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February 7, 2024 95 mins

Welcome to an extraordinary episode of the Off Beat Podcast, where women take center stage, discussing a wide variety of topics including career transitions, business ventures, and the complexities of being a working mom. In this episode, our esteemed guests, Angie Ovalle and Darlene Munoz, give a raw and honest account of their journeys to strike a balance between their individual aspirations and motherhood.

Angie Ovalle, a dynamic woman who evolved from being a personal trainer to a full-fledged business owner and a psychology student, offers a glimpse into her incredibly packed daily routine. On the other hand, Darlene Munoz, shares her experiences as a professional counselor, army captain, and mother. The anecdotes from their lives underline the critical role of managing personal growth along with raising children.

The episode also provides invaluable insights into different aspects like the importance of breaking out of comfort zones, embracing the learning curve of new skills, and the pertinence of quality time with kids for their emotional development. As you dive deeper into this enlightening conversation, prepare to discover time-management secrets, gain useful advice, and get an unfiltered view of the hectic yet gratifying lives of working mothers.

As our guests navigate the labyrinth of womanhood, motherhood, and life in general, they also elaborate on important topics such as the impact of the female hormonal cycle on daily life. The discussion branches out into how cycles can affect mood, energy, and productivity, and also the significance of tailoring workout regimes and social interactions accordingly.

Furthermore, this episode explores the delicate balance between maintaining individuality and becoming a mother. It touches upon the pressures of parenthood, and the often overlooked aspect of self-care and personal growth in the journey of motherhood. Wrapping up on a high note, the conversation delves into faith's importance and its role in enhancing one's life, challenging societal expectations, and providing solace to struggling mothers in the process.

So, tune in to this engrossing, thought-provoking episode of the Off Beat Podcast, as we try to unravel the fascinating dynamics of motherhood, female hormones, personal growth, and spiritual healing through robust and relatable conversations.

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Episode Transcript

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Guys everybody how's everybody doing i said
that too many times but i'm nervous just to let
you guys know so we're starting off we are off beat podcast and guess what the
girls are taking over i have some guests with me here today and you've seen
their faces on the podcast before and uh we have ng ovalle give it up for ng Angie.

And then we got Darlene Munoz, right? Munoz. Okay, I'm memorizing names.
Yeah, we got her back again.
So I just want them, first of all, before we get started with the topics and
stuff, kind of give us a little bit of a life update.
What have you guys been up to? What are you guys doing right now?
Angie, why don't you start? Wow, that's crazy.

I just because when you said that I literally started thinking about like all
the things that have happened this year and a lot has happened this year.
Yeah. So I actually started my business officially, officially. Officially.
So I started my business officially and I am a personal trainer.

I launched my online fitness business. I actually re-enrolled back in school.
So I'm a full-time college student now and I'm a mom, but everybody already knows that.
Oh, cool. So you're back in college. Yes. I didn't know that.
Yeah. Why didn't you tell me that?
I don't know if I told you that. I don't remember. So are you going still for
the whole personal training thing or is this all totally different now?

So I'm actually a psychology major.
Oh, okay. Psychology major. Yeah.
All right. Cool. So yeah, I definitely plan on applying it into fitness. Yeah. So. Awesome.
Okay. It sounds like we both have like a little bit of the same background, like psychology.
I got my master's in counseling psychology this year.
I also was a personal trainer too it's fun times,

I have my boots for personal training I'm retired.
She's like I'm a retired personal trainer yeah so now now I've been getting
used to my job with counseling working with kiddos from ages from like five
to nine so I haven't officially gone to my clients I've still been training
it's been a lot of information but I just want to make sure I'm equipped to work with my clients.

And I got promoted to captain in the army, in the army reserve.
So that's the update.
Wow. Nice. So how was that with the whole captain?
Just more it's not more responsibility. It's kind of more like,
Well, there's different roles. Yes. So you'll have more responsibilities as
in like you have different positions where you can go into. But it's also less room to mess up.

So it's a lot of supervising, a lot of planning, all that fun stuff.
Nice. Well, congratulations.
Thank you. Awesome. That's cool. I didn't know that. So we're going to talk
a little bit about that. We'll go into that. That's really cool. Wow.
That's awesome. So you guys, Dane, I feel like this right now. No.
Dane, you're not doing it. Hold on. girl power

here okay yes yes how exciting
i love that thank you to my husband he's in the
background right now so to allow us to
take control of the podcast today you know
i know for him that's probably like should i
should i not no but he was all for the conversation for
the topic so thanks babe love you thanks short thank you for just being a supporter

in what we do and because we know that there are women who watch this podcast
yeah there is a good viewing of women that watch this so I know like this topic
what we're going to be talking about,
is going to bless people, bless women, bless marriages, bless girls that are

just dealing with these things just as we are.
So I'm excited to go into this topic.
So let's kind of go into it. So what we're talking about today,
Darlene is the one that brought up the topic. I have to give credit where credit is due.
I did not think of this. So Darlene thought of this topic and we We did mention it before.
Yeah. So last time we talked about the whole, what was it called? The types of.

Attachment styles. Yeah, attachment styles. I was going to find out that word.
Attachment styles. So she had thought about just the stresses,
the stresses of women, right?
I think it was George as well that wanted to talk about that.
It would have been a good topic for us to talk about because we do have crazy days.

Like from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep and it's like you
you do the same thing all over again over and over again and i think as mothers
we're all moms here like we all need to also prioritize self-care as well.

That's funny sorry so kind of going back to what you're saying yeah we all go
through it like literally when you're just saying that i'm just like this week
this week this day today it's only It's only Tuesday.
It's only Tuesday. Yeah, seriously, it's only Tuesday.
It's a Tuesday we're having this podcast and it feels like so much,
just so much happens in one day.

Yeah. So who kind of wants to like, why don't you Angie, kind of like talk a
little bit about that? About what my days look like?
Oh my God. You're starting a lot of different things right now.
So I want to see how you're adjusting. Okay.
So, wow. Okay. So my day starts off.
I wake up mostly to my baby crying. My baby's two.

So I'm a new mom. I still feel like a new mom. And I feel like I'm still adjusting to him.
So yeah, immediately I wake up. I get his clothes ready for school.
I'm thinking, what am I going to eat? What is he going to eat?
I have like an hour to get out of the house most of the time.
I'm rushing out. Yep. And I need to get him to his daycare. Once I drop him

off at daycare, then I go ahead and drive to my gym in Fontana.
And there I start personal training clients for a couple of hours.
And I try to squeeze in a lunch as best I can.
I also get online conference calls. I'm trying to post on Instagram.

I am also in between clients, texting other clients. I'm taking payments,
updating payment plans.
What else I also have to think about
how I'm going to structure my school day
so I sometimes have classes that
I have to attend online and then usually in the mornings when I'm getting ready
I'm like listening to like lecture videos from school that way when I'm about

to do my homework later on through the throughout the day then I take quizzes
and stuff yeah I try to fit in my schoolwork, maybe in between clients sometimes.
But yeah, so I dedicate maybe like two to three hours of school during the day.
And then I did just launch the online fitness. So then I'm also taking client

check ins during the day.
And yeah, and then all of a sudden, it's like 6pm.
And then I have to go pick up my baby. And honestly, it feels like that's where
the work Work really, really, really, really starts because I'm already tired after a work day. Yeah.
And so then I have to pick up my baby and then I should change.

I don't have to pick up. I get to pick up my baby.
And then go home, make dinner, meal prep.
Do I hang out with him, try to play with him, try to have some intentional time with him.
And then I bathe him. once i put him down then i do maybe an hour or two of
editing an hour or two of maybe reading for school or night class online so

yeah my day probably ends about like 11 p.m yeah yeah same,
my day ends at 9 p.m because i make sure that little girl's asleep sleep by
nine, nine 30, but I say, uh, right.
Because you, I want that extra hour of like the downtime.

Oh my goodness.
But when, when kids start school, I think it's a whole different stress.
So I wake up, I honestly wake up like about 20 minutes before I wake up my daughter
so I can read my devotional, pray, read the Bible because I need that time for
myself to set the tone for the day.
Then I get my daughter ready. I'm telling her, let's hurry up. Let's go.

And then I get myself ready. I drop her off. I go back home,
finish getting ready, go to work.
And then I'm work all day. It's salary. So it's like once I'm done,
I'm done for the day. But I try to stay up until like 4 or 4.30.
And then I get to pick up my daughter.
I get to pick her up. We go home. We do homework.

Work we try to spend some quality time together because I'm when I was in school
she started to like rebel a lot but I think because I was really busy personal
training doing my internship,
school so she started to rebel and I
saw like you know we talked about anxious attachment like I
saw her be a little bit more anxious with me so now

that I'm not in school and I have a lot of free time i try to make it more
intentional nice how old is your daughter she is
five turning six next month yeah she's sassy she's sassy yeah all right so a
little bit about me my days are different but they're wild i feel like well

she you're a homeschool mom i'm a homeschool mom just to one Well,
no, I guess still to both, right?
Pretty much. Because my oldest son, he's now at a facility.
He goes to a sports academy, but it's still independent learning.
But at the facility, he meets with the teacher now online. It's online learning.

And then he does homework, some of his homework over there.
But a lot of the time, because half of the time at school, he's actually doing
his workouts, exercises, whatever it is that they're teaching there. Yeah.
Athletic wise so cool so but once he comes
home we're like we're homework we're
on homework i mean i'm cooking dinner and doing homework with
him yeah i'm doing something and doing homework with him and he's like mom i

need help i need help i'm just like just do it just focus but but it's a lot
of multitasking it's a lot of multitasking i feel like for me because my kids
i have three kids and well just two of my boys alone they're just wild my daughter's
pretty cool she's She's independent.
She does a lot of things on her own. You know, it's just time when it's feeding time.
Brielle, okay, come eat, you know, and she's really cool at it. She's really good.

So, and then sometimes she comes out a little later too, because she likes to do homework at school.
She gets tutoring help and stuff. So that's, that's nice, you know,
but with the boys, it just gets more wild and gets really wild.
And you guys saw earlier. her and actually
that's that's what i was gonna add on to that because she said her her

daughter sassy so like a lot of people i i
tend to like pay attention to like the difference between boy
moms and girl moms and so boy
moms are always like they're wild and i feel like girl moms are
like that girl gives me attitude the whole
neck and everything the eye roll
yeah oh yeah i kind of have

both of the both because i can't i see that with my daughter now yeah we're
actually talking about them like oh my gosh like there's just
so many different personalities yeah we deal with
and it's like lord like help us like i've
been praying a lot lately about that you know because it's been it's been tough
they're all in their different stages of life i have a five almost a five-year-old

i have almost a nine-year-old yeah and then our daughter's 11 so they're all
in different stages different stages yeah so it's it's a little tough but yeah and then.
I've been a lot doing like right now lately, what I've been doing is just trying
to focus on my photography and then I have the coffee cart.
So I'm just trying to grow those businesses right now. And I've been learning
as well, like kind of like doing some photography education stuff.

So just kind of learning, getting into a different style of photography.
So I'm just trying to grow, grow, grow.
But there is stresses when it comes down to that, too.
You know like just insecurities and then just the
business of like posting things and and then
our other businesses who we take care of their stuff
and sorry by the way i'm saying right

now you're so sorry girl i feel
like i've let you down no you should you should have been you
should have been on like uh i was with my friend
and he was listening into my conference call earlier with like my
business mentors and they were like angie we
need to get you back on on like posting and I'm like bro I am
so busy with like school this is finals week for

me so yeah so busy with like school and stuff that
it's just yeah posting it's it takes time
you have to schedule it yeah you really have to put some time into it and I
think too like back in the day people would like give out business cards to
like promote their business but I feel like nowadays your social media is like
your business card yep so yeah that's the way my husband always says it Oh, yeah.

Yeah, you tell them about it, but it's like, look me up. And the way they're
going to look you up is through IG.
Exactly. That's where you have pictures. That's a great, great tool of. Yeah.
So right now, that's kind of like what I've been doing a lot is just trying
to put myself out there a little bit more than what I'm used to.
I feel like, you know, it's definitely you definitely got to get out of your
comfort zone. And like you said, because she's filled me.

She's filled me before. And I get so nervous.
And she'll be like, just act like you're in your session, how you talk to your girls.
I can't it's just
it is it's like you you do have like those fears
of like putting yourself out there you know yeah so
but life life has been busy for us and then

he's been working a lot so i have been a
lot with the kids too so it's just yeah i think
that's been my thing right now is just figuring out
like how to really like be intentional
with them because i like how you years you're saying that like you guys have the intentionality and
i feel like i do like i try to be but because sometimes like
their behaviors how they've been it's that's

been hard i think that's yeah and that's what we're gonna talk about too is
like just mom life you know and i know that one of the things that we have on
the points is because i know you guys are both have a lot of good background
i know you do too because you've learned about this like about the hormonal stuff Yeah.
Like how we as women, like how does knowing that we have all these things that

we have to do and all these, you know, because these things do stress us out, makes us worried.
Are we going to get it done on time? Are we going to turn in our homework on time?
Are we going to are we going to do good on the final? Are we going to make it
to work on time and get our kids to school on time?
They're just worries and stresses that it just kind of comes with the job.
Yeah. Yeah. The title, you know. Yep. So how does hormones like to integrate into that?

So I'm gonna give you a quick little example. So about like three weeks ago,
me, my baby, my baby got really sick and I was actually in the hospital.
So I didn't work for like three weeks and I got behind in school for like three
weeks. So last week, my class, my whole class was on week six and I was starting at week three. Right.

And so somehow I was able to do week three, week four and week five all in one week. Right. Right.
But then the following week came and for sorry, let me go back that that last
week, for some reason, I was able to get it done.
I felt so like I just felt I had like this amazing focus.

I didn't drink caffeine that week. I didn't feel like I needed it. Right.
And I was just able to get everything done. And I just felt so efficient.
Right. And I felt my mind was clear.
I could read and understand everything that I'm reading. I can listen to a lecture
from my professor and understand everything.
And then the following week, I'm starting at week six. My class is starting at week seven.

Thankfully, my professors allowed me to get my work done. They just said,
catch up as fast as you can. Thank the Lord. Good.
But for some reason, I've had to watch that week. I had to watch the same lecture
videos probably about four or five times.
I've had to read the same things about four or five times because that was the

week before I was going to start my period.
And so it was just, my brain was so foggy.
And it was just so crazy how the week before, which technically was like my
ovulation week, which is the week that we tend to get testosterone as women. And so...

Yeah, it was just so crazy how I was able to do three times the work in school
than the following week. And I was exhausted.
I joke a lot and say that women, well, women tend to be diagnosed with bipolar
disorder more than males.
But I always joke, like, I wonder if it's because our hormones,

too, because we have such a high during ovulation week. Like last week,
I was like, oh, I could save the world.
Literally. I am so tired.
So many times when i got here yeah but because
we have so many high we have a week of being high and then
we have like a time period of being low yeah so
we constantly have this high and alone that's how bipolar is

but bipolar it's like a longer period of time or it could
be so that's i wonder if that's like if there's like
a link to it i feel like we you guys know
this by learning about it like kind of like more in detail yeah but now hearing
you guys and like kind of seeing how sometimes my weeks go and how when i kind
of get my period and stuff like that sorry by the way i know sorry guys right

before i said period i was like wait can i say period okay menstrual cycle,
let me get more technical with the terms.
You know but it was just funny because i'm like you know what it's crazy because
before i get mine too like like lately my back has been killing me and i'm like I'm getting old.

I feel like I'm getting so much older. But I tell my husband,
I blame it on the epidural.
Because with my last child, my youngest, I did have the epidural.
So I feel like that has affected my back. But I feel like my back starts to hurt even more when I am.
Because I do. I think I push my body a lot of the time throughout the week.

You know, when I'm doing things. I kind of have to.
Girl, yes. You work a lot. Yeah. You have to push your body.
She's trying to downplay what she does. I know you do a billion of things.
Don't play it. I am don't playing it. She's like, yeah, I'm the shit.
I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, girl.

No, but I, you know, I just feel it. Because it's funny because I never really noticed it.
Like I've never really noticed like my tiredness like before getting my period.
Like how you explained it. Like, you know, like the difference.
I don't think I've ever noticed it. I think I've always just kind of like pushed forward through it.
But now I feel like as kind of getting older, I'm 30 now.

So I feel like now I feel like it's being more known.
Yeah, it's like you're becoming more aware. Yeah, I'm becoming more aware where I feel it in my back.
I'm I'm actually more tired in the mornings yeah because I am not a morning
person you know I'm just not me my husband or not it takes us a lot to get up
you know I'm a morning person I'm like whoa I'm not by six or seven p.m I'm like don't talk to me.

That's like when I come alive like a little spurt yeah I'm not a morning person
so like waking up today like I was so cozy I I think I've done like 10 more
minutes before I had to get up to get ready and take my daughter to school, you know.
But again, like the push, like you just got to push yourself, you know. Yeah.

So but I've been noticing my body like, OK, yeah, I think I'm going to get my
period already because.
And that's one thing that like, obviously, like as far as fitness,
that's like one thing that I really, really focus on is like the different hormonal cycles.
And that's any one of my clients will tell you if I ask them,
what week are you on? They'll be like, oh, I'm on my ovulation week. Like they already know.

So, cause I teach them how to train according to their hormonal cycles because
there are weeks that, for example, I can, I lift, I love lifting heavy, but I can't lift.
Like I'm just, my body physically, like just cannot do it.
And so then I teach all my clients that, for example, I had,
I was having a conversation with one of my clients today.

Last week, she was struggling to like lift.
Yeah, I mean, she was lifting pretty heavy, but she was stopping like mid-set
and she was like, I just I can't breathe. Like, I feel so exhausted.
I feel so fatigued. And then today she was powering through her sets and she
was like, honestly, that doesn't even feel heavy.

And it's because last week she was on her menstrual cycle.
And so the same way I actually added more weight to her today.
She was like, that doesn't feel heavy, actually.
Yeah and she was like doing like 15 reps you know of like what she couldn't
do last week yeah so so we not only do we have like four different personalities
to each face four different personalities you gotta get to know all of them.

But it does kind of like change up your personality because sometimes i'm like
super extrovert sometimes i'm like oh i want to put on makeup oh i want it and
then other days i'm like Like, no, honey, it is. Yeah.
It is like I cannot think clearly the week leading up to my period. Like now.
And until I get my period, I cannot think clearly. Yeah. I cannot make sound
decisions. Like, see, no, no.

Yeah. It's like the like the world is going to end in two days.
I need to figure it out right now. And I can't think straight.
So I actually on like a big decisions.
I won't make decisions that week. that's actually called
your luteal cycle which is your pms days
your pre-menstrual syndrome cycle so

yeah you're pmsing like really bad right before the week of your period so i
never make concrete decisions that week oh that's a good tip then ever yeah
it's like me it's like going to the grocery store when you're hungry true because
you're just getting everything I've never seen it like that.
That's really, wow. You make bad decisions because you're so emotional.

And you can't think clearly. You're just so foggy.
Yeah yeah that's crazy we're learning
something girls we're learning yeah okay i
gotta wait till next week to make decisions yeah or two weeks
in two weeks and then too like i i too i'm like okay if i'm on that cycle i
gotta make sure that when i'm around people i'm not taking out any like irritability

on them yeah that's a big one because sometimes we can get a little snappy just
because Because our hormones are, you know.
You know, it's funny because I feel like I get really, I'm thinking now. I'm like, I get.
Because you know what? I had a week because I recently had my period not too long ago either.
And I think I was telling him like, like lately, I feel like I've been having

a very short fuse with my kids.
Yeah. You know, and I feel like, and you know what? During that week,
I feel like I was very short. Yeah.
You know, so now thinking about it, like anything that they would do would irritate me.
Like right away no really you know and i'm like on
them like hey don't do that yeah hey what are you doing like you
know i'm sorry guys i'm just like that type of mom but but it's

just like now i get it too like because i feel like this week i've been better
at not getting because i'm not on it i'm good you know but and i'm been i think
more chill when it comes down to getting mad or like talk to them in a different
way you know or like lately i feel like i've been more aware i'm I'm like,
okay, I need to be eye level to them.
So remember to be eye level to them and not above them when I talk to them when

I'm getting mad or something, you know?
So I'm like being more aware in a way, you know? So I see the difference. Yeah, it's crazy.
I feel like leading up to my period, I'm like emotional. Like,
oh, like my boyfriend, I'm like, oh, you don't love me.
Like, you don't love me. But then like during ovulation week,
I don't know why that's when I'm cranky. Do you think it changes?
Well, I'm okay. Little backstory. I have a fibroid in my uterus.

So that's what I got surgery for Because I think I told him I had surgery To
remove that mask But when he went in he didn't see it.
But when I talked to my doctor, and he looked at my ultrasounds from last week,
because I went to the ER, I was getting pain again.
He said that it's in the uterus wall. So he didn't see it during surgery.
But I think I get cranky because that's when I feel the pain of the hybroids. Oh, yeah.

So during ovulation week, which is like two weeks before your period, you're like me.
I actually get cramps really, really bad during my ovulation week.
Week and obviously if you're literally in walking like
pain like you're gonna get cranky you know what i mean
when i'm my crankiest which is crazy though because that's also
the week that we do get like testosterone so maybe you might

be in pain but we also have pretty good energy that week
yeah you're not i'm in pain and i could do anything like i was like i was on
top of the world last week yeah yeah no but yeah cramps suck yeah and then another
thing is like how What do you think about how hormones like cause like a like
kind of like I think we already talked about it,

but maybe we can kind of go more into it where how it costs sometimes how the
depressive part. Oh, man.
Who wants to go? I'm like, hold on. Let me think about that.
I don't know. I think it's like I think it's life or situational base because
maybe at least for me, I could be pretty dismissive.
I'm like, oh, no, it's okay. It's okay. But then when I start to,

when I'm about to start my period, I start to feel all sad and stuff.
That's when I'm like, you know, that's not okay.
Then I start to be like more sensitive. I don't know what's the hormonal part about it though.
I think for me, so yeah, when we get, okay, so we get testosterone a little
bit when we are in our ovulation week.
And then when we go into our luteal cycle and our menstrual cycle,

the estrogen, which is like the woman hormone, really starts to kick in.
And so, yeah, I used to have depression and anxiety really bad.
So I feel like back then it used to affect me like tremendously.
But naturally, my personality type, I'm like the very like nervous personality
type. Like I can be excited and like nervous at the same time.

But yeah, I tend to have a how can I say that? I don't want to say anxiety because
thank the Lord, God freed me from all anxiety.
But I do tend to get more anxious during that time with like the timelines.
And I start overthinking everything.
Can I do this? Can I do this? Oh, my God, I'm so tired. Can I do schoolwork? Should I quit?
Like you just start thinking crazy things and you start second guessing everything you're doing.

Like, is this even going to work? Should I even schedule that at that time?
Maybe I shouldn't do that. Maybe I should do it. And it's just like, oh, my God.
Do you hear that? Do you hear like, oh, my God. look at the boys do
you guys go through that i'm just curious in their
own way yes i think they do i mean naturally but not that it's like that to

me it races like that like one second i'm like i could do it the next second
i'm like no it's so crazy and maybe maybe george is gonna like this this a little bit.
So women have four cycles and we have weekly cycles. Men have 24 hour cycles.
So men wake up and as soon as they wake up, they get a kick of testosterone

and they're just ready to conquer the day.
And then 24 hours go by. They can go through their whole workday with like a
good amount of energy and they're just ready to go, go, go, go, go all day.
And then they tend to get tired towards the end of the day.
And that's why if you put on a movie or something, them they'll end up
like knocking out and you're just like how

like how do you like how do you fall asleep so easily
but that's because their cycle is like yeah their cycle is like coming to an
end right so george women only get a kick of testosterone once a month so the
way that you feel every single day with that same amount of energy she only
feels that once a once a month,

But you still see me going at it. Oh, burn.
Moms have like this different drive.
Like when I was personal training, I don't know if you have any mom trainer
or mom clients. But when I was personal training, my mom clients were the business.
Like they had a drive in them that my other clients that weren't moms that they didn't have.

Yeah. Like they just have a different drive, a different like spunk to them.
And I'm just like, oh, my God.
It's amazing. amazing it's because we have something to live for
like to be honest like that is what why i
think you know it's like yeah i think when you're single
sorry for all the single people but it's nothing to put anything
bad but it's like yeah because you really you're just thinking more about what you have
to do you know or even if you are with somebody then

you're thinking about just like what you and your partner but you guys are adults you
guys are responsible you guys yeah but when you're
a parent your mom now you're thinking about
little ones are you thinking about your children who you love because
you love them very much you love them with all your heart
yeah like with this unconditional love so like they're always
in the back of your mind are they being fed at school are they behaving are

they being taken care of are they okay like yeah I don't think it matters wherever
they might be even when my kids are with my parents I'm like I wonder what they're
doing I wonder how they're acting I wonder are they having fun they haven't called me but it's okay.
But you know like there's just so much i
think just so much going on you know because you

have another human who you are responsible for it's really like a crazy drive
that's like unexplainable and sometimes you you're just like i don't know how
i'm gonna do it but i'm just gonna do it yeah it's just kind of that mentality
like i don't know how but somehow you know that like Like, it just has to get done.
One of my coworkers from the Army made a good point. Having a kid will either...

Motivate you to do better and give you that drive or do
the opposite and me working with kids and
i'm working with the county of san marino so i'm working with moms
who are drug addicts who experience a lot of trauma homelessness so i've seen
a lot of moms not have that drive that we have and to me it's heartbreaking
because while we're trying to help the kids they're not doing their part as

moms so the kids are still you know high anxiety still being bullies at school.
It's kind of heartbreaking it's kind of heartbreaking and like
I think I experienced a moment where I had no
motivation and I didn't want to have my motivation for my daughter
because I wanted to have my own identity I
wanted to fill my own cup because if I put my

identity on her I'm like I'm losing sight
of myself yeah so I had to learn to
pour into myself to do my self-care so that I could
show up for her and that's something that I need to talk to like the moms
when i actually have my own clients to have
to encourage them to pour into themselves because you seek
your own therapy do what you have to do so that you can't show up for
your kids yeah that's really good i think that's very

important that's very important and she made a good point of
like not finding your identity in your kids yeah one because how you said you
should have your own identity but also putting that on the kid that's a lot
of that's a lot of weight on a child for me to me my brothers i'm like you need
to find something outside of us like because Because what's going to happen
when I move out? Me and my mom live together.

I'm like, oh, what's going to happen when I leave?
Like you need to have something that you could call your own.
Yeah. Dang, that's good. That's really good. I like that. Let's kind of go dive
deep into that. I think I think that's a very good point.
You know how we as women, as mothers, how we have to find our identity.
Yeah. Because I think for myself, too, and I know you can speak into this,

too, because I think we've all done counseling.
Yeah. Some sort of counseling. We've all gone like that self-help. No, no, not self-help.
We all gotten help you know to help ourselves you
know to be better like because I know like for for me
like it was more in regards to our marriage you know and I went to we went to
counseling for you know a couple of years you know to to better ourselves but

then too like I felt like I kind of like now that I kind of think about it now
and I always say like I feel like we were also neglecting the kids yeah you
know in that way so we kind of had a I feel like like as a mom,
like I knew I had to find this balance, you know, where it wasn't just also about us.
It wasn't just about, you know, so I had to find even like.

About me who am I in this yeah you know and that's like
with those videos that I sent you in regards to Holly Furtick like
that helped me a lot because that had because I wanted to
fix a lot of things with my husband and I want to fix a lot of
things and how I am with my kids because I was like because
of everything that was going on between us like I was really attached to my
kids then like a lot of my kids had a lot of my attention then

you know because I just felt like they needed that from me
in a way like I they were like neglected I think
in a way but then at the the same time i had my attention
on them i don't know it just isn't it's weird you know because
they i think in the neglect i the reason why
i say that i just think they just didn't have because they didn't have both
of us present you know so but i was very much present so i i think to kind of

get myself out of just overthinking of what was taking place between me and
my husband and stuff you know so in a way like i was kind of putting my identity
on them it's like you're You're filling yourself up with them. Yeah.
So then that's where I kind of like, okay, I don't know.
I just started getting encouraged and praying and then hearing other women,
allowing other women to speak into my life where I was when I was getting that

counseling and they're just like, okay, you got to start, you know, get started doing you.
Yeah. You know, you got to start thinking about you, your health,
your emotional, physical being and working on yourself, you know?
So that's what I started doing, you know, and I kind of found like that came out at a perfect time.
It's crazy that mrs better have you know and those videos really
taught not how to because it was about marriage so

it was what you had to work on to be
better for your husband for your children you're just
reminding me just reminding me i started watching those and you and she makes
a big point that we cannot change the other person then the more we nag the
more they're going to not change but we have control of changing ourselves and

that's something i'm I'm still like kind of working through like myself,
but I have that self-awareness that kind of makes me be like, oh, okay. Yeah.
Like the more I do this, the more I'm not going to change that other person.
I have control of myself, not the other person. So. Right. Right.
And that's even with our kids in the same way. I feel like because we want to
like, we're so focused on them.
Then we want to start changing them, you know, and or, or just how you say micromanaging

them, you know? And it's like, so I don't know. What do you think?
Yeah. So I actually had a moment in counseling when my baby was probably like two or three months.
And of course, my counselor, I've been with her for a couple of years now. She's amazing.
I, she always asks me like, okay, what's up with the week? Like,

what happened? How are you feeling? You know, those types of questions.
And I told her that I was having feelings of like not being enough for my baby.
Keep in mind, my baby's like three months at this point, you know?
And immediately she was just like, NG. NG is used to having like toxic relationships
where she doesn't feel enough.

And she has to people please her way into like love. Is that the kind of relationship
you want to build with your son?
Wow. Therapists are blunt. I like her. What's her number? I'll give you her number.
Yeah. And I was like, no. She's like, okay, we're not doing that.
And so never again did I have feelings of like guilt or of like I'm not doing enough.

Because it's not because i wasn't
doing enough in my motherhood it was
just i dealt with inferiority and
i was trying to use my baby as like a
coping mechanism yeah and so yeah i
think it's you're not completely wrong though because
there's something about kids that fills your heart i never knew

i could love anyone like it's crazy that much and i'm
like oh cool so i'm learning I'm learning like the softer side of
me because I grew up with just boys so I learned how
to be a girl and be girly with my daughter she's very girly
so I think they're a blessing in disguise I think yeah
so I don't think it's a bad thing yeah completely but like to to play like your
anxiousness and stuff like that that's yeah and in therapy you talk about codependency

so to become codependent of your child that's what I was doing yeah there's
this there's this term I I think it's, I don't think I'm gonna pronounce it right. I never do.
Differentiation? I can't say it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know it?
So like to have your identity outside of someone else.
So that's, when I learned that, that's when I decided I don't want to have my
identity on my daughter, on the people I date.

And I'm still learning and still learning and still trying to like have my identity
from God and try to remind myself, okay, like, as long as I'm keep,
I keep trying to put my identity on other people, like the
more i'm gonna feel unfulfilled unfulfilled yeah and you
end up feeling really empty yeah and then people mess up and then you're like
so disappointed yeah but people are gonna disappoint you yeah but it's like

your fault for like setting such a high expectation and like having like i said
like finding your identity and like other people even your children it's like
you're putting such a big like,
responsibility and pressure on that person and it was that that's not that's
their we're not their responsibility to like carry around or their burden yeah
yeah yeah no yeah that's a good point,

that's crazy i was gonna say something but there's too much going on i think.
The boys are having a party in the living room right now i know that i'm feeling
that noise i'm just like what are these kids doing over there good thing you
guys can't hear it i hope so No, I think that's a good point.

I think what I was going to say, though, in regards to our identity is I think
that is the most important is finding our identity in Christ above everything,
you know, because he does fulfill every void inside of us.
And I think that is, first of all, that's the reason why, like,
seeking counseling, getting the help, that is above everything why God has,

like, led us to those things, you know?
Because, yes, we pray, like we pray, believe me, we pray, you know,
we pray hard, you know, but we need people to surround us, you know.
And, you know, it's even biblical.
It says in the word to seek wise counsel.
And it's funny because I feel like there's a little bit of, how can I say this?

I feel like there's a little controversy within Christianity when it comes to
like receiving therapy and counseling because people are like,
no, like Jesus is enough.
And it's like, if I'm going to counseling, I'm not stating that Jesus isn't enough for me.
I just need someone who has Jesus to get me right.

I was dealing with a lot of anger issues last year and it was kind of odd to
me because, yes, like when I'm about to start my period, I do have like a little bit of like.
Less temper, having more of a temper, but,
It was like persistent and that was odd to me. So then when I went to seek pastoral
counseling, I think he failed me a little bit because he said,

you don't need counseling.
You just need to go to church. And I was already going to church and I was already reading my Bible.
So it was kind of like, I feel like he failed me. So I went another couple of
months, not like still dealing with all that until I decided to go to therapy.
Yeah. Yeah, I feel like I kind of grew up in that environment,

too, like not to put no shame or anything like that, but I kind of did.
And like there is just never someone there.
I'm a PK, you know, so I feel like as a pastor's kid, if you don't know what
that means, it's a pastor's kid. I didn't know that. You know? Oh, no?
Okay. It's not a good thing. She's a PK. OK, so, you know, like growing up in

the church where, of course, like my parents, you know, they pastored and stuff like that.
It was kind of like in a way, like, yes, there was counseling,
but there wasn't like, I think, intentional, like that intentional counseling
that one goes for, you know, I think it's more like, OK, you talk to your fellow members,
you know, you get to know them, have fellowship with them.

And then if you feel comfortable enough to talk to them or express with them,
then hopefully, you know, prayfully, hopefully they can pray for you.
And then you guys like help each other out, which is great. Right. That is still good.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing, you know, but.
And when we needed the counseling, when we needed the work, and then as a pastor's
kid, there was just no, I feel like there was just no space for us.

Wow. That must have been really tough.
Yeah. You probably felt like you didn't have somewhere to go and get the help
that you know you needed.
Yes. You know, I'm not going to say, like, I'm not going to,
yeah, like, really, that's what it was.
Like the psychology part, because we can receive the word and stuff.
And I do believe in applying the word into our daily life.

But sometimes we need that psychology part you know
sometimes we have a little bit of trauma sometimes we have exactly a
way that we grew up that we're so used to a custom and
we think it's normal yeah so it's like we need someone else an outside source
that knows the psychology to help us heal from that or not only that but because
like when i when we got counseling it actually wasn't with an actual therapist

there are actually other pat it was pastors pastor friends that were where they're
from a different ministry and stuff like that.
And my dad, I think my dad actually, I think, recommended them to us,
you know, so, you know, we were open enough to go with them.
So and they were open enough to allow us to go into their home and then like
open up their house for us to go and have that time, you know. And you know what?

I've never I've never experienced that before. And I don't think I've ever.
Well, I did see with my parents, with other people, you know, but in this way,
and I I think what we were going through experiencing I was very
like oh wow you know I was very
my jaw like dropped I'm just like oh wow like
I didn't know that this actually existed in a way you know like I'm never it's

kind of like a taboo in a sense and like what she said was so important because
the psychological aspects is so important because I I can probably share my testimony a little bit.
So I was really, really sick. I had like really bad health problems before.
And so obviously I'm a believer and I'm surrounded by believers.

And so everybody's just like, just pray, pray, pray, keep praying,
keep praying, keep praying, apply the word, apply the word, read the word,
read the word, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray.
And so I would literally be up at like every altar call at church. Right.
And so I was just terribly sick, but I was also very depressed.
I had really like literally doctors diagnosed me like severely depressed and

like severe anxiety and even like prescribed medication, which I never took.
But it wasn't until I got into counseling.
And this is crazy. After a whole year of like a counseling program that I got
enrolled in. I'm not kidding.
Like once I finished the program, like every month, just like things started falling off of me.

And what I mean is just like symptoms just started to lessen,
lessen, lessen, lessen, lessen.
I had like throughout my life, I've had like four or five different like pretty bad diagnosis.
Like physical, like health wise. And earlier in 2023, I'm completely off of all medication.
I used to take seven different types of medications a day.

And I know Christians want me to say that someone came and like laid their hand
on me and like, you know, in the name of Jesus, but that's a lie.
That would be a lie. What really healed in me is God healed my mind because
there There was a lot of trauma there.
Therefore, it actually healed my body. And being so sick mentally and being

so sick emotionally was starting to like transpire in like the physicality and the physical world.
And so, yeah, it was God used counseling as a tool to completely heal me, even physically.
I have no, I have no, like I literally went back earlier this year and I,
every single thing that I was diagnosed with was like, nope, you're good.

You don't have to take medication. that's awesome even the
medications that they're like you're gonna have to take this for the rest of your life i'm
on zero medication that's awesome so yay yes
and i think
because what i was gonna say too in regards to like you
know your story is awesome i love that about your testimony you

know that is a testimony whether if no one
someone prayed over you or not like yeah what
got you you there that's just a god-given purpose right
god i think god allowed you to go through that
so that it can become a testimony you know and to show
like like this is how sometimes we have to receive the help because i think

we get into we get into denial like on how to get help you know i denied it
for so long and i was dealing with anger issues for so long until now i'm like
like in a vulnerable state where I'm like, okay, like this is where it's coming from.
Yeah, yeah. And now I want to be on my soft girl era.
Yeah, your feminine girl era. My feminine girl era.

Yeah, that's awesome. No, yeah. And I feel like even like in...
Like, all Christians should go through counseling. Like, everyone should go through counseling.
I think we all go through, like, I mean, yeah, I'm PK, but.
You still have things to work out. I do, because I was, I think we talked about it on the podcast.
Like, I tell my, sometimes I tell my husband, I'm like, you know what?

Like, I didn't know that I kind of, like, had this.
Like, you know, like, because I'm like, I'm like, I feel like as I'm getting
older, I'm getting more aware of different things about myself.
You know like i think i've noticed certain things like some sometimes
my reactions to certain things sometimes how i
respond to certain things and a lot of the things that

why is because sometimes the way i grew
up right now does have a lot to do with the way your
childhood is how your parents treated you yeah
how they even taught you like and it's
not that sometimes our parents are doing a bad job it's just sometimes they
did like again we always say this on the podcast our parents have
done what they could do right what they were taught

and they did the best of it in their way
you know but how we
transpire that as i don't know how you say transpire transpire
that is just because now we're different we're different we have a different
personality we have different thought process and then the type of generation
we live in is just we're it's different you know compared to our parents sometimes

and i know like because i think about it for my kids my kids my My kids are
going to think the same way, like in that way,
like they're going to think differently than me because their generation is different.
Yeah. What they're learning in their time is different. I'm trying to do my
best as a parent to like, we're trying to do best as parents,
I guess, to teach them like respect, values, morals,

principles, you know, that that matter, you know, and but that's going to be based on them, too.
Because on how they see the world.
You know and how they learn it and how they because sometimes the influences
around them are gonna also dictate how they're going to it like molds them exactly.
What about us? What do you think would mold us nowadays? Like we have the pressure

of social media, of showing like you guys are both content creators.
Like I kind of stepped back from it. I opened a therapy page,
but I'm still working on it.
I got lazy with it, but you have it.
I wanted to make some yesterday, some posts yesterday. I just didn't do it because I'm tired.
But like the pressure of social media, we kind of put our pressure on ourselves.

Like when When I was personal training.
Oh my God. I wanted to be consistent with posting. Because I wanted people to remember me. Yeah.
Right. When they think about working out. You want you to like come up to their mind. Yeah.
Literally. And then Jeanette. She has her photography.
She has her coffee cart. Is it a coffee cart? Yeah. It's a coffee cart.
So like I feel like we kind of put our pressure on ourselves.

Because we see. We might see other people posting a little bit more.
Let me see women doing a lot of things and they have a smile on their face but
i think what we have to remind ourselves is that they're probably crying while they're posting it.
They're posting like only the good yeah i have a you know i have a like i guess

it's a cool story it's a actually just literally happened the other day i think
it was yesterday was monday right so monday yeah it's so cool like in the morning
so i had it through my photography page so okay for for example,
okay, let me go start with this. I don't know, Sunday, I think it was Sunday.
I don't know why. Well, because like how I said, like, I want to,
I want to level up my photography, you know, I'm trying to change even like,

kind of like the style and how I edit and stuff like that and how I even work with clients and stuff.
So I'm trying to really like level up, you know, and I've been learning through
this educational part, like, well, she's a photographer.
She has like an educational course.
Yeah, there you go. Course. I'm like, what's the word?
You know of course so

i've been learning a lot from what she just everything that
they're giving you know so it's been helping me a lot but one
thing i was just thinking i think after sunday service i think it kind of like
just i was like how can i like though share like that i'm christian that i i'm
like i want to be different in that way yeah i'm like i want to show like that

i am am rooted in Christ, like,
you know, that I'm saved, that I'm a believer, like, I want to be able to share that.
So what I did recently is actually in my bio on my photography page,
because I had everything, weddings, a family photographer, whatever,
you know, how they sometimes have it, you know, but I ended up cleaning it up
and then putting first rooted in Christ.

Across my bio so you know and then putting what
I do as a photographer so funny story well
cool story again yesterday morning I got a
message from a new person that just started following me
and then she was like she's just kind of asking like how like my bookings and
stuff like that you know and the reason why she even messaged me and how she

found me well the reason why she messaged me was more because she saw that it
said rooted in Christ yeah I love that and she was like Like,
I love that, you know, and I love that about that.
And I love your work, you know. So I was just like, so just like,
okay, like, yeah, like, this is good.
This is okay. Like, you know, like, because that's my identity.

You're being your true authentic self, too. Yeah, yeah.
Like, this is who I am. Like, I'm not going to be someone who I know that I'm
not. Because that's what I've been thinking. Like, I'm trying to level up.
And then I think about the type of customers. I'm pretty sure you think about
that, like, the clients.
All the time. This and that. Like, what type of clients? like what's your
ideal client what's your niche what's your niche yeah that's just the generalization

but then too like you want to be like careful I guess in a way like who you
do work with and stuff like that you know and because even like the photographer
who I'm learning she kind of like went through a really bad experience in one of her.
Elopements you know and how a person was just drunk and
I can so I heard her story and I'm just like oh man so I
think that got me thinking even more so I'm

just like man like how can I like really like make myself
like stand out yeah and I felt like just by
doing that and right away I feel like God was showing
me like you're like that's what you had to do Jeanette like you know not be ashamed
of me you know wow like that's how I like took it you know and so I'm just like
okay I'm gonna put that in all my bios loud and proud you know yeah and she's

like that's like you being like still like true to yourself exactly yeah and
then I think as Christians we think that like Like,
there's not other Christians out there that can be our clients. Yeah, no.
But there's a lot of Christians, you know, that want to work out,
that want to, you know, get their pictures taken.
And so, yeah. And it's not that I'm just trying to get Christians or not.
But it's just, I want to let people know, like, but this is me.

Like, who you're going to meet, the happy girl, like, the very extroverted person.
When I get to meet you for the first time, you're going to see that part,
not the shy one. So that can be kind of quiet too, but you're going to see the
extroverted person and the happy person, the kind person. Yeah.
A lot of this happens because I got God on my back.
Like he's helping me strengthen me to do all this, you know,

supporting me through all this.
Like, and before I go through every session to every session,
I'm like, Frank, God protect me, be with me. Yeah.
You know? So it's just, he's in the center of it. Yeah.
Have you ever had a moment where you just get.
I've gotten frustrated with God because before my surgery, I was in a lot of pain.
I was, you know, very depressed a couple months ago, very anxious.

And just like I was having a hard time finding a job. I was just so frustrated.
And I was like, God, I'm praying. I have so much faith. And,
you know, I kept repeating my repeating the prayers, you know,
the prayers, the verses.
I was like, God, help my disbelief. Like, help me. Like, I got so fed up at
some point. I was like, God, I'm tired.
But have you guys ever had like a moment like that where you're just like all right come on.

I felt so odd because i'm like oh like everyone seems so happy and you're like
no god i believe in you i'm like i was so frustrated with god i was like god
man i think no i think we all have our seasons yeah we're all gonna have our
seasons and i know i had my season like that you know like Like,
where I think when, again,
going back to, I kind of, like, always go back to our story because it had a lot to, that,

mine and my husband's story, like, it, it really was, like, a shift in our lives,
you know, when we got the help.
But in, during those times, like, I was praying so much. I would cry so much,
you know, and a lot of people didn't see that part.
You know, they see me, like, going to church happy.

Wow. on stage you know praying for
other people you know it i'm sorry no
it's like i'm gonna hug you or having to
sacrifice a little bit you know and focusing on my family you know you know
a lot of people didn't see that yeah yeah you know but but you don't ever stop

praying you know i'm just gonna say that don't ever stop praying yeah don't
ever stop seeking the help.
You know, because God hears you, God sees you, God loves you.
And like, and I get to say, like, me and my husband, we're still together.
You know, me and my husband, we're going to turn 10 years this upcoming year. Celebration!
You know, 10 year anniversary, you know, so, and things are not perfect,

but we're in a such much better place, you know, and I'm grateful,
you know, I'm very grateful for,
you know, we had to go through, you know, we had to go through what we had to go through,
because it made us both grow and it's a
testimony it is beautiful where yeah now
we get to hear we got a text from some friends

yesterday you know that you know
they've you know they struggled in their marriage too and we were in that time
in their marriage like we were able to counsel them and help them and now they
were living apart for a while but they were still together but they hadn't lived
they're living apart and they have two kids and now they're finally they're
just Just telling you guys are the first to know.

And we just want to let you guys know that, you know, we finally got our home.
We're going to get our home this week.
Right. That's awesome. We're finally going to move back in together with our kids.
So that's just a blessing to see. So because of our story, our experience,
and how we were able to help them, like, it's just a testimony.
You know, it's, you know, just sharing. It's beautiful. It gives me hope.

You know, you guys know my situation.
So it gives me hope. So I love hearing it every single time it doesn't get old.
I think faith faith goes a long way and that's why you walk by
faith and not by sight like there was times where you know
I was frustrated with God and now I have a job that's perfect for
me like I know God gave me that job because it's the pay it's the kids I want
to work with it's the demographics I want to work with so I know like even though

we were frustrated during that time we had to trust that God it's on God's timing
God is working out His plan perfectly and we just gotta trust that amen yeah,
I can't wait till we're done so I can give you a hug. I just don't want to trip on all this.
I did not think I was going to do that, to be honest. That wasn't on the script.

But it's just God is so good, you know, and if you're listening to this and
maybe you're a believer,
but you've been struggling in having faith, you know, Or you're going through
a season where, like how Darlene is saying, but you're mad,
you're angry, you don't know what to do.
You're praying the same prayers.

You're just like, how come nothing is changing? Believe me, things will change.
Just don't stop praying.
Don't stop believing. Don't stop having faith.
And don't stop seeking counsel. Yeah, I was going to say that.
Seek wise counsel. Seek wise counsel. So surround yourself with a community
that's going to be there for you. It's going to support you.
I think above everything, that's what we need to as people.

You know, it's crazy how I went to hormones to this. Yeah. I don't know.
I think it's just a God given thing. I don't know. Someone needs to hear this,
you know, but you're hearing it for women, you know, that, you know,
again, we have so many stresses.
Right. right so many now we're
talking about there's so many different types of hormones that we
go through and just laying them

all out they're just billions of them you know like that's how i see you have
so many categories of life too like i have my relationship i have my daughter
i have my work i have my the army i have like all these different categories
and you have to show up for each one and that's why i'm saying moms are freaking
superheroes i don't care what anyone Anyone says, we need our cape.

Literally. It's so funny because I was watching, I was listening to a podcast
and the lady was talking about how her...
How men like just go to sleep knock
out and then we're the wives are
like laying beside him like literally like okay so
i have to take the chicken out i have to cook at this time okay i have to get

the kids like and planning out their whole day like the next day and like what
they have to do and i'm just like oh my god yeah if i i don't know if you guys
have schedules because i do not I do. I cannot without a schedule.
I mean, I do have a schedule, but not like where at night I'm like thinking.
I think more it's for me, it's more like thinking of knowing what I have to do.

And then I'm married, so I have to check in to make sure he's not doing something.
Because right now we only got one car. So I'm just like, OK,
what are you doing tomorrow?
And I need to stop asking him that way because I think he takes it wrong.
But I'm just like, what are you doing tomorrow?
And he's like, are you working? I'm like, OK, so based on the car situation.
I'm like, OK, I can get this done.
I can get that done i can go do this i can do that or just be home and

do this and do that so i guess i think
we all do it in our own way like where it's like because when
you said the chicken i'm like oh my god i do that with the chicken i'm
like oh man i forgot to take out the chicken i literally am thinking like
even a week before like okay so if i'm gonna cook chicken breast
i have to go to grocery shop
that saturday or sunday or friday because

i can't do it monday tuesday so if i'm gonna cook on wednesday like that's exactly
how my head is like okay so when can i schedule going to the grocery store i
mean yeah i think my week is like automatic like i already know what i'm gonna
do but during the weekend i'm like even my boyfriend i'm just like.
What time are we going to hang out? Like I'm very like punctual because I want

to go to the store. I want to get my workout in.
I want to clean the house. I want to do my laundry. I want to fold my laundry
maybe in a couple of days.
A couple of weeks. A couple of weeks. I got too much laundry. That's why. Literally.
I like to plan my weekends. I'm not doing the week. It's like it's automatic.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think. I for sure have to have a schedule if I don't have

a schedule. And I know like I have.
I'm going to say single friends. maybe friends that don't have kids and
they'll be like oh like let's go get a coffee can you
go one day and i'm like i look at my schedule and
i'm like no no i can't i can do maybe
like two three weeks from now you know i have
actually tuesday available like at this time you know

it's just now too like
i feel like i have to tell my friends and i feel so bad sometimes i'll
be like we need to do a coffee date you know okay i'm like let
me just take my schedule let me take my calendar literally because yeah
like and then because we got our the kids of our stuff with
the kids they have their own activities that you have to

like take them to so yeah so it's it's
it's a lot you know but we have to make time
we do have to make time for ourselves yeah you know for sure
like today i'm gonna go get my nails done i'm like okay go check your cell
appointment on my calendar and it's
so funny he actually screenshot it it yeah i
gotta give me you know i got to do the same thing yeah

it's like workout time at this time okay i have my brow appointment this day
at this time yeah you need that you need that for yourself like pouring you
gotta pour into yourself in order to pour into other people yeah and then you
know so that because if you have
a partner or you're married you know like you have to make sure to like.
Because I feel like sometimes when we're, like, when he doesn't get his time

alone, like, he likes to get his time alone by, like, working out and going
to the gym and stuff. So when he does that, I'm like, okay, go. Bye.
You know? Yeah. And then I'm like, so I don't, like, complain about it,
you know? And I'm just like, all right. So, bye.
You know? Like, when it's my turn. I think it's like respecting when your partner,
too, wants, like, their alone time.
Like, my boyfriend went to his first NFL game this Sunday, and I was so jealous

because I wanted to take him.
And I was like, I guess he had fun. Yeah.
Whatever that's why you gotta buy the tickets yeah i'm like i did okay
so long story short this kind of frustrated me we're supposed to be going to
seattle this weekend to watch the eagles and seahawks play
it was supposed to be on sunday they changed it to monday and
i was like and i can't go to the game on monday because i'm weird you

were so i was like oh that's why i was
kind of jealous because he went to the game oh yeah that's
that makes sense yeah oh that kind of sucks let's do a game here close by so
that yeah i know because uh we went last year that was fun and i bought him
and my son we all all three of us went we wanted to take our son so i was like i surprised,

them with oh that's cute so huh that was fun we could do that again anyways.
Yeah so i feel like we did so much how much time do we have,
oh okay we're not bad we're not bad all right
so dang we talked about everything we did
yeah sorry another

breather here for another breather i mean
is there anything else that you guys want to bring up like and that's what we're
talking about already um like are you guys feel like you want to i can something
i can bring up something that's kind of funny that i learned in school maybe
like two months ago so i was learning between the difference of like men and woman.

And my professor brought up like, I don't know if he brought it up or if I read
it, but it's just like a story. And it's really, really funny.
And I think every client of mine that I've told so far at the gym,
the girls laugh because it's like, oh my God, it's so true.
Okay. So let's say a scenario, right? Okay.

Man, husband goes and buys chicken, right?
He goes buys chicken chicken and then they're at home it's dinner time they're
eating the chicken and wife asks him where did you buy the chicken and he's
just like okay well i bought it at so-and-so store he answers the question directly right.

Why are you laughing already i don't know just like the fact that they went
to buy chicken already sounds bad like because i know what you're going with
oh really okay this literally just happened okay okay okay hold on,
okay so he's laughing too okay so same scenario but we're switching the roles

okay wife buys chicken okay now they're at the table at the table eating chicken husband asks wife,
hey babe where did you buy the chicken wife responds why you don't like it.
So the difference is that men

externalize everything so men find
fulfillment through work through going to
the gym like external things and women internalize
everything so the question wasn't about
you but you thought it was about
you or you or me so when
you ask the man where he bought the chicken he'll tell you where he bought the

chicken but if you if your husband or your partner asks you where you bought
the chicken you're just like dang he doesn't like it did i cook it wrong did
he did he not like how i cooked it we immediately like internalize everything
that's a bit that's that yeah Yeah.
I was like, yeah. There's a lot of miscommunications. Everything's so personal.
And like men are just so. I can name a lot of experiences.

So the reason why I was laughing, it's, I think it's still similar, you know?
And it's, but it's just a little different. Jordan's like, let her finish. I know. Sorry.
Because it was a little different. It was a little different.
But in the same way, though, I think because it was so funny,
like we're on a phone call.
So my our tire had gotten a flat you know

so i called him to let him know so in
the middle of me trying to explain what has i'm explaining before
telling him that's why i'm not direct he would
have been you're just going every detail yeah letting him know yeah letting
him know what happened how it happened because you have to get the background
internally like we don't want to get blamed like in a way like that's what i'm

telling you to know that it was not your fault.
And so it's so funny because as i was explaining what had happened right in the middle when i was,
to my point i was literally gonna get to the point get to
the point yeah just get to the point like all frustrated and mad you know i'm

like why are you mad at me then we took longer at that point because he's over
here mad at me because i'm like taking forever so it's just funny you know like
it's funny though but think about it like that probably was frustrating to him you know like,
So just say, babe, I got a flat.

But because of the whole internalized, we take things personally. So personal.
And I think because I didn't want to feel like, I didn't want him to think it
was like my fault. Like you did something wrong.
Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, because I didn't. It was literally just, I came out of the house.
But i started driving and i saw the little light and it was flat i'm like i think because,

the traumas before yeah you know like i
think sometimes our reactions are caused also from yeah
you think you're gonna get in trouble but i have
a lot of moments where i'm like where i feel like okay because he
didn't give me a hug longer than three seconds i'm like he's
mad at me like are you mad at me right now no i'm
not but i just feel like you're not giving me the attention you you normally give

me like yeah no we internalize everything everything
we take it like super personal so that's what i'm actually working on with like
everyone because literally you could be at church and if someone doesn't like
say hi to you or someone yeah you know just you need people who are in love
good conversation that's all i'm saying.

No but it's true yeah i
think i internalize a lot of things you need to have friends who are logical
with your friend i think you need to go to your friends first before you you
start a whole i'm like that logical friend yeah i always tell my friends i'm
like if you don't want to know like the truth like don't ask me because it's
i could I could be like that too,

but I also go to other people to like think logically for me.
Like I have a friend who kind of internalizes everything like,
Oh, so-and-so and followed me. And it's weird. Cause I thought we were cool.
And I was just like, did you think that maybe she deactivated her Instagram?
Cause I think she did. And it's just like, Oh, I didn't think about that.
Maybe she's not even on Instagram. Yeah.

I feel like, I feel like I don't internalize everything.
I I've always been, I always say this, like I've always been more of the optimistic
person. So I'm always trying to see the hopeful part of it.
You know, like, no, I don't think it's that. I think it's...
It can be this it can be that i try to yeah it's not different scenarios yeah
different scenarios just so that i don't feel like it is
the negative part i'm gonna start practicing that the mean the you know that

they are ignoring you or they are they don't like you or they're not talking
to you because of x or maybe you did something wrong that made them mad at you
yeah yeah i don't know like sometimes the other person is just they have no
idea what's going on in your head exactly.
It's kind of crazy if you think about it

it's because our assumptions sometimes i think
are just our nature yeah it goes to
that we could just ask what did you
mean by that like yeah instead of like oh they meant coming up with that coming
up with it on our heads yeah oh yeah it's i think i think that needs to i've
always tried to try to be understanding and try to better at that you know because

we've had some confrontations and even with my husband like sometimes like how,
he can you know like when he's opened up about
me or how he feels about someone or something or whatever so
i've always been the one to be like well i mean let's let's let's see it this
way or maybe it's this maybe it's that you know and try not to let's not see

it the negative part or that'd be like well maybe it just takes by talking to
them we actually tell them like in In regards to some, like, some work stuff,
you know, he kind of, like, had, like, you know, a thought, you know,
I'm like, well, maybe it's just that they are really busy, you know,
and maybe that's why it's not the way it was in the beginning.
You know, I was like, well, just see, see the next time you go to work or even

see if you go to work, you know, and if you do...
Plus and if you do just kind of see how it flows and if you feel like you need
to talk to him and ask him then ask him and if not then then okay yeah so I
think afterwards I can ask him so how did it go how'd you feel it's like no
yes it was good like you know so I think it really was just.
Probably their busyness and their the stresses

that they were going through with their business you know some because literally sometimes
just that's just how it is we all do it like
you and I do it you know sometimes even like going back
with like what we were saying about our friends sometimes i think
like man if i tell them that i'm busy they probably think
i don't want to hang out with them but i really am
that busy i'm like the busiest season of my life

i've ever been in and i really am that busy where
it's like i can't i i can't i don't have time to
you know i will we will one day you
know but right now for like the next couple of months like
it's it's grind time school school is a different kind
of stress like i was stressed for years
but definitely do your self care because that stress

and that fight or flight can become addicting so do
your self-care so that you don't get addicted to that constant like
oh we gotta do something because now right now i'm learning to me sometimes
i'm learning to slow down it's so weird for me because now i want to go back
to school but i know i need that mental break so i know i need to wow spend
time with my daughter and slow down and enjoy life and cruise enjoy my relationship

enjoy my family my mom all that's That's good.
That's good. I actually, I mean, it sucks to say, but I actually,
school, I was going for my bachelor's.
You know, I had went back last year, 2022.
I did the full year, but I really had to make a decision, you know,
whether if I'm going to continue it or not.
And it was a lot for me. I think with just everything that I was doing and just

I think the being mom, a wife, my businesses and that's a lot of other things
that I was doing at that time, too.
It was draining me like and I noticed the drain because during summertime when
I wasn't going to school, like I noticed like how tired I was,
how like relieved I was. I'm not doing work.

And, you know, like when you finally get that free time, you know,
like that breather and then going back in, it was just a lot.
Right. Like I would like stay up late doing homework. And then my kids wanted my attention.
And again, like I have three kids, you know, and then I have my husband.
It's a lot. lot and yeah you know so it
was a lot so I had to really for me

I mean if you're doing it I applaud
you you girl awesome like
you know like girl like I applaud you
because it was tough for me and I had to really make
the decision and believe me I sometimes feel
like ah like it sucks that
I had how to do it yeah but at the end of the day it's okay

I don't regret it because I look where I'm
at now I feel like I see where I'm at now I see where
I'm now with my businesses that I was even
I was able to start the new business right here of the coffee cart you know
and I was able to put now my attention to those things and now I'm able to work
with my husband me and my husband are working together a lot so good so I you

know I it sucks that I have to say that but then it's like.
I had to take care of myself. Yeah.
You know, because it was a lot. And I wasn't being the best mom.
I wasn't being the best wife for them during that time. It's just too much at
one time. Yeah, it really was.
And you have to pick and choose. You have to be very selective when you're a mom.

And then when you're at school, you don't have to hang out with your friends
all the time. I stopped hanging out with my friends for a while.
Or you have to find something that works for you and your family.
When I was looking for jobs, it had to work with my daughter's schedule.
It had to be flexible enough to where I could pick her up from school if I needed to.
Like, so those things that we had to consider when we're getting into our career.

So that's good. And that's why I have my businesses, because I'm very flexible.
She's like, she doesn't start stretching around. She's like, want to see?
No, because I think.
You're like, I'm flexible. No, because I don't know.
I just always feel like I don't I can't do a nine to five job.

Yeah, I've never I've done it. and i was never able to like stick with it yeah
i was never able to stick you work nine to five,
it's the working hours but i
could split it like i could go and pick up my daughter
from school if i needed to drop her off and then go continue working that's
good yeah it's a lot it's a lot of flexibility you know

so i feel like because you you at your job you still
have a little bit control i do you know that's what i was looking for
because when i was personal training are you are you an independent contractor
yeah that's how I was and I loved having control
of my schedule exactly I loved it I was done by 12 and I
was making decent money yeah exactly I love so
good so the same thing with me like you

know I get to pick and choose whether if I want to take a
client or not I get to pick and choose what days I want to work yeah you
know I mean I'm still working when I don't work you know but
that's after when my kids go to bed you know and my
focus is other you know with them or yeah
in the home or with my husband or doing things you know together during the
day you know that's that's another thing though with like not working a nine-to-five

is that you're kind of working like all the time you're running your business
everywhere yeah everywhere but yeah but see the flexibility.
That's so true that's like yeah you don't have no one hovering over you i think
i mean you're You're hovering yourself, you know, or I have my husband to tell

me, hey, have you done this?
But hey, you know, we're doing it together, you know? Yeah.
And I think what's most rewarding and you probably feel this way and I know
you feel this way is that you guys are doing what you absolutely love to like do.
So I remember when I started personal training because I I've always wanted

to have my own business, but I didn't know necessarily what I was going to do. I had ideas. ideas.
And so I remember I sat down with myself one day and I was like,
okay, out of these business options that I like, and I'm passionate about all of these things.
I asked myself, which one would I do for free?
Oh, wow. And so that's when I was like, I like this one. I like that one.

But that one would feel like work if I had to do it every day.
I was like, if I go the fitness route, I'm so passionate about it that it's
not going to feel like work.
And I would probably do it for free because I love it that much that's how I
feel about counseling I think the same way too sometimes I think I because I
feel like lately in sorry in my photography business and the copy cart like

I love giving back sometimes like.
To get like the vision that i
have right right because you're creative yeah exactly so
i'm in in photography i'm very creative i have to
be a creative person right so i tell people i'm
always looking for sometimes you know just models like you
know like hey let's do a creative session you know like and

it's free work yeah it's literally free work or sometimes i
get to give back to my friends i'm like hey it's your birthday i want
to give this for your birthday like i got had to do that with a couple of
my friends this year you know because it's what i get
to do it's what i love to do and now you get
to have something you don't give back to them in some sort of
way what's the turnoff is when your friends think you're gonna give it to
fruit you're gonna give it to them for freeing like they demand it

or like oh they expect it yeah when i
was personally training i've had people
like think that i was in training for free it's like you're not respecting my time i
probably would have offered it or offered a discount but since
they asked i was like nah girl you're paying full price because the thing is
it's like your family needs this to eat and like survive so it's like yeah would

you ask would it be okay if your boss asked you to work that hour for like half of the time.
Would your friend be okay with taking a pay cut on their
paycheck from their boss probably not you know what
i mean so it's like if your friend has a business like
don't expect to get discounts and stuff
if they do it awesome that you

know what i mean it has to be up to them but yeah people
need to value and understand that like especially if you
have kids like we are working
we are grinding like you guys and then a
lot of the times it's they have like a nine-to-five job so
probably they don't understand that like mindset of
like i need to make this and i need to have

this many clients and i need to do this with my time if.
I don't like my kids not gonna eat instead instead i
think they start to internalize it and think that we're
thinking we're brand new because we don't want to think that because
you own your own business you're like making a ton of money
but it's like no no man it's so hard starting your
first couple of years like you really gotta grind it

out yeah a couple years yeah yeah it's
not guys it's not a lot of money okay when we
get to that point we'll let you know okay you'll see i'm
kidding you won't see and that's
why it's like statistically it's i think it's like 95 of businesses fail
like within the first two years yeah you know what i mean it's
like guys keep that in mind i'm like in my first year of

business like don't ask me for a discount don't ask
me for free sessions like no put this as your advertisement
no discounts i mean exchange of work
is different maybe anybody else out there want to do exchange of work too no
i mean because that is that is different you know way different we help each

other out you know yeah absolutely so it's completely different But yeah, it's good stuff.
I feel like we talked a lot about a lot of good stuff. What do you think,
babe? Good stuff? Good stuff?
A lot of girly stuff. A lot of girly stuff. For the girls.
I mean, dang. I think there can be so... We can talk about so much when it comes down to...

I think just a life of a woman you know yeah just there's just so much going
on but I feel like today was a good snippet because we're all working moms yeah
so that's kind of cool you know what I mean yeah I think because we actually
had one for Mother's Day working moms and it was like.
Entrepreneur and then our friend that came on she
was like a nine to five mom you know so I think

this was kind of cool too because you kind of still are like
that style but then you got like like two entrepreneurs over
here yeah because i feel like a lot there's a lot of people
and i feel like moms because a lot of moms like because they want to
have that flexibility with their kids a lot of us are actually going
like straight up entrepreneurs like we're starting
our own little businesses at home you know there's a lot of moms doing

that i feel like that really happened during like covid yeah it
was like this new like breed of like entrepreneurial moms
yeah but it's straight from home yeah but it's moms like
you know it really is and it's like the yeah it's
like things that they were just making at home like
it's crazy yeah but i love it i love
it and i think the but i think the best

thing that we can do is just support each other yeah i feel like
because okay let's talk about this can we
do stuff a little bit more time okay okay he's like after this there's a final
topic okay because i mean we we have to talk about this i think okay you know
it's like i think it's a good point when it comes down to womanhood i think
is how sometimes we we don't support each other, you know, we compare,

or we think sometimes maybe we're better than the other, or we're trying to
be better than the other, or the, you know, our insecurities get in the way.
The competition, yeah, like.
I don't know. What do you, what do you guys say about that? What do you guys think about that?
I think it comes with a lot of insecurities. If you're trying to be better than
someone else, like, I think you're not confident with yourself.

I think you have to recognize that everyone is unique and that you all have your strength.
Like you're good at taking photos.
I suck. Like, I'm going to go to you for that. Like, maybe like you might go
to, you might go to her for personal training because she's wise.
She knows the woman body.
Like, so it's like, so like
instead of seeing it like oh oh my gosh she knows

about photography i don't know anything oh my god i suck like
instead i'm like okay i want to be curious how do you do it like
how do you have a good eye like this so showing curiosity on
someone else and getting to know them instead of seeing them as competition
i think is key i think too like understanding that we all have our own personal
calling yeah and our own purpose like we don't have like my calling is not your

calling your calling is not my calling that's good and so it's like understanding that your life,
is going to be aligned with your calling and my life is going to be aligned
with my purpose and my calling obviously that god has placed on each one of
our lives and so it's like why would i compare like it like doesn't even make

any sense and i think i've been so blessed,
I actually, honestly, if there's been any woman haters around me,
I have not noticed. That's good.
I feel so blessed because even in the last year, so my church does this really
cool thing that at the beginning of the year, the pastor has like a word of

the year for the whole congregation.
But then each individual person prays and asks for their own personal word of the year.
And so my word of the year for 2023 was newness.
And so God literally gave me new everything but that also came with new friends
I never had mom friends before and now I have a bunch of mom friends this year nice for the cool people.

If you're a mom you need mom friends yes
it's so yes of course it's so different from having other friends that don't
have kids they don't really like understand and the thing is like you don't
really have anything to talk about with them you know that's so funny that you
say that I I actually posted something recently in my photography yesterday, actually.

I posted a session that I just recently did.
And in regards to us two, because we've had recently a season,
a change in how our life is right now.
And we changed churches and with the whole homeschooling and stuff like that.
It just has brought in new people around us too. too.

But it's been a blessing. Yeah, the people that have been surrounding us.
And I just thank God for that.
Because it's opened up a lot of doors to different things.
Yeah, you know, and I'm just seeing God's continuously his faithfulness.
And I love how you said that, like, your calling is your calling.
And my calling is my calling. Yeah, God has very good, totally different callings upon.

Yeah. And whether if we do have something in common, that maybe we might do
the same or we don't, you know, but God is going to use us in totally different ways. Why?
Why? Well, first of all, you are a different person than I am. Yeah.
We have totally different testimonies. Yeah. We have totally different backgrounds.

Preach. Totally different. Everything.
Husbands, children. We all did. We have so much different.
Differences you know so how we do
things and how we work things is just totally different
so why not why not support each other instead yeah
I think to like learn from each other like for example like

obviously Jeanette has a completely different business for
me I'm in the fitness world she's in highly into
like the media world but one thing that we have
in common is that we can be creative in
our own businesses and at the end of the day we are
both content creators you know what I mean that's one thing we have in common
but i'm not going to be jealous of janelle janette be

jealous of my content creation or her content creation if anything we can get
together which we've done much we've done which we've done we can get together
and learn off of each other and help each other and support each other you know
what i mean i'm not true i'm not the best you know but no but you're pretty
dang good yeah thank you by the way if y'all seen my instagram,
just a couple of them because i kind of like pulled back a little bit you know

like we mentioned in the beginning my bad that's what i was saying by that earlier.
You know they're like stop going to work out with her you
go back hopefully the new year it's just so busy again
and then the tiredness and
then the tiredness yeah no but
i loved how you said that and i hope

that someone got that today like so don't compare yourself don't
compare because i know i've done it i've done it
like i've compared myself yeah you know i'm pretty sure we've all
done it like it's just a nature of us that
we compare yourself or yeah ourselves you know but try
not to you know don't do it instead you know
yeah why not ask questions why not like say hey

like that feed off of each other bounce off of each other yeah like that's awesome
i love what you did right there or you're doing a great job you don't know how
much that would do to a person you're just just cheering someone on like when
that girl she did i was actually praying about it like i was actually praying
about this morning like i was actually talking to god i was like
God, this girl, like, didn't have to reach out to me and tell me she loved my

work because of the bio of me putting Rooted in Christ.
Like, she literally could have just been like, I love your work.
Like, I would love to book you next year. But she was so specific.
Exactly. Yeah. That, like, made your whole week, huh? Yeah. That,
like, made your whole December. Yes.
I'm serious. It really did. So I'm just like, I'm doing something right.

Yeah. you know i feel like i felt like i was like okay i am doing something right yeah you know so.
Encourage one another you know encourage and
share like for example if anybody brings up
photography i'm like oh you gotta hit up janet here's her page oh thank
you or if anyone asks like hey angie do you know any photographers in
the ie like i send out your page so much thank you you

know what i mean i always send out her info she's the best she knows
what she's doing she had made me grow a little bit but
now it's all gone again i was working
on my glute but yeah if you need some glutes
no she's really good i love the
way she works i always tell people too i'm like i love the way she works because
she helped me understand my body yeah i love how you

did that like you helped me understand my body how how i lift yeah how to like
just even stand because i didn't know how yeah i was never doing it right you
know so it's like the correct form of your body that's a good personal training
and you'd be surprised how many personal trainers will let you get away with
bad form. Yeah, literally.
Yeah, and she would. I'm like, I could never.

I'll be like, I'm complaining about something. She'll be like,
well, okay, let me see that. And then she'll be like, okay.
Okay, yeah, I see now. Yeah, so then we'll like fix it, you know?
So yeah, support one another, you know?
And what would you like to say, Darlene? Just to kind of... No,
I think I already added like this whole not being in competition with each other
instead of uplifting each other.
Give each other compliments. I think that that goes a long way because you don't know who's watching.

Yeah. And even for me, like when I graduated from school, I had so many people
I barely even talked to, like congratulate me.
Oh, that probably made your day. Even old clients of mine, you know,
even old clients of mine that I wasn't training anymore will congratulate me
because they were in the middle of that season with me. Like your clients are
in the season with you. Right.
So anyone that's along that path, you know, like they're going to they're going
to see that with you and social media, even if they don't know you personally,

they're seeing your story.
The story. Yeah. at least what you post yeah yeah i need to post again i need you in my life.
After the holidays we will for
sure no but for sure okay i promise
yeah all right well i think
this topic was awesome we went to menstrual cycles to mom

live to yeah i think it was the
stresses of life it was straight up girl talk so
but thank you to my husband for allowing us to have
this platform to be able to have our offbeat girl
talk title we're gonna have roses next time when we do our next girl talk we're

gonna go to a different we're gonna do like stuff little little lights yeah
we'll get we'll make it a little bit more girly.
I was too i was like should i take them a snack but
girl i was busy before it's okay so next time we have to do another one if you

want to see another episode like this about girl talk you know like comment
right there girl talk even comment maybe like what what specific subjects to
go into, even within like womanhood.
Yes. That'd be good. That'd be good. Yes. We have to have more of this. I love this.
Thank you, Darlene. Thank you, Angie, for being here today. Thank you, George.

Thank you. Yes. And this is off beat.
Subscribe, follow us, follow us on IG, on Facebook, YouTube.
Share this with anybody that, you know, if you know a woman that is stressing,
a mother that is stressing, share this with her, though. She knows that she is not alone.
Yes. And we're praying for you guys, for all the moms out there.

We love you. Just keep doing what you're doing. You are enough.
You are loved. And find a right community. Get counseling. Find the right counsel.
But find a good community that you can surround yourself with to help you and
strengthen you and uplift you in your hard times. So we love you guys.
Thank you. This was Offbeat Girl Talk. See you guys later.
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