All Episodes

April 23, 2024 37 mins

The federal government is not going to take this red state coalition movement lying down. MoH Lance Sijan - A broken man, alone and behind enemy lines. The solution to road blocking commies. The System is encouraging these attacks. The leaders of commie revolutions are nearly always rich kids.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. And here's what
we have on tap this hour, before we get to
Medal of Honor Monday, we're gonna talk a little bit
about the world and make believe Mayor of La got
her home broken into Papua New Guinea's still mad about
Biden calling them cannibals. We'll deal with the FISA stuff.
I might take some calls this hour.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
That'll be in a little bit not yet.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
Oh, that and so much more is coming up tonight
on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
But you know what time it is, don't you.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
It's Monday. It's the start of the second hour on Monday,
and so that means it is time for Medal of
Honor Monday. Every single Monday, we do the same thing
at the same time. Take a Medal of Honor citation
and we read it. Every time somebody earns a Medal
of honors, they do a write up on what he did.
Sometimes the story around it, almost always the story around

it's even better than the citation. We honor the man,
we honor his deeds, We remember them, remember if we
never read about them, then it's like it didn't happen.
These things don't magically get passed down to our children.
So we also take email suggestions. Remember you can email
us love, hate, death threats, suggestions. If you have one
of these you love, or if you have a family

member or friend or from your hometown someone who means
something to you, email those into Jesse at jesse kellyshow
dot com. Jesse please consider Air Force Captain Lance pe
Cy John for Medal of Honor Monday. He goes on
to describe you know F four pilot in Vietnam. He says,
is a great book titled Into the Mouth of the

Cat that was written about this whole thing. So without
further ado, let's honor on one Lance Peter SI John,
US Air Force, Vietnam.

Speaker 2 (02:05):

Speaker 4 (02:07):
Honoring those who went above and beyond its Medal of
Honor Monday.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
While on a flight over North Vietnam, Captain Saijohn ejected
from his disabled aircraft and successfully evaded capture for more
than six weeks. During this time, he was seriously injured
and suffered from shock and extreme weight loss due to
lack of food. After being captured by North Vietnamese soldiers.

Captain Saijohn was taken to a holding point for subsequent
transfer to a prisoner of war camp. In his emaciated
and crippled condition, he overpowered one of his guards and
crawled into the jungle, only to be recaptured after several hours.
He was then transferred to another prison camp, where he
was kept in solitary confinement and interrogated at Lang. During interrogation,

he was severely tortured. However, he did not divulge any
information to his captors. Captain SiJohn lapsed into delirium and
was placed in the care of another prisoner. During his
intermittent periods of consciousness until his death, he never complained
about his physical condition, and on several occasions spoke of
future escape attempts. Captain Syjohn's extraordinary heroism and intrepidity above

and beyond the call of duty at the risk at
the cost of his life or in keeping with the
highest traditions of the US Air Force, and reflect great
credit upon himself in the US Armed Services. And I'd
say he's earned tabs, wouldn't you. We lost some really,

really great men in Vietnam. Man, I'll give you just
a little brief background on this, and we'll get back
to all kinds of other things, fights the stuff and
emails and whatnot. First of all, side John was a
football player, Air Force Academy football player, So it tell
us it the kind of mentality that we're dealing with here.
Just a total beast already those of Vietnam. He flies

the F four Phantom F four Phantom. If you're a
military nerd, you'll know immediately what that is. If you're not,
and you're not driving, look up the F four Phantom.
In my opinion, I know, look.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Rights some people like them tall, short, skinny, fat blondes,
for nuts, black girls, Asians, whatever it may be, the
same thing applies when it comes to weapons systems. So beauty,
I realize, as in the ia the beholder. In my opinion,
the F four Phantom is the coolest looking fighter jet ever.
It's just I don't know why. Maybe it's my maybe

it's my admiration for Vietnam guys. It's just really cool.

Speaker 3 (05:39):

Speaker 1 (05:39):
He was an F four Phantom pilot and they were
in Laos. Now, remember why Laos. We're in Vietnam. Why
were we ever in Laos, Why are we in Cambodia?
Why in these places? You've heard of the ho Chi
Minh Trail. I'm not going to insult your intelligence. Intelligence
everyone's heard of the ho Chi Minh Trail. Keep in mind,
the ho Chi Minh Trail was not a trail. It

was a million trails. It was the way the North
Vietnamese army got manpower, food, weapons, everything from the north
where they controlled. This is how they funneled it down
into the South to get the war effort, you know,

going down there, and to keep the war effort going. Now,
the ho Chi Minh Trail wasn't really in Vietnam for
the most part, because again the point was to bypass
the border and find a way to kind of go
in the back door down south. That's what the ho
Chi Minh Trail was about. So our pilots and our

saw guys, a lot of those Green Beret types were
constantly over there in Cambodia and Laois doing what marking
the ho Chi Minh Trail so our planes can come
in and blow up the endless amount of supplies who
were going down the ho Chi Minh Trail Now side
John goes over there with his S four with his

F four, and these things happen. You probably don't want
to know. I know, I don't want to know. How
many of our deaths in combat have happened because of
things like this. But the malfunction were our bombs. There
was a fuse problem with his bombs, they believe, and

so he went to drop his bombs and they didn't
drop and instead essentially went off right underneath him. That's
why when he ejected, they believe he lost consciousness when
he rejected. By the time he landed by himself, he
has no food, he has almost no water, his survival

kit is gone. He has a fractured skull, a broken hand,
I forget which one, maybe his left hand, and a
compound fracture in one of his legs. And he's sitting
there in lloos, a broken head, hand leg, he's alone,
severely concussed, of course, and you are the very definition

of behind enemy lines. Well you or ah, you know
I shouldn't make that about you. I would probably just
roll over and suck my thumb and die. But side
John decides, no, I'm a beast and proceeds to crawl
he's sliding on his butt. Remember he has a compound fracture,
it's leg to move around. He's sliding on his butt

for forty six days in the jungle floor. He's sick
as a dog. You can imagine how maundourish you be,
eaten grubs and whatever else you could find while heavy you,
while you'd be exerting yourself. They finally get a hold
of this guy. And you know how weak you are
when you're sick, and I mean weak mentally. How being

physically sick weakened you mentally, it's just.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
Part of it.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Your body, your willpower is broken down in this condition.
This guy gets dragged and horrifically tortured by the North Vietnamese,
doesn't give him a thing, and dies in captivity, buried
in Arlington if I remember right, I'm almost positive about that,

buried in Arlington, if you are ever in Arlington. Look,
it's not like they're all worth it, but that's one
of those ones. Say John's that's worth stopping by. Giving
him a little two finger saluted, say a prayer that
what a beast man, what a beast?

Speaker 3 (09:37):
Get this? Why the name? What Sai John? What nationality?
He was?

Speaker 1 (09:41):
A sir or. His family was of Serbian detent. He dissent,
he was a Serb. His family had come over because
things were a little rocky in Serbia during World War One.
So during Serbia the SiJohn family came over here and
produced a freaking lion.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
How about that? How about that? And that?

Speaker 1 (10:00):
It's the story of that. Okay, Now let's deal with
some more things here. We're gonna get the fives of us.
Do some emails, Jesse in light of the Biden administration's
disgusting or well in changes to Title nine, isn't it
time for Red States to take back full control of
their public education systems? This would mean a rejection of

federal funding, but it seems worth it for many reasons. Thanks, Okay,
the Red States? Should we just bow out of the
education system? What does that mean? What does it mean
to not have federal funding? This is This is stuff
we're gonna have to keep exploring as we go forward.
Now that stuff can get heavy and it can get confusing.
If you're confused, it probably means you know, you aren't

taking your male vitality stack from chalk every day, so
your mind isn't working right, Ladies, to have female vitality
stacks for you. Let's set the stacks aside. Let me
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Speaker 3 (11:19):
You'll enjoy it. Man, you'll feel better throughout the day.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Choq dot com Natural herbal Supplements chalk dot com promo
code Jesse gets you a discount on the subscriptions.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
All right, we'll be back.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
It is the Jesse Kellys Show. Reminding you if you
miss any part of the show, you can download the
whole thing on ir Google, Spotify, iTunes. Before we get
onto the Red States in the education system, Chris Michael,
I forgot to tell you, guys, before the show, I
was in a lot of deep thought this weekend as
I was eating my smoked chicken with the smoked kso

you guys wouldn't know anything about that. By the way, Michael,
I'll bring some of that smoke case so Chris, it's
got pork in it, buddy, so you can watch us
eat it. But Michael remind me I have a vat
of that. Anyway, I was doing some heavy thinking over
the smoker this weekend, and I've made an executive decision.
Sound bites, the permanent ones that go on our soundboard,

they can never truly be permanent because here's what happens.
It's just like a tenured professor. The second you make
it permanent, performance goes down. Performance goes down. These sound
bites have to perform the soundbites on the soundboard. You
know Howard Dean is still here. Why he's a performer.
Every single time he said Dome Dome's been performing for years.

That's what she does. The bar is always ready to
eat it. But I gotta be honest, this clip never
gets placed.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
You have a brand, New York has a brand.

Speaker 1 (12:58):
It doesn't have a brand anymore. It never gets played.
I'm making an executive decision. We are replacing.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
We have a brand. New York has a brand with this.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
I've held an AR fifteen in my hand.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
I wish I had it.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
It is as heavy as ten boxes that you might
be moving, and the Chris the part I want, The
only part of it I want is it is as
heavy as ten boxes that you might be moving. And
it's going to go right there next to Grandma vodcast.
An attempt to ban TikTok.

Speaker 5 (13:32):
It's an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic tech toe
a winner, a winner.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
A winner, Dear Jesse. In light of the Biden administration's
disgusting orwellthy and changes the title nine, isn't it time
for Red States to take back intore of the education system.
It would mean rejection or federal funding, but it would
be worth it for many reasons. Okay, so let's expand
what we've been talking about a lot lately. You know,
I've talked about this a lot on the show, You

write emails about it. You I've interested in it too,
You're interested in it. To parallel. Red States need to
begin creating parallel institutions because the federal institutions are poisoned
and the one I've been talking about the most recently
is the immigration system. Obviously, I don't need to rehash

all that for you. The federal government has declared war
on America by opening up the border. They opened it
up on purpose, They opened it up on purpose, and
now they're flooding the country with illegals. The Red States
have to form their own coalition to do border security

deport illegals. The Red States essentially have to take power
back from the federal government that has been given to
the government. We entrusted you with the illegal immigration, with
the immigration system. You have violated that trust. Now we're
taking it back. But I understand there is a danger
in that proposal. The danger in it is this, and

maybe it's not a danger, maybe it's a good thing,
maybe it's a terrible thing.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
But the danger is.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
The States will then be tempted to keep going, meaning keep.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Going with the separation.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
Hey, honey, look we're having a lot of problems and whatnot.
But look, I want you to know I still I
want to stay married. I want us to stay married
for the kids we have. You know, we have the
house payment and insurance stuff, and hey, we're just gonna
We're just gonna sleep separate. Now, Okay, we're gonna sleep separate. Well,
the problem with that is once studies, well studies show

once you start sleeping separate, the separate, separate is just
a matter of when I believe in what I'm talking about.
When I talk about red state coalitions to porty legals
secure our border, I really believe it. I believe it
is our only outlet. But look, this email is a

great example. It's going to turn into a drug and
it's going to lead it could lead to separation, separation,
and maybe that look, maybe that's what we need anyway,
because the truth is the education system, the public education system,
it is putrid. The higher education system is really really,

really bad. In fact, let me pull something up real quick.
I shouldn't be doing this live on the air. I
should have prepared ahead of time. Maybe I should start
preparing for the shows. But I had the what it is.
Stepman is one of my friends, and she had a
great quote this weekend.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
This is what she said.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Once again, I'm asking you to remember that ninety nine
percent of American universities are completely dependent on government programs
and taxpayer largess, and that kurt tailing their psycho behavior.
Is a mere matter.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
Of political will.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Our evil university system exists entirely on your back and
my back, the back of the American taxpayer. So there
are a million examples of us paying for our own destruction.
We talk about it all the time, You and I
we fund our own destruction everywhere, especially when we pay taxes.

We are paying the people who wreck the country. Now,
should the Red States break away from that, well, you
bring up the best part at the end. It would
mean a rejection of federal funding. That is going to
be the final negotiation tactic of the federal government. As

we move forward here and these coalitions become more realities,
which of the states are willing to call the Fed's
bluff to cut off that sweet, sweet federal money the
Fed send you every single time? That will be the
ultimate question. Chris said, what states can Well, that's why
you need a coalition, buddy, You gotta have a coalition.

But again, the coalition could lead to the breakup anyway.
Speaking of the breakup of the country, let's talk about Faiza,
and let's talk about you and the pain you're going through.
Let's talk about relief factor. You see, we.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
All have pain.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
Pain comes because the body doesn't last forever, and the
different parts start fading at different times. Your hands start
to hurt, and your muscles in your back and all.
I woke up and my neck is stiff. But we
reach for the wrong things to deal with it. We
have to deal with that. Otherwise you don't sleep, you're
in a bad mood, you're snapping at family and friends.
We have to deal with it, but not with ibuprofen

or something harsher. We need to deal with it naturally
with Relief Factor. Here's what I want you to do.
I want you to go get a three week Quick
Start kit and take Relief Factor every day for three weeks.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
That's it. Three week quit If you love it.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
If you experience that pain, relief.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Call get more.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
If you don't, don't one eight hundred the number four
relief all right, one eight hundred the number four relief
or go to relief Factor dot com. Okay, we're gonna
deal it with some phizis stuff next. You actually are
welcome to call us if you'd like eight seven seven
three seven seven four three seven three. I might need

a bit before I get to that, but you're welcome
to call eight seven seven three seven seven four three
seven three.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
We'll be back Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 4 (19:38):

Speaker 2 (19:40):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. All right,
let's deal with this Pizi stuff before we get to emails,
before we get to your calls and emails and uh,
our little.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
Chant going on at Columbia as we speak, that is
a little too on the nose. Remember who's been calling
at communism for the longest time. Anyway, before we get
to any of that, let's deal with this DEFAISA reauthorization bill.
It's going through it's sailing into Joe Biden's desk, it
went through the Senate. None of this stuff is surprising

you at all. Thomas Massey said this, Why.

Speaker 6 (20:18):
Do we have a provision in there that exempts congressmen
but not all of America. Americans deserve the protections that
are enshrined in the Constitution. Nothing less should pass this House.
This is an enormous database. They're going to tell you, oh,
we're just looking at intelligence that was gathered on foreigners.
The problem is they're collecting this intelligence in the United States,

using service providers in the United States, using connections in
the United States.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
They collect a lot of stuff here.

Speaker 6 (20:48):
Do you think the NSA employee who did a peisis
search on a tender date was looking for information about Hamas. No,
there's all kinds of information in there, and that's why
it's being abused. That's why we need the warrant provision.
I urge folks to vote for this rule so that
you can vote for the warrant provision amendment. And if

that amendment doesn't pass, you shouldn't vote to reauthorize five
so much.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
Of course, it didn't pass, and as I got reauthorized.
So I just want to make sure I remind everyone
of another.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
Little story out there.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
This one got lost in the ether because of all
the scandal and everything in the trials and the ridiculousness.
But remember this whole story. Remember when Tucker Carlson, Remember
when he came out on his show and he said,
the NSA is spying on my stuff. They're spying on
my emails. He had a source at the NSSA and

he said, they're spying on my stuff.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
And the NSSA said, what.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
That's ridiculous, we would never And then about five minutes later,
someone of the NSA leaked to the Commune media outlets
that Tucker was trying to set up an interview with Putin,
thus confirming that not only were they spying on his stuff,
they will take your private stuff and they will leak

your private stuff to the news, and the news will
use your private stuff to destroy your life. Dang sobering, right,
and we just authorized it again. Oh it is what
it is. All right, Let's get to some abails and
then I'll finally get to these calls. Eight seven seven
three seven seven four three seven three. Don't care what

you're ranting about tonight, just get right to the point.
Eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven three.
Jesse the roadblocking terrorists, they're terrorists. Run them over or
shoot them asking for a friend.

Speaker 3 (22:49):
This is what he said.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Okay, do not run them over, do not shoot them.
Do not do anything that's going to send you to prison.
If you want to joke about that stuff with your
buddy's fine, don't actually do anything that's going to send
you or them to prison. And you know what, the
reason I chose to read this was this one. I
understand the sentiment. We're all angry about it, we all

want someone to do something, or in the very least,
we want the lotting out of the way so we
can do something. But listen, the road blocking terrorists. This
is a problem that shows how easy yet all so
difficult our problems are to solve. And here's what I

mean by that. I realized it just said two different things.
What do you mean easy and difficult? Well, one solving
the problem of people doing things like pouring paint on
the constitution, or or taking over a university campus, or
or blocking off a highway. That's actually a very very
easy problem to solve.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
It really genuinely is.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
It's not as if it's a hundred million people doing
these things. You take the people who do these things,
you promptly arrest them, prosecute them, quickly publicize their very
long jail sentences. And then the next mentally ill loser
who has no life, who's thinking about doing this, he
will look at the jail sentence, he will see it

is gone, and he will move on with his life
and choose not to do it. It's very easy to solve
so many of our problems right now. At the same time,
it's very difficult to solve so many of our problems
right now because the system itself is the one enabling

and encouraging these things.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
This is what I mean.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
The justice system you need to clean this stuff up.
The justice system you need to arrest and prosecute and
try these people and do these things.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
Is actually the.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
Very same justice system that is enabling these things, that
is encouraging these things. And do you remember when Merrick
Garland gave that testimony in front of the House of Representatives.
Because Merrick Garland and the DOJ he was busy kicking
in the doors of pro lifers and going after the
soccer moms showing up at school board meetings. And Merrick

Garland was challenged by somebody I forget who asked the question.
He was asked about the firebombing of the pregnancy centers
across the country. Remember, this is something that's really really
bad going on. We're talking windows, shattered, Molotov cocktails. It's
really really bad. It's not a one off here, it's
very consistent. It's obvious the street animals they're fire bombing

pro life centers and Merrick Garland gets asked about it
on camera. Merrick Garland gave the most patently absurd answer ever.
And he is the Attorney General of the United States.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Of America.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
He gave an answer Honestly, this is what Merrick Garland's
answer is. And I'm someone who has a thirteen year
old son, right, and that kind of snotty preteen like realm.
Merrick Garland gave an answer like you would get from
a snotty thirteen year.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Old boy in the back of social studies class.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Well, I mean, we'd love to bust these guys, but
I mean lots of these things are happening at night,
and the guys they're wearing masks and stuff like that.
Do you remember it?

Speaker 3 (26:15):
Do you remember it?

Speaker 4 (26:17):

Speaker 1 (26:18):
What was he doing with that quote? Ridiculous answer? What
was he actually doing? Oh you have it, Chris, go
ahead play.

Speaker 5 (26:25):
But those who are attacking the pregnancy resources centers, which
is a hard thing to do, are doing this at
night in the dark.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
They're doing this at night in the dark. He says,
that is an excuse why they haven't been busting them.
What's he actually doing. He's letting the animals on the bottom.
He's letting the street animals know, Hey, you're gonna be
pretty safe here.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
Look, if you make.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
It too obvious, you show up in the middle of
the day, you're stark naked. I know you freaks love
to be naked all the time, so we can see
your face that if you force my hand, I'm gonna
have to arrest you and charge you with something. But hey, look,
if you're just kinda put on a mask and show
up at night, look, I'm a commie, you're a kami.
I want you to know we're all in this together.

It's gonna be okay for you. He was letting them know.
Our problems shouldn't have to be solved by vigilante justice
an individual civilian. Vigilante justice is not going to give
us the lasting change that we need. Our problems should

be solved from the government level. And I don't mean
the government solves the problems like the justice system solves
the problems by arresting criminals. You should live in a country.
I should live in a country where criminals are busted.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
But we don't.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
We live in a country where the good guys are
busted because these are the people in charge. Headline Biden's
dah taps anti ICE activists to scrutinize the tension of
illegal immigrants. They just put a lady in charge at
a critical place in Ice in DHS, and she's anti ice.

She's one of the people who's been out on the
streets with the signs, don't depoort anybody, Let everybody come here.
This woman now has a critical place in DHS. You see,
the justice system we should be able to rely on
to remove the dirt balls instead now works against us.
And that's where we run into problems. All right, I

will finally get to these calls. Eight seven seven three
seven seven four three seven three. Don't care what the
deal is, just make it fast. Eight seven seven three
seven seven four three seven three.

Speaker 3 (28:53):
We'll be back.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
I've got on ANIMALI said on me.

Speaker 4 (28:57):
Yes, yes, Kelly. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, speaking of protest music.
You know how we call them communists. You call him communists,
and I call him communists because you understand their communists.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
The cloud returne Octavist.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
I know, I know he thinks he's trying to save
the planet with his hemp pants and whatnot.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
I know, I know.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
The idiot, the useful idiot at the bottom, actually genuinely
believes he's a climate training ojoctivist, But he's really just
a communist, that's all. He is a useful idiot communist
burning things down to help the elite communists on the top,
the BLM communist. I should make it the civil rights
communists today out there, just trying to improve the plight

of black.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
People in America.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
Oh he or she, she thinks she's actually doing that,
But just an idiot, Just a useful idiot who will
burn everything down. Trying to help the feminists, same thing.
She thinks she's helping women. Just an idiot trying to
burn everything down. They're all in the end just communists.

Here's one of the students at Columbia.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
This is basically like right now.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I want to do whatever you can to not work,
not go to class, not do research. You all are
incredibly smart eeople who are so knowledgeable about things like
post colonialism and Marxism and other theories. It is time
for you to get out of your libraries and.

Speaker 5 (30:34):
Labs and put your theories into action and.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Stand with do Remember something, it's not an accident that
the nastiest protests are taking place at our most elite universities.
Just as long as you were talking elite communistum and
scum and street communists, coum and I'll get to your
calls in a second eight seven seven three seven seven

four three seven three. Remember this, always, always remember the
leaders of communist movements have almost exclusively been rich kids,
almost exclusively, from Chay to Lenin, pol Pot, you name them.
The leaders of communist revolutions are almost always rich kids,

the poor, the very very poor, and downtrodden. That the
bottom will get swept up in it. Generally they don't
know any better. But the leaders of these movements are
almost always the wealthy children of the privileged. They are
the ones who have exterminated more people than anyone else
in history. It's a real god complex, Mommy, Daddy, angst thing.

It's not an accident that it's the worst at Harvard,
at Columbia, at Yale, at Stamford. That is how it's
always been. All right, let's get to it, remember, get
to the point. By lose my temper would just go
back to talking about something else. I have a couple
other things I want to get to.

Speaker 6 (32:07):
Greg Michigan, go hey, Jeffy, I just want to thank
you for bringing up the Armenian genocide over the last
couple of months. Obviously almost Armenian descent.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
I just appreciate you bringing you up.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
That takes a lot of guts.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
And I really appreciate it.

Speaker 5 (32:25):
Thank you.

Speaker 6 (32:25):

Speaker 1 (32:27):
You know, I'll tell you this when people say I
have guts. Have you ever heard of Chloe Cole? Have
you heard of Chloe Cole? You probably have because you
probably listen and consume this stuff, But most norms and
normas have not Chloe Cole. You can go look her
up now. She is out there giving speeches. Why is
she giving speeches because as a teenage girl, a young

teenage girl, she got caught up in all this trans insanity,
madness and caught up to the point where she eventually
was placed under.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
The knife, under the knife.

Speaker 1 (33:08):
And trying to be nice here because I really am
being nice here. But Chloe Cole obviously has had a
lot of things that's chemically and medically that have been
done to her.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
By this point in time.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
You can tell when you look at Chloe Cole, that
was probably going to be a really pretty girl. Chris
my line in that Michael, It's yeah, yeah, that was
probably gonna be really pretty girl. But as a young
teenager who didn't do crazy stupid things as a teenager
made decisions that just altered the rest of her life.

And she's given speeches talking about how, you know, she
knows she'll never know what it's like as a mother
to nurse her baby, if she can even have a baby.
Just heartbreaking stuff like that. I think people like that
are the actual courageous people, people who are just kind
of getting up there and think about that, think about
all the regrets you'd have and all the shame you'd have,

and instead you just lay it all out there. Hey, kids,
don't do what I do, using your screw ups to
help future generations of kids, and just kind of just
being naked about the whole thing. Right, this is me,
this is what I screwed up. This is what happened
to me. I think that shows a lot of guts,
and I really admire it.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
I do. I really admire it.

Speaker 1 (34:23):
Speaking of guts, I reached out to Berner this morning.
Been thinking more and more about a test shoot with Chris.
Now listen, Chris, I think I've figured something out. Look,
obviously everyone needs to buy a burn a pistol launcher.
Why well, they're non lethal and they'll stop a bad
man from killing you. I believe in carrying lethal and

non lethal. But no matter what you believe, no matter
where you live, you need a burn a pistol launcher.
It's legal in all fifty states, no background checks, no
nothing to shoots these pepper balls or tear guts balls
or a mixture. So, Chris, that brings me to this.
If we were to do a charity burn a shoot,
would you want the mixture or the tear gas or

the pepper balls? If you had to guess, And we've
decided we're not gonna shoot, Chris directly. These things are brutal,
will shoot the ground in front of you. What, Chris,
have you made a decision? Not the mixture. That's weird
because that's the one I was leaning towards for you. Anyway,
I guess we'll discuss it later on. Maybe we'll have
a vote between you and I. In the meantime, By
your burn a pistol launcher ten percent off b why

RNA BYRNA Berna dot com slash Jesse. All right, all right,
George Virginia.

Speaker 6 (35:40):

Speaker 5 (35:42):
Yes, As I was telling your colleague, I think I
could rows en up your appreciation of the F four.
You know, the joke about it he has if it
proves it, if you put a big enough engine on it,
you can fly a rock. But we had a happy
duty incident. It took place outside the base cape on
a Sunday in September of sixty eight, and several sorties
of the F fours came in and worked this bunch

over out there judiciously. They were like hawks in a circle,
laborer like. They maintained a nine to three position in
a circle and they just laid down these folks. They
would depart, then the hogs would go in, and the
hogs should go out, and then the rtillery would start.
Then the F fours were back. But I tell you, man,
to see them in action is with something else. I

just thought you might appreciate, you know all this.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
I definitely did, George, I definitely did.

Speaker 3 (36:32):
It Really is a cool, cool looking jet. Chris, did
you look up the F four? Did? Did I lead you?

Speaker 1 (36:40):
You go to air shows?

Speaker 4 (36:41):
You know?

Speaker 1 (36:41):
I've never been to an air show. I want to go,
but I feel like every time I turned on the news,
there's some airplane crashing into the crowd. And isn't that weird.
I don't have any fear of flying, but in the
air show itself. Here's the no all right, let me
be honest. I'm just gonna lay this out. We'll get
back to the calls eight seven seven three seven seven
fourth seven three. I'll get back to that in a minute.

I want to talk about Hillary Clinton and whatnot. But
I feel like it's not embarrassing. In fact, it's kind
of cool. If you're at an air show and you're flying,
you know, a World War two plane and it crashes,
that's obviously not great, but it's kind of a cool
way to go, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
It's kind of a cool way to go.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
But I feel like if you're in the crowd watching
and it crashes into you, that it goes from being
cool to you got killed by friendly World War two
fire and I don't want to go out like that.
Does that make sense anyway? It's maybe I should go
to an air show, all right. We still have an
hour left eight seven seven three seven seven four three

seven three.

Speaker 3 (37:42):
Hang on.
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