All Episodes

April 13, 2024 39 mins

It’s not an honest person making a mistake, they are lying because they are liars. Nations bouncing back after hitting a low spot. It’s Steve from Manhattan. Hitler should of lost the battle of France. Could we have won Korea if we just dropped a couple of bombs. The swamp will not be saved from the swamp – we must take back our freedom locally at first.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Friday, a
tremendous Friday, and ask doctor Jesse Friday and man, we
are all over the place, one world government trying to

keep down the population of their own citizens, and they're
announcing it. We'll talk about that tonight. We have questions
on everything from could we have won the Korean War?
To those rings how do we change the culture of
death in our society? I'll probably actually begin with that.
The communists using your values against you? How do you

avoid that? How do you prevent them from doing that? Phaiza,
Fbi Cia talk so much more. All that coming up
tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. And remember
you can email us during the show. We are here
live caring for you on a Friday evening Jesse at
Jesse kellyshow dot com is the email address. Let's begin here, Jesse,

you were talking about Trump and his stance on abortion,
so on and so forth. You were saying it should
be banned completely, and we need to have a moral
society where we can do that. What I said was
what I said was ideally you wouldn't have to ban
something like abortion. That's what I said. You shouldn't have
a country full of people who love to kill their babies. Oh,

they don't love to kill it. They just want it
as an option. Do you hear yourself? No, I don't
want to murder it, but I want to know I
can if I want to. That's a bad thing. That's bad.
What I've said was I don't stress Trump's stance, or
really any of these politicians stance on the issue. I mean,

I'm happy if they push the issue forward. Good, good.
Any way, they can ban whatever, that's fine. But we
have a people problem, not a politician problem. We must
change the hearts of the people. That's what I've said.
That's where our problem lies. If we are in a

country right now where all right? So obviously this has
been in the news all week, so we'll just bring
it up again. Trump moderates on abortion to try to
win the election. That's what he's doing. That's what Carry
Lake is doing. Now. I don't like that band in Arizona. No,
back off that it's too far. He's moderating on abortion
to try to win an election. If that's the smart
strategy to win an election, and it may be, and

it may be if that's the smart strategy, it shows
that we have a people problem. If I have a
lawnch list of things I believe are true and right
and good, and I do you do? Everyone has Your
list is different than my list, but everyone has a list. Right.

If I have a laundry list of things I want
for my community, my town, my little village, I run
one hundred person village, I want to be president of
that village. And I know that this village that we
need this, and we need this, and we need this,
and this would be the right thing, and this would
be the right thing. And I know I'm gonna have
to earn their votes. And I sit down with my

list and I say to myself, well, dang, I definitely
can't tell them that, otherwise they won't vote for me. Well,
she's I'm gonna have to flat out reverse my opinion
on this, otherwise they'll never vote for me. Well, that's
not a me problem, that's their problem. That means I
have to change the culture of the village. So anyway,

back to the email, Hey, Jesse chow up. Whatever, My
question is, how long will it take and do we
transform our society into a moral place. Will we see
this in our lifetime? My kids are smarter than I
was when I were younger, when I was younger, probably
smarter than I am now. It's gonna be a great generation.
I'm seeing this in most kids. His name is Benny.

How long will it take? Well, there's not an answer
to that question. And I'm not gonna be a Debbie
Downer here. I'm just laying it out for you in
my own way. You know, just brutal honesty is what
you're gonna get. There's no guarantee it will happen. You know,

we convince ourselves that America and I most definitely have
done this. And this is me that America is uniquely
wonderful and this beacon of hope for the world, and
it's been such a beacon of light and freedom on
the world stage for a couple hundred years. And we

just convince ourselves, and this is again I'm pointing fingers
at myself that America's of course, we're gonna we're gonna
come back. Hey, we're gonna bounce back. Yeah, we're down now,
and a lot of this won't comy. Garbage is hurting
us and yeah, they're breaking the dollar, but hey, we're
gonna come back. Have you read a history book, we

might come back. Yes, Yes, if you read a history book,
you will see a million times nations have run into
these valleys and then, for one reason or another, a
great leader, a terrible war, a terrible war, and a
great leader, whatever laundry list of reasons, for whatever reason,
they come out of it. It's not the most common

thing in history, and we'll get to that in a moment.
But it definitely has happened. And I'm not saying it
won't happen here. I am not saying it won't happen here.
We are, in fact, I would are you uniquely set
up to have it happen here because of how many
tens of millions of Americans think like you, because of
our Second Amendment rights, We actually have a system set

up where we are one of the more likely ones
where it could happen. So I'm not saying it won't.
But look, the odds are against us. Nations don't generally
start to degrade economically, citizen wise, I'm talking about the

influx of illegals and morally. Nations don't generally bounce back
from that generally, when that's your situation, when you're a country,
you're spending inhuman amounts of money, you're devaluing the dollar
that your citizens are watching their standard of living go away,
and there's mass moral rot in the society in general,

you're on the back nine. You are. And this is
not this is not some modern day point of view.
This isn't some Christian point of view. This is go
read guys like I'm in my goodness, go. Roman emperors
will talk about this. Marcus Aurelius that they would There
are plenty of times where they wrote it down, and

I go back to the Greek scholars that would say, man, morally,
the Roden society has cut into a point where I'm
not sure we're going to make it here. And let's
explain why. Let's explain why. All right, So let's let's
dig into that. Why does that moral rot? Why does
it inevitably lead to national decline? In fact, maybe national disappearance?

If we want to put two final points on it,
let's talk about Janet Yellen. Janet Yellen's a great example
of this. As a matter of fact, she's been out there.
I played this for you earlier this week, and I'm.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Just wondering if the economy continues to hold up no
matter what happens.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
On the feed. I think we've got a good, strong economy.
We've got first strong domestic demand consumers, you're holding up,
some low income consumers.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Got a strong economy. We're doing great. And people hear
that and then want to pull their hair out and
punch their radio because they just came from the grocery store.
They just priced new cars. This wife's cars breaking down.
He needs a new one. You can't in afford the
interest rates. And people hear people like Janet Yellen say
things are going great, and they get angry. But you

already know what the deal is. We've talked about this before.
Janet Yellen, her and all her friends, they're looting the treasury.
We are going through this mass period of time in
America where the big corporations, the bureaucrats, the government, they've
all aligned against the people. And they wake up every

day and they bloodsuck as much money in your freedom
out of you as they possibly can for themselves and
their friends. That's why all the jobs have gone to foreigners,
not Americans. That's why all the new banks all the
new money, it's all going to Bank of America and
Merrill Lynch and the local community banks going away. It's
why your rust belt town is left flat, broke and

busted and everyone and it's on on drugs while illegals
are getting fifty three million dollars in New York City.
All of the country is being torn up in peace
mailed out to the various friends and allies of the
dirty communists at the top. But what's this have to
do with moral rot? Why does this mean the end
of a nation? Well, think about it this way. If

you hire me to guard your home while you're gone,
you've got a bad problem with thieves coming in your home,
and you hire me to guard your home while you're gone.
I can sign whatever contracts you want, put me through
a background check, but in the end, you're you're leaving
and I'm there with your stuff. If if I decide,

once I'm there alone with your stuff, to just take
all of your stuff and then leave the house unlocked
for the thieves as I walk out, while you're out
of town, while you're in a Barbados sipping on my tie,
what can you actually do about that? Meaning if the

people minding the store. Lose any sense of morality, any
sense of good, evil, right and wrong, then you've already
decided on an end for your country. The people in
charge will simply loot it because they can't find a
moral reason not to. And that that that brings me

back to Look, I'm going to come back and finish
answering the question on how long it might take and
what it might take, I mean, speaking of it. Look,
let's read this one, hey, Jesse. I pass a billboard
I passed daily recently changed from an ad promoting vaccines
to one that said, real men love babies. Well, first

to maybe think of you and your advocacy advocacy for
the unborn. And second, I realized I've been donating to
Preborn for a year now. As difficult as things are
getting financially from many, I want to encourage your listeners
to join the fight. I don't miss the money, and
I take such delight in knowing I'm helping to save babies.

Her name is Wendy. I'm telling you you know what
Preborn does, and you know you know the costs. Right,
I've already told you many times. Twenty eight bucks will
buy the ultrasound for that young mother who's about to
kill her baby. There's no limit on it though, and
it's all tax deductible. Oh, if you want to give
them twenty eight grand, give it to them five grand.
Funds the entire network for twenty four hours. That's two

hundred babies. But look, if it's five dollars, sign up,
give it automatically, month, week, whatever you can do. You
want to talk about a wonderful, wonderful cause. Preborn dot
com slash Jesse is where you give preborn dot com
slash Jesse. We'll be back. You're listening to the ourcle

you love this one. It's a scream baby. The Jesse
Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On and
ask doctor Jesse Friday. We're talking about going through a
long thing about culture, and someone had a question about
changing the culture, turning our culture into a culture of
life instead of death, and how long does that take?

And we were just talking about why it's not a
guarantee that it even happens. If it does happen, it
does take time. And then we were just discussing why
it's so important, Why do people discuss morality at all?
Why did Plato talk about morality? You know, why do
Chinese emperors talk about morality? Why is this something that

came up in various countries in various times throughout history. Well,
in the end, people, if you're going to have a
society of people, you know what, forget society. Let's actually
make this even more personal. Think about I want you
to think about all the times that you have messed

up in your life, all the times you've really really
messed up done something wrong. And I know my list
is very long. What is what's the one if you
really nail down to it, what's the one predominant reason
you did something bad? If I if I get on,
if I get off work tonight and I decide, you

know what, it's been a long week. I'm not going home.
I know, wife's got dinner ready, whatever, I'm not going home.
I'm stopping at the bar and I'm just gonna lay
waste to ten shots of Jack tonight because I feel
like it. I know, my kids have a concert whatever,
I don't care. I've had a long week. It's Jack
Daniel's time. Baby. What's why? Why setting aside everything else?

Why selfishness? Putting myself above other people. Every time I've
ever screwed up, and man, I've screwed up way more
than you have, it's because I value me over you,
over them, over her, over him everything I put my selfishness, right,
So expand that to a society. You can tell how

good of a person someone generally is by how unselfish
or selfish they are. It's really one of the best
barometers to use. If I have that one hundred person village,
and in my hundred person village, people are so selfless.
So when I'm out getting the mail in the morning

and I see Jewish producers, Jewish producer Chris's trash can
blown over across the street, I can just grab the
mail and go back inside. Or I can run over
there across the street, grab his trash can, prop it up,
bring it into Chris's little hut by his manora and
whatever other stuff he has in there. And what makes

the village better the unselfishness. Right. So that's the general
that's the general gist of why I'm Moraley actually matters.
It's why the most ridiculous talk you'll ever hear is
these dollar incent libertarians or conservatives or whatever you want
to call it where hey man, don't tell people you know,
any guidance on how to live or whatnot. They just

talk about taxes in free markets. Dude, I love taxes
in free markets. I want to talk about those things
all day long. But unless we have a sense of
right and wrong, of morality, of unselfishness in a society,
then we're going to keep producing these selfish, horrible leaders
who are looting the treasury. This is something that we've

talked about so many times on this show. It drives
me crazy that these people aren't mindful of us. It's
really what so much of this comes down to. They
don't wake up in the morning and think about you.
They don't think about America, the American citizen, our way
of life. All they think about is lying yus.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
I'm just wondering if the economy continues to hold up
no matter what happens on the FED.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
I think we've got a good, strong autonomy. We've got
first strong domestic.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
To me, that's not a good person who's screwing something up.
That's a liar who never thinks about you as Treasury secretary.
It tries me crazy. Then it's not just Democrats don't
think I'm just picking on them again. This is the
most powerful Republican in Washington, d C. Today. He never
wakes up and thinks about you for a single second

unless he's thinking about how much you annoy him.

Speaker 4 (16:29):
Cannot be the message of America sends to the world.
Leadership means standing up for America's interests from the Indo
Pacific to Europe to the Middle East, even when the
most active he.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Knows he doesn't give a crap about America's interest He's
not talking about America's interests overseas. He's talking about his
own selfish interests. He's talking about his overseas stock portfolio.
He's talking about a million different things. But one thing,
I garon dag gone unto you, cross my heart and
hope to die as he's not thinking about you, he's

not thinking about Sherry. She just got home from the
grocery store. She thinks she's gonna have to take you
to get a job now because her husband's been working
overtime and still can't make ends meet. But if she
gets that job, she's never gonna get to see little
Billy practice. Is this your story right now? That's the
story of a lot of people right now. She's not thinking.

He's not thinking about Bill. Bill just got laid off already,
can't afford the rent. Probably gonna have to tell his
wife and kids. They're moving back in with mom and dad.
I guarantee you, Janet Yellen, Mitch McConnell, none of those
people give a crap about that guy. They don't. And
that's what drives me nuts. It's the selfishness. They don't

wake up with any sense of duty or honor for
this country at all. It never crosses their mind. The
concept of America is ridiculous to them. It's just it's
like a like you would laugh at your child for
some fantasy world. They brought up data. Come to my room.
I've made a world of clouds. We skip around on.

That's how they think about you when you talk about America.
It drives me nuts. Man, all right, whatever, let's get
let's get to some more things. Hey, who's this Steve
from Manhattan? Guy with the phone? Someone wants some clarification
on an old joke that's ongoing on the show. We'll
talk about that. We'll talk about the Korean War. Hitler

and someone has a fashion statement for women, a fashion standard.
All right, all that, but first you got to go
get some food. No, I don't want you to go
order a beefy gordita, although actually probably should, but that's
not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about emergency food. Obviously,
as we just discussed at length, there's no guarantee we're

pulling out of this, and the odds are against us. Now,
that doesn't mean we quit or cry. It means we
make plans. You know, my patriots apply. You already know
I've Towdy a million times about their three month food kits.
But I also understand and they understand that everyone's finances
don't look that great right now. They're selling one week

emergency food kits. They're under fifty bucks. Okay, you can't
do three months, you can't do one month. At least
get a week. Get a week over two thousand calories
a day. You want that deal, Go to prepare with
Jesse Kelly dot com. Get some emergency food. Prepare with

Jesse Kelly dot com. We'll be back. He doesn't care
if you believe him, but he's right. Jesse Kelly. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show. On and ask doctor Jesse
Friday a great day. Remember, if you miss any part
of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes.

There's so much to get to tonight, all kinds of
history questions and culture questions and whatnot. Jesse, can you
explain to Steve from Manhattan inside joke from last Wednesday show? Okay,
so let me tell you. Here's the deal. And you
know what, I can actually hear this guy's heart pitter
pattering right now. I've grown to love this guy. So

here's how long have we been doing radio, Chris? About
five and a half years. It's almost six years, almost
six years, all right. I don't know how long ago
we picked up this guy. You know, I don't do
many phone calls on the show. I stin't do many guests.
I don't do many calls. I like to just do
my own show. But there is a guy he calls

in and he used to rant. He went through the
same rant. I don't know whether he's insane or whether
this is a bit, but he used to go through
this same rant no matter what the topic was, nineteen
sixty four Immigration Act. He would do the same thing.
And then after he went through the same programmed rant.

I'm sure he does this for a million radio shows
in a day. He would he would talk about how
I need to talk to Steve from Manhattan. You got
to talk to Steve from Manhattan, Michael Christ, Am I
doing this wrong? I'm getting this right right. That's how
it started. You got to talk to Steve from Manhattan.
And I would ask him. I even asked him. I know,
I asked him at least once. Who is Steve from Manhattan?

Why is Steve? I don't understand? And there was no answer,
like he just kind of got mannic on the phone.
Steve from Manhattan, Steve from Manhattan. So I finally just
started hanging up and bigger eye. He's just a nutball,
which I'm fine with knutballs. It's entertaining. It's good radio.
You're stuck in traffic. Don't you want to entertainment? I
do so. Anyway, now he knows he can't call in
with whatever, and I don't even know his name. Did

we ever get his real name? I forgot it whatever
at the time, but I forgot his name. So now
he calls in and he gives the call screener a
fake name and fake lokey all right. So then there's that,
and we don't take enough calls so that I don't
recognize the sound of his voice, so he gives a fake,

fake name, fake location, and then you know how, I say,
get right to the point. If I ever get to
the phone calls, you just can't drone on and on
and on and on and just it's too boring for
everyone listening. Calls themselves are boring. You've got to get
to the point quick. So he'll he's picked up on
this by now, and he'll launch into some story that

he knows. I'll keep him on the line for Hey,
I was just fighting eighteen ninjas last night, and he
knows obviously, I've got to see where this is gonna go.
He's not making the cardinal mistake. That really, if you've
ever been hung up on, that's what you made. Well.
And I was talking to Susie last night. No wait
a minute, it wasn't last night, it was Monday morning.

I think it was, oh my gosh, hanging up the phone. Right,
he's not making that mistake. He's getting to the point,
he's getting moving along, and then he'll just drop out
of nowhere, and I'm fighting these eighteen ninjas on the buses,
and I turned to one of these guys and you
know what I said, Jesse, I said, do you know
who Steve from Manhattan was? Because he knows I'm gonna
hang out the phone the second he says it. So

now it's become this game, and I totally enjoy it.
Me Chris, Michael. The second anyone calls in and we
think it might be him, you'll see me. If you watch,
you know, we simulcast the show, you can watch me
do the radio show. Not that I think that would
be extra riveting, but I can't a lot of people
like to do it. I'm looking like when I'm looking
towards the camera. If you're watching right now, there's a camera,

I'm pointing towards it. Chris and Michael are right there,
right so they're right through the glass right there. So
if you hear someone on the phone and you're watching
the simulcast and you kind of see me pointing towards
these guys, it's because these are they either they think
it's him or I think it's him. I'll kind of
be asking him that in they'll be all poortant. No,
I don't think that's him. That's the Steve from Manhattan story.

And now you are caught up on one of the
inside jokes, long running bits of the show. But that's
not our guy. This is not so we have no
idea who this person is. Probably a complete nut job,
who's going to assassinate me one day, But it's awesome
until that point in time. Hey, Jesse, my grandpa was
in the Marines and served as a mortarman in the
Korean War from fifty one to fifty two. I still

have his trench code. I guess that was the beginning
of not fighting wars to win them. My grandpa said
they could easily have conquered North Korea if they had
put up all their assets, but their main goal was
just to protect South Korea from getting conquered should they
have taken the North. All right, you know, remember what

we talked about a little bit last night. One of
the themes from last night's show the human element. We forget
about the human element. You know, when you have you've
had a long day, maybe it's a rough day at work,
maybe kids were bad, broke a glass in the house,

whatever the case may be, and your husband wife, you
finally see them for the first time, and you've had
a bad day, they generally need to be pretty kind
in that moment. Right, if I've had the day of days,
it's just been the best day ever. I got a
promotion at work, Chris quit just everything's going well, and

I finally get home, the wife can bum rush me.
Right when I get home, you forgot to take out
the trash today, honey. And I'll probably be like, oh, dang,
shoot my bad anyway, let me take it out, Let
me take it out now. But if I've had a
terrible day, we got word we're getting in trouble by
corporate again, and Chris is going to keep working here,
and just nothing's going right that day. When I get

home and she says, honey, you forgot to take out
the trash again, I may come on, glute. Are you
kidding me? You're coming at me? Why the human element
is a thing? It's a thing for you, it's a
thing for me. We forget about that when it comes
to nations, the worlds, because what are nations. It's just
a bunch of people, you know. The Battle of France,

the Fall of France, I should say, when Hitler invaded France,
history geeks will know this already, but most people don't
know this in depth. Do you understand that by virtually
every measure, France had the superior army and should have
wiped out the Germans? Did you know that? Most people

don't know that. I mean, you can go down the
list tanks, troops, and they were on the defensive, not
the offensive. Hitler's generals were screaming at him about not
invading France. This is suicide. We're going to lose. He
was supposed to lose the Battle of France. France had

the superior military. Germany had some outstanding generals. These were
leftovers from World War One. They had an outstanding plan.
It wasn't Hitler who was the military mind. They had
really good military minds, especially in the beginning. They had
an outstanding plan. They had an outstanding military doctrine, kind
of a smash through hammer them with the fist type thing,

blitzkriek type stuff. Anyway, and France fell. But France was
not supposed to fall. So why did Why did they fall?

Speaker 4 (27:17):

Speaker 1 (27:17):
Why did they fall so fast? Well, France, and I
won't go into the details of it, they got wrong
footed pretty bad. The Germans invaded through an area of
France wasn't anticipating. They got on top of the French
pretty quickly, and the French leadership, really while the army
was still intact, said we surrender. Okay, we're good. You

could have the place. Why, well, who was in French
leadership at this time? How old would they have been?
What is it? It's generally men in their fifties and sixties,
right who lead countries. In general. It's rough, but that's
in general what it is. We'll do the math who

were leading France's army Francis government, they were men who
had been there watching with their own eyes as their
entire country got turned to rubble during World War One.
They watched with their own eyes as an entire generation
of French men were wiped out. How much death and

carnage and misery and sadness and suffering had those men
seen and gone through in World War One? And I'm
not excusing the early exit from World War II, but
it is most definite if you go back and read,
it is a reason they were facing another army. It
was invading French. People were dying. We can't do this again.

Oh my gosh, just have it, please. We can't no more.
We can't do that again. The human element. It was
so soon after World War One, all those scars were
still there, and France it's just caved. I will explain
how that pertains to something like Korea, and then we'll
get to many many other things still on the Jesse
Kelly Show. Before I get to those things. Post World

War One, Germany was a rough place to be, especially
because their currency was devalued. Now, don't worry. I don't
want you to worry. It's not something you have to
worry about here. Their currency was devalued because the government
printed a bunch of money that wasn't backed by anything.
That certainly would never happen here in America. Right, It's
not like they've printed seven eight trillion dollars in the

past few years alone. But you know, the people who
were okay in World War one Germany, they were the
people who owned what now precious metals, the people who
owned gold and silver. They were okay when the value
of the German dollar was destroyed. The people who did
not well, they burned their money for heat at night.

That's how worthless it was. Carl Oxford Gold grew and
get some gold delivered to you in your family or silver.
I don't care what color it is. Get precious metals
delivered to you. Because the people wrecking the dollar are
not going to stop anytime soon. Call Oxford Gold Group
eight three three gold. We'll be back. Get the cure

for rhinos. Week days with the Jesse Kelly Show. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show on and asked doctor Jesse Friday.
There is so much we're gonna get to tonight. It's
been a blast. Just see what those crazy people in
Switzerland are doing. And yes, I know Republicans betrayed us
earlier today and they did us wrong on Fiza. No

one who listens to this show was surprised by that.
I told you that was gonna happen at the beginning
of the week. I know, I know, it is what
it is. What are we gonna do? These people are
gonna help the check and destroy us, and that is
what it is, all right. The guy said, Korea, we
could have beaten North Korea during the Korean War. We
could have beaten them easily. Why didn't we do it?

Why didn't we fight wars to win? Well? After World
War Two? Collectively as a world. I don't know if
you've ever read anything on it or seen any interviews
with people. That's really what gets me. The older documentaries
are the best because you still have people who are

super young and lucid, and the memories are still really,
really fresh, and they're giving you an accounting of what
happened and all these things and the aftermath is something
we don't think about. It's something we don't think about it.
And this is what I mean. You've seen videos, You've
seen pictures of a bombed out city somewhere, pick a

place France. You're a Germany, you know, just making about Germany.
A bombed out city, Dresden. It's bombed out, it's cooked out,
it's all these buildings. Do you know what? I always
think about the cleanup, and I don't just mean getting
the rubble off the streets, but what are the normal

people do while that's going on? If that bombed out
building is a factory I used to work at. That's
where I earned money for my wife and kids. And
the apartment building where I lived with my wife and
kids it got bombed out too. We were thankfully in
a bomb shelter that night. Okay, I wake up that day.

I now don't have a job. The factory's gone, my
apartment's gone. Where do we even live? Where do you
begin to go? How do I eat? Are we gonna starve? Honey?
What stuff? Do we go out on the road? Are
we refugees now? Who will take us in? Okay? So
that's one tiny little aspect, a tiny little aspect of

World War two. How many stories like that one that
I just made up? How many people post World War
two were in that situation after a war that devastating,
a war where destruction and death was that widespread. I

was not alive back then, but when I watched these
interviews with these older folks who were, it was like
the world had PTSD for quite some time, understandably after
World War Two. So if it's a little confusing, why
we did Why weren't we dropping at them bombs on

North Korea? Take out a bunch of those dirty tricoms
while we're at it, It's an understandable point of view,
It's an understandable desire. But again, the human element, like
we've been talking about a lot, the human element, the
world had no appetite for another big boy war. Frankly,

the world didn't have any appetite for a smaller The
world was done with all that. It's part of the
reason you realize that World War II was part of
the reason. In fact, if you want to trace it back,
the reason why the Vietnam War happened for us. Why

the French weren't there anymore? But why weren't the French
there anymore? Well, the French had it and then the
Vietnamese wanted them gone. And the French people after World
War two and World War One, they just didn't have
the appetite to pour everything into Vietnam that they could

have poured into Vietnam to win that. It's not that
they didn't fight there. They fought there, and to be honest,
the French fought bravely there. But the country of France,
they just didn't have it in them, didn't have it
in them anymore. And the Vietnamese were all about that
life and they just backed off. And a couple decades later,
there we are in Vietnam. See how it's all connected.

All right, let's move on. We have to talk about
some other things. Cheryl Akison, one of the great journalists
in the country. Remember She's the one who's disclosed Joe
or Barack Obama's DOJ hacking into her computer. She's the
one who testified in front of Congressman that the FBI
told her that they'd planted child porn on people's computers

and tried to do that to her husband. That's how
evil these agencies are. This was her in front of Congress.
What else should we do?

Speaker 2 (35:33):
Well? I think it's a global problem that has to
do with sending a message to a message of oversight
to the intelligence agencies that we know have for decades
violated rights and made policies that are contrary to constitution
and so on. I don't think there's been an effort
they think is serious. I feel like the intelligence agencies

feel like they're running the committees here rather than the
committee's conducting oversight of them, and that there needs to
be something they understand that they would be held accountable
when they do things, and I don't know what that
looks like in practice, but I don't think the laws
in them, Thank.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
You, Ms.

Speaker 3 (36:11):

Speaker 1 (36:13):
The intelligence agencies think they run things well. We just
had how many Republicans today vote with the Communists to
strike down a critical FISA amendment that would have protected
your rights. How many of those congressmen are just bootlicking losers. Oh,

a lot of them, a lot of them. All the
great men and women at the FBI, those kind of dorks.
There's still plenty of them there. How many of those
congressmen know how many of them had a little knock
at the door, had a little phone call, had a
little visit from somebody saying, hey, Congressman, eh, we would
love to keep spying on Americans without those pesky warrants.

And I know you're going to vote against that, but
you see, we have this video of you. Remember that
work trip you took to Zimbabwe. Yeah, we got some
great video of you that night. Anyway, we're gonna need
you to go ahead and keep authorizing that. Thanks, but
no thanks. That doesn't just happen in the movies. We
know now because the Congressmen are now coming forward about it.

That's how our gangster government, a lot of it, is run.
And that is why we must focus locally first, because
the swamp will not be saved from the swamp. We
must first take back our rights right here at home,
all right, all right, we have other things using our
values against us. How do you stop them from doing that?

What do you do there? Foreign languages? Americans are using
Chinese women with nose rings. So much more coming up
on the world famous Jesse Kelly's show. But you know
what else is coming up for me? Well, I don't know,
but I know I'm gonna be up for a while.
And here's why. Today I woke up. I did my
normal thing, two cups of coffee with my eggs in

the morning, and then I lifted weights. But right before
I lifted weights, I poured a little bit of chad
mode in a bottle of water. Now, I generally don't
combine the chad mode and the coffee chad mode. Is
this all natural pre workout from chalk, all natural caffeines.
It had a great workout, I just want to say.

And now my legs are doing that thing where they
bounce up and down underneath the desk. I'm a little
bit hyped up today courtesy a chalk Once again, go
get you some chad mode. If you work out, pour
a little scoop of that in something. See how much
you enjoy it. Again natural, not with all that crap
that they put in all the other pre workouts. Take
a male vitality stack or a female vitality stack. Go,

take some natural herbal supplements and just live better. Man
c hoq dot com promo code Jesse, Chalk dot com
promo code Jesse. Two hours left up
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