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March 18, 2024 102 mins

Relive the rollercoaster ride of unexpected surprises, new hobbies, and nostalgic Dreamcast days in our new episode of "Game Dad's Podcast - Unexpected Surprises, Plans and A New Hobby". In this episode, our hosts share about personal advancements, unexpected plans, new hobbies and our adventures in the world of gaming, particularly in the Dreamcast era. Aaron shares about his promotions, family reunions and even his new interest in playing the guitar.

We also indulge in a deep fondness for Dreamcast games, sharing experiences with the console, including our favorite games and reasons for not including certain games on every platform. We discuss the strengths of Dreamcast's game library, how it holds a special place in our hearts, and create a worthwhile conversation about its historical significance.

Beyond the games, we converse about the memorable times spent engrossed in various games, laughing over joyful experiences like Sonic Adventure and Marvel vs Capcom 2. We also discuss the iconic games that made Dreamcast special, touching base on our shared love for them. The humorously narrated anecdotes of our everyday adventures cast refreshing insights and captivate listeners.

Lastly, we delve into our warming fatherhood moments, hobbies and our appeal towards gaming companies to simplify the DLC's purchase process. This gratifying episode offers a perfect blend of nostalgia, gaming lore, life stories and fatherhood escapades. Tune in now for a delightful journey down memory lane and revel in the Dreamcast era!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I because i have to tell you about this week man all right
welcome to the game dad's
podcast this is game dad's nights because we're
actually recording in the evening for like maybe the
first time or like the second time ever just felt significant
enough to point out i am your one of of your hosts

aaron and i'm joined by my old i don't know long time longest time best friend
and he can introduce himself i'm brett and i i do what nintendo ladies that's a guarantee.

Okay welcome to game
dads i just kind of
want to like start with the crazy week that
i've been having just because it it needs to
be put into words okay so
the last week and

the beginning of this week i did two
very promising interviews for a
new position at work and i was very excited awesome so
i i have a third interview that is
coming up on monday and i think that's the deciding interview and once that
one's done then i'm like it's yes or no like that interview is the decider and

then you know i either get it or i don't so i'm very been very excited about
that I've been very fired up about it.
I can't wait to hear that you got hired as the chief operating officer of that ass.
All day, every day.
So Friday I get into work and my boss hits me up and he's like,

hey, we need to talk about your end of the year review. And I'm like, cool.
You know, I've this is my third end of the year review with this company.
They're usually pretty chill. Just like, hey, here are your strong suits.
Here are your weaknesses. This is, you know, you got this amount of raise and
blah, blah, blah, and all that.
So he's like, first off, you got a raise. I'm like, sweet.

And he's like, second off, you got a promotion. I'm like, what? Well, what? What?
He's like, yep, we're promoting you to ASA3. So now, you know,
you're the next level up. And I'm like, cool.
Do you guys know that I'm interviewing for another job right now?
And he's like yeah but you
know that doesn't take away from what you've been doing in this position so

i can't not give you your raise and your promotion just because you might be
going somewhere else so raise i'm like promotion i'm like awesome so for thought
i so that was cool but i'm also in this zone where i'm like,
But I'm trying to leave. Like, are you guys trying to indicate to me that that's not going to happen?

Or are you just, you know, is it literally just like, here's your raise because
you earned it? Like, I don't know.
So I've been in a weird spot because of that. Because it's just like a weird position to be in.
Like, a week ago, my mom hits me up.
And she's like, hey, there's a family reunion in Washington, D.C. Do you want to go?

And I was like, I'd love to go to D.C. So like we started like making the initial
plans for going to going on a DC trip with my family, which we've had family
reunions before, but they're usually pretty low key.
But like when there's a Zoom call for this one, I was like, OK,

I'm already intimidated that there's a family Zoom call happening now.
So I get in this family Zoom call and it's like, this trip is going to be like 50, 60 people.
My aunt like rented out an entire floor of this hotel for all of us to have rooms in.
Like there's going to be like a conference room where we're going to meet up

and have a big family dinner.
And we're going to like, they have all these excursions planned.
We're going to the White House and all this other stuff. off and i'm like holy
crap this is not the best first like
big trip with my you know four-year-old
and one-year-old like now it's like turning this huge thing it's gonna be i'm

like but i'd already like i already got a rental car already you know me and
my mom are already talking about hotel plans so it's like way too far to back
out now but like i did not realize how big this thing was going to be.
So yeah, that's awesome.
So like they were taught, like the,
the conversations that were going on in the zoom call where we're talking about,

they were going to like rent a Greyhound bus and like get all my family in this
huge Greyhound bus and like drive them all from St.
Louis all the way up to Washington, DC and all this.
It was wild. I was like, I had no idea this was going to be this big.
That's going to be fun, though. Yeah, I'm excited for it. Because,

like, when we lived in St.
Louis, like, my mom is, like, a big, like, you'd be surprised at how me and my brother are.
But, like, my mom's, like, a big family person. Like, she, you know,
cousins and aunts and uncles and nieces and nep. She knows what twice removed means.
I, like, she, like, she's a big family person. And so like, this is like what

she, you know, kind of is used to, but me and my brother are completely like, we moved just to from St.
Louis to, you know, the Indiana and we have been pretty much just us since.
So like, we're going to be thrown back into this huge, big family setting for the first time.
And it's, it's just, it's been a crazy week.
And then it topped off with this dishwasher thing. Oh my God.

Okay. Okay, so me and Andrew, we've needed a new dishwasher for a long time.
It's just the one that we have, we got with the house.
It's, you know, construction grade, so it's like the cheapest dishwasher you could possibly find.
It's got a big old dial on it and stuff. Like, it's an old school dishwasher.

So we've had that thing since we got the house, and it's just been getting crappier
and crappier and crappier.
So it's finally time to get a new one and we went
to lowe's to just we were there honestly just
to like buy some random stuff but like we walk
across these dishwashers that are sitting in the scratch and dent section and
like the the dent that was on this this dishwasher was so small that the employee

who was helping us had to like get down on the floor and like turn his head
and like get it is close. Okay.
Here's the dent right here. This is this little, this little pop right there.
That's the dent. And I'm like, and this thing has never been used, never been installed.
Nothing. He's like, Nope, somebody came, someone bought it, got off the truck,

saw that dent, returned it.
And because it was actually made it to their house, it has to go in a scratch and dent section.
And I was like, okie doke. Well, that sounds like free money.
So we just were like, eh, eh, fuck it, let's do it. And we bought ourselves a dishwasher.
So, but when you go to the scratch and knit section and buy something,

the installers at Lowe's don't install it.
You gotta install it. So that means me and Andrea have to install it.
So I went and picked it up. You guys ever done that before? Nope.
Not even, not even a, not even a little bit. But, yeah.
I did watch a YouTube video on it, and it was literally, there's a drain hose,

very obvious, very obviously marked.
There's the pre-existing hookup that we had for our old dishwasher that brings
in the clean water. Pretty obvious.
Then the the only thing that was a little like little was this is the type of

dishwasher that doesn't come
with a power cord or i actually had to like thread the wires myself but i,
looked at the old one i looked at the new one it's three wires the same three
wires on both All I had to do literally was take the old plug off the old one,

thread the wires into the new one, and plug it in.
So that's free money.
It's not that hard. So me and Andrea took it all out, took the old one out,
put the new one in, started it up, and it worked.
And we're like, yes, yes, we did it. We are home improvement gods.

Odds look out tim allen i'm coming for you like
all so happy and then we took the kids to the park and we put it on just like
a cycle just to run it and then when we came back not like super terribly flooded
but the the kitchen is like one eighth flooded.

Did you put your hose clamps on there? I had my hose clamps on,
but what it was, was I had to go to the store and buy a dishwasher elbow.
Because for some reason, the water intake lines that are installed in houses
aren't the same size as the water intake valves in dishwashers,

which makes no sense because dishwashers only go in houses, so what the fuck is the point of that?
But i'm not gonna argue with it i was
like i put it i went and bought one i put
it on i put everything together but when i
put the new one on the new
one didn't have any plumber's tape on it uh yeah

yeah so when we got back flood
i had some plumber's tape in the house luckily so took everything took that
whole thing apart again put some more plumber's tape on it ran it it again this
time when it ran we didn't see any water dripping anywhere and we haven't even
put it back in the wall yet because we just want to wait and see if it will

randomly start dripping,
or anything so we're just giving it its time and space right now but once i'm
done with the podcast i'm gonna go check on it and then if it's done if it's
not dripping then i'll put it back on the wall it's like the cool part about
dishwashers though is like putting it in the wall is like you literally just
push it into the hole and there's two screws like that's it.

Like i could do that like two screws
i'm good i hate plumbing dude
oh absolutely i can do
and then i can talk about like you know i know you're not to brag but i was
a plumbing specialist at rose for a while oh god do i hate i hate it so much
i there's only one thing that i hate as much as plumbing and intellectual i

i don't like doing anything with electricity.
Can't do that. I can. I can absolutely do it. I just don't want to.
Like, I gives me a new strange, like, thought process that hadn't clicked into
my head until I did this job.
I wonder how much of my dad's quote unquote laziness was laziness or him just

being like, what are the chances that this is going to go sideways on me?
And like weighing it out and being like, if I just say I can't do this,
it'll be quicker and easier than me trying it and it going sideways.
Like, was he lazy or was he just thinking two steps ahead and then just choosing

the more peaceful route?
I'm willing to bet it's probably more of the latter.
Just from my own experiences, like there's times where I just, you know what?
I don't want to. Yeah. And I've got, I mean, I like, I'm not like Brad.
I mean, I, I do, I do pretty good, you know, money wise and all that stuff.

So I would much rather like, well, I feel like my time is valuable and I would
much rather have somebody else that that's their job.
And they, as long as it's, as long as it's, I mean, if I can do it pretty simply,
you know, I'll do it and that's, that's no problem.
But if somebody can come in and do it better than me, Oh yeah.

Like, dude, I will absolutely pay him that just so I don't have to have the headache.
Yeah. I think the thing about our house that, like, gets me and Andrea in trouble
a lot is, like, me and Andrea are a really good team.
We're really good at, like, covering each other's strong or weak points and,
you know, like, helping each other's strong suits.

So, like, when something goes down, normally 99% of the time we can do it. But, like.
Our brains don't ever calculate like how much stress is this going to cause?
Is it really worth it? Could you do, what should we just not?
And we got to work on it because like, it's a thing we do all the time.
We're like something like, like I said, a frigging scratch and knit dishwasher.

That'll save us 800. It'll save us $400 if we buy the scratch and dent one,
but you got to put it together ourselves.
Like sometimes we just need to be like, screw this, pay the extra money,
had the professional come put it in.
But like, Like I said, it's just because we're a good team, sometimes we end
up like getting ourselves way underwater doing something that we shouldn't be doing.

Sometimes literally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that was literally,
we were dancing in some puddles in our kitchen for a while.
So, yeah. But that has been my whirlwind week.
Other than that, it's been a thing that I've been, not secretly,

but just casually dabbling in, been playing guitar.
And I just casually, playing guitar isn't even the best way to word it.
I am gradually and like
slowly and painfully attempting to learn
to play guitar there that that seems like

the the better way to word
that one because yeah I'm awful like
awful but it's one
of those things where like I spend so much time focused on you know programming
and drawing and stuff like that that like taking it taking the time to like

learn something that is more.
More physical more like it's less
typing and less drawing and more like you got
to move your hands and your fingers a certain way to be able to get
in like it just like like my brain has like is in this gear of like constantly

taking in coding information and all this stuff And then I take like 10 minutes
out of the day to practice guitar and my brain is like, oh my god, fresh air!
I can breathe! And then I can actually think again afterwards.
So it's really refreshing, but I'm terrible.
I'm god-awful. Yeah.

I don't know if like my fingers are just not built for a guitar because I'm
like blobbing all over all the strings all the time when I'm trying to play
chords and I just, I'm God awful,
but it's definitely tough, man. I can't do it.
Like it is. I like, I have no shame in saying it.

I am God awful, but it's just, it's refreshing just to be working on something
new and like a little bit of of like, you know, programming is so much like memorization,
like, Oh, you gotta know exactly what, you know, what this string does and that string does.
And you gotta know what lambdas are and you gotta know what,
you know, all this other stuff.

And it's just like, guitar is like fingers, chords, strum, like just do it.
You just, the only way you're going to get better is just doing it over and
over and over and over and over again.
Like there's no, nothing else to it. Just pick pick up the guitar and play it.
That's all you can do. There's no trick.
Yeah. A lot of it's muscle memory. Just teaching yourself how to,

you know, where to position your fingers, you know, all that good stuff.
Yeah. I repeat, I'm God awful.
One of my buddies growing up, man, he couldn't read music to save his life,
but he picked up a guitar one day and this, he taught himself how to play and
he did it through like listening to stuff. You know, he loves like a metal and

rock. and all that good stuff.
And yeah, he eventually got good enough to where he joined a band.
But he couldn't read music.
I still to this day just do not understand that but he's really really good
oh yeah i wish you the best i can't hit that i can't even hit that that fifth

button on the guitar hero.
I like i said i just like it's just a really refreshing thing in my brain like
i'll like it's like i have an app on my phone that's just like like oh practice
guitar i think it only lets let you practice for like the free version that
you practice for like 15 minutes or something per day.

So like, it's nothing, but like when I'm like working my butt off at work and
like, something's like, and like, I've been in the grind for like three hours
trying to figure something out or,
you know, typing up endless reports or whatever. And then like, I'll just stop.
I'm like, here's my 15 minute break. And my 15 minute break
is going to be me just playing guitar for 15 minutes and

like it's such a different part of your brain that like
i'm like like it's hard to explain but like it's like my brain is so relieved
to be doing something else like it's much easier to get back into work afterwards
instead of like grinding into more work over and over again for hours so like
i have been it's just like a random thing that i just started doing,

but I've been like totally enjoying myself.
I dominantly broke my first string because they were just baby smashing my guitar.
And then I went to the Carmel music store in downtown Carmel and I went and
bought some new strings and the guy looked at me like I was crazy.

And I, one of the guys who works there, his name is like.
Like Woodrow or something. One of those like old president names that you've
never heard anyone actually named in your life.
I was like, Oh my God. It's like, I meet you in an, if I meet like a Sheldon,
I've, I've hit ridiculous name.
Bingo. Like it's awesome.

So like, it's just been a really like random and fun experience.
Just, but like guys, this is not like, Oh, Aaron's going to drop an album.
Aaron's Aaron's working on. No, No, I am not.
I am awful at guitar. I just, it's fun to do. Sometimes it's fun to do something you're bad at. Yeah.

Yeah. Pretty cool, man. All right.
I wish I was musically inclined, but we don't really have much going on over here.
Just a little guy, not so little anymore.
Celebrated his fourth birthday yesterday. Oh, yeah.
We took him out for his birthday last weekend with two old boss battle games.

In and castleton so we
got to play about the really awesome arcade games and
spent a little bit too much money it's
fun so we did
that we did the lego store and we gave him 200 bucks
kind of set him loose so he bought
he bought the lego atari i don't know

if you've ever seen that before but he made this entire they've
got the it's i think it's the scale as well the
atari 2600 so he built that entirely out
of lego which bring me nice yeah i
mean actually kind of uh on theme with today's episode
i bought another stick of genesis yeah yeah i'm

i'm stocking up dude so when we get that apartment space refurbished and renovated
and all that good stuff we're gonna have a bunch of sega stuff out there i think
just older games and i wanted a model 2 like i've got a model 3 and i've never
had the model 3 before but i grew up with the model 2.

And i i always liked that design a little bit more so
they had a pretty decent price in there too man
they had some pretty cool stuff over at
boss battle so still on
the hunt for more dreamcast stuff i i haven't really
run across it in a while just yet not a
whole lot of dreamcast or saturn and stuff to be perfectly honest well yeah

i speaking of dreamcast i am on i don't remember ever actually signing up for
it but i got i did at some point but i am on a watch list for the,
arcade one-up marvel versus capcom 2 arcade machine oh did that ever come out

it's they They got a new version for the new X-Men cartoon that's coming out.
There's a new version of the arcade machine that's coming out and it's going
to be out in April and I'm like.
Why do i have
500 to spend on a freaking marvel versus
capcom 2 arcade machine like like like

oh like like i did just could
erase or i i am struggling to not buy this thing because marvel versus cap as
this game the game dads fans should know from previous episodes marvel Marvel
versus Capcom two is on my top 100 top 10 games of all time list.

And having the cabinet would mean I would never, ever have to worry about any
of the shenanigans that have happened with copies of Marvel versus Capcom two
in the past couple of years.
So like that arcade cabinet is kind of, kind of calling to me.
Like I, I'm literally on the verge of buying it.

Like I'm so close to buying it. yeah sell your psvr2 for something you'll actually
use oh burn but but that's a good.
That's more that's more on sony and
psvr2 yeah that i read
an article that sony has confirmed that they

are working to make it compatible with pc they
should have done that a long time ago absolutely 100% like that
without question but what i'm saying is like if i
could like take my psvr2 and like take
it over to my computer and maybe run some like vr chat
and stuff like that then i'd get some use out of it at least yeah or like play

half-life alex on it yeah they're gonna i'll get up to steam or something that'd
be pretty cool all right do you want to do do you want to do what we're playing
first before we get into the topic of the show today or do you want to,
do it afterwards yeah we can do it first that's fine you want to go first you want me to,

you go first because mine is going to be pretty simple okay yeah dude i honestly
mine's pretty simple too,
We're not going to talk about it very much, but right now I'm playing Final
Fantasy VII Rebirth. Hell yeah.
I'm not going to get into it, to be perfectly honest, but the last couple games
I played before that, because, dude, I've been clearing out my backlog like crazy.

I actually played and beat Mafia Definitive Edition, which I haven't played
Mafia since the original Xbox.
Great game, dude. Great story. it was it's one
of those like quintessential like weekend style games like
you just you pop in it's 10 hours long it's
it's a pretty easy story to get through pretty definitive beginning middle and

end and it's over and i loved it great and then i ran through resident evil
2 remake again for like the 78th time yeah but for like the millionth time because you're brett.
Comfort food man yeah no but i'm just saying if i know if i know brett then you you've you've every,

i won't say every but most of
the resident evil titles are like you know
like junk food to you like stuff that you oh yeah
definitely yeah man like you know people some people curl
up with a good book and i just like to blow stuff up with a grenade launcher
you know you know i played through different strokes yeah dude and it's awesome

too because it like it feels like i've accomplished something i can usually
beat it in one sitting and that's original and remake,
original i can probably be in about an hour maybe an
hour and a half if i'm just kind of poking around if i'm
rusty but this one took me a couple
hours to beat i just looked clear b so it's

a a little bit rearranged from the original one yeah dude
i was in and out and ready to go for final fantasy so yeah nothing too crazy
but definitely just pretty on brand for brett mine is the is the classic i was
burning on bloodborne until i got to.

Gearmund the freaking the first hunter
guy and he hit me with so
much cheese like oh my
god that it I had him down to a pixel of health a pixel of health and he one

shot me with a move that I had been hit by before and didn't die Bye.
I was like, I was so frustrated and it was the perfect, the perfect amalgamation of frustrated.
So I lost that fight. And then as soon as I like respond, I see 10,

10 blood vials, 12 bullets.
And I'm like, so that means I'm out of blood vials, which means I have to grind
for more blood vials and more bullets.
I was so mad. And I was like, I was really trying to beat this before Final
Fantasy came out so that we could have a clean break here, but I can't do it.

I'm so mad. There's no way I'm going to spend the next two hours grinding blood
vials and bullets to go back in there and fight him again.
It's late. I'm going to bed. I went to bed, and then that was Thursday night.
And then i woke up on friday and went to the store and bought final fantasy

7 and brought it home and i stopped thinking about bloodborne entirely.
So we closing the chapter on a other uh on the old yarnham when i when i finish
final fantasy i will go back to bloodborne at least to beat him and if i've
gotta like Like, go fight another boss or two.

They gotta grind some blood vials, whatever I have to do to get there. I will beat him.
But just, once I booted up Final Fantasy and I played it for like 10 minutes,
I was like, oh my god. This is so nice.
It's so beautiful and everything in the game feels good and I can be Red XIII and fight things.

And I don't want to say anything else because the game's too new for us to be
talking about it that much. but like,
It was like, okay, the best way I can explain it is Bloodborne is like chugging Mountain Dew.
Just blasting back some Mountain Dews until the hairs on your neck stand on end.

And then like after i
blasted mountain dew for like four weeks straight
someone just hands me a nice like
crisp glass of water with
like a little sprinkle of lime in it and some
mitt sprigs and then i took a sip of
it and i was like oh my god oh that's so this feels so good it feels so good

and i'm like please two more of
those beautiful glasses and i'm just just chugging them like it's so nice.
We'll talk about some of it more down the line i think yeah i'm sure we will because,
like i sent you that text go ahead

i'm sorry i want to say i've completely unsubscribed from
the internet yeah until i finish it yeah i'm
not looking at anything like not at all because like i
don't want i don't want a single like i when i don't want to talk about it because
it's new and it's fair for people to be like no spoilers but like when i opened
the game up and that first part of the game happens i was like my my eyes were

wide open andrew's looking at me like what But I'm like,
I don't, but, but he,
I was like, okay, yep, yep.
Okay. We got to start talking about it or I'm going to lose it.
Cause I just, so refreshing.

Okay. So let us go on to our topic of the day.
And last podcast we were pretty much like yep,
this is what we're going to do and we were
both prepared we chatted about it a little bit and we were prepared so basically
what we're going to do is both of us have put together a list of what we would

consider the games that should be included if they ever make a Dreamcast classic
like the Super Nintendo classic and the PlayStation classic.
What we're trying, what I was trying to go for was I was trying to go for a
well-rounded look at everything that the Dreamcast had to offer.

But also, I was also trying to be like, I was trying to stick to things that
I felt like were, like, quintessentially Dreamcast.
Like, you know, every system has, you know, like, their Maddens and their,
you know, their 2Ks and all that stuff.
I was trying to not include games like that, but not, I'm not saying like sports

games in general, but just games that like get released for every system, you know, are,
you know, iterations upon iterations upon iterations that were just because
this Xbox, this system was in this era, it got this version of this game.
Like I was trying to avoid that as much as possible. I wanted to stick to things

that like felt like Dreamcast.
Yep. and that's what i got to yeah first i wanted to say before we get into
it i wanted to whisper right into your ear.

God so before we get into our list
i did kind of want to talk about the dreamcast just
a little bit it so like dude
i collected from the dreamcast i didn't get
mine till later um i don't remember
exactly when i got it but i remember playing over at
your house like you guys got a japanese one so

it's such a perfect contrast because my dreamcast
i literally had a dreamcast before they
were released in the united states like my dreamcast me
and my brother and a couple and a a couple friends went
to anime expo the year that dreamcast dropped in
japan and they had them at anime expo
but they were japanese dreamcast so we pulled our money

together to buy one that like had to share we
had to share and like rotate between all of our houses yeah i i still remember
playing sonic adventure over here this house and it kind of blew my mind but
that that's kind of what influenced my decision to buy one and then to start

collecting for it but its life was cut,
tragically short tragically i mean the playstation 2 kind of came in at this 8th month.
But the dreamcast was so good and i to be fair to like you didn't have the third
party support and they would come off of you know the saturn and all the different

things that they that they had at the end of the genesis so i mean they were
already coming into the generation kind of fumbling.
But, dude, if ever there was a strong showing for Sega, dude, it was the Dreamcast.
Especially right out of the gate. So the marketing was great.
They had the date, the $99.99.

The price was perfect. It was $199 when it came out.
By my calculations here, and I've been kind of going back and forth,
I collected, I always thought that I had it close to him.
I had to sell all that stuff when
we moved departments and all that but there were according
to wikipedia 248 north

american games released for
it but in total there were about 600 something released
across all regions so i had.
Some imports but like i had i had a pretty solid library
and dude it had everything it had
platformers it had rpgs it it had sports games

like if you love sports dude that was the that
was the console to have even before the xbox
it was a hand at parties do fighting
games it was a fighting game and arcade machine awesome
i like the like there's
so many of like these like these like
little like weird fighting games

that showed up on that freaking dreamcast it like
i when i was going through my list i
had to like like i was remembering all
of like the fighting games that i played on dreamcast and
i had to like i had to go like okay which
street fighter do i.
Pick of these street fighters like which

one because like each one had its
own like but like which one
like there's so many choices i
made on here that were just like i have to
base it off i'm trying to base this off of what feels best
to me and like i had to
like take like when i started when i started my

list i started writing it i was at 35 when i started i boiled it down i got
it down to 25 but like what i had to end up doing was like i we set the number
at 21 so i had to like Like,
look into my soul and,

like, which of these 25 games.
These 21 games, do I think needs to be there?
And which ones are going to fall sadly into my honorable mentions?
And there are a couple that are in there that I debated about for 30 minutes
before they finally ended up landing in the honorable mention spot.

Well, I went ahead. I didn't do honorable mentions. I wanted to keep it pretty succinct.
I had, I started to, I had, I, I'm a little embarrassed.
I had a little over 60 on my first and I whittled it from 60 down to about 30.

And then I started thinking of like, okay, what are, what are like the games?
And it's not necessarily like everything that I love. Cause I love everything.
That's pretty well documented. I love everything. thing but what if somebody
was to pick up a dreamcast in 2024 what what games would what games would i

recommend them play and i feel like mine are like maybe a couple of them are a little.
Obscure maybe but like i i think
that i've it's especially in
my list like i i think you and i are
probably going to come up with all the same stuff yeah i in
fact i can almost i can almost guarantee it yeah for

sure but i i think that
like i'm not gonna like for example i love evil bad
hail to the king i'm not
gonna put that on the list like i'm not gonna sit here and say like hey you're
buying a drink cast in 24 in 2024 you need to play this stupid evil bed game
time no no i'm not gonna do that i do think it's funny that when i try to type out the word grandia,

that my phone wants to say grandma oh maybe it's like a hit it's like call your grandma.
Okay let's i mean i want to start by saying this is in the order that i thought
them thought of of them and then shuffled them around this is not a ranking in any way shape or form,

well number one i know you and i both have we have to say it at the same time
probably it's got to be sonic invention right again mine is not a ranking system
but mine is marvel versus capcom too okay.
Well, again, not the best game, but... No, no, I'm not talking about Marvel vs.
Capcom, but not leading off with the best game or a ranking or anything like that.

So I also have Marvel vs. Capcom 2 online.
Yeah, and I mean, you know I have Sonic Adventure online. That's not a thing
you're going to debate about.
But mine, like I said, mine isn't an order. It's just a list.
So so it sounds like marvel versus capcom is definitively on our official list

oh yeah it has to be yeah for sure when i when i think of dreamcast fighting games my mind goes to,
immediately to two things and the other one is on my list as well i'm sure it's
on yours but But Marvel vs.
Capcom 2 is definitely on it.
Well, then even, like, I don't like the first one, too. Mine goes to three things.

And the first one is in my honorable mentions. Because I wanted Marvel vs.
Capcom 2, I feel like, I don't want to use the word superior.
But I feel like Marvel vs. Capcom 2 improved on everything in Marvel vs. Capcom 1.
And deserves to be higher on the list-ish. Oh, totally, yeah.
So I put that Marvel vs. Capcom 1 in my honorable mentions just because it was

on the list and then other things just kind of pushed it down.
So, Mr. Piping this out, we are going to make this the list of offenders.
So number one is Marvel vs. Capcom 2. We agree.
And you said there are two fighting games that you think of when you think of...
I think of three.

Technically four but the other one is soul caliber yeah soul caliber is on my list too,
That was a launch game, too. God. Soul Calibur.
I've got these pulled up here, because I kind of wanted to go through release
dates and stuff as well. Okay.
I've got Marvel vs. Capcom 2 releasing it February 24th of the year 2000.

That's pretty cool. Okay. Wife needs me for a quick second. I will be right
back. Just got to make sure to remember to edit that out. Okay, I'm back.
So, Soul Calibur. Yep. so we
got marvelous capcom 2 we got soul caliber um i
do soul caliber is one of those it still holds up today like especially
that first one oh yeah absolutely i like i

have trouble playing soul soul caliber one on other systems yeah my muscle memory
goes to just i i i don't i wouldn't necessarily consider the germ cast until
we're perfect but dude it's pretty damn close yeah for For sure.
Okay, so when you said... Originally, you said two, and I was definitely thinking

number one, Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I think my answer is four.
Number two, Soul Calibur. My number three is Power Stone.
Yeah, I've got Power Stone on my list as well.
Specifically, Power Stone 1. Yep, mine is Power Stone 1, and Power Stone 2 is
in my honorable mentions.
I like Power Stone 2 a lot. Power Stone was actually really popular at parties.

Yeah um for people that didn't like they
were like a pickup and play style game like kind of what smash
brothers was i i always people can
hate me i actually like power stone more than i like smash brothers so they've
always kind of like that that party style fighting game yeah i love power stone

yeah power stone is awesome the other fighting game i was thinking about was uh dead Dead or Alive 2.
Hmm. I didn't have Dead or Alive 2 on my list.
Okay. We can put that as a... We can debate that one.
Let's see i'm gonna put a little star next to that one wherever it may be where

they do where to go where's that let's say for this for the sake of for the
sake of keeping this organized we should probably just go all the way down through
our lists instead of jumping around,
okay so my number one was marvel scout
com 2 my number two was power stone yeah my
number three my number one oh yeah go

through your whole list okay yeah my number
three is jet set radio of course okay
well mine too number four skies of arcadia well mine number five sonic adventure
me too number six resident evil code veronica yep number seven Grandia 2 Yeah,

Number 8 This is going to be a controversial one But it holds a place in my
heart Samba de Amiga On my list Yes,
Number 9 Fancy Star Online Not
on mine I'll debate that one with you Fancy Star Online needs me on there.

Number 10 Space Channel 5 not on mine but i was thinking about it i won't debate
that one with you if you're talking dream cast space channel 5 has to be on
there i got something that'll they keep going go okay,
number 11 street fighter 3 third strike not on mine but it was it it easily could have been,

number 12 i'm gonna say this is my controversial pick of my list san francisco rush,
2049 i was between that and sega
gt when i picked sega gt okay that one's that one is my controversial pick i
if we scrub this list out and that one's like on the table i can i can let that

one go that's a personal pick but i still love it number 13 bomber man online,
number 14 choo-choo rocket i won't argue this one that is also on my list okay
i will not argue that choo-choo rocket needs to be on there let's see,

Number 15, Typing of the Dead. That's not on mine.
I, I, on that one, I was like, which one do I think is more quintessentially Dreamcast?
House of the Dead 2 or Typing of the Dead?
And I was like, I've got to put Typing of the Dead on here. So House of the

Dead 2 went into my honorable mentions.
I didn't put any light gun games on there, even though I really wanted to.
I just. I love light gun games. freaking typing
of the dead is is my was my jam like
i there's no way i wasn't gonna put typing of the
dead on this list okay so the
last couple are another one of.

My personal picks that i feel
is very strong for the xbox but other people might not
so i won't be upset if it doesn't make it freaking echo
the dolphin i almost put that
on mine but i like the uh the sega
genesis and sega of cd ones are a little
more iconic to me dreamcast that didn't it

was good it was it was
on my list like when i whittled it
down from like 60 something to like 30 something
echo was still on there okay and then my
last couple are all one of all like these
are all gonna probably end up on the list shinmu
the original shinmu i have that on mine too

but i don't like shinmu i i like
shinmu but like i can understand where people
don't like it but i do feel like it's quintessentially dreamcast
like in my opinion good i
feel like it's one of those games that like when someone
goes oh man you know what games were there for a dreamcast shinmu's gonna come

up yeah and that's kind of where I'm at too like where I may not it's not my
favorite game and in fact like Yakuza is actually a better version.
Of shimmy i do think that they're they're pretty not necessarily apples to apples but like,
close yeah they they they there aren't

apples to apples but they fell off the same tree yeah oh
yeah that's a great analogy what else you
got okay so shinmu and then
after that crazy taxi i i won't
argue that one yep no no that's on there yeah and
then this these last these last two
i'm a little so like

next is soul caliber soul caliber is going to be on
the list oh yeah sonic adventure 2 i
was like i love sonic adventure 2 but having sonic adventure 1 on the list makes
me like okay i could i could kind of see this one not being on there just because
sonic adventure 1 is on there i in my opinion even though i don't like adventure

2 as much as i like adventure.
I know they both have to be on there. Yeah. They're both on my list for that
reason. I was like, it's dreamcast.
Like, yeah, I actually, I, I think adventure to identify as more as a game cube
game than it does a dreamcast game.

Even though I played it first on Dreamcast. I hear you, but just because it's
better on GameCube doesn't, like,
GameCube has so many games that are as quintessentially GameCube games.
I don't feel like it needs Sonic Adventure 2, but I hear what you're saying

because it's way better on GameCube.
The novelty of sonic adventure 2 and
sonic heroes being on nintendo consoles was right that's
that's kind of where i'm thinking of it as a
gamecube game more than a dreamcast game but i prefer it
on dreamcast okay and then my last one my
number 21 legacy of kane dude i almost put that on mine the reason why i didn't

because i actually kind of thought of it more as a playstation game than i did
a dreamcast game but it was on there and my game was oh god i feel like a fool,
okay all right give me yours all right number one sonic adventure number two sonic adventure two,
number three resident evil code veronica and i i'm not going to debate that

one that one has to be on there that one has to like it was the first it was
the first resident evil to release release outside of PlayStation exclusively for another platform.
Huge. And it's the true sequel to Resident Evil 2. So, Crazy Taxi, number four.
Five is Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

Number six is Skies of Arcadia. Seven is Jet Set Radio. Eight is Power Stone.
Nine, Shenmue. Ten was not a North American game, but I imported it.
Ikaruga. Oh, Ikaruga was like...
The only reason that I didn't put Ikaruga on my list was because I was like...

This is one of those games that's on like multiple consoles
at the same time i don't know if it came to dreamcast first
but it's it was on other consoles that's the only reason it's
not on my list it was from the the
slew thing i just did on the internet it was
around 2002 when it came out i imported it
later but i i never imported

games like ever ever but like ecoruga was one of those that like it was so and
it came to other comps i think it was on gamecube yeah as well but and then
it came to xbox 360 and all that other stuff but like i see it as a dreamcast game.
Like i i on my iffy spots

i would absolutely give one of my iffy spots up
for ikaruga because i i guess that i almost put
it on the list but i was like i'm trying to make sure these
games are kind of xbox or kind of
dreamcast like feeling and like i
know ikaruga from playing it on playstation like i i
don't think i ever played it on dreamcast yeah again

one of the few things i that i ever actually imported i
don't like reading japan i can't i can't read japanese but like
that one you don't have to be able to read it 11 the
soul caliber hell yeah 12 12 the
samba de amigo hell 13 is virtua
tennis 2 and i reason why i picked
the sports game is because virtua tennis 2

rules this i i don't like this but that
game is just so good but it's also kind of
an xbox game as well so i i could i could be coerced into moving that off of
mine seven they were number 14 i've got tony hawk's pro skater 2 yep i had tony
hawk on my skater 2 will forever be trapped on playstation for me it is a playstation game.

15 is Hydro Thunder. Did you ever play Hydro Thunder? I know of Hydro Thunder,
but I've never played it personally.
That's one that I see as a Dreamcast game, but I guess it was also on... It was N64?
So, again, I could be coerced into taking that off. 16 is Dead or Alive 2. 17 is Sega GT Racing.

18 is Blue Stinger. I like that one. I know of Blue Stinger, but I never played it.
Yeah, and we've got Resident Evil on there, so our survival horror is already
covered. I could be coerced into that one.
19 is kind of a personal favorite of mine, but people don't really like it. Evolution.

Yeah, I mean, Dreamcast didn't have a whole lot of JRPGs, but I think that one
was published by Ubisoft. Really weird.
20 is Choo Choo Rocket. Yes. And 21 is Grandia 2.
Yes. so basically our lists.
Are identical except for like five games.
And all of the five almost all of the

five games that aren't identical we are both like this is
personal to me i could see it either way yeah well
all right when i was typing stuff out
just a moment ago we both kind of decided on
marvel versus capcom too yes soul caliber
and power stone are staying yes right absolutely okay

we how are
we feel about sonic adventure that's staying right sonic adventure one for
sure all right i'm cool with getting
rid of two but we can just we can
leave that we're kind of on the bubble if you want to what's another
one from your list that has to stay i was
really i'm willing to argue for fancy star online

i think even though
it's not like necessarily iconic to me i didn't
play it very much i had it but i didn't play i
don't play online games like that that has a
special place in a lot of people's hearts and it's still going today
yeah that's the crazy part it's still
going it's like a it's like a

almost a 30 year old it's a
20 year old game a 20 year old mmo that
is still going like yeah i i'd
argue for fantasy star online to be on there it's iconic and it's
like i know i'll agree yeah they
like they like like okay so the.

So dreamcast was like the first people to actually like
put like an online capability in their
system at all and it was well originally it was for i think it was actually
for bomber man but it was utilized for fantasy star online and people like it
was was like the first time you could actually get into like an mmo with other

people and play i mean yeah,
I know I'm not saying there's like the first MMO ever because,
you know, PC players have been playing MMOs in certain varieties for years.
But I do think it's the first MMO that you were able to play on a console.
Console, yeah, definitely. So like...

Crazy Taxi's gotta stay. Yeah, no, no question. Crazy Taxi has to stay.
And there's apparently big Crazy Taxi news that just came out recently.
Personally i need to know i can't
remember if with like what
specifically but like i know that people are saying like it's kind of worrying

me because like i'm like i'm not one of those people who's like just shuts down
people's ideas and like oh just do what you did the first time like i i'm not
about that life like if you've got an idea that you think is you know worth
exploring but But, like,
people are saying it's going to be very big.
And I'm like, how do you make Crazy Taxi big?

Like, like a big city? Like, that kind of defeats the point of Crazy Taxi.
Because Crazy Taxi is about learning the fastest routes to every place.
And then, like, figuring out ways to rack up points. So, if you got a freaking
Skyrim city to drive around in, then, I don't know. But all I'm saying is Crazy Taxi rules.
And I'm absolutely, it's a must-have on the Dreamcast.

Classic period like i have three words to
describe crazy taxi actually not three
maybe five yeah yeah yeah yeah
it's time
to make some crazy money are y'all ready oh gosh
dude drake played that so much at boss battle

the other day so proud crazy taxi's so
good like i can't believe like it's one
of of those amazing things that video games
does that makes no sense at all like how
many racing games exist in the world and then someone was like
but what if instead of racing you were in a cab and you were trying to drive
someone to shaggy fried chicken in under 20 seconds and take me to kfc it's

a it's awesome it's so good but like what like take me to pizza hut take me to pizza hut.
You better move your butt take me to hell oh my god crazy taxi I could talk
all day about it but crazy taxi and also just as like,

another thing like offspring in bad religion like like.
Music in the game it's it's required i've seen
the new versions of crazy taxi that don't have the licensed
music and they're not as fun and
i can't explain it yeah i i
just thought crazy taxi is still backwards compatible on

xbox series x it's the
360 version but it doesn't have the offspring in it it's still
it's still it's still fine but sometimes dude
just that the licensed since music and for
some reason pizza hut and levi's
gene make a big difference in that game i i know
i know i know it shouldn't and i know it's my my millennial me me me just like

pouring out of me and i can't stop it but like i i love all the music and crazy
taxi and like you said Levi's jeans and KFC and the Pizza Hut.
It's just like it's like driving it's like driving in your hometown.
There's like a special feeling you get when you drive in the place where you

learn to drive and you get that same feeling playing Crazy Taxi. It's awesome.
Yep. It's like your hometown but there's a Pizza Hut on every corner.
Alright. I just want to get it out of the way. Resident Evil. Thank you.
That's damn yep it's i mean it's on both of our lists so yes it's so good uh what else we got here.

Samba amigos on both of our lists samba de.
Amigo all right samba de.
Go all right number
nine where we got my number nine
is space or my number
10 is space is a space channel five and that that's that's
on the list i i yeah like

so i had it on mine it's it's not my favorite thing
in the world but i think if you're
talking about dreamcast you got to talk
about space channel 5 it's it's one of those situations where
i mean i love goofy japanese
shit so it's perfectly logical that it's
on my list but like when i think about

dreamcast and i think about like the uniqueness of
dreamcast space channel 5 is one of those
games that like it i can
i can give you i can give you that it's not the
greatest it's not great on the level
of marvel versus capcom or sonic adventure or even
power stone but it's still very dreamcast

yeah and see i feel
the same way about about skies of arcadia like again
so i don't think they had a lot of high profile
rpgs but like skies of arcadia is the
is that's when i think of rpgs on
the dreamcast that's the one that i go to i don't

you didn't have that one on your list did you skies of
arcadia yeah that's my number four okay so that's
safe yeah we probably.
Should have sent our list to each other i didn't i
didn't want i didn't want like crossover or
like not crossover but like me influencing you and
you influencing me yeah i really i really like like part

i'm like sorry audience but part of this podcast
and why it's fun is because i like i like hearing your ideas
raw because like we think
similarly in like 80 of the
way we think and then there's that 20 that's like
but i break break out virtual tennis yeah that
you break out virtual tennis and i i bust

out legend of legend of kane legacy of kane which
i i just my brother played
it so much that like it it screams dreamcast
to me even though like the sequel and the original are all xbox games now and
you can play the crap out of them on xbox it screams dreamcast to me and it

screams kent because like It's like Cain is like the edgiest edgelord of all edgelords.
It's so up my brother's alley.
This is so bad.
Still can't play castlevania without thinking about your brother i all
right i haven't looked at i haven't i can't

i can't see a screenshot from symphony of the night without a knowing exactly
where on the goddamn map it is and thinking of my brother i can still pinpoint
screenshots on the map of exactly where they are 20 years later jet set radio,

Jetset Radio is on my list alright,
Jetset Radio market 12 what else do you want on there okay tell me on one of
the ones that wasn't on mine my,
my all of my half twos are already on there so I think the only one that's left

did you have Choo Choo Rocket on yours,
oh you had Choo Choo Rocket are you kidding me okay okay okay 80 and 20 i know
like okay bomber man online.
Okay so here's the like it's good
oh i'm just i'm not an online gamer i i'm really not i love bomber man though

i think that i also love bomber man just i i'll some some of those really like
Like, sometimes a really,
really simple concept can,
like, but, like, you put it in the right environment and it can just tap your
brain in a way that's so perfect and it makes it so fun.

But, like, Bomberman has representation all over the place.
So I'm not going to sit here and, like, scream bloody murder if Bomberman is not on this list.
But, like, personally, I love me some Bomberman.
I think Bomberman probably that one definitely deserves to be on there more
than like a Blue Stinger I think even I think Blue Stinger is more of like a

cult type favorite you know it's definitely up my alley but I would say Bomberman over Blue Stinger.
Do think sega gt needs
to be on it though um just from well i
got dang it okay i like your san francisco

rush though yeah that's that's that i had the exact same thing when i was looking
at dreamcast games i i saw sega gt but the reason that i put san francisco rush
was just because Because San Francisco Rush was the game that I had and the game that I played.
It wasn't, I think it's more iconic or I think it's more Dreamcast.

It was just, it's the one of the two rig games that I had.
So I'm not even going to bite you tooth and nail to keep it on here.
Oh, definitely not. No, no, no. It's not that type of list.
I'm with you, I think, on San Francisco Rush.
I like the arcadey-ness of it. I think Arcanist speaks more to what Dreamcast is.

SenuaDT is not necessarily as iconic as San Francisco Rush.
So I think that one deserves to be on it. San Francisco.
Okay. The only other... The only other game that I would fight to keep on the list is,
Typing of the Dead, but I would fight for it if there's not something better,

better on the list like if it gets down if we get down to like the nothing category
and we still have room left on the list i would put typing typing of the dead
on there but if we knock this whole list out with absolutely solid choices then
i would be fine with it being in audible mentions,
no i i agree with you i think that the joint cast had such a great light gun

catalog that i think And I think typing of the dead for just being as fucking weird as it is,
I think I think that one definitely deserves it.
Like if it wasn't typing of the dead, I would definitely say House of the Dead.
What's the is was it not was a time cop or is it time crisis?

There was another like a game on the Dreamcast that was really good, too.
But I think I think the time crisis is the one you're talking about.
Was the time crisis. I think that the of the dead games, whether it's house
or typing of the dead and like you definitely love typing.
I would say that one needs to be on there.

I will advocate, though, for I know we've got shimmy and all that stuff.
Like, I think that one definitely deserves to be on it, even though it's not my favorite.
But I would still probably advocate for virtual tennis. Yeah.
Maybe as a last, like number 21, just because the Sega Sports line was so good on the Dreamcast.

The visual concept games with the 2K, those things are still going today.
I do feel like that's the one thing that our lists kind of lack,
that kind of reflects on us as people.
But Dreamcast had tons of sports games and tons of racing games.

And stuff like that and i think i mean
for me personally i just know that i was
like san francisco rush just this
is just weird enough to grab me personally but it
also had like very like some very good like
simulator game like not silly nba
nba nba 2k specifically and

nhl 2k are some of my favorite from
the dreamcast nfl 2k1 is
still really good but if we're
talking a like you know
we we've got this box on a store shelf and we're
trying to sell it like i don't think and
we're trying to sell to a broad audience i don't know

if that's necessarily what i would put on there even though i would
like it but i wish i would i would
say virtual tennis is probably going to be what i would
put on there to represent sega sports yeah i
think the best way for me to word this and
this is my perspective so don't come at me but i feel like if you're we're talking

about it from not purely like these are the best games on the dreamcast we're
looking at it from that angle but we're also looking at it from like these are
the games that represent the dreamcast and like Like,
I don't feel like a lot of people pick up something like a collection like this to play, you know, a.

You know, sports game that was released that year, like specifically, like, like.
Dreamcast, every console has, you know, at least five of those kind of like
year after year sports games.
And like nobody's picking up a collection to get one of those specific games.

Like unless we're talking about like, I don't know, NBA Jam or something like that.
It's just not, it doesn't, those games don't represent the console that they're on.
So that's kind of why they're left off of our, at least on my list.
My best recommend or my best like
example of that is like the n64 with the the

hockey wrestling games and the ux wrestling games like wcw
revenge and wwf no mercy and all that stuff like
those those transcend yearly sport finals yeah
our garage was
lit up with the freaking no mercy for
for so long oh my god dude yeah yep

it was it was our garage the garage that we
played games in was literally like if it wasn't
gold and i coming out of the out of there it was no mercy it was ridiculous
we played the game so much yeah man they were like what sometimes 20 kids in
there yeah yeah i mean sometimes more and literally just like rotating controllers and you know someone,

you know, gets pinned or thrown out the ring and then you lose your controller
and the next person just picks up and plays whatever wrestler comes into the
freaking Royal Rumble next. Yep.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we can talk about that all night, dude. For real. Back to the list.
Alright, we're at 16. Okay, my 16 is Echo the Dolphin.

I am not going to fight too hard for this one.
Oh. i don't know what else
we got i would say that is what
so far we've got marvel versus
capcom 2 soul caliber power stone sonic adventure fantasy star online crazy

taxi resident evil code veronica samba de amigo space channel 5 skies of arcadia
jet set radio choo-choo rocket it bottom out online san francisco rush typing of the dead okay,
shit mood definitely okay of my have tos i think all of them are there so grandia

oh grandia too yeah needs to be on there.
I do think that Ikaruga needs to be on there. I'll take it.
I'll take Ikaruga. Even though it's not a North American game,
you know, like the Super Nintendo Classic still had Star Fox 2, you know?

It's one of those unreleased North American titles I think everybody would love.
Plus, dude, it's treasure, you know?
Ikaruga is dope. dope i don't do they have does a big boss have a nicaruga machine i feel like they do.
I feel like no they've

got a darius machine oh it was darius it was darius okay
yeah you're right i have never i've never
played a a bullet hell like
that in an arcade before like that machine's usually
occupied by people same thing with the
x-men machine i got terrible motion
sickness from that game i it

was awful i'm getting too old i made
i made one of the worst mistakes i've made in a long time with that machine
specifically so it was a random day i don't know what came over me but I went
to the gym then after I left the gym I was in the mall for some reason then I stopped in that arcade,

then I played DDR and then after I got done playing DDR I wanted to sit down
for a second so I was like why don't I just sit down and play some Darius and I sat down and like.
I don't know if this happens to other people but like,
After, if I do like a big workout and I work out really well,
like my body doesn't like,

start sweating until like, after I like stop, like I have to like come to a
stop and then my body will be like, oh, he's, he's done moving.
Okay. Now it's time to sweat. So like I did
basically two workouts in a row and then
sat down in that Ikaruga machine machine and started

sweating so bad that i like i'm
pretty sure i left like a swamp ass prey on the bench i felt really bad because
i was like i'm just gonna wipe this up with my shirt but whoever comes in here
next is good it's moist in here like i'm sorry fellow arcade people.

Okay we got three spots
open and i don't think that most of
mine i don't know how much i would like the only ones i
have left from mine that we haven't agreed on virtual 20 virtual tennis 2 tony
hawk hydro thunder stega gt which we've already discussed we're not we're putting

the other one on blue stinger and evolution okay what do you got from yours
street fighter third Third Strike.
Did we discuss? I'd say Street Fighter.
I'd take Third Strike. I love Third Strike. I played way too much of it. I'm freaking Dreamcat.

It's memories for me. It's just straight memories.
And since we're at this point where we're kind of discussing,
I have one game in my honorable mentions that, personally, I feel like it sings
of other consoles, which is why it's in my honorable mentions.

But since we're, like, kind of in the nitty gritty of it, I kind of want to
bring it up just to see what you think.
Mm-hmm. Rez. Dane Dog.
The only reason it's not on my list is
because it it sings of other consoles
to me like it's not i don't get

a distinctly xbox vibe from it
but or a dreamcast vibe from it but like
it is a dreamcast game that could
be on this list that i'm like i was
all i'm like i'm only gonna bring this up because my other my other like real
honorable mention that's not a sequel or a previous that's like better that

the original or the sequel is better like i have marvel versus capcom one in
my honorable mentions i have power stone two in my honorable mentions and i
have crazy taxi two in my honorable mentions but the only other one is project justice,
i don't know if you know project justice it is a it
is a sort of sequel

sort of not sequel to two rival schools all
right that's a complete blind spot for me dude i know of rival schools i just
don't know much about it yeah it's it's one of those weird japanese-y fighting
games that has a complete roster of weird japanese fighting care fighting game

characters that are just.
Played the crap out of rival schools and then i played the crap out
of project justice so i'm like i don't know
if this is like if this was a my favorite dreamcast
games list that would definitely be on there but in a
in a games that represent
the dreamcast i just i feel like you

can't like drop a weird japanese
fighting game that's a sequel to another weird japanese fighting
game where we're not including the original and the
original is on a different system like it just there's too much there
for me to be like project justice needs to
be on the list but i honorable mention at
least is that that's capcom right yeah

and i also was was thinking about capcom versus snk and capcom versus snk too
but they're in that same boat where it's like i'm just throwing a game full
of random fighting characters in this representing the dreamcast thing and then
And the random characters are from a different game that isn't on Dreamcast,
which I wanted to put those on there because I love both.

But it felt like too much baggage for a Dreamcast classic.
King of Fighters is on Dreamcast. King of Fighters was also on my list, too, but same thing.
That's SNK, right? Yeah. Okay.
So I think of PlayStation when I think of King of Fighters, too.

I thought it was too many games.
So, what do you think about Rez?
I think emotion sickness.
I like Rez. Actually, you know, I think Rez, I think there are better versions
of Rez. Rez Infinite's really good.

There's also a there's a VR version of Rez.
I don't know I don't know if it's PSVR.
That made my stomach drop just thinking about it yeah mine too and that what
what is his name that made that game because even he he just made a tetris effect
gosh i can't think of his name,

i think res deserves to be on it just for the simple fact that it's fucking weird,
and i i think like you can sum up the dreamcast with the word weird,
but i do think like for we're if we put res on the list like we got to put sonic
adventure 2 on like it's the last one just to kind of close it out i'm cool

with that okay so many res yeah,
all right so our our definitive you want to lock this in i'm i'm ready to lock
in this imaginary list that we made for just for fun all right we're we're gonna
make we're gonna make 10 of hundreds.

Marvel versus capcom 2 soul caliber power stone sonic adventure fantasy star
online crazy taxi resident evil code veronica samba de amigo space channel 5
guys of arcadia jet set radio Poochie Rocket,
Bomberman Online San Francisco Rush 2049,
Typing of the Dead Fimeo Grandia 2,

Ikaruga Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Rez, and Sonic Adventure 2 That's badass
Yeah, I'd buy that fucker on the spot I would buy that on the spot.
Honestly dude i i was really excited about this one i'm excited about the next one that we do too,

because i've got that list going and i'm having a hard time
whittling that one down too we were talking to the xbox but dreamcast
is a very it holds a very special place in my heart and i know it does yours
but i was really just i was really kind of nervous to compare our lists but
with with them being so similar to each other. Like it, it makes my heart sing.

Like that. That's one of those things that I just like,
like, like I said, I was saying earlier, I love about doing this podcast because
it's like 80% of the stuff, maybe even 75, 75% of the time me and you are on the same page,
but then like, are the, when those two pages go separate with those,
that 25% is like, it's completely in here.

Year i have no idea what they're with that what those
25 answers are gonna 25 of the answers
are gonna be and i feel like mine are pretty out of nowhere too so we're just
like yeah come together on like oh yeah okay of course sonic adventure sonic
adventure is going to be on this list of course marvel's capcom 2 power stone
you know these are all staples and then it's like i'm like space channel 5 or

we're all dying and then like.
Like they're so randomly so different i
love it i love like and it's like one of
those things where like i i i
mean i know that my crazy anime taste is sometimes just
like pew off in left field but as as
as a person who plays so many games i if

you're if your brain is like no this game
needs needs to be on the list uh it makes me think like okay
well i haven't played that if brett is telling me
it needs to be on the list i i need to check that out like i
i don't know if i've said it i probably have but like when brett
told me that one of his favorite games of all time was the new god of war i

literally bought it like a week later i it wasn't on my radar wasn't on my list
but he was like this game is amazing i think everyone should play it i was like
that's enough for me sold i'm I'm buying it and I bought it and played it. I loved it.
That, that means a lot to me, dude. I actually, I have a funny space channel five story.
If we've got a second, go for it. So you remember I used to,

well, I used to work at video game store called game exchange and they would
have demo units out there and they were trying to figure out like what games
to put in there and all that.
And you know, I had at that point I had a pretty, um,
small dreamcast collection but like i had space channel 5 i didn't like it super
much but like it's just one of those things that i just didn't get it but i

thought it was hilarious.
I actually got them to put that game in the demo unit so like that music would play all day long.
Yes yeah oh my god that was uh that was that was me trolling everybody there,
i i don't i would have i would have
if i worked there i would have been bopping to that all day long like

space channel five it was space channel
five space channel five had some of my favorite music and i still like remember
some of the like like it's been it's been years since i played space channel
five and i can still remember some of like la la's like like like rhythm beats like.

I could still remember it i still have it in my head
oh man i i'm not gonna go to bed tonight a lot of it i kind of put out of my
head which is kind of funny do you know they did a sequel cool to that oh yeah
it's for the wii i think right same thing with the nights and the dreams,

freaking nights man i i
remember playing the crap out of
nights and i also remember having no idea what
that fucking game's about i'll do none of
this do i i i have
it on my xbox and it's backwards compatible and that's one of the few things
that xbox actually does right write anymore i was trying to show it to drake

and he kind of looked at me and i kind of looked at him he's like dad why is
this why is this why is this like this is this is this considered fun.
I can't answer that question i can't like i don't know i don't i was like well i don't think so maybe,

it's more like I was just starting to question my whole existence yeah it's
more like I remember liking it but I can't tell you why.
Oh man oh my god how much are we going to charge for this Dreamcast mini,
I don't know one of the best selling points of the Dreamcast was when it came

out it was affordable so about 50 bucks 50 bucks yeah like it.
And we're gonna put a vmu in every single one of them that's right the freaking
freaking chow walking around on your screen you don't know why oh yeah dude
no i always loved code veronica dude,

i like your little health meter and stuff so good dream it dreamcast it had
so many of these little just like these weird little things that were just attached
to the system itself like the the like Like the VMUs were a thing.
Like it was just so many of these little things that like Sega did right.

But this, I don't know. They just couldn't pull it together.
But I feel like, I feel like if you took the Dreamcast and it had like,
like the financial backing of the Xbox, we'd still be playing Dreamcast.
I hope we do xbox next
because i i
do feel like it's the next it's the next natural step i always looked at the

xbox as dreamcast too that's how i bought it for halo but i also bought it for
the sega support and sega really they supported the app with hack out of the dreamcast.
So yeah i just like i really hope that's
where we get next i just i really remember

like there was there was this like small clip of time and this was xbox and
xbox 360 like when they when the 360 first came out there was a small clip of
time where like land parties became a thing like oh Oh, yeah.
We stole it from PC gamers for, like, two years.

And we were just, like, people just bring their Xbox.
Like, you could, like, Xbox, like, the original, not the original so much,
but the original and, like, and Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 controllers specifically, though, those things were, like, candy.
Handy you could just like reach in a drawer at someone's house and there's like

five xbox controllers in there just because like the entirety of the xbox 360
at that point was just like.
Play halo 3 with everybody you know so like
you always had to have four controllers like at
all times like like like
at any moment some person would show up at your
house with three other people and it was time to play halo like any time

like it was it was a magical little period of time where land parties were just
like people would get xboxes and you just hook them all up in one room and like
800 tvs and just like go nuts like it was a magical magical time it was it was magical.

Television and i kept specifically in the back seat of my car for just that purpose.
Yeah actually i i don't know if we've told that story on here before or not but like we had,
there was a halo i do we would get together every saturday for halo and when
i worked over a game exchange the same place that i set up special five and
we would have people that worked there there was it was a customer's house that

we actually got together with his name was fred and the top two apartments were actually like,
my friend matt lived in one and fred lived across the
hall and so we would have cables and televisions
going back and forth between all of them and i
remember coming over one day and i
just got off work or something like that and i came upstairs and walked

into fred's house and there sitting on
the floor was aaron yeah we
kind of had this like the spider-man moment the spider-man meme
it's like no like it
just the the last place i was expected to see air yeah he
was but yeah but i

do have to uh the town that we lived in like
it was it was a
group of high school kids high school age kids and then everyone above us is
like an old factory worker like they instantly evolve into factory worker age

so like our hometown is like weirdly small.
It is it is literally one of those like almost one
of those one road towns but like a little bigger than
that it's a little it's a little town
masquerading as a big town yeah and like

super obsessed with fast food oh yeah we love fast food the chicken wars have
begun oh yeah yeah it's getting heated in kokomo right now i know yep yep they
we got popeyes and then right Right across the street, we got Raising Cane's now.
And now they're talking about bringing the holiest of chicken.

We're getting a Chick-fil-A. You guys getting a Chick-fil-A?
We're getting a Chick-fil-A. And they're going to open it up right next door
to Hobby Lobby. And they all love Jesus. Oh. So.
We're getting a Raising Cane's. And it's literally like there's a little divider
street. And it's literally across the street from our freaking...

Chick-fil-a so like we're getting
into the chicken wars down here as well i don't understand
is it is it like a walmart cvs thing
they're like putting their stores right across the street from each
other and like try and battle i guess man
i i think they just don't want to give up ground to the other one
but you know you know

just like yoda said and the attack of the
clones begun the chicken wars have you know
that that great line yeah i remember i remember him saying that specifically
and specifically talking about chicken yep chicken and sand that's what that
movie's about it's it's coarse and it gets everywhere chicken.

Okie doke all right well let's close our close out with our positives but i
kind of feel like i already said my positive,
you want me to do mine yes please okay my
positive dude i never like write
these things down i probably should like we've

been doing this this podcast now for almost a year and every
single time i forget to write down a positive so i have
to make up one on the spot and i'm
i'm i'm vamping right now so i'm just
gonna keep talking until i can come up with one but i have have another one
if if you if you need a second i have another positive i i think i'm good like

okay my my my positive dude is just like i love that i love the older that my son gets.
Kind of sweeter he gets he's just
he's evolving into this intelligent and
thoughtful young man and i couldn't

be more proud of him he's a
dude you know the the second
word in our podcast is is dads and i
think that's the most important part of it you know we get together for
video games and you know we bullshit about dreamcast and
final fantasy and all this other stuff but like
the really the the best thing about life is just

it's for children and i'm
getting sappy now no it's 100 i absolutely
love what and who drake is
becoming probably shouldn't say that on the podcast but that's
okay but yeah he's he's just
awesome so he's my positive dude's a gym he is an absolute he is an absolute

gym like just like having conversations with him and being around him he is
an absolute gym like 10 out of 10 yeah absolutely.
IGN skip would be seven and a half. Too much anime. Too much anime. Too much anime.

My second positive is weird, and it's kind of the sign that I am becoming an
old man, which I'm getting more and more adjusted to.
But it is starting to be springtime-ish in our area.
And like i went to the store today and i walked around and i found myself some

like nice gardening gloves and i'm like i am ready to start my garden this year and like.
I'm i'm excited about it in the
same way that like i'm that
i was excited going to the store were
to get final fantasy like i'm excited about it in that same

way like i'm like gonna get my garden
started i'm gonna grow some stuff and i'm
gonna make some salsa and it's gonna be dope like i'm
like really excited about it and i'm like this this is old i'm old as hell this
is super old i'm really old but i'm i'm not i'm not denying it anymore i'm just

leaning into it i love it and And I'm excited about it for a second there, dude.
I thought you were going to say I'm getting old, but I'm not as old as Brett.
I, which is true. I consider us the same age. We are pretty much.
Yeah. Thank you for that.
Real quick. Yep. But final fantasy physically, I absolutely did.

And I absolutely regret it.
Why? Okay. Here's, here's what I, I, I'm, I do like a physical copy. I just do.
I, some random people bought stuff from freaking the Sci-Fi Network or Discovery
Channel on their Playstations.

And then PlayStation was like, oh, we don't have a freaking contract with these
guys anymore. So you don't get to watch this stuff anymore. It's gone.
And even though you paid for it, you can't have it. And I was like,
nope, physical copies for me.
But for some reason if you go
to a store and buy a physical copy of
Final Fantasy 7 if you don't buy the deluxe version you can't upgrade to the

deluxe version in the store it won't let you if you buy the digital version
in the store you can upgrade that digital version to the deluxe version if it's
digital but not if it's physical,
I'm like.
Why would you do this? Why? What, like, like what, what up here is like, this is a good idea.

Like it's literally me just giving you 10 more dollars for stuff.
Like I was just willing to give you 10 more dollars. Why don't you want it?
Like, I don't, like, I don't regret it because like in the end,
having a physical copy is going to be the best way to have it.
But like, I just wanted the extra stuff.
I just wanted it. Like I wanted the little digital art book. I just wanted it.

Like give it to me why why why
would you not like i just want to give you money just
let me like what this is my problem with
the entire world right now
i just let me give
you money for the thing i don't
care about the prestige of having the the digital

the deluxe box set and all i don't care just let me pay you money for the thing
i don't how has this become a thing where i'm upset because i can't give you
money let me give you money playstation square enix let me give you money.
I'm going to give you money rant over, but like, why? I just,

like, I just want, are you, are you listening? Spiroki? Yeah.
I just want the things like, it's just like, it's nothing. It's like a,
you get a free extra materia.
You get a card in queen's blade. You get piece of armor.
That's probably only useful for the first five seconds of the game.

And then like the digital art book.
I'm like, Like, it's a digital art book.
It's not even a physical art book. Even if you buy the deluxe version physically,
it still gets a digital. Like, just let me pay you for the thing.
Okay, I'm done. I'm done. But just let me pay you for the thing.
Just let me pay you for the thing.

I didn't understand how upset and frustrated I was until you said that.
But, like, let me pay you for the thing. let just
let me pay you for the thing this is
why jim ryan is retiring he couldn't
live with the shame uh i can't like
hiroki tatoki please do better like as much

as all games media is just basically like
hey we want to push this dlc on
you like buy the dlc how much
is the the every ceo is
like you have to buy the dlc we're all gonna die we're
all gonna starve if you don't buy the dlc like we
don't make enough money like you have to buy the dlc i'm like

this is the one instance in the
last like well except for tales of arise because i also enjoyed that but like
this is one instance in a while where i'm like hey you've got dlc and i want
it let me pay you for the thing and they're like no you didn't get the deluxe
when you went to the store you didn't pre-order it well too bad for you like,

let me pay you for the thing you didn't get the big daddy barrett edition.
Okay i'm gonna let you press the button on the part of the thing it goes what
a fool is barrett i'm gonna let this podcast in
i really am but i got one more thing to say i watched
i was watching a video and someone was trying

to was explaining the character of barrett and how
important he is to final fantasy 7 which is like i
feel like weirdly the remake does a better job of explaining how important he
is to the story than the original does but like they're explaining like well
one thing one detail that the developers were really serious about was whenever barrett is doing,

avalanche stuff he puts his shades on and then
people are like and then he they're like explaining like the reason he does
this is because barrett has big baby eyes and his emotions are all over his
face if you can see his eyes but if you can't he just looks like a like a tough like 80s like.

80s action movie guy but if you can see his big huge
baby eyes that are like like insanely
like expressive then he's a
big emotional baby and he no one would take him
seriously so that's why he he wears shades all the time interesting so
like next time like and i noticed it
like when i picked up the game because like the first god

damn it no no no no no no no no no no no
no no nope i stopped myself but look out
for it fun fact
about barrett he is in my
top three final fantasy character i i love me some barrett i don't okay but
let's end the podcast and then we can talk about fantasy because i don't want

to say anything that i shouldn't say and spoil anything for anybody because
it's the game literally came out two days ago would you believe when he,
walked into the room and did the thing the thing all right yeah women d wham
wham wazzle i love Love you guys. We'll see you next time.
Oh, large Marge sent you peace.
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