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April 15, 2024 53 mins

Join guest Frances Young and I as we talk Human Design for fitness and vitality. We explore what types of fitness practices work best for the different human design profiles, what the human design system is all about, and how we can use the energy of our design to experience a more vital life. I learned so much that I will absolutely be applying to my life when it comes to health routines! 

Watch the video version of this chat.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Generators and manifesting generators have consistent energy and can benefit from high-intensity workouts.
  • Projectors and manifestors may need to find a balance between rest and physical activity.
  • Reflectors can benefit from a variety of physical activities and environments.
  • Profile lines can provide insights into how individuals approach exercise and learning.
  • Understanding the centers in your human design chart can help you tap into your energy and optimize your vitality.
About Frances

Frances Young is in her 9th year in the field of health & wellness as a personal trainer, manual therapist, and professional contemporary dancer. She incorporates her knowledge of Human Design and astrology while working with her clients to remind them that they are in control of their body’s and destiny.

All Frances wants to do is to spark the same passion for life that lives within her into all of her clients. She continues to choose what she does on a daily basis because of the transformative power of compassion and connection through physical touch and movement. Choosing to expect the unexpected, Frances lives life fearlessly everyday.

Frances's links

Website  --  Instagram  --  Her Podcast

The Vitality Series

The Vitality Series is part of Check the Energy podcast, where I chat with guests on new paradigm perspectives around how we can optimize our vitality in this transformational time we are living through, and participating in.

Check out the Vitality series Spotify playlist, a compilation of songs each guest on the series contributes. Here is the song Frances added. 

Enjoy, and thanks so much for tuning in. Please do like, follow, share, and all that good social media support to get this out to more of my people.

Cheers, bless, and all the best! 

Have we met yet? Hi, I’m Vanessa Smith, Energy Guide & Teacher, Spiritual Mentor & Messenger, and Founder of New Earth Collab.    I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.   You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!   Here’s how:   Be an Energy Guide You are being called to step into your energy gifts.   Clean Up Your Energy 51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!   Your Energy Story If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.   New Earth Collab For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.   Do connect on the socials! YouTubeLinkedInInstagram 

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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So every type is accessing the energy that is naturally flowing within their body.
As a lot of the time I will describe right now, people will ask me, so what's human design?
It is describing how energy is moving in our body and then how it wants to be expressed outwardly.
In when we're looking at a graph, there are four centers that are what we can say the motor centers.

Centers we could also say energy but motor is
a potentially better word to use in this
moment we've got the sacral center which we've been
talking about a lot with all of the types we have
the root center we've got the solar plexus we have the ego or the heart and
those are constantly giving the body some type of motor literally energy feedback

that was francis young our guest today for the Vitality Series on Check the Energy podcast.
And in this episode, we talked about human design, fitness, and vitality.
So for those of you that aren't familiar yet with the human design energy system or framework,
I highly invite you to tune into

this episode as we dive into the different types of human design profiles and
how you can work with that energy understanding of who you are in connection
to personalizing your fitness and vitality routine.
I learned so much in this episode that I just I wanted to soak up the conversation

for even longer. It was it was was fantastic.
Really hope you enjoy it and trust that you will.
If you want to check out more about Frances, please go to
And as always, you can find me at
Check the show notes for all the other links and descriptions that you want

to get for this episode. And with that, let's get started.
Welcome, welcome to Check the Energy podcast, the special vitality series.
And today we're going to be talking about the combination of physical vitality,
exercise, and really strength training your body combined with human design.

So really exercising in alignment with your type that I have.
My guest today is Frances Young, and she has a really unique background with
a combination of these two.
And I am super looking forward to the conversation because, as you may know,
I've turned into a bit of a human design, Gene Keys, astrology geek.

And I have not seen this out here at all, the combination of human design and
physical strength, like really working your body in a way that is in alignment with your design.
So that's what we'll be talking about about today.
And I knew when I first connected with Frances that I really wanted to have
her on the podcast because I have an application form.

And when people apply to be on the podcast, I was reading through everything
she wrote and I'll probably share this with you. Actually, I'll share it with you right now.
One of the things that she said that when I read it, I was like,
I really hope she books ASAP because I need to talk to her about these things.
So I'm going to read it to you right now.

And I'm going to wish that I had my glasses. So let me lean back here and do that.
Here we go. So the question was, and I'll have Frances introduce herself in just a minute.
But the question was, what is your expertise in the healing field?
What new paradigm perspectives do you want to bring to the vitality conversation?

Because that's what we're talking about here. She said, the new paradigm is already here.
And many individuals are finding it difficult to navigate.
Our thoughts and internal directions are constantly being challenged with the
society that is struggling to follow suit.
If we continue the conversations that are happening behind closed doors more,

more and more people will realize that we can support each other's individuation
while prospering together.
And I was like, yes, that is it. and she said, I'm a healer in many different
modalities through multiple lifetimes. I hold space to listen while a client moves their body.
And there's something about that sentence that just, I felt energy move through

my body to be witnessed in that way by somebody else who has a specific expertise
in strengthening the body in conjunction with human design.
So So I'm going to take a deep breath because I'm super stoked for this conversation
and have Frances introduce herself.
So welcome. Thank you for being here.

Vanessa, what an introduction. I'm like over here beaming so that even before
I say like my name, introduce myself officially. I am a generator.
You just gave me juice. Like, thank you so much. Okay.
So well, hello. My name is Frances Young.
I am the creator of the fearless project and myself as well.

A couple of years ago, I got really into human design, deeper into astrology,
and just have woven those things into my entire life of movement,
dance, and physical training as our body, our mind, and our spirit are technically one.

And I've been working with my body my whole life.
I've been expanding my mind as a little girl, getting into lots of different
things, going going through schooling, et cetera.
And then I got really into my own versions of spirituality and what is important
to me to expand that portion of myself.
And then now I'm weaving them all together and just helping my clients find

where they are on their journey of those three things.
And human design really, really helps the mind and the spirit part.
So so yeah welcome no
okay so I have so many questions so we're both generators and for those of the

people tuning in that are new to human design can you give a quick overview
of the different types so we all get a sense of you know what each type the energy of each type,
Of course. So within the human design system, like the first nugget is that
something that you said from my questions is that we are individuating with a system.

It's allowing us to be our specific energies and giving us the permission slip
to say, yes, keep doing it this way, because we need you to do it this way.
So there are five different energy
types that a person could be as a
human and first of all we've mentioned
generator they are the majority of

the population but we need all of
the generators and we are the juicy ones we are the ones that walk in a room
and if we're super happy like you're gonna notice the generator because they've
got this sacral energy that is here to yes the Be energy and be this moment
where they're going to give energy to others,

but that energy is light as well. It's light. It's joy. It's excitement.
Then we have manifesting generators, and they are similar to generators,
but they're also, when you say that to a manifesting generator,
they're like, hang on, wait, we're not like you.
They have this extra fire within them because they are a so-called hybrid energy

type. they have part generator, they have part manifester within them.
So they always have a defined throat chakra when you look at it on a body graph
in comparison to the fact that a generator may not have that.
And so they're a little bit more like their energizer, they're joyful,
but then they also might be a little bit more of like, I'm going to go do it

over here for a minute. And then I'm going to go do it over here for a minute.
And that's how their energy wants wants to go they're very non-linear humans
and then we have
projectors projectors are the ones that
are here to help guide all of this exciting
energy that's here with the majority of the generators and the manifesting generators

they are if to use a description and analogy just like a projector that's on
a wall they shine out their light they're like this is how we do the thing because
I can see how to do all the things.
However, the projector sometimes has a really tricky time seeing themselves.
Like there's no light shining on an actual projector that's shining its light outwards.

So sometimes a projector is like, I want to feel seen. I want to,
why don't you see me? But yet I see everything.
And then we have manifestors. So I've mentioned a little bit about how they may come across.
They are truly the trailblazers to give them a word and a nugget.
Say back hundreds of years ago, most likely we had lots of kings and queens

or lords and ladies that were manifestors.
They are here to lead a bunch of people.
They spur into action with energy, but then they also have these moments where
they need to rest and hide and be by themselves.
And that varies in their, how they operate. Last but not least,
and the most, when sometimes people find out their energy types,

they're like, oh, I'm not special. That was me.
That was me. We have reflectors and I have had the privilege of getting to know
a couple of reflectors more recently.
They're one percent of the population and their
energy is so different because they are
connected to the moon they are lunar

beings as opposed to the rest of the energy types are solar beings and their
energy is literally a mirror and that they take in so much of their environment
that they are able to better truly reflect out what they see what they feel
what they hear but then And sometimes the reflector, again,
kind of like the projector essence of, but what am I, why am I not surprised

by what's happening around me?
Yeah. So they're in their like truly own category. Yeah. Yeah.
It's interesting because I'm, as you're seeing all of these definitions,
I am thinking of everybody that I know that fits into these different categories
and knowing their energy tops.

Like I had a period of time where I'd say 90% of my clients were manifesting generators.
And I like to think of it as, I know, I know as like having their your hands
in many cookie jars at once, but then only taking one bite of a cookie and then putting it back.
That's it. That's a great analogy for them.

There's not necessarily the completion that perhaps a generator might desire.
And then I know manifestors. I've had a couple of clients that are manifestors
and they have big, big visions.
And if you do not manifest that vision, talk about a massive drain on your energy, right?
I mean, they're like, what am I existing for?

Like, what is the point of all of this? My son, he is a projector and both my
husband and I are generators.
So we were like, let's go, let's go, let's go. And he's like,
let's rest, you know, but he's also absorbing this generator energy and kind
of trying to define where he is in all of of that. And so that's interesting.

And then I've also met two, know two people who are reflectors and one of them
was very much living like a generator and was perpetually drained.
And I remember having a conversation, I said, do you know your human design?
And what, you know, just unpacking more on like why she was so wound up.

I'm like, it's not living in accordance with, with your design, right?
And so just, it's fascinating when you have this framework. And so now I'm interested in.
And I would love if you started with the generator perspective because I'm a
generator and I'm one in one with us. Yeah. Okay, great.

That is perfect that you're here. So talk about how you connect this with physicality, with,
you know, I want to say specifically with strengthening our system because as
you know, and we may get into this a bit more in a little while,
but there's a shift that we're currently in.
And it's an energetic it's a shift on

multiple levels right we have a consciousness shift happening we
have an energetic shift happening and then
we have a systems and structures shift that's happening
right so there's a lot of internal and external frameworks
that are really undergoing a mass transformation right now as i understand it
right this is usually my wheelhouse of what i what i end up talking about and

so and then we have this particular year of of 2027 in the human design framework where it's like, wow,
okay, things are really going to shift now.
And I feel very much, and you may feel the same way too,
and I'll circle back to the question that I have, but how do we best prepare

people to strengthen their system,
to strengthen their their physicality, because I, I hold strongly,
it's my value that being vital,
being really, you know, having vitality as your foundation is one of the most foundational, um.
Courageous investments and rebellious acts that you can do to be the most vital

version of you in the world.
And that we're going to need that as we navigate these energetic and collective
shifts that are going on.
How can we strengthen ourselves physically so we can move through these these
energies in alignment with our design.
In your perspective, how is it different per type?

What are generators meant to be doing in terms of strengthening their physicality versus projectors?
This question is so amazing. There's so many parts. I was like,
where do I start in my brain?
First of all, I was like, I heard the word rebellious and I was like,
we're in Aquarius season. This is perfect.
Yeah, it's perfect. So every type is accessing the energy that is naturally

flowing within their body.
As a lot of the time I will describe right now, people will ask me, so what's human design?
I've gone through my different elevator pitches thousands of times. How do I want to say this?
It is describing how energy is moving in our body and then how it wants to be expressed outwardly.
So we can think about the inside and we'll start with generator.

I'll start in a concise manner.
Generator, why a generator is a generator is because they have the sacral chakra,
let's call it ignited, defined, whatever word we want to use,
but that is consistent energy on a body graph.
It's within their body. Like I can tell now when I'm tapped into,

okay, okay, this is sacral energy for me.
That is linked to a generator's guts. It's linked to their desire.
It's linked to literally, like you can see my energy perk up as well when I talk about it. Yeah.
So that has to get burned out in a 24-hour cycle for a generator.

So a generator typically can train in a little bit of,
let's put it in air quotes, it's harder fashion potentially than maybe initially
a projector or maybe initially a manifestor, but they're also very different
because they have to work hard at burning the battery.
So any client that I have then realized and done their human design at what

point that I got into design, including my own, these are people that I strength
train with just naturally have pushed them quite hard in the gym.
Because out of at least if I'm working with them for an hour,
I warm them up, I get them going, we lift the weight, we're pumping it,
I'm doing the circuit, like this is a type of being that is like gonna love

CrossFit, they're gonna love a high intensity HIIT class,
they're gonna love something where they also are training consistently throughout the week.
A lot of the time, a generator is not always a morning person,
but somebody that wants to start their day physically, depending on different
nuances that are in their design. And this is where it gets super nerdy.

But they want to build their day and feel excited from the get-go.
Again, lighting up the sacral, making it feel like it's already satisfied.
Their theme of the Lego song, everything is awesome.
That's a generator. So they want to stack that with their workout.

If you were to then flip that to a manifesting generator, there is nuance within them.
And I have an example that I love to use this one particular client.
They did not find me until they were 48 and manifesting generator.
They're an artist. They've done so many different things with
their life and they'd done

strength training before they'd done all these different things
but they'd never found yet a trainer that they resonated with
so they finally found me and they were they went at me to try and like become
their client and I don't like there were moments where I was like I don't know
if this is gonna like work that was such a manifesting generator moment of of

her being like the manifestor piece in her,
like going after me. Like, I want you. Yeah, I want you.
And then I really had to like flow and find different things that she liked in the gym.
Once we found that she loved deadlifts, we did that.
And like that changed her perspective on training.

I had to think about different cues as to how to interact with her body and
get her excited about different things. A manifesting generator can kind of
veer off and they're like, I've got this going on or I want to change this all
of a sudden. I want to go to boxing class.
If you have a manifesting generator as a client, let them do their thing when
they need to do their thing.

Projector in relation to, say, if a projector has a generator as a trainer.
Or they love potentially to be in a class environment?
Because a projector could still
potentially strength train. And I think projectors should strength train.
My housemate is a projector. I train her. We lift.

However, how I approach a session is very different. There are three energy
types that are non-sacral beings.
We have projector, manifester, and reflector.
So their sacral center, if you were to look at their body graph, is not colored in.
And that doesn't mean that they don't possess their sacral center.

It's just that that battery operates differently.
As you mentioned, your son kind of like rides with you and your husband.
There are moments where he's very much going to be like, not like couch potato,
couch potato, but just like, I need to rest.
I just need to like have my moment. but then
with you like you'll see his energy change
because he's going to ride some sacral with

the two of you and the projector can
work their body but projectors or
other energy types with regard to fitness space have potentially been overworking
their sacrals or if they have a defined root which is the very bottom of a body
graph that square if that isn't colored in as well They could be overworking their adrenals.

They're trying to push to go to these early classes or they're trying to push
to keep up with whatever class that they're doing or working with a trainer
24-7, whatever their vibe is.
They still need to lift, but they really, a projector and a workout wants to
know how they're connecting their TVA to the rest of their core and their center

of their body in order to squat.
In the most efficient way. They want to, again, be efficient,
understand what's happening.
So can I interrupt you for just a second? Go for it.
Yeah. Because this is one of the hallmarks of my son.
And I love, I've done all of our charts. I love figuring everything out.
So would you say it's a hallmark of a projector to need to know how things work?

Yes. Okay. Because Because he has forever taken things apart and then put them
back together in a completely, in the same way and a completely new way.
Yeah. He has to know how it works. And he's perpetually asking questions about everything.
And beyond that phase of when you're a kid and you ask a lot of questions,

he just, he's always asking questions.
So that's helpful. Okay, continue, continue.
I love that. I love that that helped. and I mean in my past slash like now when
I know when I'm talking to a projector and they're explaining whatever they're explaining,
I sit back a little more now. I let them have their moment.

Whereas like the generator in me, I happen to have a defined throat chakra.
I've got like all of the ones up the center, but I feel all the bottom and I
don't have a defined ego for the nerds that listen on doing something about my graph.
So like I wanna talk back a little bit and put my energy in the pot,
but the projector really just, you know, wants that field scene.

I just, I get it. I see I'm so nerdy about this thing. Let me help you with
also their opinions as well.
Projector feeling that their opinion is heard is a very important piece to how
their energy wants to express.
So when we apply that then to their fitness, like knowing what their body is
doing, a generator might be a bit more like, let's go like, oh,

I just want to get in my session.
That energy will potentially be prevalent.
But the projector is like, hang on, where does the barbell go?
How do I do this? So you can give a projector all of the cues and they'll be
so happy if they're ready to take in that information, of course.
And they just they potentially need it to be a little bit of a different paced session.

Projectors actually love their like in my brain for all of the breadth of different
types of physical movement I have done.
They love weightlifting, like an Olympic weightlifter vibe or a powerlifter
vibe because you lift, you sit.
You lift you sit it's a very can sometimes feel like a stop and go type of session

where high physical output for under 30 seconds depending on the length of your your set and then sit,
perfect for a projector.
That's so interesting. I actually did a CrossFit class with him and the teacher

who was, or the coach, the trainer, trainer, trainer, who was facilitating it.
I was having the best time doing the jump rope.
I was just jump, jump, jump, jump. So it's that generator energy of like,
let's go, let's go, let's go.
And he was just cooped, just
trying to do any of the continuous newest jump rope

but he loved the weights and i
did not we move yeah
let's just like stir it up a little bit yeah uh manifestors they have this essence
of play about them it's very particular to when we put it into a physical context

because they want to lead us they are are very, they have these bursts.
Literally their system is, is getting bursts from energy that we could say is
source energy that we could say is something of divine that is giving them this
hit of, I'm going to go do this.
So typically manifestors love sports.

That is a piece to how you can approach fitness with a manifestor or making
a manifestor's body strong, their physical body strong.
Any sport that's got bursts, soccer, tennis, like we can name off.
A lot of sports have a lot of bursting moments. Hockey also,

that veers into a little bit for me, maybe manifesting generator moment.
Of being able to sustain skating for you know
two minutes on a session when they're coming out
on the rink or an interval there we go
that's what I was looking for I know I have
clients that are manifestors and as well

they also very much like let's do one strength training session a week then
I'm gonna go to yoga then I'm gonna go do this as well that's like a type of
a burst of this is how how I'm going to still take care of my body in lots of
different ways that helps it feel strong
and not be stuck to one thing.

Because if, again, you kind of like a manifesting generator,
you box a manifester, they're like, get me out, get me out.
If I feel locked into a routine, get me out of this routine,
get me out of this routine. Mm-hmm.
I've known a manifester who was a boxing coach and boxing is like that perfect,

interval moment of a type of a sport that makes
the body yes very strong if you were to do it in like
a class scenario right and then reflectors like say nuggets about them they
can still have strong bodies as much as their environment is the silver lining

i want to say that way of putting their energy because it's so beautiful,
as to how they work with it, where they do their physical fitness of some kind
is very important to them.
So I have not yet trained a reflector.
But for what I know of the reflectors that I've spoken to, I know a reflector

that is a ballroom dancer slash they like do different dance styles.
So traveling to different studios and experiencing those different environments
and different partners is really beneficial for them because they're experiencing
different energy when they dance with different people.
Just so cool for that person. Right. Right.

A reflector really enjoys having the variability of knowing that one workout
one day is going to be outside. So I'm going to go for a hike.
Or today I'm going to go for the pool. Today I'm going to go for this thing.
Kind of also a little bit like the manifester in that way, but they want to
be able to change their intensity due to whatever other energy is around them.

Again they're a non-sacral being they're if
i'm training a reflector probably great day to lift
probably great day to like push something
that is against their resistance so challenging
that type of physicality as opposed to if
another day if they're working with a projector maybe they're going
to do pilates or yoga they're getting really into okay

how do i breathe to to feel this and this to
do that so I'm impressed
that I went through all the types of like trying to nugget those yeah
no that was great that was super helpful so
now that leads me to I'm curious about do the the lines the their profile lines

right it's which uh the or the energy types themselves well I'm talking about
like if you're like I'm a five one oh so get it okay I wasn't I wasn't sure
if you were talking specifically about profile or you wanted to like expand more on types.
Yes. Okay. So profile. So profile lines.
I'm a 5.1 generator. My husband is a 1.3 generator.

Wow. Great. You are? Okay. So do the lines impact how we...
Like how does that play into the vitality conversation? Oh, I love this question.
No one's asked me this question and I have an answer for it.
Because our profile kind of gives us so many extra moments of if somebody is

also beginning to look at that, they're looking at essences of personality.
A 1-3 over healer loves to learn and is going to also really want somebody or
a class, whatever their learning environment is when they're working their body,
to feel like they're learning from the beginning something that is,

in air quotes, correct for that type of style of movement.
And they are going to have to trial and error for the three,
five of how do I like to do CrossFit?
I have gone to how many gyms, how many environments over the course of since
I started CrossFit way back in the day when people sort of knew about it in 2011, like well before.

And that was even when it was like starting to get big, but I've done all the things.
And then I became a a coach. And then I did this. So that's definitely my one, three moment.
Right. So if I were to have a client that's a one, three, I'm going to teach
them lots of different things and see what sticks.
And then if something's sticking, okay, let's go on that.

My background, I started dance when I was seven.
I did Scottish Highland dancing. Then I did ballet.
Then I did contemporary. Again, we're going through this like learning phase
of life of all of these different styles.
Yeah or a five one for yourself Vanessa
you've got this like superhero I know how to do this but I want to know every

intricacy to like paint that as like a whole picture I would like you know get
into the nitty-gritty of okay I'm going to teach you how to squat lot,
but I'm also going to not over cue you so that you feel like I'm doing this
and help that five moment without you probably even realizing because there

are parts to like profile,
at least for how I see profile in a client when I'm getting to know somebody
now that I keep that nugget kind of in the back of my head.
Because sometimes profile, when we tell somebody their profile,
I was having a conversation with somebody yesterday that was a 6'2",
a left incarnation, like a 5'1".

And the 6'2 is this wise sage and they're just a naturalist.
So I'm very much going to use language that helps them feel like they already
know what they're doing.
So I love that you asked that question. I can go go down all the rabbit holes on that one.
Yeah, no, great. Okay. So let's, let's stay with it. And I'm already thinking,

cause my son is a, he's a six, two projector.
So I'm like putting all the pieces together. Yeah.
But for the newbies that are tuning in, go through all of the lines,
the one through six and give a little snippet of what each of the lines are about.
And then just for those of you that are listening or watching,
you can go to gene and get free profile.

And then oh jinky sorry human design there's many
different places you can get your human design chart so
you have any favorites i so my training i have done through jenna zoe oh she
if you i love jenna she's beautiful human beautiful projector two four that
she is and her site is my human

The chart is free and it's a great place to start.
It's a really detailed breakdown too for a human design chart.
It's readable because you really need to understand the light.
It's a whole new language with human design.
That is the one thing I know we're not talking about gene keys,
but my brain instantly defaults to gene caves because it's you know obviously

integrates all of these different aspects of human design but it's.
Little more easier to integrate in terms of the language.
You can look at your chart and go, I understand what this means versus when
you're looking at a body graph and you see numbers and colors are everywhere,
channels, and you're thinking, how do I put this together?

So please do get your human design chart done and then you can make sense of
more sense of what what we're talking about, but go ahead. Lines, lines.
Okay. So the one, and I'm going to kind of give like a couple different names
because some original language that our founder and downloader of human design

raw, his language is amazing,
but it's also very like, this is the way he saw it and we needed to see it that way.
But I do love how the human design community has expanded, including myself,
of using these other names and this language that we have to just better help
us feel that in certain ways,

we're not like stuck to this one like moment of this is how we define ourselves,
which again is our part of our individuation process. So I think it's beautiful in that way.
So the one is the investigator.
It's this teacher moment that like wants to know everything.
So the one is the foundation. The one is where we start everything.

And if our foundation, if somebody has a one in their profile,
regardless of their energy type, give them the knowledge when they're ready.
Like if they're asking for it and they like a projector essence,
want to know how to do something better than, you know, especially if they'd
never done done it before, they want to get nitty gritty.

The two is the naturalist. It's also linked to the word the hermit.
But the hermit in my mind, once I like started to see other language,
I was like, oh, somebody that is just actually really good at something without
even having seen it before.
But sometimes they figure that out by themselves. Sometimes it's this moment

of they're going to figure out that they really love let's use pilates as an
example but maybe they figured that out by themselves without somebody else
telling them to go to pilates class,
kind of energy and it doesn't mean that they need to work out on their own maybe
they need a class maybe they need the energy with to be with other people but

the two is you might not have to to explain something to them as many times as the one,
because they're just going to get it at some point. It's just going to click.
Three i spoke a little bit about the three for myself the three
is the martyr also not my
favorite word to use for the three my favorite use

to word to use for the three is the experimenter that's how i think about it
yeah yeah this trial and error person okay didn't like this way of doing pilates
okay i'm on the pilates track we're gonna do it this way i want to be on a cadillac
as as opposed to doing the mat. And this is way better.

And the three goes through the love, hate relationship.
Hates is a strong word. The love, dislike relationship of I'm tired of the tri,
I'm tired of refiguring it out.
But the cool part about the three is it, if we were to talk about the trigram
and the six profiles as a whole, the three is the top of the first three.

It's got some experience.
And it's also the perfect person to go to. Hey, did you try that studio?
Oh yeah, I didn't like this studio for X, Y, Z. Go to this studio instead.
Or go to this teacher at this studio because I tried all the teachers as a moment.
The for is the people person.

Or the opportunist is also the original word that comes along with the for.
And the four is definitely a person that likes to, at least when I think of
people that have a four in their profile,
is somebody that needs to do physical movement activity of any kind with others.

They have a difficult time motivating themselves on their own,
regardless of energy type.
I'm currently going through my head as to all the fours that I know of friends,
family, clients, all fours, they all do it with people. Yeah.
The four is because of it being the people person, it needs its people.

And one of which my housemate has a four in their profile and their projector.
Projector, and I'm like scanning my brain.
Have I known them to do anything not with myself in a class?
No, they do not work out on their own of any capacity.
Even if they were to go for a hike, they're like, they want to bring their friend along.

The five, you have the five as the beginning of your profile.
The five, I also do not like the original wording, is called the heretic.
Or the five in other language that you can sometimes now find is the superhero.
Love that language for the five. Because they want to tell everybody about what

they're doing physically.
As much as, yeah, at least. And I can't wait to hear your experience of thinking
about what that five means for you and what you've ever done physically for
your body over the course of your life.
But the five is a little bit like the three. It wants to get down and dirty.
It wants to experience and then it wants to talk about it.

So the potential of being in a class type of environment,
being with a trainer, being where they can potentially be on some sort of stage
moment of this is what I'm doing and I enjoy this.
I don't enjoy this. I'm going to tell you to help you this other person moment

that's in front of me or audience.
The fact that you have a podcast, this is an audience as well.
The six Six is the top of the trigram.
The six is the wise sage or the role model and is definitely within a type of

strength training their body scenario.
Wanting to feel that I know what I'm doing, but you could potentially leave me on my own.
A six, in my opinion, has the potential if they've got the know-how to do something
on their own, in my opinion.

With having a three, I've got some energy of a six moment. I very much actually
do love working out on my own.
But I have somewhat cultivated that into my way in which that I work.
My schedule for me is an example.
However, like I'll take dance class and have my entire life.
But I actually am that person that loves to be at the front.

So if there's anything else about the six, they, there's like parts of me that
want to say that they want to feel that they're in control, but within control within themselves.
Not that they're, you know, in control of the class, but they,
they want to know that they're doing it right.
And so if they're trying something new for the first time and they're not getting

it, there might be like a different moment from the six.
Also too, when I think about people that I worked with that have
six in their profile they want to be
really good at it to begin with and if they're not just give
them their like moment their time to like
know or sometimes to actually depending on the person their life experience

etc over complimenting the six sometimes doesn't make them shut down but makes
them be like overthink it just giving them the like that perfect like like, you got this,
you did this right. And then they're like, oh, okay.
As opposed to like trying to steamroll them with a million compliments.

That's really helpful.
It's really helpful. I see where that applies again with my son who is a 16 projector.
So thank you for that.
So I have one last question for you. And like I mentioned to you also just off
the recording, and I feel like I have a million more questions.

So we may do a part two, tune in if we do.
The last question that I want to bring in has to do with in knowing your human
design, are there any other key areas for us to be aware of,
whether they're the centers or the channels.
To help ourselves increase and optimize our vitality?

What we've covered the types, we've covered the
profile lines what else do we need to
tune into to really create an optimized vitality
for ourselves love this question so in
when we're looking at a graph there are four centers that are what we can say

the motor centers we could also say energy but motors a potentially better word
to use in this moment we've got the sacral center which we've been been talking
about a lot with all of the types.
We have the root center, which is very bottom.
We've got the solar plexus, which is the center of emotions in human design.

We have the ego or the heart, which is literally also called the motivation
center in human design as well.
And those are constantly giving the body some type of motor,
literally energy feedback. back.
I know a generator that has all four of those.

Have so much energy, it's ridiculous. They happen to be a CrossFit coach.
They happen to be somebody that is in that type of physical space that works excellent for them.
So to like kind of rear back to vitality, looking at that, those four particular
centers on your graph, if you've got any combination of those,

that's a place where you can know that this is potentially where in one given day,
one given week or I can look
at this is where I am potentially I
can draw energy from I can know that this energy is consistent within me because
if it's colored in it's defined energy it's a defined motor and if it's not

colored in to know that I love the analogy of a white center is a a sponge.
I can know that I can soak up energy in this place if I need to.
If I really just want to go to one class this week, I'm going to go to a class.
So I'm going to potentially experience sacral energy, root energy.

We know we're going to experience emotional energy wherever we go,
potentially a defined ego to like ride off that energy, use it.
But if you've got more of those centers white, myself, I just have the sacral of those four.
I very much have to now better understand when I don't have to listen to the

pressure of the rest of the world of I should be working out at X time doing X thing.
Our root center is linked to pressure that I need to do it it when i'm ready
because i know i've got my battery and so if someone is able to better to tap
into an experiment as human design is the experiment the ultimate human experiment of,

tapping into if there is a day where they feel more emotional and they have an emotional authority,
sometimes working out moving their body is the best way to move that emotion
and change it and And to like utilize it as a motor that day.
That's going to help them feel better that day. Increase their vitality.
Increase everything that feels good in their system.

Someone who has a defined ego and motivation center is Tony Robbins.
Love listening to Tony Robbins. He makes us feel amazing. And when we're not
with him or we're not listening to something that he's speaking about,
we don't potentially feel as much motivation.

When I learned that because I have a completely open ego, I was like.
Oh, well, this is why some days I am highly motivated and some days I am not. Yeah.
And I can remove my, you know, conditioned mindset of this is how I succeed.
This is how I I get more fit versus how I'm supposed to do certain things so

that I'm moving at my pace to feel my strongest and my best body as opposed
to how I am told by Tony Robbins to be successful or anything else.
Right. Yeah. I hope that answers that in kind of like this veering circular way.
Yeah, no, it was great because I think about being in the social media landscape

and how we are just inundated with all of these different ways to here's how
you want to work out or here's what you want to eat.
And I think about the mass level of information can be incredibly overwhelming
and very confusing for people because, I mean, not only is it a lot of contradictory information,

but it's also not geared specifically to how they're designed.
And so I feel like we have a real gap.
Invitation and opportunity to actually get to know how do we work quite literally,
quite logistically, and then put that in the framework of strengthening our

system, of optimizing vitality.
And I really, really appreciate you being here today because I feel like you've
demystified and these different aspects,
these different baseline aspects of human design and linked it to vitality in
a way that makes it very tangible and applicable and relatable,

super relatable. So I learned a ton today.
Thank you for coming. You're most welcome, Vanessa. As you can tell,
I'm the nerd. I'm the one three about it.
But to me, it also like I wanted to feel tangible. When people look at a graph,
they're like, oh, my God, myself included.
And there's all these numbers and there's like even myself, I'll be diving down

the rabbit holes for the rest rest of my life, but it can be as basic as the profiles.
It can be as basic as what is my energy type.
And we can start there and then we can get nuanced on like, so if you've got,
you know, the 40 gift 40, maybe you do want to be at the front of the class.
And some days you don't, because you want this like feeling of being seen,

but also being alone, you know, like there's so so many levels of where you
can go nerdy, but it can be very basic.
And it's again, the experiment we're only, you know, 30 years into working with
this and how many more 30 ish years working with this system.
So I feel privileged to be able to speak about it with you and like be on the

train of helping people in a true way of becoming individually strong strong, and feel them best.
Feel, fear, feel, wow, their best.
Yes. Oh my gosh. Can you please, before we end this and close this out,
I know that you have this fearless spirit.

Talk a little bit about where people can find you and what the Fearless Project is about.
So it's interesting. I came up with the name, the Fearless Project,
for like my business, free to knowing about human design. Oh, okay.
And I have always felt as a trainer, free to human design, that what's my niche?

How am I going to stick out my own like self-internal complex?
And I felt that like my business name trying to, you know, become official in
that essence of being an entrepreneur that I didn't just want to be called Frances
Young personal trainer.
I like I felt like my calling was, you know, my soul saying you're bigger than this. Yeah.

So I wanted to create a name that could be separate from myself.
So the fearless project came out of, you know, I think some mind mapping maybe.
And I don't remember now. hours is a while ago. And I've realized now that I
essentially, as being someone's trainer, have always felt like their personal cheerleader.

I'm the person counting the reps, helping them feel good, teaching them,
just making fitness accessible in any form.
And helping someone feel feel their most fearless self.
And human design does that by just helping them remember that they're fearless,

regardless of what they do.
They are born that way. They are fearless from the beginning.
You wouldn't have been given your energy type and all of the things that are
within you for some other reason.
And that's kind of like the perfect nugget, helping somebody feel,

it's a tongue twister, feel their most fearless.
So I love that it came well before knowing about human design.
So you can find me on Instagram. It is my business name, is my handle.
So the fearless project ltd or

limited and then once you see that you'll see
that francis young pops up as well i do have a website that happens to be my
first and last name so francis young f-r-a-n-c-e-s-y-o-u-n-g and then it has
c-p-t or certified personal trainer okay.

Those are the two main places to find me. You can contact me through those with
email or DM or all the things.
And I'm very much somebody that on those platforms is trying to bring,
again, the overall well-rounded type of knowledge on integrating just overall
physical life, wellness approach to living with design.

So there's aspects that'll say fitness for
manifestors as a whole generators for fitness
for generators as a whole yeah and nuggets
of information to help you dive deep when you need to but
again the like so I'm just starting at basics and
what does that mean moment basics are fundamental

yeah yes fantastic well thank you again so much for joining me today and thank
you everyone for tuning in to this special broadcast on the Vitality Series
about human design and your vitality, your physical fitness.
I look forward to speaking with you again soon and bringing on another guest

to explore more about vitality in this paradigm shift. Take care.
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