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April 17, 2024 47 mins

On a Wednesday edition of The Best Of The Doug Gottlieb Show:  Doug explains why the Warriors as we knew them are done, and they need to start clearing out the old and try something new moving forward. 

In this week's version of The Midway, Doug and the crew talk about the times that signified the end of a dynasty or the end of an era of a team. 

Doug welcomes long-time basketball coach and mentor,  writer for TrueHoop David Thorpe onto the show to talk about the Warriors, explain how the Lakers might be able to beat the Nuggets and all of the other major headlines around the NBA.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Doug Gottlieb
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welcome in. All the boys are here, my man Dan Byer,

of course, Jason Stewart who's the steam producer of the show,
and Iowa Sam. Just a reminder of the Doug Gottlieb
Show podcast. There is an hour podcast only. We did
kind of line out the crazy fringe politics creeping into sports,
both left and right. If you want to hear any
of that, or any of this show on podcast form,
just download it wherever you download podcasts or go to

the iHeart Radio app. So a lot to delve into
with last night's games. Stop me if you've heard this before,
but Zion Williamson is awesome when healthy, and then he's
always hurt, And of course he got hurt last night,
dropping forty points, which of course open the window for

the Lakers to come back and win and survive and
move on, whereas the Pelicans now have to play the Kings,
and the Kings one what amounted to a no doubter,
a no doubter against the Warriors last night game wasn't

they couldn't. When the Warriors can't win the third quarter,
they don't win the game. That has been their mo
whatever adjustments they make, whatever orange wedges they eat, they
usually come out and dominate. The third quarter. They didn't,
and then early in the fourth quarter, couldn't make a shot,
couldn't get a stop, a bucket here at and one there,
And it was never really never within single digits ever

in the fourth quarter. And I agree with the sentiments
of Charles Barkley. I agree with the idea that you
want to and the sentiments frankly of the players on

the words you want to keep dudes together. You want
to keep dudes together, but you can't do it at
their current roles, and their current roles demand gigantic salaries,
and those have to be adjusted this offseason or this
is it, This is the end. Here's Steve Kurr after

the game.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
We've been really blessed here with some amazing players and
you know, multiple championships and finals appearances and the highest
of highs. And this is the flip side. This is life.
This is how it works. You don't you know, you
don't get to stay on top forever. So what happens
this summer and going into next year, we'll worry about
that later.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
What happens this summer, we'll worry about that later. Here
is here's Charles Barkley on TNT after the game.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
But he's not gonna get better. He gonna make less
of money, but he ain't gonna get no better. He
older people don't get the sports ain't for old people
that for young people. There's no disrespect plays the Hall
of Famer. But he's lowered his number, but he ain't.

Speaker 4 (03:49):

Speaker 3 (03:49):
Just because he lowered his number don't mean he gonna
play better as he ages.

Speaker 5 (03:53):
It doesn't worry I play better in a different role.
What role he could play in him better in a
second unit role.

Speaker 6 (04:00):
But they who gonna put it, they gonna put it
in that for him.

Speaker 5 (04:02):
Yeah, I mean, that's that's why I'm saying to me.
If okay, we said, what should they do for me?
You can you can't get young you have to get
younger younger.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Vets Uh. Yeah, I mean, like, look, if we if
we go through the downfall of the Warriors, we go
through the downfall the Warriors. There's actually similarities there to
the Boston Celtics in the eighties, eighties and the nineties.

Remember the Boston Celtics, they had two players who could
have elongated their franchise's historical success in the eighties. First
was Land Bias, who died a day after being drafted.
The other one was Reggie Lewis, who died after playing
and being an All Star for the Celtics. And then
you had Larry Bird's bad back, and obviously the rise

of Michael Jordan and the Bulls and all the other
competitors in the East. But the reality is, had they
had Land Bias or if Reggie Lewis had had lived,
who knows what their franchise would be like. They haven't
anybody die. But they had James Weisman who they drafted
and couldn't figure out how to develop, and then they

end up shipping him off. And then of course you
had Jordan Poole, who was an all star level talent.
But because of all the other stuff that took place
with the punch from Draymond Green that killed last season,
killed Jordan Poole, they had to get rid of him,

and what they brought back in return did not, you know,
to give them cap relief in the future, but didn't
give them a chance to really win. So look, Steph
Curry's making fifth fifty five fifty nine million dollars. That's
not changing. He's got two years left. They're not shipping

any anywhere. He's not going anywhere. Andrew Wiggins is under contract.
Draymond Green's under contract. But Draymond's deal people see it
as movable. The big question is what do you do?
You know, what do you do with with Klay Thompson
who's making forty three million dollars this year. Klay Thompson

can still play, he'd have to be your fourth or
fifth or maybe even sixth best offensive player. You can
still guard people, he can still make shots. You can't
depend upon him to give you twenty in a game
like that, because you see the bad Klay Thompson happens
more often than than not. But the the the writing

is all over the walls, no matter how much better
they get on the perimeter, because last night, all the
all the Knicks, I mean the knicks, all the King's
base did was head of the snake. Right every time
Steph Curry came off a ball screen, they doubled him,
made somebody else beat him. They tried to deny him

the ball. They you know, they really tried to make
somebody else beat him, and it worked because they didn't
have anybody else who could beat the Kings. That's the
reality to it. No one else could take over a game.
There wasn't enough shot creators. And he's just not big
enough to go get a ball. And you know, Lebron
James put his head down and and you know, go

through go through players like that, he's just not And
I told you this before, I believe that Kevin Durant
actually saved the dynasty, saved it because the league caught
up to them. What they were doing, which was unique
and was special. Everybody else started kind of copying it,

and then Kevin Durant covered up the fact that once
they lost Andrew Bogan because when they were up three
games to one to the Cavs, everybody smartly points out
that Draymond Green got suspended and that cost them basically
two games, but they also lost Andrew Bogan for the
rest of the series. I don't think Bogat ever played

It came back for a little bit a couple of
years later, but ever played for the Warriors ever. Again,
they've never had a quality they had Zaza Pashulia right
after that. They've never had a quality big guy like
that who can handle pass at screens, shoot a little bit.
So they've never filled that void at center. Obviously, Clay's

injuries as well as age has worn him down. Draymond
has never figured out how to consistently make shots on offense,
plus all of the other nonsense which used to be
kind of clever, and it kind of war on people,
and it's become constant suspension worthy. And what we have

to be real about, what you have to be honest about,
is it's not like the Warriors lost in the Western
Conference Finals two years in a row, and they're this close,
and hey, let's just pay Clay a little bit less,
bring in another guy and reload, and let's do it
again next year. They finished in tenth place and lost
by double digits to the Kings, who didn't have one

of their best players in a Malik Monk. The Kings
were supposed to be vulnerable because they haven't been the
same without after losing Order and Monk, and they didn't
look vulnerable at all last night. So, yeah, it's over.
And it probably was over last year when they got

swept by the Lakers. It probably was over last year.
But we could make it out well. Jordan Poole thing,
the Draymond Green thing. It was just toxicity in their chemistry.
And that sounds great when you fi this in tenth
place and you don't actually you didn't even make the
second playing game, and you're playing against a depleted team

and you can't get to single digits in the fourth quarter.
You're not close. You're not close. So do I think
you bail on Steph Curry?

Speaker 7 (10:25):

Speaker 1 (10:25):
I think you try and write out the Steph Curry thing.
Do you try the best you can to reform yourself
and be competitive. Sure, but if you think they're close,
if you think this this run isn't over, I don't
know what you're paying attention to, you know, And this

is a this is a feelings above fact sort of thing.
Draymond Green's been an awesome player, and I don't think
he's easy to replace. He may be irreplaceable, but is
he really bringing you value?

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Right now?

Speaker 1 (11:01):
If you're the Warriors, there's a fifty to fifty shot
with every time he takes the floor, whether or not
he's going to get ejected, and if he gets ejected,
going to get suspended.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
Is that right?

Speaker 1 (11:11):
Is that about fair? If you watch a Warriors game. Okay,
so he's supposedly a superstar who can't score. Doesn't give
you nearly the advantage that he used to. I still
think he's a hell of a player. I'm not telling
you he stinks, but people have sort of figured him out.
Some still a brilliant defensive player, a tremendous passer. But

we're in a sport that values the ability to shoot
the basketball, and he can't shoot. And every game he
takes the floor, there's like a fifty to fifty shot
he's going to get ejected. If he gets ejected, he
gets suspended. Right then he got Klay Thompson, who I love.
Awesome player, Dude, he played for my dad in aau Hey,

my dad is the reason that he went to Washington State.
All facts, but at some point you got to go like, dude,
we can't. We can't keep you at thirty forty. And
while a diminished role sounds like a good idea, a
diminished role in the same locker room doesn't always work

for guys. Right, you mean to tell me you go
to the same locker room and all the stuff that
used to be clever, you know, riding a bike to
work and taking a boat to work and all the
clay's different idiosyncrasies. When you're a bench player or if
you're the fifth starter, everything's different. It's really hard to

sit there and you're still wearing a Warriors jersey and
Steph's still doing Steph stuff. And when I'm gonna sit now,
and I do agree, there is a world where you
move him, you bring in another dynamic score, you bring
in a big guy, and he's better off. He can
still be a starting player. He's still a good player.

I was texting with NBA guys like, dude, he's not
watching and still play. But this is what happens. The
older you are, the more times you have games where
you can't make a shot and your body doesn't cooperate
nearly as much. I get it, but that's really hard
to do. No one talked about this last night. It's
hard to do in the same locker room. I want
you to think about that in your job. Imagine okay,

imagine in my job. If I you know, if you
start working backwards, it's hard to be in the same
place and have a diminished role. Right vance Joseph with
the Denver Broncos is a great example. He was the
head coach of the Broncos. He goes away, he comes
back as their defensive coordinator. That's just weird. Now, imagine
if you're a player. So is there a part of

me that says, hey, get all of the juice out
of that orange you can. The Warriors could still make
a little bit of a run. But the reality is
you cut away the feelings, You cut away the infatuation
with how they played, with how much fun they are
to watch, how much they've changed basketball, how easy Steve
kerr is to watch Coach Right, a dude who had

never blown a whistle a day in his life, becomes
the most successful coach in the last decade in the NBA.
A game, a sport changing player like Steph Curry, frankly,
a sport changing player like Draymond Green. Right, Draymond Game
became a six foot sixth center. We could win a

championship with Right, an unbelievable shooting weapon. And you just
sit there and go like, hey, I get it all.
I get that the Jordan Poole thing ruined you last year,
that the Weisman thing has hurt you, that the young
guys have struggled to come of age. I like the
young guys too. I like a lot of things there,
But the dynasty that's over. You were the ten seed, okay,

and you're you lost to the Kings who didn't have
one of their two of their best players, two of
their rotation guys, one starter, one rotation guy, and the
game was never close in the second half. And you've
dominated third quarters for the entire lifespan of Steve Kirby
being there, and you got outscored thirty seven to twenty

six in the third quarter. What are we doing here?

Speaker 4 (15:28):
All right?

Speaker 1 (15:30):
This is the they got a DNY somebody should have
a DNR on the Warriors, right, Like it sucks to
have a DNR, but sometimes you're in a better place.

Speaker 8 (15:50):
A right.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
Let Clay go to the Lakers play for the team
as Dad broadcast from trade Draymond green Away. But whatever
you do, don't act like this dynasty is still going.
It's over. It was over previously. But when you're the
tenth seed, you lose to a ninth seed, the game's

not competitive in the second half, and they're injury riddled.
What are we doing? What are you chasing? Your thoughts
are always welcome at Gottlieb Show at Gottlieb Show, Twitter,
Instagram as well.

Speaker 7 (16:33):
This is the best of the Done dot Leap Show
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 9 (16:41):
What Up with You do?

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio coming to you from the
tyrat dot com studios. Tyrat dot com. If you get
there on match selection, fast free shipping, free road has
to protection over ten thousand recommended dollars tyrat dot com.
It's the way the tire buying should be welcome in Hey,
it's a Wednesday that there is the middle of the week,
right middle of the week. We're at one on the west,

four in the east. That's the middle of the show,
and generally it's the middle of most people's days. So
let's get to the midway. Stuck in the middle with you,
Stuck in the middle with you, bo Buck, He's not
getting the middle with you. It's time for stuck in

the middle, the midway, Ah readdy. Let's start with Dan Bayer.
Do you have a suggestion? Oh, Dan's Dean's working. Dan's
gotta work. Come on, man, he's gotta work. He is

the one armed paper hanger right now. All right, Jay Stu,
do you have a suggestion for a game for.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
I had three through three suggestions to the group today.
I said, there's still a lot of meat on the
Caitlin Clark phone, especially with the women compensation topic that
kind of came up yesterday. Why isn't Trevor Bauer pitching
in the major leagues? You know, one of his two
accusers has been brought up on felony charges and then

the third one. What are other signature moments or signature
times that you could remember that ended dynasties Like you
saw something and you said, that's it that means we're
at the end.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
Hm, okay, I have I do have one, Like I'm
kind of freaking out over the Jackson Holiday thing. By
the way, he struck out again a couple of times today.
Like we're like on two weeks with one hit.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
Yeah, that's tough. I guarantee he's never gone through a
streak like this, and his entire baseball wife. So the
mental aspect of being in a slump, compounded by the
fact that you're facing major league pitching, it's ruined a
lot of people before they even start, right.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
I mean, they're literally hitting him ninth and you know,
it's not like anybody's going to take it easy. And
I'm least number one overall pick and the number one
prospect in my league baseball, and oh it's been rough.

Speaker 4 (19:28):
I'm rooting for him. But this is why the general
managers get paid big money. They need to realize what
is the mental terrain of this, and maybe we need
to send him down to work on things.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
The question is, though, if you send a guy down, right,
what does that do to him?

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Right? Exactly?

Speaker 1 (19:46):
What does that do him? Instead of just hey, we're
just we're gonna stick by and we're going to figure
it out. But if you're not, if you haven't been
following Jackson Holliday, who is we have adopted on this show.
He has had.

Speaker 6 (19:58):
Let's see here.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
I just want me sure I get my stats correct.
He's had twenty five at bats, twenty two official at
bats right, because he's walked once and had a sack
sack once. I don't know why there's another one that's
not official at bat. He has one hit in twenty
two at bats now. He's only played a week, six games,
seven games.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
Including today, one for twenty five, he's about in forty.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Yeah, four h twenty five at bats, one hit one
of twenty five seven games. Freaking out yet? Damn by,
are you freaking out yet? Should we freak out?

Speaker 6 (20:35):
No? No, it happens. It's a lot at stake some
of me.

Speaker 10 (20:41):
He's into it. Orioles just swapped the twins. Yeah, no
need to make any drastic measures.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
Okay, let's do do you guys mind if we do
the dynasty thing, the moment you saw a dynasty end.
You want to do that?

Speaker 4 (20:57):
Yeah, something that denoted the end of a big run
for a team.

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Okay, so what didn't noted the end of the Warriors.
What do we think it was? Was it Clay's injuries?
But they came back and won one after that? Was
it Draymond punching Jordan Poole?

Speaker 4 (21:16):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll go, oh there, I'll go there.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
Okay, yep, okay, all right, So give me another one,
give me one that you're thinking, you say, hey, this
was mark the end of the obviously Jordan retiring.

Speaker 6 (21:27):
I got one?

Speaker 1 (21:29):
May I yeah?

Speaker 6 (21:30):
May I have this dance? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (21:31):
I go.

Speaker 9 (21:33):
January fourth, twenty twenty, it was the Titans over the
Patriots twenty thirteen in the wild Card game, Wildcard playoffs,
and it was a shock and that was the last time.
I think Tom Brady would then ship off to Tampa Bay.
The next year was the Titans when they lost the Titans.
They lost the Titans, remember the game, yep? And but
they weren't gonna win a Super Bowl that year anyway.

Were they were still twelve and four? Yeah, it's kind
upset in the wildcard game that I think that game
was the that the Djenga piece pulled out and that
was the end of the Patriots dynasty.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Well, there's an important part of that game that goes
unspoken right as much as we go, block back go.
He didn't have the weapons. They weren't that good. If
you remember Mike Rabel was the coach of the Titans.
He did a great job of bleeding the clock and
you know the last pass Brady threw his interception where
they didn't really have a chance, but he won on

field position. He kept Brady off the field as long
as possible, like it was if you think he thought
Brady was washed, he didn't watch that game because he
did everything he could to keep Brady off the field.
It's a good one buyer, give me a give me
a memory of a dynasty ending.

Speaker 10 (22:41):
Yes, I feel like I bring up this Bills dynasty.
I don't again, because it's right in the wheelhouse of
when we I, you know, really really really loved sports.
But if we look at their Super Bowl wins are
at losses. We know about the Giants close call, and
then we know about the being blown out by the Cowboys.

I don't think the Washington loss gets a lot of
pub but they really weren't in that game, the final
super Bowl that they played. And I found this still revealing.
In one of the documentaries on the Bills of the
past was they were actually leading the Cowboys at the
half of that Super Bowl of Super Bowl twenty eight
in Atlanta, and then they didn't score in the second

half and lost thirty to thirteen, and EMITTT Smith ran
over them and James Washington was having a great game,
and it was just it was it was done at
that point. And what I thought was so interesting in
the documentaries that we heard was the Bills knew it
was over at halftime and they had a lead. I
think it was Jim Kelly who even said they went

in and they just they knew what was over, like
this is it like not, like this is our opportunity
to do it. They had nothing left and Cowboys outscored
them twenty four to nothing in the second half. They
didn't make the playoffs the next year, and then from
that point on, you know Music City Miracle and then
their drought. But I just always look at that of like,

because I had hope that they would finally win one.
We just talked about three peats and repeats earlier.

Speaker 6 (24:13):
I wanted them to win.

Speaker 10 (24:14):
I go back to that Buffalo one and that final
loss to the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 4 (24:20):
That's a good one, Sam, I mean I had the
Patriots one earlier.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
I'm sorry, but I mean Jay stew my bad.

Speaker 4 (24:30):
I'm looking at June fifteenth, two thousand and four. You
guys know what that means.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
That was probably when the Yankees dynasty ended.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
No, No Lakers, Lakers.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
Nope. Rip Hamilton hit many there any of his like
mid mid range jumpers to defeat the Lakers in five games.
Lakers were the overwhelming favorite going into that finals, and
they had they had won what three out of the
last four years that I mean, we could have an
argument about if that was a dynasty, which dynasty was it?

But that was Shaquille O'Neil's final game as a Laker,
so the team was blown up. Remember they had brought
in Karl Malone and Gary Payton to go with they're
already championship roster, and the Pistons beat them as severe
underdogs in that series, ending the Lakers. As it was.

Sadly enough, Kobe and Shaq couldn't make a work moving
forward and the rest is history. Kobe, it took a
few years until Kobe could to win a Cup on
his own, but that was the end of that. That
part of that dynasty. Does that makes sense?

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Yes, I mean I have one. When the Red Sox
traded Mookie Bets, right, I mean, like, let's let's look
at at Mookie Bets. Who you know he's traded. Was
he traded in nineteen or twenty? He was traded in

twenty But previous to that, you know, they had made
the playoffs three consecutive years, they had won the World
Series in twenty eighteen, and they've literally never recovered since
they traded Mooki Bets. And I understand, like, remember they
packaged him with Crawford, right, Remember then they signed Crawford
and he's stunk and he couldn't play in Boston. They

packaged a bunch of basically pork. They put guys that
they didn't want in with Mookie Bets in the trade.
But trading away Mookie Bets was the end of the
Red Sox.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
Yes, go ahead, quick one here.

Speaker 9 (26:39):
I would say this is the end of the Florida
Gators mini dynasty of national championships. I believe Alabama with
Nick Saban came in at like eleven and one and
the Florida Gators were undefeated. It was the SEC title game.
I think it was twenty ten or two thousand and nine.
But that that game, you were like, Florida I think

was a heavy. It was a big favorite. It was
a favorite. And Nick Saban came in there and whooped
him two thousand and nine, two thousand and nine, okay,
and I think the final score was like thirty one
thirteen or something, And yeah, that's just sick.

Speaker 6 (27:14):
That was a passing of the torch.

Speaker 9 (27:16):
I know that Nick Saban had had success with LSU,
but it was really Florida after that, then Sabin and he,
you know, he had his amazing run and now in
on an LSU a little bit more. Now we're at
with Georgia, you know. And but that really was the
end I think was that SEC title game where Alabama
just laid a whooping on a on a perfect Tim

tebow led Florida Gators team.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
I have one.

Speaker 6 (27:43):
I'm gonna put myself after Doug as well.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Okay, sorry. Twenty fourteen, Now they weren't a dynasty because
they hadn't won, Okay, but they had gone to the conference,
the NFC Championship, lost the Super Bowl. Then the NFC Championship,
the Niners with Colin Kaepernick, took on the Seahawks Buyer.
I think you probably remember this one, and the Niners

at the time were like seven and four, right and
they're taking on the Seahawks, and this was kind of
the beginning of the legion of Boom if you will,
where they just could not move the ball, and that
was the first time people started to talk about whether
or not the Seahawks had won the Super Bowl the
year before. I won the Super Bowl the year before.

But the end of the Niners was when Kaepernick was
completely effect ineffective, ineffective against the Seahawks. I think in
twenty fourteen that year, that eight and eight year was
an abject disaster, and Harbaugh obviously had the fighting with
this general manager with Trent Balkey. Kaepernick thought that Greg

Roman's offense was limited, but people around the league had
kind of figured out Kaepernick. I thought that was the
Semina moment.

Speaker 10 (28:58):
I find it interesting when Sam brought up the college
football one, because dynasties usually come to an end just
because guys move on because you're only there for you know,
three or four years, and there's not like a build
up of over a decade of it. But my greatest
memory probably of on a winning team of being a

fan was when Ohio State beat Miami in the three
Fiesta Bowl, which ended the Hurricanes thirty four game win
streak and everything that came with that game, whether it
be the pass interference in the end zone, the Willis
McGahee injury is brought up rough But when you look
back at and honestly it's funny because the USC Texas

Rose Bowl, for how good that was, I think ended
up overshadowing what this game was because for that two
or three years, this was even thought.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
Of his greatest game ever. Yeah, this is a remarkable
talent too on the on both rosters.

Speaker 10 (29:56):
Yeah, you had Maurice Clorettes running down Sean Te and
stripping him after Taylor had an interception. People forget Miami
had to kick a field goal at the end of
regulation to even force the first overtime. Miami had a
first and goal at the one yard line and Ohio
State stopped them on four straight plays to win the
National Championship. Like, there was so much with it, but

in the end, it was the weight of that thirty
four game win streak that Miami had and on that
night Ken Dorsey ended up hurting his shoulder on that
final series, and it was but it was over.

Speaker 6 (30:28):
It was over with at that point.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Oh oh, Texas. When Colt McCoy got hurt in the
National championship game.

Speaker 10 (30:35):
That was after the SEC championship that Alabama won, Right, So.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
You guys, do you remember the game at all? I
know you got Buyer remembers.

Speaker 9 (30:43):
Actually, I was dount quite a comeback without Colt McCoy
and they got close.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Right, But do you remember it was Garrett Gilbert, wasn't it.

Speaker 6 (30:51):

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Okay, So, so Colt McCoy got hurt, and what happened
was it was kind of an innocuous injury. It was
like what happened and he just couldn't throw a football.
He had like dead arm. So they bring Garrett Gilbert in,
who's like the number one rated prospepant, he's the heir apparent,
and he was decent in that game. He was fine,

but they end up at the end of getting it
handed to them because they just didn't have enough offense.
And literally mac Brown never recovered. They were never the same.
It's crazy. They went from dominating the Big twelve, dominating
to really struggling. Eventually he lost his job. They could

never figure out the quarterback position after that. And it's
just fascinating to see what happened. I mean, think about
this Texas under Mac Brown. Under Mac Brown, they had
won where's it Troy here? They had won eleven eleven, ten, eleven, thirteen, ten, ten, twelve, thirteen.

Then they won five games, then eight, then nine, then eight.
Then he was fired. He's literally the moment like that
moment he got hurt. Colt McCoy can't pick up a football.
They had a rolling with Colt McCoy ian we forget it,
but go back. They had Vince Vince, they had Chris Simms,

they also had okay, they had Major apple White to
Chris Simms to Vince Young to Colt McCoy and then
a lot of drop off, I mean a cliff. Yeah,
am Ellinger said that they're back. Remember, I mean they've
never until this year, they hadn't recovered. And it was

all that one moment. Yeah, nuts, I got one.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
Yeah, you guys don't talking sports, because do you guys
remember when the Carrington's when Crystal interrupted the wedding and
it was disrupted by terrorists fran bullets at the wedding.
I think that was the end of Dynasty. Oh that
spoiler alert the end love Dynasty.

Speaker 6 (33:02):
And that's the Midway.

Speaker 7 (33:05):
The Midway. Fox Sports Radio had the best sports talk
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Speaker 1 (33:17):
So, uh, did Mike Greenberg say that the the Lakers
should lose last night? Am I getting this correct? I
believe that's what we said. And then they asked Darvin
Ham about it, and Darvin Han said, uh, something along
the lines that you should be an insane asylum.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
Is that right?

Speaker 1 (33:34):
Dan Byer? Was that the kind of the car?

Speaker 6 (33:36):
I have no clue. I have no idea.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
So here's the problem though, Like we keep crushing Greeney's
terrible takes, and like Greeney has never really offered up
much in terms of controversial takes. He backs down from
him really quickly because he just doesn't like controversy. He's
super talented guy, but he likes other people to say
controversial stuff. So there was a time a couple weeks

ago where he he said he like joked about Yukon
being able to win in the to make the playoffs
in the Eastern Conference. Yeah, and then he quickly like
I never said that, Like, well, you were joking, but
you did clearly say it.

Speaker 6 (34:13):
It was also right after they played Northwestern, the only
game that he.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
Yeah, and it was just it was just a But
the point was, like he hadn't said had any takes
in forever. If that was a take, boy, that was
a hot one and it was a terrible one, just
like the Lakers should lose. But we talked about it,
Like the Lakers in terms of the likelihood of success
in the first round of the playoffs, they definitely should
have lost last night. But you can't run that risk.

I don't care how much you can feel like you
can dominate the Warriors or the Kings, you can't run
that risk. They had to win, but they're not beating
the Nuggets. It's not happening. Bad matchup for him, bad matchup.
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Speaker 8 (35:30):

Speaker 1 (35:30):
Draft Night Live on Fox Sports Radios next Thursday, eight Eastern.
Check out the list of who we got on the radio.
Jay Glazer who nke knows everything. Steve Kim who's been
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H LeVar Arrington who's been a top pick. Rob Stone
of course, big noon kickoffs Robstone. So that's next Thursday,

eight pm Eastern all throughout the first round. Fox Sports
Radio presented by Express Pros. Doug Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio.
David Thorpe is our guest. You can uh listen and
read his work over a true hoop of course, longtime coach,
college pro, workout coach, you name it. He's done it
all and connected with everybody in the NBA. David, thanks

so much for joining us the Warriors is there. I
love the idea of again in theory. Hey you move
Clay to your fifth best starter. You know you bring in,
you package up some guys. You get a big, you
get another guy who can create shots for you, and
you try and try and run this thing back. But

like they're a ten seed who lost to the Kings,
and the Kings didn't have you know, Monk and and hoorder,
Like it's over right, I mean, isn't the Warriors thing over?

Speaker 8 (36:45):
I mean, Doug I wrote an article, oh shoot, maybe
eight weeks ago basically saying I trade everybody, and I
understand why you don't trade Jeth Curry from You know,
he's a jewel that produces a lot of money. But
it's unfair to the rest of the basketball world that
you keep deaf when he's still good enough to help
a team. He could be the best player on a

champions team. But this team isn't it. I don't see
it them being it going forward. It's up to death.
Jeff's got to say, guys, it's it's time. You know,
Dame Dame didn't want to be traded in Toltimately he did,
but I have no idea how Steph fields. But yeah,
I don't see it'd be very surprising, very surprising. So

then going to pull a deal off to make themselves
contenders with h with.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
What they have Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
so David, the Lakers win last night, which is great,
so they don't have to play another game, doesn't wear
down their legs. But the bad news is they get
the Nuggets. That's a tough matchup for him. Nuggets don't
have the bench they had last year. That's that part
is different. But the starters seem problematic. What has to

What do the Lakers have to do to make this
thing a series?

Speaker 8 (37:57):
Well, first of all, I give him credit for trying
to win late in the season the way they did
when they could have tried to somehow avoid the opportunity
to be at seventh seedges to play the one team
that they really don't have much of an answer for.
We saw the teams not try to win games, and
I really I just I know you feel the same
way at some point as then old school basketball guy.

You got to try to win the games in front
of you. And I mean Lebron's taking two charges one
against Zion and told you how he was locked in.
But they've been playing great down the stretch. I really
appreciate that. The problem is what they need is unlikely
to happen, so the Lakers don't like to shoot threes,
even though ironically they shoot them really well thirty nine

point five percent since Mart's first, which is where I
kind of start my analysis of all the teams. I
don't really care where they did in October November, and
they are ready to do it because they murder teams
in the paint and Denver does a great job of
taking away threes allowing you to score in the paint,
and so I don't think they can score enough in

the paint to beat Denver. They're just getting two's, right,
So assuming Yokers doesn't get kick fires force and Murray
is healthy and all of that, you know, just matched
up man for man, they're just not merely as good.
But if Denver decides we're just getting you know, killed
too badly in the paint, which is possible with the
way Ad and Lebron can score down there, and they
start sending more resources to help clog that middle off,

especially at the area around the rim, then LA's just
got to let it go and instead of taking you know,
thirty three three is a game, then you know got
to be forty forty one, forty two, like where Boston
is at forty two or so and continue to shoot well,
which is also not necessarily going to happen. Just because
you're shooting more doesn't mean you'll continue to shoot well,
though they certainly could. And then the other thing is
they've got to find a way to told Yoki's no one,

no one ever has really in the last four years.
You know what is doug in the playoffs where you
may just choose not to guard certain guys, but Denver guys.
Denver has some guys that don't choot well, especially in
the corners, but they cut and with Jokis being able
to find everybody, the fact that Aaron Goran can't really shoot,

Christian Brown's not a good shooter thirty percent from three
these last few months. But they don't just stand there.
So when you ignore them to bring your resources elsewhere,
they cleverly find the open spots and knowing that Yoka
will find them. So it's just unlikely to happen. They've
seventh straight going back to the finals, and the Western

conversponds them this season. It's just a bad matchup for him.
But the King is incredible. I've never been, you know,
a fans fan. I've been analyzing him since he got
in the league, and I'm just blown away with what
he can still do. His speed is amazing, duck, he
doesn't jump like he can't he needs a real runway,
so he doesn't finish that rim like he used to.
He gets there, he just doesn't elevate much. Maybe he's

got something left in him that we haven't seen it
a bit, but absent more threes and successful shooting. Only
coming from dominating the they didn't really have much of
a chance to win. Maybe but a game or two.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
Uh what about the Kings, we'd so you know they're
gonna match up with the Pelicans, right, and you kind
of had the full Zion Williamson on display. Just too
quick and too quick for big guys to guard, too
strong for guards to guard. He dominates, but then he

tweaks a hamstring after having forty and they don't recover
like therein lies the conundrum with with Zion. It's not
the talent, it's can you trust it'll actually be healthy
to be out there playing?

Speaker 8 (41:37):
Yeah, you know we've seen we've seen young athletes struggle
with their health. Steph Curry famously did so with his
ankle to a point where I was talking to Jams
who were on the phone with the Warriors about it
potentially a trade now they were mostly trying to trade
back then Monte Ellens, but Steph Curry within some of
those discussions because he was just always injured. A change

in how we did all I know. I know my
friend doctor Holmes run an article at ESPN when I
was there many years ago, talking about it, writing about it.
Zion clearly has made a commitment of fitness that we
have yet we hadn't seen before. He looks fantastic. He
really looks the part. He was not finishing great this
year compared to the Zion of the past, right even

with his new body, but that started. He's always been,
as you know, an elite score just a guy that
could get a bucket separate from all his athletic talents.
He had a great feel for it. It had gone
away a little bit, and I think it's coming back.
So the hope for New Orleans longer term is that
it's a small injury. I'm glad they didn't let him
try to play it out and maybe you get it
much much more severe. I'd be out for a lot

of the summer. Keep doing what you're doing. But we
saw a glimpse of a guy at his MVP level talent.
And the hope is that whatever is going on with
them physically, they're they're making progress with it. He was
better this year. The hope is he can get back
to the being the player we all thought he could be,
you know, next season and many years going forward.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
David torbarg est here on the Doug Gottlieb Show on
Fox Sports Radio. Can anybody beat the Celtics in the East.

Speaker 8 (43:08):
Yeah, for sure, one team can. I believe I could
be wrong, but I believe the Sixers are thirty and
seven with Maxi and and the Book playing, which basically
puts them in the same position Boston was this year
the maybe sixty four to sixty five win team. They've got.
They got win and night just to get to get
a chance to play the Knicks. But yeah, I think

Philly can. I don't know if anyone else in the
East can. Indiana had some good games against them and
had also lost by fifty. That was before they had Siakam.
The pace is scary, It's not easy to play against
what I call blur ball. But Boston is a heavy favorite.
For a reason. I was talking to an Eastern Conference
player yesterday last night. He just when he says that

when I want. He told me he's in, He's in
the playoffs. This team might be playing Boston at some point,
and he said, Uh, it's just amazing to watch. It's
not just their defense, their offense to and so yeah,
they deserve to be the big favorite that I picked
him at such a couple weeks.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
Ago, Stut Gotleig show here on Fox Sports Radio. What
do you think we see fman b tonight?

Speaker 8 (44:11):
Oh, he looks amazing. I don't think that you're going
to see the best he can be from a just
a rhythm and field standpoint. This is a hard game.
It takes a while typically, but you got to give
him and the Sixers a lot of credit for how
he looks like Zion. I've never seen mb look better.

In fact, there was a time I looked at him
from a TV a little farther win and I thought
at first it was Mo Bomba and it was Joel.
What's these made the move? My god, I can't beat Bomba?
It was it was Joel. He looks incredible. He's as
much a cheat code as Yokic has ever been in
a different way but still really unsolvable. And I think

it's going to be tough for Miami. He was missing
Josh Richardson and Rogier and Duckan Robinson. It's not really
a fair if one for sponsor being there and Jimmy Butler,
no one would think Miami can come it in twenty
But those guys are there and there is Miami is
going to bring a fight and a good plan. I'm
sure I know what they can do against true Well,
but I just don't think it'll work. And I think

I think this takes those well likely obviously, I ever
think they'll likely prevail.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Stuck Gotleib show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, in
the West, if we both think the the Lakers can't
beat the Nuggets, who is the team to most likely
give them difficulty?

Speaker 8 (45:34):
Oh boy, it's They're They're fortunate, you know, okc Is
is just so young. But the way they play is
it's just saying, we'll see how they handle the fact
that most of those guys, you know, haven't really seen
a playoff before. Uh. I think Minnesota's got some defensive chops,
but probably don't have enough Sceni has really been playing

better down the stretch, as has Dallas. Both teams have
the stars required. I think in Phoenix's case, they have
a coach that I just ranked Bogo higher than I do.
Jason kidd Luke obviously would be the best of either side,
but Phoenix is the way deal played in April, just
murdering it, doing everything for them. Nurkic has kind of

found it a little defensive urgency to him, which is good.
I don't think anyone likesly beats Enver in the West,
assuming they're healthy, but I think both Dallas and Phoenix
would be the most likely team to do it. The
Clippers are just wildcard right now. The way they competed
down the stretch defensively, I don't think they beat Dallas

unless they turn around, which is possible. But I started
a lot of tape on them. The metrics are what
they are. They've not been a serious detensive team for
a while. I don't know yet even how healthy Kawhi is.
Hopefully he's full strengths and if he is, and if
they remember they were the best team in the league
for a little bit, but that's a while ago. We've
not seen that come in at the defense since and
I don't think we go out of the first round

unless they really upgrade their defensive effort. And then I
soping that series goes seven because Dallas was one of
the better teams, one of the top four defensive teams
in a solid offensive team with Lukeland, Kyrie, David, you.

Speaker 1 (47:13):
Are the best.

Speaker 3 (47:13):

Speaker 1 (47:14):
Really appreciate you joining us. Thanks to everybody over a
true hope. You guys do a great job. Thanks for
our guest on Fox Sports t for you.

Speaker 8 (47:20):
Thanks man, got to be good.
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