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April 17, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Six one seven two six six sixtyeight sixty eight is the number you can
text us seven zero four seven zeroseven zero four seven zero. I gotta
tell you the audience has been hilarioustoday. This is from nine to one
seven, Jeff. These so calledprotesters, Now you know why we call

them hamas holes. I like that, harmas holes. That's what they are.
This is a really good email thatI got from Kevin. He's a
truck driver, and he makes abrilliant point. He's really saying, look,

Jeff, you know we don't wantto be all Boston centered here like
we're the center of the universe.But this really is because of what happened
in Boston several years ago. Jeff. This is no different than when those
young leftist morons chained themselves to barrelsinto each other and blocked I ninety three
North in Boston several years ago.Do you remember that, Well, yes

I do. Bill Cooksy remember hewas the executive producer of the show at
the time, and another employee fromWRKO found out who one of the activist
leaders were and where he lived,and actually took a video camera to his
parents's plush Boston area home. Andconfronted him. Now I remember that.

I remember I was on the airand we did this live and it was
this college loser, this liberal callI mean, just a loser. Yeah
dude, yeah, man. He'sliving in this gorgeous mansion. Clearly you
know his parents. And he wasone of the organizers of this and he

showed up. Cooksy was there andoh what was his name? Oh he
was reilling to the patriots. Ugh, anyway, it'll come back. I'm
John getting a brain freeze. Butanyway, nice guy, very nice guy.
He was with Cooksi as well.And so this Kevin continues. One

of our truck drivers from the companythat I work for, actually got caught
in the traffic jam that they created, and those leftist idiots almost ran him
out of on duty time. Hewould have been left stranded having to camp
out in his truck on the sideof the highway until he finished a ten

hour break. And I guarantee hewasn't the only truck driver that got caught
in that mess. Well, Iremember I thundered against those guys on the
air, those those leftists that blockedninety three, and I said, you
think you're just making you know,life miserable for people for a couple of

hours. I said, God forbid, somebody could have gotten killed. They
were ambulances stuck in that traffic jam. They were people that had to go
to very important appointments, like thisis not just all about you and your
stupid cause. And you know,then when we sent Cooksie, we tracked
down one of the organizers. Theywere bragging about it on social media.

So we sent cook Sie and youknow this other employee who for whatever reason,
now his name escapes my mind,but anyway, and is bothering me.
You know, when you know aname, it's on the tip of
your tongue. Oh anyway, Sothey go in front of the house and
it's like a twenty twenty one yearold schmuck out of college. And you

could tell this woke idiot like nothingbetween his ears, just living off of
mommy and daddy in the basement.Oh yeah, dude, So what dude?
So what if it was me?Eh, We're like this, this
is the guy. And we weresaying we found them, we've got the

house, we got his address,you want to go arrest him, and
nobody came. The governor wasn't interested. The mayor wasn't interested. The local
police wasn't interested. The media,the local media, they weren't interested.
I'm like, there he is,arrest the moron six one seven two six

six sixty eight sixty eight. Nothinghappened to them, And that is Jow
just emboldened others. And now theywent from blocking nine ninety three in Boston
to blocking the Golden Gate Bridge atthe Chicago International O'Hare Airport, the Seattle

Airport, the Brooklyn Bridge. Soonthey're going to be blocking the White House.
Believe me as I said earlier,and then all our driveways. I
can't I can't get out there blockingthe driveway. Well, that's just too
bad. That's just allahabad allah comebad. That that's our future if we

don't turn things around. Six oneseven two six six sixty eight sixty eight
is the number. Rob in Milton. Thanks for holding Rob, and welcome
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff Rob.How are you, buddy? Let me
take you down memory lane? Okay. In two thousand and fifteen, I

shot a video in East Milton Squarecalled Hey green Hat. That was when
they blocked the road in nine ninetythree. Now, remember Jet, these
people are basically all the actors onthe dry I'm a team. First of
all, they were the occupy isthey changed into a new disguise at that

time to kick off BLM. Okay. I was at that rally that they
changed over then and they were talkingabout hating Jews, then read by the
Boston Police headquarters. Now the newcostumes is the communist Palestinian look okay,
And these people try audition for thephysicians. Now, these people, these

kids are the offsprings of that guythat you're talking about. I will find
his name. I know who thatI've trapped. I tracked him a couple
of times down so he's a professionalactor. And the funny thing is his
father was just like him. Ithink he went to either Ithaca College or
one of the colleges up in upstateNew York and he got bounced out of
some nonsense. But Jeff, listen, here's the deal. The the state

police came to my house for thevideo and I gave the original footage off
my camera. They brought it toMorrissey. Marssy did nothing. The state
police did nothing. The whole thingis a waste of time. Well we
have to do, Jeff, insteadof worrying about the climb Inist Diskies or
whatever outfit they have. Okay,let's go right back to Rob in Milton.

So, Rob, you had allof this incriminating video evidence. They're
blocking traffic, they're blocking highways.This is all illegal, clear public disorder,
and the state police didn't want totouch it. The local police didn't
want to touch it. Nobody wantedto touch it. And then you're going

on about how many of these protesterswent from Occupy Wall Street to then becoming
BLM and now, as you putit, they're essentially the communist Palestinians.
Please Rob, pick up where youleft off. So anyway, Jeff,
I just want to say one thing, just real quick, close the border,
Jeff. Anyways, Hey, Soanyways, what's happened is there is

an law math law regarding block inany type of roads. But the bottom
line is if you go to thecourt, you lose. It's all rigged.
That's what happened in Quincy. Morrisseyput it in front of a judge
at Quincy, which I think therewas a thirty seven of them, maybe
less. There are block of nineninety three right by East Milton. So
anyways, here's what I propose.We have to basically rely on ourselves,

and what we have to do is, instead of worrying about them, understand
what we have to do to protectourselves. And I was looking to in
eight just so you know, Jeff, where I'm obviously running for Congress.
I have all the components in mydistrict, the State House, Boston City
Hall. And what you have todo is you have to go to the
local police and ask them if they'regoing to enforce these laws putting in writing,

because as you know, government workersare government workers and they won't do
anything. And then you have togo to the mayor and find out where
the no go zone are. Andthese are the people you have to put
the pressure on because it's about safetyand security, and these people don't care.
But that guy, I had caughthim a couple of times, he
was outside of the State House protesting. I got him at six o'clock in

the morning, coming out of atent with his girlfriend and I stuck my
camera in his face. Okay,I have the video of that. And
by the way, Jeff, Ihad the video of you about nine years
ago talking about closing the border.I'll publish that for you it's a tremending,
but Jeff, we're on the offense. Donner Emmy eight for all you
whoosie men out there, Okay,this whole place to go and listen,

let's stop protecting our women, becausewhat happens you have the technique is this
there women, there was a communist. Women will attack the men, and
then the men they are communistsmen willattack the women. Sorry, you must
line up because it looks bad whenyou attack women. You found the crap
outies, But you have to knowwhat you can and can't do without being
arrested. I've seen this before inBoston. You have political police, that's

what they are now. And ifyou were in in a little skirmish,
the police would come. It's unbelievable, Jeff. The girl will agitate,
stop the commotion, and all ofa sudden you put a hand up,
pollise pully. The police come rightover and take away the good guy.
It's so orchestraed, it's not funny. So we're putting together a self defense
for us. If you can contactme at berkemccargus dot com, I will
show you how to do it andwe can win this chef. We're going

to either block up, we're gonnabarricade the city so they can't get out
or whatever. But people have totake us it. It's not going away,
guys, it's gonna get work.This is the new George Floyd or
the Occupy crap. It was justanother different names and they're all auditioning for
the position. Rob, thank youvery much for that call. I really
appreciated a lot of information there.But no, you're right. Look these

are professional trained activists. These aresorrows trained activists. Like really, he's
right. They know how to instigate, they know how to provoke, and
then they know how to try tosuck you in and get you in trouble.
And that's and look they're well organlike, look, this was coordinated.
There's no question. This wasn't justspontaneous. So they said we're gonna

hit Oakland, San Francisco, Seattle, San Antonio, Chicago, New York,
Philadelphia, Miami. Boom boom boom, boom, boom boom. But
they know what they're doing. Sothat's why when you run into any of
them, just be very careful,never lose your head. Their goal is

to get you in trouble and toget you in jail. And I just
got to say this. I rememberthat rally nine years ago. We had
a huge anti illegal immigration rally nineyears ago, nine years ago, and
as Rob was talking, all I'mthinking is, boy, uh you know
that old French expression the more thingschange, the more they stay the same.

I mean, it's just boy,I could you know I could practically
deliver the exact same speech livered nineyears ago, except then where it was
Deval Patrick the governor. Just replacemini me as I called him, because
he was a mini Obama, theValt Patrick with Mora Heally, that's it.
Oh and Barack Obama with Joe Biden, that's it. That's it,

same speech, word for word.Just take out de Vaut Patrick, put
in more Heelly, take out BarackObama, put in Joe Biden. Same
speech, and people will be saying, boy, Jeff, you're really killing
it today. Man, you're hittingthe nail right on the head. Jeff.
Nothing has changed in nine years.I mean it changed under Trump.

But we're right back to where westarted, is it? Steeros steeros in
Pabaty, thanks for holding Steeros andwelcome, Thanks Jeff, god Blessia.
I admitted to a program of aneighty eight year old retired FIRS and I'm
actually getting sick over seeing how thingsare going. But a few suggestions here

is that going about this whole thingpassively, Biden is not responsible for this
by himself. Let's go after themembers of the House of Representatives in Congress.
Start by ticketing their offices and homespeacefully, get their voting records on
t issues. Make the list ofthose who supported Biden and or didn't do

anything to prevent this mess from happening. I think where is whover now when
we needed and because it wouldn't beteach me to be firing squads, you
know, for these people that arecreating this mess. So so I mean.
And another thing too is if thestate of the government was really interested

in preventing a lot of this stuff, how about activating the national guid keep
them ready? Things would get worsea lot faster. So oh, steroicide
agree. I agree on every point. And look, I know Hoover engaged
in a lot of abuses of powerand excesses, there's no question, but
he was a patriot. He wasyou know, he didn't tolerate America's enemies.

He didn't he didn't like the Nazis, he didn't like the Communists,
he didn't like the anti American leftistshere in the United States, and you
know he Look, if Hoover wasrunning the FBI, things would be very
different. I'm not saying I agreewith all of his methods and what he

did, but Hoover was a patriot. I can't say the same for Chris
ray Stereos. Thank you very muchfor that call, And you're completely right.
We've got to hold members of Congressresponsible for this, the mass delegation
in particular, on every count,not just on the border. Look how
sot they are on crime. Lookhow soft they are on Hamas. Look

how soft they are on Iran.Look how soft they are on Islamic terrorism
in general. So, and bythe way, Elizabeth Warren has now thrown
the Jews under the bus. Soaccording to her, Israel is now a
genocidal regime engaging in mass genocide againstPalestinians. And now she's giving speeches to

the Islamic Society of Boston where they'recheering and egging her on. So you
want to know where Elizabeth Warren is. She's on the side of Hamas,
Steve in New Hampshire. Thanks forholding Steve, and welcome morning, Jeff.
I just want to give you frommy personal perspective. I'm very meticulous

about my vehicle and as far asif I being blocked on a roadway,
I would be hesitant at to startpushing through because of I believe they would
start pounding on the cars, creating, you know, hitting yourself with signs

and just to me, what's happeningthere is that start is that's vandalism,
which I believe. I think thepolice would then have to be obligated to
respond to. And but I personally, I would be very hesitant to start
doing that because again they're going tohave your car get damaged. You're gonna

have to deal with insurance on that. The way rates are going with insurance
companies. Yea, God knows wherethis goes. So of course, if
it was for a help reason havingto get through, then I would do
what I have to do. ButI just feel I wonder how many callers,

the people think that way, thatthey just don't want to have to
deal with that issue. I understand, No, honestly, Look, I
really understand where you're coming from.What I want to ask, is this
and I'm being serious. I'm nottrying to be funny or you know,
overly dramatic. These people were stuck, many of them for four or five

six hours in their car. Igot to go to the bathroom. I
can't, you know, really,I can't sit there for four or five
six hours. I know my body. I mean, I have to go
to the bathroom. I'm a grownman, I'm fifty four years old.
I'm sorry. I don't want tosoil my pants. I don't want to,
you know, pee my pants.And you know, we're stuck on
a highway. What else am Igoing to go? What am I going

to do? So there's a certainpoint. I understand. I don't want
vandalism. I don't want people bangingon my car or damaging my car.
I really don't want to break anybody'sbones. I really don't. But there's
a certain point, like two hours, three hours, four hours, five
hours. I'm not talking even healthemergency, just you know, go to

the bathroom, you know, orwhatever. I got a responsibility. I
have to be somewhere. Something isgoing to force me to have to go
through that line. I think that'swhy they're playing with fire. Am I
wrong? Don't disagree with you,but I believe that the first to do

it, the first in the line. Once it starts moving along and progressing,
then it started, it's your opening. Yeah, then you've broken the
line. I got you, Lindabrilliant email. She just sent it to
me about a couple of minutes ago. Jeff, why is it illegal to
quote unquote block access to abortion clinics, but it's not illegal to block highways

and bridges and airports? Talk aboutliberal hip hop ocracy. Linda, you're
a genius. I'm telling you you'rea genius. I don't know what your
IQ level is, but I guaranteeyou it's h ding go again. You

can shut a city down, noproblem o. But don't you stop somebody
from getting an abortion? John inNorfolk, thanks for holding John, and
welcome. Hey Jeff. How youdoing good? How are you? John?
I'm good, I'm good. I'mjust curious what happened to somebody?

Jake actually did a citizen's arrest onone of these people. That's a great
question. I mean, John,you tell me what do you think would
happen? I don't know. I'mdoing adition in my house right now and
when I go to home, peoplenext, let me grab about three hundred
zip ties, keep him in mytruck, and I like the other college
point about the exhaust. What ifI could get the exhaust round to the

front of my truck so I don'thave to turn around. You know.
My fear is you do a citizen'sarrest and they end up arresting you,
you know, and then poor John, you're in a courtroom and this pro
hamas thug is chanting a la akbarallah a la allah death to America as

he's pointing his finger at you,saying, yeah, he he hurt my
wrist when he put those zip tieson. Look at the bruise on my
wrist. Look at that bruise.And then he shows it up to the
courtroom and they're all like, oh, and you know you're in You're in
the gulag in Washington with the otherj sixers. John. That that that's

my fear. Bring a bailly andI'll call you back from w by one
phone call that happens. Yeah,John, thank you very much for that
call. In the old days,You're right, it would have been a
citizen's arrest. Boom on the spot. How I am not even an arrest.
Honestly, the cops would say,don't even bother with the arrest,

just clear them out, you know, our Tom forget the old days in
parts of the country today, TomCotton's right in Arkansas, he goes Honestly,
if they were on a bridge,they throw them in the water.
What are you talking about? Andthe cops would even blink an eye Okay,
they wouldn't bat an eye. Okay, well you're blocking the bridge.

You ask for trouble, You're gonnaget trouble. It's only in these blue
states that's where you gotta be carefulbecause they always side with the criminals.
Never forget that criminals and illegals forthem come first. Good decent, law
abiding, taxpaying citizens US or secondclass. Peter in Redding, Thanks for

holding Peter, and welcome Hi Jeff. Thanks for taking my call. Your
previous call a mention making a citizensof wrath for these individuals that are blocking
and you know, highways and roads. And if a citizen wants to make
an arrest like that, the arresthas to be made for a felony,

not a misdemeanor, and the arrestcan't be based upon probable cause. It
has to be based upon actually seeinga felony take place, just to clear
that up the audience. So,in other words, you're saying it just
let's say they're blocking I ninety fiveor I ninety three, or the access
to Logan Airport, and you know, we're all honking and waiting and it's

hours. If they come out ofthe car and try to do a citizen's
arrest, that would be illegal,correct, unless what they're seeing taking place
as a felony. And I'm notcertain that's a felony, to be honest
with you, it must probably amisdemeanor, but maybe not. I don't
know it, have to check thestatues. Interesting, Peter, what would

you do you're stuck there for fivesix hours? What would Peter in Redding
do? I get out of mycar and I would physically move them to
the side of the road. Iwould pick them up and move them to
the side of the road. Oh, you're saying, don't bother with the
arrest, Just move them and clearup traffic and everybody goes home. That's

what I would do. Yeah,I wouldn't even if I knew it was
a felony. I probably wouldn't gothat route. I just move them out
of the way, and that wayyou don't have to get involved with the
courts and law enforcement. And wasit a lawful arrest or an unlawful arrest?
And you know, you get alawyer and before you know it,
you lose your house. Peter,thank you very much for that call.

I really really appreciate it. SoPeter's basically saying, if we're confronted with
this, don't do a citizen's arrest. Get a group of you and make
sure someone's filming it, so no, you can prove nobody got hurt,
and just you know, gently,don't hurt them, but just physically remove
them from the road. Bob onCape Cod Thanks for holding Bob, and

welcome. Thanks Jeff. Thank Jeff. I'm just found on the protests on
the bridge. I just listen toonce their callers. Okay, I mean,
you can't physically harm these people,but everybody knows where they're going to
be because they advertise it, andeverybody knows that they Everybody has a one
gallon lawn sprayer, okay, andif they fill it with manure liquid,

manure, fill it with urine oranything like that and coordinate with Leinster Americans
to meet there, and they spraythese people continuously till they move. You
know, I think you probably woulddiscourage a lot of them to stay.
And if they and if they stillstayed after you continuously sprayed them, drag
them over to the side of thebridge, like everybody's doing my hand,

cut them to the railing and throwthe keys away. Either that, pile
them on top of each other andthrow a chain around their waists together and
lock them up and leave. Imean the manure. I was gonna say,
you don't have to do the wholechain them or handcuff them, because

just a pelting them and spraying themwith manure and urine that'll do the trick.
Look you look at these so calledterrorists. I mean, they're nasty,
they're vicious, they're inconsiderate, they'reselfish. But these guys, they're
not tough guys, you know whatI'm saying. They get a little bit
of manure, they get a littlebit of urine on them, they're leaving

that bridge. That's all I gottatell you. They're gonna run out of
that bridge. Problem solved. Problemsolved. In other words, you know
what they are. They're like apiece of crap. You just flush them
down the toilet.
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