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February 18, 2024 63 mins

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I am joined by my guests Heather and Jake from Suddenly Haunted paranormal investigators from the East Coast. 

We discuss some creepy investigations and Museum of Shadows a place for all my paranormal spooky friends to investigate.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker A (00:13):
Hello, my spooky friends.
This is John, your host, theoryland fright,
the paranormal podcast that covers everythingspooky, creepy, and mysterious in the midwest.
And I, the great spooky guests, continue onthe podcast.
Today I have paranormal investigators fromsuddenly haunted.

How you guys doing?And introduce yourself.

Speaker B (00:40):
And I'm Heather.

Speaker A (00:42):
Yeah, and hi, Jake and Heather.
So we are super excited to have you on.
I always love having paranormal investigatorson.
You guys have the best stories.
You guys have the best just investigations.
And really what my podcast is about for youguys to understand Jake and Heather, is to

kind of take away the stigma of haunted placesand paranormal, you know what I mean?
Because I think a lot of people hear, I don'tknow, please chime in.
A lot of people hear the paranormal and theythink, oh, it's fake, they're faking it, or
that was just something a friend did to looklike it was a ghost there.

And no, it really isn't right.

Speaker B (01:29):
There's a lot of people who don't believe, who are very skeptical.
And I guess it's one of those experience thatyou have to live through and just be present
into and kind of, I guess you would say, openyour mind to it.
But unless you're there, even at a young age,if you experienced a ghost or whatever, and

you express your story to somebody, tosomebody who doesn't believe in ghosts,
they're not going to believe, obviously, youknow what I mean?
So I think it's one of those things you haveto live through.

Speaker A (02:01):

Speaker C (02:02):
You just have to experience now.

Speaker A (02:04):
Yeah, absolutely.
Let's start out my first question, Heather,
I'm going to start with you.
When was your first paranormal experience?

Speaker B (02:15):
Well, I always have vivid dreams, I guess you would say very lucid.
And one of them was younger, and I don't quiteremember too much.
I just remember like an old man sitting nextto me, and I was like on his lap thinking,
it's like a grandpa, or even like an uncle dadfigure type thing.
And my mom's just like, oh, you're beingsilly.

And then I guess later on, the most recent onethat I had was so we've lived in our place for
about five years now, and I think the firstyear and a half upstairs is just two bedrooms
and a bathroom.
And all of a sudden I see this figure.
I think it was 1920s, 30s woman.

She wore a bonnet and she had the white
She just.
Miss Blaylight just walked into my son'sbedroom, but his door was closed.
I saw the full flooded figure.
I was just kind of stunned and took him back
because, okay, I believe in that stuff.
But at the same time, I'm like, really did
this?Just, wow.

Speaker A (03:19):
Wow. That's really interesting.
Let me ask you this, Q, Heather.
What interested you in the paranormal?Because everyone's story is different, too.
Did you go to the library to read books onghosts, or did you watch a show?
Or when did you first, like, hey, I'm kind ofinterested in the paradigm.

Speaker B (03:37):
I always have my first Ouija board experience at, like, six or.

Speaker C (03:49):

Speaker B (03:53):
I feel like I have to connect to the other side.
I've always known that since I was six orseven that there is another side.
And so since then, it was just kind of, I'mhooked, and I need to, I guess, more or less
get messages across somehow or learn what theywanted us to know.

Speaker C (04:16):
It's awful.
She's always trying to get me to use the Ouija
board when we go on investigations.
Like, nope, not touching it.
Not happening.

Speaker A (04:21):
Jake. Poor Jake, either.
Are you sensitive or what?

Speaker B (04:29):
I am.
I can sometimes see at least half body figures
So I have a coworker and I work in a nursing
home, actually.
So I was talking to one of my therapistfriends, and I seen her grandfather stand
behind her, and he just passed a week prior.

And I can hear other people, but for everyone
else, I can hear and see certain things.
I just can't do it for myself.

Speaker A (05:03):
Got you.
That's really interesting, because I have a
lot of people like that, paranormalinvestigators, some are a little bit higher on
the medium side, where they can go in andmanipulate certain things, but pretty much
like you, they're sensitive, they seewhatever.
And I'm always fascinated.
Every last person we've had on the show,

paranormal investigators have said, when I wasfour, when I was six, when I was younger,
Something happened.
Like, one of my paranormal investigators said.

Speaker B (05:36):
Four years old to stuff like that.
When you're younger?

Speaker A (05:39):
Yeah. She saw a man go come right out of her wall when she was a little girl.
Like, she was sleeping, and she opened hereyes and she told her to manage us, go right
across her bedroom floor.
And she was like, oh, that's kind of cool.
And she told her mom, and she's like, oh, it'snothing, honey.

And then later, right, you find out, your momor dad will tell you.
Well, I forgot to tell you, people died inthis house, because how would you handle that?
All right, Jake, same question.
What interested you in the paranormal?
What got you interested in it?

Speaker C (06:16):
So my story goes, when I was, like, younger, around twelve to 13, my parents
purchased a new house, and my father wascleaning the house out and everything, and
they went to the attic, and my father saw,like, a box there.
He wasn't sure what it was.
So my dad, thinking, whatever, thought it was
a box with, like, drugs.

And my grandfather went there, and he's like,
this is somebody's ashes.
This isn't drugs.
My dad's like, really?

Speaker A (06:43):
He's like, yeah.

Speaker C (06:44):
So things started happening in that house.
When we moved in, my mom was hearing stuff.
She said that she heard groaning noises while
she was home alone.
There's nobody there.
And I started experiencing things in thathouse.
So basically, my perspective on it was, I wasin a haunted house.
I've seen things I can't explain.
That's kind of really what turned me on to it.

Speaker A (07:05):
And was that your first paranormal experience?

Speaker C (07:09):
Yes, in that house was my first paranormal experience.
I never really had an experience before, butthe thing that really opened my eyes to it,
and this is a creepy story.
I like telling this one.
I was taking a shower one time, and I heardsqueaking, as if somebody breathed on a mirror
and was writing on it.
You know how you hear that sometimes?

And I peeked out of the shower.
There was nothing there.
So I went back to taking a shower.
I heard it again, and I'm like, that's kind of
So I peeked back out.
There was nothing there.
I was like, all right, this is starting to get
a little strange.
Why does this keep happening?
So I went back to taking a shower, and aboutthree minutes later, I heard it again.
I was like, what is this?So I peeked out.
My parents had, like, an old medicine cabinetthat has, like, two way mirrors that slide

back and forth.
When I peeked out, I saw my face looking here,
and the one next to me, I saw, like, thismisty, weird figure looking right back at me.
And that scared the hell out of me.

Speaker A (08:03):
Oh, hell, yeah.

Speaker C (08:03):
And then things just kind of, like, escalated around there.
And to this day, my brother still lives there,and he says he still hears things and sees

Speaker A (08:11):
Have you guys checked it out? Anyone die there?

Speaker C (08:15):
Yeah, I guess.
Two people passed away in the house.
We're not sure exactly, like, thecircumstances of how they passed away, but we
are aware that two people have passed away inthe house.

Speaker A (08:28):
I always hear bathrooms are really bad again.
I've had paranormal investigators on.
They said they're taking a shower, and they
hear whispering, or they feel, like, seehandprints on their.
Like, they'll have a glass shower like I have,and they'll see handprints on there.
And it just is like, that's the most.

You're really defenseless in a shower, right?

Speaker C (08:56):
I really want to come out there naked, trying
to fight this ghost.

Speaker A (09:01):
You're not going to drop people or punch them
in the face.
And you're naked.
It's a little weird, right?

Speaker C (09:08):
I can only imagine, like, somebody just running down the hallway and butt naked.
They're like, what happened?There's, like, something in the bathroom.

Speaker A (09:14):
I don't know what it is.
So I asked this question.
Of all married couples who do paranormalinvestigation, okay?
I've been married for 25 years, and theargument restaurant is open 24/7 like, me and
my wife can argue at a drop of a hat, right?That restaurant never closes, by the way.

It still never closes.
Anyway, let's say you're on a paranormal
And again, this is the same question I've
asked couples, all my couples, and you guysjust start, I don't know, bickering a little
bit, or maybe not bickering, but maybe justlike, no, put the spirit box over there or put
the camera over here.
Has a ghost ever said, will you shut.

Speaker B (10:07):
No, I wish I would, to be honest with you.
We had one when we were at not the shanling.
What was it?
The Hinsdale Housedale.

Speaker C (10:22):
New York. It's, like, on the far west side of New York.

Speaker B (10:27):
And we were trying to.
Because, yes, we record everything, but we
also try to debunk stuff.
So if there's, like, a creek in the floorboard
and we're recording, I will walk back andforth on that specific spot to debunk whether.
Okay, it's me, it's the floorboard.
There's an actual ghost, an entity or
So we were in the midst of kind of doing that,

and I was, no, Jake.
Like, I think it's something.
And he's like, no, please, just go walk overthere.
Just do it again.
Just do it again.
And the more I kept walking, I'm like, I'm nothearing what you're hearing.
And he's like, heather, it's your feet.
It's the floorboards.

Speaker C (11:02):
Or the one time rempod was going off because the floorboard was a little
And they kept, like, rocking the table.
So the rempod was going off.
But we tend to work fairly well together.
We tend to work on the same kind of level.
We don't really bicker back and forth too much
when we do it.
It's just we kind of do our own thing, and I
let her do her thing.
I do my thing.
We seem to work pretty well together.

Speaker A (11:24):
Okay. Now, have you guys ever been on an investigation where I'll say the spirit
or entity wanted to talk to Heather and not toyou?

Speaker C (11:35):
Jay, this is all you.
You can go ahead and tell them about the story
This is pretty crazy.

Speaker B (11:43):
Was it, what? Upstairs?

Speaker C (11:44):
One where you thought you saw the vision of the.

Speaker B (11:48):
So I guess apparently the woods is haunted also in Hinsdale.
And it didn't take until I came back to myhouse.
I think a day or two later, I'm just sittingat my kitchen table, and out of the blue,
like, I had just this weird vision.
I can literally see where this woman was,
like, I guess, berry picking.

And she came across the two brothers or the
two previous owners who was committing a crimeat the time.
Kind of.
I guess.
I don't know if we can say, but was killingsomebody, and one of the brothers kind of.
She startled the brothers, so he went afterher.
And I can sit here and tell you descriptivelywhere the blood spatters on the trees are.

I can tell you where he buried her.
I can tell you.
It just randomly came to me.
And still to this day, it gives me chills
because there are a number of bodies therethat they do have flags that they don't want
to dig up right now, but hers isn't one ofthem.
Hers is in the woods.

And that's what, I don't know.
It just came to me, and she's like, I don'tknow her name, but I could tell you what she
looks like.
I can literally lead up to everything.
The events of Patila death, and.
Yeah, that stuck with me still now.
And we were there last year.

Speaker A (13:12):
That's amazing.
One of the things, too.
I wondered, when you've been at a location,has there ever been a location that affected
you physically?

Speaker B (13:23):

Speaker A (13:23):
I've had hockey paranormal investigators, and they said I have to walk
Like, I'm super nauseous, or they got sick
outside, or they got a huge headache.
Has that ever happened or Heather, to either
one of you?

Speaker C (13:37):
Yeah. Usually afterwards, we feel, like, really drained, like, we need to kind of
recover a little bit.
And I don't really get much sleep.
Every time I stay there.
Is this something, like, I know something's
around to keep me awake.
And I had a really crazy experience at the
Hensville because there was native americanburial grounds back in the woods.
And while she's sleeping, I'm hearing chantingand drums, and it sounds like it's like, right

outside the house, and it kept me awake.
I'm like, what is that?
What is that?But, yeah, usually it just drains you, like,
all your energy and everything.
You're just really tired.

Speaker B (14:12):
Usually for me, after we do the SD's method, I have to stop and recoup.
I have to go outside and breathe because itdoes take so much energy out of me.
And I think maybe a good half hour after that,I'm okay.
I need air.
I need to breathe.
I need to not really think of what justhappened more or less, and recoup my own

And that kind of seems to help, but, yeah.

Speaker A (14:38):
Do you ever feel, like a weight on you?
Somebody pressing down on you?Okay.

Speaker B (14:43):

Speaker C (14:45):
I just feel like something's always just sapping my energy.
Every time I do it, for me.

Speaker B (14:49):
It'S more or less like, I guess a chest feeling, like a smothering feeling, like
something is kind of sitting on my chest.
And like I said, that's why I have to stop.
Sometimes when even in the middle of thesession, I have to just stop and step outside
and need to breathe because it's a lot for me.

Speaker A (15:06):

Speaker C (15:07):
That's crazy.
You could definitely tell a place was haunted.
When you walk in, you could just feel, like,the heaviness in the air.
Something negative is there.

Speaker A (15:13):
Yeah. So I was going to ask that when you started an investigation, have you
ever started an investigation where you walkedin and went, whoa, this is heavy?

Speaker C (15:26):
Especially with that.

Speaker B (15:28):
The Shanley hotel in Napanoff, New York.

Speaker A (15:30):

Speaker B (15:31):
I walked in, literally, I said to everybody, because we had a group of.
Who was it five of us with?

Speaker C (15:39):

Speaker A (15:39):
Was it five?

Speaker C (15:40):
Yeah, I believe it was five.

Speaker B (15:41):
And I literally said that.
I was like, oh, my God, it's heavy.
Something is here.
I can tell something is here right now.

Speaker A (15:48):
Yeah. Did the heaviness feel like depression?

Speaker B (15:54):
No, honestly, kind of like, it felt like I said, a weight on my chest, but
everybody, to me at least, was, like, tryingto come through and speak, and I heard mumbles
and who was it?There was a little girl.

Speaker C (16:13):
There was a little girl that fell on the wall.

Speaker A (16:15):

Speaker B (16:15):
And for me, I felt the sadness, but not for me, but for her.
She just wanted to get her story across, orshe just wanted to play or speak to somebody,
and she's like.
It's like, gut wrenching.

Speaker A (16:28):
Yeah. That's amazing.
Speaking of that, has either of you had a
spirit attached themselves to you and youbrought it home so far?

Speaker C (16:41):
No. Because every time I finish the investigation, I always tell it's not welcome
to come.
They have to stay here.
We were not going to allow you to come backinto our house because I don't want to bring
anything here.
This crazy one over here buys two haunted

Speaker B (16:52):
I did what?

Speaker A (16:53):

Speaker C (16:54):
Let me go get them, Hosham.

Speaker B (16:55):

Speaker A (16:56):
Yeah. Please do.

Speaker B (16:58):
When we end our investigations.
Yes, we do say, you're not welcome to follow
Me personally, I don't say that because I want
to learn everything I can about the.

Speaker A (17:09):
Yeah, yeah.
Do you do any sage, Heather, or blessing?
You just basically don't follow me.

Speaker B (17:16):
Um, everyone else does.
We do bring Sage with we.
I have crystals and everything else, but Idon't because I do welcome it.
I know it sounds crazy, but I just want toknow everybody's even on the other side.
Their perspective, how they lived, theirmessages, all that.

Speaker A (17:38):
Yeah. That's super interesting.
You are the first paranormal investigator to
say that.
Most paranormal investigators I've interviewed
have said they stand outside the area.
Sage blast say, you're not welcome to come
home with us.
Please do not come home with us, and then go

And they never, ever leave an investigation
without doing that.
So that's interesting that you kind of welcome

Speaker B (18:06):
Have you ever welcomed, basically no. You're good.
You don't have to look at them.
I think it's more or less for the knowledge
and the experience to see because I do believea lot of people who have passed on do want to
say something and they haven't moved orcrossed over or something because they have a.

Just they want know things and.

Speaker A (18:31):
Right, right.
So a question for you, Heather.
Well, Jake's still getting the dolls andstuff.
I have to ask this.
Don't take it personally.
Has a ghost ever got you?

Speaker B (18:43):
I'm sorry, I can't hear you up.

Speaker A (18:47):
Or tried.

Speaker B (18:51):
For Jake, they have.
For Jake.
It was the.
So there was the Shanley Hotel.
Used to be.
What was it?

Speaker C (19:05):
It used to be a.

Speaker B (19:07):
No, this.
The sex thing.
What do you call.

Speaker A (19:12):
Okay. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker B (19:14):
And there was three ladies of the night, and one felt.

Speaker A (19:20):

Speaker C (19:21):
Oh, yeah.
It was interesting.

Speaker B (19:26):
And it's under our YouTube video, so you can see that.

Speaker A (19:33):
Check that out.
I was looking at some of your YouTube videos I
must have missed.

Speaker C (19:38):
Apparently she likes men with beards.

Speaker A (19:41):
And did you feel a woman's hand touching you, Jay?

Speaker C (19:45):
I mean, actually, I felt something touching my arm and then I felt her crawling
into the bed with me.
And that part freaked me out because first I
welcomed her to come in there, but justphysically feeling the bed shake and feeling
like a presence next to me.
So I sat up real quick, and I'm thinking,
like, do I want to keep doing this?As soon as I said that, the door started

I just ran out.

Speaker A (20:10):
Oh, my God. Yeah. That's amazing.
That's the first male paranormal investigator
I have interviewed who have said that.
Mostly women, saying men have tried to.
The ghosts or spirits of these men at abrothel or whatever, tried to fuel me up or
tried to.
When I lay down on the bed, I could feel them

laying on top of me or sitting on the bed orstuff like that.

Speaker B (20:36):
I'm like, oh, yeah, there was two females with us, and we kind of just let the
men do it because we knew it was a brothel.
I guess if you'd leave a contribution, she
would come out and stuff like that.
So they did it, and she definitely did.

Speaker A (20:58):
Wow. Okay, now, that's not considering cheating, right, Heather?

Speaker C (21:03):
I hope not.

Speaker B (21:04):
No, I'd let it slide because prior to Jake's laying on the bed and doing his
session, I went on and laid in her bed, too.
I did it.
More of a challenge, I guess.
I was like, okay, I'm going to challenge you
and see if, like.
They told her to get out.
Yes, it is on recording.
They told me to get out.

Speaker A (21:26):
So let's see these, doll.

Speaker C (21:29):
Yeah, we got two of them right here.

Speaker A (21:31):
All right, let's see it.
I love it.
Oh, I hate those things.
I shouldn't say I hate them.
They just freak me out.

Speaker B (21:41):
I named them Anna and Belle.

Speaker A (21:44):
Which one's Anna? Which one's Belle?
Can you show them again?

Speaker B (21:47):
Okay. The one with the curly hair.
So this is okay.
And then this one's Belle.

Speaker A (21:54):
Anything they do?
Have you seen them move?What's going on with them?

Speaker C (22:02):
They like to send her EMF meter going off all the time.
We tried doing this thing where we did, like,an sds to see if we can talk to any spirits
inside of them.
We didn't get too much when that happened.
Well, we heard that if you bring them oninvestigations with you, they might ramp up
And she bought them off of paranormal
investigators on eBay.

There's a bidding war for them when she bought
them off of them.

Speaker A (22:25):
Nice. Jake, you mentioned an EMF meter.
Could you explain that to my spooky friends,what that means?

Speaker C (22:32):
Yeah, an EMF meter is, like, electronic handheld device that you use to try
to pick up any frequency in an electricmagnetic field.
You can also use it to try to debunk ifthere's some kind of, like, electrical wiring
or something to setting it off.
But usually if you have it somewhere where
there's nothing around, it's going off.

It means a disturbance in the field.

Speaker A (22:56):
Got you.
That's really interesting.
But you said when you take on paranormalinvestigations, they're supposed to move or
talk or what?

Speaker B (23:04):
No, it's more or less, I guess, the other entities and ghost, it basically gives
more energy out for them to come and speak to.

Speaker A (23:18):
Interesting. That's because I know one of the things is with some of the places
I've covered in the past, like, there's amental asylum in Indiana, and the lady who was
basically, like, the caretaker still, andthere still are, I should say, all these

haunted dows that she collected there.
And supposedly, when paranormal investors have
gone in there, the dows have moved, their eyeshave blanked.
They have picked up EMF energy.

Speaker B (23:51):
I've been on ebay all the time.
I would love to keep buying cells.

Speaker A (23:59):
What do you think?

Speaker C (24:01):
Not a fan.

Speaker B (24:02):
I want stuff to move.
I'd love to see a glass break in my house.
The EMF, to me, is not good.
It's great, but I want to see action, and I'm
not from these dolls yet.

Speaker A (24:14):
Which one?

Speaker C (24:15):
She wants to get a shed and just put, like.
You know how, like, the Warrens have a museumwhen they have a bunch of haunted artifacts?

Speaker B (24:21):
He wants to do something like.

Speaker A (24:26):
So you want an Annabelle?

Speaker B (24:29):
Yep. I'd love an Annabelle doll.

Speaker C (24:31):
It's actually the reference for the names.

Speaker A (24:36):
Have you ever heard the story of.
I think it's Jack, the boy, the cursed doll in

Speaker C (24:44):

Speaker A (24:45):
Robert. Robert.
There's a Jack.
And there's a Robert.
I'm getting confused.
Yes, Robert.
So you want a Robert Doll, Annabelle?
Kind of.

Speaker C (24:57):
I guess Robert makes ill will happen on people.
Like, somebody interacts with it, somethingbad happens to them.

Speaker A (25:03):
I mean, this guy.
Just really quickly, I'll cover this sometime,just really quickly for my spooky friends.
Look this up.
The doll's creepy as hell.
The guy who owns not.
He would get to sell it.
So he might be with Heather and be like, okay,heather, here you go.
And then he would stop.
He'd be like, no, can't do it.
And then people would offer him more money,and he'd be like, no, can't do it.

And then people would be, you know, andsupposedly this guy would be in the attic with
this doll, and he would talk to it, and he.
Oh, it's spooky as.
Anyway, none for me.
Heather, you can keep all those dolls.

Speaker C (25:48):
Your Ouija boards and your dolls.

Speaker A (25:49):
You can have you do that.
So let's talk about Heather.
I'll start with you.
What was your favorite place you investigated?

Speaker B (26:02):
I don't know.
I want to say the handsdale, because I feel
like I got more in depth, at least with mepersonally.
Feels wise with the people that were there.
And literally, the vision I got when I got
And it's obviously like, statue of limitations

is over, because obviously, that girl who wasmurdered happened years and years, like 30, 40
million years ago type thing.
Millions, not millions, but you know what I
mean?So it's not like, hey, Hinsdale cops.
I just want to report a murder that happenedin 1920 some or 1890 or whatever.
You know what I mean?

Speaker A (26:46):
And could you elaborate a little bit about the history of Haynesville?
I mean, what is it?It's a hotel.
It's a house.
What is it?
I'm sorry, I didn't hear it the first time.

Speaker C (26:55):
Yeah, the house started off as kind of like a coach house.
There was a coach trail that went past it thatwas bringing goods over to the great lake
And there used to be, like, a trail with coach
wagons to go through.
Now, the story goes that there was two
brothers that built that house back in theday, and they would lure people to the house.

They were like, tell them, hey, we got food.
We got warrants.
All this come on and stay with us for thenight.
And they would bring them back, and they wouldmurder them and take their.
And, like, there's a lot of history of thatgoing on.
That's why they did the sonar and theproperty, and that's where they found bodies
to back up the proof on that.
And there was also the story of the dandy

family that lived there, which is a very wellknown, documented haunting that happened where
the family was being plagued by all thesespirits and everything.
Because also the land and the house itself isvery haunted, the woods and everything.
Plus, you mix that in with a little bit of thenative burial grounds at the back.
It's just a recipe for a whole bunch ofparanormal.

Yeah, I got to say, that was absolutely myfavorite place that we haunted to.
So same place investigated?

Speaker A (28:05):
Yeah, the same place.
Is there a place you guys have gone where it
just didn't work out like, you thought it wasgoing to be really good, and then you're like.

Speaker C (28:15):
Okay, yeah, we just started doing private cases and just recent private case we
We didn't really get too much going on there.

Speaker A (28:23):
Yeah. I would just ask you that if someone wanted it was like, hey, Heather, this
is really bothering me.
My kids can't sleep.
I think they're spirits.
Think they're shadow people.
So you guys investigate that or would you goto them?

Speaker B (28:41):

Speaker A (28:42):
What do you do there? What is the main thing you're looking to do?

Speaker B (28:44):
We bring our equipment, and so we take photos, we take videos.
We interview the people in the household.
We will do it privately.
Just be in a room with us and the camera, seeif we get anything.
It is important for us to do inside of thehouse and outside because the house could be

built in 1970, but the land obviously is thepart that's haunted.
And the people who've lived on the land, maybein one eight hundreds feel that it's their
Even if you just built that house, it's their
land, it's their property, and you're invadingtheir space.

Speaker A (29:21):

Speaker C (29:22):

Speaker A (29:22):
Have you ever had to remove a spirit or had to.

Speaker C (29:27):
No. We just try to figure out if we can validate their claims.
There is something there.
So, like, let's say they're experiencing
They want to know if it's paranormal or not.
We would go to see, yeah, there's somethinghere.
So if they want to move on with whatever theywant to do with that, if they want to try to
get some way to cleanse it, maybe do somethinglike that.
I mean, we can't really do that, but we can atleast confirm or debunk that there's something


Speaker A (29:49):
Yeah. So talk about debunking.
A lot of people who do paranormal
investigations, they have a style, right?There's just the way they do it.
A method, whatever you want to say.
What is kind of your method and your style?
Are you looking to debunk or what are you guyslooking mainly to do on a.

Speaker B (30:09):
So we want to basically record for others if there is something in a specific
place that we're at at that time.
But if there's a noise, like I said
previously, if there's a noise on the floor,and I'm like, okay, one of us.
It's just in our gut that we don't trust thatit's paranormal, we're going to record
debunking that.
That noise was the floorboard, not us or not a

ghost before our viewers, because we're nottrying to fake anything.
We're not trying to say everything that we'redoing is real.
I want to come across as real as possible.
I want to show everybody that, okay, in real
life, some things aren't.
They're not real.
Some things are completely real.
And you can see that.

Speaker A (30:50):
Yeah, absolutely.
Jake, too.
Is that kind of what you're looking to do whenyou go on investigation?

Speaker C (30:57):
Yeah, I would like to bring more proof of the paranormal.
I mean, I experience things, and I want peopleto be able to believe that there's something
there, and I would like to be able to shinelight on that.
You know what?

Speaker A (31:09):
Yeah. One thing I always find out, too, from other paranormal investigators.
I mean, you guys are the same way, issometimes you're just going to live with it,
and it maybe isn't so bad.
And it's just like having an extra friend inyour house or something.
They're not hurting you.
They're not really doing anything, but just

knowing that it's your house.
Like, hey, this is my house.
This is where me and my children live.
So as long as we're cool with it, we're okay.
Is that kind of the way you would view thingsif there was a spirit in the house?

Speaker C (31:47):
Yeah, absolutely.
If it's not doing anything malicious, you know
what I mean?That's not hurting anybody.
It's not trying to scare you out of the houseor anything like that.
It was just something that's, know, like myparents'house, for example.
There was nothing malicious that happened.
It was just something that startled you every
once in a while.
Like, oh, that door just closed.

Speaker A (32:12):
Wait till Heather comes back here.
But I'll ask you this question I always ask my
paranormal investigators.
What is your bucket list of paranormal places
you'd like to investigate?

Speaker C (32:24):
Oh, man, there's so many I would love to go to.
Like, I would love to go to the Winchestermansion.

Speaker A (32:29):

Speaker C (32:29):
The Winchester mansion would be one I would love to go to.
I would like to go to Sally house.
I think that place would be great.
My favorite place I would love to go is theMyrtles plantation.

Speaker A (32:39):
Myrtles? Yeah. Why Myrtles?
That's an excellent land to go to.

Speaker C (32:46):
For you, it's just like something about that land.
It just really draws me in there and the wholestyle of the house and everything and the fact
that terrible things did happen there.
I feel like that place would be like a
breeding ground for the paranormal.

Speaker A (33:00):
Something happened.

Speaker C (33:01):
And the one place I'd love to go to but I know you can't, because privately owned
would be Amityville.

Speaker A (33:06):
Yeah. So I already told Victoria on many podcasts.
I almost bought the Amityville house.

Speaker C (33:13):
No way.

Speaker A (33:14):
Yes. And I'm going to tell you both that I told every paranormal investigator when
I was going to talk to the real estate agent.
He said, are you in the paranormal, and are
you an investigator?And I said, well, no, I'm not an investigator,
but I'm in the paranormal.
And she goes, honey, this is exactly what she

Honey, I'm going to tell you right now, it
isn't haunted.
I'm sorry to let you down.
I've been selling real estate for 30 years.
I knew the defales.
There are a bunch of crazy whack jobs.
They're all on drugs.
None of that stuff happened.
There is no demons or anything.
And she goes, I'm sorry, but it's true.

And it was really funny, because then I
actually called the other families that havebeen there, and they're like, nothing.
It's all bullshit.
It's all joke.

Speaker C (34:07):

Speaker A (34:07):
And I'm like, well, why are you leaving?
And they were like, well, look at the house.
It's huge.
It has all these different things you can do.
But I have swore if I would buy the Amityville
house, you and Heather and all my paranormalinvestigators can come and investigate.

I would love that.
Come on down.

Speaker B (34:31):
I personally, I told Jake if I ever hit the ladder and became really rich, I would
buy the Hinsdale house from he's awesome.
But I would definitely buy the Hinsdale house

Speaker A (34:45):
That's probably haunting.
The other thing, she added, know, people had
to change the address to the house becauseapparently, investigators showing up.
The other thing she said, the other neighborsdidn't like the paranormal.
Investigators would be standing on the lawn attwo in the morning trying to see something.

So she goes, and then I told my wife, and mywife is not a haunted person.
I mean, she hears a door, like, you know.
So she said, nope.
She put the kibosh on it.
She's like, nope, we're not doing no. And I
was like, that's like I said, jay and Heather,it's a huge house.

I mean, literally, you would have to get amaid or something to help you, because it's
I love it.
But it's like, absolutely.
It's a lot of work.

Speaker C (35:41):
That beautiful dutch colonial.
Like, just appearance.

Speaker A (35:44):

Speaker C (35:45):

Speaker B (35:46):
God, it's beautiful living on the water like that.

Speaker C (35:49):
But I do find, like, the whole story just so fascinating behind it.

Speaker A (35:55):
It really is.
But the thing is such a bummer that it's just
It's not haunted.
And like I said, the real estate agent, shesaid, I'll let you come in.
I'll let you look at it.
And I had a plane flight out to look at the
house, and I was going to bring a buddy ofmine who's a paranormal investigator out with
And then my wife was like, you're not.

Anyway, so, Heather, I asked Jake, what wouldyou like to check out for your bucket list of
paranormal investigations to look at?

Speaker B (36:32):
What was that asylum in Pennsylvania?
Was it Pennhurst?

Speaker C (36:36):
Yeah, Pennhurst, Pennhurst.

Speaker B (36:38):
Because I work in a nursing home now, so I deal with a lot of death and stuff
like that and old people.
And it's different when in a saint asylum type
patient, okay, goes crazy or whatever and diesthere.
That to me is more in depth, more history,because they're hurting.

Obviously, people didn't done wrong.
They completely mistreated them.
And to me that's really interesting because Iwould love to know their story.

Speaker C (37:12):
Yeah, it's true.

Speaker A (37:13):

Speaker C (37:13):
I feel like sometimes spirits just want to get the story out there, right?

Speaker A (37:16):
Oh, the suffering and the death.

Speaker B (37:20):
I just want them to know that.
It's like, okay, you don't have to suffer.
We can talk, you and I. I'm not scared of you.
Hope you're not scared of me.
We can just have a one on one conversation,and if there's anything you want me to
disclose to everybody, I can.
And then in all hooks, you can move on or pass
on or.
You know what I mean?
Or whatever.
That you don't have to suffer alone.

That we're here.

Speaker A (37:43):
That's awesome, Heather.
I applaud you for that, because that's
Most people do not want that to happen.

Speaker B (37:51):
They're just looking to get rather sympathize with the other half than be
completely scared.
Oh, my God, he's going to flick my hair or
he's going to touch my shoulder.
No, because human touch is nature.
And when they were living, that's nature tothem.
A handshake, a hug.

And sometimes that's the last thing that they,
you know, I'm not scared of.

Speaker A (38:18):
I hope I welcome, you know, that's great, Heather.
I think that's amazing that you do thatbecause that's very.

Speaker B (38:27):
So a lot of people aren't like that.
And they're just like, oh, I'm just going torecord and we're just going to get this file
and this and that.
And third, I could care less.
And I want to say I'd rather hear their sideand get their stories across.

Speaker A (38:41):
Yeah. Heartful experience.
They were a person at one time and they
suffered a lot, or who knows, right?But they're just sitting there in this limbo
I. Where did I get out of this?

Speaker B (39:00):

Speaker A (39:01):
Just scary enough.
So mine is the suicide forest in Japan.

Speaker B (39:07):
I just want to check that out.
If you.
That's like guys like filet Mignon and they'relike the fancy steaks to me.
That'd be like Mignon.

Speaker A (39:18):
Yes, exactly.

Speaker B (39:21):

Speaker A (39:22):
Now, I've seen documentaries.
It's pretty depressing because most people go
Go to commit suicide, which is.
I don't know why I'd like to find that outpersonally.
And I would like maybe if I did bump againstsomebody that was trying to commit suicide.
Because I suffer from depression, very deepdepression.

And I've learned to deal with it throughtherapy and other things.
I was like, if I could help somebody like you,Heather, like, talk to them, and you get them
to stop and view life as a know, I don't knowthing than they're looking at.
I don't.
You, but just everything.
I'm a big outdoors guy, so, like, I lovehiking.

Just check that out and see why your compassgoes off the haywire and nothing works.
Be so cool.
And then Bobby Mackey's.
I'm sorry, I gotta check out Bobby Mackey's.
Play a little bootstooth music.
See the well where they threw the head downand they decapitated this poor woman who was

And I don't know if you know a lot about it.
I would love to check that.

Speaker B (40:36):
Okay. For me, I strongly believe water sources, like wells, spirits, are drawn
to them.
And there's a lot going on.
And I don't think enough people take theirtime to investigate wells and water sources
and stuff like that, because especially withpeople, like you said, with depression, okay.

It's easier to.
With water sources.
And I don't know.
I'm the opposite.
Water calms me.
It chills me out.
If I'm stressed and anxiety, I'm like, Jake, Ihave to go to the beach.
I have to go to a river or lake.
I just need woods.
I need to chills.
It just calms me down so much.
So I really wish other investigators would, Iguess, kind of see that wells and water is a

big source and take a little more time toinvestigate.

Speaker A (41:24):
Yeah, that's.
That's great.
I love that know, like I said, I'm mostly inthe Midwest.
I do stories in the midwest.
There's a town I don't know if you guys have
heard about.
It's one of the most haunted towns in the
Midwest called Galena, Illinois.
And they're on top of a freshwater river.

So the river kind of runs underneath the townand it's full of limestone.

Speaker C (41:50):
Yeah, I heard things.
Limestone, too.

Speaker A (41:52):
Yeah. So what paranormal investigators who investigated that town have
told me it's basically like a huge radio forspirits.
It's like this big antenna that just callsthem in.
Have you guys ever heard of that at all?

Speaker C (42:08):
I've heard about limestone being able to help with energy and stuff like that.
And something about that just draws thespirits to it.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about thelimestone.

Speaker A (42:17):

Speaker C (42:17):
But I do remember hearing something about that.

Speaker A (42:19):

Speaker B (42:20):
Which makes me question, to be honest, because we're from New York, upstate
New York, in fact.
And we have a thing called how caverns, which
is a cave that's like thousands deep downbelow that.
They do tours and stuff.
And I have been there once before and that has
limestone, tons of limestone.
And now that I'm a paranormal investigator, I

actually just clicked that maybe I shouldbring some equipment next time I go and see if
I can get it.
You never know.
But I'm just saying, that's awesome.
The paranormal investigator doesn't shut off
even when I'm at work.

Speaker A (42:59):
See, you're twenty four seven.
I love that.
It's the best.
All right, so, you guys, I have a quick topic
here to share with you that you might want tocheck out if you're in the area sometime,
especially Nebraska.
And what it is called is the museum.

Speaker B (43:22):
Of that.

Speaker A (43:23):
Yeah. So this is really cool.
But before I get to it, I get to my sources.
Get them out of the way. the museum of shadows.
Those are two of the places I looked at andstuff you can go.
I will put the links on my episode for youguys to check it out.
So here's the little teaser for you, for Jakeand Heather, and for my spooky friends.

This three story and basement red brickstructure with a green awning is the home of
many haunted objects and a few spirits ofpeople who died in this building due to past
events that happened here over the era.
In this building are.

This is crazy.
Haunted murder weapons, household items that
are haunted, and just about any item you couldimagine is on display with its story attached,
which I love.
I'm definitely going to check this out.
People who have donated their haunted objectsto this museum because they're just so tired

of being scared.

Speaker B (44:32):
That sounds like a playground for.

Speaker A (44:34):

Speaker C (44:34):

Speaker A (44:35):
When you hear about it, Heather, it's going to be like, oh, my God, it's like
This is great.
It's like Disneyland.
Paranormal people.
These items on display have been certified ashaving a spirit attached to it.
The Museum of shadows is in Plattsmouth,Nebraska, which is about six hour drive away

from me.
I'm in Wisconsin.
You might want to check this place out.
Okay, so here's some of the history of it.
The town of Plattsmith, Nebraska got its startas a trading post.
This is going to sound familiar to you guys.
That grew throughout the early 19th century.
It was incorporated into a city in 1857 justbefore the Civil War broke out.

The buildings that were built in the 1880s.
So already I know you guys minds are spinning
like we know this.
And now make up protected structures found in
Plattsmith's main street historic district.
Protected by.
Which is awesome, by the way.
National Register of Historic Places.

In other words, these buildings cannot be torndown.
They are considered an historic place.
The building is at 502 Main street on the
corner of Fifth and Maine.
Has housed a variety of businesses included.
Here we go.
A saloon, a brothel, of course, a doctor's
office, a dentist office, a cigar factory, abarbershop, a tailor, a restaurant, and my

favorite, a place for embalming corpses.

Speaker B (46:17):
Yes. There you go.

Speaker A (46:24):
And the local newspaper that was printed in the basement.
So it's got this crazy amount of energy,right?
From brothels to bar to.

Speaker B (46:36):
That's like a week's worth of investigation right there.
You can't overnight or two nights.
You have to stay seven days to get even.
Probably longer just to get every building.

Speaker A (46:47):
Yeah. So Nate and Kaylee Radderman, who are experienced paranormal investigators,
founded and became the curators of the Museumof Shadows.
They have twelve years of investigativeexperience, including dealing with demons
through their group tricity research andinvestigation of the paranormal or trip.

They have volatile objects of all kinds intheir museum.
All donations are put into quarantine.
To be sure the objects are haunted by benign
The items that have.
This is for you, Heather.
That have nasty and negative spirits attached

to them are put in a storage locker.
So you would have to ask.
You have to see them if you want toinvestigate them.
The Museum of Shadows puts all of theirspirits to work.
I don't know, it's kind of funny giving them achance to express themselves at the same time.
Besides selling tickets for the self tour, bythe way, it is a self tour.

You go in there, you buy tickets, and you justwalk around yourself, which I'm like, so glad,
right, that you could just do this at your ownpace.
They conduct paranormal investigations, whichhelps keep their doors open.
So, like I said, you guys, I guess, would justreach out to them and ask them if you ever
want to do it.
I'm sure they would love to have you.

They warn about touching the objects and havecameras to keep an eye on participants and
visitors, which is kind of stupid.
You have to do that because hopefully nobody
would steal one.
So here's some of the things here.
A spirit attached to an object may decide togo home for a visit.
So they've had that happen before where aspirit has attached themselves to someone and

gone home with them.
The cameras also keep an eye on haunted items,
like I said, on display.
But one of the things, some of the dowels,
they said, because they have this, you canlook at a million YouTube videos.
Some of the dowels they've seen and objects
move is recorded because they have cameras onthere after closing hours.

Speaker C (49:04):

Speaker A (49:04):
Excuse me.
They used to have a live feed.
I don't think they have a live feed anymore,but they used to where you could go on a live
feed, like at 02:00 in the morning and checkout what's going on.
I'm not sure if they do that, so don't quoteme on that.
It'd be cool if they did.
The addict where a prostitute, Anna, was

brutally stabbed.
Check this out, people.
90 times by a disturbed client.
Her body outline has been drawn on the for
So they still have the attic.
You can go up and of the chalk outline thatyou can look at, most people have felt her
presence there.

The spirit has found a way to communicate with
the living.
So this is good for you, Heather, informally
with visitors and participants of theparanormal investigations held there.
So imagine, like you were saying, heather,this poor woman, she got stabbed 90 times.
And then would you think she has something tosay?


Speaker B (50:07):
Well, yes, that's a lot like, obviously she has unfinished business and.
Sorry, the camera.
Yeah, I would definitely love to go there.

Speaker C (50:21):
I'm 100% interested in it.

Speaker A (50:23):
And it goes on.
The basement has a heavy feeling in its energy
that is pretty oppressive, they say.
And just staying for a few minutes, you just
feel like heavy.
Something heavy on you.
Like you guys talked about earlier, right?On one wall, there was a boatload of Heather

and Jake.
You're not going to like this, Jake, so be
Haunted Ouija boards.

Speaker B (50:56):
I seriously would love to come across one with that.
I don't know.
EBay sells them, of course.
I don't know how true they are.
Haunted, as in I would love kind of one of myviewers to just send me one of theirs that
they're like, okay, something's really wrongor Jay, just take it.

Just get it off my hands.
And I'm like, yes, just send it to me, please.

Speaker C (51:22):
You're a viewer of something haunted.
Please do not, don't let any of these peopleworries to Heather.
You do not want any portals opening up in yourhouse.

Speaker B (51:28):
Send it to me privately.
Have you ever seen the not scared?

Speaker C (51:32):
Yeah, I started with a Ouija board.

Speaker B (51:33):
I'm not scared.

Speaker A (51:35):
All right, more things for you.
Plus, there may have been a few spirits of
folks who have been killed here as wellbecause the building had a wild pass, right?
Remember, there's a brothel, it's a bar.
So let's talk about some of the paranormal
See what you guys think.

Visitors have had personal experiences whiletouring the museum.
This is what has happened.
Cameras have caught obviously paranormal
activity during the time the museum is closedto the living.
Most of the stuff that they catch and you'llsee on the YouTube videos is typically after
hours when you, let's say, jake would beinvestigating.

Although there has been some stuff caught whenpeople have been doing their self tour.
Just talking through, by the way, people, justto make very clear to everyone, Jake and
Heather and all my tizzy friends, this isn'tgoing to take you all day.
It's like maybe a half an hour.
You look at the site and you'll be like, oh,
okay, I could do that.

Now, there's been some other scientific ways.
Each item has been verified to be haunted withhard evidence taught and fooled proof ways.
So a lot of paranormal investors, like yousaid, who are trying to debunk stuff, have
come in and brought a Ouija board down, havedone EVP or EVM or the camera, and something,

or something has happened.
I don't know if all those videos are out
there, but people have said they've conductedmany investigations there and they said they
have seen many things with Ouija board.
Thank you.

When they put the planchette out there, itwill just move by itself.
And they're like, I'm not doing anything.
You're not doing anything.
That has happened a lot.
Also, they have heard a voice of a young girl
and an older gentleman have been recorded.
The painful cries of a dying boy have been
heard coming from.

This is crazy.
A murder weapon that cut him severely yearsago.
So again, I don't know if this is on YouTube,but supposedly they took this knife and the
investigators were looking at it and theystarted to camera and all this stuff, but then

they did an EVP on it and asked, who killedyou?
Or questions like, how did you die and stuff.
And they heard this little boy just.

Speaker B (54:18):
Crying and just being like, that's sad.
I do believe the feelings and stuff weretransmitted over.
I can't tell you if anybody would find the redor weapon of the girl or the woman who was
killed in Hinnsdale woods that I envisioned,but that's deep because I don't know how to go

else about that response.
Besides, I strongly do believe his feelings
were placed upon his feelings with the bloodupon the weapon.
And even years later, I'm pretty sure if youprobably do the blood analysis, it be there
wholeheartedly, almost all the whole knife.

Speaker A (55:02):
So that would be something for you, Heather, to maybe try to gain contact with
this little boy and help try to help himbecause.
And the prostitute who stabbed 90 times.
Jake, here's another one for you.
I'm sorry, buddy.
I'm really sorry.
You had Ouija board giggles of little girlshave been heard coming from various dolls.

So people have set the dolls out and then theyhear girls going and stuff like that and evps
of that.
So sorry, Jake.

Speaker C (55:43):
Man, you guys are just torturing me today on this podcast.

Speaker A (55:45):
I know you're going to have Ouija boards and dowels come back in this place.

Speaker C (55:51):
Yep, my house is going to be covered in them.

Speaker A (55:56):
Oh no. Poor Jake.
And then cameras have caught lights that turn
on by themselves and items that have rolledacross the floor for no apparent reason.
Visitors have also noticed.
Have you guys ever noticed this?
The smell of a flowery perfume in the air?

Speaker B (56:13):
Yes. Okay, that's so weird.
Well, I actually smelt this a few days ago at
my job.
This specific patient has no relatives that
have passed on, so I don't know who it was orwhy it was coming to me instantly.
And I was working with another coworker and Ieven told her, I was like, do you smell that?

And she's like, no. And I'm like, are youserious?
It's literally like Elizabeth Taylor or likewhite diamond scent or something.
It's a floral scent and it's so heavy, as in,I just put perfume on.
But I've been working the last hour and ahalf, so like, no, but yes, I have.

Speaker A (56:56):
Jake, have you ever smelled that?

Speaker C (57:00):
No, I have not experienced one of these smells.

Speaker A (57:03):
Have you guys ever experienced, oh, what's the other thing other people said not
only perfume, but they've smelled like liquoror food smells.
Have you guys ever smelled anything like that?

Speaker B (57:21):
No. Other than, I guess, a musky smell between.
Back in the 90s, they used to be able to smokein bars and restaurants and stuff.
So that muskiness, that smell that I have.

Speaker A (57:41):
So, yeah, I hate that.
Now, investigators have unexplained equipment
That's happened a lot.
Also, visitors and investigators have felt asoft touch on the arm by an unseen presence.
The other thing, I bet you're thinking, wheredo you get to the stuff in the storage locker?

This is what you have to do.
The owners have to be around when you do this,and you have to sign a waiver to say, if the
satan comes out and eats your head, that'sfine.

Speaker B (58:22):
I'm not afraid.

Speaker A (58:23):
You signed up for that.
Because some of these, what I've read about
are nasty.
Really nasty.
Like Robert the Dow or Annabelle or somethingto that effect.
They just make people feel sick.
Make people feel just.

Or just bad luck happens.
Like, they drive down the street and get into
a car accident or they have to go to thehospital the next day and have heart surgery
or some crazy thing like that.
So they're very leery of bringing those out.
So I guess you guys could ask.
So let me ask you this, guys.
Do you guys want to go?I think it looks like.

I loved it.

Speaker B (59:05):
Yes, I'm down.

Speaker A (59:08):
So I will send you the link to this on Instagram.
You guys can look at it, has all theinformation how to contact the people, and
then I don't know if it's free for you.
I don't know if that's true or not.
I'm sure they'll probably want a donation.
But anyway, I'll send it to you guys to check
it out and then tell me what you think.
So perfect.

Before we end the show, talk about someupcoming investigations you guys have going on
or anything else you guys want to share withmy.

Speaker C (59:38):
We are right now, we're currently doing a private case with one of Heather's
You're going through the process of recording
Eventually we will have that up for people who
want to view it.
We are planning on going back to the Shanley
soon, maybe within the next two months.
Again, we'll record our experiences and have
that up as well.

Anything else you want to?

Speaker B (01:00:01):
So we would like to get ourselves to the
Unfortunately, it is almost $2,000.
And in today's economy, it's very expensive.
It's roughly $1,600.

Speaker C (01:00:14):
That's the downside of ghost hunting.
It's very expensive.

Speaker B (01:00:17):

Speaker A (01:00:18):
So I'll back up.
I'm sorry.
You have to pay them $1,600 to investigate?

Speaker B (01:00:24):
Yes. A night.

Speaker A (01:00:26):
A night.

Speaker B (01:00:27):
And you're restricted on where you can record, to be honest with you.

Speaker A (01:00:33):

Speaker B (01:00:35):
So it's kind of like you're gambling with what if you really want, if the
money is worth it, I guess you would say, youknow what I mean?

Speaker A (01:00:40):
Yeah, absolutely.
Now I do know.
The Sally House, Jake, you brought that up.
I do know they're about $1,500 a night.
I looked it up.
Yeah, because me and my buddy were going to
stay over there because Kansas is not reallyclose.
It's probably like eight hour drive away fromwhere I live.
And me and my budy, we were going to just stayout there and stay all night and hang out.

And then it was like, at least when I lookedit up, it was like $1,500.
And my budy goes, I can get hotel room forthat.

Speaker B (01:01:13):
Yeah, absolutely worth it in a sense, because at least you're not restricted
to where you can record.

Speaker C (01:01:22):
Plug Dan back in and say the Hensdale is definitely someplace that you
should go and it's not too crazy expensive andyou definitely catch something.

Speaker B (01:01:31):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker C (01:01:32):

Speaker A (01:01:35):
Shout out Dan, Jake and Heather.
You guys are great.
I loved all your stories.
Heather, you're scaring me with the dolls and
the Ouija board.

Speaker B (01:01:45):

Speaker A (01:01:45):
Poor Jake.

Speaker C (01:01:48):
Yeah, she just tortured me over here, man.

Speaker A (01:01:51):
I love it, though.
I love it.
Absolutely love it.
So if you guys please do me a favor.
When you just do investigations, I would loveto have you back on and could you talk about
them if that would be okay?

Speaker C (01:02:03):
Yeah, that'd be awesome.

Speaker B (01:02:05):
Thank you for having us.

Speaker A (01:02:06):
Oh, yeah, you guys are great.
I love you guys.
I love paranormal investigators.
You guys have crazy stories.
I am not afraid to admit I've never seen aghost.
I've seen shadow people and I've seen otherthings.
But if I really saw a ghost, I'd probablyscream and run the other way.
I'm a pretty big guy and I've seen scarystuff, but I'm sorry, I just have to admit

that I would have to go with either you guys.

Speaker B (01:02:32):
And be like, can I help you?

Speaker C (01:02:33):
We chase them with a camera.

Speaker A (01:02:39):
This is great.
It's been a ton of fun.
So just let you guys know how we end everypodcast.
We say, I'm your ghost.
Hello, ghost.
And we say, stay spooky.

Speaker C (01:02:54):
Stay spooky.

Speaker B (01:02:55):
Stay spooky.

Speaker A (01:02:56):
All right, thanks.
Love you guys.

Speaker C (01:02:58):
You guys have a great talking to you, man.
Thank you.
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