All Episodes

April 17, 2024 36 mins

Diversity in the air traffic control tower. Can we be saved as a nation if one party can take power and flood the country with people who want to destroy it. An all star dipping sauce crew. Is the pentagon covering up evidence that proves the Afghanistan bomber was completely preventable? Why the communist complains about the media when they own main stream media.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show, Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Tuesday. And before I get into the majorcis talk
from today. Before I get into it, well, the FAA
and the kind of frightening information happening over there and

much much more. I need to get to this a
little PSA. I obviously this is not some self help show,
but whenever possible, we try to make sure people are
aware of various threats that are out there and things
like that. And this one actually specifically is for veterans

of the name. Do we have any sailors listening right now?
Veterans of the Navy. Something you just should probably be
aware of, all right? Just here it is headline. A
new strain of monkey pocks with pandemic potential is discovered
in Africa. What, Chris, We're helping people out. If people

are in the Navy, they have a unique risk of this.
I wanted everyone to make sure they were aware of it.
So you've ever been in the navy, monkey pox is
out there? Just something to well stay safe out there.
Phyllis all right, anyway, may Orc has spoke today in
front of the House, the Secretary is the border secure?

Speaker 2 (01:44):
For Congressman, as I have articulated earlier in this hearing.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Just a yes or no is fine.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Is the border secure, mister Secretary today, with the authorities
and the funding that we have, it is as secure
as it can be. Well, we all know that this
is not a budget issue.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
That's a policy issue. Yeah, these people opened up our
border on purpose. I still we've talked about this before.
I still have a hard time walking through this in
my mind for what that means for us as a nation.
And this this is what I mean in a country,
even a country like ours, a representative republic, No, you

have Republicans, you have Democrats. That's generally who's going to
be in charge. But what does it mean that whenever
a Democrat is now elected, they will purposely open up
the borders and flood your country with illegals. When I

say what does it mean? I mean what does that
mean for us as a country? And more specifically, I'll
just be honest with you. The question I ask is
can we be saved as a nation if you find
yourself there as a nation where anytime one of the
two political parties gets elected, the world will know. It

can flood your country with every dirt ball in its borders.
You can send them all here. Are you still a country?
Can you survive that? And as I've said before, you
even if you have the sunniest outlook on this, ah,
we're just gonna elect Trump in November and he's going
to deport all of them, even if you actually believe that.

What if he does, then you're telling me the next
time a Democrat gets elected, we can expect ten million more,
twenty million more the next time there were So we're
going to go back and forth like that. How could
we survive that? And you know this is the stated
position of the Democrat Party.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
Now, several studies show that immigrants are forty six percent
less likely to commit a crime, and that in communities
that had an influx of undocumented immigrants, crime actually goes down.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
That's Max Frost. He's a dirty communist out of Florida.
And yeah, Chris, that's his real name. I know, it's
kind of cool anyway, that's Max Frost, a dirty communist
out of Florida, spouting lies. Of course, you know that's
all a lie. Everything he just said there is a lie.
But these people want more illegals here. Here was Dan
Bishop today with majority.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
I understand this. RCM has denied that this is authentic,
But let me ask you this, what actions is the
Department of Homeland Security taking to ensure that non citizens
are being prevented from registering and voting unlawfully?

Speaker 2 (04:38):
Congressmen, individuals who are not citizens of the UK.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
I should note before he answers that we have this
courtesy of the Oversight Project. Flyers being distributed in Mexico
to illegals who are coming here. They're being distributed at
an NGO in Mexico. There. Well, here's exactly what the
flyer reads. Tell me this isn't jaw dropping El centro

de ricursos s un complejo de officientis day six uninade
doddis k s l L hoger de hias. Believe that
in American that translates to reminder to vote for President
Biden when you were in the United States. We need
another four years of his term to stay open. The

translation actually is what it says. I'm not making that
part up. I mean, look, here's one of the guys
at an n g O trying to get as many
illegals in the country all. Honestly, we're just trying to
help as many people as possible for you know, before
Trump gets re elected. So but they're not voting in elections.

Did you want me to read the rest of the
statement says right here at bayamos la quippo legal por
for for totos les medios bus blazes. Digest that as
you think about, as you listen to Alejandro May and
Dan Bishop.

Speaker 4 (06:01):
I understand this. Our CM has denied that this is authentic.
But let me ask you this, what actions is the
Department of Homeland Security taking to ensure that non citizens
are being prevented from registering and voting unlawfully?

Speaker 2 (06:16):
Congressmen, individuals who are not citizens of the United States
cannot vote in federal elections.

Speaker 4 (06:22):
But that's not what I asked. I asked what actions
DHS is taking to ensure that that doesn't occur.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
Well, two things. Number one, I believe that it is
stayed in local election officials that monitor the eligibility of individuals.
We do not oversee the election enrollment process. What we
do is enforce our borders.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
And in fact, so it says shorter nothing. In fact,
how can Congress and the American people have confidence that
the outcome of close the elections will not turn on
the votes of non citizens who have registered and voted unlawfully.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Congressman, election security is one of our priorities in the
distribution of federal grant funds to state and local jurisdictions.
We have made election security a priority, and you have
mandated reclaim.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
Something to think about there at the end, isn't it?
He was asked, what you're doing to make elections secure?
And the DHS, the same DHS that opened up our
borders on purpose, they're the ones distributing the funds to
make sure election integrity is on the up and up. Huh,

Nothing to worry about there, anyway, here's some more.

Speaker 4 (07:41):
To your orders. The apartment homeowned security of paroled Venezuela
and Jose Evara into the United States. He of course
went on to a variety of crimes, culminating and beating
a young woman to death in Georgia. The relevant statute
grants you authority to parole aliens into the United States
quote only on a case by case based for urgent

humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit close quote, which was
it in mister Ibarra's case. Humanitarian reasons or significant public
benefit that you paroled him into the United States.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
A Congressman, we abide by the law. We apply our
parole processes in obeyance of the law. The public safety
of the American people is our highest priority, and I
would be pleased to share case details with you on
any case of concern to you subsequent to this hearing.
I don't have the case details with me today.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
Well, I'm not really asking for detail. I'm only asking
for one simple effect, which is was it urgent, humanitarian
reasons or significant public benefit that under your orders, mister
Ibarro was paroled into the United States.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
My answer remains the same kindness.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Well, we all know why Eborrow was turned loose to
be a woman to death, and I know we all
focus on that story, of that Lake and Riley story.
I know we all focused on that at the time.
But the truth is Americans across the country have been
beaten and raped and murdered by illegals over and over

and over and over again. They kill entire families drunk driving,
They rape women when they're out at night, They murder people,
they film child pornography within our borders. We have a
country full of criminals who should not be here, and
they are here because Democrats and Republicans opened up the

borders of the United States of America and flooded this
country with vile scum on purpose. So again I ask
my question, and I don't think there's an answer to it.
So don't bother. How do we save this if that's
our condition. If one of the two political parties believes

in flooding the country with rapists, and every time they
take office they will flood the country with rapists, well
what do we do? Well, that's why I talk about
local all the time. All Right, I'm gonna get to
some emails before I get to the FAA. Some people
were nervous flyers anyway, And if you are, I'll make

sure I give you a heads up for when you
out to mute the radio. We get ready for that
after emails. Next it is the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Tuesday. Have you missed any part of the show.
You can download the whole thing on ir at, Google, Spotify, iTunes.
Biden's out there telling lies again, only this time he
told a lie that he himself admitted was a lie.

This was him.

Speaker 5 (10:43):
My dad used to say, Joey, and I swear to
God when he left Scranton when Cole died. My dad
was not a was He was a salesperson. He wasn't
a coal miner.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
My great grandpa was.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
But Grandpa was a coal miner. Except Joe Biden, back
when he had a functional brain, went on John Stewart's
show in two thousand and four.

Speaker 5 (11:05):
And he said this, Hey, look, everybody tells you just
you know, don't take any chances, because the truth of
the matter is, I've gotten myself in trouble, and hell,
I might be president now if it weren't for the
fact I said my I had an uncle who was
a coal miner. It turned out anybody in the coal mines,
you know what I mean. Really, I tried that crap
you know about it didn't work, but I.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
Actually thought it. You believed it.

Speaker 5 (11:28):
I actually believed it.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
You know.

Speaker 5 (11:29):
I'm from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I figured there had to be
a coal miner.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Somewhere in the family. Nothing, huh, nothing.

Speaker 5 (11:36):
It was an engineer, I mean, the guy.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
You know.

Speaker 5 (11:38):
We were Irish, you know, and the Irish I thought
the Welsh and English owned the deal and we must.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Have stabbing the dark because I was having a dark
and I found out he graduated from Lehigh. I mean,
what can I say? But now he's old, brain breaking down,
can't help himself anymore. Right, Let's get to some emails, Jesse,
Dear doctor Handsome, since we always stick to the most
pressing of national issues, I wanted to know your thoughts
on this. I was admittedly a late bloomer and never

dip my pizza crust and ranch until I was in
my mid twenties. While it would be a disservice to
simply call qeso a condiment, I firmly believe it's better
than ranch or fry sauce on most foods. Grab a
can of your favorite Freedo's Jalapino cheddar dip, and suddenly
those dry and boring pizza bones come to life. His

name is Mike. Well, Mike, you're right and you're wrong.
You see, here's what happened with you, Mike. You were
dipping your pizza crust and ranch. Then you discovered keso
and you stopped doing that. Now you dip your pizza
crust and qso. But well, we just put it to
you this way. If you were starting a baseball team,

and the first player who walked in was Mickey Mantle.
You thought, Wow, that's awesome, Mickey Mannle can play for
my team. And then the next guy who walks in
is Babe Ruth. Do you remove Mickey Mantle from the
team because you acquired Babe Ruth? Or do both of

them get to play for your team? You see what
I'm saying, Mike. You see, ranch and caso are both
used when it's available for pizza. And here's how it works.
I get endless ridicule for this in my house, the

pizza itself beep little dip in the ranch, every single
bite of the pizza boop ranch, boop ranch, boop ranch.
Then all I've got left is this crust, ew crust.
Who cares about that? What's that dip? Just the crust
in the caso? The ranch is for the meat at

the pizza. The caso is for the crust. You're welcome, Jesse.
I live in a blue state with every intention to
move out when I'm done with school. But what if
all the Conservatives and blue states voted for Kennedy. I
would still vote all Republican in the other races. But
Trump has no chance of winning in my state. So
why not try to screw up the comedis as much

as possible like they did with Trump and Haley. I
love your thoughts. His name is Steve. Steve. It doesn't work.
And here's what I mean by it. These these decisions
we try to make when we try to get cute
in politics. Then we try to say, well, everyone should
just do blank. Well, that doesn't work because people aren't
listening to you and me. Now I understand some people

listen to you and some people listen to me, but
we're not actually in control of everything when you tell people.
When I tell people to get out of your blue
state move to a red state, I will inevitably have
somebody email in and say that's crazy, that's stupid. Move
to a purple state, and let's turn it red. You
don't understand I'm telling you to get out of a

blue state and move to a red state because you're
probably already doing it in the very least you're considering it.
People aren't going to pack up, sell their home, change jobs,
and move for strategic political reasons, and if they do,
they're not going to do it in mass So we
can't try to get cute with that kind of stuff.

All right, let's move on and talk about this really quickly.
A couple stories. One headline, US Sentcom at Central Command
concludes twenty twenty one Cobble Airport bombing was not preventable. Okay,
now I'm going to explain something, and I'm going to
explain it in the most basic way possible. Suicide bombers. No,

I'm not the world's expert on it. I know a
little bit. I know a little bit about it. I've
had the pleasure, let's just say that. And they're very,
very difficult. It's difficult to deal with a suicide bomber.
This was not unique to America, in Iraq, or Afghanistan
or anyone else. Historically, armies have found it very difficult

to deal with people who want to die for their cause.
I talk all the time about the Pacific War, and
part of the reason I find the Pacific portion of
World War II fascinating is the Japanese and how much
they wanted to die. If you go buy a book
Touched with Fires, one of my favorite books. If you

go buy that book, you know how they have the
picture section in the middle. I remember it like it
was yesterday. You can look at the picture section in
the middle, and one of the pictures is they have
pictured a Japanese soldier who'd run out into the ocean
so he wouldn't be captured. He has pulled the pin
on a grenade. He's holding it to the side of
his head and right before it went off, they took

the picture. The Japanese used to guard their machine gun nests.
How they would take a sharpshooter and they would tie
him to the top of a tree. Now, you don't
want to be tied to the top of a tree,
so you can move after you shoot so you don't die.

But if you don't care about dying, you can tie
your people to the tops of the trees. Now, let's
talk about suicide bombers preventable and why this is killing recruitment.
Before we do those things, let's talk about this. Obviously,
the fiz of stuff has gone through. If you've been
paying attention at all, you know full well by now

the foreign aid bills are going to sail through as well. Republicans, Democrats,
they're going to sail those through. Well, probably not the
Israeli ones that the Democrats will probably kill those but
they're not going to stop spending. They're not going to
stop printing. They're not We know now that inflation is
way out of control, still still on pace for four
point eight when they're trying for two. Are you taking steps?

Are you making preparations, financial preparations. Let's talk about retirement preparations.
You have an IRA or four oh one K. How
much gold or silver do you have in it? You know,
Oxford Gold. They'll make gold or silver whichever you want,
part of your IRA, your four oh one K to
make sure your retirement account doesn't get wiped out when

the stock market does. That's a basic step. My goodness.
If you just retired, you're closed to retirement. You're building
up a four one K called Oxford Gold Group eight
three three nine nine five gold eight three three nine
nine five gold. Jesse Kelly Vaccian, it is the Jesse

Kelly Show. And I realized I forgot to go back
to the thing that I had teased before about this
institutional example, about institutional power, and we were talking about
the commis. So let me address this really quickly before
I get back to the suicide bombing thing. You know what,
Now I'll finish a suicide bombing, and then I get
back to that. So suicide bombs preventable, not preventable. Well,

it's very difficult to stop somebody who wants to kill themselves.
It's very very difficult kill you and themselves, very difficult. However,
we had Bogram in Afghanistan. We had the big base,
the big air base in Afghanistan. And what having a
base like that does for you is it strictly It

tightly controls how people can approach your personnel. One example
of a million I could give you. And again I'm
not the world's expert. I know a little bit about
a little bit just because I had to do some
of this stuff. If you have a gate, you have
a gate for your base, right, Well, you don't just
have a long straight road leading up to the gate

of your base. You learn this after one or two
suit suicide bombs. You have curves built in, and not
only curves. I remember a base like it was yesterday
we had in Iraq. You have these gigantic rock concrete
barriers up forcing you to slow down to a crawl

as you approach the base. You don't get to dishammer
it going sixty and then set off your suicide bomb
when you get there. That's just one example in a
million of things you can do when you're dealing with
suicide bombers. US Central Command just concluded that Kabo Airport
bombing was not preventable. Well, yeah, the second you put

our marines or airmen or army guys, our navy guys,
the second you put them running security outside of a
civilian airport standing on the side of a ditch. Yes,
you've all of a sudden made sure that a suicide
bomb is not preventable. But it is a flat out lie,

a lie from the pit hell that this thing wasn't preventable,
and the marine's are already freaking out about it. It's bip.
It's bull beep. A marine at the center of the
New Afghanistan probe accuses the Pentagon of covering up evidence.
Maybe you remember this guy, Sergeant Tyler Vargas Andrews. We've
played his audio before for you on this show, That

lion from over there who was watching the suicide bomber,
who notified his commander that's a suicide bomber. May I
kill him now, please before he kills all of us.
Remember that audio where he asks his commander, Chrisy grabbing
that where he asks his commander, Hey, that's the suicide bomber.
Do you think can we kill this guy? And remember,

the commander tells him, I'm not really sure. I'll get
back to you, and the commander never does. And this guy,
this guy's missing an arm today, and here he was.

Speaker 7 (21:56):
I requested for the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Brad Whited,
to come to the tower to see what we did.
While we waited for him, psychological operations individuals came to
our tower immediately and confirmed the suspect met the suicide
bomber description. He eventually arrived and we showed him our evidence,
the photos we had of the two men. We reassured
him of the ease of fire on the suicide bomber. Pointedly,
we asked him for engagement authority and permission. We asked

him if we could shoot our Bitellion commander said, and
I quote, I don't know end quote. Myself and my
team leader asked, very harshly, well who does, because this
is your responsibility, sir. He again replied he did not know,
but would find out. We received no update and never
got our answer. Eventually the individual disappeared. To this day,
we believe he was a suicide bomber. We made everyone

on the ground to where operations had briefly halted but
then started again, plain and simple, we were ignored.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Central Command just did a study on it and decided
that marine's a liar. I want to know why you
can't get people to sign up anymore. Their recruiting shortfalls
are so bad the Army or no, it's the Marines.
Maybe other branches too, but I know this is happening

in the Marines. They're temporarily promoting some officers because they're
in duties where they shouldn't be, because they're so short
on men. That's seventeen year old boy. He's in California.
He's on the football team. He's always wanted to service country.

He crosses, he puts his hand over his heart for
the flag. His dad was in the Marine Corps. He's
thought about joining. He's not joining that. He's not going
to join to get sold out by his command and
his politicians, to get lied about and lied to, to
have his friends blown up in front of him and
then have them lie about it. He's not going to

join to get passed over because he's.

Speaker 6 (23:51):
One of the goals here is actually how do we
get more African Americans a position of leadership in positions
of and aviation. And that's why the challenge. And I'll
tell you that's you know, I was going to be
an engineer. I came in the Air Force to be
an engineered. That was my original plan. I got a
chance to fly in an aircraft when I was in ROTC,
when I was in college, and that really changed my mind.

These are the kinds of things that we are as
an air force are looking how do we engage with
different diverse communities based on race and gender in particular.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Hey, recruiting's bad. Our pilots don't have enough flight time.
We're short on supplies. Mister Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,
What are you worried about?

Speaker 2 (24:31):

Speaker 1 (24:31):
We need some more black pilots in here. Guys, too
many whities around here. You wonder why they're not joining?
And speaking of too many whities, what do you know
about air traffic controllers? The job they do? There was
a movie out about this while ago, years ago. I
don't remember it being a very good movie, but it

was a movie called Pushing Tin Pushing Tin. It's about
air traffic controllers. Fascinating little movie, crappy, but I'm glad
I watched it made me dig into the profession more,
very high stress profession. They're up there on that tall
tower at the airport and what are they doing? Well,
have you ever wondered how so many planes take off

in land from the same location and we don't get collisions?
Why don't we have collisions? Should be every day with
all these flights, should be every day. Well, we don't
have these collisions because we have air traffic controllers. No,
you go here, you this runway here, No, you can't

land yet, you have to wait ten minutes. The competency
of air traffic controllers is saving lives, thousands and thousands
and thousands of them every single day. All that batters
is the competency of air traffic controllers. Did you know
that the FAA they had a test that you had

to pass to be come an air traffic controller. They
put the test out there. They decided, after looking at
the results that too many white people passed the test.
They threw it in the trash and remade a test
so we could have more minorities in the air traffic
controller towers, and don't think I'm making this up. They're

being sued and they're going to lose headline. FAA turned
away qualified air traffic controllers based solely on race. Sorry Whitey,
about nine hundred of them. By the way, Sorry Whitey.
We don't need you up here. We gotta have things
more minority related here. And so we all know where

this is going to go. Everyone knows how this ends.
Is United Flight whatever slams into Delta flight whatever over
Chicago or wherever that may be, next week, next year,
two years from now. We're mourning the loss of about
six hundred Americans. Those planes slammed into each other because

Tom Diversity Diversity higher in the tower has an IQ
of five, but because they liked his skin color, whatever
it was, they put him in a position of power
and authority, and now people are dead. Diversity has already
killed more people than I can possibly count, and it
will kill so many more, and we still can't get

our own side to speak boldly about it. This disgusting
field is a poison, all right. Speaking of poison, we'll
addressed John Legend, What a name? John Legend? Next? Before
we get to John Legend. I want to play this again.
This is representative Michael McCall.

Speaker 6 (27:51):
The world is on fire and history will judge us
by our actions. Were you Chamberlain or were you Churchill?

Speaker 1 (28:02):
He'm Winston Churchill. This was Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.

Speaker 7 (28:06):
I am not resigning and it is It is, in
my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a
vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do
our jobs.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
Look, what have you done about your testosterone? You understand
obviously you just heard it. It's just two audio cuts,
but testosterone levels are in free fall. For fifty years,
tea levels have been falling off a cliff. You understand,
as a nation, we have half the tea levels we

had fifty years ago, half of them. We talk about
the military, how many American men don't even qualify. My goodness, gentlemen,
Start a male vitality stack from chalk, a male vitality stack,
natural herbal supplements. Twenty percent increase in your tea levels
in ninety days. That's ninety days. I've been on it

three years. Good grief. You can't imagine how I feel.
Start changing things. You want to sound like Mike McCall
you want to sound like Mike Johnson, No, you don't.
Chuck dot com, c choq dot com promo code Jesse
go now get the cure for rhinos Hee days with

the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Final segment of The Jesse Kelly Show. But we will
be back tomorrow on Wednesday on a hump day. Remember,
you can and should email the show Jesse at Jesse
kellyshow dot com. You can email whatever you like. You're here.
John Legend talking about Donald Trump. These people, man, they

really are a religion.

Speaker 8 (29:47):
Well, he is a part of a two tier system addresses,
but not in the way that he thinks he is.

Speaker 9 (29:52):
He is getting way more.

Speaker 8 (29:54):
Concessions than the average criminal defendant. Wild get He's getting delays.
He's got access to all kinds of lawyers that are
filing this and filing that, delaying every trial. And most
people don't have access to that kind of lawyering, don't
have access to the kind of concessions that the justice

system will provide to you if you can afford it.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
John Legend hates me, by the way, which is kind
of hilarious. But John Legend hates my guts. Look, the
feeling is mutual. It's fine, he's a dirty communist. But
you know, have you ever seen a democrat or maybe
you know one, maybe you've seen a politician do this.
Have you ever seen the democrat in your life complain
about the media. I know you've seen it. They do

it regularly. Biden does it all the time. Well, maybe
if you guys could talk about how good the economy is.
Have you ever seen a Democrat complain about the media,
and then what happens? You kind of give them the
side eye? All wait a minute, what you own the media?
They're preaching your talking points at all time. Why are
you up set with the media? Will allow me to explain,

Communists believe in total, complete, one hundred percent loyalty at
all times. You never ever, ever, ever, ever get to
stray from what the hive mind has dictated. So when
your liberal aunt Peggy complains about the same media you

complained about, your complaining because all they present is left
wing views, sometimes far left, sometimes cent er left, but
far left views. She's complaining because all the views aren't
hard left enough, and frankly for her, that seems biased.
For the right, John Legend and people like this, they're

watching what's happening with Trump, the January sixth, political prisoners
and others. And for you, for any normal part, you
look at these things and you think, man, that's evil,
that's wrong, that is completely unjust. Even even some people
on the squishy middle of the right are looking at

like this New York trial right now and saying this
is legally just ridiculous. That's how every normal person is
looking at it. But for Communists like John Legend, it's
uncanny to him that there is even a trial. Why
does he even get a lawyer? Why does he have

due process rights? I'm a communist, that's the bad guy,
off with his head. That's how the communists views life.
John Legend wasn't being disingenuous here. For him, it's crazy
to him that anyone who's not a card carrying communist

would have due process rights. That's simply how they look
at life. That's how they look at everything. Remember if
the communist, if he conquered the entire planet except for Antarctica,
just came up a little short, conquered the whold planet,
and all it's left is this big frozen spit of
ground on the South Pole. He wouldn't celebrate even a day.

He would wake up that next morning and begin his
invasion plans for the for Antarctica. Why because it's a
religion of domination, no exceptions allowed. And when he gets
to Antarctica, if you're there with the freedom loving people,

I hope that he will find you asleep in your
my pillow stuff, especially now that there's a twenty five
dollar extravaganza sale going on. Do you understand the twenty
five dollars extravaganza sale? It extends to the premium my pillow,
right you know they have a premium pillow with Giza
fabric on. It's crazy good and there are various sizes

and loft levels depending on what bed you have, what
you want, whatever, You know that they're all twenty five
dollars right now. You ever wanted the greatest pillow on Earth,
you can have it for twenty five bucks. My pillow sandals,
those will go great in Antarctica because they're indoor outdoor
twenty five bucks six piece towel set. Showers are going

to be cold when you shut off the hot water
in Antarctica. You need a MyPillow towel set twenty five bucks.
Go to my pillow dot com and spend twenty five dollars. Actually,
if you spend seventy five dollars, they get free shipping
my pillow dot com. Click on the radio listener special
Square and use the promo code Jesse or call eight
hundred eight four five zero five four four. I didn't

even have time to get to this little tidbit here.
Chuck Schumer was trying to make the case for more
Ukraine money even kind of did the opposite.

Speaker 9 (34:59):
World in desperate need of American leadership. Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
Iran's attack on Israel, and the Chinese government's encroachments on
the South Pacific threaten world peace, threaten America's prosperity, and
threaten the very future of Western democracy. Time is of

the essence. Israel was attacked for the first time in
its history directly by Iran. The people of Ukraine are
now in all out desperation. In fact, last week, the
head of the US European Command testified before the House
Armed Services Committee that Russia's army is now fifteen percent
larger than it was at the start of the war,

and in a matter of weeks, Russia will outgun Ukraine
by ten to one.

Speaker 1 (35:48):
Their army is fifteen percent larger than it was, and
they outgunned Ukraine ten to one. Look, maybe we can
save some lives here and wrap up a peace process
instead of butchering another generation of Ukrainians and Russians. Sometimes

it's war, Sometimes it's right. Sometimes it's just flat out
cold blooded murder and butchery. The Russians have too many people.
The Russian bear has won many war for that reason.
For that reason, I know it sucks. That's the way
it is. Let's save some lives now, all right. I
did not have time to get to headlines. I went

too long. I will get to headlines tomorrow. If I
don't get distracted, we will have some fun then, all right,
that's all
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