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April 19, 2024 36 mins

How do we stop the spread of antisemitism? In Part Two, we continue the story behind the Candace Owens & Daily Wire feud. Along the way, we see how Candace & Kanye West shifted American culture...& why they became a threat to the gatekeepers.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey guys, before we start the show. If you're not
a red Pilled America dot com subscriber, what are you
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Speaker 2 (00:18):
Support a show devoted to the truth and that shares
your values redpilled America dot com. Previously on red Pilled America.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
What can we do to stop the spread of anti Semitism?

Speaker 3 (00:32):
If Candace wants to say those things about the Jews,
she has to leave The Daily Wire.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Claven even went as far as to equate Candas's actions
with that of Satan.

Speaker 3 (00:41):
In fact, I felt a small investment in her.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
In large part, I kind of discovered her.

Speaker 5 (00:45):

Speaker 6 (00:45):
I was born in White Plains, New York, but I
was raised in Stamford, Connecticut.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Cannis was expected to work from a young age.

Speaker 6 (00:51):
I received some phone calls one night, just really volatile,
extremely racist voicemails.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
The political connection made the story go nuclear.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
A woman named Zoe Quinn reached out to her.

Speaker 6 (01:02):
She says, you're going to ruin everything. I was red
pilled Instantly.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
She believed she was chosen for a mission.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
I'm Patrick Carelci.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
And I'm Adriana Cortes.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
And this is Red Pilled America, a storytelling show.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
This is not another talk show covering the day's news.
We're all about telling stories.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Stories. Hollywood doesn't want you to hear stories.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
The media mocks stories about everyday Americans at the globalist ignore.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
You can think of Red Pilled America as audio documentaries,
and we promise only one thing, the truth. Welcome to
Red Pilled America, Brad, part two of our series of

episodes entitled Family Feud. If you haven't heard Part one,
stop and go back and listen. From the beginning, we're
looking for the answer to the question what can we
do to stop the spread of anti Semitism by telling
the story of the epic conflict between Candice Owans and
the Daily Wire. So to pick up where we left off.

By July twenty seventeen, the young Candice Owans had already
been through a lifetime of controversy. As a high school senior,
she made statewide news after fielding racial slurs from the
son of a powerful Connecticut politician in the process, she
witnessed the cold, calculated underbelly of the NAACP when they
used her trauma for a photo op. A few years later,

she unknowingly stepped into a culture war by challenging the
credibility of a feminist darling, Zoe Quinn. The media, who
Candice thought were the defenders of young black females, attacked
her for daring to question Quinn's intentions. Then, when an
up and coming filmmaker named Mike Cernovich reached out in
her defense, she experienced another awakening. Google's vile description of

Cernovich beared no resemblance to the man she met in person.
Her trust in big Tech was forever shattered. These ordeals
had Candace questioning everything, and an unmistakable feeling began sweeping
over her. Candace thought that a higher power was preparing
her for something bigger. After about a year of reflection,
she decided to go on a mission to convince her

brothers and sisters that they were being used. Candace Owens
believed that to acquire and retain power, the Democrat Party
was seeding a victim narrative into the minds of the
black community.

Speaker 6 (03:34):
There is a message that I was chosen to deliver
to the black community. I feel that, from the bottom
of my soul, that I was picked to do this,
That these things, these huge, crazy things, trying to do
a good thing gone wrong, A random car ride with
strangers I've never met, turning into front page news. These
don't happen to somebody by chance. It happened to someone
because it was preparing me for a bigger moment, a
moment of harsh criticism.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
She thought she'd found her calling. So in the summer
of twenty seventeen, Candace set up a camera, pressed record,
and introduced herself to the world as red Pill.

Speaker 7 (04:10):
Black mom dad.

Speaker 6 (04:14):
I'm a lesbian, I like girls.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
In her debut, Candace created a video of her coming
out to both her parents. She played all three roles.

Speaker 6 (04:23):
Oh sweetheart, we always knew. At the bottom line, we
just want our children to be happy and we love
you regardless, great soul. Oh thank you, guys.

Speaker 7 (04:33):
Also, I think I might be a conservative.

Speaker 6 (04:37):
I don't understand. I can't break Hey, get that camera
out of my wife's face. Guys, guys, it's totally fine.
It's okay. I just, you know, think a little more conservatively.
But sweetheart, You're Black.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Her first video went viral, and she was just getting started.
Candace created short videos addressing the issues of feminism, transgenders
in the military, and the myth that be helps blax.

Speaker 6 (05:01):
I don't support the Black Lives Matter movement whatsoever because
the Black Lives Matter movement does not support me. I
think at a better title for that movement would be
Black Deaths Matter. They will pay for somebody's freenal, but
they will not pay for somebody's college education.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
These videos racked up major views on YouTube, but it
was a tragic event in Charlottesville, Virginia that would put
Candice Owens on the radar of some major independent media platforms.

Speaker 8 (05:28):
One person is dead and nineteen injured after a speeding
vehicle drove into a group of protesters marching peacefully through
downtown Charlottesville.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
The death of an Antifa ally at a Charlottesville rally
called Unite the Right put the media into overdrive.

Speaker 8 (05:43):
Groups including the Ku Kut Klan and neo Nazis came
from across the country to rally against plans to remove
a Confederate statue from a park. The violence included an
apparent attack with a car on a crowd of peaceful protesters.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
The media pushed the story that races from across the
country descended on the Unite the Right rally, but what
they failed to highlight was that the so called white
supremacist rally goers amounted to just a few dozen people.
If this were all of the racists that a country
of over three hundred million could muster, then the problem
of racism wasn't much of a problem at all. It

was obvious the media was trying to whip up its
reliable white supremacy narrative. The Candice Owans wasn't taking the.

Speaker 6 (06:27):
Bait white supremacy and the KKK. Really, that's what you
guys want me to be concerned with this week? Do
I look like an idiot? I mean what, I think
we need to hear a single thing about David Duke,
white supremacy and the KKK the entire time Obama wasn't office.
Do you think that they were all hiding underground waiting
for the next white presidents meeting by the light of

the moon. Use your brain.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
Her video again went viral. It is time that caught
the eye of Paul Joseph Watson, a contributor at alex
Jones's infra wars.

Speaker 9 (07:05):
Jeiz can this cowens? You can check her out on
Twitter at red phil Black. The YouTube video, which shot
the prominence a few days ago in the aftermath of Charlottesville,
was entitled I don't care about Charlottesville, the KKK or
white supremacy?

Speaker 7 (07:20):
Can this Welcome to the show?

Speaker 6 (07:22):
Thank you guys for having me.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
And it was in this early Alex Jones appearance that
Candice made a confession.

Speaker 7 (07:28):
Speaking of Kanye West, do you think you're starting to
wake up?

Speaker 2 (07:31):
He's been away a few months earlier, in November twenty sixteen,
the rapper, then known as Kanye West stepped on a
stage at a concert in San Jose and said something
that shocked his audience and the media.

Speaker 10 (07:43):
I didn't quote right, but if I voted, voted or Trump.

Speaker 11 (07:51):
The president elect is getting support from an unexpected source,
Kanye West.

Speaker 12 (07:56):
Kanye West told fans at a concert in California yesterday
that had he voted, he would have voted for Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
The admission rocked many within the hip hop world. Most
chalked it up to Kanye being Kanye, but then, oddly,
four days later, the artist was hospitalized and placed on
a psychiatric hold at the UCLA Medical Center. After he
was released, Kanye took a trip to the Trump Tower
in New York City for a photo op with the
President elect.

Speaker 13 (08:24):
You've been friends for a long point life.

Speaker 14 (08:30):
Hi a no comment backer, meaning the president elect.

Speaker 13 (08:32):
This is the president elect of the United Slate.

Speaker 7 (08:33):
That makes to say, I just wanted to take a
picture right now.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
The turn of events got the attention of Trump supporters
that by the time Canned is connected with Alex Jones
in the summer of twenty seventeen, she had already been
a fan of the rapper for years.

Speaker 6 (08:47):
He's a genius.

Speaker 15 (08:48):
Kanye West is a genius, and he's never subscribed to
group think. He's never subscribed to any politics. And I
wrote very early on before I got involved in politics,
if you consider your have a fan of Kanye West,
there's no way that you cannot be supporting Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
There By the way, Candace, I know about your story,
but this is riveting.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
I want to beg you to come on the Full
Show sometime with Paul and I and share these stories.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
The Info War's appearance introduced Candace to a much wider audience,
including popular philosophy streamer Stefan malin You, who at the
time had an enormous YouTube platform.

Speaker 12 (09:21):
Stefan malling You from Free Demain Radio here with Candace Owens.
She goes also under the name Red Pale Black some
of the funniest videos barnn on the Internet. Candice, thank
you so much for taking the time today.

Speaker 6 (09:32):
Absolutely, I'm honored to be here.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Her early message was clear the black community needed to
demand more of itself and drop the victim mentality.

Speaker 5 (09:42):
Black people have grown to accept the fact that they
can't be more, that they can't be smart, they can't
be better, in so much that they've sort of woven
it into our culture that this is now a sign
of true blackness.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
In a short amount of time, Candace had caught the
attention of Mike Cernovich, All, Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, and
now stuff on wallin You, all huge names in independent media.
Contrary to what many conservative commentators would later claim.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
In fact, I felt a small investment in her.

Speaker 4 (10:10):
In large part I kind of discovered her.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
It was actually independent journalists in the new Right that
first discovered and amplified the budding black conservative commentator. But
it wouldn't be long before mainstream authorized conservatives sniffed a
star in the making, and they wanted to get in
on the action. Do you want to hear red Pilled
America stories ad free? Then become a backstage subscriber. Just

log onto Redpilled America dot com and click join in
the top menu. Join today and help us save America
one story at a time.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Welcome back to red Pilled America. So as the New
Right introduced Candace Owens to a wider audience, mainstream authorized
conservatives began to sniff a star in the making, including
Fox News's Jesse Waters.

Speaker 16 (10:59):
Kansas was a lifelong Democrat but became disillusioned with the
left after she found herself harassed by a prominent progressive.
That's when she had her red Pill moment.

Speaker 6 (11:12):
We are literally like hamsters on a.

Speaker 7 (11:15):
Wheel, Kansas joins me.

Speaker 16 (11:19):
Now, so, Candace, what do you mean by a hamster
mentality with black Americans?

Speaker 6 (11:23):
Well, with black Americans, I mean, the main issue is
that we keep voting Democrat and expecting different results. And
in every major city where Democrats are running, like Chicago,
it's a complete mess. I mean, it's absolute disaster.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Within hours of her appearance on Fox News, a hit
piece landed on far left website Salon dot com. The
writer labeled Candace the toxic rights newest African American star
and argued that her message was ridiculous because in the
United States, racism trumps all. Even the left recognized she
was going places. It was around this time that Candace

caught the eye of political commentator Dave Rubin. At the time,
Dave was going through a bit of a political shift himself.
He long considered himself a progressive, but then started butting
heads with his woke comrades on the left. As a result,
he started rebranding himself as a champion of free speech,
a story he told Red Pilled America in twenty twenty.

Speaker 4 (12:16):
I grew up in a Jewish family where you know,
there's an old joke that if you have four Jews
in a room, you have five opinions. That cultural Judaism
almost like a seinfeldization of Judaism, where it's about talking,
it's about arguing. And this is what Rabbis have done
for centuries is argue over what does this line and
the toll roman And let's argue it out and figure

out every which way to view this well. I grew
up in a family that at every holiday, whether it
was a religious holiday or Thanksgiving, a secular holiday, we
would argue about everything at a giant table with aunts
and uncles and cousins and Grandma's off on a table
that would span into two rooms of forty people, and
everyone would be screaming their opinions and blah blah blah,

and at the end dessert would be served and everybody
would just stop. It was like, Oh, you think this
about abortion, you think this about Israel, you think this
about taxes, but here's dessert. Let it go, and then
we do it again the next night.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Prior to twenty sixteen, being gay placed Dave firmly outside
of the conservative tent, but by the time he met
Candice in September twenty seventeen, a change was already firmly
underway within the mainstream conservative movement.

Speaker 17 (13:27):
But I believe that that gays have every right to
exist within the conservative movement to make their case on
why there's a conservative case for gay marriage.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
In twenty eleven, conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart argued that openly
gay right wingers should have a place in the conservative movement,
and he agreed with this sentiment, including the future hosts
of Red Pilled America.

Speaker 17 (13:48):
I'm looking to do everything I can to create e
pluribus on him in this country. That's why I support
black conservatives, I support gay conservatives. I am a melting
pot guy.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
The idea initially met with resistance by social conservatives, but
by twenty sixteen, a big push was underway to increase
the conservative big tent to include openly gay personalities, and
The Daily Wire appeared to lead the way in that charge.
The burgeoning streaming service was one of the first on
the right to give their seal of approval to Dave Rubin.

Speaker 11 (14:17):
Our next guest is here here in studio with us.

Speaker 18 (14:20):
Just shot a video for Peger University.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Dave Rubin of the Ruben Report right is here with
us and thank you for time for Yeah, this is
very exciting.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
As a result, Dave became part of a newly forming
media cartel that consisted of The Daily Wire, The Reuben Report,
Pegger You, and a few others, and in September twenty seventeen,
Dave Rubin welcomed Candae into the fold.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
And joining me today is a YouTuber who has done
pretty much the scariest thing that one person can do.
She has come out as conservative, the scariest of all words.
Candice Owen's aka Red Pill Black Welcome to the Ruben Report.

Speaker 6 (15:00):
Thank you. I'm so happy to be here right now.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Close watchers of her appearance could see this newly forming
conservative cartel, and Candace was making the rounds amongst this circuit.

Speaker 4 (15:11):
You suddenly caught fire and you're doing pieces all over
the place around the Daily Wire this morning.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
I saw you on Jesse Waters.

Speaker 4 (15:17):
Was it this past weekend?

Speaker 7 (15:18):
Right a couple of days ago?

Speaker 4 (15:19):
Who is this Candace person?

Speaker 1 (15:21):
Candace continued to pound home her message. Lax needed to
give up their victim ideology.

Speaker 6 (15:26):
There was also a natural shutting of my friends because
I couldn't bear to be around, you know, people that
were constantly in the state of victimhood who didn't want
to exchange ideas.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Her message was particularly useful to this new circuit because
she provided them a bit of a shield. You see,
with a black woman calling out the black community. It
gave this group some protection, or at least an argument
point against accusations of racism. As their discussion progressed, it
became clear that key players within this ring were testing
Candace out.

Speaker 6 (15:55):
You know, I was just at the Daily Wire earlier
today and their studio, their office spaces grown. It's fast
because the conservative movement is growing, because people are realizing
that there's nothing left for them on the left. You
either want to race towards the bottom, because that's what
it is, right, It's I'm a bigger victim. I'm a
bigger victim. I'm a bigger victim. I'm a bigger I'm like,
what are you guys racing again?

Speaker 1 (16:16):
Ken just took the opportunity to praise Kanye West, almost
as if she had a plan in motion.

Speaker 6 (16:21):
People ask me, who are you a fan of? You know,
I'm only a fan of Kanye West. And the interesting
thing is popular Kanye quote is that if you're a
fan of Kanye West, you're not really a fan of
Kanye West. You're a fan of yourself and you believe
that you can make it.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
By the end of the interview, it became evident to
anyone that was paying attention that the conservatives were all
courting the rising star.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
It was around this time, in the fall of twenty seventeen,
that one such conservative outfit was able to pull.

Speaker 16 (16:46):
Her in here to discuss Director of Urban Development at
Turning Point USA, Candace Owens.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Launched in twenty twelve. Turning Point USA is an American
nonprofit whose goal is to introduce conservatism to high school
and college to Led by right wing political activist Charlie Kirk.
The group must have seen something in Candace that would
appeal to America's youth because they decided to harness her
energy to make a pitch to Black America.

Speaker 6 (17:15):
The main issue is that we keep voting Democrat and
expecting different results, and the second that they get into
the White House, they do absolutely nothing for African Americans
but make sure that we remember that we're black so
they can play the same identity card the next election cycle.
The Democratic Party brought us slavery, they brought us the KKK,
they brought us Jim Crow Laws.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
Candace began to saturate mainstream conservative media, and it got
the eye of one person on the planet, for which
Candace called herself a fan. On April twenty first, twenty eighteen,
Kanye West posted on the then Twitter platform.

Speaker 19 (17:47):
I love the way candas soul sphinks.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
It's hard to exaggerate the magnitude of this endorsement. It
was a cultural atomic bomb. At the time, Kanye West
was viewed as one of those rare individuals that's globally
heralded as an artistic genius, whether it be his music,
or his fashion sense, or his natural ability to turn
a small act into a global controversy.

Speaker 10 (18:13):
George Bush doesn't care about black people.

Speaker 7 (18:16):
Go Taylor, I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish.
Brabianta had one of the best videos of all.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Time, controversies and all. In the spring of twenty eighteen,
Kanye West was globally regarded as an artist's artist. His
endorsement of Candas's Mind gave her a pop culture legitimacy
that few and conservative media had ever enjoyed. Candace understood
the significance of the moment and responded to Kanye saying, quote,

I'm freaking out, Kanye West. Please take a meeting with me.
I tell every single person that everything I have been
inspired to do was written in your music. I am
my own biggest fan because you made it Okay. I
need you to help wake up the black community. Right
wingers immersed in the culture understood the power of what

was happening the political commentator Ben Shapiro was of a
different mind.

Speaker 18 (19:09):
Because people are famous, we then grant them a certain
level of credibility on other issues. So the latest example
of this is Kanye West. So, believe it or not,
the right is now resonating to Kanye West. So now
he's tweeting out deep thoughts, and the right is so excited.
They're so excited because Kanye West is tweeting out things
that sound kind of right wing, like he tweeted out
that he supports Candice Owns.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
It should come as no surprise that conservative commentator Ben
Shapiro was not particularly a fan of Kanye West or
this cultural moment. Ben had long been critical of hip
hop as an art form, but adding to that context
was that Ben is an Orthodox Jew, and the Jewish
community had a watchful eye on this global superstar.

Speaker 7 (19:47):
We ain't Jewish. We don't get family that got money
like that.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
A few years earlier, during a twenty thirteen appearance on
the popular hip hop radio show The Breakfast Club, Kanye
discussed the lack of successful black fashion designers and billionaires.

Speaker 7 (20:04):
We don't get it like that.

Speaker 19 (20:05):
When I tell you only seven black billionaires, look at
that marginalization.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
During his explanation for why Blacks had relatively no financial power,
he said something that the Jewish community deemed as anti semitic.

Speaker 19 (20:18):
Man, let me tell you something about George Bush and.

Speaker 7 (20:20):
Oil money and Obama and no money.

Speaker 19 (20:23):
People want to say Obama can't make these moves or
he's not executing that's cause he ain't got those connections.
Black people don't have the same level of connections as
Jewish people. Black people don't have the same connection as
oil people. You know, we don't know nobody that got
a nice house. You know, we don't know nobody with
paper like that we could go to when we down.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
To any honest listener, the statement was obviously true. It
was such a matter of fact not a single person
in the room gasped when he said it. Kanye simply
acknowledged that the black community wasn't as connected in the
moneyed circles as the white or Jewish communities, something any
Black American in the music industry of the time could
co sign. Nevertheless, the Anti Defamation League or ADL, a

Jewish advocacy group, immediately claimed Kanye was fueling a classic
anti Semitic stereotype. A representative of the ADL issued a
statement stating, quote, this.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Is classic anti semitism. There goes again the age old
canard the Jews are all powerful and control the levers
of power in the government. As a celebrity with a
wide following, Kanye West should know better. We hope that
he will take responsibility for his words, understand why they
are so offensive, and apologize to those he has offended.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
It appeared the organization was employing a specific tactic stop
the advance of any and all discussions that even remotely
hinted at being anti Semitic. Well, Jewish outlets amplified the
ADL statement. MTV News eventually picked up the story, forcing
Kanye to address the controversy.

Speaker 10 (21:53):
I don't know how being told that you have money
is like an insult. That would be like if like
some I complimented like black guys said all black guys
got big penises. I thought by saying like everyone had money,
I thought that was a compliment. So it's like an
ignorant compliment. So maybe I would like take that statement away.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Kanye acquiesced to the ADEL, but the initial statement, no
doubt conveyed a belief that the rapper had about Jewish
financial power. That's all to say that. In April twenty eighteen,
when Ben Shapiro was skeptical about Kanye West embracing Candace's
conservative beliefs, it's not much of a leap to think
that Ben's own religious alliances had colored his view of

the rapper.

Speaker 18 (22:34):
He tweeted out that he supports candae Own's, candae Own's
nice gallon friendly, Candas's she works to Charlie Kirk over
a turning point USA, she's a black conservative, and Kanye
West tweeted out that he likes how she thinks that
the right responded to Kanye West as though it was
an earth shattering thing and a big celebrity like Kanye
West was saying things that remotely conservative. But I would
just warned folks on the right, you know, you can

be happy that Kanye West said something that seems to
be conservative, So let's not attend to Kanye West as
some sort of genius.

Speaker 5 (23:02):

Speaker 2 (23:02):
Then Shapiro was skeptical about Kanye's embrace of conservative ideas,
but the rapper was about to double and triple down
over the coming weeks. Kanye went on a Maga charm
offensive knowing that the paparazzi follows him everywhere he goes,

Kanye went out in public wearing a red make America
grat Again hat. He even tweeted out a picture of
a MAGA hat with President Trump's signature on it. The
media and some within the black community were outraged. Kanye responded, stating,
in part on Twitter quote.

Speaker 19 (23:41):
You don't have to agree with Trump, but the mob
can't make me not love him.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
Trump, one of the savviest cultural influencers in political history,
quickly understood the enormity of the moment and took the
opportunity to praise Kanye West at a Michigan rally.

Speaker 14 (23:56):
African American unemployment has reached the low level in history,
in history, and by the way, Deel Farness, Kanye West
gets it, he gots it, he gets it.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Kanye returned Bali releasing a single the positioned President Trump
as an inspiration. Days later, Kanye was seen with Candice
Owans and the two started a kind of a mental marriage.
They made a joint appearance on themed gossip Brag TMZ,
and the outlet couldn't help but discuss Kanye's recent embrace
of the MAGA movement.

Speaker 7 (24:33):
I want to.

Speaker 13 (24:33):
Start with what everybody is talking about, because I don't
think people necessarily understand what happened last week with the
Making America Great Again hat What drove you to that?
What was your point? What are you trying to do
with the message you're sending.

Speaker 10 (24:54):
People say feel free, but they don't really want us
to feel free.

Speaker 7 (24:58):
And I felt a freedom.

Speaker 10 (25:00):
And first of all, just doing something that everybody tells
you not to do, like you can't do it for
this reason, you can't do this for that reason. So
and you know, I'm not coming up here to justify anything.

Speaker 7 (25:14):
It's you know, you can't tell me nothing.

Speaker 10 (25:16):
I made the song, you know what I'm saying, Like,
you can't tell me what I'm supposed to do. And
also it's like the idea of icons and representations.

Speaker 7 (25:27):
You know, I don't don't.

Speaker 10 (25:28):
I don't subscribe to icons you take like the Nazi symbol.
If you go to India, it's all over the place,
but it doesn't represent that.

Speaker 7 (25:36):
It represents something different.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
In the Hindu and Buddhist religions of India, the swastika
represents good fortune and well being. It's a positive symbol.
Kanye was attempting to explain the dichotomy that, like the swastika,
the maga hat can mean different things to different people.

Speaker 10 (25:52):
So for me to wear that hat means I want
to make America great in my own way.

Speaker 2 (26:06):
He'd later bring Candace Owens into the conversation.

Speaker 7 (26:09):
And Candace has facts she's research. To Candace Owens has
fact she's research.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Her media blitz with Kanye caught the eye of the
White House, and a few weeks later, Candace and Charlie
Kirk met with the President. By the summer of twenty eighteen,
Candace was getting so hot that even a skeptical Ben
Shapiro could no longer ignore her rise. He looked to
capture some of her energy for his burgeoning streaming network,
The Daily Wire.

Speaker 18 (26:33):
It's really exciting to have you here, Glad you could
sueeze in the time, because you guys have been busy
setting the world on fire. I mean, you're in the headlines,
and you're all over Twitter obviously and on social media.
Use the candas you've just exploded onto the scene. I
think probably a year and a half ago, nobody knew
who you were, and now everybody knows who you are,
so how's that been, that sort of precipitous rise.

Speaker 6 (26:50):
It's been challenging in some ways.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
I guess Candace was understanding the media game at a
level few had experienced firsthand. And she also so started
to learn how a single tweet could make national news.
She decided to apply that lesson on Twitter, and when
she did, she'd get her first taste of where the
real taboo area resided in American politics.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Welcome back to red pilled America. So by the late
summer twenty eighteen, Candace Owans was learning that with a
single tweet she could make national news. She decided to
apply that lesson by running an experiment of sorts on
the musings of a prominent liberal writer. In August twenty eighteen,

the New York Times announced the addition of Sarah Jong,
a technology writer, to their editorial board. With an hour's
Jung's old anti white tweets began spreading on Twitter. In
one instance, Jung tweeted.

Speaker 20 (27:48):
White people are booked like dogs pissing on fire hydrants
hashtag council. White people are white people genetically predisposed to
burn faster in the sun.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Candace saw an opportunity to expose the bias on Twitter,
so she copied the text on the tweet and replaced
each instance of the word white with the word Jewish.
She did the same thing with another of Jung's anti
white tweets, but in that instance replaced the word white
with black. Almost immediately, Twitter gave her a twelve hour
suspension and demanded she delete the tweet that included the

Jewish reference. Oddly, Twitter allowed Candace's anti black tweet to remain.
The company also allowed Sarah Jung's anti white tweets to
remain on the platform. The lesson was eye opening. It
was Candace's first lesson that there was a taboo subject
that could get you canceled. But Candace didn't have much

time to ponder this insight because she was working on
something bigger, a movement to free the black community from
what she viewed as a mental prison. Candace alluded to
the new project in an August twenty eighteen interview.

Speaker 6 (28:58):
I'm working really hard in launching a project in a
month that is going to be specifically aimed at the
black community and getting them engaged.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
And while she was preparing for her big announcement, her
new brother in arms was doing his part to help
lead the way.

Speaker 14 (29:10):
Kanye is great to be made and then Kanye has
been a friend of mine for a long time.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
In mid October twenty eighteen, donning a red Make America
Great Again hat, Kanye West visited President Trump in the
Oval Office. As a gaggle of reporters watched on. The
two exchanged pleasantries.

Speaker 7 (29:27):
Let me ask you this question.

Speaker 14 (29:29):
You're in the Oval Office.

Speaker 7 (29:30):
Okay, how does.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
It field it in the Oval Office?

Speaker 7 (29:32):

Speaker 4 (29:33):
It is good energy in and a good energy yet.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
But then Kanye went on a diatribe that went against
just about every signature issue on the Democrat platform. He
spoke about black on black crime and we also as.

Speaker 14 (29:47):
Black people, we have to take a responsibility.

Speaker 7 (29:49):
For what we're doing.

Speaker 10 (29:50):
We killed each other more than police officers.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
He talked about the Second Amendment.

Speaker 7 (29:56):
We have the rights of bear arms.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
He spoke about bringing manufacturing back to America.

Speaker 7 (30:01):
Or we can create some factories. Now. I think it
would be cool for them.

Speaker 10 (30:04):
To be Trump factories, because he's a master of industry,
He's a builder.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Kanye talked about how Democrats controlled the black community.

Speaker 10 (30:11):
The liberal would try to control a black person through
the concept of racism because They know that we are very.

Speaker 7 (30:16):
Proud of emotional people.

Speaker 19 (30:17):
So when I said I like Trump to like someone
that's liberal, they'll say, oh, but he's racist.

Speaker 7 (30:22):
You think racism could control me.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
But perhaps most frightening to the media and DC establishment
was that Kanye praised President Trump.

Speaker 18 (30:30):
You know, they tried to scare me to not wear
his hat.

Speaker 10 (30:33):
My own friends with his hat, it gives me, it
gives me power away.

Speaker 19 (30:38):
It was something about when I put this hat on
and made me feel like Superman.

Speaker 7 (30:43):
But I love this guy right here.

Speaker 6 (30:44):
Let me give this guy I love right here.

Speaker 7 (30:48):
I love this.

Speaker 19 (30:49):
Guy right here.

Speaker 5 (30:49):

Speaker 1 (30:50):
Well, the media didn't know how to handle the spectacle.
He didn't want to cover it, but they had to,
so they attempted to portray Kanye as crazy.

Speaker 11 (30:58):
A surreal day White House Kanye West in the Oval
Office Today, unfiltered and unapologetic. For more than ten minutes,
the controversial rapper delivering a frenetic, at times jarring monologue.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
Rappers meandering monologue touched on more than a dozen topics
for presidents, seemed almost at a loss for words.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
I'll tell you what, that was a pretty ross.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
About two weeks later, in late October, twenty eighteen, Candae
introduced her movement to America with an assist by Kanye West.

Speaker 6 (31:27):
Today in this room, I'm so excited because we are
going to launch in front of the world a movement,
a movement that will forever be remembered as a piece
of American history, a movement called Blexit. The Black Exit,
the Black exits from permanent victimhood, the Black exit from

the false idea that we are somehow separate from the
rest of America. The Blexit movement will spend twenty nineteen
holding rallies in every major city in America that the
Democrats have destroyed. Blexit is a renaissance, and I'm blocked
to say that this logo, these colors were created by
my dear friend and fellow superhero, Kanye West, who has

taken one of the boldest steps in America to open
a conversation that we have needed to have.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
The announcement immediately grabbed the attention of conservative media.

Speaker 3 (32:28):
I have to talk about this walk away movement that went.
The walk Away March happened over the weekend.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Daily Wires Andrew Claven praised Candace's efforts.

Speaker 3 (32:36):
And kandas Owns was also there with what she is
calling hilariously Blexit, which is the black exit from the
Democrat Party. And it was really moving. I mean, thousands
of people showed up for the march, but also to
see the young black political leaders who showed up for
meeting personal meeting with President Trump and were so thrilled
to see him and were so pro American.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Fox News also jumped on the bandwagon.

Speaker 12 (33:00):
So explain for us what blecks it is and how
you came up with the idea.

Speaker 7 (33:04):
You were watching a television and.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
I came up with it actually backstage at Sea Path.
I got slammed out of hearing Trump's speak because I
was too late to go to the doors, and I
was shoved into this tiny little room with Nigel Farage
and we were watching the president speak. I looked up
and I said, oh, that's the guy who did the
Brexit thing. And I said, we really need a Blexit
in America.

Speaker 7 (33:23):
And there it was.

Speaker 6 (33:24):
The idea was watched.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
The one two punch of Kanye and Candice was a
monumental moment for the conservative movement. One of the biggest
artistic stars on the planet teamed up with a rising
black conservative woman to deliver a message that Democrats had
been censoring for decades. It was obvious that these two
were uncontrollable. Perhaps that was why the conservative gatekeepers were

reluctant to let them in. But it didn't matter, because
they smashed through the door. Efforts were moving the needle
in unprecedented ways, and that's why this Blexit movement had
to be stopped or at least regulated. Inter Media Matters,
a far left nonprofit organization that is dedicated to taking

down Conservatives. A writer from that organization took a snippet
of a Candace owned statement and used it to paint
the Blexit founder as a Hitler sympathizer. At a late
twenty eighteen event in London, Candace was asked why so
many people appeared to be afraid of the word nationalism.

Speaker 6 (34:31):
I actually don't have any problems at all with the
word nationalism. I think that the definition gets poisoned by
laitist that actually want globalism. Globalism is what I don't want.
So when you think about whenever we say nationalism, the
first thing people think about, in at least in America
is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist. But
if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have
things run well. Okay, fine, The problem is that he

had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
It was clear to any honest observer that Candace was
simply saying that Hitler gave nationalism it's negative slant. But
the truth didn't matter because in just a few weeks
Candice would be put through a cleansing process that opened
her eyes to an invisible hand within conservative media.

Speaker 18 (35:13):
Coming up on Red Pilled America, I believe we met
in two thousand and ten.

Speaker 3 (35:18):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
Another friend of mine who attended the Bible.

Speaker 7 (35:21):
Study invited me to this secret Hollywood meeting of conservatives
called Friends of Any.

Speaker 18 (35:27):
Critics of the Never Trump movement have been out in force,
and they're trying to browbeat those of us who don't
support Trump into embracing this demagogic, ladmouth moron with tyrannical
views of governments and an incoherent quasi isolationist foreign policy.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
Red Pilled America is an iHeartRadio original podcast. It's owned
and produced by Patrick Carrelci and me Adriana Cortez for
Informed Ventures. Now you can get ad free access to
our entire catalog of episodes by becoming a backstage subscriber.
To subscribe, just visit Redpilldamerica dot com and could join
in the top menu. Thanks for listening, A
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