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April 19, 2024 14 mins
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Dashi and the jam In Morning Showwith DJ Foreign. It's saw T Morning.
Bustin's number one for hip hop jamin ninety four or five. It's
a holiday for some people. Tomorrowa big one tomorrow is four twenty.
I don't know the origin of fourtwenty. Why is that the weed day?
Foreign? I'm not sure. Ithink because at a certain time,

full twenty was when. But Idon't know how that came about. To
be honest with you, yeah Idon't. I don't get it, but
I do love when it's four twentyand we just tell you know our craziest
I got high stories. Obviously.I don't think anybody's topping mine, and
I don't want them to. No, because you know what, not many
people are taking PCP. Can youstop acting like I actively went to Vegas

and was like, hey, wheredo we get angel dust? I wasn't
doing that. I thought I wassmoking regular weed and it was laced.
Yeah, I don't smoke the weedanymore. I don't smoke the weed anymore.
I had two really bad incidents andeveryone's gonna laugh at me, but
I died in Vegas, Like,my brain is still where did you buy

it? Again? It was fromlike a homeless man, right, pretty
much? I think so. Yeah. Off the Strip was like yo,
pretty much, and you said,that's the proper. We went out on
the street in Vegas and asked somebody, a stranger for wheat. It was
a stranger. Yeah, if youhaven't been to Vegas, Off the Strip

is shady. It's seed something youjust don't do. If you're a tourist.
You stayed to them where all thenice places are. It's just so
weird that it was so long agoand I can still feel myself in it.
I can still feel myself and mybrain being trapped in this place,
this high land that I couldn't getout of im. And I called my

mother from the hospital bed to saygoodbye, and she was like, you're
like, screamed at me. AfterI guess I refused to do weed for
like years and years and years.And then one night the fireman, my
neighbor gave the fireman and I thisedible and we each ate a little bit
and we didn't feel high after likean hour, and she said, do

not eat the whole thing, donot split that. So we split it
right in the half and he ateit and I said, well, if
you're going down the rabbit hole,I'm off with you. Fast forward two
hours later and he said I askedhim eighteen times if we were in New
Jersey, and he's like, we'venever left the couch. So though I
it's not for me. The ediblesare tough. I did the same thing.

I took way too much. Ithit me so hard and so fast.
I was deafthely, just afraid ofmyself, afraid of everything. My
wife was pregnant at the time too, so she was pissed at me.
Yeah, she's like, what areyou doing. I remember I was like
afraid of the curtains. I didn'tlike the way the curtains were hung.
And even twenty four hours later,I was myself, but I could still

feel it a little bit, andI literally cried a little to the fireman.
I was like, I want itout of me. I want this
out of me. But then they'reyou know, you hear amazing stories of
people getting high and they and theyenjoy it. Some people smoke literally every
day daily, Dailey. Once Iwas on the cotdown, I started to
feel nice, like I sorted tofeel comfortable. But when it was raging
at its peak. That was theworst experience ever, ever, pure fear.

I would say, obviously the professionalnow on this show is foreign.
Have you ever had a story whereyou went off like you did a little.
That's when I learned, I can'tsmoke Indica. What happened, Indica
kind of calms you down. Iwent into a panic attack. I was
outside in the streets with my draws. I won't say the streets. I
was in the park. A lotof the apartment buildings were lived in my

draws, being like y'all, Ican't breathe, I'm can't beat I'm dying.
Yeah, that's when I learned,Indica, And for me and I'm
straight, that was very similar tomy vegas. I was. I was
dead, but just so right,you believe that you are dying. No,
no, no, your hearts believeit. You can't feel yourself breathing,

even though it doesn't make sense thatif I'm talking and moving around,
clearly I'm breathing. But yeah,I was outside of my boxes man,
just like y'all, I need help. Yeah, I was trying to rip
out off the cords and me andthe ambo trying to attack the ambulance driver
because my brain was the thing aboutPCP is please tell us. I'm dying
to hear this, not something youget to be told like that. Yeah,

the thing about PCP is you feellike it is the world against you.
So right now you two both lookingat me. My brain would be
like, they're looking at me tokill me. They're thinking about ways they
can do it. They know something'swrong. They're gonna take advantage. They're
gonna kill me, and they're gonnasteal my money, and you just want
to fight back, right Yeah,And then it would go out and then

it would I would see it suckout of my body like a ghost form
and ghost form, and then itwould just like suck back into I'd be
like it's I would tell my friendslike it's coming back to me in three
two one, And then I wouldbe like, you're in an ambulance.
You rode to the ho so onthis high on PCP. At what point
did like the comdown start? WhenI got to the hospital and they started

giving me ivs of things to likehelp me calm down, And that's when
they ran a panel to find outthat it was angeled us. Imagine the
angel tourists for sure, when wegot discharged. The doctor basically was like,
you cannot go to the street andthink you're gonna get clean drugs.

Like that's not how that this works, you know. So anyways is good.
It's evolved, no it. Imean you can go to stores and
buy it now like you like ourbuddy Jonathan Tucker owns a spot called the
Garden and you can literally go andget like the most amazing weed on the
planet. It's not for me,I'm let's just go ahead and say scarred
for the rest of my life.But I think for some it's like seven

days a week how often, Yeah, I mean, and people like and
then some people again people we canbase play sports to do it, wait
wake in the morning from people smoketo work out. Some people smoke while
working out. There's actually weed gymsout here now, And like I said,
we's involved to the point where nowlike they can they can manufacture it
and and kind of get it toa way where it can solve whatever you

want. You have problems sleeping,you can smoke something you want something that
doesn't get you so high, I'llget you. And they got signed for
you. I was gonna say,there's also just the product. I mean,
there's like weed, soap, weed, drinks, we'd milk, we'd
like everything. Are you more ofa smoker or a gummy guy? I
like to smoke, but I liketo smoke clean, So I'm doing like
you know what I'm saying, papersor something like that. I don't like.
I don't like all the graba andall that stuff that people are smoking

nowadays. It's like this, howdo I explain it? Almost like this
tobacco reside that you're throw into.No, it's not for me. In
college, when I would get here, we go again, I didn't hear
this. Please tell well, Idon't know what. No, you took
that lean. No. When Iwas in college, we to get like

super drunk and sit in the stairwellsand smoke black and milds. Do they
even exist? Yeah? Yeah,black and minds. I still see a
couple of people smoking them. Yeah, those blunts. Yeah, it has
a little like tan plastic thing atthe bottom. I don't know how to
smoke, so I would just likebe in there and do one puffin like

cough. But we that was thething back and then again. I don't
even know if they still exist.But all right, who who thinks they
can dare to dance and beat thesestories? I mean, fore was outside
in his underwear talking about I'm gonnadie. I was, I was hospitalized
in Vegas. I don't know.I don't know. Six one seven nine
three one one nine four five sixone seven nine three one one nine four

five in celebration of four to twenty, tell me your craziest I Got high
story. Hi, we're already readingsome of your guys stories. Morning.
I'll be Friday, by the way, cheers at the freaking weekend. It's
for twenty tomorrow on a Saturday,so everybody is going to be celebrating,

and we were kind of telling ourcraziest get high streets. By the way,
if you're if you're into the weed. Forren is going to be at
a four twenty event for I don'tknow, if you want to plug that
real quick, I don't know.Yeah, we're going to be uh,
We're going to be at Harvard Squaretomorrow. It's a day party kicking off
from twelve o'clock till about seven atthe DX Diaspora. It's going to be
a dope even a lot of alot of dispensers are pulling up. So

if you even want to learn aboutit, you ain't even got to come
smoke. If you just want tolearn about it, come check it out.
It's going to be nope tomorrow,just as a PSA, there will
be no angel us there. Sothat if we're talking about swinging this author
street or some homeless guys sleeping undera ten, this is straight. He
was under the elixir. This isstraight good stuff. So yeah tomorrow,
Harvard Square Poll six one seven ninethree one one nine four five. We

were just telling our crazy high storiesand I was like, somebody try to
top these things. And we're readingthese and you guys, of course,
are coming through. Lara is inBoston. Hi, Lar, Hi,
how are you good? So finishthe sentence. I got so high that
I was so high that me andmy cousin was a Franklin Field project and

we literally thought we heard a waroutside. We heard helicopters, planes,
bombs, and we hit under thetable and we hugged each other instead,
we love each other because we thoughtwe was going down. Dude, listen,
all three. There is nothing worsethan the high feeling of thinking you're

gonna diet. We've all been there, and it's just it's so terrible because
you can't escape it. The onlything that helps is time. That's the
worst feeling. Food if you eat, it will come down. Well,
hey, listen, I'm glad yousurvived. I survived. Crystal isn't Crystal.

I got so high that what happened. I almost went to the hospital.
I had an edible chocolate bar.It was called a walka bar,
and those to like three hundred milligrams, and I had a piece of a
piece and so it started to sendit. Started to eat dinner like was

feeling good, and then literally projectilevomiting, ran to the bathroom. I
couldn't even maybe like it was sobad. I couldn't even get the toilet
seat up, like I was justin the sink, curled over in the
sink and then it was like chunksof my dinner and it wouldn't go down
the sink. It is blow.My bunk comes in and he's like,

do I have to call the ambulance? Like let me know, because I'm
literally like hungover. I'm clenching mychest. Yeah, and he's like,
let me call. I said no, and I wisher in this year,
and I said, you'll know whatwe did, Like you actually went to

a like illegal store and bought theWillie Wanga bar, but you thought in
that moment you had done something illegal. Dude. The paranoia high is so
bad. It's real though, it'sreal as you can see. I mean,
Lauren survived a fake war. LikeIt's fine, Crystal, thanks for
the calforn. You were shaking yourhead. You've heard of the wanka bar?
Yea, yeah, yeah popular that. I mean. They do everything,

now, you know what I mean. Everything We comes in all kinds
of anything that you could think of. Keep it away from the kids because
some of the kids might think thatthat's actually can Yeah. But the only
thing I don't, And that's whyI don't like edibles because it creeps up
on you, you know what Imean. So if you're not smart about
it and you don't know, Imight kick it in about an hour.
Yeah, next thing, you know, you've done eight too much and you're
like you're thinking, like you're bodyis going to explode. The sing That's

why I like the immediate drugs.You know, angel like Carrie is in
Darry Carrie is in Dairy, Hicarry Hi, good morning. So what
happened when you got super high?Oh? Well, there's been plenty of
times with me, but this storyis not me. It's my uh me
and my best friends boyfriends. Okay, they were smoking in a car and

thought they were sitting in traffic,had a whole session before they realized that
they were sitting behind a parked vehicle. They put themselves in ninety three during
rush hour and the car was justsparked. God, it's just so crazy
that when you can i mean downtown, yeah, in traffic and didn't smoke
it, you know, Oh mygod, thank you? When you when

you get in that weird high,it's like it's strange. It's the worst,
Yeah, the absolute worst. Butthen but then I remember, you
know, you hear such great storiesand positive stories about people. People have
so many positive we experiences. We'rejust telling the funny ones. I think
the issue is when you smoke oreat too much, and that's when it
becomes an issue. I think youhave to find out your threshold and the
kind of a lot of times thesestories are first zero are the first times,

you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, we use it for
the chemo to be able to dealwith hoemo therapy. Yeah, some people
use it to sleep with anxiety depression, you name it. Man, it
can be good for you at agood dose. Yes, that's what I'm
saying. But then there's some peoplewho and also your tolerance, right,
so someone who doesn't smoke too much, you can't wake and bake a day,
you're gonna be talking to the walls. But you know how they say

like, and I don't know ifthis is true, but they tell you
to like go into your high relaxedand got to be. They don't have
a relaxed state. So I'm nevergoing to go into the high like that.
It's not even relaxed. It's justkind of like being a nice space,
you know what I'm saying, beinga happy place. Don't be stressed
out in it. Well, itworks for some, but sometimes if you

smoke in a stressed out situation,then you could get the pair. But
I was in bed and so peacefuland the thing hit me and I answer
you freaking out. Yeah. Ijust think this goes back to the DARE
program doesn't work. It doesn't becausewe're all like, well, we'll just
try it once
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