All Episodes

April 24, 2024 38 mins

Bombarded with propaganda making you the dumbest person on the planet. Where did these GOP senators who continue to screw us over come from? The normy norm republican who doesn’t vote in the primary is the source of our problem. JD Vance dropping some absolute bangers on the Senate floor.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is The Jesse
Kelly Show. Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
a Tuesday. We're gonna talk about, Yes, we're gonna talk
about the senators real quickly. On the Ukraine stuff. I'll
get to that. We're gonna talk about the system, what
it does, propaganda, why people live in a world to

make believe. We're gonna dig into some of that. The
Nobel Prize. Oh, you're gonna love what a Nobel Prize
winner had to say. The FBI sucks. Oh, that and
so much more coming up this hour and the Jesse
Kelly Show. Now, I should have read you the list
earlier in the show, but I didn't. I just didn't
feel the need to. I kind of breeze past the

Senate Foreign Aid Bill stuff. Twenty nine Republican senators passed
that Ukraine bill, that Foreign Aid Bill. I am going
to go down the list and I'm going to read
you the names. Just stay with me for a second.
You're mad about it. I'm mad about it. Everyone's mad
about it. The names are Boozeman, Britt Carpedo, Cassidy Collins,

Cornyn Cotton, Kramer, Crapo, Ernst Fisher, Graham, Grassley, Hoven, Hyde, Smith, Kennedy, Lankford, McConnell, Moran, Mullen, Murkowski, Ricketts, Rish, Romney, Rounds,
Scott Sullivan, Thune, Tillis. All right, there they are. It's bad.

You're mad, I'm mad. Everyone's mad. The people who get
got up this morning and well they thought like this.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Oay, the Senate sits for a cust on behalf of
the entire nation. It's a test of American resolve, our
readiness and our willingness to lead, and the states shall
failure are abundantly clear failure to help you pray standing.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
Yeah, I can't do that anymore. So I just read
you the names. We're gonna move on and talk about
other stuff. I just don't feel the need to belabor
the point. I did want to do this really quickly, though,
and go through this list in a different way. Instead
of the names, I thought maybe we should just read
the states because we have a lot of GOP senators.

This ridiculously corrupt bill would never have passed without GOP support.
So where did these GOP senators who just screwed us
over again like they did during gun control, like they
did during this spending bill, like they did during like
they continue to do. Where do these senators come from?

Let's look into it, shall we? Instead of the names. Uh,
just gonna go down the list. Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, Maine, Texas, Arkansas, Oh.
A two for for Arkansas, North Dakota. Wow. Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska,

South Carolina.

Speaker 3 (03:26):

Speaker 1 (03:26):
Look Iowa again. Another two for Haven, North Dakota. Another
two for Mississippi, Louisiana made. Another two for Louisiana's on
there again twice. Thank you, Kennedy Lankford, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Moran, Kansas, Oklahoma.

Speaker 3 (03:46):

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Look of that. Both ones from Oklahoma. It's wild. Alaska, Nebraska, Wow,
both of Nebraska's too. Imagine that Idaho, Utah, South Dakota,
South Carolina, Alaska, South Dakota. Another two for North Carolina. Wow.
Look at that list that I mean, those are the

most red states in the Union, the reddest states in
the Union States. Almost every one of these states, unless
I'm mistaken. There might be a couple exceptions here, but
almost every one of these states, as I look at
the list, is so read that if the people wanted,
they could elect me elect they could elect someone to

the right of me. And yet once again, the reddest
states gave us the senators who screwed over the entire
country by joining with the Democrats. Why does this happen
Because the red state GOP primary voter is the source

of all of our problems. That's why this happens. Your neighbor,
not you. I'm not talking about you. I'm not worried
about you. Your neighbor agrees with you on everything, shares
your values, close the border, keep taxes low. We gotta
get spending out of control, pro life, tranny in the kids.

That's crazy. You get with him on the weekends, you
turn on the baseball game and down the list, down
the line. He agrees with you on every single thing.
And then you ask him, really, who'd you vote for
in the primary? Primary? What was that? A primary? Is that? When?

Is that when the party chooses its own nominee? Oh,
I didn't know I was watching the game? Did I
miss that the game was on? Or even worse, the
friend I just described from Louisiana had dinner with him
last month. Ah Man, gotta get this spending under control,

borders out of control. Jeez, Biden, sucks man, who are
these guys spending us in to bankruptcy? And on my life?
In the next breath, starts singing the praises of Senator
John Kennedy of Louisiana because he's got some funny soundbites
on Fox News. John Kennedy of Louisiana, just like the

other loser in Louisiana, votes for every piece of swamp
trash bill he possibly can, but he drops some funnies
on Fox and so norm and Norma go out in
the prime area and they didn't their favor in America Arkansas, North,
Dakota South that I'm disgusted by us. I understand the

dirty commy scum, I do. I get that we're dealing
with demons, destructive murderers, rapists. I know exactly what we're
dealing with, But ma'am our own people can't get off
the couch to save themselves, and it drives me up
the wall. So I'm moving on. I'm done with it.
I want to talk about something else. In fact, there's

a story and a SoundBite that go with this, So
just stay with me here. This is a long email,
and I'm not gonna read it. It's way too long
for me to read on the air. I'm gonna skip
basically the whole thing. But the thing is titled eighty
year old Aunt Peggy. He said, Jesse, I've got an
old acquaintance who calls himself a Catholic. He goes to
church each week. Just let him know what he thinks

of Trump. And he goes down the long list of
everything they were talking about. The guy has got a
master's degree, retired Air Force officer, he's an elder in
the church. He's run for city council. And the guy
is lost. Trump's the devil, Trump's a Nazi, Biden walks

on water, that kind of thing. And the guy goes
down the list, and at the end he says, I
your insight as to what's going on? Okay, what's going on?
What's going on with this guy? Eighty years old air
Force officer, my goodness, an elder in the church, and
he's a dirty COMI. What's going on there? A dirty

COMMI who believes all kinds of things that aren't real.
He goes down the list on everything he believes. How
does that happen? Okay, we'll set that aside for a moment.
Two things. Two things. This is a headline from Not
the Bee, but they're explaining what was happening in the
Toronto Star today, Toronto, Canada. And this is the headline

from not the Bee headline. Toronto Star publishes an article
why never owning a home is a good thing? Actually,
and they did. That's a real article. While it's easy
to feel owning a home as a life goal, it
might not be a bad thing to consider forgetting it altogether.
That's directly from the article. Okay, okay, so we'll set

that aside a moment. You have the email, you have
the article, and now I have this. This is it's
actually not a politician, it's not an article. What this is.
This is fiction. It's from an episode of Law and Order.
Have you ever heard of Law and Order? Most people
have heard of Law and Order. It's this long running
television show, several different versions. I've never watched it, but

I'm not a TV guy. I know enough to know
it's really big. This was from an episode of Law.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
Jim is an active club part of an international network
of white supremacists Sleeper cells. All fronting is small MNA
style gyms.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
How big a network are retorting that.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
So far, we've identified over thirty active clubs across nine
different states and several provinces of Canada.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
So how do they work.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
The clubs operate as recruitment centers. They lauren young white
men under the guys of getting fits while indoctrinating them
in racist ideology and training them in military combat. They're
building an army, they're trying to It's the new face of.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Hate, the new face of hate, building an army, those
dangerous white supremacists. So let's talk about that. Let's talk
about the connection. You've got an eighty year old guy,
eighty year old Democrat, elder at your church, Air Force
officer master's degree, and he believes all these lies about Trump,

all these lies about Biden. Biden's a great guy. Trump's
the Antichrist. Let's talk about the article, just a media article,
no big deal, no agenda, just letting you know, hey,
own and the house kind of sucks. You shouldn't do that.
And then the law enforcement, the law and order, i
should say, episode telling you to keep a lookout for
those dangerous white supremacists. Let's have a long chat about

the system and propaganda next, before we do that. Let's
do this, Let's have a chat about reality when it
comes to life. The fight for life roe versus being
overturned was good. Anyone who tells you otherwise it is crazy.
But the truth is we haven't actually gained ground on abortion.

Why because of the abortion pill. Now half the abortion
clinics in America are actually some young girl's bathroom. They're
getting these pills sent to their homes and killing their
babies in their homes. What chance do we have at
stopping this barbaric practice If it's as easy as going

down and picking up a bottle of ibuprofen. Well that's
where Preborn comes in. They step in and they let
the young lady know. You can have a free ultrasound,
no charge to you. Just come lay down for an ultrasound.
When a young mother hears a heartbeat, she chooses life

almost every time. Pick up your phone dial pound two
five zero and say baby twenty eight bucks buys that
woman that ultrasound. Or go to preborn dot com slash
Jesse sponsored by Preborn. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.

You're welcome.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
Don't forget. You can email the show Jesse at Jesse
kellyshow dot com. So what do all these stories have
in common? The email from the guy who knows the
eighty year old, highly educated and yet h Trump thinks
he's a Nazi, believes all these crazy things. The Toronto
Star publishing an article telling people not to own a home,
all that home stuff. That's kind of crappy. You just

be a renter forever. And then the Law and Order episode,
where is it all tie in? Well, if we have
to be merciful towards communists, whether they be eighty or eight,
we should be merciful at least in understanding this. The
system of lies we have in place in this country

for many people is total. The system of lies is
total for many people. And this is what I mean.
If you're a person, because the guy actually goes into
the email and stuff, that's the guy. Where's the guy
get his news? He goes to CNN to get his news.

If you're a human being who just does traditional things,
not democrat things, traditional things, you no matter how old
you are, no matter how educated you are, probably live
in a world of make believe. You don't have to
be a Democrat activist. You don't have to go to Berkeley.

You don't have to watch MSNBC every night. If you
start out as a child, let's say your parents are
not even Democrats, non political. But as a child you
go to public school, well that's most people. That's certainly
what I did. You just go to a standard government
education school. That's all I ever went to. You're getting
government propaganda now poured into your head day after day

after day. Whether it be extremely overt, Hey, little billy,
we're gonna cut your penis off in kindergarten today, or
maybe it's super subtle. I mean, America kind of sucked,
but we'll do American history anyway. You'll live your life
that way. You'll get home at night if the news
is on, mom and dad or what are they watching?
What are they watching? ABC, NBCCBS, just getting total cammy propaganda.

You don't know, Mom and dad probably don't know. You're
finding out things like, oh my gosh, Donald Trump colluded
with Russia. From there, you'll move on to the university system.
Really pick your university. Outside of a tiny handful, you
will be indoctrinated fully in communist propaganda. At the university

and then you move from there right into the corporate world.
And if you're not selective about where you go, you're
probably entering a system that is at best a political
but because of our gangster capitalist system in this country,
now you're probably entering a company that understands it kind

of has to look, we got to have pronouns in
our bio, guys, we have to Hey, look, it's Pride month.
We're gonna send out an email. Everyone needs to come
down to the Pride barbecue. Sorry, that's the way it's got.
You can live eighty years old in this country immersed
in a world of make believe because you open up

the newspaper and it tells you you shouldn't own a home.
You sit down at night and you turn on Law
and Order. It's been a long day. No more politics,
no more news. Give me a beer and a TV dinner.
I just want to watch some crime television. And yet
you're getting the same propaganda there, over and over and
over and over again. This scientists, the doctor, the newscaster

or the politician, the FBI agent, the Sunday school teacher,
the school teacher period in first grade, all telling you
the same thing over and over and over and over
and over again, with an endless message. Republican is bad.
Republican is bad, America is bad. Republican's bad, Republicans evil,
America's bad, Tradition's bad. All this stuff is bad. Owning

a home is bad. Enforcing the border's bad. Over and
over and over and over and over again, and soon
it doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter
where you went to school, how much education you have.
You are effectively eighty years old or not, officer or
not master's degree or not. Effectively, you are actually the

dumbest person on the planet in America because our system
of lies is total, meaning you have to purposely go
outside of it to access true information. This show wasn't
dropped into your lap on NBC News. You had to
find it on your radio dial. Maybe you downloaded the podcast.

You had to seek it out, because the system of
lies is total. The longer you spend in it now,
the dumber you actually are. You can look at the
eighteen year old college kid who believes in full blown
communism and I hate capitalism, and you can point at
that kid and laugh and am all, look out stupid

he is? Look at the dumb little comedy. But the
truth is the eighty year old is ten times as
dumb as the eighteen year old because he's been consuming
all the lies for sixty years longer. When you live
in a country where the system of lies becomes total,

you can have even normal people, educated people, older people
who are complete and utter morons because everywhere you look,
from the newspaper to the TV shows to the news,
everyone's lying to you, and they're all telling you the

same lies. Maybe we should have sympathy from time to
time because most people are just too dumb to break
out of that. That's a fact. You know another lie.
If I'm gonna invest, I got it, it's gotta be
the stock market, I better call a stockbroker. You know what.
You know what that old saying is believe it's a

Rothschild roth Child saying. If I remember, right, when there's
blood on the streets, what do you do? What do
you do when there's blood on the streets? Chris will
know this saying for sure, Well, what Chris, when there's
blood on the streets, buy property. The really wealthy people
now they're buying hard assets gold, silver, and real estate.

The finance giants they're gobbling up real estate. Well, Jesse,
I can't. I'm not JP Morgan. I don't expect you
to be done for you. Real estate isn't for JP Morgan.
It's for you. So normal people can begin to acquire
rental properties and done for you. Real estate handles it all.
They get you the best houses in the best markets.

They vet it, the financing, the rental process, the closing process,
they handle it all. You normal person begin acquiring properties.
All right, done for you. Jesse dot com is where
you begin. These are wonderful people. I love them. Done
for you, Jesse dot com. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly

returns next.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
All right, let's get back to it. I want to
get to a bunch of emails and stuff like that.
So let us dig in right now after I play
this little Biden bit. Man, they really do, just come
right out and say it. They pillage us, pillage us
and hand all the stuff to their friends.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
For over two thousand positions in thirty six states, to
start with the Washington, d C, Puerto Rico, with many
on the way. Just go to Climate Corps mentioned already
climacrep dot go to apply, you'll get paid to fight
climate change.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
The President of the United States of America announcing the
government program to take taxpayer money, to take your money
and hand it out to young communists to fight something
that doesn't even exist. You consider that when mixed in
with this story, and man, it all just is about

abusing you and handing stuff out to.

Speaker 5 (20:47):
Their fret Now, about one hundred and forty migrants were
arrested by Texas DPS for rioting, but an El Paso
judged dropped the state misdemeanor charges, citing not enough evidence
to prove they were involved in a riot.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
One hundred and forty legals show up at our border,
blast through border patrol. It's all on camera. You've watched
the video by now, as have I. But America is
just a system. Lets him off scot free with a misdemeanor.
If you happen to sauncer into the American Capitol on
January sixth, you've lost your job, your wife, your freedom,

your entire life is destroyed. If you're an illegal who
saunters his way into this country from Bolivia and you
assault a border patrol guard on the way through shoot,
you've probably already got a job, fresh visa card, little
hotel to put your feet up at, Pink Flower Oracle.

I recently reconnected with a dude I hated in high school.
All this is from a chick. Oh, Chris, They're totally
going to hook up, guaranteed, guaranteed. Anyway. I don't even
have to read the rest of the email. And now
that's how it works. Anyway. He's a Christian now, oh,
wait a minute, maybe not. I mean cooking up in
a nice way to the movies and stuff. He's a
Christian now in the military station in Korea. Just found

out he still vapes, and he gave up trying to quit.
He said, it's a quote. It's like a free first
class ticket to heaven. He said it was joking but
also partly serious, so on and so forth. I recommended
your show, but I don't think he listened. Please yell
at him to stop vaping so I can share the
show with him again. And she said, of course, her
name is Autumn. Listen, Autumn, listen. You don't want me

to tell him to stop vaping, Autumn, And you know
why you don't want that. Everyone knows. Okay, maybe you
yourself don't know, so I'm gonna explain it to you
right now. Autumn. You reconnected with this guy from high school.
You probably, at one point in time in high school
found him attractive. Now that he's in the military, he's
probably twice as attractive because chicks dig a dude in uniform.

And yes, he vapes, and you don't like that because
it is gross. Obviously, you don't need me to tell
anyone it's bad for you. Anything you breathe into your
lungs that's not air is almost undoubtedly not supposed to
be there, so it's bad for you. But Ottom, you
don't want that. Here's what you want. You want to
be the one to fix him. You want to be

the one to get your hooks in them and fix him.
And you want this project to begin now. And I
know this because it's currently going on in my house.
When it comes to two things, dessert and fashion, I well,
for one, let's just address the dessert thing. I'm not
a huge dessert guy, but ever since I don't know,

past three or four years, I've been getting more into
dessert than I ever was before. I'm not proud of it,
but I guess I will take a Reese's Peanut butter cup.
I think I will try the key lime pie. So
I've been getting more and more into dessert. Well, just
before I came back from radio, I texted my youngest.
He also likes dessert, and I said, hey, you didn't

have dessert with dinner, right And he said no. I said, good,
don't you and me? We're going to get some dessert
when I get home. Then he texts right back, I'm sorry,
and I said what? Sorry for? What? Boom? I get
a text from the wife. She'd taken his phone and
tells me, you slimy snake, texting him behind my back,

trying to give him dessert without me. See now I'm
being assaulted for my love of dessert, and she's gonna
start picking at me and fashion. I can't dress. My
wife is fashionable. She knows you know, all that stuff
I can't dress. So it's been years, I don't know,
eighteen nineteen years of Is that what you're.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Gonna wear tonight?

Speaker 1 (24:49):
Is that what you're wearing?

Speaker 2 (24:50):

Speaker 1 (24:51):
As if I'm not trying to make things better, women
love to fix us, or I should say, shave off
the rough edges. So he knows vaping's back autumn. He
also knows what you're really interested in. Jesse. We have
a similar appreciation of aircraft. But your bastard ideaizations are unacceptable.

Bida administration, he said, I said that three times last night.
Biden ministration. He says, I said that. Appreciate it. I
know I said that, and especially especially apparently I said
that especially. I don't know. Maybe I missed the l
and he calls himself the grammar police. Do I say

Bida ministration by with that?

Speaker 3 (25:38):
Do I not.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Biden ministration? I do? Well. Maybe that's because spelling it
all out is kind of stupid. Why do I have
to say Biden administration every single time? It seems like
such a waste. I've got other things I need to focus.
My focus is just stay focused. Look that's enough. That's
enough of these heavy conversation. They're too heavy. How heavy

it is as heavy as ten boxes that you might
be moving. That's how heavy it is. That'd be stuff.
Esther do flow. You don't know who that person is,
but she won a Nobel prize in twenty nineteen. The
rich oh five hundred billion in quote moral debt to
poor countries. I don't care about this person. Neither do you.

But it does show you how much this communism has
been ingrained into the highest levels of all of society.
It really is. It's just there that can't help it.
All right, let's move on, Jesse. Can we recall ninety
percent of Congress? It's too late to vote them out? Listen,

Do I need to go over the list again of
senators who just sailed that unpopular foreign aid bill through?
Why would we recall something? Why would we recall something?
How success would that be when the GOP primary voter
can't be bothered to show up on election day to

remove them from office. John Cornyn, Senator from Texas. He
is up for reelection in twenty twenty six, that is
not far away. Two years from now is essentially when
his primary vote is. And John Cornyn has spent the
last year, two years, really five ten years dumping all

over you and everything you love. And John Cornyan isn't
sitting around in his office quaking in his fake Texas boots,
worried about his next election because John Cornyn knows for
a fact he's going to sail to reelection again in
the red state of Texas. Because every single normy dork

in the state of Texas registered as a Republican, they're
going to do the same thing registered Republicans do and
every blood red state they're gonna sit on their fat
butts at home when primary day comes around, or even worse,
they're gonna get up off the couch, turn off Fox
News for the first time that day, and go down

to the polls and vote for Senator loser once again.
And then they'll go right back home and they'll turn
on Fox News and they'll complain about inflation, and they'll
complain about an open border, and they'll complain about everything,
having just gone to the polls to vote for the loser.
Who helps with all that stuff, right, I should say,
hurts all that stuff. I don't want to hear about recalls.

I'm tired of it. Show me primary results, show me
American Republicans quaking in fear at the thought of primary
voters punishing them. When that day comes, then you will know.
Then you will know we are turning things around. Then

you will know. Until then, it's a bunch of this
crap hit freaking standard well the sun.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Indulge the fantasy of pulling up a drawbridge. Will we
persist in the twenty first century with an approach that
failed in the twenty hanth or will we dispense with
the myth of isolationism and embrace reality.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
How are your tea levels? Look? You just heard they're
really low right now? This is a societal problem, not
even about politics. We as a society, we are not
making enough babies, We are not thinking logically. We have
feminized men throughout this country. And all of this is

linked directly back to America's free falling testosterone levels. What
are you doing about yours, gentlemen? No matter how old
you are, twenty or ninety, you need testosterone and a
male vitality stack from Chalk and get it for you naturally,
not anitle in your arm, Not more big pharma garbage.

Let the anti communists at Chalk change your life. That's
how that's how drastic the difference is. Ninety days and
you'll know, honestly, you'll probably know after a month. Go
get a subscription ninety days choq dot com promo code Jesse,
We'll be back.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
Miss something.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
There's a podcast, Get it on demand wherever podcasts are found.
The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 3 (30:38):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show, final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
But don't worry, we are going to be back tomorrow
on a hump day to do it again. So jd
Vance he I didn't play this earlier, but he was
on the Senate floor ranting and raving about all this
foreign aid. I do want to point out before we
play this little jd Vance audio for you one, I

want to point out the fact that Mitch McConnell seemed
uniquely invested in stopping JD Vance in that Ohio primary
before interesting. I mean, after all, this was McConnell. Today.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Today, the Senate sits for a test on behalf of
the entire nation. It's a test of American resolve, our readiness,
and our willingness to lead, and the states and failure
are abundantly clear. Failure to help Ukraine stand against Russian

aggression now means inviting escalation against our closest treaty allies
and trading partners. It means greater risk that American forces
would become involved in conflict. It means more costly deployments
of our military and stupor military requirements to defend against aggression.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
And that's funny that Mitch McConnell gave that speech because J. D.
Vance gave a speech about all this stuff as well.
Here's what he had to say.

Speaker 6 (32:14):
There's another historical analogy that I think that's worth pointing out,
and that is the historical analogy of the early two thousands. Now,
in two thousand and three, I was a high school senior,
and I had a political position.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Back then.

Speaker 6 (32:27):
I believed the propaganda of the George W. Bush administration
that we needed to invade Iraq, that it was a
war for freedom and democracy, that those who were appeasing
Saddam Hussein were inviting a broader regional conflict. Does that
sound familiar to anything that we're hearing today. It's the
same exact talking points twenty years later with different names.

But if we learned anything over the last twenty years, no,
I don't think that we have. We have learned that
if we beat our chest instead of engaged in diplomacy,
that it will somehow produce good outcomes. That is not true.
We learned that if we talk incessantly about World War Two,
we can bully people and cause them to ignore their

basic moral impulses and lead the country straight into catastrophic conflict.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Where's he wrong? I'll stop him when he's lying. But
don't worry. Hey, maybe you were worried that there was
no money staying home. You would be wrong. Chicago just
approve seventy million more for illegals. Joe Biden's DHS is
sending three hundred million dollars. Oh, it's not to you. Sorry,

he's setting three. I should have been specific. He's sending
three hundred million dollars to sanctuary cities to pay for
the food, shelter, education, medical services of illegals. Ninety one
billions going overseas. Ukraine gets a bune, Israel gets a bunch,
Taiwan gets a bunch. The illegals get a bunch. You well,

you get the bill. You see, you get the bill.
And so, knowing that that's how these people spend money,
do you think it would be a good idea to
acquire some gold at this time? Why do you think
gold keeps hitting highs? Oh? Gold hit a high, Gold
hit another high. Do you understand where your gold would

be if you'd bought Oxford Gold Group? Like three years ago,
when I first started telling you about it, but don't
want it anymore. Call eight three three gold. They're not
gonna send you gold bars. You don't need a bank vault.
It's gold coins or silver coins. Or if you just

want to in your retirement account, you can do that
as well, make it a portion of your IRA, your
four to oh one k. But one thing you can't
possibly do without is just having any I don't have any.

Speaker 2 (34:55):

Speaker 1 (34:55):
I'm just gonna roll my dice on the dollar. Really
roll your dice on the dollar. Think that's gonna work
out in the end. Eight three three nine nine five gold.
All right, eight three three nine nine five gold. It's
to one or two more emails before we get the headlines. Jesse,
You're obviously completely correct in the Republican voter continually failing

us in primaries. I don't see it getting any better.
I'm still seeing a not significant number of average Republicans refusing,
refusing to acknowledge the Democrats of the Party of Communists.
Some call it a conspiracy theory. Listen, it's not. It's
not where it needs to be, but it is getting
better in certain locales. I will point that out here

in Texas. Yeah, I'm angry about our statewide Republicans, meaning
the national ones, the corn and types. We send total losers.
But we just bounced a bunch of state reps here
in Texas in a primary. It can be done. People
are waking up. I just want to make sure we're
always reminding everyone why the senators from the reddest states

are constantly selling us out. They're constantly selling us out
because GOP primary voters in red states are lazy and
or useless. And now he's a headline by you know
the thing headlines we didn't get to. Ill of Israel's

military intelligence chief resigns over failure to prevent Hamas October
seventh attacks. Imagine living in a country where officials would
resign in disgrace if they failed at their jobs. I
can't even relate to that, my goodness, DOJ In the
final stages of a settlement negotiations with the victims of

Larry Nasser over FBI misconduct, I almost forgot that Larry
Nasser was a doctor. He was a doctor involved with
the US women's gymnastics team. He was the team doctor.
I will spare you all the details because they are
beyond putrid and wretched, but you should understand that Larry Nasser,

over the course of oh, I don't know, virtually his
entire career, assaulted in horrible ways these underage gymnasts. Why
didn't anyone stop it? Oh? Because the FBI covered it up.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation covered up child sex crimes.

No big deal, though, Don't worry. I'm sure they're on
our side. Bombshell report reveals CIA's rampant mishandling of sexual
assault cases within its ranks. Wow, what a shock. A
poisonous organization is full of poison. Die Magade. New York
Democrat congressional candidates slammed for wishing death on all Trump supporters.

We are absolutely toning down that rhetoric now, aren't we.
Voters are losing interest in the November election. The polls
show this is something I've been trying to warn. Republican
all of them, the McConnell types, all up and down
the ticket. They continue to, well, we're gonna moderate on this,
We're gonna sell you out a little bit on that.
People are already apathetic about Joe Biden. They don't like him.

If you water down quote Republicanism to the point where
it stands for absolutely nothing at all. What you're gonna
have is actually a low turnout election, because why am
I gonna show up? Give me a reason to show
up and vote for you? Inspire me, don't bank on
my vote. Inspire me you. I will see you tomorrow.

We're gonna come back. We're gonna do all this again.
All right, that's all.
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