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February 24, 2024 28 mins

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Welcome to a revealing episode of our podcast 'Life Insights from a Traveling Psychic'. Your host, Christine, freshly back from her travels across the East and West Coast, shares deep insights drawn from her personal and professional experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode offers valuable perspective on adapting to change, learning from hardships and understanding the unique differences that life on different coasts presents.

Christine’s discourse takes an insightful turn as she probes into the realm of fear that often drives our decisions, pushing us into an unending cycle of negativity. She carefully unravels how survival instincts may influence your actions, from personal relationships to professional dynamics, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach. Here, you will learn how to resist the urge to prove your worth at the cost of your authenticity and understand the potential impacts on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Further diving into critical issues, Christine explores self-examination and introspection from a unique viewpoint. She discusses the root cause of your fear of abandonment and its substantial influence on your way of life and relationships. Encouraging listeners to trust their intuition, you will learn the importance of identifying troubling signs early and relying on your personal judgment.

In this episode, we also delve into the impacts of negative thoughts and external influences on our mental health. We reveal how childhood experiences and relationships may shape our self-perceptions and discuss the methods to avoid falling into the traps of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Christine emphasizes the role of striking a balance between your mind, body, and spirit to overcome these hurdles.

The podcast delves into the power of energies, frequencies, and manifestation. Christine introduces useful tools, such as the Obsidian Stone, to assist in these processes. Acknowledging the influence of our environment, Christine makes a poignant case for cautiousness about the company you keep, while also reflecting on our own role and impact on others.

Concluding with a tarot reading indicating a need for healing, Christine guides you towards self-awareness and growth. This episode will help you view stagnation as a healing period and prepare you to seize opportunities as they come. Join us on this enlightening journey and learn to navigate your life fearlessly!

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Episode Transcript

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Hi everybody, this is your psychic Christine. I am so happy that you're here
and I am, I guess, coming at you from the West Coast.
Right now I am in the Bay Area and I have set up my second shop over here,
but I will have you know that my psychic sister Cindy is in Philadelphia taking

care of my shop over there.
And she is very accurate and does an amazing job.
So I highly recommend that if you don't want to have a phone session and if
you're looking for a reading in person,
there's no reason whatsoever that you shouldn't see her. She has very accurate readings.

And if you are on the West Coast in the Bay Area, then absolutely come in and see me.
I'm at 7156 Thornton Avenue in Newark, California.
So I'm kind of like in the Palo Alto area around there.

So, yeah, I have not uploaded a podcast for the longest time,
and that's because setting up shop cross-country takes time to get yourself situated.
But I'll tell you what, I really miss seeing everybody over there,

and I miss my little shop, and I will be going back and forth from here to there.
And, you know, I have been doing this for years, going from east to west coast,
and I figured that it would be smart to just set up shop on this side instead
of, you know, making it hard on myself.

So it was the right thing to do.
But I haven't been back on this side since COVID.
So I'm probably talking...
To a lot of people that are on the East Coast, because I know most of my followers
on here are from Philadelphia.

And with that being said, we're having a very different experience over here
when it comes to COVID than we are in Philadelphia.
And when things were really bad for us in Philadelphia. It's very similar to

how people are behaving on the West Coast.
It's like, you know, a lot of businesses are still closed.
A lot of people are still working from home, stuff like that.
And I think that in some cases, it's actually mandatory mandatory, uh, to be wearing a mask.

Uh, so, you know, they're taking a little longer on this side to kind of get
past all the COVID stuff.
So it's still very much in effect on this side.
So I thought that that was, uh, a little, you know, cause I was expecting that
I would be able to call people and cause I'm in the middle of opening up a business,

you know, there's places that you want to go and buy stuff and do certain things.
And I was not able, but yeah, generally a lot of stores and stuff are open.
Uh, but a lot of people, like I said, are working from home that that's still happening.
And I, I know that in Philadelphia, it's not the same than people are just choosing

to work from home, which is cool, you know?
So that's okay. I'm glad that people are growing.
A lot of people grew from the experience of COVID and found that.
They'd like to change their lives. So, you know, that's just kind of like proof

of the pudding of a lot of things that we talk about and a lot of things that
you've seen in your own life experience,
that when things are going great, we usually never learn a darn thing when things
are going really, really good for us.
Now, there could be, you know, multiple reasons as to why things aren't going good for us.

It could be something that, you know, we might be self-sabotaging without even realizing it.
That's one of the reasons that things could not be going well.
Maybe there's something that we're supposed to do or something we're supposed
to learn or something that we're supposed to overcome.

And we are resisting and a lot of us resist doing the stuff that we're supposed
to do because we're afraid.
And I have realized that a lot of people,
People are living in fear and always end up making a lot of fear-based decisions.

And what happens is, is when you start making all of your decisions fear-based...
And not following your passions because you're afraid it's not going to work
or blah, blah, blah, whatever the case may be.

What ends up happening is you are in survival mode.
And you're not expected to have success when you are in survival mode.
Mode okay you're not thriving you're
surviving so the objective

of fear-based decisions and survival
mode is to pretty much you know keep your head above water for like you're always
right on the line like working working working really hard to keep your head
above water Now that can apply to multiple fronts of our lives.

For example, like love.
So many women and some men, you know, there are men that do this too.
It's not a woman thing, but the reason that I talk more about women than men
is because most of the people that I see are women.

About, you know, I don't know, 80, 90% are women.
And my business, you know, that's the audience that I cater to.
But, you know, a lot of women, and like I said, some men, feel that they need
to prove themselves in a relationship.

Prove themselves worthy of being in a relationship.
Basically, the relationship turns into like a job and you're looking for a promotion.
Because that would be the same type of thing that we would be doing in a job

if we were looking to get promoted.
We would really, really, really put ourselves out there,
going above and beyond the call of duty, and basically not being ourselves and
going the double, triple,
quadruple extra mile.

So with that being said you know after we do that and we reach a point of feeling deserving.
Then we find ourselves in a position that we have given so much more investment

into this relationship,
much more than our partner.
And then we end up becoming resentful.
And then, you know, you're going to want that other person to be working really
hard to prove themselves to you. Now look at the vicious circle we just started.

And I do want to remind you that anything that starts,
that the base of whatever it is that we start is coming from a dark or negative
or fearful place, won't work.

Okay? Good things don't come out of negative things that we do and problems
that we make for ourselves without even realizing.
So how did we end up slipping into this, doing this kind of thing anyway?
Well, it happened because we were afraid to be alone.

So this is why we worked double, triple,
quadruple, just to help a relationship stick together and work and do whatever
we can to compensate for whatever the other person's responsibilities are,

because we have a fear of being alone. alone.
Also, what ends up happening under these circumstances is you might end up with
someone that you see a lot of red flags in the person,

and you ignore all of these red flags because you don't want to be alone.
You have a fear of being alone. You have a fear of abandonment.
Okay so where does that all
stem from why are we so afraid all

the time okay and i
don't like to be like a parent basher you know sometimes in some cases well
it really depends on the person There are some people that are rough and tumble and we can,

you know, be resilient and bounce back from all of that craziness that might
have gone on through childhood.
But what can happen is if you didn't get enough attention growing up,
it could stem from that, where you felt that you had to jump hoops in order
to get some attention from your parents,

like win awards or excel in something and blah, blah, blah. lot.
Not to say that there's anything wrong in getting awards and excelling in something
and making a success of yourself, but why?
Your why is important. Did you do it because it's what you wanted to do?

Did you do it because it was something that you were actually passionate passionate
about, or did you do it to get some attention and recognition or acceptance?
So this is the kind of stuff that you just got to start thinking about.

So this is self doing some self examination, asking yourself some loaded questions,
because I'm also not going to sit here and say that we can be our best selves
and some random terrible person.

And we end up just meeting them and they just totally, you know,
screw us over or mess us up or whatever, whatever. It happens all the time.
Actually, it happens more so than not.
But, you know, that's why it's so important. If you see a red flag,

you've got to learn to trust yourself. That's another thing.
Trusting yourself. How many of my viewers or listeners here are always second guessing themselves?
You know, why are, why like do you second guess yourself?
That's another question. Why do I not trust my own judgment?

Think about it.

Experience and I have more wisdom. So whatever it is that you're thinking,
feeling or whatever, whatever is inaccurate.
So if you hear that enough times, yeah, it's, and from someone that you love
and respect, the messenger matters.
You know, if it's someone you love and respect, like your your mother or your

father, you're, you're going to take that kind of, uh, criticism,
to heart, you know, but it's supposed to be, see, the problem is also with a subconscious mind.
It's supposed to be that kind of stuff. It's supposed to be constructive criticism,

But the problem is, is that it's like a poor choice of words in trying to relay,
meaning how the parent is relaying the message to us.
They might not mean anything by it, but how we take it, you know, matters.

And those are for the parents of the world that really cares,
care about their children, you know. Um...
And, of course, we have those lovelies that are just child abusers and whatever.
And a lot of the second-guessing yourself and low self-esteem and all that nice

and good stuff can come from abusive parents as well.
And anyone who ever went through
something like that knows that
you know they're they're going
through whatever they're going through because of
it and that doesn't

mean you know you got to close the book on your
future the problem is in
those cases we experience a lot of
like negative intrusive thoughts flashbacks almost
like a ptsd diagnosis and
you don't have to be a a therapist

to know that that's what you're going through but the mind is a creature of
habit and if you keep doing that for so long or whatever it's like you know
trying to quit smoking it's tough but it's doable.
Okay. And you just need the right tools to get through it all and overcome it.

Um, I want to remind a lot of my viewers and listeners here that you are,
you don't have Have a terrible life.
If that's what you're thinking, that is not the case.

You might be having a terrible week or a terrible few years or a terrible day,
but you're not having a terrible life.
I'm sure that you can take some amazing experiences and reflect on those.

And I'm sure that you have about a million things to feel grateful for in your life.
And that's an instruction I want to give to you now.
What I'd like you to do is get some kind of crystal.
I think the best for this instruction would be an obsidian stone,

which is a bad energy blocker.
And what you should do with that is every morning you should take this obsidian stone,
Place it in the palm of your right hand and think about two things that you

would like to see change in your life and also two things that you are the most grateful for.
Okay and i'll bet when you
get into that you know you can do this
for nine days straight you know

think about these two things that you want and
think about two things that you feel grateful for
that you already do have in your life and
do it for nine days and see how
much you would improve as
a result of that because what you're doing when you're

doing that is manifesting and you're
putting out some amazing energy into the universe good energy into the universe
and everything is energy and frequency i i think that if you really knew the truth.

You would take a very different approach to
life moving forward at how much our lives are affected by energies and frequencies
and balancing and all this spiritual stuff.

But the issue is, is that we have a tendency of dismissing a lot of spiritual stuff because,
you know, we hear a lot in life that it's just a bunch of malarkey.

And this is another reason why we end up living too much in our heads.
Okay we have to get out of our
heads because and i've
said this many times and if you listen to my podcast you're
gonna know this it's all about
the mind the body and the spirit being harmonious

with each other so if
we spend too much in the mind the mind starts to go on overdrive while your
spirit is becoming weaker and weaker because we're pulling that energy from
our physical bodies and our spirits.

And the mind is taking away from there to do what it's doing.
So like I said, we end up on overdrive and everything is kind of overthinking
stuff. So that means that we're not doing stuff.
We're just thinking about stuff.
And the stuff that we're thinking about may start off positively,

but because we're on overload,
it starts to spin and spin and spin until it turns out very dark and negative.
And when you find yourself in that mindset, guess what starts happening?
We start manifesting negative toward ourselves.

Okay? So this is a little talk about being more conscientious of ourselves.
This is a talk about taking away those layers to find out what is my truth.

Why do I do the things that I do? Where did all of this begin?
For example...
I think a good example is, if you think about it, have you ever had a relationship
with someone who brings out the worst in you?

And only when you're with this specific person are you feeling terrible or becoming
angry or becoming sad or whatever.
And you're finding that you're only feeling that when you're around this person. Okay.

And what that means is that this person, like I said, brings out the worst in
you, turns you into something that you're really not.
So this is why it's so important for you to separate yourself from people People
that are not making you feel good about yourself, okay?

Toxic people. You know, even when you see someone, for example,
a friend that is mistreating someone else,
this is also darkness that you're picking up on.
You're picking up on that energy too, okay?

So it doesn't necessarily always have to be directed to you in order for you
to receive those toxic energies and it's starting to affect you and make you sad and make you upset.
So a major key to happiness is surrounding yourself with good people.

Now, I know that that isn't really easy to find, but you'll find them.
They're out there, and you should definitely be putting more of an effort into
dealing with people that motivate you, that encourage you,

that instill hope.
And you also need to consider how you might be affecting other people in your life.
Make sure that you're not bringing out the worst in others.
Another thing that I want to mention is your speech.

You have to be very mindful because your words have also a tremendous amount of power.
And you only want to speak of good things.
You want to speak of love. You want to share joy. joy.
Don't give power to negative by talking about it a lot.

Because if you do, you're only giving it more power.
So again, this is all about self-examination and being more self-conscious or
conscious of yourself and asking yourself those, these loaded questions.

And I think that you are really innocent.
I know a lot of people that come to me are, but that doesn't necessarily mean
that they're not self-sabotaging or doing something wrong without realizing it, okay?
So if you feel that you want to have a one-on-one reading with me.

Then please don't hesitate to call or book an appointment.
You can reach me at 855-70-TERREL. That's 855-70-TERREL.

So I'm also going to be looking here and pulling out our tarot card of the day.
And let's see. Oh, wow. So we got this card and I don't think you can see what
it says, but what this is representing is healing.
Okay. This is healing. And this is the kind of stuff that I'm trying to share with you right now.

We need to start working on our healing because you can't get into stuff unless
you are healed and ready.
And I'll tell you what, sometimes nothing happening can sometimes be a very good thing.
And a lot of us seem to get frustrated when nothing that we want to happen is happening right now.

But the universe is actually in some cases protecting you.
From getting into something that maybe you want right now, but you're just not ready for.
So again, thank you all very much for listening in and being here.

I hope you love my blog. I hope you love my podcast.
And I'm going to be doing like a series of these kinds of talks.
Uh, so you can be able to apply this kind of stuff to your life.
And I'm also going to be doing, uploading some more videos and talks where I'm going to actually, uh,

create some instructional, instructional videos for you to follow.
So you can do your own energy field cleansings and stuff like that.
So thank you very much. I wish you all the very best of luck. Namaste.
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