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March 30, 2024 50 mins

Dive deep into the gripping world of the Apple TV Plus miniseries, "Masters of the Air". Join the Faulty Logic team—Andrew, Marcos, and Diana—as they explore the fascinating realities of World War II. In this enthralling episode, they examine the courageous acts, dynamic relationships, and captivating storytelling that bring significant historical events to life.

Delve into the life-changing journey Lieutenant Roy Frank Claytor undertakes—from a liability to a respectable rank—as well as the continuous challenges facing Major John Buck Egan and the unforgettable heroism shown by Rosie. Explore the harsh battlefield realities and soldier dynamics that shaped The Bloody Hundredth and its characters. Expect thorough character analysis, enlightening plot discussions, and a window into the historical intricacies and complexities of war.

Go beyond the battlefield and immerse yourself in emotionally charged stories of behind-the-scenes heroes like maintainers who kept the war machines moving. This poignant conversation highlights the collective effort needed for victories during World War II and its enduring impact on modern society. It serves as a sobering reminder of the atrocities committed and the importance of learning from the past.

Experience an engaging blend of humor, intrigue, and suspense as you dive into the heart of World War II's history and the heroes who fought valiantly but remain seldom talked about. With Faulty Logic, the stories that shaped our world are at your fingertips. Uncover the truth, appreciate the artistry, and cherish the unforgotten heroes who shaped history through the "Masters of the Air".

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another thrilling episode of Faulty Logic.
Join Marcos, Diane, and I as we dive deep into the heart-pounding world of the
Apple TV Plus miniseries, Masters of the Air.

Greeting fellow enthusiasts of the extraordinary. Extraordinary,
I'm Andrew, your guide through the realms of the remarkable and the extraordinary.
And I'm Marcos, the skeptic in search of truth, uncovering the hidden realities
that lie beneath the surface.
And I'm Diana, the mistress of mystery, weaving tales of intrigue and suspense.

This week, we embark on a journey back in time to World War II as we dissect
the riveting storytelling of Masters of the Air.
Prepare yourselves for an adventure like no other as
we analyze the courage the sacrifice and the sheer determination
of those who fought in the skies above join us
as we unravel the mysteries of history and uncover the truths that lie within

the shadow of the past but first a message from our sponsor are you tired of
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Lucky Strike Cigarettes, for that moment of relaxation you deserve.
And now, back to our discussion on Masters of the Air here on Faulty Logic.

And we're back. That's Faulty Logic.
That's Falsy Logic. You know it, brother. I'm not really sure what episode this
is because we haven't done it in about 10 years, it feels like.
It is what it is. We're in the hundreds. Yeah, we're somewhere in there in the
three digits. This is going to be like episode 120?

Something like that.
130,000? Eh, something. Something along those lines.
We've been doing it for a couple thousand years at this point.
For those hardcore followers that we have, though, they know what episode we're
on, so that's all we care about. As long as you know. Facts.
Figgety figgety facts. Figgety figgety figgety figgety.

I feel like I fucked up that sponsor nah nah you're good nah hey we didn't fuck
up anything you know what you need?
Just go get you a lucky strike calm the nerves that's all I need.
Yeah lucky strike alright so yeah this week we're going to talk about the series Masters of the Air,

it's on Apple TV it's the same same
company that's done band of brothers and the pacific
so it's like a spiritual sequel yep even
though it takes place at the same time as the other ones it's uh
it's a different kind of
world war ii show whereas band of
brothers followed the easy company paratroopers and uh can't

remember their their squadron group battalion any
of that anymore because it's been a couple weeks since i the
wash banner brothers again but they're army paratroopers and
then pacific followed the the
marines in the pacific theater this one follows the air force the army air forces
the eighth the eighth what the air wing yeah a hundredth as they yeah the eighth

wing the hundredth bomb group bomb Bomb group.
Flying B-17s. The blue, the bloody hundredths. Hundred.
As they're well known as. Yep. Because not a lot of them came back.
No, they died. A lot of them died.
So, yeah. You know, kind of breakdown of the show.
It follows the bloody hundredth as they did all their bomb runs before and up,

leading up to the invasion of Normandy and kind of ends with them.
Dropping aid into holland so it kind of goes through the whole european theater.
It's a it's a harrowing tale
it is these gentlemen who

have all long passed at this point went through
a loss they you know you
watch band of brothers or the pacific and you think how
the hell did these people do this yeah but
come out okay yeah yeah but you know i i watch
band of brothers and outside of a few obviously episodes
but battles like uh bastone i don't want to say they had a good chance coming

back because a lot of them didn't but they felt like they had a chance of coming
home yeah these guys some of these these bombing missions it was suicide yeah Yeah, it was suicide.
They mention it a lot in the show, too. These are suicide missions.
I think there was a couple episodes where they talk about, like,
they get replacement pilots and air crews.

It's like, hey, look to your right and look to your left. Right.
One of you guys or two of you guys ain't coming back what's crazy
imagine hearing that like man what's crazy to me
is like the scenes where they're in the airplanes
and they're flying like i know i felt it is the
the claustrophobic feeling feeling like
you're in those aircraft flying and there's

nowhere for you to go yeah you're just because
there isn't anywhere for you to go unless you're gonna fucking bail out
but then exactly and the worst would be being stuck stuck
in that ball turret man yeah i felt the worst
for them let's put all these small guys in there like sometimes
like oh the whole thing's gone so yeah yeah we should
i guess kind of break down the b17 a little bit you guys haven't watched the

bloody hundred documentary so it kind of talks about because the show it had
parts where they they kind of talk about who the air the actual air crew but
the the bloody hundred kind of goes into it a little bit more in depth so obviously
So you have the pilot co-pilot,
you have the navigator, and I think you have seven or eight gunners.

Like you have a tail gunner, you have two side gunners, so you might not have eight.
There's the one right behind him. Yeah. So the top one. You have five,
six, seven, something like that. Something like that, yeah.
And they talk about it specifically in the bloody hundredth is this B-17 is aluminum.
Yeah. So, it's not like steel where you get shot, it's going to dent.

It's this thing, it's like aluminum, obviously not like aluminum foil,
but if you have aluminum foil stretched out and you throw a rock at it,
that shit breaks through like crazy. It's going to destruct, yeah. But they...
I don't know where I was going with that point, but just to,
I guess, to drive home. Basically the way the plane is. Yeah, yeah.

To kind of drive home, like comparing it to other World War II,
I don't want to say other World War II media, but comparing it to Band of Brothers
in the Pacific, like the-
The threat of death is a little higher because they were flying day missions.
That's another thing. so it is it's brought

up early that the the british flight night
missions because they want to save their people but
with that they don't have good
accuracy yeah yeah the americans like
fuck it we're flying day missions we have we're gonna hit these fuckers they
have a at the time it was a classified bomb drop i don't know like a site they

used that if the plane was going down People were shooting that thing to make
sure if the Germans couldn't get their hands on them.
Yeah, it was like the little scope, the little bombsite thing.
Like, yeah, make sure you grab it.
And that's another thing to talk about in the Bloody Hundred,
like how accurate that thing was.
Like, if you could hit something within, you know, from 30,000 feet within a

10-meter area. That's crazy.
It was a very... These guys were basically flying these suicide missions during the day.
And they were they were putting their
lives at risk seeing all the anti-aircraft oh
freaking fire yeah like man like you're just

going into like luck it's like all right
hopefully i'm good i'll get hit and you know the
thing that that's like hammers home is that nazis were
really bad people like the
the pacific fucking band of
brothers this shit like it it hammers home
like if you emulate the nazis

you're not a good person because the nazis themselves
not good people they were
fucking monsters they were they were
monsters and there's a
it's not in this show because this show i don't
know compared maybe the pacific might have been a little bit different
because how heinous the japanese were but

i'd have to go back and rewatch this show kind of shows they it
kind of shows the americans in only a good light yeah
they didn't really have anything we're like hey you know
that's kind of the racism wasn't there well just like the war not the war crime
i guess war crime kind of stuff like there's parts in the pacific where they're
just shooting innocent people like not innocent like but japanese have surrendered

like fuck them we're gonna kill
them this this series kind of skips over some of the stuff that the...
The gross stuff. That they had done. Like, there is...
It might not have been the bloody 100th, but it was another bomber group who...
They drop flyers to a German town like, we're going to bomb here. Get out. Yeah.

Turns out everyone, like civilians, there's no like military targets there.
So all these German civilians, children, old people, women.
They kind of talk about it a little bit. They go hide in like,
I don't know, it's like a post office or something. Yeah.
And the Americans are like, well, let's go fucking kill them all. Fuck it.
Now, they kind of talk about it in the show because like they were talking about it.

At the one point where the one guy, I can't remember who it was,
was talking about, like, these are civilians.
Like, why are we bombing this? Oh, yeah, yeah. That was after Clevin got shot
down and his Bucky or whoever's friend was like, fuck everybody.
Yeah, a friend got shot down. He's probably dead.

But, you know, they do kind of breeze over it.
They don't go into it in detail. like it's
not like when you watch movies like platoon where
they're where they're massacring yeah innocent
civilian like they're not going into detail with it
you know and that's fine like wartime is
wartime if you've never really been in

a war so you got to kind of turn yourself into
a fucking monster sometimes you have to turn your
brain off and you have to turn your empathy off and like
this shit happens it was like a goddamn video game
watching that yeah every mission like all right here we go back
through the same shit we just got to keep pushing
till we hit our target hit it yeah because the episode

when they were supposed to bomb and then make
it to africa they're getting just blown up like blown
out of the sky and fucking elvis he like his whole crew was like we got to get
out of here's like we have a fucking mission to do yeah they get so tunnel vision
I guess I mean I feel like you kind of have to you have to absolutely go in

there like it's it's not a like declaration against what they're doing I get it.
You have to be short-sighted and you have to have that tunnel vision in order
to, because the people they're going up against are the worst of the fucking
worst. Like Nazis, come on now.
It's just that. The shit they did to people was horrendous.

I just feel like they, to be able to go up in the air like that,
knowing, you have to know that you're going to die to be able to do it,
like do that with, and still get like accomplish the mission.
You have to go up there with a certain amount of clarity like when that when
they had that one mission and what one of them made it back one of these 17s

but like man episode like four i think,
fucking suicide and it was rosie who came back so in band of brothers captain spears,
he was the one of the obviously one of the
officers in the the easy company or he
took took over easy company he said something to a

couple of the characters and kind of like freaked him out a little bit it's
like you expect to go home so along those lines like i i know i'm gonna die
that's how i'm able to do this kind of stuff i guess if you gain that clarity
like okay there's a chance i might die and i have to reconcile the fact that i might die.
In order to survive like i feel

like you have to do that it's a survival it is but i
don't even think a might kind of thing i feel like if
i'm going up there it's like i'm gonna it's like let me be really
negative there might be a positive and then
you know if something good happens exactly it's like
if i and if i think i'm gonna
die on this mission then at least let me

accomplish my fucking goal yeah so like if
i if i die but i bombed this whatever i'm supposed to a
bomb that's fucking that's great you know
they kept talking about the 349th with
these guys i'm like i was with the 349th up
at travis oh really about a year that's
it's just that's crazy yeah units are still right yeah yeah

that's that is fucking crazy yeah so so
let's get into some of the the characters i
guess with the characters we kind of go with episodes and you know
important events that happen to them in these episodes so obviously there's
throughout the whole show there's probably three
main characters there's some other characters that
come in later in that later in the c or series that are

important yeah you got buck bucky and uh cross the three like who pretty much
in every episode well major gail buck clevin you got bucky's uh major john egan
and then whatever Crosby is.
Lieutenant Harry Crosby. I think Crosby was the only one that was in every episode. Maybe...

Maybe Egan was in every episode. Cause there's a couple episodes where Clevin wasn't there.
Cause you know, you think he, you think he, and I kind of like how they did that.
Cause he just, I mean, you hear like, oh man, those just went down or whatever. Yeah.
And they just, damn, are they going to leave them dead?
I mean, I didn't know how they were going to do it yet. Yeah.
Cause it's war. So those things would happen.

But you know, it is what it is. What it is. But so those three characters are the characters,
you know, main, main mainly through the whole series later
on you get rosie who comes in and he
is you know he's uh he's an important character later
on it's crazy because with rosie man rosie and bucky dude i'm like i confuse
the fuck out of those two like they have like the same different hair but if

they had the beanies on or whatever they're very similar they were the mustaches
were a little different and then you had two of the tuskegee raiders couldn't
tell you what their names were because because I've only watched this series one time.
Whereas Band of Brothers, it took me like 10 times before I remembered every
single character's name.
So going down the list with the Tuskegee Airmen, there was Lieutenant Joseph
Evans Gordon, Captain Irwin B.

Lawrence, Lieutenant Lee Buddy Archer, Lieutenant Shelby F.
Westbrook, Lieutenant Charles M.
Bussey, Captain Wendell O. Pruitt, and then Lieutenant Frederick D.
Funderburg. So which were the two that they had
at the end of the series that they did the little biography on i'm trying
to remember who those were one of them just

died recently 2022 which is
it's so weird to think that fuck let me
go through the main cast real quick see if any of these
ring a bell because i know there's a discussion we had like who was who who
was that yeah i mean so i remember some of their names yeah like i do not so
there's These are the obvious ones Gail Clevin Buck Johnny Egan Bucky Harry

Crosby Cross You got Lieutenant Curtis Biddick.
I don't remember him. Me neither. And these are like the main cast.
So Lieutenant Curtis Spittick. Then there's Colonel Harold Hoogland.
Was that their like commander? I think so. I think so.
There's Major Marvin Red Bowman. I remember Bowman. Bowman because we made fun of that. Yeah.

Who was that guy? He's the one with the mustache.
Well, that doesn't matter. But. But.
Lieutenant Roy Frank Claytor. Claytor.
Claytor. there's marjorie marge
spencer that's buck's wife yeah
okay okay colonel neil chick harding major

robert rosie rosenthal rosie sergeant william quinn lieutenant herbert nash
paulina lieutenant ulrich haussmann dr houston okay remember that was like the
psychiatrist yeah Yeah, the one who sent craws, like, you know.
There's Alessandra, Sandra Westgate, Colonel Albert Clark, Second Lieutenant Richard D.

Macon, Second Lieutenant Alexander Jefferson. Macon was one of the Tuskegee
Airmen, I remember. He was Macon? Because Macon, Macon, Georgia.
Macon, Georgia. I remember that name. And they called him Macon.
Make it there's a second lieutenant alexander jefferson
that was a i think that
was one of the ones who i think that might be the one who died in 2022 let

me click on real quick he yep june 22nd
2022 that's crazy so there's a lieutenant robert daniels okay colonel benjamin
o davis jr and lieutenant george nighthammer so that's a lot of characters let's
kind of kick stick it to stick Stick to the main one.

No, that's fine. I just wanted to go down the list to see which one was rung
a bell. Because I know it was hard to remember. Like, who's who?
I know. I remember this guy. But then they died. And they were,
like, important at first.
I'm really good at remembering characters and shows.
It takes me a bit. Because there's so many.
But the Bucks and the Buckeyes. You know, like, Buckeyes, Roses, and Cross.

And that old boy from Eternals. Which one was the one that crashed?
He was pretty like main caster but then crashed.
And died yeah i don't remember who i don't remember who he
was i don't know forget his name but he was in the eternals he was
so let's let's just
start with cross because i think he was the first one we actually see maybe
it might have been one of the bucks but and then he's the one that's narrating

yeah cross is the one always throwing up right so he's
the one that gets the air sickness his kind of development throughout the
show like he starts like he's terrible that terrible navigator
missed i think he missed something because he was throwing up yeah it
was kind of funny because he like squished the bag and the vomit fucking
no it was the helmet oh yeah yeah yeah
helmet he threw up in the helmet and he put it on

his head and then he miscalculated the distance all and
sent him straight into france or some shit yeah so he
starts off as like kind of this fucking
guy he's gonna get someone fucking killed but you
know throughout the series as he gets better realize he's
a really good navigator he comes through yeah he he gets
promoted he ends up being like the group navigator yeah so

he's he doesn't even fly in a lot of these and then like later on his
poor wife joan he does he cheats on his poor
wife joan poor joan and see i
remember her name he he loses like his best friend bubbles bubbles poor bubbles
i don't remember who bubbles i'm trying to find his fucking name because that
dude was like a navigator bubbles is who he took over for Bubbles was the group

navigator And he took over for him He had the snow globe Bubbles.
Bubbles was on one of the planes That was lost When only one came back It was
that mission So Kraz He was the narrator Through the series So you knew he was gonna.

Bubbles was Captain Joseph Payne Okay,
They don't mention it in the show, but in the bloody 100th, you've learned that
Bubbles failed being a, not Bubbles, Cross failed being a pilot.
That's why he became a navigator. Okay. Okay.
He spoke about that in his later years. Like, yeah, I fucking sucked.
And they like, you're going to be a navigator instead.

Like, why would you be a pilot if you have air sickness? But okay, sure.
Well, I can only imagine. I thought about this because I came home from Philadelphia
and like, it was just pure turbulence the whole way.
Like these guys are flying in janky
ass aluminum jets fucking prop old prop
planes like that yeah there's those things are not smooth
like fucking jet engines oh yeah i mean i

just think about when we were flying back from hawaii on our
tdy and we got that hard ass landing yeah
i i thought my legs broke my dad
flew in a lot of these old fucking planes man
like this and yeah he's like like yeah fuck that
so all right so we've got we
got craws let's do the the bucks bucky and buck

buck buck and bucky so elvis so that
is that's clevin right that's clevin clevin so he
is i think he's the very first person you see because it starts with him and
his they're at like that bar yeah yeah or whatever and buck is with his wife
marge no well his girlfriend but wife now marge And they're at the bar dancing,

doing whatever they do before they go off to war and Bucky's there.
And that's kind of how you get like your intro to them. And then it goes to
him landing in Greenland next like. Yep.
Is a terror like a shitty landing conditions but
he lands anyway okay this guy's a good pilot this
guy's legit yeah he kind of

the he kind of exemplifies that
award exemplify yeah exemplifies like
one of the main themes of the show like sacrifice sacrifice
and not necessarily sacrifice but like i know courage kind of yeah like he's
he's in because there is the he's calm throughout That's what I noticed with

him and the person is he's calm throughout the entire thing.
He doesn't overreact. He doesn't get dramatic with it.
He's just there. He is courageous.
Because we spoke about it a little bit ago, like in one of those missions where

they had to fly, drop bombs on Germany, and then go to Africa.
Like his whole crew like people behind them are getting blown out of the sky
they're i think they're two or three of their engines are out and the crew's
like they're like we got to get out of here he's like we've got a fucking mission
to do yeah he's he's very in his fucking plane yeah,

he's very mission oriented he is he he kind of i think he has that mentality
that i think captain spears did from band of brothers yeah yeah i'm probably
gonna die yeah but as long as i get it the mission accomplished,
my death won't really be in vain.
It's mission first, everything after. And it works out for him. It does.

Well, you don't think it. You don't think it works out for him.
So they make it to the african episode. They're there. They get picked up.
And then another, I think it might be the next episode, two episodes later,
he gets shot out of the sky and you don't know.
And you don't know what happened to him. And you don't know for a couple episodes.
Was that the episode where the only one jet came back? Yep. And they're like,

well, did you see? No. No, that wasn't. No, that was the one before.
Yeah, because the one where the only one jet came back, that's where Bucky.
Yeah, that's when Bucky went down. So yeah, he comes back and well,
he, Clevin gets shot down.
You think oh he's dead because they don't show anything obviously he survives he's in pow camp.

Which is just like fuck when they're going in that episode when they're going
through like the list of like all right pretty much the debrief like all right
fucking flight so and so blah blah blah,
done done oh when they're trying they're like asking
for explanations on what happened yeah and they're asking for
like the times of hash it is
he's like i don't know sad i don't know i don't know i saw

smoke i don't know i don't know oh yeah
when the one they're the only one comes back he's like i saw
yeah and that that that to
me is like it's so tough like so you're
a navigator so you're trying to navigate you probably have to take over for
a gun yeah and they're like so what you didn't fucking take times when fucking
jet four went down like oh i'm sorry i'm trying to live dude like what the fuck

yeah that That shit sucked because it's like he wanted to have the answers.
He couldn't have the answers because...
Everybody around him all his friends and shit are getting shot down that's
why cross he didn't cross come in in one of those he came
in clutch yeah he came in clutch with like one
of the like he fucked up it was it
was the episode before when he

fucked up with the corners and shit like in eternals died
it was that episode before that he fucking got
sick but then he came in clutch and he was like okay
no we have to do this and this and this and they landed safely
and so it had fucking old Eternals dude
he landed safely in Scotland yeah
he fucking called up yeah he holed up at

that like Scottish family's farm or whatever he's like
no I'm good I'm good you know
I think he's like from Boston or something so he had
the accent but you know he's over there drinking with the Scottish
family and they're feeding them and shit and like they're all
good everybody's at the the bar and all that shit
like yeah cross came in

clutch on that one but he did have some good development from
uh kind of a parent fuck up to to marriage
because initially yeah it was like i still mother married her for like he was
married for a long time it's like this motherfucker i wonder how his wife felt
no one i mean so i mean i get it to an extent like all right this this dude's

at war. He thinks he's going to fucking die.
Like, I'm not going to hold it against him because like, you think you're going to die.
Like, and this is where like the lines of that shit get blurred is all right. This dude's in a war.
Do I hold it against him for living through this war and also having an affair?

You can't. Cause then you seem like the piece of shit.
I mean, and it's not like your business either.
Because that's something between him and like his significant other
that's like yeah yeah they work out on that yeah but you
know it's still like probably hurtful i mean
it is but but at the same time he still came back
alive at least so you have to think about the external factors of

it it's like shit i lived dude probably thought
he was gonna fucking die but he came back yeah those 30 day 30
day leave and he got her he got her pregnant knocked her up you
know so then there so we went through cross we
did clevin egan egan he seemed
like the like the hot head fucking
like frat bro kind of he was kind of a chode major john buck

egan but he he i feel like he was he was like tempered by clevin like with clevin
was there is his like his anchor they two like without clevin there you'd probably
have been a fucking wild man but with clevin there He was, you know, was tethered to,
I won't say reality, but he was more grounded. Grounded. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

He, you know, he did missions with, with a Clevin. He did have a weird mustache.
He did. And he was weird looking. It was wispy.
But, uh, he, so he, he obviously one of the higher ranking pilots with Bucky or with, with Clevin.
Clevin goes down. He was a really good pilot, but his,

I feel like his growth throughout the show was, was
was tied was well it was kind of tied to if
yeah if clevin was there with him like because
he seemed like without clevin he's like i feel like he was a hothead yeah
absolutely so with clevin getting
shot down he's like i'm on this fucking mission
even though he was like told you're on your you know you're

grounded for a while you need take some time he's the reason like
clevin's shit didn't get fucking thrown out
either his like trunk oh yeah or whatever
you know what i mean he's like like no he's coming back he's coming
back and so egan was
shot down on the flight where only one
jet came back yeah he was yeah he was shot down he was taken as a pow after

that that is when he and as a pw that's when he reunited with clevin which was
now you see those fucking yeah i like how well it goes into those fucking oh
they're pows here they they go to the camps and then they They shoot the one,
the one guy while they're there in as the camp, like in the camps.

They don't. And see what I, I don't want to say I don't like it,
but one thing that, one thing that threw me off was, sorry, what happened?
They haven't been. Oh shit. Yeah.
Well, well, just time wise. Oh. I'm trying to keep it. We need to like a clock to keep it to the.

Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. sorry but no i mean like the fact that none of them
ever really saw what happened at the camps,
outside of their own well i mean
i'm assuming the way that like in band of brothers did
you know like i get it like stick to the real life
stuff well yeah they were just in a pw not a

fucking concentration yeah okay yeah
because yeah if you know
i think geneva conventions were a thing back
then i think they were might have been i think so
yeah so they still had like it was still they
could or it wasn't like fucking you know middle east where they're
gonna get your head cut off it's like we're keeping you people here because we

have to keep you bargaining kind of stuff yeah they started
seeing it later when he gets to the the russians yeah and then he gets oh yeah
so which kind of leads to the kind of the final yeah character rosie towards
the end so he shows up a little bit later than the rest of them and and this
is I think I was gonna say something earlier but I want to talk about it here's like this motherfucker,

they their thing is if you do 25 missions you get to go home yeah he did his 25 and he's like.
How can I leave with these guys still here? Yeah. And I'm like,
in my mind, you know, these days thinking like, fuck y'all. Yeah.
Fuck y'all. I'm going home. Peace bro.
Cause he goes on more missions. You're that meme of that kid that just disappears. Yeah. The peace sign.

Cause yeah, he keeps going on these missions. Cause he was the last,
he was the only one that came back. And when they all came down,
yeah, he was one of the ones that he was the only one that came back.
Yeah. So, so well and and speaking of that
how they all kept dying because you know they're the bloody hundredth
yeah there's a part where it was almost like a mutiny like with

the the kind of the newer guys like i'm not going back up there yeah because
they changed it from 25 to 30 mission yeah yeah well that was that was even
before then like just when everyone kept like they all kept dying they're like
they're just sending us up there to fucking die i'm not going up there and then
later on they They changed it from 25 to 28.
Well, if you'd already started, if you were like 10, you had to go to 28.

But if you're going to be brand new, you had to go to 30 or something like that.
Which is bullshit. That shit almost seems like, it seems like back in the day,
there was a lot of patriotic people and all that. Like, okay,
cool, I'll fight for my country.
But slowly throughout the wars, it's like, no, fuck this.
We're just being used. Well, so I feel like wars back then, you know,

there was a purpose and there was an enemy. You did have like a sense of patriotism.
But I think people like as like members, service members, all that started noticing like, bro, like.
It got to like Vietnam. Like, why am I over here? Like, for what?
Just because some rich people don't like the fact that this country has another
form of fucking government than us? And as a disclosure, if anybody doesn't

know that's listening to this, we're all in the military. We've all been in the military. Not me.
For over 15 years you
know like kicked out for years i met
salvia you know so like we
we do have some insight into this where
we feel a certain way about being

cannon fodder for the higher-ups but
then like but also world war ii had
pearl harbor like we were attacked so that's why
people yeah yeah and that's i mean it's kind of the same thing
happened post 9-11 there was probably a really good increase
in recruitment like i want to go because 9-11 hey
we were attacked yeah absolutely which is why like

i want to get into the tuskegee airmen and the
red tails and everything like that because the people that were in those organizations
they weren't valued by america oh no you know what i mean like and and and they
still put their lives in danger they they put themselves at risk for the sanctity of this country.

And they came back not.
Not appreciated at all should have died over there color
boy yeah and and and yeah
it's crazy to me because there was this
sense of patriotism back then that we
don't have so much anymore but i think it's because the
covers are being pulled off yeah it's i'm gonna

go let's go kill a bunch of young people for some old
people for some old people some old rich people yeah so
real quick going back it was his name was a curtis biddick was
the one who crashed oh yeah so curtis that was another
he was a main character in the first couple episodes i thought he was
gonna live and his like i thought he was
gonna he went i didn't even want to dig into like the fucking

history or anything i'm like no i want to be surprised yeah exactly yeah
and so when he when he died when he did the
oh god thing and he died i i
had a visceral reaction to that he looked like
a curtis he did that was so so
they were they were shot out of the sky essentially i think
the rest of his crew got out but his co-pilot was shot and was

still kind of like and he was staying with him because
he really thought he was gonna land yeah then yeah that
oh god and you see the outside shot like
the plane explode yeah it was i had a
visceral reaction to that because it was it was
so shocking like the fact that this
person it reminded me of like game of thrones where like

ned stark dies you know and you're like no this is a.
Main character oh god no he's not yeah that
was uh oh shit he's he's
he's gone he's dead well so this show is this show
was like filmed before i mean it started
being filmed like five years ago yeah so all these people weren't
as popular as they are now so he hadn't been

in the eternals yeah he definitely had not like that or salt
with the fucking
bath water that's the only
that's the only thing i know from that movie yeah i
love i love shows like this me too me too it's such a good show was back in
the day like i mean we're we're all i think i think it's safe to say we're all

fans of like war movies old war movies like we all love like we were soldiers
and platoon and those saving Being Private Ryan and obviously Band of Brothers.
We already did our whole podcast series on that. The Pacific.
I've always been a fan of Braveheart and fucking Patriot and all that shit. Like,

And I don't know if that's our military background speaking or if it's just
us enjoying this content, but it is a history thing. Yeah, I agree.
And, you know, it just it speaks to where our country's at and what our country
went through and everything like that.

And, yeah, obviously, a lot of it's whitewashed and we can understand that and we can recognize that.
But it's just so
interesting and engrossing and there's just
something about it that like speaks to us and speaks to people that enjoy this
content like it there's just i don't know i think another thing is these people

were real and in a handful of years absolutely we're gonna look back at this
stuff and say and we're gonna look at the where we're at currently and be like Like,
there is not a single person left from World War II alive right now. Yeah.
And we're going to look at these things as more of a historical document than
we are as a form of entertainment. Yeah.
And I don't know if that's important or not, but it kind of makes you, I don't know.

The scale of history at that point is kind of, you know, it's just weird to think about.
You just, I don't know, you think about these atrocities that happen,
right? right? Like slavery, the whole, the whole thing with that.
And then the whole thing with like the Holocaust, like the atrocities that happened
there, like it's a humanity issue.

You know what I mean? Like humans are fucked up. Humans are fucked up.
And the fact that we can get brainwashed into the fact that we're going to look.
Maybe we need a new version of us.
That we're going to look away. That's why I need apocalypse.
I've been saying it for years.
Give me an apocalypse and Sometimes it seems like we just don't learn. I love...
It's greed. I don't know if it's like love is the word, but I do...

I don't know, getting grossed, I guess. How to love. It's a contact about World War II.
And I know it's like a subject matter that's intriguing to a lot of people.
Like, how did we end up here?
How did that country end up in a place where we're all going to look away as all these people?

Oh, that's just a geopolitical thing. That's fucking decades that led up to it.
Decades i'm still it's just
fucking ridiculous to me because you know you look up
the statistics of how many people died in the
holocaust and it's like it wasn't just obviously it
wasn't just jewish people it was romani people
to be politically correct and you

know like with with hitler being
fucking pissed off about a black man winning
yeah during the olympics there's a a movie called race on
netflix about jesse owens it's really it's really i
gotta watch that but you know just just these things
these atrocities that humans commit and it's like how did we get here how did
they get there you know what i mean it's just a weird series of events that

led to like one thing after the next yeah it just builds and builds you're okay
with these things happening.
And you you want to say it's not going to be me i
would never do that but really i mean that's
human nature jim jones kind of bullshit
like i'm never going to drink kool-aid oh fuck he's i guess

i'm drinking he's real good i'm drinking the kool-aid it's like
smart that like we are humans like
we're also really easily manipulated you know
absolutely yep that's a manipulation tactic
so overall like what y'all think man i
love the show i really enjoyed it i
enjoyed it i i am gonna go back and watch it a

few times it it made me claustrophobic there were times where i had a physical
reaction why every time they went into the mission it's like oh shit yeah yeah
like that like some of those like bombing runs like it is like it's stressful
you're like hearts fucking getting.
Like i'd be in the chair like clutching like

they did a good job of making it feel like you're there with them
some of like some of the you know the nasty like not dog fights but when they're
getting blown out there like there's some slow motion shit where there's one
clip where a dude yeah and he gets ripped in half yeah i know exactly what you're
talking about yeah and i remember And just,

just, I think they did a really good job with the feeling of claustrophobia
and the feeling of hopelessness during some of those missions where,
where, yeah, like I said, I had a physical reaction to a lot of those where
I plant myself in the fucking seat.
Like, no, I don't like it. I don't like it. Like.
I'm trying to get away from from that shit you

know like it that's that sacrifice these people
had to go bothered me yeah but i
wanna like i want to compare it to band of
brothers in pacific oh why completely different show
i mean i still can i just can't because i haven't watched it enough
like i don't yeah and we talked about that
before like there's so many intricacies season other shows

that i had to watch like band of brothers i've watched
band of brothers is like yeah band of
brothers is top tier because that show made me cry like a
baby i weeped i weeped during
that ninth episode especially that shit made
it's a great show but it's definitely one i i had
to watch multiple times to like really the first time you

watch i missed that shit i missed that exactly like who are
these characters kind of thing like you have to
watch this know these characters you do and it's
hard to do that in such a consolidated yeah yeah
i mean it has to be like whereas i'd have to watch like two or three more times
be able to fully grasp everything that happened band of brothers you kind of

get to know them the first time you watch them but there's so many characters
like they'll be like hey malarkey like who the fuck is malarkey or It's not
fucking Isaac. It's Joey.
Who's fucking Joey, Joe Toy? Joe Toy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But even still watching like Band of Brothers the first time,
that ninth episode still got me because it's just like, it's so fucked up and

it's so horrific to see that shit happening that you don't care who the characters are.
Those are human beings and that's happening to them. You know,
out of all these, like not the shows, but the people that went through the.
Wars and shit like they're portrayed in these
shows my respects to the ones that live like fuck man

yeah for like being able to live with some
of that shit like and and and yeah going on to
to live like productive life kind of like it
masters the earth like one of the second last episodes
no not that one like when they're they escaped right it
was a three they escaped oh and they get stabbed and the one dude gets
stabbed by a kid and then they're just like we gotta go yeah but

you know like later in life how do you think like fuck that motherfucker
could have made what if i stayed awake what if i had what
if i fucking we took watch we were there sleeping
and just going through so much survivor's guilt that it's like well you always
you always hear stories about people who's like older folks whose parents were
in world world war ii and they they're like as their parents died they're like

you know they never told me about their experience like they They just never fucking spoke about it.
My grandpa never spoke about his time in World War II either.
And yeah, I get that. Like my grandpa would never talk about it.
It's just such a weird, like, and a lot of these people would come back and
go back to their normal lives and they would just, like, it never fucking happened. Just go.

Yeah. Because yeah, like my, my grandpa being in World War II,
he never talked about it. He never talked about his experiences over there.
I wish he would have. That's probably like a conversation, like,
maybe if somebody I served with over there, maybe I'll have a conversation with
them. But I feel like they didn't because...
Obviously it's it's it's there but they probably try to block

it away so talking to someone you don't want to bring it up yeah bring back all
these like bad memories for them all the
trauma and shit like i get that i do
wish my grandpa would talk to me about it like he probably
was like i don't want to talk about this shit no he didn't
want to talk about it and he i mean anytime anytime
we would ask he would be like i'm not talking about

it it's also a different generation like these days people would
be like i'm gonna tell you about my story and let me show you my tiktok okay
and why what i did was so brave i'm like
what the shit was like they've rolled their ankle like these
motherfuckers act like their trauma is is equal
yeah i was able to survive because i did

something that most people wouldn't yeah these guys
like world war ii like i watched all my
friends i went through basic training with fucking they
died blown up they died and horrific but before
we wrap up like i really like like how
they did a focus on the maintainers here and there yeah not a lot but like when

the dude had the engine problem and he fucking it was buck and he's taxing he's
like yeah i can get it fixed he's up there fucking adjusting the points on the
fucking they're like all right boom and then he just rolls out there you go
try now that shit I'm like, that shit never fly now, dude. Oh, hell no.
You never see the maintainers. I've been to landing gear, man.
Just taxi out. I'll roll out. I won't get ran over, dude. That shit,

like... You never see the maintainers in these shows.
The fucking... The fact that... The safest fucking job probably in World War II. Like, I'm a...
If anybody died, it would have been because of something stupid like that.
Like, yeah, he got ran over. He could have been a Navy maintainer on, like, a ship.
Like, no, you're going to get fucking destroyed by kamikaze.
Like, I'm going to be in Army Air Forces and just...

Chilling like i want to know what their war was like
yeah i'd love to see a show about that it's like all
right so much like i'd love to see a fucking world war ii show or
not a world war ii show but a fucking korean war show you know i mean like because
you don't hear about that one you don't see anything about that really like
there's a couple things here and there but it's it's nothing like i just i just

think i'm sure that war ii or vietnam or anything like that but yeah yeah, like,
fucking you rarely ever see maintainers in these shows.
And it's like, they were a big part of this shit. You know what I mean?
They launched their jets in the fucking pub and have drinks.
Without damn planes, they ain't flying.
And they ain't staying there for it. Especially the ones that come back like

destroyed. It's like, fuck, dude.
Oh, is that me? I should check this here. All these engines are fucked up.
These wings are fucking destroyed.
All the time. Oh, yeah, fuck that. Supply's never going to be able to get me that wing.
You're like, all right, this was just full of fucking bullet holes.
Is good. They just got a fucking tinfoil from the fucking kitchen. Speed tape.
Cover it up. All in all though, this show was great. I loved it. I thought it was great.

I really did. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. I thought it was good.
I'd have to like watch a couple more times before I can accurately.
I won't rate it now. I will say that I like it a lot. I enjoyed it.
But yeah, I have to watch it a few times. It's definitely one of those shows
you gotta watch a few times. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
Cool, man. We're sitting at 50, dude. We're done.

Let's fucking... Let's go with that Lulu fucking...
Yeah, this is Lulu from 1940s during World War.
This is a top five song in the day Pearl Harbor was attacked.
This is what FDR was dancing to in his wheelchair.

Wearing his women's underwear. Fucking doing tricks He's fucking doing all these,
I'm just fucking shredding bro Shredding dude He's all of a sudden Tony Hawk
So this was podcast It should be podcast 121 121 We'll go with that Alright we're closing out.

I'm closing my tab out Bartender you
know what to do Barkeep The next one
one and make sure if y'all are stressed we'll
get you a lucky strike get you a lucky strike the smooth it'll calm you down
it'll make you feel right barely filtered straight to the lung that's filters

fucking iridium guaranteed to make you run faster jump higher grow an extra arm and.
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