All Episodes

March 28, 2024 38 mins

What does Liberal Aunt Peggy look like. Diversity hire hanging up on a radio host. Jamaal Bowman is a problem for the democrats because he refuses to fall in line with the people in power. Illhan Omar won’t be in congress even 5 years from now. Liberals refusing to believe the facts in front of them. Flamers for freedom!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. On a Wednesday, another hour of The Jesse
Kelly Show. Reminding everybody that I'm gonna be gone. Don't
yell at me. That's something I gotta go do. I'll
be back on Friday for an Ask Doctor Jesse Friday, though,
So get your questions emailed in now the Jesse at

Jesse kellyshow dot com. We'll talk about uncooked barbarians here
in just a moment. We're gonna get get into some
email roundup. I have an incredible example of them not
wanting to leave their world of make believe. We keep
getting all kinds of new ones here. We also had
corin Diversity Hire today. She calls into Charlotte WBT and

Charlotte and well it was the first part.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Of it was interesting though. They all said, would you
please just ask her? Does the president have dementia? So,
before I move on from that, does he that Mark?

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Mark? I can't even believe you're asking me this question.
That is an incredibly offensive question to ask, But you'll
ask you wait, oh let me no, no, no, no, no,
you Mark, you you you you're taking us down this
rabbit hole. Let me uh, let me uh, let me
be very clear about this.

Speaker 4 (01:27):

Speaker 3 (01:28):
For the past several years, the president's physician has laid
out very in a comprehensive way, the president's health.

Speaker 5 (01:36):

Speaker 3 (01:37):
This is a president. If you watch him every day,
if you really pay attention to his record and what
he has done, you will see exactly how focus he's
been on the American people, how historic his actions has been.
And so I'm not even going to truly truly.

Speaker 6 (01:54):
Uh uh.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Really, you know, take take the premise of your question.
I think it is incredibly insulting, and so we can
you know, we can move on to the next question.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
That's how it started. Here's how it ended.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Gas prices and grocery prices. Then big topics here in
North Carolina. How does mister Biden win votes when people
don't have as much disposable income.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
Look, the president understands he grew up in a middle
class family, working class family, and I.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Almost forget that he does that middle class Joe in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
He gets it. You have to remember when the president
walked into this administration, there were multiple crises happening. There
was COVID, there was the economy was in the tailspin
because of the last administration. Because of what the President
Trump left us with, eggs, milk, seafood products, all the
important groceries. Both costs have gone down because of what

this president has been able to do. And with that,
thank you so much. Mark, have an amazing, amazing day.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Wow wow A. You know what, that's the most proud
I've ever been of krein diversity higher because I do
that same thing. I mean I do it to family
and friends and stuff like that. You do it to
radio hosts you're mad at, but I do the same thing. Hey,
when I'm done talking, let's just end this whole thing here.

We don't have to do this all right, Let's talk
about uncooked barbarians and then we get to some emails
and some other stuff. Jamal Bowman is a fascinating character,
more fascinating than most people think. Most people outside of
New York don't don't really know who he is. They've
maybe seen his face. You obviously know who Jamal Bowman is.

And you and me we've had this talk before. Let's
have it again for the new listeners out there, just
a little recap. There are two different kinds of communists,
always have been, always will be. There are elite communists scum,
and there are street communists scum. Elite communists scum. Those
are the people who actually hold power, the politicians and

the bureaucrats and the judges. And that these are the
communists who hold power. They don't actually believe in communism
anymore now that now that they've made it big, but
they're the elite communists coum. Then there are the streets.
That's the climate change nutters. You see the street animals
gluing themselves to the road, the Black lives matter, the

Antifa types, the street animals, they're always separate. They work
with each other. The street animals are allowed to behave
like the animals they are because the elites will give
them legal cover, in legal protection. So they work with
each other, and in return, the elites will they will
use the streets for the violence they do. That's why

Chuck Schumer is not naive to how this works. He'll
get up and give a speech and he'll threaten Supreme
Court justices that they'll reap the whirlwind. In fact, he
mentioned Kavanaugh specifically, and about fifteen minutes later, a street
animal from California with a gun flew back to assassinate
Bret Kavanov. So they work with each other. The elites

need the streets and their violence. The streets need the
elites and their legal cover. They work with each other.
You know this occasionally, though occasionally, someone will make the transition.
Never from elite to street. Once you get to elite,
you stay or you die. But from street to elite,

it does happen.

Speaker 7 (05:30):
It happens.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
But once it happens the elites. This happens every single time.
It happened in the Soviet Union, it happened in China,
it happened every single time. The elites. They have to
teach the streets that, hey, listen, I know you're a
true believer. I get all that, but we don't. We
don't do that here. We're we're not true believers.

Speaker 6 (05:55):

Speaker 1 (05:55):
You understand that we were just we were using you
and your bitterness and the fact that you hate yourself
and your life and your country. We were using that
for power. You see, this is actually about power. All
communism is just about power for these people. So they
have to sit down with the streets when they make
the transition and simply explain listen. You can't conduct yourself

like an animal anymore. This is all about power for us.
So shape up. Got to shave off some of the
rough edges. And if the streets don't do it, they
won't be there very long. The elites will get them out.
You see this. As I've explained before with AOC. AOC
used to say these crazy things all the time, and
I realized she says them still, but much less often. Right,

AOC's out there, I support Joe Biden. What some common
member of the squad supporting Joe Biden? AOC got cooked?
A cooked barbarian. It's how the Romans described civilizing barbarians.
It's how the Chinese described civilizing barbarians. You got to
cook a the ones you can't do or haven't cooked yet,

they're uncooked. The problem for the American Democrat is, and
this hasn't always been a problem for communists. Some of
them can be cooked, some of them cannot. Why do
you think ilhan Omar is facing a legitimate primary challenge
from the establishment in the Democrat Party. You couldn't cook her.

She's just looks she's a died in the wool commie.
Her parents were died in the wool Commis. You can't
get that out of her. She created too many problems
for them. Now they're challenging her. Even if they don't
beat her in this primary, they'll beat her in the
next one. Ilhan Omar will not be in Congress ten
years from now, Chris, go ahead and write that one down.

Speaker 7 (07:41):
She will not. They're gonna run her out.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
AOC will. They are not going to challenge AOC. She's
been being a good little elite. Now they're not going
to challenge her. Jamal Bowman, I don't think he's gonna
make it. You remember Jamal Bowman pulled the fire alarm
to innerrun to vote. He didn't like just a total
street animal. That's how he's conducted himself his whole life. Well, no,

of course I'll go you ain't the fire alarm just
an animal. It's just honestly, he's more like a more
like a wolf or something like that than a human beings.

Speaker 7 (08:13):
Just an animal.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
And recently, you know how Democrats are trying to walk
this tightrope with American Jews and American Muslims, trying to
hold together their domestic voting coalition. So they want Israel
to quiet down, and guys that are quiet down, they
needed all to quiet down to go away. And they
need they need domestic democrats to quiet down too. Don't
create problems for us. Jamal Bowman goes and hits the

streets in New York City and he says there were
no rapes of his late Israeli women. This was propaganda
used in the beginning of the stiege. There's still no
evidence of beheaded babies or rape women. This is a
direct quote. They still keep using that for a lie.
He said this couple of days ago.

Speaker 7 (08:54):
Well, Jamal Bowman, once.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Again, just like after he pulled fire alarm, got pulled
into the office from the elites. Hakim Jeffries had to
sit down with him once again and explain to him
that we need you. We need you to not chew
with your mouth open, all right, We need you to

become civilized. This was Jamal Bowman from today. As I
said at this rally, what Hamas did on October seventh
is a war crime and they must release all hostages.
The UM confirmed that Hamas committed rape and sexual violence,
a reprehensible fact that I condemn entirely. And he goes

on to say a couple other things. Why why a
complete one eighty He stands on the streets like an animal,
then claims nobody was raped, no dead babies. Then a
couple of days later sounds totally different. Why they're cooking
him or trying to. But I have my doubts from

what I've seen so far that Jamal Bowman is gonna
be able to be cooked. He's gonna go to the
route of ihan Omar AOC. She's gonna be the one
who lasts, should be in Congress for twenty thirty years,
raised in a bunch of money. The Jamal Bowmans, the
ihan Omars.

Speaker 7 (10:22):
They're not gonna make it. They're just not gonna make it.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
All right, I want to talk well, you know what,
We'll do an email roundup and then we'll do another
amazing example of these people wanting to stay in their
world to make believe.

Speaker 7 (10:36):
Look, maybe you live in a world to make believe.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Maybe you live in this world that tells you, hey,
I can just I can keep my testosterone levels up
if I eat right and get better sleep. And don't
get me wrong, you need to eat right and you
need to get good sleep. You need to take active
steps to get your tea levels back up. Gentlemen, America
has lost half of its testosterone in the last fifty years.

We are now making so few babies. And I don't
know if that's how you put that, that we are
facing societal collapse in thirty forty fifty years. We're just
not making enough babies. We're going through what Japan's going
through right now. Female vitality stacks for the ladies and
male vitality stacks for the men. It's time to get

strong again. It's time to get in better moods. You
know you need testosterone for your mood. Gentlemen, you depressed
a lot. Give it ninety days a male vitality stack.
Get a subscription so you save money ninety days experience
a totally different world. See hoq dot com promo code Jesse.

Ladies get a female vitality stack, Get some chocoltpowder Go
chalk dot com promo code Jesse.

Speaker 8 (11:51):
He doesn't care if.

Speaker 7 (11:52):
You believe him, but he's right. Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. Remember
if you miss any part of the show, you can
download the whole thing on Ihart, Google, Spotify, iTunes. We
need to clear out some serious emails here before we
get to Friday. Hello Ninja. Monday, March twenty fifth, third hour.
I think you let an audio clip play through without interruption.

The show has a two hour delay in Albany, New York,
and I was in bed when it happened, so I
marked it on my calendar. The next day, I had
already forgotten the time and subject. I cannot remember clearly
after all this time. But one night in the spring
of twenty twenty three, you let an audio clip play
all the way too. I kept forgetting to mark that

on my calendar. I wonder if another listener noticed this
event as well. This could be literally the anniversary we
can celebrate annually. That's not right. I let audio clips play, yeah,
I do, Chris. I let some of them play all
the way through. I let the Freedo Bandino play all
the way through. A ye ya yay.

Speaker 7 (13:04):
Sometimes when I'm.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Playing an audio clip, I have things to say. During
the middle of it, I something, well, I guess I
should probably be explained something.

Speaker 7 (13:14):
I don't plan out the show. There's no plan.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
They Chris and Michael. They throw a bunch of articles
and stuff in front of me and we have some
audio cuts and stuff from the day, and then we
just kind of go wherever the wind takes us. So
sometimes ideas will pop into my head during an audio
clip and I want to stop and talk about it.
I know, I know, I do not have adhd a

yay yay yay.

Speaker 6 (13:41):
I am the Printo bandito yagy. I like Printo scornchips.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
I love them.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
I do.

Speaker 6 (13:47):
I want brinto scornchips. I'll get them from you. I
yi yi yi oh imb Printo Bantito. Give me brito
scornchips and I'll be your friends. Be free so brumby,
though you must not up in munch munch a bunch.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Of free Jesse. Your Aunt Peggy sounds hot? Can you
tell us what she looks like? She's of course talking
about Liberal Aunt Peggy, the fictional made up crazy communist
woman that I talk about all the time in the show.
We all have a liberal ant Peggy in our life.
It's funny because we actually have a hardcore anti communist

listener named Peggy, and it grades on her to no
end that that is the name I've settled on for
liberal ant Peggy. And let me just say to you,
real Peggy. I can't change now, all right, branding is
what it is. Just pretend like I'm not talking about you,
all right. So what does liberal ant Peggy look like
in my mind? Well, she's super skinny, and I don't

mean as in a healthy weight skinny too skinny. You
know why because she exists on wine and anti anxiety medication.
And whenever you offer her a real meal, hey, you
want to go grab a cheeseburger. She's never hungry, right,
she doesn't. She's so mixed up. Yeah, that's right, Chris Vegan. Skinny,
kind of unhealthy skinny, skinny but not muscles skinny, kind

of just think this stick and bones type thing. She
wears glasses, and look, I'm not insulting anyone who wears glasses.
I've already walked you through my saga. Stop Michael stop. Okay,
if Michael wears glasses, I'm not insulting people who wear glasses.
I have glasses. I actually was in I had to

go to Ohio last weekend to celebrate my father in
law's seventieth birthday. So me, wife and the kids, we
flew back to Ohio and on the way back from
the airport. I saw a sunglass hut. Do you ever
see a sunglass hut? Well, I used to see sunglass
huts all the time when I was a kid, and
I would walk by and sometimes I would walk in,
but it always it was always kind of heartbreaking going in.

You gok, I'll look at these oak leaves or something
like that. But you can never afford who is two
hundred dollars to spend on sunglasses? You can never afford
anything in there, but you would go gock. So I
used to not go to sunglass Hut because I couldn't
afford any glasses. And now I don't go to sunglass
Hut because they don't have my prescription. So now I'll
never buy anything from sunglass Hut, I know anyway, So
I'm not insulting anyone who wears glasses, but Liberal Aunt

Peggy definitely has glasses. And more than anything, you can
tell Liberal Aunt Peggy because of that crazed look in
her eye. She carries that look around a lot. You
know exactly what I'm talking about too. There's a picture. Actually,
you can look this up. If you're not driving, you
can look up this picture. I'll help you visualize it.

But there's a picture, there's this, there's this woman, obviously
a very very sick individual. She's protesting at an event,
and she's wearing a shirt that she had custom made
for and the shirt says, I've had twenty one abortions.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
That's what the shirt says.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
And obviously that's unbelievably sick and awful and we hate
that and it's terrible. But once you get past the shirt,
go look it up.

Speaker 7 (17:14):
Go look.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
I'm sure woman twenty one abortion shirt. I'm sure it'll
pop right up, Chris, make sure I'm right about that.
Woman to Chris is looking it up right now. More
than the shirt, though, it's the look in her eyes,
that look in her eyes, and I don't know, Look,
I don't want to speak to this. I don't know
whether that's drugs, bitterness. I don't know whether it's it's

demon possession. I don't know what it is. Chris, are
you looking at her? You're here, you'll find it eventually.
Maybe that's not how you find it. But the look
in her eyes says it all bugging out of her head, angry, crazed.
That's liberal and peggy, and you have someone like that
in your life speaking of Liberal and Paggy, We've been

talking about this world of make believe these people live
in and how you can't join them there. We can
try to pull them out of it, but you and
me we have to accept something that we can't save
them all, and we probably can't save most of them.
We can try, and we should try, but we can't

save them all. Why because they want to live in
that world. I have a great, great clip of this,
I'll play you in just a second. Before I do that,
do you want to be pain free? I have been
telling you about Relief Factor, and I've been telling you
that the ivy profen is wrecking your liver. Well, we

had a good doctor email the show. Her name is Lisa,
said I could use her name, and she absolutely scolded
me that ibuprofen does not wreck your liver, just your kidneys.
So stop recking your kidneys and find a natural solution
to deal with pain. That's what Relief Factor is. A

drug free, all natural solution to deal with pain, neck, back, joints, muscles.
You don't have to live with this nagging pain. And
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take it for three weeks. You'll be back and everyone does.

Call them and get one one eight hundred, do the
number four relief or you can go to relief factor
dot com.

Speaker 7 (19:37):
All right, we'll be.

Speaker 8 (19:39):
Back fighting for your freedom every day.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. Reminding
you you can email the show and should your love,
your hate, your death threats, and more importantly, you're asked
Doctor Jesse question for Friday because I'll be gone tomorrow.
Email those into Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. All right,
I'm gonna play something for you right now, and I

need to do a little setup for it. Right before
you hear the clip. There's a psychologist. His name is
Jonathan Haate. You're John Hate. He was on Joe Rogan
Show and they were talking about the Trump bloodbath comments.
Remember how media ran with that and lied about it,
And Joe Rogan played for him just the bloodbath comments.

That is the setup to this conversation. And listen they
go through it and as John Hates talking about how
terrible it was, and it's even when it's wrong. And
then you'll hear in the clip. Rogan then plays the
longer clip for him. That's the money part. When Rogan
plays the longer clip. I want you to listen to
this guy. Listen to his response. Listen to his response

after he hears the context, and understand. This is why
liberal aunt Peggy never comes around to your argument. When
you cite facts, when you show her video, when you
show her clear evidence that everything she believes is wrong
and evil, these people want to stay in that world.

Speaker 8 (21:19):
That's what he said.

Speaker 9 (21:20):
Well, that sounds pretty bad. That sounds like a ninety
three election argument. I win the country's over.

Speaker 8 (21:25):
But what he was saying, yeah, but what he's talking
about is this subversion of our economy and the subversion
of our democracy that we will never have an election again.
I don't think he's saying that it'll be a bloodbath
in terms of a civil wars.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
And Joe Rogan's not some conservative And by the way,
I don't know him. I'm not friends with him. I
don't I have anything against him. I don't know him.
But you hear Rogan, who's a very non partisan guy,
calmly explaining to this communist, well, yeah, but that's not
really what he was saying, right, And so here he's
going through the explanation going to be destroyed.

Speaker 9 (21:59):
There was no I was listening for that. I was
thinking maybe I didn't hear any. I mean, the blood
bath is.

Speaker 8 (22:06):
It's an unfortunate term, but he's not. I don't think
he's saying it's a civil war.

Speaker 9 (22:11):
It sounded to me like he was. It sounded to
make it. You know, if he doesn't win, there will
be violence, right. You have to really give him about
the economy, talking about was talking about China plans.

Speaker 8 (22:24):
He's talking about all these things and saying that if
he doesn't get elected, it's going to be a blood.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
We're coming up on the best part where Rogan just
plays the full clip, the full context for him, and
this is the money part. His response after it just
he doesn't want to leave the cave.

Speaker 8 (22:42):
It's going to be a mess. I don't think he's
I mean, I think he would elaborate on that if
he was saying there'll be violence. I don't think that's
what he's saying. I think he's seeing the destruction of
our economy to destruction of.

Speaker 9 (22:53):
Our You know, he makes a lot of his sides.
So he was talking about the economy, that's true, and
then he said, if I'm not elected, and then he
makes an aside about what would happen to the country if.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
The video we watch cuts it off for blood bath.

Speaker 5 (23:08):
Elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole
that's going to be the least of it. It's going
to be a blood bath for the country. That'll be
the least of it. But they're not going to sell
those cars. They're building massive factories. A friend of mine,
all he does is built car manufactory.

Speaker 9 (23:22):
So he's back on the economy. Yeah, but he made it.
But the aside was not about the economy. The aside
was him making one of these typical asides about how
you know how important he is. All Right, you know, Joe,
I think we're not going to settle this.

Speaker 7 (23:37):
Remember my sky is green theory. This guy John Hate.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
He can look up at the sky, the same sky
you're looking up at maybe right now, and your eyes
tell you it's blue. Obviously you can see it's blue.
It's not it's not a mystery, and he should be
able to see it's blue. His eyes work but he
looks up and he sees green. You're the average American

Democrat exists in a world that is not real. As
I have explained many many times, we have to start
operating as if we're dealing with people who are insane.
And this is one of the very few times where
I'm genuinely not trying to be insulting. They believe things

that are simply not true, and they believe them all
the way, no different than the guy who believes he
can fly and jumps off of a building. The average
American Democrat because they exist in a world of lies.
They consume only lies, they read only lies, They want
to believe only lies. They don't want you to save them.

They don't want to wake up. Oh yeah, please play it, Chris.
It's a great clip. It actually reminds me of Soviet defector,
former KGB agent Uribezmentofen. This clip we've played many, many, many,
many many times for you.

Speaker 10 (25:10):
Ideological subversion is the slow process which we call either
ideological subversion or active measures actively miripriatia in the language
of the KGB, or psychological warfare. What it basically means
is to change the perception of reality of every American

to such an extent that, despite of the abundance of information,
no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in
the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and
their country. It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow,
and it's divided in four basic stages, the first one

being demoralization. It takes from fifteen to twenty years to
demoralize the nation. Why that many years because this is
the minimum number of years which requires to educate one
generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed
to the ideology of the enemy. In other wands, Marxism,

Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of
at least three generations of American students without being challenged
or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism American patriotism.
The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed
already for the last twenty five years. Actually, it's over

fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not
even comradant Drop and all his experts would even dream
of such a tremendous success. Most of it is done
by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not

matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to
assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even
if I shower him with information, with the authentic proof,
with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by
force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp,

he will refuse to believe it.

Speaker 7 (27:28):
Sound familiar at all.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Remind you of the last argument debate you had with
Liberal and Peggy It's the truth. Hey, Jesse my son
and I were listening to your show yesterday afternoon and
he heard you say flamers for freedom. That one didn't
come out the way I had wanted to anyway, he said.
He thought about it for a second and responded with
I know what that means. Nothing could have prepared me

for his response. He said, it means burning down houses
to stop the communists from getting in. I was laughing.
He's sick. I have also heard you speaking about the
looming financial crisis we're facing. I wanted to ask you
to paint a picture of what that might look like.
How can we prepare? Thanks for all you do and

it's from Tory. Okay, let's talk about this financial crisis.
Let's talk about this just briefly.

Speaker 6 (28:22):

Speaker 1 (28:22):
Blackrock did something today. They made a move that should
be alarming. Home prices are down twenty percent. That's also alarming.
There are some trends that make it seem as if
we're facing something pretty rough, and let's talk about that
in a moment before we talk about that. Maybe maybe

hearing about the financial crisis, maybe it keeps you up
at night. There are things that keep us up at night, right,
plenty of things to look around and worry about at
this point in time.

Speaker 7 (28:53):
You're up at night. I'm not.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
And you know the difference between you and me. I'm
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Go take advantage of the sales. Gets you some sheets,
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Jesse or call eight hundred eight four five zero five
four four. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a

one day very please now to welcome in ya Ao
x Stein, President of the International Fellowship of Christians in Jews.

Speaker 9 (30:09):

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Ao, First of all, where are you right now? You're
always someplace crazy.

Speaker 4 (30:15):
Thank you so much for having me on. I am
someplace crazy. I'm in Israel and Jerusalem.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
What is going on? American Stone? We see what we
see on the news, right and you know how much
you can trust whatever you see on the news. What
is day to day life like for the people in
your area.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
It's a great question. On one hand, Israel is the
most resilient country in the world. I was here during
the second ETI photo when there were people blowing themselves
up suicide bombers on buses, and people still took buses
and shooting. Is in coffee shops and people were still
sitting in coffee shops. I think it's kind of this
internal faith and just dedication to life and striving for

joy that in Israel we refuse to be victims and
we continue to just have this resilience that's out of
this world. Just this year, even after October seventh attacks
as well, was raided the fifth happiest country in the world.
And so on one hand, on day to day life,
we are still going to coffee shops and still getting
together with family and rejoicing and praying and living life

is normal. And on the other hand, we are used
to running to bomb shelters as rockets are coming into
our towns, and our husbands and our fathers and our
children are out protecting the borders and the Gaza strip.
We're going to funerals almost daily of people who are
killed by the terrorists. So there's a resilience that is
so beautiful and inspiring, but there's a pain that is

can't be described in words.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
October seventh, obviously is a day everyone remembers.

Speaker 7 (31:50):
Everyone remembers it.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Did things change there after that day? And I asked
the question this way, as you noted terrorist attacks and
Israel are not exactly some kind of new thing. This
has been the entirety of the State of Israel's existence.
Yet it feels, at least from Afar, I haven't been
there since then. It feels like something changed, did it.

Speaker 4 (32:15):
Well, First of all, I want to invite you to
come to Israel and be our guest. We would love that.
We would be so honored to have you here in
Israel and really experience it for yourself. And I think
what really changed on October seventh was that following the Holocaust,
and I speak this as the grandchild and daughter in
law of Holocaust survivors, we thought that the world was
different because there was this slogan of never again, that

the world would chant, and that we had the State
of Israel where people recognized we need a Jewish homeland
because for two thousand years of exile, we have been
persecuted as Jewish people. We have been killed, we have
been murdered, we have been kicked out. And that's besides
the fact that this is God's word and prophecy coming
to fruition. That the fact that the Jewish people have

returned to Jerusalem to renew this Hebrew language is something
prophetic and beautiful, but also on a practical side, people
understood the Jewish people need to defend themselves. We saw
not too long ago what happens when we're not able
to do that. Six million people burned in gas chambers.
And it's a reminder that even today, the Jewish people
have yet to reach the number of Jews that there

was before the Holocaust. And so what changed on October
seventh was that we realized we are still in a
fight for survival. We are still facing a real existential
threat on our border, despite the Abraham Accords and the
amazing relationships that we have come to have with many
Arab countries. And what's terrifying is that we see the

rise in anti Semitism is very similar to nineteen thirty five,
nineteen thirty six. But I'll tell you one thing that
we see that's very different. What we see that's very
different is that, for the first time in history, the
Jewish people are not alone. We have millions of Christian
friends who are saying, you want to get to Israelly,

you'll have to stand in front of me first. You
see the UN resolutions, you see many different policies of
American government, and of the UN and of the EU
and the Arab Union, and you have millions of Christians
from China to America, to Canada to Europe saying not
on my watch, I am speaking up and I'm standing
with Israel. And that's where it's different. And that is

the strength, the hope, the huge appreciation that I feel
on the ground here in Israel as I represent those
millions of Christians.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
Yeah. I actually got back from Israel about two months
before that terrorist attack.

Speaker 7 (34:36):
We went is a show over.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
There, so we went and we were there and that's
what made it so wild for us that we'd just
gotten back and then everything happened. And I'll tell you
a lot of things hit me about it. You know,
it was wild. You know, walk where Jesus walked and
see the dungeon they had. I mean, it was just
crazy to see all that. And one of the things
that got me was the relationship with Islam in Israel.

A lot of people from a four perspective, they view
this as you know, Muslims and Jews spitting on each
other all day long, trying to murder each other. But
they don't understand how interwoven the Muslim community is in
places like Jerusalem, they don't get it at all.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
You're one hundred percent correct, this whole idea of Israel
being in aparth. For example, in Israel, we laugh about that.
People even say that twenty percent of the citizens of
Israel aren't Jewish, our Christian, our Muslim, our Jrus, our Bedouin.
And they serve in the Israeli Army, and they have
free healthcare, and they have the same schooling that my
children have, and they serve in the government, and it's

full and equal opportunity and treatment. And so you have doctors,
you go into a hospital, most of the doctors, most
the nurses are Muslim. You go anywhere into any store
and they speak openly Arabic, and on the street signs
you have Arabic right next to Hebrew. In fact, today
there were over thirty rockets fired at Kuria Shimona, that's

in northern Israel bi Jasbalater was. There were many direct
hits and one person was killed and it was a Drews,
that's an airb man who was killed as he was
working in an Israeli factory, proud Israeli and even serving
in the army. And so the Fellowship's response to that,
you know, we unfortunately can't make the terrorist surrender. It

can't help them, We can't make them stop launching rockets.
But what the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews does
on the ground is that we were here to save
Jewish lives who are in the line of fire. And
so this morning there was a direct hit, there were
people killed, there were rocket attacks, and by this afternoon
we had five bulletproof and shrapnel proof vehicles going to
the heads of security to every town on the northern border.

We added more meals to our soup kitchens to feed
the elderly, and we just approved twenty three emergency vehicles
and nine bulletproof ambulances. And so, like you said, in Israel,
it's kind of this utopia of all three Abrahamic faiths,
especially in Jerusalem, coming together to actually be able to
live together, to have freedom at the holy spaces, to

pray for one another, to enjoy one another, to learn
from one another. And so the Fellowship is there on
the ground to say we see the people. We are
not getting involved in unfortunately being able to bring peace
maybe to the region, but we can bring food to
the Holocaust survivor and tell her it's from a Christian
in America who loves her and for her and for

the people of Israel. That changes everything.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
It is the IFCJ love their work. Y'all, al thank
you so much for giving us a little perspective on
what's going on out there. Go support them, support what
they do. All right, now we.

Speaker 7 (37:44):
Have another hour.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
We have to tackle things like political symbols and Krispy
Kreme donuts. First we have to tackle abortion, though. Let's
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Speaker 7 (38:54):
We got an hour left
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