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April 25, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Six one seven two six x sixtyeight sixty eight. Okay, I'm gonna
continue to take calls, I promise. So Harvard now has got a Gaza
solidarity encampment, just like Columbia Universitydoes. Yale University now is about half

shut down. Columbia is completely shutdown. Tufts Emerson here in Boston now
they're anticipating massive protests. Last nightthere were also protests. Four police officers
in Boston were seriously injured. Theviolence is now escalating. It is now

at the University of Southern California,it is at the University of Texas.
You're seeing at the University of Michigan. Clearly, now this pro Hamas antisemitic
movement really what many are calling nowthe Hitler youth is getting stronger and stronger
and stronger, and as they shoutantisemitic slogans and death to America, death

to Israel, praising Hummas, theal Casan brigades, those are the ones
who raped, gang, raped women, burned children alive literally and chanting one
thousand October sevenths. I just wantto play it again. These these are
the kind of students, This isthe level of the mind that is now

going to these protests. Roll cuttwenty six, Mike, and what would
you say is the main goal withtonight's protest? I think Palestine and demanding
that NYU saw. I honestly don'tknow what y doing. Is there something

that NYU is doing? I reallydon't. I'm pretty sure you know what
about Israel? Are we protesting here? That was more educated? I'm not
either. I can't. I wasthere and they came down and I used
to support, So I came down. I heard there's lots of cops and

you were saying it was getting dangerous. Now to show you, you know,
a tale of two campuses or atale of two Americas. So some
of these radical left wing Jew hatingstudents tried this at the University of Texas
and they had their cafeas you know, the shawls, and they had their

signs about from the river to theSea and death to the Jews, and
death to Israel and death to America. Well, this is Texas, this
is a red state. And thecops came in, in fact, they
sent in law enforcement. They werein riot gear, they were on horseback,
God bless them, and they clearedout those students within two hours,

some of the students got roughed up, they got pushed around, and the
governor Greg Abbott, God bless him, came out and said, this is
an illegal occupation of a campus.You are not allowed to occupy any campus,
and you can't call for the deathof fellow Americans. That this whole

thing is illegal and a threat topublic safety, and we're gonna send every
single one of you. We're gonnaput your asses in jail. Listen,
now, this is Texas State troopersin riot gear on horseback, and man,
were they dispersing these Prohamas protesters.The students didn't know what hit him.

Roll cut twenty eight, Mike.You see these students, they're being

pushed on the ground. They're justbeing tossed on the ground, and you
know they're doing all you're Nazis,you're Nazis. And the cops are like
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bang, and they go on the
ground. They start dragging them bythe leg, handcuffs, handcuffs, next,
handcuffs, handcuffs, and then youjust see that you know these are

supposed to be you know Hamas MoujaHadeen, right, he said, these
freedom fighters. You know, I'llcuss Ham and they're just running. You
see these you know, they havethe shawl and then suddenly they take off
the shawl and they're running in theopposite direction. I mean, just what

a bunch of gutless, yellow liveredcowards. I mean, there's such frauds.
It's unbelievable. You see, that'sthe Text Way, that's the Red
State Way. Two weeks. Oh, and by the way, University of
Texas is now cleared out. There'sno encampment, there are no protests,

there's nothing. Classes are resuming,everybody's going to school. Everybody's going to
class. The problem at the Universityof Texas solved two hours Columbia. It's
still occupied, massive encampments and they'restill negotiating. You see the difference Blue

state, Red state, New York, Texas or enough for US Massachusetts Texas
mit occupied tufts, occupied Emerson occupied, Harvard occupied, University of Texas not

occupied. Mike in Maine, thanksfor holding Mike, and welcome. Hey
Jeff, thank you for taking mycall. I just want to make a
comment. Take meque just a halfa minute, and then I got to
hang up. But a gentleman.A couple of calls ago. I was
talking about General George Washington. Andwhat's really really interesting is that when General

George Washington was running out of money, a Jewish American Jewish businessman donated his
entire estate to the American Revolutionary Armyand funded the founding fathers of this country.
And on the back of a dollarbill above the American Eagle, you'll

see the star of David and Igot to go, Jeff, thank you,
Thank you, Mike. Very importantpiece of information. And that's why
I said yesterday on the show,and I want to repeat it. I
am urging all again. I'm notgoing to tell you what to do.
I'm just giving you my honest advice. I'm urging all Jewish Americans, all
American Jews. If you're a man, please, if you can wear your

yamaka, your your skull cap.Six one seven two six, six sixty
eight sixty eight is the number.Okay, couple lines are open if you
want to jump on. Okay,this is a great message I got on
messenger from Edward T. Edward.I'm not going to say his last name
to protect his anonymity. Jeff,and he's completely right, by the way,

Jeff give Boston police, their props. They made over one hundred arrests
and had four officers injured while clearingout that. I can't say this while
clearing out that crap show. Let'sput it that put it that way,
while clearing that crap show out.I know it's a liberal, disgusting city.

But Boston police did write last night. No, they did, and
they were very professional and they wereexcellent. Now Emerson has canceled all classes
today. This is now breaking.Over a one hundred student protesters have now
been arrested by the Boston police.Yeah, one hundred and eight to be

exact, Thank you, Sandy.One hundred and eight are now being arraigned
this morning. Emerson now has shutdown all classes today. So it's not
just Columbia, and it's not justthe Ale, and it's not just It's
now, it's Harvard, it's Emerson, it's Tufts, it's Mit, it's
coming to Massachusetts, it's here,it's spreading and all over the country.

Now, apparently I have not givenout the pole question of the day yet,
So the Kooner Country Pole Question ofthe Day, sponsored by Kelly Financial
Services, Joe Biden says that thesixty billion dollar aid package to Ukraine is

needed to prevent Trump, sorry,prevent Trump, to prevent Vladimir Putin from
invading Europe and causing World War three. That that's why we have to send
them another sixty billion. Do youagree? Yes or no? Do we

need to be sending another sixty billion? Because the argument is Putin will win
in Ukraine, and after he winsin Ukraine, he's going into Poland and
then you know Italy, Germany,He's gonna invade all of Europe. That's
gonna have to trigger Article five ofNATO, which means we have to commit
to defending all these European countries andboom NATO America. The West is at

war with Russia. Do you agree? I'm a hard know on this.
I think this is sheer, fantasy, fear mongering, mass hysteria to try
to justify them stealing even more money. But that's me I want to hear
from you. You can vote onour web page WRKO dot com slash Kooner

wrko dot com slash cooner k uh n as in national Er, or
I'm very active on x formerly Twittermy handle there at the Cooner Report.
One word at the cooner report,yes or no? Eric in Plymouth,

Thanks for holding Eric and welcome.Good morning, Jeff, thanks for taking
my call. And God we trust. Why is this going on? Montery
unit sixty billion there to Ukraine Canada? Okay, they want America to d

US dollar to be number one.I mean, I'm all for that.
For the how it's it's war inpeace? They're all about war. Who
the politicians, the lawye is thelobbyist washing DC. Okay, And you
don't need a brain, you know. I'm red Dawn is going to come

to our shores and uh then whatare we going to do? You know,
take them out for breakfast? Okay, I'm all for that. This
is ludicrous. Debts don't matter.Oh no, I okay, Look,
I hear you. Honestly, you'remaking a really really good point. You

know, you ask yourself, who'sin favor of all this war? And
that's what this is. This issheer warmongering. Now, So who wants
all these military interventions and all theunfanning the flames of all these wars.
It's the politicians, It's the bankers, it's the military industrial complex, it's

the globalists and the lobbyists. That'swhat that's the only people, the corrupt
financial political elites of the West,want war, and they always been itching
for war against Russia, there's noquestion, and that's why they want to
keep sending unlimited amounts of money intoUkraine. And of course they're stealing a

lot of it. That goes withoutsaying. And you know, eventually what's
going to happen is it's going tolead to a disaster and eventually it's going
to come. It's going to blowback against us all the way here.
We can't keep fighting endless wars aroundthe world and not expect blowback here in

the United States. It's impossible.It's absolutely impossible. And so to me,
the American people are dead set againstthis, overwhelmingly Republicans, many Democrats,
not the politicians, but I'm sureon the ground, the grassroots and
independence, and I truly believe thatwar in peace is going to be one

of the biggest issues in this election. And it's where Trump is destroying Biden
in the polls. He's got himon the border, on immigration, on
the economy, on inflation. They'recalling it foreign policy, but it's really
war and peace. And look,I really mean this and I've been saying

this for three years. My greatestfear under Biden is that he may sleepwalk
us or put us on a pathtowards a world war in which we will
never be able to come back from. And every day the war in Ukraine
goes on, every day we're firingmissiles into Russia, because that's what's happening

now. Every day more Russians thanUkrainians are getting killed is one day closer
to potential nuclear armageddon. Now,polls have shown consistently Ukrainians want peace,
Russians want peace. Europeans it's intheir backyard. They want peace, Americans

want peace. It's time for peace. Eric, thank you for that call.
Alan in South Carolina, thanks forholding Alan, and welcome. Good
morning, Jeff, Hi Paues.Hey, you almost got me with a
whole pause situation A warning, No, Alan, I mean, seriously,

where are the Democrats? Is selfrespect? I mean, you've got a
guy who's so mentally gone, really, who's in such such cognitive decline.
His brain is so shot that whenhe's reeling the reading the teleprompter, he
can't even read it properly. Okay, four more years pause? I mean,

Alan, what do you say,seriously, well, what do you
say to that any hungry right,how much do you think it would cost
to bribe somebody to put I resigneffective immediately at the end of his speech?
You know, it's funny, No, it's it's true. You could

do you know, if we youknow, for the hell of it,
for a gag, if we paidsome speech writer and said, hey,
look you want to make a quickmillion Yeah, sure, all right,
just right, no matter what thespeech is, just right at the end,
I resign effective immediately. It wasokay, you know, but give
me the cash first. Okay,here it is, so we give it

to him on an envelope and thenhe writes it, and then Biden delivers
a speech. You're dead on.Biden would read, you know, he'd
read a speech blah blah blah blahblah blah, and then at the end,
you know, I resign effect ofimmediately. You're right. He would
read it out loud, and theaudience would be like, well, what
did you just say? And he'dbe like he's pumping his fist, like

come on, why aren't you allcheering? Alan? Will he make it
to the convention? Is he goingto make it to the convention or are
they going to ride this guy allthe way to November. Honestly, they
have to be crazy to keep himon the ballot, but their MoonBots,

by definition, they're crazy. Alan, thank you very much for that call.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. It'sofficial Carrie in New Hampshire. Thanks
for holding Carrie, and welcome.Hi, yes, hi, carry.

I just have a few things thatI've always wondered about. You know,
how Joe Biden took everybody horribly outof Afghanistan and then turned right around and
sent off the money to the Ukraine, and with all the money that came
from Ukraine into his family. Itseems kind of odd to me that that
would happen so quickly, don't youthink? Yes, yeah, yeah.

The church I go to, wehave a few people from Colombia, very
intelligent, educated people. And somebodyjust came back from Colombia and I spoke
with her last Sunday, And youknow, Colombia is in a tough spot
because the cartels are running the place. They're elective officials, and I think
our country has become that too.Sad to say, well, we're being

run now by oligarchs, you know, I mean the drug cartels control our
southern border, no question. Butwe're being run like in Eastern Europe,
you know, or Russia or Ukraineor you know many of these Eastern European
countries. We are now run byvery wealthy, very powerful oligarchs. Scott
in Revere, Thanks for holding Scott, and welcome Jeff. I love you

in the know. It's just yourway, my friend. Thank you so
much, Scott. What's on yourmind, buddy? You know what,
Jeff? I keep on trying tothink to myself, what kind of person
would vote for a man like likeBiden? I mean, I'm trying to
put myself in the issues, andso far I come up with absolutely I

have no idea. First you havepeople protesting, they don't even know what
they're protesting for. Then you gotthe man who's running for president can't even
read a speech, I mean,forget about a sentence, forget about a
speech. Then you have our own, our own representatives, passion sit a

hundred I see a hunde hundred billiondollar bill and standing up with another country
slag and screaming about another say howmuch they love that country? Another ty
so I cannot go up with one. Yah. Way in the world would

you vote to this man, Scott? Really, Scott, did you ever
watch when you were growing up?Did you ever watch The Twilight Zone?
I know I did. Maybe I'mdating myself, but anyway, I love
the Twilight Zone growing up, Scott. I'm telling you, this is the

Twilight Zone, or as I liketo call it, the Biden Zone.
Everything is up is down, blackis white, white is black. We're
living the inmates are running the asylum, Scott, and November just can't come
fast enough because then, you know, the we take over the asylum again,

the normal, same people. Wetake over the asylum and we put
the inmates back into the asylum.Really, Scott, the way you summed
it up so beautifully, what you'redescribing is madness. You're describing insanity,
Scott, lost word to you,my friend Jeff. Just one more thing.

We need to show up in full, full force on the fourth.
We really do. We have tomake a statement on that day. So
I urged everybody, everybody who wantschange for the better, to come to
this rally. And we gotta bewe gotta we gotta protect each other's backs,

and we gotta make sure that we'reall one that day and call your
Senate or congress woman. I doit every morning. I call Johnson,
McConnell, and Midre Tent agree everymorning. Amen, Oh call your congress
a Senator, Amen, Scott,thank you very much for that call.

On the look forward to seeing youon May fourth. Boston is going to
rise on May fourth, and He'scompletely right. We have to send a
message loud and clear. We're notgoing to tolerate this invasion at our southern
border. We're not going to toleratethese sanctuary state policies, and we're not
going to tolerate giving away our moneyto illegal aliens. Just honestly, we

are not going to bankrupt our country. We're not going to allow it to
happen. We're done, We're fedup, and it's going to change,
and the resistance is going to riseMay fourth, ten am at the steps
of the State House Saturday. We'regonna have a lot of great speakers.
I'll be seeing the event. I'llbe speaking as well, and I'm hoping

all of you come because we're gonnalet the Rhinos in this state know the
Democrats in this state. Healey JoeBiden, the entire corrupt regime that we
are saying, close the border nowperiod. Kathy in Rochester. Thanks for
holding Kathy, and welcome. TwightenZone a combination of Twilight and Biden.

So it's the Twighten Zone. ButScott, you're right. You know we're
going to stand up for our rightsand make phone calls. I called Emerson
yesday and left a message for thePresident. And we need to call all
these colleges and universities because they areviolating their own regulations. I'm on the

MIT website. They have something calleda twenty twenty three twenty twenty four mind
In Handbook, and it's discussing discriminationand discriminatory harassment in order to create a
respectful, welcoming, and productive community. The Institute is committed to providing a
livable, working, and learning environmentthat is free from discrimination and discriminatory harassment.

Well, what the hell do thesepeople think that they are doing to
the Jewish students on all of thesecampuses. This is complete and utter discrimination,
and we need to call for everysingle person in the administration of each
of these colleges and universities who isallowing this to happen to step down,
step down, go away, becauseyou are not following your rules. You're

not upholding your rules, and itneeds to end. These people have all
these rules, but they don't followthem. It's amazing. Well and Kathy,
you know you're right. And theyimpose all these rules on us and
they throw the book at us ifwe break even one of them. So
notice, it's anarchy for them,but tyranny for us. Kathy, great

point. Thank you for that call, Will in Quincy. Thanks for holding
Will and welcome. Hey Jeff,how you doing. Thank you for taking
my call. My pleasure. Will. Yeah, just a you know a
couple of quick points. I've beenlistening ALMONI and you know, just I'll
be very faster. It's very Ukrainesituation for me is interesting, and I

think you've you know, I've talkedto you before that I've served. There's
not a chance that I would sendmy SONO son over there to serve this
just it wouldn't happen. And you'reso gracious that you know your son ashion
you wouldn't expect that either. Youknow, the military's mission is to protect

our country in our interests, andit's gotten lost and we're not we're not
there to protect Ukraine. It's it'sjust not gonna it's not going to happen.
Well, you know, Will.I think it's a great way to
end the show. I think it'sa perfect boat to the entire show,

what we're witnessing under Biden and whatwe're witnessing now under this globalist regime.
It's really a globalist communist regime gymin in the White House and in Washington
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