All Episodes

April 29, 2024 94 mins

Immerse yourself into an engaging conversation that draws parallels between gaming and the respite it offers, the renaissance of nostalgic games like Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth, the captivating world of wrestling, and the electrifying build-up to WrestleMania.

Discover how our hosts found solace in video gaming during a challenging time and how their passion got reignited by legendary games, leading to intriguing discussions on gameplay mechanics, character abilities, and the enduring charm of certain franchises. The conversation extends to debate over iconic anime shows, namely Cowboy Bebop and One Piece, emphasizing 90s media's inescapable influence.

The podcast does not limit itself to gaming discussions; instead, it dives into the world of animated superhero shows, explicitly discussing Marvel's X-Men series, and further moves onto the thrilling universe of wrestling. Experience the excitement as our hosts unpack the narrative intricacies behind WWE's compelling storylines, compare it with Marvel Cinematic Universe's storytelling finesse, and reminisce about jaw-dropping WrestleMania moments.

This episode is a joyride through the universes of gaming, anime, and wrestling, packed with insights, critiques, and nostalgic recollections. Whether you're a gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan, or just someone who loves immersive storytelling, this discussion offers something delightful for everyone.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, I'm hitting the record button before we do anything else ridiculous and hilarious.
Oh, God, I can't breathe.
So it sounds like I'm alive. You've recovered from your sickness.

And, Michael, two fucking weeks. Two weeks I've been dying. I'm sorry.
Two weeks. My immune system has gotten the preschool bump.
So I forget that not everyone else's immune system has it. And exposing people
to that many small children.

Yeah. Chris and Tari, I got super sick too. It was like, I hit the mark.
Did everybody else get sick?
Everybody got sick. I think I am the only person who didn't get sick.
Drake didn't get sick. it was like
well he's probably got it he's got the middle school
boost but like andrea got sick

dom got sick lee got sick jake and
amy and joshua got sick chris and
tari had got sick you got sick i honestly
think everybody who went to that place besides me and drake
got sick well okay so
i took two covid tests that week it progressively
got worse both of those covid tests came back negative

thankfully but when i when i
got back to work because again i took several days off of
work like just i i died i died
i ascended i i met my maker but when i got back to work you became brett the
white and came back down yes i did but all i had on were tiny whities so So

it was breath of white, but nobody wanted to see it.
But apparently there's another strand of COVID, you know, because there always is.
And they're like, yeah, it's not even showing up on COVID tests anymore.
You have to go to a doctor to get it.
I'm like, you know what? I didn't preorder this.

This isn't what I wanted.
But the COVID, the gift that keeps on giving, you know? Yeah.
But i got some like solid game time in man but
this dude i don't know if you just want to jump in i got so much
to say brother i got so much to say it's been it's been long enough that like

i i'm i'm pretty like i'm ready to talk about some stuff too i'm pretty excited
so you just want to do this one as like a catch-up episode yeah we're no no
both of us have enough in the barrel that We don't need a topic.
We just need to get it out so that we can concentrate.
Yeah, for reals, dude. Like...

So we've already established i died but the
white he's been playing some video games in
my in my in my
in my plague exile i've
been playing some playing some god damn video games
all right but enough foreplay tell us what you play oh brother brother i beat

i beat rebirth a meat rebirth god it was so good it was so good it was too big
but it was so good i i'm with you i'm with you on that too big statement because like,
i have been playing just like jump in
play jump in play jump i've been playing on my lunch breaks

and playing before work and then like i don't
think i think i still have a one more area before I'm done before I'm in the
last area I would say at least I have like 104 hours in that game and I like
I believe it like I've been playing it so much you've eclipsed me I've been kind of,

creeping your your trophy cow
and like the playstation keeps kind of I don't
know how accurate it is but it's somewhat accurate on some games but it's been
keep a track of your play time to it dude you've like well eclipsed me but there
was a point where i was like you know what i think it was probably gaga where
i was like fuck it i'm finishing this game.

I i i i also
hit a fucking point there oh i don't
want to i don't want to say too much because you know it's a
little spoiler but like i also hit
a fucking point there but my fucking point i was just like i'm gonna
put this down for a little bit and then like if you go back i
mean i don't know what you can see but like i like put it down for

a little bit and then i picked it back up and i literally completed everything
in the entire area before i moved on so like yeah i i've not been i've not been
creeping that much but yeah like what what they were able to accomplish in in
four years and it's not like the game's big the game's.

Arguably too big but everything in that game is quality yes i i agree down to
the the like the finest of details in that game like all the little systems
and because it dude it jukes and jives all over the place like all those little mini games,
you rarely do the same thing twice yeah except in the open world stuff which i have my own i

think that's kind of where it got me but it's it's
quality man like it's it's a solid 10 out of 10 video game yeah like like i
the thing that i like about it and the thing that makes it that has made it
like i don't know like i don't like i don't give out scores for games i don't like But,

like, the thing that makes it so good to me is, like, it's complete nostalgia.
I'm going to start off the top before anyone thinks we're going to go into some,
like, huge, like, game design theory.
It's nostalgia. It's purely nostalgia.
But, like, I remember playing the first game and, like, going through and,

like, every area in Final Fantasy VII has this...
Vibe that like there's so much more than you
actually get to experience because you just you need
to move through it for story reasons not to like talk to
the to the oldest man in the village and have him tell you every story he knows
you just some of the stuff you just move through and then like the game is like

here's this blue icon if you go to this blue icon you could move through the
story however fast you want to we don't care but i literally have written an entire
like like an entire chapter of
a book that explains the history of the every bit
of the land that you're standing in down to the

t and if you want it you can
have it you can go and you can go and read
all of this and find all of these interesting little places and
every little every certain section
that we put something in we gave a a name
to you can go and explore the cash like they
put so much in there that's just for those

people who are in that nostalgia bubble and i'm in
it so hard right now like i'm in
it so hard and like then like the little intrigue that's happening with a certain
character who who's whose little scenes are peppered through the story and i'm
like like if you could just like take this feeling that i have right now while

I'm playing this game and clone it.
I could play this clone series of games for the rest of my life.
Like, if you could somehow clone the exact feeling that I'm getting while playing
Final Fantasy VII Remake and, like, just...
This is the exact same feeling over and over again, the series,
that would pretty much be the only game I ever play. Yeah.

Oh, definitely, dude. I really hope that this is the blueprint for Final Fantasy
kind of going forward between 16 and remake and rebirth.
Dude, they're on a hot street. Yeah.
We were kind of talking about it before the party and stuff.
And depending on what time of day you ask me, there were days when I was playing

that game where I was like, man, I'm really bummed out by this game.
Like just it was pissing me off in some parts and
you know there were other days where like just the nostalgia and
the music and all these other things like i love those characters i just i love
everything about those characters and i'm getting more of those characters in
these games and like that makes me happy but if i had played like we live in

a i thought dude we were both blown away by 16.
Oh yeah and the problem that i'm
having with the game is like you know we played 16
less than a year ago and we're already on
seven remake which dude in a that and
like that in and of itself especially going back to
like the 13 to versus 13 days when we

worked her like when we were getting another final fantasy like the
fact that we got two like a tier class
a tier quality any final fantasy games within a year is
just baffling but i think 16 spoiled
me to the point where there it was
the perfect blend of exploration side quests and main
story where this one is like

okay you go to a big main area you have all these
little things to do and then you go to another big main area you have all these
little things to do and it's kind of like rinse repeat with a lot of stuff and
i think that's what ticked me off but i got it's one of those like i can't stay
mad at you final fantasy 7 rebirth i can't stand mad at you i i hear you i mean i am absolutely.

If i wasn't completely like like
up to my eyebrows in the
nostalgia of all final fantasy 7 rebirth i
would be like if it was a game that
i don't have this this feeling for i don't know
if i would have get as much joy out of
all of the running around and you know

the paragraphs of text about what happened
in this area and who fought who and what
war i'd be like like does this actually matter to the story or is this completely
just history and then once it's like yeah the third time where i'm like oh this
is completely just history it doesn't matter to anything that's going on i don't
know if i would be as excited to like run around and do all the side quests

but since like every area in final fantasy seven,
specifically the areas I've covered in rebirth are like,
you know, these, like, nostalgia-fueled trips down the,
you know, history of Final Fantasy VII that, like, in the original context before
these games came out, you would have to, like, you know, find graphic novels

and books and, you know, like,
friggin' mobile games to try and get this much detail about the Final Fantasy VII world.
Having them, like, put it all in front of you and just say, like,
you know, run over to this expedition point, and we'll tell you exactly what
happened in the freaking junon midgar war and i'm like yes.

I want to know but like if it
was another game that didn't have that nostalgia for me i don't
know i'd feel the same way so like i totally hear
where you're coming from when you get it gets to
the point where like doing it over and over again is repetitive because if
it was any other game that didn't have this level of nostalgia for
me i don't know that i would care yeah i mean

it reminds me a lot of assassin's creed you know you got the towers and all
that other like but i love assassin's creed i i don't know man i maybe it's
like timing i i don't know what it is i also game is phenomenal I also think
that it's important because,
like, it's a huge, like, somehow,

within the same,
with, okay, of a remake of one game,
within the series of remakes, they managed to make Final Fantasy VII Remake
and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth while, I mean, the engine is almost one for one.
The graphics are better in remake but like better by how much because remake

i mean they're better in rebirth but better by how much because remake looks
so good they managed to make it feel.
Completely different than the first one while literally being in this not even
the same world it's the same game yeah i think i i may have texted you about
it too i had a hard time with With the combat at first.

I was so ingrained with remake. I went through it twice.
I may have played it three times. I don't really remember. But I know I played it twice for sure.
Once of course when it came out. And then I played it again a few months later.
For the platinum. I went through on hard mode.
And I had that game down to a science. And for some reason. I don't know if

it was the synergy attacks.
All the things that they added to it. But. I could never fully grasp.
Grasp rebirth it's totally
a me it's totally a me thing it's this it's the
same sort of like expanded combat system
the same sort of like world as as
remake but it's expanded but it's just slightly different

to the point where i it kind
of broke my brain a little bit and i never really got
good at the combat it took me a
while to figure out what
they actually like want from
you and like once i figured it out then

i got immediately way better at fighting in the game
like one of the things that like took me a while
to get and this i mean
it's kind of of spoilery but i hope
it helps anyone who hears this like the actual
elemental attacks like
actually putting an elemental materia having it maxed out and then casting it

on an enemy at the right time are like super effective and then like when you're
using skill that has an elemental mental attachment to it or something like that it's like,
less like I had a boss that I've tried it was the.
Marlboro hope that's not a spoiler but Marlboro's in like every Final Fantasy game so I feel like,

I can get away with that, but I was like, okay, then I'll clip elemental and I think it was fire.
I don't remember for sure, but like elemental and fire and you know,
I'll use flame bolt all the time and that will, that will stagger him and kick his butt.
And like, I was getting dogged by him.
And then I was like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to put Aerith in here.

I'm going to give her the highest level fire material I have.
I'm gonna put on arcane ward and i'm
gonna blast him with a freaking fire and see what happens and like hit
him and literally did 999 damage like twice
in a row and like almost one shot him yeah those
ways to break those games the materia
system i think is absolutely amazing and i

love i i love that they were able to give
you that same feeling that final fantasy 7 has when you really
stack your material properly on a character even though
it's like live action like like the fights
are like not like you know atb or
actual live fighting so like you're actually.
Moving around but if you stack your freaking materials right you

can absolutely massacre some
stuff oh absolutely yeah remake was
like that too where you know depending on you had
to had loadouts too and i think that's one of the cool things about this one's
like you could switch out your different loadouts and
all that instead of just like you know unequipping re-equipping
all that other stuff i had to write things down for remake that there's

ways to break these games where like for example with
the arcane ward stuff and then yuffie's doppelganger
ability oh yeah and then you know dude if you've got like four yuffies going
around and like they're all casting magic And they're all doing multiple items
damage and stuff because of the Arcane Ward that you're in. You wreck everything in that game.

Those characters are so flippin' broken.
Oh, you know what? Not broken. Just broken.
If you take the time to learn the characters and just really learn the game,
it really rewards you for that.
Yeah, that's the thing that I love about it is like, like, I,
I feel like while your kind of weapon skills give you like a path that you're

supposed to go down based just based on, you know, what you get and like what
your ability, what the character's abilities are.
Like you can set anyone up for pretty
much anything and there are some combinations in
there that just break the entire can
break the entire game if you load them right like one of
the things that i learned real quick was if you use atb boosting stuff and then

give cloud the enemy skill and have them use i think it's like i remember if
it's like plasma shock or like static shock where like every time you get a
the atb bar it does this like lightning attack.
Yeah and i i had at one point i
had my cloud just like all he's doing
is just flying across the screen with triple strike

and anytime it gets close to anybody it like
the lightning goes off and it's just like hitting him
and then his atb is charging so that i do it again and my cloud
is just hitting every enemy like running around in
a circle just blasting off lightning and slashing everything
on the screen until it dies oh god
and like when i

got to a part of the
game where there is a certain character who is let's say has less hands than
all of the other characters like that doesn't actually narrow it down that much
who is i got to a certain part where a specific character,

his voice changes.
That threw me off. Do you not know who I'm talking about?
I do. I was not ready. I know that it's a thing.
I remember it from the original. I was not expecting them to throw him an ass catch-em voice.

I don't know where. I was not ready for that. What?
Because the game was like, Like, hey, I was like, he because he had because he doesn't have hands.
But then, like the phrasing less hands, there was another character also doesn't

have canned as it has less hands than the other characters. That doesn't narrow anything down.
The Queen Blood Tournament kind of proved you wrong.
He has just as many hands. Yeah, I guess that's true.
I'm sorry i i'm sorry for the coughing i'm

still dude covering a little bit dude 80 of
this podcast is me coughing so not
a problem i but i
i started using him like like i
i had him as my main character so like i started like
kind of rethinking the way i had him set up and

then like once i started thinking about it
i was like wow if i just put some like block stuff
on you you are going to be insane just
being able to get into vengeance mode
faster and being able to use it all the time and then also i have the watcher's

rights or whatever that move is called where i can use the vengeance bar to
heal people like and i was like every character in this game is set up so well like i this is nuts,
Like I, I am so excited to see, like, I'm not done with it yet.
And I'm not even like, I'm not excited to see what the next game holds in like

a, like a, I'm ready to move on.
But like in like a, they have managed to make two 10 out of 10 perfect games.
I can't even imagine like topping this in the third one.
And they kind of have to. like yeah i

won't talk about the ending or anything like that yeah i'd
kill you but if huh i said
i'd kill you i would no i wouldn't do
that i that's not fair i that
the third one i i think
it's it's going places it's got
to be bigger well okay the middle of

the middle of the series had to be had to be big anyways because
of like leading midgar and just
how how that game opened up anyway so i
this game this game always had to be big like there
was no getting around it and i i think my complaints
aside because i i think all games are too big anymore and it's

it's not just exclusively this game i think all games are
too big this team they had to
be this big and they pulled it off they they actually pulled it
off but i that third that third game is going places and it's
going places that i don't think anybody's go is expecting i
think it's i don't i i don't know man so excited what i'm so excited i don't

know if that's a ps5 game i don't know if they take another four years technically
it was less than that because i know they had integrate in.
Between but it's i don't
know i don't i don't know i don't know how they cap it off
i don't know when they do it and i'm i'm
pumped though like and then you know

once we get that one like we could sit here and play
the entire thing as one big ass game
crazy like like i i will absolutely that's one of the it'll it's already cemented
but like it will be one of those games that it it will be one of those game
apparently series that will land in the secret or mana zone of,

probably probably not once a year but maybe once every two years i'll literally
play all three of them again like wow like i don't know if i i don't know i
mean like just the gaming time alone
of trying to make it through all three of them is, is a different beast than
just playing a secret of mana.
But like, it's just, it's just so well done and it's just so I have, I've enjoyed it so much.

I, there's no way I'm not going to.
Okay well i literally i well the
last thing i'll say just when you say with the replay it
every year i would actually compare it more to mass effect like how
how we kind of view that series like it's it's their
individual games but like we look at it as one saga

that's that that's kind
of how i would probably end up playing it you know one mass
effect game after the other right idea they're
separate games but i view them as three parts of one
whole does that make sense yeah absolutely yeah i'm
still terrified i gotta i gotta oh dude i
i can't wait for it i'm still go for it and michael i gotta tell you something

all right so i i told you how i kind of felt about final fantasy 7 rebirth and
it's kind of a call back to an earlier episode about games respecting.
Our time and all that good stuff what rebirth
did and also i kind
of blame my sickness for this too brother i'm playing persona

5 royal oh yeah i forgot you told me
that i'm playing persona 5 royal and i
i'm kind of peppering in i'm playing the switch a little bit
too i'm playing some secret or man on that one as
well just kind of like in my off time but my main game right
now is is royal when i
left that game because i kind of dipped that in

adamant over the couple but it came out in 2020 i
believe and uh i've been
dipping it out of it i left at about 30 hour around the 30 hour mark and i have
put in the last couple weeks about two and a half weeks whatever about 40 hours
into it i just crossed the 70 hour mark i'm in the what is the name.

Yeah i'm in that i'm in that palace right now and
i'm on my way to a platinum trophy
persona 5 you bastard i'm well and we were talking about games that respect
our time and i know i kind of went after that game a little bit i am what i'm
doing is because i don't really have like a lot of time to play video my my

the bulk of my time is on the weekends i have been,
and this is going to lead me into another i told you i have so much to say to you right my friend,
so i'm kind of going down this this rabbit hole
of persona 5 here so in the mornings i get
roughly about 30 to 45 minutes to play video games and I do all my little stuff

so all my all my little persona things I do those throughout the day and all
that stuff I do all those in the morning and the weekends I do my palaces and
mementos and all that good stuff it's kind of struck a really,
I've got a good schedule going with it to like the point where I kind of change
my tune on it I do believe that can respect your time.

I mean it gives you a lot of freedom and it lets
you choose when you do things and
when you like so it lets you like when you have time to go into a dungeon and
run around you can but if you don't there's tons of things that are i wouldn't
say equally as important but important that you can do in a small amount of

time i get you yeah yeah and i'm there's a lot of things that are kind of
like falling by the wayside there's certain confidence that i'm not really i'm
not really touching i am i do know what i'm supposed to be doing so for example
the stuff with the catchy i know that you know his things lead to the the true

ending of the game that kind of stuff i'm really.
Only doing the confidence that i really really like other than a catchy because he's he's a bitch
he is a little bitch i'll catch
you a little bitch so are
you also are you also doing the doctor the the
therapist no not right

yeah not the therapist no i know i
should be the therapist the therapist is
the other one that you have to do to unlock the true ending of the game
like you need to well you need to get on it if
you haven't been because it has to be at a certain height and it's by
like not even by the game it's by yeah
it's by november yeah you have to have a both to

like rank five or something like that by november and i'm nowhere near it but
that's what new game plus is for and i'm going to do the game plus so you've
inspired me so right now i'm working on a catchy i didn't realize i had to do
the other therapist guy so i guess i'm gonna see two innings with that.
Ryuji, my boy. Yes!

On is my lady.
And I'm a little hot for teacher.
I don't like that she won't be master.
No, I'm having a blast with it, dude. I beat Persona 3 way back in the day on

PS2. I beat Persona 4 on PS2.
It's only fitting that I finish Persona 5.
I'm so glad that you're digging it. Guess what it's also doing? What's it doing?
It made me dust off my crown, sir.
The king of anime is watching cowboy bebop for the first time i saw that too and i was like.

Who is this guy i am so happy so
many times like so many
times never seen it so many times people have been like
when people are jumping into anime they jump
in in a really weird spot cowboy bebop
is one of the best starter
animes i could ever it's so good i

it's perfect it's in it's out it's it's
short it's sweet you don't you know the game that the world that kawabibop exists
in exists in a world where you don't have to understand anything else to get
it and it's perfect yeah you just watch it i'm gonna i'm gonna quote booker t man it's no meat.

Oh i'm sorry what was he saying no bread no water just meat
yeah that's what that's what
cowboy bebop is dude i love it i love
it i'm like five episodes in i'm here
i'm so happy for you i'm so happy for
you that you're first that you're you're anime
that like you're jumping in on is cowboy

bebop it's yeah so cowboy bebop
so good that's such a good anime to start with they love
uh i love one piece all right don't
get me wrong it's it's very daunting knowing
that i've got hundreds of episodes to get through and
really just kind of rubs me the wrong way but i

did buy the i did buy the the the game the new game odyssey so i am going to
play that once i'm done with persona 5 so i've been talking a lot dude i'm so
happy i'm so happy for y'all i'm all I've been doing here the whole time is
just nodding my head and scratch my chin. Like, yeah.

Well, I mean, as the, as the undisputed king of anime. Yeah.
I, I had to, I had to, you know, put another jewel in the crown.
You're so, you're, you're so much the king of anime that your future self came
back to your past health to tell you how good cowboy bebop is so that you'd watch it. Yeah.

I'm also currently trying to track down a copy of the movie.
It's not hard or it's, it's, it's not an easy thing to find at least at a decent price.
So I'm probably gonna have to resort to eBay and I'll probably have to pay a pretty penny for it.
Or you can hit up your friend, Aaron, who has a crunchy roll account and it

could just let you borrow a password.
Then you could just log into crunchy roll and watch the movie.
Yeah, I know. And I, and I appreciate that. I think, uh.
I don't know i'm starting to kind of rethink my digital lifestyle here especially just with,
how hard things some how hard some things are
to get the the 28 days later argument has

kind of got to me a little bit like that one kind
of disappeared from all service yeah i which
is so weird because like i feel like
i remember there was a point where that movie was everywhere and now
it's like literally unless you have a dvd copy
of it like yeah dude ali
and i watched it on like um it was like netflix or

hulu or something like that during at the very
beginning of the pandemic which was a fucking terrible idea
yeah you know what i i can't
think of i can't think of three more three movies that
would be worse to watch than right at the beginning of 2020 i can't think of
i can't think of any movies that would be worse to watch this 28 days later

yeah it was we watched 28 days later and then the last of us part two and resident
evil three and then you built a bomb shelter,
I played all that stuff and washed it from my throat of toilet paper.

Oh, man. That's good to hear.
Everything you've been talking about, that's good to hear.
And then the cherry on top, dude, is I'm playing Secret of Mana again. Hell yeah.
Now he let me borrow her Switch, the old stinky Switch.

And i'm playing it through the collection of mana so it has a little bit of lag to it but,
it's still scratching the itch i've been playing it on my lunch breaks at work
and uh you know at night and all that stuff so i forget how hard that game is
like it's just in the very beginning.
But once you get like the magic it it it's

kind of it's a breeze yeah i'm gonna have to introduce you to freaking
the the randomizer
it's so hard i think i think that
would probably just make me hate myself i it's it's it's so hard it's so hard
for no reason i love speaking of randomizers one of the things the n64 version

of resident evil 2 had was a randomizer and it's crazy because like Like,
you know, the N64 was always notorious for like not having the games that PlayStation had,
like the bigger games that they had because of the cartridge sizes.
And they were able to shrink those two big old discs of Resident Evil 2 into
that tiny little cartridge, which still blows my mind. And it had exclusive content to it.

But those randomizers where they would put like different, all the guns would
be in different spots, ammo and all that stuff be in different spots,
ink ribbons, blah, blah, blah.
I love that uh the the
fad kind of came and went i don't know if it's as popular if
it even if it's popular now as it even was
like like six or seven months ago

but like the fact that that kind of
started on the n64 is just bonkers
to me yeah well it was it was kind of a novel little thing it wasn't like it
wasn't game changing or anything like that but for for people that knew that
game inside and out like i did and do it was kind of just a a cool kind of like an extra thing to do.

So i i think i would like that with the with the secret stuff i would probably hate myself,
but like i mean we both know those games inside and out like it's comfort food
like it's one of those things that you just jump into and you know exactly where you're going and.
Man i i just i've been

playing some good stuff lately and it's making me really happy so
all right all right i'm gonna i'm gonna
talk about my games real quick because i
have i have some some weird stuff that happened over
the course of the last couple weeks since since you've been
gone okay so final fantasy 7 remake or rebirth obviously i'm not gonna go into

a rant about it get started again so the the weird game that i picked up and
i've been playing is game dev tycoon.
So it is you are a
game developer and you have your little game studio and
you make games and the the

thing that i kind of love about it is so
the game starts and you're
you know just some game developer in his
garage on his computer making video games
here one one man team but the way
that they like the way that they that they
kind of set it up because like they tried to

make it a little bit historically accurate so
like it starts and you've got
like the commodore 64
and like pc and then
like you can make games for one or the other and then like commodore slowly
like dies and then like nintendo comes out and then like the super nintendo

comes out and then the sega comes out and then like it like goes through the history of video games.
So like they are both they're they're
both like trying to explain how
the trends of games worked over
through the years and like different genres become popular and then fade and

you know different consoles you know have a shelf life and then eventually they
stop being supported and then like but like through this whole thing you always
have the choice of like what type of of game you want,
what genre of game you want,
what, you know, play style you want, what system you want it to come out for.

And then like the other thing that you majorly decide is like you make a game engine in the game,
like based on specific characteristics for the type of game you want to make an engine for. So like.
Just it's really like it's not

getting me for like the gameplay loop itself
it's getting me because like you're literally
thinking about games as a game developer but like you're thinking about games
as a game developer who's making games in the 90s and then in the 2000 early
2000s and then the two 2010s and like it's really it's really interesting in

a way i didn't think it was gonna.
Get me but it's totally getting me and i'm like
sitting here on my phone like oh my
god i gotta look at market trends or what's going
on during this time period what games came out during this like
it's like i'm i lost a
lot of time to a game that i totally didn't think i would are
they allowed to use the names or are

they it's it's all parodies like the like the
the playstation is called the play system and the the
wii is called the u and like it's
all parodies but like it's one for one like you
can obviously what's the wii u called the uu
i actually don't remember i don't i don't think i've actually made it to the

wii u yet so i don't know what it's called say do me a favor and save it like
make that system great again it's it's really but it's It's like really,
and another thing that's really interesting is because like in the nineties
and in the two thousands E3 was actually important.

So like part of the game is like when you're developing a game,
you want to develop your game around the time that E3 is happening so that you
have a demo that's playable at E3 to build up hype for your game so that it will like, it's.
It completely makes sense, but for some reason, my brain just did not think,

like, this is what the game was going to be.
But it totally is just, you have to figure out how to market and sell your game
to the right crowd, on the right console, with the right rating.
And, like, certain consoles are good for casual games, and certain consoles
aren't good for casual games.

And certain consoles are good for strategy games. certain
consoles aren't good for strategy games and then like some consoles
are really good you know you can have like mature
rated games and then some consoles you can't have mature rated
games like it has me thinking
about video games in the way that we think about them here
on the podcast but like i'm playing a game yeah that's

very cool that pc i assume no it's mobile
honestly i i got it as part of my
netflix subscription what yeah
netflix has a game library do you know that i
knew they had turtles but i didn't know they had
like there's like the shredders or venues on
there or something like yeah or at least it was at one point what what

is it streaming or is it like you download it
no it's just like basically it's it's
it's just like a regular download but that has
like a netflix drm so like when you
download the game and like and
like try and open it it like which netflix profile are you playing on and then

like i pick my netflix profile and i have a password on mine because i don't
want dom looking at the adult profile for netflix yet because she watches all
kinds of crazy stuff and we do that so i put in my password and And then like,
I just play, but like, I just, I, I, I lost way too much time to it.
I was like, I like, I had to like sit myself down.

Like you really have to like sit down and like, okay, think about what kind
of stuff came out on PS two.
I should probably make this E for everyone.
Not a lot of mature games on the PS two.
Too was really known for like a lot of action games not
a lot of simulators so i should probably make this on

action and then like you're like oh what
like you have to like sit here and think about it i'm like thinking about it
in that way i was like like this is really this is really getting me i was really
getting like super into it and i also found out i'm like i can't i could not
be in charge of a like an actual like game studio because like playing the game

they're like Like, oh, well,
if your game doesn't come out and literally get all 10s, then you're going to go broke and bankrupt.
Like, every game that I make that, like, is below a 7 is almost not worth making.
I think, like, I'm less of the Koreanist type these days.

Like, I'm old and I don't have that bug in me.
But, like, the finance side of it, like, that's me. me it
management side like i
it it really hit me in like
a way i was just not expecting i got super into
it so i think there's a there's a

game dev tycoon 2 or there's one
coming and like i never was thought
i was gonna be like man i'm about to snatch that up
but if there's a two out there i'll probably check it out because like it
just it's very it's very
interesting to for to put yourself in
that situation and then the game tries really hard to like mimic the environment

that was happening during the time frame when the console was out like what
types of games were popular what types of type of games were hitting what types
of games weren't hitting and then like Like, and then,
like, they're like, oh, well, we added streamers.
So, like, if you have a game, if you drop a game and it is, you know,

a genre that these really popular streamers like,
you can give them a copy of the game and have them play it to try and drum up
sales for you. And it's like...
Many different aspects of this thing that like I think about all the time like
put into a game it just like I said it hit me in a weird way and I was like
I can't stop playing this I played it for like four days straight,

I'm gonna put something in the chat real quick or the discord we should go back
I want to know if this is if this is it where's this at,
it's on iTunes is this it yep that's it.
It's five bucks i will buy that
on your recommendation okay i'm i'm

being very clear about this because i i'm a person who likes sims in some regard
but like young i just it hit like i hoping i'm explaining well enough like why
this like totally effed up my brain for four days it just,
so like so that was that

was one two i was i'm
really excited about that new x-men show
so me and andrea literally just
started from the the top we just started watching the
original x-men like the 90s cartoon and
we've been watching it for the past like four weeks it

is okay it
is awesome it is everything
that i remember it and now that i'm adult
and i understand it better it is better than i
remember it as a kid but i cannot
believe that x-men the x-men show that we watched the 90s and dragon ball z

were running at the same time because the animation in that X-Men show is such hot garbage.
And then like i'm not talking to the animators i'm
talking to whoever wrote the budget for that
show it is very obvious that it

is it was a budget thing but the
animation in that show is hot garbahay
interesting i i haven't seen
it since we were kids like like yeah i like i'm like like i know because i i
feel the exact same way because it's the exact same way that i feel i I am like

all you ever really see when people like post stuff about it now is just like still images.
But like, especially in season one, the animation in there is so bad.
And it's like it's it's it's a it's a tribute to how good the show is,

because I loved it watching it again, even though it was bad.
But it's bad. that and it's completely
budget thing too is like now that i think
about it like fox that was a
fox kids show yeah right okay fox
also ran batman the animated series

both batman the animated series
and spider-man both have animation 10 times better than the x-men show oh yeah
100 and this is it like I said I'm not slamming that X-Men show because I love
it and I loved watching it we just finished up the Phoenix arc and I was like Phoenix.

Awesome but like the animation is terrible and like to think that like like,
at the same time we're talking
not even just like saiyan saga
we're talking cell saga we're talking we're talking
boo saga was running at the same time
as freaking that the

freaking x-men animated show and it's like you
would you would watching that and like it's also weird
because it is very clear that the animation the
studio that's making to make it that made season
one and two like it's a completely different studio for season three so far
and it's really obvious yeah one thing that i think they they being the x-men

guys really revolutionized with that show was not animation.
Like you're saying it's continuity i think
especially in a cartoon series like that because if
you look at batman the animated series it's a great show especially if
you look at it as like a kind of an anthology type
show there's not a whole lot of continuity from

one episode to the next yeah it's definitely that x-men
show is like like watching it
in the way that we watched it it's literally like like it's
literally anime style like it's literally episode one
you know like like x-men it
kind of has that jump in jump in jump out vibe but like
episode one people reference stuff

people reference that same stuff in episode 20 and
then episode two of season two and episode
three like it's totally a linear story
and like like i said
i'm the only thing that i think is weird and
i think this is a thing that we did as kids that
the show didn't do we just got it somehow jubilee's powers are not weak no she's

really overpowered like i remember just being like man jubilee you suck i remember
just thinking like god jubilee her sparkler hands But,
like, there's a scene where she runs up on Colossus and doesn't know who he
is and, like, fires at him and throws him through a wall.

Like, she, like, blasts Sabretooth out of a building. She, like,
knocks down a sentinel with her powers. Like, Jubilee is not weak.
Yeah. But, like, I remember thinking that she was absolutely useless.
I read those comics. X-Men 97 had a...
It was a show and all that stuff about 10 years ago ish maybe i don't know time has no meaning,

but they ran a comic series for that and it was
kind of a shorter run but i may still have
it somewhere i don't know anyway jubilee was
actually a pretty vital character in that like that's
another thing that i feel like that's another
thing that i feel like they that like we got from somewhere
that the show didn't give us but like jubilee is

like 45 the main character of the x-men show yeah like i don't i feel like they
you know i mean gene has her moments like scott has his moments wolverine definitely
has his moments storm has her moments charles has his moments but
like when it's not one of them, the rest of it is freaking Jubilee.

Like, like pretty much if you were to put one character in the show as like
the main character, it's probably her.
And like watching it, I'm just
sitting here like this first couple episodes, this is a lot of Jubilee.
And then like the show always kind of starts from her perspective,
even if it's another character, like it's always like, Like Wolverine and Jubilee

are doing this or Storm and Jubilee are doing that.
Or like, I'm like, there's a lot of Jubilee in here.
I wonder if too, like, because the rest of the characters were all adults.
I wonder if Jubilee was meant to be sort of like the anchor point for kids.
Like kind of like how, like with the movies, it was Rogue. Right.

You know, like she was like the first one you see. Well, she's not the first
one you see, I don't think.
But like he's the one that like you see most of
the perspective yeah and it's the
same thing for jubilee and jubilee literally is the first character
you see in the x-men cartoon like the first episode of
the cartoon is her parents giving her to the sentinels and then the x-men come

up show up to save her then she becomes an x-men and like the whole story rest
of the story takes place from her perspective like every time a new character
is introduced they're like what what does Jubilee think about this?
And then Jubilee is like radical. And then like the rest of the story happens.

So I radical, I mean, literally nice opinion.
Let's do that. So, um.
So my favorite thing that we, I mean, besides the, the, the whole Phoenix arc,
cause the whole Phoenix arc is dope.
Like, yeah, it's just, there's no other way to explain it. Then it's just the

whole Phoenix arc is dope.
Like, but like the favorite part that that's happened so far that I don't,
didn't remember from the original watch is Mojo.
Do you know who I'm talking about? I know of Mojo.
I like it a lot. I just, I, I can't follow all of it.
It's it's a throw it's several throwaway episodes

but like he's a
space tv producer and okay
not who i was thinking it was and everything he
says and everything he does is the writers of that show talking about how much
they hate fox every every moment he's on on the screen is him by proxy expressing

how much the writers hate fox and it's so funny,
i forget the lady the one of the lady's names but like she's one of his like
henchmen she's got a very memorable like facade she's like this lady with like
a helmet and she has like six arms.

Don't worry about it like i said throw away character she just she's very visually,
visually rememberable and mojo turns
to her and she says something snarky
to him he turns back and he's like you pretentious
stack of armpits and i i laughed so hard i laughed so hard oh god what an insult

i shot seltzer out of my nose i laughed so hard,
yes oh my god i'm gonna add that one to the lexicon man this like.
He calls her a pretentious stack of armpits i i was like this man could do no wrong,

that's so good 100 innocent and protect this man at all costs and so like the whole thing,
it's like it's like the one of those marvel things that marvel i feel like marvel does this a lot,
where there's some international intergalactic guy who runs some type of televised,

tournament that involves like people with
superpowers so like our heroes get trapped in
it for some random reason happens all the time so it's not like oh
yeah it's not like a super unique storyline it's just this
dude he every word he
says is just him being like i'm a piece of crap everybody who's like me is a

piece of crap wink wink nudge nudge everyone who's like me is a piece of crap
that's awesome god in that show too for like actually.
Treating cyclops with respect i guess probably the last time cyclops ever got treated with respect,
yeah we all know what happened to us cyclops in the in the

actual movies and stuff he was kind of a little bitch but he's
kind of a little bitch in this too he's kind
of a little bitch in this too okay okay the
first season he's much better after
that but the first season cyclops says
some of the wildest stuff i have ever

heard well he's he's white bread
you know what i mean he's like uh he's supposed to
be like the the red ranger he's fucking
captain america he's superman you know like he's like that that sort of like
leader hero type guy or whatever you know what i mean he okay the thing about
think about cyclops in this and like okay in in the 90s where this is from.

Like our generation and specifically the generation before us the ones that
were actually the show was actually aimed at they have like a a real problem
with like authoritative authority.
Oh yeah cyclops is he's the worst example i i could i could point out he's bad

or he's worse than like that captain america too who shows up in freaking the falcon and the soldier,
it was his name u.s soldier or usa whatever his
name is i got you i got you okay just
a real tool okay there's this there's a scene so
this is in the first season when like stuff

there's not like the first season has like this
vibe of like even though the x-men aren't new
to like being x-men they're still hidden they're still they're not like out
in public as much they're kind
of a myth they're kind of a kind of building their brand so so so like,

gambit is talking to cyclops and gambit
is like i heard about this place it's like
a spa and it's like a like a spa planet a spa retreat where we could go they
welcome mutants there you know we want to go there to you know check it out
and relax and have a good time and like is it just the ymca because you're describing the ymca,

kind of i i i phrased that real bad and i didn't even notice it's.
I i did not notice i was doing it until you said it young lad,
so so he's like we should get all the X-Men and we should go I was about to

say have a good time god damn so.
I'm waiting for it it's fun
to stay at the ymca i
was really about to say have a good time i
really i don't i don't remember the last i don't
remember the last time i actually said those words for real i was about to say

it i don't know why i'm possessed by the construction worker or something like
i don't know oh so i want to be a happy native american okay this is that is that is,
gambit's vibe that's his vibe cyclops turns around to gambit puts his hand on

his visor looking gambit right in the face and he says if you say another word i'll end you,
to gambit in the mansion and
then gambit's like what and then like pulls his carts out ready to scrap because

cyclops is literally about to shoot him and then like the xavier comes in he's
like what's going on here and he's like this one doesn't know how to follow orders i'm like.
Suggesting you go to a spa what is happening and then charles is like maybe
we should investigate this to make sure it's on the level for all mutant kind

and then they end up going but like,
cyclops was literally about to shoot him because he's like we should go to the spa,
it's like i was like no i was like i completely
understand why everyone hates you because this is
just out of character this isn't comic cyclops
comic cyclops is a straight-laced leader but

he would not ever point i mean
his visor i guess at a comrade
at a comrade without a
reason and without like a reason that
requires deadly force like he's not that guy
he's just like a a straight-laced rule follower
like i understand where people got

that bad image because that it happens multiple
times where he just for
some reason is completely out of
left field ready to like blast someone for no reason like some guys like this
this doctor can cure mutinism he's like like you say that again and i'll blast

you like whoa whoa whoa buddy whoa whoa.
Calm down so but the characters like have this like like the show has this ability

that like takes all of the x-men characters and like puts them in this like.
I don't know how to explain the other to say like like they
all feel like legends when you're watching it like every time
storm talks in her like freaking weather

witch voice where she's like whoa master of the element
it's like it's like yes and then gambit always gotta like he's gonna say something's
quippy and then throw a card for no reason that doesn't do anything but it still
looks cool like i just wow freaking he wolverine says bub as many times as you want him to and more,

it's oh dude that's why i say bub i say bub quite a bit at work you know what
i mean like it's it's because it's stupid you know what i mean but like i don't
know like i i i love that wolverine that That Wolverine is my,
like the yellow and the blue Wolverine.
Like, I love that Wolverine.
You want to know something interesting about that Wolverine?

What's that? You want to know something interesting about that Wolverine?
He's also Spike. What is that?
He's Spike. The voice actor for Wolverine is Spike. What's his name? Is he Bloom? Yep. Yeah.
I think i do that but i i was i looked up the the voice cast for it and i like

he was the i think he's the only one that i actually recognized probably but
this is just a random but like,
i like i didn't put that together though that's awesome sometimes like there
are things like this that like you go back into the past and they're not as
good as they were when you watched them

as a kid x-men not one of them
it's as good and if you like truly
have appreciation for x-men and really enjoy it it's as good as it was when
you were a kid and then if you you know carried on with your love of x-men to
an adulthood it's better than it was when you were a kid is you don't you don't

look at these characters who randomly show up and go like.
Oh this guy's cool i guess you're like oh my
it's a freaking oh and you're
like every character that shows up feel it's like
they did not wait they not use they didn't use
any throwaway characters when emma frost shows up she's
emma frosting and it's awesome like all of

them and it's like they did a really good job of
characterizing every character that shows up and everyone feels
like they all feel like legends when you
watch them on that when you watch them the show again like did
you start with this one or or did you start with
the disney plus show and then
move into this one now we started with the old one we wanted

because i mean okay according to what i've been told
and heard it is the new one is literally just season
six of the old x-men show so i was like
well why don't we just start it the season one and watch it
all the way through yeah may as well i mean if it's all there for you on on
disney plus you know may as well if i have been enjoying it thoroughly it's

so much fun that's awesome man and like fun is really just.
At the end of the day like that's what you should be doing like these
comic books should be fun they shouldn't be a pain in the butt they shouldn't
be they shouldn't make you mad you know it should be be fun you know and i think
a lot of people take it way too seriously i don't know yeah i'm glad it's fun

though yeah oh what's that oh go ahead go ahead i as a i say okay you go oh.
It pertains to what we're talking about, but it's going to take me a minute.
Just go for it. The one thing that I have noticed that I didn't remember from
my original playthrough of all of this is how much they use Bishop in time travel stories.

Oh yeah, it's all over the place. It's literally like,
the first five episodes, Bishop shows up and then like before the end of the
first season he shows up again and then before the end of the second season
he shows up again i'm like how many times is this dude gonna travel through time,
like like how many times do we fuck this up and he has to keep coming back to fix it,

the the one thing the x-men is
is confusing like if it didn't have some sort of weird like continuity time
travel like it wouldn't be X-Men and even like the movies kind of got into that
stuff too which I thought was absolutely hilarious yeah me and Andrea were talking about how big,

crap how big Mystique's Wikipedia page is because she's so many people's quote unquote mom oh yeah.
She's also my mom more like mommy but,
that's gross i just like
like in one of the first episodes one

of the episodes in the first season it's like mystique and mystique shows up
it's like mystique is rogue's mom it's like air quotes mom yes but not like
yeah mom but air quotes mom but like mystique is like 15 other people's quote unquote mom,
that the only go ahead,

the only people whose mom Mystique actually is are all some of the worst characters in X-Men like,
like she has a kid with Charles and then she has a kid with Sabretooth and then
she has a kid with Wolverine and it was like all of those are actually the worst
characters in X-Men because yeah the storylines are really bad there's a,

there's a lot of silly ones there's a lot of silly characters but X-Men good
if you decided not to watch it and just skip to the the X-Men,
98 give the original X-Men a chance it's good.
The last thing I'll talk about before we kind of get out of here and stuff it's

about time for cold breath you go to bed sleepy breath,
so Wrestlemania was last weekend end yes let's
talk about i know we kind of we we talked
a little bit about how how wrestling is
anime and i still plan to eventually explain
that one day but in this
post vince mcmahon world a professional wrestler because vince mcmahon's not

in wwe anymore he's gone completely gone this he he will never come back Triple
H is the he's in charge of creative now,
been weaving this story over the last four years the bloodline saga so roman
reigns has been championed for the last four years and he's beaten everybody

there is to be and he does it through i mean he's he's a he's a boss you know
he's got like this whole crime boss thing going for him.
But he you know by by hook or by crook you know his his family gets in with
it as well as well and how like cheats cheats or helps them cheat to win that
kind of stuff anyway four years culminating with this WrestleMania here.

Last year's, Cody won the Royal Rumble, Cody Rhodes, and challenged Roman Reigns and lost.
And the whole internet went into an uproar.
Cody Rhodes won this year's Royal Rumble, so got the challenge for the title
at WrestleMania this year.
Well, The Rock had come in and seemingly took his spot and all that stuff.

Well, come to find out,
since Cody's got the Royal Rumble spot, you know he won
that so he gets the title match so wrestlemania is
two nights now and speaking of comic
books wwe just produced their
version of avengers infinity war and end

game all in one weekend so wrestlemania
being two night if they didn't do that wrestlemania would
be 12 hours long now like no joke
i i i all i
have been seeing like i said all i've been
seeing about wrestling is just just
it just it just seems like it's just been building up for like since the last

time we talked it seems like everything has just been ramping up to like an
insane level and then like i look and like i'm like checking on my mom on twitter
just looking and like i'm like,
Like what is actually happening?
I can't wait to talk to Brett about this because I have like.

Haven't watched it but just everything i've
been hearing on the internet sounds insane i need him to
bring it down for me so the rock has
come back right and he he interjected
himself and like he came in as a good guy and the fans kind of turned on him
when he started stepping on cody's toes so they pivoted or at least seemingly

pivoted where since cody roads has the one who he wins a world rumble he gets
the the main event spot at wrestlemania gets the champion of his choosing,
well the rock had come in and wanted to
challenge roman reigns so cody quote unquote gave his spot to the rock right
and fans turned on it like big time so they started booing the rock and all

this stuff well they did this event in las vegas where they were seemingly going
to sign the contract for Roman Reigns versus The Rock,
which would be a really big match.
But they had Cody come out, and they've been allowing them to cuss more, which is great.

Using the F-bomb quite a bit.
Cody comes out, and he's like, this is bullshit.
And The Rock and Roman Reigns, the whole thing about this is family, right?
Because it's Fast and the Furious, it's all this other garbage.
So rock comes out with this giant family tree
and it's everybody in his family it's

got like rakishi and yokozuna and the
usos and umaga and all these other like samoan wrestlers that have kind of come
from this family and yeah it's like yeah this is bullshit i'm taking my spot
back and we're gonna do this so roman reigns of the rock team up right and the
rock adopts this new sort

of nickname as the final boss.
And in, in this. Okay. I have to interject really quick. Um.
There a point where the rock was getting called diarrhea duane or something
like that oh yeah yeah that was part seth rollins had kind of come to cody's

aid and seth rollins was like.
Adversary number one of cody rhodes so basically
you've got goku and vegeta teaming up to take on
the big bads right and cody started
saying like well everything that comes out of the rock's mouth is bullshit
so we're just going to start calling him diarrhea duane so on
an episode of smackdown rock comes out and this whole

sold out crowd because they've been
selling out every single arena they've been in this starts
chanting diarrhea diarrhea yeah
it's it's a wrestling chant but yeah
diarrhea duane i'm totally i'm totally on
board with that just the idea that like
i mean i guess it's public perception

but like the idea that like from where we
started and where he started they like are turning
the rock into a heel is really awesome well and
like he he's into it now like the rock
is like now that we've we know everybody's roles
in this cody is the he's the white meat
baby face like he is he is the hero of the

story and usually like wrestling crowds will
reject stuff like that like they did that with hulk hogan they did that with
john fina they want the anti-hero but in this in this situation cody is just
he can do it all wrong the crowd is behind him the rock is bleeding into it
calling those fans the cody cry babies.

I feel like as much as as much
as like as much as he the rock
gives off his like kind of like perfect guy vibe
i feel like he would be a really good heel oh dude
he always has been he was great in the late 90s and he's great now and he leaned
into it so they kind of go on back and forth the rock slapped cody at the at

the press conference in las vegas and cody kind of got it you know he got his
slap back all that good stuff well leading up to wrestlemania again Again,
Romans put away all these top names from Edge to John Cena to Kevin Owens to
Sami Zayn, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan,
The Fiend, all these guys. Yeah.

To wrestlemania the main event for night one is the rock and roman reigns versus
cody rhodes and seth rollins and if the rock and roman reigns win they get bloodline
rules on night two of wrestlemania which is headlined by cody rhodes and roman
reigns from the championship right,

what are bloodline bloodline rules nobody knows but anyway so the match happens
and you've You've got three of the four guys that are wrestling on night two,
so they're obviously trying to preserve themselves.
The Rock is a movie star, and he can't really fall down very much, right?
Well, it ends up being a pretty low match to begin with, but then it ramps up at the end.

The Rock and Roman Reigns end up winning that match, right?
The heroes are defeated. They have lost everything.
It's Infinity War. you know that one is on a pretty tragic note right so starting
night two of wrestlemania you know the.
Everybody's kind of all the good guys are on the back foot seth rollins has

a separate match he loses his world title so he's dejected like he's he already
he had a world title as well,
so this is the main event with with cody roots and roman reigns it's blood by
rules right so So it starts off, it's a traditional wrestling match.
And again, what are blood run rules?
Nobody fucking knows. It can be anything. It's supposed to be no disqualification,

no count out, blah, blah, blah. Anybody can come in.
So why does Roman Reigns' family come in in the middle of the match?
Well, whatever. Stories.
So they have their traditional wrestling match. They go back and forth on pinfalls and blah, blah, blah.
Two counts here, all that good stuff. Well, then people start kind of coming out, right? Right.

So Roman has his bloodline family. He's got Jimmy Uso.
He's got Solo Sacoa. He's got the rock.
And then Dr. Strange starts making the portals and all these people that the
bloodline is wronged over the last four years start coming out.
So Jimmy Uso comes in and kicks Cody Rhodes in the face.

Well, his brother, Jay, the guy kicked out of the bloodline,
comes out and beats up Jimmy Uso.
He's neutralized. Gone. on solo sakoa
comes out and he had put out john cena a
few months ago right before cena went back to hollywood see
this music hits and cena comes out and so
cena takes out solo sakoa and then he takes out roman

reigns and all this all this time roman reigns and cody rhodes are on the floor
now right they're all beat up the rock comes out and he has this big stand-in
with john cena they kind of look at each other and blah blah blah like rock
lays out john cena great he's down goodbye john's dead,
undertaker's dog goes off and everybody everybody's expecting stone cold sea

moss at this point for some reason i don't know why but undertaker's god goes
off the lights go out and they're out for a little while because undertaker's like seven.
So he's he's gotta he's gotta work his way
back in the ring safely and stuff so the lights come back on he's
snarling he chokeslams the rock and then

the lights go out again for another eight minutes because
it takes them a little while to get out of there and then the lights come back
on and everybody's neutralized so seth
rollins comes out he's got the history of roman
reigns going back to the shield and instead of
roman hitting cody with the chair
he hit seth rollins with the chair which gives cody

rhodes the opportunity to get roman reigns he pins them
one two three your reigns has only been
pinned twice in the last four years everybody erupts and
then dr strange's portals keep going and everybody that
the bloodline is wronged over the last four years has come out
they put cody on their shoulders and it's
just a great way to end in the night fucking a

dude like grade a just great storytelling
this masterpiece wrestling is
amazing it's the best form of entertainment bar none it's i just like i love
like i feel like now this is as a wrestling outsider i feel like the vince mcmahon era is very like.

Like down to earth like down to the
ground nitty-gritty like it feels very
like 90s and 2000 like
early 90s and 80s kind of and then
like what you're describing to me sounds exactly like fucking in-game like i
well i and i love it the vince like he the the problem with vince well If I

talk about the problems with Vince, we'd be here all night.
But Vince, if he specifically didn't give it his stamp of approval, it doesn't exist.
When I say got over, I mean with the fans, got popular with the fans.

If somebody got over on their own volition,
he would complete it doesn't matter how popular it is doesn't matter how many
t-shirts that person's selling vince will bury it case of point was.
His real name is brian danielson he's an auw now but he went by daniel brian,
and he got over it was he he had a world championship so he i mean they were

back with him a little bit but you know he was getting popularity,
well they made him lose in 18 seconds at wrestlemania
and he's a great wrestler dude probably
like pound for pound maybe the best of all
time question mark if you if you can
even determine that but after that like the fans
started getting behind them you know the the yes movement i mean you've seen

the the clips of people like pointing their arms up in the air and going yes
yes yes oh yeah that's where that kind of that's where that came from and they
got it the fans started getting behind that and vin said nah,
and decided to bring back batista instead and have him made him at the wrestlemania,

until the fans started like making it undeniable to the point where they had
to interject him with it or they had to insert him in that main event so i mean
if vince didn't like it he wasn't gonna to go along with it the thing about
the triple h stuff now that he's the the company that owns.
Ufc their company name is tko they bought

wwe and now there's more
of a it's a more stable system
it's not necessarily it's not all about what vince wants it's about
what what what they
so it's a it's a different perspective yeah i definitely okay like the best
way that i can describe what i'm trying to explain i think we're i'm kind of

hitting the nail on the head but like this this feels like.
Like it bill it builds to
like it feels like someone sat down and i
mean this in the most generous and nice way but it feels
like someone sat down and like is writing
a story and like wrote a story that

like kind of went until all these crescendos i'm.
Sure there's things that were edited and changed along the way
determined by what the fans were liking and not
liking at the time wrestling feels like it's got a very like no you
hit it yeah but like the older stories uh
the older stories always felt like they like no matter
what happened wrestlemania once wrestlemania closed

they like that chapter is over forever
and now we're writing a new one yep
roman had this championship the
man he beat for it actually passed away late
late last year the majority the people he'd
beaten moved on to other companies like

it's been that long of a run and there
i mean there were definitely a lot of moving parts to
it like but the the heart and
the soul of it were paul heyman and roman reigns writing
these stories and then triple h as well but you
know we've all been kind of sitting here waiting for that other shoe
to drop like well somebody's got to beat robert eventually right

right right last not
last year but the year before that they like
once everything started kind of opening back up from the pandemic they started
going overseas well they did this event it was it was in the uk it was called
clash of the castle drew mcintyre was one of their biggest baby faces that they

had he's from scotland so they're overseas they got this.
Packed stadium, you know.
Of people in this place and the buzz
was roman reigns he was going to lose you know
was that the time well no and end
up being roman reigns would beat him and all that stuff and that ended up

being the story with a lot of things but there were always a lot of logical
points where roman could lose but he just kept winning and people kind of got
sick of it after a little while especially because roman reigns doesn't show
up very often anymore but this one like they like Like I said,
Cody Rhodes fought him last year at WrestleMania.

And having the same end of it two years in a row doesn't happen very often.
It's only happened a couple other times in WWE history.
But to be able to run that story for four years and then run this particular
story back to back, it's peak storytelling, dude.

It's everything. when you when you
when you have that like that like
wave of like when the the audience is feeling you and you have that wave where
they feel like you can that you're gonna you know take them to the happy ending
they're looking for sometimes you can just there you can do things that you

never imagine when you have that wave like there are some like.
The best example of the parallel we're talking about like freaking
imagine like in the
early 90s where like some comic some comic book
movie director was like i'm gonna make in
game we would be like who like you're gonna put all these movies together and

then you're gonna make us watch this this series of movies over the next seven
years and you're gonna cap it off with this movie that's going to be the highest
selling movie of all time but yeah and that's the comparison.
You know and i don't just say you know infinity
war in game because you know one night was
tragic and then the next light was you know a triumph like you

can't get to that without having iron man three you
can't get to that without having sword dark world
or whatever you have to have these like high and low points and
stuff you know these peaks and
valleys yeah well i
mean every once in a while you're going to have you know roman reigns fight
you know doing the clown

i guess but you know and i i just compared thor
dark world to do it the cloud because of course a
second but but like
but it's it's comic books dude and i
think that like people are really wrestling has never
been more popular than it is right now and i

think a lot of that has to do with comic books and it
has to do with like the mcu and all these other things
like people are invested in these things and when
you can capture that audience like that for this amount of
time people will buy into it to the
point where we're at crescendo like you just said
at the end of that night when you know the when Iron Man finally snaps his finger

that gets rid of Thanos and all that and all the little goons you know what
I mean when Cody finally pins Roman Reigns you get it gets rid of all the little.
You know your Jimmy you so then your soul is the coast and stuff those people gonna erupt.
Yep so i didn't i didn't necessarily compare it
to anime this time around but like i i

hope that that long journey that
i just took you on i hope that that makes sense it it's
like i did that on the fly too i didn't write any of that down i it's one of
those situations where like it's it's awesome even if you're not like directly
a part of it but it's awesome when like something like that.

Like that, like people have been anticipating and waiting for,
and like, it's so awesome when it pays off the way they want it to.
Like, I, like, I feel like there's a lot of, a lot of like, like negativity
about like stuff like this, where like people are like waiting for something to fail a lot of times.

But like, I, I love it when someone takes like, you know, they take the long
way and And they build this huge thing up.
And then when it finally, I don't want to say it because it sounds gross,
but when the climax finally happens and it's everything that the people wanted it to be, I love that.

I love seeing, because like wrestling is full of a bunch of real people written
into storylines and it's not, you know, nobody is actually Thanos in a story,
in a wrestling storyline.
But like, I love a storyline going like this. And then it ends and everyone
loves it and no one's pissed off and no one's bitter.

And it's just like, boom, I'm so happy that this happened. It's so awesome.
It was so awesome to watch.
Then the next story happens. Like I said, if I had space in my brain for it, bro, I just, I don't.
If i don't watch it week to week anymore i just don't i i don't have the capacity
for it but the next time a wrestling show comes on i think maybe we get together

for it and i guarantee you,
you don't have to watch week to week to feel something it's so good and the
best part about the roman reigns and cody rhodes thing this is the last thing
i'll say is when they were in the
middle of that ring and they were looking at each other eye to eye man to man
in the back shot of it there was a sign that says roman eats corn the long way.

And it just makes everything better that's awesome and that's ralph and that's
that's perfect whatever i i don't have positives or anything like that i just gotta go to bed okay,
we we can have a we could have a more organized and more structured podcast

next time we just like i said well i could both of us were just like we have
stuff to talk about oh my god so,
you know what i think those are our best shows though yeah they're i really
do they're they're They're super genuine and like sometimes like I keep saying
sometimes I just we just have a bunch of stuff that we need to talk about and

it just like erupts out of us in a very like genuine way.
I don't always want to pull back the curtain and stuff on like how we do things
here, but like, you know, we have a Google doc and the only thing I don't even
think I saw what, what Aaron wrote in there, but I wrote down just a couple
of things that I was playing all of this.

All of it was us shooting from the hip. We haven't written down a single thing.
This show is genuinely just two best friends sitting down,
talking about life and video games
and comic book whatever like just
the things that were that we love to do and these are
the things we've been doing since we were kids and i really hope

i hope against hope with all you
know if we've got 10 listeners or 10 000 listeners whatever i really hope that
people enjoy this show because i enjoy making it i enjoy sitting down with my
best friend and and and doing this stuff so you know what i did just use a positive
there's my fucking positive.

I my positive is that i absolutely also love doing this podcast i love just,
shooting the shit about whatever's going on and having
like the moment of like me getting
you hype about something or you getting me hype about something or

us just having a conversation about something and just
it's it's awesome like guys i'm
not gonna say go get a podcast but like make sure you're make sure you're expressing
your joy so many people spend so much time thinking about how much things about
how much they hate things and how things that they hate like make sure you're

expressing your joy there you go yeah and just Just remember,
it's fun to stay at the YMCA.
I totally did not realize I was doing it.
And then, like, I realized I was doing it, stopped doing it,
and then fell right back into it. I don't know what happened.
Young man, are you listening to me?

Oh, God. All right, man.
I hope that sticks in your head all day tomorrow. I don't know what happened.
I don't randomly sing the YMCA. This is not something that happens.
All right. I love you. I'll catch you next time. Love you too, buddy.

All right. All right. That's a good show.
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