All Episodes

April 27, 2024 38 mins

Why are so many republicans still voting against trump when there isn’t anyone else still running in the primary?How you do a thing matters a lot. Keeping your men in line. Where do your rights come from? The Frogmen of WW2. Amphibious landings are notoriously a nightmare.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Kity's The Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday.
We're going to talk about that Pennsylvania primary election that
has people a little worried. We'll get to that here
in just a moment. Do a little history on there's
a couple WW two history questions here. We're gonna discuss
somebody's upset with all the DEI in the movies. Let's
see what else we got here? The border crisis? Should

deadly force ever be authorized?

Speaker 3 (00:44):

Speaker 1 (00:45):
That's so much more coming up this hour on the
world famous Jesse Kelly Show. I want to do this
really quickly though. I want to talk about Biden. And
you know how I said, I'm not sure they're gonna
let him talk very much longer. Why. Well, obviously he
looks bad. He looks really, really bad. And now they're

at the point where they have poll numbers that show
it's a big problem for people. How can you tell?
There's an article out today it's from Axios. Biden is
changing his walking routine to Marine one. You remember what
Marine one is. It's the presidential helicopter that's Marine One.
You've probably seen it. You follow the news, you try

to stay informed. You've seen video of Joe Biden walking.
It looks bad. Everyone knows it looks bad. The dimentia
is very obvious when he walks with that stiff gait,
like you've had fifteen beers when you're golfing and trying
to convince your wife you're sober. That's what Joe Biden

looks like when he's walking. Everyone can see it. And
now what their plan is. They're going to surround Joe
Biden with staffers as he walks from the White House
to Marine one so that cameras don't pick up as
much on his gait. It's getting really, really bad, and

the lying. Joe Biden's always been a huge liar. This
is nothing new. It already cost him one presidential run
decades ago. It cost him a presidential run. He is
well known in politics as being this gigantic, pathological liar. Bizarrely,
so we've been talking about all kinds of him recently,
and honestly, just things like this, there's not even a

need to say this. It doesn't really gain you anything.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
Why say this, guys, I used to drive an eighteen wheeler.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
I used to drive an eighteen wheeler. I used to
teach law. I used to teach the Second Amendment. He
never even taught a class on anything, let alone the
Second Amendment. There's no need to tell that lie. How's
the star running back? I was a there's there's no
need to tell that. Like you couldn't own a cannon,

there's no need to tell that lie. And even people
who like being pandered to, and that's lots of people,
even they have limits to where now you just look
like a clown. He dropped this one. And even Democrat
outlets today are saying, joe come on, man, this looks

so bad.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
And I looked at my mom. I said, honey, you
haven't said anything. She said, Joey, let me remember true story.
I said. Remember when they were desegregating Lynfield, the neighborhood
into was, you know, seventy homes built of suburbia. And
I told you, and there was a black family moving in,
and there was people who are down there protesting. I
told you not to go down there, and you went

down remember that, and you came and got arrested. Me
standing on the porch with a black family and they
brought you back the police and I said, yeah, mom,
I remember that.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Joe Biden never got arrested there and everyone knows it.
And he definitely didn't get arrested for being part of
the civil rights movement. He didn't run down to try
to help a black family. The entire thing, every every
part of it is a complete fabrication. And remember, I

think it was yesterday CNN was blasting him for the
eighteen wheeler thing. Today the whole I got arrested with
a black family thing I've never seen. I've never seen
left wing media outlets criticize the Democrat president as hard
as they're criticizing him for that today. I think they're
going to cut him off. I know he asked the

campaign this is the problem. He's facing a very very
close selection and we'll get to that in a moment.
He's facing a close election, so they want him out
there doing TV interviews, doing podcasts, doing things he has
to as part of his DUTI. He's the campaign. He
has to be out there. But it's so bad, silence
is probably better it. And this is I mean, it's April,

this is it's April April twenty, It's April twenty sixth.
November is months and months and months away. He's deteriorating
this fast. Katie barred the door and speaking about the election, Jesse,
what I saw in the Pennsylvania primary, twenty percent didn't
twenty percent plus didn't vote for Trump. I'm worried Trump

can't win Pennsylvania. His name is Joe. Okay. So this
is something political nerds have followed. We didn't. We haven't
talked about it yet this week on the show. You've
probably followed it. If you haven't hear what happened. Pennsylvania
had a primary. Now you didn't pay attention to it
because why the primary's over, right, everyone dropped out. Trump's

the nominee. Either doesn't matter what you think about it,
Trump's the nominee. It's over. So when there's a primary,
you don't pay attention. I don't pay attention. However, it
was very concerning to people who understand, you know, poll
numbers and people who study this stuff. I've talked to
a couple of these guys over the couple of days.

They study this stuff in way more depth than I do.
They were very, very concerned about the primary's results in Pennsylvania,
not necessarily the total number of votes, because you can't
really you can't really put a finger on, hey, do
people even show up because everyone knows Trump's the nominee.
You know, you set aside the total number of votes.

The percentage of registered Republicans who are still voting against
Donald Trump in primaries is of huge concern right now
to the RNC. Right now, the RNC is very worried
about it. Trump's camp is worried about it. They're very
worried about it because this is this is something that's

popping up consistently, and so all little glimpses of this
during the primary, back when DeSantis was in and Nicky
Haley was in and all these people Vivek and all
these people were in. But you know, everyone kind of everyone,
I should say, if you're a hardcore Trump person, Trump's
people trying to convince themselves. And it wasn't a stupid

argument that yeah, of course people are voting the other way.
It's because there are a lot of choices. But they'll
all come home like they normally do. And remember I
said people come home. Historically almost everyone comes home. That
is the history of elections. I'm never voting for that guy.
I hate him. I'm never voting for Trump. I'm never
voting for the Santis. But then as soon as the
nominee comes out, people come home, and historically that has happened.

We started to get glimpses towards the end of the
primary when there were other people in it that that
wasn't necessarily happening in mass the way it had happened before. Yes,
most people, most DeSantis people, most vivec people, most that
they did decide to switch, whether they're happy about it
or not. Maybe you're furious about it. Most people decided, Okay,

I'm voting for Trump. The number of people who haven't
come home yet, at least by appearance sake, is significant,
and it is significant when you consider how close this
election is going to be. It is going to be

a very very close election in the swing states and
places like that. And I'm not gonna say we need Pennsylvania,
that's not true. But if we don't get Pennsylvania, and
Pennsylvania looks like it might be rough. And I'm not
saying that it can't be done, but it looks like
it might be rough if we don't get Pennsylvania, then

we probably have to clean sweep Michigan, Wisconsin, in Arizona.
If you cough up Pennsylvania, you really can't cough up
Wisconsin or Michigan, or you probably can't win the election.
Pennsylvania's enormous Now. I'm not saying that we're done or

anything like that. There are huge efforts right now by
different groups, not just the RNC, not just Trump's people,
by individual groups. There are gigantic efforts right now to
register new voters in Pennsylvania, to get out the vote
in Pennsylvania, to make sure we're chasing down ballots in Pennsylvania.
That efforts are there. So I'm not trying to panic

you all always lost, I'm not saying that. But the
numbers we're seeing from primary right now, if you are
somebody who wants jump to win in November, the numbers
are that they are something to keep your eye on.
I don't know that I would say worry. Worry is
probably too strong be apprehensive about that, and yeah, a

lot of reasons for that, but that's the way it goes. Hey, Yes,
Tucker Carlson went on Joe Rogan and had a viral
moment from about dropping the bombs in World War two.
Talker didn't like it, and Rogan didn't like it, so
on and so forth, and the email just basically goes
on to say, talk about the Soviets, how they were
going to invade and World War two and nuke. Okay,

so let's you know, everyone's been talking about this a
lot lately, so let's approach this a little bit differently
about the atom bombs and was it evil? Was it good?
Was it this? Was it that? Let's talk about that
and in a different kind of a way. Before we
get to that, let's talk about this speaking of Adam bombs.

Things are really bad inflation wise. I don't have to
tell you that, and it's probably going to get worse
because of stagflation. Remember we found out yesterday that we're
pretty much in stagflation, meaning value of the dollars going down.
The economy's also going down. That's not good. So all
we can do is prepare, prepare, prepare. You know, nations

are buying gold for a reason, Major financial institutions are
buying gold for a reason. It's not just China. I
point out China all the time, but across the globe,
countries are snatching up every ounce of gold they can.
Why what do you think they know? Well, they know
what's reliable and what's not. All these modern things will

eventually pass away. But the value of gold has stood
the test of five thousand years. Do you think maybe
it'll hold its value? Call Oxford Gold Group and get
some delivered to you. Eight three three nine nine five gold.
All right, eight three three nine nine five gold. We'll
be back. Truth attitude. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse

Kelly Show on an Asked Doctor Jesse Friday. Remember you
can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Let's approach this Adam Bomb talk in a little bit
of a different way. I'm not going to spend a
lot of time on this. I have a bunch of
other questions. Great stuff I want to get to tonight.
But should we have dropped the atom bomb? Should we
have not? A bunch of people talk about this, and
there are wonderful arguments on both sides, but I just

want to remind all of us, and I have to
remind myself this all the time. Believe me, I'm reminding me.
I'm talking to me. How you do a thing matters
a lot. How you do a thing matters a lot.

There have been all kinds of time, you know, let's
go back to what we were talking about earlier, the
Israel Palestine thing, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, all this other stuff,
and there are all kinds of people, and maybe you're
one of these people who says Israel's gone too far,
they shouldn't do this, they shouldn't do that. And I'm
not here to argue with that stuff. I don't give
a crap what you think about what Israel's doing or

Palestine's doing. It's a form poll se question. We can
have this debate all day. I'm not saying you're wrong,
not saying you're right. I don't care. But I am
going to say this. If you're Hamas, in my opinion,
and this is an opinion, you could have launched a
massive raid into Israel on October the seventh, and you

could have slaughtered a thousand Israelis and then gone back home.
If that's all you did. You paraglide in, you mow
down a bunch of Israelis and then pack it up
and you go back to Palestine, and there would have
been an Israeli response, there's no question about it, and
it would have been deadly. It would not have been

what you see right now. You couldn't control yourself. You
had to rape, you had to torture, you had to murder.
And now that you take things to that level, what
you've done is you've made it virtually impossible for the

other side to not bring down the hand of God
on you. You've backed them into a corner. Once you're baking
a baby in the oven. When you can't control yourself
to that level. Man, now you've signed up for retribution.
There's a you know, pause on this for a moment.
I can't stand officers. For the most part, everyone knows that. Now, granted,

a great one is the greatest thing ever. I had
one or two officers of my time in the Marine Corps,
I'd still lay down and die for. But most of
them are useless idiots. But officers have a role to play,
an important role to play. Lots of that is just
me being an embittered enlisted guy. Officers have critical role
to play, and one of those roles is controlling your

men on the battlefield. If my weapons platoon, if we
kick in a bunch of doors in a town in Iraq,
and let's say we've had a long day, a couple
of our buddies have gotten killed when the explosions were mad,
and we think one of these dudes in there, we
think he might be a terrorist. And yeah, I could
flex scuff him and I could take him back, or
I could just drag him out back and fire a

bullet in the back of his head and bury him
in his backyard. I very well, and I very well
might have just chosen that route. Oh no, I'm gonna
go kill him. I'm not zip tying anybody. We don't
enough time for that. An officer. Part of an officer's
role is to step in and say, Jesse, no, absolutely not,
that's against orders. Stop. We're arresting him now. You can
him and awe about that if you're an enlisted guy

and say, ah, this dark this officer is holding me back.
But you know what else he did there? He prevented
me from escalating things to a point where they will remember, right,
that's part of it. He prevented me from doing that.
What's another you know, world War two, this is what
we're talking about. World War two, the Japanese. You can

argue that dropping the bombs was the greatest thing ever
against dropping the bombs. It's inhumane. You're vaporizing women and children.
And like I've said, I'm for dropping the bombs. But
I think all debates are valid on this, and I
love when people debate back and forth, and I think
it's a fascinating debate, a fascinating debate about humanity. But
setting that part of it aside, if you're the Japanese,

how you do a thing matters. You didn't just conquer China.
You raped every woman you could get your hands on.
You didn't just conquer Korea. You virtually exterminated those people.
It eliminated their language, and the ones you didn't you enslaved.

How you do you're catching babies with bayonets. That's something
real that happened often so often. It's written about many
times by the Japanese Army. The officers who should have
been there holding these and back from turning into barbarians
were instead participating and encouraging the routine torture, rape, murder

of civilians, of everybody. When you conduct yourself that way,
when you conduct a war in that way, totally unrestrained,
everything is on the table. Kill rape, do whatever you
want when you get to that point. Well, when it's

decision making time, when we're sitting around a table, it's me,
Chris and Michael, and we're deciding whether or not to
drop the bomb. Brother, there are gonna be some pictures
laid out on the table. If I'm pro dropping the
bomb and Jewish producer Chris doesn't want me to drop
the bomb, I'm gonna have some pictures that are gonna
make his argument seem pretty weak.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
Ah, Jesse, we can't, we can't do it. It's too inhumane, really, Chris,
here's a picture of Nan King. Do these people look
like they're ready to surrender? This applies to all of us.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
How you say a thing to your husband, to your wife,
It matters to your boss, to your employers, to how
you do with, how you coach a game, how you
play a game, how you do a thing, matters a lot.
You conduct yourself like medieval barbarians. Well here comes the sun,

all right, all right, let us move on. Some guys
mad about the DEI in movies. You know what I'm
mad about. I'm mad that we forget about gold star
families and first responder families and I'm mad at myself too.
I'm not pointing fingers at you. There is always a
new tragedy, there's always a new thing to feel bad
about in the news, Always a new family, always new loss.

But I mean, there is just something terrible about dad
going off to war and never coming home again. It's awful,
and these families are trying to put their lives back together. Still.
We're not even in iraqra Afghanistan for the most part anymore.
And right now a family is still struggling and suffering

loss because of those wars. So who helps them? Tunnel
to towers is who helps them? They pay off their mortgages,
build them smart homes that they're catastrophically injured, build them
entire communities in places like Florida where they can come
together and live. And they do this with your eleven
dollars a month. Go to tthanumber two t dot org

and give today. Jesse Kelly returns next. It is the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and ask doctor Jesse Friday.
Let us get back to the questions here, Jesse. Here,
he says, dear promo code, Jesse, that's not right. True
or false? Communists never relinquish power once they attain it.

Since the Communists have usurped power in all things everywhere,
is there any hope of ever fixing all that they
have ruined? His name is Derek. First of all, he
requests some freedo bandido to lighten the mood, and I
think we need that.

Speaker 5 (20:15):
Ah yai yai yai. I am the Fritto bandido.

Speaker 3 (20:21):

Speaker 5 (20:22):
I like trito stornchips.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
I love them.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
I do I want printo scornschits. I'll get them from you.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
I yi yai yai.

Speaker 5 (20:32):
Oh I amb fritto buantito, give me Britos conchipsin I'll
be your friend the Fritto bunddo you must not obtain
munch munch munch a bunch of pritos.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Okay, So communists never relinquished power. That's a hard word.
That's more difficult. It's a good thing. I went to
in advanced community college, Chris, that's a good thing. Anyway,
that's a hard word. They never relinquished power. And since
they've taken over all these institutions, is there any hope? Well, yes,

if we can get the mindset right, and in fact,
you just nailed it. Communists never relinquish power to this day.
Many people on the right, I would argue, most do
not understand. They don't understand this aspect of it. If

you want your country back, you're going to have to
take it away from them. You are not going to
win them over. They're not going to see your great
example and come around on things. You're going to have
to take it away from them. Let me ask you something, legitimately,

let me ask you something. Do you believe a school teacher,
we'll call it first grade, do you believe a first
grade teacher should be arrested and thrown in prison for
pushing LGBTQ stuff on kids? Hey, son, here's a book
about why you should turn gay? Should you be arrested

and thrown in prison for that? Many people on the
right are uncomfortable with that. For freedom of speech things,
there's obviously a First Amendment thing there, there's a hey,
I want to be a tolerant I don't want anyone
to think I hate gay people type thing. There's there
are all kinds of reasons people on the right, and
maybe you are uncomfortable with that. Here's the problem for

the entirety of my life. Nursery rhyme conservatism. That's what
I call most of the conservatism you know and that
we've read. Nursery. Rhyme conservatism has taught people on the
right that you can win things without taking things, that
you can just kind of just do the right thing
and in the end it'll work out well for you. Yeah,

it's a Marvel movie. It's Captain America in the end.
Because we're the good guys, we will win. That is
not how life works, That is not how history works.
People on the right believe that their rights come from
the Constitution. Your rights came because some brave men picked

up a musket and shot British people in the face.
Without brave men shooting British people in the face, the
Constitution is just a piece of paper and the founders
are just a bunch of traders who got hanged in
the end or hung I never know which version to
use there, but either way they're dead. You must take

back your country. They're not going to hand it to you.
This is why I talk about getting involved locally in politics,
and it's also why I warn you it's going to
be difficult. They're not going to hand you that school
board seat. They want it. They want to keep it.
They're not going to hand you that spot on your
county board as supervisors, the HOA, the PTA, the people

who hold those seats have taken them because they know
what power is about. They believe in using it. They
want to have it for themselves and push their values.
You are not going to live and let live your
way out of that. Either we adjust our thinking and
become aggressive anti communist warriors who play offense, or we

will never win. Well, they're not going to relinquish it,
so all is lost, right, And that's not exactly what
he was saying. I'm not dogging on the guy. No,
they're not going to relinquish it. But all is not lost.
We have to take it from them, and they're not
going to let you have it. They're not going to
see your wonderful example and be inspired to hand it

to you. They're not going to look at you doing
things the right way and hand things over. And you
know what, they are not going to be sway aid
even an inch by the traditional rallying cry of nursery
rhyme conservatism.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Could you imagine if roles were reversed.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
Could you imagine if we did this what hypocrites they are.
That's not going to sway a single communist in this country.
The communist has to have power taken from him. That teacher,
that second grade teacher handing your son a book about

why he should turn gay, she has to go to prison.
She has to be arrested, charged with a felony child endangerment,
and sent to state prison. The other teachers, the other
dirtball communist teachers, they need to either be afraid, or
they need to quit, or they need to change their ways.

And they're not going to change their ways by you
pointing out their hypocrisy. They're not going to change their
ways by you saying imagine if the rules were the
first Communists, because they're religious zealots only understand fear and pain.
Now ask yourself this, and maybe you won't like the answer.

Are you somebody willing to visit fear and pain on
the communist? Legally? By the way, legally, I don't want
you to heard anybody do. Don't do anything illegal. I'm
talking about stealing back power locally. Are you willing to
put fear and pain in the mind of the communist?
Maybe for you that's too mean. Maybe for you maybe

you're one of these Americanized Christians who believes that's not
what Jesus would want. Maybe I don't know what you
believe or why you believe it, but I will I
will say this. If you do not visit fear and
pain on the Communist, then you will not win because
he will not relinquish it. You're dealing with demons. There
is no bottom. They're not bad, they're evil, There's no bottom.

They just keep marching forward. I want you to listen
to this. This is doctor Robert Lufkin. He sat down
with Sheryl Atkinson, one of the great journalists, one of
the few journalists in the country. I want you to
listen to this. The Communist has marched forward without being
impeded for so long. All we did was telling me
he was a hypocrite for so long. This is your

future generation of doctors.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
If we agree, at least on some level that maybe
medical schools are not keeping up with some of these
infasies on looking at root causes and trying to figure
out what's behind things rather than just diagnosing and prescribing.
What do you think is driving the curriculum and how
should it change?

Speaker 6 (27:45):
Well, the curriculum, unfortunately, is driven by a lot of
vested interests that generate revenue from let's say, the sales
of pharmaceuticals like insulin or met form and drugs used
to treat diabetes. They're also so vested interests in companies
that benefit from the sale of certain food products like
junk foods and carbohydrate rich foods and unhealthy seed oils.

These influence the educational program through various quasi scientific organizations
that contributed to the curriculum.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
The communists march through so many institutions. He now owns
the FDA and the medical schools. This gangster capitalist system
we have is not going to be handed back to us.
We are going to take it or we will lose.
There's no third direction, all right, all right, now, someone

wants to talk briefly about World War two, frog men
and DEI in the movies Border Security. I mean, there's
so much we have to get to before we get
to those things. Let's get to this, Let's get to
our dogs. Let's get to rough greens. I talk about
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Make sure that that day, that day that will come
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pouring Rough Greens on your dog's food, free jumpstart trio
bags at roughgreens dot com, slash Jesse, or you can
call them eight three three three three my dog. We'll
be back. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday,
and ask doctor Jesse Friday. We've tackled all kinds of

things today, light subjects, heavy subjects, heavy as ten boxes
that you might be moving, So let's tackle one of
the lighter ones now before we get back to some
more heavy stuff before we get to the DEI and
movies and whatnot. Jesse, can you talk history on World
War two frogmen? My grandfather was on the first UDT.
His name was Warren G. Hicks. That's so freaking cool.

UDT is Underwater Demolition team. You should know. All right, Now,
let's just do this real, real, briefly, the frogmen in
World War Two. They were the initial seals, right that,
they were the first of the seal types. That's really
where that idea came to be. Now let's discuss why

and what they did and who they were. Amphibious landing
is something that until you read about it a little bit,
or maybe even have done it a little bit, it's
hard to fully grasp why it's so difficult. Why is
it so hard? After I saw the movies, don't you

just drive the boat right up to the shore and yeah,
I mean you're gonna catch some machine gun fire. Just
drive the boat up to the shore and drop your
bed off and then you're gonna go right. No, Amphibious
landing is a nightmare for a variety of reasons. People
familiar with oceans, especially surfers swimmers, Tides change all the time,

high tide low tide that that amphibious vehicle you may
have cruised through the water at six o'clock in the evening.
You went right from your big ship out there to
the beach. Well the next morning you find yourself ground
to a halt. Why the tide is lower and you
are now stuck on a coral reef while your men

get shot to pieces from the shore. You have tides
that come caught, tides ebb and flow. The cover situation
is a disaster. H what's the best way I can
describe it? Okay, picture this. I want you to picture me.
I'm in an elevated platform. I'm fifty feet in the air,
and I have a weapon. I have an M sixteen

in my hands, got a couple of magazines. You are
two hundred mile or two hundred yards away, two football
fields away. You have to try to get from where
you are to where I am so you can kill me.
All you have is a knife. But that two hundred
yards is full of hills, gollies, rocks, trees. Okay, it's difficult,

it's dangerous, but you can do that, or at least
you can make a good run at it.

Speaker 5 (32:55):

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Corl All kinds of places to hide, things to go.
What if that two foot fotball fields, though, was just
two football fields, just open grass. You're dead. You're never
gonna make it. There's nothing to hide behind in the
ocean when you're coming in, there's nothing to hide beside.

You are in wide open ground. There aren't mountains there,
there aren't rocks to duck behind. You are wide open.
And when you land, you don't bring up everything with
you that can help you. For instance, and armored you know,
we'll just make it about a tank. A tank, tank,

armored vehicles working with infantry is one of the most
effective things out there. You don't really want a tank
by itself because it can be taken out. You don't
really really want a grunt by himself because he can
be shot tanks with grunts, I'll hide behind tanks. We
went into Baghdad right, we were attached to first tanks. Hey,
you know what makes great cover an Abrams tank. So

if you name me, I'll be behind the Abrams tank. Plus,
no insurgent can run up to him and blow him up.
We're working together. Well, I don't have a tank when
I have an amphibious landing makes sense. Speed is the
name of the game in amphibious landing. Once your men
have landed, you've seen you've probably seen Saving Private Ryan.

Almost everyone has, except for the smaller children. Obviously it's
a little violent for smaller children. But you've probably seen
Saving Private Ryan, or at least a movie like that.
And what are they always yelling? What are the leaders
yelling at their men on the beach every single time?
What are they yelling? Get off the beach, Get off
the beach, Get up. Why you're naked, there's no cover

and guys are coming behind you and they're going to
get stuck on the beach if you're still on the beach,
and or the amtraks who are coming are gonna drive
right over the top of you. And this very sadly
happened many many times in World War Two. Some guys
shot and wounded on the beach. Amtrak is bringing in
twenty marines. He can't stop and avoid you. He doesn't

even know if you're alive. You just get to get
pancaked on the way through. Okay, So it's a nightmare.
Amphibious operations are a nightmare if you're the Germans. We'll
make this about the Germans, but it applied to the
Japanese as well. If you're the Germans or you're the Japanese,
you know that. You know that once that army, whatever

it may be, once that army gets a foothold on
the shore, you're in deep trouble. You want to keep
them from getting that foothold. That's why you put so
much into preventing them from ever hitting the beach. Plus

this part of it. If I'm hitting the beach, I
have to know where to take my men. Where do
I go? Remember when we're talking like World War two era,
which we are here. I don't know the terrain. I
don't have Google Earth. I don't know where the stumps are,

the hills are, the depressions are. I can't tell all
these things from a plane flying overhead. I need to
know where to land. I need somebody to clear me
a path for where I land. And that brings us
to the frogmen, the UDT teams. These guys, honestly, they're

so insanely brave and just some of the most these
guys are crazy man, the crazy brave, crazy brave. So
remember this is pre underwater breathers like guys like sealed teams.
Now you'll see them wear them in the movies where
they have rebreathers. Essentially, it's a scuba tank that doesn't

put out bubbles. It circulates. I'm not an expert on it.
I just know enough about it to know it circulates
everything back through and essentially creates more oxygen. But it
prevents bubbles from bubbling to the surface, because if you're
sitting there looking out at the water, and all of
a sudden there are ten bubble streaks swimming towards your shore,

you're simply gonna open up on those bubble streaks and
you're gonna have some blood in the water here in
just the moment, and that brings us to the UDT guys.
And I will get to the UDT guys and just
the moment, just give it just a couple of minutes
on the kind of things they did and what they
went through before I get to that. Let's do this.
Can you even imagine what it would be like to

swim like that, to go through that kind of rigor
just swimming in the ocean alone. Can you imagine the
aches and pains they had when they got on ship,
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quick more thing on UDT and then so much more
Hang on
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