunson for Haliburton, I don't.

Speaker 5 (29:36):
I have no question. I wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
There's in no world would I take Tyrese Haliburton if
I want to win ahead of Jalen Brunson.

Speaker 2 (29:43):

Speaker 1 (29:44):
I disagree with whoever made that selection, regardless of how
much the ball I know, it's new regards how much
the ball stops with with with with Brunson. Okay, when
we get to the actual playoffs, who who of these
eight teams is? Is what four are going to be playing?

Speaker 6 (30:04):

Speaker 3 (30:05):
The final four?

Speaker 8 (30:06):

Speaker 1 (30:07):
No, no, no, no, of the of the play in Okay,
So you got Pels, Lakers, Warriors, Kings, and then you
have what Sixers, Hawks, Bulls.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
Who's the fourth team I'm forgetting, forgetting somebody else? Heat?

Speaker 4 (30:25):

Speaker 2 (30:25):
So Heat Sixers and who.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
Yeah, I'm going I like the Heat not to win tomorrow,
but to win the play in finale. So I like Sixers, Heat,
and I like Lakers tonight, and I like the Warriors
getting through and in as the as the overall eights, I.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Shall see Joe great stuff. You can read his work
in The Athletic. Download that or log in now, get
a subscription for it. Joe awesome stuff. Enjoy the playoffs.
We'll talk to you soon.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Okay, Thanks Doug.

Speaker 7 (30:57):
Be sure to catch the live edition of the Doug
gott Leaps Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
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Let's get to Damn Byer with.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
The press.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
The Press, Doug. The numbers are in. Two point four
million viewers watched last night's WNBA Draft on ESPN. Props
to Austin Karp of Sports Business Journal, who sent out
a tweet comparing it to other drafts of recent history.

NBA drafted three point seven million the MLB draft last year,
seven hundred and forty four thousand, the NHL Draft six
hundred and eighty one thousand that was also on ESPN,
But two point four million viewers watched the WNBA Draft
last night, the first time ever. It's over one million viewers.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
It's incredible. Incredible. Numbers are incredible. I would love to
know what it was like after the first pick, the
build up after the first pick, and then we can
only see. You know, last year the WNBA Finals drew
seven hundred fifty thousand people. That's up, but let's see
how far up it is if she's not part of

the equation. But America has spoken they love them some
Kaitlin Clark. Can't get enough for Kaitlin Clark.

Speaker 5 (33:00):
I think America one time, I really loved themselves some
Blake Griffin, but they're not gonna love him as a
player because he retired today after fourteen seasons in the league.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Personally loved Blake Griffin. I think the thing we do
with Blake which is inherently unfair, as we say, what,
well he could have been this, and he could have
been like he was a damn good player, damn good.
It's really interesting though, you know, when he got to
the league everybody's like, he got to develop a post game.
Remember that, man, He's gotta get developed post game, and

the NBA went away from post games and he had
to develop a jump shot. So caught a little bit
between eras. But I mean, the freakist, nastiest power dunker
we've ever seen.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
I'll tell you one point where I really appreciated Blake
Griffin was when he basically carried a Crappy's Pistons team
to the playoffs, sure, and was there only was their
only thing? Like for as great as he was with
the Celtics, and he played roles with Brooklyn obviously, you
know a few years ago, but it was that point
that I'm like, all right, you know, look at this

figuring out a new way to contribute and add to
your legacy. There's this full of.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Famer by the way, to anybody like he'll be in
the whole of fame.

Speaker 5 (34:12):
Yeah, and you've talked about the level of Hall of
Fame previously as well. Doesn't look like Giannis is going
to be ready for the Bucks. At the start of
their series with the Pacers, the Athletics said it was
in question for Game one yesterday, ESPN says he's likely
to missed the first part of that series.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
What do you think, How concerned would you be if
you're the Bucks?

Speaker 5 (34:29):
Extremely concerned? I mean, it's heck, even with him, it
was going to be a question market.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
I think it's harder with him. I do think this
allows Lillard to get back to just being Lillard and
Indiana just tries to outscore you. Sure, so, Yeah, I'd
be concerned, But I actually think this may help the
Bucks get out of the first round if you play
without him, because it's obvious those two struggle to play together.

Speaker 5 (34:53):
Well, I hate to say, but I've just said this
all season long. All that matters was the playoffs, and
now that we've gotten there, they come in shorthanded, and
that's I still think it's going to be an issue.
The NCAA today gave Michigan three years probation for the
violations of coaching and recruiting during a COVID period. This
has nothing to do with counter stallions or the alleged

sign stealing scheme that investigation is ongoing.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Could not possibly care any less, well, nobody does, right, Yeah,
couldn't possibly car any less. And what's interesting is like
these things all come down, and when the NCA passes
new rules, if you don't like it, you just go
to a judge, local judge, and you get an injunction
on it. I wonder what level they that you go
to the schools and say, hey, we're going to hand

you down this penalty, but it's not really going to matter.
So that way you don't get an injunction anyway, what
else you get.

Speaker 5 (35:48):
Rory McElroy denying rumors today that he was leaving the
PGA Tour for Live Golf, telling this to the Golf Channel.

Speaker 9 (35:54):
It's never even been a conversation for us, and it's
unfortunate that we have to deal with it. And you
know this is the state but our in and but yeah,
I mean, I'm obviously here today and I'm playing this
PJ Turman next week and I will play the PGA
Tour for the rest of my career.

Speaker 5 (36:08):
The report from a London based financial newspaper was that
Rory was offered eight hundred and fifty million dollars to
join Live. He says that's not the case. He was
also oddly followed by Greg Norman during part of his
practice round on Wednesday.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
We know that those shacks it's the shack. Yeah, he
undred fifty million. I don't know. I might sign me up, Yes,
go ahead.

Speaker 7 (36:32):

Speaker 5 (36:32):
He and Greg Norman had been at odds.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
Everybody's a odd Greg Norman.

Speaker 3 (36:35):
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 5 (36:36):
And that's the press.

Speaker 2 (36:38):
They get out there and pressed.

Speaker 7 (36:39):
That was the press.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
So I don't believe this is what tonight is. But
what tonight may be is the end of the Warriors
as we currently know them. Clay and Steph Clay's a
free agent. If you lose in the first play in
game after getting scrapped by the Lakers in the playoffs
last year, isn't it over?

Speaker 2 (37:02):
Isn't it right?

Speaker 1 (37:05):
I'm setting you up for again. I think they beat
the King's cousin to play it. But if you can't
beat the Kings, albeit on the road, to extend your season,
and the Kings don't have one of their better players,
then the run is not unofficially officially over. I think
the Warriors and the Lakers win, but I'm willing to

admit that if the Warriors lose, we can stop talking
about them. Stug Outlab Show here on Fox Sports Radio.
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