All Episodes

April 16, 2024 37 mins

Using yourself as human bait. The pros and cons of having allies. A more insular future due to the economic recession to come. An Israel only bill wouldn’t help Israel according to diversity hire. We need dumber women. The insurance premiums are going to be insane for the torpedo games. A neck pillow can turn any seat into a first class seat.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. Kenny's The Jesse Kelly Show.
Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday.
About the new Medal of Honor Monday. We've got all
kinds of stuff. We're going to go into this. Remember
this whole liberal ant Peggy thing I've talked about many times. Wow,
maybe that was a little too on the nose. Because

of this new study that came out. We'll talked about.
We'll talk about that. I'm gonna buy a skyscraper one day.
We have to get to a bunch of emails. Chris
was talking about that Iran Israel thing because I believe
I believe we will see an end to being an
ally with Israel officially, because right now we're officially allies.

I believe that day will end. What are the benefits,
What are the good things about that? We'll talk about that.
Other things still coming this hour. But you know what
time it is. It's Medal of Honor Monday time for
you new listeners. Every single Monday at this time, we
do the exact same thing. Take a Medal of honor,
a citation, and we read it. That's it. We just

read it. These men when men go do deeds like this,
they deserve to be remembered. The man's name deserves to
be remembered, the family name deserves to be remembered, the
deeds deserve to be remembered, and probably most importantly, our
children need to hear these stories. They need to hear

that there is something greater than everything we see out
here right now. Real heroes need to be held up
in front of them. Otherwise, don't complain when they find
some dork who's not a hero at all to look
up to. They got to look up to someone, so
give them something. How about Ralph Puckett. This is an
emailed recommendation, Jesse. I'm pretty sure you've honored Ralph Puckett
on Medal of Honor Monday, but he passed recently. He's

worthy of being honored, so on and so forth. So
this is from Korea without further ado, Let us honor
a one Ralph Pucket, Junior, US Army, Korea, right.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Hey, honoring those who went above and beyond its Medal
of Honor Monday.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
For conspicuous gallantry in intrepidity at the risk of his life,
above and beyond the call of duty. First Lieutenant Ralph Puckett, Junior,
distinguished himself by acts of gallantry in intrepidity above and
beyond the call of duty while serving as commander the
eighth US Army Ranger Company during the period of the
twenty fifth of November nineteen fifty through the twenty sixth

of November nineteen fifty in Korea. As his unit commenced
a daylight attack on Hill two oh five, the enemy
directed mortar machine gun in small arms fire against the
advancing force. To obtain supporting fire, First Lieutenant Pucket mounted
the closest tank, exposed himself to deadly enemy fire. Leaping

from the tank, he shouted words of encouragement to his
men and began to lead the Rangers in the attack.
This dud as the most Army Ranger dude ever. Almost immediately,
enemy fire threatened the success of the attack by pinning
down one platoon. Leaving the safety of his position. With
the full knowledge of the danger, First Lieutenant Pucket intentionally

ran across an open area three times to draw enemy fire,
thereby allowing the Rangers to locate and destroy the enemy
positions and to seize Hill to zero five. During the night,
the enemy launched a counter attack that lasted four hours.
Over the course of the counter attack, the rangers were
inspired and motivated by the extraordinary leadership and courageous example

exhibited by First Lieutenant Pucket. As a result, five human
wave attacks by a battalion strength enemy element were repulsed.
During the first attack, First Lieutenant Pucket was wounded by
grenade fragments, but refused evacuation and continually directed artillery support
that decimated attacking enemy formations. Repeatedly abandoned positions of relative

safety to make his way from foxhole to foxhole to
check the company's perimeter and distribute ammunition ammunition amongst the rangers.
When the enemy launched a sixth attack, it became clear
to First Lieutenant Pucket that the position was untenable due
to the unavailability of supporting artillery fire. During this attack,

two enemy mortars landed in his foxhole, inflicting grievous wounds
which limited his mobility. Knowing his men were in a
precarious situation, First Lieutenant Pucket commanded the rangers to leave
him behind and evacuate the area. Feeling a sense of
duty to aid him, the rangers refused the order and

staged an effort to retrieve him from the foxhole while
still under fire from the enemy. Ultimately, the Rangers succeeded
in retrieving First Lieutenant Pucket, and they moved him to
the bottom of the hill where First Lieutenant Pucket called
for devastating artillery fire on top of the enemy controlled hill.

First Lieutenant Pucket's extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond
the call of duty, who are in keeping with the
highest traditions of military service, and reflect great credit upon himself,
his unit in the United States Army, and we lost
Ralph Puckett, Junior on April eighth, just last week. Rest

in peace, sir. You know the part of that one

that gets me the most. We'll get to the last part,
the staying trying to stay behind part. But he kept
running out of the open so men could see where
the shooting is coming from. You know how often I
read these stories, when I read stories about our brave
men who have fought in this country, fought for this country.

You can't believe how often you read stories like this.
It just happened to me two days ago. I was
reading a story. It doesn't matter what the battle was,
there were American troops. There were marines and they were
being snip Dad and the sniper was tied to a
tree and there were a bunch of trees and they
could not find him. And so one guy crosses this

little wall to go looking for him and bam, gets
drilled right in the head. Dead, gone down. Well, we
had to find the sniper because we had to take
him out. And so the next guy just volunteered. I'm going, hey,
keep your eyes open, find him. And over the wall

you went, and bam, gone taken out. This one wasn't
shot through the head, he was shot through the chest.
Still could not find the sniper. Next one was a Corman,
a Navy corman. Those are marines pretty much, they're are medics. Basically.
Corman marine is shot. There is now one dead marine

laying there. The other one mortally wounded laying there. Corman
goes over the wall too to try to help the
guy who's down. Boom, one shot, Corman done, another guy.
On and on and on it goes human bait to
try to find a sniper. How ridiculously brave is that? Hey, guys,

I'm gonna run out in the open when they start
shooting at me. Find out where they are, okay, hopefully
before I die. It's wild and that combined with the
last part when he tells his men to leave him behind,
think what that means had they done it? And it's
been done many times throughout history an American true and others.

It's been done many, many, many times where some guy
is wounded, thinks he's going to die, knows he's going
to die, doesn't want all his friends to die with him,
all his men to die with him, and so he
tells them, you go, I will stay behind and die,
trying to cover your retreat. It's the most insanely brave

thing because when you say that, you are signing up
to die alone and afraid, without a friend in the world.
When he told his men that go on, I will
stay on this hill. You go, I want you to live, well, yeah,

he was saving their lives, trying to save their lives,
and credit to them, they wouldn't let him. He was
saving their lives. But he was also signing up to
die in a fox hole on top of a frozen
hill in Korea, surrounded by Chinese troops swarming over him,

not being held by his wife or a friend, not
being not saying the Lord's prayer at the end, he
gets to die with the Chinese bayonet being shoved into
his belly. If he's lucky, that's how he gets to die.
And he would know that when he told them to
go on, and he loved them so much he told
them to go on anyway, that's awesome. And yeah, Chris

just told me he lived to be ninety seven. He
was ninety seven when he kicked off last week. Pretty
freaking cool, right, So credit to him, the whole Pucket family.
That's really, really, really freaking cool. All right, Now, before
I get to emails in Liberal amp, Peggy, I do
want to discuss the alliance thing I was talking about
earlier between us Ron what it may mean. Before we

do that, let's talk about, well, how do you sleep
at night? No, I'm not worried about your conscience. I'm
sure you're doing fine there, well as fine as we
can be. But you have trouble sleep inever. Where'd you
get your pillow? You know what a difference a pillow
can make. You know how bad my wife's neck is

because of all the gymnastics injuries that she would She
used to regularly get so stiff she couldn't turn her neck,
couldn't turn to the side. She looked like Batman. Then
we discovered my pillow. That's actually how I discovered my pillow.
She doesn't have those problems anymore. In fact, when she travels,
she takes her travel MyPillow with her. That's how life

changing these things are. You know they're having a twenty
five dollars extravaganza sale right now. You want their premium
my Pillow with the new Geese of fabric, It's twenty
five bucks. My pillow sandals twenty five bucks. The six
piece towel sets twenty five bucks. Go to my pillow
dot com. Click on the radio listeners special square used
to promo code Jesse no sign up and in We'll

be back. It is the Jesse Kelly Show Onday Monday,
Do not forget. You can email the show and you
should your love, your hate, your death threats. You're ask
doctor Jesse questions for Friday. Email whatever you want to
Jesse at jessekellyshow dot com. I was talking earlier in
case you're just now joining us. We've done a bunch

of stuff, talked about a bunch of things on the show.
But how I can see a future where our allies
will be radically different thirty forty fifty years from now
than they are now. And we were more talking about
the Iran Israel America thing. Think about it, Think about
how we look in this whole thing. We are, according

to the documents, allies with Israel. There are ally with us.
Doesn't matter whether you love or hate that. That's the
American foreign policy officially. We are allies. If we get
in a fight, Israel has to join. If they get
in a fight, we have to join. That's how it
works when you have allies. Okay, we found out Iran
was going to attack Israel, and we told them, go ahead,

just make sure it's not too bad. This is after
we have publicly called for the ouster of their current
head of government, net and Yahu. This is not an enemy,
this is an ally. These things are not done. So
we called for Netanyahu's head. Then we told Iran to respond.

Then we told net and Yaho he shouldn't.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
So did he warn Israel not to respond?

Speaker 3 (13:33):
Did he say take the win?

Speaker 1 (13:34):
As has been reported?

Speaker 4 (13:35):
I think the President was again very clear with Prime
Minister Netanyaho about the success that they enjoyed last night,
and they impact that that success ought to have.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
You get to a certain place and you realize being
an ally isn't worth it anymore. And I'm not saying
that that's where they are or that's where we are.
So Chris ash asked about the benefit. What are we
what do we benefit? What do they benefit? Well, let's
be clear about something. Allies are a burden and allies

are a benefit too. If you're Israel right now, and
maybe you're a little bit upset that the United States
of America allowed an attack on your country and then
prevented you from responding, that would be a very understandable
thing to be upset about. However, have you enjoyed the
fact that hes belaw didn't just flat out invade from

the north while you were invading Hamas? Have you enjoyed that?
You know why you got to enjoy that because the
United States of America parked a carrier group right off
the coast and said, hey, hes blah ah right about,
there's where you're going to stay, shoot your rockets, have
your fun. You're not going in anywhere. That's a benefit. Look,

I talked about us how it works the other way
for us because we don't need Israe militarily for the
most part. I know there've been some joint exercises, especially
with like the super Ninja types. Our Navy seals will
get what their guys, But sitting that stuff aside militarily,
they can't really do much for us, But intelligence wise
they can because the Israeli spy on everyone, absolutely everyone.

All their friends, they spy on them. They're not supposed to,
but they do. All their enemies, they really really spy
on them. They have spies every freaking weear. To be honest,
the Russians have always been thought of as traditionally being
the best in the intelligence world. It's probably the Israelis,
though they are everywhere, just out of necessity. It's a
country of eight million people. They can't project hard power everywhere.

They don't have the manpower, they don't have the economy
for it. But they know a lot. So knowledge becomes
their weapon. We know what you have where we can
hurt you, what we can do. Is it good or
is it bad? If that ally thing of us being
an ally of Israel as it goes away, you know,
I don't know. It depends on how you see what's

happening in the world. I see this happening in the
world in the future, and I could certainly be wrong
about this, but I see this happening. I see the
financial systems, especially in the West, but this will end
up going global because the world it's a global economy. Now,
they're really, really, really going to break down the amount

of debt the West has heaped on itself with entitlements
and then the inflation from money printing. So here's what
I'm concerned about. I'm very concerned about civil unrest. I
am right here in America. I am. And that sounds crazy, right,
It almost sounds like I've been Hey, Jesse, you've been

spending too much time online. Well, hear me out here.
You've heard me rant and ray before about the automatic
cuts that are going to come. Remember, this is not
a Republican Democrat thing. It's not a me thing. Automatically,
if something is not addressed automatically, they're going to start
slashing Social Security. This is just a couple of years away,

two three years away. Twenty percent cut pip across the board. Everybody,
your check gets twenty percent less. Now let's set everything
else aside. What would that alone mean, every Social Security
recipient gets twenty percent poorer. That alone economically could cause

social unrest. It really could. But here's the headline for you.
Where is this headline? Hold on, it's great radio oil
prices surge is the number one threat to the US economy.
This is another thing people were not thinking about right now.
That was from last week that didn't have anything to
do with Israel Iran. Let's do a twenty percent cut

to Social Security across the board, and that's double gas prices.
What happens in this country, what happens when the comfort
goes away. So because I see a future that is
going to look like that, I see a future that
is possibly more insular than the past has been. People

looking to themselves, their own neighborhoods, their own communities. So
maybe in the future, allegiance is not really what we're
looking for. Anyway, I had a hilarious conversation with my boy,
got in trouble at the house. It's funny. I'll tell
you about it. Next we'll get to liberal am Peggy
emails and so much more. Hang on truth Attitude, Jesse Kelly.

It is the Jesse Kelly Show, Odd Day Monday, So
I get to some emails, we'll get back to some
foreign policy things and many many other things. So we're
doing this. Here's what's going on in the Kelly household.
You know, it's me and Ab and then it's our boys,
James and Luke. James is fifteen, Luke is thirteen. Now,

parents who've got kids this age and older will know
what I'm talking about. Those who haven't should know that
this is coming. I have always been close with my boys.
They've always been my little buddies. And my wife has
always been majorly close with the boys. She's one of
those types. To be honest, in my personal opinion, she

kind of does too much. I mean, she just goes.
I'm not talking helicopter parenting, and it's not like that
at all. But if there's a birthday party, like one
of them is having the birthday the next day, she'll
stay up till eleven that night doing a special stencil
to hang it over their room so they can feel special.
She's just that kind of super mom type. Has bent
over backwards, does it all for the boys. And they

have adored and still adored to their mother to no
end because of that. But they're boys and they're hitting
that age where, oh, they love her just as much
as they used to love her, but dad is cooler now, right.
They're not little boys anymore. They're turning into teenagers trying

to figure out what they want to be as men.
And now, oh man, I'm laughing just thinking about this.
I'll get to the story in a minute. Now. She's
not quite getting some of the credit she deserves for
some things around the house. So this happened on Friday
after the show. Okay, so we did the show Friday night.
We're gonna have a late dinner, so we canna have
dinner as a family that night. And this is how

it worked. This is what we had. She went to
the store. She got a chicken, one of those hole
chickens they had at the store. They had them on sale.
She went to the store. She got a chicken. This
was a plane chicken. It was unseasoned. So she does
the chicken up to the max. She seasons it, roasts
it so it's this perfect juicy chicken. And she makes buns,

hamburger buns that they were breache buns, but she makes
hamburger bunds, right. So the plan is to have chicken sandwiches.
She has purchased the chicken, seasoned the chicken, roasted the chicken,
the buns for the sandwiches. She has made those. She's
made those. They've come out of her oven, all right.

So it's time to sit down and have dinner. She
makes a sandwich for James, sandwich for Luke, gets my
sandwich ready and she says, hey, because she knows me,
she said, hey, do you want a slice of cheese
on this? Said, you know what, Yeah, I'm getting a
slice of cheese. I go grabbing American slice of cheese.
Why you know freedom is not free? Because that's why

I look over it Luke and I say to Luke, hey,
why don't you put a slice of cheese on your sandwich?
Why when you want cheese on your sandwich, that will
make it better? Said, oh man, good, call dad. So
he takes off the top and wrings it over. And
I put a slice of cheese on his and a
sliced cheese on slice of cheese on mine. I throw
it in the broiler for thirty seconds, out of the
evidence melted. I hand him his sandwich back. He goes,

sits down, starts eating. I sit down and start eating. Now.
Remember I just got done telling you that she made
the chicken and made the bun. He takes one bite
of his sandwich with cheese on it and says, oh, gosh,
this sandwich is awesome, thanks Dad. Right in front of her.

I burst out laughing, without even looking at her. I
burst out laughing, and I look across her at the
kitchen counter, and she's staring daggers, not at him, but
at me. I said, if it's somehow my fault, I said,
what are you looking at me for? You just saw
what just happened. You didn't do anything. Oh it was
the best. Oh man, I love that kid. You're welcome, buddy,

my pleasure to provide you with such a delicious and
nutritious sandwich. I'm glad I could do that for you. Jesse.
Do you think the uh I Ran Israel thing is
just to set up Congress so they can pass supplemental
funding for the military industrial complex and launder more of
our tax money through Ukraine. No, because of so many

larger things there. Don't get me wrong. These people love
to play these foreign policy games where they just get
to enrich themselves and kill generations of young men. Both
American and foreign, but that's probably not what this is. Now,
that's what the Ukrainian portion of this very clearly is.
And the White House kind of gave that away today

with this. I don't know if you heard this. Of course,
the House GOP is trying to wrongfoot the Bidens and
the White House and trying to make them look bad.
So the House GOP said, Hey, we're gonna come up
with just an Israel only bill. Wow, it's getting really bad,
ready to send Israel a bunch of money and stuff.
And so Coron Diversity Hire was asked about that today. Hey,
what if they separate out this Ukraine stuff and just

do an Israel bill? Now, remember the single issue bill thing.
It's something that I am passionate about and something that
you should be passionate about. You probably already are. Why, Well,
there aren't very many times in life where it's impossible

to argue against your position, but this is one of
those times. What's the argument against having single issue bills? Anyone,
Chris Michael, the floor is open. I really I want
to hear Walton b. Devil's advocate, even the other side.
What's the valid argument against having a single issue bill?

It doesn't exist. The only reason you have multi issue
bills is so you can pass things the American people
don't want. The only reason for multi issue bills is
so you can do unpopular and oftentimes corrupt things. There's
no way to argue against a single issue bill, no way.

So courn Diversity Hire got pinned down about it today.
Here's how that was.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
So we've been very clear my colleagues from here just
moments ago that we will not accept a standalone.

Speaker 5 (25:16):
A standalone would.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
Actually not help Israel in Ukraine. It would actually delay
the needs.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
That the needs that this is fascinating all that are
keep going. But no, it wouldn't It wouldn't help. It
wouldn't help Ukraine. If we passed the bill for only Ukraine,
it wouldn't help Israel if we passed a bill for
only Israel. Really, Karin, why is that.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
The needed aid that they obviously need to fight?

Speaker 5 (25:45):
You see what happening in the Ukraine.

Speaker 2 (25:47):
Obviously grave people of Ukrainian are fighting against a tyrant.

Speaker 5 (25:51):
We need to make sure that they have the assistance
that they need.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
We saw what happened and Israel just over over the weekend,
and the leadership that this president has shown it would
it would actually it would actually not help them if
we do a standalone and we do not support a stand.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Alone Huh, I guess, I guess maybe we should play
that again, because what she said, what she did was
this is a very common communist tactic. She acted like
she was about to answer the question, well, hey, why
would a standalone bill help them? And then she rambled
off a bunch of things that didn't even pretend to

answer the question, and then at the end spiked the
football and acted like she answered the question, which she
absolutely did not answer at all. Hey, courn diversity higher,
why won't you support a standalone bill?

Speaker 2 (26:41):
So we've been very clear my colleagues from here just
moments ago, that we will not accept a standalone A
standalone would actually not help Israel in Ukraine.

Speaker 5 (26:53):
It would actually delay.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
The needs that the needs that the needed aid that
they are obviously need to fight.

Speaker 5 (27:02):
You see what were happening in the Ukraine.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Obviously, brave people of Ukrainian are fighting it getst a tyrant.
We need to make sure that they have the assistance
that they need. We saw what happened and Israel just
over over the weekend, and the leadership that this president
has shown it would it would actually, it would actually
not help them if we do a stand alone and
we do not support.

Speaker 5 (27:23):
A stand alone.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Well, now it's crystal clear, don't you think? Now I
totally understand it. All right, we have to wrap up
one final thing on the whole torpedo thing. Remember, we've
started a new business venture. It's going to be quite lucrative.
Someone brought up an important point. We'll get to that,
and then we're going to talk about this new study.

Courtesy of NBC News. Liberal Aunt Pegy, she's real. Before
we get to that, let's get to this. Do you
want do you want the strength and confidence to stand
up to the liberal and Peggy in your life next
family reunion when she starts bragging about her nineteenth abortion,

do you want to still slink out the side door
and roll your eyes? Or do you want to stand
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them Chuck dot com promo code Jesse. It is the
Jesse Kelly's show on a Monday. Did you see this

dude who won the Masters? This Scott Scheffler. This dude
sounds awesome. Ill Sorry, his name is Scotty. I believe
Scotty's Scheffler. When you win golf, you can't just have
a name like Scott. It's got to be Scotty or
something like that. Although I don't know what he goes by.
Either way, he sounds awesome.

Speaker 6 (29:25):
Sitting around with my buddies this morning, I was I
was a bit overwhelmed because I told him I was like,
I wish that I didn't want to win as badly
as I did, or as badly as I do. I
think it would make the mornings easier. But I love winning.
I hate losing, I really do. And when you're here.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
In the gosh, we need so much more of that
in this country.

Speaker 6 (29:42):
Figgest moments when I'm sitting there with the lead on Sunday,
I really really want to win badly, And my buddies
told me this morning, you know, my victory was secure
on the cross and that's that's a pretty special feeling
to know that I'm secure for forever and it doesn't matter,
you know, whether or not I win this tournament or
if I lose this tournament. You know, my identity is

secure for forever.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
That guy sounds awesome. Dear Psycho Torpedo enthusiast, I thought, oh,
you know what, hold on a second before we go on.
I wanted to say, I want to talk about one
more quick thing, a great thought that I had, and
I don't want to delay it any longer. You know,
something that gets annoying is how smart the women on
the right are today. No hear me on, hear me

out the women on the right. Are you you ever
paying attention to these people who do podcasts or TV
shows or maybe it's your wife, maybe you are that woman.
They know all these issues and stuff like that, and
it's it's such a tremendous burden. We need to go
back to a time where women were dumb, and this

is what Democrats bring us. And look, we don't look
I'm being nice. I'm trying to be nice. We never
compliment the other side. These women on our side are
so intelligent and they know about all the issues. I
like the aocs of the world. She's so stupid. Their
dimes are so stupid, and there's something attractive about that.

Michael disagrees with me. Chris is with me on this one.
This is I'm gonna play for this. This is Jasmine Crockett.
She's one of those Democrat dimes. She honestly, she probably
has the IQ of a barstool.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
And that's kind of as we know, the Republican Party
is run by Russians at this point in time. So
let's say.

Speaker 4 (31:31):
Some Russian decides to communicate with a member here in DC.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
What Faiza does is its surveilling what the Russian is doing.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
I just want to tell every Democrat out there that
I appreciate you. You bring me back to a time, a
better time in this country. A better time when the
women were all stupid like democrat women are. Dear psycho
torpedo enthusiast. I thought all your ideas for torpedo games
were cool. The underwater observation posts that was actually Luke's idea.

Just wanted to give you a heads up, though. Insurance
on this venture is going to suck. And you know,
Jewish producer Chris isn't going to help out on all
the premiums. That's a problem. I had that exact same thought,
and actually I had the same talk with Chris and
Michael when we were discussing our torpedo games. The insurance
costs are going to be staggering. And I just want

to say this. I have encouraged people on the right
to become more what's that big word that starts with
an L. We learned from that lawyer Chris litigious. Litigious. Yes,
we sound so smart. We have to be more litigious.
We should be suing all the time because we are
having our rights violated all the time. The right should

be a lot more litigious than it is. At the
same time, everyone does understand that that's a big reason
why insurance companies run everything now right and why insurance
companies make everything more expensive. People have made those connections.
I just want to be clear about that. Yeah, man,
I I sued my doctor for fifty thousand dollars. He

didn't read the X ray right. I had to keep
the cast on for four weeks instead of three. Screw him.
Then the next guy the next week. Have you seen
these medical insurance costs? It's through the roof. It's ridiculous.
Who do we blame? This is the most lawsuit happy
country on earth, and we pay artificially high prices because

of that fact. I just want to make sure everyone
realizes that Jesse dear neck Pillow Dad, your son has
me or makes me wish I never left teaching that
Kelly Apple doesn't roll far from the tree. If this
one's actually this is this is he's talking about my
youngest son, Luke. He had a trip, a team trip

this week on Saturday. Had a long bus ride. It's
like a four or five hour bus ride.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Well, I.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
Because I'm a man, a renaissance man, I should say
I'm a very versatile human being who many talents. If
you will, I have discovered in recent years the beauty
of the airplane. Neck pillow. You can take any normal
seat and sleep. You can turn it into any seat

of first class seat with a neck pillow. They really
are that wonderful. And I never had them before because
that was always worried about image. And then I realized
that's so stupid by the neck pillow. And now I
don't travel without it. So my youngest son, he's got
this long bus ride, had to get up five am
Saturday morning. I said, boy, you want my neck pillow.

Help you catch some z's. And he said to me, Dad, no,
I'm not using a neck pillow. I have a reputation.
And I said, excuse me, you're thirteen, you have a reputation.
What reputation would that be? And you could tell he
was thinking about it, and he thought and he said
to me, well, I don't know, not the kind of

guy who uses a neck pillow, dirty little snot. Hey, Jesse,
since we can't hear your themed song on the podcast,
have you ever thought about having a contest for your
fans to write a theme song? You could use Chris
da She liked that idea, but no, we're not doing it.
Don't write me a song. Don't put a bunch of
effort into that. I don't even know if we'd be

allowed to use it on the podcast. All right, let's
let's get on to some other things out there. First
of all, I've been waiting on this because I didn't
want to get my blood pressure up. But there's an
illegal This woman came here illegally and she had this happen.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
They abuse us verbally, she says, and take our belongings
without our permission. If we complain, they call the cops.
The reality is we feel offended. We come to this
country with an American dream.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Why don't you go back home? If things are uncomfortable
for you here, If people are stealing your stuff, you
could always take whatever you have left and leave. Maybe
we don't want you here. Maybe you violated our immigration

laws and now you're not welcome anymore, and maybe you
should pack up your crap and take every member of
your family with you and go back where you came from.
How's that sound all right? I ran into something this weekend.
We're going to talk about communist infiltration in your company,
in your place of worship, and you're in your organization,

whatever it may be. Should you spot them? How can
you spot them? What? Should you do about it? That
liberal ant Peggy and more. But first let's talk about
your real estate. Did you know that you can be
a real estate mogul. No, I don't think you should
try to be a mogul, but we should all be
acquiring properties right now right And maybe you would call
yourself a mobile a mogul if you had ten properties,

if you were renting out ten properties, that's retirement income,
as in, you don't need another one. Well, how could
a normal person like you do that? Well, that's what
done for you real estate does. Done for you. Real
estate gets normal people and it gets them in the
rental process and they'll handle it all for you. They
find the home, they handle the financing, they handle the

rental process, they begin walking you through building it, and
they build it for you. You normal person can have
rental homes assets the government can't destroy the value of.
But you can't do it unless you go to donef
Youjesse dot com. Done for you, Jesse dot com. I

want to start on the American dream. That's where you begin.
Done for you, Jesse dot Com. We'll be back
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