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April 26, 2024 90 mins

Join us as we unwrap the compelling world of the Fallout Series in our podcast episode 'Immersed in the Apocalyptic: Unraveling the Fascinating Secrets, Lore and Characters of the Fallout Universe'. Plunge into our deep, insightful conversation assessing key elements in the game, from exploration of various vaults to Brotherhood of Steel's intriguing actions. This episode gives equal importance to humor and factual analysis, making it a delight for ardent fans and newcomers alike.Delve into in-depth discussions regarding pivotal characters and in-game situations that have shaped the Fallout series. Each exchange of ideas and opinions brings forth a fresh perspective, providing a deeper understanding of the game. Explore assessment of the enclave, Fallout's unpredictability and speculations about future potential plotlines.Immerse yourself in character-focused discussions, thoughts on gameplay mechanics, and the exciting speculation on the destiny of a few integral characters. The theories narrated consistently swing from offbeat topics like comic edition of a man with puppets to canonical timelines, and even to the unexpected connection of an in-game character to Big Mountain Research Facility.Dive into the multi-layered Fallout Universe, laying bare everything from the enigmatic 'deep state' to blossoming relationship dynamics among characters. Discover the fate of significant identities caught in an apocalypse, and follow the course of lengthy discussions revolving on various long-standing mysteries.Consider this episode as your expert guide to navigating the nuances of Fallout's intriguing lore and history, dotted with revealing anecdotes and speculation.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Mechanic awesome mechanic fucking i hate this engineering bullshit
yeah we're the fucking best engineering engine every
fucking stupid audio technical equipment fucking horse
shit give me fucking a horse struggle if you want we can move all that so you
can put that back no it's fine i don't want to move it because something bad's
gonna happen this is just how we have something bad something bad it's gonna

happen yeah it's not gonna work this is just how we have to record now all right
well if you hold your i'd rather you hold me in your lap but if I'm going to be in your lap, too.
Then, you know what? I'll take it. I want us to hold each other in each other's
lap, like, centrally. So, how is this going to work?
If I'm holding you and you're holding me, who's the bottom, who's the top?

There is no bottom. There is no top. We are both sides. Oh, daddy.
We are both insides. In the spooning position.
Oh, very nice. But, tip of the dick's touching.
Ooh, daddy. So that when we pull apart, you can see the string of pre-cum that
connects the two of us. Like spaghetti.

And then one of us slurps it down.
That would be the dog. I don't fuck my dog.
I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. And if I had a dog, I promise I wouldn't fuck my dog.
What about you, man? I said I wouldn't.
I wish we were recording this. We are. No, no, no.

Like camera camera camera like if there
was a camera right here that could point down on the two of
us we need to get you a little apparatus
to hang your phone over so we can record the top
of our heads or set up
a little one right here and record us this way that's not bad we could go like
this hey what's up hey I'm the fun hey I'm the fun hey praise the fawns Are you not a Fonzie?

I'm a Fonzie Look Fonzie is my god Hands down Fonzie?
Have you not seen the Peter Griffin episode Where he has a whole god thing about
it Fonzie is my god Fonzie is praise Allah No praise Fonzie No Allah here just
Fonzie I wonder how the Brotherhood of Steel would feel about that.

Praising Fonzie. I don't think they like it very much. Because they seem very religious.
They do. But religious on what? It seems very Christian-based.
It's cultish. 100%. Christian cult. Christian cult. But it's more brutal.
Well, yeah. 100% more brutal. I mean, Christian cult, the way my Christian cult

was very, very mild compared to that shit.
All right? Yeah. Look. Look, we weren't being trained to go murder people.
We weren't being trained to get people's money. They're not trained to murder
people, Stephen. You read that wrong. You looked at that wrong.
They're trained to get pre-war technology and keep it.
And if people are in the way of that technology, they just so happen to kill

people. And how do they get trained to do that?
They get trained on how to murder people.
Use weapons, knives, environment. Environment, be careful, you know, things like that.
They're trained on how to use force to extract a toaster from some poor wasteland scavenger's hand.

I want this toaster. This toaster is mine.
That reminds me of the scene where he's got the fork in the toaster.
Yeah. He was watching a fucking movie. Yeah, he committed suicide.
Yeah. All those Vault Dwellers found out that they were just fucking breeding
stock, so they killed themselves.
Who do you think found out first
in that one? I'm not sure. I suspect that Lucy's mom was from that vault.

And when she broke out, word got back to the vault somehow. Maybe she said it.
Here's the thing. She was from vault 31, 33, though, because...
Her mom was 33, yeah. Yeah, because that's where...
What's his last name? Hank? McLean. McLean. McLean met her.

Yeah. And because of the water siphoning, she found out that there are people
on the surface. Yeah. True, true, true.
With their kids, which I find that awesome. And her name was Rose,
which I didn't realize that until the very fucking end.
Rose and Moldaver.
Moldaver. Damn, for sure. Yeah, they were a couple. For sure.

They were 100% a couple. See, I want to know how... Was she going to get a dead body?
Probably. She was still alive, so probably, yeah. I want to know how Moldaver survived the war.
Yes, thank you. Because she's not in Vault 31.
She's not on the list of people in Vault 31. Correct, she's not on the list
of people. But she is super rich because Vault Tech bought every company she had.

And the Enclave had her technology. Because that's who the scientist guy was a part of.
He was a part of the Enclave. yeah yeah that's what that's what
i thought it was but the enclave defected when they said
it i was like oh oh it has to
be that guy because they didn't say it legitimately or like in show any actual

like i guess you could say actually like saying enclave and they didn't show
anything yeah but it kind of made sense in the end just kind of basing it together
but it was kind of of hard to figure that out. I just want to know I like it.
What enclave this is. The enclave is like been wiped out. I have no idea.
Almost completely by this point.

No idea because this is huge, man. This is a huge facility.
In Fallout 1, you fight the Master.
So Super Mutants kind of are getting pushed out of the west to go to the east coast. Mm-hmm.
In Fallout 2, you fuck up the enclave and destroy their fucking enclave.
The oil rig that they have outside San Francisco.

Oh, sorry. I'm thinking in my head, yeah, that's the government.
Yeah, my bad. Well, they're the remnants of the government.
Yeah, because the government was outside guarding them, and they spent him in deep.
Government. I loved that so much. It bothered me that the subtitles didn't say government. Yeah.

That bothered me a little bit. You know what got me that was really funny,
even though it was an emotional moment, when they're talking to Hank and he's
in the cage and he's about to press the code in, it gets to the scene where
it shows do not feed animals in the cage.
And I'm like, that's so fucking funny to me. Do not feed Hank in this cage.

I love how long he's stuck. I love how Macfish just immediately is like,
Hank's like, she's my dad. I'm her dad. Let me out. And he's like, okay. Bang.
Shoots off the fucking lock. he has mad accuracy
bro he is good like he pulled
her gun out shot those motherfuckers and
got shot and still shot another guy with

a rotten human tooth yeah you're
not fine you are not fine yeah
listen to the ball doctor that was an
interesting vault i like that vault those surfies surfies
those surfies what are you one of
them he's just jerry that was jerry
yeah that was jerry it was awesome the dude who voiced jerry that was just jerry

that was awesome i do love that it's all a misunderstanding especially for the
fact that i really thought they were gonna kill her and he's just a fucking
man comes in and fucking just devastate get away from her phone.
Where did that guy come from? Wait, what was the song? It was a great song.
I can't remember what it was. He throws a popcorn for no fucking reason.

Maximus just failed a speed check on Lucy when he was like, you want to make my cock explode?
He failed a speed check. That's all that was. He fucked up so hard there. You want to have sex?
No, you want to make my cock explode? Intercourse. Well, I've been told that
when it gets hard, that it's big, and it explodes. Well, yeah, it's close to.

You mean, like, use my cock? I don't know. That was pretty funny.
You mean, like, use my cock? That's something I would say.
It's hilarious that he doesn't know what sex is, but he calls it a cock.
He does call it a cock. Which is so funny to me because when I hear cock,
I think of someone who's got, like, a big ol' fuckin' dick. They know how to

use their dick. They call it a cock.
Well, here's the thing. You think he fucked his bed bay? No Think that's the one who called him?
That he had a big cock? Told him he had a big cock? No, I think it's just because
the Brotherhood are, like, men.
Fair. It was all men. I was thinking it was more along the lines of,
yeah, it was just men that just, it was cock.

Yeah, it's just, they don't say anything else for it unless you're,
like, trying to be an asshole. You're a dick! Yeah. You know, like that.
But, like, cock. That's your cock. That's your cock. That's your fucking cock.
Because that's a man's word.
Yeah. Because even though it was definitely a woman transitioning into a man,
fucking Squire Dane or whatever. I don't remember.

I think that was the name. I think so. But it was a dude. It was supposed to be a dude.
I know. I don't remember his name. I think it was Dane. I didn't even know his name was Norm. Yeah.
Until the seventh episode. Because he's normal.
Yeah. I wasn't paying attention to his name. He's supposed to be real smart. He's a great hacker.
Fucking genius. Which is why I was thinking he's going to do something fucked up in Vault 31.

Or he is going to go to sleep. I think he's going to fucking go to the surface.
You think he can get out from there? I was thinking he might be able to do a
hostage type situation with the fucking brain. The brain can't do a lot.
And Bud. Remember Bud from the pre-war section? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

I forgot about that.
That's great. oh that's awesome did you see the subtitles they call him brain on a Roomba they do,
he's called brain on a Roomba I was about to say the norm kick him he's just
a little Roomba he's a glorified Roomba he is literally a Roomba he's a brain

on a Roomba I do love it though he's been alive for 200 years.
How does he clean himself clean? That's the thing about him. He's crazy.
I mean, he's got to be. Because isolation for 200, he talks to them when he
releases them, and that's it. Yeah.

And that's it, unless they've been compromised. And that's probably never happened.
Never. So no commitment. And then all of a sudden, Betty came in. But this isn't Betty.
Wait, you're not Betty. You're only half Hank McClain.
And I was like, that's fucked up, man. That's real fucked up.
You can't even say his fucking name, but it makes sense. He doesn't know who he is.
Coolest line in the whole show was when the ghoul shot Hank in the face and

was like, would you like another autograph, young Henry? Oh,
my God, that was the fucking best.
Also, I did not know that you could shoot right underneath the armor and it would kill.
That was fucking awesome. That's why I think that ghoul had such high luck.
Exactly. He has to have it because it's the only way he's done out of all these
situations. Not just that, no one in that room turned their fucking flashlight on.

Correct. They all have headlamps with flashlights and none of them turned them
on. None of them turned them on. You are right.
Well, the Squires did not.
The Squires had flashlights. They didn't even have pit boys,
but they did have, they should have. They should have. They didn't have flashlights
on their guns. They might.
They may not have. I don't know because they were, they, the one,
the Squires that we saw had nine millimeters and the nine millimeters that they

had did not have any flashlights that I saw. You mean 10 millimeters.
Oh, 10 millimeters. I'm sorry. 10 millimeters. 9 millimeters in New Vegas,
which we'll probably see in the show.
That's what I'm hoping for, but my bad, my bad. The 10 million.
Learn your lore, bitch. I'm done. I didn't see a flashlight on anything,
but I could be wrong. Hey, I've been wrong before.
They may not have, but they should have had some kind of flashlight. You were right.

And there were still two Power Armor guys right there.
Headlamps. The Knight for sure should have had fucking their headlamps.
The Knights are very good. Knight Pytus was a piece of shit. Well...
He was. He fucked up. He told the squire to go in there, and then when he couldn't
do anything because the bear bit his gun because he was too damn close.

It's a way! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!
Glove, come on now. Come on now. Fist fight the damn bear, at least.
You may not survive, but at least in the end you'd go out with a little bit of dignity.
That really pissed me off. Yeah, Knight Titus sucked.
This is all your fault, you know? You know that? How is it, how is it Maximus' fault?

How? That's the one thing, that's the one thing. It was not Maximus' fault that Knight Titus died.
Well, that is a lie. He left him to die. It's not Maximus' fault that Titus
got mauled by a bear. That's Titus' fault. Correct.
That is Titus' fault. Especially since he landed before he was supposed to, dumb fuck.
I'm bored, I want to shoot some. I'm bored, I want to shoot some.
And yet, he did it. Yep, he didn't. Who's what?

Who's what? Who's what? Maximus did. Yeah.
Now, I have to admit this, dumb on Night Tire is his part for not only calling
him a dumb fuck, but just telling him all the things they're going to fucking
do to him when they get back.
I mean, are you really wanting to die? Because, like, you're playing with your
life here. Literally, this guy is supposed to save you.
I just want to know how Maximus got Titus out of the armor.

I have no idea how he flipped that bitch over. That's the only thing. That's the only thing.
I have no idea because you see him with the chains.
Is that just the... Like a pulley system, basically. Is he just using a tow truck?
Yeah, he's using an old tow truck and pulling it up with it, yeah.
So if that was close, then yeah, I could obviously see that, but like...

Try to talk a little quieter if you can. You're echoing real bad.
My bad. You can always tell me. Yeah, that's why I was letting you know.
I'm hearing it. I was just letting you know.
Yeah, I don't know how he flipped it over. That's one thing.
I think that's the only thing that they need to address.
That and they also have to address the power armor suit sound.

It does not make a sound when Hank gets in the power armor, stands up then it,
makes a sound when he's walking around and starts talking to him.
It's... I get it maybe they were trying to focus in I get that but there was
still stuff going on in the background you should have heard the sound of at

least power armor opening up that's it that's all I wanted to hear does it make
the fallout 4 sound it does it does the chink.
Like, how it hisses when it opens and shit in Fallout 4? I don't know if it
hisses. I know it does a bunch of mechanical noises, so we should have heard the clanging.
Does it hiss, though? I don't think it hisses, because the only time I think

it hisses was when he got cut.
But that was because that was a faulty in it.
Well, he cut the fucking oxygen cord or something like that and it started, like... He fixes that.
Yeah, he does. He does fix that? Okay, I must have missed that in something.
Yeah, he fixes it. he fixes it when he's fighting the Raiders beforehand.
That's why he goes to fix that hose and that little piece that he gets welded together.

Oh, that was the... Oh, no. I thought he actually cut one of the hoses.
I didn't realize he cut the severed the piece for the hose. Okay, I'm mad.
He knows a lot about the fucking T-45. Well, he wore it.
Well, he wore the T-45. He wore the T-45. He thinks it's basically the same
thing. Oh, yeah, that's true because Bud literally told him that.
It's basically the same thing but upgraded. So he's just like,

Like, I wonder if they ever fixed the little mechanical ball.
And they know they didn't because Bud fucking sucks.
So, what I also find funny is the last night who died, he had no head.
And he walked in that room. So, the last shot he had in that revolver was explosive. Yeah.
Well, not the last shot. I'm sorry. Second to last shot because he shot him.

Well, that's what I think he did. I think he alternates rounds in his revolver.
Some explosive, some not.
Did you see his belt buckle? No, I didn't pay attention. If you pay attention, they're all different.
They all have something different on it. And I was like, oh,
that's so freaking cool. Because you see him, he actually takes the individual
ones and he'll put them in the gun. Oh, my God.
And it's so, it's pretty sick. If you do notice them, I don't know exactly how

different they are, but some of them are chocolate shell, but a lot of them
have, like, different pieces of shit in it.
But it all looks dangerous or explosive.
I just love how he was under, I want to know who the Don guy was that had him
on the ground for fucking 30 years.
How did he live down there without that shit? He had the drop of it.

That was what that fucking IV bag was. was i
i i forgot that was in the whole scene i
completely forgot about that damn he was down
there for 30 years was he just resupplying that shit i i guess so i can't because
every couple of years the guy would dig him up cut pieces of him off i guess
and fuck with him and then put him back that's what he said that's what the

fucking the bandit guy said the guy that recruited him was sorry i'm sure i
re-watched the first episode before i watched every other one afterwards words,
because I kind of forgot a little bit of it.
But at the same time, when you're saying it, I remember it now and it's like,
oh yeah, that makes more sense. Yeah. Because he's like, is he feral?
He's like, oh, see, feral ghouls can't stand chickens.

He picks up a chicken and holds it. He picks up the chicken and holds it.
Oh, he's such a man. I love that guy. See, I knew immediately that it was going
to be fucking Cooper from the opening of the bomb and shit from when it went
off, just because I've seen the promotional stuff and everything for it.
But the way they were supposed to introduce it to everyone else was when he

was like, us cowpokes, we just take it as it comes.
And then he said to his daughter right before the bombs blew up.
Oh, okay. So that was the big reveal.
That was supposed to be the big reveal. Okay, I got you. But,
I mean, it was pretty obvious.
Yeah, I thought. As soon as he started using that lasso, I was like,
oh, that's fucking, that's Lasso Man.

Like, look at him go. That's Lasso Boy. Yeah, because at the time we didn't
know his name. Cooper Howard.
I just love that he loves the dog so much that he'll spy on his wife.
Yeah. Todd Howard. He's cheeky.
He's also the executive producer of a piece of shit. I finally read the credits and I was like, fuck me.

I'm not mad about them because it's a great, great show.
They did perfect art.
I highly recommend y'all watching this i just if
y'all get the chance if y'all haven't also spoilers i
guess we were just going right into it because this is probably what the episode
is all going to be about yeah pretty much this is what's on i have a lot like

a lot of theories about it stuff like i want to know why okay so they did confirm
that follow new vegas is canon 100 that's fine,
You want some ASMR? That's what I was asking. How the heck? My dick's hard. My dick is hard.

Speaking of hard, do you want to get some food after this? Oh, yeah.
100%. I got the munchie bad. Yeah. Anyway, they did confirm that all of Fallout New Vegas is canon.
So, Fallout New Vegas takes place in 2281, if I remember right.
The show takes place in 2184 or

5 or something like that so it's a few years
after new vegas yeah and the fall of shady sands just means the declat like
the collapse of it like it started declining it didn't the nuke didn't go off
didn't go off it was just after fall of new vegas until yeah that was interesting
i saw in the timeline i thought that was interesting because then it It led

to the bombs. And I was like, huh.
So did it decline by itself?
Or did he really go in there and he fuck it all up? Wait, hold on.
The time. I messed up the time. The show doesn't take place in 2184 or something.
It takes place in like 2190 something, I think. I think you're thinking of something else.

2184. I feel like I know that number. 21 on a sign.
I feel like I've seen that on a sign. Wasn't that on the side of Shady Sands?
I think so. Wasn't that when it was established? No. Not established.
Why was there...
You brought up a number. What is that number for?

Fuck, I can't remember. Yeah, 21... No, 2184 may have been when Shady Shands was established.
It was 2280s is when we're at. We're in the 22s. Yeah, it's 200 years. Yeah. Yeah, so 2184...
2184 may have been when it was established. Was it 2184? Shady Shands is old.
I mean, I know that, but, like, I wonder...

Because in Fallout 1, Shady Shands is, like, the first town you go to when you leave the vault.
Because there's a there's a man there named
arabesh and his daughter was taken by the great khan and
he needs you to go get her and his daughter is tandy
she becomes the first president of the ncr she basically founds
it okay and keeps it running so arabesh

when you get his daughter back and shit fucking they
start like trading with other villages and stuff and by fallout 2
you're like the grandson of the first of
the character from fallout 1 okay or the
granddaughter daughter whatever you play as yeah but it's
old enough to where they're dead they started a tribe and shit like
you're a tribal in that tribe and i

haven't played much of those those are fun they're super fun
they're also wacky they they're hard to play they're hard hard to play i've
seen people play them and it's like that's better it's better to watch people
play them than actually play them because they're hard it's hard it's hard for
me to know what actually happens though in the story because i've watched people
play them and they were just kind of doing like different things of the game.

The best one I've done, I found to watch the Fallout 1 and 2 ones are Oxhorn.
Because he goes through, when he does a video, he goes through everything you
could do in that one town and tells everything about it.
Oh my god, he is so fucking good. I love his buttery sweet voice.
And it's so funny. He's actually the reason why I got into Vault.

That or TKS Mantis is another good name. Yes!
Yeah, I actually know him too. The reason why I got into of the vote was horror i mean because.
Yeah, and then, because, dude, the original lore is wacky for Fallout.
Like, you know what the original mission of the Enclave was,
or the Vault-Tec was, for fucking a vault to be made, all the vaults were made

for resource gathering and shit, so they can build a spaceship to settle another planet in space.
That's pretty fucking cool. Like, they were working with the Enclave and shit to do that. Yeah, yeah.
That's why the Enclave had their oil rig, they were building rockets and shit,
like, working on rockets and shit out there.
Vault-Tec was working on resources and stuff like that, and experiments.

Cryotechs, stuff like that, just to make sure that they could make it safely to another planet.
And I thought that was interesting, because the cryotech was just for the fact
that they could keep someone for a long amount of time.
But, at the same time, there are aliens, so very possibly, that also wanted
to go into space, which I didn't know they wanted to go into space until you told me.

Yeah because fucking dude it's it's wild i think when
when um bethesda bought fallout ip
from interplay they changed up a lot of things but the
original like the way the interplay was doing fucking vault tech and shit was
every one of their vaults had a purpose and it was for testing how space travel

would be on humans like fucking population control and shit like that societal
control with the experiments on society the freezing
the farming the farming all that every
one of the water yeah you are right that's
how every single one of them had a purpose and it was for space travel not just

being fucked up yeah and then when bethesda bought it they're like we're just
gonna make fucking what which is fun i i prefer it that way i do prefer i prefer
the way they're taking vault tech which is like hey we made a lot of money but
also millions of dollars We owe,
these are really expensive to do, so let's sell these to corporations so they
can do whatever the fuck they want with people.

They were a trillion dollar company when they made the vaults.
And then they sold the vaults. I wonder how much fucking money they were at at that point.
I wonder how much money Vault-Tec had before the bombs dropped.
They had more money than the U.S. government.
Because they owned basically the U.S. government.
That's how I work with my enclave. so uh well yes honestly

with a different faction in the u.s government though pre-war they
were they were the ones higher they're basically they're basically we call the
deep state in our real world yeah you can't touch them yeah they're like the
fucking higher up like people who just know shit who already knew about the
aliens because the zadans were already fucking with people beforehand okay god sakes,

In Fallout 3, in Mothership Zeta, there's a cowboy, there's a samurai,
there's a fucking astronaut,
there's a dude from Anchorage who was like, I was in the war,
I was in Alaska fighting these Reds, and then an alien got me.
There's a little girl from like the 50s, I think.
I think so. I don't remember what she... She's more just a fat... Like, I'm a kid.

Yeah, she can fit in small places. I remember that much. I don't remember what
else she can do. That's the only thing she could do.
That's literally what the whole DLC was for. Yeah.
I remember that. It's for her. It was for fitting in small spaces.
But the reason why I got into vaults was Vault 22.
I remember when that was. The grass experiments.
Oh, yeah. In Fallout New Vegas where they plant people.

Yeah. That one was fucked up and I love it so much. It's one of my favorite,
Lord. One of my favorite is gotta be the man with the puppet.
The puppet is so perfect. That was a comic they made for Fallout 3 before it was released.
And it is so fun. In Paradise Falls and Fallout 3, you can actually find a holotape

of Raider being like, Yo, don't touch that jumpsuit.
He will come back for it. And his jumpsuit.
Yeah, you can have his jumpsuit. You can wear the motherfucker's jumpsuit.
They're like, don't touch that fucking jumpsuit.
He will come back for it and kill you.
I always thought it would have been funny if there was some hidden easter egg
in the game. if you wore that suit long enough, he would eventually come back and kill you.

Like, you see a man with, like, a puppet on his hand, and he would try and kill you.
That would be awesome. He has a puppet on his hand and a few in his inventory when he dies?
Yeah, like, well, no, he can't. He killed the other puppets.
Fuck. It would be cool, though. Wait, no, is there not one left with him?
Did he kill them all? It's just one. It's just one. It's the one on his hand.

That one killed them all. Or, well, he killed them all.
There was the king, king vault boy king died
first yeah because the king died and he thought he thought
vault boy did it but vault boy was like you did it you
did it you kill people he left them yeah
i forgot he left them he wanted to save them yeah i forgot about yeah he's like
we're too dangerous to be with them and he rides an ant yes that was pretty

cool that was pretty cool that's that's so random i don't know i don't know
if it's real or not i don't know if it's his just his schizophrenic praying, being like,
bro, I'm riding an ant. I don't know. He was talking to a ghoul.
Like, he was sitting by a fire talking to a ghoul. Because I was like, so how did that?
So, like, that's my life for me. I've been in a vault for, like,
I can't remember how long he says, a couple years.

Yeah. I can't remember how long it is. How's your life? And the ghoul's just
sitting there like, it's supposed to be a joke, of course. But,
like, still, he's talking to a ghoul, so I don't know.
I can't tell you if the ant thing was a hallucination. I think so.
It might be because he does the rock throwing thing. Yeah. Yeah,
so. I'm pretty sure he does the rocks and grenades, too.
Yeah. Yeah, so, yeah, yeah. He's scaring people, which is hilarious.

Maybe he thinks they're actual explosions, like the whole pyro thing from TF2,
where he thinks it's rainbows and everything, flowers, sunshine,
daisies. What's going on in your head?
And then in reality, he's burning for everyone.
But I want to know, I think, okay, back completely on topic with the whole show.

Yeah. Yeah, because we went into the lore.
I think that since Fallout New Vegas is still canon, so that means that Mr.
House still, I know, I talked with my hands like that. I know,
it's fun. I'm like, there's Vegas, there's Mr. House.
So Vegas is still canon. Mr. House was at that meeting with all the executives.

Was he the Roboco? Robco. Robco. Robco is his company.
So how does he turn into a robot? I want to see that. And he turns himself into
it. I want to see. So he can survive.
That'd be pretty cool. So that means, I think, I think anyway,
I think that means that he didn't agree with how Vault-Tec was going to run the vaults.

So he pulled out. That would make sense because he's not war.
He needs the platinum chip pre-war because that's going to fully set up Vegas'
defenses so he can protect the whole city instead of just the strip like he does in the game.
Because the platinum chip gets developed and it's supposed to be delivered to him a day later.

Bomb drop the day it's finished.
Carrier doesn't get to make it to him next day. He doesn't get it until 200 years later.
So he's only able to shoot. There's 25 nukes fired at Vegas.
He shoots down 22. Three still hit the city.
And he protects the strip. Like he's able to keep the strip running and fully

good. So he has the Lucky 38 and other casinos. Yeah.
And there's a vault inside Vegas as well. I forget about this.
There's a vault in Vegas. Does he have that one?
Yeah. He owns it now, but he didn't.
So he had to take it over. He had to take it over. And when he did,
he sealed the fucking thing. off.

That's in Vegas lore. I forget about this. There's a fucking,
there's a chick, and I don't remember what vault it is. I had to play Vegas.
He's the one that you can talk to.
Oh, fuck, I don't remember her name, but you can talk to, you can sleep with
her. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure.
I'm pretty sure you can sleep with her. She offers services.
If you have a high perception, a high perception, you can see that she's scared to leave her vault.

But there's also a picture of the Lone Wanderer, Lone Wanderer's dad.
In there. So people are like, oh my god, that's the Lone Wonder.
No, I think that's just an Easter egg that they put in there.
It could be. And also reusing assets.
Correct. They literally reuse so many assets from 3 to New Vegas because it's
the same exact engine. Like, it's the same game basically.

100%. Just better story. I can agree with you 100%. Just better story and a
little bit better mechanics, but it's the same game. Like...
Iffy on the better mechanics, but yes. Well, in terms of the reputation and
system that they have with the factions.
Oh, I thought you meant like the mechanics of the game.
No, the mechanics are the exact same. Okay, I thought you meant like a little bit better mechanics.

I'm like, yeah, it is a little bit better mechanics because they have that mechanic.
Ah, well, I see. So lore.
So like Destiny 2. Yeah, basically. Oh my God.
Fallout New Vegas is the Destiny 2 of Fallout 3. Oh God. Oh my god. Ooh.

That hurts. That does kind of hurt. That does kind of hurt. I never thought
about that before. It's a great fucking game. They're both great games,
but that does kind of hurt.
So, I bet... The better Fallout 3 was Fallout New Vegas.
I bet that the fucking vault that's in Vegas was the one that they built for House and gave to House.
It had to have been. Either that... And he didn't like what they were going

to do or something like that. Or he pulled out because he had a different idea.
Or he was like... The robot thing. Yeah. Because he wanted to basically,
because he also helped build Liberty Prime.
Yeah. Did he also make the, wouldn't he have helped build the brain guys in that other weird place?

Big M.T.? I don't think he had anything to do with that. No?
Okay. Big M.T. was there, though.
That fat dude with the white hair, he was the representative of the Big M.T.
Oh, okay, okay. But it's called, it's Big Mountains Research Facility or something like that.
But it's called the Big MT in New Vegas because fucking a nuke hits them and

blows up the, no, not a nuke.
They're doing some science experiment and blew up the fucking mountain.
So it's just a crater. Like it used to be a mountain. It used to be Big Mountain
Technologies or something like that. The Big MT.
M space period T. Okay. Big mountain technologies facility. But they call it the big empty.

Because there's nothing there. There's a goddamn crater there.
Because they blew up the fucking mountain with their science and shit.
Dude, they did weird, wacky fucking shit there. That's how night stalkers are made.
They literally splice fucking rattlesnake DNA with a goddamn coyote.
So that's why they did it.
Yeah. Well, they're gone now, so they can't do it anymore, but they already

did it, them dumb fucks. They did it after the war!
Because the scientists were held up there. Can we just chill now?
Big empty turds are empty in their brains.
Well, the reason why they did so many fucked
up experiments experiment is because the fluid
that the brains of the jars are kept in causes them
to go crazy after it being in there for

a while because no one can clean it i thought there was a problem with that
i think that's the way it's designed is it just causes insanity over time like
there's there's no explanation it's just how it is that that the fluid in the
jar deteriorates your brain over time so it causes you to go a little crazy.
So they keep all of their intelligence. Well, relatively all of their intelligence

because... I'd say all their intelligence but they're not wise.
They're so goddamn retarded.
They are wise. They're geniuses. Intelligence level genius.
They're retarded since like... No wisdom. No wisdom. Zero wisdom. Negative wisdom.
Zero. Ooh. Hey, that would be an interesting thing for D&D.
It would be insane and it goes to negative That would be a great fucking D&D character.

A wizard who's a wild mage sorcerer with fucking... Because the bad thing is
sorcerers use your wisdom modifier for your spells.
So you have low wisdom, like eight wisdom, something super low,
like five, four, four wisdom. You're fucking crazy. Yeah.
18 intelligence. You're a goddamn genius. But you're crazy. Yeah,

you're crazy. You're goddamn crazy.
We're at 2 on the wisdom scale here. 2 wisdom, 20 intelligence. 20 intelligence.
I see what you're doing here. I see. I see. So what you're saying is...
He's like, no, I can do 2. He's sitting there looking at a castle going,

man, the architect's amazing on this thing. It looked beautiful.
That's all going on in his head.
Oh, it's so pretty and beautiful. Someone comes up and goes,
oh, Gorbache, what are you thinking about? Building pretty.
Craig. It's Craig. I was about to sit on his thing.
Tell her you think she looks nice. You have to help us.

I'm just like, wait. Close enough. I'm the connector. On the train. Train!
He's a great fucking character. But back on topic anyways.
So I think that Hal's pulled out of the Vault-Tec experiments because he didn't like it.
Because he seems like the kind of good guy in Vegas. He's not a bad guy.

He genuinely wants to help the city. Yeah, that's why he shot down 22.
Yeah, I think 22 is what his defense system was able to stop.
That's a lot of fucking nukes. A lot of nukes. think about
22 new bitch coming down on one fucking spot that's
a lot of spots oh yeah um i think i mean that's a lot of
new i think like over a thousand nukes were fired
during the great war i'm surprised there weren't more by this time or because

fallout lore is fucked up there weren't more like i think there may have been
but i think like over a thousand were fired because dozen hit cities like oh
of course yeah that's why everything's just glittery i don't remember
how many were dropped in fucking in washington i think
like 15 or 16 hit the dc area just washington

dc area well that makes sense why we're walking
across this lonely fucking desert of
a plane in the show i mean they are walking across california there's nothing
there and they do scale so well the games have a problem with the scale like
because they can't show it that well no like who's gonna want to spend three

hours walking across nothing.
I would. It's bad. Death Stranding, the game. The walking simulator with fucking
Norman Reedus from Walking Dead.
Alright, well then I guess I'll
have to play. But they show scale so well because there's just nothing.
There's just nothing. It seems like they're just traveling for fucking ever.

It doesn't seem like anything takes a short amount of time. It doesn't seem like that at all.
Fucking hell, man. I want to know what happened with Robco.
Also, I don't think Vault-Tec dropped the bombs.
Because here's my thing. I don't know.
I want to say that's true, but at the same time, it could be 100% that the aliens

might have dropped the bomb. You were thinking with that one theory.
Well, the theory about the aliens is that they send signals that tricked China
and America into thinking that each other respectively fired each other first.
So they both launched all their nukes at the exact same time. Jesus.
The exact same time. Because America got signals that China fired first.

China got signals that America was fired first. And they just obliterated.
They did. Everyone else did.
Obliterate. I think only them two launched at each other. Really?
And I think their allies got all hit in the crossfire.
Like, I'm not sure.
I could be wrong. I don't think Fallout lore really goes into other countries.
Besides China. Yeah. China and

America I never thought about that before honestly besides Yeah
they just say reds They never say They don't
normally say besides China Which reds they never say that there's a Russia problem
The only The only other I think Russia has been absorbed by China At this point
because China Invaded Alaska Through the Bering Strait I forgot about that shit Yeah.

Like, they came through Russia to invade Alaska. So I think that...
I guess they are just gone.
I think the USSR got absorbed by China.
And China is just, like, in charge.
You think that China just has all of Middle East? All of Asia, for sure.

100%. I think they 100% have all of Asia. I think you're right.
And they probably have...
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they have all of fucking Africa, too.
Yeah, they probably have. Africa would, like, I mean, I'm not trying to be mean,
but I feel like if China could take over all of that part, Africa wouldn't be a problem.
Well, you also have to think about in history, this takes place.

Yeah. American history is basically the exact same up until we dropped the nukes on Japan.
Yeah. And then it diverges. Then it diverges.
So at that
time Africa most African countries were
still colonies they got power armor they got
T-45 I mean yeah the Chinese had

something like that didn't they they had a they had a similar thing we have
an Alaskan DLV the winterized power armor that's what helped us win Alaska oh
so was power armor so they didn't I don't think China had any kind of power armor.
Interesting They had stealth suits The Chinese stealth suits That's what it

was That's what I was wondering It's a stealth suit They had the stealth suits
that made them invisible.
Instead of Stealth Boys, they're Stealth Suit. Yeah, they had Full Suit.
That's pretty cool, though.
Vault-Tec decided to take that up, though. Yeah, they had...
I wonder who made the Stealth Boys, actually. That's a good question.
Makes me think of Vault-Tec as Stealth Boy. Yeah.

Vault Boy. Which is hilarious that Coop, the little awkward thumbs up,
is the origin of... The thumbs up. What if I do a thumbs up?
Go for it, Coop! I'll call him Coop. You call him Coop?
I don't remember... But see, that's why... Back to what I was saying.
That's why I don't think Vault-Tite dropped the bombs is I don't think his wife
who talked about dropping the bombs would allow them if her daughter was at

some goddamn birthday party with her dad.
That's what I was thinking. Like, in my head, I'm like, if she's the one who's
dropping the bombs, why would she drop the bombs on them?
But at the same time, what if she can't control that?
True. Did you notice, though, she got a message on her Pip-Boy,
looked up at the corner, that's the Enclave, I think.

That's pre-war Enclave. That has to be. Either that or that's an alien. The deep state.
The deep state, yeah. Either that or that's an alien. I was going to say deep slate.
The deep slate. We're digging down here, boys. Either that or she's working with aliens.
And that was Zeta in disguise. And that was Zeta in disguise. Yeah, that could be.
You are onto a theory there. Could be. I could be 100% wrong.

Yeah, but I thought it was very interesting when she did do that.
Because I was thinking at that moment, oh, wait, is she picking up the transmitter?
I thought. And then, wait, no, she looked up. And I'm like, okay,
okay, something's going on here.
He's telling her to get them back on track. What we're supposed to be doing
is bombing, which I want to know why.

That's the ultimate thing is why bomb? Like, why? Why?
Well, it seems to be that we're all products.
At the end of the day, oh my God. At the end of the day, we're all products,
like that one guy said to Hank Coop.
Like that one guy said to Coop. At the bar? Not at the bar, when he's at the pool.

The guy who's Mr. Handyman. Codsworth. Codsworth, I'm sorry. The guy who plays him.
I am Bartholomew Codsworth. That's your sense.
I don't even remember his name. He played a character called Bartholomew Codsworth.
And he sold that voice to General Atomics, who made the Mr. Handy's and shit.
That's what it was. I just thought he sold his voice.

That's what I just thought it was. I didn't realize that he said that it was
Bartholomew of Asworth. I didn't realize he was Cosworth. That's awesome.
That's what I think that they made the character that he played,
B-Barth, because he's talking to Coop at the pool. He's like,
he does the voice for the girls.
Follow me, Cosmo. That's your service.

It's a character he played in a movie.
So I think he used that voice. And they used Codsworth as a little Easter egg to follow it for.
Oh, that's cute. Codsworth is a good boy.
Anytime I play a female character to follow it for, Codsworth is usually my main companion.
Why? Because it just makes sense. That was her robot. She's home alone all day

with her kid and her little... Okay, okay. I got you.
Nate's out in the VFW doing fucking VFW things.
War. War never changes. That's what he's doing. would practice it for his speech.
And then she said, because war never changes. And I'm like, you bitch.
You said the line. You said it. I felt like Peter in the movie.
It only would have been better if they said, oh, this is what happens when you have Fallout 4.

Oh, this is the thing! This is the thing!
Dubs start flying everywhere. Everyone's going crazy. Or when Hank goes to Vegas,
he goes, man, it really looks like Fallout out hit this new Vegas.
Oh, he's in the thing! He's in the thing!
Nah, he just got there and looked at it and went Yeah, yeah.
Man, he's gonna have a wicked fucking scar across his face from getting shot in the fucking face.

I cannot believe that he didn't do worse.
What? Motherfucker. I can't believe he didn't. Ask him a question.
I know, but I can't believe he didn't blow a hole through his jaw.
He had, those bullets are fucking huge, man.
He grazed He's that dude. He really
wanted to talk to him. He wanted young Henry to answer his question.
I waited 200 years to ask him where my damn family is.

He's like, I waited 200 years to ask him this question. Where's my fucking family?
Oh, chilly. And he just power jumps away. He flies away, jetpack. He jumps away.
Jetpack and little rocket glove. I find that awesome that they went from the
jetpack to the rocket gloves because I think that kind of makes sense that they

would have that built in, but at the same time, those things are tiny.
How heavy is power armor? Oh, I'm sure they're powerful.
How heavy is power armor? That's what I'm saying. Those things are like this big.
I mean, granted, the glove is huge, but still, compared to the glove, think about that.

I think, fucking, if you just hold your hand up and go rocket boost,
it's going to melt Melt somebody's fucking face as you fly away.
Because it's got to be some powerful rocket to lift them up. I know it has to be.
I wonder... I also... I bet they can control it, too. Did you notice the comparison
in scenes between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the Squire and fucking the Night's Walking?

It looked so similar to me.
When fucking... Which scene? One of the Squires and Monty Python and the Holy
Grail is carrying all the fucking package and shit and Arthur's just walking along.
That's basically what he did to the Night... That's what Thaddeus and shit had
to do. Thaddeus carrying that giant ass bag.
I didn't think about that at all, but honestly, you are 100% correct. They are horses.

They are glorified horses who don't have to play coconuts.
What's funny is how big those fucking bags are, and what's hilarious is I think
there's only one fucking gun in it.
There's a gun and then, like, health, health supplies, ammo,
probably food, probably extra fuel. Rations. Never mind.
Yeah. I wonder how long they are normally out there. That's probably,

I'd say a week worth of rations.
Easily. At least a week or two. I also love how Thaddeus just left his fucking
bag in that car where he put the dog in the fucking It's gone now. He put the bag in the car.
Well, it was kind of fucking heavy. I don't blame him. He had a fucked up foot.
He doesn't have to eat anymore.
So it doesn't really matter. We don't know what Thaddeus is.

That's another mystery that needs to be explained. He's a ghoul.
Or at least it seems like it. That's what Maximus thought.
But Maximus doesn't know everything. It's true. It could not be a ghoul because that was
interesting that spawned immediately don't regenerate they don't
regenerate wait a minute regenerate that's a good point the ghoul
had to sew his fucking finger back on ghouls don't
regenerate that's not a ghoul thing you know the only thing that regenerates

you is lorenzo's cabot in the fucking cabot house quest line he had his blood
it can be made into a serum that can make you live forever basically that's
why his kids are still alive post-war he's been around.
Since 1860s but he got some weird fucking
alien artifact on his head when he was doing an

expedition in the desert oh i know
what you're talking about that's a weird fucking story yeah
lorenzo he he was a archaeologist
in like the 1860s and jack
was his son and jack was alive then too yeah and
his dad went to the dead to the aloo aru
kut kribi desert in fucking i don't know

know how to say it properly somewhere in africa or
something like that we're in the middle east yeah and was exploring
ancient ruins or maybe in egypt and found this
ancient alien crown thing and put it on his head and came back so fucking funny
with that came back to america and stuff and wouldn't take it off started going
crazy then he eventually killed like fucking four or five people and his kid

locked him up in parts of the sand asylum he was doing experiments trying to
figure out how to fix his dad.
Found out his blood could be used to make.
Him younger, keep his aging process from being going. He did that for his whole family.
I forgot about that. So his whole family's from the 1800s.
He's like a god. They're the oldest people in fucking Fallout. Basically.

Yeah, his dad is basically, he can fucking levitate and shit.
He can use sonic abilities and fucking shit. Okay, that's what he's using. Okay. He teleports.
He can teleport too? I thought he could.
It's not confirmed. Or is it? Maybe he's just really fast. It's not confirmed.
But, If you free him from the insane asylum, because he wants to go kill his

family for locking him up.
Yeah, I know. He's like, go, go. I'll meet you there.
You go into the house.
He's already upstairs. He comes in walking from upstairs.
The family doesn't even know he's there yet. Or did he climb through a window?
He just, he ran there super fast. I think you're right. The teleporting thing has got to be dramatic.

He's sitting there like, oh, the door opened. Hey, family.
Imagine that shit though like legitimately to do
that in real life yeah you had to climb on
the psychopath so i could see him do it there and just
be like go soul survivor i'll meet you there sees me
walking out the door just jumps out of a window fucking sprints sprints full

fledged to that i gotta beat this motherfucker i'm gonna beat the lord survivor
i'm gonna all survivor soul survivor i'm sorry if you run fast enough though
like in the game you'll get there There just isn't time to see him climbing through the window.
Like, you can never get there to stop him, but you can always see him climbing
through the window. He's upstairs.

Oh, God. Oh, you got to be cool. Oh, shit. There's a dog.
Dog meat. I didn't realize I finally got a dog again.
Wait, are you going to live forever? Jack, I said no dogs. We can make a dog
live forever because of this motherfucker. That'd be cool.
Mm-hmm. But that is a good question Because ghouls are made from radiation Yeah

Not with what he gave him Pissed water is what it looked like It could have been FEV What's FEV?
FEV is Forced Evolutionary Virus That's what made super mutants But,
But the only problem with that is, to eat that, you get dipped into a vat of it. Yeah.

But concentrated dough straight into the fucking, straight into the gut because
he drank it, didn't he? Or did he take a shot? He took it. He inhaled it.
Oh, yeah. He took an inhaler.
It wasn't even that he drank it. He inhaled the whole, like,
water. It went in his lungs.
So that shit. It could have been FEV, and they could be, you know,
switching up how FEV is, which you could be. making it, switching it up,

or maybe there's an even higher concentrated version. Yeah, it's just pure concentrated.
It could, or it could just be something else. Like, something else.
That feet. I thought I thought that he's high at first.
When his foot healed, I was completely confused. I'm like, wait,
he's gotta be a ghoul. He's gotta be a ghoul, because the ghoul before he keeps
getting shot, he's fine.
Like, you never see the bullet wounds, but then I think about it,

I'm like, yeah, he had to sew on his finger.
They cut off pieces of him from time to time. But done three years.
The reason why the ghoul doesn't really feel the pain is because your nerves
are all dead. Yeah, yeah.
Like, the only thing that could hurt him is his head. That's why he didn't like
getting hit in the head with a fucking shotgun. Yeah.
That's why he did it. We never get to see him kill a president.

Was he the president? Yeah, he called himself the president.
The government. You're a president now.
Oh, I thought that sounded right. And I'm like, you son of a bitch. Of the government.
Which, man, him just insulting people is hilarious.
He's like, like yeah i killed him he was a bitch and so are
you like god damn dude true like

you're insane he's like he's gonna grab that gun he's gonna try
to shoot me and i'm gonna shoot with him but to be fair he's been alive for
so long he is he doesn't care that's he knows how to read people that's what
i love he just he knows he really does and he was an actor before so his whole
job was kind of like reading people and seeing how they do and seeing how to
act hey when was a new New Vegas is the war.

What time period was that? Do you remember?
2280-something. 2280. In the 80s. In the 80s.
So if 2184, when Shady stands... Let's see.
If that is the established date, and if I'm wrong, that's fine.
If 2184 is the established date, then...

I don't even know that it might just be right into the house thing.
I wonder if we will get to meet the carrier.
Maybe. Like the, like who you play as in new Vegas. Probably not because what
they'll, what they'll do.
I think Benny, he's dead.
Benny dies. I think canonically, even when he dies, I know he gets killed by you or canonically.

Yeah. You see, Caesar, Caesar, Caesar crucifies him.
So Caesar is already invaded by this point. Yes, Yes, because,
so, 2277, I think, is, like, the first battle of Hoover Dam takes place in,
like, 2275 or something like that. Hmm.
Okay. That's a few years. Yeah, like, it's, because the game,

the show takes place 10 years after Fallout 4.
So, whenever Fallout 4 takes place, which is, I don't know, I can't remember.
2287, isn't it? Yeah.
Let me see. I don't know.
So 10 years after? Let's see. I got a little timeline. The show is 10 years after Fallout 4.

I do know that much. 20. Well, if it is 2187, then it would be 2197.
And that means... Okay. Because the bombs dropped in 2277.
We know that. Or 2077, I'm sorry. Yeah, 2077.
2077 is when the bomb. Bang, bang. Way back.

Where? Sorry? Behind you. Rob. Rob. That's it. I'll make it right here.
Mine makes... Oh, I was going to say Dory noises, but that works too.

Because she sounds like a whale. Did you know she can speak whale?
Yes. Yeah. It's pretty cool. You can speak whale.
I can? Yeah. How?
I know you sound like a dog.
Okay. What's up? So Shady Sands, the city, is founded in 2098.

2098? Yeah, the city itself. It doesn't become part, like, the head of the NCR.
Yeah, but in 2098? Mm-hmm.
Holy shit. 2098. That's what? How many years after the bombs dropped? 10.
Fuck. Something like that. Not 10. 70.
Almost 30. 2098.

2077. Bombs dropped in 2077. I feel really stupid right now.
21 years. 21 years. Thank you.
Holy shit. 21 years after the bombs dropped?
The city was founded. Yeah, because it's from Vaultwellers. They were Vaultwellers.
That found a shady scent? Yeah, I think it was their door that was faulty.
They were the ones with the faulty door, so it just opened early and they just left. Yeah.

Oh, that would actually make a lot of sense. So radiation wasn't back then?
No. Or at least not in that area where they established. I don't know.
The Fallout lore, the way they handle radiation Radiation's always been iffy.
That's a good point. It's hard to figure that out because there's ghouls and
then there's not ghouls. Yeah.
So clearly the- Intense doses of radiation all at once will turn you into a

ghoul. So like, immediately when the bomb is dropped.
Oh no. But afterwards- No, no, no.
How did the daughter die? She had to have been a ghoul.
I think the daughter- I think Coop- That's one of my theories.
I think Coop got his daughter to wherever his ex-wife was in a vault, and they were like, bye.

And he's like, what the fuck? I thought I had a place too.
I can see that, but did you see where those bombs dropped? Right there. Right there.
Yep, so we don't know, but he's after his family.
I don't think he cares that much about the wife. I don't know.
I mean, I think he still loves her. I don't know 100%. But I think if he's looking

for his family, his daughter's still alive.
I'm pretty sure because he says family. Clearly, it's got to be the two of them.
Probably for both of them. Yeah, because clearly he would love to see both of them.
The whole time he's like, where's my fucking dog? Oh, my God.
A cryogenically frozen dog he's been looking for for 200 years.

That's why he didn't get close to the CX whatever.
He calls him dog meat. Yeah, dog meat. Yeah, because he's like,
you ate him. You ate him. But he still pets him. Still pets him.
That'd be funny because he's just a John Wick basically that's a good point
he is just a John Wick in this kind of he's ridiculously he literally starts
spying on his wife because she tells him his dog can't come to the vault with them,

well that and the good vaults there are good vaults that kind of threw him off
but that didn't bother him as much as the dog the dog he's like that dog and
he's digging through the trash.
That was pretty funny he's like fuck you
bitch i want my dog granted he only did
that after the the whole meeting thing

with that woman but yes yes you are you are
correct i'm it was the fucking good vaults what do you mean good vaults yeah
but i love how he's talking to the dog like no dogs in the vault fuck that bitch
and then and then he's sitting there thinking about it with the recorder because
Because the dog's on his fucking lap,

and I'm like, he's thinking about it for the dog. He's thinking about it for the dog.
He learned too much. It is kind of interesting, though, him trying to deal with
just meeting a fan, and at the same time hearing, oh, hey, we're going to fucking end the world.
Okay, so in 2138, Robert House regains consciousness from being frozen.

So he cryogenically froze himself under Lucky 38. That's why he's tapped into
the headquarters and shit.
So he regained consciousness in 2138.
Did he do it in a vault?
Is that his fault then? The Lucky 38 may... Since he had to take it over.
Maybe. Well, he was in the Lucky 38 when he regained consciousness.
Like, he's in... Oh, he's just... Oh, he's underneath it. Okay.

Yeah, he's underneath the legend. So then, never mind. I'm sorry.
But then he started conquering the strip and stuff. Yeah, but he took it over,
clearly. Clearly, but like he didn't, clearly he didn't own it. No.
Before, so it wasn't his. So they may have built it for him and then him be
like, no, I don't want to be a part of y'all's fucked up experiments and shit.
He might have granted conscious even though he had a fucked up experiment that

he said, I can't remember what it was, but it was pretty lame.
They all spat off an experiment. I can't remember. Yeah, he did.
I sent for, I do believe it was the MT guy.
I don't think he said experiment. I think it was just three of them.
But I could be wrong. Did House say an experiment? Because House insulted the big MT guy.
I'm pretty sure he said something. He insulted somebody. Yeah,

he doesn't... He insults one of them.
But insults... Wait, no. No, House insults somebody as he's putting out a cigarette.
He's like, oh, of course you'd fuck it. Oh, he's like, oh, he insults...
I know who he insults. He insults... I don't remember who it is,
but he insults him because of the Sierra Madre Casino.
So he's like, you're the only one who can open a casino and lose money.

Oh, yeah. The Sierra Madre Casino. House owns the Lucky 38 already at this point. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So he's clearly already owning the strip, pretty much.
He's already had... He has a defense system. He's got the Lucky 38.
He's probably working. I think he's working. He's working on it,
clearly. But, like, at the same time, he's probably...
Because I think that meeting probably took place five or so years before the

bombs actually dropped.
I don't know. The little girl is... Oh, yeah, she's around the same age.
It's hard to tell because of the little girl. Now, I can say to little girls,
sometimes they don't really change much as they're growing up.
But at the same time, normally they do get taller and their faces change and their hair gets longer.
I didn't think about that because I was thinking that this meeting took place.

Coop found out about it. Found out about it. The arguments happened.
They're divorced. They move on. And then he loses. Yeah.
And a couple years later, he's reduced to doing children's birthday parties.
Is this a few months after? It could be a few months, and she took every gun.
She's got good lawyers for working with Vault-Tec. I was thinking the same.

Also, he's the face of Vault-Tec, so he is going to fuck them over by being the face.
And they're like, we'll bury you.
Even though it didn't work very well. But now he's just a cowboy.
That's their form of burying him.
Reducing him to fucking childhood birthday parties to make in and meet.

And also, people accuse him of being a communist.
Because they call him a fucking pick or whatever, a pike or some shit like that.
No. It's a different term for a communist. I forgot about that.
As a guy who's like, still took my fucking money, though.
Yep. Like, he's calling him a communist.
You think we're going to see him because he had a vault himself?
That guy? Maybe. I was thinking about that. I'm like, I wonder if we're ever going to see that guy.

Just like, who shows up out of fucking nowhere because I wonder if he was rich
enough to have a car project. Maybe not. Thumbs up to him.
Thumbs up. Shoving it in his fucking eye. Oh, that would be funny.
Because he was like give me a thumbs up I don't really think I should do it
I think it's because Walt Tech doesn't allow him to anymore because copyright

yes 100% if they had a picture of it they'd probably get,
copyrighted it's also probably a bit of a personal thing I divorced my wife
because of this fucking company and shit. Like, I'm done. Can you please do the thumbs up?
And the daughter was like, well, why don't you do it, dad? We're at grown-up stuff.

It's grown-up stuff, because I bet it hurts your fucking feelings.
Uh-huh, because your wife's dumb. Because he clearly loved her.
Yeah, 100%. You could tell. He'd never done ads before, and he's like,
I'll do them, because you asked.
Yeah. Like, he's never done advertisement and that bit.
He had house parties. The bitch threw a house party at his house without telling him.

Advice. Hey, you just wanted to go home and plan with your wife.
Yep. He's like, I'm going to go all the fuck and have cocktails with my wife in my big ol' house.
And she's like, there's a wrap-up party at our house tonight.
And the only one that he wants to come is Mr. Codworth. Yeah.
He's fucking awesome, though. He has his own show. It's kind of strange.

He's a voice actor in the show. It's kind of fun, though.
I like the grog neck, the barbarian cartoon. That was fun.
Yeah. Or the fact that the drug dealers were watching the fucking cowboy show.
They're watching the cowboy show. He puts it in. Says his Mexican line.
Whatever that Mexican line is.

Let's see here. I can't think of it. He was ugly though. That guy on the ground was ugly.
Your face. Oh. Oh. Lucy had to kill Batman's mom.
Martha's dead Oh yeah I'm Martha
Oh yeah and also Superman I'm Martha I'm Martha

Cause Batman and Superman stopped fighting Cause they have the same mom's name
Isn't that cute That made me sad It's actually kinda gay isn't it Yeah When
I really think about it Kinda gay It makes me wanna slap Batman For not having
stabbed him Through the fucking throat,
Okay interesting Cause he clearly was gonna win Clearly Clearly. Well, yeah. Clearly.

Batman. I mean, yeah.
Batman's always got to win. So in 2186 is when the NCR is formed.
1186? Yeah. Hmm. That's a hundred years. That's 80 years for shit.

Going down over a hundred years. Well, that's when the trial,
that's when the Constitution is drafted, and they have a trial.
Oh. The actual NCRs formed in 2189, so just like three years later,
they actually formed. Okay, okay.
In 2198, Shady Sands becomes the capital of the NCR.
So clearly, the NCR was huge at one point. Like, it was humongous.

Oh, yeah. They had all of California, some into Mexico.
They were moving into Nevada and shit. Like, they had a lot.
Shady Oaks did get hit by a nuke. Shady Sands did get hit by a nuke.
That's why there's that fucking crater. Yeah, but that was after the war and
shit. Yeah, I know. That's after the war. But that's what I'm saying.
That was clearly a nuke. Yes, fault. Either it's a nuke or a big-ass bomb.

I was about to say like a hydrogen bomb. It was probably just a big-ass bomb.
I don't think it's an actual nuke. I think it was just a big-ass bomb.
No radiation. That makes sense. It wasn't that. And also fucking Maximus survived in a fridge.
So did Indiana Jones. You know what? You got me there, actually.
You know what? God damn it, Steven. You're right. Indiana Jones did it. Maximus can do it, too.

All right. I'm just going to say it. Indiana Jones can do it.
Maximus can do it. He's pretty damn rich.
Good for him. So, let's see here.
Also, he really didn't want to put down his popcorn to save Lucy.
He was like, popcorn, Lucy.
Popcorn, Lucy. She hasn't made my cock explode yet. He puts down the popcorn,

eats some, and walks away.
Well, that's why he wanted his cock to explode.
Intercourse. Even though I don't know if he'll ever actually see her again until
the end of the next series, because it might be one of those things where they
do that. Oh, I actually had a question.
Out of the two that we watched, I don't think you've watched a Halo series.
Have you? No. Okay. The Last of Us or Fallout, which one would you watch again first?

Not which one is your favorite, but watch again first. Fallout.
Really? Yes, because there's more I want to re-watch.
To be fair, I've also watched The Last of Us again. You have?
Because I watched it with Tara and Rosie.
Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. I watched some of that.
Yeah, I would more watch Fallout again, but in terms of a better adaptation,

I think Fallout takes it again, too.
The Last of Us was really good, too. So like even if you didn't want to watch
it again, like just for all the stuff that you missed, like which one would
you pick first to watch again?
If you saw both of them and it was like months afterwards, would it fall out
100%? The Last of Us makes me cry every episode.

And I'm going to cry my eyes out every single episode and I don't want to cry
my eyes out every single episode. Fair enough.
Okay. It's amazing, but it's too emotional.
You're right. It rips your fucking heart out.
Oh my god that little boy every episode every
episode another heart-wrenching fucking bill and frank ah that that whole episode

of heart because i knew they were gonna die and they i knew they were gonna
die die together man how many pills you take enough to kill a horse and i was like Like,
I was like, oh, my God, Frank, you're so cute.
Going down with your fill. Oh, my God.
He wasn't going to let him die alone. And I thought that was beautiful.

Let's see here. Sometimes you need a man's butt. Man, booty.
Booty. Booty. Man's butt. Okay, so in 2250, Caesar declares himself the son
of Mars, Rome's god of war.
Rome's god of war. War. Ooh! I wonder if we'll see Rome in the God of War games.

Anyway, continue with that.
Interesting. I never thought about that before in my head until now, but sorry. Fuckin'...
What was I going to say? I'm sorry. I don't remember what I was going to say.
It was about the Caesar. Oh, yeah. Caesar.
Yeah, because Caesar has fucking all of Mexico, Arizona, like all west.

It's west of the fucking Colorado River. Is it the Colorado River?
Remember what river runs through the Hoover Dam?
Oh, fuck. Because he owns all east of it. I don't know what river runs through the Hoover Dam. Damn.
Is that the... That's not the Mississippi River, is it? No. The Colorado River.
I think you're right. Why isn't that...
Well, phone not work. I think you can look it up faster than I can.

Well, I got a little fucking timeline pulled up here, sir.
Things I'm going through with the timeline. Ah, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
Fair, fair, fair. There's too many things to go with on the timeline.
There's a lot of lore to catch up on. There is a lot. Tons and tons.
And that's not even including any of the vaults yet.
I love the vaults The vaults are the best 2273 is when the NCR rangers reach Hoover Dam In 2274 Mr.

House recruits Vegas tribes And turns them into the three families of New Vegas
Oh Interesting I didn't realize that House did that Yes, that's how he has the
Tops The Chairmans The Gamora, they're owned by Mr.
House He turned those tribals into Fucking casino men That's pretty cool That's
pretty fucking cool Turning some gang members into some street members It is

the Colorado River That didn't make any sense,
Steven So the Legion forces assemble east of the Colorado River In 2275,
2275 2275 Is when The first battle of Hoover Dam takes place Dun dun dun.

2277 is when the events of the first battle of Huberdan takes place in 2277. I'm sorry.
So that's when the first battle takes place. They assemble at 75? Yes.
How? They assembled for two fucking years? He had...

Conquered hundreds of tribes caesar has an army so
he just he just waited until they all got over
basically he was getting everybody together he probably
yeah he probably left some men behind to like
watch 100 but like if he was waiting two years that had to have been almost
everyone at least everyone from across they they almost won that's the bad thing

the only reason they lost is because Caesar got a little bit bold and had Joshua
Graham, his head legate,
and the Legion pursue the NCR as they were retreating.
Well, as they were retreating, some of the Rangers decided to sacrifice themselves
and hold up in Boulder City, lace it full of fucking dynamite,

led the Legion in there, and blew the fucking city to pieces.
Jesus. So that city outside of the Hoover Dam used to be an actual city.
An actual city. And the fucking NCR Rangers were like, we're going to blow this
bitch the fuck up. Sorry, it's gone.
Yeah. So the Legion all like came into the city to kill the remaining Rangers
and they fucking detonated the bombs and wiped out like half the fucking Legion forces right there.

Jesus Christ. And Caesar was pissed.
But there wasn't a lot he could do about it. And he threw Joshua Graham into the Grand Canyon.
He set him on fire and threw him into the Grand Canyon.
Because he wanted to prove to all his legion that even people in the top of the top can't fail.

Because if they do, this is what happened. Yeah. Want to know what's even crazier?
Joshua Graham survived that.
Oh, fucking hell. He's the burned man in Fallout New Vegas. When anybody ever
talks about the burned man, it's Joshua Graham. He's alive.
How? He doesn't even know.
You actually get to meet him and talk to him in one of the DLCs.

And he just, he can't explain it. He's like, I don't know.
He's like, man, God saved my life that day.
He's not a ghoul. he's just burned man he
is covered in bandages head to toe
he's the guy covered in bandages cleaned in pistols I've seen him on tiktok
all the fucking time he has a bunch of fucking lines bible verses bible verses

dude he started as a fucking missionary so Caesar was a follower of the apocalypse,
which were they were like people were supposed to be making help people and
shit and he went to Utah tall and met a group of new canaanites and joshua graham
was one of them and there was another guy who was another follower of the apocalypse
well them three got captured by tribals,

so caesar was able to convince they were having like a war with another tribe
so caesar using battle taxes that would teach him how to survive and shit ah
okay okay and joshua was just helping him because like he was a translator yeah
because he knew all the tribe language for the area.
So Caesar gained the respect of that tribe and basically became their leader

by helping them win this war.
And he's like, I'm going to keep Joshua to help me with all my fucking translating.
And Joshua basically just became a fucking soldier. He was like,
alright. I ain't got nothing better to do.
So he just went along with Caesar conquering fucking tribes.
Killing untold amount of people doing untold knows what. Because Caesar just.

He knew Roman tactics because he read books. So he just copied Rome.
That's why he calls himself Caesar. His name is like Bill something.
He calls himself Caesar. His name is Bill Cipher.
Basically. That would be really fucking funny. It's all a Gravity Falls reference.
And he fucking... Yeah, dude. It's hilarious. That's awesome that he's like

one of the few people who's read things. How does he...
What library? The followers of Apocalypse have access to like books and shit.
Because they're just...
Trying to help people and everything like that. They're like an offshoot of
the... I think they were an offshoot of the NCR. A few books you ever get to see in...
There's also mostly holotapes and stuff, too. Yeah. A lot of the information's

online and stuff, so he's able to, like, get into computers.
They have access to computer records.
Okay, okay, okay. Fair enough. It's... It always amazes me that electricity lasts for so long.
Especially in abandoned buildings. Well, nukes, they have the fusion cores,
which are long infinite energy things.

Not infinite, but really long energy.
Battery... Are they just like
mini nuclear fusion... They're mini nuclear fusion cores, aren't they?
Yeah. So how long does a mini nuclear fusion core last for? A very,
very long time, apparently.
Clearly, because... At least 200 years. A nuclear fusion core,
a normal one, I don't know how long that will last for, but that energy stuff is ridiculously long.

I didn't know that. That's cool as shit. So in 2277, when the first Battle of
Hoover Dam happened, is the same time that Fallout 3 takes place.
So during the first battle of Hoover Dam and fucking over there,
the fucking protagonist of Fallout 3 is going to try to find their daddy.
He's trying to find their daddy. Trying to find their daddy.

Wow. Their daddy. And you can take place in the Battle of Hoover Dam if you
want. In the second battle. In the second battle, my bad. Second battle.
Because the first one wiped out half the Legion's force. Yeah.
The first battle you don't get to take place in, but in the second one.
Yeah, because you die. I think 2281.
The NCR Rangers would blow you to hell. Yeah. They would. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Yeah, 2281 is when the second Battle of Fooverdam takes place. Oh, okay, okay.
So 2281, one, two, three, four. Yeah. Four years. That's not long.
Yeah, so it's like the end of 2281, beginning of 2282.
So it takes place at the end of the year. So 2282 is when they say that the

fall of New Vegas ends. It's right there.
The Prydwen is completed in that year as well.
The pretty ones finished being built. So now that thing's ready to fucking fly.
That makes them pretty much fucking beasts.
Yeah, because they can go anywhere. They need to go and take it over in almost
an instant, depending on where they're at.

Because fucking power armor is insane.
God. And then in 2287, so 10 years after the first Battle of Hoover Dam,
is when Fallout 4 takes place.
Damn. So cool. Ten years after that is the Fallout show.

Season one of the Fallout TV show begins in 2296.
2296. And how long does it last? How long is like the show time?
Probably a few months. I'd say maybe a couple months.
I wonder if it's even going to say a week.
It goes to that 2297 is when it says it ends.

So, I would say, from the basic, from how far they probably walked,
which we probably could have identified a lot of the places if I knew more landmarks,
I'd say a good six months.
Let's say that was like a six month's worth of stuff, because they just had
to walk. It was just a lot of fucking walking.

Interesting. And, I mean, if
there's no way to travel and you're just walking, it's not exactly fast.
Past so i don't know what's interesting
it goes they have the time the timeline goes a
little further but so 2301 is
when mr house claims he'll be able to re-establish the high technology
sector in new vegas if he has full control of

the city and 2316 mr
bishop dies quietly in his sleep which i don't know who that is
i'm not sure who mr bishop never knowing who his
real father was I think that's a reference to
Fallout 2 because I think you become the father of one of the crime bosses in
Fallout 1 by fucking one of the crime boss's wife and he gets pregnant with

a kid in Fallout 2 they're like a crime boss and you're related to him because
you're the grandson of that character.
I'm related to you because I'm the granddaughter how do you like my shoe?
Granddaddy In 2381, Mr. House claims he'll be able to send colony ships off-world

to colonize new worlds for humanity.
Wow. And does he go any further? Huh.
In 2910, an alleged sonic invasion of Big Indy around this date is repelled
by Blind Jefferson using the frequencies he gained from the courier.

What? Yeah. holy that is a that 2910 yeah that's 700 years I mean not exactly
but around that 600 and then 22 19,
2997 Vault-Tec propaganda estimates this year is the end of their equipment's

ability to sustain vaults wow
so they had almost in the year 3000 is when their vault programs will end,
that's insane Insane. Wow.
Yeah, yeah, Mr. Bishop is just one of the fucking references to the fall.
Oh, it was the reference? Okay. The year 3000?

That is fucking ridiculous.
That a Vault-Tec is built to survive that long and can legitimately do that
too. It's crazy, man. Because clearly...
It's done it. They're around like, what the hell?
That means eventually just everything's going to start just collapsing.
And shit like that. Things are just going to slowly start breaking.

Probably all the equipment's going to start collapsing.
And eventually it's just going to. I don't think the vaults themselves will collapse.
I think all the technology and stuff inside of them will cease and start failing and shit.
You think that if that all happens, that the normal vaults, their vault door
will automatically open? Or you think it's just going to stay shut forever?

All the vault doors just automatically open. All the fucking power just runs
out. Everything shuts down.
All the vault doors are open. Now, that would be very interesting,
100%. But, like, or is it just, you know, like, that's just power thing where
you have to have power. So, it's not going to work.
Food for thought it is food for thought I did like that does remind me of the

fusion core scene they tossed it back that was so sweet that was so sweet and I do love the thank you,
you're missing those sardines huh yeah.
The oysters oysters I'm sorry they have tuna,
you're missing those tuna oysters huh and then

all of a sudden he gets invited well she's so sweet now he's
the sword of the brotherhood knight maximus knight
maximus killed the leader and the guy's just
like make him a knight knight maximus and he's like no no I couldn't do that
immediately I think Dane has some very ulterior motives for that that's his
name Dane I think so yeah okay because they injured themselves they injured

themselves so they didn't have to go Clearly they didn't want to go They even say that.
Knowing Maximus Would be blamed I think they knew Maximus They don't hang out
with anybody else but Maximus,
They got caught together looking at power armor right before he got chosen to
be a squire. Right before he got chosen. Oh.

I wonder if he did try to get him off immediately.
But at the same time... Or maybe he knew that the Brotherhood's punishment for
that would be to send Vectim in there.
Knowing that Max Smith may have an opportunity to do something that he couldn't.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I mean, to be fair, because of him, everything happened.

If he didn't shove his own fucking foot in a blade oh I hate that scene I also
hate the scene of him pulling off his shoe and sock oh my god he does it twice
and it oh made me gag both times oh I can still see his,
dog meat takes a bite of his toe yeah I love that that's not me.

Fattiest man fucking fattiest He's going to die.
Or at least I hope he does. Thaddeus is immortal now. He regenerates from wounds.
You know what's going to be hilarious?
He's not going to be immortal. We're going to find out that he's something way, way worse and scarier.
Like, man, I could have swore he was just high because when he first took that
and his foot grew back, it cut to the doctor and it showed and his foot still looked all fucked up.

Oh, yeah. That was weird.
What the fuck? That's strange. Ranch.
Platholes, platholes. Food for thought. Stop saying food. Now I'm hungry. Thought for food.
I thought about a lot of food right now. I thought about a lot of food too.
Well, let's go get some food. Let's go get some food. You know,
we didn't even say the name of this or nothing. We just started talking.
Yeah. We didn't introduce anything or nothing like that. Hope you all enjoy.

We're not even ever gonna. Bye.
Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
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