All Episodes

April 24, 2024 37 mins

In this week's version of "The Midway", Doug and the crew discuss Caitlin Clark's deal with Nike. Doug welcomes top 10 NFL Draft prospect Dallas Turner onto the show to talk about playing at Alabama, the upcoming draft, and what he is doing for Old Spice. Plus, Monse Bolanos takes Doug through a Wednesday edition of "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to The Doug Gotlieb Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five,
Easter twelve, two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your
local station for the Doug Gottlieb Show at Foxsports Radio
dot com, or stream us live every day on the
iHeartRadio app by searching app pass. Talk up but Doug
Gottleib Show, Foxsworts Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hope you're great. We're a day away from the NFL Draft,
We're hours away for more NBA playoff games, So I
think life generally kind of picking up pretty good. Hey,
you know, I like these sports times doing a sports show.
There's no sports to talk about. We got lots of sports,
real games and then the building of teams in the
NFL Draft. We got a lot of that to come.

The Doug gotleep Show broadcast live from the tyret dot
Com studios tyret dot com. Well we get there. Unmatch selection,
fast free shipping, free road has a protection or ten
thousand recommended dollars tyret dot com. It's way tire buying
should be. Dallas Turner, who's a former All American lineback.
I mean he's gonna forever hold that Moniker of being
the last one of the last captains of Nick Saban's

last team at Alabama. Uh, the star linebacker will join
us a little bit later on this hour. Let's get
to the midway. He's not getting the.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Middle with you.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
It's time for.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
One way, middle of the show, middle of the day,
middle of the week. Right, hump day, what what? Let's
get over that hump all right, h we need some
suggestions here on midway.

Speaker 5 (01:40):
Sam, Well, we can talk about your favorite moments from
the NFL drafts of the past, and we can also
talk and or Kaitlin Clark's signing an eight year, twenty
eight million dollars naked shoe deal.

Speaker 6 (01:55):
So just to I just need to correct the record here.
Doug asked Sam if he had any midway ideas, and
then Sam proceeded to plagiarize my ideas. Just to make
sure that that's clear.

Speaker 7 (02:09):
I was just trying to keep the segment. Did you
hear that?

Speaker 3 (02:11):

Speaker 2 (02:12):
With Sam reminds me of as a as a kid
who comes out the court. But man, I didn't get
any shots today. Doug and Jason took all the shots
like we threw the ball and said do what you
want with it, and you dribbled five times off your
foot and now we went back on defense.

Speaker 7 (02:26):
That sums up my basketball skills.

Speaker 8 (02:27):

Speaker 2 (02:27):
Yeah, MONSI do you have a midway suggestion?

Speaker 9 (02:30):
I like either of those. I was prepared for either
of those.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Okay, what the what is the hook on the on
the Caitlin Clark thing there, Jake?

Speaker 7 (02:38):
I you know me, I love talking about Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 6 (02:40):
I just I love talking about because she's such a
polarizing person.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
For whatever why she polarizing.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
She's right in the middle of this political racial divide,
and I just like talking about it.

Speaker 7 (02:51):
It's great. I think it makes for compelling radio.

Speaker 6 (02:53):
She just signed that Nike deal yesterday, and it's just
I never get sick of talking about it. I think
there is a Caitlin Clark fatigue that is kind of
setting in. But I can never stop talking about that.
But the one about the NFL Draft is this another
polarizing guy, Dove Climan on Twitter.

Speaker 7 (03:12):
Everyone knows Dove Climan. It's got to be a made
up name.

Speaker 6 (03:16):
He does a lot of NFL content and a lot
of NFL experts hate him because he often misappropriates what
they're trying to do. But anyways, Dove Climan had a
great one. He's like, my favorite image in the history
of the draft is this. And then he put up
a video of Ceedee Lamb sitting at home.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
And taking the cell phone from the ghost girlfriend.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
Girlfriend takes one of his cell phones and he grabs
it right away and as as men, we all know
what he's dealing with in that moment. I thought that
was I also agree that might be my favorite image
of all time.

Speaker 7 (03:55):
Let's talk about it.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Well, you also have what's the lineman who's with the
celph and now had the gas mask on with swing soil. Yeah,
Laramie Tunzel. Those are like the only two I remember though.

Speaker 10 (04:09):
How about when it was twenty twenty and because of
the pandemic and Bill Belichick had his dog Nike just
sitting in his chair.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Pandemics cup was fun, man, that was good. That was good.
Pandemic stuff is fun.

Speaker 9 (04:21):
That's what I remember the most.

Speaker 11 (04:22):
Roger Goodell eating like eight pounds of M and M's
throughout the course of the night and admitting.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
So, yeah, what's your favorite kind of eminem peanut? Peanut peanut?

Speaker 4 (04:33):
What about you know?

Speaker 11 (04:34):
They have all these other new like peanut butter filled minems,
peanut butter filled MM pieces in my opinion, Oh that's
a hot take.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
That is a hot take.

Speaker 9 (04:41):
Well, Reese's Pieces doesn't have chocolate.

Speaker 7 (04:43):
In it, right, It's just like a candy shell with butter.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Yeah, which is weird because Reese's peanut butter cups do
have chocolate, right. Yeah, solid point. I actually think that I
liked I had the peanut butter minems last night. Those
are really good, amazing. Yeah, I think it's really amazing,
bitterly amazing.

Speaker 10 (05:02):

Speaker 2 (05:03):
I'm gonna go with Kaitlyn Clark. Just keep Jason happy, Okay,
all right? So Jay, so what's interesting about this?

Speaker 6 (05:09):
And we actually have a couple of pretty good perspectives here.
We have a we have a woman, and we have
an Iowa graduate who tends to get long winded about things,
so we'll keep him in check. Kitlin Clark signs a
Nike deal yesterday, and the scuttle butt around this whole
thing is, why does she deserve that much money a

record deal for a female sports athlete basketball player when
the WNBA has been around for twenty five years and
Nike has never given them the kind of deal anybody,
anybody in the sport the kind of deal that Kaitlyn
Clark gets.

Speaker 7 (05:47):
Why why is does she? Why is she most deserving? Guys?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
I just I think it's too interesting how they came
upon that number. And by the way, it's supposed to
be up to twenty eight, right, which means they got
to hit hit a coup markers or shoetaeals whatever. And
she will, by the way, she will, And again I
think she will. I also think that there's some ways
in which I don't want to say cheating, but you
can if they make him the team shoe. That's that's

what Sabrina in Sq's deal is like she's the team
shoe for all these teams, so you have to when
you buy Nike shoes, you have to buy those, you know.
The only other one would be would they give her
the the Mamba Sidas? Would they give her the Kobe's
because now they have Kobe's back on, you know, they

have they own all the Kobe's. They're gonna come out
with new Kobe's. Do they make Caitlin Clark's the new
Gianna Bryant shoes or whatever? That would be interesting an
interesting parent. So it's also not Jordan brand, which I
know is technically Nike, but it's a different company, and
so she's not Jordan brand, so she won't be wearing
Air Jordan's. She might get Air Jordan's, but they're not

part of the deal. They're not considered Nike per se,
even though they are Nike. Anyway, go ahead, Monte, what.

Speaker 10 (07:00):
Do you think I when I read this and I
saw what other offers, like you know, Adidas or like
under Armour and others had offered her, Nike knew what
they were doing. That's why Nike's offer was significantly bigger
than the others.

Speaker 9 (07:13):
And it's not just because.

Speaker 10 (07:14):
She is worth it, but I've read like the last
couple of years that Nike sales, like Jordan sales have
kind of like maybe not gone down, but they've kind
of just flatlined a little bit. And so they knew
that she was going to bring excitement to the brand.
So no, they they knew what they were doing. I mean,
they knew she was worth it, but also they did
it because they needed something new, They needed something with

the splash. Jordan's aren't as big as they were at
one point, like dunks are. Now, you know what people
are going for dunks more than like, well they.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Make Here's where Nike is a super smart business. Okay,
So when you have when you have the molds already made, Okay,
that's what costs them so much money is to create
these these molds. These molds are thirty forty years old.
They don't have to change all So there's no R
and D, there's no molds. And then now when you're
selling everything off your own website, there's no middleman, like

they're making money hand over fist, hand over fist. But
I also the point you point out, which is a
really good one. I don't know if Jordan sales have plateaued,
but I was told from somebody who works at Nike
that they don't keep anything that doesn't make twelve percent
more per year.

Speaker 9 (08:27):

Speaker 2 (08:27):
So if the question is ever asked, why doesn't Asia
that's your last name, Wilson have a shoe? They obviously
didn't think they could hit that number. Yeah, they just didn't.
That's it. They legit don't care. You know, it's a business.
We gotta make business and want to make business.

Speaker 11 (08:45):
Sam, what do you think, Yeah, staying on that it's
a business, I really just getting into the race stuff.

Speaker 7 (08:54):
It just tires me out. It exhausts me, and it
kind of bores me.

Speaker 11 (08:58):
She's not only appealing to basketball fans, She's she's appealing
to a lot of kids. Okay, if you're gonna if
you can, if you can grab the attention of eight, ten, twelve,
fifteen year olds, twenty year olds, that's the next generation
you're investing in to buy shoes. So she's got the

respect of a lot of hoopers, and she's got the
attention of a lot of young people who like her
as an athlete, and they're gonna go out and buy
her shoes. She's when you set records like this, whether
it's viewing attendance, you.

Speaker 7 (09:33):
Get maybe the special treatment. All right, Taylor.

Speaker 11 (09:36):
Swift, I'm sorry, but when you're calling it the Aras
Tour and you've only really been around for like seventeen years,
but look at how successful that was. It's not like
you've been around for thirty years or like, here's the
reunion tour and what the airs to her? I mean, well,
it's her different eras of her albums, but she's only
been around, she's been around for less than twenty years,
so it's not like it's like a long.

Speaker 7 (09:56):
Thirty forty year career, but you can.

Speaker 11 (10:00):
She is so popular that she can do something like
that and people are going to gobble it up.

Speaker 7 (10:05):
So this is a business decision by Nike.

Speaker 11 (10:07):
She deserves it and it's going to pay off for
Nike because they're going to sell a lot of Moe.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
My issue with Jason, with anybody who has said, hey,
these shoe companies are racist or whatever it sex just like, look,
do you not think that Adidas is sitting there going like,
how can we make more money? And Pluma's sitting there
going how can we make more money? And Reebok is
sitting there going how can we make more money? And
under Armours like, man, we were killing it about twenty

years ago, how do we make more money? So saying
as your shoes are hard? You know, Zion was incredibly popular,
incredibly popular coming out. He made Duke likable, hard to
do right, and he still has shoes and their cool shoes,
but nobody's talking about him. People aren't. It's not there's

not a buzz to them. They're not running off of shells.
Why because Zion, it's been a week, you'd a couple
of years here with him in the NBA, So I
would say that's probably the same thing with Caitlin. To
be honest, is again, they'll do some things to help
her out. They'll make it the team shoe, or they'll
link it to Ta Mambas or whatever. But at the
end of the day, like if she's just okay five

years in, the shoe will go away that's what happened,
or they'll make it and we won't be much fanfare
if not. I agree. I mean, I think, look, this
is a happening, this is a thing. You're trying to
capitalize on it. This is a It's like insanity with
more substance, and you know, get that profit while you can.

I just I'll be interested to see how how it
plays out, how it lasts. You know, what happens she
if she goes to the Olympics and doesn't play that
much because she's not one of the five best players
in the world.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
Yet, right yet.

Speaker 7 (11:50):
Yeah, that's a hot take right there.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
I don't know enough about women's basketball, but I'm just
guessing she's not as good as the pros. That's why
the pros helps me.

Speaker 6 (11:59):
Away of my many pushbacks to people that have a
problem with this, or if you're sure a person of
color and you've gone on Twitter over the last seven
days and said, what about the other WNBA players, this
is racist? My main pushback to that is that you're
talking about Nike, who they took a massive risk when
they signed Colin Kaepernick to the deal they did. When

they did, they basically told their market that if you
don't believe in these politics, you could choose not to
buy our shoes. And for me, that's a major risk
for a company like that. And you could almost say
that Nike's taken a risk. Now, I think having a
Kitler and Clark shoe is so polarizing that maybe you're

going to get a segment of the population not buy
your shoes because you chose her. So there is a
risk involved, I think, But I would never say that
they were racist. I think that they are provocative and
polarizing on purpose. And we've been talking about like you
for a week and it's work.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
It's a great point. It's a it's a great point. Yeah,
I'm interested because one thing Caitlin Clark's done a really
good job of is not saying anything interesting.

Speaker 7 (13:18):
Is she's being controversial.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
She's kind of going Derek Jeter on us a little bit,
and I think it's really smart, Like, don't engage in
the transgender politics stuff, don't talk about women's rights. I
wouldn't get into race. The other thing that's really interesting
to me is like people who say they want women's
sports to be pushed forward are often the same people

that are pushing back against this. This is a little
bit of what Jason was getting into. And you know,
it's like, look, if you want more women's shoes, you
know what your best course of action would be, Buy
her shoes, right, buy her shoes? Yeah, I go. I
mean that's really what Sabrina's shoe was. Like, Sabrina's shoe

is so cool that just bought a pair, right, But
I mean you have got a pair of the an
Esque shoe, yeah, I did. But they're so cool that
middle school and high school boys will order them.

Speaker 12 (14:15):

Speaker 2 (14:15):
That's the ultimate sign of it. Yeah, because otherwise you're
like a girl's shoe.

Speaker 9 (14:20):
Nope, look at it like that.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
You gotta do the size adjustment, size and a half, right,
it is the size and half, size and a half
to do the size adjustment thing. But dudes will buy
a girl's shoe. If it's cool enough, and Sabrina's shoe
is cool enough, make it that cool. And if you're
one of these supporters, you know, it's like, hey, why
don't we have more women with shoes? Okay, well it
starts with the shoe. Buy those shoes. Eventually they'll figure

it out.

Speaker 4 (14:44):
The midway.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
That's the midway. That's the midway. Sam, good job there,
not too long winded. We're you know, we're good. We're
thirty second beast bits, thirty seconds.

Speaker 7 (14:56):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I'm teasing you because we can't.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
Fox Sports this radio has the best sports talk lineup
in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR
to listen live.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
This is really infuriating. Stug Gottlieb show here on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 7 (15:18):

Speaker 2 (15:19):
A and M has two hundred and seventy nine million
dollars in revenue in sports. Okay, so on three website
says TEXTA and A M is layout. I don't know

what others.

Speaker 6 (15:42):
Dog dog, I need to interrupt us. I need to
interrupt it here because we only have a minute to
get this in. It is four twenty four pms from
time right now, it's the only time in the history
of man.

Speaker 7 (15:58):
That we are going to be able to celebrate for.

Speaker 6 (16:01):
Twenty four on four to twenty four, on four to
twenty four, twenty four four, twenty four, twenty four, at
four to twenty four, I wanted to celebrate that We'll
never We'll never get that. That smart ass big MIC's
what about thirty twenty four? And I said, the world

is supposed to end in like at twenty forty five,
Like we're supposed to run out of resources.

Speaker 7 (16:28):
About twenty forty five. So that's it's not even worth
being a smart.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
Ass about are we really supposed to run a resource?

Speaker 10 (16:32):

Speaker 7 (16:34):
Was that?

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Are we really supposed to run out of resources?

Speaker 8 (16:36):

Speaker 4 (16:36):

Speaker 7 (16:36):
Not very far?

Speaker 11 (16:37):
I mean, I plan to be alive. I hope that
things are still okay. But Jason's got me worried.

Speaker 6 (16:43):
Now No, according to experts, yeah, and it's irreversible. But
I did want to celebrate a moment in time for
twenty four.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
I broke that newsday We're all gonna die by how
many years?

Speaker 7 (16:55):
Twenty forty five? So what was that? Twenty one years?

Speaker 2 (16:58):
Twenty one years?

Speaker 6 (16:59):
Yep, Okay, do everything you want to get in, skydive,
bungee jump, get all that stuff.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
Off your bucket.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Why why is skydiving and bungee jumping on people's like
bucket lists, Like, there's so many other very u safer
and cool things to do. I would not Running of
the bulls as I have no desire tout.

Speaker 6 (17:17):
Yeah, that one. I have no idea. You're right that one.
That one's not in the category.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
It's not. It's it's in every category. It's it's in
that exact same category.

Speaker 6 (17:26):
We No, I'm just saying that. I think skydiving and
bungee jumping or just badass things to do, like the running.

Speaker 7 (17:31):
Of the bulls. Don't they run stupid? You're an idiot.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
I mean, jumping out of a plane voluntarily is kind
of a stupid thing. It may feel good as an
adrenal lush, but it's kind of a Planes were invented
to take us from one place to another faster than
we can get there with cars.

Speaker 6 (17:45):
It's National bucket list Day. What's number one on your
bucket list?

Speaker 7 (17:49):

Speaker 6 (17:49):
Oh, the one thing you need to get done before
it's over? Well, Doug, Thanks, Sam Moncey.

Speaker 10 (17:58):
I want to see the Northern lights seeing them, it's
a good one.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Flex Well I was like thirteen, it was in Alaska.

Speaker 7 (18:05):
Okay, I don't I would.

Speaker 10 (18:07):
Like to see them, sorry, not from Alaska. I want to,
you know, go to someplace like where I see one. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah, well you were like picking out like there's.

Speaker 9 (18:16):
There's different places you can see them.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Sure, yeah, sure, I mean they're all northern you know,
right right right, the Northern lights. Okay, what about you, Sammy?

Speaker 11 (18:24):
With the remaining whatever time I have left on this planet,
if it's twenty years, I'd like to maybe not, you know,
risk whatever time I have left, I'd like to go
to Liguria, Italy that's where pesto was invented, and eat
some of the finest pesto.

Speaker 9 (18:38):
Of Oh my god, can I go with you?

Speaker 11 (18:39):
You guys ever watched Stanley Tucci Search for Italy. I
love that show and I want to go to Italy
and eat all that pesto. Yes, Manzi, please please come
with let's go.

Speaker 9 (18:47):
Well we're are Iowa shirts.

Speaker 3 (18:49):

Speaker 11 (18:49):
Oh users come in today, by the way, Yeah I
think so. So they tell me tracking track in that
past Liguria Italy.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
I would I would like to you know what I'd
like to do. I would like to go to Europe
with no schedule.

Speaker 9 (19:03):

Speaker 11 (19:04):
Yeah, I just give one of those like those passes,
the you can take the trains and just euro pass.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
I just I don't I like again, I haven't been
on a European trip in a long time. Uh, but
I kind of just like to go to go. Got
to have somebody with you to go, you know, but
go kind of down on the African Safari I always
want to do. I do want to see the uh

sloths in Costa Rica. You go to Costa Rica and
they just you've been there.

Speaker 10 (19:34):
I am Costa Rican and yes, yes, and I was
born there. I have my entire families there.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
This is all news to me. This is all news,
breaking information to breaking news, breaking news.

Speaker 4 (19:45):
Yes born.

Speaker 10 (19:49):
But yeah, they have sanctuaries for certain in certain places
of cost Rico and you could see slots.

Speaker 9 (19:55):
They're crazy.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
They're crazy crazy.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
Like they just look fake.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
It's like this is they look they smell.

Speaker 9 (20:02):
I don't remember thinking that they smelled. I don't remember that.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Who's anti sloth ever, it's Dog Gottlieb show here on
Fox Sports Radio and a name that I don't think
there's any doubt you will hear very early on tomorrow
night is that of Dallas Turner. He's a linebacker from
Alabama and he joins us to the Doug Otlib Show
here on Fox Sports Radio. Dallas, how are you?

Speaker 3 (20:26):
I'm blessed.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
That's awesome. You're working with Old Spice this weekend. Okay,
so this is the big question when you go Old Spice,
are you all? Old Spice had to tell right, because
you can do the body wash, you can do the
body spray, or you can just do you know, for
the pits, you can just do the deodur In the
end of purseprint, how all in on Old Spice are you? Actually?

Speaker 3 (20:51):
You know, more than sixty percent of the guys worry
about body older and you know, just stuff beyond their
pace and arm casey know, things where things you're stinky yet.
But you know, especially me going into the NFL. You know,
no one wants to be a rookie, you know who
smells all musty and stinks. But you know, Old Splices
came out with the new total body de orderant. They

have my back, you know, going into the season, going
into my rookie and stuff like that. You know it
hasn't me ready for anything?

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Yeah, that's big. You gotta can't be the stinky what's
the stinkiest of the position rooms, no doubt, no doubt, right,
probably the d lineman there worse.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
Yeah, Tom, Yeah, come along and like they'll try and
be clean off the field and stuff like that. But
like Loman's more, it's more, it's more, a little more
about Bear.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
You were obviously super highly tailed to come out of Florida,
same times the Quinas and then you go to Alabama.
And when you go to Alabama, I'm sure that coach
Saban told you. You know, if you listen, just just
do we ask you. You're going to be a first
round draft pick, right. Everybody says that, what's it like
to have that actually come to fruition, like all of
that hard work, because you know, you've been you've been

around this thing a long time every field you were
ever on from high school on, especially in Fort Lauderdale,
everybody thinks they're going to league. What's it like to
actually be going to league in the first round.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
I mean, it's it's so real for sure, Like I
ain't allow to eave. I'm never forgetting with my hod
a Autimus coach when I was in literally when I
was like ten, eleven, twelve years old. So after practice,
he out right everybody together and he was just saying, like, oh,
like only one only one percent of this field is
going to go to the NFL, like just trying to

tell us about how the slim chances of it he
is making it to the NFL. And little bit I
know he was. I was the one who wanted the
NFL the whole time, but like really it was just
it's all the expectation with all the investments and all
the time and work put into, you know, getting to
this point, which no, it's definitely blessing that you always
got to remain humble and uh you know and just

embrace it and just be a sponge and just really
just enjoy it because you only go through it one time.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
So it's a great point. What were you like as
a kid? Were you bigger than everybody? Just deboing people
give give me the ball and run over guys?

Speaker 3 (23:17):
Now, when I was a kid, I mean it depended
like where I was at at the time, Like, uh,
in some places I might be, uh the biggest kid
the debo whatever, but I went like I wasn't up bunny.
I wasn't a bad kids, not like that. But uh
and then some places I might be I might stay
right in but still be the biggest person and the

most lear but uh, you know, growing up though you
know my mom, you always ain't say that. Me and
my brother realized that we were different run up. But
it was kind of like that, you know, was going
to school to I was going to school the uh
or we play sports, fat and even to just like
you know, just a day to day life in the house.

But really it was I had a good time. You know,
grew up with both families, I mean with both my
parents in the house and younger brothers.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
So yeah, what she she wanted you to know you
were different? What would you what would she do to
help you feel different? Help me know that you're different?

Speaker 3 (24:13):
Like like we went to private schools. We couldn't you
couldn't hang out with everybody else and do with everybody
else is doing. Sometimes I started doing tours early, like
seven six years old, watching visions.

Speaker 6 (24:26):

Speaker 2 (24:27):
She kept kept you on the straight narrow. Seemed to
work out, okay, yeah, it really did.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
Yeah, and then you know, I started working out for
sports and training. Very can't believe when I was very young,
I'll say that, and I'll say I was very a
little more experies with a lot of physical things, working
out ability and h just overall endurance too, you know,

just being a little above average when I was a kid.
And so yeah, yeah, I think.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
You're probably a little bit more than above average. You're
definitely more than above average right now. Dallas Turner joins
us on the Doug Gatlib Show on Fox Sports Radio.
What's it mean to have have been a leader? Uh?
And a fixture of Coach Saban's last team.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
It's definitely been. It was a real temple of moment
and then literally pivotal step in my life. Like I
had to grow as a leader and I had a
player who and you know, being a leader it comes
with great responsibilities in your hotel, higher pedestal from people
around the whole building, including the peers, but more importantly
your coaches, and so you know, it was very it

was a blessing being a leader, being considered a captain
and having that hand in cut and this element you
know for coach savings last year. Uh, you know, it
sounded out very You remembered about being Stone too, but
you know, definitely a blessing. You know, got got to
understood coach a lot more and got to really understood
his thought process on things. He just looks as how

a team supposed to brand stuff like that. So you know,
I just get a lot of knowledge from him, especially
that allows you.

Speaker 2 (26:06):
Yeah, he's cheat code, he's a cheat code and he
obviously helped you out a great deal. What where do
you see yourself going? Any idea?

Speaker 3 (26:15):
I mean tell you a lot after like you know,
like the Mark Draft out of Mark Drave but like
after I've seen really last year kind of the last
year's draft kind of like you know, kind of getting
made my mind up on like, okay, anything happening, you know,
with a lot of trade and stuff like that. For example,
like my good teammate Will, We thought Will was going
to uh the cardon was at three and then she's

in that trade.

Speaker 4 (26:37):
That became a job.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
So that was kind of like a wow, anything that happened.
But you know, I can't sell my mind on one
team like what specific spot I'm gonna go at, but
you know, anything could happened. So you know we'll planning
where competing.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
With I'm sure and everybody will be happy to have you. Okay,
what's that? What's the draft plans? You go in, you
stay at home? What are you doing?

Speaker 7 (26:58):
All right?

Speaker 3 (26:58):
I'm in each other right now. I'm gonna be here.
I'm having a little suit on tomorrow night. Love, So
I'll say, uh yeah, uh be in the green room
in the family.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Who's coming?

Speaker 3 (27:10):
My mom, my father, and my brother Coop with my
friend and h Monte and my uncle.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
What's your brother like?

Speaker 3 (27:17):
He's a he's a basketball player, so he don't play football.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
What's he what's he like as a dude?

Speaker 3 (27:23):
Oh? Now, he quiet, real, low key. He might he
might fool you if you will know him, but if
you know him, know you know how he really react.
Now he is for real. But uh, you know, just
avac team room man. Just still growing and learning.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
Yeah, and he's got he's got to be geeking out
at some level, right he doesn't, you know.

Speaker 3 (27:46):
But even though we don't play the same support, you know,
he's stilln't still enjoying time, you know, just right now
it's just well.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
That's kind It's gotta be pretty cool for him. Well,
let's start. Thanks to old Spice for allowing us to
have you on the best of luck to you wherever
you do, Landing. Thanks much for being our guest on
Fox Portray. Congratulations on all this.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
What Up Dog Gotlib Show Fox Sports Radio. Let Express
employed professionals, help hire your next pro forget about posting jobs,
sifting through resumes and interviews with unqualified applicants.

Speaker 7 (28:27):
Move up to the pros.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Good to expresspros dot condofind location near you. That's Express
Pros dot Com Manci Belaniels. Let's get to the press,
the press.

Speaker 10 (28:42):
All right, Doug, Another one bites the dust in a
different way, but still The rainy National League CY young
winner Blake Snell has now entered the IL because of
an adductor strain. So all season a very short season
so far, we just got started in So many pres
are getting injured. Now this one is a thigh injury,

so not an elbow or shoulder or arm injury, but
still another big picture injured and we just got going
in the season, yep. And they don't even know when
he's gonna come back.

Speaker 6 (29:15):
So no, and Blake Snow, he's a part of the
Scott Boris client list. Montgomery, who was another picture on
Scott Boris's client list who got signed to light in
March or I think yeah, late in March. He fired
Boris because of the negotiating employees this offseason that cost

his clients money. He wanted too much, He overestimated the market,
and they were left joining their teams five to seven
days before opening day. That's going to ruin any picture's arm.
I would not doubt that if Blake Snow is the
next person to fire Scott Boris within the next week, I.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Think it's gonna be interesting. The market absolutely shifted, and
we were like the only show that's kind of covered
the change in baseball and how it affect it's going
to affect all these different things. But we also don't
know what was the energy behind the decision from Boris.
Is that just Boris or is that Boris going like, look,

here's the risk, here's the potential award.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
With Bellinger and Montgomery and Snell, I got the feel
in reading between the tea weaves that they were not
happy with the way Boris went about negotiating that they
could have signed with their teams for the same money,
if not more, and for more years if they did
it in December or January. They took these deals late
in the game, and I think they're resentful for it.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Well, you will know if they fire Bars. On the
other hand, it is important to know he still gets
the money from the new contracts, regardless whether he's the
agent or not the agent.

Speaker 7 (30:51):
Is that right?

Speaker 2 (30:52):
Yeah, he negotiated the deal, he gets the money, and
many many have if you have a contract, actually get
a piece of the next deal as well.

Speaker 9 (31:04):
I should have been an agent.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
Missed I missed out.

Speaker 10 (31:08):
All right, Let's move on to Caitlin Clark, not just
because Jay Sue loves her, but we have more information
on what the Big Three was offering her. This is
on TMZ Sports, this is on OutKick. There's a couple
of stories that are meshing together for these details. So
not only was it a fifteen million dollars deal, but

they also we're gonna give her a percentage of team ownership,
half of merchandise revenue, and a stake in a Big
Three documentary like total of fifteen million. And now the
whole package and Big Three League co founder Jeff Quantinas.

Speaker 9 (31:48):
And something like that. Quantins, Yeah, sure that.

Speaker 10 (31:51):
Guy, Yeah, hi, thank you, really says that this is
He's claiming that he does not think the male agents
and executives controlling the sport actually told Clark what the
contract was. He's also claiming that Adam Silver and the
NBA continue to sabotage Big Three and basically anyone who
does enjoin their cause would suffer the consequences so that

they He thinks that Kalen Clark was never really given
this deal as.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
An option because a stupid deal. She can't play in
three on three against men. Yeah, it's just simply a
money grab totally, you know, to bring attention to a league, which, uh,
it was cool and clever, but and but it's kind
of run through a bunch of different TV networks as well,
Like I don't think it rates particularly well. And yeah,

the NBA has every right to protect their ass sure
yeah yeah, yeah, so they own the WNBA. Why wouldn't they.
They also have Summer League. They don't want taking attention.

Speaker 9 (32:49):
From it for sure, for sure.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
Yeah, anyway, anything.

Speaker 9 (32:54):
Else you wanted to add to it? No, D mean
to cut you off.

Speaker 10 (32:56):
Sorry, I took the breath as you were done, not
as you were going to say more.

Speaker 9 (33:00):
All right, let's move on to a little NBA.

Speaker 10 (33:03):
You know, the Lakers let a twenty point lead slip away.
But this is what Lebron James Jarvin him had to say,
I shoot around today.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
I mean, obviously it's stung in.

Speaker 8 (33:12):
The film session today, just what we're watching in some
of the things we could have did better. But once
we got back on the floor, you kind of, you know,
got to focus on Game three, which is the most important.
Now they hell serve on their own floor and we
got to try to do the same. And the film
session was it was very revealing of which side of
the ball, you know, that we struggled at. We were
great defensively. Offensively, there's a lot of shots we wish

we could have back. We missed a lot of point
blank layups. But the way we defended, we really defended
them at a high level. We just got to continue that.

Speaker 9 (33:40):
Do they have a chance, Doug, Yeah, they have a chance.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Yeah, probably not to win the series, win a couple
of games, elongate this thing, make it painful for him,
and you know, the longer it goes. Anybody can get hurt,
anything can happened. It is weird, though, right to get
beaten and to go like, yeah, we missed a bunch
of easy shots. Yeah, yeah, two days ago with the reps.
Now it's easy shots, Like, all right, that.

Speaker 9 (34:07):
Was a crazy shot. It was so good, It was
so good. All right.

Speaker 10 (34:10):
NFL Draft is tomorrow. Everybody's been waiting. I wonder who
the Bears are gonna take.

Speaker 9 (34:15):

Speaker 10 (34:16):
Lion's head coach Dan Campbell was on ninety seven point
one the ticket and he basically said that if their
guy is not there, they have pick number twenty nine
in the first round. If that if their guy he
didn't say who is not there, they're preparing fans that
they're just gonna trade out of that first round pick.

Speaker 9 (34:36):
And he just wants fans to.

Speaker 10 (34:38):
Be aware that if that specific guy is not there
at twenty nine, they will be trading out of this
first round pick.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
Okay, we don't care, no no. I like Dan Campbell.
I didn't clown him when he did the you know,
the bite your knees sort of thing. You know, when
he got the job and he's done it. He butchered
the playoff game in his decision making, Butcher did didn't
make any sense to what he was doing. That said,
I'm still a Dan cam fan. I don't care who

the Lions take it twenty nine.

Speaker 7 (35:09):
I don't care.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
It's going to be so weird to have them drafting
that late in the draft. That's probably the only only
thing worth discussing.

Speaker 9 (35:15):
All right, Well, the Lions are also spending a lot
of money.

Speaker 10 (35:17):
Doug today, you know, came out a'man ross Sayin Brown
is now the league's highest paid receiver four year, one
hundred and twenty million dollar contract. They're also paying their
offensive tackle Penny Sewol a four year, one hundred and
twelve million dollar deal that's the largest ever given to
an offensive lineman.

Speaker 9 (35:34):
So you know the Lions are preparing for the future.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
They are. I still wonder if they're good and fit
quarterback mm and I think the NFC is very likely
to be much better next year. Remember this is a
year where Kirk Cousins went down from Minnesota. It was
the first year of Jordan Love. The Bears are going
to be better mm HM. So I don't know if

it's preparing for the future as much as they know
their window is now.

Speaker 12 (36:03):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeow yeah, And it's gonna be fascinating
to see how how consistent they can become, because they're
obviously better than they've been in a long time, and
we think they can be consistent.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
But you gotta stay healthy and get lucky, and then
you gotta be smart with who you pack.

Speaker 9 (36:19):
But there's so many teams right now that feel like
their window is also now. You know.

Speaker 10 (36:23):
Sure it's not just the Lions and what they're doing,
but clearly they are happy with what they have. And
I agree the the quarterback, I don't. It's not that
he's I just think there's a chance he doesn't produce
as well as maybe he did, you know last year.

Speaker 9 (36:42):
That's all. That's all, And that's the press.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
They get out there and pressed.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
That was the press.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
It's the Gottlieb Show. You're on Fox Sport Trader are
We We got a couple of games upcoming night re
minder shortly after the show. If you miss any today's show,
check out the podcast. Plus we have the podcast Only Hour,
which is really really good today and uh, do we
have a somebody's gonna join us in that show, don't
it right? Joe Alt's gonna join US offensive tackle Notre Dame.

Dad played a course for the Chiefs. He'll join US Miami, Boston.
I expect to be closer tonight than it was, but
I don't know if it's competitive New Orleans, Oklahoma City.
I'll give you a pick on that in the podcast.
In the meantime, download the podcast. It's Doug Gotlieb Show,
Fox Sports Radio.
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