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March 22, 2024 19 mins

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In this deeply personal episode of Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs, your host, Aubrey Bahr, opens up about her unique journey as a Christian woman who is also a healer. By sharing her experiences and internal struggles with juggling faith and healing work, she illuminates the significance of personal decisions and the role of divine guidance in her life.

Throughout the episode, Aubrey speaks candidly about her transformative journey from being a massage therapist to becoming a spiritual healer. Shining light on her complex path, she challenges widespread misunderstandings about healing and spirituality within the Christian community, even as she acknowledges the pitfalls of scams in spiritual work.

Aubrey offers her listeners insight into how they can integrate spiritual gifts, energy healing, and subconscious work to further their personal wellness. Offering reassurances based on biblical references, she emphasizes the need to embrace, not fear, the unseen aspects of God's creation and their potential aid in healing and growth.

Engaging, honest, and filled with hope, this episode is an invitation to reflect, learn, and participate in ongoing conversations about the intersection of Christianity and energy healing. Discover how Aubrey's experiences may inspire your own journey to enhance your faith and overall wellbeing.

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Episode Transcript

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Good morning, friends. I hope you all are well. I don't know if you're on a
spring break or not. We are gearing up for that next week.
And so there's a lot of things going on. And I think the next couple episodes may be guest episodes.
It just depends on how fast I get my stuff together, because I do have family
coming in from LA, and then family coming in from Utah.

So it'll be a fun week, but I will most definitely be scheduling my podcast
episodes, and it may be guest episodes.
So those are always fun anyway, right?
All right, but today I really wanted to focus in on something that is maybe,

you know what, I'll be honest with you.
I feel like I'm an open book, but there's definitely some things that I don't talk about often.
And I think that's because I've just been kind of, I internalize a lot.
So even on my birth chart, I'm very much someone who has a lot of retrogrades
and those tend to look like me internalizing things.

And then also my human design, you know, I have a six, two line.
So that hermit line is number two.
And that definitely it, what can I say? Okay. It's me. me.
I can't apologize for it because it is what makes me such introspective kind of person.
So I love it. I love it. But it's definitely funny to me when I come across

people who are like, you know, I feel like we're so close, Aubrey.
And, you know, we've been friends for years, but I don't know anything about
you. And this has happened to me so many times.
And you guys, guys, you guys know I can talk. Okay.
So it's not about like not talking at all, but it is about like maybe reflecting
on other people a little bit more and allowing myself to stay what feels safe for me,

which is often just keeping it to myself. Right.
So over time I've had to learn to speak about things.
I've had to learn to talk about my feelings, but at the same time,
there's There's definitely a lot of topics that I'm like, I feel a certain way about something.
I'm going to keep it to myself and move on with life.

And, you know, there is definitely a part of that that's like,
well, it's none of your business. And it's, you know, because it's not right.
A lot of things we can keep to ourselves if we want to.
But all of that being said, there is something that I don't talk about a lot
that I absolutely think it's ready to come out.
And that is what it's like being a healer and also being a Christian woman, which I am.

So we're going to go ahead and run these beginning credits and maybe we'll go
into a little story time. I don't know what's going to happen.
I'm glad you're along for the ride, though. All right, here we go.
Hey friend, welcome to Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs.
My name is Aubrey Barr and I am a subconscious release technique practitioner

and photography business owner.
I know you are sick of ending your day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and
you are seeking a solution to help you feel creatively inspired and actively
engaged in your business as well as personal life.
In this podcast, we are going to dig into any limiting beliefs or subconscious

programs that are keeping you in a space filled with anxiety and stress.
This work is not a temporary solution for your life. No, this is a complete transformation.
So grab your coffee or tea and let's start you on the road to healing.
And let me just say, you can do this. You are worth it.

And you are meant to thrive in life and business. So let's dig in.
The biggest reason why I want
to talk about this today is because I have over the last couple years seen countless

comments and questions and concerns and opinions from other Christians saying
that doing anything like what I do is,
I don't know if I want to use the word blasphemy.
It's pretty serious. Like, well, that's not a Christian thing to do because only Christ can heal.

And it's funny because even other Christians that I know that are in this world,
they go back and forth with using the word healer, just because it's,
you know, meant for the one and only, right?
And I don't disagree with any of that. And I'm going to kind of explain my points

here today with you guys.
First off, I do want to say that I believe in personal revelation.
And so in my world, what that looks like is that I am able to connect with God
and Christ, and I'm able to to make
my own decisions based off of what the answers are that I get directly.

So in other words, I don't need to talk to a bishop or a pastor or a preacher
in order to get any of these answers.
I mean, I'm open to it if I need to, but basically I have this open conversation
with God where I can pray and I can ask for things.
I can pray and I can thank for things and I feel a connection there.

And so that means that I can get ideas and direction myself,
right? I don't need to go through someone else.
And a lot of people do believe that, but they don't realize it, right?
And then some people think that there's no way for us to do that. That's not possible.

We have to follow a certain organizational kind of rule about things or something like that.
But I believe we all can get that connection.
I believe that we all can receive answers that way.
And so what I find useful in my life, what I choose to do in my life as a Christian
woman is always going to be what I directly feel like I need to do.

And so I go, I go in prayer all the time.
I go in meditation all the time. I receive answers that way.
I'm going to give you guys an example.
So a few years ago, I think it was 2018 was the first time I received my Reiki one practitioner.
And that was huge for me. I, it's crazy.

I mean, if you do some Googling, you will find that there is a definite line
that gets crossed somewhere in in there when you decide to train as an energy
worker and you're also a Christian.
I found it to be, like I said, everything is a personal decision.
Okay. So for me, I hemmed and hawed over whether I should do this. I felt a pull towards it.

And then I thought, well, if this is for me, you know, then I need to pray about
it to make it feel good because I'm being told that this work is not not things for Christians.
And this is very bad. And there's a lot of evil and all of these things.
And so I personally prayed about it. And the answer I got was, this is for you.

And I said, okay, I'm going to do it then.
And I felt really good about it. I felt really good about it. I felt settled.
I felt like, okay, I mean, I don't know what other answers other people will get.
Maybe you're out there and you feel like you've been told to avoid these things.
And that's totally fine.
Like we're all different, right? Our capacity is different.

Our ability to tell right from wrong or good from bad, right?
All of that is different depending on who you are.
So for me though, this was a definite yes. And so I pursued that Reiki one and
two, and then later I got my Reiki master.
And that was a big deal for me because that was me going against the general

idea because it felt good and I got the answer that I should.
And I will say that getting my Reiki master certification definitely turned
something on inside of me where I realized that.
We are not sent here to suffer.
And I know that that is a general idea that a lot of Christians believe,

that we're here so we can suffer and be tested and, you know,
and all of that good stuff. I could go on for hours, right?
But I also believe that we're here to experience life. Like,
look what God created. He created all of this for us.
And honestly, if we allow ourselves to, there's so much to explore.

There's so much happiness to be had. there's so much joy. Even in the sorrow,
there's still things that are joyful.
You know, people who are grieving find so much solace in being able to,
you know, see a butterfly that reminds them of their loved one or,
you know, catch a glimpse of a rainbow, right?
There's so much beauty out there. And I believe that we are meant to experience it to its fullest.

Now there is this whole idea
around christians and i'm
not calling any out but there is definitely this idea
that not only are we meant to suffer but that the
only pathway towards healing and feeling whole again is christ and i believe
that that is true on on a point but i do think that there are so many people

out there that need a little bit of release they need a little bit of relief
in order to see that light,
in order to go into a direction that's more Christ-like.
There's so much trauma in our world. I mean, it's hard. It is hard out there, okay?
And I'm going to admit that. But...
I know that some of the work I've done with people to help release some of these

big emotions has allowed them to see hope in things.
That is just a fact. That is something that almost all of my clients tell me, right?
So there's this whole idea that we're just supposed to sit around,
read our scriptures, and just wait for the healing to come, right?
Like every day we read a little more. Every day we journal a little bit more.

We're praying, you know, all of that stuff, and we're just waiting for the healing
to come. And my point is that sometimes we have to take action,
right? Action is also in the scriptures.
It also talks about how we are supposed to go in that direction with faith that
we shall be healed, right?
So why are we not taking that action? Why are we running from things that possibly

could help us even on that same path?
That part is really odd to me.
I know in my life, you know, I started as a massage therapist and then,
you know, I I kept doing other classes and I got where I felt like I had such,
I had everything down on the physical side that I needed to expand to the energy

side because that was literally the next thing. And I had to get my CEUs.
And that's when I started into energy work and I realized there's something more to it.
So I did not wake up, you know, 20 years ago and say, you know what I want to
do? I want to heal people.
I didn't do that. I knew I loved working with people.

I knew I wanted to help people, but I had no idea where this path was going to lead me.
It wasn't my ego that brought me into energy work and brought me into subconscious work.
It was always the direction that I felt God was telling me to go in.
And as I've cultivated all of that, I know now that not only was this the right

path for me, but I've also been given spiritual gifts.
And what gets overlooked is that spiritual gifts exist.
You know, you have all these, I don't want to say hardcore Christians,
but there is definitely a group of Christians of all different denominations.
That feel like anything to do with spiritual gifts or healing or energy work,

all of that is like evil, right? It's bad. It's a bad influence.
It's, you know, it's the fruits of the devil, right? This is just simply not true.
And I don't know where they get that from in the scriptures,
unless it's more of a modern day translation, or just their current preachers
that feel like, you know, they need to name call certain modalities and say that they're bad.

I don't know what it is, to be honest with you, because it doesn't really happen in my world.
But I will say that it is absolutely scriptural to have these spiritual gifts.
Like in 1 Corinthians 12, it says.

It goes on and on, right?
These are all spiritual gifts listed in the scriptures. So why we shame people,
especially other Christians, for being involved in that world is honestly just
weird to me. It doesn't make any sense.
Somebody higher up said, no, don't do this, run from this, hide from this.

And I get that there is definitely a level of scam out there,
but there's a level of scam in everything. I mean, there's just nothing is really cut and dry, right?
And there's definitely, it's not just the scamminess that can come out,
but also like people think, oh, there's a big fear.
That's what it is. It's a fear that when we tap into that side,

we open ourselves to other things.
And this is probably true in a lot of ways and
there's certain things that I do not touch nor go near
at all right and that's totally fine but
being fearful of anything that could help
you to process your emotions here and it just seems counterproductive to be

honest with you it seems like it's meant to keep you kind of small and kind
of waiting around and the reality is that even though you think you're protecting yourself,
you're not avoiding energy, right? Energy is everywhere.
You know, you decide not to tap into it. You decide not to use it for good. That's fine.

Like everybody has their own
choices to make there. But this idea that you're avoiding it is not true.
It's, it's there. You can't, you can't avoid it.
You know, I already talked about
this earth, this beautiful world that we have, that God created for us.
Everything has energy in it.
Okay, even if you don't know that, it's true.

And that's part of God's plan. That's part of what he created for us.
He didn't create a world that was only of things that we see.
Right? There's a lot more that we can't see.
There's a lot more that our spirit can pick up on that we're like,
I don't even know where that came from.
So this is a super deep topic. And I just want to use this episode today to

encourage people to look outside of that and say, okay, well, you know, is this for me?
You know, I would ask you to prayerfully consider that maybe there's some more
healing that you get to do based off of this kind of work.
And if it's not the energy work, it's not the Reiki work. It can absolutely
be the subconscious work, right?
That is an intuitive spiritual gift that I have that has helped everybody who's done it, right?

It's helped so many people on a deeper level.
I have so much more that I want to talk about in this topic,
but I want to keep this somewhat short today and just leave you with those words
and encourage you to receive your own personal revelation on things instead
of just writing it off because someone someone told you something was bad, just consider it.

And you may get the feeling that it's not for you. And that is 100% okay.
I want you to know that. If this isn't for you, that is okay.
There's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't make you wrong and me right.
It just means that you're learning to listen to your own guidance.

It really has nothing to do with me. But this idea that we we have to listen
to other people to lead us in all the right directions is just wrong.
We all get this gift. We all get to have personal revelation.
So I encourage you to just look into that and see what it means for you and
start questioning things around you.
You know, say, okay, is this for me? Just because so-and-so likes it,

do I have to like it? Right?
It goes into so much more when we learn to listen to that.
And not only that, but you guys, it will give you confidence.
Okay? It gives you so much more confidence in your decisions when you have that spiritual backing.
When you have that, heck yes, this is what I want. This is what I need. This is for me.

When you have that in your heart, you feel so confident about that choice that
you don't look back on it and regret it every second of the way.
You may regret it sometimes, but not the whole time.
It's just so important to be able to build up your confidence in your daily decisions.
So I'm just reaching out to you guys today and hoping that this touches you

in a way to help you open your mind a bit, right? see a little bit further out.
How does this relate to you? That's going to be in your ball court.
That's what you get to decide.
So I encourage you all to do so,
even if it starts with a prayer or just meditation or just kind of asking.
If you don't feel like you have a really close relationship,

a lot of times you can just tap in intuitively and still get some kind of answer.
So I am absolutely encouraging you to do that today.
And I hope you all are well. I hope I just know someone had to hear this today.
So whoever you are, have a beautiful day.
And I hope that this helped you to get clarification around being a Christian

and being pulled towards energy work or anything that's not seen.
I'm sending all my love to you guys. And we'll see you soon.
So that I know you're enjoying what you hear. And further, if you know somebody

else who owns their own creative business and struggles with anything that we spoke about,
please pass this on because it is my hope that we will be able to build a community
of like-minded individuals who love on each other and appreciate the many facets
that make our creative business so unique.
And lastly, check out the show notes to find my free Facebook community community

and other useful links to work with me. All right, friend, see you soon.
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