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April 16, 2024 22 mins

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Welcome to "Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs," a podcast exploring the intersection of mindset and creativity hosted by your guide, Aubrey Bahr. This episode dives into the intricate dynamics of groups and mentorships, providing pertinent insights to aid your future decisions.

Aubrey lays bare the undefined influence of personal inner healing on marketing approaches, sharing wisdom from her experiences as a guest expert in elite mastermind groups. She discusses the readiness required to undertake the intensive work of personal healing, in tandem with staying authentic amidst struggles for acceptance.

Discover how to approach challenging feedback, as Aubrey shares her strategies for retaining resolve and returning as a guest speaker, even after initial disappointments. The episode revolves around "soul-aligned marketing," offering tips on identifying whether a group, mentorship, or membership resonates with you.

Uncover the essence of an open, safe group environment and why its support is crucial. Aubrey puts forward valuable insights on selecting suitable mentors or communities, offers guidance on personal growth, and shares relatable experiences to help steer your decision-making process.

Business success often hinges on identifying opportunities aligned with your values and objectives. This episode unpacks the decision-making process involving personal and business growth opportunities, stressing the need to measure your capabilities alongside the actual merits of opportunities before committing.

In the context of mentorship programs or membership groups, the role of dedicated investment of time, effort, and finances are discussed. The episode emphasizes the pivotal role of active participation in reaping the comprehensive benefits of any growth opportunity.

The episode further examines the contrast between decision making driven by fear versus abundance. It reminds listeners that decisions should be grounded on firm, positive beliefs, avoiding fear-induced choices.

Learn how to evaluate potential mentors or memberships, with an emphasis on trusting your intuition and conducting thorough background checks. The show underscores the importance of self-trust in your journey of personal and business growth.

In conclusion, the episode suggests that successful decision making for growth opportunities depends on understanding both the opportunity and your place within that opportunity. Remember, your intuition is the perfect compass on this journey.

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Episode Transcript

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Good morning, friends. Super excited to be with you guys today.
I had the busiest day yesterday.
At least it felt busy because I was in and out of people's masterclasses and
speaking to an audience where I got to talk about mindset work,
especially for photographers or artists.

So it was a lot of fun, but I wanted to share with you some insight behind these groups,
the way they They run in the back end and maybe would help you to decide in
the future what groups are for you, how to find a mentor or a membership that
would work for your current needs,
and how to really dive into your intuition to let you know if a specific mentor

or group is right for you.
So let's go ahead and get started in today's episode.
Hey friend, welcome to Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs.
My name is Aubrey Barr and I am a subconscious release technique practitioner
and photography business owner.
I know you are sick of ending your day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and

you are seeking a solution to help you feel creatively inspired and actively
engaged in your business as well as personal life.
In this podcast, we are going to dig into any limiting Beliefs or subconscious
programs that are keeping you in a space filled with anxiety and stress This
work is not a temporary solution for your life.

No, this is a complete Transformation so grab your coffee or tea and let's start
you on the road to healing and let me just say you can do this You are worth
it and you are meant to thrive in life and business.

So a few episodes back, because it happened like three months ago,
two or three months ago, I was in a mastermind group and I came in as a guest
expert and the topic was on how our inner healing and the lack thereof shows
up in our marketing, right?
Like there's always this connection behind what's really going on in your life

and what people see, right?
Right. Either it's your post, the content in there, the pictures you share,
or maybe even the tone of the way you talk about things.
It comes through in one way or another and people pick up on that.
And so I did this masterclass with that in mind, and it was for a group specifically

around SEO and geared towards photographers.
I thought it went well. I really did. I no sooner than logged out of this Zoom
room and I pulled up my Instagram and I had like 15 new followers right away,
right off the bat. So I was like, okay, this feels good.
And what happened thereafter was that person got on a separate Zoom call for

just that group that I had just presented to and had a lot of really negative
feedback about my my approach,
about my energy work,
about the way I, yeah, the way I handle things, my perspective on life, you know?
So super unprofessional and super didn't settle right with me.

I think that goes without saying, but...
I don't harbor any kind of negative feelings towards this person because to
be honest with you, like just, just going to be so real. Okay.
Not everybody is ready for the depth of the work that I do.

And I know that some of it honestly goes right over people's heads.
They're just not at a place where they can readily forgive the past or really
feel things from the past,
maybe they're still trying to hold on to something because it hurts so bad that
letting it go would just be really difficult for them.

So I totally have empathy for everybody, no matter where you're at,
even if you're listening to this and just don't know if any healing work is for you.
I have a lot of empathy for that. And I really, really encourage people to just be where you're at.
You don't need to push through and be something you're not. You You don't need
to go through the healing process early.

Honestly, it's probably not good for you to do so.
So I just try to keep an open mind and understand that, again,
this is not for everybody.
But I was a little bit sad that that happened.
I was sad for myself, and I did have an opportunity to clear up some of those

things that were going on in my head about me just not being accepted for who I am.
You know for my authenticity to be
too much for other people because this
is a common theme that comes up for me it's like that was too much that was
too whatever and just learning to really be okay with that right so I'm not

gonna lie and say that I was completely fine but it did take me a step back
and kind of make me think things through.
Well, come to this past week, I had this call scheduled with a group and I had
spoken to the person that runs the group and she runs a group specifically for photographers.
Again, she's over in the UK and I've had a friend join one of her retreats and

that's where I even saw her name before.
And I think she was also in one of the common Facebook groups where we kind of connected.
So yeah, I reached out to her and I said, Hey, you know, this was back in probably November or December.
I said, I can talk to your people. If you're running a mastermind group,
I know for a fact, because I

have guests in mind that people come in and that's part of the offerings.
It's like, Hey, you can also get this training from, you know,
this person who doesn't give normal, you know, trainings all the time to people, Right.
Like this is special. This is for the people in my group.
So she said yes, but again, this was months ago.
So I actually added this to my calendar probably four or five months ago.

And so it was already on my calendar when I had the not so great experience about two months ago.
And I'm really big on commitment, you guys. If I say I'm going to do it,
I'm going to stick with it.
And I didn't want to put what I experienced in that other group on to this person.
So but I would be lying if
I said that I wasn't a little bit checking myself

and saying okay Aubrey do you really want
to do this is this really worth your time because if that person turns around
and makes it this you know not such a great experience or is ungrateful or whatever
is this really worth your time and I decided that it was in fact still in my

realm to provide this master class for these these people.
And this one was around soul aligned marketing, which is a very similar topic
to what I spoke about before.
So it took some of my, you know, inner motivational speaker to hype myself up
for this call, to be honest with you, but it still felt good to me.

And so I did go ahead and do it.
And I'm just going to tell you some things that I've learned because I really
want to reach reach people out there that are sick of putting their money into
a membership or a group or a mentor specifically that it doesn't pay back for them.
It's not a match for them. It doesn't end up being what they thought it was

going to be. Just all of those things.
It's a huge thing right now. I hear it all the time. And people really kind
of frown upon coaching in a lot of ways because so many people have felt like
things didn't work for them. They didn't get what they They thought they were purchasing.
And so I'm going to use this experience as a way to kind of give you an outline on how you can.

Connect intuitively and say, yes, this is a match or no, this isn't.
So here we go. First off, I'm going to say that presenting in a group where
the leader, the person, the founder, the owner of the group is so open.
And when I mean open, I don't mean open to all ideas. I mean that they provide

an open space for other people.
What happens in those trainings when I get to go into groups like that,
is the group is more outspoken.
They feel so safe that it's easy for them to bring up things that they are struggling with.
If you're in a group membership and you don't feel safe enough to bring things

up, how are you really getting the help you need?
You kind of need that space to be like, okay, in here, everybody's paying to be in here.
Everybody Everybody wants to be a better person. Everybody wants growth.
Everybody wants to expand their business. That understanding and feeling super
safe to ask questions that you honestly need help with, that's an open space to me, okay?

So in this group, that's what it was. And the lessons that we all learned during
the masterclass were expounded because people were really able to let loose
and talk about things that matter to them.
You know, there were some tears. There were some like joyful things too.
It was not a sad thing by any means, but it was an opportunity for people to really heal.

And that's what gets the needle moving. That's what we all want when we put
ourselves in these spaces.
And so one thing that I think you should be very clear about before you hire
a coach or a mentor or join a membership is,
are you sure that the person that runs it is open and is safe and is imbibing.

Because if they're dismissive in their speaking with other people,
or if they pretend to be super friendly, and then all of a sudden they don't
return your call, they don't return any of your messages,
they're not super open about talking about things like that is showing they're not authentic.
It's the best way I can say it. I'm not trying to be diminishing to anybody

and their groups, but I'm just saying that when you provide a space like that,
then you're actually connecting with the real person in there.
That's where you're going to get the most benefits. So number one,
are they inviting? Are they welcoming?
Are they open to questions? Are they open to conversations?
Or do they have a place where maybe when you ask a question, it goes silent?

Maybe you ask a question and people say, well, you don't know that already. Why are you even in here?
Things like that can happen in groups where the person in charge is not being authentic.
And they are honestly, I hate to say it, but they are providing a group because
of their ego and not because of your growth. And that's what it really comes down to.

So another thing would be number two, is that when you look at this,
obviously you're looking for something that's going to help your growth.
Okay. A lot of of people, I hear this all the time, and it's not just from me,
it's from my other coaches that I've had in the past, but people often will
sign up to groups and then they won't show up and they won't do the work and

they'll kind of hide away, right?
And then they get mad later because the group didn't meet their standards.
And it's like, well, you didn't really give it a chance, right?
You didn't really show up. You didn't really take the information in.
You signed up, you gave money, money and you expected that to be all you needed, right?
So there's definitely a push-pull that happens when you decide to sign up for one of these things.

So the other question is, honestly, is it a good time for you?
Do you have the capacity to run your business, run your life,
live your life, plus add in a new opportunity for growth and for learning and for trainings?
It doesn't mean you have to go to everything, okay? It just has to mean that

the amount of time and effort you put into it and money is reciprocated,
but also by your actions.
Because your actions is really what helps move it along.
We can learn all the information in the world. If we do not apply it to our
lives and take action, then nothing's going to change, right?
So second question, is this a place, a space for you to be able to grow while

putting in your available capacity, your available time and effort,
whatever that is, right? right?
If you join a super in-depth one-on-one program for a month,
but you also are super busy that month, right?
And I'm just using that as an example for you to really take a look at it,
but clearly a lot of you wouldn't even sign up for that.

But it's funny how we sometimes put ourselves in situations where it's like
we couldn't have done it anyway, but yet we try to, We think that,
you know, maybe something will change.
Maybe the timing's not right. And I think a lot of times we make those decisions
based off of FOMO, right? The fear of missing out.
Okay, if I don't sign up for this now, I'll never be able to grow my business.

I'll never start making money, right? So now's the best time.
But without bringing in the logic of, do we actually have the capacity for that decision?
Do I have three hours a week, if that's what it entails? tells,
do I have the ability to actually also work on my website because now I need
to bring in this new information and apply it right away?

If you don't have that, then the timing's not right, but you're letting the FOMO get to you.
And then you're actually making a decision out of scarcity.
And we should never be making decisions out of scarcity. We should be making
decisions out of abundance, like, oh, this feels really good to me.
I know this is going to be be good for me.
So the third thing is obviously being able to tap into your intuition,

your inner knowing. This is my favorite thing to do.
It cannot be overstated how necessary it is to really tap into that and feel
what you're going to feel.
Because I'll be honest with you, you can do all the things I've already mentioned.
You could absolutely say, oh my gosh, this is the perfect timing for this.
I actually just got that much in a job too, where I can spend that money and

And I actually just read up my schedule or the kids are in preschool for another
extra couple of weeks or whatever. And I can actually do this. Okay.
But again, tap in, check your intuition, because sometimes the answer is no,
when you don't think it should be.
And sometimes the answer is yes, when you think, oh my gosh, what the heck?

Now, my little caveat here is that if you are someone who is so used to leaning
into their fear, when you come across a situation like this,
you might lead with fear.
And if you're leading with fear, then you're actually turning off your intuition.
Because we can get a no through our inner knowing without it being fear-based, right?

Actually, I've had plenty of times in my life where I got a no when I was expecting
a yes, but it didn't feel like it was scary.
It just felt like, nope. And I'm like, okay, why?
I don't know, but I don't feel good about it. It just doesn't feel right for me right now, right?
So take a breath in. If you're feeling fear, sit with that for a day or two,

okay? Okay, and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel.
Ask yourself some questions about that fear.
You know, am I scared because this is a big decision? Am I scared because I'm
putting more pressure on my business to do good in the next month?
No matter what you come up with here, it's your responsibility to really start

to decipher what that feeling is, what it means, and if it's okay to proceed or not.
So I really encourage people, and you guys know this if you've been around for
a while, to really tap into that yourselves, because I'm telling you right now,
I get the biggest aha moments when I actually take a minute to just connect with that.
Like if everything looks logically like this is it, I should say,

yes, I want to be a part of this.
And then I get a little hesitation.
If I just ask and get that yes that way, it oftentimes makes me feel so good
about it that I don't even question it while I'm in there. I'm like, it doesn't matter.
It's all going to work out. This was actually great timing for me because I did the work.

I was able to connect intuitively and I know this is right for me,
right? So it could give you extra confidence.
Or it could tell you no. We have to be okay with it either way because on this
journey, we are learning to trust ourselves.
We are learning to listen to those cues and show up in that way.

Okay. So just to recap, if you are looking for a place to do more personal growth
or business growth, if you're looking for a membership, if you're looking for a mentorship,
and there's many different ways that this is offered in the world.
It could be one-on-one. It might be in a group.
It might be in a massive group where you're only able to get past recordings, which is also fine.

But whatever it is you're looking for, go ahead and follow these steps.
Follow this person on Instagram or Facebook or their socials.
Find out who they really are.
Is this a person that you could have a conversation with? it?
Or are you willing to look past their problems in order to get the growth that you need?

Because that doesn't always work the way you think it will, right?
And everybody's imperfect.
So don't get me wrong there. Everybody has their problems, let's say, complexities.
But that doesn't mean that it's a no or a yes, okay?
That just means that we have to be willing and ready to look past that.
Now, if you're paying, you know, $8 a month to be in this huge,

you know, group where you're not really getting one-on-one, you're just okay with that, right?
You understand going in that that's what's expected and that's what you get.
And that's fine because there's also a different price range for everything, right?
But if you're doing one-on-one, you absolutely need to vet that person even
longer and ask them, do you have a 10-minute call that you do with people just

so we can make sure this is a good fit?
Or if you're doing a membership and you constantly see that this person is downing
other people or maybe getting triggered, like it's really easy for me to see
that in people, but it's not always easy for other people.
But that is a sign that they have a lot of healing to do and it's hard for them to move past that.

And so it doesn't really put them in a position of leadership that would work always.
But when you follow them, when you get to know them, then you have a better
understanding of who these people are, right?
And then the other thing being, please check in intuitively,
see what the answer is, and really make sure that you understand it and you
feel good about it or bad, whatever.

Essentially, it's always a good feeling when you get the correct answer.
So even if it's a no for now, at least you have like a grip on what that feels like.
Admittedly, some of you are at the beginning of your journey to being able to
really connect with yourself, with your intuition and start healing things from your past.
So it might be really difficult for you to check in intuitively.

I would suggest that you do all the other things I talked about and maybe even
do some journaling around your experience to see, is this a good fit for me?
That might help you to tap in better.
But at this point, it's all about honing in on that skill, you know,
using that intuitive muscle to see what it's telling you.

Okay, so I hope you guys have a beautiful day over in the membership.
We are doing a class on people pleasing and boundaries this month.
So it's super fun. If you guys want to join us, that membership is $97 a month.
And every month you get access to these programs that are between $250 and about $700 by themselves.

So you do get like the upper hand in a lot of these. You also get a live Q&A
once a month with the group, and it's a lot of fun.
We do talk a little bit about the program that we worked on that month,
but we mostly spend the time doing subconscious release technique on whatever's
coming up for people, as well as whatever came up in the program.

So it's a great opportunity to dig a little deeper, come live,
and really hang out with other people that are wanting growth and wanting healing
at a deeper level. that's what we do.
So that is the We Are Magnetic Women membership.
I will put the link to that in the show notes. I hope to see you guys in there.
In the meantime, have a beautiful day and we will talk very soon.

I hope this podcast spoke to you in some way.
If it did, please go ahead and leave me a review and subscribe so that I know
you're enjoying what you hear.
And further, if you know somebody else who owns their own creative business
and struggles with anything that we spoke about,
please pass this on because it is my hope that we will be able to build a community

of like-minded individuals who love on each other and appreciate the many facets
that make our creative business so unique.
And lastly, check out the show notes to find my free Facebook community and
other useful links to work with me. All right, friend.
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