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April 18, 2024 40 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Six one seven two six six sixtyeight sixty eight is the number Carrie in
West Bridgewater. Thanks for holding Carrie, and welcome. Good morning, Jeff,
Hi Ken Jeff. What we havehere is taxation without representation. I

don't ever recall being asked if Iwanted my tax dollars to fund the war
in Ukraine. I don't recall everbeing asked if I wanted to fund the
flood of illegal aliens into Americas.The only interest that the United States would

possibly have for the Ukraine is thatthe politicians get very wealthy. Ukraine has
been a corrupt dictatorship since its inception, and every both parties are getting wealthy
from Ukraine. There is no reasonfor us to be funding this. I
know Ran Paul tried to get anaccounting of exactly where this money was going,

and he was shut down immediately.So Dad should tell you something.
And as far as Speaker Johnson goes, your previous caller had it right.
The reason that Democrats win is becausethey're communists. They stick together. It's
party over country, party over familyover principles, over everything. And my

fear is that we just saw kenBuck resigned. He's leaving Gallagher's last day,
I believe is Friday, where ourmajority is very, very slim.
If we make a move on Johnson, we're going to lose that majority.

And the last thing anybody wants orneeds is speaker Hakeem Jeffreys. Oh I
agree, Oh I agree, No, Cary, I agree. And to
show you what a bunch of snakesthey are, Gallagher now has postponed his
resignation. He was gonna resign onFriday, which means now there can't be
a special election to replace his seat, to replace him. Now his seat

is going to be vacant all theway until what is it, January?
So but no, he's gonna staya bit longer. Why do you think
he's staying a little bit longer,Carrie. He says he's got to make
a couple of key votes. Takea guess. Take a guess which bill
they're voting on it Saturday night.He's just not going to resign on Friday.

Carry He's got to make that voteSaturday night. Can you take a
guess which one? More money toUkraine? More money to Ukraine. He's
gotta And by the way, he'sgonna become a lobbyist for a major defense
contractor. He's going to be makinghis zillions of dollars. So no,

no, no, no, itwas Friday, now it could be Sunday
morning, depending when they hold thatvote. So once he gets that money
through, Dany's resigning, carry giantmiddle finger to the entire country, and
he's going out in a blaze ofbitterness and anger. Goodbye, goodbye,

Carrie, Thank you very much forthat call. I mean there he's laughing.
Gallagher is now laughing all the wayto the bank. I mean,
he's gonna make a fortune now asa lobbyist. He's gonna give him sixty
bill. He's gonna help him getsixty billion dollars. So of course they're
gonna reward him. You better believeit. And notice it was a matter

of principle. I'm resigning Friday.I can't stand just what he kept saying
over and over again. What's happenedto my party? These divisions, polarization,
lack of leadership. I can't takeit. I just I can't.
I have to leave. I haveto leave. Well, let me you
know, hey, what's twenty fourmore hours or forty eight more hours?

I mean, you phony, youfraud you, I swether a bunch of
crooks. They're just a bunch offreaking crooks, every single one of them.
By the way, many of youare saying, Jeff, please don't
call him maga Mike anymore. MikeJohnson, call him meager Mike. All
right, maybe we'll call him meagerMike. Six one seven two six six

sixty eight, sixty eight. Allright. Let me ask all of you.
Mike Johnson now says that if wedon't vote for this Ukraine eight bill
putin next first Ukraine falls, thenPoland, then Berlin, then Rome,
then Paris, then London. Hell, pretty soon they'll be in New York

City. So he says that thefuture of Europe, the future of the
West, is at steak in Ukraine. That's why we need to send sixty
billion dollars. Do you agree?I say absolutely not. And by the
way, if I had Mike Johnsonon this is my first question to him,

where's the evidence? As I pointedout on X last night, where's
the evidence? You know, Bidenis shouting it, Schumer shouting it,
McConnell is shouting it, the mediais shouting it. Oh my god,
today, Ukraine, tomorrow, Poland. The day after it's it's it's Germany.

Where's your evidence that Putin is justgoing to roll through Europe and attack
NATO country after NATO country after NATOcountry. Where's the evidence besides the fear
mongering and the hysteria, where's ash shread of evidence. They don't have
any, none, zero zero.This is about lining their pockets. There's

only two people that want this aidbill. Two groups of people that want
this aid bill past. The militaryindustrial complex who are gonna get who have
been gotting getting and will continue toget fabulously rich off of this war.
And these corrupt politicians, both inUkraine and here in Washington, while we

the American people, they bleed uswhite, our border wide open, the
fentinel. It keeps coming in,the invasion. It doesn't stop. Saturday
night show down. I would sayhigh noon, but it's more like midnight.
They love to pass these bills attwo o'clock in the morning. Mike

Johnson now stabbing everyone in the back. He's doing what he said he never
would do. He's putting up avote. In fact, he's supporting the
bill. The Democrats in almost unanimouslyare going to support it so it has
the votes, no matter how manyRepublicans now try to defect. But he
says it's so important we have tosend sixty billion to Ukraine. Zero for

our own southern border. He said, no matter what, he gave us
his word that nothing would be votedon for Ukraine until our border was secured.
Well that was then, this isnow. So Johnson has gone from
America first to Ukraine first. Myquestion to you, should we be sending

Ukraine another sixty billion dollars? Shouldwe be passing in total Ukraine, Israel,
the Indo Pacific, the whole aidpackage ninety five billion dollars. I
say that ninety five billion could securethe border, deport illegals, stop fentanyl,

take care of our veterans, takecare of our homeless, take care
of our poor. That ninety fivebillion could do a hell of a lot
of good right here in America.Stop helping the world, start helping Americans.
Agree, disagree. Kenny in Florida, Thanks for holding Kenny, and

welcome good morning, Jeff Love theshow. Thank you, Kenny. You
know, if the Democrats were toagree with sending money to the border,
it would it would basically show thattheir policy was wrong. So I think
they're going to hold firm on that. So how that should have been in
the negotiation. You know where nothingpasses if you don't get the border money.

But so I think they would have. They're trying to say face on
the southern border. Had the samething with Ukraine. They have to keep
giving them money. Like you say, if the war's lost, then it
almost seems like they have to pretendlike they can still win. And I
don't get me wrong, I'd liketo see them win. But when we

didn't give them the fighter jets andPutin is threatening to use nukes, they've
already said that that was that wasbasically a bluff that he wouldn't do that.
I think the guy is crazy enough. But they could have at least
defended their air airways, you know, their their skies to prevent stuff from

falling in, kind of like Israelhas done, like these drones that are
getting through from North Korea that theymade a deal with. It's disgusting.
But I want to bring up switchto Mike Johnson a second, and just
how these guys get in power andall that. For a long time,
I felt like we needed to havecontracts. You know, each state with

these politicians that want to run thatbasically you're going to sign a contract.
It would be an agreement, butsome type of contract where at least civilly,
we could come back and sue themafter they get out of office.
I know they, I've heard theythey have the laws written where you can't

you can't sue your congressman. Butthat needs to be changed. I don't
know who came up with that.That should be changed, just like our
asylum laws, you know, thesame kind of craziness that we got to
take everybody in just because somebody's holdingthe gun to their heads. But they
got to change that law for accountabilityreasons. And I mean if it's done

by state, then you know thatthe state parties could agree on what should
be in that those contracts. Youknow, no jobs with lobbyists, you
know, at least for five orten years, or lobbyists related that type
of thing. And it also somethinglike maybe personal irs, income audits every
year. You're gonna you're gonna you'regonna do that and uh and even you

know, only going to run fortwo terms. You know, down here
near the Jacksonville area, we hada lady Tilley Fowler. She did agree,
I think to only run. Ithink it was four terms, but
it might have been three. Sheran six years or eight years since she
was done. She said, I'msicken with my agreement. And she she

rose pretty high. She was onthe military, she was on those budgets,
those same as ones that vote onthe money. But you know,
the Jacksonville area has a naval base, so they have to, you know,
be thinking about that. So Idon't know what you think about that,
but I know it sounds like,oh, there's no way they'd ever
vote on it. The point isis, if we could at least have

some type of civil ability to assumepeople, maybe only people that really want
to help us would run. Well, Kenny, look, I think you're
making a fascinating point, in fact, fascinating points, And let me just
address it from this way. Powercorrupts. That's just the nature of the

world, and absolute power tends tocorrupt. Absolutely. So we're asking people,
with the exception of a very few, and they really are remarkable,
those few who can resist that kindof temptation the power, the money,
the wealth, the privilege, thecontrol. For most people, it's an

aphrodisiac. It's like telling someone keeptaking heroin, keep taking heroin, but
don't get addicted. It's almost impossible. And this is what our founding fathers
warned us against. Everything what's happeningnow, They warned us would happen if
we didn't listen to them. AndI don't know why we keep I don't
mean you, but I'm talking weas a country. Why we keep not

following? And going back to ourfounding fathers. They studied history. They
studied thousands of years of history.They studied monarchy, democracy, republican forms
of government, every form of government, every society under the face of the
earth. They studied. Now thisis their solution, and I agree with

it. We should have term limitsnow. At the time, it was
a voluntary form of limits because peoplehad a sense of honor. George Washington
served two terms. That's it,that's it. He would have easily won
a third term. Hell, hecould have been president for life. He
said, no, two terms,that's it. That's it. So we

have to have term limits, seriousterm limits. The other thing we need
to do is we have to breakup the federal leviathon. The reason why
they're all so corrupt is because there'sso much freaking money in Washington now and
there's so much power and control inWashington. But that's not what our founding

fathers intended for us. They said, no, you're going to be a
free people, a self governing people. The central government is going to be
very weak, and it's going todo a few basic things. Secure the
border, a strong national defense,and essentially roads like in other words,
you know, they called it internalimprovements at the time. In other words,

infrastructure, that's it. That's it, that's it, that's it.
Everything else is to the states orto the people. Our revolution, our
constitution, this is what's so incredibleabout our country was the only time in

history that it was actually made forthe ordinary middle, working class, farmer,
peasant person. It wasn't a revolutionby the elites for the elites.
It was the only time that theysaid, no, no, it really
is for the people. Well,how do you keep power in the hands

of the people. By keeping powerin the hands of the people, Not
in some distant government, never intrust politicians or bureaucrats. If you have
to have used power, keep itlocal state or local governments, because they're
the most accountable but mostly the TenthAmendment to the people. And they said,

we'll even give you a bill ofrights. So we'll en try it.
In a bill of rights. Theseare the liberties and freedoms and protections
that you have that no government onearth can take from you unless you let
him take it from you. Soyou know you want to stop all of
this, well, stop sending trillionsof dollars to Washington. Stop giving them

control over every aspect of our lives. So they control education, they control
healthcare, They what don't they control? And I go back to PISA,
the PHISA renewal. Johnson said,Oh, he's dead set against it because

his constituents are dead set against it. What happened? He completely flip flopped
to me, if you want toknow the truth, even more than the
Ukraine Aid Bill. Although I can'tstand the Ukraine Aid Bill, the biggest
betrayal was FISA. I'll never forgivehim for Pisa. Why our government has

the power, literally, Kenny,listen to what I'm telling you, to
spy on you, to you,to spy on you, to spy on
me, to spy on all ofus, to read our emails, to
listen to our phone conversations to ourmost intimate aspects of our life, go

through our iPads, our our laptops. They know every aspect of our life
and they can do this without gettinga warrant as SAZ, that's the KGB
that was lit. We fought theCold War over this. This is what

the Soviets did to their people,and we said we'd never do it to
our people. Here it is blessedby the Speaker of the House, by
Joe Biden, by the Democrats,and by the Republican Establishment, our founding
fathers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams. They're

rolling in their graves. They're like, we fought a British king and a
British monarch, British authoritarian rule,and you guys just hand over power to
these politicians like it's nothing to spyand surveill on the most intimate aspect of
your lives. So to me,you don't give the government that kind of

power. Ever. Ever, sixone seven two six six sixty eight sixty
eight is the number you can textus seven zero four seven zero seven zero
four to seven zero. The textmachine is on fire today. This is
from two zero two, Jeff inWashington and in the centers of power worldwide

blackmail rules. This is nothing new, Speaker Mike Johnson is now the latest
victim. He will do what heis told, just as all the others
before him. There is only oneman who remains uncompromised, Donald J.
Trump. And that is precisely whyhe has been and continues to be the

target of the predators Bingo. That'swhy they fear him, That's why they
have to stop him, That's whythey have to destroy him, because they
can't control him. And that's whythey're throwing everything but the kitchen sink at
him. Six one seven two sixsix sixty eight sixty eight. And this

is another one, a real doozyfrom seven sorry, nine one seven forgive
me, Jeff. As you know, our Constitution was designed by the founding
fathers to prevent the government from doingwhat it's now doing every day. The

Bill of Rights could not be moreclear as to what the government can't do.
Ever, all has been inverted,and the government uses this our Constitution
as a blank permission slip for anythingand everything. And to me, the
biggest mistake of all was the PatriotAct and Look, I've said it many

times on the air, one ofthe biggest mistakes of my career. I
supported it. I deeply regret havingdone that. I apologize, I keep
apologizing. I was misled, Iwas fooled. I was naive. Why
did I think they would not abuseit in the hijacket. I thought they
were going to use it to goafter terrorists. Instead, they used it

to go after you and me.And they can't once they've gotten that power.
Look at them, they can't letit go. Why do you need
to spy on Americans without a warrant? If you believe in an American citizen
or someone is a terrorist, youget a warrant and then you can top

their phones or listening on their conversationsor whatever because you believe there's genuine probable
cause. But no way in helldo you have the right to listen to
my conversations or your conversations, orto read our emails or our text messages
or whatever. It is simply becauseyou want to where you can. And

that's, by the way, howthey dig up all the blackmail information and
so to me, you know,the Ukraine Aid bill. I mean,
don't get me wrong, it stings. It sticks in my crawl as it's
the bone in my throat, asNikita Krushaw famously said. But the one
that I really feel burned on ispizer renewal. Johnson said he was never

going to do it. Well,then he did it, so as I
said, either he's being bribed orhe's being blackmailed. Either way, he's
nothing to me. Six one seventwo six six sixty eight sixty eight Steve
on Jamaica plane. Thanks for holding, Steve, and welcome. Thank you,

Jeff, Jeff. Listen, theonly way this is going to stop
is if it if the same wayit stopped back in seventeen hundred when when
we have had a revolution. Becauseit's not going to stop no other way.
We have to either go to thepolitician's houses when they're on these breaks

and protest in front of their house, and if you have to do it
on a scare the the Jesus outof them, then that's what we have
to do. Because with screw jet, with screwed, the working man in
this country is screwed. You can'tdo nothing. Now they're spying on us,
there's spying on Donald Trump. There'snothing you can do. You have
to get armed military militia and thengo to these people's houses and sit in

front of their houses and tell them. Listen, you're either gonna do what
we ask you to do, oryou're gonna resign, or you're gonna go.
You're gonna go out standing up alaying down one of the two.
But you're gonna leave because we haveno representations the working man, and Massachusetts
has no representation whatsoever in congresence.You're gonna tell me Elizabeth Warren represents the

working man at Mocking represents the workingman. And as far as Selenski goes,
it's having a million dollar mansion downin Florida. Can we get out
and use them because our money paidfor it, I tax money paid for
it. It should be like MaroLago. We should be able to walk
right in there and go do whatwe want to do. Squad. We

should go down there and squat atthis house like an illegals do it,
and then other people's houses that workedall their lives to make those houses for
their families, to make that incomefor their children. Now now you can't
do that because they they're going totax you right out of the house.
If you let your kids have yourhouse, they used to sign it down

to your children, they're gonna makethey're making the taxes so damn high,
or the artificial inflation of the houseso high you can't you can't even pay
the taxes on the house, soyou have to sell it. And then
when you sell it, you geta big chunk of change, but you
can't buy another house for that money. So we either keep going the way
we're going, bending over and takingit, or we do something about it.

Now hear everybody calling up telling you, hey, or we to do
something. I don't see nobody doingnothing, jeff The Republicans are not doing
nothing. They're going along with everythingthat the Democrats want. And if HAKM.
Jeffries gets in there, we aredefinitely screwb because that man is a
racist, biggest talent. Yeah,no he is. No, he's a

black militant. There's no question.He's a black supremacist. He's a Marxist.
Uh. And this guy they getthe house, they will block Donald
Trump. I mean, that's howcrazy they are. And they're going to
potentially sow the seeds of a civilwar. I mean they are. They
are very dangerous people like that shouldnever ever be allowed to get power.

No. Look, Steve, younailed it. The working man is getting
killed in this country right now.The middle working class is getting They're taking
it in the neck. We're takingit in the neck. And what's going
to happen is this, I think, Steve. Look, people are on
your wavelength. But we want toexhaust every possible option. That's why we're

going to give the elections in Novembera chance to give Donald Trump another four
years. But I'm done with theRepublicans. I mean, I'm sick and
tired of being constantly stabbed in theback. Really, it's sellout after sellout
after sellout, betrayal after betrayal afterbetrayal. I mean, this is really
getting sickening. We're going to gothird party. We will have a third

party in this country, and theRepublicans are going to go the way of
the Whigs. They're going to beswept into the dust ben off history.
Like these idiots on Capitol Hill,I could name all these Congressmen. They're
like, we have to have youcran aid, and they're yelling and screaming
and shouting and browbeating, and I'mlike don't you wonder, don't you ever

get out of your bubble in Washingtonand see how people are living. You
don't see the illegals taking over.You don't see the crime wave. You
don't see the fentanyl and the drugs. You don't see the cost of rent,
the cost of housing, the congestion, like just everything that's happening.

You don't see the squalor and thefilth and the misery and the poverty everywhere.
I mean, it's just I don'tknow what planet these people are.
They really are living on a differentplanet, and so they're in for a
root awakening, like I don't youknow. And Mike Johnson, I'm telling
you, by the way, yougot to know this, Steve. He

recently did an interview just to showyou what a snake these people are.
Okay, what kind of snakes?What is the biggest enemy outside of MSNBC,
the biggest enemy of Maga, ofTrump, of conservatives, It's CNN.
This is CNN. He goes onJake Tapper a fake Tapper show,

and Tapper now, oh he's butteringJohnson up. Oh I've never seen him
treat a Republican now, so nice, ah, stroking his ego. What
a courageous, bold House speaker.He's gonna plunge you ahead and vote on
Ukraine and vote on four and eightand renewal for Faiza and funding the whole

government and funding the deep state anda new building for the FBI. And
he's really stroking Johnson's ego. Apparentlythis is what's being reported. After the
interview, Johnson goes to Tapper andsays, you know, I've always liked
you. You're a really fair guy. You always play it straight. Jake.

This the guy who led the witchhunt against Trump, the guy who
was called for Trump's head after aperfectly good phone call with Zelenski, the
guy who has been branding Trump andMAGA and Conservatives as insurrectionists and terrorists day
after day after day. He's theguy now that plays it fair and plays

it straight. I mean, it'sbeyond disgusting. And so you know what
it shows, Steve is this.They go to Washington and they so want
to be part of the club.Oh to get that puff profile piece on
CNN, to have the Washington Postlove you, Oh to have the media

right glowing profiles, and to bea profile encourage we love you. Now
maga Mike, or now it's meagermic Oh. He'd sell his soul,
sell his soul for fame and attentionand the approval of the media and the
ruling class. They're all the same. They're all the same. He said

one thing to his voters in Louisiana. He does the exact opposite the first
chance he gets. And you knowwho gets screwed, Steve, the working
man, people like you, peoplelike me. Well, you know what,
Enough's enough. We're gonna go thirdparty. We're gonna wait till November.

Of course, I'm a bomb thrower. You know, I'm not some
radical revolutionary who's gonna blow everything up. But I'm telling you right now,
I'm done with these guys. Youknow the expression fool me once, shame
on you, fool me twice,shame on me. I'm not gonna get
fooled anymore. We're gonna go thirdparty. It's gonna be an American party.

It's gonna be a working middle classparty. It's gonna be a patriotic
party. It's gonna be a partythat finds he puts this country and it's
people first. Steve, thank youfor that call, My friend six one
seven, two, six, six, sixty eight sixty eight. Jeff in

quinsy. Thanks for holding Jeff,and welcome. Hey, how are you
Jeff? First of all, I'dlike to say I love you in a
non sexual way. Thank you,Thank you, Jeff. Certainly, certainly
so. I guess the bottom lineis is we could end this in two

seconds flat. I agree with acouple of callers ago it ends two ways.
Either a simple war, but wejust stopped going to work. Stop
the money going into the treasury.There's one hundred million of us now.
We could end this tomorrow if theAmerican people, Oh, we get sit
here and bang my heads off thewall and talk about the same thing every
day. Without our tax money goinginto the federal government every week, what's

thirty six trillion in debt? Whatdo they have a week? If we
design you're just not go to work? Well, you know that's the other
thing. No, you're completely right. I mean, we were the economic
backbone of this country. Like theseguys are playing with fire. You know.
Now, look, really, Iknow what their argument is. Their
argument is. I mean, thinkabout how perverse the argument is. But

this is their argument. You're thirtysix trillion dollars in the hole. What's
another ninety five billion? Like that'stheir argument, Like at this point,
who cares? Well, eventually we'regonna have to pay for all this debt,
I mean interest rates. Look,Jeff, this is how things are
bad now as I speak to you. Now. The number one budget item,

the number one thing we spend moneyon. It's no longer the military.
It's not social Security, it's notMedicare, it's not Medicaid. No,
no, no no. It's intereston the debt, not the principle
of the debt. We're not payingdown a penny, just the interest on

the debt. The bankers are makingout like bandits. The globalists are making
out like bandits. They're the oneswho are getting paid all of this interest.
So they have a financial interest inkeeping the system going because they're getting

financially rich off of it, filthyrich off of it. So to show
you this is how bad things are, I'm looking around and I'm like,
we're thirty six trillion in the hole. We're giving What money are we giving
to Ukraine? What no longer myAshton and Mayava or their children now it's

their grandchildren. I mean, youknow, they're fourteen and twelve, and
their grandchildren can't pay down the debtthat we've now amassed. So we got
a clean house. We got aclean house. And I think a tax
revolt is coming. I think peopleare it's the illegals. I think the

illegals more than Ukraine in all honesty, Jeff, I think the illegals.
People are looking at where their moneyis going. If you want, I
can play you the cut. Africanillegal aliens go in front of a New
York City council and they're complaining aboutthe food. I swear to you,
Jeff. They're complaining. They're nothappy with the holiday inn. They're not

happy with the laundry service. They'renot happy with the dry cleaning service.
They're not happy with the free thejeans and the sneakers and the iPads and
the free healthcare. And it's notquite to what they want. And they
want better sandwiches, better meals,they want better food. They want they

want hotel food. They say they'regetting motile food. They want hotel food.
So, Jeff, the illegal aliensare saying we're treating them four star.
They want to be treated five star. And I think this is turning
people's stomach. People have I meanpeople can't. After a while, people

are like, this is beyond disgusting. So you invade our country, then
you take over all our shelter andall our hotels, and we pay for
your meals, and we pay foryour education and for your health care and
prepaid debit cards, cash money,and everything is on our back, and

you still whine and complain. AndI think a tax revolt is inevitable,
Jeff. Look in New York they'rerevolting. I don't know if you saw
Trump in Harlem at the bodega wherethat poor guy was beaten up and assaulted,
uh and and almost got killed,and you had all these New Yorkers

coming out saying how they love Trump. New York is now in play for
Trump in November. Believe me,a tax revolt is brewing, and it's
coming. Final word to you,Jeff, Yeah, it would only take
a week if we sat home,stop sending money into the treasury and all
this sense. We have to defundall the NGOs. I mean, it's

a simple fix. That's what killsme. It's not hard to fix this
country right now. All we haveto do is pretend it's COVID sit on
our ass. That's all night.You know, Jeff, I love you
in a non sexual way, myfriend. You may love me, but
I love you in a non sexualway. We have all the economic power,

and you know they're starting to awakea sleeping giant. And I agree
with you, Jeff. We canturn off the top and shut this thing
down one week. That's what needsto happen. Jeff, thank you very
much for your call, my friend. I really appreciate it. Six one

seven two six, six sixty eightsixty eight is the number. Okay,
let me say here it is theseare illegals from Africa. Because you're not
gonna believe me. Okay, theseare illegals from Africa. Now look,
you know I'm not trying to insultAfrica or Africans, but it's one of
the It's the poorest continent on theface of the earth. Some places are

really third world hellholes, starvation,famine, sheer, misery, anarchy,
chaos, places like I don't know, Somalia, Liberia. I could go
on, but no, no,no, no. Now they come to
America illegally and everything's paid for byus. It's four star. They would

like to have it five star.They're not happy now with the food World
Cut twelve Mike. But at theshelter, the food, my kids cannot
eat. The food at the shelter, Casu my edman soon you know,
pascuta uru gongo are tayam ababata,muyamuday and ramadan thyme. We couldn't eat

because when you come back for onthe bricks, the food is not good
at all. That's the translator speaking, you know. So they don't even
speak English, and they're they're like, you know, now, you know
this mac and cheese stuff that no, hey, hey, maybe you Americans

eat mac and cheese. We don'teat mac and cheese. Whoa, wha,
whoa, whoa. What's this hamsandwich that's got pork? We don't
eat pork. We're talking about.I don't want this ham and cheese.
Get the doll out of here.Oh hey, you know, hey,
I thought I thought we were gettinga surf and turf. We were told
steaks and loves. What the hellis this? You guys are what what

you're giving me? Blowney sandwiches?Are you serious? Oh? This is
a Get the hell out of herebefore I get a the ACLU down here,
we start suing all of you.So there, that's the gratitude.
That's the that's the gratitude that youget. No, it's just not a
just just eggs and toast and aside of fruit. That's it. No

pancakes, no oatmeal, no no, no continental breakfast. Come on,
this is but this is insulting.Six one seven two six six sixty eight
sixty eight is the number, youknow. Not like the immigrants that used

to come. Let me just saythis. They came to work, they
came to prey, they came tobreathe the air of freedom. They were
grateful for everything. This this isa different kind of immigrant. They want
it all and they want it now. Scott in Revere, thanks for holding

Scott, and welcome Jeff. Ilove you. It's not such a way,
my son. You know, youguys are really lifting my spirits today.
Thank Scott, Thank you, myfriend. What's on your mind?
But I can't wait for May,for it's coming and it's coming and I
can't wait. But you know what, Jeff, and this is to every

American that's listening to you right now. When are we gonna say enough is
enough? We have traders to theleft of us. We have traded to
the right of us. We havetraded everywhere. What are we gonna do
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