All Episodes

March 16, 2024 49 mins

See how vitality is the key to enter into and create the new earth paradigm! Uncovering the 11 keys of Vitality, and introducing you to the Vitality Series, conversations with guest experts in the realm of vitality. 

With the challenges of the last few years, there has never been more relevant time to begin embracing vitality for ourselves and the role it plays in unlocking the new earth and your role in the creation of it. 

Learn how to engage with your vitality, and give a big hearty no to chronic depletion. Enhancing vitality results not just in personal growth, but also supports you in developing intuition, clarity, and authenticity.

Thanks so much for tuning in. Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people. Cheers, bless, and all the best. ⭐

Have we met yet? Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.   I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.   You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!   Here’s how:   Energy Guide Program You are being called to step into your energy gifts.   Clean Up Your Energy 51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!   Your Energy Story If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.   New Earth Collab For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.   Do connect on the socials! YouTubeLinkedInInstagram
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Episode Transcript

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It is so good to be back here with you on Check the Energy podcast and specifically the Vitality series.
I don't know about you, but the past year and even the past couple of years
have really challenged us to up our game when it comes to optimizing our vitality.
Now I've always been passionate about holistic health.

I love learning about this stuff. I love expanding my personal apothecary.
And really, I just wanted to talk to more people who have expertise,
wisdom, natural gifts, and just also passion about their specific area of vitality.

So I brought them onto the show.
That'll be happening every single Monday. You can watch the video version of
it over on my YouTube channel, which is Vanessa Smith Energy Guidance,
or just tune in from an audio perspective on any podcast channel that you prefer.
And we're going to talk about all things vitality. As always,

in the context of this paradigm shift that we're going through right now,
being vital, having that sense of aliveness and vitality is so,
so important to being able to confidently own your purpose in this paradigm
shift, to own your worth, to enjoy the moment.

To, you know, I mean, the list goes on.
And in this episode, I'm going to break it down.
I'm going to give you, I started off with Tim, but I'm actually going to be
giving you 11 keys of vitality and why vitality is the door opener.
It's the portal. It's the foundation for the

new earth paradigm to take root and
always keep in mind you are the paradigm
shift the new earth comes through us
we create it we build it we allow
this new energy to move through
us in a way that transforms not

only our lives individually but also the
collective so again really glad that you're
tuning in in this episode this to
kick off the vitality series like i said i'm
going to go over these 11 keys and i wanted to give you an intro overview for
that and then starting with the next episode i'll be bringing on a guest for

the conversation around vitality so look forward to that and let's get started.
Hey, it's Vanessa and welcome to a new conversation, this one about vitality.

So this is going to be an overview of why vitality is the key foundation for
us to shift the paradigm,
build the new step into your purpose, and get a very clear sense of how to navigate the energy.
I am going to be covering 10 key points of why vitality needs Yeah,

it needs, I was going to say, don't say needs, Vanessa, because we,
you know, we all have our choices.
We all decide what's a priority for us.
But from an energetic perspective, really dedicated, like myself,
dedicated to looking at what's unfolding in the world today,
collectively, as well as what happens in our lives individually.

Individually, vitality is the foundation.
Vitality is what keeps us steady. Vitality is what paves the way forward.
And so I've been feeling a much deeper call to explore vitality from a number
of different perspectives.
And so this share, this recording video,

however you're watching it, whether it's on the YouTube channel that I have
or the Check the Energy podcast, so you're listening just to the audio version.
I'm going to cover the 10 different ways that vitality is really the key foundational
piece for us moving forward as paradigm shifters and as confident and clear leaders,

embodied owners of our purpose role in the larger scheme of things in our own
life and in our relationship with each other.
So that's part of it. It's also serving to introduce to you the Vitality Series,
which is going to be a focal point for myself and the work that I do in 2024.

And, you know, I can only imagine it's going to continue. It's something that
has always been a passion of mine.
I have educational background and holistic health education.
So this is, yeah, it's just something I've been really wanting to bring to the conversation.
It's something I've been really wanting to explore more. And I have been doing

my own deep dive I personally, but the call to talk about it more in the external
world is coming up in a big, big way for me.
So before I go into those 10 ways and then tell you a little bit more about
the Vitality Series, which is just, yeah, I'll tell you about that in a second.
First, I want to welcome you, whether you are new or returning.

I'm glad you're here, You're participating, listening, engaging,
commenting, sharing, subscribing, all the good social media stuff that gets out to more people.
And of course, the impact that it has on your own life and your own healing
journey and your own really reclaiming of the path that you're on,

the power that you have and the potential that you're here to actualize.
So glad that you're here.
Thank you for being here. I really do appreciate it.
All right. With that being said, I'm first going to tell you about the Vitality
Series because that's the shorter bit.
And essentially what that is, is it's simply conversations with guests.

So we're going to be talking about vitality from a number of different angles.
The guests that I'm bringing on all bring a new paradigm perspective.
I'm always going to be looking at things from the energetic context because that's my jam.
Am, that's my gift and that's my skillset. So I really feel committed to expanding

the conversation and expanding consciousness around vitality.
And so I'll be having on a variety of more holistic, focused.
Experts in whether they're naturopath, breath work, energy work,
just a wide variety of healers and thought leaders that are also dedicated to

doing their work, their expertise,
bringing that forward in service of the paradigm shift and the new earth paradigm
that we're here to build and birth and really kind of lighthouse or midwife the way over there.
I say over there because there's this, you know, real sense of there's a very

definitive model, old paradigm, paradigm is just a model of what these systems
and structures that we've existed within look like.
And then we have a new model that is emerging, right?
We see the breakdown of the old and finding, you know, know,
if you ever go into a situation, workplace or healthcare, education,

politics, economy, environment, et cetera, and you're like, wow, this doesn't work.
That's you expanding your consciousness and observing that the old systems and
structures are no longer fit.
I can't really say they ever were fit for the soul-led life.

And with that, that assessment comes an evaluation evaluation of what does work.
And so each of us are meant to bring part of the puzzle, part of the puzzle,
the solution, the remedy to that.
And so we're going to be exploring the remedies to that.
We're going to be looking at, so far, some of the conversations I've had that

I'll be getting ready to put out in January has been with functional neurologist
and naturopath who's combining energy,
nature, and neurology, holistic fertility expert, who is really taking a deep
dive examination to the energetics of masculine and feminine dynamics and, you know,

where detox fits into the whole vitality question and also in a unique combination
of healthy anger, right?
So there's going to be a wide range of guests and a lot of, so many people I
want to to talk to, actually, because it's fascinating to me.
It's fascinating to me, and it really highlights the kind of rudimentary or

one-dimensional approach that we've taken to health and well-being before.
And so, because I'm always looking at things from the energetic point of view, it.
What's underneath the surface or the, you know, kind of multi-layered components
that fit into what vitality actually is from an energy landscape perspective.

It's, it's incredible. It's incredible. And so it's my intent and my,
my hope to bring these conversations to you to help expand your perspective
on what vitality is, as well as expand your experience of it,
right? You don't know what you don't know.
And so when, like when I'm discovering new, you know, tools and remedies for

my own personal apothecary, I'm just blown away at how well they work.
And they're not under, they're things that I just had no idea existed.
I had no idea they existed. And when I go and I
sort of observe what's happening in the world and I see what
people are challenged by and suffering with
and the either the

lack of not even knowing what to reach for or
reaching for a more mainstream approach that has
you know consequences and side effects that you might not want to be experiencing
well that you would not want to be experiencing I just keep thinking there's
another way right it's like there's a one of the main messages I feel like I've

always carried throughout throughout my entire life,
even as a kid, is there's another way or there's got to be a way.
And that's been my beacon of light forever as I've gone through my own healing
journey and my own vitality reclaiming process that I'm still very much in.

So that's a bit about the series. It's going to be coming out every week on Monday on YouTube.
You can see the video conversation conversation that I have with myself and the guest.
And if you want to just listen audio-wise, you can go to Check the Energy podcast
and the links to that will just be in the description box and just listen to the audio instead.

There's going to be some other kind of fun aspects and pieces of the Vitality Series.
So again, it's going to be every week starting January 1st, every Monday throughout the entire year.
So I'm going to talk to a range of guests. There also There also will be other
podcast episodes being put out that's just me talking about energy or the paradigm
shift or New Earth leadership or your purpose work, your role within it all.

Those are the other topics and so much associated with that that I also love to share with you.
What else do you want to know about it? Part of, well, yeah.
So part of what I want to bring, because I like to always experiment.
I'm an experimenter in terms of trying out if I get a creative,

intuitive impulse to do my work in a new way or do my relationships in a new way.
I like to be fresh. I like to explore life.
And if I don't see something out there, I tend to start hearted because I want
to experience it. And I figure I'm not the only one.
So one of the aspects that I think is pretty cool about the Vitality series

is there will be a playlist that goes with it,
but each guest and I will separately pick a song that we feel represents the topic for us.
And so that playlist will grow throughout the year as the episodes get put up.
But I think it's just like a fun and different way to really bring home the concepts.

And the link between the song and the topic may not be obvious,
and that's okay too, but that's part of how we're participating.
There may be other aspects that I'm playing around with bringing to it just
to give a new kind of flavor.
And for those of you that are just listening to this and not necessarily seeing
the visual background, one of the cool things that I wanted to bring to it is

to have the guest and I I each have the same background.
So it kind of feels like we're in the same space. I don't know about you,
but I have a little bit of video fatigue or Zoom fatigue.
It's very much we're living in an information overload kind of time.
So we need to be discerning about following our resonance, right?
Really like just paying attention to those that are very resonant for us.

And to me, the cohesiveness piece is important.
And sometimes when I look at videos, the content might be interesting.
But if the person's background is all kind of janky and messy or disorganized,
it's like it's distracting to me personally. I'm a very visual person.
So if you, I would encourage you, if you're similar to watch the series on,

cause you get the facial gestures, right? And, and the tone of voice and the background.
So I've worked with the guests that are coming on.
And so each guest has a different picture that feels energetically,
like very aligned to them for me.
And they, they choose choose which one they want. I give them a couple of different options.

And then so we'll have the same background. So it's kind of like we're in the
same space, even though we're technically not in the same space.
So that's a bit about the vitality series.
Definitely tune in. I will still be bringing, like I said, other conversation
shares forward on this channel and in other places because I'm a messenger and

I like to talk about things.
That's part of my role here. So that's a bit about the series.
And now I just want to speak with you around why vitality is such an important
foundational, not just concept, but space,
energetic to be actively engaging with, to be really getting your roots out.

Your roots. Here's a little plug. No affiliation.
For those of you just listening, I'm holding up a flower essence called Roots. It's not an MLM.
I know some people go have their opinions about MLM.
It's not. It's just something that I use for myself because I love it.
It's FES Flowers, the brand, and it's called Roots. And it's really,

really helpful, especially if you're energetically sensitive.
So look for that. But let's, so the foundation of our lives from this point
moving forward really is requiring us to be very rooted in our vitality.
And this is different than I'd say, you know, the evolution of how we experience

and talk about health is changing, right? Right.
We've we've expanded it to include healing.
We've been exploring like what that looks like and how that's a little bit different
than this more sort of static,
idealized state of health or this peak moment kind of, you know,
vibe of health that we can't ever get to sort of a feeling.

That's I remember feeling like that when I was younger, like it's this very far away concept.
And vitality, to me, is really about the dynamic energy and the life force that
is moving through us at all times.
Like that well of vitality exists within you and it is you.

And so this is about you connecting with that and very intentionally activating
it, flipping on the switch, cultivating it, and creating a container of vitality.
Yeah, just a deep, a deep well of being very resourced.
You know what I mean? Like the mainstream narrative kind of feeds off of us

being in a state of depletion.
And that's not okay with me.
It's not how I want to live my life and it's not how I can be a best contribution.
And so the more that each individual says, no, thank you.
I'm not interested in depletion or being drained or or operating by somebody
else's system of how my life should be lived.
Like I'm, I want to experience this vital life force energy moving through my

system, helping me discern and move through, you know, whatever life's gifts
and challenges are like, that's, that's what I want.
I want that, that type of energy in my life. And so,
so I want to go through each of these reasons,
just kind of a brief overview of why vitality is key for the paradigm shift

and why it really needs to be the foundation for the collective to experience
a new experience of life.
So the first one, I've already hinted to this very overtly, is is,
It's how we divest from the system, from the old system, the old paradigm,

and how we create the new is by being in a vital state, by actively engaging
our vitality, we are very directly divesting.
We're pulling our energy out of the old system that keeps us in like mental
loops and emotional spin outs and questioning, you know, which direction to go.

And really, it's it's basically the old system is kind of designed to have us
be operating in a state of limitation, a state of fear, a state of being outside of our body.
So like this very it's very discordant. Right.
And so because the consciousness and the frequency has consciousness has expanded

and the frequency has risen to such a degree, everyone's in this space of like, there's more. more.
There's more to me. There's more to this game.
There's more to my contribution here. There's more we want to experience.
And in that we see like, oh, we no longer fit, nor do we want to into this old way of being.

And so investing in vitality as your foundation helps you divest from the system
with more strength, with more ease, with more clarity, with more confidence.
And it is the way that as for each decision that we make, each practice that
we continue to do on a daily basis, that builds the new.

It is quite literally creating the energetic and physical architecture of the
new earth paradigm through the vitalness of who we each are and how we show
up and how we engage in life. So that's the very first one.
And the The second one is for, again, vitality being that foundational piece for the collective is.

It's how we are able to better discern. It's how we are able to better use our intuition.
So everybody has intuition.
It's part of our wiring. It's the same as having like our five senses,
except intuition actually lives in every cell of our being.
So it's not necessarily like just this thing that we hopefully can connect with. It's like, it's there.

It's just, It's part of the entirety of who we are.
And so when you are vital, when you are experiencing a state of vitality or
experiencing the energies of vitality move through your system,
you're better able to discern what's true and what's not, what's your truth

and what no longer is or what needs to be let go of.
You can discern around what decisions to make, how to speak.
What to shift or how to create certain things. Right.
So your discernment increases, which is super, super important in this overload
of information age that we're actually moving out of. we're moving from an information

age to a relationship age.
So we're going to be focusing more on resonance versus like the over consumption
of information or products or, or, or, right?
Like how many of you, I'll raise my hand here, have purchased a class or a course
or something and, or an item of clothing, never worn it, never engaged with it.

It's like, we need to get off that wheel of consumption and really just tune
into what's resonant for us.
And so having our vitality intact helps us to do that.
It helps us to use our intuition to be able to discern. So that's the second reason.
The third is, again, I've spoken to this a bit, but it's being a vital player in the game, right?

So many, many of the people, at least in my soul group,
can be a can can and let's see how do I want to put this so as to not offend anybody.
I'd just be offending myself because it applies
to me as well but there's a hidden aspect there's a kind of like not not wanting

to show up and share or not or wanting to hide and not be seen right it's sort
of like a leftover labor of you know perhaps how we felt earlier in life or
how how we felt in other lifetimes,
it's kind of like an emergence that's going on from being kind of held back and hidden into,
you know, coming out onto the scene really as the most authentic version of ourselves.

And so being a vital player in the game means really showing up to the degree
that you are truly feel called to do rather than procrastinating or talking
yourself out of or or doubting or worrying or showing up and sharing,
but feeling like really wobbly and dysregulated as you do that, right?

So vitality cultivation allows you to really be a vital player in the game from
a clear, confident, rooted, embodied place.
And that's the kind of energy that we're looking to obviously experience in
our lives because it's a nicer or experience,
but it allows us to, again, move by our resonance rather than, and be in our.

Authenticity rather than having, you know, a mask or a shield or what have you.
So you're being a more vital player in the game.
You're showing up and you're really taking your energetic stance,
really taking your place, so to speak, in the larger web of how this is all
unfolding in your a role in all of that.

The fourth reason is it's changing the energetic signature of humanity.
So when you think about the mental and physical slavery that has been enacted
within the collective, we do that with ourselves, right?

It's not always the external world that that places that on us,
though that has happened as well.
But it's the internal way that we talk to ourselves, that we,
you know, allow ourselves or not to grow and expand.
There's just been this sense of, you know, yeah, being really constricted,

limited, you must do it in a certain way, obey authority, you know,
live by the establishment rules.
There's been this very, disconnect from the soul.
And I want to say that's been just even in the course of my life,
though I know it's been kind of a build long before I came into this particular form of.

I've seen, it's got a very frog in the slow boiling water kind of effect.
It's like you don't realize how much you are being constricted.
But when you look back, you're like, oh my gosh, that added,
that added, that, like all these little pieces added up because you have those
moments sometimes, right?

Even in your own life, your own relationships, your work situations,
your money situations, your health situations, where you're finally faced with
like what a discordant situation you're in.
And you ask, how did it get to this?
Like you're clueless. And you're, the thing is you're not, it registers to you
that things are, you know, like slowly closing in.

And we know those clues. It's like, we're in a space now collectively in our
consciousness where we're not willing to to participate in that way anymore
and so as we do that it it it changes the the harmonic.
Energetically it changes you know all the
outward physical expressions but i'm talking about like the actual energetic

signature of humanity so if you can here's a great story i think i i may have
told this at some point but i'm gonna tell you again so one year i was working
as like my camp counselor and we did an activity.
It was like an environmental awareness type of activity where we,

somebody took a ball of yarn and we were all standing around in like a very,
you know, random ish type of fashion as a big group of 20 of us.
And they took this huge ball of yarn and we would throw it to another person with no rhyme or reason.
Supposedly, right? And every, each person would take one piece of that ball

of yarn and then they would take the ball of yarn and throw it to another person.
And you could throw it back to the same person and they'd take another,
you know, aspect of that, another piece of the yarn and hold it.
But the yarn was all connected and we just kept passing the yarn in,
in the ball of yarn until everybody was holding a piece of it.
And then we were instructed person Person by person, we never knew who was going

to get called on to drop whatever we were holding on to.
Not try and drop it. Have you ever heard that? Like, they're like, try and forgive.
Try and let go. There is no try. Like, you're either doing it or you're not
doing it. So they said, drop it.
Like, so we just did. That's just like that. We're done.
Drop the yarn. And so person by person, as each individual did that,

the complete picture of the web.
Rearranged it looked completely different based
on one person dropping their threat the the
shape was different and that's what happens with
though you know at this point at least the
majority of people don't yet see energy and which i that's gonna change quite

rapidly i'm just trying to give you the heads up be prepared right so there
is a connection between all of us and we create a certain shape, a certain harmony,
a certain energetic signature as a collective, as a humanity.
And so when we are in a, can you imagine what that might look like right now?
Very distorted, very discordant, very fragmented. But we take that.

We take instead very intentionally our vitality, our shape, our energetic signature,
and we cultivate it, that's going to send out a completely different energy into the space, right?
And for those of you that, you know, maybe you're too sensitive for like,
oh, that's not so interesting to me.

Let me put it in this way. You'll just feel better. Like I had a mentor say
to me once when I was questioning, like, what's the point of an individual person making change?
Like, what impact does that really have? And she was like, think about it.
Well, one, it has an impact to the person that you actually helped out and you
don't know how far that ripple goes.

And two, you know, maybe people don't need to know all the details like not
everybody does. some people are very interested in it, but not everybody.
All they need to know, like if we've been clearing the muddy water,
is that when they get into the pool, there's not going to be as much muddy water
and it's going to be a nicer experience for them. And that's enough.
I was like, yeah, okay. Like I know what that's like to get into like very muddy

kind of dirty pool versus, you know, very like nice pool or where you can see
water. It's a different experience.
So moving on, Let's see. What is that?
So that obviously leads into the next one, the sixth one, which is to be vital feels good.

And we've been programmed that we shouldn't want to feel good or feeling good
is like bad or wrong in some way.
And it's funny because we live still in a dualistic or polarized kind of paradigm at the moment.
And so we swing to the other end and, you know, here one end says,
you know, it's a sin to feel good.

You shouldn't feel good.
And then the other end is like this really, you know, addiction type of feeling
good, like addicted to pleasure and dopamine hits and just, yeah, swinging.
Both of these are not embodied whatsoever, right?
So again, like the vitality brings you back into the body.
It brings you back into your experience, your true experience of life,

which is the harmony of all of these aspects of ourselves as expressed through the physical body.
So it feels good. It feels good
in a very rooted embodied way and not in
a like obsessed with pleasure or dopamine or any of
those or you know completely against it everything's a
sin to feel good but to feel just really like you know what that's like do you

know what that's like it took me a while to know what that's like to not just
feel good but to feel good in my body like I'm still on that journey I'm still
still discovering what that's like.
And it's, I want to say it's new for me.
It's a new, it's a new, I feel like I'm in a new era right now and I'm just beginning.

So that's number six. Number seven is being vital really helps us with our awakening journey.
It helps us remember the truth It helps us reclaim our power,
our path, our potential, our purpose.

It's what's needed so we can see clearly beyond that, which is just with our
eyes, with our intuition,
with our soul, with our multidimensionality, through the lens of connection. It's just.

Yeah. When you're existing lower frequency, you can, it's not bad or,
you know, people are like, don't pick a negative thought, just be real.
Like I'm a fan of just, just be real.
And that's, that's the frequency that we're after.
And that takes some active engagement with understanding like what's actually real.
Like what I thought was real was actually just me running a program or running

somebody else's belief or being attached to an old story or,
And that's not just not the frequency I want to be operating at,
but it's also not the truth.
It's not what's real for me. And so being vital really gives us access to that
remembering, to that wisdom, that field of wisdom that we exist within and that we all have access to.

And the next reason, number, what number are we on?
Eight. Eight out of ten. The next is it strengthens us.
It stabilizes us. Like the strength vitality obviously isn't just a physical
experience, but physicality is part of it.
And so what is it like to be strong,

like physically strong, to feel like your body is informing you of whatever's
going on and that you're able to listen to it and that that you feel the strength of your body,
that it feels like an ally rather than, you know,
something you want to escape or a burden or, or, or, right?

Like, so the, the stabilizing and the strengthening of our system helps us to
build new systems and dismantle old systems.
And so we need that strength and we need that stability in order to best do what we're here to do.
The number nine is it calls back our power.

It calls back our power. So we have a lot of energy leaks.
Again, spoken from the vantage point of, you know, a person that can read and see and hear and feel.
And like I experience energy in a very distinct, very specific,
intense, sometimes, not always, but it's very, it's very, it's as clear to me

as what I see with my eyes.
In fact, it's actually clearer to me than what I see with my eyes or hear with my ears.
And so we have a lot of leaks in our body, in our energetic space,
and we're always leaking our power or we're giving our power away.
We don't realize the ways in

which we do that. And so calling back where we've given away our power...
Because nobody can take our power from us without our consent, right?
Let's get that like just out in the open. That's the flip of stepping out of
disempowerment and victim mode and really into self-responsibility and self-leadership to realize.

You know, no matter how messed up a relationship might be or a work dynamic
or whatever it is, it's like nobody gets your power unless you give it to them.
And and that's a journey to realize like
where are you leaking and where can you call that back in and
and set a new standard so it helps

us call back our power i want to say it also
calls in our power and
when i say in i feel like there's a
you know a lifting in from the earth
itself because we have so much
more access to to power
and the expression of our power in a very healthy healthy vitalistic

way that we we haven't
even tapped into yet maybe you know
there's definitely some individuals out there that are doing that but
as a collective whole like that is a that is a completely different game to
call in our power right from from within us from the earth itself to like really

bring it into our being call in our power and i want to say like the the next
level expansion of what that looks like.
And then the very last one that I have here is being vital really connects us.
It connects us to ourselves.
It connects us to other people. I mean, that connection always exists energetically,

but because we are operating often at a deficit in multiple ways, right?
Could be nutritionally, it could be, you know, we don't have the financial resources that we need.
We feel emotionally malnourished.
You know, we feel there's many different factors that influence our vitality and how vital we feel.

And so when we have, and because of that, there can be and feel a lot of disconnect,
disconnection from ourselves, selves, disconnection from God and source energy.
Disconnection from other people.
Like it just, it wreaks havoc when we don't experience vitality.

And just again, so it's super clear, vitality is not a static state. It is very dynamic.
It looks like different things at different times.
You are always evolving and changing. What you need in one moment may vary to
what you need in the next. And so it's really a very active process of being
present and being tuned in to what.

To what is needed, to what you need. And so when there's a lot of chaotic energies
and a lot of kind of confusion and we have the experience,
the perception of being disconnected and you feel that, right?

Like when you're interacting with other people or you feel like,
I just don't feel feel like myself, or I'm, you know, in this relationship,
but we just don't feel connected.
And, and so the more that you invest in your vitality, again,
the more you're able to discern what's my part, what's theirs,
the more you're able to hear your intuition, what, you know.

What is my intuition directing me to do or guiding me to do right now,
you understand more and get more clarity around your role in the larger scheme
of things and how you play a part in this bigger picture that's unfolding right now.
So it creates this very conscious connection, I will say, because again,

we're always connected energetically, but it creates a very conscious connection with ourselves,
with others, with the environment,
the earth, with God and source energy, there's just a conscious connection that
gets created because as soon as you start feeling vital, like really vital, the sense of security,

inner security and inner safety and inner peace become natural results.
They become natural outcomes, right? When your nervous system is regulated because you are in a more...
Engaged in conscious relationship with your own vitality you're
cultivating that and you move

differently you're a different version of
yourself you you perceive what's happening in your life and in life as a whole
with a completely different filter and so and you also get this i want to say
this natural impulse rising in you to be a part of it to connect,

to, you know, talk with that
person at the grocery store or do
the thing for your neighbor or have that
hard conversation with somebody that you had been avoiding or getting really
real with yourself around where you need to take more accountability or creating
the group project that you have been dreaming of doing or whatever it is, right? It connects us.

Vitality connects us in a more conscious and vital way.
And I'm just going to throw in actually a bonus that's popping to mind right
now. 11, 11 is a good number.
My son was actually due on 11, 11, 11 and born 11 days later.
So 11 is a number that figures prominently in my life.

And I will also add, if you are into the gene keys, which I am,
no affiliation again, I just am. I find it fascinating.
But this week in particular, I think it started today, actually,
they do a focus on a different gene key every like four days, I think.

And I think it's moving through body graph, but I'm not totally sure.
But anyway, the focus for this week is gene key 11.
And, and so there's an audio that you can listen about 20 minutes long to that.
And I've always learned so much. I love I love the system of the gene keys. It's fascinating to me.
So 11 is a theme. So I'm going to throw in this 11th, the 11th piece to this

vitality conversation.
And that is when you are vital, you create new standards, new standards for
your life, for life on this planet,
for your relationships, for your money, for your contribution.
Like you, you then perceive whatever is happening in your, your unique world and you,

you assess, does this work? Does this still feel aligned?
Is this resonant? And as you assess, the next piece organically takes place,
which is like, if this no longer fits me, what does?
And it's in that question that we then start creating new standards.
This is what I'd like to experience instead. This is the standard that I'm going

to hold for myself and for other people in my life.
You know, it's like the vitality version of you has different standards and,
and we get to discover and explore what those are individually and as a collective,
because that is the direction that we're moving in.
And I really would encourage you to claim it, claim it.

This is the direction we're moving in as a collective.
And when you are vital, you will just
claim it you'll take a different you feel a
different sense of connection to everything and
you're like no no we're not going to play it this old way i
can't believe i did that for however many years that
i submitted to that that i complied to that that i consented to that that i

operated in that way that i limited in myself in that way yeah no we're not
doing that anymore because now now that i'm vital i can see and i can feel and
i can experience life in a a different way and how I'm showing up in relationships is different.
And that's the kind of experience that I would love each person in the collective

to have that experience.
Like I want to be part of shaping that. They can have it in their own unique way.
I'm going to have it in mine. And together, that's what's creating the new earth
or the new paradigm or both the energetic and the physical architecture of how we exist.

On this plane of reality together in a very connected to our life force kind of way.
And again, that is the journey that I'm on. That's the conversation I want to be in.
And so I'm really looking forward to more and more conversations that I will
be having and bringing to you in the Vitality series.

And what else I want to tell you, if you are, you know, you have a specific
expertise around vitality, you facilitate transformation in any way, you're.
Transformational healer or fall under this sort of larger umbrella category
and are interested in adding to this conversation,

if you go to my website,, there's a podcast on the menu bar.
If you click on that, underneath that, you'll see be a guest.
And there's a form that you could
fill out if you're interested in being a guest on the Vitality series.
So just FYI, I pick by resonance, I pick with what feels right.

So I will get back to you either way.
But yeah, I just I always give people the disclaimer that I don't really care
how many followers you have, or how much training you have, or like whatever
your story is, it's all valid. and that's great.
But to me, it's like if there's a resonance between you and I,

and I will know that immediately.
And I know that for the people that I work with as clients and the people that
enter into my group programs, I know when there's a resonance.
And because I've become more vital, I'm very clear on where to put the boundaries
around that and where to have the standards around that. So again, it's, yeah.

That's just part of how we move in the new paradigm.
I'll leave you with one story. I remember I had this mentor, Jane.
I had asked her, I kind of idolized. I idolized all my mentors until I got to
know that they were also human.
And then it's a very humbling moment when you realize like, oh,

you're just a human being with your stuff too.
You just happen to have like, be incredibly supportive and have access to this
wisdom. So there's a real equalizing that goes on and a recalibration that goes
on in our relationships that's going to be part of the collective conversation as well.
But anyway, I was talking to Jade and I was kind of in the moment of still idolizing her.

And I said, do you want to come over for dinner?
Like, I really wanted to make her dinner. And she said, no, no,
I don't want to do that. that.
And I was like, what do you mean you don't want to do that? Like,
for a moment, I really took it personally. I was like, don't you like me?
You know, you know, when you're in that space of when somebody draws a boundary

with you or says no, and you're, you kind of question, is it me?
What did I do? Is it my energy?
And I always, she said, it just doesn't feel resonant. You know,
doesn't, the energy is not aligned for that in this moment.
And I'm like, is it me? And she was like, it might be you.
I was like, is it what I was going to cook? It might be that too.

I don't really need to know those details. I just know whether the energy is resonant or not.
So she, she set a standard for me to start perceiving, you know,
how I wanted to respond to people.
It's like, how many times do you really want to like tell somebody the truth,
but you're like, or feel a wobble, you know, and you're like,
I really want to say this, but you don't because you think because I was going to take it personally.

Yeah, we're moving out of that and into the space of really claiming what our
truth is and having that just be emotionally neutral and okay to set that standard
and to follow our resonance.
So that being said.
If you do feel the call to apply for the vitality conversation and be a part

of that, then please follow that call because even if it's right And it feels
right, like feels right to me.
It's like the, the, the impact of that and the experience of that can be quite profound.
And if for whatever reason it doesn't feel right, then maybe something else
does, you know, like there's, it all serves.
There's all a reason for, for the, the spark of intuition that is guiding you to do something.

So if that does pop for you, please do do that. All right. With that,
I'm going to pop off and say thank you so much for watching and tuning in.
And I will be back again with more conversations on the paradigm shift,
the energetic context of all of it, and your purpose role within it.
Thanks so much. See you soon.
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