All Episodes

April 24, 2024 37 mins

Arrested for exercising your constitutional rights in Blue America. What must be done to save the parts of America that can be saved. The American people have no stomach for what it would take to fix the border situation. Democrats have a communism problem. Google is a commie company but thankfully they hire communist agitators and it’s helping tear them apart.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
On a Tuesday, and it is a gigantic Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
There is so much to talk about tonight.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
We have a man going to prison who did nothing
wrong because he got caught behind enemy lines. We will
talk about that tonight. We're gonna talk about the looting
of the treasury, the handing out to all their friends,
more establishment helping out the establishment, how the system speaks
with one voice. Remember all that white supremacism talk, handing

out money to illegals, the DOJ and FBI covered up
the of young women, all that, so much more. Well,
an announcement as well. All that and so much more,
and an announcement coming up tonight on the world famous
Jesse Kelly Show. In fact, we might as well lead
with the announcement. I have some incredible news and some

terrible news. It's just going to depend on how much
you love the show. Do you love the show, well
that if you do, then you're gonna think this is
great news. Do you hate listen? Are you one of
the people who sends in death threats, Well, this is
bad news for you. It's official they put out the
press release today, I have re signed with Premiere Network's

Premiere is welcoming me back for three more years me, Chris, Michael,
the whole gang's coming. You are stuck with us. I
have no earthly idea why this show is successful in growing,
absolutely none whatsoever, but I do know that it is,
and that's wild. So you're stuck with me for now.

Let's till we get fired. You're still here. Apparently Premiere
is not on the cusp of firing me. No, in
all seriousness, thank you to Julie, Bill, Dan, Peter, just
all of them over there, just the best. Thank you
to Chris for you know, it's just it's awesome. We're very,
very grateful to be here. All right, now, let's begin here.

I had a conversation with the gentleman. I'm not going
to name him at all, but he is I wouldn't
call him a friend, but he's a professional acquaintance.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
And he is a New York City guy.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
In fact, lives in Manhattan, has an apartment in Manhattan,
does pretty well for himself. I won't go into what
he does, but anyway, we're professional acquaintances. Basically, someone I
work with is someone he works with and we end
up at the same dinner.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Table from time to time. And you know how I.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Talk a lot about getting out of your blue area
and getting to a red area. Hey, you need to move,
had But Jesse, I love New York City. Yep, I
love New York City too. You need to move. You
need to move. Why it is not because you don't
love it. It's not because it's not amazing. You need
to move because you are now in hostile territory. But

what does that mean exactly? And that's it sounds really dire.
Oh no, I'm like a Vietnam pilot shot down in
Lao Saw. I'm behind ONEm lines. What does that mean, Jesse?
Are you're just being scary?

Speaker 1 (03:34):

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Have you ever thought about going to prison? Have you
ever thought about what prison would be like? If you're
a dude?

Speaker 1 (03:43):
I know you have.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
This is one of those things every dude, every single dude,
without exception, has thought about how he would act in combat.
Every dude's thought about how he would fight certain animals.
Could I fight a bear? What I would do? All
Chris is laughing because it's true, right every dude this
has crossed every dude's we daydream. We think about these things, ladies,
we really are meatheads. We think about these things. Every

dude has thought about prison. What would it be like?
Would I join a gang? Try to keep to myself
what every dude's thought about prison, But think about prison.
We have many, many, many people listening right now from prison,
state prison, federal prison. They email the show and I
love that. I've always loved that. I've always thought that
was cool. Big believer in redemption, big believer in it.

So you know what prison would be like, How miserable
it would be a cage, violent people all around you,
almost undoubtedly depending on where you go, suffering from some
form of violence yourself. I won't even get started on
the food, I'll be honest. That's what I think about
the most. How bad all the food would be, The riots,

the chaos, the stabbings, to everything. Well, what does it
mean to be behind enemy lines? Dexter Taylor. Dexter Taylor
is about to find out. So anyway, before we get
to Dexter Taylor, this friend of mine was arguing with
me about leaving New York City and he was saying

to me, he said, Jesse, you don't even understand. We
can't just retreat. I love it here. My dad lived here,
his dad lived here, and actually it's actually pretty cool.
He has a traced all the way back to where
his family got off the boat at Ellis Island. They
are New York people, Jesse. Who New York City? Is
this America as they come, and we can't leave it behind?
And this is wrong. Whatever you tell people to leave,

I get mad about it because that's what.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Losers say, and we can't do it.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Okay, okay, all those things are actually very legitimate arguments,
and I don't get angry when anyone says those things
to me because those are legitimate arguments, and I understand it.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
This is part of America. My family's from here, My
grandma lives next door. Jesse.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
I've been going to this church for years, Jesse. My
kids are in the school program here, Jesse. I can't leave, Jesse.
We don't see ground, Jesse. We don't give commune. I
understand all that. Tell that to Dexter Taylor. Dexter Taylor,
I've actually interviewed him on my television show before. He's

a software engineer, just one of those guys software engineer types.
One of those super brainiac types. And during COVID found
himself with a lot of extra time on his hands
and decided, you've known tinkerers like this.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Chris, Jewish producer.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Chris is one of these tinkerers with one of these
guys who rebuilds a car engine. Remember when I was
making fun of Chris for building his own manora that
he found from scrap wood. That's just but that's who
he is. He's a tinkerer. That's not who I am.
I don't feel like going to the garage to do woodworking.
That's what Chris does. Dexter Taylor is one of those guys.
Dexter Taylor started to get fascinated with weapons, and so

he began building his own dun smith pistols, rifles, so
on and so forth. Now what's he doing with these things?
Is he shooting them? Well, no, at least not with anybody.
Is he selling them? No, he wasn't selling any at
the time he was in I believe it was his basement,

he told me, just gunsmithing, building weapons. Dexter Taylor was
just found guilty second degree criminal possession of a loaded weapon,
four counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon,
five counts of criminal possession of a firearm, second criminal

possession of five or more firearms, unlawful possession of pistol ammunition,
violation of certificate of registration, prohibition on unfinished frames or receivers,
two lesser charges, so on and so forth.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
That's from Red State.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
A joint ATF NYPD task force opened up an investigation
into Dexter Taylor for doing basic American stuff, kicked in
his store, swat team and the works. And now this
fifty two year old man, unless he catches a serious break,

maybe an appeal out of nowhere, I don't know what
chances he has because Dexter Taylor is facing twenty thirty
years of that prison life we were just talking about
in the state of New York. Twenty to thirty years

as a fifty two year old man, depending on his genetics.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Diet, and otherwise.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
There's a very real chance this American patriot, Dexter Taylor,
will never walk free again. And this isn't one of
those cases where you and me we have to go
back and forth. Well, I mean, I didn't know the
glove didn't fit. There was no evidence he was there
one day. This is an America consitizen just sitting in

his basement putting together some legal weapons. Now very likely
will enjoy the rest of his days in the prison
chow hall and on the reckyard.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
What does it mean to be behind enemy lines?

Speaker 2 (09:22):
What it means is there are no levels of state
protection still available to you. And if the communists in
any level of power set their eyes on you and
decide you need to go away, maybe it's for building guns,
maybe it's financial crimes, maybe it's for unpaid parking tickets.

The point is, when you get that deep behind enemy lines,
and when the Democrat Party gets that evil that communist
as they are, now, you are in danger, real life danger.
Watch yourself in the prison shower type danger. That's the

kind of danger we're discussing here. And that's why I
tell you get out and protect yourself, Protect yourself, protect
your family.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
Oh I'm never leaving, Live free or die.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Okay, hopefully you get some extra money in your commissary
account and buy some extra top ramin for yourself. I
wonder if Dexter Taylor wishes he left now.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
All right, all right, we're moving on.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
We have many other things to talk about. How the
system works. Let's address this illegal immigration stuff here first, though,
Hang on the Jesse Kelly Show on air and online
at Jesse kellyshow dot com.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
We're gonna do a little illegal immigration talk here in
just a moment.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
Don't forget, though.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
You can email the show and you You are welcome
to Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Love Hey, death threats.
Ask Doctor Jesse questions for Friday. Let's get to this
one here. I'm gonna skip around it a little bit.
It just got a little long, Jesse. I know this
is a lot to unpack. I don't expect you to
read it on the air. I like you are saddened
by the state of the country. However, sometimes I get

sad when you're on one of your Daddy tells it
like it is rants, specifically about deporting invaders. You claim
there's nothing we can do, but I disagree. There's always
something we can do. I don't mean violence or force deportation,
he said, Hang on, I'm going somewhere with this. Shut
up anyway, he said, we have to make circumstances difficult,
and then he goes on to describe you know, not

allowing wages, not allowing this, and so on and so forth.
He says finishes it off by saying, I understand a
majority in both House and the Senate are required to
do this along with the presidency. Am I nuts, desperate
or just a hopeful anti communist?

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Okay, this is a very valid argument.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
I have laid out repeatedly what I feel must be
done to save any semblance of our way of life.
A red state coalition. Call it ten, call it fifteen,
call it twenty, I don't care how many states. And
the coalition says, hey, federal government, we created you, not

vice versa. We have entrusted you with enforcing immigration in
this country, citizenship, border security, the works. You have used
that to flood the country with illegals on purpose. Therefore,
we are taking these responsibilities back from you, and we

are going to handle our own immigration, everything from citizenship
to border security. It's no longer yours, and if you
try to stop us, we'll have your agents arrested. That's
what I think has to be done to save our
way of life. Now that's a lot to unpack, so
undoubtedly people will respond with the emails similar to this one,
where he says, we can do this.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
We can do this.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
And remember, part of my argument is, as I've laid out,
that mass deportation for a few different reasons is not possible.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
One, we don't have the manpower.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
There are six thousand ICE agents, about three thousand of
those are even immigration enforcement types. We don't have the
manpower to deport fifteen to twenty million people. How will
you use the military? Totally unrealistic. You're gonna send Marine
Corps infantry divisions through neighborhoods to arrest them, not gonna happen.
You think that's something you even want to happen. American

troops armed flack jackets walking through your neighborhood. Do you
even want that to happen? By the way, it doesn't
matter whether you want it or not, it would never happen.
So let's set that aside. Also, the American people have
no stomach for such things. The same American people that
hit it home with three masks on and drown themselves

in hand sanitizer after buying eight thousand rolls of toilet
paper at the grocery store, those same people are not
going to wake up and be supportive of throwing families
of ten, mother, father and children in the back of
a car and deporting them back to El Salvador. It's
not going to happen the population that we don't have,
the population that would support it.

Speaker 3 (14:28):

Speaker 2 (14:28):
This would have to happen under Trump, and Trump himself
wouldn't be able to withstand the media scrutiny. He just
simply wouldn't. I don't think there's anyone in America who
would Trump the last time when they had Remember they
had the child separation policy. That was immigration policy under Trump,
a basic border policy. The kids, the kids that come

with parents oftentimes aren't with parents, so you have to
separate them at the border and do testing to make
sure that's not an evil cartel guy who showed up
with the little kid. That was a border policy, child separation.
Remember the media and the Democrats ran that big op
against Trump. AOC's down there crying at the border. Ah,
kids in cages, You remember, kids in cages. What was

the result of that? A few weeks of that child
separation policy. Hey, we're backing off that guy's no well,
child separation policy, But those same people are going to
deport ten million people. Be serious, Come on, go up.
I was born at night, not last night. I'll never happen.
So people respond by saying this, let's make things difficult

for the illegals, e verify, Let's go after employers who
hire them, you know, mandatory prison sentences, cutting off welfare benefits,
no education. And these are smart ideas, and they're good ideas.
And if you have these ideas, I want to be clear,
I'm not insulting you. You are correct. The only way
you'll get me to insult you is if you believe

these things are possible. Because who is going to implement
those things?

Speaker 1 (15:57):

Speaker 2 (15:58):
Well, Jesse, maybe the Red state Coalition can't. Well, how
does that help New York? New York is still stuck.
You think New York's gonna do that? You think New
York's gonna say, yeah, you know what, Yeah, these illegals
are too many. Can't have any more of these illegals here.
We've got to deport them all. They're never gonna happen.

What California gonna follow them? Never gonna happen. Okay, So
let's set that aside. All right, the Blue area not
gonna happen. Will you have a congress Congress who's gonna
spearhead that effort.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
The GOP that just tried to pass an amnesty bill
in the Senate, the GEO.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
You know those most of those same guys are still
gonna be in Congress, right The GOP who just funded
a big ninety billion dollar foreign eight bill that you hated.
The GOP that just fully funded the FBI d o
J didn't cut a single penny for the government. They're
going to what pass some law that gets illegals to
deport themselves. My point is it must be left to

the states, because that's our only option, our only realistic option.
Your ideas are not stupid, they're the right ideas. Can
they be implemented? No, no they can't, So we have
to go with what can be. All right, There's something
you should implement in your life, something I've implemented in

my life. I call it the my Pillow program. And
what is to my pillow program. It's a very simple step.
You see, whenever I need something for the house, whatever
it may be. If I need a lamp, I get
a my pillow first. Now I don't even think my
pillow sells lamps, but my pillow has expanded so far

beyond just the incredible My Pillows where they make sheets
and towels, and mattresses and mattress toppers, dog beds, pajamas.
They make the best sandals I've ever had in my life.
There's sandals and slippers, absurdly cool My Pillow anything I
need for the house, as first by Sego. Does my
Pillow sell the's if for no other reason, just the
quality of it? And they do sales, big ones. Twenty

five dollars extravaganza sales. That's what's going on right now.
Twenty five dollars extravaganza sale. You want the best MyPillow
money can buy. Giza fabric in the works twenty five bucks.
Sandals twenty five bucks. Go to my pillow dot com,
click on the radio listener special square and use the
promo code Jesse. Join the MyPillow program all right or

call them eight hundred eight four five zero five four
to four.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
We'll be back.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Jesse Kelly returns next. It is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Tuesday. Chris, we should have got some party
poppers or something to celebrate signing the new contract. Can
we fake something on the radio? Add some stuff in
We'll have like Maria Salazar in the back. Freedom is

not free. As the fireworks are going off and Howard
Dean's cheering forth oh Jesse signal and the dome is
all man.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
I can't believe he got promoted. I had to work
so much harder than that. And we can just kind
of go down the list. No, and I like the idea.
I like the idea.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
You know, it is fascinating to watch Democrats continue to
walk this tightrope. This tightrope we've talked about before. They
they walk many tightropes. Biden walked another one today. You're
seeing it big time with this Columbia stuff in New York.
Now you obviously know what's going on at Columbia. Colombia

is a dirtball Kommie Ivy League school that they've been
a dirtball Kammie Ivy League school. Everyone's just now finding
out about it today because of the Hamas pro test.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
But that's what Colombia has.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Been, a nurturing daycare for upcoming communists to go out
into the world of politics and business and destroy this
country with their dirty Commi infiltration. That's what Colombia has
been for the longest time. Well, remember Democrats are desperate
right now. But let me explain desperation. The polls, from

what I understand internally, are anyone's game. That's what the
Trump people keep telling me. That's what honestly, Biden's people
keep saying, anyone's game. Biden's people and Trump's people both
think Biden is down slightly, but it might be one
of those who can turn out the vote type things.

Do not get cocky because Joe Biden is an idiot.
This country is lost, demoralized, doesn't know what it wants.
They've been poisoning the Trump well for years now, so
the certain percentage of this population thinks he's the antichrist.
There's a lot built into twenty twenty for I don't
know how it's going to turn out. You don't know
how it's going to turn out. No one knows, right

anyone tells you. They know they're lying, so they're thinking
it's going to be close. And because they're thinking it's
going to be close, they're extremely concerned about their coalitions,
their domestic coalitions. Democrats are watching two major coalitions of
theirs weaken in front of their eyes. They are losing
their domestic Black coalition.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
A little.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Now, when I say a little, it's because of this.
Black people have traditionally voted ninety percent plus Democrat in
this country. Over the past several decades. That number is
going down because Trump is gaining black men. That's really
the demographic Trump is gaining. Black women never move. They
vote Democrat every single time. What's that mean, Well, it
doesn't mean Donald Trump's gonna get half the black vote.

That's stupid and ridiculous, and you should mock anyone to
their face who says that. But he doesn't have to
get half the black vote. If he gets eighty five
percent instead, or if he gets if Trump gets fifteen
percent instead of ten, that might make the difference in
winning with a tight election. Okay, So they know that's

a problem. The Democrats know that's a problem. They have
another problem, the Latino vote. Now, this was not a
problem of open borders, although most of the Latino population,
the domestic Latino population, is angry about that. This was
more of a culture war thing, a culture war problem
that Democrats were always going to run into. And I

know this because I swear half my friends are from
Mexico and Guatemala. And that's just look that's part of
what it is. When you're in the Marines and then
you live in Texas, you're gonna have a bunch of
Latino friends. And I know all their families, and almost
all their families have been traditional Democrats, not nutballs, but
they vote Democrat. That's what they always did. Ah, that's
what I was taught, that's what that's what dad did.

That's a mom did whatever. Many of them have switched
to Republican. Many they don't claim Democrat anymore. I'm an
independent now. Why it was all the tranny stuff. It
was all the endless everything had to be rainbow this
and rainbow that. You can't even turn on a TV
commercial anymore without watching two dudes making out. And for

the Latino culture, huge, hugely a Catholic culture, that is
a big time no no. And so they were already losing.
M Okay, well that's a problem. If you're Democrats, you
were already worried about the Black coalition.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
You know, you've lost some of the Hispanic coalition.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
It does look like Republicans are probably gonna get about
half that now, Okay. For Democrats, if you're going to lose,
you got to add or in the very least, you
got to stop the losing. They have a Muslim coalition.
Now we don't have an overwhelming number of Muslims in
this country, but we do have enough to make a difference.
Years and years and years of quote refugees coming in

from everywhere, Afghanistan, all kinds of places in Africa, we
now have a significant Islamic population in America. They have
all voted Democrat every single time because it was traditionally
the Democrats who wanted them here, Republicans thought they were
all terrorists, and so they've all gone Democrat for.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
The whole time.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
They they they toughed out the Democrat culture war stuff.
They were not thrilled about it. But traditionally the Islamic
families in this country they tolerated all the endless tranity
this and gay that, and they they turned a blind
eye to it. They figured, hey, at least they're not
treating us like terrorists. They apparently reached the end of

that rope with the whole support for Israel thing. Now
this is not universal, but many, many, many many many
Muslims in this country despise Jews. This is a very
traditional cultural fight. It's wild that people don't talk about
uncomfortable cultural things. In fact, speaking of cultural fights, traditionally

the black community and the Jewish community in this country
had been at each other's throats. So that's another part
of this too.

Speaker 1 (24:51):

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Democrats are worried now because they need their domestic Jewish coalition.
About two thirds of American Jews have voted Democrat. They
also need their Muslim coalition.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
They need them.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
They can't look they've lost the Hispanis, you've lost some
of the black community.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
You've got to have them.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
And so now you have this big story right out
of New York City in Colombia where you have a
bunch of Palestinians attacking Jews. They've moved to online campus
and Democrats have to figure out how to walk this
tight rope where they can look like, hey.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
I'm mister Muslim, but also missed Jew.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
So this is why we got statements like this out
of New York ag Letitia James. She says she gave
the pro Palestinian protesters a red line. What she say,
what's saying, do whatever you want, just don't don't assault anybody.
Then we have this one from Eric Adams that was
Letitia James trying to walk that tight rope. Bob. I mean,
you're fine protest I love Jews, I love Muslims. Just

hurt anybody. So that's her, just trying to wash your
hands of the whole thing. Eric Adams took it a
step further here. This isn't a homegrown problem. It's not
a problem at Columbia, of course, It's certainly not a
New York City problem. Everyone here is upstanding. These protesters
man for about a town.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
What I learned during the Black Lives Matters protests when
I was notified done it under the previous administration, that
there were those anarchists that came into the city with
the determination of really disrupting and tearing our city apart.
And I remember meeting with some of the organizers telling them,
you have to start policing yourself because they are people

who are embedded that are not part of the Black
Lives Matter movement. They came into our city and remember
some of the rest we made and you looked at
some of the people they were from outside our city.
Wis we strongly believe that is the case right now.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
Do you love when politicians say that we strongly believe.
They don't just believe, we strongly believe. And are there
some outside commune agitators there? Oh, of course, there are
a lot of full time communists in this country, paid
to bounce around the country causing chaos in whatever city
they can find that will allow them to get away
with their animal ways without going to prison. This is

a very common thing. Full time communism is a job
for many people in this country. That's a fact. But no, no,
Eric Adams. You see America's universities, they have a communism problem.
They had it long before Israel and Hamas started shooting
each other. And now the American Democrat Party in America's

blue cities, they have a communism problem and they're going
to find it extra difficult to address it because of
the tight rope they keep having to walk. Joe Biden
said yesterday the audio was crap, so I'm not going
to play it for you. But hey, Joe, do you
do you have anything to say about these anti Jew

protests on campus. Yeah, I condemn them, but also I
condemn anyone who knows.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Me to Palestine.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
They are they're trying that tight rope for the twenty
twenty four election. What I will be interested to see
I'll be interested to see how they change their tune
post election, whether they win, whether they lose. I have
a feeling America's communists are going to finally pick a
side there, and it's gonna get ugly for whichever side

they pick against. And I don't know which one they're
gonna pick against. Just thought, now, maybe that makes you uncomfortable. Well,
have you thought for a second, Maybe you're just uncomfortable
because you haven't been taking your relief Factor every day.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Has that ever occurred to you?

Speaker 2 (28:48):
You know, pain, joint pain, back, nack, muscle pain, that
is life. You know it, I know it. It happens,
It's part of life. My freaking hamstry is still bugging me.
So what do we do? Do we just get crabby
with everyone because we're in pain, starts snapping at the wife, husband, kids,
yelling at your mom, getting in trouble at work, showing up,

you can't sleep because your shoulder hurts. Or do you
think maybe just take some relief factor. You take relief
Factor daily. It is not a drug, though it's drug free.
It's all natural, four key, all natural ingredients. It's created
by doctors. What does it do it helps your body's
natural response to inflammation one eight hundred the number four

relief one eight hundred the number four relief or relief
factor dot com.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
We'll be back the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Don't
forget if you miss any part of the show, you
can download the whole thing on I Are, Google, Spotify, iTunes.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
We have so much to get to tonight. I want
to get to this. Well.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
I'm going to get to a couple emails first, Well,
in a minute, but I'm gonna get to this first.
I mentioned this yesterday. It's not great to have your
city's collapse. As a country, it's not great. In fact,
it's terrible for your country to have the higher education
system be taken over by communists who hate the place.

That's bad. I acknowledge this is a bad situation. However,
we're at the point where that is the situation. We
don't want cancer, but we got it. So now maybe
the most beneficial thing for the country is everyone knows.
It's good to know if you've got it, isn't it.

It's good to know if you've got it. So I
don't know that America's city's descending into escape from New York.
I don't know that that's a bad thing. Maybe the
country needs to see I don't know that America's university
system turns into the you know, Cambodia under Polepot. I

don't know that that's a bad thing. Personally, I think
it's wonderful that the American people get to see the
fruits of communism and get to see what's happening at
the highest levels of America's education system. Because what do
we talk about all the time? What do you and
I talk about all the time? What do we need
to save the country? What do we truly need? We

need norm and norm to wake up. That's what we need.
We need the hey to catch a game last night.
We need that guy to wake up, to get involved
in his community, to vote when you tell him to vote,
To do these things, we need Norman Norma to wake up. Well,
if things have to get really really bad at Columbia
for things for norm to wake up, for Norma to

wake up, then is that bad?

Speaker 1 (31:49):
I would argue it's good.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
America has been poisoned by communism years in years and
years of communism working its.

Speaker 1 (32:00):
Way up from the roots, all the way up until now.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
It's completely conquered our institutions, the media, the FBI, and
the university system.

Speaker 1 (32:10):

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Okay, that's bad, but we have to know that's the case,
don't we. We can't continue to send Aiden, Jaden and
Braden off to Yale and then he comes back home
after a year. He's chopped his penis off, he's dyed
his hair pink, and he's going to major in climate
change studies. And we're sitting there confused as to what
exactly happened. What we should have known. You were sending

him off to a communist training camp and you got
a communist back home.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
We should know.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
The corporate world should know. And personally, you can argue
I'm a bad person. I wouldn't. I wouldn't push back
on that. I'm a bad person. I enjoy communists getting
the fruits of communism. I saw this head on it.
It made me laugh.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Google. You obviously know what Google is.

Speaker 2 (32:57):
Maybe you don't totally understand how powerful Google is though Google,
Google might be the most powerful company in the history
of the world. And I understand about the trading companies.
The duchiest thing, dude, I understand we've had companies essentially

administer nations before. Google is more powerful than certain nations
on the planet. They are, that's how vast their resources are,
that's how much data they have on everybody. And Google
has been one of these soulless, evil, dirty commy corporations

for the longest time. And what have they been doing
as a soulless, evil, dirty commedy corporation. They've been censoring.
They've been pushing you name the filth out there, they
will push it on you, they will push it on
your kids. A really really evil company. That's the bad news.
The good news is though Google hires communists, Google's a

communist company. They also work in tech that's a communist profession. Sadly,
it's a really really communist dominated profession. And so Google
has been hiring the latest hot shot tech nerd they
can find from Stanford and Yale and Columbia, NYU and
all these places out there. And now Google is finding

out that they've been importing not employees, they've been importing poison.
Headline Google Protests group says over fifty staffers were fired
after anti Israel sit ins. They had workers, people who
work for them do these protest sit ins where they

would essentially just occupy the office of a powerful person
and sit down in there. And these are people with
Google ID badges, with security clearance, and I'm supposed to what.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
The upset? I think this is magnificent.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
Ah, But Jesse, there's so much of this craziness going on.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
But yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
Already knew about the craziness. You already knew about the craziness.
You and me, we knew. What's been our challenge? What
is it that you lament to me all the time?
What is it that I lament to you all the time?
I complain to you about what I can't get my
freaking neighbors out to get involved.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
They're so norm they're so norma. My friends, my family members.
It was four weeks three four weeks ago, three four weeks.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
Ago, Bob and I did a double date with a
couple that was from out of town, from Louisiana. They
were from Baton Rouge. They were in town. We were
going out to crawfish season. We were just going out
and gonna have some crawfish right sucking heads, as they say
in Congress.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
So we're going out.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
We'd get some crawfish, and these are Republicans and it's
all Republican this and Republican that, and Biden sucks and
Democrats sucking is screwing everything up. And on the way home,
you know what I said to me, man, I'm just
glad we got that guy Kennedy in office. We're talking
about John Kennedy, Louisiana Senator. That guy's the best taking
it to them. Why because you see fancy, funny John

Kennedy soundbites on Fox News. He gives you hilarious soundbites
on Fox News. Then he goes back to Washington and
votes in every swampy spending bill he can find. We
need norm and norma to wake up and hopefully if
it gets bad enough to wake up. Look, that's part
of what chock is about, helping people wake up. You see,

your mind can't work right. Your mind is foggy because
your levels are wrong. Your levels are off, and everyone's
levels are off. Men's are off, women's are off because
of what's in our food, because of what's in our water.
This is and you know this is not exactly you know,
health freak Jesse here, that may be my wife, it's
not me but I'm telling you there is poison in

our food. So what are we gonna do? Stop eating?
Don't expect me to eating mac and cheese now. I
take a male Vitality Stack from Choked. Twenty percent increase
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You want that fog out of your mind. Fellas ladies.
They got a female vitality stack for the ladies. Go

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you will feel like a new person. C hoq dot
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All right, Mike Johnson talk about the system caring for

its own.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
Hang on,
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